dietmimo · 9 months
Did I mention that even tho I was sick I was busy? Busy making notebook designs that is >:3c
3D models made by @/foxclover_art on IG! ❤️
And yes, there is going to be a JDJ notebook restock 🎉🎉🎉
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opossum-by-night · 5 months
Update on the friends' dog situation, with a sort-of maybe positive ending!!!!!!
(TW animal abuse)
So we went over there to play DnD for the first time in forever and honestly the situation is genuinely desperate. Like, this dog was fucking full-on Cujo snarling when they messed with the clips on her crate, and in response to that they "corrected" her with her "vibration" collar, which she visibly recoiled from. 🙃 At one point she was just regular growling in the crate - I don't even remember why - and they kept "correcting" her over and over again. I literally had to stop looking at any of them because it was making me fucking nauseous to watch.
But later on, when the dog was out of the crate and honestly acting pretty fine overall, she was standing on the couch next to my partner and he reached over her or something (I wasn't looking at them) and all of a sudden she completely flipped her shit and went into this full-on snarling snapping panic. I think her teeth made contact with his hand, but she didn't break skin and it didn't seem like she was trying to bite, just panicking. (I will say that he does not have a good sense for when he's accidentally overwhelming or intimidating an animal, and tends to sort of "trap" them unintentionally with his body language, so I have a feeling that's what happened. Still, a huge overreaction from a dog with an obviously very fried nervous system.) So of course, both of the humans immediately started screaming at her to go in her crate and zapping her with the collar, just generally freaking her out even worse. She did go right back in her crate, thank fucking god, and they finally left her alone for a blessed "time out."
Now the positive twist of this whole horrific story is that after this, they started lamenting what a "brat" and a "terror" she is, and at one point the girl finally fucking asked me for advice!!!!!!!!! 🎉🍾🥂🎇
Now I was so excited for this opportunity and I tried so hard to be SO fucking nice and understanding and not chew their heads off, because I could not waste this precious opportunity!!! I explained that by punishing the dog every time she expresses that she's uncomfortable (e.g. growling), they will teach her to start skipping the warning and going straight to what gets results - y'know, like having full-blown panic freakouts when someone leans over her too far on the couch, or snarling like a hyena when you touch her crate latch!!! Because you're not helping her calm down or be less scared, you're just forcing her to shut the fuck up or else!!! AND THE GIRL UNDERSTOOD!!!!!! She actually said "yeah, that makes sense"!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
And I tried to explain how the dog probably feels like she has zero control or autonomy in her whole entire life because they do nothing but give her orders like a fucking US Marine, so of course as soon as she starts "behaving" with one thing she starts "being a brat" about something else!!!! Because they bought a fucking backyard bred high-energy working breed puppy for their one-bedroom apartment, and they're treating her like Hannibal Lecter so yeah duh she's gonna go buttfuck insane!!!!!
I can't 100% blame them, because they paid all this money for a "professional" trainer who's apparently an authoritarian piece of shit, so like, they think they're doing what they're supposed to do. I tried to encourage them to find an actual qualified trainer, but idk if that'll happen. If only because they don't know what the fuck they're looking for and apparently have no interest in doing the research for themselves. But they at least seemed to agree it would be a good idea to have someone come to their house to help them, instead of sending her back to the shock collar asshole for a board-and-train, which would probably fuck her up even more irreparably.
But seeing the fucking dots connecting in the girl's brain when I explained the growling thing was genuinely such a relief it was almost like a high lmao. Because I think that's the thing that really would've fucked up this dog beyond saving. Whatever other trauma they cause her can at least be worked on, but she's already way too willing to bite and it's almost impossible to re-teach a dog to growl once it's been totally punished out of them.
I'm honestly so proud of myself for explaining it in a way that 1. got through to them and 2. didn't piss them off or make them cry. There's still so much fucked up shit going on, but I actually feel like maybe I made a difference and oh my god I'm so relieved!!!!
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COSMIC - S3:E1; Chapter One, Suzie, Do You Copy? - [Pt. 3]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
Summer brings new jobs and budding romance. But the mood shifts when Dustin’s radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong.
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ huzzah
||𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕||
"Wait, how do you know he'll go to his room?" Max whispered.
The six kids stand shoulder to shoulder, their backs glued to the wall of the dining room behind the lounge. There they stood, tucked away just out of sight until their target could make it to the other end of the house.
"My mom's gonna tell him to unpack, she's in on it." Y/n explains quickly in hushed tones, packing in closer towards Max so as not to be seen. "Now shh, I think they're nearly at the-"
The sound of the front door being thrown open was enough to make everyone jump.
"Dustin!" Mrs. Henderson scolds from the other room. "Easy, will you? What if Tews had been standing there?"
Eyes jump around the room at one another, sly smirks growing on everyone's faces when they heard the commotion. By the sounds of it, their plan had worked and Dustin suspected nothing. Will relaxed only slightly when he heard his friend's voice from the other room. And it was only when he began to imagine the look on Dustin's face as he was saying these things that made Will giggle to himself.
"Sorry, sorry," Dustin says half-heartedly.
Y/n wraps a hand over her mouth, desperately trying to hide an infectious laugh that they all eventually catch at his whine.
