#but yea i had to like zone out in order to finish this or else i wouldn't
majokurea · 5 years
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Claire Elford and the Heart of the Cards 
Celebrating the birthday of the Best Girl (and source of sheer sunshine energy) is greatly important in my book.
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wren-writes68 · 3 years
Ordered Online au
<Warnings- soft vore- mention of digestion- dehumanization- cursing- mouthplay>
Tommy started pacing as his message to tubbo didn’t even go read, he picked up his phone scrolling back through the other 50 messages he’d sent, over the course of two weeks to both tubbo and eventually ranboo, neither even reading them. Everyone was worried as tommy sent a text to the group chat saying that tubbo still hadn’t answered.
Wilbur: I’m sure it’s fine we’ll head over to his house tomorrow
Phil: Did we ever get his address mate?
Wilbur: uh I’m pretty sure
Wilbur: nope nvm
Tommy: guys this is serious, tubbo and ranboo aren’t responding!
Techno: guys Tommy’s using correct punctuation, we should be scared.
Phil: guys enough. Tommy just get some food and go to bed, we’ll handle this ok.
Tommy: but phillllll
Phil: no buts it’s already 10
Wilbur: sent you some food toms it’s really good!
Tommy: thanks big man
Techno:night nerd
Tommy is typing…
[Phil] has muted this chat
Tommy sighed putting his phone down, only to pick it back up shoving it in his pocket and heading downstairs remembering Wilbur had ordered some ‘good’ food for him. As if on cue the doorbell rang, tommy walked over to the door and a teen wearing some sort of tacky ass suit, “listen man it’s the uniform ok do you want your food or not” the man said pushing a paper bag into Tommy’s arms and turning away mumbling curses under his breath at the weird looks he kept getting. “Ok then?” Tommy said taking the small bag inside and pulling out a small styrofoam container, that smelled really good, a plastic fork, and a plastic knife.
Tommy, having set everything out on the table, opened the container revealing a steak covered in different spices and sauces, the sight alone made his mouth water. He sent a quick thank you off to Wilbur, Wilbur responding with a simple “your welcome” as well as the name and location of the place. “Tiny fancy, what a weird ass na-” he stoped seeing movement in the tiny container, and pushing the steak around saw two tines crouched down behind it cowering, “Huh I guess the name does make some sense then.” tommy had to say he was exited, he’d had tinies before but his parents were big on ‘no tinies in the house,’ in case of starting an infested or something, luckily his parents were out of town so he could eat them. “Tommy!?” Or not…
Tommy looked down hearing the tiny call out his name, “how do you know my name!?” He asked trying to get a better look at the smalle borrower, “Tommy it’s me, Tubbo!” It said this time climbing on top of the steak so Tommy could see him. “holy shit, Tubbo!?” Tommy yelled making both tinies flinch, tommy made a mental note not to do that again, he held his hand towards the tiny bot sure if tubbo would be ok with being touched, but when his hand got in reach Tubbo practically jumped into it tearing up at the gentle contact of the light fist he was held in. “Um guys” the other borrower said having gotten out of the box, “oh ranboob! tommy said causing ranboo to sigh.
Tommy set tubbo back down and picked up the shitty utensils, cutting a small chunk for his tiny friends and a bigger one for him they tasted this heavenly looking steak. Turns out the tinies were the only edible thing there, “gross!” Tubbo said, throwing the small chunk of meat back in the container ranboo following suit, tommy however ate the entire thing having nothing else better at the moment. “So what now?” Ranboo asked, everyone taking a second to think before tubbo shouted “sleepover!”
Tommy grabbed tubbo and ranboo walking back to his room and putting them down on the bed with his phone which tubbo instantly started trying to play on, “ ‘m gonna go to the bathroom I’ll be back” tommy said walking away. Tubbo gave a dismissive “mhm” and went back to trying to play on the giant phone.
“Are they defective?” One on the humans said towering over ranboo and a couple of other borrowers “no sir these are the new borrowers we still need to test them” another replied. Ranboo looked around the bright, box? Suddenly a hand came down and wrapped around him tightly lifting him towards one of the scientists faces, the human looked him over before turning to his college “this one would work nicely in the food industry” the other hummed looking over a small sheet, “yea sure put him in the order with #20212215” ranboo zoned out mind racing to the fact he was going to be food “blah blah blah, Brighton order” Ranboo perked up hearing that. Brighton he was going to the UK and he was getting sent to Brighton right where Wilbur was, surly he could escape and get to one of his friends, “first put him in training the UK agency says #20212215’s an annoying one hopefully this guy will tie him down” and with that ranboo was taken off to who knows where.
“Day 8 of training the subject has mastered basic commands and has not only gotten used to getting swallowed but has mastered climbing into the mouth and inside massages as well” Ranboo paused hearing the human he was supposed to call ‘his’ but was really named Greg and was very nice to him even though he still had to do his job, ranboo didn’t feel bad giving the nice man a massage after he’d given ranboo actual food.
Greg walked down with supervisor, “very well send him” the man said walking away to do who knows what, “nice, congrats ran you’re going to be with #21202215 and you guys are heading out to one, mr. Wilbur Soot” Ranboo perked up “Wilbur hu, you know him?” Greg asked. Ranboo frantically shook his head “yea we’re friends!” Greg laughed at his excitement “that’s good cause I’d hate you go to a bad place you’re a nice little guy” he said rubbing a finger against ranboo before gently picking him up and setting him in a box “good luck then ran” he chuckled closing the box.
~~flashback end~~
“Aww it turned off” Tubbo whined “Ranboo what’s the password.” Ranboo who’d been curled up on the pillow groaned “why would I know?” “Tommy what’s your passwo-” Tubbo’s sentence stoped with a short scream as the bed shook probably from Tommy flopping down. Ranboo looked up seeing tommy face first in the pillow tubbo now snuggled in the crook of his neck drifting off “you ok tommy?” Ranboo asked walking towards the pair, tommy turned to make sure tubbo was asleep which he was, surprisingly “that steak is not sitting well” tommy said with another grand putting his head back into the pillow.
“I might be able to help with that” Ranboo whispered, “hmh?” Tommy groaned picking his head up to look at ranboo, “it uh…it was apart of a program they put me in before, this” Tommy stayed silent knowing how scary some of those ‘tests’ could be. “Y-you don’t have to, I get that it probably wasn’t a good experience” Ranboo was quick to retort “no no it’s fine. it’s actually not that bad”
Tommy tiredly pushed his lips up to ranboo making the smaller male laugh, “come-on tommy you have to do more than that” he said, easily pushing Tommy’s mouth open and climbing in “mmm” tommy hummed around ranboo licking over him and lightly sucking on him.
Ranboo laughed as the wet muscle licked over him hums vibrating throughout his entire form. Ranboo hugged the tongue as it finished licking over him and started nudging him backwards, he chuckled and pat the tongue almost instantly being pulled down by the strong, yet surprisingly gentle throat muscles. Ranboo was pulled down for a good couple seconds before being deposited into the stomach, ranboo got out a small flashlight he’d gotten from Greg and looked around. What remained of the ‘steak’ that Tommy ate looked more like plastic than food and the walls around it looked irritated, ranboo walked over placeing a hand on the irritated area before the whole stomach convulsed around him and Tommy let out a pained groan. Ranboo backed away finding a nice non irritated spot to curl up in and started rubbing the walls around him, soon the whole area vibrated a light purring coming form all around him “…tommy are your purring?” Ranboo asked chuckling as the teen in question just grumbled huffing lightly before what ranboo assumed was passing out. “Good night then” he laughed giving the walls one last pat and cuddling into the folds of the stomach drifting off protected and safe inside his friend.
Finally coming back to write, pog
(Not prof read)
Any asks for this au are appreciated since I don’t know where to go with this but I want to continue it.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Trouble: Prologue
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*Gif not mine*
Rating: M
Words: 1.2K short because shes a prologue
Warnings: None right now, but will be smut eventually
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N: I took some liberties describing the reader, so if that’s not your thing I’m sorry. The idea of Hotch dating a goth witch is just *chefs kiss* to me. This story will switch from 3rd to second person as most of my stories do.  All crystal and tarot information may not be completely accurate because I got them from my best friend who’s a witch, and even then I zoned out slightly. Message to be added to the taglist. Much love, Cia
Prologue: Got so much to lose  
The months following Haley’s death were rough. Anyone could tell you that. 
Hotch was reckless. And despite what he told everyone, still hurting. Not to mention, he was still trying to find the balance between work and home life. Jack was way more understanding of his dad’s need to work than any kid should have to be at his age. That didn’t stop Aaron from at least trying so he always had early mornings to late nights at the office so every weekend he was home for he could leave early Fridays and spend the weekend with Jack. 
That however was putting a strain on him, he was tired almost all the time and frankly the office coffee wasn’t doing it anymore. Which is why he found himself at Hallowed Grounds Coffee and Tea one morning. 
The first time he’d heard about it had been one morning when he walked in on his team members arguing about it. 
“I can’t believe you went to HG without me!” Garcia said to Reid, who was sipping smugly out of a coffee cup that had ‘Dr. Know-it-all’ written on the side with a smiley face. “What happened to loyalty?” 
“Sorry, Garcia. It was a last minute thing, I needed something to wake me up.” 
Garcia pouted as Hotch approached them. “Why’re you arguing so early in the morning?” He asked. 
“Spencer went to Hallowed Grounds without me, even though I was the one gracious enough to tell him about it.” 
“Hallowed Grounds?” 
“Yea, it’s a new coffee place not far from here.” Spencer adds. “Coffee’s amazing plus the girl who works there is nice.” 
“Oh, you have a crush on her! That’s why you went without me.” Penelope squawks. 
Spencer laughs. “No, the coffee’s just that good. Y/n’s nice and all but she’s a little...intense” he says, trying to find the right word. Hotch left the conversation then as it was not his forte. 
Upon entering, Aaron immediately took in the occult feeling of the shop. Black and brown color scheme,a giant black and white painting of the entire zodiac chart, 6 shelves lined the walls in a zigzag pattern, 5 shelves were full of books, the first one he zeroed in on said “Beginners guide to tarot” he could only assume the rest of the shelves were full of that. The last shelf held a black cat who was peacefully napping. There was soft jazz music that Hotch could hear someone softly humming to but couldn’t see them. Hotch already felt uneasy, but he was already feigning for coffee so he rang the bell on the counter that was sitting next to what he believed was sage burning in an ashtray. 
“One second!” A melodic voice called out. He heard some rummaging in the back before a woman stepped into view. 
The first thing he noticed was her hair. It was tied up in a bun, a rich green color, her roots black which he could only assume was her natural color. The second thing was everything else. She wore red eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner that complimented her green hair, dangle earrings which now that she was closer he could see they were goldfish in bags. Tattoos lined her arms, not seeming to have a theme but she had a lot of them. And an apron tied around her waist that read It’s Poisoned in cursive font. 
The last thing he noticed was her face. A ring piercing in her nose, a bright smile on her face, shining eyes. She’s breathtaking was the first thing Hotch thought. 
“Hey, Sorry. People don’t really come in this early so I like to take the time to finish baking goods for the morning rush.” She said, smiling. “Haven’t seen you in here before though, Welcome to Hallowed Grounds, what can I get you?” 
Hotch clears his throat, unexpectedly taken aback by the young woman. “Just a black coffee please.” 
“Alright, that’ll be 2.45.” Hotch pretends he doesn’t feel the shock in his hand as she took the card from him. “Now I actually don’t have anything brewed yet, like I said I don’t really expect people this early. But if you want to wait it shouldn’t be more than 3 minutes.” 
“Why are you open then?” Hotch asks, wincing at how rude he sounded unintentionally. 
“Whoa, Mister.” She brushes off his brashness with a laugh. “Apparently I’m open this early in case Grumpy Gus’ like you need their black coffee before work. Which by your suit and inability to smile, I’m assuming you work at the FBI building down the block?” 
Hotch nods, watching her deeply as she worked. He knew he was being creepy but he couldn’t help himself, there was something extremely captivating about her. He’s never thought of another woman that way after Haley. 
She sets the coffee to brew before turning back to him. “Yea, I assumed so.” She then picks up a cup and a sharpie. “Can I have your name? For the order?” 
“Hotchner. Aaron Hotchner.” He says. He didn’t know why he gave this completely stranger his full name but he trusted her for some strange reason. 
“Hotchner… That sounds familiar.” She says, now just drawing on the cup, thinking. She then points at him with the sharpie. “You’re Penny and Dr. Know-it-All’s boss, aren’t you?” He nods again, assuming you were talking about Penelope and Spencer. “I love those two, even though Spencer likes to argue with me about my beliefs too much.” 
“You believe in the Occult.” Aaron says, more of a statement than question. She nods. 
“I believe in spirituality. And that the soul is powerful enough to put power into anything it believes. The occult is just what I chose.” The coffee pot dings at the pot. She turns pouring it into the cup she’d been idly drawing on. She then capped it before handing it to Hotch. He examined the cup on it was a delicately drawn sunflower, a smiley face and Agent Grumpy Gus written in her delicate script. He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. “Have a good day, Aaron, hopefully I’ll see you again.” She smiles. 
“Can I know your name?” Hotch says, before he can stop himself. “It seems only fair.” 
“Y/n…” She says, smiling. “Can I give you something?” She says. 
“Sure.” He responds, watching her reach under the counter through a small bin he couldn’t see the contents of. She rummages a while before finding what she wanted. She smiles, placing a small, clear crystal in his left palm. 
“I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light.” She says, softly closing his palm around it. “Clear quartz. Deflects negativity and attracts positivity, hopefully it’ll promote some happiness in you.” She winks. 
“Is this a service you provide to all your customers?” 
“Only the ones who the spirits tell me need it.” She shrugs. “Now I have cookies to get in the oven, have a good day at work, Grumpy.” She says turning to go back into the back of the cafe. 
Aaron stares after her for a second. Not fully grasping what just happened. Only thing that was clear in his mind was that he needed to see the woman again. He took a cautious sip from his cup. 
Fuck, it actually is really good coffee. 
Message to be added to the taglist!
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weathergirl8 · 3 years
Master of Deflection - Part 5
My muse has finally cooperated in small helpings and I was finally able to finish this chapter. Here's to hoping it continues. I don't need any more WIPs hanging out in the dark depths of my brain waiting for attention. Also, the dark part of my mind doesn't need any help.
This is for you @ak47stylegirl and anyone else who enjoys Alan whump/smothering. Of course, there will be some extra Virgil in there too, because I just love the big guy.
@misssquidtracy - LOOK SQUIDDY!! AN UPDATE!
@gumnut-logic - Not much Virg, but still Virg :)
@willow-salix - Some smothering John if you'd like (also no beta on this one, 'twas a late night impulse post)
As a friendly reminder, I originally came from the TOS and TB 2004 era. I’ve tried to write a few TAG point of views, but my comfort zone is the previous. This will take place with Gordon as the redhead, and Virgil as the middle bro. Sorry!
Summary: Being the youngest of five is always hard, especially when they pounce at the slightest hair out of line. Sometimes the art of deflection can sting.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
John quietly pushed open the door to his youngest brother’s bedroom. Alan laid fast asleep under the strewn covers. The poor kid had clearly been restless. John laid the fresh glass of water on the nightstand and gently checked his baby brother’s forehead. Heat radiated from the eighteen year old’s skin, making the older blonde frown in concern. Pulling his hand away, he pushed a few stray strands of hair that stuck to Alan’s sweaty forehead.
The younger blonde began to stir, letting out a quiet moan as a cough erupted from him. John turned on the light from Alan’s ensuite and wet a washcloth. Returning to his baby brother’s side, John laid the cool cloth along his brother’s forehead.
Alan coughed once more and opened his eyes to the blurry figure leaning over him.
“Hey, Allie,” John smiled as Alan’s eyes slowly focused on him.
“Aww, man, Dad’s overreacting,” Alan groaned. “He pulled you from the station?”.
“Nice to see you too, Squirt,” John chuckled. “No, he didn’t pull me. Brains insisted I come down to give an extra hand while you’re laid up.”
Alan pushed himself up against his headboard, pulling the wet washcloth from his forehead. He reached for a kleenex to blow his nose. “It’ll be nice to have you around. Even if I am sick.”
“How are you feeling?” John asked as he handed his brother a glass of water.
Alan coughed as the water tickled his already irritated throat. “Like I’ve been hit by a bus.”
“You sound like it, kiddo. Anything I can do for you?” John asked as he took the water from Alan and laid it back on the nightstand. He didn’t like how congested Alan sounded. “Are you up to eating anything?”
Alan groaned at the thought of food as he let his head lean against his headboard. “Food doesn’t even sound appealing.”
“You’ve got to eat something, Allie. It’ll keep your strength up to fight this bug. How about some soup?”
“Okay, fine,” Alan agreed as he tried to move out of bed.
“Whoa, where do you think you’re going? I’ll bring it to you. You stay here and rest,” John ordered as he pushed Alan back down.
“Okay,” Alan sighed, only causing another coughing fit to erupt. He moaned as he rubbed his chest.
“You okay?” John asked worriedly.
“Peachy,” Alan croaked. “Chest hurts a little. Can you ask Virgil where the humidifiers are? Maybe that’ll help me breathe.”
“Sure,” John smiled in sympathy. “Maybe he can give you something that’ll help with that cough too, along with the congestion.”
“Yea, maybe,” Alan said as he laid his aching head back against his pillow and pulled a blanket back over him as a sudden chill filled his achy body.
“I’ll be right back,” John said, heading for the door.
“Mmm,” Alan muttered and closed his eyes as John left the room.
John quickly made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, his eyes set on exactly what he was looking for. Kyrano’s homemade soup generally cured any sickness that filled the Island.
Grabbing a tray, John waited for the soup to warm in the microwave. His mind wandered to the day's events. To the rogue Captain and how close two of his brothers came to being hurt.
A beeping sound erupted from the microwave interrupting his thoughts. Turning, the astronaut heard the sound of whistling. John immediately recognized the tune and smiled as Virgil entered the kitchen.
“Hey, John,” the middle Tracy greeted. “How’s the adjustment to Earth? Feeling okay?”
“I’m all good,” John replied, taking the soup out of the microwave and placing it on the tray. “I’m not the one we need to worry about.”
“Alan?” Virgil asked, concerned.
“I just checked on the kid,” John sighed. “He agreed to try some soup, but he complained of his chest hurting and having trouble breathing. He wanted me to check with you for a humidifier. I think he thought it would help.”
Virgil frowned. “Try and see if you can get him to eat, and I’ll meet you in Alan’s room. I’m going to stop in the infirmary and grab a few things.”
“Okay,” John nodded and headed back toward his baby brother’s bedroom.
Entering Alan’s room, the older blonde smirked as he noticed Alan had fallen asleep once more. Turning on the light on Alan’s nightstand, John frowned at how pale his baby brother looked. Rubbing Alan’s arm, John noticed a bruise had formed along the younger astronaut’s arm. Exactly where Captain Stern’s had grabbed him. Anger filled the second oldest but quickly dissipated as Alan’s groggy eyes peered open. “Hey, kiddo. How about we try that soup?”
“Okay,” Alan croaked as he pushed himself up. A wave of dizziness hit him, and he nearly smacked his head against his headboard before John steadied him.
“You okay?” John asked with worry as he helped Alan lean against his headboard.
“I’m fine,” Alan reassured hoarsely, coughing once more. The eighteen year old rubbed his chest in discomfort. Looking down at the soup on the tray John laid in front of him, he smiled. “Is this what I think it is?”
“Sure is, Sprout. Let’s hope it does the trick!”
Alan took a couple of spoonfuls of Kryano’s soup while John rewet the washcloth. A chill shivered its way throughout his whole achy body. Grabbing a blanket from the floor, Alan wrapped it around his body. “This sucks,” he muttered to himself.
