#but yeah for small tid bits there was going to be a game the boys played along the way called ‘what would uncle say?’
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yooooo. queer-ie: i love your work and would die for it (this is the queer part) and i just know there’s gotta be scenes that have been deleted. could you possibly tell us about some of those (this is the -ie part)? no pressure tho!! i’ll be hopelessly devoted to you either way.
sorry Ive sat on this ask for a while but it tuurns I doooooo have like 4k of of outtakes from RIA & ITF lol.
so here are a few, i’m not sure if this is what you wanted from this ask lol im doing my best. (also none of these are edited or proof read and im sorry about mistakes and grammar and tense and all that other jaz because these were seriously like - ‘i don’t know if im going to trash this orrrrr…..’ then it never made it in & might not even be applicable to the current story.)
im such a good author I know so many details ummmm here is an insert from some point in RIA (I think this was going to be a POV from Hakoda and his men talking and I decided it was a waste of word count. sorry hakoda)
- - -
“I say we kill him.”
“Don’t you think that is a little… <i>extreme</i> Gilak?”
“Not as extreme as the <i>son</i> of the Fire Lord living and breathing in our camp!”
Hakoda felt the specific vein in his forehead thumping against his wrinkled skin that was trying its best to keep it contained. He could feel a headache coming forward the longer they discussed what to do about the situation that Sokka brought to his attention… and so far, they had not one tangible idea.
“Gilak, I have already told you, we can not kill him.”
“I know sir, your son is buddies with him, and we can’t upset Sokka.”
Hakoda shot the larger man a stern look, and he quickly retracted his words.
“I know why we can’t kill him. I just think it would be the simplest solution in this situation.”
Bato jumped to Hakoda’s defense, like he always did.
“This is not a simple situation, so it will not have a simple solution. I think we should speak to Morrak and see what he learned about the boy before we make any decisions. If we kill the Prince of the Fire Nation while he is severely injured and being non threatening we will look like the savages the rest of the world calls us. We have to handle this delicately, like Hakoda said, Sokka trusted us enough to tell us who he is when he could have easily lied. Which means we need to respect that trust and handle it delicately.”
Hakoda cleared his throat, earning the attention from both his men.
“So it is decided. I will talk to Morrak and once I get more information, I will meet back with you both and we can discuss our options at that point.”
“Yes sir.”
“Yes Chief.”
Hakoda was happy when they left his tent, freeing up the stifled air that seemed to stop moving the moment the conversation began. Hakoda felt an intense guilt building from betraying his son’s trust and sharing his friend's identity with the other men… Haoda knew it was the wisest decision for him to make as the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, but it wasn’t helping him be the best dad to his son… Something he was still struggling with every passing moment.
Even now… Hakoda left his son alone in the healer’s tent with the boy he just recently discovered was the Prince of the Fire Nation… A boy bred into fire and violence. Sokka seemed to trust him, which gave Hakoda a tiny bit of hope that maybe there was something good in this boy… But that tiny feeling was smothered by the rest of the overwhelming amount of mistrust and worry he had when he looked at the golden eyed boy who glared at him from the moment he opened his eyes.
Hakoda rubbed his forehead, digging his thumb into his temple in an attempt to push back the stress vein. He needed to speak to Morrak, and after that… He would make a decision on what was the best next step he could make. He needed to protect his tribe and his son, that was his main concern right now… and right now… Sokka was tied to this fire bender in a way that made Hakoda nervous.
Turning towards the entrance of his tent, Hakoda decided not to overthink this situation a minute longer and go find Morrak so they could talk…
Each time Hakoda thought about all the things he didn’t know, or wasn’t understanding, he felt the weight of his decision growing heavier and heavier. If Hakoda didn’t figure out what to do soon, he was going to be crushed and then Sokka would be on his own…
Hakoda couldn’t fail his son again, he had to make the right decision
- -
Ok so this one is right before Zuko gave himself up in RIA. I don’t remember how the final scene went down but we all know how it ended :) <3
Psst… Dad.”
Hakoda frowned in his sleep, caught in the middle of a dream and the reality that awaited him on the other side.
“Dad… Wake up.”
Hakoda opened his eyes and saw Sokka staring down at him.
“Son? What are you doing in my tent in the middle of the night? Are you ok?”
Hakoda sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to see through the darkness he was startled when a tiny flame broke through the void and gave clarity to the room.
Zuko was standing behind Sokka who was kneeling next to Hakoda’s bed, and the Water Tribe man felt a mixture of conflicted feelings. He was instantly happy that Zuko had come back for Sokka, but the dred that followed swallowed any joy he had…. Zuko couldn’t be here. If Quon found him… They would all be in trouble.
“I’m fine… Zuko came back. He… We… Ummm… We are leaving.”
Hakoda thought he would be devastated the day his son told him he was leaving again, so sure that his world would bottom out and Hakoda would feel like he was falling into despair. But when he looked at Sokka, and he thought back to the talk they had about his feelings for the fire bender, Hakoda knew that there was nothing he could say to change his son’s decision.
Just like Hakoda had allowed Katara to leave, he had to do the same with Sokka. His children didn’t belong to him anymore, they were grown and they were bonded to people who they were loyal to… And Hakoda was proud of them. It was a monumental thing to find someone you loved, and staying loyal to them was what kept that relationship strong…. Even if Hakoda didn’t love the idea of Sokka choosing a fire bending boy, he wouldn’t stop him from being loyal to his love.
“I understand, son. Allow me to put on my pants and I will help you two escape.”
Zuko spoke up, “I don’t think that will be necessary. The uhh… The helping us… Not the uhh… The pants.”
Hakoda smirked and Sokka smacked his own forehead. No wonder the boy refrained from using words.
“I would like to make sure you two make it out ok. Is that a problem?”
Zuko seemed to dislike the idea, but Sokka gave him a pleading look that had a splash of assertiveness, which seemed to be their typical dynamic. Now that Hakoda was aware of the romantic nature between the boys it was easier to disfer their interactions.
Hakoda slipped on his pants and slid on his boots, making sure he secured his hunting knife inside. He couldn’t grab any other weapons just in case they were caught, Hakoda couldn’t risk looking like he was prepared for a fight. If they were caught, they would need to make sure that whatever words made up their excuse were good enough to fool whoever found them.
As long as it wasn’t Quon, they might have a chance
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RIP Shen, I never realized how fucking funny you and Zuko were until you died. I think this was when they were all sharing intel idk… but Zukos an asshole and I love it. (he and Sokka were sooooo hostile during the SWT arc)
“Nothing… Just…. Fucking drop it. How about Zuko and I switch seats and I will come over and help you with the Fire Nation cruiser information. Bato and Zuko can, I don’t know… Play their tile game or whatever.”
“Fine with me. I fucking love games.” Zuko mumbled as he stood up.
Shen watched with wide eyes, not saying a word, and Hakoda could honestly say he had no words to add to the tension either.
“Good!” Sokka stood up as well and made sure to bump his friend’s shoulder as they switched seats. The fire bender glanced back and Hakoda wondered if he was going to shove Sokka in the back but he didn’t reciprocate the hostile gesture and instead he flopped down next to Bato and crossed his arms with his brow narrowed deep into the center of his face.
Shen leaned back when Sokka came to sit down next to him, and Sokka glanced over at him and scoffed.
“Don’t be dramatic. Let’s just get this thing fucking over with so we can be done here.”
“Whatever you say.” Shen replied as Sokka aggressively organized the parchment and prepared to draw out Shen’s cruiser.
Hakoda watched as Sokka’s anger melted when Shen began to explain what it was like being a soldier stationed on Fire Nation cruiser. He told them about -
- -
TA DAAAAAA idk if this is what you wanted…. but here it is. I don’t have anything from the first book, and only a bit from ITF but I do have more RIA. I rambled a lot in the second book ha but yeah idk what else to say! Thanks for the ask.
