#but yeah anyways this is just more ramblings or my obsession with fictional character Dean Michael Winchester
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you know how producers basically shoved a box of accessories at Jensen and told him to pick whatever for Dean to wear back in 2005. well I’m imagining them doing that with Jared and him giving Sam a puka shell necklace. can you even imagine the amount of shit Dean would have given him
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artymcart · 4 years ago
I personally like your AU! You're in a tough spot with Saileen, though. So many D/C shippers have used Saileen to rip Sam away from Dean (which you're clearly not doing!) I love that your Saileen is complicated and not all sugar-coated and is just as important (or nearly as much) as Destiel. I'm looking forward to more of your Endverse fanworks! Your wild, long-haired witchy Sam is DELISH. <3
First of all, thank you so much! ♥
Second and here I will begin to ramble:
I have seen Supernatural from DAY ONE. Season 1, Episode 1, in the small living room of an US friend who lived in Heidelberg and was, for some strange reason OBSESSED with Jared lol.
So I´ve seen the relationship of Dean and Sam getting more and more deeper over the years, there were souls getting traded and deals getting made and hey, they even share the same Heaven. Soulmates. The writers said so.
And then Cas came and things shifted and I, for myself, thought "What a cute looking mother f*cker" and was happy how the show got into Christian Apocalypse and Hey, wow, the brothers came down from a super old line of blood which always was destined to KILL each other.
Yadda yadda, we go on for like 6 years, there´s Ruby and Lisa and that Amelia..thing and Benny and what is this eye fuck thing with Cas? Will there ever happen something?
Are we..imagine this? Is it acting choice? Is it directed? Are they doing this on purpose? Why do I get hate on the Internet for asking that?
Anyway, Dean has Cas and long lasting eye moments.
Sam has books. And the writers decided to give Sam this..weird asexual energy which felt strange because yeah, he had trauma and books and the Men of Letters Bunker, but it felt wrong?
And here she comes, Eileen.
She´s smart and she´s able to defend herself. Yeah she´s deaf but tell her that and she´ll punch you in the face. She´s there and she has eyes for Sam and he´s OPEN and we see a side on him which makes him look 10 years younger.
And then the writers thought: Hey, Sam I-have-no-character-development-since-season-12 Winchester needs MORE trauma. Let´s get the deaf woman, he likes and has hard crush on, killed by INVISIBLE creatures who pull her soul to friggin hell.
It´s Sam and Dean again, they hug, they cry silently in their pillows, they have breakfast together, it´s the end of the world.
Eileen comes back. As a ghost. And Sam has a thing for magic, from his witch wife he had to kill because the writers hate woman. He fights against teenagers, he brings Eileen back. She´s naked, they hug, he holds her tight, she looks comfy af.
And she´s besties with Dean and Cas likes her and if Mary would´ve met her she would have given Sam the "If you like it put a ring on it" speech, because Mary is not the most likeable but the most realistic female character on the show lol.
Yeah and then there´s Chuck and he tells them that he MADE Sam fall in love with her and we all know it´s bullshit but Eileen has doubts and she has to torture the guy she might thought she´s in love with? But God said different and hey, she´s not a Winchester, she´s not used to shit like this. It´s okay Eileen, we feel you.
And we´re back at Dean and Sam, fighting Evil, losing the things they love, winning back their own life, the price is a 5 months pause because of a global virus and that´s where I thought:
Fuck all of this. I´ll create an AU in which they won but everyone had to pay something for it but it makes more sense?
So I created the Endverse AU. And I seperated EVERYTHING I hate about the show and tried to make it more..realistic?
But at what point would´ve been realistic that Eileen splits the brothers? Or Cas? In the real world people also exist outside of relationships. We´re so DEEP in Fan Fiction, in which the goal is usually that there IS a relationship, that the focus is not always able to switch, story wise. That makes totally sense but I wanted a project that involves everything I love about Supernatural.
I wanted the drama, but the fun. The character growth and how you change in different sorroundings and circumstances. How people change you, how danger changes you, how family gives you new priorities. It´s not just Dean and Sam anymore.
