#but yeah. weird. wonderful wedding though they're very good together
bisexualamy · 1 month
my sister got married yesterday in the chabad shul we grew up in and it was a lovely wedding and i'm excited to have a brother (never had one before) but ALSO i need everyone to know that, after attending this shul for over a decade regularly and another decade intermittently (when i'm back to see my parents) i thought i'd found every picture of the Rebbe they'd hung up but i discovered, at 9pm after a long day full of wedding, while putting the chuppah away, that he does in fact also watch over us from the supply closet
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burgundy-and-navy · 2 years
also just TW: ben's sl
I am like genuinely annoyed from watching today's ballum scenes and have major reservations about the continuation of ben's sl.
I'm trying to be hopeful but I'm started to think it's going to be another ben is magically fixed scenario, which is just wildly inappropriate given the storyline. It seems like Clenshaw just can't be bothered dealing with a the fact that ben was assaulted so is now just doing the bare minimum. Like yeah we'll mention Lewis getting bail but we won't dedicate time to actually having any characters actually talk about what happened. All those months of therapy mentions, actually turns out they're meaningless. I was optimistic during wedding week and but now I'm wondering if the idea that Ben was still a bit shaky was just part of max's (very good) performance and not the writing.
The whole lola, vi and jay trying to set them up is good in theory and its nice to see ben in lighthearted scenes, but it just seems like the show is treating this like a normal break up. Why is Jay just going along with it, not at least checking that ben's okay with this, when he knows the truth. Surely in that situation he would have some sort of reservation about forcing ben into a situation he may not be comfortable with. Why doesn't Lola know. From an in world character point of view its good that the people knowing about what happened is limited to ben's inner circle, but also this is the soap and usually in soaps secrets come out (not that this is the same as the secret but still) so I'm worried so few people knowing is indication that again Clenshaw can't be bothered dealing with the storyline properly.
And then there's callum and I am so sick of being pissed off at callum in scenes this year, but like what was that. Maybe its just because i've been so annoyed with callum that i'm less likely to give dodgy lines leniency, but i don't care this is my blog I'll rant if I want to. I don't why the writing seems to be framing it like Callum is the hard done by party who ben needs to reassure. After a year of get over your ptsd or i'll divorce you and you're a slut incapable of proper love (i know he thought ben cheated but he still said it and ben still had to hear it) we get lines like maybe if i lived somewhere else. Put some effort in. Show some commitment to your traumatized husband. He knows why they're not together, ben told him that he didn't want to be like lewis, ergo its not a lack of love keeping them apart. It's is an okay line it just feels weird in this context. Any other time I would probably quite like it, but not in this circumstance which again goes back to the fact the show seems to be side stepping the fact ben was raped. I don't want it to be mentioned every other line but some contextual awareness would be nice. What really made me mad though was callum thinking ben just turned his feelings off. Ben didn't get back together with him because he still loves him and thinks he's doing the right thing, you dickhead. When the fuck did it seem like ben stopped loving callum after the break up. The parties don't count because callum knows they were a trauma response now. Why is every character acting like they don't know ben was raped!!
If anything that should have been a ben line. I wouldn't have liked it but at least it would have made sense. Callum's the one who first took love away. He's the one who seemingly turned his feelings off and again HE KNOWs why they are not together. Love is not the problem. (I know i'm making no attempt to see things from callum's pov I don't care, write better dialogue). Also callum annoyed me by acting like ben was being irrational about Lewis getting bail. Let the man be upset about the very obviously upsetting news.
I just want one scene where they talk about the actual reason they are not together. Actually address what ben's state of mind is, have callum acknowledge why their relationship fell apart and realise the reason they're not together isn't from ben's lack of feeling -if anything its from having too many feelings- and come up with a plan to address that (you know the actual problem) I want them to start writing callum better cause it seemed like they were, but not today.
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sunnybugz · 5 months
papyrus, orchid, cactus, and daffodil for the ask game :)
papyrus : if you put your on repeat playlist on shuffle, what's the first song that comes up? what do you like about it/associate with it?
touch tank by quinnie !! it makes me think about my ex oops 😭 i used to listen to it and fantasize about us living together in a cute apartment and being in love 🙃 (almost two months post breakup and our 5 year anniversary would've been two weeks from now so im yearning srry) . i do still like the song bc it's horny bubbly yearning music which is my whole personality
orchid : what's a song you consider to be perfect?
ok this is so hard bc i LOVE music but here's a few :
red side of the moon - trixie mattel
good luck, babe! - chappell roan (BEEN ON LOOP SINCE IT CAME OUT)
broom people - the mountain goats
intersection - slaughter, beach dog
sober to death - car seat headrest
a pearl - mitski
townie - mitski
bridge over troubled water - simon and garfunkel
landslide - fleetwood mac (i want my first dance at my wedding to be to this song 💗)
riches and wonders - the mountain goats
cactus : something you're currently learning about ?
ok most of the stuff im learning is school stuff which is just theories of media whoops . learned a lot of music lately though !! i just finished my honour band program which was so fun and i learned so much about playing my instrument (trumpet) and a bunch of new music that actually challenged me
daffodil : do you have siblings ? in what ways are you similar or different to them ?
i have lots of siblings !! 4 or 5 (complicated question, you'll see why)
d (technically oldest sister) : ok so she's Very Dead like . died 20+ years before i was born but the only reason im including her is we look the EXACT SAME . which is weird bc i look exactly like my mom and we don't have the same mom ? but yeah
p (oldest sister who i count, 31) : we are scary similar 😭 once again we look the same (i look like my mom, she looks like her mom, our dad has a type) . we're both very positive people who love to look on the bright side, we're both very interested in activism, both extroverts, and we're both very resilient :'-) most of our differences are generational-- she's 31 and im 19. but she's also more forgiving than me oops i think i hold grudges a lot more which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
r (older sister, 28) : we are not very similar at all-- i don't get along w her very well bc of this and because we weren't raised together. however we both have very strong senses of justice and work at nonprofits !
r (older brother , 23) : we aren't very similar either-- he's rlly introverted and focused on his interests which differ wildly from mine (comics and dnd mainly). but we're both very friendly + very focused on our individual interests even if they're super different (aka the Autism ...)
d (younger brother , 16) : we are so different but also the Same Fucking Guy . my fav family member he is literally the fucking realest . idek how to explain our similarities he's just the only sibling im close in age with (2.5 years) and we Get Each Other . differences wise he's an athlete (star wrestler + football player) whereas i quit sports 5 years ago, he plays video games and i don't, and he gets pissed off way easier but yk . 16 year old boy 😭 we also look SUPER similar especially when we were younger, except he has brown eyes and mine are green (and his eyebrows are 1000× better than mine NATURALLY)
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
[ Classified ]
The full report - Eren Yeager
The following report details all information on Eren Yeager. Contains NSFW content and reader must be over the age of 18 to view this document.
For your eyes only.
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Name: Eren Yeager
Birthplace: Shiganshina
Height: 180cm / 5ft 9"
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[ A1 ]
Appearance & Hygiene practices:
Eren's chestnut brown hair is always clean and fresh. Whenever he pays you a late night visit, he'll have most probably just gotten out of the shower. Coconut scented shampoo of sorts? Whatever it is, it smells so good.
