#but you better your ass i was seated for flight 29 down every week
cinewhore · 5 months
seriously yall had to be there
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vintagedolan · 3 years
Post fix concept #1- how did gray propose???!
this makes me so 🥺
Indiana barely had time to let out the breath she had been holding before Grayson’s lips were on hers. He pulled her to him by her hip, grateful that there wasn’t a barrier between their seats.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.”
Indy smiled, her adrenaline still pumping enough to make her fingers shake as she ran them over his scruff. She rested her forehead against his for a moment, catching her breath as the flight attendant came over the intercom.
“G’day, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Sydney Australia Airport. Local time is 9:04 am and the temperature is a lovely 29 degrees. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the fasten seatbelt sign.”
“29, what is that, like 85 fahrenheit?” Indy asked, eyes moving to the windows that were opening on the opposite side of the aisle. They revealed a new place, a new world. It felt different somehow. Calm, and welcoming as she looked out over warm tones of brown and the far off ocean.
Grayson looked up the aisle, spotting his brother and Eden in first class, peaking their heads out to look back and check on Indy, no doubt. He threw them a quick thumbs up while Indy wasn’t looking. There had been a few moments on the flight he’d missed his usual first class ticket across the pond. But he knew with the wall between the seats, he’d have more trouble getting to Indy if she needed him. So, they went one step down, to the reclining wide seats next to each other in economy plus, big enough for Indy to climb over into his seat and sleep throughout the 15 hour flight if she needed him. Most people were there so long they forgot they were even in the air.
Indy didn’t. She slept more than she expected to though, only lulled off by Grayson’s gentle snores in her ear as he held her tight. Her body was confused, but it wasn’t anything worse than a hard 12 hour shift at the hospital. Still, her adrenaline from landing made her legs wobble when she stood in the aisle, hard enough for Grayson to stabilize her hips from behind her.
“You good?”
“Yeah, just ready to finally be off a plane,” she chuckled, reaching back to squeeze his fingers as they squeezed her waist. The group walked slowly through the line of people, made it through the airport, got their bags and made it out relatively quickly, and fresh air never smelled sweeter than on the curb before they climbed into their uber. 
It didn’t hit Indy until they were there, scrunched up in the back with her between both the twins and Eden in the passenger seat.
“I did it. I actually fucking did it,” she said to herself. She turned to Grayson with a smile. “We’re here. I’m in fucking Australia!” Despite herself, she started to tear up a bit. Somewhere, tucked away, was ten year old Indy, leaping for joy at the fact that she’d accomplished something she never thought she’d be able to do.
“Hell yeah we are!” Ethan cheered, wrapping an arm around Indy’s shoulder and shaking her just barely. “Proud of you sis.”
Indy blinked back her tears and leaned against Grayson, closing her eyes as they made their way to their home for the next week and a half. 
Grayson held her head against his shoulder for every bump and turn they encountered, turning his head to kiss her hair. 
His mind? Well, other than keeping his girl comfortable, it was wandering to his bag in the back. Specifically, to a small wooden box that was wrapped up in one of his speedos for safe keeping. 
A box that Grayson was paranoid that Indy would find every minute that he didn’t have his eyes on her. He’d been so excited to show her his favorite place, and even more excited to have his girlfriend all to himself in a king size bed that he hadn’t bothered to find a better hiding spot for it.
It worked out - there wasn’t a minute that he didn’t want to spend with her anyways. They packed their days with everything adventurous they could think of - snorkeling, beach days, exploring the outback. They went ziplining, and held koalas and pet kangaroos and learned about Australian history and culture. 
Every night, they found themselves showering off the day together and crawling into bed with just enough energy left to get lost in the rhythm of Grayson’s hips and the sound of their lips on each other’s skin. 
Except for the night of September 23rd. That night, Grayson put on his nicest shorts with pockets and slid the ring box into them with shaky hands before he went down the hall to find his brother. 
Ethan perked up, confused for a moment before he smiled. 
“Today’s the day huh?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“You know so. You sure you don’t want me to take pictures or anything?”
“Nah, just want it to be us. I’m fucking scared bro.”
“That just means you love her. “ Ethan stood up and pulled his twin in by the shoulder, giving him a tight hug. “You got this man. Can’t wait to see you all when you get back.”
Grayson nodded and tried to settle his breathing down. 
