#but yes yAuron and yRook for the win
ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
I neeeeeeed more y!Rook and y!Auron, I am obsessed with them!!! What if Elisabeth and Ricardo (if the guys didn't end up killing him) teamed up to try and separate Rook an Auron? They know they can't break them up from the outside, so they try to break them up from the inside
They plant things here and there to try and get one of them to think they're cheating on the other, but Rook and Auron know the other loves them too much to cheat so Elisabeth and Ricardo's plan fails >:3c
Pathetic obsession
Rook was starting to get pissed off by the things they've been finding in Auron's office. Flowers, Chocolates, and letter's from this other 'lover' he has Rook scoft the first time seeing them really ANOTHER person obsessed with THEIR partner? But as they looked at it they connected dots that it was definitely Elizabeth trying something again. Rolling their eyes they thought nothing of it when they trashed the gifts for Auron, he'd rather not deal with this he's still busy with another project.
On the other hand the red head in question was glaring at pictures sent to him by someone. It wasn't one of his people and that set off one warning sign, so looking at the picture he say Rook and another man kissing. He's seen the man before obviously from insensitively researching about Rook and everyone they knew in case he needed it to keep them with him. It was an ex of their's that was a total dick to them, he gotten rid of him a while ago and was confused seeing a picture like this.
His mind went back to Ricardo, so since he couldn't take Rook from him that man is trying to break them up? Laughing a bit Auron set the picture on fire, he knew if his lover saw it they would have a fit seeing them kissing another man that treated them wrong. Grabbing his phone he stated to text Rook to come to him that they needed to talk about something. Smirking as he got a immediate text back with hearts Auron placed his phone down and thought of where those other two could be.
After greeting Trish with a smile Rook entered the meeting room Auron was still in. The man gave them a smile and pushed his chair back for them to come to him. Slowly walking to him they smiled at how Auron couldn't stand not touching them.
"So, love what happened?" Getting comfy on Auron's lap Rook laid their head on his shoulder. They felt him wrap a arm around them and sighing deeply before answering their question.
"It seems two people didn't take my threats seriously." Hissing out as he took a deep breath to calm himself. His scowl turned soft when Rook placed a hand on his chest and looking up at him with dangerous eyes.
"Auron, why can't they just see that we don't want them? Can't they see how were so right together?" Pouting Rook glared at the floor breaking eye contact that Auron still wanted. The head head sighed and leaned his head on their's trying to make them not so annoyed with the situation.
"I should have killed them, that's on me dear. But don't worry they'll be dealt with. How about a date to ease your mind?" Trying to lighten the mood Auron thought of different places they could go to. Maybe the club again or a restaurant they wanted to try together? This pulled a smile on Rook's face they reached up and kissed Auron's cheek.
"That would be nice." Happiness was in their tone which made Auron feel more happy as well. The two turned and kissed each other sadly had to break it because Auron got a phone call. The ring made both of them a bit annoyed but Auron picked it up.
"Yes?" Hissing out the words as he didn't like his time with his partner being interrupted. On the other side he was told that they found the two people obsessing over them and wanted to know what the teams next move should be. Rook looked pleased and whispered to Auron of different torturing methods he could use, this caused him to smile as he told his team to do them all.
"Maybe then it'll go through their think skulls that they had a pathetic obsession." Darkly saying as he got a 'Yes sir.' in return. Hanging up Auron turned to Rook, "Don't worry it'll be handled swiftly and quickly." Another kiss between the two started and got a little frisky, but sadly once again there was a interruption.
The legal team needed their leader to help with a situation that happen with a client throwing a bottle at someones head for touching their friend. It was their most popular one something with Star, who really preferred working with Rook. Grumbling Rook got off Auron's lap and sighed, "Sorry I have to go or else Star will cause a ruckus. See you tonight?" Auron nodded and gave Rook a parting kiss.
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