#but. percy as fenris tho.
flashhwing · 2 years
scrolling through my own published fics and one summary has a character referred to as the Champion, and having to reorient myself to read that as Vax, Champion of the Raven Queen, and not Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Ranking best fictional characters (I only include ones I seriously like)
Hunger Games: 1. Finnick Odair (duh) 2. Katniss Everdeen 3. Peeta Mellark
Harry Potter: 1. Weasley Twins (they're a set) 2. Harry Potter 3. Luna Lovegood 4. Hermione Granger Honorable mention to Snape.
Percy Jackson: 1. Percy Jackson (is that even a question?) 2. Leo Valdez (duh) 3. Annabeth Chase 4. Jason Grace. 5. Frank Zhang 6. Hazel Levesque Honorable mention to Apollo! Kane Chronicles: 1. Zia Rashid 2. Carter Kane 3. Sadie Kane Magnus Chase: tbh I don't remember any of the characters it has been too long. I liked Magnus tho. Twilight: 1. Emmett Cullen 2. Rosalie Hale 3. Bella Swan (but ONLY in book 3) Shatter Me: DNF (I could not get behind Warner, sorry!), but Kenji was elite. Divergent: 1. Will 2. Four 3. Tris I will never NOT be mad that Tris died but Caleb fucking survived. The Maze Runner: I remember very little of this series, but I miss Teresa :(( Vampire Diaries: This is the one with the Salvatores, right? Yeah, DNF. I hated Damon from the start and I could never get behind him, sorry. The Selection: 1. Maxon Schreave 2. America Singer 3. Celeste Newsome 4. Marlee Tames Honorable mention to Amberly :)) Red Queen: 1. Mare Barrow 2. Shade Barrow 3. Cal Calore 4. Evangeline Samos Honorable mention to Farley and Kilorn Warren Throne of Glass: 1. Lorcan Salvaterre 2. Chaol Westfall 3. Yrene Towers 4. Elide Lochan 5. Dorian Havilliard Honorable mention to Papa Gavriel and Fenrys, we didn't get enough of them A Court of Thorns and Roses: 1. Lucien Vanserra 2. Eris Vanserra 3. Nesta Archeron Honorable mention to future Elain, former Tamlin, and Tarquin Crescent City: 1. Ruhn Danaan 2. Lehebah 3. Lidia Cervos 4. Tristan Flynn 5. Ithan Holstrom Honorable mention to the remaining frat boys + Hunt TV SHOWS: Pretty Little Liars: 1. Emily Fields 2. Jason Dilaurentis (I can't be the only one who wanted him and Aria to end up together, am I?) 3. Hana Marin Gossip Girl: 1. Nate Archibald (Serena, you fucked up) 2. Blair + Chuck (they're a set) Do we have the same taste? Let me know how many of these you agree or disagree with!
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
I said i was gonna rant and by the gods im gonna rant
[This is not gonna make sense and more me shrieking at the gods cus Loki is my blorbo and i hate that Rick fucked up and made him abusive when the first book was litterally implying that he cares about his kids and making him sympathetic.]
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Love how i completely forgot Heimdall was there too between reading this in school and getting home lmao. My phone guy is just that forgettable.
They got roasted too hard so theyre gonna kill two innocent kids, mulitate their corpses and use those corpses to chain their father while dripping acid on him?
It was (slightly) more understandable when it was cus Baldur (even tho hes probably happier with Hel anyways) died.
Cus like an eye for an eye.... (even tho that was much more than an eye, more like two eyes, a heart and a leg.)
Actually no scratch that killing Baldur technically was an eye for an eye if you think about it.
(Odin took three of Loki's kids, Loki took his son, his daughter in law and then the same son again when he refused to cry to bring him back. Thats also three. Thats one of the reasons i excuse Baldur dying)
I know Magnus probably either didn't realise what was going on here or if he did it didnt register in his brain the whole story. Which, fair enough, directly after this he listens to Kvasir getting cut up by a chainsaw (good, its clear if it weren't for him Loki, Narvi, Vali and Sigyn would've been probably fine) and then watches Alex get thrown out by his.....sperm donor. So what happens to Loki is not at the top of his concerns rn but i really hope he confronts Frey about it later. Cus Magnus has been shown to emphasize with Loki on this. AND THOSE WERE FUCKING CHILDREN! AND THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE LOKI'S CHILDREN!
