#but yeah being exposed to conversations and studies about this types of things at a young age is...interesting...say the least...
lady-of-endless · 4 months
JJBA Matchup trade for @critter-paw
Author's Note: Thank you so much for messaging me for this trade. I hope you'll enjoy it! The lovely gifs are not mine, I'm thanking the owners for them.
From part 4, I match you with...
Jotaro Kujo
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- He has a lot of things to worry about, and a lot of problems to handle, and your playful teasing as a form of affection while still being a calm person is a breath of fresh air to him.
- He might also think you're "too nice" and wants you to look out for yourself more. He looks out for you as well but doesn't admit it. Plus, there will be Star Platinum who will always express his worry and will always protect you the way he protects Jotaro equally.
- He will always have your back. Not just because he got attached but because he doesn't want to lose you the way he lost others he cared about. You're too good to be true in his eyes and he thinks that this only puts you in great danger. Afraid of conflict? Yeah, let him handle it.
- Psychology? He will be interested in your takes but also feel a bit exposed and analyzed. However, he admires the fact that you have such a complex interest. You can leave the math to him, don't worry. He doesn't care about such a thing. You're studying psychology and Criminal Justice, how is that not impressive? He likes it when someone else asks you about it. It makes him feel even more proud.
- Some problems might arise from the way both of you handle your problems, tending to keep it to yourselves. But you're both starting to open up about them gradually and learn from each other. This will also bring the two of you even closer. But to get there, someone has to start.
- Jotaro will enjoy listening to you, whether it would be random facts or deep things. He's generally curious and also sees knowing more about something as a benefit.
- Noticing how you're the mediator type, relying on feelings, intuition, and perspective while being on the introverted side, he tries not to go as blunt as he usually is with others. However, seeing that you can handle it as well puts him at ease, allowing him to be more sincere.
- Your preferred love language is confusing to him in a good way. He tries to rationalize everything at first before understanding that this is your way of being affectionate. He likes it. His love language would be more inclined to acts of service and quality time.
From part 5, I match you with...
Leone Abbachio
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- Expect him to judge you right from the start, he can't help it. Bucciarati told him you're great but so what? He needs to convince himself. However, learning more about you, he starts getting impressed and interested.
- You two will click when you start teasing each other. However, he is also on the introverted side so he cherishes the moments of peacefulness and calmness your presence provides. He's the type to feel totally content with just chilling with you in silence, it feels comfortable.
- Criminal Justice? You two would get lost in conversations about it. When the team gets a mission or a mystery to solve from the boss, the gang looks at the two of you. Your observations and deductions work so well with his analytic and logical thinking.
- He'll always annoy you by telling you to stop apologizing that much but don't worry, he means well. He too will protect you but from afar, letting you handle things while he's keeping an eye on you. He knows you're more than capable. But when things get tough, don't be surprised to see him there next to you for help, no excuses.
- Abbachio finds opening up to you comforting. Of course, it's not like this from the start, it takes time. He doesn't do it a lot and definitely not in the first stages of your relationship but you're patient. You'll listen to him rant about Giorno and if you decide to throw in some comments (not serious though), for the fun of it, he'll instantly like you more. Jokes aside, he likes how easy it is to connect with you.
- He finds it suspicious how well you can understand him. Don't blame him, he's always with his guard up and he often gets misunderstood, that's why.
- He admires how you're the mediator, the caring type of person. It's something he looks up to. Abbachio counts on you to warn him if he goes overboard with his attitude. Although he rolls his eyes when you tell him to be softer, he is grateful for your observations and will try to be softer with the others just for your sake.
- Your style either when you go for the gothic look or cottagecore is so compatible with him. On one situation you'd look like a badass power couple and on the other occasion, you'll look like a dream he doesn't think he deserves to have.
Risotto Nero: He wishes he could have you on his team but might realize it's because of his own fascination with you.
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sizhui · 1 year
Honestly i do see your point with the post about fanfiction, but on the other hand having been in fandom spaces since very young (probably too young to be honest) I've just come to absolutely distrust fanfic writers (especially on ao3 because well. I'm sure you're well aware of the culture on that site) because on multiple occasions i have been hit by random unexpected graphic (very clearly fetishistic) depictions of abuse in works that seemed pretty solid otherwise based on the summary alone; incest fans are especially egregious for including that aspect with no warning whatsoever in what seems like an otherwise interesting story about two brothers from the summary alone, so like... as much as i agree that we don't need to tag every single generally harmless detail of a story because it significantly dumbs it down and ruins the experience it's also true that whenever i have branched out and tried reading stories that seemed interesting from the summary alone and had a minimal amount of tags i ended up getting bitten by one of my biggest triggers so i feel like... i might as well just read actual published literature (which i do regularly for fun and for school) when seeking something more challenging and with unexpected elements since the culture around fanfiction is just too rancid for me to trust fic writers to tag the appropriate amount and not just deliberately hide "problematic" (=abuse fetish) elements to jumpscare people for fun. So it's like yeah you have a point but it's a bit of a conundrum since a lot of fic writers aren't actually into this to say anything constructive. I'm sorry if it's worded badly English isn't my first language and my tone sometimes doesn't come off great through text so I'm not accusing you of anything or being confrontational. Anyway i hope you have a good day o7
I get you honestly, but I purposefully didn't touch upon the toxic, abusive CULTURE around fanfic and ao3 which actively protects harmful fetishizers and real abusers too - because that's a whole other very serious conversation to be had. My post sought to discuss fanfic purely as a type of watered-down, half-premade story and how it affects the way readers interact with original fiction. I did not discuss the huge problems with illegal content being hosted on fanfic sites because to do that i would have to sit down and write for a long time with utmost concentration, which I have neither time nor will for rn.
I will however say that if my post came off as "keep reading solely fanfic, just without tags, to chaenge yourself" then i failed to express myself correctly. I absolutely meant to convey that the primary focus of every reader should be published original fiction and nonfiction, because the things you can get out of them you won't find in any fic, since the fic culture and system is already established and truthfully a 3 note post will never affect it.
However, though I too havr major triggers, I am not averse to the practice of writing fanfic. I firmly believe that there are just as many perverse individuals among writers of original stories as there are among fanfic writers - abuse fetishism isn't unique to people who write about cartoons, they just got themselves a huge website where they can publish their works for free and expose an audience to it, so the problem gapes open and very obvious. However, there are thousands of people who use writing as outlets for their sick sexual fantasies who have never touched fandom spaces - it's just that you'll more rarely stumble upon their works because it's not as easy to publish them professionally (though look at shit like a song of ice and fire... i find it just as distasteful as some third grade torture porn fic) in conclusion, I don't really think that fandom spaces breed weirdos, i think they just give them an outlet and a spotlight. I may be biased because i've been into writing character studies and alternate endings to stories i liked since i was young, i just dont elevate those so much and call them proper literature and hide behind them like annoying ao3 aunties do.
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dead-man-walking · 4 years
strikecxmmander replied to your post “strikecxmmander replied to your post “strikecxmmander replied to...”
I know the line and found it strange XD Psychopaths have brains that aren't able to make people act like he did before he became bitter and murderous. You need to be born with a certain neuronal setup and he clearly wasn't.
//It’s weird and yet oddly fitting to who he is in Reaper, but also the small things like Retribution and what he says and does. Now, is it canon to whole point of...wait...no...lets not go there, it is literally like the Sym thing with autism and I am just not going to touch that with a ten-foot pole. 
Yeah, but it is strange how he does use that one line. That and we sadly don’t see him and Jack and the others much before Reyes and the others have tension. By the Halloween comic timeline, there was already tension for whatever reason. I just wish Blizzard would clarify and add to some of the things they already have and hinted...be nice...would be nice...
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angelplummie · 3 years
warnings: suggestive, tiny but angsty, mostly rage inducing crack
part 1 part 2
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• does the whole trust worthy goofy guy thing :|
•he just a funny silly guy 🤣 you’ll think “omg is it just me that thinks he’s actually really cute ...?”
• No. it’s not just you. it’s every girl on campus alright?
• he fucks anything and everything that comes his way, indefinitely. girl, boy, non binary, he plays them all
• i mean #gayrights but he’s a man whore
• thing is he’s not the worst of the bunch he’s just a huge slut that’s too dumb to realise other people have feelings
•fucks who he wants, when he wants bc he can
•somehow he always has ten thousand poor sods in love with him even though there’s nothing behind those pretty eyes
•if u decide to fuck around with him... best night of your life tbh but it’s not worth the embarrassment of crying over the fact he made out with 3 people at YOUR birthday party even after he cuddled you after he nutted in u :( u thought it meant at least something!
•naw that’s just how he rolls, u were warm and nice so he went for it. meant less than nothing to him
•always smells a little. like not enough that u don’t fuck him, but enough that u notice
•girl don’t cry over him he can’t remember ur name i’m so sorry
•lord help us all
• typical gym bro pussy pounder, all he can think of is Sport™️ and Nut™️
•He’s the type to have a really rowdy friend group but so he pulls the “woah guys, you’re scaring the lady, are you ok 😅😘🥺”
•And then you’ll go, omg this guy is so sweet and so different and so hot, i should definitely have sex with him, he’s definitely a nice guy
• Aha! you’ve fallen for his trap! you fool!
•he’s like a fake feminist :/
•if his friends say something misogynistic around girls he’ll be like “woah woah woah! that’s uhhhh that’s a little sexist!”
• his friends roll their eyes at his stupid ploy “yeah whatever man” but they don’t expose him, bro code or whateva
•the second you lovely ladies leave he’s like 10x worse
• “naw bro that girl was ugly” “no tits, no ass, what’s the point?” “she would be hot if it wasn’t for her face” “she’s a slut but id still hit, it’d be loose tho”
•every horrible thing you can imagine he has said. I despise him
•if he’s got his sights on u, he’s having you, end of.
• hell do anything to get you to sleep with him if u turn him down the first time, he loves a challenge
• honestly he’s a bit too proud of himself, his strategy is just being really hot in ur vicinity and hoping u crack, all while keeping up his nice guy shtick
•credit to him it works a lot of the time
•if that fails, he’ll join whatever study group ur in and mansplain to you, which surprisingly doesn’t work either
• his last resort is to actually learn stuff about u and have a real conversation, which is so yawn, but works when he brings up the fact that he volunteers at the local orphanage and “those kids are like my little brothers you know?”
•suddenly he’s balls deep in you and he sticks a finger in ur butt? okay
• got to admit, he is a good fuck he’s just the worst person ever. he really sucks.
• honestly he probably won’t even talk degradingly about you to his friends, you weren’t particularly anything, he has sex with a lot of girls, ur not really special
• leaves hella hickeys bc he’s a dickhead
• cunt
• blatant and obnoxious flirting
• wears chains religiously
• paints his nails black but he’s so shit at it
• smokes more than he shits, and he shits a lot
• makes tik tok thirst traps, and they’re annoyingly hot
• ur like omg cringe who does that lol but when he waddles his emo caboose up to u u fold immediately
• so annoying, so so so annoying
•like he’s just a little squirmy rat man, a little guy that makes u itch but u let him in ur pants anyway
• he’s so smug after the fact as well, always making sexual comments about u to ur face afterwards
•if u tell him ur uncomfortable he’ll just be like “what? you didn’t seem uncomfortable when i _____”
•he’s shit i want to hit him
• pukes at every party he goes to, fucking nerd
• says he’s a communist but he is most definitely not, he just likes leftist hoes
•got a stupid fucking tattoo of some dumb quote on his leg, something like “live fast die young” u know he gets that shit out every party
•takes way too long on his hair. no one cares that you got a mullet please stop talking about it
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reblogs appreciated!! masterlist
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
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Too Late To Apologize?
Requested By @rosiesandlilies​: “I was wondering if I can request a Rosé x female reader story where Rosie is an idol who also happens to be ur wife and since she and BP are taking over the world by storm, she starts to forget about you and whenever u ask her to spend a little bit of time with you, she gets upset and fights with you. You’re also an important person but you always make time for her. Can it be angsty with fluff 🥰”
Pairing: Rosé x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 6,026
Warnings / Misc: -- Angst, Self Doubt, Strained Marriage / Relationship, Crying, Some Swearing, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Oooooo lord, here we go. I am feeding 👏 you 👏 all 👏 today! This one took a while to write, but I’m pretty happy with it. I wrote it all in one go, starting at like 3am (as usual lol), so forgive me if it’s a little rough. I put a lot of effort into it, though, so I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for requesting -- Happy reading!
PS ~ I highly recommend that you listen to these songs as you read this:
You Were Good To Me -- Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler
Surrender -- Natalie Taylor
The Night We Met -- Lord Huron
I Found -- Amber Run
Hongdae, Seoul  --  8:00 PM
“Good evening, everyone! Before I open the doors, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your day to stop in. We couldn’t have done this without your support, and we’re endlessly grateful. We hope you have a wonderful experience with us tonight. Now, without further ado, welcome to La Rêverie!”
To your amusement, the sizable crowd erupts into a fit of cheers once your opening speech is over. Echoes of the joyous sounds carry across the city, wiggling their way through the alleys and streets, bouncing off of the nearby buildings. The customers slowly filter in, greeting and congratulating you on their way; you’re beyond excited to start this new journey, and seeing people so happy to be a part of it only makes you more proud.
Eventually everyone makes it inside to their seats, and you join them.
--- Later That Evening ---
“Y/N, we have a private party that would like to see you. They’re eager to meet the woman behind all of this,” Pierre smirks, quirking an eyebrow suggestively. His demeanor confuses you slightly, seeing as how this isn’t the first time high profile celebrities have requested your presence -- that’s just one of the perks of being a world renowned chef. You brush off his remark as playful banter and send him to tell them that you’ll be out soon. 
“...yes, actually. Y/N and I were fortunate enough to meet when she was studying in Paris; we were being trained by the same chef. We’ve been close ever since. I’m not surprised that she hired me, though; I’m practically a master in the kitchen.”
At Pierre’s cocky words, your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head. A small grin plays on your lips nonetheless, and you smooth out your top one more time before rounding the corner. 
“What’s this idiot on about now? Did he tell you about the time that he nearly got kicked out of our mentorship program for giving Anthony Bourdain the wrong dish?” You ask the table, sending them a glance while ruffling his hair as you come up behind him. They all snicker at that, and it’s his turn to roll his eyes; with an annoyed shove, he scolds you for bringing that story up again.
“Must you always tell people about that?”
Your smile widens, spreading cutely across your face. Mocking him is one of your favorite things to do. “Mhm,” you say simply, nodding your head for emphasis. He attempts to hide his embarrassment, but it only brings a deeper blush to his cheeks. 
At the VIP table, the suppressed sound of laughter carries over to you, and you’re reminded of your reason for being here in the first place. Upon offering your full attention to the table now, no longer distracted by Pierre, you’re met with 4 different pairs of eyes on you. Warm, yellow light illuminates the area, the classy overhead fixture emitting a soft glow to cast down on the guests beautifully. It’s cozy and inviting, just like you had intended it to be, and the sight makes you happy.
As you quickly scan over each of the girls, your brain pieces together where you know them from.
“My oh my, it’s Blackpink themselves. To what do I owe this honor?” All of the natural charisma that you possess takes over now, doing its best to override your nerves. It’s definitely not the time to fangirl over them; you have to act cool. One by one, you shake their hands, making sure to give each of them a glimpse of your award winning smile. 
Jennie is the first to speak up. “Yourself, of course. You’re the talk of the town, Y/N, how could we miss this?” The way that she says it so casually, already skipping past the formalities, puts you at ease. 
“Ah, you’re too kind. Was your food prepared to your liking?”
A chorus of approving noises leaves the table, successfully boosting your confidence in the process. “It was truly incredible, Y/N.” Rosé gushes, her adorable accent adding something magical to the simple phrase. For the first time tonight, your mind goes blank; ever since news broke of your plans for this new restaurant, you practiced to avoid this very thing. As you stand there floundering for a beat, she takes notice of the effect that her words have on you; it doesn’t take long for her to realize how much she loves to make you blush.
“Thank you so much. We’re so glad to have you here tonight.” 
“We’re happy to be here! Rosé hasn’t stopped talking about it for the past week.” The Australian’s eyes go wide as Lisa exposes her, and she shoots the younger girl a shocked look. Lisa only smirks at this, her shoulders rising and falling in a nonchalant shrug. Jisoo nods in confirmation, adding, “Yeah, she’s been super pumped.”
On the inside, you’re freaking out. Rosé was that excited to try out your creations? There’s no logical explanation for that one. Your own surprise is evident in your voice as you respond, “Oh really now? And why’s that?”
“I-I’ve just heard a lot of great things, you know? You’re pretty talented.” She tries to sound confident, but the stutter in her voice betrays her. The tips of her ears are burning with embarrassment, and after sending her yet another smile, you decide to spare her by changing the topic. 
“Well thank you, again. It’s truly a privilege to cook for you girls.” The conversation continues from there, effortlessly moving from subject to subject, and you love how welcome they make you feel. Occasionally you excuse yourself to check on the other guests and ensure that they’re enjoying their dinner, and every time, Rosé finds herself sorely missing your presence. Despite only officially meeting tonight, she feels like she’s known you her whole life. The two of you clicked instantly, and she can’t seem to get enough of you.
After spending the better part of 2 hours chatting and getting to know one another better, you grow bold and ask the question that’s been rolling around in your head all night. 
“Would you guys like to come back to the kitchen for a bit? I could give you some tips and we could make a couple dishes, if you want.”
Rosé nearly interrupts you from how eager she is to accept the offer. The second that you’re done asking, she’s already saying yes. The others happily agree as well, and soon you’re leading them to the back to get prepped.
“Just like this, everyone. Cut thinly here,” you inform, using your knife to point to the areas in question, “...then turn it and follow through with the slices. It should come out diced, like so.” The girls observed your swift motions, peeking over at the small cubes once you’re finished. Things continue on like this for a while, and soon you’re halfway done with the veggies while they’re barely done with the first part of their batches.
“Slow down, Y/N! You’re too fast for us grandmas.” Jisoo jests, her voice bouncy with amusement. 
“Okay, okay! I’ll wait, just let me know if you need help.” Your knife comes to rest against the cutting board, and you take the opportunity to lean back against the countertop to watch them work. Your eyes trail over to Rosé, only to find her already looking at you; she tenses once she realizes she’s been caught, and she returns to her previous duties. You decide to tease her.
“Everything alright, Rosé? You seem a little distracted…” She momentarily shuts her eyes at your words, trying to refocus her thoughts and collect herself. A subtle snicker from Lisa can be heard, and Rosé delivers a quick jab to her arm. The maknae lets out a little “oww” before setting her things down to rub away the newfound soreness of her arm. 
A little later, Jennie requests some assistance, prompting you to make your way over to her. The station that she’s working at just so happens to be next to Rosé’s, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t thrill you. 
“Do we peel this first or leave it on?” 
“Cut the ends first, then slice it in half and remove the outer layer.”
Under your watchful eye, she follows your instructions and is soon back on track. She thanks you, and you bring your hand up to give her a pat on the back. Although she feels childish for it, the action works to make Rosé the tiniest bit jealous; she wants your attention on her. 
The blonde clears her throat before speaking up. “Y/N, I need a little help, too.” Your heart jumps at her words, and you fight hard to keep yourself in check as you spin around to face her.
“Of course, Rosé.” She sighs at the way her name rolls off your tongue, and she’s completely convinced that you’ve secretly put her under some type of spell. Her thoughts of you and your mysterious ways are interrupted when you come to stand next to her, your hip lightly brushing against hers. 
“Oh, well there’s your problem: you’re holding the knife wrong. Here,” you start, reaching out to reposition her hand in a better spot. Now she’ll be able to control it better, and she won’t run the risk of cutting herself.
“Better?” You ask innocently, missing the way that she bites her lip. The close proximity of your bodies is making her head spin, and she can’t decide if she wants you to stay or go. “Yes, thank you.” She looks like she wants to say something else, but she doesn’t, so you take that as your cue to go check on the other girls. Rosé silently curses herself for missing that golden opportunity to flirt with you, but she takes solace in the fact that she catches you stealing glances her way fairly often. You feel the connection too, and she’s pleased with that -- maybe she was doing something right after all.
The next stint of the night is spent preparing and cooking the dishes you promised them while trading jokes, banter, and teasing remarks. A mini food fight also took place, but for the sake of professionalism you won’t mention that. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.
“Goodnight girls. I hope you come by again sometime soon!” 
They all assure you that they’ll be back before you know it, and you believe them. After all, they gobbled those dishes down like they hadn’t eaten in days -- it’s safe to say that they enjoyed them.
Rosé lingers in the doorway, eyeing you as you work to clean off the counter. She doesn’t want to go; she’s loved getting to hang out with you. Contemplating her options, she decides to be brave; she tells the girls to go on ahead, that she’ll be there in a minute. 
“Rosé, did you forget something?” You ask, looking up at her as you reach forward to wipe any remaining debris off the sleek surface.
“Yeah, your number.” Somehow, she possesses all the confidence in the world now, her new demeanor completely opposite to its previously shy counterpart. 
You tilt your head at her, a dumbfounded smile parting your lips ever so slightly. “Bold, are we? Alright, I’ll bite.” You say, holding a hand out for her to give you her phone. Her eyes widen a bit -- was she not expecting you to say yes? There’s no way you could turn down a chance like this. She fumbles around in her bag until the smooth screen of her phone comes into contact with her fingers, letting her know she’s found it.
“Here you go,” she chuckles cutely, an adorable little pattern of blush rising to her cheeks again. 
After entering your number, making sure to save the contact and even take a goofy picture of yourself for it, you give it back to her. “Call me anytime, love.” Her smile spreads even farther at the pet name, and she ducks her head to hide her reddening cheeks.
As she slowly approaches the door, walking backwards, she says, “I will… love,” offering you a little awkward salute at the end of it. You giggle at her antics, and soon bid her goodnight. 
No more than 5 minutes later, your phone dings as it displays a notification from an unknown number. 
“I’m usually not that awkward 🤦‍♀️ pretty girls just make me nervous.” The message makes your heart flutter, and you quickly save her number to your contacts. 
“Really? We have yet another thing in common, then.” 
The girls watch as Rosé does a little victory dance in her seat, her movements a bit limited by the belt stretched across her body. She’s practically glowing with excitement, her fingers already firing off another reply.
3 Years Later -- Rome, Italy
Upon seeing Rosé saunter down the aisle, your emotions get the jump on you; before you can stop them, tears flow freely down your face, and you bring a hand up to your mouth to quiet yourself. She looks bruisingly beautiful: the natural curves of her body are accentuated by the silky material of her dress, and her shoulders are covered in lace. An angel cast down from the heavens above. 
She smiles at the audience that’s filled with your close friends and family, offering little greetings as she passes them. Once she and her father make it to the altar, he pulls you in for a big hug, a few tears escaping his eyes. After he takes a step back, he looks between the two of you with pure pride on his face, his hand resting on your shoulder. 
The song ends, signalling for the two of you to join hands and face each other, and he returns to his seat. 
“We’re gathered here today to celebrate the joyous union of Y/N L/N and Roseanne Park. Two souls destined to find their way to one another, travelling millions of miles in the process. We come together to revel in this fact and send them into their new life together with all of our support.” The officiator says into the microphone, smiling at the two of you. You can tell he loves his job, and he’s damn good at it. 
Rosé’s grip on your hand tightens as she tries to contain her tears, but you’re quick to assure her that it’s alright. “You can cry, baby.” At your words, her lip is released from between her teeth, and her tears begin to flow. You wipe them away, stepping closer to rest your forehead against hers. 
The ceremony continues on and the two of you recite the personal vows you wrote. Somehow, unbeknownst to you, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to how much you can cry in one sitting. Rosé is having the same problem, seeing as how her makeup is smudging some as the tears wash the substances away. You don’t care though, and you make it a point to remind her of that; she’s never looked more beautiful to you.
“I do.” You choke out, beaming at her as you run your thumb across her knuckles.
“I do.” She responds, impatiently bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waits for those final words from the officiator. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” 
Her lips are on yours before he even finishes the phrase, her hand resting on the back of your neck as she pulls you in closer. Your lips move with hers in perfect time, working to seal your union in the best way possible. “I love you, forever,” she whispers against your lips. 
Present Day, 1:17 AM
In order to spare you from the overwhelming sadness that you’re being subjected to now, your brain takes you back to those happy times from the past. When Rosé still made time for you; when she loved you. 
Even though you hate it, you still find her in everything. The bright sunshine of the early morning reminds you of all the times she would wake you up with kisses, holding you close. The songbirds outside of your window bring to mind when you’d come home to find her at the piano, alternating between striking the keys and strumming her guitar as her beautiful voice carried out across the house. 
You miss that Rosé, so, so much. The Rosé that would call you in between sessions at the studio, if only for 5 minutes. The Rosé that longed to hear your voice after a long day; who fell into your arms the second that she shuffled through the door after practice. 
As time has passed, though, she’s seemed to fade more and more from your life; missed calls and texts have become a given, and it takes everything in you to mask your sorrow. Anyone who knows you well at all can easily see through the facade: you’re now a shell of who you once were, your normally vibrant and cheery self gone. You attempt to hide your sadness behind a smile, but it never really works out; your eyes don’t shine like they used to, and your lips don’t quite tweak up at the corners in the special way they had before. 
But you’re getting ahead of yourself again. Your reason for crying tonight is simple: for the hundredth time this month, she’s cancelled your date night plans, opting to spend the time working instead. The argument that the two of you had earlier replays in your mind:
"I don't have a choice."
Except, she did. She could choose you, choose to take a break, if only for the evening. You never ask too much of her, knowing that she can't handle even more stress competing with what she already has from the company and media. Being an idol is hard enough, and you know you can never fully wrap your head around everything that's expected of her.
Though, that makes this all the more ridiculous. All you've asked for is a couple hours of her time -- for her to relax with you and get away from it all. Earlier that day you had gone to the store and picked up all the necessary materials to treat her to a little spa day, complete with bath and body oils, face masks, and even some bath bombs. 
"Asking my wife to spend an evening with me is not unreasonable, Rosé."
"I'm not having this argument again, Y/N. I get enough shit from everyone else; I don't need any extra from you."
Maybe it was something in how she said it, so final and hateful, her face coming to rest in a scowl. Her arms were crossed as she stood in front of you, and you could see the muscles in her jaw clench and release repeatedly. In some twisted way, part of you was glad to have this encounter; it hurt like hell, but at least she was paying attention to you. She hadn't looked at you for this long in a while.
Before you can even get another word out, she sighs, saying, "I don't have time for this. I have to go back to the studio." 
Just as she turns to go, you catch her wrist. With a slightly annoyed look, she turns to face you.
"If you walk out that door then I'm leaving; at least for the night. We need to talk about this, but if you don't care enough to even give me that, then…" you trail off, tilting your head slightly. You want her to apologize, to say how wrong she's been for doing all of this to you -- but she doesn't. Her expression is tired, irritation written plainly for you to see. She pulls her arm away, offering a petty, "Oh well," with a shrug before exiting the house. 
How could she be so cold? Maybe that's what hurt the most. Seeing the love of your life turn into someone completely different than who you fell for stung more than any argument ever could. The reality is that she's not the same person anymore. Accepting that would be half of the battle in and of itself. 
Your heart is betraying itself, stuck in a sticky situation: you're constantly struggling between your love for her and the respect you hold for yourself. Half of you wants to stay, to make her listen and fight for this; but the other half of you, perhaps the more rational side, knows that that won't work now. You've tried that already, you reason with yourself, racking your brain for any new way to get through to her. 
Sometimes it's like she forgets all of the sacrifices you make for the relationship. Despite having your own busy schedule to deal with, you always make time for her. So why could she never do the same for you?
It's obvious that in its current state, this relationship is only wrecking your mental health -- a testament to that is every night you've spent lying awake, sobbing into your pillow as your list of insecurities grows longer and longer. She used to be the person you'd run to when negative thoughts plagued your mind, her sweet words of love showing how much she valued you. But all of that's gone now, leaving you with a shattered heart and racing mind. When had you stopped being enough?
It’s late, well past 4AM when Rosé manages to make it home. Practice absolutely wrecked her today, leaving her body exhausted from dancing and throat sore from all the singing she had to do. She’s more than ready to collapse into bed and pass out. 
One thing that always stayed the same was your sleeping arrangement. No matter how much Rosé hurt you, you still slept in the same bed. Her subconscious was always kinder to you than she was, anyway; the two of you would cuddle in close like before, her arms wrapped around you as she slept peacefully. No arguments or yelling, you could always count on the nights to heal your heart a little bit. 
As she enters the empty bedroom, the memory of your argument from earlier that day comes flooding back. She remembers that you said you were leaving, but part of her didn't fully believe you. She should've known better -- you always keep your word. Guilt washes over her, and she gently taps her head against the wall as a sort of self-punishment for her previous actions. Why did she say that to you? The hurt look in your eyes broke her heart, but she couldn’t afford to skip practice, especially with the comeback quickly approaching. In retrospect, she should’ve just told you that she didn’t feel prepared, and that’s why this practice had been so important. Even though she doesn’t show it, you still mean the world to her. She just so happens to be her own worst enemy. 