It picked right back up when he walked into the room and saw Indy in front of the mirror. She was in a sundress - a short dusty blue number that kissed the tops of her thighs, resting delicately on the curve of her ass while she leaned closer to the mirror to put on her mascara. 
She smiled when she saw him, finishing quickly and turning around.
“Hi baby. I’m almost ready, just gotta pick out a lipstick.”
“Lipstick makes you sticky when I kiss you,” he pouted, making her roll her eyes playfully at him. 
“Fine. Just for you.” She kissed him softly as if to prove her point, humming when he pulled her in by the hips. She melted against him for a moment, getting lost in his like she always did before her mind wandered back to her. 
“We’re gonna be late to our reservations.”
“I made them for later. Wanted to show you something first.”
Indy was never one for surprises growing up, but the nervous excitement was welcomed now. She knew she could trust him, wholly, with anything. So she slid her shoes on took his hand and let him lead her to the car. 
She bit her tongue when she wanted to ask where they were going, what they were doing. But it didn’t stop the worry when she pressed her fingers into Grayson’s wrist in the car, pausing the hearts she was tracing.
“Your pulse is 104. Are you good?”
“Okay human apple watch,” he laughed, pulling his arm away from her dramatically for a moment before giving it right back. “I’m fine baby. Maybe you just make my heart race.”
Indy snorted. “You wanna pull over for me to throw up or should I just do it out the window as we’re going.”
She kissed the back of his hand as they laughed. 
Grayson on the other hand was 99% sure he was the one who would puke when he put the rental car in park. 
Indy cocked her head to the side for a moment. Then she craned her neck up, trying to see over the embankment. 
“Is the restaurant down there somewhere.”
In a moment of panic, Grayson raced to put his hand over her eyes, hitting her nose in the process.
“Okay ow?” Indy muttered.
“Fuck, sorry, sorry baby.” He leaned over and pressed a fleeting kiss to her temple. “Just close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise. Don’t open them until I say.”
“You coulda just said that,” Indy grumbled as Grayson got out of the car and went to her side. He pulled her door open, heart pounding so loud he was sure she could hear it when he leaned over to unbuckle her seatbelt. 
“Okay, come out here.”
He guided her out of the car to stand up, putting his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her shoes - dainty sandals - and then at the thick sand they would have to get through to get to where he wanted on the beach. On the horizon, the sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of purple and pink. Avalon was the most beautiful beach he’d ever been to, and he knew it would only be even more special after that night.
“Get on my back.”
“Just jump on my back,” he said, turning around and putting her hands on his shoulders.
“My ass will be fully out in this dress if I do that,” she countered.
“I’ll cover it with my hands or something, just jump.”
“So demanding,” she teased, but she jumped anyways. He smoothed the fabric down over her butt and held her up as he moved through the sand to the lookout he had in mind.
She rested her chin on his shoulder as he walked, eyes still squeezed shut.
“I hear the ocean,” she hummed, already content. 
When he got to where he wanted, with the perfect view of the beach, he closed his eyes for a moment and sent a prayer up to all his angels that he would find the right words to say. 
He sat her down gently on her feet and moved behind her, pulling the box out of his pocket. Slowly, he knelt down, watching her dress blow in the wind. 
“Okay, open.”
Indy opened her eyes. The sun burned for a moment, and then she took it all in. The water was a painting of bright hues, reflected back off the sunset that tinted the clouds. The beach was pristine, fine white sand laying perfectly for as far as she could see in either direction.
“Oh wow. This place is perfect.”
And then she turned around. 
The ring caught the fading light, sparkling in it’s little box lined with velvet. His smile was brighter. And nervous, more nervous than she’d seen it in so long. She watched him swallow as he looked up at her.
“Oh my god.” She covered her mouth, her legs feeling like jello beneath her. 
He forgot his entire speech in the moment, and it didn’t matter. 
“I love you. I knew I wanted you to be a part of my life from the first day that I met you. And then I fell in love with you, and I knew I was going to love you for the rest of my life, no matter what. I want everything, all of it. The wedding and the honeymoon and the kids and the good days and the hard days and the days when we’re old and gross but we still have each other. I want forever with you, and for me, marriage is the promise for that. And you have me, forever, no matter what. So... Indiana Jamie Cross... will you marry me?”
“Yes. A million times yes.”
She couldn’t kiss him fast enough. She crouched, cupping his face in both her hands as he stood up, desperate to have him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her around and sending sand flying that neither of them noticed as they laughed with tearful eyes. 
indy was dizzy when he sat her down, hands shaking as he held up the box again. The ring was beautiful and delicate, with thin gold all the way around the stone.
