#but who could he be thinking about??? oooOOOOoooOoo /silly
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psychicthepsychic-daily · 5 months ago
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hood is the ceo of “other people have it worse” /HJ
#meanwhile void is the ceo of ‘other people don’t exist’#it’s not the hood blog ikik#but who could he be thinking about??? oooOOOOoooOoo /silly#fnf psychic#fnf hood#fnf void#purple guys dlc#fic snippet#two plus one#<- name subject to change#i think these two imagine psychic’s relationship with his master to be worse than it really is#in that they think dearest is emotionally distant and doesn’t acknowledge the way psi has completely given himself to him#hood is probably more forgiving and open to believing psychic when he says it’s much better than that#void is not. lmao#bc then he has to acknowledge that psychic has someone more important to him. someone void resents; on top of already being tossed to the-#side for someone automatically inferior by vice of not being void#void doesn't genuinely care for psychic's well being he just wants the attention and to be able to hold that over dearest#i think he would really enjoy getting to replace dd solely for the novelty. bc void and psi could never have what psi has w dd#hood doesn't know the dearests well if at all so he basically has to trust whatever psychic says. and i don't think hood would#take psychic for someone who sugarcoats things#there's a difference between acting strong and acting like the situation is better than it actually is#psychic heavily engages in the first behavior but never the second. he is extremely brutally honest (except w select people i.e. girlfriend#and hood realizes that. so i don't think he would have any reason to disbelieve psychic if psychic explained that he has a really good#relationship with his master. that being said psychic has not explained that to hood in depth lmao#he doesn't want to admit the way he sees his master. and talking about their relationship could be a slippery slope#for the most part he is very good at not talking about himself. so hood still doesn't understand him that well. but he's perceptive.#especially next to void. hood sees the way psychic picks his master over them and i think he recognizes a little bit of himself in that#because of his relationship with zeta. he doesn't see the full picture but he has a better idea of what psychic wants than void does.#so yeah. really all they can do is genuinely talk to psychic together. but together they never will.#psychic daily
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soleminisanction · 2 years ago
You seem like youre frustrated with her character the same way I get with her too.
I think see the potential of the character she could be and should be with the correct writing and stories.
I really didnt like her Batgirl run either. There are bits and parts of it I do like and concepts of things there I love but I really dont care for it.
I also wish she wasnt used as a marketing tactic during "run" as Robin. If they were actually serious about it, they wouldve written her run differently and hopefully better.
Thats also the problem with all comic book characters, they have so many different writers with different ideas of what to do with these characters. Unfortunately some of them dont like the characters they write for. I know that Dan Didio hates Steph and never wrote her well because of that. (He also hated Dick Grayson and wanted to kill him off too)
Characters like Steph really are up to interpretation how they are supposes to be personality wise. Recently i havent been liking how shes been written for certain comics (Batgirls, Wayne Family Adventures)
You and I similar to seeing a character we want to be better. I see that she has all this potential to be a great character and love her despite all the garbage writing shes had over her 30+ years of existence
The lack of good stories is a part of it, yeah.
It's also the fact that, while she's hanging around not telling any stories of her own, her ability to do so often comes at the expense of other characters. Like a few months back, they randomly shoved her into a Titans line-up when she's never been a Titan, not once in her entire career, while the actual Batgirl who joined the Titans, Betty/Bette Kane, was nowhere to be seen. And she's part of what ruined YJ 2019, getting forced in awkwardly purely because a bunch of her stans spent months harassing the creators on Twitter, spewing racist epitaphs at the new black characters and demanding that she be included in a team she wasn't solicited for and, again, had never been a part of, purely because Tim was there and they decided he wasn't allowed to have a life without her.
And speaking of that last bit, don't even get me started on the Tim Drake Pride Special again or we'll be here all day. It is genuinely offensive how many people demanded that Tim's coming out be oriented entirely around the feelings of his straight ex-girlfriend.
That's why I can't read Batgirls, either. I can't stand the way they write the relationship between Steph and Cass, it's got no teeth, and perpetually reduces Cass to Steph's "Kato," the hyper-competent Asian sidekick who does all the actual work for an inept white person. Even the issue where they tried to make a big deal out of, "Ooo, this is a special CASS CENTRIC ADVENTURE, we're doing it COMPLETELY SILENT with NO WORDS!" turned out to be all about her running around trying to find Stephanie, and then they copped out with the gimmick and made it so the only words in the book were Stephanie's, talking mostly about -- surprise! -- herself, how great she is and how much she loves being a Batgirl.
Ugh. Spirit World can't come fast enough.
Honestly, when it comes to her run as Robin, I think the story itself could've been just fine if they'd left it as it was and just, hadn't made a big freakin' marketing deal about "OoOoOooOooOoo, the GIRL WONDER, how SPECIAL!!!" They didn't do that with Carrie. Or Tris Plover. Hell, at the time a few people pointed out how silly it was for them to make such a big deal out of her being a girl when Carrie Kelly is the most well known alt-Robin period and the co-star of one of the defining texts of the age.
But, y'know, Carrie was a short-haired butch tomboy with thick glasses who fought with a sling-shot, while Steph is the single most gender-conforming Bat-femme since Betty Kane and is consistently drawn to show off her child-bearing hips so. Yeah.
The part that honestly needs fixing is War Games, which I honestly think is still something that Steph needed to happen, because it did lead her to a moment of growth that she desperately needed (even if Chuck Dixon and Bryan Miller later ruined it.) I think you could fix that story up with just a few adjustments. But, hindsight is 20/20 and all.
I do have to caution a little against attributing malice where ignorance or incompetence is more likely, though. I've never seen any evidence that Dan Didio "hated" either Steph or Dick; rather, what he saw them as was expendable. By all accounts I've ever heard, when he was editorially mandating Dick's death in Infinite Crisis, he legitimately didn't know that Dick used to be the original Robin, he just knew that Nightwing wasn't Batman or Robin and thought that made him expendable enough to kill off for shock value. It took Geoff Johns talking him out of it at literally the last minute to get him to see sense.
(Seriously, you can tell that the page was drawn off a script where Dick got full-on murdered, and the original floppy release didn't have the hilariously awkward page they inserted into the collected editions where Dr. Mid-night promises to save him. It's kinda funny in retrospect.)
Stephanie was the same way, it wasn't that he "hated" her, he just didn't care about any character introduced after the silver age and thought that killing her off would be more ~shocking~ than letting her live and learn a lesson. Didio wasn't evil, he was just bad at his job. Your standard incompetent white guy failing up.
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improbablecarny · 6 years ago
The Best Good Parts of The Metal Opera Pt. II
As according to me
Here we go again! The second act to the Metal Opera is underway and I’m here to tell you why it’s good. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll throw your horns up high as we conclude this story with a bang (and some sick riffs).
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Storyline: After the events at the Tower, Gabriel continues to seek answers and find a way to not only save Anna, but the lost souls of both worlds.
Quick Notes:
Part II drops the interludes - it’s all metal from here on out. Well, metal and some piano ballads.
The cast lineup is essentially the same here, with the addition of Bob Catley. The Magnum frontman is a key part of the lineup to this day, both live and in the studio. This marks his first Avantasia appearance, in which he plays a talking tree.
As with the first album, you can find The Metal Opera Pt. II on the official Avantasia YouTube channel, so dive right on in!
The Seven Angels
I’m not much one for scale ratings or top tens but I can confidently say that The Seven Angels is not only one of the best Avantasia songs, it’s one of the best examples of the genre entirely.
It’s also nearly 15 minutes long with five distinct movements so... hang on.
The soft, mysterious choir intro? Tingleworthy.
The vocal layering and tradeoff here is just INSANE
The chorus? ICONIC. I know I keep saying ICONIC but it IS.
Then the voice of the Tower’s like WOE TO YOU LONGING FOR THE WISDOM WOE TO YOU LONGING FOR THE LIGHT and your face melts off
“Once I had been lost, in what they told me to believe” the whole passage is a great dramatic showtune and is a foreshadowing of what I like to call the project’s eventual “Meatloafification”
“I had been alone till the madman came along / with the knowledge and the silver long beard” is a crazy line to rock out to but it absolutely deserves it
The Kai/Andre tradeoff in the last movement... the feelings. The heart. The bombast.
I owe this song my life, basically.
No Return
Classic power metal shredathon
“Into the morning light!
Illuminate the night!
Be the guide!
On our side!
THE GNOOoooOoSiiis”
The instrumental repetition of the prechorus before:
Half-time Andre Matos passage 👊😭🤘
“Go and face the tree... of knowledge and be FREE!!!”
The Looking Glass
The weird spoken word parts are super cool and spooky
Bob Catley time!
How proud would the buildings of ROOOOME...LOOK WITHOUT A SINGLE STOOOONE
In Quest For
That piano intro is like floating on the back of a swan or something.
It’s a very sweet ballad that still gets me in the childhood.
🥺 “you’re the one to show me / you can tell my spirit how / to grow...”
“For you have always tried to get inside” 😭😭😭
Relistening to this song right now within the current context of everything is making me 👌 this close to openly weeping at the bus stop
The “nnuuuh” at the end
The Final Sacrifice
That Dracula-ass opener
This one goes HARD, ladies and theydies
The galloping chuggas right before the first verse
I forgot how much Tobi gives ‘er screamy-wise on this album
“The heart of castigation now!”
