#but yooo new blog!!
lets see... the askbox shouldn't be causing anything like this
*investigate expiramental.exe*
-playdoh anon
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ant1quarian · 5 months
hello! Just found your account and immediately following because you seem really cool. Your Until Dawn Breaks utmv/au (?) fic idea seems really intriguing! Do you have an idea for all the teachers yet? I think I saw Dust and Classic but didn't know who the other three might be.
Oh, and I would be down to suggest some students if need be! Will the students also be Sanses or are they other monters/humans?
Couldn't help but notice how vague the infection seems to be mentioned. I believe you said you weren't sure on how it would work. An interesting webtoon I read some time ago was called "Surviving Romance" kinda has the school idea with zombies. Hard to describe as it has been a while since I read it. Perhaps you can check it out and get some ideas?
Why thank you! UDBverse, as it's also called, is a silly goofy idea I had that I decided to make exist. (It's currently being written)
I do have an idea for who the teachers will be! I actually did a poll about it a while back and the answers were:
So essentially the Bad Sanses except Classic has replaced Horror lmao.
The student'll be different Frisks and Charas! And also some monsters and monster-esque versions of 'em. I'm deciding which Charas/Frisks/Monsters to use at the moment- which may also take another poll.
The vagueness of the infection mentioned is due to the spoilers it may give, but I'll definitely read it and see what it's about!
Thank you for the ask, it's nice to see you here!
( Also, more information about this story will appear on @ask-udbverse, by the way! )
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bloodawakening · 1 year
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ooc, don't reblog.  SO THAT NEW DM.C AN.IME TRAILER HUH?
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risestarkiss · 3 months
Huge changes are coming to my Rise Ramblings…
Hey yooo!
So as the title suggests, there will be some major changes to the RiseStarKiss blog going forward.
The full explanation is below but I also included a TLDR version at the end of the post.
Instead of continuing to post my long form “Rise Ramblings” on Tumblr, I’ll be taking them to the small screen…In other words, my larger Rise Ramblings will be in video format from now on. I also want to go back and adapt my older/more popular Rise Ramblings to video as well.
And for that reason, I’m starting a YouTube Channel!
As a more detailed explanation, I’ve found that creating the long form posts on Tumblr just doesn’t allow for the freedom and flexibility that I need to fully express myself. Even in my older posts I had to leave so much content on the chopping block in order to facilitate readability.
But not anymore!
So, what is the plan?
Well for starters, my channel, RiseStarKissStudios, is now live.
Also, I plan on creating ONLY Rise of the TMNT content on this channel.
Why? Mainly because from what I’ve seen, usually when Rise is addressed by large channels it’s generally looked down upon. Other than that, Rise is ignored completely!
*tsk* So I’m going to give ROTTMNT the spotlight it deserves.
But I can’t do it alone…
That’s where you come in.
All I ask is for your support and patience.
Support comes in the form of:
• Heart and Reblog this post • Subscribe to the channel and Hit the Bell to be alerted to when videos drop • Spread the word about my channel and the amazing ROTTMNT content I’ll be creating there
And lastly, if you are so inclined, you can support my Kofi.
I’ve added better payment methods and monthly contribution options.
As thanks, the username of every monthly contributor will appear at the end of my YouTube videos as a part of the “Mad Dogs!”
It’s the least I can do. 😣😌💜
Also, the reason I ask for your patience is because I’ll be writing, editing, and creating the content all on my own, as well as continuing my “Don the Fashionista” comics in tandem. I also am writing/composing the music for the Rise Rambling series, of which is all Rise inspired.
I know it will be a lot of work, nonetheless, I’m excited for this new frontier, and if things go even slightly to plan, my best ROTTMNT content is yet to come…
So, let’s have some fun, shall we?
Here’s the TLDR!
This is my brand new YouTube Channel, RiseStarKissStudios, that will be Rise Content Exclusive!
Subscribe & Hit the Bell so you don’t miss a video!
Reblog this post to show support and spread the word!
Support my Kofi if you are so inclined.
Let’s have some fun with Rise, shall we?
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mhm-im-chaotic-good · 22 days
(Ooc: THE PERSON WHO RUNS THIS BLOG AND CALIX’s IS THE SAMEEEEEEE. stop asking- anyways I’ve tagged some friends from all my blogs-)
You were walking around camp. Why did it seem so empty and quiet all of a sudden?
