#but whitekit's design is Good
windsclan · 5 years
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this art’s a lil old but i’m really happy w/ thistle and white’s designs so
broken family
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Snowfur x Thrushpelt kits???
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Ah, yes, the collection of lightly colored kits
honestly Snowfur deserved better than Thistleclaw and Thrushpelt is a good man and was a good dad
some ideas -
Snowfur wasn't the one who died on the Thunderpath that day. Instead it was her sister, Bluefur. She was horrified by what happened and is haunted by the death of her sister.
She's even more horrified when Thistleclaw talks shit about Bluefur at Bluefur's funeral
She ends up leaving Thistle cause she just can't deal with it. She becomes a single mom to Whitekit.
One night she's having a breakdown behind the nursery and Thrushpelt, who happened to be up, overhears. There's not much talking, but he comforts her by giving her company before admitting that he misses Bluefur, too. The two grieve together and Snowfur mentions the last thing the two did was get into a fight and Bluefur still saved her life
The two become close, much to Thistleclaw's distain, and end up as mates. Thrushpelt is even chosen as the new deputy around the time that Snowfur is in the nursery expecting his kits. Thrushpelt is also an amazing and supportive step-father to Whitestorm
Moonfur was named after his grandma, Moonflower, and he carries his name with pride, but also comes off as stuck up when it comes to his Clan pride
Owlspot was given a bird-related name like her dad. She's stubborn and hotheaded, ready to fight everyone and anyone
Frogfreckle's name was considered cute by Snowfur and Thrushpelt agreed. He's introverted and a hopeless romantic like his dad.
I didn't have much after that sdagfgfa
I did have fun with these designs, tho, especially Moon
he's my favorite
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themissinglynx · 5 years
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Alright, here’s two more cats from the AU which I have still not named. (Monstrous? Idk...) Not much has changed in the way of their appearances and names, but I have changed their histories somewhat.
Firstly, we have Stormtail, an ordinary blue tom. His blue is a darker shade, so here we are. His genotype would be o (no red) - BB (black) - dd (diluted) - aa (no tabby markings) - TmTm (mackerel tabby) - ww (no white) - CC (normal color) - Ll (short fur). I forgot to add fur length to the others, so both Goose and Cloud have ll (long fur) as their genotype. Anywho, Stormtail is a very dark cat, so I gave him amber eyes to reflect this. His nose is also a dark gray color. For the uninformed, eye and nose colors aren’t genetic; they’re affected by the color of the fur around them. Eye colors are a sliding scale of shades whereas specific pelt colors have nose/paw pad colors attached to them.
I worked somewhat backwards with Stormtail’s physical design. Among traditionalists, the -tail suffix indicates a cat who is exceptionally agile and/or dexterous. Cats who have this suffix will normally be very lean and could be considered attractive, so that influenced his lean, fit body type. Stormtail is a pretty good runner for those who live in his clan (there’s not much room to sprint), and he was pretty close to getting the -foot suffix, but ended up with -tail, as both worked well for him.
After receiving his warrior name, he became a messenger. He’s normally running from clan settlement to clan settlement relaying messages for local deputies and occasionally the captain. He married Cloudbelly not long after she earned her warrior name and fathered Bluekit, but he learned pretty quickly he wasn’t cut out for a domestic life. After Bluepaw’s apprenticeship, he divorced his wife and relocated to another settlement, trying to avoid his former settlement on all his message runs as possible. It wasn’t until he learned that Bluefur had joined the Guard that he started taking an interest in her life. However, she wanted no part of it. Stormtail couldn’t blame her. He was proud of her when she graduated, but all he could do was watch her from a distance. He watched Bluetuft bear his grandchildren, take on an apprentice, and bury her mother, half-sister, and child. Stormtail was there for the last one though. He eventually met his end when a monster attacked him as he delivered a message from his clan to a rivaling clan.
As our first second generation cat, Bluestar gets traits from her parents instead of pulled from the aether. Her genotype is as follows: oo (no red) - BB (black) - dd (diluted) - aa (no tabby markings) - TmTm (mackerel) - Ww (some white*) - Ccs (normal color) - ll (long fur). Because her lighter shade of gray, she’s got green eyes, which is on the lighter side of the eye color spectrum. The only way she’d get blue eyes is if she had so much white, she would probably be deaf. Her nose is also gray.
Bluekit started off with a rough life. While her mother was loving, her father grew more and more distant until his aforementioned abandoning. She was apprenticed to Stonepelt, who trained her well. In her formative years, she loved the stories of wardens who protected their clans from the monsters, and resolved to become one after she became a warrior. When Goldenthorn (Sunfall) returned from the Guard, she wasn’t sure about gaining him as a father, especially since her own father abandoned her. She didn’t know what to think of her new half-sister either. As she was finishing up her warrior training, a young apprentice admired her drive to protect the clan and wanted to do the same. This apprentice was Thistlepaw.
Bluefur joined the Guard days after her warrior ceremony and joined in a team consisting of a warrior who learned medicinery**, Murkfang (Yellowfang), and a less respected warrior, Alderpelt (Crookedjaw). During her training, Bluefur fell in love with Alderpelt’s brother, Oakclaw (Oakheart). After graduation, Bluetuft and Oakthorn started a secret relationship, resulting in the births of Mistkit and Stonekit. Bluetuft’s settlement was a little uneasy about the little bastards, but thankfully, no one figured out... too quickly. By the time Mistpaw and Stonepaw were apprenticed, she became the deputy of her settlement, despite the now common knowledge of her affair (although they weren’t entirely sure who it was with). Her step-father was still the captain with Pinestar as the leader, but with the old leader growing senile and Goldenthorn getting up there in years, deputies across the clan were itching for the leader and captain’s approval. Bluetuft was chosen. In the time waiting, she bore another child, Pebblekit (Mosskit). In a terrible monster attack, Cloudbelly, Snowfur, and Pebblekit died, placing the young deputy under extreme grief. She broke off the affair with Oakthorn, who understood, but was heartbroken. She focused her emotions on raising her nephew, Whitekit.
Upon Pinestar’s death and Goldenthorn’s retirement, Bluestar became the leader of her clan. She took in two outsiders, Rust and Rose, and made fine warriors out of them, despite all odds. After Tigerclaw’s betrayal and subsequent execution, Bluestar fell into a deep depression. What didn’t help was one of her clanmates repeated the same infraction she committed and got caught as soon as the children were born. To her, the world was falling apart. She died not long afterward of a stress-induced sickness, no longer the proud young warden as shown here, but a sickly crone barely able to stand or talk. Her captain, Eveningflower (Goldenflower), took up the role everyone knew needed replacing... Not all lives go out gracefully.
*Ww means a cat who has less than 50% white on their bodies. Bluestar has a little speck on her chest which is covered by her tunic.
**She was affectionately called “The Combat Medic”.
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