With a heavy sigh, she makes her way to the bathroom; there she finds a cute little basket of goodies next to the tub, and a note on the counter of the sink. She approaches the basket first, quickly discovering that it holds some of her favorite self-care items from the local store. Yet again, a deep pang of guilt courses through her upon realizing that you had prepared that for her. Defeated, she picks up the note. 
If you’re reading this, then I’ve already left. I don’t want you to worry, if you even still care enough to do that, so I decided to leave this letter for you. I’ll be staying with my friend for the next while. I don’t know how long, but that depends entirely on you. I’ve tried to communicate with you, but we’re getting nowhere; we both know it. We’re not who we used to be, Rosé, and I hate that. I want us to be happy again, but it seems that I can’t do that for you. If you want to end things, let me know. 
- Y/N
Rosé’s heart is breaking, splintering into a million different pieces and leaving her with no possible way to collect them all. How had she so royally fucked this up? She only has herself to blame, and she knows that; she can’t believe that she let things get like this. She had been so blinded by the stress that she lost sight of the most important thing in her life: you. It’s slowly sinking in that she very well might lose you for good this time, and she doesn’t know how to cope with that. She can survive without her career, but she knows she can’t go on without you.
-----  La Rêverie, 2 Weeks Later -----
She only intended to walk by -- to see if you were there and safe. But as she gazes through the windows, peeking into the place that houses so many of her dearest memories, she’s transfixed. Her eyes land on you, finding you hard at work in the kitchen. It’s always been where you go when you’re stressed or upset about something -- two things that Rosé knows she’s the cause of.
You’re in your element, face donning a look of pure concentration as you prepare what she assumes is a new dish. Your hair’s in a bun, a few strands coming down to fall around your face as you move about. Gravity takes its time in gently coaxing them out of the tie's hold, and Rosé’s breath hitches at how beautiful you look; it’s as if she’s falling for you all over again. She’s always admired your skills, but they hold a whole new meaning now, an unspoken tension in every movement you make. 
How had she been so selfish? You had been there for her all along, waiting patiently for the day that she would come to her senses. You would always have dinner ready -- usually one of her favorites, hoping that would spark something again -- but she always brushed you off. She never stayed long enough to see the crushed look on your face, or how the pain was becoming clearer and clearer by the day. She realizes now just how much of a toll her actions have taken on the both of you; you're still just as breathtaking as ever to her, but that special sparkle in your eye has long been eclipsed by something more dull. You're tired of being let down repeatedly, stuck in a constant loop of excuses and avoidance, and Rosé can't blame you for a second.  
The time apart hasn't been kind to her at all; there hasn't been a single day that's gone by where you haven't consumed her thoughts. She misses you so badly it hurts, and even now, despite being so close to you, separated only by the walls of the restaurant, you've never been further away. 
The distant sound of a car alarm cuts through the silence, simultaneously scaring her and drawing your attention. Before you can spot her, she ducks down; there’s no way that she can face you yet. Taking this as a sign, she decides to leave.
She’s spent the past 2 weeks attempting to spare you by not coming around; she thinks you need time away from her to deal with everything she’s put you through, and she doesn’t want to upset you anymore than she already has. Ever-torn, part of you is glad that she’s stayed away; however, another part of you just wants to see her again. You miss the nights more than you thought you would. 
--- A Few Days Later ---
Steady sheets of rain pound harshly against the window, vibrating the latches with each gust of wind. Times like these are always the worst, especially when you don’t have Rosé to calm you down. Violent thunderstorms never fail to frighten you, and this one in particular seems like it’ll be the worst one of the season. Swiftly padding over to the window, you sneak a quick peek outside, only to find the branches of the large oak tree that occupies the yard swaying in the wind with reckless abandon. The sight terrifies you, but you do your best to keep yourself from panicking, even having to do some breathing exercises. Your friend can sleep through anything, and you know she needs the rest; so, you stay in the spare bedroom that she’s so graciously allowing you to reside in, and lie awake. 
Across the city, Rosé is tossing and turning. The storm hasn’t fully reached its peak there yet, but she knows how worried you must be. Tears spring to her eyes at the thought of you huddled up under the covers, body trembling in fear as the storm rages on. The deep-rooted shame that she’s grown so accustomed to since you left plagues her conscience, making her even more disgusted with herself. 
After turning over yet again, her eyes land on the picture she has of the two of you propped up on the nightstand. It was taken on your wedding day, that stunning view of the venue paling in comparison to your beauty. A sense of determination washes over her -- determination to make you that happy again someday, in whatever way she can -- and she gets out of bed to collect a few materials. She’ll do whatever it takes.
The sound of a car door slamming perks your ears up, and your curiosity gets the better of you. Quickly pulling the curtain back, you’re beyond shocked to see Rosé out there, holding something in her hand. Just as you lean in closer to the window to try and see what it is, her caller ID pops up on your phone. 
“Come downstairs, please.” 
Even with the vast array of emotions coursing through you at the moment, you’re only focused on getting her inside and out of harm’s way. 
You nearly knock the door off its hinges with how quickly you snap it open. To your surprise, she’s still standing by her car, but now you can see what she was holding before; a white sign with black writing on it. The words are barely legible with how much it's raining, the dye of the marker horribly smudged, but you can make out: “I’m sorry! I’m an idiot.” It’s like something out of romantic drama.
Before you can even comment on everything that’s happening, Rosé begins the speech that she’s been trying to piece together ever since you left. 
She has to raise her voice so you can hear her over the storm. You wonder why she doesn’t just come in, but you think that maybe she’s doing it to show you that she’s willing to punish herself by standing out in the elements. “No words that I say will ever be able to fix the pain that my actions caused. You don’t deserve any of the shit I put you through, and I hate myself for being such a coward. I was too immature to look past my own struggles and just talk to you about them.” 
Now, she takes a few cautious steps towards the front door, testing the waters as she scans your face to gauge how you’re feeling. “I guess I just thought I could deal with it like I always do. But losing you showed me how wrong I was; I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t want to end things; I’ll never want that. You’re my world, baby; I’m so sorry that it took me this long to see what was right in front of me.” 
How are you to respond to that? Can you trust her? She looks more sincere in this moment than she has in a long time, and that puts you a little more at ease. Her eyes are begging -- pleading -- with you to believe her, and after a moment you step to the side, wordlessly telling her to come in. You don’t even realize that you’re crying until a few stray tears drip onto your shirt, leaving little marks in their wake. She has to restrain herself from reaching out and wiping them away; she has no idea when -- or if -- you’ll be able to forgive her. 
Soft pitter-patter of the water running off of her coat echoes lightly across the foyer, serving as white noise for the conversation you’re having. Her sniffles work in tandem with it, and she bites back her sobs in order to get the words out. 
“I know this won’t be fixed overnight, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you’ll let me. I won’t blame you for a second if you can’t forgive me, either. I just couldn’t let you get away without a fight.”
With each new fresh batch of tears that settle in your eyes, you have to work twice as hard to blink them away. “I-I don’t know what to say, Rose. You’re the only person in this world capable of hurting me that badly, because you mean more to me than anyone else. But I never thought you’d treat me like that. Do you know how many times I doubted myself, thinking I did something wrong?” Your tone is bitter now, voice conveying the pain from those months of anguish that you had to endure, and Rosé hangs her head. 
“I know that now, Y/N, and I know that I can never take it back. But God, how I wish I could. I’d do anything in my power to take that pain away. It was never your fault; none of it was.”
You know she’s being honest. After seeing the opposite for so long, it’s easy to spot when she’s telling the truth. You nod a couple times, deciding to pull her in for a long-overdue hug. She’s motionless at first, not quite knowing if you want her to return it or not, but the second that you quietly say, “Hold me, Rosé,” she’s scooping you up in her arms like her life depends on it. Her head rests in the crook of your neck, and the two of you cry together, letting all of the pent up frustration and sadness leave your bodies. 
After standing there, embracing one another for who knows how long, she pulls away just enough to look into your eyes. Her gaze subtly falls to your lips, but you don’t fail to notice. “Can I?” She asks gently, raising her eyes back up to yours. “Yes.” You utter, nearly swooning as her soft lips brush against your own. You’ve missed them. 
Her chilled hands cup your cheeks with purpose, and you can feel water running off the ends of her hair and onto your chest.
She kisses you in such a poetic way: softly, as if you might break at any moment, but urgently, like a lost soldier finally returning to the arms of their lover. She wants to make you feel how sorry she is, how much she loves you, and this seems like the perfect place to start.
“I love you, jerk,” you say through your tears, brushing your thumb along her cheek as you look into her eyes.
“And I love you, angel.” She picks you up, spinning you around a couple of times before setting you back down on your feet. 
After a moment, you glace at the window. “Shhhh, wait. Do you hear that?”
She cocks her head to the side as she listens closely for any potential noise that you might be talking about, but she hears nothing. “No? I don’t hear anything…” 
“Exactly; the rain stopped.”
“Huh. I guess it did its job, then.” She smiles, silently thanking the universe for working in its wonderful ways. It brought the two of you back to one another, and neither of you can contain your happiness. Maybe you don’t hate storms as much after all...
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here!
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A/N: This is the last part to The miscommunication series, I hope you guys enjoy it ;) Also peep the last link to ‘Zine’ and stay tuned
This is weird.
You look up from your textbook at the scrawny boy across from you. The circles under his eyes look especially dark as the blue light from his tablet shines on his face.
Yeah, this situation is super weird.
You’re ashamed to admit it, but you’ve been avoiding Dick a little bit lately.
You’re still pleasant to him in class, and you see him at the study group sessions, but you don’t try to make the effort to see him in situations where it’s just the two of you.
You’re just not ready to see him with all these feelings brewing inside you.
So the last thing you wanted was to run into his little brother, especially when you purposefully went to another coffee shop across town just so you wouldn’t run into Dick.
Still, you’re surprised Tim chose to sit with you after ordering 4 shots of espresso over ice.
“The ice makes it cold so you can’t taste how bitter it is” he had told you when you looked at his drink with a skeptical expression.
Well, it’s not a problem, you think taking a sip of your chai tea. Tim seems like a quiet person, he’s only said a handful of words to you so far, he probably won’t even bring up -
“So are you and Dick fighting?” Tim asks without looking up and you choke on your tea.
“So you are fighting” he hums as his gaze trails from his tablet to you. He figured Dick was being paranoid, honestly, even Tim thought following you to the coffee shop and pretending that he just ran into you was overkill.
Man, he figured you were just in the middle of some misunderstanding. He’s usually right about these things. Tim’s not going to lie, it stings to know Dick was on the nose about this one.
“It’s not that we’re fighting,” because you both really aren’t, there’s only going to be a fight if he finds out how you feel and how uncomfortable your new feelings make him considering he already has someone he loves.
“I just don’t want to get between him-“
“And Nightwing?” Tim supplies for you and your eyes widen.
“You know?” Tim nods in response.
You think Tim is saying he knows his brother and Nightwing are dating.
Tim thinks that you found out Dick got reprimanded a few weeks ago because he was spotted chatting with you on your balcony. He was able to play it off as just a normal chat but he would be risking exposing you to every villain in Gotham if they ever found out your were someone important to him.
“Maybe you are-“ Tim hums. You feel like a lightning bolt has struck your spine. So Dick does know about your feelings - or at least suspects something.
“But that’s not exactly a bad thing” Tim finishes, and you raise an eyebrow. You wait for an explanation but Tim’s already turned back to his tablet, typing away.
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You look at the city, buildings springing up like trees from the concrete, their jagged edges like the crooks of a mountain. Nothing’s really changed. Not the buildings, or the skyline, not the stars in the inky black void of outer space. Not the city that never seems to sleep, the idle chatter of cars and civilians always whirring in the distance.
The only thing that has seemed to change, is you.
“That smells good, is it green tea?”
Well, one other thing has changed. You find a smile twitching onto your mouth as you hand Nightwing the mug in your hands. He’s perched on the ledge of your balcony, legs swing against the bars.
You get anxious just watching him.
“I had a feeling you’d stop by, it’s cherry blossom green tea, I think you’ll like it.” It’s a naturally sweet tea, so he should find it suits his taste considering he seems to share the same disposition for sweet things as his boyfriend.
You know that encounter with Tim this morning was weird, but the fact that you’ve kind of become late-night tea and chat buddies with your love rival is even weirder.
Looks like you can’t even make friends in a normal way.
“You’re a lifesaver,” he grins taking a sip of the hot beverage with a satisfied smile. The hum he lets out afterward sends shivers down your spine. Geez, no wonders Dick has it so bad for him.
You wonder what kind of noises he makes when they’re together-
Nope. Nope. No. Nope. No.
That was too far, your imagination really needs to get a grip.
“So how are things with you and that guy you love?” You flinch at the mention, choosing to take an unusually long sip of tea right then.
“That good huh?” Nightwing snorts, and you sigh. You’re not going to tell him about the cryptic conversation you had with Tim, especially considering the fact that he doesn’t seem to support their relationship.
Dick feels a little frustrated, as he watches you avoid his eyes. The whole thing seems off like there’s something missing. So you don’t want to be seen with Dick Grayson, but you don’t mind midnight tea talk with Nightwing- and you tell Tim how you don’t want to get in between him and his superhero persona- and then you wave him over when you see he’s a rooftop over-
It just doesn’t make any sense.
And worst of all-you look so pretty standing there, even with that sad look on your face.
“Well you know what they say-“ you let out a dry laugh, “to get over someone, you have to get under someone else”
It’s just a joke - a bad joke, you’re helping it’ll ease the tension. You figure Nightwing will make a dumb joke or pun back, and this whole thing can be behind you when he says-
“Get under me then” you’re so taken aback but what he’s said you’re sure he must have heard wrong. But when you look away from the green tea in your mug to his face, that chiseled face is only a few inches away from your own.
Before you can open your mouth to ask what he’s doing so close to you, his lips are pressed over your own. His gloved fingers ghosting over your cheek, holding it so tenderly that the action sends shivers down your spine.
Dick pulls away, fingers retreating to his domino mask, he doesn’t want to confess to you as Nightwing he wants to do it as Dick-
When you slap him.
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This has seriously been the worst day. Dick sighs as he turns the water faucet to his shower off, grabbing his towel from the rack.
First, he forgets his cell phone at home on a Monday afternoon, so he’s got nothing to do to pass the time while he patrols.
Then the girl he likes slaps him before running back into her apartment without another word, probably to go cry-
And finally, to make the perfect end to the perfect day Dick got caught in a spontaneous rainstorm, getting soaked to the bone on his way back home. He figured Gotham could wait for a few hours and decided to come home a little early.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I catch a cold” he mumbles tying his robe around his waist, his hands moving the towel to dry his hair, stopping mid-motion when he hears several very urgent knocks.
Well, who could it be at this hour? He’s considering ignoring it, probably just one of his brothers wanting to use his shower, when he hears several more knocks.
“Geez Jason, the neighbors are going to complain” he hisses, as he clings open the door, fully expecting to see his younger brother drenched to the bone and creating a puddle in the middle of his apartment building's hallway.
And someone is standing in the middle of his apartment building's communal hallway, drenched to the bone and creating a puddle in the hallway. But it’s not Jason, it’s you.
He only pulls you inside his apartment, the door clicking behind you when you break down into tears.
“I-I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to, I should have known better but- I didn’t think it would happen” The words are jilted by your tears and your chattering teeth. Did you run all the way here? Dick wonders as he starts using his slightly damp towel to dry your hair.
“I really didn’t want it, Dick, I promise I didn’t-“ you clasp his arm now jilting his movements. In the pandemonium, he completely forgot that you were the one that slapped him just a few hours ago, and now you’re the one apologizing for something?
“What are you talking about?” he sees your gulp hard, your eyes averted like a dog that realizes he’s accidentally snapped at his owner. And then, with clenched eyes and your hands balled into fists you shout:
“Nightwing kissed me!” Yeah, he knows, he was there. Kinda weird that you’re referring to him with his superhero persona. You look at him earnestly now- clasping both of his hands in yours.
“I promise I didn’t mean to make a pass at your boyfriend or steal him away from you.”
You’re babbling about how ‘You could do so much better than a guy like that Dick’ and ‘if it was me- I would never do something like that’ when the flashbulb finally goes off over his head.
Ohhhhhhhh. You think he’s dating Nightwing. This actually explains a lot.
“Here come with me” he grabs onto your numb wrist before you can answer, tugging you towards his bedroom. Your eyes staring into his robe-covered back.
Oh no, you can’t believe you didn’t realize it before.
Nightwing’s here isn’t he? That would answer why he hasn’t answered any of the texts you’ve sent him. Who would when they were busy having a romantic liaison with their lover. And obviously, he spun some different story for Dick, probably that you kissed him. And now you’re going to have to confront them both and pray that Dick believes you-
Only to your surprise, the bedroom is empty, and Dick’s fiddling around with something in his rather large wardrobe. Before you can ask what he’s doing he pulls out a suit-
It almost looks like a wet suit, with accents of blue amongst the sleek black- so he surfs? Is he showing off right now?
But then your eyes land on the bright blue symbol smack dab in the middle of the chest.
So Nightwing was here, and he did spin another story! You’re mentally preparing your best argument when you look into Dick’s baby blue eyes stare into your own, softening as they gaze warmly at you.
“(Y/N), I’m Nightwing”
(Y/N).exe is broken
Dick watches you gulp hard. Then he watches you slide past him, each step pronounced with a squeak, and step into his wardrobe before closing it from the inside.
“(Y/N)’s dead, so she can’t come to the phone anymore” Dick can practically feel the embarrassment radiate through the wardrobe door, and in spite of the situation, Dick laughs. He laughs so hard you actually swing open the door, crouched at the bottom of his wardrobe.
“It’s not funny Dick! Do you know how worried I was about you! I thought Bruce Wayne was homophobic and that you were leading some double life!” Dick only laughs harder at that. To be fair, he is leading a double life, just not the one you imagined he was.
“Well you’re not totally wrong,” he says between chuckles, sitting on the ground outside your wardrobe next to you. “I like guys and girls, but Bruce had it figured out before I even did,” he says with a shrug, mouth quirked up into a grin. His cheeks hold a rosy tinge, but somehow his red cheek is even brighter-
Ah, that’s the cheek you slapped.
Without thinking you reach out to him, your thumb caressing the swollen flesh. Dick doesn’t flinch away, relaxing into your touch.
“Sorry about that, I thought your boyfriend was cheating on you,” you say with a sheepish smile. Dick grins even wider.
“Would the response have been the same if you knew it was me?” There’s a hopeful glint in his eyes and you feel your heartbeat stutter.
Is he stupid?
If you knew it was Dick if you knew it was the boy you loved sitting on your balcony railing drinking tea with you all those times-
“Of course I wouldn’t have”
And Dick doesn’t wait another moment, leaning forward to catch your lips in his own.
This time you don’t slap him. Instead, you place both hands on his face and pull him in closer.
“So you’re Nightwing-“ you say, sitting cross-legged across from Dick in a marching bathrobe in his bed. He insisted you shower, he didn’t want you getting sick. You thought he was going to combust with how red he turned when you jokingly asked if he wanted to join you.
“And your Dad, Bruce, he’s Batman”
“That’s right” Dick nods.
“And you’re brothers, they’re the Red Hood, Robin, and Red Robin... respectively,”
Dick nods again.
“And Stephanie and Cass, they’re a part of this too, They’re both Batgirl” Dick nods, he tries to get some eye contact, but you’re firmly starting down at your hands.
“And your ex, Barbara Gordon, Commissioner Gordon’s daughter- she’s the original Batgirl.”
This must be pretty overwhelming, he had never realized what a robust mantle their extended family collectively carried. He’s about to offer you some comfort when your head snaps up-
“Do you think if I got all of them to autograph my textbook I could sell it and buy a new one”
Dick starts laughing.
“Seriously, there’s no one like you in the world”
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Speaking of Renata's place being at Aro's side, that's something that struck me as interesting about your fic. There was a passage suggesting that Renata was frequently in Aro's study with him and Carlisle, not because she felt Carlisle was a threat, just because that's where she feels she belongs. And judging by the fact that Aro didn't send her away, it appears he agrees. Can you elaborate on that? Of course when he leaves the castle she's necessary for protecting him, but the way she stays around in other contexts seems more about their bond, their personal relationship. How did that develop? Was this inclination to be close to him instantaneous from the moment she joined their ranks or is it something that developed gradually? Does it stem from some subconscious anxiety and desire to guard him at all times, or does she genuinely just like being in his presence? And if that's the case, is that feeling mutual? Not the protectiveness, obviously, it's her role to protect him and prioritise his safety over hers if needs be, but the fondness. Does he care for her and enjoy her company the way she does or is he more sensitive to the boundaries between them? Also, it seems she's very content to just fade into the background and not be included in conversations when someone else is present; do they converse frequently (about non-work stuff) or are they more the companionable silence types?
(Ok wow that's a long ask. Sorry for bombarding you with these questions lol, I'm just really interested about your thoughts on these two.)
So sorry about the late answer! Since this was more of a question for my fic Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, and the upcoming chapter is a Renata chapter, I figured I’d put this on hold until I’d written that. Well, turns out this tumblr account sucks up all my free time, so that chapter took forever and now your ask has been stewing for a month.
With that in mind, the chapter is now out, have this meta that’s 80% conjecture and gut feeling:
How did that develop?
Meyer states in the Guide that Renata would give her life for Aro. That’s past loyal body guard territory, that’s something more intense.
Considering my thoughts on how Renata and Makenna’s uncle Luca sounds like a creep, and the horrifying implications of that (how much of a choice does Renata’s family really have in this situation? If they asked Luca to leave, would he leave these humans he’s devoted himself to obsessing over? Does he even see these humans as people, or are they collector’s items, or exotic pets? Just... that whole story, and knowing how awful Twilight vampires are, I don’t buy into wholesome family man Luca, AT ALL), then Aro coming along to pluck Renata from Luca’s clutches takes on a very different meaning. He didn’t just adopt a random vampire from her coven to become a Volturi, he rescued her from this awful, abusive, situation.
In other words, I’ll never know how Meyer wrote that Renata is so fiercely, wholeheartedly protective of Aro without intending this, because it’s the only thing I can see.
Going forwards from that, Aro seems to be a very pleasant person to be around. I headcanon that he’s the one she’s closest to in Volterra, in part because I can’t see how anyone could top Aro in Renata’s eyes. She owes it all to him, and Chelsea would make that bond even stronger.
With that in mind, I do think she was probably terrified of the Volturi at the very beginning. Luca would have told her about them, about how they would come murder her family, Luca, and herself if she broke their laws. Having their leader come knocking, then, to take her away from everything she’s ever known would not look like salvation at all, it would be a “Guess my life could get worse. Who knew :/” moment of despair.
I can’t know what her early days in the Volturi were like, though in my fic I put it down as Luca gaslighting her about what her gift was, and Aro earning her trust by telling her the truth and giving her glorious purpose. Which is one way for things to go, I can also see Aro cutting a corner with Chelsea to get past Renata’s initial fear and distrust of this stranger, then once she views him as a positive figure she becomes thrilled to no longer have to live with Luca anymore.
Either way, I imagine she became superglue pretty early on. What Aro did for her was powerful stuff, he wouldn’t need to prove himself beyond that.
is that feeling mutual?
As for Aro, I imagine it’s rather less intense on his end, more a paternal fondness. It’s hard not to be won over by someone who’s as devoted as Renata is to him, it becomes personal. Plus, for someone in his position, being able to trust someone completely, to know that this person would give anything for your safety... yeah, powerful shit.
There’s also the matter that before Renata, I imagine Aro's life, for lack of a better term, sucked. There’s no one in the vampire world more people want dead than he, especially not in those early days. Jane and Alec have their hands full enforcing the law, they can’t be sitting in Volterra all day making sure he doesn’t die. Aro could certainly forget about leaving Volterra, he’d be too exposed. Renata changed all that. He has reason to be deeply grateful to her.
As for boundaries... perhaps this is the person who desperately wants an Aro & Renata buddy comedy show inside me talking, but a body guard like Renata, one who required physical contact at all times and who cares deeply... while I don’t think the Volturi are without boundaries, and Aro is still her master, I do think they’re not as clearly defined as they would be with, say, Caius and Felix. Renata’s role in the guard makes her something more intimate, much as I imagine it does Corin.
do they converse frequently (about non-work stuff) or are they more the companionable silence types?
Someone as trusted as Renata, a person wholly devoted to Aro, whose purpose is to stand by his side... Aro seems a very chatty person overall, I imagine there is a lot of thinking aloud and general chattering with Renata around, with her contributing to the conversation by poking him. (Which differs from the others in that most of the guard are out on missions and their job isn’t to hang around Aro, Renata’s is, and Caius doesn’t want to hear it (hears it anyway), Marcus craves the sweet release of death (Aro talks at him anyway). Really, it’s gonna be Renata who has both time for this, and doesn’t leave the room when Aro starts Abe Simpson-ing.)
Overall, I think Aro and Renata’s relationship is one of the closest among all the Volturi. He did something amazing for her, she did something amazing for him, now her purpose is to stand by his side.
And best of all, it’s not sexual. It could have been a gross draculina thing, it’s not, and I’m so grateful for that. One of the things Meyer did very right.
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hoedorokishoto · 3 years
Trust - Part 1
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
+ Minors DNI
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“You know, if you just stopped getting kicked in the head, I wouldn’t need to fix your gear all the time.” I said, my hands running over the smooth metal of Hitoshi’s voice modulator. Different from the first one I had made him 2 years ago; small changes being made to help your best friend become the best hero he could be.
“Maybe I miss hanging out with you. You are worth a swift kick to the head.” He said from behind me, walking around the room as he spoke. Looking at the various machines, weapons, and other projects I was working on in the workshop. I laughed at his response, shaking my head as I screwed the missing panel back into place.
“You flatter me.”
Hitoshi Shinso had been your best friend since before both of you were even born. Your dad and his parents, living next to each other since their early 20’s, experiencing drunken nights, sad days and the trials of parent hood together. So in turn you and Toshi had done everything together. First steps, first words and first days of school.
“I saw you and Mr Aizawa on TV.” I said beaming, the thought of him realising his dreams and making them a reality enough to make my heart soar.
“Oh yeah, it was pretty weird. Don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Neither will Mr Aizawa.”
“Lucky you guys are so chatty.”
It was him who laughed this time, coming up next to me and hugging me into his side. I did miss him, his hero work and my support work taking up much of whatever spare time we had. Especially being 3rd years, our futures looming over us even more, having to make final decisions about our future. Gone were the days of dressing up as our favourite heroes and running around our homes catching our parents who pretended to be villains. Now all I seemed to think about where internship offers and upcoming exams, mathematic equations often overtaking my thoughts even in my dreams.
The gear didn’t need much fixing just a loose panel and a few scratches, something easy that I could fix in a matter of minutes.
“Good as new!” I said, holding up the voice modulator and admiring my handy work, then passing it back to Hitoshi.
“You’re the best Y/N, ramen is on me next time.” Hitoshi said, winking and taking the equipment from me. Placing it over his face and making the necessary adjustments.
The workshop was surprisingly quiet, usually filled with the noise of machines and steel clanging together. The music usually turned up to max volume as the other support course students worked on support gear for other heroes. Hatsume clearly wasn’t here because it had been a whole 3 hours with no explosions nearby.
“So how is Kaibara?” Toshi asked, quirking his purple eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at his question, stepping around him and back over to my tool bench.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?”
“Well I only ask because you seem to know him a lot better than I do. Intimately I would say.”
“Ew, don’t say intimately. Are you 95 years old?” I said, faking chills and a look of disgust on my face.
Sen and I weren’t dating, I didn’t want to date him but the time we did spend together proved effective in helping relieve the everyday stress of living at UA and being a Hero Support student. The sex was good, and he was handsome, always considerate of me and never did anything I was uncomfortable with. The more I thought about it, the more perfect he seemed. He very well might be, but just not for me. There was never any substance behind my feelings for him beyond the attraction to sleep with him. If we did interact outside of the bedroom it was purely platonic, just friends and nothing more. As bad as it sounded, I was using him for personal benefit and nothing more.
"He talks about you a lot.”
I looked into his eyes and flipped my hair, a cocky grin overtaking my features.
“Well… what can I say?”
“Not like that you weirdo, he asks a lot of questions. He wants to know more about you.” Hitoshi laughed, slapping my arm, scratching the back of his neck.
“Do you guys not talk?”
“Why would we need to?” I asked, not quite understanding the question. My back to Hitoshi now, tidying my workstation as I waited for his answer. We knew what we needed to know about one another, our names, birthdays, and a few general things but beyond that it seemed irrelevant.
“I think he likes you.”
“Well I hope he does he puts his penis inside me Hitoshi.”
“You know that isn’t what I meant. He like likes you.”
I stilled; my back still turned towards my friend. My view of relationships was always clouded by indifference. I could blame it on the fact that my parents didn’t work out or I could blame it on my preferences, hell I could even blame it on my star sign. Whichever excuse I chose I always knew that deep down I knew that relationships would never work, and people were better off alone, if I didn’t fully give someone my heart there is no way that they could rip it out of my chest and step on it. I would never put myself in that situation.  
“That sounds like his problem, not mine.” I said coldly, picking up my bag and heading to the door, hopefully hearing the end of this conversation.