Basically i want Magnus to yell at the gods the way Percy does. Because like Luke everything was probably WAS the gods fault.
And before you come at me with the whole 'prophecy has to happen' thing. Save your breath because most of you have no problem with blaming the gods when it came to luke in pjo and this is kinda similar.
Who was to say that Fenris, Hel and Jörmungandr would have caused ragnarok if the Aesir (mostly Odin) didnt take them from their home and seperate them?
Whos to say Loki would start Ragnarok if Odin didnt break their oath and take his children?
Or :
Let his mouth get sewn shut after he got everyone shit (Sif's new hair, Mjollnir, Draupnir, Gungnir, Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti) because suddenly oaths matter now, Odin.
Kill his innocent children (its not stated in myth or mcga how old Narvi and Vali were/are but the general consensus is that they were young), possibly made him watch said children get murdered (Sword of summer its stated by Loki that the gods watched in amusement as Vali disemboweled Narvi but that could be hyperbole) and had a snake drip acid onto his face.
If there was any good in Loki at any point (which there might be. He actually seems pretty chill in sword of summer) then its been snuffed out now.
Thanks Odin.
You signed your death warrant.
Whats that saying again?
He who tries to prevent fate is doomed to cause it?
Or something like that i cant remember the phrase.
I have more to say yet i cant quite articulate it. So im gonna end it here.
Also i am really in the mood for writing a oneshot of the day they caught Loki in Loki's—or maybe Sigyn's? Pov.
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hawkmoonloretab · 3 years
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i started playing ffxiv now that theres oceanic servers and im loving it! i’m on sophia if anyone else here is on it! i’m playing a thaumaturge/black mage called roxanne mariani, still just going through ARR for now!
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drakonovisny · 4 years
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𝟎𝟏 .     ALIAS   /   NAME :     Marina/Rina
𝟎𝟐 .     BIRTHDAY :    July 4th
𝟎𝟑 .     ZODIAC   SIGN :   Sun - Cancer, Moon - Leo, Asc - Aries
𝟎𝟒 .     HEIGHT :    5'5" (170 cm)
𝟎𝟓 .     HOBBIES :  Video games, fantasy literature, learning japanese, watching YouTube, 3D design (learning the basics), baking, playing ukulele
𝟎𝟔 .     FAVOURITE   COLOUR :   Blue 💙
𝟎𝟕 .     FAVOURITE   BOOK : Percy Jackson series
𝟎𝟖 .     LAST   SONG :   Africa by Toto
𝟎𝟗 .     LAST   FILM   /   SHOW : Last film - The Isle of Dogs, Show - She-ra and the princesses of power
𝟏𝟎 .     INSPIRATION :  it's random, most of the times it comes while listening to music daydreaming, but sometimes some little phrase/pic triggers something and suddenly I'm overflowing with inspiration
𝟏𝟏 .     STORY   BEHIND   URL :  Oh, you see, SOPML is an abbreviation I came up with when creating a new email. Back then I was a HUGE fan of One Piece, Sanji in particular. So I was like: "Why not take a little phrase like Marina Loves Sanji One Piece and make an abbreviation? MLSOP? Mmm, don't like how it sounds. SOPML is better. Not like anyone's ever gonna ask about it anyway!". And it sorta stuck around :p
Tagged by: @dreadwxlf ​and @an-egg-broke-my-heart thank you both 💝💝💝
Tagging: @dreamerlavellan @alicenmax @astray-as-a-cat @noire-pandora @leevila-of-assgard @dat-fenris-tho @aspiritofcompassion @little-lightningbug
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jxyridin-g · 4 years
was tagged by @ceeloilights
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
Name: isaac
Nicknames: uhhh ordinii sometimes, dont rlly have nicknames
Languages: only english and to be Like That i do know a lil elvish from dragon age
Nationality: i’m v white
Height: uhhh 5’3 i think?
