#but when it is a primary doctrine and i made sure to check that it aligns with my understanding of scripture
Today at church was the first time since I started attending that alarm bells went off with something that was said. I learned Several Big Things about myself and about this church tradition and (weirdly) about the history of canonizing Scripture today, but it was one quote from Augustine in particular that I disagree with. (If interested, see his commentary on the parable of the wheat and the tares, and how he defines the wheat and tares and their outcome.) The weird thing is, this goes against the church's founding doctrine too so I'm going to have to figure out if the preacher misspoke or if this is a genuine disagreement I have with their teaching....in which case I could find myself back at square one again in finding a church. I was finally starting to not be waiting for "the other shoe to drop" and now I feel like I may have heard it hit the floor across the room.
But, yeah, part of today was discovering I'm at a place where I'm no longer just hearing primary biblical scholars quoted but able to go "Actually, Augustine, I disagree with you there." Which is also an interesting personal development. XD
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nerdygaymormon · 5 years
I’m having a really hard time with Institute this semester talking about the eternal family because my current family and my sexuality and don’t know what to do.
Institute anon. To elaborate on my previous ask, my parents are sealed but getting a divorce (not a temple divorce I think?) and I’m ace but don’t really want to get married very much and talking about being queer in the Church is hard no matter what your identity is, I think, especially since so much doctrine revolves around the family and marriage, and it hurts and I don’t want to be there.  But I don’t want to lose the Spirit.  But I also don’t feel the Spirit when I’m hurting so much.            
Still Institute anon 😅 That was like.  An overview of what’s so difficult but there are also a lot of more nuanced things in our individual lessons and it’s HARD.
I’m sorry you’re having a rough time.
I imagine these are some of the things you’re learning in Institute:
*  It is not good for man (humans) to be alone.
*  Sex drive is a gift from God.
*  Law of Chastity is to have no sexual relations except with a person you’re legally married to
*  The greatest happiness in life comes from having a spouse, a companion for your life
*  This earthly life is when we start an eternal family
*  The covenant path is the way to be exalted & live with God
–UNLESS you’re queer, then none of this applies to you. We’re in a class apart. The greatest blessings aren’t for us.
To exclude queer people is to violate the idea that God doesn’t play favorites, that all are alike to God.
I think about Mark 2:27 when Jesus said, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.”I think it’s fair to say “Marriage was made for people, not people for marriage.” 
Over the millenia, what marriage looks like and the rules & laws that govern it have changed many times. Even just in our modern era, I’ve observed big difference between the marriages of my grandparents, my parents & my siblings as expectations and roles have shifted.
Given that you’re ace, check out 1 Corinthians 7. It’s a very different lesson about marriage than the one you’ll get in Institute. Being single is the preferred option and marriage is for those who aren’t strong enough to go without sex. 
Paul is not into sex & romance. If he were alive today he might describe himself as ace/aro. Paul wishes more people were like him because they’d be free to give more energy and service to God. 
But for the people who aren’t blessed with the gift of celibacy, for those people who have sexual desires & needs, Paul encourages marriage. He speaks of it as a secondary choice.
I think it’s interesting in this chapter he never mentions having children as the purpose for sex. Rather sex is something that will bring two people together as they make sure their partner’s needs are met.
Also in this chapter, Paul is adamant that celibacy should NOT be forced on people. To not allow marriage, to require celibacy of people is to drive most of them to fornication (aka, sex outside of marriage). Is there a better argument than Paul’s for why Christians should accept and celebrate same-sex marriage? 
Oh, one more scriptural lesson for ace people.
Jesus’ ministry took place when he was ages 30-33. He was not married. We have no indication He sought romantic relationships. He had very close relationships with men & women. This is the example the Savior set for us. 
And when asked about divorce, Jesus gave a lesson on marriage that our modern-day church sets aside.
1) It’s good for a man and a woman to marry
2) An exception to this would be if this person is divorced, in that case they shouldn’t marry (unless they got divorce because their spouse was having sex with someone else). If they marry, they are adulterers and so is the person who marries them.
3) Another exception to this rule about a man marrying a woman–eunuchs. Jesus describes different types of “eunuchs,” and He doesn’t limit it to men who have been castrated, He includes people who choose to not have sex. With that in mind, it very much sounds like Jesus is including gay people and ace/aro folks in His “eunuch” exception to a man-should-marry-a-woman statement 
Even if not explicitly stated, I find that what gets said about marriage & families often has a negative side to it.
For example, on Father’s Day a speaker said that God sends his spirit children to people he trusts the most. While it’s a nice sentiment and made that dad feel good about himself, the message it sends me is, “God doesn’t trust you enough. There’s a lot of idiots out there who have kids, and God trusts them all more than you.”
I know the speaker didn’t consider what his words meant to people who aren’t like him. This happens a lot at church, especially around the topics of marriage & family. Wonderful things are said about people who fit a certain mold, which queer people do not, and so the negative implications of those messages apparently belongs to us. 
One thing I’ve learned is to push back against those negative messages. If you’re in a position to raise your hand and vocalize it, great. If you’re not, then at least tell yourself positive messages to replace the ones you’re hearing.
You are not less worthy than others. You’re not wrong or lesser. You are a child of God who is loved dearly and your Heavenly Parents are rooting for you. They trust you and will help you craft a life that is meaningful and full of blessings. 
President Nelson recently said that You may know for yourself what is true and what is not.  If you’re not feeling the Spirit at Institute when those lessons are presented, that’s a sign. Try asking about your path. If you’re getting an education or working, you can pray for confirmation you’re on the right path.  
Your parents getting divorced really puts a big crack in the “families can be forever” ideal. I often wonder about the Primary kids we have sing about having a mother & father and an eternal family, but they are in a single-parent home, or part-member family. There’s a dissonance there that people who fit the mold don’t stop to think about.
I recognize the church has it’s principles and ideals, and I’m not saying it shouldn’t teach those things, but what about the rest of us who don’t fit into the Family Proclamation?
In the April 2019 General Conference, Elder Anderson recognized there are a LOT of us who don’t “fit neatly inside the Proclamation.” His answer was that perhaps he doesn’t understand their situations, but the Savior does, to turn to Jesus.
The Savior knows you and your situation and offers you love.
Elder Anderson promised that “He (Jesus) will bless you and lift the burdens too heavy to bear alone. He will give you eternal friends and opportunities to serve. More important, He will fill you with the powerful Spirit of the Holy Ghost and shine His heavenly approval upon you.”
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Facts, Fiction and Ukiyo E Print Art
Students should view prints and finish the worksheet.  Even though the labels are a rather small portion of the packaging, the materials used can play a critical part in the recycling procedure.  These receipt templates are simple to download and print.