“Ramen is on you remember. I’m hungry.”
Without another word I flicked off the light by the door and headed out of the workshop, Hitoshi picking up speed to walk beside me, not saying another word.
The walk back to UA was always killer, that dam hill being the bane of my existence for the last 3 years. The silence was almost deafening, I could feel Hitoshi holding something back. Wanting to say something, something about the conversation earlier no doubt.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I can feel you being gloomy, more so than usual. It’s irritating.”
Hitoshi sighed, rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. Shaking his head as he stopped.
“I want you to be happy! Is that so wrong? What’s wrong with Kaibara?”
“If you like him so much why don’t you date him.”
“I don’t want to make jokes!” He said, stepping past me, and continuing up the hill.
“Why is this so important to you? You’ve never really cared before.” I asked, jogging to catch up to him. He didn’t answer, he just linked our arms and continued up the hill. Pushing whatever he was feeling down and sealing it away.
“Denki is having a party in the 3A dorm this weekend. Wanna come?” Hitoshi asked changing the subject and tightening his arm around mine.
“Mr Aizawa is allowing that?”
“Yeah, apparently it will be good for us to blow off some steam before the school year really kicks off. His words not mine.”
He sensed my hesitation.
“Hatsume is going to be there, she even convinced IIda to go.” He said raising his eyebrows.
“Wow, that is impressive.” I said matter of factly, nodding my head. The class rep of the 3A was known for being a real stickler for the rules. Keeping everyone in order and always being the epitome of a model student. Bless his soul, but he wasn’t really the party type. The picture of him in that environment was enough to convince me to go.
“Please, who is going to help me stop Denki from being an idiot?”
“Literally any of his other friends?”
“Yeah but you are so pretty, and he is a simp.” Toshi said matter-of-factly.
“Fine, but if I don’t see Tenya do his little arm thing at least once then I’m gonna be so mad at you.” I said giggling and tightening his arms once more.
“I can guarantee it, it will be Denki and a party. It’s like you don’t even know him.”
Me and the rest of class 3H had been instructed to be at Ground Gamma for a joint training session between 3A and 3B, the hero support students were to observe and help with gear whenever needed. Taking notes on current gear and seeing where adjustments were needed. As the future heroes got better at handling their quirks and being in tense situations some fights ended with a lot of damage. Whether it be to the heroes themselves or their gear, that’s where we came in.
I always seemed to forget just how big the facilities at UA really were, most of the grounds built to look like entire blocks of actual cities. Ground Gamma was made up of various exposed pipes and machinery, the combination giving a labyrinth affect perfect for heroes to improve theirs fighting skills in tight spaces.
Watching them was impressive, just how far they had come in a few short years was a credit to just how hard they trained every day. I felt safe and content knowing that these people were going to be patrolling the city one day and keeping people safe.
“Hey stranger!” a voice yelled in the distance, Sero’s tall body coming into view as he walked closer to me. Denki and Toshi following closely behind.
“Afternoon.” I said, saluting the boys as they got closer, standing on either side of me examining the work bench and tools that we had set up before anyone else arrived.
“How is my favourite little nerd?” Denki asked, nudging my arm with his and hugging me.
“I’m good, excited to see you guys train today.”
“Aw babe, prepare to be amazed!” Denki said, winking at me, his arm still slung around my side.
“Y/N could watch me burp the alphabet and be more impressed.” Hitoshi said sarcastically.
“You guys are so harsh.” He replied, clutching his hand to his chest and feigning sadness.
The group laughed as I turned around and prepared for this afternoon’s events. Ready to take notes and sketch new designs. The students had started filling up the platform, sitting in the groups they had been assigned, discussing the best plans of attack depending on their quirks.
“Everyone gather around!”
“Today will be a bit different, after today’s exercise we will be assigning you with new support students based on where we think the heroes need improvement and previous projects from the support course students. We will also be looking at your scheduled internships and work studies and matching you based on that so we can get all heroes and their gear to the best they can be before graduation.” Mr Aizawa said, commanding the attention of everyone on the platform. He wore his usual nonchalant expression, hair down and hands in his pockets.
Everyone talked amongst themselves about the recently learned information. As of right now I worked on Bakugo, Uraraka and Hitoshi’s costumes and support gear. The first two hero costumes were my entrance exam task, getting a rough design, a file on both students and their quirks and having to design according to that. Now making adjusts when needed or wanted. The most recent addition was two earpieces for Bakugo to reduce the noise of his explosions but still allowing him to hear regular noise, so he didn’t lose any sense while fighting. In hopes that his explosions wouldn’t damage his hearing anymore than it already had.
New projects were always welcome, in hopes of keeping my grades high before graduation. Hero Agencies always quick to offer students internships based on good grades and successful support gear.
“So to get this started, give it your best and good luck!” Allmight finished, the first two groups of students heading to their assigned bases to start training.
The training finished, class A’s teams winning the most training battles and celebrating accordingly. Cheering and hugging each other. My notebook already full of notes and sketches for potential changes and brand-new designs.
“Everyone please look up at the screen and look at who you have been given as your support students. There will be no changing so no complaining.” Aizawa said, already walking off the platform. Probably to wrap himself up in his sleeping bag.
There in large blue writing was my name.
Y/N Nanase – Hitoshi Shinso, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki
I looked over at the student who was newly assigned to me, there Shoto Todoroki was in all his half and half glory. One blue eye and one dark grey already staring back at me.
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pm-my-hubbies · 4 years
Who Are You Talking To | C.E
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Summary: Reader is fed up with Chris not spending time with her on her week-long break.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Black!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning(s): None!
A/N: I accidentally shared this through my personal account! I apologize for any confusion if I tagged you the first time!
Chris was ecstatic when I informed him of the dates for my Fall Break.
He planned out everything we would do together. From planting a blanket in the middle of a park for a lovely picnic to strolling through farms for a pumpkin to carve and sit on our porch. He did all of that.
Yet he’s one strike away from me slapping the shit out of him. He’s been blowing me off every second and I’m due to return for work in two days. We hadn’t done any of what he promised we would accomplish together weeks ago. Instead, he handled work business downstairs for the first part of the day and followed that up with indulging in his own hobbies. I wasn’t a part of any of it.
To add on to it, his Zoom sessions weren’t successful and that prompted him to radiate negativity. Dinner time consisted of him giving me short answers or grunts and through it all, I remained optimistic. I figured being positive and not calling him out on his behavior right then would flip a switch in him to acknowledge how he was acting towards me but nothing happened.
My feet connected with the cold wooden flooring, goosebumps rising on the parts of my body that were exposed because of the tank top and pajama shorts I wore. The clock read 11:54 p.m. I’m praying Chris let Dodger out for the last time this evening.
The volume of the television in the living room increased the closer I dragged my feet to where I presumed he would be resting. Turning the corner, Dodger was the first one I spotted as he slept soundly on his stuffed animal right by the entrance to the room. Chris, on the other hand, watched CNN on blast as if he was an old man struggling to hear; his arms were folded across his chest while he laid on his side and blankly stared at the bright screen.
I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of my week spent at home. “Chris.” I called in a firm voice that was loud enough for Dodger to only blink his eyes open and instantly travel back to Dreamland.
My boyfriend only shifted his gaze to look at me. “Hm?”
“Did you let Dodge out one last time?”
Breathe Y/N, breathe. I let out a soft sigh as I bent down to gently shake the canine awake. “Dodger, honey. Let’s go outside.” I knew from Chris’ response he wouldn’t be letting our dog out anytime soon. The man would probably drag himself down the hall to bed as the sun rose for a new day.
Dodger simply obeyed my soft command by standing and putting on a show of dramatically stretching. As we made our way towards the back door right behind my miserable boyfriend, I made sure to cut my brown eyes at his lounging figure and hoped he could feel my glare.
Once again, my skin tingled as the cool night air caressed my legs and arms. To keep myself warm, I folded my limbs across my chest, rocking on the balls of my feet. My eyes managed to follow Dodger’s sniffing silhouette in the darkness but as soon as he began the squat for a number two, I looked away.
By now, Chris had shut off the loud tv. Finally.
“I thought you said we would be hanging out for my Fall Break?” I questioned with my back facing him as I kept my eyes on the dog.
“I thought you wanted to hang out with me for my break. Week-long, might I add.”
“We are.”
“No we’re not, Chris. And you know it.” I sighed as I moved to slide the door closed but ceased my movement to leave an opening for Dodger in case he finished early. With my hands on my hips, I rotated around to stare down Chris. “You’ve spent every single day downstairs taking care of business with A Starting Point and work, which I have no problem with. It’s what you do afterwards that bothers me. Barely talking to me or not at all and then you sit down here to do whatever. I was trying to be positive and give you your space but now—”
“But now your little feelings are hurt, right?” he snapped. “You’re hurt because I can’t devote 100% of my attention to you on your little break? News flash: everything isn’t about you, Y/N. So, stop your whining and actually think about what I’m going through.”
This would’ve shattered a younger version of myself. But after years of reflection, I realized I was always given the opportunity to fight back instead of wallowing in my tears.
First, I glanced to my left. Then to my right. No sign of life. I grimaced at my boyfriend. “You must not be talking to me.” I indicated with a point towards my chest. “You must be talking to this goddamn wall.” I sassed, jabbing my thumb to the wall behind me.
Suddenly, for the first time in the year Chris and I have been together, his eyes were size of saucers as it dawned on him what he’d done. And how I responded.
Tonight, was his first time taking his anger out on me. Yes, we’ve had our arguments, but those moments were different. This happened to be the time where the world was against Chris and rather than rely on me to comfort him (as I usually would), he was victimizing himself. He probably expected my body to rack with sobs at the harshness of his words, but I was through with that shit tonight.
“Since you wanna pull a Karen on me, your ass can sleep on the couch tonight.” I punished him. In that moment, I felt the softness brushing against my legs. Dodger was finally in. I pulled the door closed all the way this time and locked it. “Come on Dodger, your dad is being an asshat. You can sleep with me.”
Chris was frozen in his spot as the both of us moved past him. I made sure to give him a little bump on the way with my shoulder.
While waiting for Dodger to grasp his animal in his mouth, I observed him throw Chris a quick glance as if telling him that he fucked up. Funnily enough, our dog was the first to exit the scene and hold his head high as he trekked to the bedroom.
“I’m locking that fucking door tonight. Don’t even try it. You made your bed, now lay in it.” I dictated.
Surprisingly, I slept like a baby. Maybe it’s because I finally said something to Chris about his behavior lately. The previous nights, he would slumber away while I laid awake wondering if we would even spend time together before I headed back to work. Calling him out felt right.
I took care of my morning routine before unlocking the bedroom door and calling for Dodger to wake up. What I didn’t expect on the other side was the tray we roll out for sick days to be standing in front of the door.
Dodger was planning on being difficult as he hadn’t moved from his spot. This gave me ample time to study the tray with a covered meal placed on top and a horizontally folded card with my name scribbled on it.
“You were right last night. I have been distant throughout your break and I’m sorry for ruining the plans I promised. It’s a short amount of time left with you but we’re going to get started early. Eat the breakfast I made for you and then freshen up by putting on your favorite dress. Meet me at the car by 11.”
I chuckled at the message but decided to follow his set of instructions, nonetheless.
As promised, Chris drove us to the pumpkin patch further away from where we lived for more privacy and intimate time together. We spent the whole ride discussing last night’s events and catching up on the conversations we were meant to have throughout my week in our house. When he parked the car, he suggested we snap as many couple selfies but made sure to emphasize the idea of him taking pictures of me.
“They’re for my phone.” He lied through his teeth as I raised a brow at his idea.
The truth: Chris yearned to share pictures of me on his Instagram. At least half of his feed consisted of me, Dodger, or nature and rarely ever himself. I worried he would lose followers for never updating them on how he was doing but he dismissed my worries with a kiss to my forehead and a, “It’ll be fine, who cares?”
For a while, we explored the farm with our hands linked and eyes moving about at the pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. It wasn’t until we’d reach the halfway point did I realize we didn’t have an exact clue as to which type of pumpkin we were searching for.
“I was thinking one of those big, tall pumpkins.” Chris answered after I asked him what our goal was.
“The ones that look like an orange squash?”
“I don’t know, I’ve always wanted one.” He shrugged. His face held a gentle look of content.
“Well, if a squash-lookin’ pumpkin is what my big baby wants, then a squash-lookin’ pumpkin is what he shall get.”
Chris released my hand to wrap it around my waist and pull me closer to him. I felt my cheeks heat up as he placed a kiss to the crown of my head. After all this time together, he still managed to have me acting like a schoolgirl that somehow caught the attention of her longtime crush.
“Thank you baby.” He answered. “I know I already said this twice; through the note and in the car. But, I’m truly sorry for how I acted last night and the days before that. I was stupid in bottling everything up and not confiding in you like I normally do. Doesn’t justify any of what I said last night but I figured you had a lot on your plate and didn’t want to bother you with my own.”
I paused my walking to glance up at him with what I hoped was love in my eyes. “Chris, you could never bother me. As a couple, we talk to each other. Even if we’ve got problems of our own at the same time? I want you to come to me and I come to you so we can figure things out.” I stood on my toes to press a kiss to the underside of his jaw due to his towering figure. “I love you and accept your apology.
“I love you too.”
“You better. Because my ass wouldn’t be helping you find that ugly pumpkin to make you happy.”
“Hey!” he pouted before I shut him up with a kiss.
Taglist: @chaneajoyyy​ @daddyslittlecaptain​ @tantricevans​ @liquorlaughslove​ @nina-skyee​ @pinkgirlinablueworld​ @norababora @bakarilennox​ @rubyy98​
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
It’s Because I Love you
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Summary: Soobin dug himself into a hole and needed his bestfriend to help him out
Genre: Fluff, Friends-to-lovers, Slow-burn(ish)
Word count: ~10k (oops sry)
💕 Requested 
A/n: to the anon that requested this. I’m so sorry this took me forever... haha~ I hope you liked it! And writing this actually reminded how much i like writing these. Do you guys prefer these kind of longer fics or the shorter reaction type fics?
Warnings: Some swearing
      “Y/n i fucked up.”
      Was first line that came out of soobin’s mouth when you opened the door. It wasn’t unusual for soobin to randomly show up at your place. But you really weren’t expecting his presence today, since you knew he would be busy packing to head home for the week break. You were about to greet him but before you could say anything, he beat you to it, his sentence laced with regret and panic.        “What did you do this time?” You answered, “aren’t you supposed to be packing?”        “I- excuse you what do you mean ‘this time’?” He mocked. “Okay, whatever, we’ll get back to that and yeah, i am, but I fucked up real bad,” he repeated.        “Huh?” You took a step back so soobin could enter. “Are you alright? What happened?”       “So you know how all my cousins and sibling are in a relationship right?” Soobin continued, making his way to your couch to sit down. Resting his head back against the cushions as he groaned.       “Yeah, what about it?” Tilting your head as the conversation got more confusing by the second. You closed the door behind you before joining him.        “Well... my brother just called me and may have been bothering me about being the only one that isn’t in a relationship...” he trailed off, “and erm, i may have said i... had a girlfriend. And now my family wants met her.”        You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his confession, “you did what? You really dug yourself into a hole this time.”        Soobin was the youngest of his family. He was always the one that chose to focus more on his grades than actually making friends. Sure, he went to parties and drank every now and then, but other than that, he rarely did anything short of the ‘perfect son’. But despite all his efforts, there was always one thing his sibling could tease him about, and that was the fact that he was 21 and has never been in a relationship. Soobin always tried to not let this bother him, but i guess today, he just snapped.        “I really did,” he sighed. “That’s why i need your help.”        “How can i possibly help you out of this, soobin?” you ridiculed, glaring at him. “You do know that you’re one of my only friends, right? Meaning, I won’t be able to find anyone to play girlfriend with you.”         “Um, actually about that... i kind of told my family that my girlfriend goes to the same school as me and studies the same major as me. I also kind of told them that she has y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair.” He sat up, looking for a reaction from you. Instead, all he saw was your blank expression, staring back at him. “Yeah so, if you hadn’t caught on yet, i might have, sort of, just described you to my family.”         Your eyes widened at his statement, you weren’t sure what to reply. You met soobin all the way back in high school, and you’ve stayed friends ever since — 5 years, 11 months, 23 days, to be exact. Not that you were keeping count or anything. You remember the first day you approached the shy boy, the new transfer student sitting at the back alone. He was the first friend you made there. And to makes things worse, you’ve had a crush on him, but you knew better than to confess and possibly ruin the friendship.         You’ve suppressed all your feeling since then. Maybe. Probably. Okay, no. But you’ve tried. And all this talk of ‘pretend girlfriend’ did nothing but make your heart start racing again.        “Why on earth would you do that!”        “I dont know! You were the first person that came to mind! So are you okay with doing me the favour of playing the role of my girlfriend?” Soobin said with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes. A move he knew you could never refuse, “You’re free this break, right?”        His sudden confession was like a blow to your heart. The first person that came to his mind... but it’s probably just because he didnt have many female friends, right?        “Erm...” you paused. The more you thought about his proposition, the more you found yourself weighing the consequences.        “Come on y/n. Please? We already get engaged every other week at clubs for free drinks. This won’t be that much different.”        “Would your family believe it? I mean, it’s me.”        “Sure they will. And it’ll be easy to fake it since you already know me.”        You paused for another second before replying. “Hm, right. Fine. But you owe me. Do i have to bring anything?” You were helping out a friend.         A friend. Nothing more, nothing less.        “Nope, just bring enough clothes. You don’t need anything too fancy,” he stood up, leaning down to give you a quick hug. As he walked towards the door, he looked over his shoulder before leaving your apartment. “Thanks for doing this, i really owe you. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow after our classes, alright? See you then.”
        After an hour, three outfit changes and completely unpacking and repacking your luggage twice, you were finally satisfied and ready to go. It was only a weeks worth of clothes in a small luggage, yet, you still found a way to overthink it. In the end, you had settled for a simple tee with jeans and a coat to keep you warm for the ride.         Already, you were beginning to regret your decision of going along with this whole ‘fake girlfriend’ act. It had nothing to do with soobin or his family. They were absolutely wonderful, his parents were kind, his siblings were fun and sweet and his baby nephew was, well, a baby. The only problem was what if your heart liked the idea of being his ‘girlfriend’ just a little bit too much?         You had met his siblings and parents a handful of times when they visited him at his apartment. They’ve always been nothing but nice to you, and now, you were going to have to lie to them. The more you thought about it, the more your mind was playing angel and devil with you. On one hand, you didn’t want to spend the weekend being dishonest and possibly screwing up the image soobin’s family had of you. But on the other, you wanted to be selfish and be able to call soobin yours, even if it were just for a few days.         You sighed quietly, sitting in your living room waiting for soobin to pick you up like he said he would. The entire day you had been unable to focus in your classes, whatever your lectures said just going right through your head. At this time on fridays, you would normally have found soobin dressed in any lounge wear he had, crashing at your place to watch whatever movie he found that week. But now, you were going to find him dressed up, ready to bring you to meet his parents. The relationship sure escalated quickly. Just as your mind started drifting further, your doorbell rang.        “U ready?” Soobin’s signature eye smile greeted you, his front bunny teeth exposed. You’ve always noticed how soobin’s appearance resembled that of a bunny, but no matter how many times you tried to tell him, he didn’t want to believe it.        “As ready as ill ever be,” you returned the smile, grabbing your luggage and locking your front door.        Well, this was it, no turning back now. Helping you with your things, soobin lead you to his car and started the journey. It was only about a 3 hour drive and a car ride proved to be a great distraction. You hadn’t been to soobins hometown before, so being able to look out the window and see the scenery was no doubt better than sneaking glances at soobin in the drivers seat. You just knew that if you saw soobin, with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other propped on the arm rest, you might have gone into cardiac arrest.        The ride was quiet for the most part, that was until soobin pulled up at a red light. “I made a playlist,” soobin flipped his phone around to show you and connect it to his car. “It’s like, if you were my real girlfriend, this would be the playlist i would share with you.”        You couldn’t help but smile when you realised how sweet soobin would be in an actual relationship. His future girlfriend is really lucky. But you had to control yourself, reminding yourself that it’s all just pretend for the week.        “I’m sure its great. You have great taste in music,” you faked a laugh. “Um... so... soobin? How exactly are we supposed to fake this? I mean, what we supposed to do? What will your family do?”        “Oh...” he started, his eyes focusing back on the road, the lights turning green again. “To be honest, i haven’t actually thought about that part yet.” Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he thought. “Mmm, when my brother first brought his girlfriend home, my family teased him a lot, just to make fun of him and get her reaction. But they already did that with you whenever they visited me so... I’m not sure what they’ll do, honestly.”        “Oh...” That was completely unhelpful. Pulling your knees to your chest, you continued staring blankly out the window.        “Hey, don’t worry too much okay? We’ll just wing it like we do everything else. And that’s worked out for us so far, right?” Soobin chuckled, trying to comfort you. “As for what we need to do. I guess it’ll just be all that couple stuff like holding hands and hugging. And you’re already such a cuddly person, that shouldn’t be a problem for you. We got this, alright? And I’ll be with you the entire time.”        You nod a response, “yeah, we got this.”        On the outside, you tried to seem cool and composed. On the inside however, you were a mess. Sure, you and soobin already had your fair share of cuddles when he showed up for a movie night at your place. And on the days he was too lazy to go back to his dorm, you would find him whining and groaning for you to make him breakfast the next day. But now you were expected to act that way in front of his family? That was a whole new level of stress you didn’t think about when you agreed to this.         After a while more of driving, it was a little over 10pm when soobin finally pulled up alongside the curd in front of his house. The remainder of the car ride had been relatively silent, except for the playlist that soobin had made for you, and the occasional mindless singing you would start that turned into a carpool karaoke. Getting off, soobin unloaded his and your luggage and lead you to the front door.        Probably noticing your nervous state, soobin grabbed your shaking hands. “I’m right here alright?” He smiled, “it’s show time.”        With that, he rang the doorbell. And not 15 seconds later, soobin’s sister answered the door.        “Soobin!” She greeted, pulling him into a hug, “we’ve been waiting for you and- oh! Y/n! I knew it. Same major, y/e/c eyes, y/h/c hair. If it wasn’t you, i was about to kick his ass.”        “Hah, yeah, surprise?” You said, the last part sounding more like a question than a sentence.        “Aish, this boy. The previous night on the call, he just told us he’ll be bringing his girlfriend home, gave us a description but never told us who. Left us all to wonder who she was and well,” she chuckled, putting an arm around soobin’s shoulders, “if she even existed. I’m glad it’s you, the first time we met you, i already knew you two would end up together.”        “Wait, so you all took guesses on who it was?” Soobin chimed in, shooting a glare at his sister.        “Well, yea! All of us pretty much guessed y/n. Except for mom though, she’s kept quiet about it. But i guess it was just because she didn’t want to get her hopes up.”        Looking at soobins annoyed expression, you laughed. Shrugging of his sisters arm, soobin grabbed both your luggage, pushing past his sister and pulled them into the house. “Alright, alright, just let us in already, its freezing out here.”        “It’s nice to see you again y/n,” his sister said as she held the door open for you.        “Likewise.” You smiled before stepping in.        You’d never been to soobin’s house before. Sure, you’ve seen bits and pieces of it when the two of your FaceTimed over the holidays, but never in person. In the hallway where you stood, were the stairs that you presumed lead to the bedrooms. Sporadically placed were a few house plants that looked as if they had been watered quite recently.  The walls were littered with family photos, and most noticeably, soobin’s baby pictures. You smiled looking at them, taking a mental image of the cute, little baby this giant once was.        Closing the door behind you, soobins sister spoke, “you guys wait here. I think mom and dad are in the living room. I’ll go get them.”        As you saw her silhouette disappear towards one of the entries, you felt the nerves building up again, “soobin...” you tilted you head up to look at him, your face portraying nothing but worry.        “Don’t worry okay?” Taking your hand in his, gently squeezing for reassurance.“ Just follow my lead and pretend you’re in love with me. Which should be easy since I’m your favourite person,” he joked, in attempts to lighten your mood.        ‘Pretend to be in love with him’. Okay, shouldn’t be too hard, considering the fact that you actually were in love with him and spent years pretending not to be. “Yea, alright.”        Letting go of your hand, soobin walked forward to hug his parents when he saw them approaching.        “Soobin, we were starting to wonder how long more you would take,” his mom said. “How are you? How’s everything at school?”         “Everything’s fine,” he replied. Turning to you, he held out his hand for you to take. “Mom, dad, you know y/n.”        Accepting his hand, you stepped forward to greet his parents. Just hoping that your nervous trembling wasn’t too obvious to the naked eye.        “Ah of course! How could we ever forget,” his mom smiled.        “We always knew the two of you would end up together eventually. He’s always been so obvious about you,” his dad added, causing blood to rush to your cheeks, and soobin to immediately retaliate.        “Dad! Stop it. No i have not!” You looked around at him just in time to see him cross his arms and roll his eyes, cheeks pink and eyes shining. He met your eyes and looked away, but the grin on his face never faltered.        Hitting her husbands arm, soobins mom scolded, “aish, stop teasing them, they just got here. Speaking of which, have you two eaten?”        “No we havent, actually. We came right after school,” soobin answered.        “In that case, you can take yours and y/n stuff up to your room and get settled in. I’ll order some food for you. Pizza sound okay?” his mom spun soobin around, pushing him back to where your luggage laid.        “His room?” You thought out loud. Of course they were expecting you to share a room with soobin. What else could you have possibly thought.        “Of course his room,” his mom answered, “you have known each other for such a long time. And i have no doubts there are days that soobin stayed over at your apartment instead of his dorm anyway. There’s no way I’m letting you sleep on the couch.”        With that, you and soobin grabbed your things and headed up to his room. Sure, the nights soobin stayed over you have shared a bed before. But this time, it just felt different. Even though everything was still purely platonic, the element of you being in his home, pretending to be his girlfriend, was still no doubt intimidating.        “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Soobin asked rhetorically, snapping you out of your thoughts. He laughed, clearly taking the whole situation a lot lighter than you were.        Opening the door to his room, it was exactly how you pictured it when he called you. You stood at the doorway, it seemed so familiar, yet unknown at the same time. His bed in the corner of the room with a few pillows and plushies, at the other end, his desk and wardrobe filled with clothes he left behind. His walls were mainly bare, except for one that had a few old polaroids hanging loosing from the ceiling. It felt weird being there.        “Well, don’t just stand there,” soobin grabbed your luggage from you, pulling you in to the room so he could close the door behind you and crashing down on his bed. “First, let me give you the official welcome to mi casa. My family is a lot, but you already knew that. Make yourself at home.”        “Honestly, i cant believe they bought it so easily,” you let out, taking a seat next to him.        “Told you they would. My family probably loves you more than they love me.”        You laughed halfheartedly, still feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing.        “We should clean up before we head back to the wolves den for dinner. The bathroom is right down the hall to the right. You can go first, ill clear a drawer for you,” he offered.          You nod, gathering your things for the night.        This is all just pretend.
       The shower definitely helped calm you down a bit. You loved the warmth of the water against your skin.        “It’s just for a week. Dont get used to it,” you muttered to yourself.        Getting out, you quickly dressed yourself in a tshirt and some shorts. The normal attire you wore to sleep, anything else was always just uncomfortable for you.          “You’re turn,” you announced when you entered soobins room again.        “That was quick. Here, take one of my sweaters.”        “What for?” You shot him a look, raising brow. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t stole his hoodies before, it was just the fact that he was offering it this time.       “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, aren’t you? Girlfriends always take their boyfriend’s clothes.”        Fishing a plain, red sweater out from his wardrobe, he threw it in your direction, hitting you directly in the face and causing you to yelp a little. “Besides, you already take all my hoodies. This is no different,” he continued, eyeing you as you pulled it over your head.        As usual, soobin’s clothes were huge on you. And this sweater was no doubt oversized, even for him. “How do i look?”        You looked to him when you didn’t get a reply. But this only caused him to turn away from you quickly, mumbling something to himself before answering, “it’s my clothes, it’ll look great on everyone.”        Scrambling to gather his things, he left for his shower. You could have swore you saw him blushing when he was looking at you. But you brushed it off as your overactive imagination. You decided to swiftly blow dry your hair before laying on his bed, scrolling through your phone while waiting for him. You were hungry, practically starving, but there was no way in hell you were going to face his family again on your own. With your new status, god knows what they would do or say.        A mere 15 minutes go by before you hear the door open again. Revealing a damp haired soobin, dressed in a white tee and sweatpants. A simple look you have seen many times over the years, but one that still made your head and thoughts hazy.        “Ready to go down?” He spoke, smirking at you, almost knowingly, “I’m starving.”        “Ye- yeah,” gathering your thoughts, bringing yourself back to reality.