“I would have to agree with you,” Virgil grinned as he entered the room. “Lucky for you, I come with presents.”
Alan rolled his eyes as John laid the cold washcloth against the back of his neck. “How the heck can I be freezing, but my body on fire?” he grumbled.
“Let’s check that fever, shall we?” Virgil smirked as he ran the thermometer across his baby brother’s forehead. As the machine beeped, the medic’s smirk dropped.
John peered over Virgil’s shoulder as 101.2 shined across the device, causing both brothers to meet each other with an uneasy gaze. A deep cough erupted from the youngest Tracy, causing him to hold his chest as several coughs followed.
“Alan, does your chest hurt every time you cough?” Virgil asked as he grabbed his stethoscope.
“Just about,” the teen wheezed.
“Okay,” Virgil nodded. “Take a few deep breathes for me if you can.”
Alan did as his brother asked but was quickly overtaken by another coughing fit. “Easy, Allie,” Virgil coaxed, trying not to let his concern show. “I don’t like the sound of that cough. Let’s try another round of meds, and I’ll get the humidifier hooked up to help with your congestion.”
“Whatever you say,” Alan moaned as he closed his eyes and leaned his aching head against his headboard once more.
John looked at him with sympathy. “Do you want to try to eat any more soup?”
“No, I just want to sleep,” Alan said, as John took the tray away and he collapsed back against his bed.
“Get some more rest, Sprout. I’ll come back and check on you in a couple of hours to see how you’re doing,” Virgil said, handing Alan his meds.
The teen gladly took the meds as he watched his older brother start the humidifier, the vapor mist filling the room. “Thanks, Virg.”
“Don’t mention it,” Virgil smiled as he ruffled Alan’s hair. “If you need anything, just reach out, okay?”
“Mmm,” Alan mumbled as he closed his eyes once more.
Virgil turned off the lights and followed John into the hallway, closing Alan’s door behind him. “Should we be worried?” John asked as he turned to meet his closest older brother.
Virgil rubbed the back of his neck as he noted the time on his watch. “Viruses are quick-change artists, Johnny. You know this. I’m concerned about that cough and the discomfort in his chest. I’ll check on him in a couple of hours and decide whether we should start him on a round of antibiotics. I’m hoping his body will start to fight it before we get to that.”
John nodded in understanding, his knowledge of medicine filtering in. “Should I loop Dad in?”
Virgil smirked, recognizing John’s need to play communicator even on Earth. “No, not yet. He worries enough as it is. Let’s not give him another reason. I’m hoping to keep him out of Allie’s room as much as possible before he sets up camp. I don’t want to impose the caffeine restrictions unless absolutely necessary.”
John chuckled. Jeff’s consumption of caffeine was well known across the Island in stressful situations. Something Virgil and Jeff’s cardiologist were particularly strict about. “Agreed, let’s not poke the bear.”
“Well, it’s nearly midnight. We better get some sleep before the next mission interrupts us. I’ll be up in two hours to check on the kid,” Virgil said as he headed toward his room.
“Keep me updated, will you? Don’t worry about waking me.”
“F.A.B,” Virgil replied and entered his room. The medic couldn’t help but feel a sense of worry creep its way into his mind. All they could do was wait. After all, it was just a simple virus, right?
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spooky-z · 4 years
[1/13] K-12
First let's go to the important topics in this story:
I have already given a very general idea about the story here. Things that I will not (probably) go deeper into the story, but that if you didn't know, you would be confused. So read this post before starting the story.
I plan to update every Friday. It can be the day before (Thursday) or the day after (Saturday), in case something happens.
Warnings (for the whole story): Plenty of salt for Lila, Alya and Bustier, but this is nothing new.
Chapter 1:
Wheels on the bus
I know the driver sees it I know he's peeking in the rearview mirror He says nothing Trying to ignore it, it's fucking boring I'm quietly observing I'm saying nothing
And there was Marinette again, being scolded for something that was not her responsibility. Being used as a scapegoat for everyone and anyone who acted wrongly.
“-And you know it's not Lila's fault. The poor girl has a serious illness and you, more than anyone, should understand her situation before antagonizing her.” Bustier sighs as if the bullshit she was spitting on the teenager was the bloody holy grail. “You have to be an example-“
And that was where Marinette let her mind run wild. Her face was blank while all she could think about was how tired she was.
Caline Bustier was no longer Marinette's dream teacher. There was a time, between her seven and eight years, when she really wished she could stay with the teacher until she graduated and had to go to college, but that was over now. Nowadays, the teenager wanted to keep as much distance as possible from the teacher.
Marinette was emotionally exhausted. Worn to the edges with scorn, and the way of acting as if it were not relevant.
There were times when she thought of simply throwing her backpack over her shoulder, leaving the classroom without caring about the world and never coming back. And that required a lot of her to keep quiet, without moving a muscle, not wanting to cause a scene.
But even though she knew her parents would support her, she remained strong.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was neither weak nor a dropout. She was a fighter, a very, very experienced fighter.
"-So, I want you to go in there and apologize to Lila and the rest of the class." Caline smiled sweetly and Marinette raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Bustier, but it won't happen." The girl responded with the best disregard tone she could do.
Ms. Bustier quickly dropped the smile and an outraged expression took over.
"What do you mean ‘it will not happen'?" Marinette was grateful for the hours she had spent with Damian training her poker face, because if it weren't for that, she would have burst into laughter at that point.
The teacher seemed about to burst a vein. Her face was growing redder and her eyes were twitching.
“Exactly what I said. This will not happen." The brunette crossed her arms.
“But you are the representative! The example!" Ms. Bustier countered.
"Do you want me to apologize just because I'm the class representative?"
"Yes-NO-I mean-"
"OK then." Marinette replied, her posture becoming more casual and relaxed.
Caline was surprised by the sudden change in behavior, but smiled nonetheless.
"So, are you going to apologize?"
"No. I am leaving the position of representative.”
The teacher felt as if her soul had left her body.
“W-what? Leaving?” She mumbled weakly.
"Yea. If in order to be a class representative I have to become the carpet where everyone cleans their dirty feet, then I prefer to leave.” Marinette waves dismissively. "And that's a good thing, since I don't speak to half the class anymore and that makes my job more difficult."
Ms. Bustier looked more and more lost.
She had called Marinette to talk privately and as she had done several times before, she tried to convince the girl to be more understanding with her classmates.
It was not the first time the two had this exact conversation, but in all previous times, Marinette had been easily convinced to retreat. The girl had a heart of gold and that was why Caline often chose her to show the class what good behavior was like.
But this time obviously, she was not listening to the voice of reason and Caline was concerned about her student.
Since Marinette joined in a particularly unusual friendship with Chloe, the girl who before was sweet and assertive, was now armed with sharp words and sharp looks.
“B-But you fought so hard to get this place! You can't go out like that!” Caline insisted, feeling desperate.
Marinette raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“I'm out, Ms. Bustier. You can choose someone else to serve as a punching bag for bullies because I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, am sick of it.”
And with that the girl left, leaving Caline Bustier stunned behind.
The teacher didn’t know what else to think, but she felt that moments of tension would come from her class in the near future.
And she was not at all prepared to deal with it.
"... and then I told her that was enough for me!" Marinette finished speaking and brought her fork to her mouth to enjoy the cheese tortellini that Luka had prepared.
"You did well, Mari." Alix said with her mouth full and the cheeks puffed up with food and not at all concerned with how disgusting it was. “Bustier has always been a facilitator!”
Chloe, who was just finishing eating, wrinkled her nose in disgust both for Alix's lack of decency and the fact that Ms. Bustier was a terrible teacher.
“Swallow before speaking Kubdel. It's disgusting to have to see this chewed baby food, ugh! " She pretended to shiver and Alix opened her mouth even more in retaliation. "OK! Enough- Anyway. Late, but you finally faced her, Dupain-Cheng. I'm proud."
Marinette looked at the blonde in surprise. She was not so vocal about their friendship in front of others, still trying to maintain the snobbish pose.
"Awn, our Chloe's heart just grew an inch!" Adrien, who was sitting on Chloe's right side, reached out and squeezed the girl's cheeks. "Look at this character development."
"I never thought I would live to see that day." Max adjusted his glasses.
"This year has been the year of revelations." Kim twitched his eyebrows, bringing the glass of water to his mouth.
Chloe slapped Adrien's hands away, her face red in embarrassment.
“S-stop it! We're talking about Mari kicking Bustier's ass, not me!”
Kagami smiled fondly at the girl.
Since they had found this safe haven in the form of friends and partners, Kagami, Adrien and Chloe were increasingly comfortable opening up to be themselves, without fear.
"But we can also talk about how cute you look when you show support for our friends, じ ょ お う (jo-ō)." She teased.
Luka clapped his hands. “Even Kagami joined. Now you're going to have to put up with it, Chlo.” He laughed at the blonde's displeased expression.
“Do I have to get involved in this? Because I prefer to continue eating these tortellini which is, I must say, delicious.” Damian pointed his fork at Luka. "If you don't pursue the rockstar career, you might as well open your own restaurant."
Everyone saw how the always composed, Luka Couffaine, tried to hide the blush on his face with his hands, but the red ears denounced him.
They laughed as Marinette kissed behind the boy's left ear and Damian placed his hand on his right hand on the table.
They all sat at the Wayne's extensive dining table, with Titus lying next to the living room door and Alfred the cat using the dog as a bed.
They had all gathered for lunch at the house - almost a damn castle, because the rich like to spend unnecessary money - that the Wayne's had in Paris.
When Damian had told them, three months ago, that he would be coming to live in Paris for a few years, Marinette and Luka were excited about it. They would be able to see their boyfriend often, as he would be a short distance away and would not have to juggle because of the time zone.
Marinette honestly thought that Bruce would rent an apartment to Damian - Jason and Cassandra, who also decided to leave Gotham for a while - since it wasn't something definitive, just a few - three - years... Needless to say, she was more than surprised when Damian took the group of friends to the most famous mansion in Paris.
The Chateau Louis XIV. The most expensive house in all of Paris and perhaps even in the world.
A huge place just for three people, two pets and a butler.
Damn the bourgeois. She didn't understand these rich guys.
The rest of the lunch was spent in a light and playful mood, making Marinette finally relax and recharge.
After all, she still had a second round about to happen when she returned for the rest of the day's classes.
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Heyo! Can I request an imagine of Bokuto with a shy girlfriend and how they meet? Thanks
bokuto w/ a shy girlfriend
part 2: here
you were walking through the aisles of a random convenience store, trying to find your favorite snack. when you were finally in the right section, you squatted down to search for your snack. “hey, akaashi! you gotta try these! i got them last week and they’re so good!” you turned around to see a tall, muscular man with spiked up hair standing behind you with a slightly smaller guy next to him. when did they even get behind you? the bigger guy squatted down next to you and grabbed the same snack you were looking for. “excuse me, i just want to grab one of these,” he said with a smile. honestly, when you first saw him, he was kind of intimidating, but his smile softened him up. you quickly moved your hand out of his way, trying to avoid eye contact. you watched them as they walked up to the cashier and read the back of their jackets.. “fukurodani? not too far from here… they must play on a sports team or something,” you thought to yourself.
a couple weeks have passed since you saw those two guys at the convenience store. they were both good looking, but there was something about the boy with the spiked up hair that intrigued you. you must’ve been caught in your thoughts because you soon heard your friend shout, “hey, y/n! did you hear me?” you snapped out of your trance. “what? no, sorry,” you replied. “i asked if you wanted to come to a volleyball game with me later this week. my brother has a game but i don’t want to go alone! will you come?” you had nothing better to do so you told your friend yes.
you and your friend sat in the bleachers, waiting for the two teams to come out. you zoned out for a bit but when you brought your attention to the court again, you were shocked by the volleyball team in front of you. “fukurodani!???”, you hadn’t even realized you said it aloud. “yea… they’re a really good team…. you see that guy with the two-toned hair? that’s bokuto koutaro, their ace. he’s also in the top five in the country!” you couldn’t believe your eyes or ears. there he was, the guy from the convenience store! you’d never thought you’d see him again. “that’s the guy,” you told your friend. “really!? why didn’t you said he had spiky, dyed hair, y/n!!??! we could’ve discovered who he was a lot sooner!” you shrugged. “i dont know, it didnt seem that important.” the game would be starting soon so you guys decided to put the conversation on hold.
as you were watching the game, you understood why bokuto was the ace. every hit he made was incredible! whether it was a line shot or a diagonal shot, each one was powerful and practically scored a point for fukurodani every time. not to mention that the other boy that was with bokuto that day, akaashi, was an amazing setter. during the second set, bokuto messed up one of his line shots and it went out of bounds. it didn’t do too much damage for the team, but for some reason bokuto was sulking. he made this really odd face. was he sad? angry? you couldn’t tell. honestly, it was a little comical. fukurodani’s coach called a time out and akaashi spoke to bokuto. “maybe he’s trying to cheer him up? get his head back in the game or something..”, your friend suggested.
soon enough, the game went back into play. bokuto was still on the court, but akaashi wasn’t setting the ball to him. this went on for a couple more rallies until bokuto began getting antsy. akaashi finally set the ball to him and bokuto scored another point. wow, he was still on fire even after not being able to touch the ball for a while. he truly was the ace of the team.
unfortunately, for you friend’s brother, fukurodani won. you kept telling your friend how impressed you were by bokuto’s skills on the court, though. “then why don’t you go and tell him before we leave?” you felt your face heat up. “you know i could never do that! i’m too shy…” your friend just shrugged their shoulders as you guys began to leave the bleachers. you and your friend met up with their brother and the rest of his team. they were having a quick overview of how the game went down. you noticed fukurodani coming into your field of view. “y/n!! now’s your chance! go compliment him!” before you could even argue, your friend pushed you into bokuto. he turned around and looked down at you with a smile. “hey! are you okay??” you quickly looked away to avoid eye contact. “uhh s-sorry. yea i’m fine! i-i just… i just wanted to say that you’re an amazing volleyball player,” you said with low confidence. bokuto was already smiling but you could've sworn his smile got ten times bigger. “wow!! thank you.. uhm.. thank you- what’s your name?” “y/n,” you replied. “thank you, y/n!”, he said enthusiastically. you felt a slight blush appear on your face and bokuto developed a soft look in his eyes. you guys were awkwardly smiling at each other until you heard you friend shout, “y/n, we’re leaving now!” you excused yourself and headed towards your friend but decided to look back for a quick second. bokuto was watching you exit the building and you couldn’t help but feel a bit giddy.
a few days have passed since the volleyball game. like when you first saw him, you wondered if you’d ever see bokuto again. you didn’t want to be weird and show up to his volleyball games, you didn’t even really know him that well.. you got a notification on your phone so you decided to see what it was. a friend request? from who? “bokutokoutaro_4” was the username. bokuto?? how did he even find your account? you decided to keep your questions to yourself and let him follow you. you followed him back and looked through his account. all pictures of him in his volleyball uniform and with his friends. you received a message from him about five minutes later. “hey y/n, it’s bokuto. do you think i can get your number?... just so it’s easier to text.” he was really straightforward and honest, but you kinda liked it. plus, everything was easier over text for you.. there was less confrontation. you gave him your number and received a text message a minute later. “hey it’s bokuto!” you smiled to yourself, “hi :)” you replied back. you decided to be ballsy for a minute and texted him again “i’m just curious, how did you find my account? i only told you my first name so i just think it’s kinda cool how you found me so quickly ahah.” you decided to send the text right away before you could hesitate. his response took awhile to come in. “oh god i hope you don’t find me weird.. but when you complimented me at the game, you seemed so shy and cute!! you felt butterflies in your stomach as you read the text. you guys ended up texting for the rest of the night.
a couple weeks have gone by since you and bokuto started texting. some of the conversations were sporadic. it was either because he was too busy or you were too busy. you had just gotten done taking a shower and put on your pjs when you heard your phone start to ring. you checked to see who was calling you.. it was bokuto. you started to panic. why was he calling you? you guys never spoke over the phone before. you don’t know why, but you answered the phone anyways. “hello?” “hey y/n! did i catch you at a bad time? anyways, i know it’s short notice but i just found out i don’t have practice tomorrow. want to meet up and hang out somewhere?” you froze. “sure.” wait what? you didn’t even think before your answer. “awesome! i’ll text you where to meet me later tonight,” and he hung up after that sentence. you stood there with your phone in your hand. “what did i just get myself into?”, you asked yourself, sighing.
you woke up the next morning and got ready to see bokuto. you guys were going to meet up at a cafe in the morning and walk around tokyo afterwards. you decided to keep the makeup light and wear something cute, but comfortable. on your way to the cafe, you felt your nerves build up. you prayed to the gods that you wouldn’t be too shy or awkward around him. you noticed bokuto standing outside the cafe, waving at you. you greeted each other and went inside. bokuto ordered two lattes for you guys and refused to let you pay. when you were chatting with him, you realized that you didn’t feel so nervous talking to him. there was something about him that made you feel comfortable and safe.
after the two of you finished your lattes, you roamed the streets of tokyo. you walked into random shops and tried on accessories. somehow, bokuto convinced you to take a selfie with him while you guys both wore fedoras. it was weird, but funny. you guys stayed out for a couple of hours and bokuto ended up buying some street food for you guys so you wouldn’t go home hungry. after finishing the quick meal, he insisted on taking you home. you had to take a bus in order to get your house. when bokuto sat next to you, you felt a little timid. you just spent hours with him, though, so you weren’t sure why. maybe it was the close proximity. bokuto began to speak up, “hey y/n? can i tell you something?” you nodded at him. “when you came up to me at the game, i recognized you from somewhere else…the convenience store. you picked out the same snack as me. and you were just so .. beautiful, i couldn’t help but memorize your features. so when you came up to me at the game, i knew it had to mean something cause i never thought i’d see you again...” you were completely flustered and his confession made you melt inside. he noticed you seemed a bit taken off guard. “please don’t weirded out or embarrassed, i just had to tell you!” he added quickly. “no it’s okay, bokuto. i appreciate you telling me,” you muttered. although you thought and felt the exact same things about him, you decided to just keep it to yourself.
after the bus ride, you finally arrived at your house. bokuto walked you up to your front door. “thanks for hanging out with me today, y/n! i had a lot of fun.” you smiled up at him. “no, thank you for inviting me!” bokuto paused for a moment before leaning in to hug you. he wrapped his huge arms around you and held you in his embrace. he began to slowly pull away but didn’t do so entirely. he seemed hesitant, but he spoke up, “i really want to kiss you right now… c-can i kiss you?” you felt your face heat up. he stared at you, waiting for your consent. you licked your lips lightly and nodded at him. bokuto slowly cupped your face and brought his lips to yours. you knew he was a strong guy, but he felt so gentle holding your face while kissing you. you couldn’t help but smile at the feeling. he let you go and gave you a smile before stepping away from your front door. as you were about to enter, bokuto shouted, “hey y/n! next time, i’ll take you on a proper date!” you laughed and walked inside your house. you locked the door and rested your head against it. “can’t wait,” you thought to yourself.
y’all i literally wanted to write sm more for this but i felt it was already too long so lmk if u guys want a part2 of like bokutos gf meeting the team or something bc i really wanted to write that LOL
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mookoo-writes · 4 years
~Dice and Secrets~ (Ford x Reader)
Authors Note: I just played Swooning Over Stan’s and-
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Pairing(s): Stanford Pines x Reader
Warning(s): Gender Neutral Reader, Cursing probably, nerds crushing on each other, post Weirdmageddon
Anyway, please enjoy~
“Roll for initiative!”