Favorite Season: winter!!! i grew up in ohio and i love the snow and the cold and its just rlly nice (i havent seen it in years tho i live in florida)
Favorite Flower: ahhh i dont rlly have one? to be Goth roses are neat, esp if red/black/white roses
Favorite Scent: i,,, love tea and the smell of chai and earl grey teas are super nice and relaxing so ig that?
Favorite Color: ...... dark crimsony red or black
Favorite Animal: i love p much all animals/insects and the like but i am Very Partial to reptiles
Favorite Fictional Characters: oh easy. theron shan, tirall family, h u n t e r. p much almost all star wars characters i know about i love tbh. alistair and fenris!!! most dragon age companions!! have been attached to entrapta and hordak lately too. percy, jason, nico, and leo!!! since i need pjo characters in here.
Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: tea! i love hot tea A Lot.
Average Sleep Hours: uhhh idk
Dog or Cat Person: how dare you make this a question. both, obviously.
# of blankets: i sleep w/ abt three on my bed, but mostly only use one bc the heatlamps and my pc rarely getting turned off
Dream Trip: i wanna go to spaceeeeee. but actually, japan! i’ve wanted to go since i was a lil kid and my aunt told me abt it (altho i cant even remember what she told me bc 99% of childhood memories are Gone other than flashes)
Blog Established: this one has been around for abt half a year maybe? since i wanted to seperate my art blog from Whatever due to many accidental rbing stuff. art blog has been around for YEARS tho
# of followers: i have abt 20 i think?? at least here. 70 on my art blog last i checked.
Random Fact: i have a snake and a turtle! the snake is lucy and the turtle is moot!!
uhhh i dont wanna bother anyone by tagging them but anyone who follows me is free to do this!
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smol-lucio · 7 years
Tagged by @bucketofchum (Thanks for tagging me! Sorry it took me a few days tho!!!)
1. Coke or Pepsi: I’ve never had soda before so I have no idea! I don't like carbonated drinks.
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Dreamworks, I feel they do more original stuff.
3. Coffee or Tea: Coffee, I can’t stand tea.
4. Books or Movies: Both I guess? Depends on what it is though...
5. Windows or Mac: Windows, I don’t do apple products.
6. DC or Marvel: I like both honestly... but Marvel is doing some weird shit atm so imma say DC right now...
7. X-box or Playstation: I prefer PC, I’m not a console person  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Tbh I'm not big fans of either but I'm biased toward fantasy themed anything so Dragon Age... plus I really like Fenris...
9. Night Owl or Early Riser: Currently, a Night Owl because I'm on Summer break, but I have no problem getting up at the crack of dawn.
10. Cards or Chess: Cards! I like to play poker and blackjack a lot! I’m not very good at chess but I like the aesthetic of it.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
12. Vans or Converse: Heelies.
13. Lavallan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar:
Again...Not a big Dragon Age fan
14. Fluff or Angst:
Mmmmmmm........ Wump followed immediately by 20 pounds of fluff.
15. Beach or Forest: I love the water but I have to say Forest. I'm not a fan of sand or the sun so.... plus I'm from NY so our beaches aren't that great... Forests are just nicer, they are cool and calm and whimsical, I dig ‘em
16. Dogs or Cats: I love them both but I'm sadly allergic to cats... doesn't stop me from shoving my face into their fur tho... My dog is the best tho, a quality pupper
17. Clear Skies or Rain: I'm not a super big fan of being out in the sun so can I say cloudy but not rainy?
18. Cooking or Eating Out: I'm always scared to eat out because I'm a really picky eater and it's embarrassing to go out or to be invited out someplace nice and then only eat bread the whole time... Like I'm not just being childish I swear... I have a problem with eating anything besides my “safe foods” and feel bad for making people put up with me at a restaurant... I don't like giving the staff a hard time...
19. Spicy Food or Mild: 
Again, I’m a super picky eater and only eat like 4 things... but I do like buffalo wings...
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: We don't really do holidays in my family anymore but god damn do I love Halloween.
21. Little too cold or little too hot: An average person’s body temp is about 98 degrees but I'm naturally always above that and I hate being hot so I have to go with a little too cold... however, the cold makes my joints hurt but I'm willing to put up with it.