       Dinner with the family wasnt all that bad. Sure, there was the occasional teasing and questions. But that was to be expected. Any parent would have been curious, right?        You let soobin take the lead on most of those. You didn’t want your cover to get blown by having any clashing answers. Once in a while you would feel soobin grab your hand under the table when he needed your help, but for the most part, they were the basic questions like “since when?” Or “who confessed first?”. The usual relationship stuff, nothing too hard. And it was a lot easier with the fact that it was you and soobin, the two friends that have mastered the art of bullshitting your way out of situations.         At the end of the day, the awkwardness ended soon after it started. With it being past midnight, Soobin’s family had long gone to bed, leaving you two alone in the dimly lit kitchen to finish up your dinner, which had quickly became supper.        “So, how was day one of being my girlfriend?” He looked over to you, munching on another piece of pizza. Even in that horrible lighting, he still managed to take your breath away. No one could possibly look good with dull, ugly, yellow kitchen lighting, but somehow, he did. The way the soft light bounced off his skin, partnered with the reflection in his eye that gave that perfect shine to them. You were sure you looked horrid next to him.        “Mmm, it’s alright i guess,” you teased, earning a pout from soobin. “You big baby. I’m just kidding,” nudging him on the shoulder, causing you both the laugh.        You didn’t know why this question surprised you as much as it did. Maybe you wanted to flip the tables, or maybe you just weren’t expecting the answer he gave. “So how was day one of having me as your pretend girlfriend?”        He thought about it for a second before facing you and speaking. “Honestly, it’s been fun. Even though we haven’t done much. But then again, i always knew you would be great girlfriend to someone one day.”        ‘Someone’. If only you could tell him how much you wanted that someone to be him. If only you had the guts to say what’s was on your mind.        “Want to play some music?” Breaking the silence, soobin picked up his phone, quickly scrolling through his playlists before stopping on one he named ‘midnight’. “It’s just some chill songs i found that i thought would be nice to listen to at night.”        The playlist started and the first song to play was ‘what falling in love feels like’.        “Oh, i love this song,” you mindlessly stated between bites.        “Really?” Soobin replied. “I never heard you listen to classical music.”        Your eyes widened slightly when you realised what you said. You didn’t just listen to classical music. You’ve also imagined what it would be like to slow dance to it.        “I never really told anyone... but i always wanted to dance with someone to this song. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit,” you trailed off, the surface of the counter suddenly becoming more interesting. The dead of night had you confessing unspoken words.        There was another second of silence. You could feel soobin’s stare on your face. He was judging you. You were sure of it. Now you were just mentally preparing yourself for a laugh-        “Let’s dance.”        “What?” You weren’t expecting that. You shot your head up, seeing his outstretched hand.        “Let’s dance,” he repeated.        You reached for his hand, but didn’t grab it. You were hesitant. Never would you have thought you’d be slow dancing with your crush — of over 3 years, in the kitchen of his childhood home — at midnight.         He held you hand, helping you to stand before twirling you into his arms. He lead your hands around his neck and his around your waist. You fell in step, letting the rhythm control your movements. Your eyes gazing into his brown, glistening ones, a soft smile on his face. It felt like a dream. Your surroundings and any other disturbances dissolved. It was just you and him. Right here, right now. You stayed like that, dancing. Everything felt just... perfect.        “You know i’d never judge you right?” He said, his eyes watching your expressions closely. “I know that’s what you were thinking earlier.”        You looked away, unable to find the right words. Soobin always had a way to read you so easily. Every once in a while he would remind you how expressive your face was. And you were certain a blush had crept to your cheeks when you heard soobin chuckle.        “You silly girl. You can tell me anything. You know that. After all, you are my best friend.”        “Right... best friend,” you offered a small smile to mask the resignation in your words.         And just like that, the song ended. Soobin let go your waist. Leaving nothing the ghostly feeling of where his hands once were and the sensation of having his body so close to yours.        “It’s nearly 1am. We should go to bed soon,” he nodded towards the clock on the stove. “You can head up first. I’ll clean up here and join you in a bit.”        You nodded. Once you were back in his room, you crashed on his bed. Regret and agony the only things left for you to feel.        Why did you agree to this. You knew it would be hard. But not this hard.        You rolled over to your side of the bed. And true to his word, soobin entered shortly after. Climbing under the covers with you, poking your side when you paid no attention to him.        You jumped, immediately facing him. “What was that for!?”        “Nothing,” he laughed. “It’s just fun to do that to you. I have a fun day planned tomorrow, so get up early. Good night y/n.”        “Good night, asshole.” You scoffed.
       The next morning you woke up to a post-it on your head. You tore it off and looked around the room but soobin was nowhere to be seen. You groaned, sitting up to stretch and read the note.        ‘Wake up sleepyhead. Come to the kitchen for breakfast.’        Oh, how you wished the entire night before had been a dream. But alas, it wasn’t. Pulling yourself out of bed, you cleaned yourself up and descend the stairs. The smell of fresh pancakes engulfing the entire house.        “Good morning y/n,” soobin’s dad greeted you when you entered the kitchen. “Grab a seat. Breakfast is almost done.”        “Your dad cooks?” You whispered as you pulled out the stool next to soobin.        “Mainly breakfast. But yes,” he whispered back.        Soobin’s dad placed a plate in front of each of you. 3 pancakes a piece, and more to come. “Butter or maple syrup?”        “Both,” soobin smugly answered.        “And you y/n?”        “Ill have both as well, thanks,” you smiled before facing soobin. “Where’s your mom and sister?”        “My mom went to the store. And my sister doesn’t get up till later.” Soobin grabbed the syrup his father had just put on the table and poured a generous amount. His attention was fully on his food.        You couldn’t help but grin at his childlike manner. He always loved breakfast. Or any dish that can be both sweet and savoury actually. You both enjoyed your breakfast, watching soobin’s father flip pancakes, cheering when it landed, and messing around while cooking as your morning source of entertainment.        “The pancakes are really good, mr choi,” you complimented.        “Why, thank you y/n. You always have been such well mannered,” he said. “Hopefully some of that will rub off on my son soon.”        “Hey! I am well mannered,” soobin retorted.        “Oh, really now,” you taunted, giving him a look of disbelief.        Soobin tsked, lightly pushing you over. “Okay, whatever. Anyways, hurry up. I’m going to show you around town today.”        “You two don’t come back too late now,” his father added. “And bring a coat, it’s supposed to get colder today.”        Stuffing down the remainder of his food, soobin linked your arms and dragged you out of the kitchen the moment he saw your plate empty.        “Hey! I’m not done yet, i wanted one mo-!”        “Bye dad!” Soobin interrupted, ignoring your plea.
       “So much being well mannered.” You mocked.        “Not my fault you wanted to eat so much,” he shrugged.        Both of you strolled along the road. You weren’t sure where soobin was bringing you, other than his aforementioned ‘town’. Despite it just being the two of you, soobin still dressed nicely, in a turtleneck and scarf with a black coat to go over it.        “Wait...” you started, noticing a passing sign. “Why does that say the town is the other way?”        “Cause i changed my mind. I’m bringing you somewhere else,” he replied, shooting you one of his, oh so charming, eye smiles. “I’ll bring you to town another day.”        “This way’s to the forest,” you raised an eyebrow. “Are you planning to kill me or something? After 6 years of friendship. This is how you want to end it?” You dramatically gripped your chest and joked. “I’m sorry for whatever i did. I can change, I swear.”        Soobin rolled his eyes and guffawed. “Of course. This has been my plan all along. To befriend you then brutally murder you among the trees where no one can find your body,” he played along. “Relax, I’m no murderer. An avid liar? Maybe. But not a murderer. I just want to show you something.”         You hummed a response and continued on your way. Not long after, soobin was leading you down a path in the deserted forest. As the path reached deeper into the woods, the trees got denser.        “Erm, soobin, where are we going?” You called from behind him. “I’m really starting to question the whole murder thing.”        You’re not going to lie when you say the woods kind of crept you out. You could have sworn you felt someone behind you. But when you turned around, there wasn’t a soul. The twigs and dead leaves making a deafening crunch under your feet as the — seemingly never-ending — journey continued.        “Just trust me,” he provided a simple answer that proved to be of no help in ensuring you.       As you continued, the sound of snapping twigs got louder. You turned the corner and the sudden sound of birds fleeing their nest startled you, causing you to jump and grab soobin’s coat from the back.         “Are you really that scared?” He laughed. “Don’t worry,” he continued, turning around and reaching for your hand. Gently running his thumb over yours the rest of the way. “We’re almost there. It’s worth it, i promise.”        Having his hand in yours definitely provided some comfort. But it was also making you feel things that you shouldn’t be feeling. After another minute of walking, you finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The horrid crunching sound had been washed out by the sound of, well, rushing water.        A waterfall.        You gasped in astonishment at the clarity of the Caribbean-blue waterfall. It was spurting over the basalt rock, spilling eel-like over the ledges. Its clamorous passage at the foot of the mountain threw up bubbles of spray. They sparkled uneasily in the beams of light that shined through the leaves of surrounding trees.        When it toppled into the ecstasy-pool, it foamed it at the bottom. The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, allowing you to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.        “Wow,” was all you managed to utter out.        “I told you it was worth it,” soobin grinned. “Come on.” He lead you closer, collapsing on the bank and letting the nougat sweet smell of flowers wash over him.        You followed suit. “How did you find this place?”        “A friend of mine showed it to me when we were kids.” He said, leaning back against his palms. “We used to hang out all the time here. The five of us. That is, until i moved away for high school.        “I wonder what they’re up to now.” He added after a slight pause.        “You don’t see them when you come back for the holidays?” You asked.        Soobin shook his head. “I don’t get to see them much anymore. I barely leave my house, y/n, you know that. Besides, they’re all busy with their own lives.”        You listened to soobin reminisce about his childhood. You would listen to soobin talk for hours if you could. His words are were like gold to you, or perhaps some elixir you’ve been waiting all your days to hear. He had nothing but good things to say. It sounded like he had a lot of fun here, in the small town he grew up in. You both sat there for a while, gawking at the waterfall when the suddenly rustling of the bushes behind you caught your attention.        “Y/n,” soobin stood up, holding you behind him as the rustling got louder. And then a figure walked through, a boy. He was wearing a brown furry jacket. His hair was a strange shade a pink, but it complimented his skin tone nicely.        “Soobin?” The boy said, folding his arms. “No way. Is that actually you? Mr choi soobin. After all these years.”          “Yeonjun?” Soobin replied, letting go of you and walking up to yeonjun. “What are you doing here?”        “I was on my way out and thought i saw you earlier entering the forest so i decided to follow you. Who else knows this place anyway?” Yeonjun laughed, swinging an arm around soobin’s shoulder.        “So you practically followed, what could have been, a complete stranger into the forest?” Soobin shot him a look. To that, yeonjun just smiled and nodded. “You never change, do you?”        “Nope,” yeonjun answered confidently. “Anyways, are you going to introduce me to the pretty lady or do i have to do that myself?” He gestured a smile towards you.        Beside him, soobin stiffened, his jaw slightly tensing before he answered. “Right... Yeonjun, y/n. We met in high school, she’s my best friend.  Y/n, yeonjun. He was one of my friends i was telling you about-”        “Yeah, until this bastard moved, changed his number and practically became a hermit that never left his house much.” Yeonjun jibed.        “Hmm, that sounds about right. The only place I’ve seen him, other than class or the library, is at my apartment binge watching shows,” you added, causing yeonjun to burst out a laugh.        “You guys are mean.” Soobin grumbled, pushing yeonjun’s arm off him.        “I have a feeling she and i are going to be great friends.” Yeonjun said matter-of-factly.        The three of you sat there, talking for what seemed like hours. Soobin and yeonjun continued to tell you about the different adventures they had together as kids with their friends, beomgyu, kai and taehyun. They recounted all the accidents that happened, all the fun moments they had together. Yeonjun eventually proceeded to tell you about all the embarrassing soobin stories he could think of, sharing jokes and making you laugh. The entire time though, soobin barely directed any conversation at you. Let alone laugh at Yeonjun’s ‘jokes’.        As your laughter died down, yeonjun spoke again. “I have to ask though, what’s she doing doing here? Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just curious. Does she live around here too?”        You looked to soobin, unsure of how or what to answer.        “It’s okay, yeonjun won’t snitch,” he said. “Y/n’s pretending to be my girlfriend for the holiday.”         It hurt you every time he said it. In your head you wished so badly for it to be real. To think, by now you would have learnt that wishing only wounds the heart. And each time soobin said it out loud, it was like a punch to the gut.        “Pretending to be your-“ yeonjun cut himself off by scoffing. “What for?”        “Well....” soobin started explaining the whole situation to yeonjun. To which the only response he got out of the other boy was mockery and disbelief.        “Are you serious?!” Yeonjun exclaimed. “So you two aren’t together?”        You shook your head.        “Oh... good....” he mumbled, grinning in the process. “You have got to be kidding me. But you guys do you, i guess. My lips are sealed.        “I hate to ruin the moment but i have to go. It was nice meeting you y/n.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “It was nice to see you again too, soobin. But let know, the next time you’re back.”        “Right, ill keep that in mind.” Soobin replied.        Just as yeonjun started to walk away, he stopped and turned around once more. “Oh! Right. How long are you guys staying? I’m meeting beomgyu, tae and kai on monday at the diner. You should come,” his eyes travelled to you, “both of you.”        “We cant-“        “We would love to!” You cut soobin off, “come on soobin, you haven’t seen your friends in ages. I would be nice to say ‘hi’ again.”         Soobin stared at you for a second. Maybe it was the excitement in your face or maybe he truly did want to see his friends again. But in the end he agreed.          “Great! Ill see you two monday at 5.” Yeonjun ended, giving a small salute before leaving, for real this time.        Soobin went back to the bay, laying down on the grass, letting out a long held sigh. He stared up at the sky that was quickly becoming darker. The stars and moon announcing their arrival.        “You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to him.        “Yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” He answered, his eyes still closed.        “I don’t know. You just seemed... off just now. Like my or yeonjun’s presence bothered you.”        “It’s nothing. Im just tired.” He sighed again, sitting up. “While on the subject, we should head back. It’s getting dark.”        He stood up and started walking without another word.        Was he mad at you? No... he had no reason to be, right? Was he mad about the joke you made with yeonjun?        You quickly caught up to him and followed him out of the forest. Other than your footsteps against the concrete road and the cicadas that came out to say their daily greetings, the awkward silence followed the rest of the way.        “I’m not annoyed at you, if that’s what you’re thinking,” soobin broke the silence. The entire walk you had your focus on the ground, not noticing the stolen glances soobin took. “Stop sulking. People are going to think i kicked your puppy or something.” He chuckled, bending his waist slight to look at your face.        His face was mere inches away from yours. Memories from the previous night came flooding back. You didn’t offer a response, not trusting the words that would escape your lips in that moment. Instead just turning your face to the other side to avoid his stare. Soobin let out a light hearted laugh and continued walking.          You recalled how soobin always said you had an expressive face. He must have seen something you didn’t realise.        The sky got darker as you continued down the road. The cool winter breeze greeting the concrete and skin just the same, causing you to shiver and wrap your arms around yourself. Mentally cursing the fact that, other than your khaki coat, you didn’t think to wear more layers that morning.        Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed. “Are you cold?” Soobin asked, already shedding off his cherry red, wool scarf.        “No, it’s alright, you’ll get cold,” grabbing his hands to stop his actions.        “I’ll be fine. And we’re only about 5 minutes away,” he argued, wrapping his scarf around your neck. He took your hand, pulling you behind him the rest of the way quickly before you ‘caught a cold’.        The scarf sat snug to your skin, soft and gentle, the ends becoming a colourful flag in the wintry winds. It was still warm from where it sat before. You could smell of his cologne on it. Faint, from the day’s activities. But still prominent enough to know it’s existence.        Your hands trembled in his and you thanked the cold for that excuse. Burying your face deeper into his scarf before he could make out the slight blush that painted your cheeks.        When you reached soobin’s home again, there was a faint chattering echoing through house.        “Oh, i think my older sister’s came for a visit.”        Soobin’s older sister. The one that’s the account, married, with the baby — soobin’s nephew — and the lovely husband. You’ve only ever met them once, well that, and the occasional pictures soobin would send you of him and his nephew. Seeing soobin with babies did things to your heart thats you didn’t like. You’ve already imagined the unlikely scenario of what it would be like to have soobin as your boyfriend. You can’t go fantasising an entire family as well. But you had to admit, he would make a great dad one day.        “Soobin!” His older sister ran and hugged him. He’s always had such a close bond with his siblings. “Mom and dad told me you brought your girlfriend home this time.” She wiggled her eyebrows.        “Hey sis. And yeah, y/n. You know her,” soobin turned to you.        “Of course. The last time i saw you two I knew you’d end up together.” She cheered as if she had just won the lottery.        So, from what you’ve gathered, soobin’s entire family had always had some hopes on the two of two. You wanted to smile at that fact. But at same time, you were lying to them right now. It was a bittersweet feeling.        The remainder of the night went on rather unproductive. You had dinner with his family, chatted with them, played with the baby and that was about it. The worst part came when the family decided to watch a movie together. The movie was great, dont get me wrong. You all sat together and watched kingsman again. Even though it was the tenth time you’ve seen it, it was still yours and Soobin’s favourite.        The bad part came when you had to find a seat. The family couch say four, soobin’s mom, dad and sisters. The older’s husband took one of the arm chairs, leaving you and soobin to share the other. In other words, you ended up having to sit on his lap.        “I can just sit on the floor, its no problem,” you suggested.        “Nonsense. I won’t let you sit on the floor,” soobin rebutted, holding your waist, pulling you back onto his lap.        You swear, if it wasn’t for the dimness of the room, the redness of your face would have matched that of the fire place. Throughout the movie you found it extremely hard to pay attention. Soobin had left one of his hands to rest on your knee and the other around your back. Sure, he was probably just putting on a show for his family. But he didn’t have to do the thumb thing as well. Or gently whisper in your ear, so close that you could feel his breath against your neck.          The rest of the time you couldn’t help but fidget in your seat — which just so happened to be soobin’s lap. As interesting as the fight scene on screen was or the dramatic music playing, the only thing you could focus on was the fact that soobin’s hand had now traveled to your thigh.        And underneath you, soobin’s breathing was becoming short and uneven. He was starting to stir as well before getting up, forcing you to stand and murmuring, “I’m going to head to bed early. You guys enjoy the rest of the movie.”        Within the next beat of the soundtrack, he was dashing out of the living room and running up the stairs.        What...?        You weren’t the only one wondering that. Soobin’s family were now staring at you, his mothers brows furrowed, his sister’s head tilted quizzically. “He said he’s tired,” you blurted, face-palming in your head.        Great. You already felt out of place and this certainly wasn’t helping. You sat down on the, now vacant, chair and continued the rest of the movie with his family.        I’m sure he’s fine. You can always ask him tomorrow.
       You woke up to an empty bed again. But this time there was no post it note or anything from soobin. So you assumed he’d be in the kitchen like before.        “Morning y/n,” it was his older sister this time.        “Morning.” You looked around. No sight of soobin. “Where’s soobin?”        “Oh he didn’t tell you? He went out for a walk around 20 minutes ago.”        Why didn’t he wait for you?        “Yeah, he didn’t. Did he say where he was going or when he’ll be back?” You asked.        To that, she just shook her head.        Oh...
       “I almost forgot,” she continued. “There was a note for you. I left it on the counter for you.”
       You picked it up, hoping to see Soobin’s name as the regards, telling you his whereabouts. Instead, the note was fairly short.
Hey y/n!
Once again i just wanted to welcome you to town. It was really nice meeting you yesterday! Maybe we could hang out some time?
(Hopefully) Your friend,
       Did Soobin see it? Either way, why does it matter.        After breakfast, you decided to wait for soobin to come home. If he didn’t tell where he was going, it means he cant be gone long, right? You sat in his room, figuring it would be the only place you didnt have to face his family members.        It was only about an hour and a half of waiting and a lunch break, that you got bored. You could only scroll your phone so much before it started to get more redundant than it already was. So, checking the weather report, you got dressed and left for a walk around. You hadn’t seen much of the area yet, it wouldn’t be harmful to do some exploring. Learning your lesson from yesterday, you put on a wool sweater underneath your coat. A pair of dr marten to match.         It was a rather fine day out. You walked under the sun that warmed your skin, but the cool winds keeping the temperature cool enough. The only thing that would make this better would be if soobin were with you...        “Y/n!” You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.        You turned around and saw a familiar lock of pink hair running towards you, frantically waving his arms. He was wearing a leather jacket today. Behind him was someone else that chased after him. He had nicely styled, bleached blonde hair and was slightly short than yeonjun was.        “Oh, hi.” You greeted the two of them. “Fancy running into you again.”        “I know, right!” He agreed, a bit more enthusiastically than what you would imagine. “Why are you alone? Where’s soobin?”        “No clue. He just took off this morning. Didn’t tell me anything and i got bored of sitting around alone.”        “Maybe the pressure of a relationship getting to him,” yeonjun suggested.        “It’s fake though,” you mocked.        He just shrugged. “Doesn’t make it any less of a commitment.”        You hummed a reply. “Fair enough.”        “Anyway. If you have nothing better to do... taehyun and i,” he said, gesturing towards to boy beside him, “were just headed to the arcade in town. Care to join us?”        “Sure, I don’t see why not.”        You followed as yeonjun and taehyun lead you through the town soobin said he would bring you to. Every corner they turned, they greeted someone new. From little kids to elderly ladies and gentlemen. Small town, i guess everyone knew everyone.        Eventually, they stopped in front of a building, the arcade. The pings from the pinball machines, the bullets from the shooting games, and the ‘jackpot’ announcements, all a dead give away. From the outside, the building looked old and rundown. The paint was old and cracking as if it hadn’t been repainted in years. Even the neon signs provided to the retro aesthetic, casting a purple-red hue over everything.        You stood there, taking in the atmosphere for a second. It sure was different from any arcade you had back in the city. You glanced around, when a figure at one of the pinball machines caught your eye.        “Soobin?” You spoke out loud.        Confused, yeonjun and taehyun followed your gaze to said figure.        “What in the?” You walked up to him. the further into the arcade you went, the louder everything got. Tapping him on the shoulder, you just about had to yell to have any sort of conversation.        “Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with the same expression as culprit that had just been caught red-handed.        You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “So you ditched me to come play games alone?”        “Um, kind of? Not really though,” he said. His eyes darting towards the two boys that to came up behind you. “You came with taehyun and... Yeonjun?”        “Hey soob, long time no see,” taehyun added.        “I went out for a walk and ran into them,” a quick and easy reason. “You could have just told me if you wanted to come to town alone, you know? You don’t have to sneak off at the crack of dawn.”        “Nice to see you too tae. And I do want to show you around the town. It’s just,” his eyes travelled between you and yeonjun, back to you in a blink. “I just needed a break from things for a while.”        “Hm, alright,” you accepted his explanation, but something still felt weird.        “Since we’re already here, there’s no use standing around.” Yeonjun spoke. “Y/n, come play the shooting game with me!”        Before you could reply, yeonjun was already dragging you towards one of the machines. Leaving taehyun and soobin to do whatever it was they did. He handed you one of the guns available and scanned his arcade card. The entire time you could feel eyes watching you, but shook it off.        Yeonjun was pretty good at the game, you had to admit. He spent a lot of time here, you assumed. Time seemed to disappear the longer you were in the arcade. The atmosphere around you never changed. It was still as lively and colourful as when you first walked in. The bright lights and loud music blasting, disrupting your senses. But outside, the sun was quickly setting.        “Good game, y/n,” taehyun offered a handshake after you beat him at yet another game of air hockey.        You took it. “Not too shabby yourself.”        Beside you, yeonjun and soobin clapped for your victory.        “We should probably go back soon,” Soobin said, showing the clock on his phone. It was nearly 8pm. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.        You all travelled back together. Turns out yeonjun and taehyun only lived a street away from soobin.        “See you tomorrow,” taehyun and yeonjun waved goodbye as you parted ways, leaving you and soobin to go your way.        Neither of you said a thing to each other. And for reason you were having trouble thinking of a conversation starter, this hasn’t happened before. Usually you and soobin had endless things to talk about. It didn’t matter how stupid or unimaginable it was, the two of you never ran out of things to say.        “When you were a kid, did you ever pretend you were smoking in winter?” You said the first thing that came to mind, the cold air making your breath visible, helping to elaborate your question. You laughed at yourself, holding your fingers up in a peace sign, imagining a cigarette between them.        “Yeah, when i was like 7.”        Okay, ouch.        Soobin’s answer was short, providing no further conversation. You pressed your lips together, stuffing your hands in your pockets as embarrassment crept up on you. So much for never feeling judged.        The rest of the night you didn’t speak much. Every attempt you made just being shot down with one liners. Every time you showed soobin a funny video or meme, he gave little to no response. And eventually you gave up.        This continued to the following day. Sure, soobin was an introvert. You knew that. But he’s never ignored you to this extent. Was he getting sick of having you around everyday? If that was the case, he should just tell you, you’d give him all the space he needs.        You can’t lie and say you weren’t hurt by that thought. Your crush was ignoring you. That would have hurt anyone. And right now, you felt nothing more than a parasite in his home.        “Come on, we have to go meet the others,” the first words he’s said to you in hours.
      You followed quietly as soobin brought you to the diner. When you arrived, the others were already there. Yeonjun and taehyun, along with two new faces. Beomgyu and Huening Kai, you figured from previous conversations.        They sat at a semi-circle booth meant for four with two extra chairs at the end. One of which occupied by taehyun as the other three shared the banquette bench.         “Soobin! Y/n!” They waved.         Yeonjun sat at one of the ends and shifted when he spotted you enter. “Y/n, i saved you a seat next to me,” he said smugly, smirking and cocking his head to the space beside him.        You rolled your eyes at his antics, lips curling upwards. Soobin’s expression remained hard, unbothered and unimpressed even. But you didn’t question it, he’s been like that since yesterday. And frankly, you’ve gotten sick of it. Might as well spend time with someone that actually wants your attention.        You got along well with the boys. You learnt that Kai and taehyun went to the same school and beomgyu had just graduated recently. Most of the time though, was spent whispering jokes between yeonjun and yourself. And at some point of the night, he had managed to sneak an around the back of the booth. On the other side, Beomgyu and Kai snickered to each other and eventually shook hands, some bet or deal you presumed.        All of a sudden you heard one of the chairs beside you shift. The feet scratching against the tiled floor. And the next thing you knew, soobin was walking out the door, the bell ringing behind him.        “Where’s he going?” Kai asked.        “No clue,” Beomgyu answered. Taehyun just shrugged. All your attentions still on the door that had already been shut.        “Um, ill go check on him,” you announced, running out of the diner after him. Sure, you and him weren’t on good terms at the moment, but nontheless he was still your best friend, and a huge part of you still cared for him.         “Soobin, wait!” You called, but he kept walking.        “Soobin!” You tried again, chasing after him.        “Stop right there choi soobin!” You yelled, your voice echoing through the empty street. The boys silhouette stood still. But never did he turn to look at you. “Dont you dare take another step!”        Never once in five years have you ever felt intimidated by him. But with his large figure being illuminated by nothing but the dull, yellow street lights, you couldn’t say that anymore. There was silence as you gathered your thoughts, making your way towards him. You had him right in front of you. Now what? You wanted soobin back. Your soobin.        “What’s going on with you?” Your feet stopped on their own accord, right behind the tall boy. “You’ve been acting strange.”        No answer.        “Soobin, don’t ignore me!” You said again, desperation and annoyance laced in your tone.        “I don’t know what you want me to say y/n,” he sighed, trying to keep his temper from exploding.        “I want a damn explanation, soobin,” anger from the previous day slowly consuming you. “Do you know how much of an asshole you’re being? God! I try to talk to you, but it’s just like i’m talking to a god damn wall! So, you can either tell me what’s going on or I’m on the next bus home tomorrow.”        No answer. But you could tell the last part hit him hard. He couldn’t look at you. If he did, he was sure you would see the remorse and anger in his eyes. He hated that you were mad. He hated that you were yelling. But most of all he hated that he was the cause of it.       “You asked me to come play girlfriend with you and i did,” you sighed, continuing when he started walking again. “I only did because,” swallowed the lump in your throat, “you’re... you’re my best friend.”        Best friend.        “I’m your best friend... you can me anything, you know that.” You quoted his words.        “There’s some things better left unsaid,” he offered before walking away again. “I’m sorry y/n.”        “No!” You cried, stopping his tracks. “Apology not accepted.”        You could see frustration building in soobin. His hand pinching his temple, his shoulders tensed as you spoke. “You said you’d be by my side the whole time! But since the waterfall you’ve barely talked to me! You leave me in situations on my own, you’re ignoring me and you randomly take off without a word. You’re doing it right now! So, again, you can either tell me what’s going on or-“        “It’s because i love you, okay!?”        Now it was your turn to stay silent.        Soobin let out a sigh, turning to face you. “Is that what you want to hear?! I love you, y/n!” His tone got softer, “I love you so much. For as long as i can remember knowing you. It hurts when I see you with other people. Especially people that so blatantly flirt with you in front of me. You’re stunning, beautiful. Even a fool could see it. But you’re also so much more than that.        “You were the only person that bothered to come talk to me the first day of school. Others probably viewed me as the weird, loser kid that sat alone during lunch. But you didn’t. You were my first and only friend for years. Before i knew it, i had a crush on you. At first, i thought it was just a phase. But it wasn’t, y/n. And now, im so hopelessly head over heels for you.        “I know, I haven’t earned your heart. I never will. I could spend a million years worshiping you and still not earn it. You’re my best friend, i know I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I know you’re mad at me. And i know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please... please, don’t leave me.”        He sounded raw, real in a way you’ve never heard before. When he was done, he was closely inspecting the road, afraid to look up. Chewing on his bottom lip nervously, waiting for your rejection.        “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You asked, keeping emotion from your voice.        He shrugged and laughed. “You’re my best friend, I didn’t want to lose you.”        You let one hand slide against his cheek, resting your palm there. “You wouldn’t have.”        “Wha-“        “I love you too, you doofus.”        You felt the pull of a muscle as his lips twitched. “Really?”        “Yes. Really. For as long as i can remember.”        Soobin, your best friend — now, boyfriend — pulled you into his arms. “I love you, y/f/n. And I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been. What can i say to make you forgive me?”        “Words only mean so much. Actions speak louder, don’t you agree?”        “I do.”        He lowered his head and brushed his lips against yours.        “Am i forgiven?” He asked rhetorically.        You laugh. “Only because i love you.”        “Yes! I told you so!” You turned and saw Kai yelling and celebrating, pointing fingers at beomgyu. Taehyun and yeonjun shaking their heads in disappointment.        What a crazy group of friends they were.