It´s Dean, Sam, Eileen,Cas, Jack, Baby Robert and New Baby. It´s Jody and her girls and Garth and his family.
And they bicker, fight, nag. They´re humans, not these static figures we saw the last years. They change and that´s a good thing.
I love Sam and Eileen. I love Dean and Cas. But I also love the fandom, which without this world I created NEVER had grown so fast and got so big.
That´s why I´m so sad about shipping wars. It´s not about ships. I love my ships but I love Supernatural, not just these small fragments of it. I love the lore and the people, the stories and the fun, I love the family it created.
War hurts. I don´t want to waste time to bash people on the internet. I want to talk about what I love.
Sorry for this big ass rant :,D
But I really want to make clear that this whole thing is not something I decided easily but that I really put thought into my projects.
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crashdevlin · 6 years ago
Something More: Part Nine
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Author’s Note: *THERE IS NO WIFE-HATE HERE! I <3 Danneel Ackles. (it’s completely understandable how she acts)* This is a sequel to Open. READ THAT FIRST!  Something More Masterlist
Summary: Reader is a no-name actor who has been lucky enough to land a role on her favorite show and a part in an anthology of Marvel Cinematic Shorts. Her star is on the rise, but the man who’s made her his mistress isn’t the only one noticing it.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Story Warnings: Open Marriage, mistress, breakups, angst, anger, jealousy, things get REALLY bad between Jensen and y/n…
Chapter Warnings: obsession, harassment, (Tom is worse than an asshole in this, A REMINDER THAT THIS IS FICTION!!!! I KNOW THAT TOM IS NOT REALLY LIKE THIS AND I WISH HIM NO HARM)
I woke up with Jay holding me close, peppering kisses on my neck and shoulder. ��Mornin’,” I greeted, turning in his arms. “Time is it?”
“Twenty minutes past my alarm goin’ off. I’m supposed to be getting ready for the Gold Panel, but… I’m so comfy and happy… I don’t wanna leave this bed.” He pressed his lips to mine and both of our eyes fluttered closed. “Think anybody’d notice if I just didn’t show up?” He said it with a smirk, already knowing the answer, of course.
“Only every single person at the con and across the interwebs.”
“Damn. Should probably get dressed, then, huh?”
I nodded. “You’ve got a con to open and I’ve gotta find a pharmacy ‘cause somebody got overeager last night.”
“Hey, you didn’t tell me to stop and wrap it up, either, Baby Girl, so hush.”
“After how you ate me, my brain was not functional, Jay. I can’t be held accountable.”
“Well, I couldn’t think past you wrappin’ your hand around my dick, so… guess I’m not accountable, either.” He shrugged, rolling out of bed.
I stared at his ass for a minute before getting out of bed and beginning the search for my clothes. “Well, until I get on birth control, I’m gonna need you to start carrying condoms again.”
A foil square soared across the room and hit my stomach. “I had one, y/n/n. Just forgot to get it on.”
I shook my head. “Ridiculous man. You planned this and still didn’t put the damn thing on?” I stepped into my skirt. “Holding you accountable.” I pulled my tank top over my head and looked around. “Where are my underwear?”
“Dunno.” He shrugged.
“If I check and they’re in your pocket, I’m gonna scream. ‘Cause that’d be the most Dean Winchester-ish shit you could do.”
He smirked as he reached into his back pocket and presented me with my panties, hanging from the tip of his finger. “You love it when I’m like Dean. Fuckin’ fangirl.”
“Yeah… I do like when you act like Dean, most of the time. Can you get rid of the ‘crawl into a bottle to deal with hard times’ part of Dean Winchester’s personality, please?” I snatched my underwear from him and sat on the edge of the bed to slip them on under my skirt.
Jay turned to grab a comb and pull it through his hair. “Don’t break up with me again and we’ll be good.”
“Oh, that’s not a lot of pressure and a completely asshole thing to say.”
“You said you liked when I’m like Dean.” He turned around and smiled at me. “I’m not gonna drink like that anymore. Haven’t since you’ve been back. But, still, don’t break up with me.”
