#but with that being said i do miss the kid. baby's first blorbo
moonscape · 1 day
it would be really cool to have another chronicles-esque series
#bwark#obviously i want the staffing issues and working conditions at olm to be better first#or just get another studio to do it#i think things might have improved? given that horizons has ran pretty smoothly so far? i hope so at least#not even taking the point of this post into consideration for that i just want the conditions at olm to be good#but back to chronicles. im not the type of guy who demands that ash be brought back#and reaches excessively to try and find hints that he will return#some ash fans can be really annoying about this esp the ones who criticize everything horizons does without even having seen it#like im completely fine with having a new cast and i don't need to bring him up every 5 minutes when discussing horizons#but with that being said i do miss the kid. baby's first blorbo#and i think a chronicles-esque series would be a good way to bring him back without tying him down#like they're not restricted to a series-long story and can just focus it on an episode by episode basis#and ik that's kinda what they tried to do with atbapm but that series was also about ending ash's time as the protagonist#meanwhile this wouldn't have any restrictions at all#hell even focusing on ash's old friends the same way the original chronicles did would still be cool even if ash isn't involved#idk im just spitballing here#the staff have said they're not opposed to bringing him back if a good reason calls for it#also i don't want it to be au ash. nothing against him but the au verse means nothing to me
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sabrondabrainrot · 11 days
Sun is technically the first animatronic most of the family have met. (Watch as I give shoddy examples and argue my way into convincing you to see only my truth.)
Old Moon first met Sun in the daycare mirror. (also the reverse for Sun) Sun, quite literally, is the first person Moon meets. It makes sense why they're so important to each other. It's sad it was with the circumstances they had.
Lunar when he first came to as a new AI, he met Sun (I think Lunar did meet Eclipse in the mind scape first?) while in control of Moon's body for the first time. Sun has quoted Lunar's first words on multiple occasions. It's actually a running gag to everyone's confusion but the audience's. Tickle cuttlefish 27, I'm gonna kiss your dad. Baby's first words. (I think I might have remembered the quote wrong)
Eclipse as we know used Sun's eyes to see so he like Old Moon met him by looking at an old worn mirror. I actually am not sure if I would argue Sun was the first being he met but Eclipse did gain sentience in his mind. He talks about how he knows Sun in and out so idk Imma argue Eclipse saw Sun's inner thoughts for the first time. (Eclipse did him so dirty)
For Solar, I'm theorizing when he comes back Sun might be the one to pick him up? (Eclipse did say he thinks Solar would like to probably be greeted by a friendly face) so high brain theory moment but when Solar gets his dimension signature changed to the main dimension I think Solar will most likely meet Sun first?
Bloodmoon's intro is pretty confusing but after meeting Eclipse for the first time he did go on a murder spree and then evacuate himself out Sun's body (so wouldn't he have seen him? Doing leaps of logic) Like...Sun's his first introduction into the world. (It's SO SAD I think the kids at the daycare dying from Sun's hands is the SADDEST THING EVER, Bloodmoon did everyone so dirty.)
Earth found Sun first too. She met him when he was at his lowest in a literal crater caused by himself (Eclipse did trick him but that crater is so badass). He was having the biggest breakdown of his life and Earth just approached him so calmly and held him. I adore their first ever meeting to BITS. It's such a defining moment in the show for me. New Moon, when Old Moon resent the first person to meet New Moon was Sun. Hee Hee. Sun having another emotional breakdown as he meets a baby AI in his brother's shell. It's not even the first time that's happened to Sun but man. New Moon was so giddy poor thing (praying for Nexus) he was so hyped they were brothers man.
Was Frank's first meeting with Sun too? It's pretty interesting to think of.
Rambles about Dazzle how she watched Sun from the start teehee I love that she watched him so much she could perfectly clean to the point no one noticed her. Dazzle supremacy.
Also Jack didn't start showing sentience until he basically almost accidentally killed Sun's cats. He went out of his way to appease those cats and called them his masters and brought them treats. I think that was his first earliest acts of sentience and even that had something to do with Sun.
