#but ya i now know a few pokemon names in french
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rhytmrocket · 2 months ago
hi so uh
i have a playthrough of pokemon shield in which im only using poison types (as soon as i got access to them) and so uh here's my team of dumbass creatures
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explained below the cut (left-right, top-bottom), we have:
Bria, a sassy roserade who's kinda just there cuz i like roserade, and is thus a swing slot. functionally, she's kinda just a diet nikki with grass stab who happens to also serve cunt
Chia, a quirky garbodor who's my lead in major battles. she sets up spikes+tox spikes and explodes. the sweetest fuckin thing
Niro, a timid low-key toxtricity who mainly functions as electric stab. he's the resident chill guy who lowkey (heh) doesn't give a fuck
Nikki, a timid haunter who's my special-attacking nuke. she's kinda just Bria +speed, ice coverage, and stab on shadow ball but -grass coverage. but who needs grass coverage. she is a nefarious schemer
Ura, a quiet skuntank who's my physical attacker and main source of coverage. dark stab, flamethrower, dig, and a psychic immunity are quite nice to have. she's a powerhouse in battle and incredibly sleepy out of battle
and Quoisse, a bashful toxapex who stalls and has water stab. also my primary second-choice in double battles cuz blockhaus (i forgot its english name) is cool and it's cooler than protect. ironically, she highkey hates everyone except me
i also have Vic, a bashful toxicroak who shares the swing slot with Bria, but i didn't have space on the canvas to draw him and was too exhausted to do him separately. so i'll draw him later. he's basically just fighting stab and earthquake user since dig isn't really the best ground type option bc it's vulnerable to said eq (which Ura is already weak to) and two turns is a long time. he likes breaking things, such as the bones of steel types (do steel types have bones?)
so yeah those are my dogs :>
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playerfolie · 6 years ago
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°✧。 [ MARGARET  QUALLEY ,  CIS  WOMAN ,  SHE/HER ]   it’s  been  two  years  since  FOLIE  joined  velia  from  NEW  ORLEANS ,  LOUISIANA ,  USA .  apparently  their  name  is  MAEVE  FOURNIER  and  they’re  a  ROGUE .  they  have  been  fighting  as  a  REVENANTS  member  for  a  while  now .  didn’t  people  say  they  were  not  a  beta  tester ?  i  heard  they  turned  TWENTY - ONE  this  year .  let’s  hope  they  make  it  out  alive . 
          hey  there  demons !  it’s  me ,  ya  boy  ( aka  spence  /  20  /  they/them ) .  i  was  in  velia  very  briefly  a  little  while  back  but  had  to  dip  because  of  school  ( + i  am  recycling  this  account  so  that’s  why  there  may  be  old  messages  from  me  in  ur  dms  asfvad ) ,  but  i  have  now  finished  finals  and  i  am  back  to  introduce  you  to  my  new  baby  maeve / folie !  if  you’d  like  to  plot  with  her ,  feel  free  to  drop  a  ♡  on  this  and  i’ll  shoot  you  a  message  ( or  shoot  me  one  yourself  if  you  wanna ) !  this  is  probably  gonna  be  the  longest  intro  ever  because  i  ramble ,  so  sorry  in  advance ,  but  here  we  go !