“I got it custom. And I had them round out the top and bottom edges just a little bit so it doesn’t get caught on your gloves at work,” he explained. 
“I love you so much. Forever,” she whispered, kissing him again just because she could. He breathed her in, squeezing her again before he pulled back and reached for her left hand, sliding the ring on, letting out a relieved sigh when it fit. 
“Oh my god that really just happened,” Indy whispered, and all they could do was laugh and hold each other as it sank in. 
Gray kissed her hair. “No going back now, you already said yes.”
She smacked his shoulder playfully, admiring the way the ring caught the light when she did. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, nuzzling into her hair as the swayed back and forth, soaking in the moment.
“Also, sad news. I totally lied about the reservation, and Ethan’s contribution is cooking dinner tonight. So we might be celebrating our engagement with food poisoning.” 
Indy laughed into his shirt. “Well hey, at least if we’re puking our guts out later we’re doing it as fiancees.” The word felt foreign but somehow electrifying coming off her tongue. 
“Fuck yeah we are. You ready to go home, or do you wanna stay another minute.”
“Just a few more minutes. I wanna remember this forever.”
Gray smiled his brightest smile and kissed her slow and warm before wrapping her up again, closing his eyes as they held each other again.
Against his back, through his shirt, he felt her finger move. 
bonus: this is the ring :’)
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Chapter 34 - Remember To Let Her Into Your Heart Then You Can Start To Make It Better
Houston Texas, May 25 2017
(Chris is 52, Andi is 29)
CHRIS: Swiping the steam from the mirror in the hotel bathroom, I grab my shaving cream, pouring some in my hand then pat my cheeks and grab the razor to clean up this stubble a bit. I rinse my razor a few times and continue on, leaning in close and gently swiping it across my cheek when I suddenly hear my acoustic in the other room being softly played for a few chords. I stop for a second to listen, and hear Andi softly singing and strumming.
I missed that voice of hers, no matter how much she always said she never had one, that playing was her thing, she always sounded so beautiful when she would just let go and sing. I close my eyes for a moment and just focus, listening to her then turn my attention back to finish shaving. Once I've rinsed my face and gently slap on some after shave, and with the white towel around my hips I make my way out of the bathroom.
"Happiness is like an old friend I miss, How can I tell you what it feels to be like this...?" She sings, sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard with my guitar across her lap, in one of my white v-neck t-shirts with the collar slipped off her shoulder, and nothing else. She stops for a moment and picks up her phone, typing something and then glances up to see me.
"Hi," She smiles and bites her lip nervously.
"Hey," I chuckle as I approach her.
"Sorry, I just had an idea, or a melody... something, and I just didn't want to lose it," She says, setting her phone back down beside her.
"S'ok baby, don't stop on my account," I smile at her. She then dismissively waves her hand and sets the guitar aside on the bed, moves to her knees and crawls over to me.
She places her hands on my chest as I reach out for her, leaning down and placing my lips on hers. My hands cup her face holding her to me as she begins to suck on my bottom lip.
"Chris?" She says when she pulls away from me but I touch my forehead to hers.
"Yes baby?" I breathe. It was all I could do to not just lay her back down on the bed and make love to her again... for the third time today.
"Am I coming with you, when you head home this afternoon?"
I lift my forehead from hers and look at her confused by that question.
"Um, yea, why? Do you not want to?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and she flicks her eyes to mine.
"No, I mean, yea I want to, I'm just worried is all,"
"Worried about what?" I ask.
"I don't know... I think I'm just worried about us. Me... specifically. I don't want to slip again," She says as she studies her hands on my bare chest.
“I don't want you to slip again either," I say as I brush a few curls out of her eyes. She stays quiet for a few moments and I touch my forehead back to hers, her fingers reaching up and playing with my damp curls.
"I'm so sorry Chris - "
"Shhhh, you need to stop apologizing to me," I chuckle.
"But - " She starts.
"Chris - ?"
"Shhhh," I hush her again and she starts to laugh.
I take her hands and bring them up to my lips, placing soft gentle kisses to her fingers, then lean in and place my lips back on hers determined to convince her that I've long forgiven her for whatever it is that she feels guilty of - her time slipping. I deepen the kiss, making it long and passionate while my hands make their way down her sides, to her hips, slowly inching up my t-shirt that she's wearing so that I can feel her perfect ass in my hands. She then presses her body to mine, her fingers lacing through my hair.