Prefers showers over a bathe. He says it's to save time, but he spends a good 40 - 60 minutes in there, easily.
Once he's dry, likes to throw on jogger bottoms and a hoodie over his bare skin. His bare skin that is now so soft and scented as his favourite shower gel which is either tea-tree oil or Coconut.
If he wants to remain clean shaven, Eren must shave every 2-3 days. Sometimes he likes to grow it out but nothing ever past a long stubble.
Minimal body hair.
Trims the hairs on his pubic bone/lower stomach. Has pleasuring you in mind as he does so. Will take into consideration the friction against you.
Totally clean shaven testicles.
Eren's nails are short but that's because he bites them. [ see section A3 ]
Beautiful set of teeth. Brushes twice daily in a modern AU.
Eren adores it when you brush his hair for him. He finds it extremely relaxing as you massage his scalp. His eyes will close and a small, barely audible hum will emit from time to time.
Eren's skin care routine is pretty basic. All of the steam from sitting in his hot, frequent showers for so long seems to do him wonders - his skin is flawless and worthy of envy.
Due to the healing power of being a Titan shifter, Eren has no scars.
Eren has quite large hands with long fingers. He doesn't wear rings or jewellery as it reminds him of the burden of when he had to keep that damn key on him at all times. Will however, put up with a wedding ring.
Body & Love language:
Eren is a pretty introverted person. His hands are usually tucked away inside of his pockets - be it either trousers or hoody/jacket.
He hunches a little too. Likes to feel hidden. He's had enough attention over the years and wants nothing more than to just shrink away in a crowded room. Or maybe, it's the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Brooding, moody exterior. Extreme "resting bitch face"
Shrugs a lot. At first glance, you'd think he was a moody teenager trapped in a grown man's body.
Likes to sit with his feet flat up on the chair with his knees splayed - you'll usually find him like this with an arm resting over a knee while the other is at a 90 degree angle pointing away from his hip.
Fumbles his hands together in formal occasions when he can't sit so casually or tuck them away.
Likes to drape his arm over you without touching you. His arm will rest above you on the top of the chair. A clear indication of "They're mine" and "I will keep you safe"
His hips will usually be swivelled in your direction, regardless of where you are in the room. A subconscious body language of sexual yearning.
Eren likes to hold hands with you when you're walking. He's not huge on PDA but likes the strong yet subtle showings that you're together.
Tends to rub his thumb over the back of your hand absent-mindedly when you do so.
His love languages include physical touch. Can get very needy and touch starved pretty easily. Not in a overbearing way, but even just a run of his slender fingers through your hair is enough to keep him going until the two of you are in a more private setting.
Bad Habits & Tendencies:
As mentioned above, Eren bites his finger nails. His toe nails too. It's pretty gross to be honest.
He never does it in public, but he has been known to do it in front of you when he feels comfortable enough to do so.
Get's very fidgety when irritated or annoyed, which is pretty often. Especially if Jean is around.
Short temper. He's learned to tame it more over the years where he doesn't show it so easily. But everyone has their limit and when his is reached, his yell is booming and pretty intimidating.
During an argument with you he has been known to raise his voice, but it's not the frightening roar you've heard him unleash on others before.
Always apologises to you after he's calmed down. Even though it wasn't that bad.
If you two ever have a bad falling out, will lock himself away for days. He'll be pissed at himself for letting it get so bad and depressed that you two are having such problems. But he'll do anything he can to fix it.
[ A4 ]
Common misconceptions:
Obviously everyone has their own cannons and opinions. But I don't personally see Eren as being an abusive partner. Yeah, he has his problems and treats his friends like shit but there's a reason for that we'll probably see in the last chapter. If you're worthy enough to pierce that cold and distant shell, you're a very special person and he'll treat you as such.
Eren actually has a large heart hidden under that huge chip on his shoulder. He cares and loves the people around him unconditionally. Even to the point of carrying out mass genocide to protect them.
Still... He does have a dark side to be weary of at times.
Even though he's gross while in Liberio, usually Eren is actually pretty clean.
[ A5 ]
Food & Drink:
In a Modern AU Eren loves fancy coffees with the weird names. The longer to pronounce, the better. He just likes the fact they give him energy and the fancier ones taste good.
Due to not having meat for so long, a good ol' fashioned beef/lamb stew is his favourite.
Doesn't drink in canon.
Modern AU, his alcoholic beverage of choice is bottles of beer and craft ales. Sometimes is a sucker for red wine.
[ A6 ]
Modern Au:
Eren wears loose clothing. Hoodies, loose jeans, those baggy cardigans too.
His texting style is spam over one long message. Especially if he's pissed off. He's too impatient to sit and type in paragraphs.
Drives a black car. Don't ask me what type, I don't know cars. But it's black, 'kay?
It also has "black ice" air freshener inside.
Likes to ride quads and mopeds along fields. He's a thrill seeker. Rollercoasters, bungee jumping... you name it he's game.
Eren plays the guitar. He took lessons for it but after about a year he just went his own way and self-taught.
If he sees a guitar at a party, he will pick it up and play it. He won't sing though.
He actually hates singing. He finds it embarrassing.
Always has in his air pods/earphones.
Likes any sort of music that is catchy.
Probably streams on Twitch. He won't talk much though.
Could have a wide range of jobs. Coffee shop, could be in college, might be a ride attendant... who knows? It's anyone's guess what Eren is doing. He doesn't talk about himself that much.
Romance & NSFW
[ B1 ]
Eren would definitely be in denial he has a crush on you at first.
• “Does y/n seem different to you?”
Armin; “No…? In what way?”
“I dunno… Just, different.”
• His poor stubborn brain would be ticking for weeks as to why he suddenly wants to be near you a lot more often and has urges to touch you, even if it’s just a slight brush against your arm.
• Will find any excuse to do extra training with you
• Once he FINALLY clicks on as to why he’s had these feelings, he’ll be pretty knocked off his feet and a little annoyed at himself.
I’m here to kill the enemy...
• Still though… Can’t seem to keep himself away.
[ B2 ]
First kiss & general kisses:
After the initial denial and keeping himself away, he'll just decide one day he's had enough of feeling this way and decides to to something about it.
He won't shove himself onto you. He'll do some sly probing to see if there is any indication of reciprocation.
Knowing Eren, he'll indirectly piss you off or insult you. He didn't mean to. He's just lacking social skills. Man aint smooth.
You'll slap him, probably, where he'll keep his head away from you for a few seconds, realising he's pushed you too far. Whichever side you palmed him away, he'll stay.
He'll slowly return his gaze to yours before gently holding your arms, apologising and planting his lips onto yours.
His general kisses are quite firm and forceful. Not in an aggressive way, but a "god I want you so bad" way.
Always either slides his arms around your waist or cups your face/head.
He tastes like sweetened tea <3 / Coffee in a Modern AU
Loves coming from behind and snaking his arms around you, nuzzling into your neck when you're doing something. Doesn't like it when your attention is away from him for too long.