The sound of groans along with multiple rolling dice echoed through the hall. It was 1 in the morning and the shake was silent besides the occasional dice hitting the table. 
Why were you up this late? That’s simple. You were continuing a Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons campaign along with avoiding being caught playing such a game. Why you kept it a secret from everyone, you couldn’t say. This was just one of your guilty pleasures along with going to Renaissance Faires and dressing up. 
You had picked this time to avoid the risk of someone busting down the door and seeing the pile of multicolored dice scattered across your desk. Your friends didn’t have a problem with it since they live in a different time zone where your a couple hours ahead of them, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t question you with your suggested meet up time. They had eventually got the reason out of you, which resulted in the topic of Ford. You hadn’t talked about your feelings for him to anyone until that moment, so you may or may not have gushed for a few minutes like a lovesick high schooler. 
“Damn it Manny, why did you kick that rock.” Your friend scolded while multiple pieces of paper were being shuffled around. “I didn’t know there was an orc camp behind the bushes!” Your other friend groaned with a sigh. “At least we just healed. Oh, and I rolled a 16.” You added to the conversation, juggling the 20 sided die between your fingers. 
The DM looked up at his papers and rolled his dice a couple times. “Okay first in the order is one of the orcs. He is going to attack your player Y/n since they are standing the closest. I’m going to need you to make a saving throw.” You groan and mentally cursed your friend. 
At that moment a certain someone wandered out of his lad and up the stairs to the hallway your room was located. The familiar sound of a die hitting a hard surface made his attention go towards your slightly cracked door. A mental battle ran through his head as to whether to take a peak or not. Ford was just going to ignore it until he heard your voice along with some unfamiliar ones. His curiosity got the best of him and stepped closer to your door. 
“That’s a 9 but with the modifiers that will be… 15.” Your mental math abilities were a bit slow considering it was so late at night. “Okay… you only suffer a mere scratch to the arm from the orcs double headed battleaxe.” You silently cheered to yourself while pumping your fists. Your friends laughed at your actions until one of them had spotted someone in your doorway. They were about to say something to you until they closely examined the man; Glasses, trench coat and a red turtleneck sweater underneath. So that was the man you were gushing about a few calls ago. They could have fun with this. That same friend made a group chat with everyone in the call except you to tell them what plan had unfolded in their head. Everyone read the message and looked at you with a large grin. 
“Y/n, you don’t have headphones or earbuds in do you?” One of them asked. “No, no I don’t. I couldn’t find them. Why do you ask?” You rose a brow at your friend before going back to juggling your dice. She merely gave you a sly smile before replying, “No reason.” You glanced at her before dismissing her question. 
“Y/n your rolls have been on point this session!” Another friend pitched in with an enthusiastic tone. “Thanks, I have to make sure I’m not on the brink of death unlike last time.” You chuckled to yourself at the memory of an intense battle that went on last session. You were about to ask about the battle that was currently going on until someone else cut you off.
“Oh! That reminds me, have you finished your Ren Faire costume yet Y/n?” Okay this is weird. Usually all of you are focused on defeating the opposite opponents, but even your DM is getting off track. “Um, No? I still need to add small touches to the staff but I don’t see how this is relevance to the ga-” You were cut off once again, them completely ignoring your question.
“You still have that extra ticket or have you asked him yet?”
It was at that moment Ford could feel the grins of your friends being directed to him with one of them giving a wink.
The question made you freeze in your seat, face becoming slightly red. Where is all of this coming from? “N-no and I don’t think I will. I don’t have the confidence in that, hah.” You gave a sad chuckle and rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. 
Fords face became flush when he connected the dots; the sudden stop in your campaign with a question completely irrelevant to what was happening along with the stairs and grins thrown his way. Were you really going to ask him or do your friends think he’s someone else? 
“I don’t think he would have time, anyway. He’s always in the basement working on various projects and I would hate to take up so much of his time.” Your tone sounded sad and a bit disappointed. You saw one of your friend’s frown at your words before speaking up. “Going by the things you have already told us, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to go,” That friend glanced over at Ford. “but if he makes you upset in any way, you bet I’ll book a ticket to fly over and kick his ass.”
Ford nervously swallowed at your friend’s stern words. One of his fingers were hooked at the edge of his collar as his face deepened in red at the thought of you asked him out. Not only that, but going to a Ren Faire in costume and everything! Believe it or not, but he had always wanted to take a special someone to an event like this. It had always been one of his dreams to share the world of fantasy and magic with a romantic partner, but lost hope the older he got. 
Your friend looked back at you and said with a closed eye smile, “Oh yea, they also have cosplay stuff stored in the back of their closet along with a 6 foot foam sword they made! You can’t hide your nerd self forever Y/n!” 
“Who are you talking too…” You turn around in your chair and make direct eye contact with the one person you didn’t want to see. The die you were holding dripped to the flour with a thud as you stare at Ford with wide eyes. 
You quickly turn back around and muted your friends before they could say anything embarrassing (as if they didn’t already). “How… much did you hear?” You hid your face in your hands, trying to hide your beat red face. Ford fiddled with the collar of his sweater yet again, trying to find the right words. “I’ve heard enough.” He steps into the door, closing the door behind him. 
You take a deep breath, wondering if you just destroyed your friendship. “Please, just… forget that every happen.” Ford rose a brow. “Why would I do that? You haven’t even asked me yet.” 
You paused at his words. What? “What do you mean?” You uncovered your face with a confused look plastered on it. Ford walked over to where you had dropped your 20 sided die and picked it up. “Well, you haven’t asked me if I wanted to go or not.” He looked at you, a small smile along with a shade of red dusted his face. “You would want to go with me?” Your voice still sounding confused but with a hint of hope in your words. “Of course! That sounds like a lovely time!” Ford held out the dice for you to take while his other hand rubbed the back of his neck. “That is, if you’ll have me.” You took the die out of his hand, figures brushed together briefly before pulling away. A small smile rose to your lips as you held the 20 sided die in your palm.
“Yea, I’d like that.”
After Ford left your room, you unmuted your chat. “That was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen!” Your one friend yeld. Your face turned beat red at her words. You had to turn down the volume until she was done gushing about how romantic that was. “H-how did you hear that? I thought I was on mute?” You questioned while hiding your face with your hands. The DM chuckled to himself. “You muted us, not yourself. We all heard and saw everything.”
You’re not going to hear the end of this. 
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
The Resistant Omega: Part 5
Pairings: Omega!Mickey Milkovich x Male Alpha!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, smut
Word Count: 3,506
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /  Part 4
“Hey Alpha…” Mickey cooed as he stood in your room, watching you hobble around a little awkwardly in just your new walking boot and a pair of boxer briefs. “What are you doing?”
“Get dressed.” You said as you grabbed a light blue, short sleeve button down, and a dark grey vest from your closet and tossed them over to the bed. “We’re going out.”
“Umm… no.” He said as he picked up your clothes to hang them up. “You just got your cast off…”
“Which is why we’re going out.” You said as you pulled the hangers out of his hands and tossed them back on the bed. “Get dressed, Mickey.” He sighed but didn’t move as you grabbed a nicer pair of jeans and a single sneaker and turned to get ready. You stopped in front of him and gave him a rough, chaste kiss, which simply made him huff at you.
“You’re gunna make me be the asshole here, aren’t you?”
“No, I’m just gunna leave you at home.” You looked up at him as you sat down on your bed and started to take off your boot so that you could get your jeans on and shook your head. “You can try your damnedest to fight it, Omega, but we’re going out. You can go kicking and screaming or willingly. I’m indifferent there. But we are going to have a good time.”
“Weren’t you the one just last night complaining about how your leg hurt?” He asked as he grabbed a black button down from the closet.
“That was yesterday.” He hummed at you and nodded, disbelievingly as he too grabbed a nicer pair of jeans you had bought him and a pair of Chuck Taylors and came over to get ready as well.
“So you have zero pain…”
“Omega!” You growled as you pulled your jeans down over your boot, harshly. “Drop it, damn it! I get it, you’re worried, but I am fine. We’re just gunna go and have a few drinks and just get out of this damn house for a couple hours. So stop worrying, get dressed, and let’s fucking go.” With a heavy eye roll, he pulled on his jeans and grabbed an undershirt from his drawer. He surprisingly stayed silent as you both finished getting ready and for the entire cab ride to the club, but the second he saw the bar you chose, he scowled.
“You think I’m goin’ to a fucking gay bar?” He asked as you paid and tipped the driver.
“You can do whatever the fuck you wanna do, Mick.” You said as you pushed open the door and got out of the car. “I’m going out for a drink.”
“You are such a fucking pain in the ass.” He grumbled as you headed straight to the door instead of stopping at the end of the line like the rest of the guys waiting to get it. With a nod to the bouncer, who was a long time friend, you walked through the red rope into the Fairy Tale. With every slightly limped step you took, the music rattled your bones in a way that you honestly missed but would get on your nerves within a couple hours for sure. You headed over to a section of leather couch that was open and sat down with a sigh as Mickey looked around with a slightly distasteful look and grabbed a seat next to you. 
“My baby!” A handsome, Beta waiter in a pair of tiny gold shorts named Tommy cooed as he sat down on the small stage in front of you. “Long time no see!”
“Been a little tied up.” You said as you pointed to your foot. “Car accident.”
“Well that was silly!” He giggled as he brushed his fingertips across your arm. “You shouldn’t do that! What can I get you?”
“Whiskey double, neat, and he’ll take a Miller lite.” Tommy nodded at you and shot you a wink as you handed him a twenty from your pocket and leaned back against the sofa.
“The fuck is that?” Mickey asked the moment he was out of ear shot.
“That was me ordering drinks…”
“And what, eye fucking the waiter is necessary?” You couldn’t help but laugh as you laid your arm on the back of the couch on top of his. You grabbed and held on to it faster than he could pull away and shook your head.
“Don’t.” He barked under his breath as he glanced at a couple guys as they walked past.
“No, you don’t.” You snapped as you sat up a bit more and turned toward him. “Mickey, do you love me?” He sighed and rolled his eyes again.
“Shut up…”
“Do you?” You repeated as you put your other hand on his knee. “Baby boy… what are you doing to me right now, huh? Because if you’re not gunna act like my fucking partner, I’m sure there are dozens of twinks in here…” Your startled the slightest bit when he lunged across the small space and kissed you before pulling away nearly as quickly to search your eyes.
“Why do you fucking say that shit?” He nearly breathed as he subtly turned his arm under yours to have any sort of physical contact with you at that moment.
“Because what kind of Alpha would I be if I didn’t push you just a little bit out of your comfort zone to become the most true version of you that you could be?” You reached up and brushed your thumb across his jaw before letting your hand drop to your lap with a shake of your head. “Mickey, I have a lot of shit to dig through with you and I know if I don’t push you, we’re just gunna be holed up in my house for the rest of our lives. And excuse me for wanting the world to see my gorgeous, pain in my ass baby boy…”
“Fuck off.” He huffed with a small smirk as he turned toward the waiter to grab his drink. “Fuck you lookin’ at?”
“Ignore him.” You sighed as you grabbed your drink with a tight lipped smile before you pushed Tommy’s hand and your change away from you. “Keep it. Thanks.” Tommy nodded his head and pocketed his tip before almost literally skipping away to wait on someone else with an unfazed smile on his face. “You need to be nice.” You chuckled as you turned your attention to your Omega while you slowly brushed your thumb across the crook of his arm. “You’re the only man in here that gets to go home with me, remember that.”
“Yea, well the rest’a them better keep their hands and eyeballs to themselves up in this bitch.” He muttered before taking a long pull of his beer, which made you finally get to the point where you rolled your eyes.
“Such a hard ass, ‘mega.” You teased as you took a sip of your drink. “Can you relax for me, baby boy?”
“It’s not that fuckin’ easy.”
“I know.” You said with a nod as you scooted just a little bit closer to him and propped your boot up on the stage. “But you’ve already taken a huge step just coming in here. And I know no one in this fucker is gunna judge you for loving who you love. It’s the second best safe space in the world next to my house to be yourself.”
“You don’t get it, (Y/N).” He sighed as he bent his arm on the back of the couch to rub his jaw nervously. “You don’t fucking get it.”
“No, I could never completely get it.” You agreed as you rubbed his elbow with your thumb. “But I will be here all the fucking same. And I will love you no matter what anyone else in the world thinks. Because you are my Omega, Mickey. All mine.”
“I hate it when you get all weepy and sappy with your fucking rom-com bullshit…”
“Fuck off, you love it!” You laughed as you threw back your drink and looked around the bar.
“You think so.” He joked with a shit eating grin. “I honestly just throw up in my mouth.”
“I honestly feel like you’re just asking to get tied up to the bed so I can fuck the rude outta you again.” You could see the shiver race down his spine and your smile grew as you flagged down a waiter for another whiskey. “Yea, that’s what I thought.”
“Fuck, I hate when you do that shit, too.” He grumbled beside you as he shifted his seat beside you so that he was even closer to you and so that his starting erection was hidden while you ordered and paid for another round.
“I know you do, baby boy. But that’s why it is so much fun.”
“What? What?” You shouted when Mickey came running around the corner into the bathroom while you were getting ready for bed that night. He shook his head and barely made it to the toilet before he threw up violently. “Fuck. OK. OK, just get it out.” You cooed as you awkwardly got down on the floor beside him. You started to rub his back and startled again when you felt how hot he was. “Jesus, Mickey. You’re burning up.”
“Feel… death…” You nodded and kept rubbing his back as he started to throw up again. 
“Shit, baby boy… Just stay here for a second…”
“No, Alpha, please.” Mickey begged as he scrambled to try and grab your arm.
“Hey… I’m just gunna go grab my phone, Omega. That’s all. Just gunna call a doctor because I don’t know shit about being sick. I’m coming right back.” He let out a long whine and barely nodded his head before he was getting sick again, and you scrambled to your feet and down the hall to your room as fast as your booted foot would allow you to go.
“Fuck do you want? It’s three in the…”
“I need your Omega.” You snapped as you headed back into the bathroom. “Something’s wrong with Mickey.” You heard a slight scuffle through the speaker as you sat back down on the floor and started rubbing your Omega’s back again.
“(Y/N)?” Tara asked hesitantly. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know. We went out to the Fairy Tale and he was fine, but when I was getting ready for bed, he came running in and started getting sick. He’s fucking burning up…”
“OK.” The doc said as calmly as she could. “Um… Is his heat due soon?”
“He’s on suppressants.” You said with a shake of your head as you pulled Mickey into your lap. “So no.”
“Oh, shit. Alright, I’m gunna come over and take a look at him. I need you to get him into a cold shower to try to bring the fever down because if he’s on suppressants and living with you, my first guess is this is his genetics fighting the chemicals he’s putting in his body. Advil and Tylenol won’t work here.”
“Doors locked, key’s in its usual spot. We’re in the upstairs bathroom. Alright, here, here, here.” You said quickly as you threw your phone across the room and helped Mickey off your lap to be sick again. “I’m gunna fix this baby boy. I swear.”
“Alpha.” He groaned as you yanked on your boot cover.
“I know, baby. Come here, let’s stand up for a minute.” You were glad you were stronger than he was because he was completely dead weight when you went to get him in the shower to cool him down. You lowered him down to the floor in your lap and cradled him in your arms as he curled into your chest.
“Alpha… everything hurts.”
“I know, sweetheart.” You breathed as you pulled off the wife beater he slept in and tossed it in the corner of the shower stall. “Tara’s gunna come and make it all better, I promise.” With a nod of his head, he lurched forward and got sick all over your arm, side, and leg, and you simply nodded and kept rubbing his back. “Just let it out, baby boy. Let it all out.” He nodded his head and fell into your chest again as you pushed the hose of the shower up and quickly caught the shower head before it hit the pair of you. 
You washed your side off and did everything you could to cool your boyfriend off, but with every passing moment, you got a little more frantic because the cold water wasn’t working. Every single pathetic whine he made ripped through your heart like a knife, and you had to admit that you were grateful when he passed out even if it did scare you even more. Your heart started to race in your chest when Mickey started to shake, and you looked up at Tara and Jax desperately when they finally stepped into your bathroom.
“Help him.” You practically begged as you moved the shower head out of the way.
“Jax, take him…”
“No!” You snarled as you quickly curled your body around your Omega when Tara turned off the shower so she and her Alpha wouldn’t get wet. Jax took one look at your nearly feral glare and quickly pulled Tara behind his back and away from you, protectively.
“(Y/N)… I’m not gunna take him anywhere.” Jax said evenly as he crouched down in front of you so he came off less threatening to your Omega. “I’m going to carry him to your room so that Tara can take care of him. She can’t do that in the shower and you can’t carry him with your foot.” You searched his eyes for a moment before letting your legs slide out a little straighter. “Tara, grab towels and lay them out…”
“On my side.” You growled as you pushed yourself up. “Left side of the bed.” She nodded her head and scrambled to get the towels laid out as you grabbed one for yourself from the shelf. You tossed your wet boxers back in the shower and threw on a pair of gym shorts from your dresser before grabbing a clean pair of boxers and a pair of shorts for Mickey. You barely heard Tara tell Jax what she needed him to get for her from wherever he could as you climbed up on the bed beside the love of your life.
“Here, let me help.” Tara said softly as you used your towel to try to dry Mickey off before you got him dressed.
“Is he gunna be OK?”
“I’m gunna do everything I can. But he’ll need you more than anything I can give him.” You nodded your head, absentmindedly and covered his lap with a towel to change his boxers.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Guilt was not a feeling you were really familiar with. You didn’t feel it when you stole, or when you murdered. You didn’t feel it when you beat that one punk within an inch of life for scratching your truck, nor when you broke your first heart or every heart after that. But the guilt of listening to your Omega whine in his sleep because of those fucking suppressants he was on that you gave him and allowed him to continue taking was absolutely killing you. You wanted so badly to take the pain of his twisted, half heat away, to claim it as your own so he didn’t have to live through it for another minute more.
“Alpha…” Mickey’s pain filled voice shook you out of your angered thoughts and you lurched down the bed to lay down in front of him.
“I’m here, baby boy.” You cooed as you gently laid your hand on his hot cheek and smiled weakly at his gorgeous blue eyes.
“OK, I can fix that.” You quickly rolled onto your back and grabbed the remotes to the two stand alone fans Daryl had brought over for you to try to keep Mickey’s core temp down. You turned the fans down to a lower setting and quickly grabbed the blankets you had stacked up on the far side of the bed in case he got cold. “Here we go. Get you nice and toasty warm.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What the fuck would you be sorry for, Omega?” You huffed as you tucked the blankets in behind his back.
“Threw up… on your leg.” You couldn’t help but smile as you pulled him into your chest and started rubbing his back to get him warmed up, despite the fact that he still felt fire hot.
“Yea, well I’ll look the other way this time, ‘mega. Just this once. Just remember, I still owe you a broken nose.” A small smile stretched across his face as he buried his face in your throat and breathed deeply.
“Hope I don’t die first.”
“You’re not gunna die, Omega. We’re both gunna lay right here all week long, and we’re gunna suffer through this together same way you suffered with me through my leg. We are in this together, Omega. You and me.” He purred at the thought and snuggled even closer to you.
“Fuck… why do you smell so good?” He asked as he turned his nose more into your neck and inhaled deeply.
“Easy, Omega. Doc said you can’t get all worked up.”
“Mmhmm.” You countered with a nod as you tilted your jaw the slightest bit to give him a little more room. Your jaw dropped a half an inch when he nipped at your throat, and a low growl rolled from your chest. “Omega…” You actually jumped when he ripped away from you and scrambled to try to get out of the blankets, and you had less than a second to spare to grab the trash can for him to get sick in when he couldn’t get the blankets free. “Shit, baby boy. You can’t get worked up this heat. Those fucking suppressants are seriously fucking with you…”
“Fuck…” He groaned as he tried to push the blankets off his feet. “Fuck this shit…”
“We’re gunna make it through this, baby boy. I promise.” You said as you turned the fans back up because he had started to sweat again.