            ♡     username : folie             ♡     level : 64             ♡     class : rogue             ♡     cursor : green  ( has  been  orange  in  the  past )             ♡     guild : revenants ,  previously  knights  of  the  blood  oath.             ♡     position : recruiter             ♡     mount : n/a             ♡     pet : rabbit  named  cecil             ♡     mastered  skills : stealth ,  communication ,  searching             ♡     proficient  skills : luck ,  appraisal             ♡     languages spoken : english ,  french
            ♡     maeve fournier was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and ballet slippers on her feet. her mother was a lawyer, one of the best defense attorneys in the south. her father came from old money, took complete ownership of a number of oil rigs off the louisiana and mississippi coasts after her grandfather died. her early life came with privileges, more than one could count, but it had its share of burdens as well. from the time she was toddling, maeve was expected to live her life like a painting ─ something to be viewed, showed off, bragged about by her parents to their wealthy friends. she was to have her mother’s smarts and grace, and her father’s power and charisma ; anything else was failure.             ♡     of the many things maeve had handed to her, video games was not one of them. her mother was convinced that they would ‘ rot her brain ’, take her time away from the things that mattered like school, dance, french lessons, her violin. the first time she played a game was when she was seven years old, sleeping over at a friends house ─ pokemon white on an old nintendo ds that belonged to her friend’s father. she fell in love.              ♡     as she got older, video games became her best kept secret. weekly sleepovers at her friend’s house became a sneaky rendezvous to escape into a digital world for just a couple of days. one day a week to get away from the constant pressure, to be a person rather than a spectacle.             ♡     when her and her best friend heard of velia, they knew they absolutely had to have it. the pair were freshman in college by then, and although maeve still lived very much under her parents’ thumb ( loyola university new orleans was close enough for them to keep close tabs on her ), it was much easier to get video games in her own hands now that she was living slightly more independently. the two bought the game the second they could, and were off to the races. until they got stuck.
          ♡     when everyone first became trapped in the game, maeve and her best friend kept close to one another, but were hesitant to partner up with any other players or join a guild. the two had each others backs, and they were convinced that that was all they needed. that sentiment would later prove to be false. ( TW : ROBBERY, MUGGING, DEATH ). the pair were ambushed a few months into the game ; a party of five players threatening their lives if they failed to hand over their possessions. maeve, aware that the group was too big to be fought off by her and her friend alone, began to concede. instead of following suit, the other girl tried to take one of them on, and ended up catching quite the beating. maeve managed to get in a few good hits, finish the work that her friend had started on one of the group members, killing him. they dropped all they had for the remaining four and high-tailed it out before they got themselves killed.           ♡     after that, maeve went near crazy. it was ironic, how much freedom she found in a digital prison, but living in velia was the first and closest thing to liberation that she had ever experienced. chaos was unfamiliar to her, fascinating, she even relished in it at times. but it also became to clear to her that in this world, you had to do what it took to survive, and doe eyes don’t last long. she never went out of her way to hurt other players if she didn’t have to, but strayed away from heroics. slowly, the reserved, polite, sweetheart that maeve was trained to be from birth slipped away. folie was unapologetic and fierce, and she’d steel you blind if you looked away for more than a second. two things mattered to her: surviving until the end of this, and her best friend. little did she know that she’d lose the latter.           ♡     after getting robbed, and a couple of other close calls with less than savory players, folie admitted to her friend that she thought they should try to join a guild. there was safety in numbers and, with the right group, a significantly less amount of fear with going to sleep every night. her friend disagreed, thought that a group would only make you weak, that trusting other players was a huge mistake. the whole ordeal ended in an enormous fight, but no real answers. for the most part, folie got by through thievery, stealing everything she needed for herself and selling the excess. a week or so after her fight with her friend, folie was caught stealing from a couple of blood oath members, marking the beginning of a friendship that would later lead to her joining the guild. her friend stopped speaking to her after that.            ♡     she was never a fan of blood oath’s heroics, but they were the biggest guild, the most powerful - her ticket home. so that day, when hercules stepped forward, announced the genesis of a new guild, rising from the ashes of the cardinals, it sounded awfully tempting. though folie had found a place in blood oath, gotten comfortable, she couldn’t help but feel disarmed by that same fact. she wasn’t supposed to be getting comfortable ; she was supposed to be beating this game. the revenants new found mission statement of getting out no matter the cost drew her in and captured her. it didn’t take much thought for her to step forward, abandoning her old guild for the revenants.
            ♡     despite the fact that folie lost a lot of the qualities programed into her when she was younger, she’s not unnecessarily mean. that being said, if you’re expecting the saccharine-voiced angel from before you’re looking in the wrong place ( but she’ll sure as hell put on a good show if it’ll get her something she wants ).             ♡     a little snarky, usually jokingly so, but if you make her mad she will turn into frozone’s wife from the incredibles and you will never see the end of it.             ♡     not quick to trust. if you’ve earned it though, you’re likely to see some of the old maeve slip through the cracks. those who have had the privilege may have been on the receiving end of some misplaced altruism, maybe caught a shy smile or a soft moment, call backs to who she used to be and who she likely never completely be again. but she doesn’t talk about her life back home much either, aside from the arbitrary, another way of keeping that old version of herself, the one that couldn’t survive this, locked away.             ♡     *mushu voice* a flirt ! she’ll flirt with your whole family ! she’ll flirt with you ! she’ll flirt with your cow ! i wish i could stop her but i can’t ! she’s never experienced this kind of freedom before, who could blame her for being a heaux ?             ♡     still has sticky fingers, watch your shit around her if you want to keep it !              ♡     probably other things i’m forgetting but i am currently brain dead.