When he's feeling soft and tender, will dance his nose with yours and catching your mouth in a caress.
When he's super turned on, he'll suck your tongue, bite your bottom lip and kiss anywhere he can.
[ B3 ]
Ha ~~!
Eren is up there with the best when it comes to sex. He knows what he's doing and he does it well.
Extremely skilled with his fingers and tongue. He'll have you crawling the walls with hysteria as he likes to tease you throughout the day. He more than makes up for it, though.
Gropes, nips, kisses, licks, bites, flicks... anywhere and everywhere he can.
Is the most vocal when you perform oral sex on him. Will groan so deeply, his entire body will vibrate.
Dirty talk is this man's second language.
"Look how desperate you are for me." / "Look how desperate for you you've gotten me..."
"Do I feel good like this?"
"Am I making you feel good baby?"
"You're so good at that. Fuck, such a good girl/boy"
"S'so fuckin' tight."
"You're my little fuck thing, aren't you?"
"You're perfect."
"I love you..."
Are some of the many things you'll hear while he's fucking you.
He doesn't really have a favourite position. He'll gladly take you anyway he can. If he's in a rough mood, he'll bend you over the sofa, take you up against the wall... But if he's feeling more soft he'll make slow, passionate love to you for hours.
He does have a strong soft side at times.
Dominic Dominant. He loves seeing you totally at his mercy, the power over you the most arousing thing in the world to him.
Big daddy dilf vibes. He knows what he’s doing and he’s fucking good at it too.
The only time he’ll sub is if he wants to be lazy - letting you ride him and use him to your heart’s content.
Dirty talk. It can get pretty degrading at times. If you’re not into that, he respects that boundary.
Will absolutely ruin you.
Low-key loves it when you claw his back in hysteria. He thrives knowing he can send you absolutely insane, and he can just heal the claw marks in a matter of seconds. Sometimes even during sex (which is the hottest thing ever)
In an AU modern, he would love to fuck you near a large mirror or record you both getting at it to watch at a later date.
A lot of hissing, humming and low groaning, especially when he’s close to unloading.
Likes to watch you masturbate, putting his head close and observing intently. Loses his shit if you moan his name while doing so.
Hair pulling is his overload language. Will tug fistfuls when he gets too turned on.
[ B4 ]
The risk of getting caught. He likes having risky sex in semi public locations. Makes a game of how loud he can get you to moan, knowing someone would probably hear you.
Light Degradation. When he’s in a rough mood, he doesn’t mind calling you a few names. Nothing too extreme. And if it’s not your thing, he’ll respect that boundary.
Loves a good ol’ 69. Having you on his face with your ass in view is just… *Chef’s kiss*
Speaking of ass, he loves to bend you over too, allowing himself in nice and deep with a great view and something Juicy to grab.
[ B5 ]
Aftercare with Eren isn’t anything special unfortunately. He’s another who gets sleepy after sex.
Won’t ignore you though. Often lazy pillow talk is on the cards and telling you how much you mean to him and how beautiful you are.
Will run his fingers across your scalp to soothe you.
Also will kiss any bite marks or finger bruises he’s left behind and ask if you’re okay.
Relationship with loved ones & becoming serious
[ C1 ]
Friends & Family:
When Eren meet's your friends family he will be polite yet quiet. He wants them to like him but he won't pine for their approval. If they like him, awesome. If they don't...? No big deal.
Same goes with your friends. He'll stay quiet until spoken to at first, but once he's been eased into conversation, he'll flow with it a lot easier.
Again, he'll be polite but don't expect him to kiss ass, because he certainly wont.
[ C2 ]
You couldn’t actually believe Eren had proposed. Although he was down on one knee in front of your very eyes, your mind just wasn’t accepting it. Folks and onlookers watched with bated breath, awaiting your answer. He sure kept this surprise hidden well…
Of course, you said yes and he picked you up by your waist in a spin, colliding his lips to yours.
And now here he was, watching you walk down the aisle, a lump in his throat and his heart racing.
You looked gorgeous, like something from a fairy tale.
And of course, he looked as handsome as ever. His suit was smart and his hair was up in its usual bun.
Armin is his best man, of course; who is standing and beaming with pride.
Eren holds back his chokes and tears as he reads his vows;
“Y/N… From the first time I ever laid eyes on you, all those years ago, I knew you would be in my life forever. Back then, I didn’t think it would be as my wife, but God I am so glad it is. I’m sorry for my stubbornness and irrational behaviour when we were young. But despite that you still loved, and stood by me and for that I’ll be eternally grateful. I vow to always stand beside you, whatever the world throws at us. I vow to hold you when you need support. I vow to remember how you always had my back no matter what. And I vow to always love you, with my heart and soul, until the day I die and after.”
The room erupts in cheers and tears when you seal your kiss.
The reception is wild.
Everyone is drunk (except Levi) and dancing. Reiner and Connie are dancing like weirdos, Reiner's blazer removed and at one point Connie is on his shoulders.
Sasha has too much to drink and is spewing in the bathroom.
Mikasa can’t stop crying with happiness and pride.
He carries you to your room afterwards where you spend all night sealing a special bond that will never be broken.
[ C3 ]
Eren has a soft spot for children, believe it or not. As seen before the expedition to the forest of giant trees. He sees his old self behind the innocent glint of unaltered admiration within a child's eyes.
He's not super into child play though. He wont pull weird voices or funny faces. He'll sit at their level and speak to them like they were anyone else. Obviously, watching what he says around them.
If they're unchecked and acting themselves, he'll become quickly annoyed as they wreck havoc around him and will have to leave the room or he'll get too agitated.
If his s/o discovers they're pregnant he'll seem to take it well. But inside he's falling apart and freaking out. He won't ever show it to them, but he doesn't know how he could be a father. Would he be like his own? Would he be able to be a good figure to look up to? What if he fails? Is it selfish to bring a child into this cruel world?
He'll be shocked but understandably so. After after a couple of weeks of self-reflection and brooding, he'll start to feel better about the whole thing.
More protective over his s/o than usual. Will make sure they're eating, drinking, resting and god help you if he finds you doing something you shouldn't such as trying to lift something heavy.
Will hold your hair and rub you back, as well as bring you water while you're having your morning sickness.
"Babe? It's four in the afternoon. How come you're still sick?"
"Eren, it's called morning sickness but it can happen any time."
He'll click his tongue. "....That's a dumb name, then."
The first time he feels the baby kick within you, his heart absolutely melts. His eyes enlarge and you could swear you saw them soften with that spark behind his emerald greens he had when you were younger.
His large palm is warm against your stomach as he feels around, the little flutter of your child hitting against his skin making him flinch in surprise at first.
"Woah..." He'll gasp in amazement. "They're already so strong. Hey, y/n? Doesn't that hurt?"
"Sometimes." You'll laugh softly.
He'll gingerly place his face to your skin, a little embarrassed he's doing this; but he feels the need. "...Don't hurt your mom, okay?"
As your pregnancy progresses and you get larger, he will not leave your side. If he has to, he'll be worrying and you'll be occupying his mind. In a modern au, he'll constantly call and text and will get Mikasa or Armin to check in on you often.
