#but yeah. 2nd album was very unique that it was many different stories
protocolseben · 9 months
NAH SERIOUSLYYYYYYYY!!!! I swear I have to listen to Zaba in full about once a week. I had some period where I was playing a game that made me nervous so I would just listen to Zaba on repeat with one headphone, and god ever since then, I'm so obsessed with it. As you said, it's really a shame they never did anything similar. Nothing will ever be able to replicate the feeling that album gives me, it's just so unique, one of those things you need to listen to in its entirety.
And I honestly do like some stuff off Dreamland, honestly I'm pissed because I think Your Love(Deja Vu) deserved to get popular instead of Heat Waves(if I had to pick.) But yeah the hill I will die on truly. Because since then they've done what? Just more mainstream stuff :/ but anyways. What's your favorite song off Zaba??? I must know!!
big vibe, i think the whole period of listening to it was when i drew way too many jungle backgrounds (and i was not a fan of drawing BGs in general...lol)
Ironically i think the rest of the music in Dreamland was so-so, the best feelings i got was from the intro / title song. my hope for that album was that they had that liminal pools vibe but they didn't hit it. big bummer.
and you are fkn right, it was damn unique for the time, i remember trying to search for the same gloomy jungle vibe for a solid month but nothing turned up :^///////
favourite song is asking me which kind of coffee i like LOL (all) but it has to be wyrd -> black mambo -> jdnt, they all have that amazing 'dang. im a beast trapped here forever,cool' vibe to them that i dig
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7-dreamers · 5 years
Natalie Interview with DREAMCATCHER
DREAMCATCHER will release their 3rd single “Endless Night” on March 11th.
Last September they released their 1st album “The Beginning Of The End” which concluded their “Nightmare Story” concept that they had been showing off up until this point. Their new track “Endless Night” will start their 2nd story and was worked on by guitarist Kuboty (ex. TOTALFAT). The song still showcases their intense rock sound.
Contact with hard rock
DREAMCATCHER’s music has very strong hard rock and heavy metal elements. Do you guys listen to this kind of music in your day-to-day lives?
Siyeon: I love that hard band sound. I think ONE OK ROCK is the best in particular. When they held a concert in Korea I bought a ticket and went to see them by myself. They really make you scream “WAAAAA!” and wave your arms in the air. Thanks to them I sweat a lot too (laugh). ONE OK ROCK is really popular in Korea too. Because they have an intense sound.
JiU: Since the beginning, I’ve always liked the mood that acoustic songs give off, but since joining DREAMCATCHER I’ve wanted to experience more intense rock. So I started by watching videos of BABYMETAL and I’ll never forget how surprised I was. I was shocked, they were so…fresh. I thought it’d be great to be cool like them.
Dami: I didn’t really specialize much in metal, but I’ve probably listened to a lot of rock bands. Even though you can say ‘rock’ in a word, aren’t there also ballad and hip-hop elements that can make more intense rock? So I can easily listen to those things.
Yoohyeon: I don’t really listen to much rock or metal. However, I do listen to WaT a lot. I like Koike Teppei. But WaT has a nice tight band sound, so they’re easy to listen to.
Gahyeon: Well, I suppose I like Day6. They’re a group with a band style that’s unique in K-POP.
SuA: Day6 has gotten popular among the youth in Korea.
Are the youth in Korea listening to rock in the first place? Because there are a lot of R&B and EDM elements in K-POP.
Siyeon: I think there are a lot of people that listen to it. Anime has gotten really big there. “NARUTO” and other anime songs and soundtracks are mostly rock. Personally, when I listen to anime songs I feel a little nostalgic.
 Having a concert with a band someday
In Japan “hard rock & heavy metal” is a genre that has a pretty consistent fan base. Some of them have probably never listened to K-POP. How do you want to show the appeal of DREAMCATCHER to those people?