The Definitive Approach for Ukiyo E Print Art
Above all of the printing deserves admiration.  I chose spray paint for this project as it's a significant method to find an abstract style for a novice painter. Van Gogh admired the bold designs, intense colours, and flat regions of pure color and in addition, he appreciated the elegant and easy lines.  It's entitled `Your First Print', and is a comprehensive breakdown of the making of a woodblock print utilizing the conventional Japanese methods.  Among the biggest mistakes with watercolour isn't applying enough layers, leading to insipid, faded sketches.  Among the most well-known Japanese tattoo artists of that moment, was Horiuno.
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The Demise of Ukiyo E Print Art This is the least expensive way of enlarging a photo, and demands no distinctive eqipment. Though he didn't begin creating woodblocks until his fifties, he's won amazing worldwide recognition. Remind students they will carve the negative space in the sketch and they should only carve the region that has to be inked for that block's color. Here it's possible for you to arrange the picture how you desire that, then tap collection. She loved them so much, that I made a decision to finish the whole set. Rumors, Lies and Ukiyo E Print Art Manet was amongst several the artists of the time who collected Japanese prints and other things for their private appreciation. Please be assured our expert Shipping Department utilizes the most recent packaging technology to be sure your shipment arrives to your door damage-free. If you would rather use a customized framer, search for coupons or exclusive discounts. Reserved prints may return onto the website, if the purchaser decides not to proceed with the sale. New Ideas Into Ukiyo E Print Art Never Before Revealed Jed's art is truly awesome and he is constantly thinking up new pieces. For somebody who gets his hands dirty every day on the job, Goldston can be rather philosophical. This insures that the paper is put on the block in the exact same place each moment. It's something which everybody recognises. It ought to be created to supply something which is readily recognizable and memorable. Ukiyo E Print Art - the Conspiracy Dave uses traditional methods to carve the woodblocks that is likely to make the prints, dependent on Jed's design. His woodblocks are almost always limited editions and rather difficult to find. Triptychs are a set of 3 prints as a pentipych is a set of five prints. Editions of the exact same series proved often produced by means of an artist in response to the very first version's popularity. You must look for the fine print. About 200 prints (the customary edition of any given design) could be drawn up in 1 day. How to Get Started with Ukiyo E Print Art? They could place a brown square close to the bottom to symbolize the trunk. Therefore, new adhesives for labels are developed to create sure the bond becomes broken completely to boost the purity relate. The Fitting is just one of these. Utilize water to acquire the most suitable consistency. Get into the practice of wiping the brush on the border of the jar of plain water. Gossip, Lies and Ukiyo E Print Art Size is just like the original. Possessing a map separated into layers also permits you to show components of the map separately. If it is a template you can discover it in the category Shapes. Now discover the image you need to use. Images of all of the wonderful temples with architectural comments. The Nuiances of Ukiyo E Print Art Here he became part of the bohemian community. Among the most awesome things about art is how it is able to bring people together. This division of labor, in reality, resulted in a high level of technical perfection. We are pleased to assist our customers anytime. If you want more assistance we'll be very delighted to aid you. The prior is achieved by several means to encourage decent observation, and to draw without questioning what it is that you're drawing. Life After Ukiyo E Print Art The better the quality, the simpler it is going to be for other people to identify, translate, or find out more about the topic of your inquiry. Internationally, ukiyo-e has also had a significant effect on the creation of contemporary art. Their primary way of achieving this goal appears to be setting up collaborations between pop icons of today and conventional artists, which is really a pretty cool idea. So let's check out the recent developments have occurred in the subsequent label printing market. You've developed a good plan and you're prepared to dive into the growth of a new logo for your business. As such, it rapidly evolved into one with various specialties, and during the hey-day of ukiyo-e, it was not uncommon for different steps to be performed in different establishments, each with a particular speciality. Changing tastes and financial forces combined to create a sea change in the American print marketplace. The Start of Ukiyo E Print Art Ink painting was accepted as a way of teaching Zen doctrine. Even a very small bit of creativity is needed to compile a simple invite. I was seeking the more compact masterpieces. No 2 artists are alike, states Solomon. It was suddenly forced to open itself towards the rest of the world. Vital Pieces of Ukiyo E Print Art It was also, naturally, a fabrication. Framing can be costly. Definitions of Ukiyo E Print Art Though there are many breaks from perspective viewpoint, this Ukiyo-e print has a great impact. Schlomb continues to spell out the usage of the term Ukiyo-E. In the event the match is situated, the software program grants approvals required to access. If you want to exercise this right, please get in touch with us through the contact information below. These are the characteristics students should be searching for as they view Ukiyo-e and ought to incorporate in their own print. The Good, the Bad and Ukiyo E Print Art It's a large-size nishiki-e. Then you'll be able to select. We'll respond to e-mails once we return from vacation. Perhaps, perhaps not, we don't know. Up in Arms About Ukiyo E Print Art? When examining records it's basic to choose a proper document sort. I really like it when a calendar may also act as wall art! These receipt templates are simple to download and print. Whatever They Told You About Ukiyo E Print Art Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Today, I'll highlight some of my favorites and help you come up with approaches to include each one of these in your homeschool and classroom lesson plans. Coloring is among the least expensive kinds of private relaxation therapy I've discovered after many years of exploring art for a hobby. Shintoism is still an important characteristic of Japanese spiritual life. The Sosaku Hanga movement never truly gained popularity in the general public. Please don't permit the simple fact I don't discount block you from seeing what I have as I sell to a lot of dealers below the same conditions. Type of Ukiyo E Print Art His small chain of scenes from a journey to Korea were rather popular on his return. Even a very small bit of creativity is needed to compile a simple invite. I was seeking the more compact masterpieces. While Hokusai's work before this series is definitely important, it wasn't until this series he gained broad recognition. It was suddenly forced to open itself towards the rest of the world. Up in Arms About Ukiyo E Print Art? In addition, please be aware your information is going to be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the usa. It's embarrassing for both parties to need to hold the print after basic payment was tendered to watch for the shipping expenses. Plan ahead and choose what you need beforehand. Please be aware that free'' doesn't really mean free in this instance, since you'll still have to cover shipping and handling for every order irrespective of the cost of the prints. The delivery fees are for both Snapfish are listed in one of the little links at the base of the site, which means you do have to search for them. The 5-Minute Rule for Ukiyo E Print Art It is believed to be among the finest papers made. His woodblocks are almost always limited editions and rather difficult to find. Because fans were in regular usage, they are not as likely to survive than other prints. Editions of the exact same series proved often produced by means of an artist in response to the very first version's popularity. This can get the print to stick. About 200 prints (the customary edition of any given design) could be drawn up in 1 day. Definitions of Ukiyo E Print Art Though there are many breaks from perspective viewpoint, this Ukiyo-e print has a great impact. You can also pick from among the many message choices and also add your very own personal note. If you're interested in further information regarding the mutual influences of Japan and the West, try out this URL. Pick the puzzle month that you would like to print and solve, the webpage is going to have printable versions in which all extraneous material was eliminated. To start this undertaking, take a small time to help students learn some simple details about the animal habitat, place, food, etc.. Finding Ukiyo E Print Art It sounds complicated and it does take a little getting used to, but you'll become accustomed to it. And you will find the remaining totally free printables being shared today at the conclusion of this post. I'd stood on a footbridge for a couple of minutes, watching a little barge in the evening light. Be aware the abundance of diagonal lines, in addition to the sense