Now the breakdown 🤘🔥🤘
Back to sweet cornball power metal
“And while they are pulling strings... while they are in COMMAND!”
Catchy chorus incoming
Place of many eyes.....
Another piano
Very minimal ballad, angst time
Until the END
Chalice of Agony
“Don’t you waste your life” 🥺
this song is about sneaking into secrets tunnels under the Vatican to tip over a cup full of souls and I think there’s a Minotaur there
“Out of the wine / out of the chalice of agony / WELCOME TO A-VAN-TA-SI-AAAA”
Regrin 😔
When the chorus starts briefly a capella!!
“I... dare not to... sleeeep.... ANYMORE...”
I could quote this whole thing all night
“Is it JUST A DReeeeeAAAAAAM?”
“AAAAAoaoAAAooo oh oh”
Perspective cut to Gabriel giving us some radical sweet milky guitar
“Maybe if Jakob could talk to the bailiff for you?” he says 2 seconds after Jakob stabs the bailiff
Round of applause for Ralf Zdiarstek’s performance as Falk and also being a complete enigma who does not appear to exist in any additionally googleable capacity
Into the Unknown
Setting the standard for bittersweet epilogues here
Vandroiy  😔
“Oh you can’t kill the dream / and killing the dreamer can’t tear it down”
And that’s that!...for The Metal Opera, that is. These two albums are a perennial source of nostalgia for me, and there’s something so vivid and honest about the story being told and the way it’s being told that I can’t help but smile myself silly when I think about it. I hope you all know what I’m talking about!
Cast List:
Tobias Sammet as Gabriel Laymann Michael Kiske as Lugaid Vandroiy David DeFeis as Friar Jakob Ralf Zdiarstek as Bailiff Falk von Kronberg Sharon den Adel as Anna Held Andre Matos as Elderane the Elf Kai Hansen as Regrin the Dwarf Rob Rock as Bishop Johann von Bicken Oliver Hartmann as Pope Clement VIII Timo Tolkki as Voice of the Tower Bob Catley as The Tree of Knowledge
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jencala · 7 years ago
Sirius sending Remus an anonymous valentine, because he’s too scared to expose his feelings but knows Remus deserves love on this holiday. Remus can tell it’s from Sirius by his handwriting (or some other clue!) Thanks darling!
I love this and I hope you like what I did with your prompt.  Thanks for sending it in!
Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts was always a sight to behold; whether or not you cared for it was a different story. 
The entire castle had been decorated with a red and pink heart motif and the Great Hall looked as if a Cupid himself had decorated it, complete with tiny cherubs floating in the air above the high rafters, occasionally shooting down arrows that would explode in glittering confetti before they reached the students. The confetti, however, covered all of the tables and most of the students.  
It made Remus feel nauseated.
“Ugh this is a bit too much, don’t you think?”
Remus turned to Lily who had sat down next to him at the Gryffindor table.  “You mean you don’t buy into all of this love nonsense?”
Lily shrugged. “Love is all well and good, but these decorations are a bit over the top, don't you think?”
“Well it would be nice not to have to pick the glitter out of my porridge.”
“I think it’s sweet!”  Dorcas supplied, sitting down across from Lily, Marlene sliding in next to her.
“You would, you big sap.” Marlene smiled, grabbing the platter of eggs from in front of Remus and serving both Dorcas and herself.  
Lily smirked. “I heard you both this morning exchanging gifts so I don't think you should mock Dor for being the only sap.”
Marlene rolled her eyes as Dorcas grinned, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“Did someone say something about gifts?”
Remus looked up to see James standing behind Lily, a huge smile on his face as he looked adoringly at his girlfriend of three months.  He presented her with a huge bouquet of flowers he had been hiding behind his back.
“Lilies for my Lily-flower.”
“Oh James, they’re beautiful!”  Lily pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and sat back down making room for him on her other side. “There’s so many different lilies here!”
James grinned. “Ah, but only one Lily is the most beautiful and special. You.”
Even Remus had to smile at that line.  Even though he didn’t enjoy this holiday, he was happy his mate had finally gotten the girl he’d been pining after for over six years.  He watched smiling as Lily blushed and kissed James again, exclaiming that he was too extravagant when he slipped a gold bracelet over her wrist.  
“Ah, young love! How sweet it is!”
Remus looked over at Sirius who had sat down across from him and was making exaggerated gagging motions over James and Lily’s display of affection.
Remus kicked him lightly in the shin. “Let Prongs have his moment, you cynical twat.”
Sirius flashed him a wry grin. “I am not cynical, my dear Moonbeam.  I just think this holiday is a bit overrated, don’t you think?”
Remus shrugged, his stomach clenching as Sirius’ stormy grey eyes met his.  “I guess it’s alright if you’ve got a partner, but I could do without all this confetti raining down.”
“Ah, but maybe Cupid will work his magic on you today, Moony!” Sirius winked. “You never know.”
Remus snorted. “Fat chance.”
He watched Sirius serve himself some breakfast and couldn’t help but fantasize that Sirius’ words would come true, though he was sure they wouldn’t.  Cupid would never be able to give him what his heart really wanted.  Sirius.  
Just then, the post owls swooped in delivering packages, letters and cards all over the Great Hall.  He was surprised when a large barn owl left three cards in front of him.  
“Blimey, Padfoot!  That’s an even bigger haul than last year!”
At Peter’s exclamation, Remus looked across at Sirius and the veritabel mountain of cards and packages owls had dropped in front of him.  Sirius was red-faced at the attention and shrugged it off.
“Just silly birds, you know how it is.” Sirius muttered.  He kept eating his breakfast and didn’t so much as look through his gifts.
Remus raised an eyebrow, perplexed at Sirius’ attitude when last year he had been gloating over all of the cards and love notes.  He’d been on a different date almost every night for the few weeks after Valentine’s that year.  Thinking back though, Remus couldn't even remember the last time Sirius had mentioned going out with a girl in the last few months.  
“Everything alright, Padfoot?” Remus asked softly.
Sirius looked up, his expression guarded. “S’fine.  Just too much nonsense, is all.  But hey, look at you, Moony, you got some admirers too!”  
Remus blushed as their other friends looked over at his cards and teased him to start opening them.  He rolled his eyes, but obliged, tearing open the envelope of the first card.
He blushed as he read the first one and James snatched it out of his hand to read aloud. “Roses are red, violets are blue, I think you’re clever, and sexy too.  Moony, who is Calista Hutchins?”  
His friends laughed and Remus could feel his face get even redder. “She’s a Ravenclaw girl I tutored last semester.”  
He opened the second card and before he could even read it, Peter grabbed it and read the equally silly poem aloud. “Moony, this one’s from that Hufflepuff girl in your Runes class, isn’t it?”
Remus nodded, his cheeks burning from the attention and grabbed the third envelope before his friends could.  He opened it and took out a piece of parchment, turning so he could read it away from his friend’s prying eyes.
“I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,   or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:   I love you as one loves certain obscure things,   secretly, between the shadow and the soul.I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries   the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,   and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose   from the earth lives dimly in my body.I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,   I love you directly without problems or pride:I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,except in this form in which I am not nor are you,   so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,   so close that your eyes close with my dreams.
Remus -  I want you to know that you are loved, today and every day, for who you truly are.”
Remus stared at the slip of parchment for several moments, awestruck, before he realized James was calling his name.  
“Remus, mate!  What’s that one say?” James prodded.
Remus cleared his throat. “More of the same, yeah, just another poem.”
Lily eyed him suspiciously and before Remus could react, she had snatched the parchment from his hand and begun to read it silently.  
“Lily, no!”  Remus tried to grab the poem back, but Lily stood and moved out of his reach still reading silently.  
When she finished reading she turned to Remus, her eyes bright and a soft smile on her face. “Oh Remus...this is beautiful.”
Remus flushed and took the parchment back. “It is and I can’t believe you took it from me.”
Lily placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry for that, I thought it was another silly poem, but that’s not silly at all, is it?”
Remus shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.  
“Oi, what’s so special about Remus’ Valentine?” Marlene called out.
“Well, for one, it’s a real love poem and more importantly, someone who knows Pablo Neruda.” Lily explained.
“Who?” James asked, his face twisted in confusion,
“He’s a Chilean poet.” Sirius offered.
They all turned to look at Sirius whose eyes widened at the scrutiny. “What?  I do read, you know?”
Remus sat back down and listened to his friends teasing and joking comments half-heartedly, but his focus was drawn to Sirius. He studied him as covertly as he could manage and was surprised to see how nervous his friend appeared.
Sirius’ cheeks were a bit flushed and he kept biting his lip.  He was engaged in conversation with Marlene and Dorcas, but he kept stealing glances at Remus when he thought he wasn’t looking.  He noticed how fidgety he seemed, his hands constantly moving, his foot tapping against the stone floor.  What clinched it for Remus was the way Sirius’ eyes kept straying to the parchment next to Remus’ plate.