Will be so gentle during love making. He's terrified he'll hurt the baby.
One of the only times you've seen Eren panic in his adult life is when your waters break.
You'd gotten up in the middle of the night to pee. Climbed back into bed and felt a strange pressure, followed by a pop. Then a warm gushing sensation. You wait a few seconds to settle your own panic before you nudge Eren awake.
He'll bolt up, confused. "What? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"
"Eren, my waters have broken."
"Shit. Okay. Shit. What do we do? Shit." He'll leap out of bed and throw the lights on. You get to your feet where more water will start to drop onto the floor. "Shit, shit. I'll get the bag. Do you need help getting dressed? Okay, where's my jacket? WHERE'S MY JACKET?!"
"Eren, honey I need to you calm down."
"Okay, sorry. I'm calm. Shit. Shit..."
Will hold your hand with a worried look the entire time you're in labour. Has water and snacks on hand.
Will watch in amazement as your child is pushed into the world. This magical moment changes something in him, but right now he's not sure what that is.
They will bond immediately. As soon as he holds your son/daughter he can't take his wide gaze off them.
They're inseparable.
Any doubts of being a bad father is washed away as he takes them under his wing and teaches them about the world.
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artislifeevans · 5 years
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Para: “Step One: Get Help”
Tagging → Sam Evans and Trey mentioning of
Time Frame → August 24th around 12:30pm 

Location →coffee shop
General Notes → Trey ask Sam our for coffee, wanting to ask him for help.
Trey: was not a nervous man by any means. Being a model meant that you had to be used to people critiquing your looks and telling you what you did wrong. He was used to people telling him he needed to change something or he wasn't good enough because he did it so much for work. But this wasn't work. This was his life. A life that he wanted nothing more than to start with Charice. They'd been dating for a little over a year now and to say that he couldn't stop smiling would be an understatement. How did he even describe how this woman made him feel? She was small and feisty and opinionated and gorgeous. But more than that she challenged him to be a better man. To look deep within him and use a strength he didn't know he had to fight for what he wanted. It was like breathing for her but for him it was a hard lesson he had to learn with her help of course. Besides that she had a kind heart. Not just with her children, who he had the chance to meet and eventually love too, but everyone Charice met. Sure, she had a bad side that if you crossed her, you had the misfortune of meeting but for the most part, she was so kind. And loving. And giving. Which was why he wanted to make her his wife. He'd had a whole plan. Something where he'd whisk her away for the weekend and lavish her with attention and things but she wasnt that type of woman. She could buy who own stuff. So he was going to give her something she couldn't give herself. He knew she was a workaholic so his plan was to take her and the kids away for the weekend. And with the kids help, he would propose. All of it was a solid plan but he knew he wouldn't get anywhere without the right person's help. And that was Sam. He knew Charice was strong and he didn't need to ask Sam for permission to propose but he also knew how much she respected Sam and how it would speak volumes if he didnt include him. If Trey was honest, it was weird how close they were and for a split second he wondered if there was more between them but it became very clear, very quickly that they were family for all intents and purposes. Which was why he'd invited Sam to a coffee shop to chat. Sam was happy when he got a call from Trey wanting to meet up for coffee. Most people would think he was weird for being friends with his ex sister in laws boyfriend. But it wasn’t weird for Sam, okay maybe at first it was weird. His loyalty was with his brother, and he really felt like they could work things out if they wanted. But he knew it wasn’t up to him and he needed to respect their decision, especially Charice. He knew that she wasn’t happy and that she just wanted to move on with her life. And honestly all Sam wanted was for her to be happy and he believed that she was once Trey stepped into her life. When Sam first met him, he was highly protective of Charice. But as they started dating and Sam got to know Trey he could see what a good guy he was, and how he was so good with his nephew and nieces. Once Sam dropped his protective habits and got to know Trey better. They became really good friends. Sam finally made his way to the coffee shop. He pulled the door open, smiling when he spotted Trey. “TREYYYYY!”He said loudly, knowing he was being embarrassing. Trey couldn't help but chuckle when Sam said his name loudly. "Homie, you gotta chill," he laughed, bumping his fist with Sam's. "You always so damn loud." He took his seat and pushed a cup of coffee towards Sam. "I already got your coffee. Black just like you like it." Sam chuckled loudly, ignoring the looks he was getting from older people. “What?!! I’m chilled! I’m chilled!” He laughed, returning the fist bump. “Hey! I’m not THAT loud!” He playfully rolled his eyes as he sat down. “Thank you! I haven’t had caffeine in four hours and I’m dying” he said eyeing his friend up, before speaking “So what’s up?”
Trey took a slow sip of his own drink and breathed out heavily. "Before I say anything I need you to know that I'm not doing this because I think Charice has to be asked for. I mean I know she's a grown ass woman who can take care of herself and she doesn't need me or you to be her guard or to make decisions for her but since I cant talk to Chris or Santana about this because frankly, they scare the shit out of me, you're my best bet..." Sam could tell by the way Trey was acting that he had something big to talk to him about. Especially from the way he was taking a deep breath. He shifted in his seat as he took a sip of his own coffee, quickly raising an eyebrow when Trey started to speak. He nodded his head in understanding as Trey continued, not blaming him at all for being scared to talk to Santana and Chris. If he was honest he knew out of everyone in their group those two were the worst at being overprotective when it came to Charice. He chuckled lightly “Listen I have been friends with them forever and they still scare me.. just don’t tell them that though” he smiled, quickly started to worry, “Is this thing bad??? Of course it is if you’re coming to me? I mean everyone comes to me when they want to break something to Charice! As if she won’t kill me and hide my body! If it’s a secret don’t tell me!” he rambled nervously. Trey inhaled once more before pulling the small ring box out of his pocket and sliding it over the table. "You sure you don't wanna know about the secret?" he shrugged. The barista who made their drinks walked by to clean a nearby table and smiled when she saw the ring on the table and Sam's shocked face. "Ohhh I love proposals. Did he say yes yet?" Trey looked up at her and shook his head. "I haven't asked yet so... if you could..." She nodded and zipped her lips. "Of course. How about a free muffin on us if he says yes or no..." Trey gave her a fake smile and turned back to Sam. "So..." Sam was about to say something else. Like how he want gonna help Trey break anything to Charice and that he was on his own. But before he could speak, he noticed Trey sliding a small ring box his way. He quickly realized what Trey was trying to do and it was obviously he was asking for his help. Sam couldn’t help but smile. He was happy that Trey wanted to propose to his sister and was going to give Trey his answer before the waiter came up to them. He looked at the girl confusingly, trying hard not to roll his eyes at her comments. He was about to tell the girl a thing or two, but decided against it. His eyes went back to the box, he was happy for Trey and he was sure what Charice answer would be. But some part of him thought about his brother. He knew Dylan had moved on, or at least that what he was trying to convince everyone including himself. But he knew his brother still loved Charice. But another part knew this wasn’t about Dylan and his feelings. It was about Charice and what he was sure that he wanted. Besides Trey was becoming like a best friend to him and he was he to not try to help. “Count me in!” He smiled.
