#but yeah overall Asedim has a very distopian sort of feel to it in how the Djinn there live
soulsxng · 1 year
List of Realms pt 6
Just one more after this!
Class 2 - Small Size
Heaven: Another self-explanatory one. Considering it's reputation, most people would think that it's a lot bigger than it is, but that's not the case! It's divided into two main areas, somewhat similar to Hell; the area where souls end up (that again, like Hell, are for sustaining Heaven), and then the main area where the angels live. For a long time, the divinity present within Heaven was too much for most species to bear, and because of this, many of the species that tried to settle there died off rather quickly. Even species that she tried to create alongside Heaven's original god-- her husband Vayon-- succumbed...which left the two of them and their two young children, Metatron and Sandalphon, in the realm alone for some time. Eventually, this made it incredibly difficult for Heaven to sustain herself, and she began to wither...which is when Vayon made the decision to steal raw creationary energy from the Trio, to make a species that would be able to withstand the harsh divinity. Thus, the angels, a species that would quickly be regarded as one of the most powerful in existence, came to be...and Vayon himself, cursed by Creation. Heaven is in an odd sort of in between spot at present, as both Heaven and Vayon (or the man he came to be) both died in the last year or so. However, the realm has a new heart in their youngest child, Feliceon. As she's currently too young to maintain the realm herself, Enoch has bound himself to the Heaven temporarily to help with it until she's a bit older.
Scelure: Most people know this realm for being the home of the largest physical and mental health facility across the realms. At present, if there's something that a healer or doctor can't diagnose/heal/fix, the patient will quickly be pointed to Scelure-- it's considered the most medically advanced realm out there. Another thing it's known for is, perhaps somewhat oddly, the quality of products made by blacksmiths, jewelers, and the like. This is due to the fact that the Terradyn, the main species (or one of the only species, really) that reside in Scelure have an acute skill with plant and earth-based magics; able to call up high quality minerals, stone, and plants with relative ease. One of the most prevalent families here are the Rosaris', who run the medical facility there. Scelure is a dead realm (that was abandoned by its former inhabitants and found thereafter by the Terradyn), and is sustained primarily by a gift from the Pirodeti heart of the Mortal Realm ages ago; a gigantic tree that can be seen from near anywhere in Scelure.
Zindalo: Much like Tenimus is the only realm where the Void can be accessed freely, Zindalo is the only realm where the Lifestream can be accessed freely. It's an exceedingly new realm-- the newest in existence, actually-- and there was a period of time at the beginning where Zindalo was actually considered a major enemy of Heaven, and a small handful of other realms, as the Pirodeti embodiment of the realm essentially stole some of their gods for himself. Even now, it's viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism from those living outside it. The citizens there, however, never seem to have anything bad to say about it, and live their lives in comfort and safety despite the rather high population density. This is another realm that, like Astra'alca and Asedim, can't usually be entered by normal means.
Asedim: Very little is known about the realm of the Djinn, as it is the single most closed off realm in existence. It's not odd for a Djinn born there to never actually leave their home realm; having been convinced that everywhere else is essentially a wasteland, and that anyone that lives in said wastelands is beneath them. Because of the attitude directed towards outsiders that this causes, banishment is one of the biggest fears for the Djinn living there. Once banished, it's likely that a Djinn will never be able to return to Asedim, along with being avoided and belittled by other Djinn. Asedim is, along with the Otherworlds and Brinnela, one of the only three realms that has never been alive; having instead been made by the very first ruler of the Djinn.
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