I slipped my feet into my sandals and bent down to do the straps. Jay was suddenly on his knees on the floor in front of me, fingers working across the buckles to secure the heel to my foot. I smiled at him as he started working on the second one. “Are we dating now, Jensen? Like, for realsies?”
He gave a scoffing chuckle, shaking his head, slightly. “For realsies. You can tell your friends about it and everything, Baby Girl.” He ran his hands up my calf as he stood. “I wanna tell all of our friends about us.” A tight feeling took up in my chest at the thought. “Hey. What’s wrong?” he asked, softly.
“I don’t know. Just… what if they think I’m the reason… what if everybody thinks I’m the reason your marriage-”
“Hey, no, no, no. I’m gonna make sure everybody knows that isn’t what happened. And hey, they like you more than they like Dee, anyway, so they’d probably take your side, either way.”
He shook his head, leaning down to press his lips to mine. “It’s a mess, right? But we can get through the mess together. Long as you’re with me.” I nodded, standing and wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled softly down at me. “I called you an Uber while you were sleeping. Clif’s gotta drive me and Jared to the con, so you’ll have to ride back to your hotel by yourself.”
I nodded. “I’m okay with that.”
“And we'll wait to tell everyone about us until you're ready, but… they all know how close we are, how poorly I took you, uh, dating Douchebag. I think most of ‘em know we're not just buddies.” He chuckled. “Actually, back in June last year, Richard straight up asked if you were my con cooch.”
I rolled my eyes. “Con cooch. How disgusting.”
“It's not his term, you know. It's probably old as you are.”
I scoffed. “And the N word is older than anybody alive, doesn't mean I gotta like people using it.”
He nodded. “You're right. I won’t use it ever again, and I will tell Richard not to use it, either.”
“Don’t tell Richard what to do. I’ll tell him it’s offensive if I ever hear him say it, but until then…” I sighed, looking up into his eyes. “Fuck. What was I saying?”
He smiled. “You were going downstairs to get in the back of some sedan driven by some hipster trying to make some money for pot.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s right.”
“I’ll see you at the con hotel, Baby Girl.”
I nodded and pulled him down for a kiss, before turning and heading out of the hotel room. Jared was in the hallway, walking toward Jay’s room. He grinned when he saw me. “That is not a Sunday morning outfit.”
“Yeah, fuck you, J-pad.” I chuckled, maneuvering around him.
“Yeah, I think Jensen and Genevieve might have a problem with that, kid,” he teased, grabbing my hand to stop me. “Everything’s good, though?”
“With me and Jay? Yeah. For the first time in months, I think… I think everything’s actually really good all around.”
“Good. I’m glad.” He nodded. “Gonna be fuckin’ funny if someone sees you takin’ the Walk of Shame from our hotel.”
“You’re hilarious. There’s already an Uber waiting for me downstairs. I’m sure I can get to it before anyone notices me.” I smiled, squeezing his hand and stepping backward. “See you at the Hyatt.”
It was uneventful going from Jay’s hotel to mine. Nobody seemed to notice my Walk of Honor and I was able to get a shower, get dressed, put makeup on and get checked out without incident. I called another Uber and had him take me to the closest Walmart. I stood in line a few minutes before getting in front of the counter. The woman in the white lab coat smiled brightly at me. “You’re y/f/n y/l/n, aren’t you?”
I cringed. This was the absolute last place I wanted to be recognized. “Uh, yeah. That’s me.”
“Are you here for that convention? You know your character on Supernatural is my favorite witch of the series. I had such high hopes for Rowena, but Tara is infinitely more relatable. I mean, Rowena was glamorous but Tara is so down-to-Earth.” I nodded, smiling politely. “Oh, and you know, I had a feeling that Tom Hiddleston’s nice guy thing was just an act. The way he grabbed you in that video, oh and I know you can’t say anything about it, Marvel’s probably got their lawyers just ready to pounce on you if they hear you say anything bad about… oh, I’m rambling, aren’t I? What can I get for you, sweetie?”