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thedistantdusk · 3 years
Arcadia, Chapter 4
Well! What could happen next to our star-crossed investigative pair? Yeah idk, man... somehow, this fic got a lot darker than I intended. Anyway! Thanks again to the same folks, without whom this story wouldn’t be possible. None of this story is safe for work, and this chapter is no exception ;) 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
D A Y + F O U R
She’s not sure when she wakes up. Her eyes blink open in the bleary morning… that foggy gap between night and day. Blue-green light streams through the windows, coloring the bedroom like it’s underwater.
He’s the first thing she notices, all warm and curled beside her. Harry… her Harry. A sad smile graces her lips as it all comes flooding back. Mike. The tulpa. The shower. Harry…
But together, all of those things are uncomfortable. Bits of it were nice, but the whole thing makes her stomach churn. It’s much easier to—
She presses her bum against him, hoping that wakes him up. Hoping he takes the hint. Harry heaves a deep breath, but doesn’t acknowledge her. Ginny bites her lip and wiggles back. Again.
Finally, he responds. But not how she’d hoped.
“Let’s… not jump to starting that up again,” Harry murmurs into her ear, his voice graveled with sleep. “Ok?”
She whips around, brow furrowed. “So you’ve suddenly become unattracted to—?”
He barks out a humorless laugh and reaches for his glasses. “We both know that’ll never happen.” He takes her in, reclining on the tufted headboard; she can’t help but feel flattered by the red patches that bloom on his cheeks. “Erm…” He clears his throat. “Could you get a dressing gown, actually? I really want to have a serious conversation and…”
He’s never been able to concentrate while she’s naked, has he?
“Sure.” For some reason, her skin prickles as she rises to her feet to pad across the carpet. Exposed. She feels exposed, even though Harry’s probably seen her naked more times than she has. Because this time, it’s not so much that he’s seeing her body naked— it’s that he’s about to discuss things she’s tried very, very hard to deny.
Ginny emerges from the closet in a white dressing gown and gives Harry a little twirl. “Happy?”
His lips curl in a tired smile. “Not… exactly. But I’m hoping to change that.”
“Oh?” Ginny settles in the desk chair. She’s not keen on this conversation, but some part of her recognizes it’s long overdue.
Harry begins by clearing his throat again. “So. Erm.” He places his fingers in a steeple and studies them. “As I… admitted last night, I’ve never stopped loving you. It’s been an awful, awful five years, but frankly it would’ve been worse if we’d stayed together, under those circumstances.”
She opens her mouth to object, but he raises a hand to forestall an interruption.
“Let… let me finish. Because after Percy died...” He shoots her a significant look. “You changed. Ok?”
“That’s not exactly fair,” she snaps, peering at her painted toenails. “Of fucking course I changed. If I didn’t change, I’d be a bloody sociopath. Is that who you wanted to shag?”
Harry heaves a deep sigh. “No. And I’m not going to let you get away with twisting things… again. Ok? Please, just let me finish.”
She presses her tongue to the roof of her mouth. For fuck’s sake, why does she already want to cry?
“You changed,” Harry continues, “and I really don’t blame you for it, but you refused to talk about Percy, or that night, or- or honestly, even anything remotely sad! Ever!” He pauses to collect his thoughts; guilt stabs at Ginny’s stomach. She wasn’t aware this frustrated him quite so much…
“You threw yourself into schoolwork,” he adds, blinking at the far wall. “You lost interest in things you loved. We still had sex, but it was…” He winces. “Unattached. It was… it was like it didn’t even need to be me there, in particular.” His eyes flit back to hers. “I tried to talk to you about it loads of times, but then when you joined the Unspeakables, you just used that as an excuse.”
Traitorous tears drip down her cheeks. She brushes them away to defend herself. “I was already interested in joining up before that,” Ginny insists, her voice warbling. “You weren’t there that year, Harry. You didn’t see what it was like at Hogwarts. The Unspeakables were putting out all this… this rubbish misinformation about you and about muggleborns, and—”
“—All of that is well and good,” Harry interrupts, “but the fact is that you became a different person after Percy died, and after nearly a year of living with that, I’d had enough.” He shrugs. “And even five years later, you’ve never sought help, as far as I know. Professional help, from someone who knows what they’re talking about. Not the type of help you find at the bottom of a pint.”
He’s right, of course. It’s like a stinging slap in the face, but he’s bloody right.
“So!” Harry clears his throat again. “As much as I… enjoyed last night, that can’t happen again if we don’t fix what split us up before. You’re still convinced you killed Percy. Until you’re not? This”— he gestures between them— “can’t work. Full stop.”
Ginny swallows and stares into her lap. “I’m not responsible for my brother’s death,” she whispers, emotionless. It’s a mantra, an oath, one she’s so accustomed to repeating that it’s turned foreign and unfamiliar on her tongue.
“Oh, I’m aware,” Harry says, spreading his palms. “The whole bloody world is aware, Jenny.” He sucks his teeth. “But you aren’t.”
There’s a pause. Ginny bites her lip, tempted to launch the spring-loaded denial she’s learned through years of counseling. But this time, it doesn’t come.
Because Harry knows better.
That fact settles in the pit of her stomach; what are the chances, really, that she found herself trapped and playing house with the only person on earth who knows better.
“I was the last to see him,” she mutters, eyes downcast. “I told him he’d never replace Fred. I was drunk. Stupid. Stupidly drunk.” She grips her head in her hands, but the words don’t stop. They’re shooting from her, spurred by years of grief and regret and bursting forth like a steam engine.
“My stupid fucking temper,” she continues, every syllable dripping with self-loathing. “Ruining everything. And then he goes and—” She makes a flailing gesture. “Offs himself. Right on my mother’s fucking birthday! The day before your parents—”
“I know,” Harry whispers, his voice pleading. “Ginny, I know. But please, love, it’s not your fault. It’s never been your fault.”
She can’t breathe. She can’t breathe. It’s too much to say it aloud, to admit it, to let the waves of regret wash over her. There’s a scuttling of movement as she blinks ahead, gaping like a fish out of water. She’s not even surprised to feel Harry wrapping his arms around her and bringing her back to the bed. To feel his lips pressing to her temple as her body wracks with sobs. And she can’t do anything but lean into him. She can’t do anything but surrender, completely. To indulge in feeling raw and vulnerable and alive.
She doesn’t know how long it takes to come to. It’s not until she’s clinging to his chest that she draws a deep breath.
“You never told me any of this,” Harry says softly, mournfully, his hand playing with her hair. He loves her hair. He’s always loved her hair. With a final sob, she admits— if only to herself— that she misses letting him love it. She misses how he’d bury his face in the crook of her neck. How he’d inhale deeply, right at the crown of her head, and blink down at her with a dreamy smile.
She misses him.
Fuck. She misses him. And not just shagging him… but the whole bit. The late-night snacks and discussions on quidditch plays and heated debates about the best brand of toilet roll.
“What… what if I agree to work on it?” she finally whispers, eyelashes thick with half-dried tears.
Harry sighs; his hands still haven’t left her hair. “If we both agree to work on it… because trust me, I’m not doing fantastic either.” He lets out a chuckle. “Do you know how weird that was, being the stable one for once? Anyway.” He waves this off and continues. “If we both work on it, with proper mind-healers…” He swallows. “I don’t see why we couldn't be physical. Eventually.”
She pulls back to give him a watery grin. “I love you,” she murmurs. For the first time in years, her chest feels full. Her heart warm. Like there’s a chance at something in the future that doesn’t involve work and sadness and takeaways.
But speaking of work.
“I’d erm. Like to keep things with us private,” she says, playing with a piece of lint on the duvet. “Especially from work. And my family. Because…”
The thought of Attica’s face, pinched in disappointment, is nearly enough to replace the progress they’ve made over the past day.
“No,” Harry agrees quickly. “That’s. Yeah. Especially from Ron.” He shudders. “Can you imagine how well that would go over?”
“Huh! That’s ridiculous, Harry.” She bats her eyes at him, her expression the picture of innocence. “You mean you don’t want my brother to know that you went down on me and promptly spunked your—”
He cuts her off with a laugh, tossing a pillow on her face. She pulls it off with a giggle before settling beside him.
“Didn’t think you noticed that,” he admits, trailing a finger down the side of her face. “I really hoped you were asleep.”
She stifles a yawn. “Mmm. Don’t have to be Hermione to put that one together. Clue one: you were down there, which you’ve always… enjoyed.” She sleepily raises her eyebrows. “Clue two, I’ve seen you do that before — more than once— and you always have this weird… sort of duck-walk to take your trousers off.”
Harry groans, his entire face the color of her hair. “Please, please, don’t stop on account of me.” He somehow manages a sarcastic drawl as he removes his glasses and places them on the bedside table. “Let’s continue to detail all the times I’ve finished too quickly.”
“Not just too quickly,” she corrects, kissing him on the nose. “I’m only talking about coming in your trousers, which you’ve also managed to do several ti—”
Harry snorts. “And how many times have you done it, then?” His green eyes dance with mischief. “Also more than once. As memory serves, our time at Hogwarts got a lot more interesting once you discovered the combination of my thigh and snogging. You just don’t have the equipment to make things particularly messy when—”
“Clue three!” she loudly calls over him. He has the grace to laugh as she turns so they're spooning, her bum pressed against his crotch.
“I… said I loved you,” she finishes, interlacing their fingers. “And that’s always… you know.”
Harry shudders; there’s a sudden rise of fabric against her bum. “Ok, speaking of embarrassing,” he admits, adjusting himself. “You’re actually going to have to erm. Stop saying that? For now? Because…”
“Trust me, Auror Potter,” she murmurs, dropping her voice to her best impression of Kingsley. “I haven’t forgotten.”
“Unfair,” he complains, toying with a piece of her hair. “As you can see, I’m a bit of a mess. It still turns me on when you say you love me.”
“Yeah, well, it still turns me on when you breathe,” she mutters, her eyes growing heavy. “Reckon we can just be messes together.”
Harry chuckles before burying his face into her hair. “I’ll always be your mess. Jenny.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
i was just wondering if maybeeeeeee you’d do a fic inspired by the song heather by conan gray with peter
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader, MJ x reader
Synopsis: Peter puts his feelings for you aside to help you with your feelings for something else 
Warnings: pinning, mentions of homophobia, Flash being gross but supportive
Listen to this song because it’s lovely! Thank you anon for introducing me to it!
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Peter was woken up by you tiredly shaking his arm. He slowly opened his eyes to see you with unkempt hair rubbing your face. He sat up in your bed, still in his clothes from the night before. A textbook fell off his lap with his movements and hit the floor with a thud, making you both jump.
“We overslept.” You said as you stretched your arms. Peter looked at his phone and saw you had ten minutes before first period, not before taking a few moments to admire the way you looked in the morning. He smiled a little to himself as you hastily ran a brush through your hair and couldn’t help but imagine a lifetime of mornings like this.
“Did we fall asleep studying?” He asked as he hopped off your bed and fixed his hair in the mirror. You smacked his butt and giggled as you walked past him to get to the bathroom.
“I guess so. You should text May and tell her why you never came home.” You said before giving quickly brushing your teeth.
“Okay.” Peter yawned as he typed out the text. “Damn. I don’t have time to go home and change before school.”
“Here. Just throw this on.” You tossed your debate team hoodie at him. “We gotta go.”
You and Peter made your way to school, you grumbling the whole way about how much faster you’d get there if he would just swing. He laughed, having had this conversation with you many times in the past.
“We should just try it. I bet we’d get to school in ten seconds flat.” You pointed out as Peter quickly threw some books in his locker.
“My identity will get exposed in ten seconds flat too. How about that?” Peter replied and you sighed. He hated saying no to you, his mission in life was to forever keep you happy, but this was one thing he couldn’t give you.
“Fine. But this conversation isn’t over.” You folded your arms. Peter couldn’t help but smile at you.
“Nice hoodie, L/n.” Flash taunted as he slapped Peter on the back, breaking him out of his daze.
“What?” Peter asked in confusion.
“Check the back of that hoodie.” Flash pointed at him. Peter looked over his shoulder and saw your last name printed at the bottom of the hoodie.
“Relax, Parker. I think it’s cute that you wear your girlfriends clothes.” Flash teased. “You know, Y/n always looks so good in that red skirt. Maybe borrow that next?” Flash laughed at himself before walking away. You scoffed at his comment but Peter was still hung up on him calling you his girlfriend. It was a common mistake people made, but it never failed to catch Peter off guard.
“Who cares what he says?” You shook your head once Flash left and straightened out the hoodie. “It looks good on you, anyway.”
“Really?” Peter asked timidly.
“Better than it ever has on me.” You laughed. Peter opened his mouth to say something until he saw your gaze shift to the left. He heard your heartbeat speed up as a faint blush painted your cheeks.
“Hey MJ.” You said as MJ walked back. She gave your a smirk and nodded her head.
“Hey L/n. And hey, other L/n.” She said in regards to Peters hoodie. Peter gave her a right smile and turned his attention back to you. To his surprise, you were still watching MJ walk down the hall, only turning back around when she was out of sight.
“She’s funny, isn’t she?” You laughed lightly. “She’s in my physics class this year. I have a total friend crush on her.”
“If you wanna be her friend, then go talk to her.” Peter said as you began to walk towards homeroom.
“Are you kidding? She’s way too cool to be talking to me.” You shook your head and Peter frowned.
“Y/n, there’s no one cooler than you.” Peter said sincerely. “She’d be lucky to be your friend. Just talk to her.”
“Maybe.” You chewed your lip as you reached your classroom. “All right. I’ll see you in calc.”
You gave Peter a short hug before heading into the class. He watched you as you left, a content smile on his face before leaving to go to his own homeroom.
The following week, you sat in your physics class, staring at MJ with your head leaning on your hand. She began to look in your direction, so you quickly looked away.
“Alright class. It’s lab day. Partner up.” Your teacher announced. Before you could look around for a partner, you heard someone drop their books on the desk next to you.
“Hey.” MJ said as she took the seat beside you. “Since you like staring at me so much, do you want to be partners? I think I look better close up.”
“I wasn’t staring at you.” You quickly stammered, feeling your face heat up upon getting caught.
“Right.” MJ laughed. “And I don’t support women’s rights.”
You gulped and moved your stuff onto the floor, focusing all your attention on the lab. MJ watched you, studying your features as you read through the directions.
“Hey, Y/n?” MJ nudged you and you looked up at her, pupils dilated from how close she was. Close enough to see the sun reflecting off the honey colored highlights in her curls.
“Yes?” You said softly.
“You know how I knew you were staring at me?” She leaned in even closer and you froze.
“How?” You asked and a smiled tugged at the corner of her lips.
“I was already staring at you.” She said casually. You stared at her blankly as she took the lab from you and read it over. You made normal conversation for the next ten minutes, slowly feeling more comfortable in her presence. She was funny, funnier than she let on.
“Can we close the window?” MJ asked suddenly, running her hands over her bear arms.
“Sorry, Michelle. We have to keep the windows open when using these chemicals.” The teacher told her. MJ reluctantly nodded and shivered a little in her seat.
“Are you okay?” You asked as you scribbled down a formula.
“I picked the wrong day to feel the bern.” She chuckled, pulling a little at her short sleeved Bernie Sanders t-shirt. You hesitated for a moment, then reached into your backpack for your debate team hoodie.
“Here.” You offered it to her. She looked between you and the hoodie and gave you a small smile before taking it.
“Thanks, babe.” She said as she slipped it on. You let out a nervous laugh at the nickname and gave her a once over as she went back to work. It wasn’t long before she left you staring at looked you at you. “What?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head and quickly went back to the lab. “I just never see you in bright colors. Especially not sky blue.” You said after a moment, taking in how small she looked into your hoodie. The sight of her in your clothing sent a wave of emotions through you that you didn’t recognize.
“There’s a reason for that.” She leaned in close to you as if she were telling you a secret. “There’s an ongoing rumor that I’m a witch and my wardrobe really solidifies the theory.”
“You don’t have to wear it if it messes with your reputation.” You laughed at her reason but hoped she wouldn’t take the hoodie off.
“Like I would ever pass up the opportunity to wear a pretty girls hoodie.” MJ scoffed. “Besides, Michelle L/n suits me. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Totally.” You bite back a smile and went back to the lab, sneaking a few more glances at her the rest of the period.
Peter found you at your locker at the end of the day with a strange smile on your face.
“Did I see MJ wearing your hoodie just now?” He asked curiously as he approached you. You stopped putting your books away and looked up.
“Is she around?” You asked as you looked around the hallway.
“No, I passed by her locker.” Peter said as he eyed you carefully. Your behavior today was strange and unreadable. It didn’t help that the sight of MJ in your hoodie, the same hoodie you previously leant him, was bumming him out. He felt cold without it, and a little jealous. Yes, he had hoodies if him own, but he preferred the warmth of the ones owned by the girl he liked.
“Oh.” You said in disappointment. “And yeah. She was cold during Physics so I gave it to her. She tried to give it back but I insisted she wore it the rest of the day.”
Peter tried not to let it bother him. It was just a hoodie, after all. Some polyester didn’t mean a thing. But in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but think that giving your hoodie to MJ neutralized the romantic intentions behind you giving it to him. He had been the one to encourage you to talk to her, but now he feared she was replacing his spot as your best friend.
“Since when are you and MJ friends?” He asked, hoping the answer would erase his fear.
“I don’t know. Since today, I think.” You laughed to yourself and shrugged. Peter nodded, content with your answer. You and Peter had been best friends for 13 years. One day of friendship with MJ wasn’t a threat in the slightest.
Even if she was wearing your hoodie.
“Is she as weird as people say?” Peter wondered.
“No, no she’s incredible. She’s funny and she’s got a really beautiful mind.” You suddenly caught sight of her down the hall, a small smile crossing your face. “Not a bad outside either.” You said quietly.
Peter kept his gaze on you, watching your eyes as she walked by. He noticed the way your eyes followed her until she disappeared into the crowd, mesmerized by her every step. And he noticed the little sigh that escaped your lips when she did.
“Yeah, total sight for sore eyes.” Peter said, never taking his eyes off you. He wasn’t sure what had happened between you and her, but it definitely kept him up that night.
It wasn’t long before MJ started hanging around. You still gave Peter just as much attention as you did before, which Peter appreciated, but you gave her a lot of attention as well. Peter was never alone with you at your locker anymore, always in the company of MJ as well. He noticed things about your friendship with MJ that were different from his friendship with you. She was often seen carrying your books or resting her head on her shoulder, things Peter wanted to do with you but couldn’t because he wasn’t your boyfriend. You seemed to be affectionate with MJ on a more intimate level, and Peter chalked it up to you both being girls. There was something about being a girl that gave MJ an advantage over Peter. He knew he didn’t have competition with MJ on the romantic front, but it still got to him every time she held your hand or wrapped her arms around your waist and left them there. He didn’t understand why she could touch you like that just because she was a girl.
But Peter tried to push these feelings away and be happy for you. He didn’t mind you having other friends and he actually liked MJ’s company. But he didn’t love sharing his best friend all the time. There were something about the way you talked about her, it looked at her, or touched her, that didn’t sit well with Peter. Something that was consuming him but he couldn’t quite explain.
“His tests are nothing like the notes. When did we even learn about this?” You said in tears as you pointed to a section on your calculus test, the very test you just failed.
“We didn’t. He’s just an idiot.” Peter said softly as he rubbed your back. He knew how much you struggled with the class and how much it upset you when you couldn’t grasp a concept.
“He’s an idiot, but I’m the one who’s not gonna get into college because I failed calculus.” You let out a shaky breath and crumpled up the test.
“It’s okay, babe. It’s one test.” MJ said as she reached across the table and placed her hand over yours. Peter watched as you smiled a little at her touch and nodded. He looked at MJ, who was busy staring at you in a way guys usually did. In a way Peter usually did. Peter furrowed his eyebrows at the wheels in his brain turned. Did he have competition on the romantic front? He didn’t know much about MJ. He knew she was a bit of an outsider and her sexual orientation was outside his limitations of knowledge about her. He also knew she was eyeing his best friend right about now and it was giving him a weird feeling in his tummy.
“I think MJ was checking you out.” Peter said as he walked you home. MJ, thankfully, lived in the other direction and gave you and Peter a chance to be alone.
“Really?” You snapped your attention to Peter. “When?”
“Back there, in the library. She was practically drooling over you.” He laughed, expecting you to laugh too. You didn’t, instead, smiling and touching your fingers to your lips.
“You’re not messing with me are you?” You turned to him and he shook his head.
“Why would I make that up?” Peter asked you and you shrugged, the smile still evident on your lips. “Do you want her to be checking you out or something?”
You fell into a silence as you continued walking.
“I don’t know.” You said honestly. You looked at Peter to see his reaction, and he gave you an understanding nod. The way you felt for MJ was different than anything you had ever felt. It scared you to death, but excited you at the same time. You liked her a lot, you just didn’t know how much.
You didn’t know. That wasn’t a yes or a no but it wasn’t something Peter was gonna pressure you to decide.
“Okay.” He said, all allowing you to say as much or as little as you liked.
“Okay.” You said, the smile in your face due to Peter this time. “I’ll see you later?”
Peter nodded as you pulled him into a hug.
“See you later.” He said, watching you as you went into your apartment. He wasn’t entirely sure what your answer meant, but he had a a feeling that you didn’t either.
Things didn’t change until the following week.
“This concludes our Fully Alive unit of health. I hope you all were able to take something from it and can use what you learned to have a healthy relationship with your future husband one day.” You health teacher announced as you concluded the unit on relationships. You had spaced out somewhere around the first slide and passed notes back and forth with MJ the rest of the period.
“Mrs. Barnum?” MJ short her hand up, eliciting a murmur from the class. She was know for starting debates, especially in health class.
“Yes, Michelle?” The teacher said, little wearily.
“What if you like girls?” MJ asked as she stared right at you. You didn’t hear the reaction of the class, you didn’t hear anything at all actually. The corners of your vision darkened and turned black as you passed out in the middle of health.
“Here.” A water bottle was handed to you as you sat on the bleachers. You looked up to see MJ and felt your face go pale. You were ordered to get some fresh air after you fainted and the bleachers were the first place you could think of to go. There was one period left of school, and you knew MJ was ditching that period to be with you.
“Oh, thanks.” You gave her a tight lipped smile and accepted the water bottle. You toyed with the wrapper as she took a seat next to you.
“So, you hit the floor pretty hard.” She chuckled and you let out a groan.
“I know. I’m so embarrassed.” You buried your face in your hands. You had no idea what caused you to faint, most likely the panic of MJ’s confession in health. It was different before you knew she liked girls. There was less pressure to figure out if you felt the same.
“Come on, babe. Don’t be. Everyone hits the floor at one point or another.” She wrapped her arm around you shoulders and rubbed your arms, making you lean into her. “And that presentation was totally boring. I don’t blame you for passing out.”
“I’m so immature. I’m sure Peters gonna be running out here any second and I’m gonna have to explain to him what happened. And I don’t even know what happened!” You exclaimed, looking up at the sky in defeat.
“What’s the deal with you and Parker anyway?” MJ asked. For the first time, she seemed unsure of herself. She usually assertive tone was gone and she sounded vulnerable.
“Peter? He’s my best friend.” You shrugged, not knowing what he had to do with the conversation.
“That’s not what I heard. Everyone I asked said you were dating.” MJ told you. You smiled a little at the thought of her asking people about you.
“People have thought we were dating since we were five. I don’t get it. If we were gonna fall in love, I’m pretty sure we would’ve done it by now.” You sighed, ever growing tired of the rumors around you and your best friend.
“Then who has turned that pretty little head of yours?” MJ asked and you felt yourself blush at her compliment.
“No one.” You said quietly.
“Yeah. Pretty slim pickings at this schools.” She said, a hint of disappointment in her voice. You looked at her curiously, wondering if you said the wrong thing.
“Yeah. That, and high school boys suck.” You tried to lighten the mood and it worked.
“Well, that’s a given.” She laughed. “The girls are cool, though.” She said, giving you a once over.
“Yeah, girls are really cool. I mean, the girls here are cool.” You stammered. “But yeah, the boys here are total idiots. I saw Flash give himself a wedgie once and livestream it. He said he wanted to live like the less fortunate.”
“High school boys are a different breed.” She clicked her tongue.
“Tell me about it.” You said as you took a sip of the water bottle.
“Good thing I’m gay.” She remarked. You spit out your water and began to choke on it. MJ laughed as she patted your back.
“I’m so sorry. I promise I’m not homophobic or anything, that just caught me by surprise.” You apologized as you wiped the water off your chin.
“It’s cool. I’ve seen plenty of homophobia in my day, babe. Spitting out your water is not something I take offense too.” She assured your, using her sleeve to dry your face.
“Cool.” You said, relieved that you didn’t just blow your chance with this girl.
“What’s up? You’re not usually this quiet.” MJ nudged you. Your heart pounded as you felt everything coming to a head.
“I’m sorry. You just make me kinda nervous.” You admitted while you kept your eyes down.
“Why? Because I’m a big scary lesbian?” She joked.
“Because you’re beautiful.” You said sincerely as you looked up at her. She stopped smiling and raised her eyebrows slightly. You looked away again, fearing you just ruined everything you had with her.
“You’re kinda beautiful too.” She said after a beat of silence.
“You think?” You asked timidly. She smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I know. Why do you think I’m always observing you?” She pointed out. “I love the way you act when you think no ones looking. I practically die every time I see you pretending to fix your hair so you don’t get called on. It’s like, as soon as the teacher ask something, you jump a little and start braiding your hair. I adore it.” She laughed to herself as he laced her fingers through yours.
“I like the way you always say what you’re thinking.” You told her, in light of her confession. “And I like honest you are.”
“I like honesty. I value it above all.” She informed you. Your gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips, back to her eyes. She swallowed a little and gave your hand a squeeze.
“Can I be honest right now? Since you like it, and all?” You asked quietly, not wanting to disturb the mood.
“Of course.” MJ encouraged you.
“I really like it when you hold my hand.” You lifted your interlocked hands and held them to your heart, wrapping your other hand around hers. She looked at your hands and smiled to herself as you put them back down on your lap.
“I like it too.” She told you, and you felt the adrenaline coursing through you.
“Can I be honest again?” You asked, your leg bouncing a little as you worked up nerve.
“Go ahead.” MJ nodded.
“I honestly wish you’d kiss me right now.” You said as you looked her in the eyes. MJ smiled a little before leaving in a kissing you, using her free hand to keep your face in place. You kissed her back, tasting her spearmint chapstick before pulling away.
“I’ve honestly been waiting for that for the longest time.” She smiled against you lips and gave you another quick peck. You sighed happily and let out a shaky laugh, a little flustered but never happier. Not wanting the moment to end, you took the relationship further.
“Hey uh, I have a coupon for two free sandwich’s at Delmars. Would you maybe wanna get something to eat? With me?” You asked, still nervous to ask her out even though you just kissed.
“I’d love too.” She said as she pulled you up from the bleachers. “But we’re not using that coupon. I’m paying.”
“Why?” You asked curiously, shouldering your backpack as she picked up your books.
“I always pay on the first date.” She replied, kissing your cheek before leading you off the bleachers. You followed behind her with a dopey smile, all while holding her hand.
Later that day, Peter heard a panicked knocking at his door. He threw his phone on the bed after his fourth attempt to call you and opened the door, finding a very red faced you.
“Y/n, I was so worried.” Peter said as he pulled you into a hug. “Ned told me you fainted in health. What happened?”
“I’m fine, I swear.” You assured him before you let out a shaky breath. “I gotta tell you something.”
“Okay.” Peter furrowed his brows and closed they door behind you. He could hear your heart beating faster than it ever had and he worried that something had happened.
“Peter, I think I’m in love.” You admitted. Peter froze, his heart speeding up to match yours. Was it finally time for you two to take the next step and admit your feelings for each other. Peter kicked himself for waiting as long as he had, but at least it was happening now.
“Oh yeah? With who?” He smiled coyly, taking a step closer to you.