22. Superpower: Flight or like Magic... as long as I could also use the magic to fly...
23. Animation or Live Action: Animation.
24. Paragon or Renegade: Paragon... I feel bad being mean in video games...
25. Bath or Showers: Shower, I haven't taken a bath since I was a kid.
26. Team Cap or Team Ironman: Ironman.
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: FANTASY~~~~
28. Fav Quotes: I honestly can't think of any right now :/ Sorry...
29. Youtube or Netflix: Youtube, I need a constant stream of media because I get bored or lose focus very easily, its really hard for me to watch a whole series.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Ehh... I’m not super attached to either tbh...
31. When I Feel Accomplished: When people compliment my work, because then I know I did something right.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars, but like I also love the prequels so you can't trust my opinion lol.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback: Hardback books are so fun to hold but paperbacks are good for reading in bed because they are flexible.
34. A world without literature or music: Neither damn... I’d miss both too much.
35. Who was the last person to make me laugh: The Mcelroy’s
36. Sour or Sweet Candy: Neither, I like bitter, dark chocolate is best chocolate 
37. Believe in aliens?: I fought an alien in Denny’s parking lot
8. Dawn or Dusk: 
Dawn, it feels good to see the sun rise and it feels quiet in a way, no one else is really up at sunrise so it's peaceful.
39. Piercings or Tattoos: I re-pierced my own ears with a paper clip a few years back... It worked out really well surprisingly! I don't really like wearing earrings because they get caught in my hair but piercings are cool! But I see myself getting a tattoo before another piercing.
40. Girls? Hot?: Hella
41. Snow or Fog: Fog, it's fun to walk in!
42. Sleep facing the wall or room: Wall, a lot of light comes through my windows at night and I don't have curtains so yea.
43. TRC of AFTG: I was supposed to read both but then Captive Prince stole all my free time (and soul)
44. Horror or Drama: Horror.
45. Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask: Ocarina of Time.
46. Living in nature or city: Nature, cities scare me.
47. Any addictions: Instant Ramen 
48. Languages: English is my first and best language, I can understand and read Spanish but I'm not confident in my pronunciation so I don't like speaking it... I understand Italian too because my grandparents don't speak English anymore...
49. What music do I listen too: A lot of fucking random stuff. I love Owl City with a burning passion, I like electronic music and power/speed Metal a lot, I like Celtic and folk music too... Musicals are always good...
50. Fav mythical creature: DRAGONS
51. Safe zone: Idk? Honestly, as long as I have my phone on me I can escape pretty much any situation mentally... Can a phone be a safe space?
52. First fandom: Fuck... Probably Yu-gi-oh tbh.
53. Cartoons or Adult Shows: Cartoons 100%
54. Current music: I’ve been playing nothing but “The Heathers” soundtrack and Dragonforce for like 2 weeks...
55. Favorite starter?: I always pick the fire starter, fennekin and torchic are at the top of the list tho.
56.  What would your witch’s familiar be? Tyto! They are regal and cute!
@whiskeytangofrogman @thepeachstarfishonthebeach @skippyin @ftpcarl (i know u wont do it but still) @buildingwings @erynmariecosplay @honeyhusk
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catboy-jaebeom · 7 years
Another Game Of Tag - The Looong Version
@fangtasticsaphael said, we could do the tag despite being not tagged, so, here we go.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Neither. But rather Pepsi.
2. Disney or DreamWorks: Dreamworks. Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron is the movie of my childhood and I love How To Train Your Dragon to bitses.
3. Coffee or Tea: Tea, best black or green tea.
4. Books or Movies:  Man, I really wanna read more again. But currently I’m watching way more shows and movies than reading books, so.
5. Windows or Mac: Windows
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation: PS
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age.
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Actually both. I love staying up late, but I also love getting up early. Just not maybe in the same night, haha.
10. Cards or Chess: I mean, I can play chess and a few card games, but I prefer cards.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla. But it’s not my favourite flavour in general.
12. Vans or Converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: I have more Lavellans, but I actually love my Adaar.