Trey clapped his hands quickly at Sam's response and stood up to give him a hug. "Thanks man! I mean really! I was afraid you'd say no or tell me it was a bad idea or that... I don't know Dylan was still in love with her or something wild," he laughed, taking his seat once more. "I was just thinking the craziest things because I just wanna spend the rest of my life with her ya know? Have you ever just felt like there's this one person who you know makes you better but more than that, all you want is to be with them. It doesn't matter if it's in the middle of a storm or the worst party ever or when they're sick or you just wanna be in a room with them. You ever felt that for someone?" Sam chuckled as he got up to return Trey’s hug. “No problem man! I’m happy that I can help” he said honestly, sitting back in his chair. He shook his head when Trey mentioned his fears “Listen. This isn’t about my big brother.. this is about Charice.. I love her very much Trey.. I would do anything for her. And I know how much she loves you.. you make her happy and honestly that’s all I want for her. She’s been through so much hell.. it’s time for her to be happy” he smiled. He looked down at his hands instantly thinking about Mercedes at Treys question. Even though he has let Mercedes go and accepted the fact that he had lost her forever. It didn’t mean that he doesn't that about their past together and almost having a happily ever after with her. He nodded his head, clearing his throat, looking back up at his friend “Yeah.. I felt like that once upon of time.. it didn’t work in my favor.. but It makes me happy to see that it will for Charice and for you.” He smiled. Trey nodded and licked his lips. "Look man, I'm not a romantic or nothing but I fully believe that love like that doesn't just not work out. That shit has to come from some cosmic force or something. But thank you for your support and you know if she says yes you're gonna have a spot in the wedding right? You can be our flower boy," he joked. Sam wanted to believe that Trey was right, that maybe somehow or another, he could get it right with Mercedes again. But in his mind he knew that was going to happen. They both just needed to move one and stay good friends. He simply nodded his head, giving Trey a small smile “no problem man.. “ he chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes “Awwww can I even wear a cute little dress too?” He said in a girly tone. Trey chuckled. "Of course! But look, you gotta keep this on the DL okay? I don't know when or how I'm gonna do this but I've got this plan to take her away for a romantic weekend... But she can't know. Deal?" Sam shook his head, laughing as he took another sip of his coffee “I promise.. she won’t hear anything from me.. In fact let me know when you do so if she has the kids that weekend. I can take them off her hands.” He suggested. Trey smiled and took one last sip of his coffee. "Thanks man. I really appreciate it. But look I gotta head out, I've got this shoot I need to get to. Thanks again Sam."<p/>
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As Long As It Takes (“The End.” -Part 25) (Sebastian Stan x reader)
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Description: “I’ll wait for as long as it takes, as long as I get you at the end" You meet Sebastian Stan on the street in New York. What starts off as a fan encounter stretches to an unexpected coffee date and before long you’re caught up in a whirlwind and left with an internal struggle of what to choose.
Word Count: 4108
Warnings: Language.
Authors Note: As noted in the title, this is the final part to this story. Thank you for sticking with me through all of this. It has meant more than you’ll ever know. ALSO, in the process of moving my computer screen was destroyed so I’m trying to post all of this via the mobile app and we all know what a bitch that can be. Therefore, I apologize for the formatting issues that are found here. If it’s too annoying, you can find the story on Wattpad and AO3.
The following eight months seemed to rush by, yet move as slowly as slime simultaneously. You worked on getting your things and your life, in many ways, packed up and ready to move into this new chapter of your life.
Sebastian had to assure you multiple times a week that everything would be okay. You knew it in your heart but starting over somewhere new brought you anxiety some days, not to mention that packing to move was the worst experience of your life. When Sebastian had free time, he came down to assist in packing. The majority of the time not much packing was done, but instead laying in bed binging television and just enjoying each other's company. There were some instances, however, when Sebastian did help. The two of you went through your things, things you had retained in your possession all the way back into middle and high school.
"I have hoarding tendencies if you couldn't tell by now," you told him one time after the two of you had spent the last three hours looking through one tub of letters and pictures from way back when. The memories had brought back happy tears to you and much laughter for both of you.
"I love you regardless and I will officially put into my vows that I'll never submit you for that hoarders show."
"Ha-ha," you said the words out stocatto-like, drenched in sarcasm. Soon enough, September was ending and Green Day was calling your name. You had just shipped the last few pieces of furniture to Sebastian's apartment, it still felt weird to say our apartment, when a honking horn was directed at you. You smiled when you saw your friends, Beth and Caroline driving up.  As you hopped in, Beth addressed you first, "ready to go drop some dollar bills!!!" You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
"Please, please, don't tell me you're actually taking me to a strip club for my bachelorette."
"You'll just have to wait and see," Caroline peeped in. The three of you headed to the airport to board your awaiting plane. When you landed, your friend Talley was waiting for you at the gate. You embraced as you hadn't seen each other in a year or so. You all headed out and to your awaiting vehicle which Sebastian has lined up for you. The limo took you to the hotel where you met Olivia who had flown in from LA to be a part of your wedding party. The five of you decided to nap before heading out for the evening. Sebastian knew you were off limits until the wedding Sunday but you still planned to facetime.
"Hey, babe," Sebastian practically hollered at you once the call connected. You had to rip your headphones out of your ears to avoid hearing damage. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry," he attempted to apologize, not thinking about the headphone not being back in your ears yet. You got the headphones positioned back in your ears and smiled at the screen while talking small.
"You're feeling good, huh?" You chuckled lightly. It was obvious the boys had already gotten started. Seb's eyes were glassy and he had that dorky, albeit very tipsy, smile you loved so much plastered on his face.
"Yeah! We're about to head back out. These dudes, I swear, (y/n), I love them so much." His face quickly sobered. "Not as much as I love you, of course!" His face lightened again.
You busted out laughing as quietly as you could so not to wake anyone already napping.
"Thanks for that. Make sure you tell every one I said hello." The next thing you knew your ears were hurting again before you could remove the headphones.
"GUYS! HEY GUYS!! (Y/n) SAYS HELLO!!" You just barely heard a chorus of "Hey, (y/n)!" in response.
"Babe, you're going to end up marrying a deaf woman if you keep it up."
"Shit. I'm sorry...again."
"It's okay. Well look, I'll let you guys go so you ca-"
"(Y/n), Chris wants to talk to you. Here he is." You heard the phone drop to the floor and the pickup amidst of "Damn, Sebastian. Hey, man. Why don't you go sit down for a minute. I'll bring you the phone when I'm done talking to (y/n) so you can say goodbye." You heard Seb agree before you heard Chris' voice.
"Hey, (y/n), how are you?"
"Oh, I'm good. Not quite as good as y'all are, though, it seems."
"Not as good as Sebastian and some of the other guys, you mean. I'm good. I've only had a beer or two thus far. Someone's gotta keep an eye on these fellas."
"Honestly, Chris, why am I not surprised?"
"At what exactly?"
"That you're taking it easy so that you can keep an eye out."
"Yeah, well. It seemed like the thing to do."