I cleared my throat and leaned forward, slightly. “I need a Plan B.”
“Oh!” Her eyes lit up. “Had a good night at the convention, did you? I’m glad you’re getting back up on that horse again!”
“Ma’am, please keep your voice down. Remember your HIPAA regs.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetie. I’ll get that for you.”
As she went into the back of the pharmacy to find what I needed, twitter gave me a notification. ‘Hey, maybe now @y/l/n_y/f/n has a shot’ with a video attached. I pressed play on a clip of the Gold Panel.
“Is there any truth in the report that Danneel filed for divorce?” the fan asked.
Jensen’s eyes went wide with shock. “Are you kidding me?! I just got served Friday. How do you people already know?” Jared reached out and patted Jensen’s shoulder. Jay sighed, his voice was resolute when he spoke. “This is the only question I’m taking about this. All right, I will walk if I get another one. So, here’s my piece on it. Yes, Dee filed for divorce. No, I was not surprised. No, I’m not happy about it, but I understand. If it were up to me, I’d keep fighting for us, but I guess Danneel just got too tired of my bullshit. She’s not gonna keep Birdie and the twins from me, we’re going to stay as much a family as possible. I love Danneel, always will… but sometimes… things don’t work out.”
Jensen ran his hand across his mouth and Jared stood to wrap his arms around him. The video ended when their embrace did.
I retweeted it with an added, ‘Thats really fn insensitive. Thats my FRIEND and hes obvi upset about this. Check urself for basic empathy before you send me shit. Thx’. I paid for the Plan B, along with a bottle of water to take it with, and tossed the packaging in the trash can outside the entrance. I took the pill while I waited for the car to show up. When I showed up at the Hyatt, Jensen was in the op room, Jared was doing his meet and greet, so I dropped my bags in the green room and waited for them. They’d come by the green room before heading back to the auditorium for the regular Sunday panel.
“Hey, Baby Girl.” Jensen dropped into the chair next to me, looking not at all as upset as he had in the video.
“Somebody sent me video of the Gold Panel.” I said, taking his hand in mine and entwining our fingers. “They already know about the divorce, huh?”
“Yeah, must have someone on the inside at the Travis County Courthouse.” He looked down at our hands, then looked across the room to our friends. “Take it you don’t mind our friends knowing, then?” he asked quietly.
“If they judge us, they judge, but we never did anything wrong.”
Jensen smiled and licked his lips. “I’d totally kiss you right now, but Kim an’ them just got done telling me how sorry they were about my divorce, so I’ll hold off on it.” He bit his lip. “Did'ya get that thing you needed?”
“That thing I needed ‘cause of you? Yeah, I got it.” I leaned my head against his shoulder. “The pharmacy tech recognized me, but it's okay. I made it pretty clear that I know my rights and if it ends up in the tabloids, I'm getting her fired.”
“Oh? When did you go diva?”
“Not diva, but I’m not gonna let someone violate my rights, rights they have a duty to uphold, so that they can gossip. I’m with Jared. Just ‘cause I’m famous-adjacent, that doesn’t mean people can walk on me.”
“‘Famous-adjacent’. You’re adorable.”
“Uh, Jensen, it’s time.” Stefani walked up, clipboard in hand. “I’ve already made the announcement that no one is to ask about… about Danneel. Um, they’ve pretty much acknowledged that they’ll be chasing you away if they don’t adhere to the pre-approved questions. Adam wanted me to let you know that, if you do have to walk out of the panel, he understands and he won’t make a big ruckus about your obligations, but he’d really like you to finish your ops if you choose to leave early.”
Jay smiled and stood, releasing my hand. “I’m not going anywhere. Even the tin hats don’t want me to leave, so they won’t ask about Danneel.”
“I can totally see the fan sites, though. ‘Danneel left Jensen because he’s gay for Jared. Genevieve is just holding out for show’,” Jared announced, smiling broadly.
“Ya know… that’s not funny.” Jensen smirked, though.