#FYI NONE OF THESE ARE EDITED haha so sorry#this ask has been in my inbox for a while#but yeah for small tid bits there was going to be a game the boys played along the way called ‘what would uncle say?’#because Zuko was always saying shit that didn’t make sense because he was quoting Iroh#and so whenever shit was annoying the boys would say ‘huh I wonder what uncle would say about this?’#and it would just be stupid shit to make them laugh#but it never happened haha#the eating game took over the light hearted moments#ummmmm#im trying to think I have a lot of notes in my phone too but idk how to organize my thoughts when they are no longer relevant#yeah if you give me a direction I could look lol#nooooo this fic hasn’t consumed me haha#*shuffles through notebooks and documents*#*printed pages of maps and drawings of the prison*#ok im done in the tags#sorry#liab#ria#ITF#ask
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Translation: German manga of “The Minish Cap”, Part 2: “The Small Link”
So, as promised, here’s the second chapter of the German version of the manga of “The Minish Cap”!
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the English version of "The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German" for the Minish language in forwards form BOE: “the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version” BOET: “the TRANSLATION of the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version”
My translation work under the cut.
Toneffekte: „Bonk Batsch klopf" DT/EQ: „"Bonk bash knock" OE: "WHAM BAM POW"
Octorok 1: „Wohin guckst du?!" DT: „Where looking you?!" EQ: "What're you looking at?!" OE: "You lookin' at me?!"
Octorok 2: „Spasti!!" DT/EQ: „"Spaz!!" OE: "Quit bleeding on me!" (NOTE: ...For once, the English version had me laughing harder. German Octorok is just... Rude.)
Link: „Ups, der schaut mir in die Augen." DT: „Whoops, the looks (to) me in the eyes." EQ: "Whoops, he looked me in the eyes." OE: "Dang it! Our eyes met!"
Ezelo: „He, Junge! Ich meine dich!! Steh nicht blöd rum! Hilf mir lieber! Heute noch!!" DT: „Hey, boy! I mean you! Stand not stupid (there)! Help (to me) preferable! To-day still!!" EQ: "Hey, boy! I mean you! Don't stand there all stupid! Helping me is preferable! Even to-day!!" OE: "H-Hey, you! Boy! Are you just going to pretend... ...You don't see any of this?! Get over here and help me!" (NOTE: To get more slang-y with it would be like, "Help would be preferable! To-day, please!!")
Toneffekte: „Baller plong" DT/EQ: „"Shoot plong" OE: "POOM POOM POOM BAM BAM BAM"
Link: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Link: „He, ihr da! Hört auf, ihn zu ärgern!" DT: „Hey, you all there! Stop (x), him to annoy!" EQ: "Hey, you all there! Stop annoying him!" OE: "Hey! You guys! Quit picking on someone weaker than you!"
Octorok 1: „Waas?!" DT/EQ: „"Whaat?!" OE: "What'd you say?!"
Octorok 2: „Du Trottel!!" DT/EQ: „"You moron!!" OE: "Stupid punk!"
Oktorok 1: „Bäh!" DT/EQ: „"Gah!" OE: "UGH!"
???: "..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..." (NOTE: I can't tell if this is Link or Ezlo. Not that it matters, since it's literally just silence.)
Ezelo: „Puh. Danke, dass..." DT: „Phew. Thanks, that..." EQ: "Phew. Thanks for..." OE: "Oh my! Thank y-"
Link: „Schon gut. Ich weiß es." DT: „Already good. I know it." EQ: "It's okay. I know it." OE: "You don't have to say it... ...I know how this goes."
Link: „Ich weiß, wie es weitergeht. Hör mal." DT: „I know, how it along-goes. Listen (softener)." EQ: "I know how it goes on. Listen." OE: "I know there's no rainbow... ...But..."
Ezelo: „?" DT/EQ: „"?" OE: "?"
Link: „Die gerettete Maus rettet den Löwen... ...und bringt mich zu den Minish, richtig?" DT/EQ: „"The rescued mouse rescues the lion... ...and brings me to the Minish, right?" OE: "I figure you've got some gold other places too. I don't need your whole pot, but enough to build a house..." (NOTE: I love how not a single version I've seen thus far has used the Japanese's joke about the Dragon King. To be honest, referencing Leprechauns in the English version was probably the best thing they could've done- I mean, the Minish are small, associated with four-leaf clovers, hats, celebrations, and wishes, and are magical... But, here's where the German version takes it. What's being referenced in German is the Aesop Fable, "The Lion and the Mouse", in which a small Mouse is spared being eaten by a Lion, and later when the Lion is trapped, the Mouse saves him as thanks. The reason this REALLY works here, is because of the immense size difference between the Mouse and the Lion... Just like that between the Hylians and the Minish.)
Toneffekte: „Freu freu" DT/EQ: „"Pleased pleased" OE: "BOUNCE"
Ezelo: „Ich bin keine Maus!!" DT: „I am no mouse!!" EQ: "I am not a mouse!!" OE: "I'm NOT a Leprechaun!"
Link: „'Tschuldige. Dann eben ein Vogel?" DT: „Sorry. Then simply a bird?" EQ: "Sorry. Then just a bird?" OE: "Oh yeah, I see that. You're a bird!" (NOTE: Okay, German Link shortens down „Entschuldige"... Which, complete, would be "I'm sorry" or even "Excuse me". So, shortened in ENGLISH could be " 'Scuse me." Which honestly is kind of funny.)
Ezelo: „Auch kein Vogel!" DT: „Also no bird!" EQ: "Also not a bird!" OE: "I'm not a bird either!"
Link: „Was bist du dann? Was für ein Wesen bist du?" DT: „What are you then? What for a being/creature are you?" EQ: "What are you, then? What kind of being/creature are you?" OE: "Well then, what ARE you? Really, what in the world are you?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Ich bin ich. Ich heiße Ezelo!" DT: „I am I. I (am) call(ed) Ezelo!" EQ: "I am me. I'm Ezelo!" OE: "I'm not a what, I'm a who... I'm Ezlo!" (NOTE: Ezelo/Ezlo stayed Ezelo/Ezlo.)
Toneffekte: „Hah!" DT/EQ: „"Hah!" OE: "Ta-dah"
Link: „Du kennst die Minish nicht? Mann... Alles umsonst..." DT: „You know the Minish not? Man... All (for) nothing..." EQ: "You don't know the Minish? Man... All for nothing..." OE: "Dang! I thought you might be a Picori. Stop wasting my time."
Ezelo: „He! Warte, mein Kind!" DT/EQ: „"Hey! Wait, my child!" OE: "Hey! W-Wait, boy!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf Hüpf" DT/;EQ: „"Hop hop" OE: "Sproing sproing"
Ezelo: „Lässt du mich etwa hier liegen?!" DT: „Leave you me something here lay?!" EQ: "You're leaving me here?!" OE: "You're just gonna LEAVE me?!"
Link: „Was willst du noch?" DT: „What want you still?" EQ: "What more do you want?" OE: "Is there some reason I WOULDN'T?" (NOTE: Holy mackerel, English Link...)
Ezelo: „Ich kann nicht so schnell laufen wie du! Was ist, wenn die Monster mich wieder angreifen?!" DT: „I can not so fast run how you! What is, if the Monsters me again attack?!" EQ: "I can't fun as fast as you! What if the Monsters attack me again?!" OE: "I can't keep up with you! What if evil spirits attack again?!"
Toneffekte: „Uff Hmpf" DT/EQ: „"Oof hmpf" OE: "Wumph wumph"
Link: „Oh Mann! Ich muss aber schnell die Minish finden." DT: „Oh man! I must but fast the Minish find." EQ: "Oh, man! I must find the Minish quickly." OE: "Beat it! I don't have time for you. I have to find the Picori quickly!"
Ezelo: „Minish? So, so! Wenn du mich mitnimmst, erzähle ich dir was über die Minish." DT: „Minish? So, so! If you me with-take, tell I (to) you what about the Minish." EQ: "Minish? So, so! If you take me along, I'll tell you something about the Minish." OE: "The Picori, you say? The Picori? If you take me along, I'll tell you all about the Picori."
Toneffekte: „Glänz" DT/EQ: „"Gleam" OE: "Gleam"
Link: „Wirklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Really?!" OE: "Really?!"