If I missed anything please let me know (I crave the Sun content)
anyways this is just the crazy rambles of a Sun simp. I bet this has been said before but I just wanted to ramble cause Sun is my bookie. Can't stop rambling about my blorbo. He's special to me~
Also got my root canal today it was traumatic and horrible but went well. I wanted a hug after and didn't get it but at least my mom took me to the fabric store. I was very brave today. (also been literally typing this spiel since this morning)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 6 months
sorry, thinking about babies again, you know how it is 😔 were Belle and Adam around when their kiddos said their first words or took their first steps? or did one of 'em (or both?) accidentally miss it because of Royal Duties ?
dude literally never apologize for thinking about blorbo babies. what is the point of life if you can’t freaking think about BLORBO BABIES!!!!!!!!
AHHH!!! i adore this. i don’t have set-in-stone headcanons about ALL of this quite yet. i’ll just list some things i DO know for sure☺️
i’ve headcanoned for years that renée and maurice both said mama first, but juliette said papa first 🥺 she’s been a papa’s girl since the BEGINNING.
i don’t quite know how it happens with renée, but i do know that she was saying mama for like WEEKS before she finally said papa. it became a joke. adam kept being like “no i get it :/ she just doesn’t like me :/“ and belle would be like >:0 STOP IT!!!!!!!! the same way they were when belle was pregnant with her and she wouldn’t kick for him lmao. i don’t know how she eventually says papa, but gosh, adam just explodes the first time he hears it. the first time his own child sees him and knows for certain that he’s her papa 🤧
for juliette, she was sitting on belle’s lap, and adam walked in. belle said “ah! there’s papa!” and juliette just suddenly said “papa!🤗” which SHOCKED adam and belle. juliette didn’t really start speaking until she was around 2, (just like her father, which no one realized until one day they were venting their worries about her to mrs. potts and she was like “don’t even worry. adam didn’t start speaking until that age either!” and he was like HUH??? - which leads to a whole spiral about how his father treated him and such… which then leads to adam feeling so sad and scared and not wanting his baby to have the struggles that he has… but belle reminds him that she already has so much more support and love in her life. even if she has his struggles, she’ll always be loved and cared for. which heals something deep inside adam ❤️)
gosh, so anyway, little two year old juliette looks up at her father and says “papa!” and both adam and belle are like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adam immediately goes to sit next to them and he’s grinning so wide and he says “yes! yes very good! i am papa!” and he picks her up and kisses her cheek and sits her on his lap and she says it again and adam and belle are laughing and kissing her head. it’s a beautiful moment 🥹
i also have an almost-done wip of the first time reecy says mama. belle was laying with him on the bed, trying to get him to nap with her. he was like exactly a year old, very babbly and wiggly. already very nearly walking too. but anyway, belle’s laying there with him, and she says something like “let’s rest awhile. will you rest with mama?” and he looks at her with those big blue eyes and grins and says “mama!!😁” and belle’s like !!! AH!! 😄😄 and snuggles with him and celebrates it and he keeps saying it, seeing how happy it makes her. it becomes even harder to settle down for a nap after that, but belle doesn’t even care!!!
so i guess adam DOES miss that moment!! but i think reecy easily says it again later on when adam was there, which of course warms adam’s heart 🥰
i also think they all say a rough form of the dog’s name, sylvie, like “seevee” or “sivy” pretty early on as well. i’ve even debated if maurice says that first, before he says mama. that may be the case!!!! they also all say “book” pretty quickly too. and like. who can be surprised.
FIRST STEPS THOUGH… agh. i’m even less certain about honestly
i’m not sure about the girls, though i know renée started walking at like 9-10 months old (which is sooner than average) and juliette was nearly 2 (which, as you can surmise, is later than average).
maurice though i think he did it WITH his sisters. i got this from a video i saw once, i’ll send it to you, it was literally 3 kids like the same dynamic as adam & belle’s. 2 girls roughly kid age (though they’re a bit older in the video, but same vibe) and a baby boy. and the video was him playing with the girls, and he was standing at a toy play thing. and he started reaching for the older girl, and it was clear that he had been on the cusp of figuring it out for a bit, so the girl quickly backed up and held a toy away for him to reach for. the baby boy then kept reaching and TOOK HIS FIRST STEPS!!!! he walked a few steps to her and fell into her lap. it’s SOOO cute and ever since i saw that, i’ve integrated it into my canon. i think that’s totally how maurice took his first steps. it Makes Sense that it would happen with his sisters 😭 and obviously in the video, a parent was recording, but idk where adam and belle are for this moment! maybe they’re there and watching, or MAYBE this is a crazy occurrence that happens for a split second when they’re both not looking. only looking up when they hear the excited cheers from their beloved children 🥹🫶
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raccoon-smiles · 1 year
💾 🌟 🍔 :3
Thank you so much for being my first ever ask!