“Just fucking kill me.” He mumbled as he set the trash can down and fell back against the headboard.
“We’re gunna make it through this.” You breathed as you got up to grab him a pain killer and clean out the trash can. “Take this and smoke a joint. We’re gunna make it through this shit and then we’re having a serious fucking talk about those pills.”
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writing-gifts · 4 years
we ain’t in kansas anymore ch.02 (bruno x gn!reader)
chapter 01
A/N: okay im trying to do gn!reader but a lot of italian is gendered so when i'm trying to use cute little names or have someone refer to reader it causes issues. So I could use * or @ for the ‘a’ or ’o’ at the end of these terms for writing but that doesn’t work for dialogue, so i'm just gonna use ‘u’ for ex: instead of cara or caro ill say caru
anyways bruno isnt in this chapter but you get to do ur laundry heh 
Italian dialogue is “italicized like this”
The whirring sound of the payphone buzzes in your ear as you wait for someone to pick up. You close your eyes as the seemingly perpetual sound fills your head, hoping for the result you want.
Please please please...
A click.
"H-Hello, is this ___ ___? Or do you know someone by that name?"
"Sorry, I think you have the wrong number."
"Oh, okay. Thanks," you reply, furrowing your brows and biting your lip. You hang the phone back on the receiver.
What now?
Someone knocks on the door behind you.
You lift your head from the glass you had rested it on and see a man looking at you impatiently from outside the phone booth.
You open the door to get out. "Sorry about that. I accidentally zoned out..."
“Uh nevermind." Grimacing, you quickly walk away towards Fugo who’s waiting for you.
The moment you're close enough you realize that Fugo is giving you a disapproving look. “Please don’t talk to random people.”.
You can't help frowning at his tone. It wasn’t that harsh but you're tired. “I know, it's just habit but I'll try to stop...
He sighs. "No, I shouldn't have said it like that. Just try to avoid it okay."  
Even though you were a bit caught off guard by how quickly he backtracked, you nod and follow him as he walks ahead of you.
"I'm taking you to a hotel nearby that you'll be staying at until further notice."
At least that was one less thing to worry about.
After some silence Fugo speaks up again.
“...Did you find out what you wanted?”
“I found out something but it wasn't what I hoped. That guy’s powers--”
“Stand ability,” Fugo corrects.
“Yea that...I’m 100% sure he could pull people from different realities or universes or something along those lines.”
"So you getting home has become much more unlikely."
You rub at your temples. "There has to be a way though…"
Fugo doesn’t look convinced but doesn’t say anything more.
After hailing a taxi, you and Fugo finally reach the hotel. It was a small business that looked like it had been there for many years.
“Who’s paying for this?” you ask.
“Buccellati has already taken care of it.”
You felt a bit strange about that, but it was nice that he was doing all of this instead of leaving you confused in the streets.
For being in the mafia these guys aren’t too scary, especially Narancia. At the same time, you haven’t even known them for a full day however you choose to ignore the small knot anxiety within you.
Maybe Buccellati just felt he was responsible for you...
As soon as you and Fugo enter, you are immediately greeted by a pretty, older woman standing behind a counter.
Fugo and the lady converse in Italian while you look over to the side waiting. You hoped you showing up suddenly like this wasn’t too much trouble.
“___--” your attention snaps back to them, “this is Signora Rizzo”
“Stella Rizzo”, she interjects. “You can just call me Stella caru mio.”
Fugo deadpans but continues, “She’ll show you to your room. If you need anything just come to her.”
You nod. “Um, are you coming back again or…?”
“Most likely, but I don’t know when.”
Fugo moves to leave and you tell him bye which he awkwardly returns.
Stella gives you a warm smile and you feel yourself relax and return your own smile, although not as full.
“Let me take you to your room, you must be tired.”
Mrs. Stella leads you up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the hotel. The hallway’s a bit narrow and there's only 4 doors from what you can see. You wondered if there was anyone else staying here right now.
She stops in front of the door 2nd closest to the stairway. “Okay here's the room you'll be staying in--it’s the best one.” She winks at you before pulling out a key from her skirt pocket and unlocking the door for you.
“Here’s the key.” Her polished nails touch your palm as she places the key in your hand. “I think you're going to be holding on to it for a while so make sure to keep it safe kay?”
"Okay." You look at the key in your hand and slip it into your pocket for now. You needed to find a keyring or bag for yourself later.
“I'll be right back caru. You can get yourself comfortable.”
She leaves you in the room alone. It was simply furnished, with a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a small old tv. There's a door to the side which you go to open and see is a small restroom.
You walk in and look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes immediately go to your neck. It’s stained with dried blood, but there wasn’t any type of cut. Other than it feeling pretty strange, there was nothing.
Was this another stand thing?
You sigh to yourself. Your shirt was also stained, but the workers at the restaurant hadn’t even shown a hint of anything being out of the norm. You honestly wish you could do the same.
You wanted to shower first but had no new clothes. Maybe you could hand wash and let them dry overnight?
You're about to turn on the faucet to the sink when you hear a knock on the hotel room door. Expecting it to be Mrs. Stella, you leave the bathroom to let her in. She holds out some folded cloth and a basket filled with various items to you .
“I brought you some clothes caru. I thought you would want something to change into for bed--I'm sorry that they aren't very appealing looking-- and I also brought you a toothbrush, soap, towel, and some other stuff I can’t remember grabbing too.”
The appearance wasn’t an issue, you were just glad you wouldn’t have to sleep naked tonight. You laugh a little,“Thanks. By the way, do you have a place where I can wash my clothes?”
“You have to hand wash them. I can get you a tub and detergent.”
“Oh guess you had the right idea. It wasn't a lot so you could just use the sink like you originally planned.”
“Detergent is enough, thanks! Actually I'll come with you.”
“Sure and if you need anything else don't be afraid to come down to the front desk and ask. My children sometimes take up the front but they should still be able to help you.”
Were her kids anything like her?
After you're given the detergent, you head back to your room.
You empty your pockets and change out of your clothes to take a quick shower. After you're done and dried off, you put on the spare clothes you were given--a plain t-shirt and some comfortable athletic shorts.
You loosen the drawstring until you're comfortable, then grab your dirty clothes that you tossed on the bathroom floor. When the sink’s filled halfway, you pour detergent into the (too hot) water. Even after all the scrubbing, the stains were still slightly visible but not enough to notice unless someone was close.
You wring out the excess water and let the sink drain so you can rinse out your clothes. You then take them out to the small balcony attached to your room and hang your clothes on the railing.
The streetlights light up parts of the empty street and sidewalks, while the alleyways seem to only embrace the darkness making it impossible to see or tell the things that could be possibly happening within.
You frown, suddenly feeling even more exhausted and go back inside. The moment you get comfortable in bed, you’re asleep within a minute.
You stir from your sleep feeling as if someone has turned on the lights. Your eyes open just slightly enough and you immediately pull the covers over your head when you realise that the light from the window is shining directly on your face.
Did you have work today? You reach out to grab your phone where you usually left it on your night stand but your hands grab at air. You grumble. What time was it?
A minute passes before you poke your head out from under your covers and stare at the glass door of the balcony across the room. You stare wondering when you got a balcony. Your eyes widen and you sit up and look at your surroundings.
So that wasn’t a dream.
You frown remembering your situation, and rub the sleep from your eyes.
You honestly just want to go back to bed but you’re too awake now, so you force yourself to move towards the restroom and go through your usual morning routine. When you finish brushing your teeth, you walk on to the balcony, watching the people going about their day as you gather your clothes.
You snap out of it when you realize that a random person has noticed you staring and go back in to change with sluggish movements. You try to get your appearance in order the best you can with the items that were given to you yesterday..
While you’re in the middle of cleaning your face, Mrs. Stella shows up at your door, giving you a quite chiper good morning and asks if you want to join her for breakfast. Even though the thought was kind, you felt a little nervous going out of your room for too long, so you ask if you can eat in there instead.
“I hope I’m not taking up too much of your time.”
“It’s fine caru mio. I’m serious when I say don’t be afraid to ask for anything.”
Mrs. Stella comes back with eggs, bread with jam, fruit and a caffè latte--you mimic her words--to drink.
Seeing all that food made you realize how hungry you were. You thank her before you take it into your room to eat.
It was delicious and you honestly wanted seconds but you weren’t comfortable asking.
After you’re done, you realize that you need to take the plate downstairs but you don’t want to bring it back down dirty. Cleaning it in the restroom sink wasn’t probably the best idea either.
Other than that you don't really know what to do now. Were you going to spend the whole day here?
You rub at your neck without thinking. Something was definitely wrong with it--you could barely turn your head without discomfort.
A knock sounds on the door and you get up to open it expecting to see Mrs. Stella again.
The teen stands in front of you, wearing the same green, holey suit from yesterday. (Did he have multiple of the same outfit?)
“I came to pick you up.”
“That was quick. Uh where are we going?”
“You’ll know when we get there. We’re kinda on a tight schedule; we only have a small time window for this.”
It must not be safe to say here but you can't help thinking it was bothersome not knowing what was happening.
You run inside quickly to grab your phone and key. You see the plate on your dresser and also grab it.
”What's that in your hand,” Fugo asks as you walk down the stairs.
“...My dirty plate?”
He looks at you as if you said something stupid. “No I mean in your other hand.”
“Oh,” okay that was a little dumb, “That’s my phone.”
“So that’s what phones will evolve to...”
You hum showing him your phone more clearly, “Touch screens are pretty much the norm in like 2 decades. I can’t imagine going back to anything before it at this point!” There could be a prototype or something existing right now for all you know.
You wave goodbye to Mrs. Stella after giving her your dish which you can’t help apologizing for. She waves it off of course, but next time maybe you’d eat with her so you could wash your own dish.
You’re then led outside of the building to a car parked at the other side of the street.
You see Narancia’s head poking out of the window on the passenger side.
He perks up when he sees you. "Good morning ____!"
“Good morning”, you say back you can't help grinning. His smile was kind of contagious.
You get into the back of the car and lean towards Narancia’s seat to catch his attention. “Hey, you know where we’re going? Oh wait--nevermind.” You shake your hand next to your head as if you’re fanning your words away.
Leaning back, you pull the seat belt across your body. You wish you knew more than a few basic Italian phrases.
Narancia looks a little confused but understands that he doesn’t need to worry about it.
You play with your phone and Narancia listens to the radio as Fugo drives you all to wherever you are going.
As you slide the screen back and forth looking at the no signal symbol--your phone only had 50% charge left--you land on the page with your translation app.
...Would it still work?
You open it, pick the Italian option and type something into it.
When you press the speaker symbol, you and Narancia slightly jump when the sound of a robotic voice sounds in the car. Woops, you didn’t realize the volume was that loud.
“Uh, what was that?” Narancia asks.
“Ayy, really works!” the app said.
“What are you doing?” Fugo asks, furrowing his brows from the weird sentence but trying to keep most of his focus on the road.
“I have a translator app on my phone. It might come in handy? Probably only for simple statements though.” Typing ‘ayy’ probably wasn’t helping though.
You wonder when stuff like this actually came out. You didn’t have strong knowledge on when certain technology showed up (or became obsolete). These things just came and went into your life without you giving it much thought.
Narancia forces Fugo to explain and then he turns towards you, he eyes your phone with a very curious look on his face.
“I don't completely get it but sounds cool!”
You couldn't see Fugo’s face but he was curious as well.
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slime-smile · 3 years
i accidentally left my phone at life drawing on saturday afternoon. i set it down on a dresser next to the bathroom as i walked in and thought “ok i need to remember that i set that there, i always forget when i set things there” and then of course i forgot about it by the time i walked out of the bathroom.  probably in part because the timer that signifies the break has ended went off so i hurried back to my seat, for the final drawing of the day.  then after the last drawing was done, a guy i have talked to a little bit the last few times i’ve gone asked me if i wanted to go get tacos. i said “i forgot my wallet today so are you okay with buying me the tacos” and he said “yea.” i wasnt wearing shorts with pockets and i had been leaving my phone in my backpack during the drawing sessions so i had a vague impression it was in there.  we walked back to my car so i could set down my drawing pad and backpack, then we walked a few blocks to get The Best Fish Tacos in Ensenada. then we walked back together after we ate.  he rides a motorcycle and parked directly across the street from the figure drawing place.  we hung out on the steps of the house he’d parked in front of for a bit, then i walked two blocks back to my car.  it was soooo hot when i got in, i turned the A/C all the way up, picked up my backpack to get out my phone, and it wasnt in there.  i waited a minute to see if my car would tell me that it connected to my phone, in case the phone was lost somewhere in the car, and it didn’t, then i remembered what happened.  so i get out of the car and hurry back to where the liffe drawing was.  it’s hosted by these two artists in their personal studio, so i was like “ok they’re probably still there doing their own work now that the session has ended”  but i walk up and the driveway is empty (the guy always parks his car in it) so i’m like oh nooo but i walk all the way to the door anyways and it’s closed and locked and they’re gone.  the guy i got tacos with is still sitting across the street looking at his phone, so i walk back over to him and tell him what happened.  he seems concerned and is like “i can try to message the guy on instagram? or we can see if one of the neighbors will let you in?” and i’m like oh no no it’s fine, i’ll just come back monday night to get it. (they do drawing monday and thursday nights and saturday mornings) plus i’ve been wanting to try going on a weeknight anyways.  and earlier he had told me i should try coming on a weeknight some time and that he usually does, too. my main concern at that point was that i had a date planned for the night and i wasnt sure how not having my phone would affect it.  but then i remembered my date had emailed me so i could email him, and then i remembered (duh) that i had imessage on my laptop so i could still text anyways but just in a more restricted capacity.  the tacos guy really seems concerned for me and my phone though, like wonders how i will go two days without it.  but i resign myself to it and walk back to my car to drive home.  for some reason traffic is really bad, worse than usual -- dodgers game?? i dont know.  while i’m driving home i see a fire from the freeway, and i start to scare myself that it’s my house that’s on fire, even though i’m pretty sure my house isnt visible from that freeway and i’m still too far north for it to feasibly be my house.  i keep thinking “oh god all my art and my [most cherished personal item which holds no monetary value] and now i really wont be able to get in touch with [date] how would i let him know what happened and ugh i can’t even get my phone until Monday night, i wouldn’t be able to get in touch with anyone, what would i do if my house burned down??”  but i go home and my house was not on fire, obviously.  i send a message to my date to let him know what happened, and email the guy who runs life drawing about my lost phone.  my date replies “so you’re gonna be phoneless tonight??” and i’m like “yea but let’s just meet out front at 8, i’ll even be early.”  i go downtown to buy my date a bouquet in the flower district, it’s his birthday, but then i can’t conceive of a manageable way to have a bouquet at a bar, so after i bring the bouquet home i take out a single rose from it to give him.  we both like roses, as a symbol and as an object, i know this isn’t especially unique, but it’s nice.  he has a rose tattooed on his arm.  later, before the date, my friend sends me an email subject line “bruh” body text “you left your phone at whatever repair shop you were at this morning.”  which leads me to believe he called it and the life drawing guy answered it and told him he had it.  which was nice because i hadn’t gotten an email back from the life drawing guy yet and was worried that maybe someone else in the class had snatched it even though that seems unlikely.  and also kind of funny to imagine because obviously the life drawing guy’s perspective was that i was probably calling my phone from my friend’s phone trying to find it, when in reality my friend was just calling me not knowing that i didn’t have my phone and then some man answers it.  anyways then i go to my date and i text him when i’m leaving that i’m heading over and will see him there soon.  i look up the directions beforehand but then forget where exactly the bar is that we were supposed to meet and ask a guy on the street who i could tell was smiling at me even though he had a mask on where i needed to go and he told me the way.  i walk up and my date is already there standing outside, i walk up to him and he says “you’re early!” and i don’t say this but in my mind i’m like “you’re even earlier!”  and i hand him the rose and we go upstairs to the bar.  the bartender is really friendly and asks about the rose and makes the date a free drink for his birthday.  there’s a hottub and i’m like “why didn’t you tell me!” we find an uncomfortable bench and are eyeing a much cozier one where a woman is sitting, hoping it will open up.  we’re quickly absorbed in conversation and at some point i happen to look over and notice the cozy bench is free, and we dart over to it.  we’re able to sit there for an hour or so before a staff member comes up to us and informs us that we’re sitting where they plan to put the DJ booth, so we’ve got to move, but another couple is about to leave and they’re going to clear off their table for us.  so we go lurk by the table, where the man is sitting, and he reveals that he’s been noticing us all night, because he and his wife were the ones who had been sitting on the bench earlier, and they themselves had been told that they were sitting where the DJ was going to be, and so they moved.  i think it’s a funny coincidence that we’ve been following this couple around through the night, but i dont really know what else to say to the guy, so that’s sort of it for our conversation.  the table is less fun because now we’re sitting across from each other in chairs, instead of next to each other on a bench.  they set the DJ up as we’re finishing our drinks, and i propose that if the music is good, we dance.  the DJ starts playing but his song selection is terrible so we bounce.  date proposes we go back to his place, which i’m fine with, and i can sense that he wants to kiss, which we do, briefly, in the elevator.  in addition to the Saturday night drinks date, we’d already planned a Sunday afternoon date earlier in the week, so sleeping over made sense.  in the morning we walk to get coffee and i buy him a muffin for his birthday, and he says when we get back to his apartment he wants to teach me to play a Korean card game, one-card.  i say ok and that if we can find two other people who are into it, later (in the future, not in the day), i can teach him a popular Ohio card game.  i talk a lot of smack about how im going to beat him at one-card after we go over the rules, but then he wins 8 games and i only win 3.  at some point i notice that the rose i brought him has been left lying on a table -- hmm?  we go to brunch at a place i’d never been to before, near the movie theater (our pre-planned second date, seeing a movie), which is, i learn, known for their crispy french toast, but which i do not order, because i know it will make my stomach hurt.  at some point i say that i wonder what’s going on on my phone.  i feel kind of zoned out from the point in time after we stopped playing cards to go to brunch.  it’s probably because i didn’t sleep well the previous night, because i have a hard time sleeping in new places, or when i share a bed, or when there’s no white noise, or when it’s too hot.  he’s tired too, and dozes in the movie theater while we wait for the movie to start.  after the movie is over i drop him off and go home, Sunday is supposed to be my chores day, but by the time i get home it’s already 430.  i want to take a nap but i have to run an errand and water all my plants, which i kind of don’t end up doing.  my errand was to go to the video store to return the movies i’d rented the previous week, of which i only was able to watch 1 out of 2.  my favorite video store employee who i hadn’t seen in a long time (i was out of town, he was out of town) was there and we talked and caught up and i learned that he’s a triplet (but he said that the grammatically correct way to refer to both his other siblings was “twin,” he said “my twin” and i said “you’re a twin??’ and he said “well actually we’re triplets but blah blah blah” -- this seems wrong to me but what do i know) and then we were talking about a missing persons poster that someone had dropped off at the video store which was really sad but also that he, the employee, had googled the missing person, and that this missing guy had released music on bandcamp, and that the photo he used for the album cover was of the place that he, the employee, had lived previously and not only that but he, the employee, was actually in the photo that this missing person had used as an album cover on bandcamp.  and then the employee said “do you wanna see?” and i said “yeah” and he let me come behind the counter to look at the computer and i hung out back there for a second and told him about a movie that the bartender had been recommending to a guy next to me at the bar the previous night, but which i had thought sounded interesting so i butted into their conversation about it, and since i still dont have my phone to write the name of the movie down, i’ve been telling people about it so i don’t forget.  the bartender said it was a french movie called “hedgehog” about a little girl who has an existential crisis and decides she’s going to kill herself in two months.  the guy he was recommending it to said, “that sounds really dark, man,” but i said “that sounds incredible and like directly up my alley” and the bartender insisted that the movie was both good and funny.  and i was relaying this story to my video store friend and he looked it up and then said “we can probably see if we have it in the store” and he checks their system and they do, in the general “french” section, and i find it and pick it up.  he asks me if i’m gonna rent it this week and i say “i can’t cause i’m going out of town this weekend! but next weekend.”  and now it’s 11pm and i’m supposed to be finishing my zine but i spent an hour writing this, instead, but i’ve got to finish the zine and send to my friend for his final edits before i can go to bed
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The Girl Out of Time
Pairing: Bucky x Reader and Sam x Reader
Background: Willow Roffe was born and raised in Brooklyn. She lived her life as happily as she could with her two childhood best friends Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers. When they both left her to join the military she tried to continue with life but that didn't get to happen for her for the simple fact that she meant something to James Buchanan Barnes.