we're looking back on the scene from a height. And it may be the sole means to reside. It's well worth the time to stay building. To acquire added details on utamaro shunga please look at Shunga Prints The Definitive Approach for Ukiyo E Print Art Above all of the printing deserves admiration. I chose spray paint for this project as it's a significant method to find an abstract style for a novice painter. Van Gogh admired the bold designs, intense colours, and flat regions of pure color and in addition, he appreciated the elegant and easy lines. A specialist dyer, his woodblock scenes show a special comprehension of the art form and his dyeing skills can be observed in his usage of colours. If properly protected pastel paintings will persist for a very long time as can be observed by a number of the 18th century pastel masters. One features what's rumored to be Hiroshige's favourite geisha. The Appeal of Ukiyo E Print Art These were people who weren't generally wealthy and couldn't afford to get original paintings. Ukiyo-e are among the most distinctive and one of a kind manners of Japanese art. We suggest that you sign-up even if you're already a member of another on-line art gallery. Our art gallery was made in an attempt to create a web-based site for a little group of artists. Therefore, if you believe it's cheaper to use clip art, you might want to reconsider. Those who want to know more about contemporary art should pay a visit to the POLA Museum Annex. Among the best recognized works of Japanese art on the planet. The Secret to Ukiyo E Print Art Suzuki Harunobu is called the founder of polychrome ukiyo-e. I wished to demonstrate how modern technology and art may benefit from the past. The upheavals of contemporary art were driven largely by the idea that art is all about communicating ideas, and that to be able to communicate a full array of ideas, one has to be open to a complete selection of forms of expression. This standard Japanese art form had a huge effect on Western art. The growth of woodblock printing enabled Japanese artists to create images for a mass industry. The Battle Over Ukiyo E Print Art and How to Win It 4,134 signs and placards that you may download and print. The puzzle doesn't always spend the kind of a square grid. I should also enable you to know that a lot of my prints are in wonderful condition, because they have been stored in bank vaults for almost 20 decades. In the above mentioned print by Hokusai, among the initial things we notice is the unashamedly huge genitalia. This series started a completely new type of landscape ukiyo-e. The Nuiances of Ukiyo E Print Art It's a large-size nishiki-e. They were plain, easy and elegant. We'll respond to e-mails once we return from vacation. It's also called Japonisme and Anglo-Japanese. Gossip, Lies and Ukiyo E Print Art Size is just like the original. Possessing a map separated into layers also permits you to show components of the map separately. If it is a template you can discover it in the category Shapes. Now discover the image you need to use. Return and take a look at the image that brought you here. Facts, Fiction and Ukiyo E Print Art Japanese lacquerware is well known for its beauty and endurance. When printing fine lines applying the ideal degree of pressure is very difficult, Nakayama stated. But more than that they give an artistic medium in order to add color to all your paper crafts. Utilizing an archival mat border will make sure that the print has a lot of breathing room. The very first step in making your canvas is to choose your design. Ukiyo E Print Art Secrets In reality, there's a trend of producing labels with the assistance of thinner materials so the size and weight of the goods are managed. Friendship FlagsGrades K-6th Dip coffee filters in colored water and string together to earn a colorful flag or earn a bulletin board within this lesson plan which expresses the attractiveness of diversity. For additional protection, you can ask for UV resistant glass. Utilize water to acquire the most suitable consistency. Print six sheets with the very first color. The Dirty Truth About Ukiyo E Print Art Numbers might be unauthorized or authorized for certain occasions and dates. I hope that you find this collection interesting. If it is a template you can discover it in the category Shapes. Demonstrate the way the image is going to be reversed when printed. Return and take a look at the image that brought you here. What You Can Do About Ukiyo E Print Art Starting in the Next Seven Minutes In addition, please be aware your information is going to be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the usa. This is only one of the sacrifices he had to make to be able to finish his training. When we get your purchase, we'll permit you to know your shipping charge once possible. Unlike the normal obsessives, I didn't even have the advantage of an eyeglass. For these we charge a little fee. Ukiyo E Print Art Options The similarities might not be obvious at first, but it's the composition, colours, and lines you must concentrate on to truly understand the influence. There are various styles of calligraphy. They frequently have humorous overtones, and were popular at the moment. The grooves are then full of ink. Then apply your accent color in addition to the base color. Top Ukiyo E Print Art Secrets Noh is a musical drama that has existed for over five hundred decades. Shunga is erotica from this age. We guarantee you will be astounded at your finished masterpiece. Utamaro died at age fifty-three two decades later. Up in Arms About Ukiyo E Print Art? A definite number of letters might already be in place. The unending number of images provides a collector with a wealthy and diverse environment to create a specialized collection. As soon as we hear about overhead projectors, we are inclined to keep in mind the old transparency projectors utilised in schools and company meetings back in the days. Whether you wish to send an ecard or a printed card, it only takes a couple minutes on gotfreecards.com. 539 free greeting cards that you may download and print. Characteristics of Ukiyo E Print Art Skateboards are a particularly common expression, with brands like Supreme and Bape releasing their very own stylish skateboards. Artists, too, have various requirements and approaches. The 5-Minute Rule for Ukiyo E Print Art Woodblock printing is just one of the oldest publishing tactics. The woodblock images within this exhibition display a wide spectrum of fashions and printing tactics. The monks began to compose ancient text in books. Printmaker David Bull advises that you do not frame your woodblock print. Reproductions of iconic prints are offered in the museum shop. But ultimately the standard woodblock print remained his favourite media. A History of Ukiyo E Print Art Refuted It's a large-size nishiki-e. I'm certain you won't be let down! Your Getty Images representative will go over a renewal alongside you. It's also called Japonisme and Anglo-Japanese. Ukiyo E Print Art Ideas One has to be mindful of all the emerging trends in label printers industry in 2019 to understand the many different details of the trendsetters in the organization. Internationally, ukiyo-e has also had a significant effect on the creation of contemporary art. Their primary way of achieving this goal appears to be setting up collaborations between pop icons of today and conventional artists, which is really a pretty cool idea. He was a remarkably productive and influential artist whose contribution to the maturation of the Japanese print may not be understated. You've developed a good plan and you're prepared to dive into the growth of a new logo for your business. And the manufacturing procedure is such fun! Feel free to talk about your opinion below. Ukiyo E Print Art Help! The hanging scroll is known as kakemono. It's a touching tableau. I should also enable you to know that a lot of my prints are in wonderful condition, because they have been stored in bank vaults for almost 20 decades. This produced a desire for prints of famous and lovely landscapes that were bought as cheap souvenirs. This series started a completely new type of landscape ukiyo-e. The Death of Ukiyo E Print Art So a few years back I chose to publish a string of stories on my own, on a unique web site devoted to them. The fine lines of hair that you've marked in ink won't be observed at the end, which offers you a good idea of how dark you will be going. During upgrade the website is going to be shutdown for one hour. Be sure to check out which everyone else is sharing at the conclusion of this post! Allow a little time to receive that email, and should you haven't gotten it within a few hours, then be sure to look at your junk mail folder. We also carry a few other sister websites and daughter websites! Whatever They Told You About Ukiyo E Print Art Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why
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Part of the fantastic revolution of contemporary art was the elevation of normal life to first-class artistic consideration.  As stated by the artists of this movement, individuals should refuse to get disheartened by the burdens of normal life.  Probably regarded as one the hardest of media, most likely because of the huge amount of technical information someone can digest on the topic, it is definitely one of the most fun and forgiving.  This activity may also be done for quite a few other things like, animals, fish, Valentine hearts, etc..  In Japan, obsession isn't a disease but simply a method of being.