            ♡     other revenants members      ›      i mean duh,, gotta have those guild connections ! pals ? playful rivalry ? maybe even a little bit of mutual dislike ? gimme it all !             ♡     her old best friend      ›      probably gonna put a wc on the main for this but PLEASE bring me her ex friend who stopped speaking to her when she joined the knights of the blood oath. i will SCREAM !!             ♡     old folks from blood oath      ›      people who she’s still friends with ? people she never got along with ? people angry that she left for the revenants ( esp if they were close before bc i love pain ) ? maybe even an ex ? *sharpay evans voice* i want it all !             ♡     flirtationships & fwb      ›      like i said, she will flirt with a brick wall and she is living her best life as a heaux in velia asdadfvdf. let her be spici !!! ( lil notes : she’s bi + i’m chill w nsfw headcanons but i’m not super comfy writing smut in threads )             ♡     frenemies / enemies      ›      let ! her ! be ! bitter ! that’s really it we can plot out why together i just love some good old fashioned hostility ( bonus points if there’s some underlying ~tension~ *eyebrow wiggle* )             ♡     an unlikely friendship      ›      maybe someone who is more reserved who she can bring out a little chaos in or who can balance out the chaos in her ? maybe someone who has done something that she should hate them for, but instead they grew close ? a fun dynamic with characters who no one would ever guess would be as good of friends as they are             ♡     anything else !!      ›      if you have other ideas for fun connections please shoot them my way !! or we can brainstorm if ya want !!
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pyrebriight-a · 6 years ago
rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better! tagged by: @hyaciiintho (YAS FAM, THANK YOU)
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name: My given name? Katie. nickname: Pi, my mom calls me Mimi for some reason, people soooorta make fun of me on the trawl boat for holding onto boat hooks like a wizard staff, I'm fucking HOPING they start calling me "The Wizard." height: 5′3" nationality: Recovering Floridian favorite fruit: Apples, Nectarines, Cherries favorite season: Fall favorite smell: Musk smells, petrichor, salt breezes favorite color(s): Greens, blues, browns and tans favorite animals: Cats, dragons (shush), bats, owls, alligators tea, coffee, hot cocoa: Tea and hot cocoa, I don't drink coffee average hours of sleep: 7-8 dogs or cats: Cats! dream trip: New Zealand and Australia, or Hawaii. I want to hike big mountains and see endemic fauna! when my blog was created: The original Downfall Zel blog was made back in January of 2015. I've rebooted it a few times since then. Most recently a few weeks ago when I was a dumbass about which delete button I was clicking. random fact: I'm afraid of heights, so I used to go to rock climbing gyms and climb blindfolded. I was a stubborn, stupid child. favorite food: Curry of any variety, ice cream, french fries, dried apricots, sauerkraut, sharp cheeses. favorite t.v. show: Right now, I'm into Castlevania, The Good Place, and Stranger Things! favorite movie: Star Wars! This becomes apparent after knowing me for maybe five fucking minutes, because I often wear Rebel Starbirds in my earholes. favorite vine: I love the "Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this" one. I die laughing no matter how many times I watch it. sexuality: Asexual gender: Female favorite book series: I read too much to keep track of this. Garth Nix's Abhorsen Chronicles stick out, and so does Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach Trilogy... I don't fuckin know, man, I love sci-fi and fantasy books. favorite video game(s): Pokemon, Knights of the Old Republic, Zel-duh, Portal, and Supergiant's stuff is pretty damn good too. favorite subject: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology favorite fandoms: None of them. As a whole, I hate fandom. I stay for the maybe seven people I like, huddled spitefully in the corner, seething. favorite superhero: THOR guys or girls: In terms of romance? I'm not into guys, no. I know that much at least. celebrity crush: I have never had a celebrity crush. No, I know. It should have been a tip-off as to my current struggle with "Do I like girls or am I aromantic?" But I strongly recall a drama teacher asking me about who my celebrity crush was to explain the emotion she wanted out of me, and I remember just... staring at her blankly like "People do that?" last time i cried: I think it was Tuesday, at work, in the middle of trying to wrangle chlorophyll-a data? hair color: Brown eye color: Blue what I should be doing: I'm at a standstill right now, actually, this guy has to answer me back about the problems I've got with the chlorophyll-a data.