Ezelo: „Leih mir kurz dein Ohr. Ja, komm runter. So ist es gut." DT: „Lend (to) me briefly your ear. Yes, come down. So is it good." EQ: "Briefly lend me your ear. Yes, come down. That's it." OE: "I know all kinds of secrets about them. Just lean a little closer and... ...I'll whisper in your..."
[The English version then has an extra tid-bit that's not present in the German version for some reason... OE: "GOTCHA!"]
Toneffekte: „SCHLUPF" DT/EQ: „"SLIP" OE: "PLOP"
Ezelo: „Das tut gut!" DT: „This does good!" EQ: "This is good!" OE: "Ahhh... That's MUCH better."
Link: „Runter von meinem Kopf!" DT/EQ: „"Down from my head!" OE: "Hey! Who invited you onto my head?!"
Ezelo: „So läufst du mir nicht davon!" DT: „So run you (from) me not thereof!" EQ: "So, you won't run from me!" OE: "Now we'll never get split up."
Link: „Runter!! Du hast mich reingelegt!" DT: „Down!! You (x) me tricked!" EQ: "Down!! You tricked me!" OE: "Get off! You tricked me!"
Ezelo: „Welch eine Unterstellung. Ich erzähle dir alles." DT: „What/such an insinuation/allegation. I tell (to) you all." EQ: "What an allegation. I'll tell you everything." OE: "Hold on, boy, and I'll TELL you about the Picori!"
Ezelo: „So, Kind... Die Welt der Minish ist sehr klein. Daher wirst du sie auch in 100 Jahren nicht finden." DT: „So, child... The world (of) the Minish is very small. Therefore will you them also in 100 years not find." EQ: "So, child... The world of the Minish is very small. Therefore, you'll never find them, even in a 100 years." OE: "Just calm down. The world of the Picori is very small. At your size, you'd NEVER find them."
Ezelo: „Schau dir den Baumstumpf an. Stell dich mal darauf... ...und ich bringe dich zur Minish-Welt." DT: „Look (for) you the tree-stump (x). Place yourself (x) thereon... ...and I bring you to (the) Minish-World." EQ: "Look at the tree-stump. Place yourself on it... ...and I'll bring you to the Minish-World." OE: "See that stump? Climb up on it... ...And I'll SHOW you the Picori." (NOTE: „anschauen".)
Link: „Das ist doch nur ein Baumstumpf! Was soll hier schon passieren?!" DT: „That is still only a tree-stump! What should here already happen?!" EQ: "That's still only a tree-stump! What could even happen here?!" OE: "From on THIS stump? It's too SHORT to see anything!"
Toneffekte: „FWIIIIUUUUUH!" DT/EQ: „"FWEEEEEEE!" OE: "PICORIIIIIIII" (NOTE: ...I love how the German version completely messed up, and the English version both makes sense and DOESN'T make sense. Okay, so, in German, it's clearly been translated as the sound the Minish Portal is making. In English, it's... The gibberish Minish language used in-game. That's cool and all, but... The manga doesn't have the gibberish Minish language... It has the OTHER, backwards, Minish language... BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT. Either way, neither version correctly used the Japanese version's runes which spell out- backwards, that is- "RENA KUSACHI" or "CHISAKU NARE" forwards, which is... "BECOME SMALL" in Minish.)
Link: „Huch...? Wo bin ich jetzt?! Ich war doch im Wald?" DT: „Huh...? Where am I now? I was but in (the) Forest?" EQ: "Huh... Where am I now? I was just in the Forest?" OE: "Huh? Where are we?! Hey, where'd the forest go?"
Link: „Was ist das für ein Monster-Pilz?!" DT: „What is that for a monster-mushroom?!" EQ: "What kind of monster-mushroom is this?!" OE: "What a huge mushroom!" (NOTE: If you're wandering what the heck I'm doing here... I'm correcting all the backwards speech bubbles the English version has. And believe me, there's a LOT of them. And NONE of them were fixed for the "Legendary" edition, either...)
Ezelo: „Da geht es raus, Kindchen." DT: „There go it out, little child/kiddo." EQ: "Go out there, kiddo." OE: "Step outside and see." (NOTE: Also, I think it's adorable that the German manga kept the fact that Ezlo calls Link „Kindchen".)
Link: „Was ist denn das?! Die Bäume und Gräser sind so groß?!" DT: „What is then this?! The trees and grass are so big?!" EQ: "What is this, then?! The trees and grass are so big?!" OE: "W-What's going on here?! The trees and weeds got HUGE!!"
Ezelo: „Sie sind nicht größer geworden, sondern du kleiner." DT: „They (x) not bigger became, rather you smaller." EQ: "They didn't become bigger, rather, you became smaller." OE: "They didn't get bigger... YOU got smaller."
Link: „Ich glaub das nicht... Das ist die Eichel, die am Boden lag?! Puh, ich sehe die Baumspitze nicht mehr." DT: „I believe that not... This is the acorn, that on (the) ground lay?! Phew, I see the tree-tops no more." EQ: "I don't believe it... This is the acorn that was laying on the ground?! Phew, I don't see the tree-tops anymore." OE: "I can't believe it! This acorn was just the size of my toe! I can't even SEE the tops of the trees!"
Ezelo: „Freu dich, dass du mich gerettet hast. Aber du brauchst dich nicht zu bedanken." DT: „Please/happy/rejoice yourself, that you me rescued (have). But you need yourself not to thank." EQ: "Be pleased that you rescued me. But, you don't need to thank yourself." OE: "NOW aren't you glad you saved me? I know.. ...You're stunned. You can thank me later." (NOTE: Ah, I see that German manga Ezlo is just as snarky as German in-game Ezlo.)
Toneffekte: „Pöh..." DT/EQ: „"Boom..." OE: "LOOM"
Ezelo: „Da ist das Ding von vorhin!" DT: „There is that thing of before!" EQ: "There's that thing from before!" OE: "Oh my! It's that same Octorok!"
Link: „Woah! Es ist ja so riesig!!" DT: „Woah! It is indeed so huge!!" EQ: "Woah! It's really huge!!" OE: "Yipes! "Same"?! It's ginormously huge!"
Link: „Puuh..." DT/EQ: „"Pheew..." OE: "Huff puff"
Ezelo: „Pass auf, Kindchen! Nicht, das ich in Gefahr gerate!" DT: „Watch out, kiddo! Not, that I in danger put-in!" EQ: "Watch out, kiddo! Don't put me in danger!" OE: "Careful, boy! If you run into something... ...I might get hurt!"
Ezelo: „Schon ein gewöhnliches Ereignis könnte dich in Gefahr bringen... Selbst ein Wassertropfen..." DT: „Already an ordinary occurrence can you in danger bring... Even a water-droplet..." EQ: "Even an ordinary occurrence can put you in danger... Even a water-droplet..." OE: "When you're tiny, even ordinary things can be very dangerous! Like a drop of dew."
Ezelo: „...wird zum Wasserfall." DT: „becomes to (the) waterfall." EQ: "...becomes a waterfall." OE: "That hits like a waterfall."
Link: „Ich komme um, ehe ich die Minish sehe..." DT: „I kill (will), before I the Minish see..." EQ: "I'll be killed before I see the Minish..." OE: "With help like YOURS, I'll NEVER find the Picori." (NOTE: „umkommen"- and I can't believe that line made me laugh harder than the English one.)
Ezelo: „Nun erzähl mal, Kindchen... Warum willst du unbedingt zu ihnen? Ganz allein in so einem Wald..." DT: „Now tell (x), kiddo... Why want you absolutely to them? Completely alone in such a Forest..." EQ: "Now tell, kiddo... Why do you absolutely want to get to them? Completely alone in such a Forest..." OE: "What possible reason can a kid like you have for needing... ...To find the Picori so badly?" (NOTE: That last part could also go as, "Completely alone in a Forest like this...")
Ezelo: „Was?! Fluch des Hexenmeisters?! Das Heilige Schwert?!" DT/EQ: „"What?! Curse (of) the sorcerer?! The Holy Sword?!" OE: "What?! A Mage's curse?! A sacred Sword?"