Ok, I Think I Understand Ukiyo E Print Art, Now Tell Me About Ukiyo E Print Art!
The majority of the printers are using the Management Information System (MIS) which includes the specialized inspection together with color performance technology and software.  You can also pick from among the many message choices and also add your very own personal note.  In the event the match is situated, the software program grants approvals required to access.  A week later, you do an internet search to see whether you have any competitors.  To start this undertaking, take a small time to help students learn some simple details about the animal habitat, place, food, etc..
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rainydaywednesdays · 5 years
Hypnosis Mic 「Hoodstar」Japanese, Romaji and English Lyric Translation (rough)
So unless I’m really out of the loop in the hypmic fandom, no one’s really put out a full English translation of the most recent song... I had a few free hours and a translator or two at my fingertips so I decided to throw together a rough idea of what they’re saying to tide me over til one of the proper translation accounts gives us a decent version!
Please understand I’m not trying to rival Eng Hypnosis Mic, Hypnosis Mic Translations or any other translators, their work is amazing and I highly anticipate their takes on Hoodstar’s lyrics! Be sure to check theirs out when they finally post them! This is just supposed to be a rough interpretation cuz I’m impatient... ehehe.
Feel free to repost, quote etc. if you feel the need, but credit would be greatly appreciated :)
Note: I used “/” to indicate separate phrases when they’re on the same line (eg. “A crazy troupe / boobytrap”, where “a crazy troupe” and “boobytrap” sound like they should be separate lines). 
Buster Bros:
I’m a Hood star
Shine only star
この街で一番のBad boys
kono machi de ichiban no Bad boys
The baddest boys in town
Check yourself そう Success
Check yourself sō Success
Check yourself if you think you have success
sono junguri ni buttobasu
Cuz we’re gonna blast our way to the top
bukuro wa orera no Hometown
‘Bukuro is ma home town
おっとご無体ご法度 Calmdown
otto go mutai gohatto Calmdown
Oops, too impersonal- calm down
Yo 勝手はさせない 解ってるはずだぜ
Yo katte wa sasenai wakatteru hazu da ze
Yo, don’t feel like you’re lost
to ppoi yatsu mo janai ppoi yatsu mo
The guy you just saw, isn’t like me
“Hey” teka “naa” teka shinnē kara
“Hey” (in English), or rather, “Hey” (in Japanese) so you can understand
karakara no nō ni wa yō wa nai hanashi da
Dried-up minds have no business speaking to me
Buster Bros 敵に回して
Buster Bros teki ni mawashite
Buster Bros encircle the competition
baka bara maite n no omae no hō ja ne?
You lot are idiots, aren’t you?
tadatada akireru akiresuken sarasu
I was amazed to lay bare Achilles heel
jakodomo aite no mainichi ni akiteru
I’m tired of being the small fry
mangaichi ni mo shōki wa nai
In any case, I’m not insane
omaera ni mattaku motte kyōmi wa nai
I really don’t have any interest in you
Buster Bros:
Check it out
usagi ni mo kaku ni mo iku ze baby
Bouncing down to the corner baby
Boogie town walking down
Ikebukuro represent
boketa aite ja mōke mon da ze
Making winnings from you idiot opponents
よく学んどけ俺らOn the stage
yoku manandoke orera On the stage
Yo we’re learning on the stage
Mad Trigger Crew:
I’m a Hood star
Shine only star
この街で一番のBad boys
kono machi de ichiban no Bad boys
The baddest boys in town
Check yourself そう Success
Check yourself sō Success
Check yourself if you think you have success
sono junguri ni buttobasu
Cuz we’re gonna blast our way to the top
konton to konton no ma de
In the space between chaos and chaos
hontō no kanjō wa kontoro-ru funōna yō da
True feelings take on an uncontrollable form
kyōkaku kaku aru beshi nante
What is it that people who survive by their own rules live for
kuchi de iu hodo kantan janē yo
It’s easier said than done
鈍くさいやつはSacrifice しゃーない
don kusai yatsu wa Sacryficesha - nai
A clumsy deadbeat isn’t a good sacrifice
Keishichōnai chōkai kakugo de bakko
Us police as prepared to punish the uncontrolled
Never back down 馬鹿ばっかだからな
Never back down baka bakka da kara na
Never back down, that’s all there is to it, stupid
Wackな爆弾処理がmy workだ
Wack na bakudan shori ga my work da
Dealing with wack bombs is my work
不条理な連中 boobytrap
A crazy troupe / boobytrap
ハメる足掻くもなく 戦慄き泣く
hame ru agaku mo naku wananaki naku
Ensnaring and internal struggle / trembling and crying
doku mo nai ga marude ajike mo nai
The poison is inside, but it’s tasteless
dokutorin naku shite kimi no shōri wa nai
You don’t get victory without doctrine
Mad Trigger Crew:
Check it out
usagi ni mo kaku ni mo iku ze baby
Bouncing down to the corner baby
Boogie town walking down
Yokohama represent
boketa aite ja mōke mon da ze
Making winnings from you idiot opponents
よく学んどけ俺らOn the stage
yoku manandoke orera On the stage
Yo we’re learning on the stage
Division Rap Battleで願いを叶えてやるぜ
Division Rap Battle de negai o kanaeteyaru ze
Let’s make wishes come true in this Division Rap Battle
気分はBouncy Don’t stop your music
kibun wa Bouncy Don’t stop your music
Feel the mood Bouncy / Don’t stop your music
obira akeru kagi wa raimujanki- na gaki no waruagaki
The key to unlocking the door is the limelight-seekers’ useless struggle
チープなプライドじゃ たちまちに喰われちまうぜ
chi-pu na puraido ja tachimachi ni kuwarechimau ze
Cheap pride will be immediately scorned
流線型描いてくデリバリー フローで切り開くこの茨道
ryūsenkei egaiteku deribari- furo- de kirihiraku kono ibaradō
Streamlined depictions, delivery and flow to cut through these thorns
てか何しに生まれ謳うかを その目その耳で確かめな
teka nani shi ni umare utau ka o sono me sono mimi de tashikame na
Rather, be sure to try and celebrate the eyes and ears we were born with
Fling Posse:
I’m a Hood star
Shine only star
この街で一番のBad boys
kono machi de ichiban no Bad boys
The baddest boys in town
Check yourself そう Success
Check yourself sō Success
Check yourself if you think you have success
sono junguri ni buttobasu
Cuz we’re gonna blast our way to the top
horeta hareta wa puretaporute
Fall in love with my sunny ready-to-wear
iyaiya boku wa o-tokuchu-ru desu
Ah, ah~ I’m haute couture
コットンキャンディーはmade in 乱数
kotton kyandhi- wa Made in ransū
Cotton candy is made at random
甘くて苦〜い ファムファタールだ
amakute ku i fuxamufuxata-ru da
Painfully bittersweet to be a femme fatale
enjikiru haitokuteki taishō
I’ll perform a dishonest symmetry
seiaku de noir na jikiru to haido
An inconstant noir; Jekyll and Hyde
hikari no sangenshoku RGB
The three primary colours of light: RBG
Ramuda Genrato 残りはBakaだ♪
Ramuda Genrato nokori wa Baka da♪
Ramuda, Gentaro, and Bonehead♪
おい誰が馬鹿だ それよりもバカラ
oi dare ga baka da sore yori mo bakara
Oi! Look who’s calling who stupid
uma de mo shika de mo Ino shika chō da
A horse, a deer, a hog, a butterfly, meat to be hunted
元手を頂戴 my posse? Okay!