“With someone I really shouldn’t be into. Like, really, really shouldn’t be into.” You ran your fingers through your hair and Peter began to wonder what the big deal was.
“Why not?” He asked. “You can’t help how you feel.”
“But it’s all wrong Peter. I’ve never done anything like this, before. I thought I just liked their friendship at first but they way their brown eyes stared into mine started giving me butterflies, and I found myself constantly wanting to play with that curls and I just…” You covered your face with your hands and shook your head. “It’s just really confusing.”
“I know how you feel.” Peter put his hand on your shoulder, smiling a little to himself as you described him.
“You don’t.” You looked up at him, almost in tears. “You can’t.”
“What do you mean?” He asked, beginning to think this wasn’t the conversation he thought it was.
“I… I don’t know how to tell you this. I don’t know what to say, or how to explain.” You began to panic again and Peter took you by the hands, grounding you.
“Just say it, Y/n. You know you can tell me anything.” He said gently. Your bottom lip began to tremble and a tear fell down your cheek.
“But I love you more than anyone and if this changes how you see me I won’t be able to take it.” You cried and Peter pulled you into a hug.
“I love you too, and that’s why nothing will change the way I see you.” He said as he stroked your hair. You hugged him back tightly before letting go.
“Promise?” You asked.
“Promise.” He said as he wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“I like somebody.” You admitted, and his hope went back up.
“We’ve established that.” He chuckled. “What’s his name?”
You stared at Peter for a moment, heart racing and short of breath. You looked into his eyes, the eyes of your best friend, and made a decision to trust him.
“Her name is MJ.” You said slowly.
It didn’t have the affect on Peter that he thought it would. The girl he’d been in love with for ages just said she was in love with someone else, a girl for that matter. But something in Peters brain told him that whatever he was feeling could be dealt with later. It wasn’t time to get upset. It was time to make sure his best friend was okay.
“You like MJ?” He asked softly, squeezing your hands.
You nodded and your eyes filled with tears. Peter immediately pulled you into another hug and let you cry for a moment as he processed what you told him. He pulled away and held your face between his hands, looking you in the eyes.
“You thought that could change the way I saw you? The fact that you like a girl?” He chuckled softly at the thought.
“I didn’t know how you’d react, Peter. I mean, you read all those horror stories about parents kicking their own children out for things like this.” You whimpered and Peter shook his head.
“I know. But I’d never treat you like that, okay? You’re always gonna be safe here.” He promised.
“Thank you.” You pulled him towards you and kissed his cheek, letting you lips linger to communicate how much you appreciated his words.
“Come here. Sit. Let’s talk about this.” He said as he pulled you to his bed. You both sat down and he handed you a box of tissues. “Why are you so upset?”
“Because I like a girl, Peter.” You said as if it were crazy. “I had no idea I could do that. I grew up thinking I’d meet a prince and get married in his castle. I didn’t even know girls could like girls until Flash showed us that video Freshman year.”
“Let’s not talk about the video.” Peter closed his eyes and held up a hand.
“This is really scary for me, Peter.” You said quietly. “Everyone thinks I’m straight. My family, my friends, even me until recently. My parents never talked to me about this stuff. I feel like I was always expected to end up with a man. And now, I don’t know if I can. I love MJ. I love her the way I’m supposed to love boys. And that scares the hell out of me.”
“I know this isn’t something I can relate to, but I understand what you’re saying. You’ve always thought you were one thing and know you know you’re not. And that’s okay.” Peter rubbed your knee gently. It killed him to hear you say that you could never be with a man, but he knew this wasn’t the time or place to discuss that.
“When did this start?” He asked you.
“I don’t know. I always thought I just liked being her friend but I started thinking about her before I fell asleep, and right when I woke up.” You smiled a little to yourself at the thought of her. “I hate physics but I started looking forward to that class everyday because that’s when I got to see her. Getting to talk to her for 40 minutes was the best part of my day, you know? I could listen to her theories on mind control for hours. I just liked hearing what she had to say.” You shrugged and toyed with a tissue. “She was absent one Friday and I was pissed off all weekend. I asked myself why I was so upset that I didn’t get to see her, and it hit me. I like her.”
“Does she like you back?” He asked, feeling his mouth dry up as he awaited the answer.
“Yeah, she does.” You smiled happily. It killed Peter to hear but he smiled anyway. “We just went on a date at Delmars. She held my hand under the table the whole time and when she walked me home, she kissed me. She kissed me before, too. I thought I was straight this morning and now I’ve kissed a girl. Twice.”
“What did you do?” Peter asked, repressing the feelings that came up with your every word.
“I said goodbye and ran straight to your apartment.” You chuckled.
“Okay. Maybe not the best move, but I’m sure you’ll be able to redeem yourself.” Peter assured you.
“Hopefully.” You nodded. “I’m sorry. I know this is a lot to throw at you.”
“It’s okay.” He promised you. “I’m just processing that you like a girl.”
“It’s not just a girl, Peter. You know how you always tease me because I’ve never had a crush on anyone?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He recalled all the times he was more than happy to hear that you still didn’t like anyone.
“I think it’s because I was always waiting for it to happen on a guy.” You realized. “But being with MJ has made me realize that I’m just not into guys. I like girls. I think I always have.”
“You think you’re gay?” Peter asked and you sighed.
“I don’t know. I don’t think I’m ready to label it just yet. But I know I like MJ. And I know I’ve never had romantic feelings for a boy, even when I tried too.” You told him.
“Tried too?” He tilted his head. You but your lip and took Peters hand.
“I used to lie awake at night, just asking myself over and over why I didn’t want to date you.” You admitted. Peter kept his face neutral as he waited for you to continue. “I mean, you’re sweet and funny and caring -look at you- you’re the most handsome boy in the world.”
“Shut up.” He rolled his eyes.
“You are! I have always thought that.” You insisted and he blushed. “I love everything about you. I love your company, your opinions, all of it. I would spend everyday with you for the rest of my life if I could.”
“That’s how I feel, too.” He said softly.
“And yet, we never dated.” You shrugged. “We never got together like people wanted. For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me for not being able to like you like that. No matter how close we got, no matter how perfect you were, I just didn’t feel it. I think this is why.”
Peter looked down, taking everything in him not to cry. You had unintentionally given Peter the worst news of his life. You loved him, you always had, but you could never be with him. All those nights he spent lying awake, wondering if you were thinking of him. You were. Just not the way he hoped.
“Please say something.” You said in relain se to his silence. He took a deep breath and went on autopilot.
“I love you, Y/n. And I hope this works out for you. She seems like a great girl.” He delivered.
“She is. And you’re a great friend.” You got emotional again and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you back as tight as he could. This obviously wasn’t the last time he’d ever hug you, but it was the last time he’d hug you and wonder what it meant to you.
If only you knew how much he liked you. If only you knew how much this conversation killed him. It wasn’t your fault, and he knew it. He just happened to fall in love with a girl who also liked girls.
“Thank you for accepting me. I love you, Peter.” You said before pulling out of the hug.
“I love you too. Now get outta here. Go talk to your lady.” He nudged you playfully and your stood up.
“I’ll call you later?” You asked before you stepped out of his bedroom door.
“Yeah. Later.” He nodded and you left.
“Bye, May.” He heard you call.
“Bye, sweetie. Take care.” He heard May’s voice before his front door closed. He went into the living room where May was and stared silently at the door, the smell of your perfume still lingering in the air.
“I really like Y/n. I’m glad you two stayed friends all these years.” May said as she straightened up the pillows.
“Yeah. I like her too.” Peter said, keeping his voice low to keep it from breaking.
“Why don’t you ask her out, Peter? You guys are together all the time anyway.” May asked, looking up at Peter and immediately sensing something was wrong.
“I can’t. I’m not her type.” He looked at her, tears now his eyes. The tears he had been holding in since you arrived.
“What makes you say that?” She said, crossing the room to meet her nephew.
“I’m a boy.” He said as he broke down. All the emotions he had been repressing came out at once. He was happy for you, but he has never been further from happy for him. He slid down the wall and May rushed to him.
“What?” She asked, picking up his face to make him look at her.
“She’s into MJ, May. She just told me. And I never got a chance to tell her that I-“ He cut himself off with a sob.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay.” May cooed as he pulled him into a hug.
“I love her, May. But she can never love me back. It’s ruined.” He sobbed into her shirt.
“It’s not ruined, Peter. You’re still her best friend.” May assured him.
“I want to be her boyfriend. And now that’s never gonna happen. I didn’t even know she liked girls.” Peters body heaved as he cried.
“Did she know?” May asked, this confession being news to her. “That she likes girls?”
“She said she’s still figuring it out but MJ is the only person she’s ever developed feelings for.” Peter managed to say before letting out another sob.
“Then this must be a really confusing time for her, Peter. She’s gonna need her best friend.” May picked up his face again. “I know this hurts you, but you have to think about how Y/n is feeling. She’s gonna need someone to talk to about this.”
“How am I supposed to listen to her talk about the girl she likes when I’m in love with her?” Peter asked. “And I can’t even hate MJ. She makes Y/n really happy. I just wish that were me.”
“You make Y/n happy too. Just in different ways.” May said soothingly. “This is one crush, Peter. I know you love her, but you have to be okay with watching her with someone else. Y/n may grow up and never think of MJ again. But she’s always gonna remember her best friend.”
Peter let Mays words resonate with him all the night, and carry over into the next day. He had to be able to look at you without crying. He had to be there for you, no matter what it meant for him. He repeated the conversation with May over and over in his head as he put his books in his locker.
“Hey.” He jumped a little when he heard your voice behind him.
“Hey, you.” He said causally, eyes still dry.
“MJ asked me to be her girlfriend last night.” You told him quietly, not wanting other people to hear. It stung Peter but he kept a smile on his face.
“Did you say yes?” He asked, the polite thing to do.
“I did.” You broke into a smile. “We’re not telling people because, you know-“
“Homophobia.” You and Peter said at the same time.
“Exactly.” You chuckled. “But I had to tell you, being my best friend and all.”
“I’m happy for you, Y/n. I really am.” Peter kept his voice steady. He was determined to mean those words one day. A sad smile appeared on your face and you looked at your hands.
“Peter, I’m so lucky to have you in my life. The conversation that we had in your bedroom meant everything to me. Thank you.” You said tearfully as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He rested his arms around your waist and hugged you, no longer the girl he was pinning after but the girl he had to let go.
“Of course, Y/n. I’m here for you.” He said as you pulled away from the hug. These words, he did mean.
“Love you.” You told him as you squeezed his hand.
“Love you more.” He smiled. He watched as you walked away, smile fading as MJ caught up to you. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders, the shoulders that bore your hoodie once again. Peter swallows thickly, suddenly feeling a chill down his spine.
That’s how it was for the rest of the year as you and MJ continued to date. You let a few more people know as the months went on. Some people were cool about it, some were not. The people who weren’t always got paid a visit from Spiderman to set them straight. Peter would watch you two together as he died inside. He was happy for you, he was. But that didn’t keep him from looking away every time you kissed her.
Flash, on the other hand, had no problem staring at you two as you gave MJ a kiss on the cheek.
“What is this? Are you two dating or something?” Flash pointed between you and her and laughed. Peter heard this conversation from across the hall, also hearing your heart speed up. If Flash knew, he’d tell the whole school, and you weren’t ready for that. Peter made his way to where you were, already seeing the terrified look on your face.
Coincidentally, Flash saw it too.
“Hey, relax. I’m only kidding.” He said softly when he noticed the scared look on your face. “I may be an asshole, but I’m no homophobe. Me and my right hand love lesbians. Isn’t that right, right hand?”
“Leave us alone Flash. Don’t you have to be disgusting somewhere else?” MJ jeered.
“Not until 4.” Flash retorted. “And I told you I was kidding. Don’t tell me you two actually together?”
“So what if they are?” Peter said as he approached Flash, pushing him back a little. “At least they know how to get girls.”
“Oh! That’s gotta burn, Parker. I’d roast you but it looks like you’ve been through enough, losing your girl to a girl and all.” Flash laughed but Peter didn’t let it affect him. “Ladies, don’t worry about this. Your secret is again weigh me. But if you ever want to get flashy, give me a call.” Flash said to you and MJ as he made his hand look like a phone before leaving.
“I hate him.” You sighed as you watched him leave.
“He’s not worth our time.” MJ reminded you as she took your hand in hers. “Thanks for sticking up for us, Parker.”
“Anytime.” Peter nodded, feeling proud of himself for getting rid of Flash.
“We have a physics lab to bs. See you around.” MJ patted his back and lead you down the hall.
“Bye Peter.” You gave him a quick hug before catching up to your girlfriend. He smiled as he watched you leave. At least that didn’t change.
“Bye Y/n. Bye MJ.” He called after you.
For the first time since you started dating MJ, Peter didn’t feel the rock in his tummy at the sight of you. He was used to seeing you in the arms of another by now, and it didn’t bother him the way it used to. It made Peter wonder if he was honest all the times he said all he ever wanted was for you to be happy. He did want you to be happy, but he wanted you to be happy with him. But Peter was different now. His outlook changed. As long as there was a smile on your face, maybe it didn’t matter who put it there.
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
Not Alone
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Title Not Alone
Pairing Yoongi x OC
Summary University is kicking your ass so you always make sure to dedicate a day for yourself and take time to pamper your body and soul. However, you’re cautious around Yoongi your roommate and double-check the d-day to prevent accidents. You're not a fan of revealing any skin because of your insecurities but it’s just happening to be the day when you are - not so alone.
Genre university au, roommate au, romance and fluff, smut
Warning(s) smut (body worshipping, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, messy sex, first time, virgin reader, dirty talk, vanilla sex, yoongi has a virgin kink but not explicitly mentioned) implication of insecure reader, shy and curvy reader
Word count: 9k
This universe is related to my other fic I wrote recently ’one time boy space friend’ you can read that one here.
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Washing the excess shaving cream off of my hand I grab my phone I previously placed on the toilet’s folded lid lightly humming the outline of the song currently playing. The new playlist Yoongi recommended is full of bangers as always I have no doubt his fate was eventually to end up as a music major. I take a glance at my reflection when I was able to secure the new position for my phone on the laundry basket with the top slightly open reminding me that I need to do laundry if I want to have clothes to wear.
I take a glance at my reflection removing the fog that made the lines of my face blurry with a towel hanging next to the sink on a hook realising later that I used Yoongi’s looking back at the sheepish smile that greets me in the mirror I placed the fabric back hoping that Yoongi won’t mind.
An unknown rap song’s first beats suddenly interrupted by an incoming call that the familiar piano version of my favourite song signalled. I smile seeing the callers ID, placing the toner back to its dust-filled spot next to Yoongi’s shaving cream I make sure to use the right towel this time to dry my hands with before swiping right on the call.
”Hey, What’s the matter?” I answer it with a huge grin plastered on my face making my cheeks ride up into a chipmunk-like smile.
Our class was cancelled at the last minute so I wasn’t expecting a call from her she told me while we were waiting for the instructor to arrive that she has plans with his boyfriend Jimin. Only having calculus that day after an exchanged heated curses for our lazy professor for not e-mailing about the reschedule I happily took a sweet nap and made an easy breakfast I normally don’t have time to consume or even make in the morning I was able to get my relaxing time to start earlier so it meant more time for me since Yoongi supposedly took the afternoon shift.
This piece of information I remembered while chewing on my sandwich as I thanked the gods that I overheard his conversation about the shift change last night when I went to get my late-night snack but seeing the date expired on the comfort food I had to engage in a yoghurt instead.
”Y/N. Are you home?” She asked matching my good mood in the background I heard clinking noises of a pan she must be cooking. I insert my head through the large black t-shirt’s hole as I started to freeze standing here only in my undergarments the effect of the hot shower faded leaving me in the significantly colder bathroom.
”Of course. I started my pamper routine. I cannot tell you how good it feels to be hairless. If only my hair would grow this fast.” She chuckles hearing my banter the faint sounds of crepitation usually the hot oil makes overpowering her giggle for a few seconds. I remember the sandwich I ate this morning around ten-ish that did not prove to be enough. I get sidetracked with what should I make for lunch.
”Oh, so Yoongi is working?” Knowing about my only one rule regarding this d-day I like to call it is that no man should be around when I’m wearing this revealing clothing. He only saw me wearing jeans and yoga pants before these jelly-like legs cannot make a debut in front of eyes outside of mine.
”Yep.” I confirm. I take a look at the time I still have lots of time to relax before I should start that assignment I postponed.
I have everything planned out since Yoongi usually comes home from work in a grumpy state he likes to shower first and then he retreats into his room to do his assignments and sometimes he writes a song or the song even could be the assignment itself I honestly don’t know how’s everyday life as a music major. Yoongi is not exactly the talkative type.
My silent activity is helping his concentration and the best thing is that I have the apartment by myself to do what I please and leave the comfort of my room wearing what I please without worrying.
The best would be if I could rent out my own apartment but I know I wouldn’t be able to pay it by myself and the fact that Yoongi and I share the expenses of the bill makes things so much more easier.
”Why did you call though? I’m sure it’s not because you already miss me.” Tired of holding the phone up I place it back where it was before leaving the call on speakers so I can rub the cocoa scented lotion into the skin on my legs.
”Right. I almost forgot. Jin taught you that Mexican dish that I don’t know how to pronounce its name, right?” Her voice fades a little mid-sentence probably changed ears hearing the cooking noises seeping through the background she seemed very busy.
”What about it?” I question closing the lid of the lotion after I rub the remaining cream on my hand onto my neck so nothing goes to waste.
”I need the recipe.” She demands. I laugh how desperate she sounds through the phone. I make my way out of the bathroom I need my notebook since I didn’t memorise the dish I only made it once and as it was previously stated with the help of Jin.
”Hold on I don’t remember where I left the notes.” I arrive at the kitchen area placing the phone on the counter I begin rummaging through the drawers bending down to peek at the content of each. Spoons and forks. The second one where Yoongi placed the aprons and towels my notebook must be in the last one. ”So, what are the plans for today?” I ask while still searching for the black shiny cover of my notebook.
”Well, I wanted to cook something Italian since Jimin told me once he wanted to try it out but a crucial ingredient is missing so I thought about making that one you told me about a few weeks ago at Jin’s birthday party. After I’m finally done with this shit I’m going to sneak into his room to give him the blowjob of his life while he’s playing some shit games boys do and tell him lunch is ready.” The huge breath she took before starting the word vomiting makes me praise her lung capacity.
Finally. The book was under the aprons what a hassle. I straighten up turning the pages when I hear the front door opening and shut soon after. I turn to see the face of the intruder as I’m still standing in the middle of the kitchen with my hair evidently wet from the shower I took earlier only in my panties and a huge ass shirt to cover myself with.
Yoongi drops his coffee-stained shirt by the foot of the couch the angle is letting me see the living room area without a problem but he can’t clearly see the kitchen from there but my relief is not long-lasting as my friend decides to choose that moment to speak drawing Yoongi’s attention to where I’m standing.
”Y/N are you still there? Shit. I burnt my finger.” Grabbing the phone off the counter I switch off the speaker option and push the device against my ear.
”Yeah, um, I’ll send you the recipe via message. Good luck. Bye.” I aggressively push the red phone button at the bottom left side of the screen until the call ends. Hearing my voice Yoongi walks through the door separating the living room and the kitchen to halt his steps when he takes the image in.
It’s not one of those best times to ponder over how good looking he’s after finishing work and how he always smells like freshly brewed coffee which is not a surprise knowing the fact that he works at a coffee shop near our rented place.
He doesn’t wear the shirt uniform it must be the one he got rid of because of the stains today he wears a simple white t-shirt with washed-out blue jeans. Focusing on his face again I see that his eyes no longer studying my face instead his gaze dipped lower and I swear he's not so subtle about ogling at my exposed legs. My legs!
”You’re … early.” I talk first considering my options. A, I can still make a run for it but the damage is already done. He saw me. Or B, I can try to make small talk pretending that nothing is embarrassing at all just to later enter my room and dig a hole with all of my self-pity and scream into my pillow.
”Um, there was a shift change but I finished 2 hours early in return.” He explains this time his gaze was on my face the entire time no more strayed glimpses. Fuck. I should have paid attention to the whole conversation. ”Don’t you .. have class normally this time around?” He trails off a faint trace of blush appears on his porcelain skin. I use the notebook to hide my panty line that peeks out of the shirt.
”Class cancelled.” I’m horrified how my voice sounds so high pitched the embarrassment paints my cheeks bright red. ”Um, I have something to do in my room so I’ll be there.” I use the lame excuse to escape from Yoongi when I close the door behind me I close my eyes as well because of the extreme humiliation I had to go through.
My phone buzzes in hand I suddenly remember the recipe I promised. I write a quick message to her attaching the picture of the ingredients and notes to help her with the preparations. Now since I’m done with the responsibilities I can swim in my tears for the time being.
I can’t believe after months of caution fate decided to take away from me the deserved me time days. Yoongi is probably weirded out by me too I don’t know how to look him in the eye from now on and it’s a serious problem. For lords heaven, we live together! There’s no way I can avoid him without being obvious about it.
I mean maybe I’m just overreacting. It’s Yoongi we are talking about. He most of the time doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything he certainly won’t mention it and for obvious reasons I won’t either so I can just leave things like that. Just acting as usual like he didn’t saw my legs and my black underwear not to mention he is the very first one to see it I mean outside of my family of course. He’s a boy. No. A man. And he saw me underdressed like that.
It’s okay Y/N, let’s see the bright side at least he saw me when I was shaved. Well, that doesn’t help. Not at all.
”Shit. I’m hungry.”
I waited an hour and forty minutes to be exact despite the rumble of my stomach I sat down to start the book one of my friends lent me to read and I’m over a quarter of the pages when I decided enough is enough.
I waited long enough so he must be cooped up in his room slash studio for the rest of the day. But to be extra cautious I peeked out before fully leaving the safety of my room. I stop once I step into the corridor listening for any noises that might indicate Yoongi has indeed occupied his nest the soft sounds of the synthesizer helps me to relax I leisurely make my way then in the direction of the kitchen.
As I flip the switch the room is enveloped in light. My favourite mug is sitting on top of the counter even though I don’t remember leaving it there. I walk to take a closer look the mug is filled with coffee it’s in a light brown colour so it must a latte. It smells like latte indeed.
My favourite drink. There’s a note glued to the bottom of the mug it’s a messy handwriting and I don’t have to guess to know to whom this belongs to. How did he know my favourite coffee order?
”Sorry for startling you earlier. - myg”
The simple worded note even had his initials at the end. Realising that I never tried out his coffee made me curious about the taste. He works as a barista so It cannot be bad. I’m always late for class so I never had the chance before going into the shop when he’s on duty and order a drink from him.
Most of the time I’m saving on it and just use the shared coffee machine. Don’t blame me I’m just a broke university student.
But if I drink this I won’t be able to sleep it’s pretty late. Fuck it. I’m going to drink it. Not that the unholy time for coffee consumption deterred me before and picked up on some of Yoongi’s personal characteristics I think I can confidently say he doesn’t care either.
I bite into my lip while carefully straightening the lines out on the sticky note. After I was convinced the note won’t come off of his door I leave to go to bed.
”Thanks for the coffee. I liked it. – Y/N.”
”Can you guys stop shovelling food into your mouths for a millisecond. I’m serious!” Hitting the table for further emphasis.
Rori and F/N digging through a pile of food before our morning class is something I got used to first as I befriended them and it doesn’t bother me any other time but I wanted some serious advice for once and they don’t even stop digging to say well that’s was awkward. Or shit that sucks.
Not that I don’t know that without them telling me. I appreciated the note and the subtle apology he didn’t phrase it like hey dummy I’m sorry for seeing your sausage legs my bad. Also, it would be unlikely, too wordy for him he’s tight-lipped even in messages. I don’t remember he ever told me like a two full sentence in one go.
”Serious for what Y/N? He saw your underwear and legs. Tell us if you display your boobs or something. Now, I would be interested.” Rolling my eyes at the sarcastic remark I steal one of her favourite apple pie sticks for good measures.
”Hey! I was going to eat that.” She pouts but I take another big bite out of it. It’s too sweet for my liking but everything for the even sweeter revenge. If there’s one thing I learned about these two throughout the years of knowing them is that they take their food very seriously. ”Look. We love you, that’s why I’m going to tell you this. It’s not a big deal.” She pats my cheek before picking up her fork again.
”So what happened F/N. Did you gave Jimin the blowjob of his life?” I used a quote mark at the end of the sentence just how she phrased it yesterday. Rori is more interested in that, of course, there’s nothing more important than sex.
”Let me say the food was cold once we were finished.” She chuckled bashfully. Do I have the right set of friends? Maybe I should be pickier about who I call as a friend.
”So he’s big?” Rori asked with a smirk and I almost spitted out the diet coke onto the dining table. We are in a fucking coffee shop for god damn good. Thankfully not the one Yoongi works for but I think he has morning class so he won’t be working either way.
”Please don’t go into details.” I plea and Rori presents me with a devilish grin while picking the chicken breasts out of my salad.
”It’s fine Y/N. I was a virgin too before Jimin. Your time will come, not that it’s a choice.” F/N tries to console me.
”It’s a choice just not mine.” I murmur it under my nose stabbing my salad with the fork before chewing on it without the meat it’s quite sour.
”Yeah. It’s because you and F/N are both have big sticks up your asses.” Used to her blunt remarks I’m not even hurt or surprised for that matter. The busy cafe drowns out the voices of their inappropriate talk at least.
”It’s not our fault that you fuck every man with a pulse.” F/N retorts back with a giggle satisfied with the remark we exchange high fives.
”How do you know it’s a requirement?” Rori lifts one of her brows making us do gagging motions.
”Ugh, That’s disgusting.” I abandon the food on my plate that was a bit too much and we are in the middle of breakfast.
”A person cannot even joke here? I wasn’t serious. Duh.” I should really search for those new friends.
”That’s something I can believe.” The insult wasn’t even spoken out too loud but she heard me all the same and it earned a kick under the table from Rori with his high heels, I returned the glare she sent my way.
”Oh, hi.” I step aside to let Yoongi enter, he furrows his brows in concentration if I wasn’t running late I would ponder over the fact how he measures my body by centimetres. I fidget with my earrings but without a mirror, it’s a difficult task to carry out.
”I thought we’re going to meet with the guys at 8.” Realising the motive behind his stare I nod furiously.
”Yeah. But Rori accepted that guy’s offer to taste wines and she’s afraid she’s going to be abducted so me and F/N will accompany her.” I tell him and he doesn’t seem pleased I wasn’t either at first but I hope he won’t do anything with three girls there.
”Be careful. Anyone else knows about this?” He asks with evident worry lacing his voice he steps closer helping to finally get that chape snap into place.
”Jimin knows and I think Jungkook knows too.” Once he’s done he restores the distance between the two of us. ”Also you know F/N she’s apt to be violent.” Yoongi nods.
”Fuck. I’m late.” I swear as I look at the time. With hurried steps, I pick up my boots and size up my keys ready to leave.
”See you later.” Hearing his voice calling out to me I look back smiling a little managing to whisper back a ’see you later’ of my own. I think this was the longest conversation I held with him so far, what a shame I couldn’t stay to talk more.
The wine tasting went better than I expected. That guy is filthy rich he gave us a little tour around the house before letting us each pick out 5 wines of our liking. We learned that he’s a sports major he’s a swimmer and he told us stories about his practises with the swimming team and talked awfully long about his wins and trophies. To be honest he seemed like a bit eccentric and pompous for me but Rori liked him.
We were late because our taxi on its way to the bar got into a little traffic jam. I got a text from Yoongi at the same time F/N got one from Jimin they were curious about where we are and how we are. We wrote back a short text that we’re almost there.
”So? Whose’s the guy?” Jin asked once we are seated down. F/N took her place next to Jimin and Rori beside her leaving me with the only option of sitting down next to Yoongi at the other side of the table.
Once I’m comfortably seated I look around the table I catch in the corner of my eye Namjoon and Jungkook taking shots. Yoongi grabs his alcoholic beverage before him from the table our shoulders brush against each other due to the motion. I bite the inside of my cheeks don’t want to fidget in place.  
”He’s a sports major.” Rori told Jin she told him about our little tour but she conveniently left out the offer about a threesome that I politely declined.
”Oh Y/N you remember that guy who wanted to get your phone number?” Scrunching my nose as the scene flashed before my eyes, of course, I remember. That was one of my most awkward moments and believe me when I say there’s a lot of option to choose from on my list and it’s still the worst. As far as I know, that guy was a sports major too and he was very persistent.
”Yes, what about him?” I nod. I try to shoo the pictures out of head but a forming blush creeping up my neck quicker than I realise.
”Well he’s here. And he’s coming this way.” F/N tells without looking my way her eyes trained behind my form probably to report back his every move. I physically have to hold myself back from whimpering and its not the good kind.
”Shit.” I bite my lower lip don’t want to make things more obvious I don’t turn around to confirm it.
”Oh. I remember. You gave him Rori’s number, don’t you?” Jungkook, you traitor. He was with me when it happened I was flustered enough that he asked Jungkook is my boyfriend or not that I didn’t want to expand my suffering so I gave him my friend's number. She told me if someone I don’t want tries to get into my pants and bothers me I can use her number as a bait knowing her even though my pants were not on the line I still did that. Well, she did more than that after.