Ezelo: „Verstehe... Vaati hat die Prinzessin also..." DT: „Understand... Vaati (x) the Princess also..." EQ: "I understand... Vaati also turned the Princess..." OE: "And Vaati turned the Princess into a statue?!" (NOTE: Presumably before getting cut off, Ezlo was going to finish with „versteinert", hence why I added in "turned". Although to still cut him off slightly more accurately would be, "Vaati also petrified the Pri...")
Link: „Ezelo? Kennst du etwas Vaati?!" DT: „Ezelo? Know you something Vaati?!" EQ: "Ezelo? You know something about Vaati?" OE: "Ezlo, what do you know about Vaati?"
Ezelo: „Äh... Nein... Aber unter diesen Umständen werde ich dir helfen, denn allein schafft ein Kindchen das nie." DT: „Uh... No... But under these circumstances will I (for) you help, because alone manages a kiddo this never." EQ: "Uh... No... But, under these circumstances, I'll help you, because a kiddo will never manage this alone." OE: "Errr... Nothing... It doesn't matter. But count on me in this crisis. It's too much for you alone, boy!"
Link: „Hör auf, mich so zu nennen! Ich heiße Link!" DT: „Stop (x), me so to call! I (am) called Link!" EQ: "Stop calling me that! I'm Link!" OE: "Stop calling me "boy"! My name is Link!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Nun quatsch nicht und geh los! Die Monster hier sind so gefährlich!" DT: „Only twaddle not and go let's! The Monsters here are so dangerous!" EQ: "Stop twaddling and let's go! The Monsters here are so dangerous!" OE: "Link Schmink... Who cares? Let's get moving! This place is crawling with evil spirits! It's dangerous!" (NOTE: *sobs at yet another meaning of „quatsch"*)
Link: „Mach mir nichts vor, Ezelo!" DT: „Fool (for) me not (x), Ezelo!" EQ: "Don't kid me, Ezelo!" OE: "Quit giving orders! You're not in charge!" (NOTE: „vormachen", thus idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Ein schönes Gefühl, von hier oben herabzuschauen." DT: „A beautiful feeling, from here above down-to-look." EQ: "A beautiful feeling to look down from up here." OE: "No, but I'm the one who can SEE where we're going!"
Link: „Sehr witzig." DT/EQ: „"Very funny." OE: "Know it all!"
Ezelo: „Ich wünschte, du wärst noch etwas größer..." DT: „I wish, you were still slightly taller..." EQ: "I wish you were just a little taller..." OE: "Y'know, this'd be EASIER if you weren't so short..."
Link: „Ich werfe dich gleich runter!!" DT: „I throw you immediately down!!" EQ: "I'll throw you down immediately!!" OE: "It you don't like it, then get down!"
[The OE version then has one extra sound effect that the German one doesn't... OE: "YANK"]
Ezelo: „He, zieh nicht an mir. Unverschämt!!" DT: „Hey, pull not on (to) me. Rude!" EQ: "Hey, don't pull on me! Rude!" OE: "Hey! Don't tug on me! How rude!"
Link: „Sei Ruhig!!" DT/EQ: „"Be quiet!!" OE: "I'M rude?!"
Wald-Minish 1: „Hcsnem nie!" BG: „Ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"A human!" OE: "Dangenni!" BOE: "Ningen da!" BOET: "A human!" (NOTE: Yes, I'm translating the English version's backwards Japanese just because I can.)
Link: „Ah! Warte mal!" DT: „Ah! Wait (softener)!" EQ: "Ah! Wait!" OE: "Hey! W-Wait up!"
Wald-Minish 1: „Hcsnem nie!" BG: „Ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"A human!" OE: "Dangenni." BOE: "Ningen da." BOET: "A human."
Wald-Minish 2: „Hcsnem nie, ej ho!" BG: „Oh je, ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"Oh dear, a human!" OE: "Dangenni datonho!" BOE: "Honto da ningen da!" BOET: "A real human!"
Ezelo: „Wir sind wohl im Minish-Dorf..." DT/EQ: „"We are surely in (the) Minish-Village..." OE: "Okay! Here we are... The Picori Village!"
Link: „Das sind Minish... Es gibt sie wirklich..." DT: „That are Minish... They are they real..." EQ: „These are Minish... They are real..." OE: "Th-These are the Picori? They really DO exist!"
Link: „Genauso, wie Opa es gesagt hat... Sind die süß! Hallo!" DT: „Just-as, how Grandpa it said (x)... Are the cute! Hello!" EQ: "Just like what Grandpa said... They're cute! Hello!" OE: "Wow! It's just like Grandfather said! They're so cute! Umm... Hello!"
Wald-Minish 3: „Ud tshetsrev?" BG: „Verstetsht du?" DT: „Understand you?" EQ: "Do you understand?" OE: "Rukawa?" BOE: "Wakaru?" BOET: "You understand?"
Wald-Minish 4: „Thcin Ehcarps enies ennek chi." BG: „Ich kenne seine Sprache nicht." DT: „I know his language not." EQ: "I don't know his language." OE: "Yoinara kawaga batoko." BOE: "Kotoba ga wakaranaiyo." BOET: "I don't understand those words." (NOTE: Although, the forwards Japanese could also mean, "I don't understand that/your language".)
Link: „Was sagen sie?!" DT: „What say they?!" EQ: "What are they saying?!" OE: "Huh? They can't talk?!"
Ezelo: „Das ist die Minish-Sprache. Aber sie haben einen starken Dialekt... Sie reden nicht so, wie ich es kenne." DT: „That is the Minish-Language. But they have a strong dialect... They speak not so, how I it know." EQ: "That is the Minish-Language. But, they have a strong dialect... They don't speak it like how I know it." OE: "That's the Picori language. It's a difficult dialect. It's different from the Picorese that I know."
Ezelo: „Wie sollen wir ihnen so erklären, warum wir hier sind?" DT: „How should/supposed we them so tell, why we here are?" EQ: "How are we supposed to tell them why we're here?" OE: "If you can't speak any Picorese, this is going to be MUCH harder!"
Link: „Was machen wir nur?" DT: „What do we only?" EQ: "What do we do now?" OE: "What am I going to do?"
Wald-Minish 5: „Thcin hcid ehetsrev chi." BG: „Ich verstehe dich nicht." DT: „I understand you not." EQ: "I don't understand you." OE: "Yoinara kawaga batoko." BOE: "Kotoba ga wakaranaiyo." BOET: "I don't understand those words."
Link: „Kann hier jemand unsere Sprache?" DT: „Can here anyone our language?" EQ: "Can anyone here speak our language?" OE: "Does ANYONE here speak Hyrulean?" (NOTE: Uhh... German Link? You seem to be missing a crucial verb there...)
Wald-Minish 6: „Nien." BG: „Nein." DT/EQ: „"No." OE: "Yoinara kawa." BOE: "Wakaranaiyo." BOET: "Don't understand." (NOTE: But, German Minish, you... You correctly answered him... IN MINISH.)
Wald-Minish 7: „Gnunha eniek." BG: „Keine Ahnung." DT/EQ: „"No clue." OE: "Inara kawanze nze." BOE: "Zenzen wakaranai." BOET: "Don't understand at all."
Link: „Herrje..." DT/EQ: „"Oh dear..." OE: "This is TERRIBLE!"
Festa: „Hallo?!" DT/EQ: „"Hello?!" OE: "Excuse me."
Festa: „Du ungewöhnlich... bist Mensch du?" DT: „You unusual... are human you?" EQ: "You unusual... You are human?" OE: "The way you're dressed... Are you from the Big World?" (NOTE: Okay, props to the German version for having Festari speak in broken German. This is ADORABLE. ...But very hard to translate!)
Link: „Du verstehst mich?!" DT/EQ: „"You understand me?!" OE: "You speak Hyrulean?!"
Toneffekte: „Die Rettung!" DT/EQ: „"The rescue!" OE: "Minor miracle"
Festa: „Ja, bisschen." DT/EQ: „"Yes, little bit." OE: "Yes. A little."
Link: „Ihr müsst das Heilige Schwert reparieren! Wen soll ich darum bitten?" DT: „You all must the Holy Sword repair! Whom should I therefore request/ask?" EQ: "You all must repair the Holy Sword! Therefore, whom should I ask?" OE: "I need to get the sacred Sword reforged! Who should I talk to?"