Sure enough, they each perk upon hearing the sound of his stomps as he makes his way down the hall in a pout. It is then five pairs of eyes lay steadily on Y/n, waiting anxiously for her next move as she stands at the very corner of the wall. Her head cautiously peeks around the corner with a level of stealth and commitment they couldn't help but admire. Several moments pass before she beckons the party with one lightning fast gesture and they all shuffle back around the corner and back into the living room under her tactful lead.
Once again they find themselves packed in against a wall, Will even finds himself glued to the brick of the fireplace that prods his spine in fear of being seen, but he stays quiet. Itching to use her abilities, Y/n's eyes land on her mother who still lingers by the front door, purse hanging from her elbow. Y/n's friends all follow her gaze to see Mrs. Henderson collecting her keys and reaching for the doorknob.
She smiled at her daughter and her friends and began talking in a not so quiet whisper.
"I'm running late for my appointment-"
Y/n shook her head frantically from beside Max, eyes wide as her arms began waving desperately to quiet her mother as they all were doing. Claudia giggled to herself quietly, eyes going wide as she realized her blunder and mouthed a 'sorry'.
"Hey, Dusty-!" She called, eyes still saying trained merrily on the kids she was in cahoots with.
"I'm sorry I can't stay sweetie, but I'm running late. I'll be back by three. I love you! Glad you're home, and say hi to Tews, okay? She missed you!"
The sigh that left Dustin was powerful enough to be heard from the front room, eliciting even more hushed laughter among the group. Though Claudia failed to see, that for the kids, their laughter was more nervous than anything as they silently plead for her to leave in fear of her giving them away.
"Okay, love you too!"
Mrs. Henderson turned back to the lot and winked, pulling open the front door and continued to whisper to them with a blissful ignorance.
"Mac 'n Cheese is in the fridge if anybody wants some." She turned her attention towards Y/n, who looked as if she was ready to melt into the floor. "I love you Pumpkin, have fun."
And with that, Claudia disappeared outside, leaving the party—save for Y/n—with the impossible challenge of not giving themselves away. Lucas was biting his knuckles to keep from laughing, Max was giggling breathlessly into his arm and El and Mike were having just as much luck keeping quiet. Y/n buried her face in her hands and it was a bit easier for Will to swallow his laughter.
Eventually, the moment passed. Just in time too, as the worst of the laughter subsided, the group of friends could barely make out the sound of Dustin talking to himself. Yurtle, they realize, he must be talking to Yurtle.
"At least someone's happy I'm home," he said somberly, and the six of us all shared mischievous smiles. "My own sister isn't even here. She's probably sucking face with Byers somewhere," he sighed.
Y/n's cheeks burned and her jaw dropped. It was the others’ turn to stifle giggles and she looked around shocked and frankly, quite annoyed. Will, of course was the only exception, to which the poor boy’s face could rival a beet. In fact, all he could find himself doing was looking to everyone wide eyed shaking his head, as if to defend his himself and his whereabouts in that very moment. This only made everyone laugh more, and in that instant Will could feel the blush in his cheeks spreading and stinging down his neck and shoulders.
Y/n didn't appreciate that comment much either, and her embarrassment had a very different outlet they quickly found; she looked ready to pounce after Dustin but luckily Max had caught her and held her back. Not without pulling her hands away in a hiss, shaking them out a little. Y/n grumbled something to her, what Will assumed to be a 'sorry' and everyone else knew at once her powers had unintentionally stung Max.
In moments, the air falls silent as the opportunity presents itself. And for the second time in several moments, the party of Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, and El Hopper look down the line expectantly at their seventh member, Y/n Henderson as they wait for her signal. She met their gaze individually before taking a quick breath and closing her eyes. They all watch—Will especially who was completely transfixed—as several waves of heat seeped out of her in steady bursts. Each of them felt warm bursts on their skin almost instantly that kissed the air and moved anything it and everything it could—including Max's hair, prompting the girl to bunch it up over her shoulder. She seemed equally as amazed as everyone else was; watching the room carefully as Y/n's powers slowly and carefully took over the house.
Little things started to move; first the books on the bookshelves just over their heads had started to scrape loudly against the wood. The iron tongs by Will's feet began to rattle loudly, a steady clang that Dustin was sure to hear. Then they all felt it. The shake in the ground that one could barely make out if they tried hard enough.
Will found himself smiling so hard it hurt.
Y/n's was getting better at controlling it, and Will couldn't be more proud. Or in awe.
"What the...?"
On cue, everyone aside from the Henderson girl all looked over at El at the other end of the line, opposite Y/n. Her eyes were already closed and that's when the first beeps and whirs coming from Dustin's room could be heard. Mike recognized a few; like R2D2 and the cymbals from that creepy Jolly Chimp he despised but most of them just seemed like garbled voice boxes. And they could all still feel the rumble in their feet and that's when Will looked back at Y/n.
Veins beneath her skin were starting to show themselves around her lips and eyes from what he could see, but they weren't nearly as visible as they used to be. His eye contact on her was stolen away by Lucas who instantly shared the same thought, the two of them grinning and biting back laughs when he heard Dustin getting closer.
"It's just a dream." He told himself. "You're dreaming."