Rating: Story will be overall MATURE but not every chapter. There will be strong language, talk of both mental and physical abuse, some good ole angst, and smut. There will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter when it includes smut.
Chapter 30
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The drive was quiet until Steve pulled into an airport parking garage. He drove almost to the top of it until he found a decently deserted area. Steve and Sam both climbed out of the car leaving James and I alone.
"Your boyfriend seems tense." James said quietly.
"I couldn't imagine why." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes at him.
He chuckled softly. He was just about to say something when another vehicle pulled up beside us. It was a white van. I was clambering out of the car the moment the passenger door opened revealing Wanda. I darted over to her wrapping my arms around her neck. She chuckled but hugged me back tightly.
"It is so good to see you." I practically whispered.
"Cap" Clint said coming to stand next to Wanda.
So this was who he had called. Barton and Wanda. Were they all we had to help us possibly get past Tony and the others?
"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Steve said softly.
"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." Clint smiled and shrugged.
"Thanks for having my back." Steve nodded towards Wanda.
She smiled then glanced at Clint before turning back to Steve.
"It was time to get off my ass." She said simply.
I stepped away from her to stand between Steve and Sam. James stood on the other side of the car watching the scene before him.
"How about our other recruit?" Steve asked Clint.
"He's rarein' to go." Clint said.
He moved to the side door of the van then pulled it open. Someone was laying down in the back seat clearly asleep.
"Had to put a little coffee in him but he should be good to go." Clint said as he hit the side of the van.
The person jolted upwards in a sleepy haze. It was a man.
"What time zone is this?" He groaned.
"Come on. Come on." Clint says pulling the man to his feet.
The man took in everyone around him then beamed at Steve. He stepped forward grabbing Steve's hand. He shook it vigorously with a huge grin.
"Captain America!" He said in amazement.
"Mr. Lang" Steve nodded with a small smirk.
"It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long." He beamed quickly.
He let go of Steve's hand then took a step back with the large grin still in place.
"Wow! This is awesome! Captain America." He gestured towards the Captain in astonishment.
He turned quickly to face Wanda.
"I know you too. You're great!" He beamed at her.
Wanda chuckled quietly as Lang turned back to the rest of us. He raised his hands like he was measuring Steve's chest.
"Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me." He said awkwardly.
I couldn't help but laugh at this point. Is this guy serious?
"Hey man!" He said excitedly to Sam.
"What's up, Tic Tac?" Sam asked with a nod.
"Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I-" Lang started.
Sam raised his hand to stop him.
"It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again." Sam said sternly.
I looked at Sam in question. He's met this guy before? An audition?
"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked folding his arms over his chest.
"Something about some psycho assassins?" Lang questioned.
"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve explained.
"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Lang shrugged.
"We should get moving." James spoke up suddenly.
"We got a chopper lined up." Clint said pointing behind him.
A sudden blaring alarm sounded followed by an announcement in a foreign language.
"They're evacuating the airport." James said simply.
"Stark" Sam huffed.
"Stark?" Lang asked.
"Suit up" Steve ordered.
I stood to the side with Wanda while the men suited themselves up. Both of us were already dressed and ready to go.
"So that's James?" Wanda asked quietly.
"Yea, that's him." I nodded.
"How's that going?" She asked with a small smirk.
I looked at her raising a brow.
"Current boyfriend and ex boyfriend you thought was dead but was really alive the whole time." She explained.
I chuckled softly.
"Technically James and I never made it to boyfriend/girlfriend stage. We kinda jumped right to being engaged." I told her softly.
"What?" She asked in surprise.
"It's complicated but the last night I was with him he asked me to marry him when he came home from the war. Up to that point we had been nothing but friends although I had always had feelings for him." I explained quickly.
"Wow, does Sam know about that?" She asked.
I bit my lip nervously. That had been the only little detail I left out. How was I suppose to really explain that to Sam? I looked at Wanda with a guilty expression then shook my head.
"He knows everything else but that." I said softly.
"Don't you think you should tell him? Especially if you are leaning towards James again." She said in a motherly kind of way.
"How did you know?" I asked in surprise.
She gave me a flat sarcastic look.
"Right, the mind thing." I nodded.
"You ladies ready for this?" Steve asked as the men finished up.
Both Wanda and I nodded.
"Bucky, Sam, and Willow find the jet. Willow, you get to it as fast as you can. Make sure it's ready to go the moment we get on board." Steve ordered.
I nodded letting him know I understood. The three of us took off into the now empty airport. We hunkered down in one of the terminals with a good view of the runways. Sam was quick to release one of his drones to quickly search the area while the others got into position.
"You ready for this?" James asked me quietly.
"You've personally seen her fight. She's more ready than either of us." Sam grumbled as he watched the drone's feedback.
James sent a glare to Sam who wasn't paying any attention.
"Stop it" I chided him.
"You know I still have a promise to make good on. Kinda hard to do that when I have to deal with him." James smirked.
My heart dropped.
"Excuse me?" Sam asked harshly turning to glare at James.
"She didn't tell you?" James asked in a sarcastic tone.
"James" I said sharply.
"Tell me what?" Sam asked hesitantly.
I tensed feeling his eyes move to me.
"The night before I left for the war I asked her to marry me. She accepted and I promised I'd come home to make her Mrs. Barnes." James said with a sly smile.
"James Buchanan Barnes! Why are you acting like a child? This isn't a contest! I'm trying to help Steve and you while juggling a head full of memories and feelings I still don't fully understand. You two bickering like toddlers is not helping me!" I shouted finally loosing all my restraint to remain calm and collected.
Both men blinked at me in shock before looking down in similar but different pouts. I sighed leaning against the wall.
"Sorry" they both muttered quietly.
Something started to beep making Sam look down.
"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway." Sam said quickly into the coms.
"Willow, get to that jet." Steve ordered in my ear.
Just as all three of us stood and started running down the terminal something or someone dropped onto the glass. He looked like he was in some kind of spider costume as he crawled quickly across the glass toward us.
"What the hell is that?" James asked in disgust and disbelief.
"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam grumbled.
"Go doll! We'll catch up!" James ordered just as the spider guy crashed through the glass.
I took off as fast as I could leaving the two men to handle whatever that was. Outside the terminal on the runways Wanda, Steve, Clint, and Lang were all in position to keep the others distracted while I got to the jet. I kept my eyes forward as I ran. I had to get to the jet. I had to be ready to go.
I was able to slide into the hangar without a single glance from the others. They were mid fight now paying no mind that I was no where in sight. I climbed onto the jet then did everything Sam and Steve had told me to make sure it was ready to go. Now I just had to wait for the rest of my team.
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zazu75 · 4 years
Eko and Ray belong to @thethird-eye
The night sucked. The whole week sucked, that whole day sucked, but this night sucked the most.
Ray sat in the hotel bar and stared daggers at his nonalcoholic drink. He didn’t know why he let his coworkers drag him in here, especially since they all left for the casino soon after. He didn’t want to go there, he wanted to stay in his room and zone out on his phone. But he was here and got left behind and if he hadn’t paid for his overpriced drink, he would have left already. 
At least the place didn’t smell like alcohol. 
The doors of the hotel’s event room suddenly opened. Said room was across from the bar, so Ray had a front row seat to watch the people leaving. They were all dressed in fancy suits and evening gowns and Ray suspected that it was a wedding party. Then the bride and groom came out and confirmed it. 
The wedding party crowded into the bar, and suddenly Ray couldn’t care enough about his drink. He shoved it away and quickly made his escape. He headed to the hotel elevators to get back up to his room, but the bride was there with some of her bridal party. So he quickly swiveled around and headed to the doors. 
There were very little people outside, but it was still a walkway, so Ray walked down the sidewalk until he was away from the main traffic area. He then stopped and leaned against the building, sighing tiredly. He looked at his phone’s clock then and stared at the sky. Just had to wait for a few minutes then head back to his room. Then tomorrow would be the last day of this business trip and he can go back home… To his empty routine working nine to five…
The name made him jump. The voice was familiar. The name was like home. No one called him that. No one called him that except--
“‘Ko?” The name was out of his name before he even turned to look for the other man. It was a reflex, a reaction. Home. 
He turned his head and saw Eko on the sidewalk coming from the hotel. He was carrying things, big and small cases with handles. He wore a backpack. He looked older. His hair was longer. It was a different color. His piercings were still the same. 
They stared at each other, frozen. Then a passerby bumped into Eko and almost knocked him off balance. Eko swore and tried to rebalance himself and his heavy cases. Ray acted instinctually and moved in to help. He grabbed Eko’s shoulders and steadied him, until he and his cases stopped swaying. Then...just stayed there. 
The two of them stared at each other. Ray had so much he wanted to say, but none of the words came to him. He couldn’t think of the words to tell Eko how much he missed him, how he thought about him a ton. He couldn't find the words to ask how Eko had been, how the world was treating him. All he could think of were how pretty Eko’s eyes were. He’d forgotten what they looked like up close. All he could think of were the times they had cuddled and watched movies...studied together...shared their food…
“Help me with my stuff?” Eko asked, breaking the awkward silence between them. 
“Y-yea, sure man.” Ray let go of Eko and awkwardly took the big case from Eko. His friend gave him a big grin and motioned for him to follow. Ray fell in step behind Eko and followed him to...a car. 
“Huh. I never imagined you with a car,” Ray spoke without thinking. 
“It’s a company car,” Eko laughed, “can’t carry these on my bike.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” Ray watched Eko unlock the car and the trunk. He helped him load the cases then slammed the trunk shut. No sooner than he did that did Eko grab him and pull him into a tight hug.
“HOLY SHIT, DUDE!!” Eko exclaimed, way too excited, and pulled back with a huge grin on his face. “I never thought I’d ever see you around here!!!”
Ray felt a grin split his own face. All of the awkwardness melted away and he gripped Eko’s shoulders again. 
“I can’t believe it’s you!!!” 
The two of them hugged again, tighter this time, with big smiles on their faces. Eko let loose a few more happy swears before they pulled away. 
“Dude what are you even doing here?!” He asked. 
“Business trip,” Ray replied. 
“In that hotel?”
“Damn, that’s fancy!” 
“I can show you my room if you want.”
“Nah, I’m starving. Let’s go get dinner!”
“The hotel has a good diner—“
“And be stuck with that wedding party? No way.” Eko opened the driver’s door and sat inside. “Now get in! You’re buying dinner~”
“Fine, but I call shotgun,” Ray laughed.
Once they were both seated and buckled in, Eko pulled out of the parking lot and drove off. He didn’t go far and stopped at a McDonald’s to order a drive through. Ray laughed at the whole thing while they ordered, because some things really never changed, and readily held their food in his lap when they drove off. 
“Where are we going?” He asked after Eko drove away from McDonald’s. His friend gave him an excited grin and didn’t say anything. It occurred to Ray then, that if this was anyone else, he’d be scared of his life right now. But this was Eko. Eko was never scary to him. Eko was home. 
Eko drove out of the city and up a dirt path. Ray could hear the rocks on the road hitting the bottom of the car. He was mildly concerned about it, but Eko didn’t seem to care. So he stayed quiet and watched the scenery—or as much of it as he could see, anyways. There were no streetlights around, and the light of the crescent moon was weak. 
“Okay! We’re here. Come on!” 
Eko parked the car in the middle of the road and turned it off. He jumped out of his seat, buzzing with excitement, and took the food from Ray. Ray stepped out of the car and shut the door, then looked around. 
The area around them was dark, with only the car’s lights and the crescent moon lighting it up. But in front of them—in front of them was the whole city. They were up on a cliff and the city sprawled in front them. Ray gaped at the scenery then turned to Eko. 
“Dude, this is awesome!”
“I know! I’ve been wishing I could bring you up here since forever!”
“Why the secrecy, though? You know this isn’t my normal scene.”
“Psh, I knew you’d love it and didn’t wanna spoil the surprise.” Eko put the food on top of the car’s hood then pulled himself up. “Now come up here so we can eat!”
Ray managed to keep his blush down and climbed the hood of the car to sit by Eko. They talked while they ate, eagerly catching up (“The hell happened to your hair?” “I want to try out new colors”) and cracking jokes. Ray felt so good to be completely himself around someone. He felt so good to be around Eko again, even if just for a little while. 
Ray pulled out his cigarette pack when they finished eating. He took a cigarette out then wordlessly offered the pack to Eko.
“No thanks, I don’t smoke anymore.”
“My boss said he’d give me a bonus if I quit.”
“So you quit?!”
“It was a pretty big bonus.”
“What the hell. When is he even gonna pay you?”
“Every six months. I’m coming up on my third one.”
“Holy shit. Why, even?”
“He hates the smell of smoke.”
“Damn. Need me a boss like that.”
“I can put a recommendation for you. Not sure what positions he has for IT guys though.”
“Damn--wait, what do you do there?”
“I’m a DJ!” Eko grinned wide. “It’s a huge ass club and I get to take on freelance jobs!”
“And a company car?!”
“I get awesome benefits.”
“There has to be a downside.”
“The boss is uh...quirky,” Eko looked like he was choosing his words very carefully, “and the pay isn’t as good as my old IT job. But honestly, I love it. Way better than my old job.”
“Huh…” Ray looked back out to the city and stayed quiet while he finished his smoke. A part of him was in awe that Eko got to do what he loved so fast. Another part of him was extremely envious of that, however. But he stayed quiet and let his thoughts go. 
He didn’t look back to Eko until after his cigarette was done. His best friend was staring at the city ahead of them with a content smile on his face. The light reflected off his eyes and his odd colored hair, and Ray couldn’t help but scoot a little closer. 
“I missed this,” Eko said when they were shoulder to shoulder. His friend turned his soft smile to him and Ray forgot how to breathe.
“I missed you,” he replied shyly. His eyes kept flicking between Eko’s eyes and mouth while his mind was thrust to the past. He thought about watching movies with Eko, the two of them curled up together and eating junk food. He thought about the two of them going out together to eat, thought about them taking food to the dormitory rooftop to eat in peace. Thought about them leaning against each other while they smoked, while they talked, while they played on their phones…
...Eko’s eyes were always pretty up close…
Ray snapped back to reality when he felt Eko’s breath against his face. They were too close--their faces were too close--when did Eko lean in--when did he lean in--he needed to pull back immediately--
--Eko’s lips were salty. From the fries. That was the first thing Ray noticed. Then he noticed that Eko was kissing him. Eko was kissing him. He had wanted to pull away but Eko was kissing him now--
--He kissed back. His breath was stuck in his throat and his face was hot and he kissed back. This was something he had wanted to do since they were still students. This was something he dreamed about when he was younger, something he still wished for guiltily on bad nights. And it was happening. Eko was kissing him and he was kissing back.
They broke apart with a hot breath. Ray opened his eyes to find Eko’s eyes still closed. His friend’s cheeks weren’t as red as he knew his own were. He pulled away and licked his lips. They tasted salty…
Eko used a hand to cup his cheek then leaned in again. Ray didn’t hesitate to lean back in. They kissed again, a little longer with a little more confidence, before they broke apart again.
“I thought you weren’t into guys,” Ray said after a few moments. His lips tingled. 
“Yeah, that’s another thing that’s changed. I kinda...don’t care so much anymore.” Eko looked back out to the city, a serene smile on his face. 
“About the gender of who I wanna kiss.” Eko looked back at Ray with a shy smile. “And I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”
Ray’s cheeks turned redder. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time too.”
Eko beamed at him and nudged his shoulder with his own. Ray blushed and looked away. They both sat in silence for a while before Ray spoke up again.
“I think you just managed to convince me to just move here.”
“What? No man, don’t move here because of me.” “...You know I’d follow you into hell, ‘Ko. Besides, I don’t really want this to be a one night stand.”
“Ohhhh~” Eko looked at Ray with a cheshire cat smile. Ray looked away and blushed. “You’re gonna need a job.”
“I’ll find one.”
“What time does your plane leave tomorrow?”
“Early evening, why?”
Eko sat up and pulled out his phone. He texted someone, who replied, and the two of them carried on a conversation for a few minutes.
“Boss says if you bring by your resume tomorrow morning, he’ll look it over and interview you,” Eko said when he put the phone away.
“Eko!!” Ray looked at his best friend, shocked. “Dude! I need to settle things on the other side before I can come here!”
“You might as well have a job waiting for you when you come back,” Eko smiled, “besides, working at the same place as me means you get to hear all my sweet tunes.”
“...Can’t argue with that.” Ray gave him a tentative smile and extended his hand so his fingers touched Eko’s. Eko responded by holding Ray’s hand properly and looked out to the city. Ray followed suit, heart beating happily in his chest, and enjoyed the silence.
“It’s beautiful out tonight,” Eko said after a while, eyes still on the city. 
Ray leaned his head against Eko’s shoulder and closed his eyes. “It is.”
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officalkittycat1619 · 4 years
I'll always be your hero
《Mirio Togata x Chubby Reader》 Chapter 3
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"You little...."
Dad pushes his glass up while looking at Midoriya."What's with that face?" Midoriya gave an uneasy look just by my Dad's response. "What are you trying to do?" Dad intimidatingly asks Midoriya. "Oh, well, um...!"
"You can committed this outrage knowing that I was All Might's former sidekick?" Dad walks up to Midoriya, then starts to place his hands around his face complaining,"All might's wrinkles are not like that." He continue to tell Midoriya about Uncle All might's face and such. That's when Midoriya mentioned a certain incident occured when Uncle All might save a drowning victim. While Dad & Midoriya had their little conversation of Uncle All might, Mirio & I went to go help get Bubble girl out of Dad's weird contraption. "Mirio...[Y/n]... what's with that kid?" Bubble asks tiredly. "He's one of my underclassmen." Mirio points out.
"He's also the guy I told Dad about on the phone." I originally thought Dad was going to turn down Midoriya after that epic fail, but it seems this can be a pretty good impression. Midoriya discussed with Dad about joining his agency. Just when Dad was about to stamp on Midoriya's application, he missed. "Because I don't feel like stamping it. I understand the merits of working here for you." Dad continuously stamps the desk as he talks to Midoriya. "But what merit is there in my employing you? With three sidekicks and one work study student, this agency runs smoothly so to add you... What benefit is there in that?"
"How can you contribute to society?" Mirio, Bubble girl, and I looked at each other. Was Dad seriously putting this much pressure on Midoriya? "In order to show how you can benefit my company, you should show it with your actions, not your words." That's when Dad told us to leave the room for a couple of minutes or so. We left Dad's office, Bubble asks us,"Mirio, [Y/n], did you have a practical interview like that?"
"Sir asked for me specifically, so I didn't... What about you, Doll?" 