If it hadn’t been for all of the little things leading up to it, Remus may have dismissed it as a prank or even a sweet, but misguided, gesture so Remus wouldn’t feel left out on Valentine’s Day.  However, If he started to add up all the seemingly innocent occurrences that had been niggling the back of his mind for the last two months though - well maybe there was more to it than that.
Remus had harbored a crush on Sirius for well over a year now and had done everything he could to keep it to himself; he knew there was no way Sirius could ever feel the same way.  His friendship was too important for Remus to risk losing, so Remus tried to act as if the mere sight of his best mate didn't set his heart racing.
Over the last couple of months though, Sirius had become more attentive and Remus had to constantly remind himself that he was surely imagining things and reading into his actions more because of his own misguided feelings.  
He tried to tell himself that the lingering touches, the soft smiles, and the way Sirius seemed to be constantly everywhere he was was just his imagination wishing for what he couldn’t have. 
But this was just too much of a coincidence for him to ignore.
He recalled the night a month before when Sirius had plopped himself down on Remus’ bed next to him, complaining he was bored and for Remus to stop reading.  He had asked what was so interesting in his book and Remus had told him he was reading a volume of Pablo Neruda’s poetry. Sirius had scoffed at the thought of poetry and Remus had rolled his eyes and said that maybe one day he would really want to woo a girl and Neruda’s beautiful poetry could help. 
Sirius had rolled his eyes, but maybe - the thought alone had the butterflies in Remus’ stomach dancing.  
It was too great a coincidence though.  He knew there was only one way to find out.
Remus took a deep breath. “Hey Padfoot, want to go back to the tower and drop your haul off before we head to class?”
Sirius met his unwavering gaze and swallowed hard. “Sure, let’s go.”
Remus stood, grabbing his things and nodded to their friends before walking out of the Great Hall, Sirius right behind him.   The hallways were fairly empty as they made their way to Gryffindor tower and Remus decided to show some of the bravery his house was known for.
“You got quite the Valentine haul this year.”
Sirius nudged his arm. “You didn’t do so badly yourself.”
“Yeah, but you never even looked at anything you got.  Why is that?”
“It’s just the same thing every year, so why bother?”
Remus laughed softly. “Tired of all the attention the girls always shower you with?”
“Something like that.” Sirius mumbled.
“You know what’s funny though?” Remus asked. “You and I were just talking about Pablo Neruda last month and now today I get a love letter with some of his poetry in it.  Funny, isn’t it?”
He turned his head slightly and saw Sirius’ eyes widen momentarily. “Yeah, wow, what a coincidence, huh?”
Remus nodded. “They say there’s very few real coincidences in life.”
“Well, this must be one of those!  I mean, who knows how many people in Hogwarts are into Neruda’s sonnets, right?”
Remus stopped and grabbed Sirius’s arm. “Padfoot, you didn’t look at my letter and I never told you it was a sonnet.”
Sirius bit his lip, one eyebrow quirked. “Lucky guess?”
Remus let his arm go and sighed. “You sent me the letter, didn’t you?”
Sirius closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair.  “Remus, I’m sorry, I -”
Remus cut him off, hurt that the man he was in love with could have so little regard for his feelings. “Did you think it was a good joke?”
“Joke?” Sirius’ face twisted in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Remus shook his head sadly. “Did you think I was so pathetic you had to send me a Valentine as a joke?  Or was it an ego boost so I would think someone actually cared about me?”
Sirius grabbed Remus by the shoulders and met his sorrowful gaze. “Remus, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but that letter wasn’t a joke.  Yeah, I-I wrote it.  But it wasn’t a prank and it wasn’t an ego boost.”
Remus just stared at him, not willing to let himself believe what he so desperately wanted to be true. “I don’t understand.”
Sirius closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, his fingers digging into Remus’ shoulders. “I wrote the letter because I couldn’t tell you how I felt otherwise.  I didn’t want to ruin our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way, but I had to try.  You can tell me to bugger off, you can tell me I’m a ridiculous twat, but I just...I knew you would figure it out with the poem.  I needed to see if there was even the smallest chance -”
Remus cut him off again, this time by pressing his lips to Sirius’.
Sirius responded immediately, his mouth slanting over Remus’, one hand moving from his shoulder to tangle in his tawny curls.  
The kiss was brief, but it was enough to make Remus’ head spin.  He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against Sirius’.  “You are a ridiculous twat, Padfoot.”
Sirius huffed a laugh. “I am, aren't I?”
Remus pressed his lips to Sirius’ once more and pulled back to smile into the dazed grey eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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cameronpost · 8 years ago
my jersey 8 fic for @hopesolow since i deleted it off ao3 
<p>Maggie Sawyer was a junior at National High School. She was captain of the varsity soccer team, and the star player. She was good at soccer, hell, she was great at it. "Who the Hell is She?" Maggie muttered to herself as she had her soccer bag on one shoulder and her ratty black schoolbag on the other. James was walking her to her soccer practice.
"Man, I don't know but I've seen her a lot today," He replied to Maggie. She had seen this strange girl everywhere today, in her physics class, her lunch period, and her criminology class. Alex was standing on the soccer field, talking to the head varsity coach.
"Ugh she just kind of looks annoying" she said. / Alex had just transferred to National High from Midvale High, with her sister Kara. Alex had played soccer almost her whole life. She was good at it. She played on the best club teams back in Midvale. Alex had always had good grades, she was always a good kid. She also had this ray of sunshine to her. Something about her just made everyone around her happy. That was until she met Maggie Sawyer. / Maggie hugged James and said goodbye, heading towards the field. Maggie walked, almost stomped, over to where the two were standing. She smiled and cocked her head to the strange girl, "hey coach, who's this?"
"Oh! Hi I'm Alex, i just transferred to National High today," she gleamed a smile at Maggie.
Maggie huffed, "yeah nice to meet you..," and walked past Alex.
"I think we better get you a jersey, we have a game tomorrow. I'll get Maggie to help you go find one," coach laughed.</p>
<p>Maggie had just dropped her bags on the grass near the fence and put her shinguards and cleats on when she heard coach yell her name.
"Sawyer! Go with Alex to the locker room and find her some game jerseys," she shouted and Maggie sighed, really not wanting to be near that girl anymore. She turned on her heels and jogged over to meet Alex. </p>
<p>Their walk was quiet as the click of their soccer cleats hit the concrete of the school grounds. Alex wasn't really sure why Maggie didn't seem to like her. Everyone liked Alex, everyone. Alex smiled at the ground and then looked at Maggie. "What the hell are you so chirpy for?" Maggie snapped, taking alex back.
"I just like being happy, unlike someone," Alex kept looking at Maggie, waiting for a snarky comment. They walked into the locker room, going into the sports closet.
"So you got a last name?" Maggie said as she rummaged through the box of dirty, grimy jerseys.
"Uh, Alex. Wait! Wait! I mean Danvers. Danvers is my last name." She mentally slapped herself for being an idiot in front of a remarkably cute girl.
"Nice one, Danvers." Maggie nodded her head at the silly mistake Alex had made. She pulled out number eight, Maggie hated that number. She didn't really know why she hated that number but she did. "Here, this is yours until your customized ones come in." She handed them to Alex, walking out of the closet. Alex followed, her cleats echoing on the tile of the locker room. </p>
<p>When they got back to the field, the other girls had already started their warm ups. Maggie reluctantly said "guess you and me are partners, Danvers." Alex smiled, "you better be prepared, Danvers, I don't play around," Maggie said.
"Ditto, Sawyer," Alex smirked and passed the soccer ball to Maggie. Maggie passed it back, but almost out of reach for Alex. She had trapped it though, and gently passed it back to Maggie. They continued their little game to see who would mess up first, until Coach called them for different exercises. Practice was going pretty okay, for Maggie being really aggressive in every activity. Alex found out the hard way that she played dirty. Maggie would knock her or trip her whenever she got the chance. It didn't phase Alex at all though, she fought right back. Alex would knock right back into her with a smirk.
It was time for them to do a mini scrimmage to end the practice. The coach had called everyone for their usual positions, except for Maggie. "Danvers! You're goal keeping, and Sawyer, you're a midfielder today."
Maggie was enraged. She was always the goal keeper. Always. She was the best damn keeper they had and she knew it. "But Coach!" Maggie grunted and argued.
"Hey, Captain cool it. I have to see how well Alex plays," Coach hushed her.
Maggie jogged passed Alex on her way to midfield and whispered "You better watch your back there, Danvers."
Without missing a beat Alex replied "seems like you better be watching yours, don't you think?" and brushed her hand against Maggie's shoulder as she went by. Maggie waited for coach to blow the whistle. The whole game she was overly aggressive with everyone. Even a couple of the girls asked her what was wrong with her, but she shrugged it off and said nothing. </p>
<p>They were well into the game and Alex was doing well, actually outstanding, as the keeper. Maggie was jealous at how well Alex was doing. She thought maybe she could get one goal in. She had the ball, running it up towards Alex, towards the goalie box. Maggie kicked the ball hard, straight towards the lower left corner. Alex lunged at the ball, her arms outstretched. she hit the ground, sliding across the grass. The ball hit her face, hard. Alex grunted, getting up and trying to shake it off. 'At least I didn't let the ball go in,' Alex thought. 'Oohs' and 'Owws' came from the other girls on the team.