tagging 20 people: I think you tagged everyone here again, haha. Go ahead! Do it!
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eccentricbinary-blog · 8 years ago
Hope Is Wonderful,
This drabble is a continuation of one I posted on @hopelessgrunt​ which you can read here. 
This was a lovely evening!
There were laughs. There was food! There were drinks! There couldn’t be anything better to celebrate a reunion such as this.
Kaido and Vincent sat at a booth in the back corner of a restaurant. One they mutually shared a love for. Red Fletchling was a top priority whenever they had time, and that was something they had decided upon when they had initially met.
They had both been drinking, but it’s evident that Vincent has definitely had more than Kaido had. The taller man looked to his friend in amusement as he stared back to him rather strangely.
Yep. He was definitely gone.
❝You want some water, Vinny?❞ The tone is jovial, but the concern is evident.
Vincent’s eyes sharpen ever so slightly. A single hand ruffles his hair and he reaches for his dish, or rather one of few french fries left on it, dips it in some ketchup, and scarfs it down.
❝Fuck you think I am? I ain’t a lightweight, and you know that. Deadass, b.❞ He spat, simple as that. Lightweight he was not, but that didn’t mean his tolerance was incredibly high. Kaido, however, rolled his eyes. He was no stranger to dealing with any of Vincent’s antics.
❝Well, do you want dessert then?❞  
Sweets. His one of many weaknesses. Vincent had almost forgotten that he had been absentmindedly sitting and eating chicken, fries, mashed potatoes and drinking, yet forgot about dessert. The dessert menu was an absolute must. He’d dine and dash if he had to. But he would eat dessert before leaving.
His hands shot up quick as an espeon, causing Kaido to laugh.
What a goof.
His hand stayed, awaiting for a waitress to show. A woman eventually showed herself and took an order for a funnel cake; a rather large one covered in ice cream, hot fudge, caramel, brownie bits, and oreo bits.
The look on Kaido’s face upon hearing that order was gold, at least to Vinny. He couldn’t help but start giggling ever so slightly, earning a roll of his eyes from Kaido.
❝What’s so funny?❞ He inquires, raising his palm to rest his head against. Vincent momentarily breaks his fit, though instead of answering, he grabs a fork, and begins to bang on the table.
Kaido’s ears twitched, his head perking immediately. Was. Was that a beat?
❝We here in Fletchlings Feastin like some kings The subjects come servin’ us some dope ass cuisine I got me some lovely, ludicrous, delicious, delectable Dishes with a side of fries It’s lit, b, ‘innit Hangin’ with my boy I ain’t seen in a minute Bout twice as long as it took to serve this Though, I know you don’t mean it Cause you here now, and, This meeting has love put into it Much as the food that the chef’s put into it But then you came Offerin’ Some dessert like my girl CA And here you are, lookin at me Like a deerling in the headlights I’mma get you And you deadass know why.❞
❝Vinny...❞ Kaido began to beat on the table himself, shaking his head ever so slightly. Despite this, a smile crept on to his face.
❝Bitch you tryna square up? Step to me dude Lookin lost in the clouds like you did back in Kalos boy what you gon’ do? Your flow ain’t sweet, like cake with ice cream b What is your goal see, you know it’s ‘bout as gone as you Call me you know I come through Stand and deliver like UPS do Haters be sleepin’ on me like fruit of the loom But I got their girls sleepin’ on me like fruit of the loom It’s what Sootopolitans do I never try to do you Dirty my dude Fuck around with them fuckarounds and get Noctowl-ed like HOOT HOOT HOOT HOOT!❞ 
Another momentary pause. Vincent had stopped laughing. Not necessarily because that verse was better than his own, he’d rather die than say that. There was something about it that irked Vincent.