14. Fluff or Angst: Well, I usually write more angsty stuff (ask @leodreamlife), but I always make sure to make the angst more bareable with lots of fluff. I read definitely more fluff tho.
15. Beach or Forest: Forest. I’m kinda heavily scared of open water and listening to ocean sounds at night gives me nightmares of drowing. The forest however makes me feel save and somehow understood.
16. Dogs or Cats: I really like both? I have two cats at my mother’s, and we had a dog once. But maybe a little bit more cat type of person.
17. Clear Skies or Rain: I’d rather have rain, because it means less sun.
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Cooking, definitely. Becoming vegan last year made me learn to cook my own food and- I just love it? :D But I usually have nothing against eating out, once in a while.
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Really mild. I can’t stand spicyness, sorry.
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Samhain. I practise witchcraft and I love the ritual I do every year on that day. Also, Halloween and everything that belongs to it (mostly the aesthetic) is way more my thing than christmas. I’m an autumn kind of person, so, yeah.
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too warm: A little too cold. I hate heat and I’m very sensitive to it, can’t sleep when it’s too warm and stuff.
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Telekinesis and Healing Powers.
23. Animation or Live Action: Uh, that highly depends on the movie/show, really.
24. Paragon or Renegade: I played a bit of ME2, and, mostly tried to keep a balance of both. Rather Renegade, tho.
25. Baths or Showers: Showers.
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Captain America.
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi: Rather fantasy, but why not both? Sci-Fi like Alien tho is absolutely not my thing.
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes?  “Na Via Lerno Victoria - Only the living know victory.” - Fenris, Dragon Age 2 “Du bist viel mehr als die Summe deiner Erfolge. - You’re much more than just the sum of your achievements.” - LeFloid, a german youtuber “Be different and proud of it.” - Strify, former singer of Cinema Bizarre “First learn the rules, then break them.” - Unknown
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix, I don’t watch Youtube so much anymore.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter.
31. When Do You Feel Accomplished? Well, it’s like waves, really.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Trek.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback. I can carry them around easily. But Hardbacks are nicer for your bookshelf.
34. Handwriting or Typing: I’m okay with both.
35. Velvet or Satin: Velvet.
36. Video Games or Movies: definitely both. but if I had to choose, games.
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Be one.
38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise.
39. What’s your favorite song? Currently? Uh, probably “Someday” by Måns Zelmerlöw
40. Horror Movies yes or no: Depends. I really like the ones where the monster is a vampire or a demon or a werewolf, because I’m just not scared of them anymore. Ghosts are.. trickier, to say it nicely. Highly depends on the kind of ghost, but..rather not. And if it’s a sci-fi horror movie with aliens who kill humans? Yeah, then I’m out, never to return. I also hate most slasher/gore movies. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, however, is a good example of a good slasher teen horror movie. Watch this movie.
41. Long hair or short hair: On me, shorter, but both looks good on others. :)
42. Opera or Theatre: Dude, both are cool equally?
43: Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? Jeez, that’s a tough question...uh..probably the Mhoroghost universe, because I created it? I’d love to meet my OCs, okay.
44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? I love thunderstorms. If the risk of getting hit by lightning wasn’t so high, I’d go out into a thunderstorm every time.
45. Would you rather travel back in time or into the future? I’d try both. But probably rather into the future.
46. What is, in your opinion, the most pointless/unnecessary thing ever invented? Ignorance and plastic packaging.
47. Favorite band/artist? I listen to so many different genres, it’s nearly impossible to choose one. Adam Lambert, Miyavi, Fewjar, Negative, 2Cellos, Poets Of The Fall, Tokio Hotel, or Nickelback are examples of the music I listen to, but this is no way an extensive list. I also love a lot of soundtracks.
48. If you could meet a Famous person that’s either Dead or Alive who would it be? Well, this is a decision of “Would I survive meeting them?”, actually. So. Maybe Steve from the german youtuber duo Spacefrogs? Yeah, I could maybe handle this. Meeting anyone else above this level of idolism would result in me having an anxiety attack and/or dying, and I wouldn’t want to risk this. Adam Lambert
49: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 14, with my very first girlfriend, after I had three shortterm relationships with guys without getting kissed once. ;P
50: Favorite TV Show: at the moment Shadowhunters and Sense8.