JiU: For people that don’t know us, I’d like for them to listen to “PIRI” first. That’s because “PIRI” is addictive and the hook gets stuck in your head. Even when we perform it abroad, everyone simultaneously starts singing it loudly. So I think “PIRI” is the best introduction to DREAMCATCHER because it really brings a sense of unity.
SuA: I recommend “Mayday”! We made a special video clip for this song. We recruited people who had experience in a band and they performed together with the members. The live session in the studio was completely different than how it usually is and the intensity was amazing! You should be able to see us scream-singing in the video.
Normally DREAMCATCHER doesn’t perform with a band?
SuA: We performed with a band set at a rock festival once. Aside from that, there’s not many other times. If I could have a wish granted, I would like to have a band style solo concert.
Gahyeon: Yeah, that’s a really big goal of ours.
Memories from tour abroad
DREAMCATCHER had a world tour and went to places like Europe and America. Did anything unexpected happen while you were traveling through different countries?
JiU: During the first day of our second European tour in London, I got really impatient because I couldn’t hear my voice in my in-ear monitor. When you’re on stage and you can’t hear your voice, it makes it very difficult to sing. Unfortunately, we had to delay the show by an hour even though our fans were waiting outside in the cold rain… Dami: And even after we started the show, the condition of the monitor was still bad.
JiU: I was really anxious about it at the time, but somehow with willpower I got over it.
SuA: When I look back, getting through those troubles brought the members closer together and gave me the confidence to fight through problems.
Siyeon: Something really touching happened during our recent American tour. We have a ballad called “Polaris”. When we sang that song our fans put star shaped stickers over their cellphone lights and shined them at us. It was a romantic scene, because the meaning of our song is the North Star. I REALLY thought I was going to start crying.
Moved by fans
Yoohyeon: Also, one of the most regretful things is that our member Handong wasn’t able to participate in the European or American tours. So our fans brought life-sized cutouts of Handong to the venues.
Dami: I was really surprised by that. Our fans’ feelings are amazing. So we brought the life-sized Handong cutouts up on stage.
Which country did that?
Gahyeon: Several countries. That’s because fans from different countries prepared their own life-sized cutouts. So each place had a different Handong. The sizes were different as well. I was touched that they did this by hand…
SuA: Also, the characteristics of fans varied from country to country as well. There were a lot of female fans in Europe. In Helsinki, Finland the ratio of female to male was like 8:2. In Korea the ratio is closer to 5:5.
JiU: I think it’s about 5:5 in Japan too.
What kind of characteristics do Japanese fans have?
JiU: They’re SO polite. For example, in other countries when we have a hi-touch event the fans are like “Yaaay!” smiling brightly and then abruptly try to hi-touch. In Japan, our fans bow first and then will hi-touch. We have mutual respect with our fans and I think that’s ideal.
Yoohyeon: When a show starts and we start singing on stage, they look at us very seriously. I wonder if that’s a unique trait to Japanese fans.
Siyeon: Surely. Their reactions are also really great. Like they’re moved by what we say on stage.
DREAMCATCHER’s “real sound”
You will be releasing your new single “Endless Night” on March 11th.
Siyeon: This is our first work since the release of our album “The Beginning Of The End” last year. It closed out our “Nightmare” story concept. In short, this single is the beginning of a new story. The specific concept of this story is still a secret, so I’ll leave it up to your imaginations. Please look forward to it.
Kuboty, former TOTALFAT member, offered the title track “Endless Night” to you all. Is this your first time having a Japanese composer?
Siyeon: No, we also have “My way ~Kono Michi no Saki e~” (from our album). So we’ve worked with Japanese people before.
Yoohyeon: But, this will be our first time for a single.
JiU: When I first heard the song, I was like “This is intense”. Our sound has been heavy and hard from the beginning, but this seemed to go even further.
Dami: Yeah, that’s true. It gives a feeling of DREAMCATCHER’s “real sound”.