"Well, I appreciate it, Chris. I mean. It's still early and if they're already that tipsy, there's no telling how crazy the night is going to get." You paused, mind swirling as an unsettling thought crept in. Before you could stop yourself you said it aloud. "Sebastian must be getting really nervous about getting married."
"Hey, hold on just a second." You heard a door open and shut and a few more seconds of little sound.
"I wanted to step out where it's a little quieter so we can chat without distractions. Why do you say that? That Sebastian is getting nervous?"
"Just forget it. I honestly didn't mean to. It just appeared in my mind and transitioned to my mouth."
"Well, it clearly bothers you so I think I shouldn't forget it until we talk about it or you talk about it with someone. I would put Sebastian on the phone but honestly, I don't know how much good it would be with his alcohol-filled headspace right now."
"Chris, I really don't think I want to talk about it," you replied even quieter than before.
"You may not want to, but I really think you need to."
"Look, the thought literally just came out of nowhere because of him being so wasted so early. It just seems like a lot of alcohol very early in the evening. I know sometimes he tends to drown out his concerns with alcohol, not always, but sometimes. God, I make him sound like an alcoholic. He's not, Chris, and that's not how I meant it."
"I know, (y/n), I know."
"Maybe I'm the one that's nervous about getting married."
"No, I don't think you are. I feel like you've never been more sure of anything." His response couldn't help but make you giggle.
"You're right, actually."
"I thought so."
"For what it's worth, I think Sebastian feels the same way. I know I've told you before but I've never seen him this happy in my years of knowing him. I think he just is happy to be back together with his buddies he hasn't seen in a while and they were wanting to drink so he joined can.” He paused. "Man, I make him sound like a peer pressured teen." He started laughing and you joined him.
"You really did to be honest. Awww, teenage Seb. I wish I had known him then."
"Has Georgeta shown you the photo albums yet?"
"We've made it through his second year. That's it, though." He guffawed at this info.
"Well, the good news is, after Sunday, you'll have the rest of your lives to look through them."
"It'll probably take that long too," you giggled. A moment passed. "Thanks for talking with me about the irrational fear that creeped in for a moment. Everyone here is napping so I'd have no one else to talk to about it."
"Of course, (y/n), you're one of my best friends. That means we're here for each other. If you need to chat at anytime all you have to do is pick up the phone. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I suppose I do, despite that I never really think to do so, honestly. That goes both ways. You know that, don't you?"
"I do. Oh God, I hope Sebastian doesn't hear because you realize we just both said 'I do''s, don't you?"
"Oh hell, we did didn't we?"
"Yeah, but I'll keep it on the down low." You laughed.
"Thanks, Chris. I was so worried you were going to show up and try to move in with me," you said sarcastically. "Granted, I'm unsure where you'd move into since I currently an homeless." You could practically hear his eyes rolling in his head.
"You're not homeless, dramatic."
"Well, technically I am still in transition. I'm just saying."
"In transition my ass. All of your shit is here and unpacked."
"No, it's not."
"The stuff you have in your suitcase doesn't count."
"No, but the majority of my stuff is still in boxes spread throughout Sebastian's apartment." He took a moment before answering.
"(Y/n), it's not, I swear to you. I have yet to see a box and I've been here all afternoon." You began to think and wonder because you had literally FaceTimed Seb before the girls picked you up and the only things you had shipped were furniture pieces so all boxes had already made it up there. In fact, Sebastian had tripped over a box of your things while you had been on the call.
"I don't understand." How in the world would he have gotten rid of all of the boxes.
"Hold on a sec." You heard rusting on Chris' end of the line. "Oh shit," you heard him say quietly and you could almost see him looking down in frustration. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I think I just ruined a surprise."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I think Sebastian unpacked everything for you and had already put it around the apartment. I bet he wanted you to feel right at home and wanted to surprise you by having everything unpacked when you guys got back. He's already separated his closet and one side is all of your clothes. Shit, (y/n), I'm so sorry."
Your eyes began to tear up, touched by how thoughtful and time consuming this gesture had to have been. He must have only had a few boxes left when you had FaceTimed.
"Oh, Chris. It's okay." You sniffled.
"Oh, God, please don't cry. I feel like shit already."
"No!! No, it's not that. I'm not upset. I'm just touched by his gesture."
"Oh, thank God. I was worried for a minute there."
"Well, look, I need to get off of here and take a nap. Thank you for keeping an eye on him, all of them, tonight. I really appreciate it, Chris. You have no idea how much I do. I know we're not supposed to see each other before Sunday but will you please let me know if anything happens and I need to be there? Or if you need backup because I feel like it's gonna get pretty rowdy."
"Well, you may be right about that, but I can handle it."
"Chris. You have Seb, Mackie, Chase, and Chu. Just those alone are enough to cause concern. Let alone the other four.” Chris busted out laughing in response.
"That is very true. Okay, I'll call if I need backup, I promise."
"Thank you. Also, don't take this the wrong way because I love all of them, but for God's sake don't let Seb promise anyone another spot on the groomsmen team. Please promise me that."
"I got you, (y/n). I'll keep them in line and out of the groomsmen line," he said chuckling.
"Thank you, Chris. Seriously, all joking aside, thank you. I forever owe you for all of this."
"Don't mention it."
"Don't mention what?" You teased.
"Oh okay, smartass. Let me go tell Mackie you added him to the wedding party."
"Shit. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You both began to laugh again.
"Alright, well I'll let you go so you can nap and I can check on the boys. It's awful quiet out there."
"Yeah, you better go, then. I’ll talk to you later and thanks again."
"Anytime, see ya."
You quickly fell asleep. The next thing you knew, you were being awoken by Caroline and Beth jumping up and down on your bed.
"Damn, you guys." You tried to remain serious but couldn't stop yourself from grinning.
"Let's party!!!" They dragged you out of bed and quickly into an almost endless night of fun. After brunch you all finally headed back to the hotel to rest. Vegging out with plenty of laughs, catching up, and chick flicks were all in order on the night before you married the man of your dreams. Sunday came and the wedding went off without a hitch, surprisingly. You all danced the evening away before Sebastian and you headed out for your two-week honeymoon on a 2am flight.
Your honeymoon was spent traveling through Italy, Romania, and the Philippines. Before you both knew it, it was time to return to your home in NY. Sebastian still had a few weeks off of work so you two spent practically every moment together. Once he was down in Atlanta, you decided that you'd begin a job hunt, looking for something part-time. It worked out that Sasha happened to need some extra help around the shop so you stepped in. Since Sasha knew the inner-workings of you and Sebastian's relationship, the job at the shop gave you something to do and some income while he was away yet the freedom to visit him when it was convenient for the both of you. About a year and a half after you were married, you surprised Sebastian on set in Greece.
"Babe!!!" He exclaimed entering his trailer, running to you, picking you up, and spinning you.
"Sebastian," you squeezed his neck, "oh, I've missed you...so fucking much." You kissed him as he released you back to the floor.
"Oh, that goes both ways," he quietly replied after your lips parted. You both smiled softly but only for a moment. "So, babe! What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Ahm, Sebastian, babe. It's called a surprise," you responded sarcastically.
