#but when they were in that locker room and it kept panning to Jamie I was losing my mind
madzillus · 1 year
I really did clown myself into thinking Jamie Tartt was about to come out as bi 🤡🤡🤡
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titsoutforkapanen · 5 years
Giving in Ch. 8
I am SO sorry about the delay. I’ve just been so busy and stressed. I’m also sorry for how shitty this chapter is. I love you all so much. I hope you enjoy. 
There is some triggering topics in this chapter I’ll put a Trigger warning before it starts
2 weeks
I was walking out of the Ice Girls locker room but when I was almost out of the building I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned around to see Paul, he worked with the PR team for the leafs.
“Hi Paul” I smiled.
“Hello Miss Benn can you come with me?”
“Uh, I guess what is it for?” I asked as we started walking down a hall towards some offices.
“I’ll explain everything once we’re in my office” he answered without looking back at me. I held onto my bag a little tighter as I walked towards his office. Once we got there he opened the door for me and once I walked in I saw Auston sitting at a chair facing the desk. “Take a seat please” he said shutting the door behind him. I sat down and looked towards Auston with a questioning look he didn’t acknowledge my look and just kept looking down at his feet.
“So what is this about?” I asked setting my bag down on the floor looking towards Paul.
“Miss.Benn is it true that you were pregnant?” Paul asked leaning on his desk.
“Uh yeah, I was” I said looking towards Auston.
“Well here’s the thing so one of the videos there was a picture of a sonogram in Auston’s car. There has been some rumours circling you and Auston. So the PR team and I wanted to ask you to make a public announcement telling people that the baby isn’t Austons and that you lost the baby”
“Wait. Are you kidding me? This isn’t anyone else’s business” I said angrily
“But it is involving Auston and we can’t have that” he said looking between Auston and I.
“When do you need me to make this post?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“Right now preferably so I can see it” he said and I felt my stomach tighten up.
“Okay, give me a few minutes so I can type something up” I said feeling tears well up in my eyes. I looked over at Auston with pleading eyes hoping he would say something. I typed up a small note in my notes app and took a screenshot. I opened Twitter and selected the photo and posted it.
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“Here I posted it. Are you happy?” I asked looking over at him feeling tears fall down my cheeks. Paul shook his head in response. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and stood up. “I’m leaving” I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I was walking down the hall when I heard heavy steps behind me. I refused to turn around till I felt a hand on my elbow. “Don’t touch me” I stated ripping my arm out of his grasp.
“I’m sorry you had to do that” Auston said looking down at me.
“Don’t pretend like you actually care. I know you don’t. You didn’t even say anything to defend me in there” I said crossing my hands across my chest.
“I didn’t know what to say, Hazy”
“Oh I don’t know… Anything, Auston! You could have said ANYTHING. I’m going home.” I walked away expecting him to follow but he didn’t.
I had been at Freddie and I’s apartment for a few hours and all I had done was lay in bed. I rolled over to see my phone ringing. I looked and saw it was Auston calling me. I declined the call and flipped my phone over. I laid back down and pulled my blanket further up so I almost disappeared. I was almost asleep when I heard a knock on my door.
“Come in” I said barely loud enough for them to hear. I looked towards my door to see Freddie to walk in.
“I heard about what the PR team made you do. I’m sorry you had to do that” he said sitting down by my feet.
“Yeah, shit happens” I whispered.
“But it shouldn’t”
“Yeah. I know… Don’t you have a team dinner you have to get to?”
“Yeah I have to go get ready. Auston is picking me up so he’ll be here so you don’t have to come downstairs if you don’t want to.” he said standing up walking towards the door.
“Okay, have fun tonight” I smiled. Freddie smiled back at me and shut my door so he could go get ready.
I was asleep when I heard voices downstairs. I knew it was Auston so I got up to lock my door but before I could get there Auston was already opening the door.
“Get out, Auston”
“I want to talk”
“Well, I guess you’re shit out of luck” I said slipping back into my blankets.
“You can’t ignore me forever, Hazy” he said walking towards the bed.
“Here’s the thing Auston. All you had to do is stand up for me. And you didn’t. I wouldn’t be mad if you had just said “Hey it’s not a big deal”. But spoiler alert. You didn’t” I said sitting up in my bed.
“You can’t tell me what I shouldn’t and should do, Hazy”
“Auston! Get out of my room”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten knocked up in the first place and we wouldn’t be in this position” he said walking out of my room. I was appalled at him. I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks and as soon as I heard the door shut I grabbed a suitcase and started throwing some of my stuff into it.
It had been about 4 hours and I had most of my belongings packed into suitcases and boxes. I got everything into my jeep. I took a deep breath as I walked back up to the apartment. I pulled out a piece of paper from our printer and grabbed a pen.
Thank you so much for helping me with everything and being the best friend I could have asked for. Please please let me know when you come to Dallas. Don’t forget about me! Text me!
I love you so much!
I set the note on the table and grabbed my keys and walked down to my Jeep. I got in and took a deep breath before heading towards the highway. I looked at my phone that signaled that it was another 20 hours till I got home. I decided I would drive another 5 hours then stop to sleep and drive the rest tomorrow.
I was sitting on Jamie’s couch waiting for him to get his water. We decided we were going to watch the Leafs game together and see if we could see Hazy. The game started and we were waiting for the camera to pan over to the Ice Girls. I was looking at the TV and Jamie looked down at his phone.
“Wait, dude. Do you see Hazy? Because I don’t” I said pausing the TV when they were panning over the Ice Girls. We looked over the girls and couldn’t find Hazy. Jamie pulled out his phone to text her to make sure she was okay. It had been about an hour since Jamie texted Hazy and he hadn’t heard anything from her.
We were sitting on the couch watching the game when there was a knock at the door. Jamie got up and walked over to the door to see who it was. I was waiting for him to come back but he didn’t
“Yo Jamie who is it?” I asked walking into the entryway. I turned the corner to see Hazy’s crying figure wrapped in Jamie’s arms. She sniffled a little before pulling away and looking between Jamie and I.
“Can I come home?” she asked looking up at Jamie, wiping some of the tears away with the sleeve of her hoodie.
“You already are” Jamie smiled pulling her in for another hug. I wasn’t sure why she was back and I didn’t know if Jamie knew but I was just happy she was home.
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Hazy_bennn: yee and I cannot stress this enough haw 🤠
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