❝Never done me dirty?❞ An octave dropped, much like the jovial tone like a rock into water. Brown eyes narrow to slits as Vincent reaches to his glass and drinks some of his Sunset. As the glass parts from his lips, so do words.  ❝You full of shit and you know it. You been fuckin’ me ever since we met.❞
Kaido furrows a brow. He could feel this sinking feeling. Something, no matter how he would have prepared, was going to go wrong tonight.  ❝Vinny, what the hell are you talking about?❞
❝You know damn well what I’m talkin’ bout, with yo Deathklok lookin’ ass. But I guess it ain’t mean much to ya, much like me, cause you ain’t said nothin to me in years.❞
Patience is tested. Fingers tap against the table. It’s the only response that Kaido gives, and he averts his gaze from Vincent to the window.
❝You tryna avoid this like you avoidin’ me?❞
❝Say something. I know you ain’t hard of hearin’ boy.❞
❝Stop. You know that this isn’t true. Stop trying to put the blame on me. If you really wanted my attention then you could have come to me. Not like I wasn’t busy or anything.❞
❝Ain’t no one busy for 6 years! What, you broke yo’ phone for six straight years?!❞ A fist slams against the table.  ❝Did I do something wrong? Tell me so I can fix it instead of avoiding me!❞
❝The only thing wrong are your delusional accusations! I’ve got better things to do than babysit you. Get. Over it. It’s not that deep!❞ Kaido’s voiced raise, along with the rest of his body as he stood up from the booth.
❝You my boy, right? Then you know good and damn well that I shouldn’t have to constantly reassure that we still kin!❞ Vincent stands up himself.  ❝You know I got trouble dealing with this! Stop fuckin’ testin’ me cause it ain’t cute or funny! That shit hurts!❞ 
❝Stop. I can’t help you! I’m not a professional. I’m a fuckin’ bartender and an expert in Mega Evolution! Not a fuckin therapist! Seek one out instead of being a leech for once in your life!❞
Words cut deeper than the cool ocean below. Vincent averts his gaze, opting to reach for the fork again. However, he decides against it. There would be no beat for this. His eyes returns to Kaido, and the two exchange an understanding gaze.
❝Look at you, look at me Startin a scene Got me lookin foolish cause you playin’ with my dreams Bitch, I hate you, I love you I’m fuckin’ crazy ‘bout you But you don’t feel the same Makes me feel stupid like yo’ name Kaido Black could be tattooed on my back And cover up Galactic, but you slow as molasses To Text back, call back, be someone to fall back On, like a tempurpedic mattress Which makes sense, cause when you here it’s like pillow talk And your presence makes me not want walk off a cliff And plummet to my death Because the only thing I got now is you, taxes, and death. Who is it? Who’s the bitch who’s More important than this shit who’s Fucking me by fuckin’ you and taking away what gives me life?❞
Kaido rolls his eyes. He hesitates as he notices that many eyes of customers have now fallen upon their table. If this continues, they would most likely receive a warning for disturbing the other customers.
❝For fuck’s sake, get help You know what they do to snakes? They turn ya into belts Herb ass, nerd ass, beggin’ to be heard ass I’ll shoot you out the sky with your mandibuzz lookin ass! I know it’s hard but guess what? I’m not your shit And I don’t owe you shit Fuck the tattoo, get it removed for you Like I fuckin’ told you Now chill out, eat some more Have somethin’ sweet when that Woman gets back here with your diabetic treat And don’t you go splittin’ on me or your ass can split Cause you know I mean well and if you don’t, then I’ll might as well say Suck a fuckin’ dick!❞
As if on cue, the waitress returns, rather timidly, with funnel cake in hand. She sets the tray down and makes haste away. Anyone could sense the tension between them, and could cut it like a hot knife through butter.
Inhale. Exhale.
In his attempt to calm down, Vincent sits down, takes a fork and knife, and begins cutting off pieces of the cake. However, as he’s reaching the fork to his mouth, a bit of ice scream spills on to his coat.
