#but with me and shitpost fic Vs Actual Proper fic
presumenothing · 7 years
it’s a great day for disappointing everyone i guess (??) ft. @deductionfreak
All was silent.
Just bare minutes ago, chaos had reigned. Shots had been duly fired in a display fit to rival any army, even if a fair portion of them bore a suspicious resemblance to personal insults and assorted burns.
But now, all but the key players had been taken out, leaving the core members of the Organisation facing off against the FBI (plus CIA! PSB! maybe even MI6 and the KGB? honestly, who was even keeping track by this point) forces. Every last person standing who still had a gun – that was to say, all of them – had one aimed at them as well, and were daring each other to blink first.
Into this knife-edge balance, a final salvo was fired.
The packet of hot pink dye was watched out the corner of many eyes as it flew in a smooth arc to land on Gin’s head and promptly burst.
One now-pink eyebrow very carefully failed to twitch.
“Who did this,” he said in a voice that carried a disproportionate amount of murder for its volume.
(There were competing theories about this – the FBI had bets on some hidden amplification device hidden in his collar, while Interpol and KGB were both voting for “extensive practice in front of a mirror”.)
The silence intensifi-
Slooooorp, went the distinctive sound of a straw finding the bottom of a Starbucks cup.
“Am I late?” asked Shiho (lab coat included) as she walked in, taking another slurp of her pumpkin spice frappe. “See, this is why I quit, there’s just no good coffee anywhere nearby.”
The silence valiantly attempted to reassert itself despite interruptions, though it now carried the distinct spices of autumn and disbelief.
“S-Sherry!? But you’re d-dead!” spluttered someone – Vodka, clearly, since Gin did not splutter and would silence any dissenters with extreme prejudice.
“Oh, really? I hadn’t noticed.” The walking dead reholstered her paint gun with an unbothered expression. “Don’t worry about the dye, by the way, it’ll wash out. Eventually.”
Jodie was the one to ask the question hovering above their heads like a cartoon thundercloud, except pinker. “…eventually?”
“You know,” the apparent zombie said, waving a hand airily before resuming her heated pursuit of the remaining whipped cream in her drink. “Either the dye will come out first, or his hair will. I’m not picky, really.”
Pink eyebrows definitely twitched this time. There was no denying it. “You’re a dead woman, Sherry,” hissed the resident cold-blooded killer, with new and improved murderous intent.
“Don’t be trite, Gin, you already said – I mean, spluttered – that once.” The resurrected scientist shrugged, tossing the empty cup into a conveniently placed dustbin with an elegant overhand throw. “Seriously? I’m, like, immortal now, don’t you have any better threats?”
(There was an extended pause, during which several handphone camera shutters went off in the background, completely failing to obscure the sounds of one highly trained undercover agent dying of laughter in a corner.
You didn’t become a newscaster without recognising good entertainment when you saw it, after all.)
“…I’m going to sue you for hair damages.”
Undead science stifled a wide yawn. “I’m sure the judge will agree that it’s a vast improvement, but whatever. Anyway, I have a front row ticket to Big Osaka’s game later, so you’ll have to excuse me. Text me when you want to sue!”
It was Bourbon’s turn to splutter as she turned to leave. “W-wait! Aren’t you going to help us?”
“And which side would that be, Poirot-waiter-san?” One non-pink eyebrow was raised archly. “Besides, I’m sure you’ll do a better job at this than you did at killing me. Hardly difficult, seeing as you completely failed at that.”
Vermouth whistled in reluctant appreciation as the sandwich specialist devolved into incoherent protests.
There was a caffeineless sigh. “Look, I came here to kick ass and drink coffee, and I’m all out of coffee, so if there’s no further objections…”
Footsteps echoed across the room as Okiya walked over with one of the canned coffees that had been sitting beside his current pot of curry, all without losing aim on his hot pink target.
Higo’s fanclub president took the can and headed for the door. “Right then, I’ll be off. And don’t bother bringing the curry over if you’re not going to salt it properly!”
The door unlocked alongside the sound of a can being opened, and closed back on utter silence, save for the occasional drip of hair dye.
“…is that rice cooker still in the break room, Korn?” asked the voice of Akai Shuuichi. “I think I’m going to need a second opinion on this curry.”