”Then what’s the problem?” Jin asks so invested in our conversation that I want to smack him on the neck.
”I was sexting with him and we fucked.” She shrugs. That was what I tried to say. I really don’t want to face that guy.
I stand up with so much vehemency that I almost knock down a glass from the table it’s Yoongi’s empty glass at the bottom of it there’s a thin line of whiskey left. Yoongi grabs my thighs to stabilise me. Looking over his shoulder I saw that said guy indeed walking into this direction.
”Uh, please dance with me?” I grab Yoongi’s hand surprising him for a moment or two but lets me pull him up.
”You have a habit of running away, huh?” I look back to get a grip at the situation. I led Yoongi into the dance floor even though I don’t even know how to dance. He sees the panic settling in my face so he starts guiding me with his hand flat against my lower back. There’s a lot of bodies to avoid so Yoongi is extremely close.
”I don’t like confrontation.” I subtly hide behind his broad shoulders I can see it on him how he tries to stop himself from laughing. I like the sound of his laugh.
”I’m aware.” He purrs into my ear pulling me closer by a hand wrapped around my waist the sweet scent of his cologne hits me like a tone of bricks. I’m painfully aware how his body touches mine my breast pushed against his flat ribcage I can feel him inhaling and exhaling the used oxygen.
”Y-your hand Yoongi.” His hand is dangerously low on my back I’m sure he feels the curve of my ass under his fingers. The bar is dimly lit so my blush remains subtle in a certain extent seeing me blush so many times I wouldn’t be surprised if he would recognise it before it fully blooms on my face.
”What about it?” He clearly wants me to say it but there’s no way I’m going to bluntly say that his hand touches my ass. Rather die.
”What are you doing? Are you drunk?” I defensively ask answering the question with my own questions. He openly finds my antics amusing because this time he laughs. That gummy smile makes my knees weak for him he strengthens his hold on my waist like he knows it.
”My car is here. I’m as sober as I can be.” The hand I placed on his chest when he suddenly pulled me closer itched. He’s touching me and he’s sober. Heaving a sigh he replaces them around his neck I can’t relish in the feeling as his hand on my ass beyond doubt gone since he places it back soon after even lower. The grin he shows me makes me want to give him my fist instead of my virginity.
”Then why are you touching me?” My confidence wavered significantly as he lowered his head his lips closer than ever but instead of kissing me, he blows air into my ear riling me up with the gesture.
”This makes you uncomfortable?” I wanted to say yes, but the full truth would be it’s undeniably uncomfortable and exciting it makes my blood boil under my skin and it scares me how much I want him to touch me tossing aside my insecurities just to feel him like this. At least he knows his boundaries. I don’t know what would I do if his hand suddenly moved.
”No. I’m just embarrassed.” I nervously twist a hair at the nape of his neck didn’t realise the act just when I did it.
”You ran away because you were embarrassed yesterday too?” I stop toying with his hair once the words register in my head. Is he talking about the kitchen incident? And here I thought that there’s nothing more that could make the situation more awkward.
”Y-yes.” The confidence I felt before left me I shy away from his eyes the way he sized me up that day still vivid in my head.
”Why?” A perfect arch of his eyebrows indicating that he wants his answer this time and I am about to give him.
”Because you were staring at me.” I tell him oh so matter of factly. He practically beams at the offered answer the glint in his eyes telling me that’s the answer he seeks in the first place and he has his own set of words in return.
”Wanna know what I thought about while staring at you?” His eyes pinning me to my spot I wouldn’t dare to move away even if I wanted to he seemed determined to get under my skin and maybe under my clothes too.
”No.” I challenge drunk by the boldness maybe the gin tonic I consumed earlier and the wines finally appearing be to be the liquid courage I needed. Reading between the lines Yoongi tells me despite the answer.
”I imagined how you would look like wearing my shirt. It would cover you below your knees since you are tiny. Tell me you’re wearing one of those black panties I saw before?” I don’t answer but I let him pat my knee I can feel his warm palm under the fabric of my jeans he continues with more words even bolder than the first.
”I imagined how you would look like under me on my bed wrapping those long legs around my waist.” Affected by his words I mirror his hungry expression. He’s normally not a man of so many words and hearing him talk this much makes me feel special that he’s talking to me because he feels the need to let me know what’s plaguing his mind. I entertain the idea that maybe he wasn’t sure how to convey the message since I’m so shy he didn’t have a lot of opportunity cornering me before the kitchen incident. Perhaps it was the undo he needed.
”Tell me Y/N. Do you find me attractive?” His fingers stroke the flesh of my jaw he’s getting confident as I don’t push him away.
”You are attractive.” I tell him honestly and he grins but not in a malice kind of way his grin more like a boyish grin that boys wear after hearing that their high school crush likes them back. The happy kind of grin.
”Have you thought about me too? Like I did.” The next question hits differently it’s not so innocent and I wasn’t in the illusion he is.
”Yes.” Holding onto the boldness I agree.
”Tell me.” He urges. He’s sober I remember. Avoiding his stare I let my shyness getting to the best of me he brushes a strand of hair behind my ears coaxing out the reply. It feels nice to be touched by him.
”It’s embarrassing.”
”I told you mine. You have to tell me your fantasies so I can make them come true.” He trails a finger following the line of my collarbone my outfit leaves literally everything to the imagination the only skin he can feel is on my arms.
”You’re unfair.” I whine the words out Yoongi stops his movements to see the emotions behind my eyes. He seems confused by my conflicted expression. His eyes were always expressive and I loved staring at them. Those rare moments shared, eating together at the weekends letting me hear one of his song he proudly introduces.
”How so?”
I take a deep breath cupping his cheeks. ”You look good with dyed hair but I prefer it black. You look the best when you come home from work all sweaty because the air conditioner still not gotten repaired in your workplace so you always take a shower before doing anything else.” There’s glint catching the light in his orbs watching me closely while I tell him the things I locked away in my memories. He caresses my wrist with a raised hand the other directly resting upon mine as it's his face still trapped between the heels of my palms.
”I like your voice.” I let the words flow out like a river caught up in a thunderstorm. ”I always wanted to know how it would sound like moaning my name. I like your hands too.”
”What about them?” A big smile stretches his face knowing too well he won. I don’t feel the frustration of losing I’d gladly accept this fate again and again if it will give me the same results at the end of this.
”Yoongi.” I whine.
”Did you imagined this? Or this?” His hands leaving their position fondling the flesh on my hip hiding me behind his body he walks a hand up my decolletage.
”Stop, we are in public.” I hiss.
”No one pays attention Y/N. But I’ll gladly take this to the bedroom.” The offer temps me but I remember the boys.
”We can’t. You are the only sober one and the guys need their ride home.” I reason and Yoongi groans in frustration. He forgot about them already. He looks at the booth the others are drinking and laughing.
”If I tell Namjoon to stop drinking he would be sober enough to drive them back.”
I shake my head it would be too dangerous and considering he competed with Jungkook about who can take more shots I bet he’s drunk like a donkey alongside with the younger boy. ”I’m drunk too.” I tell him when he tries to come up with more solution.
”Fine.” Yoongi hugs me close probably to hide his displeased face doesn’t want to sound so desperate maybe he’s embarrassed.
”Don’t be like that. I promise if in the morning when I sobered up you still want to do it I’ll let you.”
He perks up gently pushing me away to look into my eyes. ”Let me do what?”
”Let you take me.”
I feel something warm tickling my sides a sudden wave of cold air hits my stomach but the cold soon replaced with a warm and wet feel against my skin. My eyes narrowly open I try to fidget away wrapping my fingers around the comforter when I feel that wet and warm feeling on my thighs.
Hands and tongue. The fog in front of my eyes clears I don’t remember when did I fell asleep or how did I end up here. Where am I? I spot the synthesizer in the corner Yoongi’s synthesizer. Yoongi’s room.
”Yoongi, what .. ah” My voice raspy from sleep the way he rubbed his nose into my neck just to deliver a long kiss to it after halted my question before I was able to voice it out.
”Did I wake you up. My bad.” He smiled into my skin loving the way my heart beats erratically with his every touch, his hand above my breast feeling the movements of it.
”You don’t sound so sorry about it.”
”Do you have a headache?” He caresses the side of my face helping to curl the locks behind my ear that interfered with my vision. The thoughtful gesture made me smile up at his face mirroring his expression of tenderness.
”No I’m good. I didn’t drink that much.” My fingers itch to touch his face maybe it’s because of the dreamy state I’m currently in that I have the confidence in doing so. I brush my hands through his bangs his eyes closing the caress urges a smile he grabs my hands once I’m about to pull away to move it against his mouth giving a small kiss onto my palm before intertwining them with his much larger ones.
I could get used to this. The image of him looking so raw and so vulnerable his eyes puffy with sleep lazy motions of his fingertip exploring my body under the duvet. My shirt is rolled up just below my breasts the shirt’s neck hangs around my shoulder in a loose coverage it smells like Yoongi just like the covers. Looking down I realise it’s not my shirt. It’s his.
”Glad to hear that. I want you to repeat your promise to me.” Yoongi burrows his face into my neck again his hair brushing against my bare skin the hand that’s not holding mine drops under the covers finding my hip guiding me to drape my right leg over his waist facing each other sideways.
”Promise? Can you be more specific?” I boldly move my hand caressing with feather-light touches his side I can feel his bare torso and hips under my fingers he shivers and not because of the cold. He’s shivering because I touched him and he’s not wearing a shirt. The thought crosses my mind that the shirt I’m wearing is the one he did wear the whole day but not now. Every other day I would be embarrassed but I quite liked the idea of wearing his clothes in his bed.
”A tease I see.” He recovered quicker than I would like he gave a quick peck onto my shoulder where his shirt didn’t cover that much skin. He cupped my breast above the fabric of my bra the sudden feel of him squeezing me there I whined a little bit too loudly. I pulled my hand away shielding my face due to embarrassment.
”Yoongi.” I shyly call his name. He let his hand stay there but he remained motionless giving my hands each a kiss just where my eyes would be if I didn’t hide behind my limbs. His hand felt warm against me where my bra wasn’t covering his two fingers rested directly on the skin of my breast.
”Do I have your consent baby?” I gulp my shy personality says no but my body says yes for me.
”You can have anything.” I place my palm against his that lays on my body my eyes still closed but I don’t shield my face anymore. The words came out as whispers even though I wanted him to hear me say it. I wanted him to go on.
”Love. Answer me.” I open my eyes again when I feel his hand leave my boobs to cup my face with it instead.
”You can have me. You can fuck me. Did it answer your question or should I be more specific?” I wet my lips poking my tongue against the inside of my cheeks trying to calm down the rapid movement of my heart my hands shook as I grip his hair moving my mouth against his to not just say but show my consent. I want this. I want him.
”No. I think it was explicit enough, I like seeing you blush.” Hearing him say that makes me blush harder and he gifts me with a gummy smile basking in the responsive reactions. I would be more embarrassed if I wouldn’t feel the sticky substance dampening my underwear.
”Do you have something in mind? A preference? Or can I surprise you.” The way he explicitly asks about my sexual preferences makes him appear hotter a new wave of arousal hits me making me grind my thighs together forgetting that Yoongi’s leg is between them. I know he felt the wetness but doesn’t comment on it he instead pushes his knees further up parting my legs.
”You d-decide.” I moan when his knee brushes against my crotch. He hummed delighted by my answer. Placing back his hand once more squeezing my breasts before undoing the clasps behind my back. He slowly lets the material fall he strictly looks into my eyes not wandering downwards seeking out my every reaction. I gave him a little nod he takes it as the permission he needed he moves the cover so he can take a look.
”So pretty.” He sighs into my skin he turns my body to be flat against the bed the cold sheets meeting with my back goosebumps travelling up my spine. ”So soft.” He mumbles the endless of praises dragging his fingers over a nipple before licking it with his tongue a choked moan leaves my parted lips his hair gently caressing the skin. He circles the nipple with his poked out tongue kneading the other neglected one with his free hand. Mewls and sighs, in turn, filling the room trying to keep my voice quiet but it’s hard since the only thing I can concentrate on is his mouth on me and his hands those long fingers as he drags them down on my body a finger slides under the waistband of my panty he stretches the material out before letting it snap back into place. The uncomfortable feeling of it sticking to my folds gets frustrating by every passing minute.
”You smell good.” His raspy voice helps me return from my sudden astonishment I scrape his scalp with my long nails as I weave my fingers through his hair he lets out a low growl my skin covering up the noise the vibration he sends up my body by it makes me tighten my legs around his waist my underwear covered cunt pressed against his firm chest forces a not so silent whine out.
”It’s m-my lotion.” I reply absentmindedly. He hums into my collarbone not sure my answer registered truly in his brain I feel him taking a big inhale before pulling away he pushes himself up with the help of his hands planted beside my head looking with heavily lidded eyes taking in my hazed eyes and swollen lips before connecting our mouths. I almost forgot how good of a kisser Yoongi is.  
The light touch against my inner thigh makes my hip jolt up in surprise Yoongi’s eager mouth swallows all the sounds and whimpers. ”Relax.” He purrs aiming for my hips soothing circles into my skin. I take a few deep breaths Yoongi waits patiently for me to calm down a little the way his eyes sizing me up like I’m some kind of goddess eases some of my nerves. Once he’s positive I’m not going to run away he lets his palm touch me the barrier that’s my underwear stays in place as he drags his fingers directly onto my heat. I feel it throb under his ministrations having confidence after a few moans I let out he gets bolder using more pressure to dip between my folds the underwear’s silky touch lets him move smoothly. ”Can I feel it? I want to make sure you’re wet enough before I do anything else.” Nodding even before the question was fully out I anticipate a laugh or something to tease me about my eagerness. I don’t think I wanted someone this bad before to touch me. But he doesn’t laugh he seems as eager as I feel. He slides a finger under the damp material but he retreats too soon. ”Please, can I take it off?” To persuade me further if his plea wasn’t enough he rubs his fingers where my clit is over my panty. The plea was enough but I’m not complaining. I manage to signal him with a breathy yes. Don’t have to tell him twice he slides the ruined material down my legs his big warm hands gripping my inner thighs preventing my legs from closing before he can take a look.
”Look at that. So pink and swollen for me.” Previously he was careful with every move waiting for approval before doing anything bold but like he’s lost all the continence in him Yoongi drags two fingers up my folds coating his fingers with my arousal letting just the tip of his fingers penetrating just to pull back. I let out the loudest moan blushing as I realise just how loud I sounded but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind, not at all. He wanted to coax more of those sounds as he bent down parting the lips with his tongue letting out his own moans while tasting me and if it’s even possible at this point I feel more turned on than ever.
”Warm too. Sorry, my love, my hands are a little cold but I hope you don’t mind.” He finally slips a finger in my eyes slightly open he watches me with a grin loving the way I squirm wanting it chuckles deep and I don’t mind at all. The stretch his one digit means feels familiar reminding me when I was chasing relief on my own but his fingers are so so much better longer and thicker. I can’t wait to feel the second one.
”I want to make you cum on my tongue.” Delivering a kittenish lick sucking on my clit for the demonstration before he goes on. ”Just to bring you another orgasm with my fingers.” Yoongi curls the one finger in me rubbing it into my throbbing walls ”Lastly let you cum around my cock.” He throws his head back moaning sinfully just thinking he’s about to make everything he said come true. ”You deserve at least three orgasms but I shouldn’t be greedy your virgin cunt can’t handle three.” He eases another finger in this time the stretch is a bit more uncomfortable.
”Let’s start with two.” He says settled with the idea he places a wet kiss onto my hip before finding my abused clit again sucking and rolling it around his tongue my walls contacts around his two digits I feel the sticky substance coating my inner thighs and dripping onto the sheets the mess, the way Yoongi’s hair tickle my thighs, the way he moves his fingers inside me, the pleasure gets overwhelming something starts to build up promising a relief I never had the chance of feeling before.
”Yoongi fuck, Yoongi” His name spills from my mouth and it seems to encourage him to be faster.
”It’s fine.” He tells before sucking harshly on my clit. ”Cum for me.” The proud grin he forms still buried between my legs and the vibration of his hum makes my legs shake I let my head fall back into the pillows closing my eyes until I see literal stars.
He stops lapping my juices once I’m finished the proud smile still plastered on his face licking his lips capturing the remaining of my pleasure. He looks so hot. I never knew I’m capable of coming this hard.
”Good?” Placing a kiss onto my nose he caresses my arms I didn’t realise I was grabbing onto the sheets this tight I let Yoongi place my hands onto his shoulder blades he moves to get between my legs once more.
Instead of answering, I can’t help but impatiently point out. ”You’re still wearing clothes.” I grab his hips pulling on his sweatpants playfully.
”Wanna take it off?” He asks smirking. I roll my eyes at his cockiness not that he’s all talk when it comes to his skills but he has more ego than he can manage and I’m not going to increase it for him.
”So what? Don’t tell me you are not eager even more than me to bury your dick into my virgin pussy.” His eyes grow bigger for a split second before it regains its original state, so he can be startled too. I’m surprised by my boldness, but god, it’s worth it seeing him so fucked up by those words.
”You’re playing a dangerous game Y/N. I need my self-control right now.” Something shifted in his eyes he looks like he’s about to devour me. Yoongi shifts onto his knees to get rid of the final barriers between us. I close my eyes my shyness returns too soon but Yoongi doesn’t mind it I open my eyes again as he positions myself above me placing a firm kiss onto my lips he senses I’m anxious.
”Do you trust me?” Seeing the open vulnerability in his shiny orbs, not entirely clouded by lust makes my head swim with a lot of suppressed emotion. I feel the urge to smile lifting my head from the pillows beneath me I give him a peck.
”Of course I am.” I kinda like you. I bite into my lips before the next sentence could slip through we’ll talk about this another time. Right, the only thing I want to focus on is Yoongi. Only Yoongi. His tip brushes against my stomach, shit, I haven’t seen how big he is. His lip pressed to mine swallows the tiny moan leaving my lips as he pushes the first inch inside parting my walls in a painful stretch. Fuck. He’s big.
”Tight.” Yoongi moans, more in pleasure than I am currently in but it’s ok. He made me cum I want to see him cum too. ”Relax for me angel I won’t hurt you I promise.” Relishing in the way he caresses my side I try to relax my body he pushes another inch in slowly his tip must be fully buried by now.
”That’s right. You’re doing so well.” He praises his eyebrows knit together in concentration he’s holding himself back because of me. Touched by the gesture I move my hip to meet his advances he slips in deeper than he intended his groan significantly louder by the sudden pleasure.
”Does it hurt?” He pulls himself together to keep the eye contact he caresses the skin under my eye I nod before answering.
”A little.”
”Let’s try a few more thrusts if it still hurts after that I’ll stop and eat you out again. Shit. Maybe I should have made you cum again for the extra lubrication.” Yoongi regretfully gazes at my face.
”It’s fine. Just go slow.” I say the burning is bearable I’m getting used to the feeling slowly but not sure if I can cum again.
”My baby is so tight.” I’m definitely a sucker for those pet names. It helps me focus on his words instead of his slow thrusts. ”I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. Feeling you wrapped around me a dream come true.” I experimentally squeeze around him and he lets out a loud moan his head nestled into my neck groaning and moaning between filthy words his pace got quicker but I don’t stop him even though it’s not feeling as good as him eating me out. I want to please him though and by the sounds, he seems very pleased.
”Are you alright?” He stops after hearing a louder whiny moan on my part but I don’t let him I circle my hips in place dragging out moans from him but he forces himself to reset his previous slower pace. I’m not having any of it. I want him to cum and want it soon.
”Yoongi” I whine out his name an idea foggily forming at the back of my head. ”Yoongi, I wanna ride you.”
”Are y-you sure?” He stills inside of me waiting for the confirmation and I nod inviting him into a kiss that turns slopy by time. I feel his hands grabbing at my waist to change position this way he sinks in deeper.
Holy shit it feels so much better.
”Fuck. Do you like this?” He grips my hips dragging his cock touching every sensitive part in me as my walls swallow his shaft he pulls me up just to let me sink down with a needy moan I’m starting to feel the appeal.
”Yes. I-ah-think.” I can almost picture the way my eyes roll back behind my skull right now. What was I saying? ”Go faster.” I choke out and Yoongi with a following set of groans obligates I’m too far gone to pay attention to how Yoongi watches with hungry eyes that I ruin the bedsheets.
”I like that you are so messy.” He places a stray hair behind my ears our chests pressed together so he can thrust up faster and harder. Yoongi holds me in place taking control the way his eyes shuts involuntarily and his member twitching inside of me signals that he’s close.
He’s breathtakingly beautiful as he reaches his high he’s so lost in the pleasure my walls provide so tight around him that he doesn’t have the mind to kiss me back so I just press them together for a minute longer. My legs ache because of the exercise but I let him use me to ride out his high the pretty sounds and satisfied look he gives me once seated firmly inside me with our mixed cum spilling out he looks down where our body connects rubbing the skin of my hip lovingly while watching me ruin his sheets. He likes that I’m messy.
”I hope you like me back because I don’t think I could fuck anyone else from now on.” I end up in a pit of laughter leaning my head on his shoulder he feels my body shake with the motion Yoongi whines in overstimulation when I accidentally squeeze his spent member. I peck the skin where my head previously rested before searching for Yoongi’s eyes.
”I do like you back.” I admit it shyly even though there’s nothing to be shy about his dick is still inside for fuck’s sake.
”Glad to hear that.” His grin returns faster than the speed of light. ”I thought I fucked your brains out when you suddenly started laughing. I was concerned for a minute.” I try to hit his shoulder but he’s faster grabbing my hand by the wrist and gives the flesh an attentive kiss the gesture is sweet and melts my heart.
”How are you feeling?” It’s cute how he seeks my reassurance. He lets me move away careful when pulling out so I can finally take the previous position lying down.
”Hm, sore but good. I just need .. some time. I don’t think I can stand up just yet.” I offer my honest reply burying my nose into the duvet that got tossed aside. He leaves the room making me confused but once he’s back with a towel in hand I pierce two and two together. It’s his towel. The thought is enough to make me blush furiously.
”Spread your legs for me.” I take the request as an order shyly spreading my legs so he can clean me up. ”There. All cleaned up.” The bed squeaks under the weight of his one knee pushing me further into the sheets. Yoongi bows down to kiss me his tongue teases my lips as we kiss asking for permission that I eagerly permit.
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lexiepiper · 3 years
Dani visits the human world and notices some things that have changed since the last time she was there.
Phic Phight Prompt by @idiot-cheesehead-archenemy
Summary: What is there to say?
Dani slipped through the Fenton portal into the world of the living, and was immediately greeted by the feeling of cool air on her skin. She took a deep breath, hovering invisibly in the middle of the lab and slowly cherishing the sensation of fresh, living air filling her lungs.
The lab was… quiet. She frowned and spun on the spot, confirming that she was the only person there. The monitors lining the benches were dull, and there were no typical flashing lights or whirring electronics. The only illumination came from the portal. Dani didn’t know a lot about other people’s labs, but Vlad’s had always been full of soft noise, as machines hummed and blipped little tunes that had always soothed her back to sleep.
She pushed the memory away. Maybe the Fentons’ lab was just quiet when nobody was there? After all, it wasn’t like there were growing life forms that needed constant support and monitoring.
Still. It didn’t quite seem to fit the glimpses of this place that she’d had in the past, no matter how fleeting they’d been.
She phased through the ceiling, and the darkness was replaced by soft natural light that streamed through open windows. The glimpse of sunlight struck her with unexpected surprise, and Dani hissed in a sharp breath as her core hummed deep within her centre. She suddenly wanted nothing more than to fly out into the open sky, feeling the wind in her hair and the sun soaking into her skin for the first time in… wait, how long had it actually been?
She frowned, scrunching her face as she tried to track how long she’d been in the Ghost Zone. Surely it hadn’t been more than a few months, right?
Shaking her head to clear it, she glanced around the living room. Unease prickled down her spine, dampening her good mood, but Dani couldn’t quite place what was wrong. There was that same old couch and rug, a TV against one wall, and framed photos lining the mantelpiece. 
She was surprised that Danny hadn’t appeared yet. Shouldn’t she have set off his ghost sense by now?
Dani’s heart pounded against her ribcage as she floated up again, phasing through the floor of Danny’s bedroom…
This was Danny’s room, right? No, she must have misjudged the layout of the home. It appeared to be a guest room, with a plain mattress devoid of blankets or sheets on the bed frame, and empty shelves lining the walls with a clear desk tucked in the corner. The curtains were drawn, but they were so threadbare that there was no problem seeing in the bright daylight that shone right through.
She phased through the wall, and ended up in a room with a decidedly teal colour scheme. The curtains were closed in here too but enough light filtered through to make out the details anyway. It was as neat as one of those pictures of perfect homes in magazines, and the framed high school diploma above the study alcove suggested that the room belonged to Jazz. Or… it had? The air felt stale and dusty, like nobody had been in here in a while. Dani drifted over to the dresser and ran her finger across the top, coming away with a fine layer of dust.
She pinched her lower lip between her teeth. Jazz had been pretty close to graduation when Dani had gone into the Ghost Zone, so maybe she was at university now?
Yeah. That made sense.
Unease settled more densely over her, and Dani phased through the wall again. She passed through the linen cupboard and a bathroom in desperate need of a good clean, and then found herself in what was obviously Danny’s parents’ room. This one finally appeared to be lived in, with the duvet crumpled and left unmade, and glasses of water on bedside tables. The curtains were open in here, and the air felt fresher and less dead.
Dani didn’t really want to poke around through Maddie and Jack’s stuff, so she phased back out into the hallway. She tilted her head, scowling as she counted the doors in the hallway.
There were exactly five — one for each bedroom, and one for the bathroom and the linen cupboard.
Dread dropped into her gut, like she’d suddenly swallowed a bowling ball, and Dani crept back into the first room. She pulled back the curtains, and dust motes swirled in the beams of sunlight as the room was fully illuminated. She stood in the middle of the carpet, turning in a slow circle and reaching out tentatively with her core.
There were slightly darker rectangles on the wall where there used to be posters of star charts and band tours, and when she tilted her head back, Dani could just make out the tiny silhouettes where glow in the dark stars had once been stuck to the ceiling and the white paint had faded around them.
She couldn’t sense any other ghosts beside herself. There wasn’t so much as a glimmer of residual spectral activity aside from the steady hum of the portal two floors beneath her.
“Where are you?” she whispered into the still emptiness.
Maybe… maybe she’d been gone longer than she’d thought. Maybe Danny had graduated and gone to college too. She didn’t think he’d have abandoned Amity Park, but maybe he’d moved out with Tucker, or finally gotten together with Sam or Valerie and was living with them? She didn’t really know much about his friends, but that seemed like the kind of thing they’d do, especially if Danny’s parents didn’t know his secret yet. He was probably just too far across town for her to sense.
Dani shot up through the ceiling and broke into the open air. The sunlight enveloped her with sudden life, and despite everything she smiled and gave a deep sigh. The Ghost Zone had been interesting, and it certainly helped to keep her core stable, but her human half delighted in the chance to soak in the energy of the mortal world once more.
Making sure that she stayed invisible, Dani floated above the town in a huge, lazy loop, feeling for any sign of Danny. There was a gentle breeze, and she revelled in the way it stirred her hair and brushed against her exposed skin.
By the time she’d returned to Fentonworks, the contentment of being in the human world had once again been overrun by anxiety.
Dani debated dropping by Valerie’s house, before realising that she didn’t actually know where it was. She scowled, but after a moment of thought began to fly across the town again, this time with a clear destination in mind.
She touched down in the parking lot behind the library, using invisibility to mask herself as she changed into her human form before walking through the front doors just like any normal kid. Nobody even glanced her way, and Dani sidled over to the row of thick computer screens that buzzed almost imperceptibly and played screensavers of what looked like photos of community events. She picked the screen furthest from the library desk, as far away from prying eyes as possible but when she nudged the mouse the screensaver was replaced with a screen prompting her to log in.
Dani frowned and looked toward the desk. She didn’t have a card, but she didn’t really want to sign up for one either. Didn’t you need ID for that kind of thing?
An older man sat down at a vacant computer close to hers, and Dani slid out of her seat and casually strolled to the bookshelf behind him. She pretended to be scanning the titles while he slowly used pointed index fingers to tap out his login details, and Dani carefully repeated the details in her mind as she grabbed a random book and headed back to her seat. Her screen had jumped back to the screensaver, and she doubted that she could log in while the man was already suing his account, so she surreptitiously turned to the back of her book and used a glowing fingertip to etch the man’s username and password into the bottom corner of the final page. She flipped back to the front cover again and raised an eyebrow at the yellow smiley face and the large self-help title in raised gold block letters.
Oh, well. Whatever.
Dani thumbed through her book, skimming through some of the tips in the organisational section while surreptitiously stealing glances at the man on the nearby computer. Her fingers almost itched with anticipation but she held herself steady.
