#but you think he'd be a little more grateful to that guy yknow?
jin-zixun · 3 months
My kingdom for an AU where Lan Wangji's reaction to finding out JGY killed NMJ, and about what happened between them, is being upset that the guy who saved his brother's life was so afraid and threatened that it would ever even come to that. That he himself never thought to step in, wasn't able to be there to pay back the guy he owes his brother's life to, not to mention the help rebuilding their sect, when he needed help. That LXC always made it seem like it was under control and it wasn't. That even now someone is trying to destroy him for something he should never have had to do. Because the Lans should have thought to at least pay back their debt if nothing else.
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cerisefait · 3 months
Dancing with hotd men
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[headcanon] how I imagine jaecerys, daemon, aegon and aemond view dancing
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Jaecerys tries his best
he tries to be the perfect son and heir for his mother, the queen.
so you best believe that he cares about all of his duties including dancing.
he sees it as a reflection of his, thus his house's manners.
with the help of his grandfather lord corlys and his grandmother rhaenys, he learned the delicacies of this art form.
he never imagined it but dancing actually became a secret passion of his; he loves how even the basic dance moves could form such an intimate connection.
how does he dance? well, he is very disciplined; his moves are smooth but his face is always stern.
It's not because he's not enjoying it, it's because he's too focused on both of your moves: he cares deeply about the way he is being perceived (being the eldest son of the rightful heir is hard work).
he loves to look deeply into your eyes and make you shine out of the both of you.
after the dance he always takes your hand and places a suave kiss on top of it like the gentleman he is.
Daemon steals you from your partner
he doesn't like to dance but he is good at it. he'd rather sit and watch you.
because he doesn't enjoy the idea of being in huge crowds, blending in. he always loves to steal the thunder with his chaotic actions.
so it's not a surprise that he steals your dance with your assigned partner and makes a scene.
he knows it'll cause gossips and drama but he doesn't care. all he cares about is his love and the fact that everyone knows you belong to him.
when it comes to dancing, he is not afraid of having a firm grip on you: it's one of the ways he shows his affection. it's -again- kind of a possesion thing.
it's more about what he feels than how he is perceived: his moves are still pleasing and smooth but it's all about being lost in the moment for him.
whenever you two dance, you fall in love with him again.
oh and he loves to touch foreheads, it makes him feel safe in your presence.
Aegon dances because its his duty
he doesn't enjoy dancing, he'd much rather sit at his king chair having alcohol served to him.
but being the king he is, he has responsibilities: to his people, his house, the realm. even though this wasn't his dream, he had to obey.
when he's sober, his moves are stiff: it's evident that he doesn't enjoy himself. it's your duty to console and guide him through it.
he usually puts on a happy face -which doesn't reach his eyes, yknow the one- and carries on, muttering curse words to himself.
but he lets you know how grateful he is for your presence here, with him.
fun fact: he does well when he's got a little bit of alcohol in him. he becomes all goofy and lovey dovey.
it only happens when you're alone in your chambers but you love to see that side of him.
Aemond watches you dance from afar
he's not a big fan. he finds combating etc more enjoyable than dancing so he never even learned the proper etiquette of dancing.
he also thinks it's a bit childish but when he sees you dance, it's over for him.
he loves the way you follow the rhythm, sway your body and enjoy yourself.
though he definitely becomes jealous of your partner and wishes to learn some of the dance moves so he could escort you.
not to show off in public ofcourse, he has this reputation of being a lone wolf: he's not a pda guy.
but he wants to be able to take you up to dance if he wanted to.
so he encourages you to teach him the basics in private; one time you layed your head on his shoulder while dancing and he was filled with joy.
he didn't show it to you but you knew his love for you. he didn't have to make grand gestures.