(no poorly dressed organisations were harmed in the making of this fic. except gin. and bourbon. i don’t like them anyway)
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risoris · 3 years
2021 Tumblr Top 10
Happy New Year! Decided to make this post since I did one in 2020; trying to make it into an annual thing for the blog ig. I haven’t been that active this year, so it’s a little surprising to see that there’s a lot more variety in my content (mostly dumb fandom shitposts, but still. content.) compared to last year. Here’s a run-through of what the folks liked this year along with my commentary :) keeping it under read more since this is LONG long and I’m not a heathen
1. 137 notes - Apr 6 2021 
Jack, for three centuries straight: i wish the greater forces would speak to me… let me know of my purpose, lead me to the path I’m destined to take… how long am i supposed to walk alone in this world, aimless and abandoned? will i ever find guidance in this plane? Man in the Moon is the cruel ruler of my life and he has no love for me
Merida, who met her story’s equivalent of The Fates Itself when she was six, once went into the forest to have a good cry but instead got led by said Fates to a witch so she can get the magical assistance for her troubles, is basically Will o’ the Wisps’ golden child:
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[i guess jarida shitpost is my brand now... Granted, there’s a lot of godly takes by mutuals about jarida in the notes so i’m not surprised this one got a lot of attention.]
2. 83 notes - Apr 9 2021 
broke: Merida questioning/looking down on Rapunzel’s fighting skills
woke: Merida impressed that Rapunzel actually knocked a man out cold with a frying pan (the only durable object she can get her hands on in an environment specifically designed to make her stay vulnerable and in need of protection) plus the fact that she managed to defend herself against a more experienced fighter despite living in a tower all her life; the lass got some guts, imagine what she could do with some proper training! now how the hell do i become her friend
[hjjljhsdfsdk ngl seeing the ‘broke/woke’ thing made me cringe a little now lol. Wish I chose other phrases to describe it.]
3. 73 notes - Apr 3 2021
top five jack/merida dynamics i want to see more often, in no consecutive order:
annoyance at first sight
perfect partners in crime (bonus if everyone around them is horrified about this)
Jack Frost, eldest child (honorific) vs. Merida DunBroch, eldest child (professional diagnosis). no i will not elaborate
in an unfortunate turn of events these two had to be the emergency authoritative figure™ of the big four except they hate being the responsible one so the task keeps getting passed back and forth between them like hot potato
is this asshole making me consider romance????
[I still stand by this post!!!]
4. 57 notes - Jul 26 2021
[An answer to anon who asked my opinion about RotBTD revival in 2020.]
5. 47 notes - Mar 27 2021 
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[my rendition of the Big Four in Sims 4! this reminds me that I’m still not satisfied with how I did the girls.... i haven’t opened sims in a while but i might do it just to tweak their looks]
6. 46 notes - Jan 8 2021 
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[moodboard for now my sun’s goin’ down, a mericcup fanfiction i wrote! the link’s in the description.]
7. 42 notes - Jan 19 2021
would anyone be interested in a jarida college/soulmate au fic?  idk i’ve been pondering about how...
[a ramble-y post that surprisingly got a lot of notes. the one that spawned Like a Fist in the Eye, my ongoing jarida soulmate/college au fanfiction which i really need to update asap, whoops]
8. 39 notes - Jan 9 2021
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[a couple of jarida sketches by me; the entire post is a little too big for a good screenshot so I’ll just leave it to one picture here.]
9. 34 notes - Apr 7 2021
[A masterlist of RotBTD fanfiction recommendation! Others have also added more in the notes.]
10. 32 notes - Jan 7 2021
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[another fic moodboard, this time for and ever since the seventh grade i learned to fire-breathe, my platonic mericcup modern au fanfiction! the link is also in the description. still unfinished tho, hopefully i can complete it this January.]