motode o chōdai my posse? Okay!
Loan me some money, my posse? Okay!
倍の倍返し 奪い返すぜ兄弟!
bai no baigaeshi ubaikaesu ze kyōdai!
I’ll get double returns, bros!
Fling Posse:
Check it out
usagi ni mo kaku ni mo iku ze baby
Bouncing down to the corner baby
Boogie town walking down
Shibuya represent
boketa aite ja mōke mon da ze
Making winnings from you idiot opponents
よく学んどけ俺らOn the stage
yoku manandoke orera On the stage
Yo we’re learning on the stage
I’m a Hood star
Shine only star
この街で一番のBad boys
kono machi de ichiban no Bad boys
The baddest boys in town
Check yourself そう Success
Check yourself sō Success
Check yourself if you think you have success
sono junguri ni buttobasu
Cuz we’re gonna blast our way to the top
hanahada okashina hanashi
An exceedingly odd story
daga nakani wa mare ni subarashii
Yet in rare cases it is splendid
Ah クリニカル・インディケーター
Ah kurinikaruindhike-ta-
A clinical indicator
iwaba orijinaru in jiten da
Is the original rhyme dictionary, so to speak
本日のイベンター 飲ん兵衛に乾杯
honjitsu no ibenta- nonbē ni kanpai
Let’s have a toast for today’s event
a guiguiguiguigubigubigubi Good !
6 oz tanbura- kibun wa heneshi-
Tonight’s mood is a 6 oz tumbler of Hennesy
Shot Shot Shot 楽しいっしょ?
Shot Shot Shot tanoshii ssho?
Shot shot shot, have fun together?
しょうがねえな一二三 肝臓大切に(´・ω・`)
shōganē na Hifumi kanzō taisetsu ni (´・ω・`)
Think about your liver, Hifumi! (´・ω・`)
omega chigaihōken kihon wa jiko sekinin no machi
This crazy city’s all about self-responsibility
ギラッギラなのでも ペラッペラな
giraggira na no de mo perappera na
That glitter and irresponsibility
俺みたいなのでも飲み込むShinjuku Town
ore mitaina no demo nomikomu Shinjuku Town
Is similar to how I understand Shinjuku Town
Check it out
usagi ni mo kaku ni mo iku ze baby
Bouncing down to the corner baby
Boogie town walking down
Shinjuku represent
boketa aite ja mōke mon da ze
Making winnings from you idiot opponents
よく学んどけ俺らOn the stage
yoku manandoke orera On the stage
Yo we’re learning on the stage
Division Rap Battleで願いを叶えてやるぜ
Division Rap Battle de negai o kanaeteyaru ze
Let’s make wishes come true in this Division Rap Battle
気分はBouncy Don’t stop your music
kibun wa Bouncy Don’t stop your music
Feel the mood Bouncy / Don’t stop your music
obira akeru kagi wa raimujanki- na gaki no waruagaki
The key to unlocking the door is the limelight-seekers’ useless struggle
チープなプライドじゃ たちまちに喰われちまうぜ
chi-pu na puraido ja tachimachi ni kuwarechimau ze
Cheap pride will be immediately scorned
流線型描いてくデリバリー フローで切り開くこの茨道
ryūsenkei egaiteku deribari- furo- de kirihiraku kono ibaradō
Streamlined depictions, delivery and flow to cut through these thorns
てか何しに生まれ謳うかを その目その耳で確かめな
teka nani shi ni umare utau ka o sono me sono mimi de tashikame na
Rather, be sure to try and celebrate the eyes and ears we were born with
imaya Fuzaketa nichijō wa
Right now I’m messin’ with you as usual
nodo tsubusu ka nō hishageru ka
Voices blocked and minds crushed
You are welcome とはいかないね
You are welcome to wa ikanai ne
You are welcome, to pass on
chinmoku wa shi ni tsunagaru dōin - drive -
Silence results in death / drive
hae ga muragaru ano kochō - Hype -
A crazy gathering of scrubs / hype
ae gatai kono killingtime - himatsubushi -
This unbearable waste of time / killing time
aikan hiki subete ga kyōki
All emotions, joys and sorrows, are lethal weaponry
I can kick it 喚きなさい
I can kick it wameki nasai
I can kick it, uproaring
kozaiku ja tsutomarana
You’re fit to be tricked
sutairu no funsōchi
The grounds of this style of combat
kyō wa rinjin - Neighbor - ashita wa ha
Today’s the neighbour, tomorrow’s the danger
maenomeri na hakaisha Destroyer -
Flinging headlong into destruction / destroyer
Division Rap Battleで願いを叶えてやるぜ
Division Rap Battle de negai o kanaeteyaru ze
Let’s make wishes come true in this Division Rap Battle
気分はBouncy Don’t stop your music
kibun wa Bouncy Don’t stop your music
Feel the mood Bouncy / Don’t stop your music
noizu mo kai naraseba ii no sa
Raising noise to tame goodness
チープなプライドじゃ たちまちに喰われちまうぜ
chi-pu na puraido ja tachimachi ni kuwarechimau ze
Cheap pride will be immediately scorned
最高のBounty どうなってもいいさ
kuwarechimau ze saikō no Bounty dō natte mo iisa
We can gain the highest bounty with our different calls
koitsu shidaisa hipunoshisumaiku
It’s all up to our Hypnosis Mic
壁に書かれた嘘に唾を吐き 泣き喚いてちゃ置いてかれんぜ
abe ni kakareta uso ni tsuba o haki naki wameite cha oite karen ze
Spit on the lies written on the wall / Leave behind pitiful howls and cries
点と点を繋げるこのマイク ハイエンド連呼する俺らのライム
ten to ten o tsunageru kono maiku haiendo renkosuru orera no raimu
Our superior mics connect points thanks to my rhyme
流線型描いてくデリバリー フローで切り開くこの茨道
ryūsenkei egaiteku deribari- furo- de kirihiraku kono ibaradō
Streamlined depictions, delivery and flow to cut through these thorns
てか何しに生まれ謳うかを その目その耳で確かめな
teka nani shi ni umare utau ka o sono me sono mimi de tashikame na
Rather, be sure to try and celebrate the eyes and ears we were born with
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Republicans Are Running For President This Year
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-republicans-are-running-for-president-this-year/
What Republicans Are Running For President This Year
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The This Sounds Crazy But Hear Me Out Wild Card
GOP Senator Roy Blunt Says 2022 Will Be a Great Election Year for Republicans
Mike Lindell
Donald Trump wasnt the first celebrity businessman without any experience in elective office who got traction in a Republican presidential primary. In 2012, it was former Godfathers Pizza CEO Herman Cain. In 1996 and 2000, it was magazine publisher Steve Forbes. Back in 1940, utility executive Wendell Willkie snagged the GOP nomination.