. .. ... Wonderful.
❝I’m sorry.❞ Silence broken, for once by Kaido. His hand reaches towards a napkin, and attempts to wipe the stain off of Vincent’s coat. However, he only makes it worse, smearing it into the coat
Inhale. Exhale. You’re ruining everything, Kaido. Vincent’s eyes narrow once again and his hand instinctively grips Kaido’s wrist.
❝You’ve done enough today. Take care of myself, right?❞ Brown hues fall to his coat and he begins to unbutton it, throwing his previous caution to the wind. He had no more energy to care about what happened. Not now.
Off comes the coat, and the Skull medallion and uniform are revealed.
Kaido’s eyes narrowed. He hadn’t been in Alola long, but he had been here long enough to notice the yahoos harassing others, attempting to steal pokemon from other trainers, assaulting others, and legitimately trying to steal bus stop signs. 
❝You. Have got. To be shitting me.❞ A hiss returns Kaido’s previous harshness.  ❝You really do want to keep yourself trapped in a cycle, don’t you? Using your illness as an excuse to continue joining these fucking gangs. What’s this one’s goal, huh? You gonna try and steal my pokemon too? Or are these dumbasses beating up stop signs and shit trying to end all of existence too?❞
No response. Vincent’s gaze returns to the funnel cake, and resumes eating. At least that tasted good.
It was better than Kaido’s mood. Definitely. 
❝Fine. Stay trapped in the cycle. You don’t want help. You want to be babied like the selfish impulsive brat you are. But don’t contact me when you realize that this won’t do you any good. Or at all, for that matter.❞
The taller man rises, slams down some cash, and storms out of the restaurant. The slam of the door echoes throughout the now silent room.
A sniff breaks the silence, accompanied by a single tear running down Vincent’s cheek.
What had he done?
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levi-lev · 8 years ago
Got tagged °o°
ry i-Tagged by: @djnightstep
-Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better!
-Nickname: Lev (or croissant for meebs)
-Star sign: Gemini
-Height: 154 cm (I am really short)
-Time right now: 23:30
-Favorite music artist: Toby Fox, or Joe Hisaïshi (ghibli compositor)
-Song stuck in my head: heeeee none for now, but if you want french songs that stick in your head for years :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6XX_3q-KfE this one is terrible.
-Last movie I watched: the congres. one of the weirdest stuff i’ve ever saw with Brazil.
-Last TV show I watched: you probably don’t now it but... Julie Lescaut (it about a woman police officer)
-What I’m wearing right now: sea blue hoodie, black jeans and socks
-When I created this blog: how the hell do i remember that ? @lechangenom was created a while ago, maybe five years ago, and this one @levonolev a few month ago.
-The kind of stuff I post: currently undertale. 
-Do I do asks regularly: my inbox is always opened, really. i didn’t eat anybody. yet.
-Why did I chose my URL : when i was younger, on fanfiction.net, i changed pseudo quite often. so, you now, “changenom” “changing name”.
for Levonolev, it is a nickname a friend gave me.
-Gender: none, i don’t really care.
-Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw according to the pottermore test ! (and my patronus is a fudging dolphin)
-Pokemon team: instinct
-Favorite color: Blue.
-Lucky number: 9
-Favorite character :
-Dream job :  god. can create anything and now everything. best thing ever.
-Number of blankets I sleep with :
-Followers: 523 here and 700 on the main !!! i just saw that ! have to do a special drawing !
-Now for the next 20 victims :
1) @woorenergy​
2) @happysushichan (DUDE i can’t tag you but you are here !! notice me !!!)
3) @ameb-stuff​
4) @deleriousfromcoffee​
5) @donnapaella​
6) @otaku5967​
7) @lavinnablackhearts
8) @sin-sius
9) @lari1me
10) @izzy85533
11) @makinoke (DUDE ! ya supported me for a long time ! i can’t tag you but here you are !!!)
12) @pinkflames3
13) @esmiden
14) @eriapril
15) @manilove223
16) @okamix397
17) @inayuri
18) @imacutechair
19) @theshippingcharacter
20) @silverryu25
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