That was until you saw an advert on the walls of some cabins.
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You decided to visit the Athena cabin, weren’t they usually a bunch of serious kids? When you stepped into Cabin 6, the inside was completely different from normal, and it seemed….bigger?!
Anyways, you were standing around until Aeryne, the new mortal Athena kid approached you with a drink.
“YOOO, what’s up? Enjoying my party????”
[CURRENTLY PLAYING: bad romance by lady gaga]
what do ya do???? Get drunk? Die? Chaos? Idk man…I’m just the messenger
[people from this blog, calix, milo, Knox and wraith]
@demigod-jack-hearth [this is my mini bachelor/bachelorette party to you]
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
I don't even play call of duty but you have dragged me along into the ghostsoap fandom with all the amazing art 👀 any fic / content recs for a new crew member of the RSS Ghostsoap???
ooohhh hi! here are some fics I'd recommend:
Pattern Breaker by mothbeast -- a re-imagining of the MW2 reboot with emphasis on what is and isn't inevitable
Affirmative, Sir by Wixiany -- an all-timer for me, 141 has a mole so Ghost and Soap shack up together at safe houses and so on. great character study
Widow of War by goth_iterations -- an AU where Ghost and Soap are on opposite sides, Ghost is a bastard and he's fixated on Soap
Where the Moonlight Meets the Sea by MildLimerence -- in progress I think? it's a mer AU, which isn't usually my jam but this one slaps. this art is for it
Poison Apple by surveycorpsjean -- comms banter. trust me
Something in the Orange by insomniamemoirs and RandomWordsAndStormyDays -- this is reboot ghostsoaproach where Ghost and Soap are together, then Roach is found alive, then there is a great deal of drama
gasoline in your heart by whisperwarm -- newfound ghostsoap collides with established ghostkönig with endgame polycule
some blogs and artists to check out:
bluegiragi -- has some very cool monster au stuff
amikoroyaiart -- gorgeous art, they draw quite a bit of '09 as well <3
yooo-lets-go -- their art is iconic, certainly not limited to ghostsoap either
spiltspit -- art + some spicy
valiants -- art largely in comic strips
hurrraaid -- has an extremely cool monster hunter au
@galacticgraffiti -- bestie beloved and certified ghostsoap enthusiast (+ art and fic)
@patchmates -- bestie beloved and certified cod enthusiast (+ art and fic)
I hope that's a good starting point? basically just went through my ao3 bookmarks and blogs off the top of my head so 👉👈 if for some reason you want ghostroach recs I can do my best in that department as well lmk o7
anyone else can add onto this of course, I'm probably forgetting crucial fics/blogs
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fraternum-momentum · 8 months
Hey! I love your art!!! Tho, I was wondering if you could tag your ocs names cause I’m new but I’m really interested in your ocs and want to learn more about them :)
It’s okay if you can’t tho! Hope you have a great day
YOOO HELLO welcome to the blog :D i hope you enjoy your stay here and thank you !! i finally finally gave some of them names so I can make tags, that's mainly why it took so long to answer this 😭
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Azalea, Melanie, :o), MC, Gabriel, Nigel, Kian, Theo.
(the actual tags are also in the tags of this post)
Here's some contextual and random facts about them lolol:
Azalea and Melanie are characters of a webcomic I'm making ! It's just a little passion project that I'm slowly working on. (emphasis on slowly)
Theo is just a nickname. His actual name is Theodore. MC's name is still TBD.
They're also gonna be in a comic thing :D but more episodic and slice of life-y instead of an overarching plot.
Kian makes pipe bombs in his basement.
Kian is based on a rock I got on a random beach. I took a picture of it and put a bunch of stickers and gave it a personality a few years ago bc I thought it would be cute 💀 I have other rocks that still needs to be gijinka-fied LMAO (my fave is this one beach glass named Kelsey)
I was debating on naming the jester clown guy JJ but i decided against it, it's cute but ehh idk.. I might change my mind on it if I can't think of anything.