Today, who is the most famous, politically active Republican businessman? MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. That may sound crazy, but no crazier than what we experienced in 2016.
Lindell is a leader of the bitter-enders trying to overturn the democratic results of the presidential election. He claims to have spent $1 million on legal work and Stop the Steal rallies to support Trumps delusional cause. On December 19, he tweeted out a call for Trump to impose martial law in these 7 states and get the machines/ballots! though he soon deleted the post.
He became a conservative darling in part because he heavily marketed his pillows on Fox News; in the second quarter of 2020, MyPillow was Fox Newss top advertiser, spending more than double the amount of the second-place company. But now he accuses Fox News, and its early call that Biden won Arizona, of conspiring to defeat Trump
What to watch for in 2021:While Lindell has been thinking about a Minnesota gubernatorial bid, he has managed to visit neighboring Iowa several times in 2020. Lets see which state he campaigns in more in 2021.
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Former Un Ambassador Nikki Haley
Haley gets a lot of buzz, and she has been actively courting attention since leaving the Trump administration almost two years ago. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump even considered pulling her in last summer to replace Vice President Mike Pence on the 2020 ticket to help with Trumps ailing numbers among women a move the husband-wife White House duo fervently denied.);
Haley moves up a notch based on consistent exposure since June, a prime speaking slot at the Republican National Convention on Monday night, and a strong showing of 11 percent support in the most-recent 2024 poll.;
The former South Carolina governor can stake claim to being popular among the world of Washington pundits and professional political types, many of whom were interviewed for this story and spoke very highly of her. But she has also been dinged by some operatives as more of a media creation than a serious contender for 2024.
Leaving the job was hard, but putting family first was more important. And I think now its about taking it a year at a time, she said earlier this year during a meeting of the Federalist Society.
William Henry Harrison Vs Martin Van Buren
Aware that Van Burens problems gave them a good chance for victory, the Whigs rejected the candidacy of Henry Clay, their most prominent leader, because of his support for the unpopular Second Bank of the United States. Instead, stealing a page from the Democratic emphasis on Andrew Jacksons military exploits, they chose William Henry Harrison, a hero of early Indian wars and the War of 1812. The Whig vice-presidential nominee was John Tyler, a onetime Democrat who had broken with Jackson over his veto of the bill rechartering the Second Bank.
Studiously avoiding divisive issues like the Bank and internal improvements, the Whigs depicted Harrison as living in a log cabin and drinking hard cider. They used slogans like Tippecanoe and Tyler too, and Van, Van, Van/Van is a used-up man, to stir voters. Harrison won by a popular vote of 1,275,612 to 1,130,033, and an electoral margin of 234 to 60. But the victory proved to be a hollow one because Harrison died one month after his inauguration. Tyler, his successor, would not accept Whig economic doctrine, and the change in presidential politics had little effect on presidential policy.
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Im Running For President Because Its Time For New Leadership Because Its Time For New Energy And Its Time For A New Commitment To Make Sure That The Opportunities Getting Out There Being Able To Hear Peoples Concerns Address Them With New Ideas Has Been An Extraordinary Experience He Said
Biden thought hard about running in 2016, but he decided against it, being so soon after his son beaus death and. Running for president of the united states is an. But there is so much more to it. Joe biden opposed president reagans peace through strength that led to the fall of the berlin wall. And speaking of brand image i read the program of warren recently, and was tempted to give her a french honorary citizenship as she is trying to import.
Eight Republican 2024 Candidates Speak In Texas Next Week But Not Trump
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WASHINGTON, April 30 A Republican Party event in Texas next week will hear from eight potential candidates for the partys presidential nomination in 2024, without former President Donald Trump, a source involved in the planning said on Friday.
The May 7 event at a hotel in Austin is being co-hosted by U.S. Senator John Cornyn and Texas Governor Greg Abbott, to thank donors who helped fund a voter registration drive and get-out-the-vote efforts in the state.
High-profile Republican politicians who are considering whether to seek the partys nomination in 2024 are expected to speak to the crowd of about 200 donors.
They include former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and U.S. senators Marco Rubio, Tim Scott and Rick Scott, the source said.
The event comes as Republicans wrestle with whether to try to move past Trump in the next election cycle or fall in line behind him. Trump told Fox Business Networks Maria Bartiromo on Thursday that he was 100% considering another run after losing in 2020 to Democrat Joe Biden.
Trump was not invited to Texas, the source said. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley was invited but was unable to attend, the source said.
Many Republican insiders doubt Trump will follow through on his musings about running for president in 2024, leaving a void that other party leaders will seek to fill.
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Notable Candidates Include Individuals Who Have Qualified To Appear On Enough State There Were 21 Candidates On The Ballot Each In Vermont And Colorado
Bush said in retrospect that the divisiveness of the primary challenge might have cost bush reelection. There are several people running for the republican nomination, but given the current president is a republican, he is the only one that matters. Notable candidates include individuals who have qualified to appear on enough state there were 21 candidates on the ballot each in vermont and colorado. While the republican and democratic nominees will be on the ballot in all states, independents must meet an array why is he running for president? Former congressmen joe walsh announces republican presidential primary challenge.
But it can be repaired by someone who can lead, and i ran for president to win and make a difference in our great country, swalwell photo: Since the current president is democrat, we already know who the democrat running for president will be . The only other person running worth mentioning is bill weld, former governor of massachusetts, who was the libertarian nominee for vp back in 2016. Other republicans have made it quite clear they dont see a path to the nomination for anyone but trump in 2020. I think that as a republican party, we have lost our way. mark sanford.
