#but yeah in the hopes of his voting swinging innocent i tried to peek into kazuis mind a bit :3
good-beanswrites · 1 year
heyo!! i thought I sent this in already, but I guess not o.O
for the writing ask game, morning! :D
Woo thank you pal! :D Fingers crossed for an upcoming inno sweep, have something with Kazui and Fuuta in the morning
(From this ask game)
Kazui's body remembered the sunrise. His mind wouldn't have thought much of it, stuck in a place like this, but his body pulled him from sleep at the same time each morning as if he were still in the habit and standing on the balcony watching the sun with his morning coffee.
He couldn't quite replicate the experience, though not for lack of trying. He'd dress, pick up whatever drink he could grab from the dining hall before it officially opened for breakfast, then move to the common room to sit and enjoy the morning in solitude. Even Kotoko, the next earliest riser, wouldn't make an appearance for an hour or so.
Which is why he nearly spit out the orange juice he'd swiped when Fuuta strolled in just after him and sat himself down directly next to him. It looked like his little silent retreat was out of the question for the day.
"Can I sit here?" Fuuta said, already taking a seat. He rubbed his good eye groggily.
"Uh, sure! I'd love the company." Kazui nodded to him, trying to hide the surprise in his face. He must have failed. Or maybe Fuuta would have leapt to defend himself regardless.
"I couldn't sleep, okay? I hear you come out here at the ass crack of dawn every day, I just wanted to see what you were up to."
Kazui gestured a hand across the empty room with a dry smile. "Just this, sorry to disappoint."
It was easiest to leave it at that. He wasn't sure how to articulate the reason early mornings were so sacred to him -- the peace and the solitude and the ability to be himself without a single expectation put on him. He could take some time to prepare himself for the day ahead without putting up any airs for anyone. It probably would've sounded pathetic to a kid like him, anyways. He was always so full of energy, Kazui doubted he'd need more than a minute to get himself ready for his day.
Fuuta sank deeper into his hoodie. "Hmph."
The two fell silent. Kazui grew antsy as he sipped his drink. At first it had been nice, sitting in something reminiscent of his old fishing trips. But he didn't think Fuuta appreciated the quiet the same way. Was he looking to talk? Was he waiting for more from him? Kazui had never wanted kids -- not like Hinako had dreamed of them -- so he didn't know the first thing about starting a conversation with someone his age.
As he scrambled for something to say, Fuuta whispered. "It's nice."
"This. No prying eyes, nobody trying to start shit."
Kazui didn't mention that Fuuta was usually the one starting shit.
"I hope I didn't interrupt."
"Not at all! I'm glad you think it's peaceful too."
"Yeah... I do."
This time when neither of them spoke, there was no anticipation in it. Kazui breathed deep. His thoughts were allowed to drift freely. His mind felt at ease. He closed his eyes. Though there was no need to, he found himself opening his mouth.
"You know, I didn't realize how much I'd miss the sunrise."
Fuuta shifted. "Eh, I never saw it. I usually slept pretty late." He added, "I'm sorry you miss it, though."
"Thanks. I just hope I'll see it again..."
He wondered if the thought was too suddenly sentimental, but Fuuta nodded gravely. "I hope so too."
By the time prisoners started trickling into the common area, Kazui was calm and ready to begin his day. Fuuta stood to leave.
"Thanks for letting me hang out," he said.
"Heh, I should be thanking you. I didn't expect anyone to stick around for a boring old man like me."
Fuuta's expression twisted up. There was the energy Kazui had been expecting. "Jeez, you keep thinking you're so special! You're just like everyone else, you hear? You're not some boring old man no one likes. There's a lot of people just like you. A lot of us are just like you."
Kazui sat for one more moment after he left. He took the final sip of his drink.
A lot of them just like him? Now, that was a nice thought.
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