Link: „Huch? He, du!" DT/EQ: „"Huh? Hey, you!" OE: "Huh? Where ya going?!"
Ezelo: „Folge ihm." DT/EQ: „"Follow him." OE: "Quick! Follow him!"
Toneffekte: „TAPP TAPP" DT/EQ: „"TAP TAP" OE: "Tump tump"
Ezelo: „Ich vermute, dass lange kein Mensch mehr hier war. Sie interesieren sich so sehr für dich." DT: „I assume, that long no humans more here were. They interest themselves so very for you." EQ: "I assume humans haven't been here for a long time. They're very interested in you." OE: "It's been a while since these Picori had a visit from your world. They're "berry interesty" in you." (NOTE: English Ezlo sounds like he's mocking the way the Minish talk... WHICH MEANS HE UNDERSTANDS THEM. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW MUCH THIS BOTHERS ME?! BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Link: „Was für ein riesiges Fass!! Ups. Nicht das Fass ist groß. Sondern ich bin so klein." DT: „What/such for a huge barrel! Oops. Not the barrel is big. Rather I am so small." EQ: "Such a huge barrel! Oops. Not that the barrel is big. Rather, I'm so small." OE: "Whoa! What a huge cask! Oh, I guess it's not THAT big... We're just small."
Link: „Wahnsinn, das ist ein Haus! Offenbar züchten sie hier etwas." DT: „Madness, this is a house! Apparently cultivate they here something." EQ: "Madness, this is a house! Apparently, they're cultivating something here." OE: "It's like a barn inside! Or a hot-house garden!"
Festa: „Enribhcstauq enie rhi tbah?" BG: „Habt ihr eine Quatschbirne?" DT: „Have you all a Gibberishpear?" EQ: "Do you all have a Gibberishpear?" OE: "Kasumaria minnorarape." BOE: "Perara no Min arimasu ka?" BOET: "Do you have a Perara Fruit?" (NOTE: Yup. "Perara Fruit" is used in the English version... Which proceeds to THEN call it by its in-game name, the Jabber Nut.)
Wald-Minish 8: „Retseirp, aj reba!" BG: „Aber ja, Priester!" DT: „But indeed, Priest!" EQ: "Of course, Priest!" OE: "Masaisa shoyosuma ria!" BOE: "Arimasu yoh Shosai-sama!" (????????) BOET: "I have it, Priest!" (NOTE: Random fun-fact... The English version actually mispelled the backwards Japanese! It's actually supposed to be, "Masaisa shiyosuma ria!", or forwards, "Arimasu yo Shisai-sama!" It still means how I translated it, though.)
Festa: „Bitte." DT/EQ: „"Please." OE: "Eat this."
Link: „Soll ich sie essen?" DT: „Should I it eat?" EQ: "Should I eat it?" OE: "I'm not really hungry, but..." (NOTE: Well, I'll eat it. And if I grow larger, I can reach the key! And if I grow smaller... Oh, wait. Wrong story.)
Toneffekte: „Mampf mampf schluck" DT/EQ: „"Munch munch gulp" OE: "Krunch munch GULP"
Festa: „Verstehst du mich jetzt?" DT: „Understand you me now?" EQ: "Do you understand me now?" OE: "You you understand what I'm saying?"
Link: „Ja. Häh?" DT/EQ: „"Yes. Eh?" OE: "Yes! Huh?!"
Festa: „Das is die Quatschbirne. Wer sie isst, beherrscht unsere Sprache." DT: „This is the Gibberishpear. Who it eats, masters our language." EQ: "This is the Gibberishpear. Whoever eats it masters our language." OE: "This is a Jabber Nut. Once you eat one, you're able to speak Picorese."
Wald-Minish 9: „Wah, ein Mensch! Oh ja, ein Mensch!" DT/EQ: „"Whoa, a human! Oh indeed, a human!" OE: "Wow! A Hyrulean! You really ARE a Hyrulean!"
Wald-Minish 10: „So, wie der Älteste es gesagt hat! Schöne Kleidung!" DT: „So, how the Elder it said (x)! Beautiful clothing!" EQ: "Just like the Elder said! Beautiful clothing!" OE: "It's just like the Elder said! Your clothes are cool!"
Wald-Minish 11: „Tolle Schuhe! Du kannst uns verstehen?!" DT: „Terrific shoes! You can us understand?!" EQ: "Terrific shoes! You can understand us?!" OE: "And cool shoes! Do you understand us?"
Link: „Hallo, ich bin Link!" DT/EQ: „"Hello, I am Link!" OE: "Nice to meet you! I'm Link!"
Wald-Minish 12: „Das ist ja klasse!!" DT: „This is indeed classy!!" EQ: "This is classy, indeed!!" OE: "Wow! Cool!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf hüpf" DT/EQ: „"Hop hop" OE: "ZWIP RUSH"
Ginsta: „Oh! Du sprichst die Sprache der Minish! Ich bin der Älteste, Ginsta. Ruht euch schön aus." DT: „Oh! You speak the Language (of) the Minish! I am the Elder, Ginsta. Rest yourself nicely (take)." EQ: "Oh! You speak the Language of the Minish! I am the Elder, Ginsta. Take a nice rest." OE: "Oh good! You understand the Picori Language! I am the Elder of the Forest, Gentari. Please make yourself at home." (NOTE: Elder Ginsta/Gentari kept his name. ...I'm afraid I can't say the same for his brother. ...Also, „ausruhen".)
Link: „Dan..." DT/EQ: „"Thank-" OE: "Thanks a lo--"
Ezelo: „Wir haben keine Zeit!" DT/EQ: „"We have no time!" OE: "Don't you have pressing business?"
Link: „Uh, stimmt!" DT/EQ: „"Uh, correct!" OE: "Oh, right!"
Link: „Es war einiges los... ...und wir wollen das Schwert reparieren lassen. Ihr müsst uns helfen!" DT: „There were things go... ...and we want the Sword repair let. You all must us help!" EQ: "There were things going on... ...and we want to get the Sword repaired. You all must help us!" OE: "I came here because I need your help. The sacred Picori Sword has been shattered. We need your help to reforge it!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. And the return of „es gibt"'s evil cousin, „es war".)
Ginsta: „Verstehe... Aber um das zu tun, werden vier Elemente benötigt." DT: „Understand... But in order that to do, will four Elements required." EQ: "I understand... But in order to do that, four Elements will be required." OE: "I see... But if you want the blade reforged, you will need the Four Elements."
Link: „Elemente?" DT/EQ: „"Elements?" OE: "Elements?"
Ginsta: „Die Elemente sind die konzentrierte Energie von Elementargesitern. Ein Heiliges Schwert wird erschaffen, wenn ihre Kraft auf das Schwert übertragen wird." DT: „The Elements are the concentrated energy of elemental-spirits. A Holy Sword will created, if/when their power of the Sword transferred will." EQ: "The Elements are the concentrated energy of elemental-spirits. A Holy Sword will be created if/when their power is transferred to the Sword." OE: "The crystalline forms of the energies that fill our world. To be reborn, the sacred Sword must be infused with their power."
Ginsta: „Das Erd-Element ist der Kristall der Macht des Erd-Elementargeistes. Das Feuer-Element bringt Wärme und Licht in die Finsternis." DT/EQ: „"The Earth-Element is the crystal (of) the might (of) the Earth-elemental-spirits. The Fire-Element brings warthm and light to the darkness." OE: "The Earth Element is the distillation of the Earth's Power. The Fire Element shines on darkness and delivers warmth." (NOTE: I see that German Gentari has taken lessons in being confusing from the German Hurdy-Gurdy Man. Also, the German FLAME-Element got renamed into the Fire-Element... Because why not. The other Elements retained their names!)
Ginsta: „Das Tropfen-Element stillt den Durst und besitzt die Kraft der Heilung. Das Wind-Element trägt Pflanzen und bringt die Ernte zu uns. Das sind die vier Elemente." DT: „The Droplet-Element satisfies the thirst and possesses the power (of) the healing. The Wind-Element carries plants and brings the harvest to us. The are the four Elements." EQ: "The Droplet-Element quences thirst and possesses the power of healing. The Wind-Element carries plants and brings harvest to us. These are the four Elements." OE: "The Water Element contains healing power and quenching thirst. The Wind Element spreads the power of life, bringing fruitfulness."