The rumbling grew more intense, her hold on the world beneath her began to spread past her property without her knowing and everyone was shocked to hear a car alarm go off in the neighbors driveway. Y/n's eyes ripped open, but the shaking continued with few faltering moments. Carefully and with her back glued to the brick wall of the fireplace, she poked her head around the corner only to jump back. She sent everyone a reassuring nod, her eyes zoning into a spot across the room as she kept her focus. With an iron grip on reality that she clung desperately to, Y/n slowly but surely reeled in her grip on the world around her, trying her best to keep it tethered to the boundaries she had mentally built to keep her powers contained.
A skill she was still learning how to hone in the past few months. Something she quickly found with her powers, and her potential, and how closely they resembled a dam. A dam once broken, was hard to rebuild and her safety relied on keeping her powers from spilling.
Only moments had passed, and so it would appear to Y/n, she was the only one to notice her small panic. But time marched on and so did the plan.
"Now!" Mike whispered.
In perfect sync, Y/n and El both stopped and so did the commotion they had caused. The room had stopped shaking and the toys had stopped making noise. Will sent a quick glance Y/n's way; she looked winded but more excited than anything which relived him greatly. He would have had to have been to dead to miss her panic, and he was glad she had powered through.
Silently as a mouse, she motioned the party to follow her and they all complied, as light on our feet as possible.
Lucas handed Y/n a corner of the banner as the party entered the lounge, the six friends creeping on their toes. Just as they all had hoped, Dustin was bent down in the carpet investigating the army of toys El had commanded, a display they welcomed eagerly enough that they completely glossed over the can of hairspray in Dustin's left hand.
Y/n brought her party blower up to her mouth as they all did, and Max silently counted down from three as Dustin stood to his feet.
Y/n jumped back and stumbled into Will's arms as she covered her ears, dropping the banner in the process. Reflexively, Will hugged her tight to his chest as his arms encapsulated her, pulling himself and her both away from Dustin's line of fire with his eyes squeezed shut. Dustin was still screaming and so was Lucas,  eardrums were bursting and Max had to intervene to pull Dustin out of shock and to Lucas's aid.
Poor Lucas was still screaming as he clutched his eyes, now collapsed to his knees on the carpet. Y/n, Will, and Max rushed over, Y/n dropping to her knees to help as everyone looked up at Dustin gawking.
"Dustin! What the hell?"
Dustin was still in shock, looking back and forth between the banner, the can in his hand and Lucas. Y/n manages to stop Lucas's screaming and wipes the most aggressive pools of hairspray from around his eyes and his eyebrows with her thumbs to keep any more from getting in. She winces as he panics and tries her best to calm him down. Weakly, he tries to bat away her hands but none of it works.
"Don't do-! OW, OW OW! You're rubbing it in!" He cries.
"No, I'm not! I'm not touching your eyes! I'm cleaning your- STOP MOVING! More will get in if I don't get it off your forehead!"
"No, it won't-aaahhh!"
"You'll need to flush your eyes,"
Lucas immediately freezes, all efforts to bat her away halt but his eyes remain screwed shut and watering profusely. To the best of his ability, he gives her a stern look, not realizing he is missing Y/n completely and glaring at the tempered glass window behind her.
"Uh, no way."
Y/n looks up at Max, and without saying a word, Max Nods. Stepping forward, she hooks her arm under Lucas's shoulder pulling him up to his feet and drags him away around the corner, Lucas protesting the whole way.
As they do, all remaining attention turns to Dustin, expressionless. Y/n stands up and rips the can out of his hand, sending him a glare before looking at it. A funny look crosses her face and she looks back at him, any trace of anger lost in amusement.
"Why do you have Farrah-"
Dustin's eyes widen in a panic and he rips the can from her hand before she can finish.
"Thank you guys so much for the surprise!" He laughs nervously. "That was, uh- you guys, eh, you guys got me. Yeah. That was good. That was cool. Hey, SORRY ABOUT THAT LUCAS! MY BAD!"
He takes off for the kitchen, calling after Lucas leaving Will, Y/n, Mike and El in confusion. A knowing look flashes across Y/n's face as she crosses her arms and she calls out to him before Dustin can disappear around the corner.
"Speaking of," her voice full of mischief when she connects the dots. "Steve says hi~!"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
A stubborn summer breeze swept through downtown Hawkins, bringing with it several dried up leaves that still  lingered from autumn as well as the occasional rogue flyer and yet this was the most populated it had been in weeks. All that was missing from the desolate wasteland of a scene was a tumbleweed strolling down the road.
Joyce Byers stood alone in the window of Melvald's as she strung up what seemed to be the hundredth variation of the store's discount sale sign as she stood atop a small step ladder. The radio spilled a soft tune into the store, no one else was around to hear it so Joyce didn't feel so bad about turning it up.
The store's bell rang much to her surprise, bringing her attention to the door. She found herself smiling a little at who stood in the entrance and she muttered a soft greeting.
"Hey," Hopper said, fidgeting with his hat. "You busy?"
Joyce secured the tie on the banner and her shoulders slacked in shrug. "You're our first customer, so..."
Hopper can't seem to meet her eye, the pit in his stomach as stubborn as the unsettling image of the previous night playing over in his head that twisted his gut. He doesn't have to say anything for Joyce to understand his dilemma. She doesn't bother to hide her exasperation with him either and she cocks her head and gives him an unimpressed look as she scoffs.
"What now?"
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"And then El, she just... slams the door. Right in my face."