“Yeah, it is. It’s funny ‘cause it’s true. You know they’re already saying it. I bet if I pull up the tweet I got sent, there’s retweets under it saying that exact thing.” I pulled out my phone, but didn’t go to twitter. I didn’t need to. An unopened text message greeted me from a string of numbers my phone and brain didn’t recognize. I tried to delete it without reading it, just as I’d done the other ten to twenty texts I’d been getting every day. This one, though, was more involved than just ‘ungrateful whore’. This one read ‘Are you proud you’ve destroyed a family with your whore cunt?’
I bit my tongue, keeping my face blank to keep J2 from worrying about me, blocked the number and deleted the message. It wouldn’t matter. Tom would text from another number later. The man’s a bit of a Luddite, but given the right motivation he could obviously figure out how to text from random numbers online. Or he’d bought hundreds of disposable cell phones just to torture me. Honestly, I really couldn’t tell you which.
I watched J2’s panel from the side of the auditorium. Jay kept his surly and unhappy act up throughout but every once in a while he’d look at me and smile, just for a second. It made me happier than was acceptable. But my mind kept going back to that text message. ‘Are you proud-’ I could hear it in Tom’s voice. I could imagine his ice blue eyes stabbing me as he placed blame on me for Danneel leaving Jensen.
God, but he was right. It was on me, wasn’t it? If he’d never met me, his marriage… I shook my head. This is exactly what he was trying to accomplish with his bullying texts.
Jay noticed. Of course Jay noticed I was stuck in my head. “What’s wrong?”
I shook my head. “It’s nothing, Jay.”
“You’re doin’ that thing, that deep thinking, worrying thing.” Jensen pulled me behind the curtain behind the stage and ran his fingers through my hair. “What’s wrong?”
“I prom-”
“Don’t lie to me, Baby Girl. You know I can’t let you go back to Florida with this sad sack shit in your head. Come on.”
My phone went off in my pocket as I opened my mouth to claim innocence, but when my body stiffened, Jensen just raised an eyebrow. I pulled out my phone and looked at it. A different string of numbers, back to a shorter message. ‘Homewrecking bitch’. I flipped the phone so Jay could see. “Just been getting some…”
“Tom. I’m gonna kill him.”
I shook my head. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll just get rid of it.”
“Will blocking the number work?”
I hesitated, then shook my head. “No, he's just gonna send it from another number. I've blocked every number he's texted from.”
“This is harassment, y/n. You need to report him.”
“I have no proof it's him, Jay. I can't accuse him with nothing to show for it. I’m just gonna get a new number when I get home. That’ll solve it.”
“I don’t like it.”
“I know. It’s fine, though. I promise I’m okay.”
“Fine.” He looked around, then leaned down to press his lips to mine. I pulled away, smiling up at him. “You get a new number as soon as you get back to Florida. Like, on the way home from the airport, get a new number, okay?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Go do your meet and greet.”
Jay kissed my forehead. “Don’t leave for the airport without sayin’ goodbye, huh?”
“Okay. Love you, Jay.”
“Love you, too, y/n.”
Changing my number worked. The texts stopped. Jay was the first person I texted from my new number, Jared second, my parents and nephew were a group text that was third, Connie was fourth. I started updating my contact information with everyone before I’d even made it back to my parents’ house… except Marvel. I emailed Marvel to tell them that my phone was out of commission and if they needed to get a hold of me, they would have to do it via snail or electronic mail. I didn’t want to risk someone at Marvel giving my new number to Tom.
The email that followed was one that made my stomach twist. ‘Miss y/l/n, please let us know when you have a new contact number. We need to set up accommodations for you for the People's Choice Awards, as you have been requested to present the award for best new series along with Sebastian Stan, Elizabeth Olson, and Tom Hiddleston. You can, of course, deny the request, if you want. Please respond as soon as possible.’
“So, Marvel has, uh, pretty much volunteered me to present at the People's Choice Awards… with Elizabeth and Sebastian and Tom.” I kept my voice steady as I looked down at my computer, where Jensen was in a Skype screen, but my legs were shaking with nerves. “I could tell them ‘no’, but this is a test. This is them seeing if I can handle being around him and I really thought I could do it, but now, I’m not so sure, but if I refuse they’re gonna get rid of me.”