The best as usual
I think a main point is that the lyrics are in Japanese. In a previous interview with you guys you stated, “We’re still shaky at Japanese pronunciation, so kindly watch over us”, do you think you have grown since then?
Gahyeon: Mochiron (of course)! Isn’t it obvious?!
Siyeon: We’re studying Japanese and thanks to work we’ve been given more chances to use it. When we come to events in Japan we’re able to speak more with our fans.
SuA: All of the members should have gotten better since before. I want to show how much we’ve grown.
Speaking of which, what is the latest Japanese that you’ve memorized?
JiU: “Doushite” (why?). “Doushite ~kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou?” (Why did I fall in love with you) is a phrase in Tohoshinki (DBSK)’s song. It won’t get out of my head. The meaning is great, but I simply just like how it sounds.
Yoohyeon: For me it’s “yareyare……” (omg…). I started watching “The Disastrous Life of Saiki K./ 斉木楠雄のΨ難” on Netflix and the main character says “yareyare…” a lot. It got me completely (laugh).
Siyeon: For me, it’s “ANKEETO” (questionnaire). I took questionnaires from everyone during our fanmeetings. Asked things like, “What is your favorite DREAMCATCHER song?”. So, I memorized the Japanese for questionnaire.
ANKEETO isn’t Japanese by nature, isn’t it French?
Siyeon: Eh! Really!? (laughs) Well, in Korean it is often called seolmunjosa.
SuA: The latest thing I’ve memorized is, “tabemashita ka? (have you eaten?)” For some reason I always get “tabetakatta (I wanted to eat)” and “tabemashita ka? (have you eaten?)” mixed up. I’m always like which is it which is it, I never know…. I’ve been able to use them correctly recently (laugh).
Gahyeon: Since it’s winter right now, I’ve recently learned the word “yuki (snow)”. My birthday is in February, so I love winter and snow.
Dami: While listening to Gahyeon speak just now, I learned the new word “Fuyu (winter)”. I’m proud I could put it to use (laugh).
Indeed (laugh). Please share a message for your fans.
Gahyeon: Our Japanese fans! We can’t wait to see you again. We’ll prepare extra hard to show you guys a great version of ourselves. Aishiteru yooo (I love you)!
JiU: We received SO MUCH power from you guys last time we were in Japan. After that, we were able to return to Korea and work energetically. We’ll continue doing our best, so please look after us!
Comment from Kuboty
Thoughts on “Endless Night”
The theme of this song is to fight against and overcome your difficulties. The message is to continue down a path you believe in. This theme also applied to me as I had left a band I had worked with for 15 years in order to continue on my own and restart as a musician. It’s DREAMCATCHER’s song but it overlaps with my own feelings. It ended up being a powerful song in the end.
Things you thought about while working on this song
I thought that a live groove was necessary to bring out more of DREAMCATCHER’s heavy sound and worldview. So we got coldrain’s drummer Katsuma to participate as the band has played on stages throughout the world. With that, I was able to get the sound that I wanted. I am grateful to Katsuma who participated despite his busy schedule.
A Message to the members of DREAMCATCHER
I’m rooting for DREAMCATCHER from the bottom of my heart so that they can have even more activities. I’d like to perform on the same stage as them one day. Keep working hard! -------
Source Translation: 7- Dreamers | Please do not take translation without credit
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daggerzine · 6 years
The Dot comes before the Dash- the Danny Ingram interview.