"I'm okay! I'm good!" Alex assured everyone. She did get hit pretty hard though.
"Uh, Danvers, you're bleeding," Maggie pointed at her own nose.
Alex touched under her nose, feeling the blood on her lips. "Oh..." Alex said quietly.
"Sawyer go get the med kit," Coach ordered. Maggie returned, with a couple gauze pads and an ice pack for Alex. </p>
<p>"Really, Maggie I'm fine," Alex tried to talk to Maggie.
"Relax, Danvers, its not like I care or anything I'm only doing this because I'm the captain," Maggie chuckled, handing the supplies to Alex.
"Damn Sawyer, thought you were getting soft on me already," Alex gave Maggie a cheeky grin. She put the gauze under her nose and laid the ice pack on the bridge of her nose, wincing as she did. Maggie strutted away with a smirk, pleased with herself. Alex watched her walk away, mesmerized.
<p>Practice came to an end and Alex walked up to Maggie. "hey..." Alex got cut short.
"Listen, I don't know why you want to get to know me so bad but I'm not into it. Just... not now," Maggie put her hand up to Alex, stopping her. Maggie sat on the bench and took her shinguards and cleats off. She threw them in her bag and pulled out her slides. "Is there a reason you're still standing there, Danvers?" Maggie looked up at Alex.
"Well when are you going to be into it, huh?" Alex watched Maggie.
Maggie looked up at Alex from the bench, "In your dreams, Danvers."
Alex adjusted the bags on her shoulder and turned, her car keys in her hand. She walked away smiling. She knew she would get under Maggie's skin. She also knew she was going to have quite a bruise tomorrow when she woke up.
Maggie sat in her car, staring at the wall in front of her. 'Alex Danvers,' She thought. Maggie finally has some competition. The name stuck in her head as she started her car and backed out of her parking spot. When she got home and checked her phone, she had a message from James.
James: so this new girl, huh? ;)
Maggie: shut up! its nothing like that. she's annoying, its like she can never find anything to be unhappy about
James: yeah whatever mags i know how you are, you're gonna love her in like a month </p>
CHAPTER 2 Alex had gotten home around four thirty after practice. "Alex! Hi!" Kara hugged Alex as she walked in the door. Kara had pulled back, "Oh my god, what happened?" She touched the forming bruise on Alex's face. "Oh, its really nothing I just got knocked around a bit at practice today," Alex had dropped her bags by the door and sat on the couch. She sighed, looking at Kara sitting next to her. "Was it a rough day?" Kara pulled her legs up on the couch as she turned to face her. "No... I... its just this girl, Maggie. Its kind of weird. Its like she talks to me but its always sarcastic, you know?" Alex had a confused look on her face, resting her head on the back of the couch. "Ooooooooooooo," Kara hit Alex's shoulder. "Ow! Hey! You have super strength remember," Alex rubbed her arm. "Right, Sorry, but I think she likes you!" Kara smiled. "What! No way. Nope. Not possible," Alex sat up, shaking her head. "She doesn't like me, I practically stole her position on the field!" "Whatever, dude she's totally into you," Kara got up and patted Alex's shoulder as she walked upstairs. / Maggie walked into her physics class and saw Alex, talking to some girl next to her. Maggie shook her head and sat down. M'gann looked up from her paper, "Dude whats got you all riled up?" Maggie sighed, "Oh, its nothing." But it was something. Alex was everywhere. She was in this class, her lunch hour, her criminology class, and the soccer field. Its like she can't catch a break. She just wants one moment without Alex, just one. "Are you sure? You seem... pretty bothered by whatever it is," M'gann gave Maggie a concerned look. Maggie nodded her head and gave a small, nervous smile. Maggie was really bothered by 'whatever it was' but she wasn't going to let anyone know that. She was Maggie freaking Sawyer, a stupid small town girl wasn't going to ruin her that easily. No, never. She pulled out her sketch book and started drawing. That was all Maggie ever really did during class. She drew, and drew, and drew. She drew so much she went through a sketch book about every month. No one knew that she drew,though. Only James and M'gann. / The bell rung for lunch and Maggie had sat down with James at their table. She pulled out her salad and sandwich. James started talking about how his photo teacher made them pair up for their quarter three assignment and how he got the worst possible kid to work with for the project. Maggie looked across the courtyard and of course, Alex was there. She had met eyes with Maggie. "Oh geez," Maggie sighed as she saw Alex walk towards them. "What" James looked at Maggie, then at Alex who was approaching the two. "Oh, her." "Hey, Maggie. And Hey," Alex had started but she didn't know the boys name, who was sitting next to Maggie. "James,my name is James," He smiled at Alex. "Why don't you sit with us for lunch?" Maggie whipped her head towards James so fast she almost got whiplash. She shot James a glare that said 'If we weren't in the middle of the school right now i just might've murdered you.' James smiled back at Maggie and messed her hair up. She grunted and Alex sat down, putting her school bag on the floor. "Relax Sawyer, I'm not that bad of company," Alex gave Maggie a cunning smile as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Danvers, I'll see about that," Maggie pointed at Alex's nose. "Thats also quite a bruise you got there." "Yeah, only someone with as hard of a kick as yours could give me," Alex chuckled. "Wait, you did that?" James had a concerned shock on his face. "What? It was a scrimmage and coach wanted to see how good Alex really was." Maggie shrugged and continued shoving food in her mouth, she could eat a lot for being as small as she is. They continued with their lunches, talking about different things that had happened that day, and the day before. James had asked about Alex's previous town, so Alex told him that she had just moved and just joined their soccer team, and her sister on the track team. Soon the bell rang and the three of them headed separate ways to their classes. Maggie was in English when Alex drifted to her mind again. She kept thinking about how she swooped in and stole Maggie's position. Maggie couldn't really blame Alex though. She was good, as good as Maggie. Maybe even better. Maggie didn't want Alex to be better than her, but she could be. She thought about Alex's face when she was analyzing the players on the field, she gets a little wrinkle in between her eyebrows when she thinks. She thought about how Alex went to deflect the soccer ball, her shirt came untucked from her shorts because the jersey isn't long enough for her. She thought about- "Maggie, is there something so important that you're thinking about instead of english class?" Her teacher was standing in front of her desk. "Oh, um, no no, continue," Maggie stuttered as she sat up straight and focused on the lesson. She can't think about Alex like that, she doesn't like Alex. Especially not like... that. / Alex was talking with Kara near the locker room after school. "Dude you totally like her!!" Kara smiled and looked at Alex. "No! No, I don't she's just... interesting," Alex got the little crease in her brow. She heard footsteps behind her so she turned. It was Maggie. "Oh, hey Maggie, this is my sister, Kara." "Oh god, there are two of you?" Maggie fake gasped and pretended to be shocked. "Ha, no. Im not near as annoying as Alex," Kara bumbed into Alex. "What do you do on the team, Maggie?" Kara tried to make small talk. "Oh I'm the captain and the goalkeeper," Maggie just shrugged. "Alright, well we gotta go, game day," Maggie walked into the locker room, Alex following. They walked into the varsity room, getting their uniforms out of their lockers. "So, you think you can handle this game today?" Maggie casually asked, while putting her leather jacker down and taking her shirt off. Alex went into shock at how Maggie just slipped out her clothes with no care in the world. Alex felt her cheeks heat up as Maggie reached in her locker and waited for a response. "Uh, ye-yeah, yeah I- I can," Alex fumbled over her words as she saw Maggie slip her jersey over her head. Her jersey said 'sawyer' on the back. Maggie was unbelievably toned. Alex felt her cheeks get redder as she stumbled over her words. "You can what?" Maggie asked, folding her shirt. "I me- I mean I'm ready! I'm ready for the game," Alex shook her head and gave Maggie a closed smile, hoping she wouldn't notice how red she was. "What are you all red for Danvers? Its not hot in here," Maggie continued changing, shimmying her jeans off. She slipped her soccer shorts on, tucking her jersey in. "Oh, I- don't know," Alex hurried out of her clothes and into her uniform, grabbing her soccer bag. Maggie checked her phone. "Fuck we're going to be late," Maggie hurried out of the locker room, jogging to the bus. "Hurry up! They're gonna leave you, new girl!" Alex rushed after Maggie, almost knocking into some other girls as she went past. The other girls saw the duo walking up and there was whispering among them. There was 'omg they're TOTALLY banging' or 'does sawyer like the new girl?' going all around the bus. Maggie and Alex stepped onto the bus, looking around for a seat. "Theres only one seat left..." Alex really didn't want to sit with Maggie after what happened in the locker room. Maggie didn't want to sit with Alex either, but she walked back to the seat and sat down. She felt Alex sit down next to her, putting her bag under her feet. "Not only do i have to deal with you during the day, I have to sit with you too?" Maggie sighed, putting her earphones in and leaning her head against the window. Alex looked at Maggie and thought 'how could someone this soft be this snide.' She looked away, staring at the seat in front of her. Alex felt the bus stop, meaning they were there. She tapped Maggie to wake her up. "God, Alex I know we're here. Im up," Maggie pulled her earphones out of her ears and stuffed them in her bag. "Just making sure, couldn't leave the captain hanging on the bus," She gave Maggie a half, snarky smile as she stood up and grabbed her bag. She turned away and walked up to the front of the bus. Maggie slid out of the seat and followed, a few girls between them. The team walked to the visitors side of the field, lining up their bags under the bench. Coach started calling out positions, "Sawyer, goalkeeper." Maggie's face lit up as she was putting her cleats on. She gets to rub it in Alex's face that she's the goalie now. Alex got called to be a midfielder, which she wasn't unhappy about, but she'd rather be goalkeeping. They finished warm up just as the refs called for the game to start. Everyone took their positions, Maggie jogging past Alex, "Let me show you how you really play goalkeeper." "We'll see about that, Sawyer," Alex laughed as she jogged on the field. The game started and the team they were playing was hardcore. They never let up one bit. Maggie kept deflecting the ball, sending it back to alex so she could get it away from their goal. Coach saw how well they worked together. They made a pretty good team. About halfway through Coach saw that Maggie was getting tired so Maggie got switched with Alex. "But Coach! I'm good! I can finish the game!" Maggie protested, but Coach wouldn't budge. "Sorry Mags, you're midfield now," Coach walked away. Maggie grunted, walking over to Alex, "You better watch out Danvers, this team is rough." "Hmm I couldn't tell, I only played the whole game," Alex made a sarcastic remark, pulling the bottom of her jersey top up to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "Whatever, just don't suck okay," She walked past Alex, grabbing one last drink of water before jogging back out. The rest of the game went the same, except Alex deflecting the ball to Maggie and Maggie getting it away. Neither of them let the other team score a goal. However they did score on the other team. National High won the game 2-0, ruining the other teams undefeated streak. They high-fived the other team, and loaded up the bus to go home. "See, I didn't suck," Alex sat down next to Maggie on the bus again, but this time there were other open seats. "Yeah, I guess you didn't this time," Maggie rolled her eyes again and shifted in the seat. "I still could've played there the whole game," Maggie mumbled. "Oh come on, Sawyer, It wasn't that bad. I couldn't help that i was put in," Alex raised her eyebrows. "Whatever," Maggie leaned forward on the seat and closed her eyes. They got back to National High, unloaded the bus and everyone went home. Except for Alex and Maggie, they always seemed to be the last ones anywhere. Coincidentally, they only parked a few spaces away from each other. 