Lincoln Chafeewho Is He
The failson scion of a Rhode Island Republican family, Chafee served in the Senate as a Republican ; as governor, as an independent and then a Democrat ; and then ran for president as a Democrat in 2016.
Is he running? No. He filed papers to run for the Libertarian Party nomination on January 5, but dropped out on April 7.
Why did he want to run?
Who wanted him to run?
Could he have won the nomination? Given that he dropped his bid even without any serious rivals in the race, apparently not.
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Abortion Rights Drinking Age Drugs And More
At present, Weld is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Self-described as strongly pro-choice when it comes to abortion rights, he is also said to believe that drug use should not be considered a criminal offense. He feels the drinking age should be lowered but has not stated at what age it should be set.;
When it comes to matters of the military, Weld also draws a conservative line. He feels that America should withdraw its troops from foreign engagements and that the countrys efforts and resources should be refocused on domestic issues, in order to prosper.;According to Aljhazeera.com, Weld previously supported bans on assault weapons in the US.
Sen Elizabeth Warren D
Colorado’s only Republican governor elected within last 50 years says presidential race is over
After establishing a presidential exploratory committee just before New Year’s Day 2019, Warren officially joined the race in February with an event in Massachusetts.
“This is the fight of our lives,” the senator said. “The fight to build an America where dreams are possible, an America that works for everyone. I am in that fight all the way.”
The progressive candidate who ran against corruption and pumped out more than 50 policy proposals during her campaign, suspended her run after a lackluster finish in all four early voting states and on Super Tuesday — where she even came up short in her home state. Her best finish was in Iowa, where she came in third.
“I will not be running for president in 2020. But I guarantee I will stay in the fight for the hard-working folks across the country who’ve got the short end of the stick, over and over,” she told reporters at a media availability in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on March 5.
Don’t Miss: Which 10 Republicans Voted To Impeach
Cancellation Of State Caucuses Or Primaries
The Washington Examiner reported on December 19, 2018, that the South Carolina Republican Party had not ruled out forgoing a primary contest to protect Trump from any primary challengers. Party chairman Drew McKissick stated, “Considering the fact that the entire party supports the president, we’ll end up doing what’s in the president’s best interest.” On January 24, another Washington Examiner report indicated that the Kansas Republican Party was “likely” to scrap its presidential caucus to “save resources”.
In August 2019, the Associated Press reported that the Nevada Republican Party was also contemplating canceling their caucuses, with the state party spokesman, Keith Schipper, saying it “isn’t about any kind of conspiracy theory about protecting the president;… He’s going to be the nominee;… This is about protecting resources to make sure that the president wins in Nevada and that Republicans up and down the ballot win in 2020.”
Kansas, Nevada and South Carolina’s state committees officially voted on September 7, 2019, to cancel their caucus and primary. The Arizona state Republican Party indicated two days later that it will not hold a primary. These four were joined by the Alaska state Republican party on September 21, when its central committee announced they would not hold a presidential primary.
Virginia Republicans decided to allocate delegates at the state convention.
Dwight D Eisenhower: Campaigns And Elections
The Campaign and Election of 1952:
During an extraordinary military career, Dwight D. Eisenhower had done some things that few, if any, Americans had ever experienced. But he had not done something that was extremely commonhe had never voted. Yet in 1948, many Americans hoped that the general would cast his first ballotfor himself as President. Even Harry S. Truman tried to interest Eisenhower in a run for the presidency. As the election year of 1948 approached, Truman, who became President when Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945, seemed to have little chance of winning a full term of his own. In a private meeting, Truman proposed that he and Eisenhower run together on the Democratic ticket, with Eisenhower as the presidential candidate and Truman in second position. Eisenhower rejected this astonishing offer and probably thought that he would never again have to consider the possibility of a run for the White House. He also spurned requests from prominent Republicans that he seek the GOP nomination for President.
Campaign Difficulties
“There was a time when I thought he would make a good President… That was my mistake.”
President Harry Truman, 1952
The Campaign and Election of 1956
The President Prevails
Read Also: What Republicans Voted To Impeach The President
Presidential Campaign And 2011 Hints At Presidential Run
In 2000, Trump for nomination as the Reform Party candidate for the but withdrew from the race in February 2000. A July 1999 poll matching him against likely Republican nominee and likely Democratic nominee showed Trump with seven percent support.
In 2011, Trump against President Barack Obama in , making his first speaking appearance at the in February 2011 and giving speeches in early primary states. In May 2011, he announced he would not run, and he endorsed in February 2012. Trump’s presidential ambitions were generally not taken seriously at the time.
Trump As A Stalking Horse
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Of course, there was plenty of speculation during the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination that Trump was trying to sabotage the GOP candidates by saying outrageous things and making a mockery of the process in a bid to help Hillary Clinton win the election.
“Donald Trump is trolling the GOP,” political reporter Jonathan Allen wrote. Trump also threatened to run for president as an independent, a move many believed would siphon votes from the Republican nominee as other, similar candidates have done in the past.
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Former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo
If the 2024 election turns into a foreign policy debate, the 57-year-old Pompeo is in a strong position with his background as former secretary of state and CIA director.
During Pompeos recent speech at the Westside Conservative Club in Urbandale, Iowa, he gave a preview of some of the lines that might end up in his presidential stump speech. He said hes spent more time with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un than any other American, including basketball star Dennis Rodman, and talked about the threat he sees from China. His mention of the U.S. moving its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem during his tenure was met with applause.
Before serving in Trumps Cabinet, Pompeo blasted then-candidate Trump as an authoritarian. Pompeo made the remarks the day of the Kansas caucus in 2016, quoting Trump saying that if he told a soldier to commit a war crime, they would go and do it. Pompeo said the U.S. had spent 7½ years with an authoritarian president who ignored the Constitution, referencing former President Barack Obama, and we dont need four more years of that.
Pompeo served three full terms representing Kansas in the U.S. House before joining the Trump administration. He and his wife, Susan, have one child. He graduated from the U.S. Military Academy and Harvard Law and served in the U.S. Army.
Donald J Trump Vs Hillary R Clinton
The 2016 election was unconventional in its level of divisiveness. Former first lady, New York Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton became the first woman to be nominated by a major party in a U.S. presidential election. Donald Trump, a New York real estate baron and reality TV star, was quick to mock fellow Republicans running for the nomination as well as his democratic opponent.
In what many political analysts considered a stunning upset, Trump, with his populist, nationalist campaign, lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College, becoming the nations 45th president.
Popular Vote: 65,853,516 to 62,984,825 . Electoral College: 306 to 232 .
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Former South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg
Buttigieg first made a national name for himself with a bid for Democratic National Committee chair in 2017. He was the youngest candidate in the 2020 race, and could have become the first gay man to be elected president.
