#but with Nopes more and more people were already doubtful towards the lolcalisation
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randomnameless · 1 year ago
Thoughts on the Lysithea and Supreme Leader support in Houses?
I'm pretty sure this post is going to be spread around X thanks to someone lol
This is a really good support, depicting Supreme Leader's best traits, while also illustrating everything, say, faulty with Fodlan's writing, aka Lys never asking to Supreme Leader why the fuck her own dad, Ionius, sent his troops to Ordelia to wreck shit here.
Petra can have hard feelings towards Caspar for what Leopold did (at least Caspar thinks so), but no one can ever have any negative feelings, or voice them, against Supreme Leader for what Ionius did (and while those feelings would be unjustified, because children aren't responsible for what their parents did/do, with Supreme Leader, those feelings or even talking about what her dad did is completely ignored. Heck, if we didn't see him in Tru Piss, Ionius would be a non entity in FE16, like he is in Nopes lol).
Something I really like and is higlighted in this support : Supreme Leader's manipulation, by omission, to turn someone to her side.
We start with her refusing to reveal her hand, and the knowledge she has, to Lys, even when asked.
Lys tells her multiple times that yes, Supreme Leader must know about what happened to her, and Supreme Leader denies - even if, at the end of the first support, when Lys leaves, Supreme Leader mumbles to herself and wonders if what "he" told her was true regarding Lys's frail condition :
If what I heard about Lysithea is true... Hmm... I just don't know how much of it I should believe.
In JP it's more explicit about who she "heard about lysithea" from though :
あの男の言葉……どこまで 信じていいかはわからないけれど……。
That man's words? I doubt she's refering to Hubert here!
She still has doubts, but it's implied Thales (or Solon?) basically told her what happened to Lysithea, and Supreme Leader doubts his words but wants to find out if there were true or not.
In the B-Support, Lys grills her out about it - she reveals her backstory about the two crests, Supreme Leader plays coy, Lys has her angry portrait all along and Supreme Leader ends with :
Either way... I know now since you just told me. About your two Crests, your physical weakness, and your short life expectancy.
Sure, Lys basically confirms part of what Thales told her, and in the end, when Supreme Leader asks Lys if she also suffered "blood reconstruction surgery" and survived the ordeal, Lysithea confirms everything.
In the end, Supreme Leader had her suspicions and grilled Lysithea about them, without of course telling her that she had those suspicions because she is working with Thales/Solon, and one of them already told her what happened to Lysithea!
This line from Lysithea is hilarious though :
Given your rank, you certainly have access to all kinds of information that others do not. Clearly, you'd have heard all about me.
As pointed out above, even if Pat tried to lolcalised it, Supreme Leader doesn't know about Lysithea's ordeal because she is the Emperor of Adrestia, but because she is working with the persons who experimented on Lysithea, and said person basically told her what they did to her!
Not that Supreme Leader reveals it though :)
Instead, she leads the conversation in a way (talking about the common suffering they have endured) that Lysithea can only guess that Supreme Leader knows so much about the experiment she suffered because she was experimented on herself - never in a million years could Lys guess that the person who experimented on them is basically working with Supreme Leader, and told her all about what they did, and are still her allies to this day!
We end with the A support and the end of the support :
I ask because mine wasn't always this color. I lost all pigment after receiving my two Crests. Edelgard, I want a world where people like you and I are no longer victimized. I want you to bring that world into being.
Bar erasing Judith's existence from her mind, Lysithea basically suggests she and Supreme Leader were "victimised" because they were nobles and/or had crests.
But we know why Lysithea was experimented upon! Thales basically reveals it in WC :
Flamey : Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr. Thales : All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose...
In the end, Supreme Leader feeds her the "lizard blood BaD" rhetoric, so Lys, again, can only guess "Lizard Blood" is the only reason why she was experimented upon, and not guess that she was a first draft for Supreme Leader made by people who are actually working with them right now to create a "Lizard free" world.
In the end, this support is a tragic one for Lysithea, who is manipulated from start to end to adopt and embrace Supreme Leader's views and ideals, by a Supreme Leader who plays her card well, not revealing everything she knows or doing the most "moral" thing one might do, like telling Lys she is working with the people who experimented on them - but she needs their power to defeat the evil lizard lady who is somehow worse.
Hubert reveals it to Billy in a cutscene and Supreme Leader's position regarding Agarthans and Nabateans - Billy accepts it, with the promise Agarthans are going to be terminated later on (they even participate in their Emile ending!) - but Supreme Leader cannot tell to another Agarthan victim the same thing Hubert does.
Is it about trust ? I don't think so, given how Hubert threatens Billy and tells them he will kill them the second they become "too lizard-y" for their new world - but Supreme Leader doesn't even offer this "truth" to a new recruit, instead she blinds her with cake, while making sure the new recruit will follow her goals, even if it means making a victim unwillingly side and work with their agressor.
In a way, you could say Hubert is more soft-hearted revealing the "truth" to Billy (even if he will slaughter them, again, if Billy embraces their lizardness), than Supreme Leader, who doesn't even give this "gift" to Lysithea, and instead keeps her in the dark, but at least fed with Enbarrian sweets.
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randomnameless · 3 years ago
FYI Brave Byleth is from the timeskip, the descriptions says former professor and in her FB she says that she would have remained as a teacher if not of the war, to me these points out more being five years later than the academy arc, also, I already saw edelstans loving the lolcalisation of the StATus QUo.
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Grouping those two asks!
Yep, it's sad how lolcalisation basically is considered/taken as a valid source to build meta, because...
Well, IDK where they keep those copium stashes, but I'm sure an overdose of copium is bad for your health!
As I see it, to some devoted fans, the order of "who understands the most a character" is
3. The people who developed the game
2. The lolcalisation team, because, in the wise words of this youtuber, sometimes a localised thing is better and a better fit than the original.
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The one and only author of the Aeneid, who, per one his critics, understands the characters better than the developers themselves, the BNF amongst all fans, Cap!
I remember studying old texts and all, and a teacher said that if you really want to discuss the meaning of the text and what it says, you cannot just read a translated version, you need to learn to understand the concepts used by the author without relying on translation, and, ultimately, learn "dead languages".
Hopefully fandom is just a nice place to hang out without any academic pressure or anything like this, but this advice still holds.
FE TreeHouse is the "translated" product, discussing the game means trying to find of TreeHouse didn't alter the meaning of something, and if it did, to ditch this "altered meaning" asap to focus on the source material, even if it takes months to understand what is Nirvana, Avici and the "Mandate of Heaven" concept.
Adding salt to the injury, TreeHouse seems to have altered the script to make Supreme Leader look better, thus they were following an agenda and not, just, trying to bring a script to a specific audience, so between heavily biased works and the source material, using the source material to build your analysis is a no brainer.
but what do i know, i don't have any degree :(
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