Link: „Wo finde ich sie?!" DT: „Where find I them?!" EQ: "Where do I find them?!" OE: "Where are they?"
Ginsta: „��berall verteilt in Hyrule... Es wird sicher nicht einfach sein." DT: „Over-all distributed/spread in Hyrule... It will certainly not easy be." EQ: "Spread all over in Hyrule... It certainly will not be easy." OE: "Scattered across Hyrule. Finding them will NOT be easy."
Link: „Ich muss den Fluch brechen, um Prinzessin Zeldas Versteinerung aufzuheben! Ich werde sie finden!" DT: „I must the curse break, in order Princess Zelda's petrification reverse/remove! I will them find!" EQ: "I must break the curse in order to reverse/remove Princess Zelda's petrification! I will find them!" OE: "I NEED them to break the curse and return Princess Zelda to normal! I WILL find them, wherever they are!"
Ginsta: „Verstanden. Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Understood. Festa!" OE: "I see. Festari!"
Ginsta: „Das ist Festa, unser Priester. Er wird dir den weg zeigen." DT: „This is Festa, our Priest. He will (to) you the way show." EQ: "This is Festa, our Priest. He will show you the way." OE: "This is the Priest, Festari. He will guide you." (NOTE: Priest Festa/Priest Festari is the same. I'm amazed the English version kept the fact that he was a Priest, because that fact was dropped in the actual game...)
Link: „Ah, du." DT/EQ: „"Oh, you." OE: "Hey! That guy from before!"
Link: „Danke für vorhin!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks for earlier!" OE: "Thanks for your help!"
Festa: „Das ist meine Pflicht als Priester." DT/EQ: „"That is my obligation as Priest." OE: "No, no... It's a Priest's job."
Toneffekte: „Uh..." DT/EQ: „"Uh..." OE: "Ugh..."
Link: „?" DT/EQ: „"?" OE: "?"
Festa: „Oh, nichts." DT/EQ: „"Oh, nothing." OE: "It's nothing."
Festa: „Das Erd-Element findest du im Schrein im nördlichen Wald. Aber gehst du wirklich dahin?" DT: „The Earth-Element find you in (the) Shrine in (the) northern Forest. But go you really therein?" EQ: "You can find the Earth-Element in the Shrine in the northern Forest. But are you really going there?" OE: "The Earth Element can be found in a small shrine to the north... ...Known as the Deepwood Shrine!"
Wald-Minish 8: „Zum Shrein?!" DT/EQ: „"To (the) Shrine?!" OE: "Deepwood Shrine?!"
Wald-Minish 9: „Der Wald-Shrein ist schrecklich! So viele Monster!" DT/EQ: „"The Forest-Shrine is terrible! So many Monsters!" OE: "That's a scary place! Evil spirits are living there!"
Festa: „Im Tyloria-Wald tauchen plötzlich viele Monster auf. Außerhalb der Stadt ist es wirklich gefährlich. Zahlreiche Minish wurden verletzt und haben ihre Häuser verloren." DT: „In (the) Tyloria-Forest emerged suddenly many Monsters (x). Beyond the city is it really dangerous. Numerous Minish were injured and (x) their homes lost." EQ: "Many Monsters suddenly emerged in Tyloria-Forest. It's really dangerous beyond the city. Numerous Minish were injured and lost their homes." OE: "It's true. Evil spirits have recently returned to the Minish Woods. Some Picori have been hurt or had their homes destroyed." (NOTE: „auftauchen".)
Link: „Dann muss ich erst recht gehen! Ich werde sie mit dem Schwert meines Opas schlagen!" DT: „Then must I above all go! I will them with the Sword (of) my Grandpa defeat/smite!" EQ: "Then, I must go above all else! I'll defeat/smite them with my Grandpa's Sword!" OE: "All the more reason to go! I'll defeat the spirits with my Grandfather's Sword!"
Festa: „Du bist jetzt wie wir Minish. Allein der Weg zu uns war sicher gefährlich..." DT: „You are now how we Minish. Alone the way to us was certainly dangerous..." EQ: "You are now like us Minish. The way to us alone certainly was dangerous..." OE: "But you're the same size as a Picori now. In small form, won't they just beat you up too?"
Link: „Für einen Mann gibt es immer einen Moment, in dem er alles geben muss!! Das hat mir Opas gesagt! Daher werde ich gehen!" DT: „For a man there is always a moment, in the he all give must! That (x) (to) me Grandpa said! Therefore will I go!" EQ: "For a man, there's always a moment where he must give his all! Grandpa said that to me! Therefore, I will go!" OE: "It may be dangerous, but there are times when a man has to do what a man has to do!! That's what Grandfather taught me! So I'm going!"
Festa: „Gut. Folge mir." DT/EQ: „"Good/Well. Follow me." OE: "I see. Okay. I'll be your guide."
Wald-Minish 9: „Link, nicht! Geh nicht!!" DT: „Link, not! Go not!!" EQ: "Link, don't! Don't go!" OE: "No, Link! Don't go!"
Festa: „Hier ist der Wald-Shrein." DT/EQ: „"Here is the Forest-Shrine." OE: "This is Deepwood Shrine." (NOTE: Name's the same, from the game, that is.)
Link: „Danke, Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Festa!" OE: "Thanks, Festari!"
Festa: „Pass bitte auf." DT: „Careful please (x)." EQ: "Please be careful." OE: "Be careful." (NOTE: „aufpassen".)
Toneffekte: „Stille..." DT/EQ: „"Silence..." OE: "TOTAL SILENCE"
Link: „Ziemlich dunkel!" DT/EQ: „"Pretty dark!" OE: "It's pitch-dark!"
Ezelo: „Ähem... Keine Angst, ich bin bei dir." DT: „Ahem... No fear, I am with you." EQ: "Ahem... Don't be afraid, I am with you." OE: "You got nothin' to worry about! I'M with you!"
Ezelo: „So... Dann geh du vor!" DT: „So... Then go you forward/ahead!" EQ: "So... You go ahead, then!" OE: "So just get on in there, slugger!"
Link: „Ach, ich lass dir gerne den Vortritt." DT: „Oh, I let you glady the right-of-way." EQ: "Oh, I'll gladly let you go first." OE: "Ehhh... Why don't YOU go first!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic-ish... Also, neither version remembered that Link called Ezlo "senpai" here in the original Japanese version.)
Ezelo: „Dabei warst du vorhin so großmäulig!" DT: „Yet were you earlier so loud-mouthed!" EQ: "Yet, you were so loud-mouthed earlier!" OE: "What's wrong? You sure TALKED like a tough guy earlier!"
Link: „Ach, deine Stimme zittert ja. Du hast also auch Angst!!" DT: „Oh, your voice shakes indeed/yes. You have so also fear!!" EQ: "Oh, yeah, your voice is shaking. You're scared, too!!" OE: "YOU'RE the one who wants to lead! Are YOU scared?!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Dann gehen wir eben zusammen..." DT: „Then go we just together..." EQ: "Then, we'll just go together..." OE: "This is dumb. Let's go TOGETHER."
Link: „Gut, dann... ...los!" DT/EQ: „"Good/Well, then... ...Go!" OE: "R-Right... ...Here we go!"
Toneffekte: „Platsch" DT/EQ: „"Splash" OE: "SPLOOSH"
Link: „Wasser?" DT/EQ: „"Water?" OE: "Water!"
Ezelo: „Pass auf, was unter dir ist." DT: „Careful (x), what under you is." EQ: "Be careful of what's under you." OE: "Be careful where you step!"
Toneffekte: „Platsch platsch fst..." DT/EQ: „"Splash splash fst..." OE: "Splish splosh bloop"
Toneffekte: „Popp popp popp popp" DT/EQ: „"Pop pop pop pop" OE: "Bloop bloop bloop bloop"
Toneffekte: „Gro gro gro gro gro" DT/EQ: „"Gro gro gro gro gro" OE: "RRUMMBLE"
Ezelo: „Die Gegner haben uns bemerkt, Link." DT: „The opponents (x) us noticed, Link." EQ: "The noticed us, Link..." OE: "I think they know we're here, Link."