Alex walked up to her car, surprised to find Kara, and a boy standing with her. "Hey, Kara who's this?" "Oh this is Winn, he runs track too! I was just wondering if he could come with us," Kara gave both of them a big smile. "Hey, Maggie," Winn smiled at the girl standing behind Alex. She was sure that Maggie had gotten in her car. "Oh! Maggie, hey what are you doing here?" Alex unlocked her car for Kara and Winn to get in. "I just wanted to say you actually didn't suck today, I guess. Good job," Maggie shifted her bag and turned her head. "See you around, Danvers." Maggie turned and walked away to her car. Alex opened her door and got in. She smiled like a nerd, starting her car. "Whats got you all smiley,huh?" Kara nudged Alex again. "Oh, nothing," Alex smiled bigger, "Who wants ice cream?” 
 CHAPTER 3 About a month had gone by, Alex had settled in to her new school pretty well. But she still hasn't figured out Maggie. Maggie was a puzzle that she still hadn't found all the pieces to. Their usual bickering had continued, but over time it got softer and not so 'i-actually-hate-you' bickering. 
 Alex had actually gotten a mild concussion from when she got hit in the face with one of Maggie's famous 'death kicks'. One day Alex had sat down at lunch with Maggie and complained, "dude my head is killing me." 
 Maggie crinkled her eyebrows at Alex, "Again? Thats like the fifth headache you've had this week, and its a Tuesday, Danvers." 
 "Yeah I know. I went to the doctors and it turns out I actually got a concussion from your kick," Alex playfully smacked Maggie's arm. "I should be fine in a week or so though, they said it was nothing major," she shrugged. 
 "Oh my god, Alex I'm so sorry I never meant to actually hurt you," Maggie felt a twinge of guilt for what she had done. "I have some advil though, if you want it." 
 "Gee, Sawyer didn't think you cared," Alex gave Maggie a smile. 
 "Oh shut up," Maggie threw the bottle of advil at Alex from across the table. 
 The teacher had just announced that the class had a physics project due before they got out for spring break. The entire class groaned, as usual. The teacher started shouting out pairs for projects. Maggie didn't really pay attention until she heard Alex's name. "Alex Danvers and Maggie Sawyer," the teacher had called out. Alex turned from her seat to look at Maggie across the room. Maggie was happy, she was happy that she got to spend more time with Alex, for some odd reason. She didn't pay attention to the rest of the lesson, or the instructions for the project. She was basically day dreaming about Alex, but she hadn't caught herself until she felt a nudge on her shoulder. 
 "Hey there, Sawyer, what are you dreaming about," Alex gave Maggie a playful smile as she sat down next to her. 
 "Wh- What? Nothing, I- Nothing," Maggie blurted out. "What are you doing over here?" 
 "She said we were planning our project the rest of the class. Did you not pay attention at all?" Alex giggled. 
 "Oh I- I guess not," Maggie mentally slapped herself and pushed her hair out of her face. "Do you maybe want to come over to my house after practice and work on it a little?" 
 "Sure, its a date," Alex joked and the bell rang for lunch. 
 Alex had met Sara for lunch. Sara wasn't her girlfriend or anything, but you could say they had a little thing. It wasn't anything serious, just a 'hey-you're-cute-and-i-kinda-dig-you' thing. Alex didn't bring lunch that day, so she sat on the wall with Sara and talked. 
 Maggie sat down with James and looks across the courtyard. She saw Alex with some girl, laughing. They were definitely too close to be 'just friends'. She felt a weight in her chest. 'Why?' she thought, its wasn't like she was into Alex or anything, gross, never. "Hey, you good there?" James waved his hand in front of her face. She hadn't realized she completely crushed her turkey sandwich. 
 "Oh, yeah. Yep, I'm good," Maggie unclenched her hand form her sandwich and put it down. She wasn't eating that anymore. 
 "Are you sure? You kinda turned your sandwich into a wrap," James poked at the wadded up bread. 
 "Its just... Alex. She's talking to a girl," Maggie sighed. She pointed at Alex from her table. 
 James turned to Maggie and shrugged his shoulders, "well maybe they're just friends." He spoke too soon because right then, Sara kissed Alex on the cheek. "Oh..." James figured out Maggie liked Alex quicker than Maggie did herself. "Sorry Mags, but it doesn't look like anything serious, I'm sure its okay." 
 Alex had been glancing at Maggie the entire lunch period. It wasn't like she didn't enjoy Sara's company, because she did, but Sara was just really close to her all the time. Sara kissed Alex on the cheek, and Alex got red in the face. She inched away from Sara just a little. She didn't want to be that close to her. "You keep looking over there at that table, are you ok-" Sara got cut short as the bell rang and Alex hurried off to her next class. In the middle of her math class she 'went to the restroom' but really she just needed a break form all the math she didn't understand. She saw Maggie in the hallway, "Hey, Maggie!" She jogged to catch up to her. 
 Maggie turned towards Alex and shoved her against the locker. She got unusually close to Alex, "Why didn't you tell me yo-" Maggie raised her voice but got cut off by the bell ringing for the second lunch. Kids started to flood the hallway and Maggie backed up from Alex, "I have to go, Next time, Danvers." Maggie stepped back and stomped away to her class. Alex stood there, against the locker, in shock. 
 Kara came up to Alex, "Hey aren't you supposed to be in class?" 
 "Yeah I was just uh-" Alex snapped out of it, still not quite sure what just happened. 
 "Oh, you were with Sara," Kara bit the last part. She didn't really like Sara, she was just not Alex's type. Kara shook her head and walked away to lunch.   
 "Oh, No- I was just," Alex stopped herself when she realized Kara was gone. 
 Kara was talking with James after school because Alex was with Sara. 
 Sara was rambling about something that happened when she looked over her, to see that same girl that Alex was glancing to at lunch. Sara got overly jealous and grabbed Alex. Sara smashed her lips into Alex's, pulling Alex as close as she could. Maggie stormed past the two, almost on  a rampage as she entered the locker room. Alex pushed back from Sara, "I- I gotta go." She left Sara, running into the locker room after Maggie. By the Time she got to the varsity room, Maggie had already started changing, throwing her stuff everywhere. 
 "Maggie whats wrong?" Alex got that little wrinkle between her brow. 
 "Nothing! Get out of my business," Maggie snapped and grabbed her bag and stormed back out of the room, knocking a girl in the shoulder as she went by. Alex got changed, still wondering what had gotten into Maggie. She thought they were in a good place, but apparently not. 
 Kara had a track meet, it was the first one of the season. She was really excited about it, probably too excited. All the runners were lined up on the track, in their ready positions. The cap gun went off, signaling them to go. Kara had started off, except going a little too fast because she accidentally used her super-speed. She was now ahead of all the runners by quite a bit. "Kara!" She heard her mom, Eliza yell from the stands. Kara started freaking out, she almost stopped running. But she didn't, she slowed down considerably, letting some runners pass her. 