Created by TumblrTop10
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find-the-eyes · 5 years
just 2014-2015 franzdom things
- franz fridays
- franzyfrenzy
- just really good straight up content blogs
- fyeahnickmccarthy
- there were so many Nick stans... where did you all go
- nightspams (literally just post spams at night, equivalent to shitposting or nightblogging)
- pizza gets personal
- smolchol2k15
- “if you’re going to spam please use the proper tag”
- franzyfighters
- trilo-bilo. trilo freaking bilo
- “says the trilobite”
- “please don’t ship band members it’s not nice!! ship oc/alex instead” (death glares ensue)
- trilo-bilo’s trip to the eye doctor
- the narwhal video. I can still hear the THWACK in the back of my mind sometimes
- the death of trilo-bilo
- everyone’s obsession with fighting Alex, which totally definitely wasn’t the reason he hated us so much that year
- “meet me in the pit”
- why didn’t he hit that block button on all of us
- the life of a franz ferdinand reference (lffr)
- music video screenshot photosets
- waiting for new vines and never getting them
- chatting on kik because no social media platform had a proper DM system yet
- matching kik names and photos to make the band
- making your kik color orange for franz shshjsjhssjh what were we ON
- memeing FFS and getting yelled at by the half of the fandom that liked FFS
- the word stan wasn’t a thing yet i think we just said ‘favs...’ like “i fav Paul” etc
- Nick, Bob, and Paul stans supporting each other through FFS
- when Nick crowd surfed at that one FFS gig in France and we all thought he wasn’t allowed back onstage for some reason
- wanting a blue flannel
- not understanding the farmhouse fics
- idolizing the slacken_ties writers
- that weird nilex fic on ao3 where they got absolutely smashed on the set of the dywt video and then... they absolutely smashed
- “we topped the tag again”
- the wattpad fics
- Alex’s twitter hiatus that lasted for literally six days
- the fight for the tag or whatever that was
- the franzdom clique vs the franz fandom
- literally all of the fights
- kaprandczar
- calling Alex ‘kaprand’ in general and how the franzyfighters morphed it into just ‘kapran’
- whykaprandissad
- the franz ferdinand spoofs... I remember exactly where I was when ‘franz ferdinand direct’ was posted
- discovering m****c*** for the first time... where were YOU? i was at the pool with my friends
- that one girl who dressed up as franz in her videos omg she had talent
- franzferdinandphilosophiles
- everyone literally seemed so smart but we were all just a bunch of boo boo the fools fighting over nearly-middle aged british men
- everyone’s name was katherine or lindsey of eleanor i genuinely thought they were the girls from the franz songs
- the fake Paul twitter
- the fake Bob instagram
- the hype around Nick’s keysmash tweet... why
- that one rtrwra promo where they were sleeping and everyone was like “OHOHOHO”
- the rtrwra promo where they were recording somewhere and Nick and Paul were cuddling?????
- and Alex was wearing a blue flannel... slacken_ties propaganda
- actually ALL of the RTRWRA promos
- “bring back the blerp”
- “smol puppy”
- ‘trash lemon & teeny beany & poptart & bobe’ shirts
- the domino theory and how much Alex hated it, which just fueled it even more
- being called out by Alex’s finsta 
- pizza, kissy (our kissy!), sparkles, punchy, and swirly, aka the pup squad
- scarlet and blue
- fuking-bob’s profile photo
- all of the awkward Bob photos actually
- Bob going from thicque to thinne
- everyone’s obsession with the erdbeer mund video
- not the archduke lol!!!!!!!
- nilex rhett and link aus... you heard me... why did that get so many notes
- crying over ‘old franz...’ girl it WAS old franz
- having to watch nick be depressed onstage
- the music note shirt
- 1-800-CALLGIRL and other hotline bling vs call girl memes
- dropping fake franz collabs to celebrate ffs GFGGHBJGF
- when someone said Alex looks like Pepe the frog
- “I knew Bob was thick, but damn...”
- tour de franz screenshot photosets
- discovering the tonight commentary for the first time...