You would see their names on the back of records, many for Washington’s DC’s Dischord label and you might see a photo every now and again, but don’t know much about them unless you were part of that scene (ie; see my previous interview with Chris Bald from a few years ago). Danny Ingram was another one of those names. I knew he’d been in some of the early Dischord bands (Youth Brigade, etc.) and knew he’d done a lot of other stuff but wasn’t exactly sure where, when or in what context (‘cept that I knew he’s a drummer). Fast forward to nearly a decade ago when I saw his name as drummer of a new Washington, DC combo named Dot Dash. Their guitarist/vocalist Terry Banks had been in some of my favorite indie pop combos, namely Tree Fort Angst and The Saturday People, so I knew I was gonna like this one (Hunter Bennett rounds out the trio on bass)! I’ve enjoyed all of their records, but this latest one, Proto Retro (released earlier this year on The Beautiful Music label) is really a special thing of beauty. Well-written rock-pop songs that are both heartfelt and fun (and catchy as hell). Back to Ingram though, he was one of the older punks on the DC scene and thus saw and heard a lot so grab your favorite beverage, your reading glasses and bathrobe and take a stroll both down memory lane and up ‘til the current day.
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A man and his drums, 
 Were you born and raised in Washington, DC?
Yes – DC born and raised. Lived in SE DC until I was 12, then moved to Palisades (NW DC) where I met my life-long friend and future bandmate, Nathan Strejcek.
 At what age did you take up the drums?
I had a fascination with drums from an early age. I’d had a crush on my baby sitter, Irene, and her brother had a drum set. To impress her, I tried playing along with his Beatles records and such, even though my feet didn’t reach the pedal. It was a lost cause. But a dear family friend and neighbor in SE, Richard Spencer, nurtured my interest. I think he bought me my first drums. He played in Otis Redding’s band and achieved quite a bit of success with his own band the Winstons (he wrote the Grammy-winning song ‘color him father).  I was about 19 when I took up the drums in earnest – with the intention of being in a band. At the risk of repeating an oft-told story…I had gone to see the Clash at the Ontario theater and was hanging out in the narrow, upstairs ‘dressing room’ with the band and several other people. I was sharing a spliff and talking with Joe, Mick and (to a lesser extent because I had trouble understanding him) Paul. Joe asked if I played in a band – I told him I didn’t – but that my best friend did. He admonished me to get off the sidelines – to ‘do something – create something’ – and when Joe Strummer tells you to do something…well…you do it. Shortly thereafter I volunteered to join the Untouchables (their drummer, Richard, left for college). A few weeks after that we played our first show. This was probably in the fall of 1980.
 How did you come into contact with the Dischord Records folks? Were you a Wilson HS student as well? Yeah. I went to Wilson (briefly) and knew all the Dischord people before there was a record label (or a Teen Idles). Nathan and I were best friends and he, along with Ian and Jeff, started the label. We all grew up together and have been friends since early days.
 Do you remember the first person you ever met in the DC punk scene? What was your first punk show?
I was there at the outset and knew most-if not all-of the people before there was a scene, per se. I guess the first people I met who weren’t in our group of friends were Xyra and Cathy – they had a punk radio show at WGTB (Georgetown University radio) called Revolt into Style. Nathan and I used to sneak out of our houses and go down for their shows after our parents went to sleep. As for the first concert? Hard to say. I saw so many bands in those early days –one of the first was probably the Ramones in the fall of ’77. I worked at the Atlantis and at the 9:30 club when it first opened up – so I saw almost every show that came through the DC area for many years. Also, I was a smidge older…so coupled with my fake ID I was able to get into places like the Bayou as well.
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Youth Brigade (Danny is 2nd from left)
 From what I know you’re a bit older than some of the other DC punks, were you there early enough to go to places like Madam’s Organ and the Hard Art Gallery?  (places I only know about from pictures, usually of the Bad Brains).
Tell me about how/when The Untouchables formed? Was that your first band?
…and please tell us about the origins of Youth Brigade?
