#but yeah thats all my iw bitchin for the month prob. unless i get more asks bout it
todayisafridaynight · 6 months
idk if someone's asked this already buuut if you could rewrite IW to fix it somewhat what would you do? assuming like... budget/time limitations and all that.
well for starters i wouldnt have ebina's singular personality trait be an unapologetic caricature of aoki LMAO SO THAT'S STEP ONE. like im not going to repeat everything i already said in this post but tl;dr do better at making a character that's supposed to mirror another. keyword MIRROR not be a lame copy of.
another thing that felt really disappointing was akane. like for all the build up she got, not only did she just feel underwhelming but it felt as though once her plot was resolved the game put her aside. honestly, it wouldve been much better if the last ichi scene of the game wasnt wasted on the wack ass ichi/saeko plot, but it instead maybe showed ichi and akane start to bond ? idk. i just wanted more from her..
on that note though the entire ichi/saeko plot. just. just throw it out. it does literally nothing for the story and it stomps on the initial appeal of ichi's character (i.e. his emotional intelligence). absolutely nothing would've changed if they removed that plot
just a small bit, i think the reveal of kiryu's cancer shouldnt have been so early on and so. casual LMAO. i'm stealing this point from @/passports_alt because we were talking about it the other week but it would've been a MUCH better reveal if after the fire in the forest, THATS when kiryu wouldve told them (after incessant badgering of course. kiryus annoyingly stubborn still as shown through his memoirs)
i definitely have more complaints and I-Wishes but these are like. The Main Ones i think (the ones i feel like elaborating on anyway LMAO)
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