Jay nodded, eyes soft. “What do you need, y/n/n?”
“I need you with me. I mean, I know you don’t usually go to the PCA, but the show is up for two and I just-”
“I’ll get Andy to give me the day off, fly to L.A., walk the red carpet with the most beautiful woman in the world.”
I scoffed, smiling. “No way is she available, but I’m free.” I took a deep breath. “Thank you, Jay.”
“Anything for you, Baby Girl.”
Jay couldn’t save me from rehearsal, though. I tried to stay away from Tom until I had to but he sought me out. “Please, go away.” I didn’t look up when he approached.
“You look good. How have you been?”
“Better now that you can’t text me all the time.”
“Will you look at me? You aren’t having this conversation with your shoes.”
“I’d rather be having this conversation with my shoes.” Tom tucked his fingertips under my chin and forced me to look at him and I flinched away, grinding my teeth together. “Don’t touch me.”
He smiled, softly, eyes soft. I shook my head, crossing my arms over my head. “Y/n, I think you misunderstand my intentions, my Dear, you-”
“I don’t misunderstand anything, Tom. And don’t call me that.”
“What? ‘Dear’?” He emphasized it on purpose. “Look, I've come to apologize and I think you owe me an opportunity to do such.”
I scoffed at the idea that I owe him anything. “Apologize? For what? Our relationship, or how you've acted since I ended it?”
“You mean since Jensen ended it, don't you?” He leaned closer to me. “You think I don't know what happened? You went to Vancouver and he told you his wife was leaving him so you got down on your knees for him like the whore you are and then you broke it off with me.”
“If you think that's what happened, then you don't know me, at all.” I took a deep, shaky breath. “And I'm not a whore. I never have been. You just treated me like one.”
Tom sighed, running his hand through his hair. Here comes the flip. “I’m sorry. Truly. I just… losing you has been a terrible experience. I know you aren’t. You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. And you’d never be unfaithful, not after what Nathan did to you. I’m so sorry.”
The thing about men like Tom is they’re very good at what they do. They get what they want. Either through charm and manipulation or through violence and threats of such. The thing about women like me? We expect the darkness once we’ve seen it in a person. Once we know the potential is there, we are more than a little cynical in our dealings with them.
So, when Tom very politely and calmly suggested he take me to dinner so that the paparazzi could get pictures of us getting along, that that was the best way to show the execs we were okay to be around each other, it threw a big red flag, but I agreed. He was right, it was a great way to prove to everyone, myself included, that I could handle being around him, and if he kept up the charm instead of the obsession, it would be fine.
Jay wasn’t happy about it, but I promised him that I would be in public, with cameras on me, the entire time. “It’s the best way to deal with this. I will be completely on guard, Tom will be on his best behavior. I have to do this,” I said into Skype.
“You really don’t. If you want to, you know, face him, I get it. But you don’t have to do this.” He bit his lip. “You still want me to be there tomorrow?”
“Of course! Please, Jay.”
He nodded. “I’ll be there.”
“I love you, Jensen.”
“I love you, too, Baby Girl. My flight’s in at 11:35. You gonna pick me up?”
He smiled. “All right. You be careful. I wish I was there, I’d-”
“I know what you’d do to him. That’s part of why I’m doing this alone. I do love that you wanna defend me, though.”
“Cover your own ass, right?”
“Yes, sir.” I smiled at him and he blew me a kiss before signing off.
I didn’t dress up to go to dinner. I didn’t want to send any sort of romantic signals toward Tom. He did dress up. I looked like a bum sitting at the table with Tom in a clean pressed suit. I didn’t really care, though. The point was for us to seem like we didn’t hate each other, not that we were on a date.
When the waiter came up, Tom ordered me a tequila sunrise before I’d even had a chance to open my mouth. Flag. As the server walked away, I excused myself to the restroom and tracked down the waiter. “Hi. Uh, you know that guy I’m with?”