I stood quiet. "Well... Dad would always leave me at various hero agency's while he was on a very important case. So he gave me the option to choose while I was at it, but when I realized I'd rather stay in my comfort zone, so I decided to stay with Dad's agency." I explained. "But he never done something like that with me though..." 
"He really likes you both, huh? Man..." Mirio & I laughed at the sudden comment Bubble girl said. "Well I wouldn't really say that, but...." The sudden memory of when I joined Dad's agency. 
"You sure you want to make this decision, [Y/n]"
"Positive Dad, besides I it's for the best...."
While waiting, we heard a lot of noise coming from Dad's office. Look's like things are going to get rough for Midoriya. Couple minutes have passed, we decided to over hear their conversation, but instead we hear silence. Mirio, Bubble, and I burst through the door, breaking the tension.
 "Excuse us!", Mirio cuts in.
"Are you finished?" Bubble asks.
"There was a loud bang at the end..." I added in.
"I'll take him, Mirio and [Y/n]...." Dad said. I looked at him starred struck. "Really! You mean it, Dad?!" Mirio says,"All right!" Midoriya asks why Dad will he take him even though he couldn't do anything he asked Midoriya to do. Dad explains,"I told you to take the seal and stamp it yourself, but I didn't say that you'd be rejected if you couldn't do it." Dad goes back to his desk while Mirio went to help Midoriya up. 
"Midoriya, you did it!" Mirio congratulates him. "Sir, you laughed, right?"
"I'd already decided to take you on when I heard you were coming." Dad stated. "I also knew that you weren't completely useless." 
"So you decided to scare Midoriya into thinking that he won't be able to join your agency, if he didn't do the task you ask him to do." I commented. Dad gave a not amused stare. He extends his arm just before ruffling my hair. Once Midoriya's application has been stamped I instantly gave him a bear hug. I took notice that he was blushing for some odd reason. "Now that you're apart of Dad's agency, I can give you a nickname!" Midoriya looks at me confused then looks at Mirio.
 "She tends to have a habit of giving those who are in Sir's agency." He explains. "Let's see...." I gave a good look at Midoriya, giving an idea to see which nickname should I give him. "I know!! Either green bean or freckles!!" I said happily before giving him another hug. We head back to our dorms to get some rest. We said our goodbyes to Midoriya right before heading back to our dorms. I went back to my dorm while Mirio went back to his. He gave me a quick peck on the lips just as he heads back.
After making back to my dorm and getting ready for bed, I remembered when I first joined Dad's agency. 
"Alright then [Y/n], your application has been stamped so you're officially in."
"Yea, thanks Dad."
"Hey Sir, so what is it that you wanted me to-"
I let out a small chuckle from the memory. Who would have guessed that Mirio and I would end up at the same agency. 
I ran as quick as I can. "*heavily breaths* Someone, anyone....!" I still heard his footsteps right behind me. "Please, someone! No!" I ran out of the alley, but bumped into someone causing me to fall. "Sorry, that must've hurt." Someone says. I saw a guy's hand reaching out towards my direction which I instantly flinched. "Can you stand? Are you okay?" He asks. 
"Sweetie, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" A someone else asks with a worried face. "You know you can't go around causing trouble for the heroes." That man says. Looking back, I trembled with fear.
He caught me.....
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Casper High Ch. 8
Danny was used to handling his things on his own. Ever since team Phantom was disbanded because his best friends had to move out to whole different states and his sister moved out to live at college, Danny has been on his own. So you can say Danny knew how to keep things to himself. Hell, he even kept things from his two best friends all the time. He didn't like having people worry about him, always feeling like he was a burden. So the whole situation with the Winchesters just made his carefully constructed system of coping a little worse.
He couldn't imagine breaking the Winchester's trust. Every time his injuries, from either his parents or hunting, were too harsh, he'd go to them as promised. The first time, it took a lot of arguing with himself to finally go to the Winchesters for help. It had been a particularly harsh 'lab session' with his parents that left him with a little more than the usual; the wounds weren't the worst he had, but the placement of the injuries made it a little too hard to reach on his own.
He was prepping a story, anything to sound less harsh than the reality that had actually occurred. But the moment he knocked uninvited, Dean regarded him with one look before ushering him in. No explanation was asked for, nor was Danny made uncomfortable- the only questions that came were to try and figure out just how bad the gashes were. Sam had quietly helping his brother along, with not much word of his own.
"Danny, come on!" Tucker laughed, waving through the camera. "I wanna know the details." Tucker finished the comment with a wiggle of his brows. Danny blushed, trying to laugh it off as his goth best friend laughed along in the taunts.
"Guys come on, it's not like that." Danny shook his head, his hair following in an attempt to hide the blush. It really wasn't what they think, right? Like just because he made a new friend doesn't mean it has to be anything like the two were implying...
"Come on Danny." Sam shook her head with a laugh, turning to look at the smallest teen. "We know you better than you know yourself." Danny paused, slightly glad that that wasn't completely true- he really liked keeping his friends from worrying too much. They would get grey hair by the time they were twenty, Danny swore, and by the time they were thirty they would probably have hair whiter than Phantom's.
"Yeah dude, we know." Tucker smirked, wiggling his brows. Danny groaned, dropping his head onto the desk with a thump. "It's okay, we won't tell."
"Not like you can do any harm." Danny glared, watching his friends share a look even through the digital stream. The ravenette sighed, glancing around his desk, surprised for once that he was actually on top of his school work for the first time in so very long. Sometimes a break was nice, no need to complicate it. "'Sides, it's not like that. We're just friends."
"For now!" Tucker responded in a sing-song voice. "Regardless dude, you know we just like seeing you happy." Tucker sobered, giving his friend a small smile.
"Yeah, just being close to someone else, means a lot. It's good that you actually have a person that you can physically interact with instead of just staunchly refusing any other chances to make friends after we moved." Sam chimed, flashing her own approving smile. Danny smiled back, knowing his friends jokes were all in good faith- his friends really cared for him and loved him in the way only such close knit friends can.
"I know guys." Danny smiled, waving off the topic. "I'll just need to-"
"DANNY!" A loud voice muffled through the door. Danny sighed, glancing towards the door. Turning back to his friends with an apologetic smile, another call sounding through the wood.
"Looks like I'm needed." He smiled, ignoring the pang of sadness of having to leave the call. The others laughed, shaking their heads, none the wiser to how his parents have changed.
"It's a wonder how they even survive without you." Sam laughed, glancing at her clock. "I have a date soon, so I should get ready."
"I got a robotics meeting soon." Tucker chimed, smiling back. "Stay clear of the radars." Tucker teased. They shared their goodbyes, clicking out about the same time. Danny sighed, closing his laptop. Another call of his name rang out, this time deeper than the last. His dad.
Danny pulled himself to his door, hesitating ever so slightly. Hopefully it wouldn't go anywhere, and if it did, he wouldn't go to see the brothers. He already wasted his daily medically meet-up this morning and Danny didn't want to bother them again so soon. He pulled open his door, just when another call sounded.
"I'm coming!" Danny called back, hopping down the stairs quickly. It was better to not keep them waiting. To his shock, Danny was met with both parents settled in the kitchen. An oddly placed looking Sam standing awkwardly across from them. "Hey Sam." Danny greeted, confused on why the taller teen was there.
"Danny, you never mentioned your new friend." Maddie mused, smiling welcoming to the teen. Sam smiled awkwardly, looking like he'd rather be anywhere but here.
"Uh yea, it never came up." Danny shot Sam an apologetic smile. He shifted the focus from his parents to Sam. "Why're you here?" He asked, inwardly wincing at how harsh the tone sounded. He felt a little worse when Sam looked like a kicked puppy for a split-second.
"I thought maybe we could hang out?" Sam sounded sheepish as he spoke, almost like he's realizing what a mistake he made; going over to Danny's home probably wasn't the best idea.
"You boys could go up to Danny's room." Maddie offered, waving towards the stairs. "You're welcome to stay for dinner." Maddie smiled.
"I'm sure Sam's brother would want him back." Danny cut in, trying to give Sam a way out. Sam luckily was smart enough to take his hint.
"Maybe another time, Danny's right. My brother would get worried and he's cooking tonight anyways" Sam smiled politely. Maddie nodded understandingly, and patted her husband on the shoulder to get him to move.
"You two boys head up, we'll be in the lab if you need us."
Danny grabbed Sam's hand and quickly dragged him up the stairs before his mom could say anything else. It was once they got up the stairs that Danny realized he was still holding the taller teen's hand. With a small blush, he let go, guiding them towards his room.
"Sorry for the mess." Danny excused, quickly grabbing a few strewn clothing items. "I wasn't really expecting anyone..." Danny trailed looking around the small room. He kept it minimalist, the only figurines or trinkets were gifts from his friends or collectibles from their favorite shows and such. The walls were still the same exact purple color he had since childhood. Space and band posters alike were littered across his walls.
"It's okay, it's not that bad." Sam smiled, looking around. "It's better than what Dean sometimes is like."
"I'm not surprised." Danny laughed, taking a seat on the bed and motioned for Sam to join him. "I don't have much we can do, I have a few card games and a few video games."
"What card games?" Sam mused, turning his interest to the teen. "I'm more of a cards game person." Sam seemed slightly embarrassed at that. Danny chuckled, looking over at his shelf. His eyes scanned over the various boxes before settling on one of his favorites. This used to be team Phantoms go to game when they settled in at his place for the sleep overs.
"Your Worst Nightmare? It's an actual card game my other friend Sam found one day." Danny questioned, walking over to the shelf. "The whole game is just ordering fear, and trying to guess the other persons' right." He explained, turning the pitch black box towards the taller teen. He regarded how Sam looked a little surprised by the game. "Uh, Tucker and other Sam used to play it a ton with me." Danny explained, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervous habit.
"It sounds fun." Sam smiled warmly, motioning towards the floor in question.
"Best spot to playing card games." Danny laughed, plopping down on the rugged floor. Sam followed suit, listening intently as Danny pulled out the components of the game and explained how its played.
Maybe this game wasn't the smartest choice, it just had been one of the few games the original trio hadn't minded playing constantly and Danny was feeling slightly nostalgic after talking to his two oldest friends. Every game was always slightly different which lead to some interesting debates on the fear level for a few things. The problem with playing it with the Winchester was that he didn't know what Danny did daily, or what he had experienced. It was after the first round that Danny realized that he wasn't the only one who had weird fear levels.
This round, the fears in question were ghosts, Vampires, electricity, and germs. It was easy for Danny to fill his out, he barely had to think it through. Electricity, germs, vampires, and then dead last were ghosts. It was hard to be scared of something you deal with on a daily basis. After defeating the worst ghost in the zone, it was even harder to be too scared.
For Sam, he went with a realistic order. He just tried to see it through the eyes of an average school student, and that was when he realized something was off. It was the largest gap form all the other rounds, and it was much too similar to his. Sam's order was germs, electricity, ghost, and then vampires. Sam placed ghosts above vampires but both at the bottom scariest, and maybe Sam was just not superstitious, it was just his reasoning that set the suspicion in place.
"Well, you can't see germs. Electricity can cause heart attacks." Sam explained easily. "Vampires are pretty easy to deal with, but ghosts are complicated." Sam shuddered as if remembering something, which was where Danny realized Sam was talking like he knew from experience.
"From what I saw vampires are easier with just a stake to the heart. For ghosts you need a whole priest." The shorter teen laughed and he watched Sam freeze, almost like he said something he shouldn't before laughing causally.
"In lore Vampires are handled by chopping off their heads, and ghosts are dealt with by burning the remains or something that ties them to earth." Sam explained, before pausing for barely a second. "Besides you can't really see ghosts right?" Sam laughed, but Danny could pick up the hints of awkwardness.
He can't really dig or be hurt that Sam seemed like he was lying. It's not like Danny doesn't hide a whole side of his life from pretty much everyone in his life. Danny joined the laughter, burying that train of thought to think about later when he wasn't enjoying his time with Sam.
"I think we've played long enough." Danny chimes, looking down at the amount of tallies on the scare card. It had been close every round, both teens either being completely wrong, and pretty close in their guesses. "I think a lunch break is in order."
That train of thought hit him like a ton of bricks that night. He and Sam had a surprisingly good day, the light awkwardness that seemed to hover over them since the first time Sam came over seemed to vanish into thin air. The two had gone out to eat at the Nasty Burger before spending some time at the local park. Danny luckily had not been called away at all in the time they spent together, as all the ghosts were out of the picture for the day. When he got home, his parents were too distracted in the lab to really notice his arrival, only doing so when he brought down food, but luckily they hadn't needed his help.
That's how Danny found himself sprawled out across his bed, enjoy the nice break the day brought on after that morning. However his calm feeling didn't last long when the original doubt and suspicion hit him that night. Leave it to his anxieties to turn the day bad. With a sigh the teen rolled over, grabbing his phone.
"U guys up?" Danny texted into the group chat, and not long after the sign for both friends becoming active popped up.
"Ya dude whats up" Tucker's messaged pinged through before Sam's did.
"Whats anxiey got on the manu?" Danny chuckled, all of them usually got lazy when it came to text. They've all gotten surprisingly good at figuring out what the other was saying when it's completely butchered.
"It's Sam..." Danny hit send, before typing out another message as quickly as possible and hitting send. "i thomk his dixferny"
"Different how" Both friends sent the same message. Danny sighed, rolling his thoughts through his head. It wasn't like his anxiety driven thoughts were easy to put into words.
"Like parent" He shot back, blinking up at the ceiling. It wasn't that hard to imagine, the other teen had a good range of knowledge on urban legends and folktales. He and his family are constantly traveling for their dad's 'mechanic' job. Clockwork has told Danny about these types, he just never expected to ever run into one.
"Ghost hunters?" Tucker shot back, a shocked emoji tagged at the end of the message.
"Hunter." Danny shot back, remembering when he had explained it to Sam and Tucker the day he learned about it. "Like Stopwatch said"
"Danny this isn't good" Sam messaged, a worry emoji sitting at both the beginning and end of the message.
"Ik" Danny sighed, flipping onto his back. His life just always had to be complicated. "U guys r rite tho" He sent, knowing the other two would know exactly what he was talking about.
"I KNEW IT" Tucker sent with cheer emojis after. Danny couldn't help but laugh at the message.
"TUCKER" Sam scolded easily read through text, before another message from her came through. "When he leave"
"bout a week tops" Danny felt sadness fill him at the reminder of what the brothers mentioned not long ago. "day after their dad pops in"
"dw about hunter thang" Sam sent in, the same time a sorry message from Tucker popped in.
"Jus injoy time with mate sam" Tucker texted, a sad emoji popped onto the end. "No worries"
"ur rite" Danny shot back, eyes glued on the text bubbled. He wasn't an idiot, Sam didn't give him a number or email because it just wasn't something hunters do. They don't really make connections that last. He also wasn't delusional enough to believe he'd ever see the other boy again. It's better not to spoil this time, the Winchesters were still treasured friends.
"Try sleep?" Tucker message, waiting for the usual confirmation good night to come through. Sam always responded with a shooting star, Danny responding with a crescent moon, the waning one, and when one of the others asked if they were going to sleep, Tucker had to be the weirdo and use that creepy moon face emoji. The active dot by both names vanished, before Danny settled his phone down for the night. Yea, he'll just try to enjoy his time with the brothers. Memories are forever, even if people aren't.
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sofhyuck · 6 years
More Than Words
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Genre: Friends to lovers, college!Mark, fluff, Mark being a dumbass
Word count: 8.2k
Excerpt: “I mean, we’re not dating, if that’s what you mean.” You finally spoke up, bringing your forearms to lean on the table.
“Ok…” Jeno trailed off, seemingly trying to think of what words to say next. “But do you…I mean, like, do you want to, ya know, be in a relationship with him?”
Silence washed over the two of you as you began to mull over his words. Did you want to be in a relationship with Mark? I mean, you basically acted like you were at this point, but couldn’t it mess up your whole friend dynamic if you began dating? Wouldn’t it be weird living together while you were in the early stages of a relationship? And what if the two of you broke up while you were still rooming together? What would happen then?
A/N: I h8 mak lee
You huffed out a heavy sigh as you jabbed your finger into the keypad with one hand while attempting to balance your luggage with the other. Finally, the lock chimed, signalling that the door was unlocked. Pushing it open, you dragged your luggage inside, allowing the door to close behind you. Shoes littered the small entryway, evidence of your roommate who had managed to move in a few days before you. The international program at Yonsei offered a two week period in which international students could arrive in order to acclimate themselves. While you chose to stay with your family a little longer, your roommate wanted to settle in as soon as possible.
When you first found out who your roommate was going to be, you were shocked, to say the least. The boy, Mark Lee, had immediately taken to facebook and friended you, sending you a short message about being your roommate for the following school year. You exchanged a few messages, the preliminary “where are you from” and “when will you be arriving” before the conversation eventually died out. That didn’t prevent you from browsing his facebook and instagram, which he hadn’t hesitated to friend you on as well. There was no denying that he was attractive; he held a cute boyish charm to him, and nearly every picture he posted had a slew of friendly comments underneath, signifying that he was well liked. All you could do was hope that his image on social media wasn’t a mere facade and that his friendliness translated into real life.
Lugging your suitcase over to the empty twin bed, you pushed it to the ground and hastily emptied its contents. Jetlag was slowly overtaking your body, and you wanted to get yourself as situated as possible before you inevitably passed out. Placing your final pair of underwear in the drawers, you closed up your suitcase and headed towards the shower attached to your small dorm room. Meeting Mark be damned, you just wanted to sleep. Stepping into the tiled room, you took a few seconds to scan the contents of the bathroom while turning on the shower. Typical for a boy his age, Mark only had a few toiletries, the majority of the counter space taken up by your own supplies. Submerging yourself under the stream of warm water, you allowed the grime collected over the hours of travel to wash off of your body. Quickly shampooing and conditioning your hair, you turned off the water and finished up your nightly routine. Luckily, you had arrived at the dorms in the evening, meaning that you might be able to adjust to the time difference more easily. Stepping out of the bathroom, you didn’t even bother drying your hair before plopping down onto your mattress and falling into a deep sleep.
You woke up the next morning to the soft thrumming of the air conditioning unit. Sluggishly, you picked up your phone to check the time only to find you had managed to naturally wake up at a decent time. Rolling over onto your side, you were greeted with the sight of Mark’s sleeping figure on his bed across from yours. You studied his form for a few minutes until the urge to pee became too strong and forced you out of your bed. Careful not to wake the sleeping boy, you padded towards the bathroom in order to relieve yourself and wash up. Drying your face with your towel, you reentered the living area only to be find Mark propped up on his pillows, scrolling through his phone. At your entrance, his attention turned towards you.
“Good morning!” He smiled, waving awkwardly with his phone still in hand.
“Oh, good morning! I’m sorry if I woke you up, I was trying to be quiet.” You muttered, moving to sit on your own bed.
“It’s no problem at all,” he waved you off. “I normally get up around this time anyways. How was your flight? Are you adjusting to the time zone ok?”
“My flight was fine, a little long. Oh!” You jumped up, hurrying towards your suitcase. “I brought you this chocolate from my hometown, I hope it hasn’t melted.” Rummaging through your luggage you pulled out the bar and handed it to him. “I wasn’t sure what flavor you wanted so I decided to play it safe with salted caramel.”
Mark’s eyes lit up at the sight of the chocolate, eagerly taking it from you with a wide grin on his face.
“Woah, dude, thanks so much! Damn, now I feel bad, I didn’t even think to get you anything.”
“It’s fine, you can repay me by showing me around the city today.” You said with a shrug.
“Oh, sure, of course! Actually, my friends and I are going to Hongdae today and we were wondering if you wanted to come with. They’ve been dying to meet you.”
“Why would they want to meet me?” You queried.