51: What is your dream outfit? Something unisex with feathers, in magenta, lilac and petrol, or completely black. Something post-apocalyptic.
52. Who would you like to be for a day? I go with @fangtasticsaphael‘s idea and say: I’d try being a vampire. Dude, I’m so ready. haha.
53. Pick two of your favourite characters from different fantasy universes and shove them into a modern au where they’re rivals from first meeting but slowly become rivals with friends, what would it be like? (They’d still have their powers if they had any, and accustomed to certain terms or slang from their universe) Raphael (Shadowhunters) and Noctis (Final Fantasy XV), meeting? Oh well. Ooooh well. They could try and bond over their need to do the right thing, I guess? I’d actually love to see them meet, really.
54. Pineapple on pizza: yes or no? Am I the only person who is somewhere in the middle of this debate? Because, hell, I don’t dislike pineapple on pizza, but I also not love it?
55. Take a photo/video or be in the photo/video? Nah. Sorry.
New Question: 56. Do you possess the skill of synaesthesia and if yes, how does it show in you?
I’m tagging the usual subjects: @leodreamlife, @rubypaw, @my-very-own-enemy, @raynaud-dead-hands, @lefluff, @miss-dorian, @elenath-art, aaand... mh.. how about @hurricanepandabear and @pixouls? You obviously don’t have to do it, if you don’t want to. And if you do wanna do it, but I didn’t tag you: Here’s your official permission to do this tag as well. Don’t forget to add another question. ♥
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dickie-gayson · 8 years
I was tagged by @timdrakeothy ! thank you<3
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Vicky, Vick, Tori, any form of nickname for Victoria really lmao
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′3"
Time right now: 3:47 am (oops lmfao)
Last thing you googled: eidolon (it was for a writing lol surprise)
Fave music artist: music questions for me are The Worst™ bcus i have so many favs. Uuhh...I really love Loreena McKennit, Dean Martin, The Glitch Mob, Breaking Ben, A7x, 10 Years
Song stuck in my head: Kind of a mashup between Howl by Florence + the Machines and City of the Dead by Eurielle 
Last movie I watched: Oh jeeze...uh I think Assassins Creed
Last tv show I watched: Young Justice?? I don’t really watch much tv so it’s p safe to assume it was YJ lmao
What I’m wearing right now: i, too, am wearing a black batman shirt with a yellow bat symbol on the chest and a lil yellow utility belt near the waist. It’s got a cape that can velcro on but idk where it went lol annnd a pair of sweatpants
When I created this blog: Uhh apparently 2013 but i didnt actually start doing anything with it til prob late 2015
The kind of stuff I post: DC, mainly Batfam, political stuff, memes and shitty jokes, Rooster Teeth stuff (like RvB, RWBY, AH, etc.), annnd Video Games. Mainly that stuff, tho there’s random shit, like Aesthetics™ and music erry now and again. 