“Oh, honey, I know all about you and Tom Hiddleston,” he said, looking over my shoulder. “I run a gossip blog in my free time. Didn’t think you’d run back to an abusive relationship so quick, but who am I to judge?”
I scoffed. “I’m not going back to him. This is purely for the Marvel execs to see us together so they don’t take Sin away from me.” I sighed. “But he’s trying to get me drunk, and that needs to not happen. Okay? So, can you do me a huge favor and not put any tequila in the sunrises? Just orange juice and grenadine, swipe the rim with tequila so that it smells like liquor but don’t mix any in?”
He gave me a thoughtful look and pursed his lips. “When you finally decide to come clean about Tom’s abuse, I want an exclusive interview.”
“Virgin sunrises with a tequila rim, it is. Here’s my card.” He pulled out a business card and handed it over. I tucked it in the back of my jeans and winked before heading back to the table.
Tom put the charm on for about an hour and a half, ordering me new drinks before I’d finished my old ones, smiling as we spoke, and it was easy to see why I’d fallen for him in the first place. If I weren’t on my guard, I might have fallen back into it. If he hadn’t tried to get me drunk, I might’ve fallen for it… If he hadn’t hurt me…
The server, Steph according to his card, brought me another drink and Tom looked at me, curiously. “That’s your fourth one, isn’t it?”
“Well you keep ordering me more!” I laughed, loudly, and I could almost hear the camera shutters going.
“But you don’t seem even slightly tipsy.” He chuckled, obviously confused.
“Oh, that’s ‘cause there’s no tequila in these.” I gestured to the glass in my hand.
His face fell. “What?” he whispered.
I nodded, excitedly, putting down the drink and picking up a breadstick. “Yeah! See, I, uh, I got a pretty good memory, Tom, and I remember telling you on our first date to Lava that if you wanted to get me drunk, tequila sunrises were the way to go. You ordering me a sunrise was a big red flag. Texas-sized once you started ordering more and more of them.” I bit into the bread and leaned forward, smiling. “You wanted me to get drunk, defenses down, get pictures of us getting cozy in the mags again, and, hey, maybe you’d get me in bed, right? ‘Cause it was so easy last time. And then I’d have to take you back or I’d look like the whore you think I am.”
I kept the smile, but my eyes and voice went cold. “This is the part where you’re supposed to apologize, tell me I’m misunderstanding. But I’m not, am I?” I shook my head. “I’m done with this, Tom. This is it. Look me in my eyes and hear what I’m saying. I am not afraid of you. I am not in love with you. You are not going to manipulate me or hurt me, ever again. I will continue to work with you, as needed, but beyond that… you don’t talk to me, understand?”
I stood when he didn’t respond, patting his shoulder as I walked toward the door. I threw a peace sign at the paparazzi and pulled my phone out as I walked down the sidewalk. “Hey, just wanted to let you know I’m out of dinner with Tom. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, but suffice it to say… I think I win. I think the game’s over and I win. Call me when you get done shooting. Love you, Jay.”
It was like a weight being lifted when I turned back toward the restaurant and saw Tom walk out. He looked at me, but walked forward to hail a cab, not coming after me. I win.
I had never been so excited to put on a dress as I was to put on the cobalt blue metallic Theia gown. Like, not even my wedding dress made me as excited as the gown I put on to walk the red carpet with Jensen… in his light blue suit with his thin grey tie. He actually fucking stared when I walked out of the bathroom. I spent hours on my hair and makeup and locked myself in the hotel bathroom for the last half hour before finishing. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped a little and, honestly, I have never felt more beautiful. “Wow. You look amazing.”
“It’s not too much? I mean, when I did the premieres, Tom always made me go less. He didn’t want me to ‘look like a harlot’.”
Jensen rolled his eyes. “If he so much as speaks to you without needing to, I’m gonna kill him.”
“No, you’re not. Don’t wanna get your suit dirty.”
“Fine… but if he touches you…”
“I can take care of it. Calm your protective side, honey. I handled him yesterday, I can handle him today.”