"Oh, thanks for the info. I had no clue." He rolled his eyes back at you.
"I just missed you!"
"Well, I'm so fucking psyched you're here. How long are you here for or is that a surprise too?" Now it was your turn to roll your eyes.
"No, that's not a surprise. I'm only here a couple of days. I have to be back to work on Monday." Seb's face dropped a little bit. "Sure I can't call Sasha and work something out?"
"Don't call her. She doesn't know I'm here."
"What?" His eyes grew in size. "You didn't tell Sasha something? Since when?"
"Oh, hush!"
"I'm serious!! You told her about that one night that I had to go to the doctor the next day after what we did. It was like you couldn't wait to laugh at me behind my back. Actually I take that back, you laughed in my face. It was like you couldn't wait to have other people laugh with you." You attempted not to bust out laughing in his face once again. "Go ahead, laugh. I can tell you want to. Your face is about to turn purple from you holding it in." You complied and had to bend over as you couldn't stop laughing. He took your arm to keep you from tumbling over. Once you caught your breath again, you leaned back up, thanking him for the laugh and for steadying you.
"Okay, so a little bird told me you get off around seven tonight?"
"Who've you been talking to?"
"A little bird. I just said that."
"Well, you're right so you must have been talking to someone important or at the least, correct," he laughed.
"So dinner tonight?"
"Of course. Then a little dessert?" He winked seductively. "Actually, how about a lot of dessert? Maybe a couple of dessert trips?" He waggled his eyebrows at you. You slapped his chest.
"Stop, Seb. I get it, okay."
"I mean, it's been a month."
"Seb, I get it!" He pulled you by the hips to him, your face flushing.
"Okay, I'll stop...talking about it. But is it a possibility?"
"Dessert is a possibility."
"Wait. Just to be clear...dessert or," his voice dropped to a gruff tone, "dessert?"
"It'll be a surprise." He smiled, reading your mind. No surprise would be had that night. The next morning, however, Sebastian had a big, slightly prankish, surprise waiting for him. He had left you asleep in the hotel suite and headed to work. He stepped up to his trailer on set to go in and get ready, or so he thought. When he opened the door, about 30 pink plastic bodies slid out of the trailer. He was shocked but then he realized what the pink plastic bodies were. He couldn't see anything but plastic bodies inside his trailer.
"Surprise!!!" You shouted behind him about 10 feet off. He spun around quickly, jaw dropped in shock.
"Wait. What??" He said as a ponderous smile began to spread across his face and his eyes ignited with joy. "Are you saying???"
You simply nodded with a painful cheeky grin. He ran to you, picking you up into a bear hug lifting you off the ground in the process.
"We're going to be parents!!!" He shouted for anyone in earshot to hear. Little did he know most everyone on set already knew as you had roped them into helping you with the surprise. Everyone came out of the woodwork, or rather, from behind trailers, props, and inside the building, clapping and cheering, passing on their congratulations.
Later that evening after Sebastian got off of work, he rushed back to the hotel but when he walked in you were asleep. He fixed himself some breakfast for dinner. As he turned around to plate the food, he saw you standing next to the island.
"Shit. Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry."
"Sebastian, it's okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep, it just happened. I wanted to be awake when you got back."
"Are you hungry?? I'll fix some food real quick...for both of you." You smiled and walked leisurely to him, putting your arms around his back and interlocking your fingers behind him.
"I think we're fine for now. We ate a lot earlier. Thank you, though. We both appreciate it."
Sebastian lowered himself to one knee and placed his hand on your stomach despite that no one could really tell you were pregnant yet.
"I can't believe you're here, little one," he said caressing your stomach. You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to speak softly to the baby and sneaking butterfly kisses here and there.
"You're going to make a great dad, you know."
"You're going to make an even better mom."
"We shall see. I have said for about seven years now that the only way I'd have kids was if they were yours. I couldn't deprive the world of little Sebastians running around."
"I can't wait to meet her."
"You want a girl," you asked incredulously. He stood up to his full height and pulled you close.
"Yeah, I want the world to have a little you running around." You shook your head and chuckled lightly into his chest.
"I love you, Sebastian." After a moment, his hands moving to your arms and leaning you back quickly he exclaimed,
"Wait! So you're telling me, you knew you were pregnant...and we did ....what we did last night!?" You burst out laughing.
"Seb, you can have se-" his hand flew over your mouth stopping your sentence short.
"Shhh!! She doesn't need to know about," he whispered and then softened his whisper even more to finish, " s-e-x yet." You couldn't help but giggle at how silly he was being and he removed his hand.
"Seb. Babe. Stop." You continued laughing. "You're being ridiculous."
"How long have you known?"
"A couple of weeks."
"So...you mean the last time we...before last night, of course."
"A month and a day ago, yes." You grinned.
"I just can't believe this. I'm as happy as I've ever been."
"Me too, babe. Me too."
You went back home. After another couple of months, Seb was home and on hiatus from work for the following two years. In the meantime, he didn't miss a moment of your pregnancy, the child, Sophia Faye Stan coming into this world, or her first year of life. After Sophia had passed the age of three, Sebastian and you began trying again and it wasn't long before soon you were pregnant again. This time you got the little Sebastian you had been hoping for. Mihail Stan was born in May two months to the day before his sister's fourth birthday. Sebastian continued to work but it was less frequent typically only working a couple of months a year and limiting PR so that he could spend time with you and the kids. Your little family purchased two homes, both near enough to either side of the family so that the kids could know their grandparents better. Your family spent three-fourths of the year in NY as it had become your home since moving and the remainder of the time in NC with trips down in between visits. After Mihail had gotten to the age of two it worked out that a new child came into the family but by adoption this time. Rosamie Sampaguita Stan came into your lives on December 22nd. Adopted from an orphanage in the Philippines, Rosamie was dropped off at the orphanage and no one had been able to track down her parents for the past year of her life. She brought so much joy and a feeling of wholeness to your little family.
By the time the kids got to high school, Sebastian decided to limit his work even more. He stuck to jobs that would be local and didn't require travel. You continued your photography business you started after Rosamie turned six. Sophia pursued acting, like her father, but studied at Syracuse. Mihail grew up loving animals and became a veterinarian, moving to North Carolina to attend vet school at NC State. He graduated with honors and moved to Boone to open his own practice. Rosamie remained close to you. She loved to dance and after studying dance at Juilliard, she opened up her own studio downtown, purchasing a home just a few blocks from the quaint two bedroom home you and Seb downsized to after she graduated college.
The remainder of your days were spent with joy and love. You welcomed the sons-in law and daughter-in-law and adored the grandchildren you were blessed with. It was a beautiful 45 years of wedded bliss.
I can't believe it's finally over. A part of me has died as I have enjoyed writing this story so much. Thank you to all of those who read and enjoyed. I'm eternally grateful for your kind words and eyes. I want to quote "Chuck Shurley/a prophet/ God" in Supernatural to finish everything out:
"Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always going to be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you they're a raging pain in the ass...So what's it all add up to? It's hard to say...No doubt, endings are hard. But then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?"