I was born in 1961 – so it makes me a about a year older than Ian and Jeff and six months older than Nathan. I never really considered myself older. Now, Boyd and the guys in Black Market Baby were fucking old! Most of em born in the 50’s! J Seriously though – we were all roughly in the same age group – though I think Xyra (who was a bit older) referred to that initial scene (affectionately – not anatomically) as teeny punks or baby punks.  My first band was the Untouchables. As noted above, Richard had split and moved off to college. I was sitting at the Roy Rogers with Eddie, Alec and (I think) Bert as they lamented the loss of their drummer and the prospect of breaking up. I jokingly volunteered to take his place. They immediately said ‘yes’ despite my warnings that I’d never really played the drums. A few weeks later we played our first show. We hung together for almost a year before splitting up. After that was Youth Brigade. Nathan had been the singer of the Teen Idles – but when the band split, it seemed only natural that Nathan and I should start a band together. We’d been best friends for years and had very similar life arcs and musical tastes. We tried out a few guitarists (including Jason of 9353) and one other bassist (Greg) before finally settling on the line-up that most people know with Tom on Guitar and my old friend and former Untouchable mate, Bert on bass.  As for Madam’s Organ or Hard Art? I played at Madam’s Organ – and I was at the infamous Bad Brains show at Hard Art. I can’t remember if I ever played there…but it’s entirely possible. You would have to consult with Bert or Alec or someone whose memory isn’t a shambles.
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 Madhouse backstage
Was Madhouse next? They were a bit different right? A darker sound.
I was in a few bands before Madhouse. I played in a band with Dave Byers and Toni Young (from Red C) called Peer Pressure. Tom Berard (scenester) also sang with the band for a while. We recorded a demo up in NY with the bad brains at 171A. We played a handful of shows but, like so many other bands of that era, split up and moved on to other projects.  I also played in a band called Social Suicide – great guys and a fun band (featured Joey A who went on to Holy Rollers). Also short lived – but we did record some songs for a local compilation ‘mixed nuts don’t crack’.  OH – I also briefly tried my hand at singing in a VERY short-lived band called black watch. This featured future members of madhouse (Brad Gladstone on bass and the mega-talented Norman van der Sluys on drums). The less said about this the better. Not because of the band – but because my singing can curdle milk at twenty paces.
I was starting to get a bit antsy with the way the DC scene was evolving – so my then girlfriend (Monica Richards) and I decided to start a band that was more rooted in post punk bands like killing joke, magazine and the monochrome set. That was how madhouse started. But unsurprisingly enough, there was no scene for this band, so we still played mostly punk and hardcore shows – but the direction we tried to take didn’t really sit well with a lot of new, burgeoning scene.  It seems, at least from afar, that you were willing to go in other directions musically (goth, etc.) whereas maybe some of your DC co-horts stuck to the punk rock thing. Would this be accurate? Did you get flack for it?
Yeah – I guess it was a bit gothy. Certainly, that was Monica’s m.o. I’ve always considered myself a punk – no matter what kind of band I played in. But this was definitely the beginning of stretching musical wings. And, yeah, we caught flack for it. But it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. Monica caught the most grief – and that is exactly why we both were getting put off by what the scene was turning into. I’ll just leave it at that. That said – my friends, the ones I’d known from the outset, were all cool. Otherwise I wouldn’t have spent some time drumming for Iron Cross with another life-long friend, Sab.
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Strange Boutique (not ready to dine and (dot) dash) 
 Was Strange Boutique next? If so how/when did that band form and what was its history?
Yes – Strange Boutique (a name I copped from the Monochrome Set song/album) was next up. It was still Monica and me – but while Madhouse tried to straddle the punk scene with whatever it was we were trying to do – Strange Boutique basically said ‘fuck it’ and dove headfirst into what was certainly a more goth-punk-pop sound. The Chameleons, Siouxsie, Cure and bands of that ilk were really influencing us a lot and the quality of the band grew exponentially with the addition of Fred Smith and Steve Willett. -- I should pause here to note that I’ve lost a few friends and bandmates along the way – like Toni Young. But two hit particularly hard: Fred Smith – who was a true original. A crazy fucker. Much loved and much missed no matter how much trouble he got me into! And John Stabb – My brother in every sense of the word. Someone I loved until the end and who was a never-ending source of insanity, humor and energy. John and Fred were both unique spirits…and it’s just not the same without them.