"Ok, go on and take your shower before I end up back in bed with you again, making us late for our flight," I say pulling away from her. She giggles that cute little laugh and places a quick kiss on my chest, then climbs off the bed as I watch her remove my shirt. Her curls falling down around her as she sets my shirt on the bed and heads into the bathroom.
A short while later, we meet with Kim Matt and Ben down in the lobby of the hotel to make a plan to meet up in Seattle in a week to start more work on the new record. Once we say our goodbyes, Andi and I head out to the airport.
Oh, I forgot to mention that Martin Kirsten is no longer in the picture. I fired him just after Andi had figured out that he was slipping me unknown pills. I still don't know the motive as to why he would do that and after an argument with him privately, I fired him. I am determined now to fix every mistake I've made over the last 18 years, starting with getting back to my roots like Kim said.
"Alright, Mr. Cornell here is your exchanged ticket and you'll be boarding at terminal 11" The receptionist says to me as she hands the tickets over to me.
"Thank you," I say and turn to Andi to hand her one of the tickets.
"I thought you had set up the private jet to fly us back home?" She says sweetly.
"I try not to fly in that thing too much. It freaks me out sometimes. Anyways, this is more economical," I explain as I take her hand in mine while we head over to the waiting area.
"Wait... Chris, these are for New York?" She says as she looks over her plane ticket.
"Uh huh," I say as we find a few empty seats in the waiting area and set our luggage down.
"You live in New York?" Andi looks up at me as I fumble with my jacket for a second.
"Uh huh," I say and slide the luggage handle down then flip my curls out of my eyes to look at her. She looks back at me with an inquisitive expression but I'm not quite sure how to explain how I don't exactly live in Seattle anymore, at least I haven't lived there fully since 2001.
"Flight 52 to New York City, now boarding. Flight 52 to New york City, now boarding"
"Well, that's us babe," I smile at her and she gives me a half smile back as I pull up the luggage handle and she takes her bag, slinging it over her shoulder once more. I take her hand in mine and place my lips to the back of her hand as we walk to the board the plane.
New York City, New York
(Andi is 29, Chris is 52)
ANDI: Pulling up to Chris's house was an unreal experience to say the least. Never mind me time slipping 18 years in the future, I never even thought that he would find himself living in New York of all places. It wasn't exactly right in the city part, more so just on the outskirts in a small suburb. The house was beautiful. A dark red brick 2 storey home and very upscale. Different from the gothic home that he and I bought around '97 in Seattle. It was large, 4,500 square feet to be exact - from what he explained - and it definitely looked that way on the outside.
"Come on babe, let me show you inside," He says as the cab drives away and he picks up our bags. I follow him to the porch, while he takes a few minutes to find his keys and he opens the door.
Once I step inside, it's just as beautiful as I had thought it would be, and so entirely different than I thought. There is a large foyer at the front door with an incredible chandelier that hung over head. Straight ahead was what looked like a sitting area/living room that was completely made up of black and white furniture with a white shag throw rug underneath the glass coffee table. Once he sets our bags down and hangs up his jacket, he takes my hand and shows me the rest of the house. He first leads me into the kitchen which was also large and very white, with stainless steel appliances, the dining room which again was white with white leather dining room chairs and a black steel framed dining table. He then leads me to another room that was more of the living room than the first one, with a huge 60 inch TV and surround system - still in the pattern of black and white but mostly white.
Upstairs were 4 bedrooms and a Master, 2 of the rooms once again very white and 'clean'. The other two you could tell were a little more lived in, sort of like a teenagers room, but looked like no one has lived in those two rooms for months. Then there was the Master bedroom that also had an ensuite bathroom with a jacuzzi tub. Again, so much white. I was beginning to get the coldness feeling from this house. I think Chris could tell what I was feeling so he saved the best room for last.
Down in the basement, was one of the most beautiful studios that I had ever seen. It was warm and inviting but yet so simple. Hardwood floors throughout, sound proofing on each wall, inset warm lighting and his guitars lined beautifully along one side. At the far end was a drumset and opposite of that was a desk with a mixboard, and a computer for mixing and recording. Along with the soundproofing hung each award for each album that had gone Gold - selling 50,000 copies or more, Badmotorfinger and Superunknown. There were also plaques and frames for all the soundtrack work he did, and even ones for...