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actualbird · 1 year
this sounds rly weird to say but stick with me - i wish luke would get ill in canon. obviously he has a terminal illness which would weaken his immune system and while it’s great he’s physically fit i mean SURELY he’s way more susceptible to getting seriously ill from a cold/the flu, right?? idk i think i just want to see him being taken care of bc he deserves it but also i do like the idea of him being taken care of by the nxx and them looking out for him when he gets seriously ill from a virus/bug etc etc
i got this ask Before main story 9 dropped but only after did i wanna answer it because i totally feel u.....
i feel like tot doesnt let luke get smaller ails in canon because hes already dealing With The Big One Thats Killing Him (any more wld be overkill?). and though it's also true that neurological conditions dont necessarily always affect the immune system, it's still a dang shame cuz like u, i'd adore a story where it's the others taking care of him when hes down with a bad case of the flu....and given recent main story events, i reALLY WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE TEAM HELP LUKE WITH A LOW-STAKES AIL :(((
in true luke fashion, he'd probably keep it under wraps and make excuses until his absence at an nxx meeting cannot be ignored and they crash his apartment to see him in a MISERABLE little pile of blankets trying to remedy this by himself
mc: why didnt you tell us!!!! >:O
luke: it's not a big deal :( it's just the flu and already called aaron for doctor's advice and meds and everything, i can take care of myself
vyn: have you been hydrating?
luke, nervously: ..............yyyyyes?
artem, looking in his fridge: theres nothing in here but peanut's treats, what have you been feeding yourself?
luke, still nervously: ffffood?
marius, finding a pack of sliced bread near his bed: dude, have you just been eating bread???
luke, increasingly nervously because hes fighting for his life out here: i cant stomach anything else for some reason!!!
mc: uh huhhhh, you seem to be doing a Great job at taking care of this yourself :/
luke: ;-;
cue the team helping out: helping in cleaning the place up (when luke is miserable his place gets even Messier), cooking simple foods (artem's soup to the rescue), etc etc. luke would be So apologetic during the whole thing, constantly apologizing for being a bother, which is both depressing and grating to hear. mc almost wants to take two piece of sliced bread and sandwich luke's face in them to tell him "STOP SAYING SORRY!!!" but she knows thatll probably make him feel worse, so she restrains herself
for all luke's apologizing, he does feel better with the team helping out. but then he feels bad about feeling better (because HOW DARE HE....AFTER HE INCONVENIENCED THEM ALL!!!) and it's this terrible ouroboros of shame
eventually, mc sends the other boys out on a grocery run to help stock luke's fridge with fruits and other good snacks-for-sick-person, and alone in luke's apartment she sits next to him.
mc: hey, tell me the truth. you knew you were doing a cruddy job at looking after yourself, you knew you shouldve asked for help. why didnt you?
luke: ...i dont...like it...i dont like you or the others seeing me like this
mc: pathetic?
luke: i mean, yeah. but i meant....sick. i dont like you guys seeing me sick. because of, yknow.....being sick and useless and helpless, it feels like a prelude, and everyone else is burdened picking up the pieces around me.
mc: oh
luke: yeah
mc: hm. youre an idiot
luke: ????
mc: i cant speak for the others, but i can tell you that i surely dont mind seeing you like this if it means i can help. dont you always tell me to rely on you more? how about you return the favor, luke. let us help, sometimes. let me help.
and we all know shes way too good at setting up a winning argument.
by the time the others get back, luke is a more cooperative patient and a less-apologetic one. in the back of his mind, he figures it cant hurt to let himself feel okay getting help every once in a while.
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allbeendonebefore · 7 months
weird question but for the sake of fanfic accuracy, how would ralph and oliver like their steaks? my first instinct for ollie is to say well done lol
also this is my first fanfic so i wanna get their portrayals (mostly for ralph) right, as much as i can at least. how do you think they’d interact when it’s just them? personally i see ollie as very reserved/uptight and i feel like ralph would feel awkward bc there’s lots of underlying tension even if they aren’t arguing plus little things ollie says/does that grate on him even if ollie isn’t trying to piss him off.
ah the steak question, the one i always avoid because steak is my least favourite way to eat beef and i know bertie is like. PASSIONATE. about that. I think he'd raise an eyebrow at well done though, i think he is more a medium-rare/medium sort of guy and he is also a fan of beef tartare so the rawness does not bother him but he also wants that sear on the outside, yknow, like the cook put an effort into the Correct Balance. Well done is like. why are you drying out that poor cow, you might as well be eating jerky. [fellow albertans with steak opinions, please by all means tell me]
How they act together is definitely contextual somewhat but yes I agree that Ollie is generally uptight because that's the way he is around everyone, that's the cost of being the Good British Child and the Public Face - and Bertie has this roulette going that will either land on [high strung, take offense] or [make a show of being So Relaxed] because he's the one that Also gets flack for being the Princess Province from everyone, so he is out to prove (both to everyone and to himself) that he's NOT as high strung as OLIVER even though in a lot of ways he Absolutely is. Like, I will be masochistic and tough in situations I wouldn't be in private just to show him what a Real Man (tm) would do. (a real man may choose to buy heated seats for his truck but is not... he's not soft enough to use them... no sir... unless of course YOU want them on, I GUESS. i almost forgot they were there.)