Do I get asks regularly? nah, not regularly, every now and again. im horrible at communicating and making connections tbh lmao
Why did I choose my url: i have a shitty sense of humor and love Dick Grayson (dick jokes, man, dick jokes) also, he’s at least a lil Gay, we all know it
Gender: cisfemale
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw every time im tested cus im a fckn NEEERD. Wampus for the Ilvermorny sorting -finger guns-
Pokémon team: tbh i haven’t played Pokémon since i was really little. i was looking to get Go on my phone but they didn’t have it for windows phones when i checked :\\
Favorite color: ooh i love blue and purple
Average hours of sleep: idk, my sleep schedule is so utterly fucked. i’ll go two days without sleep or sleep twelve hours a day. I’m also a very, very light sleeper who wakes up from being stared at or a phone ringing two floors down, so my sleeping is highly inconsistent. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucky number: 9, me thinks
Favorite characters: Dick Grayson - DC (whoa fuckn surprised u guys, didn’t I?); legit everyone in the Batfam, but im too lazy to write them, yall know who i mean. Kaldur’ahm (Young Justice/DC), Mera (DC), Arthur Curry (DC), Rose Wilson (DC), Donna Troy (DC), Johnny Gat (Saints Row), Matt Miller (Saints Row), Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect), Thane Krios (Mass Effect), Kal’Reegar (Mass Effect), Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age), Fenris (Dragon Age), Carver Hawke (Dragon Age), Ezio Auditore (Assassins Creed), Leonard Church (RvB), Agent North (RvB), Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY), Roman Torchwick (RWBY), Lie Ren (RWBY), Will Solace (PJatO), Percy Jackson (PJatO), Nico di Angelo (PJatO), Butch Deloria (Fallout 3), Harkness (Fallout 3), Craig Boone (Fallout New Vegas), Nick Valentine (Fallout 4) etc. etc. i’ll stop here bcus i apparently don’t know how to actually pick favorites lmfao
Dream job: a lonely hermit in the middle of the woods who's sole job is to make trespassers think the forest is haunted. If not that, then author
Number of blankets I sleep with: one
Following: 963 lmao
Tagging oh god twenty of you -sweats- alrighty
@damianvayne @aoida-blue @rockin-robinz  @robiiins @bootylands @sluttydickgrayson @raven-song-the-second @lockey-locke  @slapbrucewayne @ltheravenl @smokesforwolves @carverrhawkee @bitchwaynes @haunt-the-stars @lccney-t @dickiegayson @myfavrobin  @agent-dick-grayson @shiirro @damienswayne
Sorry to anyone who was tagged or doesn’t want to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you don’t wanna -finger guns- if you want me to take you off here, just lemme know!
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krshush · 8 years
I keep forgetting I got tagged in things from Jesi @riverjuude so here’s the first thing
Name: Kris
Nickname: K.R. ...Kris is technically a nickname too, but shh
Gender: Mysterious and Indistinct 
Star Sign: Cancer. snip snip, I’m a crab mother fucker
Sexual Orientation: my what
Hogwarts House: I think I’m on that between line of Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff. I couldn’t tell you which exactly tho
Favorite Color: Pink!
Favorite Animal: bb kittens I Lov
Time Right Now: 11:06 AM
Average Hours of Sleep: ?? ??? ?? I haven’t been keeping a good track of this, idk
Cat or Dog Person: I actually love them both! Cats may be the favorite, but puppers are so good n pure
Favorite Fictional Characters: [softly] don’t. Okay, so, here: Percy from Critical Role, Zevran and Fenris both from the Dragon Age series, Kairi from Kingdom Hearts (FIGHT ME SHE DESERVES THE SUN AND MORE)... I don’t doubt there’s more I could list, but those are off the top of my head
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Two. Sometimes three, if it’s rly cold bc my bed is surrounded by windows, but usually two. 
Favorite Singer/Band: P!atD is my go to answer don’t look @ me
Dream Trip: Trips to where?? ? my ass could barely swing the Florida visit. (I’d like to visit a lot of places, but I’ve never actually looked into vacationing anywhere)
Dream Job: Multimedia manager of some kind maybe?? Whatever my mass communications degree could get me, if I could get around to finishing it lmao
Current Number of Followers: 1,203. Who are all you people and why are you here (thank you tho)
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Tagged by @mirandaputsherbestbuttforward
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname(s): Tash
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 4′11″
Time Right Now: 3:25pm
Last Thing Googled: “rough collie”
Favorite Music Artists: Fall out Boy, Cage the Elephant, Panic! at the Disco, Florence and the Machine
Song Stuck in Your Head: Ophelia by the Lumineers
Last Movie Watched: Rogue One
Last TV Show Watched: brooklyn nine nine, I gave up waiting for the new season to pop on netflix so I had to find a streaming site 
What I’m Wearing Right Now: black long sleeve and my high school gym shorts
Blog Creation Date: uhh, I was in grade 10 so...2010/2011 ish?