Hopper sits on an semi empty shelf, hands wrung together as he scowls at the pack of markers across the isle from him. Joyce casts a glance at him every now and then to show she's listening as she continues to work, not at all surprised by what she is hearing. Or why Hopper is mad. Yet still, she hardly bothers to show enthusiasm as she marks the price on her third package of Pro-Yo Yo-Yo's.
"Uh-huh," she mumbles, allowing Hopper to continue his rant.
"You know, it is that smug son of a bitch, Mike." He seethes, his bushy scowl never leaving his thousand yard stare. "He's corrupting her, I'm telling you."
The man is too upset and in his own head to notice Joyce make a small face at the accusation.
"And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean, I am gonna lose it, Joyce."
"Just take it down, Hopper," she eases, crossing over into the next isle.
"I need for them to break up." He declares suddenly, not unlike that of a pouting child.
"That is not your decision."
"They're spending entirely too much time together." He proclaims, standing up into a pace. "You agree with me about that, right?"
Joyce seems to think on this for a split second, a thoughtful frown written on her face as she pauses her work.
"Well, I mean, they're just kissing, right?"
"Yeah, but it is constant!" Feeling he hadn't made his point clearly enough, he steps forward and leans himself over a shelf. "It is constant. Okay? That is not normal, that is not healthy."
"You can't just force them apart. I mean, they're not little kids anymore, Hop. They're teenagers."
'They're not adults, either.' He thinks, angrily tossing a small rubber ball he had found up and down in the air as he paces.
"If you order them around like a cop, they're gonna rebel. It's just what they do."
"So what, I'm just supposed to let them do whatever they want?"
"No, I didn't say that." Joyce eases. "I think you should talk to them."
"No. No." Hopper sighs. "'Cause talking to them doesn't work."
Joyce fixes a stern glare on the man that she makes sure he sees. "Not yelling. Not ordering. But talk to them."
Hopper paces unsteadily, even shaking out his arms at the embarrassment that is already coming to him at the thought. This only worsen at what she says next.
"You know, like a heart-to-heart."
And yet, he stops suddenly. All trace of hostility replaced with uncertainty, and once again he fiddles with the hem of his hat.
"A heart-to-heart? What is that?"
"You sit them down and you talk to them, like you're their friend. I find if you talk to them like you're on their level, then they really start to listen."
Hopper leans tiredly against a support beam, anxiety bubbling up in his stomach.
"And then, you know, you could start to create some boundaries." She finishes.
"Boundaries," he contemplates softly, and Joyce nods.
"Yeah, but, Hop, it's really important that no matter how they respond, you stay calm."
Hopper rolls his eyes, something that does not escape Joyce. And despite her growing impatience with the man, she chooses to practice what she teaches and keeps her cool.
"You cannot lose your temper."
He uprooted his gaze from a spot on the ground and looks up at her, face still smushed against the support beam as he tries to entertain the idea.
"Did you have to do that with your boys?" He asks timidly.
The question paints another thoughtful look on her face as she recalls. But it's not long before she clicks her tongue and gives him a shake of the head.
"Not so much," she answers, marking another package of Yo-Yos before she interrupts herself momentarily. "I mean, not about this kind of stuff, no. I've talked to Jonathan some and he's a smart kid, you know. And Will, well, he's still pretty shy. I think he's getting used to this all this stuff still, I really don't think I have to worry about much for a while. But other stuff we've run into, like car payments with Jonathan or Will's chores... Both of their responsibilities around the house,"
She nods admittingly, sending Hopper an encouraging look.
"sometimes we need to rehash things like that, and I'll tell you, there's a lot less friction when you level with them."
Hopper watches his fingers as they steadily drum against the false wood of the beam, his mind racing and his dread building. In an attempt he knows is weak, he barely meets Joyce's eye and timidly asks.
"Maybe you could do it for me?"
Flabbergasted, Joyce shakes her head, mumbling several 'no's. Hopper steps forward eagerly, pleading with her.
"Yeah, you could. Yeah, you could," he says growing more excited. "You come over after work. Yes."
His feet spread far across the linoleum tile stretching his legs and lowering himself closer to her height. She only shakes her head further at his proposition, a small tug making itself known deep within her she can't allow herself to acknowledge.
"No, it only works if it comes from you," she says, jabbing the pricing gun on his chest that left a price sticker. She stops suddenly, a thoughtful look twisting her face that Hopper couldn't help but appreciate. "But..."
Joyce steps away and Hopper straightens, eagerly following her lead as she heads for her counter. "But?"
"Maybe I can help you," She pulls a pad of paper and pen from a hidden stack as she takes a seat, clicking the pen open as the words begin to accumulate in her mind. "find the right words."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Ow, ow, ow. Ow!"
Lucas stands wincing under the steady burst of lukewarm water that fell from the Henderson's kitchen faucet. Max watches with a sympathetic wince as he straightens, blinking back the painful sensation that stabbed at his eyes. Water covered his face and soaked some of his shirt, and yet he could still feel the stinging sensation in his corneas but the worst of it had subsided thankfully.
And he could finally open his eyes little by little now, which was a start.
"Better?" Asks Max, wince still screwed tight onto her face.
He takes a deep breath as Y/n makes her way into the kitchen in a brisk walk, a washcloth she had retrieved from the linen closet in hand. Lucas continues to blink back the blurry vision he still can't quite seem to escape as Y/n shoves the folded washcloth under the water while keeping a tentative eye on Lucas.