"Audioslave?" I ask as I turn and face him, pushing my curls behind my ear while he stand near the doorway.
"Yea it's uh... The band I had after Soundgarden. After you um... y'know, Susan helped get me in touch with the guys from Rage after Zach left. Apparently Rick Rubin  really wanted me to work with him and the guys since they wanted to try something different I guess," He explains.
"You did three albums?" I say looking at each one framed. The first record with a 3 x Platinum award for selling more than 3,000,000 copies in the U.S and Canada. The  second - Out Of Exile - and third -Revelations - with Gold awards much like Badmotorfinger and Superunknown did when they were released.
"Uh huh," He says as he watches me walk to the other side of the studio and see his original pressings for Ultramega Ok, Screaming Life and Fopp, Louder Than Love and Down on the Upside all framed.
"I remember these though," I giggle and he smiles as he walks over to me. I then find the record that he was working on before I slipped, The album cover with him on the front, exactly how he looked before I lost 18 years with him  and framed with a dedication plaque on the front.
"You finished it?" 
"I did," He says sweetly.
"To my disappearing one: forever and always, this is for you,"  I read the plaque more to myself than to him, hearing my voice shake.
"It's uh... that's also written in the album credits too," He says quietly as I glance down and see the row of guitars in which the first three catch my eye.
"You kept them?" I ask as I run my hand along the first - the silver sparkle Gretsch I got for my 20 birthday - then the one that he stole for me when he was 15 - the jet black Gibson Standard and the next one, the one  that my dad had given me for graduation.
"Well yea, I mean... they're yours, what am I gonna do get rid of them?" He chuckles.
I turn and look up at him, my brow furrowing as I desperately try to not bawl like an absolute baby in front of him. I really had no idea what to say. He should hate me. He should never want to have anything to do with  me again for all the times I left him alone and all the years that I wasn't with him.
"Chris I - "
"No, don't say it. I told you I don't want you apologizing anymore," He says and he cups my face in his palms as I look down, still feeling so guilty of everything that's happened. "Hey, baby look at me... you saved me remember?  You saved me from the biggest mistake I could've made remember?"
I glance back up into those beautiful blue eyes of his and he presses his lips to mine. Softly and gently at first then once again quick becoming passionate and full of hunger as he draws me into his arms. He then lifts  me up and I giggle against his lips while he carries me out of the studio.
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ororowrites · 6 years
“42 Reasons” Chadwick x OC: Chapter One
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Chadwick x OC 
Hey readers, here is the official first chapter of ‘42 Reasons’. I posted the introduction a couple of weeks ago and it’s linked below. I’m beginning a tag list for this story. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters. 
Taglist: @wakanda-shit-is-that @destinio1 @lavitabella87
Synopsis, Introduction
December 2019
That lunch with Chadwick never happened. Time got away from the two friends once again and they didn’t stay in touch.
Time seemed to fly and December 7th had finally arrived. Holly packed the remaining items she had sorted out on her bed. Her heart rested in her stomach as time ticked by and she waited for the black Cadillac Escalade to pull up in front of her apartment. Nervousness built up inside of her coupled with a bit of doubt. Getting this role was not even about the money for Holly. She needed it for her well being. To build her confidence and allow her to finally breathe again. A role like this would erase all that had happened a few years ago. Maybe it would even set her free from those demons that still ate at her soul. 
The ring of her doorbell interrupted her thoughts and she drug her suitcases to the door. 
“Ms. Wood,” a woman greeted her when she opened the door. “Your car is waiting outside. I’ll help you with these.” 
“Thank you. What’s your name,” Holly asked, extending her hand. 
“Maggie. I’ll be assisting you while you’re in Atlanta during your audition,” the red-head introduced herself, quickly shaking Holly’s hand. 
“Cool. Thanks Maggie,” the actress replied, closing her door and locking the three locks. “Got to get used to leaving for flights this early again.”
“Yeah, but I’m sure it’s all worth it in the end,” Maggie beamed. When the two reached the front door, a driver was waiting for them. He grabbed the two suitcases and placed them in the trunk before shutting the back doors. 
There was no turning back now. Not that Holly planned on it or wanted to. 
Sitting in the conference room surrounded by warm hues of blue and ceiling to floor windows, still didn’t relax Holly’s nerves. Her hands grew clammy as she tapped her manicured nails against the glass table top. 
“Holly Raye Wood,” a voice boomed from the doorway, sending Holly into a scurrying frenzy to stand on her feet. 