 No one said anything to her after, maybe no one saw her little super-mishap. "Hey Kara!" Winn gleefully bounced up to her. Winn had taken first in hurdles, Kara saw the medal around his neck. 
 "Winn! You got first! Congratulations!" Kara pulled him into a hug. James walked up to them, his camera in his hand. "What are you doing here, James?" 
 "Oh, I was covering the first track meet for the yearbook," James smiled. "Do you guys wanna hang out? I know a killer pizza place thats out of this world." 
 "I don't know if its 'out of this world' but I'll try it," Kara joked, them not knowing she's an actual alien. 
 Maggie was distant the entire practice, mostly just shooting goals or practicing blocking. When it came time for the scrimmage, she was really aggressive with her playing. She definitely would've gotten a red card if it were a real game. Coach called the scrimmage to an end and Maggie walked over to the bench, taking her cleats and shinguards off. She heard footsteps in the grass, recognizing the cleats as Alex's. 
 "Hey, are we still going to work on the project today?" Alex gave a small, scared smile to Maggie. 
 "Yeah I guess, can you give me a ride? I forgot I rode the bus because my car is in the shop." 
 "Sure thing," Alex sat down in the grass, taking her cleats and shinguards off too. She stuffed them in her bag and pulled her slides and car keys out. The duo walked to Alex's car, throwing their bags in the trunk. They both sat in the front, in silence. The purr of the engine started as Alex drove away from the school. "So uh, where do you live," Alex cleared her throat, breaking the silence. 
 "Oh! take a right up here," Maggie sat up as she payed attention and gave her directions. Neither of them talked except for directions, but Alex had turned the radio on and quietly hummed to the song coming through the speakers. "Can I turn it up more? I like this song," Maggie looked at Alex, replying with a 'mhm' as she nodded to the song. Maggie tapped the rhythm on her thigh as she quietly sang 'Say You Wont Let Go' by James Arthur. Halfway through the song, they arrived at Maggie's house and Alex pulled up by the sidewalk. 
 Maggie went to get out but Alex stopped her, "Wait, I want to finish the song." Maggie gave her a big smile and and took her hand off the door handle. They sat in the car, singing the rest of the song to each other and pointing at one another. They walked into Maggie's house, her german shepherd, Luna, greeting her happily at the door. 
 "Oh my god! You have a dog!" Alex immediately sat on the floor to play with the dog. 
 "Yeah, her name is Luna," Maggie laughed, giving Luna a pat on the head. 
 "Luna! That is the cutest name!" Alex squealed, scratching behind Luna's ears. 
 Maggie started up the stairs, to her room, "You coming, Danvers?" 
 Alex jumped off the floor and grabbed her bag, following Maggie. Luna padded up the stairs behind them. Alex walked in the room, noticing all of Maggie's sketchbooks laid out of her bed, the mess of supplies scattered about. Alex looked at a drawing, "Maggie these are so beautiful." 
 "Ah! You weren't supposed to see those!" Maggie scrambled to pick the mess up, snatching the book she was looking at and piling it with the others. 
 "I didn't know you were into art," Alex sat on the bed. 
 "Yeah, I draw... sometimes," Maggie pulled out her physics papers. "So what is this project again?" Alex explained the project and they worked on it for a couple hours before Alex had to go. Maggie walked Alex to the door, watching her walk to her car. Alex pulled out her phone and called Kara. 
 "Hey I had a super weird day, wanna get ice cream?" Alex asked through the phone. 
 "Yeah sure, I'm with James though," Kara giggled on the other line. 
 "Well he can come too, just no funny business," Alex joked, and drove off from Maggie's to go pick the two up. 
 They had just gotten their ice cream when Alex's phone went off. It was a text from Maggie. 
 'sawyer: hey sorry about today, can we talk?’ 
 Alex had just gotten home and dropped Kara and James off at their house. She ran upstairs to change out of her soccer clothes before she picked up Maggie. Alex was scared, texts like 'hey can we talk?' generally scare people. She looked at her phone again, thinking 'could she be specific? What exactly are we talking about?' Alex threw her phone on her bed and pulled out a an old forensic science club t shirt and some skinny jeans. She slipped a pair of ratty sneakers on and her leather jacket and walked out of her bedroom. 
 "Where are you going now?" Kara looked at Alex from the kitchen. 
 "I have to go meet Maggie. Tell mom I won't be home for dinner?" Alex gave Kara a smile as she grabbed her keys and walked out the door. Her palms were sweaty as she started her car. 'Why am I so freaking nervous?' She wiped her hands on her jeans and pulled out of her driveway. She turned p the radio and tapped her thumbs to the song that was playing. She wasn't paying attention to the music, she was too busy running the scenarios of what could be happening in her head. The drive felt a lot longer than it was, five minutes felt like twenty. 
 She pulled up to the curb of Maggie's house and before she got out, Alex calmed herself. She was way too nervous and she couldn't let Maggie see her like that. Alex took a deep breath and opened her car door. She got out and walked up to the door. Alex reached out to knock but before she could, Maggie swung open the door and grabbed her by the wrist. She yanked Alex inside, slamming the door shut and pushing the taller girl against it. Maggie stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around Alex's neck, pulling her into a hard kiss. Alex stood there stunned for a fraction of a second before she realized what was happening. She wrapped her arms around Maggie's slim waist and pulled her closer, if that was even possible. Alex kissed back, pushing more into Maggie. Fireworks were going off in Maggie's chest, she finally kissed the girl she wanted to kiss. 
 Maggie pulled back, "I just really needed that to happen," she pulled one arm back and rested her hand on Alex's cheek, stroking it with her thumb. 
 "Y'know, thats not exactly talking, Sawyer," Alex gave Maggie a smirk, resting her head on the back of the door. 
 "Shut up, don't look so fucking smug," Maggie placed her arms back around Alex's neck and gave her a big smile. "I couldn't have you kissing Sara, she's like the school's worst kisser." 
 "Oh my god Sawyer, you were jealous!" Alex became more smug, grinning like an idiot. Maggie kissed Alex again, but softer. It was more of a 'shut up' kind of kiss. 
 "I was not jealous," Maggie pulled back. She pushed Alex aside, opening the door. Alex stood in the doorway with her arms crossed, watching Maggie walk to her car. "You coming, Danvers?" 
 Alex shook her head and walked out, shutting the door behind her. She unlocked her car, Maggie getting in the passenger seat. "So where exactly are we going?" 
 "Just drive dummy, I'll give you directions," Maggie buckled her seatbelt as Alex pulled away from Maggie's home. The car was quiet and full of awkward silence, so Alex reached for the radio, and so did Maggie. 
 "Sorry," Alex pulled her hand away, putting it back on the steering wheel. She looked over at Maggie, who gave her a smile as she turned the radio up. 
 They arrived at a burger place not too far from Maggie's neighborhood. "This is my favorite place, its been here forever," Maggie held the door open as Alex walked in. 
 "It smells amazing," Alex inhaled deeper, taking in the scent of the burgers being cooked. They stood in line to order and Alex looked up at the menu. Maggie always got the same thing, a number 3 with no onion and a chocolate shake. It was their turn to order, Maggie ordered her usual and Alex got a cheeseburger with everything on it. 
 "Gross, you like onions?" Maggie scrunched her nose up in disgust. 
 "You don't like onions?" Alex got that crinkle in her brow as her jaw dropped. "You're a monster," She bumped Maggie's shoulder and giggled. They sat down in a booth, waiting for their food. 
 "Oh my god, I almost forgot!" Maggie jumped up and went back up to the counter. 
 "You forgot what?" Alex raised her voice to make sure Maggie heard her as she walked away. She asked the guy at the counter for something and He nodded, dipping under the counter and popping back up a minute later and handing something to Maggie. Maggie turned and walked back to their table, showing her dimples. 
 She sat down, giving Alex a paper hat. "They have hats!" Maggie giggled, opening her hat and fixing it on her head. 
 Alex leaned against her arm resting on the table. "You really expect me to wear this?" Alex looked at the grinning girl. 
 "Yes!" Maggie kicked Alex under the table, giving her a 'you better do it' warning. 
 "Ow! Okay, okay," Alex put the paper hat on and grunted. "I cannot believe you." The guy at the counter called their order number and Alex got up to get it. She came back to their booth with two trays, setting one down in front of Maggie and the other in front of her. Maggie was really nervous, even if she didn't show it. She didn't know what to talk about so she dove right into her food. "You in a hurry to get away from me or something, Mags?" Alex looked at the girl stuffing her face with food. 
 "Oh, uh, no, no I just don't know what to talk about," Maggie set her half eaten burger down, grabbing a napkin. 
 "Seriously? You don't know what to talk about, Maggie you literally kissed me," Alex laughed, taking a sip of her drink. 
 "Well, yeah, that, I uh, I really wanted to do that. It bugged me seeing you with Sara," Maggie blushed, eating more fries. 
 "Oh my god you were sooooo jealous," Alex teased Maggie. 
 "Okay, maybe I was! It bugged me a lot, kind of like you do," Maggie snickered, rolling her eyes. 