Toneffekte: „WATSCH" DT/EQ: „"WADDLE" OE: "PLOOP"
Link: „Riesige Schnecken!!" DT/EQ: „"Huge snails!!" OE: "Gi-Giant slugs!"
Link: „Die sind widerlich!" DT/EQ: „"They are disgusting!" OE: "Ick! Gross!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop plop OE: "Ploop ploop"
Link: „Uff, was ist das?!" DT/EQ: „"Ugh, what is this?!" OE: "Whoa! What're these?!"
Ezelo: „Riesige... Bambussprossen? Link, hack sie weg!" DT/EQ: „"Huge... Bamboo-sprouts? Link, hack them away!" OE: "Giant bean sprouts. Cut 'em down, Link!"
Link: „Hier! Yah!!" DT/EQ: „"Here! Yah!!" OE: "Hyah! Yaah!"
Toneffekte: „DOSCH ZASCH" DT/EQ: „"Dash slash" OE: "SLASH SLICE" (NOTE: KERSLICEAH!)
Link: „Sie wachsen immer wieder neu?!" DT: „They grow always again new?!" EQ: "They're growing back again?!" OE: "As quick as I cut, they grow back!" (NOTE: IDIOMSEAH!)
Ezelo: „Beeil dich! Die Schnecken sind gleich da!!" DT: „Hurry yourself! The snails are right there!!" EQ: "Hurry up! The snails are right there!!" OE: "Hurry! A Sluggula!"
Link: „Endlich!!" DT/EQ: „"Finally!" OE: "We made it!"
Toneffekte: „Hah hah" DT/EQ: „"Hah hah" OE: "Huff wheeze"
Ezelo: „Da ist eine Gravur! Ein Relief." DT/EQ: „"There is an engraving! A relief." OE: "Look! A carving! It's a relief."
Link: „Ist das etwa das Erd-Element?!" DT/EQ: „"Is that thing the Earth-Element?!" OE: "Is THAT the Earth Element?!"
Ezelo: „Nein, ist es nicht. Aber ein altest Emblem der Minish." DT: „No, is it not. But an old emblem (of) the Minish." EQ: "No, it's not. But an old emblem of the Minish." OE: "No, it's an old symbol.. ...Representing the Picori World."
Link: „Du weißt ja alles, Ezelo." DT: „You know indeed everything, Ezelo." EQ: "You know everything, indeed, Ezelo." OE: "Ezlo, you sure know a lot."
Ezelo: „Ähem... Ich erzähl dir alles, wenn du Ratschläge brauchst! Wenn auch nur ungern." DT: „Ahem... I tell (to) you everything, if you advice need! If also only reluctantly." EQ: "Ahem... I'll tell you anything, if you need advice! If only reluctantly." OE: "Mm-hmm! If there's anything you need to know, just ask me... ...I'll help you out!"
Link: „Was soll das?!" DT: „What should that?!" EQ: "What was that?!" OE: "You're kinda clueless for a hero." (NOTE: ...I'm not kidding. EZLO has Link's speech-bubble in the English version. BE CONSISENT, DARNIT.)
Toneffekte: „Zuck zuck" DT/EQ: „"Twitch twitch" OE: "Twitch twitch"
Toneffekte: „WOSCH" DT/EQ: „"WHOOSH" OE: "SPROING"
Toneffekte: „Boff boff boff WAFF" DT/EQ: „"Boof boof boof WAFF" OE: "SPROING POP SPROING WHOOMPF"
Link: „Pilz-Monster...?!" DT/EQ: „"Mushroom-Monsters...?!" OE: "M-Mushroom monsters?!"
Link: „Igitt, Stinkepulver?" DT/EQ: „"Yuck, stinky powder?" OE: "What's this stinky powder?!"
Ezelo: „Das sind Giftsporen! Atme sie nicht ein!" DT: „Those are poison-spores! Breathe them not (x)!" EQ: "Those are poison-spores! Don't breathe them in!" OE: "A cloud of poisonous spores! Hold your breath!"
Toneffekte: „Flapp" DT/EQ: „"Flap" OE: "Whoosh"
Link: „Jah!!" DT/EQ: „"Yah!!" OE: "Hyah!"
Link: „Mein Schwert wirkt nicht!!" DT: „My Sword works not!!" EQ: "My Sword's not working!!" OE: "My Sword is useless!"
Toneffekt: „BOINK" DT/EQ: „"BOINK" OE: "BLOING"
Link: „Ich bekomme keine Luft...!" DT: „I receive no air...!" EQ: "I can't breathe...!" OE: "I c-can't breathe..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Halt durch, Kindchen!!" DT: „Hold through, kiddo!!" EQ: "Hold on, kiddo!!" OE: "Hey, boy! Hang in there!"
Ezelo: „Wenn du stirbst... ...sterbe ich auch!" DT: „If you die... ...die I also!" EQ: "If you die... ...I'll die, too!" OE: "If you get killed... ...I'll be killed too!"
Ezelo: „Bitte nicht! He, zeig deinen Elan!!" DT: „Please not! Hey, show your vigour!!" EQ: "Please don't! Hey, show your vigour!!" OE: "And THAT can't happen! Get up! Show some grit!"
Toneffekte: „Kitzel kitzel" DT/EQ: „"Tickle tickle" OE: "Peck peck"
Festa: „Los!!" DT/EQ: „"Go!!" OE: "Let's go!"
Toneffekte: „SAUS" DT/EQ: „"WHIZ" OE: "Zzwip"
Link: „Huch? Minish?!" DT/EQ: „"Huh? Minish?!" OE: "The Picori?!"
Toneffekte: „Klick Knirsch KULLER" DT/EQ: „"Click grind RUMBLE" OE: "Klik Kchunk... PLOP"
Toneffekte: „Flutsch" DT/EQ: „"SLIP" OE: "THUD"
Ezelo: „Wäh! Hilfe!" DT/EQ: „"Wah! Help!" OE: "I... I can't breathe!"
Link: „Ein Topf?!" DT/EQ: „"A Jar?!" OE: "A jar?!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop" OE: "Op"
Wald-Minish 8: „Link! Richte den Topf auf die Pilze!!" DT/EQ: „"Link! Point the Jar at the Mushrooms!!" OE: "Turn the jar toward the mushrooms!"
Toneffekte: „Schrooooh SAUG!" DT/EQ: „"SWOOOSH SUCK!" OE: "HWOOOO FHWOOM"
Link: „Wahnsinn! Er hat alle Sporen eingesaugt!!" DT: „Madness! It (x) all spores sucked-in!!" EQ: "Madness! It sucked in all the spores!" OE: "All right! It sucked in all the spores!"
Wald-Minish 8: „Ein Zaubertopf! Der Schatz unserer Ahnen!" DT/EQ: „"A Magic-Jar! The treasure (of) our ancestors!" OE: "It's a Magic Jar! It's a treasure that our ancestors made!" (NOTE: I love how neither version caught the fact that "Magic Jar" is literally just the original Japanese name for the Magischer Krug/Magic Jar/Gust Jar. German tried to... But used „Topf" instead of „Krug"...)
Toneffekte: „Sst sst sst SCHRRRRRRR" DT/EQ: „"Sst sst sst SCHRRRRRRR" OE: "Rustle rustle rustle Fwaaaa"
Ezelo: „Das ist das Erd-Element!!" DT/EQ: „"This is the Earth-Element!!" OE: "It's the Earth Element crystal!" (NOTE: ERD-ELEMENT ERHALTEN.)
Wald-Minish: „Hurra!!" DT/EQ: „"Hurray!!" OE: "All right!!"
Toneffekte: „Hurrah! Hurrah!!" DT/EQ: „"Hurray! Hurray!!" OE: "Yippee! Hurray!" (NOTE: THE MINISH ARE PRECIOUS AND MUST BE PROTECTED.)