He inhales deeply, swiping several droplets from his eyes.
"Still stings." He answers finally.
Max frowns, not knowing what much else to say other than mumble a soft sorry he barely catches. Y/n stops the water, and rings out the small towel thoroughly before stepping back out of the way and refolding the piece of cloth.
She looks between her friends, offering a similar sympathetic look as she pressed the cloth firmly between her palms to reheat the already cooling water. Her powers work effortlessly to warm the now wet washcloth before she hands it over to him.
"This should help with the stinging. Don't use it yet though if your eyes aren't properly flushed,"
He sighs, taking it gratefully and pressing it to his eyes. The act draws out a small hiss but still he keeps it close to his eyes, welcoming the sense of relief it brings.
"Again, sorry about that," Y/n says, smiling weakly.
Lucas nods with a tight lipped smile and Max turns to smirk at Y/n.
"You seem to know a lot about this," she inquires.
A tired scoff breaks loose and Y/n's eyebrows shoot up in a funny look as she concedes.
"Unfortunately this isn't the first time something like this has happened with Dustin. One time I got up to get a midnight snack and he didn't hear me. Long story short, I spent the next half hour getting his glass of milk flushed out of my eyes. Some weaponized hairspray isn't that much of a surprise, I should have known."
There's a small beat of silence between the three of them that is soon broken by Lucas. He still holds the pink and slightly tattered washcloth firm against his eyes and a prolong sigh deflates his whole body as he nods.
"Yeah." He agrees somberly.
Chuckles bounce between the three of them and Y/n gives Lucas a quick pat on the back and a smile Max's way before leaving the kitchen. She disappears down the hall and into Dustin's room with others, leaving the couple alone yet again.
Lucas pulls the cloth away finally, his eyes still screwed shut. Max watches as he tests the waters and peels his eyes open. He's shocked to find no more pain or lingering sting left on his eyes, as of it had never been there. The only trace there had even been anything wrong is the hot washcloth in his hands and the almost non existent numbing tingle he felt in his eyes and the skin around them where Y/n had insisted on cleaning.
Noticing the odd look on his face, Max cocks a brow and looks go Lucas a bit uneasily.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"I call it the Forever Clock," Dustin beams.
Mike, El, Y/n and Will stood gathered in Dustin's room surrounding him and his bag of trinkets he had created. With a bright grin he gives the lever on the device a spin, several of it's wooden popsicle parts spinning an eclectic blade of plastic and metal that one could only describe to look like a windmill.
"Alright? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse."
He hands the clicking contraption off to Will as he excitedly reached for another device. Will seems the only one taken with the device, and he smiles down at it impressed as he gives it several spins. Y/n watches from his side as he inspects the inner working of the contraption and she smiles to herself at the sight before her attention was pulled back to her brother.
"Then, I give you..." Dustin pulled another device from his bag, his excitement growing. "the Slammer."
Y/n, Mike and El seemed rather confused by the hammer he had pulled out and now began to fiddle with. Several pieces of unidentifiable objects were attached near the bottom of the handle. And with one simple click, the hammer comes to life in his hands. It shook immensely and even rattled his arm and yet he still stuck it forward for all to see. It brought out an impressed look on Y/n's face, which couldn't be said for the others.
Mike merely leaned away from the tremoring hammer with an unimpressed look, and El who clung to his shoulder, her arms interlaced with his took a cautious step back as her eyes widened. Will hadn't noticed, much too preoccupied with the Forever Clock and nobody seemed to notice the whiff of mischief take over him. He smiled at Y/n who still held her eye on the Slammer, and brought the Forever Clock closer to her face as he spun it. The clicks and whirs grabbed her attention and she turned just in time to see him clicking it towards her face. A small chortle escaped as she pushed it away, a toothy grin overtaking both their faces in a moment only they noticed as he gently teased her.
Dustin had already moved on, discarding the Slammer back on his bed and exchanging it for his duffle bag.
"—this is my masterpiece."
As carefully as the weight would allow him, Dustin dropped the bag to the ground creating a clunky and muted thunk, breaking the spell over the young couple and pulling them back to the present. Everyone followed suit as Dustin joined his duffle on the carpet, reaching for the zipper.
"I would like you to meet..." the bag is unzipped, unveiling an underwhelming pile of metal and wire. "Cerebro."
Dustin waited for the excitement he felt to spread to the others, his cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling. But he was only met with unimpressed and rather confused expressions. Mike didn't hold back.
"What exactly are we looking at here?"
Dustin's composure held, much too elated and content with his camp experiences to let the lack of enthusiasm dwindle his spirits.
"An unassembled one-of-a-kind battery-powered radio tower."
"So, it's a..." Will stammered, trying to hide his confusion rather poorly. "a ham radio."
"The Cadillac of ham radios." Dustin reassures. "This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast distances. I'm talking North Pole to South."
Y/n's eyebrows shot up, a factor Dustin did not fail to miss and his chest swelled a little with pride at what she said next.
"Wait, seriously?" She looks between Mike and Will before back to her brother. "And you made this?"
He straightens immediately, his chin hiking as he sends his sister a nod. She returns her attention to the bag, eyes carefully scanning the pieces in thought. Y/n the most of all unprepared for what he had to say next.