💾 What do you love to draw?
This probably sounds crazy to say, but I love gore and body horror. I love stretching what counts as human, and how flesh acts. Besides that I love drawing poses. I made a whole design of people that were super basic silhouettes just so I could say I was drawing original characters instead of just dynamic poses. This most definitely stems from the fact I myself am never in normal positions. I am very much a little jester boy when it comes to existing.
🌟 What is your most prized possession?
Now this is a very hard thing. I don't usually get attached to objects because I didn't have a lot as a kid when it came to things that were really mine and not shared between my family (I really only had my dolls to myself because my brothers are all significantly older than me). If I had to choose though, I would probably say my books. I never really was a reader as a kid, but in middle school and highschool I got into it as an escape. Truly Daughter of Smoke & Bone was my escape from the hell of Catholic school, and Brandon Sanderson's cosmere was my escape from quarantine. But of my books "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" by William Joyce. Yes it is a children's book, but it has such a special place in my heart. Now I really miss it because I didn't bring it to college with me. When I got it as a kid it was nothing more than pretty art, but truly it is the most important book to me at this point.
🍔: Do you have OCs? If so, which is your favorite?
Yes! I have plenty of OCs. I actually have a group of them with stupidly complex traumas who barely have a plot, but I also play Dungeons & Dragons so there are those little blorbos. I also have self inserts for a couple games I enjoy like Splatoon and Ace Attorney. They are all my babies, but I think I would have to pick Anastrianna Galanodel. She was my first ever D&D character in 8th grade. She was my outlet for all my religious traumas, but she was also a silly little gold digger who became the villain. She was a half-elf warlock who was a run away princess (shout out to my DM for making her a princess when I just said she was from a rich family) from an extremely religious celestial based warlock family. Her patron just wanted to collect knowledge, and she just wanted a lavish lifestyle without work or trauma. She was my first real take at making a character, and she was very much everything I was feeling after 9 years of Catholic school. She was hyper sexual, hyper femme, and hyper romantic, and I think that was a continuation of my play at being "normal" as a closeted ace baby who didn't know they were enby and aromantic. I might draw her again now that I think about how important she was to me.
Thank you again for asking, and thank you for making it through my emotional homesick rambles.
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chaifootsteps · 3 years
…Can we, perhaps, hear all of your character responses (for the meme) in regards to Invader Zim?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Definitely Zim. I loved him from the literal first second I saw him, when I thought he was a girl. He's the reason I got into fanfiction in the first place. Precious little space ant has a very dear place in my heart.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression)
Also Zim, with a side of Purple.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Probably Zim’s robot parents, because my little cousin who I babysat for before covid really liked them and we’d quote Parent Teacher night constantly. We had this game where he’d set up a cardboard box that was supposed to represent the makeup lady, we’d take turns being Zim’s robot mom and doing the whole “I SAID BRUSH YOUR TEETH!” exchange, and then tackle the box and forcefully brush its teeth. It was hell on my knees but I miss that.
Also I think Old Kid is hilarious. 
obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week
This is weird but I used to adore the Madness Dog when I was a kid. Like, I wrote a fic that’s been lost to the sands of time where Zim is captured and the Madness Dog is the one who rescues him.
And if they count, the Slaughtering Rat People. I always liked their designs and they feature somewhat prominently in the nextgen au I’ve got going on.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Zim and Dib when they’re kissing. Johnny from JtHM, who counts because he makes a cameo appearance.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Dib because America hates Dib.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Membrane. I don’t care what Enter the Florpus says.
Thanks for the ask!
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