- those 2007 video compilation things
- that one photo of alex with alex turner and julian casablancas and everyone was like “aaaahhh holy trinity”
ok that’s it for now going back to franz nostalgia land
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Hey you, during the course of this season i Have seen more and more people leave the fandom or grow disinterested in spn, and im confused why that it. I get why maybe s12 wouldnt be a fave season but if I look at the wank and bads of the previous ones (destiel fiasco in/out the show s9, charlies death Dean cruelty to Cas in s10, Dean/baby love interest s11) s12 didnt really do much that would drive people away en masse I feel? Yet it seems like more people left it :(
Heya! :D
Idk, maybe it was that more vocal people drifted off? I always feel like people’s attention spans are usually only a few years or so. I mean, I feel like I’ve been in the fandom a Long Time and I’ve only been here since the end of season 9, so really this is only my 3rd hiatus, and coming up to 4th year watching with fandom, on a 12 year show I’ve been watching for nearly 10 years, for the most part as a moderately casual viewer… I think I clock up about 5 years major interest and then drift, based on me vs several other things like how invested I was in LotR or Harry Potter or Animorphs, or whatever (to go back in time to my pre-teen interests :P) and it’s not a bad thing and I still love 2 of those franchises and have engagement in them but back to being a casual fan (if “religiously watches LotR at Christmas” is casual allowing for cultural/social stuff, but I’m not composing Legolas/Aragon smut in my teenage journal in secret code any more :P) 
Anyway the season 8 bubble of fandom could be deflating about now - that’s long enough for people to feel they’ve given the show their full attention and it’s still going so it’s getting tiring. That’s the major feeling I get - people are exhausted and we had a baby boomer fandom around season 8 so that ~generation~ of fans is now reaching the natural end of its attention span in a very human natural way. But there’s a ton of new or newer fans who are still enjoying the heck out of it, and the fandom’s still huge and full of people with a commitment to the show or ships. And some people don’t work like that and are loyal from start to finish or commit to TV shows fully to see them to their end. I would dump a show I was getting bored of but come back to watch the end later in a big marathon to find out what happened, but Supernatural hasn’t given me a reason to get totally un-invested until that time… I suspect a lot of people will watch the entire show ONE DAY but don’t want to do fandom and give it all their leisure time any more either.
[under a cut for meandering rambling]
But yeah I think you’ve named some pretty big mass exodus moments (I would like to clarify “Dean/baby” is “Dean/Amara-as-an-infant” right? Because Dean/Baby totally was a thing in 11x04 and it was GLORIOUS :P) and I feel like I DID lose people from my dash all through the time I’ve been watching. Heck, I hit up fandom right after 9x18, and started following people, and that was the JIB of “we don’t play it that way” so I immediately was following several abandoned blogs and I’d barely even started to get to know the landscape :P I feel like people HAVE been jumping ship the entire time and I remember most of those instances as sadly clearing several favourite people off my dash or turning them into different fandom blogs that I eventually unfollowed out of confusion… 
I don’t know, I think people leave when they want to leave because as long as you like the core of a thing and it holds your interest, you can forgive or ignore or scowl at but hold out for better the bad bits and problematic parts. I’m sort of weary of them killing all the women and PoC but I’m still at the stage where I identify it sucks, but I still care too much about the main characters that I’m sort of stuck on this ride with them. 
(I have 2x21 paused on the screen next to me right as Sam meets all the special children, aka introducing Lily the lesbian who dies horribly as a disposable red shirt to show how awful this situation is, and Jake, a black guy whose power is being super strong and to fall to Azazel’s manipulation, kill Sam, and then get killed with extreme overkill by Sam. In the same season he set the cops on Gordon, also a black man who was really aggro and cruel, but in the next season becomes a monster and Sam kills him also one of the most brutal kills he has up there with Jake. Basically, the show’s always had some issues and if we carried on watching all the way to season 12, well, apply self-reflection, but at this point if you’ve been watching as long as I have, you just kind of accept the show sucks at certain things, and for ME personally it’s not kicking off the sort of weariness that others felt about Billie and Alicia and Eileen being killed off this season)
… I don’t really have a point, expect about the demographics of fandom during season 8 getting to the end of their interest now. I don’t think EVERYONE who did will leave, and we’re getting fresh blood all the time, but I think that’s just part of the nature of being in fandom. I don’t think season 12 is particularly bad from my experience, although some pretty high profile bloggers have gotten exhausted - again, they’ve been maintaining blogs and producing content since single digit seasons so they’ve contributed a LOT to the fandom and there’s a fatigue about contribution as well… 
That’s partially why I meta and gif and write fic and occasionally make random shitposts… I don’t want to burn out because any one of those things on its own can get pretty boring, even writing fic. Or especially, idk, as a writer I tend to bounce around projects, so this is keeping me weirdly focused on writing my original fiction on one side of my brain and fan fic on the other and it seems to be a better way of splitting my attention… But I digress. :P 
I know how to manage my own brain to some degree but I have a lot of time to contemplate and self-reflect on why I’m in fandom and what I get out of it, and mostly I just conclude I’m bored and house-bound and I’ve found a few tried and tested things that get me some positive attention in a non-weird rat with a pleasure button way like people running hate blogs or something… But I know my own head and that I can get bored of stuff so I marathon a lot of other shows and think about other things than fandom stuff as much as possible and just let this be the gutter my brain drains into when my attention span is too shot to hell to do anything else and I just want to slump over a keyboard and do the easiest activity I know bar playing Animal Crossing for hours. 