"Yep. And I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."
Y/n's head was suddenly ripped away from the bag at a speed so quick it was a wonder she didn't break her neck, her eyes growing the size of saucers to rival everyone else's.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Max and Lucas stand hunched over a tupperware of Kraft Mac & Cheese they had fished from the refrigerator, both of them fighting over territory with their own forks as the sea of macaroni quickly disappeared. Max takes a big bite, her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoys the impromptu lunch.
Lucas hums along with her, nodding his head as he thoroughly enjoys the cold leftovers. He shakes his head, defeated.
"This is pretty damn good," he admits.
Max hums an agreement, scooping up another small mountain of noodles as she does so.
"Wish we could have asked Y/n to heat it up for us though," Lucas frowns.
Max shoves the comment aside in her mind, and rolls her eyes. "There's a microwave right there,"
He shrugs innocently, his voice almost sad. "I know, but it's not as quick."
"Think we should save—"
Max stops midsentence when the sound of Y/n's muted voice echoes throughout the house
Lucas and Max freeze, even their jaws stop chewing as they frown in the direction her voice had come from. Slowly their heads turn to meet in an unsettled and worried gaze.
She couldn't know they were eating all her food, right?
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Wait, so her name is Suzie?" Mike asks, close on Dustin's tail.
Backpack slung over his shoulders, Dustin coasts down the hallway, heading straight of the living room leaving the others not much time to catch up. Each of them had agreed to take sections of the cerebro in exchange for more information and a chance at talking to her if they helped him set up.
"Suzie with a 'z'," Dustin confirms, his heart fluttering at the thought of the girl he already missed dearly. "She's from Utah."
Without thinking, Will blurts out. "Girls go to science camp?"
And without missing a beat, Y/n sends him a bewildered and exasperated look as they scurry to stay on Mike and El's heels.
"You were single-handedly raised by Joyce Byers, how is it you keep asking things like this?"
Flustered at his mistake, he shakes his head and a sharp pang of guilt and embarrassment landed in his gut. Frantically, he shakes his head.
"No, sorry, that came out—" he sputters, shaking his head. "I meant there were girls there? Like wouldn't they keep them separate?"
Y/n sends him a flat and unimpressed look as her gaze slinks away from him and towards Dustin waiting for his answer.
"Yes and no." Dustin replies quickly, heading for the door much to the confusion of Lucas and Max who were still elbow deep in Mac & Cheese. "It's a boy/girl camp, but they house us separately, obviously."
"Is she cute?" Mike asks, genuinely excited for his friend.
"Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter."
El sends a confused glance to Y/n, silently asking for help. "Phoebe Gates?"
Y/n shrugs, swallowing the light hearted chuckle that came with El's mispronunciation. Easing her worry away, Y/n quickly mumbled. "A TV person." Which promoted a small, knowing nod from El as it clicked in her head.
"What's going on?" Max asked finally, as she straightened curiously.
One by one they began filing out the front door. El, Will, and Y/n the last to leave as each they lugged their own section of the cerebro. Y/n grew visibly exuberant as she all but skipped out of the door, the brightest spark of mischief dancing in her eyes.
"We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend."
Simultaneously, their forks dropped with a muted clang. Lucas, who up until this very moment had been quite invested in the Mac & Cheese sprang up from where he towered over the counter. Much too eagerly in fact as the back of his skull quickly met the underside of the hanging cupboards. And yet he was too stunned to care.
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**I can't quite remember if I have shared this link before so I sincerely apologize. If that is the case though it is still a very useful link worth being reminded of and worth a second look**
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esseastri · 7 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 3)
Didn’t even stop for food; that part was just getting so long.
Part Three encompasses pages 144-240 (previous parts)
I promise I’m not going to stop each liveblog part every time I get to a Shallan chapter. I promise. 
“In my defense, you did invite me in!” SHOUTING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A GRINNING FOOL I LOVE THEM??
He’s so genuine in how much he likes her. hello, fronds, I LOVE THEM
“Your ego doesn’t count as a separate individual, Shallan.” GOD BLESS
Pattern + math jokes = Good
The fact that both Pattern and Syl have been “studying” um...mating. is REALLY HILARIOUS
Did you guys know that Kaladin is A Good?
what a good.
also, I’m worried about the parshmen. That’s not stormform--I’m assuming workform or nimbleform??--so...the storm gave them the ability to change forms again, I’m guessing? But they don’t know what to do with them. And it didn’t force them into stormform, which is why they didn’t attack, but...what does this mean?
Adolin!!! you nerd!!! he’s so excited about training her to fight!! omg “I brought the Blade guards, lemme go grab them RIGHT NOW” THIS NERD
“I can die. They will send you another to bond.” BBY NOOOOOOOO
Someone hug Pattern, please
Also hug Shallan?? maybe? girl, panic attacks SUCK I know how you feel, just breathe, babe, just breathe...
girl really needs to Deal with some shit. Get her a therapist, someone
Adolin is a good and patient boy who is genuine and wonderful, and I love him.
...whoops, I totally forgot about the Honorblade. heh
The fact that Dalinar is hiding the honorblade in the sewer pipes is delightful to me.
I miss Bridge Four.