Mark’s face flushed as he fidgeted in his seat. “I mean, well, I showed them a picture of you and they all thought you were really pretty and, well, yea…” He mumbled, voice trailing off at the end.
It was your turn to turn red in embarrassment and you shuffled towards your closet in order to distract yourself.
“Well, that’s very nice of them. I’d love to hang out with you guys, though!”
“Great! We’re meeting in half an hour so we should get dressed. They’ll meet us in the common area.”
The two of you moved around each other, preparing for the day before it was time to go. Mark held the door open for you as you slipped on your shoes and the two of you headed towards the common area. You walked in relative semi-comfortable silence, but it wasn’t long before boisterous laughter could be heard bouncing through the halls. The noise grew louder as you drew nearer to the common area, the laughter joined with the voices of several boys. Rounding the corner, you were greeted with four boys who appeared to be around your age.
“Ah, hyung, you’re here! Oh, Y/n too!” The four boys turned their attention to you and Mark walked over to greet them.
“Yah, you guys are so loud I could hear you from the third floor.” He teased, gesturing for you to come closer. “This is my roommate, Y/n, as you all already know.”
“Um, hello, it’s nice to meet all of you.”
They all introduced themselves accordingly, revealing that they were all in the year below Mark. All but one of them had lived in Korea their entire lives while the fourth had lived in China while studying in a Korean immersion school. Nerves began to bubble in your stomach at the prospect of having to converse purely in Korean with the boys, a language you still lacked confidence in.
“Y/n, you’re so pretty. I wish my roommate was as pretty as you!” Jaemin cooed, batting his eyelashes at you, causing your face to flush.
“Yah! I’m your roommate, dumbass!” Jeno yelled, shoving Jaemin in offense.
Laughter chimed throughout the group and Renjun suggested that you head out so that you might be able to miss the lunch rush on the subway. The five boys walked ahead while you slowly lagged further and further behind. You weren’t particularly social to begin with, let alone in a language you were still struggling to grasp. There wasn’t much else you could do but stray behind and silently curse Mark for leaving you in the dust. Could you have attempted to make conversation? Yes. But was Mark making any efforts to include you in the conversation? No. So why should you have to do all the work? Too busy shooting daggers at the back of Mark’s head, you almost missed Jeno nudging Mark. Hoping to subtly get it through Mark’s thick head that you were feeling a bit left out, Jeno gently pushed his numb-skulled friend towards you. He stood waiting for you to catch up, the rest of the group slowing their stride alongside him.
“Sorry for leaving you behind,” he muttered, bringing his hand up to scratch sheepishly at the back of his neck. “I got a little caught up in the conversation.”
“That’s ok! I get they’re your friends, I barely know you guys it’s fine!”
Mark merley grimaced, clearly still feeling the guilt of leaving you behind. Catching up with the rest of the group, Mark made feeble, but albeit appreciated, attempts at including you in the conversation. Luckily, the other four boys were able to actively engage you in conversation, and you found yourself enjoying your time spent with them. While they all made efforts to converse with you, you found yourself talking with Mark and Jeno the most. As time wore on and your party travelled around the streets of Hongdae, you began to feel the jetlag creeping back over you. All the walking around and eating surely wasn’t helping to keep you awake, and you found yourself slipping in and out of semi-consciousness. You were sat in a small ramen shop when, finally having enough, you gently nudged Mark’s arm and he turned to look at you.
“Sorry, I know you’re having fun with your friends but I’m feeling really tired right now and I’m a little unsure of how to get back to school. Would you mind…?”
“Oh, of course not!” He immediately stood up from where he was sat, explaining to the rest of the boys that the two of you were heading back. The subway was a little crowded and Mark rushed to grab you the last empty seat, leaving him to stand in front of you, slightly leaning over you while holding onto the overhead bar. You lazily gazed up at him, smiling lightly at his look of concern.
“Sorry again for making you head back early. And sorry I’ve been so low energy today, I promise I’m not usually so boring.” You laughed lightly.
“No dude don’t apologize! I shouldn’t have dragged you around the day after you landed! And you’re not boring you’re really fun and cool and, and, yea…” he trailed off, looking to the side in a poor attempt to hide his flushed face. The two of you spent the rest of the short ride in a comfortable silence. Arriving at your stop, you stumbled out of the train and Mark quickly took a hold of your waist in order to steady you. He left his arm there as he led you back to the dorms, scared that you might fall again. Upon arriving at your room, Mark hesitantly released you so that you could wash up and go to bed.
“Thanks for taking care of me Mark.” You whispered, laying down on the firm mattress.
“It was no problem, really. Rest well, Y/n. Goodnight”
The rest of the week passed by fairly quickly once your body fully adjusted to the new time zone. You spent the first few days following your initial venture inside the dorm, only going out to the nearby convenience store for your meals. However, once you recovered, you spent your days with Mark and his friends, discovering different parts of Seoul whilst becoming a tight knit group of friends. Of course, your adventures couldn’t last forever as the first day of classes loomed over your heads. You knew you weren’t going to share any classes with your younger friends as you were going to take all of yours in English. Mark had eagerly asked to see your schedule the day before classes began and you discovered you would share one class in the afternoon. Donghyuck had, very politely, asked that you all eat lunch together every day or otherwise risk being thrown into the Han river. Everyone had willingly agreed to the proposal, deciding that you would all meet at the main gate.
Mark woke up before you, his first class starting half an hour before yours. You barely had time to get in a quick good luck before he made his way out of the room, leaving you to get ready for the day ahead of you.
The morning went by in a blur, especially since  you only had one class before lunch. You had made light conversation with the person sat next to you, but there were no friendships blooming yet. When lunch time rolled around you made your way towards the main gate, meeting Mark along the way as his class was in the same area as yours.
“How’s your day been so far?” Mark asked, bumping your shoulder with his.
“My class was pretty uneventful,” you shrugged. “But I missed your wonderful presence.” You pouted, bringing your hand up to pinch at his cheek.
“Oh shut up,” Mark blushed, swatting your hand away, “You sound like Hyuck. Besides, you’ll get to see me this afternoon.”
“Ugh, I guess that will be enough for me.” You huffed, giggling when you saw Jaemin waving wildly at you from the main gate.
The six of you spent lunch in an upbeat manner, although you were almost kicked out of the restaurant when renjun all but leapt across the table after Donghyuck called him short for the hundredth time. There was endless chatter amongst your group, often earning you glares from the surrounding patrons eating their lunches.
“How was your class?” Jeno asked, leaning into your left side where he sat.
“Not too bad, the professor seems nice enough and the course material is interesting. What about you?”
“My day’s been great! Jaemin’s in my sociology class, though, and he talked through the whole class.”
“I did not!” Jaemin yelled from across the table, seemingly delivering a sharp kick to Jeno’s shin as he winced in pain, lifting his leg from under the table to soothe his aching limb. Jeno stuck his tongue out in response before turning back to you.
“I wish we had some classes together, I knew I should have taken English class more seriously in high school.” He pouted.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, I’m the one who should be taking their language studies more seriously seeing as I’m living in another country.”
“Ah, Y/n, your Korean is good for someone who’s taken it as long as you!” Mark piped up from your other side.
“Stooop, don’t flatter me.” You whined, bringing your hands up to quell the blush forming on your cheeks.
“Oh shush, it’s true! Anyways, we should get going, our class is starting soon.” Mark held you by the elbow, gently pulling you up with him as you checked the time on your phone. Realizing you only had fifteen minutes to get back on campus, you quickly bid your friends goodbye and rushed back to campus.
“Slow down there Speedy Gonzales, we’ve still got time.” Mark called out from a few steps behind you.
“Unlike you, Mr. Lee, I’d rather not be late to the first day of class.”
“It’s not my fault my bag broke on the way to class.” He pouted, finally catching up to you. “Besides, look, we’re here with minutes to spare!”
“More like one minute.” You muttered under your breath, following Mark into the classroom and sitting beside him.
A small laugh threatened to break past your lips and you brought a hand up to your mouth in an attempt to stifle it. It was nearly the end of class and Mark was passed out on his notebook, lulled to sleep by the monotonous voice of your professor. Quietly, you leaned over and placed a sharp flick to his forehead. Mark jolted upright, blinking blearily before bringing his gaze over to yours, his expression muddled from his sleep.
“Class is almost over, idiot.” You murmured under your breath, turning your attention back to the professor who was wrapping up his lesson. At his approved dismissal you gathered your things, looking over at Mark to find him doing the same.
“Should we go get some boba to celebrate a successful first day of classes?”
“Were you even awake for any of your classes?” You laughed, following him out of the academic building.
“Shut up. I was considering paying for your drink but you’re being so mean to mean you don’t deserve it.” He huffed, picking up his pace, forcing you into a light jog in order to catch up with him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for telling the truth.” You teased, clutching onto his bicep.
“Whatever, I’ll pay for it anyways because I’m such a nice roommate.”
You gave out a mock cheer, ruffling Mark’s hair only to grab his hand and pull him towards the nearest boba shop.
“Taro milk tea with seventy-five percent sugar, right?” He asked, looking behind you as he stood in line for your drinks.
“Mhm,” you hummed, “You know me so well Marky.” “Don’t call me that.” Mark grumbled, but you could see the smile fighting its way onto his face.
“Oh my god Jeno get off of me!” You whined, practically feeling your lungs collapsing under his weight.
“Nuh uh, not until you give me my phone back!”
“I told you already, I don’t have it! Renjun took it, he won’t admit it because he wants to see me suffer!”
“Stop trying to deflect all of your problems onto me, Y/n, this one’s on you.” Renjun called from Jaemin’s bed, quietly laughing at your pain.
“Jeno, I swear he’s lying!” You drew out, attempting to throw his weight off of you.
“Just give it to me and I’ll get up-” Jeno was abruptly cut off by Mark shoving his surprisingly heavy body off of you only to take his place. Mark, understanding the concept of wanting to keep his friends alive, laid next to you as opposed to directly on top.
“Hey, that’s my bed.” Jeno pouted.
“You should’ve thought about that before trying to suffocate my roommate, dumbass.” Mark quipped back, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your body closer to his.
It was a friday night and the six of you had set yourselves up in Jeno and Jaemin’s room. A few empty soju bottles were strewn around the floor as you all chattered away, drinking away the stress of the previous week. Jeno frantically moved around the room, searching for his misplaced phone.
“I swear to God, who the fuck took my ph— oh.” You looked over to see Jeno picking his phone up from the top of his mini fridge.
“See I told you I didn’t fucking take it.”
“Oh shut up, Y/n, you were more than ready to throw me under the bus.” Renjun yelled from across the room.
“You were blaming me too!” You could feel Mark’s body shaking behind you, giggling at your antics.
“Both of you stop, I’m getting a migraine.” Jaemin groaned.
“No, let em go!” Donghyuck replied. “This is A plus content right here!”
You let out a small laugh, already forgetting your previous quarrel as the alcohol muddied your mind. Mark nuzzled further into your back, allowing more giggles to slip past his lips. The two of you found yourself stuck in a fit of laughter and you turned to face him, poking at his face with your forefinger.
“What are you guys laughing about, I wanna know.” Donghyuck asked, scooting over to rest his chin on the side of the bed.
“I don’t even know, Hyucky.” You breathed out between your laughter, nuzzling your head into the crook of Mark’s neck.
“You old people are weird.” Donghyuck murmured before turning back to the rest of your group.
“Aw, Donghyuck, we loooove you.” Mark giggled, pursing his lips in a mock kiss. Donghyuck merely shot him a look of disgust and the rest of the group chimed in with a chorus of “ewwww”’s.
“I have to pee.” Mark suddenly announced to the room, climbing over your body to make his way to the toilet.
“Don’t clog it up like you did last time!”
“I told you that wasn’t me!” Mark flushed, swiftly closing the door behind him. The room fell silent for a moment before Mark spoke up once more.
“Start talking or something,” he whined, “I don’t want you guys to hear me peeing.”
The boys all laughed, restarting their conversations so that Mark could comfortably relieve himself. Jeno made his way back onto his bed, sitting beside where you had propped yourself up in order to scroll through your phone.
“Watcha lookin at?” He prodded, leaning over your shoulder to glance at your screen.
“Hm? Oh, I’m texting some friends from home. They  just woke up.”
Jeno hummed in understanding, bringing his head to rest on your shoulder.
“Are any of them pretty?” He teased.
“Like I would introduce any of them to you idiots.” You snorted while putting down your phone, Mark reappearing from the bathroom to sit on your other side.
“Hey, what’s so bad about us?”
“Well, Renjun, you’re all incredibly annoying.”
“I resent that!” Jaemin chimed in.
“What about me, am I annoying.” Mark nudged your side.
You looked him up and down, your gaze lingering on his pouting lips before returning to his eyes.
“Eh, you’re all right I guess.” You shrugged, laughing lightly when he let out a loud huff.
“I’m the best damn roommate you’ll ever have.” He crossed his arms while angling his body away from you.
“You’re wrong, Jeno is the best roommate ever.” Jaemin called out, winking at Jeno from across the room.
“Aww, Marky, I’m sorry, did I hurt your feelings?” You reached over to pat him on the head, Mark leaning into your touch. “You’re the best roommate I’ve ever had.”
“You’re my favorite roommate ever.” He smiled, giggling while nuzzling his nose into the side of your head.
“God you old people really are gross.” Renjun practically gagged, earning him a high five from Donghyuck.
“You’re just jealous because you have Hyuck as a roommate.”
“Maybe you’re right…” Renjun trailed off, seemingly rethinking all his previous life decisions.
“I revoke my previous high five.”  Donghyuck mimed undoing his high five, pulling another laugh from Mark.
“See why I wouldn’t want to introduce you to my friends? You’re all idiots.” The room filled with a chorus of whines and your neck vibrated from Mark’s laughter, his lips nearly pressed against your neck. You brought your hand up to ruffle his hair, leaning your head against his. A sigh of content came from Mark and you shut your eyes, feeling yourself being lulled to sleep by Mark’s steady breaths tickling at your neck.
“I swear, get out of our room before you fall asleep.” Jeno nudged you, pulling you out of your peace.
“They’re so old they can’t even stay up late anymore.”
“Shut up I’m barely a year older than you guys!” Mark groaned, standing up and pulling you along with him. “Come on, let’s go back to our room.”
You only nodded in response, suddenly overwhelmed by the strong urge to fall asleep. Noticing your exhaustion, Mark hooked his arm around your waist and pulled you to his side, allowing you to rest the majority of your weight against him. The rest of the boys all bid their farewells as the two of you left the room. The international dorms were a good fifteen minute walk away from the regular ones, leaving you and Mark to stumble home, giggling the whole way back.
Mark pushed the door open, tugging at your wrist, encouraging you to follow behind. Closing the door behind you, you immediately latched your arms onto his waist. He led you to his bed, throwing himself down and subsequently pulling you along with him. The both of you giggled before Mark reached up to brush a few stray hairs from your face.
“We should probably get washed up.” You mumbled, laying your head to rest on his chest. He merely hummed in response, gently nudging you to move so that he could get up. The two of you washed up in a comfortable silence, you taking slightly longer than Mark considering your extensive skin care routine. Leaving the bathroom you came face to face with Mark lying on his bed. He made soft grabby motions, signalling for you to lay down beside him. Softly, you padded towards his bed, settling into the warm sheets.
“Sleep with me tonight, yea?” Mark whispered into the top of your head. You nodded slowly, already feeling yourself slip into a deep sleep. In your half-unconscious state, you felt Mark press his lips into your hair before he fell asleep as well.
It was looking up to be an odd day. Mark had left earlier than usual as the class he shared with Donghyuck was set to have a field trip that day. Renjun wasn’t feeling well so he decided to stay in while Jaemin had to study all day for his upcoming exam. You and Jeno, being the only ones of your small group left, decided to stray a little farther from campus than usual. The two of you took your time, ambling about the streets while you chatted and bantered away. Eventually, you arrived to a restaurant that you both deemed suitable enough and headed inside. You made small conversation before your food was set before you. After taking a few bites of his meal, Jeno sat back and cleared his throat. You looked towards him, eyebrows raised in confusion as it was unusual for Jeno to stop eating before he completely finished his meal.
“What’s up?” You queried, setting down your own chopsticks to give him your undivided attention.
“I was just wondering, well me and the boys have been wondering…ah I don’t know how to ask this, it’s so awkward.”
“You’re scaring me.” You laughed nervously.
“It’s nothing bad! It’s just, the guys and I have noticed that you and Mark are, like, really close and keep getting closer and, I don’t know, we want to know if anything’s going on.”
You flushed slightly, wondering just how long these speculations had been carrying on. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed the shift in your dynamic. It’d be an even bigger lie if you said your heart didn’t race at every lingering touch Mark provided.
“I mean, we’re not dating, if that’s what you mean.” You finally spoke up, bringing your forearms to lean on the table.
“Ok…” Jeno trailed off, seemingly trying to think of what words to say next. “But do you…I mean, like, do you want to, ya know, be in a relationship with him?”
Silence washed over the two of you as you began to mull over his words. Did you want to be in a relationship with Mark? I mean, you basically acted like you were at this point, but couldn’t it mess up your whole friend dynamic if you began dating? Wouldn’t it be weird living together while you were in the early stages of a relationship? And what if the two of you broke up while you were still rooming together? What would happen then?
“I’m going to take your silence as a yes,” Jeno smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “It’s pretty obvious he likes you too, you know, and we’re all pretty much waiting for you guys to get together at this point. It’s been like, two months since we made our bets on you guys.”
“You made bets on us? What do you even mean by that?” You raised your voice, shooting an accusatory glare at him.
“Yea, so if can you guys get together in like, a week? That’d be great. Renjun already lost but my time’s running out and I’m really banking on you guys so I can buy my christmas presents—”
“No, you idiot!” You cut him off, reaching across the table to smack him over the head. “I can’t believe you guys made bets, oh my god you’re all so weird.”
“Please Y/n, I’ll even buy you a really nice gift!” Your harsh glare shut him up and you quickly changed the subject of the conversation. Your lunch came to an end and Jeno paid for your meal in hopes of winning your favor. When the two of you arrived back on campus Jeno made sure to send you a sly smirk.
“If you tell anyone you’re dead.” You hissed through gritted teeth.
“Hey now, I may be annoying but I’m not a bad friend.”
“Sure Jeno, whatever you say.” You said with a roll of your eyes before making your way to your next class.
“Ah, our Y/n is so cute!” Jaemin cooed, squeezing your cheeks with his hands.
“Jaemin I will end you.” You deadpanned, expression stoic as you stared straight at the boy in front of you.
“How many times do I have to tell you guys to leave my roommate alone?” Mark groaned, swooping in to rescue you from Jaemin’s grasp.
“You can keep telling us that, but as long as Y/n remains this cute we will never leave them alone.”
“I know they’re cute but they’re my roommate so hands off.” He huffed, bringing your body closer to his.
“Calm down there, buddy. I may joke about hating all the skinship but, really, I don’t mind.” You reprimanded, pinching at Jaemin’s cheek to further your point.
“Ah, Y/n, thank you for finally returning my love!” Jaemin exclaimed, mock weeping while throwing his body onto yours. A loud laugh sounded from you at his antics, happily wrapping your arms around him in an embrace. Mark huffed loudly beside you and you looked over to find him glaring at Jaemin’s back. You reached over to pat him on the head when your room door burst open to reveal a fuming Jeno.
“Jaemin what the hell did you do to our keypad?” He roared, storming over to rip him from your embrace.
“Shit how did you even find me?”
“Where else would you be? Hyuck and Renjun are still fighting over the noodle incident and god bless anyone who would want to be around when they’re hashing it out. And don’t change the subject, explain to me why I can’t get into our room!”