[and like, the implication is that bert is "At Home" in his Element in the comic, which is a little different than Not Being At Home of course. no i didn't specify which airport they're at... oop. entirely depends on the reason why ollie is visiting which i also didn't specify]
Obviously with [gestures at the background radiation of political bullshit] though I think they are both tired. i'm tired. i'm tired of seeing it im tired of hearing it and we all need a break from political theatre. like yes, tension, its real, it's weighing on everyone, i often use it as fuel to vent when i do dumb comics, but its also like. we are in this same bullshit together, like me and my colleagues back in ON watched ford ripping up and selling off the green belt while kenney and smith are still trying to turn the mountains into open pit mines like "same hat". There's a point beyond "you don't get me!!" where it becomes "you get me...", its like, its this assumption that things are never going to change and the assumption about how one is going to react that is the actual crux of the personality conflict, you feel me? i don't know if this makes sense at all its just something i have been chewing on a lot. chewing on it like a dry well done steak
anyway its like. it would feel odd to me if there Wasn't teasing and jabs but for me there is definitely an ironic feeling to it, like they both understand what is actually going on but it's hard to figure out what to do about it and so they kind of get stubborn and stuck in their ways a little, but at the same time its also like "thanks for coming," "you see what i have to deal with," "i picked an activity i think you'd like (i hope you say so, i'm very proud of it even though i pretend its no big deal, this is me actually being very vulnerable and concerned with your opinion, i hope you appreciate it, but also if you did idk how to respond)" or "i knew you weren't going to like this but you should broaden your horizons and loosen up" hahaha...
(you see why i struggle articulating my thoughts, like, how do you Portray that idk man)
like, i do have more to say and im happy to try to be clearer about what i mean or to give some more specific examples or try to detail what i think the [+/- sims friendship points] things might be or those little grating things, I just need to stop somewhere before i stop making sense altogether hahahaha
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tracle0 · 1 year
hi hi Trade, I am here because I simply Must know more about Elan immediately please and thank you (also do you have any tunes for him? just by the look of him n his vibe I feel like he'd have some bangers) mwah ok bye
I'm tagging @khufiya-khaufnak-antariksh here as well cause you both asked about Elan and I figured I'd just babble a lil about them to both of you here, hello, thank you for your interest!!!
Okay okay okay Elan issssss yeah! A fucking mess, basically! They, they, they. Hmm. HMMM!
They're basically the result of a fun kidnapping and testing that was executed on a wide number of colour mages. Elan semi-volunteered for it, with zero intention of actually taking part, and then took part anyway. Sucks to be them.
I don't know an awful lot about the actual process, but the general aim of it was to see how much colour could be taken from a mage before they. Yknow. Fucking died. Which for most people was alarmingly far! Strip magic away and see how deep this colourlessness can go.
Alas, most of the people fucking died before anything truly interesting could happen. But but but! Elan did! Not! For various reasons I'm keeping disclosed, they were full of spite and rage and Vengence and decided actually, you know, I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna take this white you're pumping me full of and just. Harness that, thank you very much. Reject the magic you were born with and embrace this synthetic model instead.
Basically, edge 14-year-old brain went 'teehee evil science experiment character :)))?' and I went oh HELL yeah!
Elan is the kinda guy who likes gardening :)! Lil gardener fella! They've got a section of BigBad's base wardened off for Just Them, where they have a little living area and a big garden, where they spend most of their time, chilling out, feeling At Peace, crushing any sliver of green that starts to edge into any stalks or leaves. It is a petrified garden. It could not survive without them. They love it dearly. Sometimes, when they get overwhelmed or frustrated, they smash it and sob in its remains until it's replaced and they start the cycle over again.
