#but yall probably knew that and see me lose my mind over john wick every day already :)
johnsbleu · 2 years
I’m so sorry if this sounds weird .. I honestly don’t mean for it to be!!! I just curious!
I’ve just started reading your fic in the last few months. Can I ask you a bit about yourself? Age bracket? Married/single? Why did you start writing this fic? .. you write with such depth and life experience almost ? so I was wondering a bit about you. The person behind the story!
If you’re uncomfortable just bypass this!
i'm not as young as you probably think! i started writing hmh when i was 25, i think lmao so...it's been a few years now. i'm not married, and as single as single can be lmao i started writing hmh bc i literally couldn't find any soft wick fics. like i just wanted something soft where he was just in love with the reader. not that there isn't any of those out there now, but when i started writing this, there were like...a handful of fics at the time and they just weren't my...thing--which is totally fine, bc i know (people have straight up told me. ps, never do that) that my fic isn't some people's taste. (the people were very rude about it and it hurt my feelings bc i am a human being) but yeah! that's me! oh, and i never really say my name bc well, just saying my name all the time would be weird, but it's em! you saying i write with depth and life experience is so nice, so thank you! anyway, yeah, chat with me anytime!
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