Kian and friends + the jester guy + that one teeth guy that I didn't include here (whoops) are mostly just one-offs and don't really have an ongoing story. I made them mostly cause I wanted to design a cool looking character. Maybe I'll do smthn with the rock friends but I don't really have any ideas :P
Nigel and Gabriel are part of this western cowboy universe thing I'm doing on the side. A lot of wonderful people have made ocs for it :DD !!!
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make of that what you will 👼
Gabriel has a twin sister named Mica, who also helps around their church.
Nigel is just an amalgamation of the kinks i like (that will not b disclosed !!!!!). Cause I thought 'hey, why don't I make a blorbo that has all my kinks that would b awesome ahaha' and look at me now.
Also BTW i know Nigel is technically a cop but he's more of a classic cowboy than an actual police officer. I added that random fact just for the cowboy³ joke. ACAB.
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punkpandapatrixk · 21 days
Shifts in Focus~♪
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Yooo have you been healthy, peeps? I’ve been doing A. MA. ZING. since now I’ve got the means to buy plenty of food and snacks weekly🍛🍨🥃 I’ve got to believe that this is my chapter where the Wheel of Fortune is finally turning around🎉🤣🍒 If you’re someone who’s still struggling financially and/or figuring out your next steps, I believe this autumn season is going to shower you with so much good aenergy and everything is only gonna get better🚀 You’ll see in my next Full Moon PAC (tho it’s a bit tardy XD)
Now that I’ve somewhat got a ‘stable job’ that I actually enjoy doing, there have been massive changes in my daily routines and priorities. I’ve gotten healthier, of course, and that’s something I’m most grateful for🩻 With my new schedules and routines, I’ve got to shift my focus for the blog as well, as I want to offer you content that’s most exciting and helpful with the time I have🍉
Therefore, I've got some blog updates on what’s going and coming~🌟 (for now XD)
Oracle Alchemy
No longer doing it. I’ve to admit I’ve never been good (or even keen) at sharing life updates with people I don’t know. Actually, I don’t even talk about stuff like that with people I do know XD So, I’ll just write updates on the blog whenever there’s one~🫠
I’ll change Tier 1 benefit on Patreon. It’ll be only for ‘General Support for the Blog’. Of course, anybody choosing this tier will instantly have access to all previous Oracle Alchemy posts~🍀 The Soul Alchemy parts are worthwhile, I promise XD 🍇
Punk Panda Pick-A-Pic
Yaaas, this will be main focus. Of course. Now that I’m not distracted with other types of content, I think I can smoothly get on with my list of PAC ideas that at this point are enough content for the next 3 yeeaaarrsss🌱🌿🍀
I’m thinking of conducting some polling in the near future. Like a KYC survey or something LMAO To know what kinds of life concerns you’re dealing with most. It would be nice if the PACs can reflect that more, right?📖🪩🪞
Punk Astro Guidance
No. Not. Nope. This segment has always been way too much work and aenergy and I’m saying this the second time: I’ve never truly spiritually enjoyed writing periodic readings😭🫠😵
Punk Panda Affirmations
I believe I’ll still be writing concept affirmations. They’re really beneficial for me myself, actually, and I think it can do you good if you script your own affirmations, too. This habit gets you manifesting much more quickly, I think🤭
Moon Panda Pick-A-Pic
Possibly will be my only reading that caters to periodic readings. That should be good enough as I essentially struggle with time XD Plus, the collages are always so pretty ^^ I’ll try to post closer to the time of the FM hahahah🤪
More that’s coming…
I’ll update another time as this is quite a lot of shifts already~ If you’ve ever seen my updates on Patreon you know I’m not very good at keeping up with my updates as I change my mind all the time!! LMAO
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Aaa there’s simply so much I want to do!!🤩 And I don’t really know how to convey this excitement! I don’t even know why I’m excited seeing as I’ve been doing this for 3 years anyway LMAO
Thank you for tagging along🌷 Especially thank you for any kind of support you’ve ever given me on Patreon~🍊 Your patronage has been life changing to say the least!!!💝
May this autumn season bring you the greatest blessings for all your kindness and compassion that you’ve ever shared with any any anybody in your amazing Life~🍑🌾🍁🎃
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voreyeurism · 1 month
Yooo you're back! I'm glad to know you're still kicking! How have you been?