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Swervedriver- not huffin’ and puffin’ 
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radioblue in black and white 
 Pardon my ignorance (I know it was some years) but was there anything between Strange Boutique and Dot Dash?
There were a few bands after Strange Boutique. I played in radioblue who, like strange boutique, were a band on the outside of the dc hardcore scene. They were more 60s-influenced indie pop (byrds, beatles, beach boys, buzzcocks). It led to drumming in a Mark Helm (a singer/guitarist in the band) project called Super 8 and playing on his solo album (on not lame records). I also started a band called King Mixer AGES ago with Steven Engel and James Lee (the bassist and singer/guitarist from radioblue). We still get together to this day, but it’s more like the monthly poker game: play some music, have dinner, hang out and catch up with old friends. We did put out a self-released CD years ago, but Dot Dash came along, and that has monopolized my time for the last seven years. I also played in Swervedriver for about a year, relocating to London for about ten months. It was an amazing experience. Adam Franklin (the singer / song writer) is the greatest musician I’ve ever played with. And as far as I am concerned Adam is in the pantheon of great song-writers of the last 40 years. Glad to still call him and my old swervie bandmates friends. A lifetime of memories crammed into a short period of time! When I moved back to DC from London at the end of 1992 I played in two more bands. The first was the criminally obscure UltraCherry Violet. They were definitely in the mold of swervedriver and some other favorites from that era. The band was Dugan Broadhurst and Dan Marx (who later played in king mixer). We played a handful of shows before I imploded. We got together a year after we split to record some songs for posterity – and those were ultimately released on Bedazzled records (a label I started while in strange boutique – but by now taken over by Steve Willett). There are a few songs on that CD that are among the things I’m most proud of as a musician.  I also played with my old running mates and brothers-in-arms John Stabb and Steve Hansgen (and Rob Frankel) in a band called Emma Peel. THAT was fun! We really clicked together musically – and we recorded a single on our good friend John Lisa’s label Tragic Life. The Avenging Punk Rock Godfathers! This web of connections is what led Steve to joining Dot Dash further down the road.  The last thing I did before Dot Dash was drumming in the legendary local mod band Modest Proposal, with old friends Neal Augenstein and Bill Crandall (who shortly thereafter was part of the original Dot Dash line-up). Steve Hansgen had played with Neal and Bill during an early incarnation – and he and I comprised the rhythm section for and MP reunion show.
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Emma Peel (Danny is far right and that is the late, great John Stabb, 2nd from left) 
Do tell us about your current band Dot Dash? I think the records have been terrific. How did you meet Terry and Hunter?
Thanks for the kind words about the DD records. Right now, the band is a three-piece: me on drums, Terry Banks on vocals and guitar and Hunter Bennett on bass. Terry has been in almost as many bands as me – playing in a lot of indie-pop bands like Saturday People, Glo-Worm and Tree Fort Angst. Hunter was a veteran of the Stabb band among others.  I didn’t really know either of them before we started the band…but I knew of them from their previous band Julie Ocean (the band also had Jim Spellman of Velocity Girl on guitar/vocals and Alex Daniels from Swiz on drums). Julie Ocean released a great record on Transit of Venus – and they should have been huge. JO had planned to go on tour with a band called Magnetic Morning (that was my old friend Adam Franklin and Interpol drummer Sam Fogarino’s side-project), but drummer-Alex, bailed on the tour. So, that night at the Rock n Roll Hotel, Terry asked if I wanted to play drums in a new project with him and Hunter. I said yes – after consulting with my wife, Sally – but it actually took another six months or so to get rolling (I had already promised to do the Modest Proposal reunion). As it turned out, Jim was planning on leaving JO as well (taking a job in Colorado) – but when he came back he played briefly in Dot Dash (between Bill and Steve).  Dot Dash has been the most prolific band I’ve ever played with and the longest running active band. We’ve put out six CD’s on the Canadian label, The Beautiful Music. It’s run by an amazing guy – Wally Salem. I’m not sure that we would still be going without his love and support! Truthfully – I also do it for my kids (Noah 12 and Sam 16). I think it’s good to show them that you can do fun and creative things at any age. Sam has really taken it to heart. He’s been playing guitar since he was 10 and is already a better musician than I ever will be! He’s already formed and broken up his first band – and he filled in for Hunter (on bass) at one of our shows…picking up the songs with relative ease and aplomb. 