“Yes,” she exclaimed with a bit too much enthusiasm. Get a grip, girl. 
“I’m Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios. Nice to see you in person,” Kevin introduced himself with a warm smile, calming Holly’s nerves for the most part. “Take a seat and we’ll get started.” The actress took her seat in front of the President’s chair while he poured two cups of coffee. “Cream and sugar, Ms. Wood?” 
“No, I like my coffee black, please,” Holly answered, quickly thinking Kevin would find a double meaning in her answer. Kevin didn’t even seem phased and placed a coffee mug in front of his guest. Thoughts of what happened with her last job still plagued how she auditioned for other roles. Sadly, she had already been blackballed once for being too political and pro-black as the network put it. 
“How was your flight,” Mr. Feige questioned. 
“Great. Very comfortable, thank you,” Holly replied, taking a sip of the hot liquid. Hopefully Kevin didn’t notice the slight shake in her hands. 
“Good, we try to make everyone as comfortable as possible,” he began, pulling a pen from his shirt pocket. “I’m sure you’ve heard that Chadwick Boseman put in a good word for you by now.” 
Hearing that name made her take a deep breath. “Yes, I heard. I’m very grateful for that and hopefully he said all good things about me,” Holly joked. 
“Oh yeah, he did. He spoke highly of you and your work ethic. I must say that you two had amazing chemistry in ‘42′ and that’s one thing that very important for this role. Introducing Storm into the MCU is huge, especially in a Black Panther film. Obviously chemistry is important between whoever plays Ororo Munroe and Chadwick. We hit the nail on the head with Lupita playing Nakia, now we have to take it to the next level. So I’m glad he mentioned you.” 
Holly nodded as she listened to Kevin explain the importance the role. “Storm has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters. I know she is powerful not only because of her abilities but the type of woman she is outside of that. I understand her relationship with T’Challa is one fans have been waiting to see onscreen for awhile. If I had the opportunity to take on the role, you wouldn’t be disappointed. I can promise you that.” 
The President appeared to be impressed and scribbled a few notes in his planner. “Cool,” he smiled, tapping his pen against the notebook.
After the interview and first audition, Holly was allowed to go back to her hotel suite. When she arrived in her room, a large vase of flowers was sitting on the kitchen counter with a note attached. The actress frowned, pulling the note off to read: 
I didn’t forget about our coffee date, Raye. Meet me at the coffee house downstairs at 4pm?-Chad
Holly’s heart seemed to skip a beat when she figured out the person behind her beautiful roses. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of the roses and typed a message to her ex co-star: 
Holly: Thanks for the roses. Hope your ass doesn’t stand me up this time. 🙄 
Chadwick: Don’t be like that. I’m heading over now so I don’t have much of a choice, do I? 🙃
She playfully rolled her eyes at his reply, freshened up and headed downstairs to the coffee shop. Thankfully it wasn’t as crowded as she thought and her anxiety vanish when she spotted her friend in a corner of the shop. That infamous toothy grin was already on full display and there went her heart to her stomach for the second time that week. He looked as handsome as ever. Smooth dark skin, accompanied by broad shoulders and toned arms. The man was fine as hell and only seemed to get finer as he aged. 
Holly shook her head, hoping to loosen some of memories that flooded her brain. Don’t think about those nights, don’t you even do it girl. Memories of his naked body- 
“Raye, Raye,” Chadwick sang, grabbing his old friend’s hand and pulling her into a hug. His body still felt the same. Warm, toned, and like...home. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Holly squealed, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. “It’s been forever.” 
“Yeah and it shouldn’t have been. You look good, girl,” he complimented Holly, moving back so he could get a good look at her. “How you been?” 
“I’ve been okay, good times and bad. You know how the business is,” she explained, taking a seat in the opposite booth. “I don’t even need to know how you’ve been, King T’Challa. Congrats on the movie, man. I’m proud of you.” 
One thing Holly always loved about Chadwick was his humbleness. He waved her off with a shy grin, “Thanks. It’s been crazy out here but I’m glad I can at least come in here without doing the Wakanda salute.” 
“Oh, should I have bowed before sitting down,” Holly joked, bending her head. “How rude of me.” 
“If you don’t stop,” he laughed. “But seriously, I’m blessed. It’s definitely been a ride and I’m enjoying it. Enough about me though, what have you been up to?” 