“Well, you see, it’s actually a funny story—”
“Can you guys take your lovers quarrel somewhere else? Y/n and I were just about to watch High School Musical.”
“Again?” Jaemin snorted. “How did Y/n manage to rope you into watching that garbage for, what, the third time this month?”
“The High School Musical trilogy is a timeless classic you asshole.”
“Stop trying to change the subject.” Jeno practically whined, tugging at Jaemin’s sleeve.
“Fine, ok, so maybe I spilled some of my coffee on the keypad this morning and maybe I forgot to tell the office before it closed.”
Jeno let out a loud groan, throwing himself down onto Mark’s bed.
“Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?”
“I called the emergency number and they said they should be able to have it replaced by tomorrow morning.”
“And for tonight…?”
“That’s why I came here! To ask our lovely friends to let us sleep over in their room!”
“What?” You and Mark cried incredulously.
“No way, what the fuck how are we even supposed to all fit?” Mark rushed out.
“Easy! You and Y/n share a bed and me and Jeno share a bed!” Jaemin stated as if it were the most obvious solution in the world. “It’s not like you guys have never shared a bed before.’ He grinned mischievously. You felt a blush creep onto your face, knowing that he was more than correct.
“Ok but what about me?” Jeno spoke up.
“Oh, don’t act like we’ve never shared a bed before either.” Jaemin stated, pointing an accusatory finger at his roommate. “So, please, can you let us stay over? We’ll even pay for your dinner.” He turned towards you.
“We will?”
“You will? Well in that case, why not?” You shrugged, looking over to Mark for his approval to which he nodded in agreement.
“I don’t have my morning class tomorrow so it’s fine with me.”
“But,” you interjected, a grin making its way onto your face, “you have to watch High School Musical with us in addition to dinner.” Jeno and Jaemin both groaned but had no choice other than agreement. You ordered out for pizza, not wanting to venture outside, and camped out in front of your laptop while sat on Mark’s bed. Placing your laptop on a chair, you wormed your way into Mark’s side, his arm coming down to wrap around your side. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Jeno throw a smug glance in your direction, resulting in him receiving a swift kick in the abdomen from you. He only laughed in response, shifting his body away from you to rest his head on Jaemin’s shoulder.
Despite all of his complaints about the film, Jaemin had broke out in song during Get’cha Head in the Game, becoming the Troy to your Gabriella. Occasionally you would feel Mark’s chest vibrate, laughing at your enthusiasm for the film. As the closing credits rolled up the screen, the four of you moved your way around each other to clean up. Finally, you settled down on your bed and Mark moved to lay down next to you. He wrapped his arms around you, bringing an arm to rest securely around your head and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. A small smile found its way onto your lips and the room turned dark, Jeno turning off the lights before going to sleep on Mark’s bed.
Jaemin and Jeno left early the next morning, desperate for a change of clothes and a nice shower. Despite his class being cancelled, Mark was awake when you woke up. You gave him a quizzical look once you had cleared the sleep from your eyes.
“I went out to grab you some breakfast, I knew you were going to sleep through your alarm this morning.” He smiled shyly, placing a sweet water chestnut bun on your desk.
“Aw, Marky, thank you. That’s so sweet.” You teased, getting out of bed to hold him in a tight embrace. You hummed while closing your eyes, breathing in the scent of his laundry detergent and shampoo that lingered on his shirt.
“Don’t fall back asleep, dumbo, you still have class to go to.” He pried your arms from around his waist, placing a sharp flick to your forehead.
“Ugh fine.” You grumbled. Speedily, since you had slept through your alarm, you washed up and grabbed the bun, shoving it into your mouth and grabbing your shoes from the doorway.
“See ya later!” You chirped, placing a quick peck to his lips before heading out the door. It wasn’t until you were halfway to your classroom that you realized what you had done. You froze, dumbstruck at your actions. After a few seconds someone bumped into you, breaking you out of your state of shock. Looking at your phone, you rushed your way to class, head still fuzzy and full of embarrassment.
You didn’t go to the main gate at lunch, choosing instead to hide out at the convenience store. The other boys didn’t seem to question your absence since you received no texts from them. Of course, you had told Jeno what had happened; you trusted him not to tell the others and he was the only one who knew for certain your feelings towards Mark. It was fairly easy to avoid Mark throughout the day, although you nearly had a panic attack trying to sit as far away as possible from him during your shared class. However, you can’t run away from someone forever, especially when you’re roommates.
You had spent dinner without the boys as well, going out with some acquaintances from your morning class instead. In an attempt to stay out as long as possible, you desperately drew out the conversations. But, alas, you eventually found yourself making the trek back home. Dragging your feet along the tiled halls, you made your way towards your room. You could see light peeking through from under the door, signaling that Mark was home. With a deep breath, you punched your code into the keypad and pushed the door open. Mark was sat on his bed, already in his pajamas and scrolling through his phone. His gaze briefly flickered up to rest on you before he turned back to his phone. Anxiously, you washed up and put on your pajamas, ready to go to sleep and hopefully erase the memories of that morning. Silently you moved towards the light switch, ready to turn them off.
“Wait!” Mark’s sudden interjection broke through the previously silent air. Confusion evident on your face, you turned to find him standing in front of you. “What about my goodnight kiss?” He pouted, hands coming to rest on your waist.
Heat washed across your body as you studied his face for any traces of a joke. The anxieties that had been following you throughout the whole day were still sitting in the back of your mind, and you were always worried that your feelings were being played with. Finding no hint of humor, you leaned up towards him and hesitantly pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. A wide smile grew on his face and he wrapped his arms around your waist, whispering a soft goodnight into your hair before releasing you to turn out the lights. You stood in shock for a few more seconds before walking over towards your bed. You hardly slept that night.
“Didn’t I tell you to get together like a month ago?” Jeno whined. “Now I’m out of thirty bucks plus I have to live with a smug ass Jaemin.”
“Fuck off.” Mark pushed at the younger’s head before bringing his arm to rest over your shoulders. Your whole group was sat in a circle on Renjun and Donghyuck’s floor, hanging out before the stress of finals season inevitably settled over the six of you. Having witnessed Mark place a light kiss to your lips, the room had immediately erupted into chaos, having never witnessed such a spectacle from the two of you before.
“Hyung I can’t believe you guys didn’t even give us a warning,” Donghyuck whined. “You can’t just do shit like that in front of us, it’s gross.”
“Oh, my bad Hyuck. Next time we’ll warn you far in advance so that you can protect your virgin eyes.”  Donghyuck gave Mark a sharp glare in return, folding his arms across his chest.
“I can’t believe fucking Jaemin won the bet.” Renjun grumbled.
“You’re the dumbass who thought it’d only take three weeks.” The boy quipped back. You only laughed at all the quarreling, settling yourself further into Mark’s chest as he pulled his arms tighter around your waist.
“Do you want to get out of here? These idiots are gonna make me lose all my brain cells if we stay any longer.” Mark whispered into your ear.
“What brain cells, hyung?” Renjun called out in feigned innocence.
“Let’s go.” You laughed, standing up and grabbing Mark’s hand to help him up as well.
“Don’t leave us!” Jaemin pouted.
“Unless you’d rather watch us make out for a bit, I think we’re gonna go.” Mark replied, laughing at the resounding groans that filled the room. He grabbed your hand, pulling you out the door and bringing his hand down to your waist. You looked up at him with a smile, pressing a kiss to his jaw line.
“Where are we going?” You hummed, leaning your head on his shoulder. You felt it lift in a shrug.
“It’s around dinner time, figured we could go to Hongdae and have something to eat.” You smiled at his suggestion, nodding in agreement. A comfortable silence settled over the two of you, allowing all your worries to come to the forefront of your mind. A week had passed since you had first kissed, and they had become a frequent occurrence. However, nothing official had been made between the two of you and it had been eating at you for the whole week. You didn’t want to press him in fear of ruining your current relationship.
The subway doors slid open and Mark led you in, attempting to keep you from being jostled around too much on the crowded train. Eventually, you worked yourselves into a comfortable position, Mark keeping one hand firm around your waist while the other held onto the railing in order to keep the both of you steady. He leaned down to give you a chaste kiss, lingering for a moment before pulling away. It wasn’t long before your stop arrived and the two of you piled out, weaving your way through the crowds before arriving at the exit of the subway. Mark didn’t let go of your hand as you walked around the streets of Hongdae, eventually finding a restaurant and settling down for a nice warm meal.
“Are you almost ready?” Mark called from his bed, fiddling with the frayed edges of his ripped jeans.
“Does this look ok?” You asked in response, opening the bathroom door to model your outfit.
“We’re just meeting some of my friends, Y/n, not the president. And you look fine. I mean, you make anything look good.”
“Ha ha very funny.” You quipped back, giving yourself a final once over in the mirror. Deciding that you did, in fact, look decent, you moved over to where Mark sat. Looking up from his jeans, Mark grasped your hips in his hands and smiled up at you.
“Absolutely beautiful.” He winked, pulling himself up and the two of you out the door. “Why are you so nervous anyways?” He looked back at you, puzzlement written across his face.
“I don’t know…I mean, you’ve known some of them since, what, you were like nine? Like it seems like they’re a big part of your life and if they don’t like me then like I’ll feel weird and—”
Mark abruptly spun around to face you and you would have walked right into him if he hadn’t placed his hands on your shoulders. You opened your mouth to reprimand him for his reckless behavior but he stopped you before you could even begin.
“Y/n, they’re going to love you, ok? They’re super chill and you’re an amazing person. They have no reason not to like you!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air and nearly hitting a passerby in the head.
“Ok, ok, calm down before you decapitate someone.” You laughed, grabbing his hands to hold between the two of you. Smiling, Mark placed a kiss to your knuckles, leading the two of you to a small cafe.
“Deep breaths, ok baby?”
You smiled and gave him a quick thumbs up as he pushed the door open. Immediately spotting his friends, Mark waved and moved to sit at their table, pulling you along with him.
“Hey guys!” He grinned brightly. “This is Y/n. Y/n, this is Jaehyun, Sicheng, and Jungwoo!” You nodded in greeting, flushing lightly at their stares.
“They’re cute, Mark.” Jaehyun winked, earning himself a jab in the side from Sicheng who sat beside him.
“Oh, um thank you,” you replied shyly. “So, Mark told me you guys met when you were living in America?”
“Yea! We met at some Korean American camp thing in New York and I basically adopted him as my little brother.” Jaehyun reached across the table to ruffle Mark’s hair, forcing a groan of protest from the younger.
“And what about the rest of you?”
“Oh, we met earlier this year. We go to the same uni as Jaehyun and he wanted to introduce us to his favorite younger brother!” Jungwoo spoke up softly. “We’ve hung out a bunch since then and now we’ve all adopted him!”
“God this is so embarrassing.” Mark muttered under his breath.
“I think it’s cute!” You cooed, fixing Mark’s mussed up hair. “What university do you guys go to again?”
“Seoul National.” You froze as the prestigious name left Jaehyun’s lips.
“O-oh wow, you guys must be, really smart.”
“Ah we’re not that smart.”
“Yea, don’t worry babe once you get to know them you’ll realize they’re a bunch of idiots too. No better than our kids at Yonsei, if you ask me.” You laughed as the other three boys all gasped in offense.
“How dare you even think of comparing us to those brats! I swear, my phone still glitches when I press the space key because of the time Donghyuck tried to use it as a hammer.” Sicheng fumed, throwing his phone onto the table in order to demonstrate the damage.
“They sure are idiots, but they’re lovable idiots, as I’m sure you guys are as well.” You laughed at their shocked expressions.
“She’s mean, Mark,” Sicheng pouted, “I think she’s perfect for you.”
Mark laughed, pulling you closer into his side.
“Yea, I think she is.” He replied, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Wow, so cute!” Jungwoo gushed, turning to face Jaehyun. “Why don’t you treat me like that?”
“I think I agree with those two, you guys are idiots.”
“That statement applied to you too, hyung. Don’t think you’re exempt from the label.”
Jaehyun huffed at Mark’s remark, sinking back into his seat while Jungwoo patted his head in condolence. You spent the rest of your time at the cafe chatting away, occasionally nibbling at your slice of cake while simultaneously having to bat Mark’s prying fork away from stealing a bite. Once you finished your drink you excused yourself to the bathroom. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, straightening out your appearance and heading back to your table. Before rounding the corner, you heard Jaehyun mentioning your name. Out of curiosity, you stayed in your spot, straining your ears to listen in on their conversation.
“I think Y/n’s good for you, Mark. You seem really happy, too.” You could hear the others hum in agreement and you had to spend a few more moments in your hiding place in order to tame the blush that had formed on your cheeks. Finally calmed down, you emerged from behind the corner and sa back down beside Mark. He smiled over at you, immediately wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you back into his side. You grabbed his free hand with your own, pulling it to rest snugly in his lap.
Finals were nearly over and most of your gang had already left for their respective homes. Mark and you had made plans to travel south for a few weeks, visiting your friends along the way, before you went home to celebrate christmas with your families. Currently you were curled up next to Mark on his bed, resting after finishing the essay you had been religiously working on for the past few days. You mindlessly traced patterns over his chest, studying the rise and fall with each breath he took.
“This is nice.” He whispered, hand lovingly stroking your hair. You hummed in agreement, bringing your hand up to intertwine with his.
“Can I, can I ask you something?” You suddenly spoke out.
“You just did.” He chuckled, his laughter lightly jostling your head.
“Shut up. I mean another question.”
“Well, um…” you paused, unsure of how to phrase your question. “You know we’ve been like, going on dates and…you know…doing stuff?”
“Making out? Yea, it’s been pretty great.”
“Yea well anyways,” you continued, rolling your eyes, “I was just wondering…I mean well, you’ve never exactly asked me to be your girlfriend, I guess.”
Mark immediately sat straight up, eyes blown wide as you nearly fell off the bed.
“Oh shit holy shit wait fuck I’m so sorry.” Mark eloquently remarked, moving to aid you in resituating yourself on the bed. “Did I seriously never ask you?”
“What do you mean?”
“I seriously thought I asked you to be my girlfriend, like, the day after that first kiss.” He said quietly, bringing his hand up to rub at the back of his neck. You moved to straddle him, furrowing your eyebrows in mild exasperation.
“You idiot! I’ve been worrying the past month trying to figure this out and you’re telling me you forgot to ask me out?” You leant over, flicking his forehead.
“I’m sorry, I just really thought I’d already asked you!” He pouted, lightly rubbing the reddened area.
“You’re just lucky I love you.” You sighed.
“Oooh you looove me?” He sang, lightly tickling your sides.
Rolling your eyes, you settled back into his chest, a light smile tugging at your lips. Minutes passed in silence and you felt yourself slipping out of consciousness when Mark broke the silence.
“So are you my girlfriend now, or…?”
“Yes, you fucking idiot.”
“Ok, just checking.” He shrugged, pulling your body closer to his, snuggling into your neck as you both drifted off to sleep.
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vensoul · 5 years
So.. I’m kinda gonna do this 40 question for writers thingy because I’m bored and I think it’ll be fun!
Gonna tag.. @erenaeoth ok let’s gooo
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic: I stay in the mlm realm typically. I like writing slow burns and long stories but sometimes I’ll cook up a one shot
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to? : I really really wanna write a kinda forbidden love story but I don’t know how many people are down to read about internal and external homophobia :/
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole? A/B/O never.
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?: I have so many fic ideas bro. I really really really wanna write a Shane/Rick slow burn but I have too many slow burns already
Share one of your strengths. I like angst?
Share one of your weaknesses. Not very good at making people cry
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. Viktor knows the cause of his father’s pain. Supposedly, Balboa, Creed, and Drago were at a party celebrating Balboa’s win again. And it was great for awhile, before some guy tried to pick a fight with Creed. Drago had to break up the fight, and not too long after he had stopped it, Creed was stabbed. So there Ivan was, staring at Apollo desperately trying to stay alive. He could recite every detail. Hand on his bleeding abdomen, the blood running from out of his mouth. Balboa trying to get somebody to help them, yet nobody would help. Apollo’s last words, everything. His friend died in his arms, and it messed with him. In more ways than he could explain, he couldn’t even eat for awhile.
Okay, so I was experimenting with an idea for Rocky and I guess I’m proud of the fact that I can be creative with the way I can bend timelines?
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. The two of them locked eyes with each other, Rambo only began to get more nervous than he already was. Neither of them were sure what to say, there wasn’t much to talk about. Neither of them wanted to talk, they barely knew each other. But, assuming that the conversation didn’t have to be about the war, Austrian vet scratched his facial hair, before sitting up straight.
“What’s going through your mind?”
His Austrian accent was probably thicker than the hair on John’s head. John sat in silence for a moment, what was going through his mind? Could he find anything else that wasn’t related to a painful experience? Anything at all?
John probably spoke for the first time in days, and the change in his voice even surprised him a little. The best way the Austrian vet would describe it, there was not a shred of hope in his voice.
I’m proud because it’s stallonezenegger I love Arnold and Sly they are so 😌💕💕💕
Which fic has been the hardest to write? Warmth.. I’m not straight so writing wlw is kinda hard bc i’m not rlly invested in it?
Which fic has been the easiest to write? Theraputic, Fighting Spirit. Anything with Arnold or Sly or any of my other faves really..
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby? For me it’s both! I’m passionate about writing but it’s something I do bc it’s a rlly fun hobby for me uwu
Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more? Episode? Not really but I guess Rocky has changed me a bit 🤠
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across? My friends suggest that I try to be more descriptive.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across? None so far
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose? Please film Fighting Spirit, sly please Adonis and Viktor are dating
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be? Sly and Arnold..
Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? From start to finish, I didn’t know you could write any other way.
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? I sometimes use notes to keep track of the plot so I don’t forget it
Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse? No?
Describe your perfect writing conditions. At night alone or in a dark place 💕
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? No.. not always.
Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions). Do I really wanna do that? In another post.
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why? A fic I deleted called new home, it was a fic where Kano was a dad with kids and yea it was crazy
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics? Mmhm, I deleted the Kano as a dad fic, then I deleted a Kano/Terminator fic and i don’t even know why I wrote that but it’s funny, then I accidentally deleted a letter John wrote to the T-800. So yeah.
What do you look for in a beta? ...A bottom??
Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you? I’m verse but we’re not ready for that conversation.
How do you feel about collaborations? Depends?? But I’m open to it.
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. AAA @erenaeoth @badbessie and someone on ao3 but idk if he has tumblr. They’re stories always keep me interested, and they’re everything I wanna be in a writer and I just 😭
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? yo.. lemme write a sequel to this Viktor/Adonis fic called trust fall. BRO
Do you accept prompts? I don’t just accept them, I need them.
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant? I will do some things with canon compliant if it benefits the plot idea I have but all my fics are usually set in AUs. Kinda?
How do you feel about smut? I well.. it’s hard for me to write bc I just.. embarassment. It’s slightly hard for me to read to bc it’s like hhh bro i just wanted y’all to cuddle
How do you feel about crack? It can be funny as fuck the less sense it makes
What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con? I mean.... i’m very touchy about it. Maybe if it was used correctly and it was for a plot then yea. But if someone is genuinely into it it’s like... ur into a federal crime sir.
Would you ever kill off a canon character? I have... and I’d do it again
Which is your favorite site to post fic? AO3, can’t imagine posting anywhere else really. WELL, tumblr maybe.
Talk about your current wips. Currently working on a Rocky/Apollo oneshot, then after I finish that I’m making Florian/Masias. It’s crazy
Talk about a review that made your day. Ughh anytime somebody compliments my writing 🥺
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? I haven’t gotten one yet! Haha only criticism. I’ll listen to what they have to say, then use what they say to try and better my writing
Write an alternative ending to Theraputic.
..... in another post doe 👀
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