Festa: „Du schlägst die Monster und erhälst das Erd-Element... Grandios! Der Mut der Menschen ist unglaublich!" DT/EQ: „"You defeated/smote the Monsters and received the Earth-Element... Magnificent! The courage (of) the humans is unbelievable!" OE: "Defeating those evil spirits and getting the Earth Element... Wow! Hyrulean courage truly is incredible!"
Link: „Euer Mut ist auch nicht übel! Ihr habt mir geholfen, obwohl ihr Angst hattet!" DT: „Your courage is also not bad! You all (x) (for) me helped, although you all fear had!" EQ: "You courage isn't bad, either! You all helped me, although you were all scared!" OE: "You were pretty brave too! You were scared, but you helped out anyway!"
Festa: „Ja, wir haben vor Angst gezittert. Aber..." DT: „Yes, we (x) with fear shook. But..." EQ: "Yes, we shook with fear. But..." OE: "I certainly WAS scared. My legs were shaking. But..."
Festa: „...euch Menschen zu helfen, ist uns eine Freude!" DT: „you humans to help, is us a pleasure!" EQ: "...helping you humans is a pleasure to us!" OE: "...Helping people is our purpose." (NOTE: ...WAS SOLL ICH SAGEN? HE, VOLL GERNE.)
Festa: „Nun, ich bin... ...der Menschen-Fan des Dorfes. ♥" DT/EQ: „"Well, I am... the human-fan (of) the Village. ♥" OE: "To tell you the truth... ...I'm a huge geek for the world of people! ♥"
Container: „Knöpfe-Sammlung" DT/EQ: „"Buttons-Collection" OE: "Button Collection"
Buch 1: „Modemagazin" DT/EQ: „"Fashion-Magazine" OE: "Illustrated Fashion Guide"
Buch 2: „Hyrule-Touristenführer" DT/EQ: „"Hyrule-Tourist-Guide" OE: "Atlas of Hyrule's Out-of-the-Way Spots"
Festa: „Ich musste vor Rührung weinen... Deine Courage und Freundlichkeit! Und neue, scharfe Klamotten!" DT: „I must before emotion cry... Your courage and friendliness/kindness! And new, sharp clothes!" EQ: "I cried with emotion before... Your courage and friendliness/kindness! And new, sharp clothes!" OE: "Just being near you... ...Brought tears to my eyes before! Your courage! Your kindness! Your sense of fashion!"
Festa: „Du bist so menschlich in jeder Hinsicht!!" DT/EQ: „"You are so human in every regard!!" OE: "Everything about you is SO Hyrulean I can barely stand it!"
Toneffekte: „Funkel funkel" DT/EQ: „"Sparkle sparkle" OE: "Sparkle sparkle"
Link: „So nun auch wieder nicht..." DT: „So now also again not..." EQ: "I wasn't all that..." OE: "No, I'm really not THAT great!" (NOTE: Idiomatic...)
Festa: „Das Wald-Minish sind so konservativ..." DT/EQ: „"The Forest-Minish are so conservative..." OE: "Styles around here are so last century!"
Toneffekte: „Haach." DT/EQ: „"Haaah." OE: "Huff"
Link: „Ja? Sie sind schön schlicht." DT/EQ: „"Yes? They are beautifully simple." OE: "I dunno. They're kinda charming and rustic."
Festa: „Sie tragen seit Tausenden von Jahren dasselbe! Aber bei der Mode sind Trends wichtig!" DT: „They wear since thousands of years (the) same! But with the fashion are trends important!" EQ: "They've worn the same thing for thousands of years! But with fashion, trends are important!" OE: "Their clothing hasn't changed in a thousand years! When it comes to fashion, trends are important!"
Toneffekte: „Klatsch klatsch" DT/EQ: „"Clash clash" OE: "Wap wap"
Festa: „Jetzt habe ich mich entschieden. Ich hatte nur keinen Mut... Ab heute..." DT: „Now (x) I me decided. I had only no courage... From/as of to-day..." EQ: "Now, I've decided. I just had no courage... As of to-day..." OE: "I've reached a decision. I didn't have the courage before... ...But starting today..."
Toneffekte: „Flop flop" DT/EQ: „"Flop flop" OE: "Toss toss"
Festa: „...bin ich der modischste Minish des Dorfes!!" DT: „...am I the (most) fashionable Minish (of) the Village!" EQ: "...I am the most fashionable Minish of the Village!" OE: "...I'm gonna be the Village's most fashionable Picori!"
Mode 1: „Blondiert und gegelt." DT/EQ: „"Bleached and gelled." OE: "Dyed brown and spiked"
Toneffekte: „YEEEAAH!" DT/EQ: „"YEEAAH!" OE: "YEEEEAH!"
Mode 2: „Sein Schatz: Jeans-Hose." DT/EQ: „"His treasure: Jean-pants/trousers." OE: "Favourite jeans"
Toneffekte: „Auf einem Pilz." DT/EQ: „"On a mushroom." OE: "Mushroom"
Mode 3: „Sammelt gerne T-Shirts." DT: „Collects gladly T-Shirts." EQ: "Gladly collects T-Shirts." OE: "Huge T-shirt collection"
Ginsta: „Besuche einen Mann namens Melta im Gongol-Berg, wenn du das Schwert reparieren willst." DT: „Visit a man named Melta on (the) Gongol-Mountain, if you the Sword repaired want." EQ: "Visit a man named Melta on Gongol-Mountain, if you want the Sword repaired." OE: "If you would have the sacred Sword repaired, visit a man named Melari."
Wald-Minish 13: „Festa ist verückt!!" DT/EQ: „"Festa is crazy!!" OE: "Festari's getting weird."
Festa: „Breaken auf dem Pilzkopf." DT/EQ: „"Break-dancing on the mushroom-head." OE: "The mushrooms and I can breakdance!" (NOTE: ...Break-break-breakdance, here we go-oh-oh!)
Ginsta: „Er lebt dort, um seine Metallschmiedekunst zu perfektionieren. Er wird dir sicher helfen." DT: „He lives there, in order his metalworking-arts/skills to perfect. He will (to) you certainly help." EQ: "He lives there in order to perfect his metalworking-arts/skills. He will certainly help you." OE: "He lives on Mount Crenel, perfecting the metallurgical arts. I'm sure he will help you."
Ezelo: „Danke, Ältester." DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Elder." OE: "Thank you, Elder!"
Link: „Tschüss, Festa!" DT/EQ: „"Bye, Festa!" OE: "Bye, Festari!" (NOTE: I love how casual German Link is being by saying „Tschüss" instead of any variant of „Auf Wiedersehen".)
Ezelo: „Was lachst du, Kindchen? Du wärst fast getötet worden. Hast du keine Angst?" DT: „Why laugh you, kiddo? You (x) almost killed were. Have you no fear?" EQ: "Why are you laughing, kiddo? You were almost killed. Aren't you scared?" OE: "Why are you grinning, boy? Last time... You almost died! Aren't you SCARED?"
Link: „Das ist so spannend!! Wenn ich klein bin.. ...ist alles ein großes Abenteuer!" DT: „This is so exciting! When I small am... ...is everything a big adventure!" EQ: "This is so exciting! When I'm small... ...everything's a big adventure!" OE: "This is all so exciting! When you're small... ...EVERYTHING is a big adventure!"
Link: „Okay, weiter geht's! Auf zum Gongol-Berg!!" DT: „Okay, further go (let's)! On to (the) Gongol-Mountain!!" EQ: "Okay, let's go on! Onto Gongol-Mountain!" OE: "So on to the next one! Mount Crenel!!" (NOTE: Gongol-Mountain/Mount Crenel retained its name. Yup.)
Ezelo: „He he! Nicht so schnell, lass mich nicht fallen!" DT: „Hey hey! Not so fast, let me not fall!" EQ: "Hey, hey! Not so fast; don't let me fall!" OE: "Hey! Whoa! Don't forget I'm up here!"
Ezelo: „Na, aus dem kann noch was werden..." DT: „Well, out the can still what become..." EQ: "Well, something can come out of this." OE: "I wonder what trouble we'll land in next."
#the bard of light rants#minish cap#the minish cap#the legend of zelda#the bard of light translates#German#translation#WHEEEEEEEEEEEE
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