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Almost forgot the Social Suicide pic (Danny’s the UK Subs fan)
What’s next for Dot Dash? Another record in the works? Maybe a tour?  I don’t know about touring. I think we would all love to do it – but because we all have demanding jobs, families and such – it makes it difficult to pick up and run off. That said, if the right opportunity presented itself (like going on a tour with a band we love) I think we would certainly consider it. We’ve been REALLY fortunate to play with some bands that have long been heroes/favorites: the Chameleons, Ash, Hugh Cornwell (of the Stranglers), the Monochrome Set, Stiff Little Fingers, the Dickies, DOA and so on – I think if any of them said ‘let’s do it’ we’d be packing our bags! As for another record? Well – we just released our sixth. And it is definitely the record I’m most proud of. Geoff Sanoff did an amazing job producing it – he also produces the Julie Ocean album – and it’s probably the best batch of songs Terry has written to-date.  We are always cranking out new songs – and already have a few in hand – but I think we want to enjoy the last release, Proto Retro, for a bit. 
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Dot Dash with Sam on bass. 
What’s happening in Washington, DC these days musically? Any new bands we need to hear about? The great thing about DC is that it is like the Hydra of Lerna – every time a band breaks up, two new ones start up again! The scene has been regenerating for ages. And there are a lot of great bands still plugging away – The Messthetics with my old friend and Brendan Canty, Miss Lonelyhearts, Foxhall Stacks (with Jim Spellman), Nathan’s band the Delarcos, any band with Chris Moore (an epic drummer) such as the Rememberables or Coke Bust, Anna Connolly’s new project or the new project with Ian, Joe Lally and Amy Farina. Old or young – the scene here is still vibrant and vital.
 Any final thought? Closing comments? Anything you wanted to mention that I didn’t ask?
Obviously, most people know DC for the great music (bad brains, minor threat, fugazi, 9353, government issue, fire party, faith, rites of spring, tommy keene) – but to me, the best thing about it has been the friendships…which for me have been practically life-sustaining. You can’t have a great scene without great people – and to me the people I’ve known along the way simply are the best.
 BONUS QUESTION:  What are your top 10 desert island discs (I know some people don’t like when I ask this questions so I decided to put it as a bonus) Wow. Tough one. My top ten has about ten thousand records in it. So, it really is dependent on my mood at the time. I’ll try to throw it together…but if you ask on another day it might be a different batch. Because I’m old – I’m going to take the liberty of picking a baker’s dozen.  Adam and the Ants – Dirk Wears White Sox (original on Do It records) Art Ensemble of Chicago – Les Stances a Sophie J.S. Bach – Air on the G String Buzzcocks – Spiral Scratch ep (rip Pete Shelley) Chameleons – Script of the Bridge (or Strange Times) Miles Davis – ‘Round About Midnight Al Green – Greatest Hits Kinks – Something Else The La’s – The La’s  Punishment of Luxury – Laughing Academy Red Cross – Posh Boy ep Swervedriver – 99th Dream Zombies – Odyssey and Oracle
(**all photos posted with permission from the Danny Ingram collection- if you took one of these please do let us know so we can credit. Thank you). 
Thank you very much Danny Ingram (from publisher/editor Tim)!
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Dot Dash tearin’ down the house. 
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