Though this new guy from Bridge Thirteen seems chill. and funny.
except I don’t trust him? do we know him? are we sure he is who he says he is?
I’m concern
Dalinar stripping to his waist to wrestle people is hilarious to me?
OH. I didn’t realize the Thrill was an Alethi-only thing. huh. that’s still...it’s still bad, but idk if it’s worse that it’s only Alethi or better that it’s not spread to everyone.
they use terms of endearment and the term of endearment is gemheart I’m dying that’s too adorable
that was...a very interesting conversation about tradition and religion and how the two tie together. I’m particularly interested in the idea that “just because it’s tradition doesn’t mean it’s worthy; just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s right.” I feel like there are a lot of real-world applications to that sentiment that could do with exploring...
oh, Adhesion, of course. I’m genuinely curious to see what his other one does. Tension, isn’t it? How does that work hmmmmmmmmm gimme magic system answers aahh
gaahh parshendi kiddos aahh no they’re cute this is A Lot
nnnnnnnnngggggg Kaladin thinking about his escape attempts aaaaAAAAAHHHHH
“That had been his most successful escape attempt. It had lasted five days.” AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I’m
He’s so. strong. He’s come so far. He suffered so much I just. AAAHHH
aahh, Kaladin’s first instinct when Syl is ignoring him is “oh god, I messed up something’s wrong with the bond” and that momentary panic is SO MUCH HE’S SO MUCH I’M
....parshman radiant? or?
but it’s yellow
so how is it Voidspren? unless the black sphere isn’t voidspren...
...........Odium’s champion is golden. maybe.
Mmmmmmmmmm Shallan attempting to do alcohol is. really second-hand embarrassment-y.
I’m very uncomfortable.
someone stop her
I feel like Shallan keeps rolling 2s on her Investigation checks, but then 18s on her Charisma checks to back it up. She’s the worst at this, but she’s convincing anyway.
Also, I looooove that Stormlight clears up alcohol, it’s the best.
welp. good to know that everyone is scared of the Ghostbloods....
also maybe she shouldn’t just be spreading that association around quite so freely....
mmmm okay wth. what is the copycat murderer. some kind of illusionist, if they can pretend to be someone else so fully that even the ring impression is there....hmmmmm......
ALSO I FORGOT BUT A LIL BIT AGO, Shallan said something about not ever being able to actually fake being these people until she’d lived their lives or lived among them or smthn, and part of me is like AH GOOD SHE IS LEARNING and part of me is like “congrats on the stunning realization that darkeyes are people too” *rolls eyes*
But no, seriously, I’m glad she’s realizing these things, and at least beginning to understand that she’s coming from a place of hardcore privilege and is starting to understand what that means for her.
God, the fact that Ialai and Sadeas used to ply their political prowess and manipulation powers to get people to fight Dalinar so they could eliminate people without the use of assassins is just like....yeah, OF COURSE the betrayal in Way of Kings went down like it did. That was CLASSIC, that was something they’d probably talked about doing to other people back when they were all friends. That’s exactly the sort of scheme that Sadeas would probably have encouraged Gavilar to pull on any of the highprinces who were refusing to fall in line. And it’s just so...frustrating that Dalinar never, ever thought that those machinations could have fallen on him and his. It’s right there, right there, all along--Sadeas is the crafty one. And Dalinar trusted him anyway, and I’m. Upset.
I’m really glad that we don’t have to worry about him in the present day, but also like. We haven’t heard from Ialai at all this book. Wth is she planning.
Dalinar “Just Wandering Through a Highstorm Looking for My Lost Knife” Kholin really, really needs to chill.
“brought him to life like nothing else but battle” tbh that’s...weirdly romantic. In a creepy punk!Dalinar kind of way.
Listen, the pining for Navani here just makes the ridiculously long delays honor!Dalinar imposed on himself so ridiculous?? like? he loves her SO MUCH AND HE RESISTED SO USELESSLY FOR SO LONG
Just let yourself be happy, my dude. sigh.
god, Sadeas and Ialai just...sitting on each other. is great.
UGH they loved each other a lot and they were so well-matched, and tbh I’m actually a little sad for her? that he’s dead now? idk how I feel about that.
Also, the number of times that Sadeas has said, “Oh, Dalinar,” in an exasperated and fond tone is just... bi Sadeas confirmed? idk, I don’t really want him in the bi camp. but I’m getting the feeling he belongs here.
“He wasn’t going to drink the wine he’d washed the blood into. He wasn’t a barbarian.” Maybe not, but he’s certainly the most Extra son of a gun I’ve ever encountered in a novel. This is wild.
Also, I’m concerned, tbh, about how his relationship with Evi is going to go down. She’s a soft, left-handed baby. Let her live.
Kaladin “I’m Mad that I Care About People AGAIN” Stormblessed
what a good human being
I love that every time he comes across of group of people larger than one he’s like “ah! I must teach them how to shelter and fight and protect themselves! but I don’t care about them! Of course I don’t care!! I just want them to be safe and happy and free! it’s not like I CARE about them!”
this boy is the best boy and I will fite you if you say otherwise
Adolin having “messy in just the right way” hair is DELIGHTFUL and I love that Shallan thinks it’s “cute”.
I’m genuinely disappointed to find out that women on Roshar still have periods.
That’s bullshit.
Petition for anyone with Regrowth to go around healing every woman of her cramps on a regular basis, ‘cause that’s TERRIBLE.