@pari0924 @yesixoxo @a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e-s @verymuchso-youknow@moniquefitzgerald@chmereaustin@rayonship07@buckyband@wydari@parisispretty@mylexlife@ivoryfoxfigliadeifiori@pepperspraymeiwillpeppersprayyou @crownie-sr@sebstan01@awinterloveuniverse@linksforlaylor@layoutmellet@theliarone@rebekastan98@discophony@inthenameofrock@glitterintheairblog@millie-saurus-rex@celinejfong@camerica96@emilyinbuffalo@seargantbcky@sebbysebbastan@iamwarrenspeace@jeelicious78@valentinachr@badassbaker  @sebbystanlover-vk@mummastace @ssweet-empowerment @void-imaginations @ilovebeingjoyful @superwholockian5ever @mashed-fandom-imagines @the-nonsenseblog
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david-box · 3 years
Succession finale liveblog. I'm scared lol
I agree with prison Hannibal that Kendall is manic even before starting btw, it seems obvious now just thinking about the Italy ep.
Now, are they actually going to merge with what's his face.
Is that Kendall's kid??? What's he saying to him about Kendall?? "Something with some action" ksjsjs okay fake grandad.
They're still in Italy????
Willa not buying the property is funny. You have to buy everything. Why is everyone fine? Everyone is chill. Roman and Shiv are chill and honest. What's wrong. What happened??? Where are they???
Shiv cheating at Monopoly is so funny lmao. I forget who this lady is.
Oh so Kendall was drowning!!! Wow. I wondered if that was him being depressed dramatically or whatever or dying dying or poisoned.
Kendall trying to ramp things up again??? Oh. No. Okay. What does he WANT??? Kendall's daughter has a pretty dress.
Oh I forgot that was the assistant she looks different in light colors. WOW blatantly favoring Roman over Shiv nice job Dad. Good job. Is Kendall gonna. Like. Admit to murder? Is that the thing that's happening? Or try? I thought it was a podcast that wanted Kendall.
Love how every other suit in the intro on the kids doesn't really fit. I can't be assed to care about this new company emergency trademark when it's been established waystar royco refuses to die.
A fucking helicopter ride AND boat ride?? And why is Logan smiling. And why is that dark haired assistant lady fucking Logan. Also *how* does everyone know Roman hasn't fucked.
Everyone dissing Roman physically right after the fucking conversation lmao. Logan and Mattson are funny together. Logan revealed he's desperate.
What the fuck does this story mean. "We don't live mark" lmaksksja. Matson makes no sense. Too old for tech. Sure okay. Matson is bullshitting about something but Logan is a better liar.
Scrawny on meth or yoga. Okay. Yeah. Sure. That's a phrase. I KNEW Logan was waiting for him to talk. Matson spinning 180* in an instant. Logan might take it. Can Matson be trusted? Does Logan trust him? Is Logan being genuine (no I think he's agreed already). Oh, but he says no. Called his bluff lmao. It's not a no deal situation. Roman refusing to act like Logan could he like 1/2 correct for show. Who gets as rich as Matson and wears khakis and a t shirt casually, unless that's an image thing I guess but I'd wear full suit of Francois or whatever men wore in the 17th century.
Kendall not wearing a slight bit of formal wear. Oh shit an intervention ahahhaa I'm sad for him. Kendall did not fall off the inflatable. He's not listening :-(. Connor not picking the right time but he's earnest. They really are worried about him? Isn't Connor the oldest? He's holding that knife :-(. He's picking a bad time but he's right.
The head knock what the fuck. What the fuck. That's so funny. He knows Italian? Who is his mom also. He's manipulative and earnest somehow. Willa looks very 80s. Fuck it ajjajja
Fuck it. How bad can it be.did Willa fall for him??? Willas dress is pretty. She looks sad though and Connor is genuinely happy. Connor frequently does not see the point in hiding his emotion.
Tom and Greg are so fucking funny. Greg looked this up ahahhahahahahan. Is he actually gonna try to be the fucking grand duchy of Luxembourg one day.
They made Logan look like he lost weight. Hey, Marcia has a speaking role today. Shiv is digging into Roman today. Why the shot on Kendall. Greg you two timing whore.
This wedding is so peaceful with such a weird half tensed undertone. Wouldn't it be funny if nothing happened this episode. "Cool beans". Shiv trying there, both to Tom and Connor and I'm distracted by this Jism conversation they are literally delusional.
Ahahhahaba Roman. Little tommy tits.
"not Greenpeace" ahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha. Killing penguins. Greg has a spine right now but still working with hard Italian pillows. This poor lady likes Greg the damn two timer. "It'll be born old". So Karl is in Europe.
I think they aren't being fucked. But they might fuck him. They don't even know what they're trying to do? "I'm not a fuckometer" ahahaha. They're panicking. What's the trash bag focus for.
*is* Kendall speaking with Matson? Or just out of it.. no he is not okay but I'm glad youre trying. They're actually trying with him. And not focusing on the company.
Shiv like "??? FU" with Roman in a heartbreaking scenenis so funny. They can't connect with him. Holy shit I have to rewind. I'm not really understanding what Kendall wanted. Does he? They're not really connecting with him and he just said that for the first time out loud and right when they were about to ignore him.
He doesn't even remember the deer. Wow. He's really falling apart. Roman trying but there's no way. Dude don't. Wind blowing at a good time. Roman making him cry laugh. Jeremy is a good fucking actor holy shit.
Roman has no idea how to do these things and has to learn in 3 seconds. Oh, he's sitting down in the mud. Good for him. Roman is fucjinf funny.
They should cash out. Shiv putting the phone down is good. It's nice to see character development. Jeremy got sucked off that mud for the show and I love him for it. But WHY do they have to stop this? Roman in the light is good. He doesn't think it's a good idea and shiv and Kendall are in the dark. As soon as Roman starts to fight over succession he's in the dark. This poor Italian driver.
No way they'll do it this today. How did they shoot this scene? This wedding looks fun. Greg is so manipulative and getting into it. Jesus Christ. Tom please bear someone with a chair this season I wanna see it happen today.
"do you wanna come with me sporus?" "Can I ask for a little bit more information?" "No." Greg grows a spine with someone who will not let him ahhaha. It's just that meme of birds on a telephone pole shitring on eachother made reified in their personal relationships. I low-key thought they were gonna kiss ngl.
I'm stressed for them but it would be funny if this went badly. Roman has good instincts and bad fear of dad and Kendall is a fighter. Kendall approaching the one guy and not alone. Nice.
Please talk to him first. I'd be nervous too. And they stand with Kendall. Wow. Shiv looks ready to cry. "Mhm probably yeah." Lmao. Logan relying on Roman not to argue and he's shaking. Logan goes right into bullying.
Get who back on. Poor shiv. Mom??? Holy shit. Mom?? Logan literally saying lobe doesn't mean shit to him. Why trust him is good. Tom told him???? Tom??? Tom??? Tom???? Tom???? Tom!!!! Tom!!!! Tom!!!! Tom!!!! Tom! Tom!!! Is that what they're saying?? Or is that just what Shiv thinks. Oh she's livid. That's the end???
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