“‘Honey’?” He smirked. “Since when am I ‘Honey’?”
“Since calling you ‘daddy’ is weird for both of us if it’s not a joke and Jay is a nickname, not a pet name and you, my wonderful boyfriend, deserve a pet name.”
His smirk became a genuine smile. “I fuckin’ love you. I’ll take ‘Honey’.”
We rode to the awards show in the back of a Towncar. Jensen helped me out and we walked down the carpet, taking questions from reporters as we went. A few asked why we were there together and Jensen let me answer them. “See, this guy here, this is my best friend. I told him I had to present an award and asked if he’d come with for emotional support and he was here, man. Like, how many folks would move their whole schedules around to take their friend to an award show that she’s not even getting an award at?”
“She didn’t even have to ask. Soon as I found out her ex was gonna be here, I wanted to be here.” Jay bit his lip and looked around, almost like he was trying to find Tom.
“And we’re not causing any trouble, right, Jensen?” I said, pointedly.
He pursed his lips and nodded. “Right. We don’t start trouble.”
“Do you end it?” The reporter asked with a smile.
I grabbed Jensen’s arm and tugged on it. “We’re not ending anything except this interview, okay? Come on, we gotta get inside.”
I had to go to the restroom, so I left Jensen at our seats and walked away. When I got back to my seat, Jay held out his phone. “You’re welcome.”
“What’s this?”
“Some of the proof you keep sayin’ you don’t have.”
I pressed play on the video, which was taken with the selfie cam of the phone that was obviously sitting in Jensen’s lap as it recorded. “How did I know she would show up here on your arm?” Tom’s voice came out of the phone.
“Probably the same way she knew Marvel would protect you and I know that she’s gonna destroy you as soon as she decides Marvel isn’t worth her effort if they’re gonna cover for a predator.”
“But Marvel hasn’t been protecting me. The only one protecting me is y/n. She’s said repeatedly that I did no wrong. Why do you think that is, I wonder?”
“Ah, is this the part where you tell me that, despite the fact that you were horrible and abusive and controlling and forced her into a S&M relationship she didn’t want, despite the fact that when she left you you grabbed her so hard she had bruises for weeks and then started harassing her through text messages until she changed her number and tried to get her drunk last night so that you could take advantage of her... despite all that, she’s still in love with you?”
“Of course she is, even if she doesn’t realize it. Love doesn’t die so quickly… and she is mine.”
“No, jackass, she’s not. She’s not yours. She’s not mine. She is her own woman and she doesn’t want anything to do with you.” The picture jostled as he stood and the camera settled on the bottom half of Tom’s face. “She doesn’t want me to cause a scene, so walk away before she gets back.”
Tom gave a slight smile. “I never should have let her go back to your little show.”
“She’d still be under your thumb if you hadn’t.”
“She’ll be under my thumb again, don’t worry. And when she returns, I’ll show her exactly what happens to a slave that runs away from her master.”
“Walk… away… now.”
“There are far too many cameras upon us, Jensen. You wouldn’t want to embarass y/n publicly, would you? I can say from experience, she hates the media speculating about her life.” Tom chuckled. “Enjoy her while you can. She’ll come back to me, eventually.”
I swallowed and handed the phone back to Jay. “He didn’t… he didn’t even try to deny any of it. He’s so… He really thinks I’m gonna go back to him?” I shook my head.
“Dude’s delusional.” Jay smirked as he tucked his phone into his jacket pocket. “You really know how to pick ‘em, don’t’cha?”
“Well, one outta three ain’t bad.”
“Yeah, it is. That’s 33%,” he said with a smirk.
“Well, I only need one to work out, right? One good guy.” Jay reached out and grabbed my hand. “In case you were wondering, you’re the good guy.”
“Oh, good. I was worried.” He chuckled, bringing the back of my hand to his lips.
@angelessquirrel @mirandaaustin93 @supernatural-bellawinchester @mannls @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @nanie5 @super-fics @sev3nruby @racewife2004 @deansenwackles
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme
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