#otp: no mating
“When my father explained that good relationships required investment, I don’t think this is what he meant.” Who knew Adolin was good at puns!!?
Adolin cares so much about his soldiers and about soldiers in general, HE’S SO GOOD WHAT A GOOD AAHH
“You sound like your father.” “Nothing wrong with that.” A GOOD, BEAUTIFUL BOY WHO I LOVE VERY MUCH.
Ialai with the Ghostbloods. That. makes a certain amount of sense in that they are both manipulators to the extreme and also EVIL. OMG THIS IS WILD
god, I adore that Rosharans call all birds chickens, it’s. so. good.
but also Mraize with a parrot: why this.
I’m sooooo worried about Adolin investigating...himself. sort of. I just. so worried.
Adolin going OFF ON Ialai HECK YE BOY GET IT
any time he talks about his mom I get emotional, though. how hard must it have been to lose her, and then to...never talk about her? because Dalinar couldn’t remember and didn’t talk about it? THE BOYS ARE SO STRONG AND I LOVE THEM
but also, like. get rekt, Ialai.
I’m. concerned. About the Ghostbloods. my dude, if you really, honestly think you can control the Voidbringers once they fully level up to Voidbringers, you’ve got another thing coming. Isn’t that the whole point of this!? They were bound to parshman form because they COULDN’T be controlled otherwise? What makes him think he and his organization are stronger and more powerful/capable than the Heralds?
Overconfident evil people are. frustrating.
I mean. I shouldn’t be surprised that Ialai is working with Amaram. and I’m. not really. surprised. but I did just hiss at the book when his name appeared.
God, I hate Amaram. Soooo much.
WHY is he here. Why isn’t he dead yet. Why haven’t we killed him yet. ARGH
mmmmmm why did three separate caravans go missing, and please tell me Kaladin isn’t going to get distracted by an investigation into that.....
(I mean, of course he is, but)
strange intelligent golden glow spren is VERY DISCONCERTING. #yikes.
This book is so dense and so intense and SO GOOD. I remember hitting this point of Words of Radiance and being like “eh, not as good as WoK” but like this one!!!! Just keeps! going!! in all these amazing ways!!! this book is so just...WOW.
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samcatthorne · 7 years
MCU, 3.
Why do you hate me?
3. James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes MY METAL-ARMED BABY!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
2. Natasha “Black Widow” Romanoff Hell yeah!! Still think the romance with Bruce was a little (a lot) sudden, but aside from that, I really like where the MCU has taken her character.
Honorable Mentions
Wanda Maximoff Another one where I like where they’ve taken her character.
Clint “Hawkeye” Barton Don’t listen to the haters, Clint. I’ve always thought you were cool. (*still secretly ships clintasha*)
Steven “Captain America” Rogers HELL YEAH STEVE!!! He’s like the awesome big brother who gives you hugs and reminds you to brush your teeth.
Dr. Bruce “the Incredible Hulk” Banner I know it’s nitpicky, but I still haven’t gotten over how PERFECT Mark Ruffalo’s face shape is for Bruce. No long-face-smushed-into-square-head-upon-transformation. Square-shaped head before, square-shaped head after. Also, Mark’s soft spoken take on Bruce. Like...he’s not cowardly, he’s not necessarily shy. He just doesn’t feel the need to yell. Idk. I like that.
T’Challa “The Black Panther” HELL YEAH!!! BADASS PANTHER PRINCE!!!! Can’t wait for his movie. That actor immediately took over the role and sucked me into his performance.
Thor Odinson Another big brother who’ll remind you to brush your teeth. Only this one might accidentally crush you because he gets excited and hugs you too tight.
Lady Sif Badass warrior in a profession surrounded by men. She was forced to prove herself to become a warrior, and boy did she! I just wish I could have seen it.
The Vision Sweet robot cinnamon roll. Don’t break Wanda’s heart, or you’re fucking dead.
Agent Phil Coulson COULSON!!!!!
Anthony “Tony” “Iron Man” Stark It’s taken a while, but I’ve finally warmed up to Tony. I mean, not that I didn’t like him as a character. RDJ wasn’t just born to play Tony; he IS Tony.
Peter “Spider-Man” Parker This new kid, Tom Holland, has the perfect blend of awkward nerdiness and quick-witted quips that the comics Spidey is known for. Toby MacGuire was a bit too much of the awkward, and--though I still love him as Spidey--Andrew Garfield was too much of the cool. Tom Holland? He has just the right amount of each. I hope he goes places.
Director Nicholas “Nick” Fury Because Samuel L. Jackson. Duh. He’s a bad motherfucker.
Pietro Maximoff He’s not dead. He can’t be dead. They don’t kill people off in the MCU. And he would have been such a great character to add to the team! Plus...he was cute.
That all of them? Idk. If I think of any new ones, I’ll add them. Maybe. Moving on!
1. Loki Laufeyson Duh. Did you really think anybody else would make this top spot? I don’t think so. I have enough Loki-related rants scattered throughout my Tumblr page that I would just be repeating myself putting them here. Just know that, in my heart, Loki always reigns supreme.
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dietmimo · 1 year
I'm back!!! Kinda. 😅
Still very very busy BUT have lots new goodies coming in.
Stay tuned 👀✨
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