Holly’s face instantly fell but she tried to cover it up with a smile. “Can’t say I’ve been too busy after what happened with my show.” Chadwick nodded sympathetically. He had heard rumors of what happened and how the executives left Holly out to dry. All because she spoke up about how she was being treated as a black woman on a predominately white show. Little did Chadwick know, there were other reasons why the network forced his ex co-star off the show. 
“Sorry to hear about that Raye. These networks can be shitty, but things happen for a reason. Maybe there’s something bigger out there for you,” he said, reaching across the table for Holly’s hand. The tenderness of his touch instantly sent chills throughout her body. Those memories once again rearing a head. 
“I hope so. It hasn’t been the same since and I’m starting to regret getting into this business. Should have taken my ass right back to Howard for grad school,” Holly huffed, staring at their intertwined fingers. “I’m 29 years old and still going at it to only come up short every damn time.” 
“Okay and I’m 42 years old. I’ve been in the business for awhile and people are just now starting to respect my talent. Trust the process. The fact that you’re still trying let’s me know you still want it. And there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll have a big break. Your dedication and faith will lead the way,” Chadwick comforted Holly, drawing circles around her knuckles with his thumb. “I respect that about you. Hang in there.” 
Her eyes got misty and it was hard to hold back her emotions. The actress had been through hell and back though people only knew about her controversial firing. 
“Hey,” he said softly. “Things will get better.” 
“Thanks,” Holly sniffed. “I needed to hear that.”
“You know I always have your back. Even if we haven’t been as close as we used to be,” Chadwick added, squeezing Holly’s hand slightly. Their eyes connected for a long second before they were interrupted. 
“Hi, Mr. Boseman, can I have your autograph,” a small boy asked, barely able to see over the table. His wide eyes were full of innocence and awe. 
“Hey little man, sure thing,” Chadwick cheesed, reaching down to grab the torn off notebook paper from the boy. “What’s your name?”
“Dontae,” he replied shyly, looking back at his mother who was watching from the coffee shop entrance. 
“Alright, Dontae. Here you go,” the actor wrote a short message and signed his name to the paper. 
“Thank you,” Dontae expressed, a wide smile taking over his small face. Holly couldn’t help but smile at the scene before her. It was truly a beautiful moment. 
“You’re welcome. Wakanda Forever,” Chadwick responded, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Wakanda Forever,” he cheesed, running back to his mother with excitement. “Mommy, he signed it for me!” The young mother waved in Chadwick’s direction before grabbing her son’s hand. Dontae didn’t take his eyes off his favorite Superhero until they were out of sight. 
“Wow. That’s something,” Holly hummed. “You probably made that kid’s day.” 
“You know I’ve always loved the kids, Raye,” he beamed, causing the two friends to burst out in laughter at their inside joke. 
For once, things were looking up for Holly.
Two Months Later 
Auditioning for the role of Storm had taken a lot out of Holly. The process was long and at times rough when she didn’t hear back from Marvel for days. They were finally down to their last three possible Ororo Munroe’s. In all honesty, Holly was afraid she would be beat out for the role. The other two ladies were new to the business without the tag of ‘Angry Black Woman’ attached to them. 
Two months had gone by and she had not heard from anyone about the role. Thinking the worse, Holly tried to forget about the possibility and started thinking about her plan B. Maybe Hollywood wasn’t for her and this was her last sign. 
Pulling out her laptop, she searched for graduate programs at her alma mater. Back to the regular life she went. When she got deep into her search, her cellphone rang from the bedroom. 
“Hey Angie,” she answered, putting the phone on speaker. 
“Holly, I’ve got good news,” Angie piped, barely able to speak clearly. “Congratulations, you’re the new Ororo Munroe. You got the part.” 
Suddenly, time stopped along with Holly’s breathing. ���What...what did you say?”
“You’re Storm, Holly. Marvel wants you to play Storm in the MCU,” Angie explained to her shocked client. “I know you worked hard for this. I’m proud of you and I hope you’re ready for this ride. This is huge!” 
“Oh my God,” the actress whispered. “Are you sure I’m not dreaming? They want me to play Storm for real?” 
“White hair and all, Holly. Congrats honey,” Angie added. 
Tears of joy rolled down Holly’s cheeks. “Thank you so much. Thank you.” 
When she hung up from Angie, she opened the text message notification from Chadwick. 
Congrats, my Queen. What did I tell you? Things will get better, right? 😍🙌🏿
“You were right,” Holly muttered, holding her phone to her chest. 
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