It didn’t take him long to leave, and Dani could only hope that he hadn’t used up all of the allotted time on his account for the day. She flipped back to the details and typed them in, relief pulling a sigh from deep within her as the computer opened up to its main desktop page. The little timer in the top corner indicated that the account still had twenty minutes, so she pushed the book aside and opened the web browser straight away.
It only took a few seconds to log into Facebook, and Dani felt a twinge of guilt at the sheer amount of notifications. She was tempted to check them now, but the steady timer in the corner reminded her to focus and she clicked into the messenger webpage instead.
There were only two conversations — one from Danny, and the other from Valerie. Val’s were bolded and unread, but Danny’s… 
Dani chewed her lip and brushed overlong bangs out of her face, trying to fight through the sudden heart-wrenching betrayal of abandonment.
Danny’s last message to her had been over a year ago, the day she left for the Ghost Zone.
She quickly opened the conversation, double checking that yes, he hadn’t messaged her since she’d left. It didn’t make sense. This was their only form of communication when she wasn’t in town! Did he really think so little of her, that he wouldn’t message her so that she’d have something to come back to? Was she really just a clone to him after all?
That last thought stopped her anger in its tracks. Danny would never think that.
She took a deep, grounding breath, and opened the unread messages from Valerie.
There wasn’t much there, but what Danielle did see turned her blood to ice.
How could I have known when neither of you ever told me?!
I’m sorry
Please, Danielle, I’m sorry!
I didn’t mean it
You have to know I didn’t mean it
I never would have done it if I’d just KNOWN!
I’m sorry
Dani swallowed, hard. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard but for a long moment she just stared at the screen.
She clicked back into her conversation with Danny. The last time he’d messaged her was only a few days before that frantic barrage from Valerie.
Just make sure you stay away from Skulker!
Frostbite will help you if you need it
Or Pandora
At the time, she was amused by his overprotectiveness. Yeah I know. See you later!
He’d responded cheerfully, but then had never messaged her again.
Stay safe!
I hope you have a blast
She read it again, and panic crept into her core. “No,” she breathed, and clicked back to Facebook’s main page, searching up Danny’s account.
The latest posts were birthday wishes from two months ago.
Dani scrolled down, numb horror cocooning her thoughts. The posts made by his friends and family all blurred together into a collage of soft wishes of peace and somber murmurs of sadness. Below his birthday wishes were a collection of posts from four months ago, and Dani’s hands trembled as she read every single one.
Sixteen months.
The ambient sounds of the library faded into static as she realised that Danny Fenton had been dead and buried for sixteen months.
She swallowed past the sudden tightness in her throat, and it was like fighting past hands that were clenched around her neck. Dani’s eyes burned and she dragged in a shallow breath, sharp with the strain of fighting back tears.
They slipped down her cheeks anyway, and she sniffed and took another strained breath, clicking into her messages once more.
She didn’t know what to say, but Dani knew she had to say something. It wasn’t right, to just leave him hanging like that.
Her hands clenched in her lap, and Dani rubbed the water off her face only to have more tears fall straight away. A sob clawed its way out of her throat and she pressed her fist over her mouth, muffling it as much as she could.
People were looking at her now, and she ducked her head and tried to hold everything in.
This wasn’t fair. How could she have let this happen? How could she have left him?
How could he have left her?
She clenched her teeth together. As tempting as it was to post on his page, she didn’t want to be public about it. What right did she have anyway, to freshly grieve him when he’d already been gone for so long? What right did she have to message his friends, who she barely knew, or his family, who she had never even met?! How could she drag them into her existence when it’d just dredge up the rawness all over again?!
Dani realised that she’d tensed her body so much that she was trembling with the effort and had forgotten to breathe. She took a shaky breath, and her tight muscles snapped into a loud, hiccupping cry.
Gritting her teeth again, tears streaming down her cheeks and dripping into her mouth and off her chin, Dani typed three words into the private message chat box.
I’m so sorry.
She closed the browser, and the screen went black and flicked back to the login screen as the timer hit zero.
Grief crashed into her with the force of a tsunami and Dani pressed her palms over her eyes and wept. Huge, gasping sobs tore from her chest, making her gut ache as her pulse roared in her ears.
“Miss? Are you okay?”
It was probably the stupidest question she’d ever heard, and Dani shook her head mutely, keeping her hands over her eyes as the tears continued to flood through her fingers and snot began to drip from her nose.
Someone nudged her shoulder. “Here,” the same voice offered, and Dani peeked through her fingers to see a tissue box. She squinted up at the librarian, and the tears kept flowing like a tap that had been left running.
Dani pressed her lips together and nodded once, grabbing a handful of tissues and immediately burying her face in them as she was hit by a fresh wave of grief. She knew that eventually she’d have to move, she’d have to stop crying and take the next step, but for now all that mattered was the way her head throbbed with every sob and how her eyes burned hotter and hotter the more she cried. She couldn’t breathe deeper than short, shallow gasps, and every time she tried to think, all she could picture was Danny’s face and her world came crashing down again.
It took her a long time to stop crying, but when she did she was left staring at the pile of soaking tissues next to the keyboard as the bright halogen lights made her eyes sting.
She had no clue what to do now.
He was dead, and she didn’t even get to say goodbye.
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thecaptainhelm · 4 years
Every Tap of My Heart
Here’s a  valentine’s gift for @savagenutella46, whose a lovely person! Here’s my gift of writer love for a fellow maribat enthusiast, hope you have a wonderful day fit for a wonderful person. xoxo uwu [insert heart heart winky face heart eyes rose]
Thanks to the moderator @eat0crow for setting this up so nicely, ily all!
In a small office, one of the many in the college of liberal arts building, two people sat across from one another in an awkward manner. One, a rather tall, tan, and robust young man with a relaxed and loose posture, and the other, a much smaller brown, older gentleman, salt and peppered hair and frown lines around his mouth.
“Mr. Wetherby,” the young man said in greeting.
“Jonathan.” Mr. Wetherby deadpanned in return. There was a slight pause between the two before the older gentleman spoke again.
“Well, how are you progressing with your midterm project Jonathan? You were well ahead of your peers the last I observed. I trust you have maintained this pace?”
Jon grinned at this, rather than being intimidated by the scholarly demeanor of his professor. Many of his classmates were intimidated by Mr. Wetherby if not for his surprisingly deep voice, then for the juxtaposition of his gentle appearance and his strict teaching. He had only ever felt amused.
“Yes sir, everything is going well. I’ve already checked the business’s schedule and set a meeting with the owner to have a short interview. Everything is totally in order.”
Mr. Wetherby stoically gazed at Jon’s silly grin as they conversed and didn’t say anymore. He simply nodded, typed a few phrases in the computer and turned the screen to Jon. 
“Very good. With this the meeting is complete and you’ve received full marks for the student-teacher progress report. Have a nice day, Jonathan.”
“Right sir, thank you sir, you too sir,” Jon smiled, bright and goofy, unmoving from his seat.
Mr. Wetherby gained a slight tick near his temple.
“Mr. Kent.” The young man blinked, tilting his head with a look comparable to a puppy dog.
“Yes, Mr. Wetherby?”
“You may leave now,” He spoke through gritted teeth. “Have. A good. Day.”
“Right sir, of course sir!” Jon bounced up and carelessly packed his things away. “Have a good day sir!” He energetically left the room and before the remaining occupant could so much as sigh, Jon popped back in, dark hair flopping into his eyes.
“Oh yeah, are we still on for patrol or are you going to call in--”
“Beat it, Corncob!”
“Hahaha!” Jon cackled and dashed away to complete his assignment. Anyone who saw him would do a double take. It seemed as though he was gliding on air, though he wasn’t moving particularly fast. People shrugged and moved about their day, too busy to really care.
Jon Kent was just strange like that.
Sometime later in the evening, the tall and somewhat awkwardly bulky Jon Kent nervously shuffled his way through Metropolis, carefully moving around busy pedestrians and apologizing in a fluster when he didn’t move carefully enough. He knocked into one final person and sheepishly grinned at the irate grunt before arriving at his target location. La Bonne Fée.
The building was sizable, enough space for a backroom, restrooms, a cozy kitchen facility, counter, and booths for people to sit and relax, with enough space left over to not feel compact. The furnishings were all warm, comfortable and the decorations had a slight vintage feel from a  bygone era of classy etiquette and manners. Through the door he could clearly hear the music of an old school juke-box, playing a Jagged Stone album.
Jon had come to such a café to ask the owner for an interview for the school financial magazine’s new column dedicated to new and upcoming businesses.
Some would ask if Jon lost his touch, others if he was touched in the head. Why would he interview a brand new café, one not even a part of a chain, when they were practically all over the city selling the same thing as their competitors.
Jon swallowed hard, and knocked on the softwood door. He picked up a jumping pulse and saw though the window a head of dark hair quickly poke out from behind the counter. His palms had become sweaty and his own heart jumped in his chest when soft footsteps quickly paced to the door and was pulled open with a silent, breathless smile.
“Jon, hey!” Marinette Dupain-Cheng looked up at him with bright grey eyes, almost silver under the city lights and his heart really kicked into high gear then, only slightly less embarrassing when he heard her heart doing the same.
“Glad you could make it,” She nervously fixed the hem of her sweater and pulled her apron on straight.
“Me too,” He smiled at her and was fine getting lost on her eyes before she cleared her throat and held the door wider.
“Would you like to, um if you would--?”
“Oh right, yeah, yeah, yes please, um,” Jon gulped and grinned strangely. He walked in with small quick steps through the door, taking extra care to not bump into her and send the smaller woman three inches through the flooring. God, he wouldn’t ever live that down if that actually happened.
“Well, I’ll grab some refreshments while you set everything up. Be back in a bit,” Marinette grinned as she led him to a booth near the front, out of view of the windows and moved to the counter with a stiff gait. He sat, pulling out his notebook, his voice recorder, pencils and two copies of the agreed upon interview questions. He fiddled with the materials, trying to distract himself from Marinette’s sounds, her heartbeat, her slight hitches in breath as she moved, the sound her petite fingers made when rubbing against the foam cups, all to no avail.
Yes, that’s a suspicious amount of attention to a single, pretty young woman in the city, but he couldn’t help it. He pressed down on the indentation of his index finger, reveling in the simultaneous sensations of hearing and feeling her heartbeat in person.
He couldn’t help it because she was his soulmate.
Jon’s soulmate mark was one he had from birth, thought to be a deformity but what was actually a touch based soul mark. Pressing it would allow him to feel the pulse and heartbeat of his soulmate, so long as they were alive in this life. The doctors had actually thought there might be a twin or a second heart while he was in the womb, but an x-ray via Superman showed that he was a  lone healthy baby. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a small, triracial young woman, with delicate features, a barely noticeable spread of freckles across a small nose and round grey eyes that turned into happy crescents when she beamed wide and unrestrained. This was all he knew about her, from their brief interactions while they set up the interview, all skin deep and superficial knowledge that he wanted to get past. 
This was his soulmate and he knew he shouldn’t rush, but there were so many things that she would have to know about him, things he shouldn’t and couldn’t hide from her, at least not forever, but how was he going to bring up being a superhero? No, wait, how was he going to bring up being half extraterrestrial?! She’d freak!
He tried to relax. He only found out the Marinette was his soulmate when he asked if she would let him interview her and couldn’t help but compare her heart rate to the one on his finger, further panicking when he saw her press her fingertips together in glee and saw the imprint of his finger upon her own. From there he saw that her index finger would snugly fit the imprint on his and he knew it, beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was his soulmate, that special person the universe found matched perfectly to him in every way that counted. He’d studied and pressed and listened to this heartbeat, wanting to press his head against her back to study and listen in the flesh for years, all before he knew who she was and that she was his and he was hers.
He pressed on it as she walked back to their booth, watching and smiling as she relaxed somewhat, lightly stroking her thumb along her finger as she set the tray of cookies and coffea, the cafe’s specialty fusion drink.
“Sorry for the wait,” She neatly placed the cookies between them after setting down their drinks. He watched the quick and graceful way she tucked the tray into her seat beside her before sending him a dazzling grin that briefly scrambled his brain.
He gaped before managing to stutter out a lame “no trouble” and Marinette merely grinned, cheeks pink. He could dually understand her heart at this time and couldn’t help becoming more flustered. His dumb brain was making him think Marinette had a crush on him, when she was probably just nervous and excited for the interview.
Yeah, that’s all there is to it, nothing more to it at all, he told himself while watching her cheeks darken. 
It wasn’t anything more.
“Well, here’s to a good interview?” Marinette nervously giggled as she raised her cup and Jon did the same without a second thought, only realizing his mistake when she saw his soulmark and paled, honing in like a bat out of hell. He tensed trying to think of an excuse or a lie or something to say but he was stuck. Hope clogged his throat and desire pressed down his tongue.
“You have a soulmark?” She asked after a lengthy pause.
“Y-yes, I do.” His voice cracked from bad nerves and excitement.
“I do too. Touch based.” Her eyes pierced through his soul and pinned him on the spot. He couldn’t leave even if he wanted to.
“Cool. Super cool! I have one too, touch based like yours, yep! Cool!” Jon bobbed his head fervently, searching her gaze and found that she seemed to have the same idea as him. Her hand stretched to the middle of the table and waited for him to meet her in the middle. When he reached, slow and steady, it exposed the subtle quaking of his hand, revealing his inner feelings. He was comforted by the fact that her hand was shaking across from him too. It was a relief she felt the same.
Finally, the fingers touched, a small pale finger tapping two knuckles against the back of his. His shoulders tensed, Marinette mirroring him beat for beat as shoulder collapsed in devastation.
If Jon had thought that feeling Marinette’s heartbeat secondhand was an amazing feeling, then all the wonders of the accumulated sensation were nothing compared to this one touch. The pure physical sensation of another being pulsed through him, the echoing din that had been with him unnoticed all this time becoming known as he melted into himself, feeling it destroy him gently and lovingly.
“Wow,” Marinette breathed shakily. “Wow, I’ve, I never thought,”--an incredulous laugh-- “That was…”
She trailed off taking in his enraptured expression.
“Yeah, me too.” He grinned in wonder. His eyes bored into her own, falling deeper into her spell.
They stared at each other before Marinette finally broke the silence.
“Bonsoir.” She extended her other hand, unwilling to break contact.
“Hi.” He firmly grasped it, giving a strong shake. “Jonathan Kent, miss. Pleased to meet you.”
Marinette smiled beatifically. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The pleasure is all mine, Jon.”
The End
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kenanda · 3 years
It was hard to decide but... 101 for smut prompt please? 👁️ (do I need to write lonelyeyes or is it default?)
Prompt: 101 - “you’re not wearing anything under that, are you?”
Eye, you absolute genius! Thank you for the prompt and for the beta read! I hope this is to your liking; I certainly had a grand old time writing this piece!
Disclaimer: These characters AREN’T mine. They belong to Rusty Quill’s The Magnus Archives. 
Warning: This work ISN’T SUITABLE for minors. It’s a NSFW piece of slash fiction. Therefore, if you’re a minor or in any way squicked by what’s in the tags, DO NOT READ!
WORTH THE WAIT Words: 2,9k Pairing: LonelyEyes; Jonah!Elias / Peter Lukas Rating: EXPLICIT  Tags: established relationship, University!AU, Young!LonelyEyes, unrequited crush, drinking, rimming, handjob, exhibitionism, mild dirty talk, rutting, fingering, touch averse!Peter, Slut-&-Proud! Elias, prompt fill
There has to be some sort of cosmic joke at play for Elias to develop a crush on someone from his uni class and that said someone happens to be Peter Lukas. 
Because you see, as likeable and polite as Peter is, there’s something about the guy that keeps people at a distance. Try as he might, Elias never seems able to bridge that gap, much less make it understood that he wants Peter as more than a colleague or a friend. 
It has occurred to him that Peter may not be interested in romance or sex at all. The first seems more feasible; the latter, not so much. Elias is always keeping an eye on Peter (perks of living across the hall from one another) and has seen him bring people to his room on more than one occasion. 
Not often, no, but enough to make Elias wonder — about Peter, about those people, and what they could be doing together just across the hall. It takes Elias a while to fall asleep on those nights.
In class, Peter sits next to him and makes light conversation, but it never goes beyond that. Elias is annoyed that Peter doesn't seem to have any interest in him, especially when Elias is handsome, manly, and has an ass that looks great in joggers — which he makes a point to always wear to their study sessions.
If anything, Elias is patient. If he has to keep wearing joggers and asking Peter out with hopes that he will one day finally say yes, then so be it. Though that isn’t to say Elias will breeze through his trials with a smile on his face: by the end of another month of repeatedly getting turned down, Elias is snapping even at his mates.
It's surprising that this mood is what causes Peter to initiate conversation that’s not about class.
"Something bothering you?"
Elias blinks a few times because he isn't sure he heard it right. 
"A few things, yeah."
"I've got something for that in my room. Come by tonight if you want. Will help you relax a bit."
Elias hopes that it isn't too evident that he’s essentially dancing in his seat from then on. Talk about a mood change: one could even call him cheery.
When night comes and the halls are quiet, Elias showers with such intent that his skin becomes red; he scrubs every nook and cranny, but doesn't apply perfume. He knows that Peter doesn't like it. 
Elias puts on something easy to remove: grey joggers, a sweatshirt and nothing else. At least he can pull the sweatshirt down and hide the fact that he's half hard (he’s been on the very edge of horny from the moment Peter asked him out). 
He never considers the possibility that Peter might have meant anything other than sex. When he gets there, Elias is hit in the chest with the sight of a cramped room. Four people are there besides Peter, sharing a now half empty bottle of vodka.
Elias' mood sours.
"There's the man! Mr. Bouchard! Took you long enough mate, thought you weren't coming," chimes Tim, a chipper guy from their class that Elias has no idea why Peter is even friends with.
Elias does his best to smile. "Yeah, I overslept a bit."
They welcome him inside with friendly pats on the back. Peter eyes him curiously, but doesn't say anything.
Elias wants to storm off and find better things to do with his joggers clad ass. But he's here already, isn't he? One doesn’t always get a chance to drink expensive vodka.
It doesn’t take the six of them long to finish the bottle. When midnight rolls around, Elias has had time to allow his alcohol addled thoughts to simmer. He can't believe he had hoped today would finally be it. Look at him now! This is so humiliating that he almost feels exposed, knowing that only a flimsy piece of fabric keeps him from being butt naked among these guys.
"Right," Tim says at some point. "I've got an assignment due tomorrow that I need to finish up."
“You mean due today,” Peter points out, and the others laugh. Elias rolls his eyes.
Tim’s departure is their cue to go as well, but Elias stays behind (perhaps due to some remaining fool’s hope). He knocks back whatever vodka is left in his cup and puts it aside, savoring defeat. He stands up. 
"Well, I don't suppose you have another bottle hiding somewhere, so I guess I'll be going too."
Peter smiles. "I don't, but I don't believe that would help you."
"What do you mean?"
Peter scoots to the edge of the bed. 
"I'm just saying you look as constipated now as when you first came in."
Elias can't help but laugh, and Peter’s grin widens. 
"You have yourself to thank for that."
"Oh? What did I do?"
Should Elias tell him? Should he really dig a deeper hole for himself? Well, fuck it, he’s here already. And to make it worse, he is just on this side of drunk.
"Better yet, what you didn't do. Are you daft or what?! I thought I've been quite clear up until now. 'Something to help you relax'. Bullshit. You're full of bullshit, Lukas."
Peter's frown only lasts a second before realisation hits him, followed by the same old amusement. If Elias didn't spend most of his time wanting to blow the guy, he would've punched Peter in the throat.
"Oh god..." Peter says. 
Elias clenches his jaw and juts out his chin. "Took you long enough," he spits out, but Peter's caught up on something else. 
"You're not- You're not wearing anything under that, are you?"
Elias does his best not to wobble, but the wave of dizziness that hits him is real; his stomach sinks. He had somehow forgotten that fact.
"What if I’m not?!" He growls defensively. Why should he be the one to feel embarrassed when Peter was literally an oaf? "Hell, I'm out of here."
"Hold on," Peter calls, because Elias essentially bolts for the door. Elias pauses with a hand on the handle.
Peter sighs audibly. 
"I figured. I mean, I had a pretty good guess when you kept showing up all commando, but I thought 'hey maybe the guy needs more room down there',” he snickers.
"Fuck you, Lukas."
"Sorry. I know." 
What he says next is something Elias never thought he'd hear. 
"Let me make it up to you."
Elias turns around with both arms crossed. Peter beckons him closer with a no-nonsense look. 
Elias goes. Apparently, he's just that stupid for this man. He doesn't know what it is about this Lukas guy that has him betraying every single one of his self-preservation rules, but he finds himself breaking them more often than not. Maybe it's that gentle voice that Peter never raises, or the sharp wits and strong build. Perhaps it's the fact that even after a year, Elias hasn't managed to learn any more about him than that.
Peter is a mystery, and Elias is nothing if not curious. 
Elias stands in front of Peter, who leans back a little in bed. 
"Hell, you are pretty to look at."
Elias only raises his eyebrows. As if he didn't know. 
"Come on. A man has to play safe."
"Don't bore me with politics, that's your family’s business." 
Though, if he was being honest, the praise did feel good.
Peter smirks. "Take your top off."
"You want this, don't you?"
Elias ponders for a moment. Yes, he very much does, even if he's angry. The setting isn't great, so he'll have to work with what he has. He only wishes that Peter weren't so smug about it, because it's making Elias want to make him regret it.
When Elias goes to take it off, Peter tells him that there's no rush. His voice is calm, but the command is clear enough. 
Elias takes a deep breath to ground himself and throws the sweatshirt next to Peter. Elias knows that he paints quite a picture even if he isn't ripped or anything; he still has a bit of a tan from his last vacation, and Peter eats it all up: from the eye tattoo on the centre of his stomach, to the tiny studs piercing both his nipples.
"Nice," Peter says. 
"I know."
Peter smiles at him and Elias takes note. So he enjoys show offs. Well, good for them both, Elias had never been the shy type. 
"Put a hand in your trousers," Peter tells him. 
It's clear that Peter wants a show. Elias can sympathise, for he himself enjoys a bit of watching, too. 
Elias doesn't get to do it much these days, but whenever the bathrooms are empty, he pulls himself off in front of the mirror. He knows exactly what to do to make it good, and the risk of getting caught has him coming harder and faster than usual.
He slides both hands down his chest and abdomen, keeping one at the waistband of his joggers while the other disappears beneath the fabric and takes hold of himself. He's half-hard and every one of his motions is clear, so he takes his time.
It doesn't feel good at first. The build up has been all wrong, and the fact that his hands are cold and dry doesn't help. But then he takes one look at Peter and the thrill of being watched sparks it all to life. 
Peter doesn’t take his eyes off of him; his own hand is working in his trousers. He's big, Elias notes, and the thought has him fully hard in seconds. It doesn’t take long for a wet spot to form on the front of his joggers. 
When Peter tells him to stop, Elias obeys, hoping that this is when Peter also has him kneel and put his mouth to work. Instead, Peter asks him to turn around. 
"Show me," he demands. "You know how."
Elias slides his trousers down with a sigh. He hears Peter shuffle forward behind him. 
Elias would hate it for Peter to miss any details, so he grabs his buttocks and kneads them open, stepping astride to let Peter see it all. Elias a bit damp down there, but he keeps himself shaved as a rule, and that earns him some praise.
"Oh fuck," Peter breathes. "Bend forward a bit."
"Like this?" 
Elias doesn't expect an answer. Peter's hand is working fast and from the sound of it, his cock is very wet. 
"Yeah, just like that. Put a finger in."
Elias teases, but doesn't. "Can't. Too dry."
Peter curses softly. "Get over here."
Elias is almost shaking with anticipation. He hasn't been eaten out in ages, and he's so here for this.
"You O.K. with spit?" Peter asks. 
Peter grunts in approval, then spits right onto his hole. Elias lets out a shuddery breath, then slowly works a finger in. It's hard doing it all by himself, and soon his arm gets tired; he flags a bit, lets his head hang. 
"You gotta give me something here," he tells Peter. This isn't begging, he tells himself. This is negotiating. 
"I know. Fuck."
Elias straightens up and gives Peter a side glance. "Problem?"
"See, usually I don't touch them."
Elias frowns. That's news. 
"So you just-"
"I'm not a fan of touching, let's put it that way. And it's enough to just do this. Most of the time, that is."
Elias nods, but there's something to unpack here. "Well, you are turned on. Why isn't it enough?"
Peter's hand, motionless for a while now, withdraws. 
"You, I guess."
Elias scoffs. "I'm sorry my asshole isn't to your tastes."
"I haven't tasted you. That's probably why."
Elias has the decency to blush. His heart has never beat so fast with anyone before, but he tells it to get a grip.
"Well I'm right here, aren't I."
Peter takes a deep breath. Elias can almost see the moment that his resolve locks into place. 
Peter doesn't go straight for it. He places both hands on Elias' hips and caresses his sides, making Elias aware of him (as if he isn't already). The act makes goosebumps rise on the skin, and Elias’ cock fills out again. 
Peter kisses the low of his back and up his spine, where he can reach from a sitting position; then his cheeks, against which his shallow beard feels rough. Peter sinks his teeth into them, just enough to make it twinge. Just enough to make Elias' cock twitch and invite a hand to wrap around it. 
Peter takes his sweet time biting his ass and pulling him off. Elias is ready to drive nails by the time Peter finally makes him bend forward and starts working on his hole. If Elias moans and pushes against his tongue, well, he's only human.
For someone who doesn't like touching, Peter is surprisingly good at this. Instinct or perhaps patience makes him into quite an attentive partner; he'll stick to any actions that elicit a more intense reaction from Elias; it isn't long before Elias loses it and reaches behind himself. 
"What are you doing?" Peter rasps. 
"I need-" Elias breathes, pushing a finger inside. "Keep going."
Peter does; they work together, establishing a rhythm that feels comfortable for them. 
Elias will come from this, that is for sure, but it will take a while to get there. His arm keeps getting tired, which forces him to slow down. If Peter would just- If he'd just- 
"Come on, come on," Elias whines in frustration. "Fuck me."
Peter grunts, burying his face deeper into his ass. Elias removes his hand and locks it around Peter's nape with a tight fist in his hair. 
That's it, he thinks, and pushes Peter’s hand out of the way to give his cock what it actually needs. 
Peter pulls back and sticks a finger inside. The girth of it is a perfect stretch, it makes Elias let out a broken curse and come a little just then.
"Shit, you're so hungry for it," Peter says. "Bet if I put my cock in you, you'll come right away."
Elias smiles at the idea. "Wanna bet?"
Peter snorts. "Another day, yeah. Wanna take my time with you."
"It's a date then."
Peter works his finger deeper, finding Elias' sweet spot. 
"Here?" he asks, but the soft whimper that Elias lets out leaves no room for doubt. 
Elias bears down on it. "Keep doing that. God, just- oh." 
Maybe he had underestimated how turned on he was. He comes, sudden, dripping all over Peter's floor. It's so thick and heavy that Elias is somewhat embarrassed. 
"Holding back, have we?" Peter observes. 
Elias would kill him if he wasn't thrusting inside him so good. 
"You would too if you had a schedule like mine."
Peter hums. "Drop by when you feel like it. It'll be my pleasure to help."
Peter pulls his finger out and stands up. Gently, he brings Elias to himself by the hips. 
Elias lets him because fuck, Peter is so warm and large...The way he’s kissing Elias’ nape is sending shivers up his spine. Funny though, it’s almost as if Peter is unsure about it. 
"First time doing this?" Elias asks. It couldn't be. 
"No. But it's been a while." 
Elias hums. Peter's cock is pressing against his ass and that’s quite distracting. "Want some help with that?"
Peter groans and rests his forehead on Elias’ shoulder. "Fuck. Can I- can I come on you? I won't put it in, just rub it against you."
Elias would be very much down to taking Peter all the way if he weren’t so spent. He had come here ready for it, anyway. Right now though, he’d have to make do.
"Sure," Elias says. He shuffles onto bed on his knees, spreads his legs and presses his chest to the mattress, to give Peter full view and access.
"Fuck, you don't hold back, do you?"
"Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, love."
Peter doesn't hesitate, only pulls his trousers down, holds Elias by the waist and starts rutting against him. 
It feels brilliant even after coming. Elias moans into the mattress, getting off on imagining the picture that they must paint. 
Peter taps his hole with the tip of his cock, grazes against it. Elias never would’ve thought that Peter was the cursing type, but tonight is proving otherwise. 
When Peter comes, Elias can feel it dripping down his balls and onto bed. They're both breathing heavily, but once Peter recovers, he pulls up his trousers and grabs some tissue to wipe Elias. 
Elias had half-hoped that Peter would lick him clean, but maybe that was pushing the boundaries a bit too far for a single night.
Elias gets dressed and they face each other. Peter seems awkward — who would've guessed, when he seemed so in charge earlier.
"So," Peter says. "Hope I made it up to you."
"Are you fishing for compliments, Mr. Lukas?"
Peter laughs and scratches the back of his head. 
"If I am, will you tell me?"
Elias considers it. "No. Maybe. Say pretty please."
"Goodbye, Elias." 
Peter shows him to the door. They don't kiss; that would be a level of sentimentalism that might make Elias gag. That is, any other time it would have. Now though, they say goodbye and Elias goes back to his room wishing that they did.
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