They also stand as one of the first characters of mine where I looked at them and decided they wanted to be in a lil relationship, which is nice and good for them! Less good for them that it's, uh, with the. BigBad. The woman who funded and dictated the research that made them Like This.
The relationship is very much a. Toxic one. Power struggles between the two, knowing full well they've hurt each other badly and still coming back for more. By the end of the first book, they quite literally stab her in the back and ease her into her death, all romantic style.
Mmmm despite how things have been phrased, I think Elan does quite like being a White. They want more people to be White so they can understand how things are, how they should be. Very obsessed with perfection and cleanliness and purity. Bleached as many pigments out of themselves as they possibly could, and still finds the red of their blood to be grating.
I have exactly one (2) songs that vibes for them at the moment which I think you know both of, Monday? Tis 'The Quittin' Kind' by Eleisha Eagle and 'Pretty Little Head' by Eliza Rickman. Both vibe with the more toxic part of their relationship with the BigBad. Who has no name. Pretend she does.
Okay that's it! Bye! Thank you!
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odetolove · 1 year
His head nods fervently at the exclamation of his brother's name, not knowing what other answer it could be. Even with your confession, he still was so sure his observations were right--a trait of his he prided himself in. He was so sure of everything that he remembered and saw; had he just interpreted it wrong this whole time?
His mind focuses back on the present as you ask the same question he just asked, more so a question for yourself than him. Blood rushes to his ears as he waits for your answer, his hands once again rubbing on his sweatpants--a habit he still kept from volleyball to ensure nothing interferes with the ball.
He takes your slight pause to think back to high school, to all the numerous interactions between you and him. As he recalls, you were always kinder to him than Atsumu; though, he just guessed its cause Atsumu was a little shit, even more so than him. Whenever he did ask for your help, you always dropped whatever you were doing to help him. You would insist that you didn't have anything important and rushed to help him before he could even protest.
And as the memories flood back to him, he even recalls the times Atsumu would tease you both about 'dating' each other. Osamu just assumed his obnoxious twin did it because he knew his crush on you. So, when you would get flustered and wave it off, he thought you were uncomfortable so he had to fight, physically, to make his brother stop. Realizing it now, you probably weren't uncomfortable; you were probably just as flustered as he was.
Maybe he wasn't as observant as he thought he was.
His mind zeroes back into your words, his face heating up before his eyebrows scrunch again. It's not a memory he likes to recall considering what bullshit the third-year spat out. But if he's honest, he can barely recall anything else except for that and Atsumu and Suna pulling him off the bloody and bruised guy. He's a little grateful you only saw the aftermath but still a little shameful for letting his emotions get the better of him. Though, he doesn't regret it; if meant defending you, he'd do it over and over again.
Your compliments warm his cheeks, shifting around in his position. He scratches his neck, unable to meet your eyes once more as he presses his lips together. "I mean ya can say that about anybo--", his words cut off as he absorbs your words. He drops his arm, tilting his head as the look of confusion, and now curiosity, etches onto his face.
"Whatcha mean?" He leans forward as he tries to look at your face, trying to read your expression. He tries to reel in his own thoughts, berating your mind that you could mean something totally else. Right? "How do I handle ya huh?"
i could nearly die from embarrassment the second the last sentence leaves my lips. wondering if it was because of my close proximity to him and the habit of actually speaking my mind when i was with him. my eyes widen when he leans closer- body facing me.
ah, well-
i stutter, trying to find a way out of the hole i seemingly dug myself in, thanks to my big mouth. i bring my hand up- tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear, a nervous tick. looking at everywhere but his eyes, knowing that if i did i would crumble under the sight of his kind eyes. my stomach twists with the possibility of him finding the way i think about him gross- but i had already gone this far with telling him the truth. sighing for just a second, i come back just a little braver, back straightening up to look at him too.
yknow, sometimes i get a little mouthy-
my nose scrunches at the times i’ve challenged both him and atsumu, poking jokes at about how much smarter i am than both of them, harmless jokes that come with being friends with someone for so long.
a-and i can be cocky, get an attitude when things don’t go my way… and the fact that i don’t like being told, ‘no.’