Other people with busier lives and actual jobs and energy and limbs that don’t just randomly stop working when they do anything for more than 5 minutes and so on might not be casual fans but they make a certain space in their life for fandom and get out of it what they need but it’s a high quality demand thing so if their carefully allocated me-time isn’t rewarding them like it should it’s totally their right to go find another OTP to amuse themselves with a fandom producing stuff they want to see and a media source that’s giving them what they want immediately and in a way they don’t have to “look for scraps” as some people were saying about Destiel in season 9, 10 and 11 while things were thinner on the ground.
And as one of the too-much-free-time fandom contributors, I’ve got an enormous luxury to stick out things people who don’t have time for being jerked around or over-analysing to find what they want to see have… Although I’ll try and pass on my thoughts for the people with less time to think them to try and help them enjoy themselves as much as possible :P Anyway I think a whole range of reasons happen that people might get fatigued of the show especially as lives change and people blogging enthusiastically one day might get a job or a new relationship or a dog or SOMETHING and just not spend quite so much time online and then discover they don’t NEED to spend so much time on fandom, and drift naturally… Then try and find some reason on the show they’ve stopped watching, but often it’s just that things look worse after time away when the spark has started to fade because it’s not being nurtured in the same way any more. 
And 12 years is a LONG ASS TIME to be invested in something, so I think in general the fatigue or changing interests is all over the place and we might see it more and more as people drift… People who might watch it all as a catch up one day maybe a year or two after the show ends, but just don’t have the patience to stay in fandom and put in that energy over and over and over. 
Also the show is in a really weird place where it has some of the best writers it’s ever had in Berens and the newbie writers, and Dabb’s doing some fascinating things with the plot, but Buckleming are the executors of the story, in several interpretations of that phrase :P And there are people who skip MotW and find them unimportant or would judge the season on the plot, not the heart of the story… It’s a pretty precarious place, quality-wise. I think season 11 and 12 are a proper like, silver age revival of the MotW (with Nancy Won and Robbie giving last season a massive boost) where I think those episodes are really innovative and interesting, and the writers are being allowed a lot of freedom to play on THOSE canvases, but while the character development and *reasons* for the story have been fascinating and important, obviously 5 of the plot episodes this latest season were Buckleming and crucial to watch to know wtf was going on, even though the writers of those episodes seem to have such a terrible problem with hating the audience (literally, it’s in their scripts and off-screen comments), the genre, second drafts, common human decency towards characters and understanding why they’re important, pacing, you name it… :P So the show literally has 2 faces these days and depending on which one you see when you think of season 12, probably defines how you feel about the show as a whole and all that. I treat the plot episodes these days as a necessary evil between episodes written by people who actually like the show and care about it and its characters (see also: my non-stop sobbing about 12x22 since it aired)… But seeing the other face can really cast a cloud over the show and I’ve seen it make people wonder why the other writers even try. (I mean Perez did an incredible salvage job on Crowley in 12x15 only for it to immediately get yanked away again the next time BL wrote him and I think only they really got to play with him for the rest of the season, meaning all that work to make it seem important and thematically relevant that Perez had set up in 12x12 and messed with in 12x15 ended up being for nothing and Dabb had no time to do anything deep with Crowley, because 12x13 turns out to be the big Crowley & Rowena farewell episode, except for how it flubbed the entire premise of Grand Send Off Episode a la 7x10 or something despite all the ingredients being there…)
I am just rambling now so… Gonna hit post. Hope this makes sense :P This is just my interpretation of how people are feeling/how fandom as an entity seems to work, so it’s pretty subjective and others might feel very differently especially people who have been in negative echo chambers while I’ve built myself a reasonably positive one plus SENSIBLE and CONSTRUCTIVE wanky criticism that doesn’t go off the deep end :P
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