I’ve been alright!! :D Overall I feel like I’m in a good place, though I stil have some ongoing and new life blocks to deal with (most chiefly, I moved to a place with frequent barometric pressure changes, and it taught me I have pretty severe fibromyalgia TT)
I don’t draw or write as much as I used to, but still enjoy it frequently (as well as OCing with mutuals) and want to try and put more of my stuff out there again! I’ve been uploading works intermittently on Twitter, but it doesn’t have the same vibes as Tumblr and I missed this place a lot ahaha. So I ended up making @idolkilling to share things I made and talk about OCs again!
I want to get back into the kink scene (I never stopped drawing belly stuff in particular… still very tummy pilled), but since I draw/write such varied subject matter I’ve decided to divide them as such:
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(the “you are here” thing is cuz I posted this on one of my twitters, so it doesn’t reflect this blog JDFKSLKDF)
Basically the majority of my works (SFW as well as relatively tame violent/erotic pieces) will go to @idolkilling now, VYRSM will be for more raunchy things (graphic gore, unsanitary, extreme kinks), and VOREYEURISM will be for belly stuff (naturally). Same usernames on both Twitter and Tumblr, though I have yet to set up the kink-focused accounts… *head in hands* *slow ass SNS guy*
I’ll probably change the username of this blog so I can make the new ones secondaries? Unsure! I get overly-invested in the logistics of these things smh.
…There is also the fact I cannot post explicit art on Tumblr… I’ll probably just post previews and link to Twitter in that case, but I’d like to have the blogs for asks and general musings about kink without being constrained by Twitter’s character limit/no ask box ahaha/// I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get anything done, but it’s on my mind! I miss yelling here!!!
Anyway sorry for the long yap LOL Thank you for remembering me and taking the time to check in! It means a lot 🥹<3
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neutrallyobsessed · 3 months
yooo i am so glad and such a genius for moving the joanpher week to next month. like imagine im here like "ladila~ joan and topher kissing :33" and then BOOM a second investigations game FINALLY hits the international scene lmao like i cant put such big news on hold, this is a het attorney blog and ppl will finally be introduced to the OW/YM OTP of AA that it so desperately needed and now with official names! The Verily Indeed and Useless Winnerrrrrrrrr
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writtentragedies · 5 months
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yooo. as always, i'm too lazy to work on a self promo right now plus would just rather focus on finally doing some writing over here !! so like or reblog this if you'd be interested in writing with a sorta horror-themed multimuse blog featuring characters from SPN, RE, TWD, asoiaf & marvel and i'll check out your blog / follow you so we can start interacting. :D p.s. not new to tumblr and have roleplayed most of these characters before btw, preferred writing style is para / multi-para & i will be not writing with minors.
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orangeshinigami · 10 months
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yooo. this is a brand new blog for kurosaki ichigo from BLEACH !! ind. / semi-selective, multiship and multiverse / 10+ years of roleplaying experience. preferred writing style is para / multi para !!
looking for people to write with. follow / ♡ or ↻ if you're interested in interacting with my boii ichigo.
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i do apologize for all the spam, at this point whenever i find a new fnaf art blog i really like i MUST go through the entire damn thing
It's all good dude XD I was watching it happen in real time thinking "yooo their going through the whole blog! go dude go!" 😂
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izaack-gauss · 3 months
(A new anon (🎸). Im also At Angus's blog)
Yooo, wassup? May i ask how many kids do you have/adopted?
I stopped counting at 10..
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randysaysshit · 6 months
yooo dudes welcome to the new ramble blog
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nagito-kissmaeda · 6 months
Yooo Bree! Its been like a few years since I've been active on tumblr but I decided to dedicate myself to fanfic again! In honor of my roots I posted a Nagito thirst I think you would find quite nummy if you would like to see (NOT in first person this time!)
have a good day! :)
oh omg!!! welcome back!!!! I have gone and read ur fic.......it was very good. The servant one, right? I noticed its gone from your blog now so i can't link it :(( let me know when you put it back up and ill be happy to share it with the other Komaeda Kontent Enjoyers. It has been a drought of komaeda fanfic recently, i am part of the problem because i am pathologic brained right now (incredibly mentally ill statement) and not writing enough, so im always happy to read and share new fic when i see it!!!!!!!
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