i ramble, taking a strand of hair and running my fingers down the length of it absentmindedly- scrunching my nose at the way my attitude sounds spoken out loud. blaming it on the way i had always been coddled and treated like basically a princess by the twins, osamu specifically, knowing deep down that he seldom ever says no.
and when i get like that, i like the way you hold your ground. know you just raise your eyebrows at me and it’s game over.
my cheeks flaming by the time i finish speaking, words growing weaker and weaker. embarrassed by how much i like his doting and yet unforgiving nature. eyes pinned down to his lap- unable to meet his eyes any longer-wondering of what i said was too much, whole body thrumming with want and embarrassment, sitting there before him after i had just said all those things.
it… makes me wonder, things. if you’re like that in different aspects of your life.
i whisper, shrugging, trying to keep things light and easy for my own sanity.
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jostenneil · 3 years
Dick and Jason for the meme
from this ask meme 
since these get to be so long i'm gna do dick on this one and send myself an ask with jason so that can be its own post. hope that's ok
i think more than anything the key to understanding dick is that he's more like bruce than he wants to admit. i don't think your goal with writing dick should be to make him as un-bruce-like as possible, bc dick is as much a product of being bruce's son and protege (if not more) as he is a product of being an acrobat or being the leader of the titans. a lot of his competency as a detective and combatant can certainly be owed to the things required of you as an acrobat, but i also think it's undeniable that a lot is owed to how bruce further nurtured those skills, and to a degree i believe that part of dick worked hard to be a good robin bc he wanted to be seen by bruce as a partner worth having. they're both people who value the structure and methodology of a job done well and when people fail to honor that structure you can tell it severely grates on them, and then ofc there is the matter of how they act in times of emotional distress, which, while their way of handling it is different, i think they're actually quite similar in how their grief and anger can be a bit intimidating to others bc there's a level of pressure they both put on themselves that no one else quite understands (except maybe kory and talia, imo)
THAT BEING SAID, i do think there are distinct, significant ways in which dick is different from bruce. namely, i think dick is a little more willing to take risks than bruce is (again, probably something you can assume stems from how he's learned to live and perform as an acrobat), but those risks are also aptly calculated. dick isn't reckless, he's just. . . very confident and very familiar with his own abilities and scope. i think he knows his body and his limits well and that to me is also fundamental to what makes him an effective leader, bc he's superb at analyzing people and formulating a plan of attack based off of what's available to him
sort of an extension of the above two points, but dick to me is scarily, frighteningly competent. moreso than bruce even. i think he does have the capacity to be as emotionally volatile and ugly as bruce in his lowest moments, but unlike bruce, that doesn't take as much of a toll on his work. for bruce, being in control emotionally is incredibly important to being effective on the job, and that's not to say it isn't important to dick, but i think dick is the kind of guy who can take all of that anger and grief and hurl it at you with deadly precision bc if anything the emotions sharpen his kill instinct even more. not to say that he has a kill instinct, but, yknow. he's damn good at his job and regardless of whatever fucked up stuff is going on in his life he's still going to be damn good at his job
i do think his heart is ultimately always going to be with the titans. like yes he would do anything for bruce if bruce asked him but even bruce knows how much of a home dick has in the titans and that's a large part of why he doesn't necessarily ask dick to come back, bc he respects that. i was talking about this earlier, but i often wonder, would dick have the relationships that he does with the robins and batgirls if he wasn't deliberately brought back into the batman line of comics by chuck dixon and writers thereafter? personally, i don't think he would. that's not to say i'm negating them now and i love his relationships with, say, tim and damian, but i think there should be a recognition that those are relationships that occurred bc editorial sort of mandated that he be brought back even tho realistically i don't think he'd ever have left the titans to begin with
sort of jumping off of that point, but i think dick is very much someone who's more comfortable working on a team or within a partnership. he can be plenty effective solo obv but i don't think he would care to operate solo if he didn't have to. i think he's content to lead a team and work with people to reach the best solution to a problem. and this is me really, really extrapolating things, but i also feel like part of it can stem from the fact that he operated for so long as part of a team with his parents, that it's almost a natural prerogative for him to operate within that sort of structure. i feel like it even helps contextualizes the way he reacts when bruce asks him to quit being robin and when kory tells him she has to marry someone else for duty. he doesn't want to be left behind and he doesn't want to go it alone if he doesn't have to
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