What Kind of Stuff I Post: various video games, critical role, mcelroy bros stuff, my own art, dnd things,.....memes
Do I Have Any Other Blogs?: art blog: @askeletonteaparty, aesthetic/oc inspo blog: @andrastes-grace, and I have a vent blog and a nsfw blog but u gotta hmu off anon for those urls my dudes
Do I Get Asks Regularly?: sorta? they’ve been getting more frequent
Why Did I Choose My URL?: I love skeletons, and I really like tea and I wanted to make “””””a brand”””””” I guess (my url used to be without hyphens before my old blog got accidentally deleted LOL)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pokemon Team:  Valor
Favorite Color(s): Red, Purple, Gold, Pink, Mint Green
Average Hours of Sleep: uh, 6-8? I think its closer to 6 hours now tho
Lucky Number: 12 or 13
Favorite Character(s): Gilmore, Kima, Vex and Percy from critical role (tho I really want to keep listing the rest of the cast tbh, Taako, Kravitz, Magnus and Angus from TAZ, Fenris, Merrill, Morrigan and Dorian from Dragon Age, Gladio from FF15, Clementine from TWDG, Junkrat, D.Va and the Talon Crew from Overwatch (god I gotta stop or this is gonna take too long)
How Many Blankets Do I Sleep With?: Usually 1 or 2, pillows on the other hand.....like at least 3
Dream Job: character desiiiiiiiign (whether it be 2D concept art or 3D modelling I like doing both)
I feel like everyone’s done this but I’m tagging @reros, @ghostlykirie and @namibulous 
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tagged by @acciopuff thanks friend
this is a long one so ill put it under a cut :)
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. coke or pepsi: dont have a preference
2. disney or dreamworks: disney i guess?
3. coffee or tea: coffee
4. films or books: i read more ff than books these days so i guess ill say films
5. windows or mac: windows. i use mac at college and i dont rlly like it
6. dc or marvel: uhh i always a marvel fan but i like both i guess
7. xbox or playstation: loll i only own a ps2 i cant rlly say
8. dragon age or mass effect: dragon age ha
9.night owl or early riser: night owl
10. cards or chess: cards
11. chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
12. vans or converse: converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: lavellan bc i love my elves
14. fluff or angst: angst for sure but im sure you all knew that
15. beach or forest: mmmm beach i guess??? forests r cool too but bugs...
16. dogs or cats: i grew up with cats but i rlly love dogs...
17.clear skies or rain: clear if im going out, rain is nice at night tho
18. cooking or eating out: cooking
19. spicy food: yes...?
20. halloween/samhain or solstace/yule/christmas: christmas!
21. would you rather forever be a little too hot or a little too cold: too cold. at least you can wrap up
22. if you could have a super power what would it be: time manipulation. let me stop time for a bit so i can get some extra z’s
23. animation or live action: uhh animation
24.paragon or renegade:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
25. baths or showers: showers
26. team cap or team ironman: idc
27. fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
28. do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes, if so what are they: 
29. youtube or netflix: i probably watch more youtube than netflix but i love both
30. harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson
31. when you feel accomplished: getting more than 6 hours of sleep
32. star wars or star trek: neither
33. paperback or hardback books: hardbacks are nicer but paperbacks are easier to carry (and cheaper)
34.horror or romcom: not a huge fan of either tbh
35. tv shows or movies: tv shows
36. favourite animal: penguins or fennec foxes....
37. favourite genre of music: uhh fuck i mean indie i guess rn
38. least favourite book:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
39. favourite season: i hate them all
40. song thats currently stuck in your head: Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear
41. what kind of pyjamas do you wear: t-shirt and an assortment of pj shorts or whatever
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day: fucking christ
43. if you could only have one song played at your funeral, what would it be: 
44. favourite tv show theme song: god idk. im gonna be a weeb here and say like i unironically like stuff like cruel angels thesis and splash free lmao
45. harry potter movies or books:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
46. favourite animated movie: mulan was my fave as a kid but rn id probably say treasure planet
47. actors whose new stuff youll go to see just because theyre in it: cant say i rlly do that
48. go to movie you watch when youre ill: i can never focus on movies when im sick
49. whos your favourite fictional character and why: fENRIS my love for this man is forever unchanging. hes the perfect amount of cute, pretty, angsty and dorky. there r many reasons i love fen and i would be here all day if i had to really get into it
i tag whoever wants to do it
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