 "Oh I bug you? Please," Alex shook her head in disbelief. 
 "Something about you bugged me the minute I saw you at school, Danvers," Maggie scratched her nose. 
 "I guess I didn't bug you that much, I mean look at us now," Alex teased Maggie more, her phone buzzing on the table. 
 "Who's that?" Maggie looked at Alex's phone. 
 "Oh, Its Kara, she just wants to know what we're doing. She's being nosy as always," Alex picked up her phone, looking at the message from her sister. 
 "Tell her we're on a date," Maggie gave Alex a closed smile, gaining her smug confidence back. 
 Alex typed on her phone and set it down, "Oh now this is a date, Sawyer? Pretty lousy if you ask me, you made me pay for my own meal!" 
 "Shut up Al, I'll pay you back later," Maggie finished her burger. 
 They finished up their meal and dumped their trays, heading back to Alex's car. She opened the door for Maggie, "Well if this is a date then at least I'm going to do it right." Alex shut the door and walked over to the driver side of the car. She got in, buckling her seatbelt. "Now that you showed me your favorite place, I want to show you mine," Alex started the car and drove away. Alex pulled up to a park, turning her car off and getting out. She poked her head back in the car, "Sawyer, come on!" 
 Maggie got out of the car, they were both still wearing those ridiculous paper hats they got at the burger place. "A park, Danvers? What are we going to do, have a picnic?" Maggie laughed at her wit she thought she had. 
 "You're so impatient! just wait Maggie, geez," They walked through the grass towards a huge tree. Alex started climbing the tree and Maggie stopped. Maggie looked up at Alex, already halfway up the tree. "What, you don't climb?" Alex reached a hand out to Maggie so she could help her. 
 "Oh shut up I can climb," Maggie smacked Alex's hand away as she grabbed onto the tree and started up. Alex had sat herself on a branch, waiting for Maggie. Maggie sat down next to Alex, shifting closer to her, sighing in content. Alex looked at Maggie, who was looking out at the park. "You're staring, Danvers," Maggie turned and cocked her head at Alex. 
 "Now you're the one staring, idiot," Alex giggled, Maggie leaning closer. Alex closed the gap, kissing Maggie softly. Maggie almost lost her balance sitting in the tree, so she grabbed at Alex for support. Alex held onto Maggie, whispering 'I got you' into the kiss. Alex pulled back, "You're actually not that bad of a kisser, Sawyer," She smirked. 
 "Oh my god you're the worst," Maggie turned, looking back out at the park. "So, sadies is coming up," Maggie almost stuttered her words. 
 "Whats that? We didn't have that back in Midvale," Alex swung her legs in the tree. 
 "Its like homecoming, except in the middle of the year, and traditionally the girl asks the guy at this dance, but..." Maggie laughed. 
 "Oh that sounds so cool!" Alex's face lit up, "Is- is this your way of asking me to sadies?" Alex tripped over her words. 
 "Yeah, if you're up for it, we don't have to do anything big, just hang out or whatever," Maggie gave Alex a big smile, showing her dimples. 
 "It would be so fun!! Im so down for it," Alex got excited. She looked at her phone, "Mags, its getting kind of late maybe I should take you home." Alex didn't want to go but it was a school night and Alex after 9 pm is cranky. 
 But I don't wanna," Maggie dragged out the 'wanna' probably longer than necessary. She pulled Alex into another kiss. "I really don't want to go," She glared at Alex. 
 "Mags, Its a school night, and I have a test tomorrow. Also my mom just doesn't like me out late," She gave Maggie a forgiving smile. 
 "Ugh, whatever," Maggie dropped out of the tree, looking up at Alex. "C'mon Danvers, can't have your mommy worrying," She snickered up at Alex, who was hanging by her arms in the tree branch. 
 She dropped down, "Oh you haven't met my mom," Alex fixed her shirt as they walked to her car. Maggie slyly slipped her hand into Alex's, swinging their hands as they got to Alex's car. When they arrived at Maggie's, Alex walked her to the door. 
 "Wow, classy lady, you even walked me to the door," Maggie did her signature smile and head lean. She put her hands on Alex's hips and leaned up to kiss her. Alex put her hands on Maggie's cheeks, pulling her face closer. Maggie dropped down from her tippy toes, leaving her hands on Alex's hips. "So you're going to talk to Sara tomorrow, right?" Maggie looked up at the taller girl. 
 "Yeah, of course," She gave Maggie a small smile. 
 "Good, cause you're mine. Cant have anyone else thinking about you, well they can think, but they can't have you," Maggie grinned again, kissing Alex more. They stood close on Maggie's porch like that for a while, savoring the moment. 
 Alex broke the kiss, "Mags I really have to go." 
 "Ugh, okay, see you tomorrow?" Maggie opened her front door. 
 "Of course," Alex waited till Maggie shut the door behind her to leave. She got in her car and drove home as fast as she could because she had to tell Kara about her night.
<p>Alex had pulled up to her house, almost running out of her car and through the front door. She tripped over a couple steps running up to Kara's room, making a loud crash. Kara was in bed already, but Alex flung herself into the bed, jolting Kara awake. Kara screamed, almost eviscerating Alex with her super strength. </p>
<p>"Alex! I was sleeping!" Kara shifted in her bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. </p>
<p>"Sorry, sorry. But you're never going to guess what happened!" Alex had the biggest smile on her face, making big gestures with her arms.</p>
<p>"Maggie kissed you, didn't she," Kara smiled at her, nodding her head like she knew something.</p>
<p>"What! How do you know!" Alex's excitement almost turned into confusion.</p>
<p>"I literally have super hearing, don't think I didn't use it," Kara smirked, she totally listened to Alex and Maggie's conversation at Maggie's house. </p>
<p>"Kara! That was a private conversation!" Alex smacked Kara on the arm.</p>
<p>"Listen it did kinda gross me out but I had to know why you were so giddy when you left," Kara shrugged, giggling.</p>
<p>"Whatever, she's so cute I don't care," Alex shrugged her shoulders and got out of the bed, ruffling Kara's hair before she walked away. As she walked into her own room she heard Kara yell 'Nerd!'</p>
<p>Alex slugged her leather jacket and sneakers off, flopping down on her almost-too-small bed, sighing with content. She felt herself giving out the biggest grin she ever had. She thought to herself, 'Maggie Sawyer is such a softie.' Alex sat up on her bed, looking at her phone. There was a text from Sara. Crap. She totally forgot about Sara and whatever they had going on. She read the text on her lock screen.</p>
<p>Sara: hey al :)</p>
<p>Alex thought that was weird. No one calls her 'Al,' except Kara. Alex slid the message on her screen. She started typing out a lame 'hey we can't do this anymore' text but she stopped. She couldn't just leave it at that, a half ass 'it was nice while it lasted' thing. So she deleted it and started again.</p>
<p>Alex: hey can i call you? :(</p>
<p>Alex sent the text, waiting for a response. She changed into running shorts, sitting back into her bed with her 'Criminals 101' book. Her phone started buzzing next to her. Alex put down her book and picked up the phone. It was Sara. She took a deep breathe before answering the call. She hated these types of things, even if it wasn't that big of a deal. She clicked the green button, putting the phone up to her ear.</p>
<p>"Hey," Sara said from the other line quietly. </p>
<p>"Hey, I need to talk to you about something," Alex made a face. "I don't think we should do this... anymore." </p>
<p>"What? Why? Did I do something?" Sara's voice got louder.</p>
<p>"No! No, its just, I don't-" Alex was cut off.</p>
<p>"Its that soccer captain isn't it," Sara sighed through the phone.</p>
<p>"I-  I just... I don't know," Alex got nervous, she really didn't like confrontation. </p>
<p>"Alex, its okay, I get it. We were just having fun." Sara lightened her tone.</p>
<p>"Thank you," Alex let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.</p>
<p>"Yeah, have a good night," Sara paused.</p>
<p>"You- You too," Alex hung up the phone. She sighed again, that was easier than she thought.</p>
<p>Alex put her book away and went to bed, it was kind of late.</p>
<p>Maggie had walked into criminology class, kicking the girl that was sitting next to Alex out of her seat. The girl probably mumbled something along the lines of 'fuck you' as she walked away. Maggie sat down next to Alex with a huff, throwing her ratty backpack on the desk. </p>
<p>"Hey there, Sawyer," Alex smirked, nudging Maggie's shoulder. </p>
<p>"Hey yourself, Danvers," Maggie smiled back, resting her head on her arm. The bell rang for class to start and Maggie turned back to the front. The teacher told them that all they were doing was working on their project.</p>
<p>Alex pulled out everything for the project and Maggie put her head on the table in a pout. Alex chuckled and Maggie grunted at her.</p>
<p>"Maggie c'mon! We have to get this done," Alex looked at the brown haired girl laying on the table. </p>
<p>"Do we have to," Maggie dragged out the 'to' a lot longer than she needed to.</p>
<p>Alex gave her a stare, "Yeah, we do, nerd. We didn't get much last time we tried to work on it." Maggie finally gave in and they worked on their project, mostly.</p>
<p>It was after school and Kara had met Alex outside the locker room. Kara shifted her bag on her shoulder, "I almost lasered a boy today."</p>
<p>"Kara! You can't do that!" Alex got the crinkle in her forehead.</p>
<p>"Relax, I'm kidding! You really think I'd do that?" Kara smiled big as she watched Alex's face wash away a concerned look. "This boy was just being stupid and flirty and annoying. He wouldn't leave me alone."</p>
<p>"Still you can't just-" Alex was dragged away by Maggie, who had a tight grip on her wrist. "See you later Kara!" Alex shouted after Kara. Alex looked at Maggie, who was still dragging her through the locker room. She had that smirk on her face, the one that would get them in trouble. "Maggie whats going on?" Alex didn't get a reply. They got into the locker room, putting their school bags in their lockers. </p>
<p>"Just get changed first," Maggie said quickly as she struggled to get her practice uniform out. Alex pulled off her shirt but before she could slip her jersey on she was getting pushed against the locker, Maggie's lips on hers. Alex dropped the jersey onto the bench, wrapping her arms around Maggie's neck. She could feel Maggie's wandering hands all over her bare stomach as they kissed. </p>
<p>The two were interrupted by the varsity door slamming open, more girls walking in. Maggie pulled away from Alex so quick she tripped over her own feet. Alex scrambled for her jersey on the bench, her face reddening as she looked at Maggie who was also blushing. They both threw their jerseys on and rushed out of the locker room, giggling. They got to the field and heard all the girls snickering as they walked by.</p>
<p>"What the fuck is so funny?" Maggie turned to the group of players standing there. All she got was a collection of more giggles and a couple 'nothings'. Maggie grunted, "Well running laps isn't funny, that will make you guys stop laughing. Five laps. Go." The group of girls grunted in response and jogged off to run their laps.</p>
<p>"Geez, Mags. A little rough don't you think?" Alex sat down on the bench with her cleats in her hands. </p>
<p>"They'll get over it," Maggie stood up and adjusted her shorts, starting her warm up laps. Alex joined her and after they were done, they practiced shooting goals at each other. </p>
<p>"Hey can you not give me a concussion this time?" Alex giggled as she stepped into the goalies box. </p>
<p>"No promises," Maggie took her first shot, but Alex deflected it with ease. Maggie took more kicks, Alex only missing one because Maggie was distracting her with her incredibly toned legs. </p>
<p>Alex had a bead of sweat rolling down her forehead. She wiped it away, "Alright your turn, I'm tired." Alex walked towards Maggie and Maggie stopped fidgeting with the ball. She walked towards Alex, brushing her fingers along her stomach and her side as she walked. Coach noticed their interaction and raised her eyebrows.  Coach called the team to do dribbling drills.</p>
<p>"Guess we're saving my turn for later," Maggie smirked at Alex, walking up to where the cones were set up. She got in line behind Alex, waiting for her turn. Alex's turn was up, so she started down the cones with the soccer ball between her feet, dribbling it with ease. She weaved between the cones effortlessly, showing off her skills.
Maggie stood with her arms crossed behind the first cone, waiting for her turn. She watched Alex circle the last cone and start on her way back. Maggie shifted her weight, thinking to herself. 'I like the number eight,' she smiled to herself.
Alex knocked Maggie on the shoulder, "You're up, Captain." Alex gave her a smirk. Maggie started her dribbles, effortlessly, just as Alex had. Alex heard more snickering around her as she stood behind the other girls. She brushed it off, it was nothing. The rest of the team finished up the dribbling drill and started the scrimmage. Coach had put Maggie and Alex as opposite goalies.
"I think she's trying to keep us away from each other," Maggie giggled. They were standing in the middle of the field while Coach gave the reset of the positions.
"I mean opposite ends of the field? Its a little extreme," Alex playfully rolled her eyes. Coach blew the whistle, getting the team ready to start. The two went to their goalie boxes, getting prepared. Coach blew the whistle again, starting the scrimmage. Alex watched the girls fight over the ball, switching between opposite teams. She looked away from the action, up at Maggie. She was totally eyeing Alex from across the field.
'You have got tot be kidding me,' Alex thought to herself. She was brought back into reality by the soccer ball flying towards her. She dove and deflected it quickly, thanking herself for her really good reflexes. She looked at Maggie again, who was snickering to herself. They took a break, switching up positions. This time Maggie was still a goalie but Alex was a forward.
Maggie was taking a drink out her water jug as she eavesdropped on another conversation.
"They're totally banging," she heard one of the girls say. Maggie just decided to ignore it this time and head back out to the field.
'It is not that obvious,' Maggie thought to herself. The team finished up the scrimmage, ending practice. Maggie took her cleats off, talking to Alex.
"What are you doing, Danvers?" Maggie looked over at Alex.
"Im gonna stay a little bit longer and work on some footwork," Alex was kicking the ball between her feet.
"Alright, I'm gonna go. See ya, Danvers," Maggie winked and picked up her bag, walking away.
"See ya, Sawyer," Alex laughed to herself and continued working on her footing. She stayed for about half an hour, learning some new tricks and just reassuring herself of some things she needed for tomorrow's game. She sat down on the metal bench, unlacing her cleats and stuffing them in her bag. She wiped the sweat off her forehead with the back of her arm, standing up. She walked to her car as she fished her keys out. She got to her car, unlocking it and throwing her bag in the backseat. She didn't notice Maggie sitting on the hood of her car.
"Hey," Maggie jumped off the hood.
Alex yelped a little, "Jesus! Mags you scared me," she clutched her chest. "What... What are you doing here?"
"Well, my Jeep is still in the shop. I need a ride, Danvers," Maggie leaned against the car with her shoulder. "Think you can help me out?"
"I think I can," Alex smirked, getting closer to Maggie. Maggie stepped away from Alex, walking around the car. She slid into the passenger seat. Alex sighed, the smirk still on her face. She got in the driver side, turning to Maggie. She was looking at Alex with a grin. Alex leaned over, connecting the space between her and Maggie. Maggie leaned in closer, deepening the kiss.
Kara pulled her bag further up on her shoulder, walking to Alex's car. She got close and looked through the back window. She saw Alex and Maggie making out, and got grossed out. 'Yuck!' Kara thought to herself as she turned around, shaking off that feeling. She was going to have to find a ride from someone else. Maybe James wanted to hang out.
Alex pulled away, "Alright lets get you home," She started her car and backed out. Somewhere between school and Maggie's house, Alex had slipped her hand into Maggie's, intertwining their fingers. She pulled up to Maggie's house, taking her hand back to put the car in park.
"Don't you want to come up to study a bit?" Maggie gave Alex a hopeful smile.
"I hope you know I'm actually going to study," Alex laughed and took the keys out of her car.
"Of course! Thats why I said 'study'," Maggie winked and got out of the car.
Alex followed, grabbing her backpack and Maggie's soccer bag for her. They got inside, saying hi to Luna and heading upstairs.
"Can I borrow some clothes? I don't want to wear my sweaty uniform, or my jeans," Alex sat on Maggie's bed.
"Sure," Maggie tossed Alex shorts and an old t shirt that probably said something like 'Little League Soccer Champion' but she couldn't read it because the ink had cracked and faded. Alex changed quickly, pulling out her physics homework. Maggie had taken off her jersey, standing in front of Alex. "Aleeeeeeex," Maggie whined. She just wanted to make out with her.
"Maggie, you do look incredibly hot right now, but I said I was going to study! And so should you," Alex sighed, looking up at Maggie, who was only wearing her sports bra and shorts.
"Why don't you just... study me," Maggie smirked, throwing on a shirt.
"Mags, I have a really big test," Alex pleaded, trying to get Maggie to let her study.
"Ugh, I guess, but only if I can do this first," Maggie huffed and then pushed her textbook out of Alex's lap, sitting down and wrapping her legs around Alex. She kissed Alex, putting her hands on her cheeks. She felt Alex hold her hips, bringing her closer. Maggie pulled away, standing up from her. "There, now study. Nerd."
Alex looked over at Maggie, who was now pulling out her homework. "You are unbelievable," Alex licked her lips.
"I don't know, Danvers. That seemed pretty believable right there," Maggie laid down on the bed next to Alex with her work. They worked on their homework for a while before Alex checked her phone, realizing if she missed dinner one more night this week, her mom was actually going to kill her.
"Shit, Mags I gotta go. My moms going to kill me if I miss dinner," Alex sprung up, shoving her work into her backpack. She slipped on her shoes, "Ill give these back, eventually," She gestured to the clothes.
"Don't worry about it, this isn't going to be the last time I'll see you, Danvers," Maggie stood up.
"You're right," Alex smiled and kissed Maggie. "Okay, I really have to go."
Maggie kissed Alex again, pushing into her. "Okay, see you later."
Alex rushed out of Maggie's house, throwing her bag in her car and driving off to her own house. Alex walked in the door just as her family was starting dinner.
"Glad to see you could join us," Alex's mom said as she sat down at the table.
"Sorry, I was with Maggie. I lost track of time," Alex had a small smile, looking at Kara.
Kara looked at what Alex was wearing, those definitely weren't Alex's clothes. Kara looked over at Alex and laughed. Her sister was head over heels.
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