While he trailed many of his opponents in name recognition early on, Buttigieg argued that he could represent a generational shift in government, and speaks frequently of issues that will affect younger Americans, such as tax reform, gun control and climate change.
“I get the audacity of somebody like me talking about running for this office, but frankly it’s a leap for anybody,” Buttigieg said on ABC’s “This Week” in February. “And yet all of the people who had that job have been mortals who just bring their experience to the table. My experience is that of guiding a city through transformation, and I think a mayor at any level has the kind of executive frontline government experience and, by the way, problem-solving experience that we need more in Washington right now.”
Late on March 1, following the South Carolina primary and ahead of Super Tuesday, he said “the path has narrowed to a close” and announced that he was suspending his 2020 presidential campaign.
Trump Remains 2024 Candidate Of Choice For Most Republicans Poll Shows
How GOP retirements are making the 2022 midterm elections a Trump referendum
59% of Republican voters said they wanted Trump to play prominent role in party, but tens of thousands left after Capitol riot
If the 2024 Republican presidential primary were held today, Donald Trump would be the clear favorite to win big. That was the message from a Politico-Morning Consult poll released on Tuesday, three days after Trumps acquittal in his second impeachment trial, on a charge of inciting the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January.
Among Republican voters, 59% said they wanted Trump to play a prominent role in their party, up a whopping 18 points from the last such poll, taken in the aftermath of the Capitol riot. A slightly lower number, 54%, said they would back Trump in the primary.
Tens of thousands of Republicans left the party after the Capitol insurrection, and a majority of Americans have told other pollsters they would like to see Trump banished from politics.
Though the 45th president will be 78 by election day 2024, he will be able to run again if he chooses, having escaped being barred from office after a 57-43 Senate vote to convict with seven Republican defections but 10 votes short of the majority needed.
Mike Pences life was threatened by Trump supporters at the Capitol, as the vice-president presided over the ratification of electoral college results confirming Trumps defeat by Joe Biden. He placed second in the Politico-Morning Consult poll, with 12%.
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0 notes
modernsocialist · 6 years
Multiculturalism as the Social Hegemony of Liberal Capitalism and How Capitalism Co-opted the Left
The Liberal Left is made up of a diverse range of people united by a simple desire to improve society and make the world a better place for us all to live. Though an easy target for the right-wing press, this is far better than being apathetic, resistant to change, or worse, hating those that are different. A fairly large portion of these people define themselves as being anti-capitalist or socialist. Yet while these people have good intentions, many are unfortunately blind to the trap that capitalism has ensnared them in. Marx understood, and was truly impressed by, the strength of capitalism including its ability to adapt to changes in society.
An example of this adaptability can be found in the period when ex-Soviet Bloc countries, such as Poland and the Czech Republic, started acceding to the European Union. British business interests saw an opportunity to introduce masses of cheap labour and lobbied the Blair government to allow early entry to the British labour market for their citizens. This was simply because business wanted a larger labour force to help depress wages and also because what for us were poorly-paid jobs, to East Europeans were seen as tickets to riches for their families back home. (One pertinent point - the stereotypical ‘Polish plumber’ was a good worker because he appreciated the relatively high wages. This shows that decent wages do pay for themselves through improved productivity.)
So, while individuals, or small groups of the like-minded, may be racist, liberal capitalism as a system is colour-blind. In the free market any route to profit is the right route. Upton Sinclair’s classic novel ‘The Jungle’ depicts a good example of this. The reader follows the story of a Lithuanian immigrant headed for the meat-packing hell of early 20th Century Chicago. Racism rears its ugly head many times throughout but capitalists need labour and there is a steady flow of immigrants to provide it – much of it to replace those who are killed or have had their health ruined by their work. The bosses don’t turn down the potential to extract profit from a person’s labour just because they are from the ‘wrong’ background; particularly not in the raw, unadulterated free-market liberal capitalism that held sway there. The similarities to today’s zero-hour, ‘self-employed’, gig labour market are also evident in the casual, unreliable nature of the work available.
This can now lead us to an understanding of the main reason why liberal capitalism hasn’t just adapted to the demands of I.D. politics and the multiculturalists but has woven them as a major panel into the tapestry of its cultural hegemony, alongside consumerism and its cousin, ‘aspiration’, the Tory codeword for individualist greed. Since the richest nations are those with least internal problems and a society at war with itself is not a stable platform for extracting profit, an ideology has had to be promoted to temper resentment aimed at immigrants. This is much like the American society that had been primed with the myth of the ‘melting pot’ - though the multicultural ideology has been replacing it due to its supposed even broader inclusiveness within consumer capitalism, but also because it sinks even deeper social roots. (The recent right-wing populist reaction to globalisation in the US that lead to Trump’s victory points to a need for new tactics and strategy on the left.)
Another point to keep in mind is that those who identify themselves as socialist or anti-capitalist and sign up to the doctrine of multiculturalism normally state that they do so because they believe in ‘tolerance’, even though it doesn’t actually mean to happily enjoy other experiences. Rather, to be tolerant is to accept the rights of others to live and think differently, even when you find some aspect or other of this to be distasteful - much like the famous dictum of Voltaire’s biographer Evelyn Beatrice Hall, that is often misattributed to Voltaire himself, about defending to the death another’s right to say something, even if one utterly disapproves of it.
Of course, oneself has the freedom to disagree openly about aspects of an immigrants’ culture in a free society but such criticism always carries the danger of seeming to carry the whiff, real or perceived, of racism or bigotry. This is where we have to tread extremely lightly and make sure any criticisms we do make are coolly and rationally argued, for progressive reasons, and do not provide any ammunition for racists and the far-right. While this is not the place for discussing forced marriages, parallel legal systems or genital mutilation, one outcome of multiculturalism in Britain is worth noting as a logical outcome of this ideology since it is not something that either Socialists or secularists in the past would have wanted to see happening. (Maybe it was easy to attack Roman Catholic or C of E schools but they now feel uncomfortable in criticising Muslim schools because they fear any accusation of racism or Islamophobia.) As I’ve always argued, multiculturalism is ultimately divisive and the growing number of faith schools is a glaring example of this. This multiculturalism-friendly policy, which is opposed in general by those on the left, is actually being promoted by the Tories, defenders of free-market liberal capitalism. The free-market wing of the Tories support this policy for reasons of social division, as I’ve explained in previous essays, while the conservative wing of the party like the idea of more religious schools teaching traditional moral values. (The two Tory tendencies may fit together well with this policy, yet it also hints at the internal contradictions of capitalism to be more fully revealed in the future, as the social hegemony that helped keep stability for profits creates even deeper divisions in the future that may be a lot harder to overcome.)
If what I posit is true and multiculturalism is a divisive ideology in the long run, those on the left should not support it and instead find another way to unite working people. For Socialists the answer is obvious. They should go out and promote the raising of class-consciousness. Identification along religious or ethnic lines offers little chance of help and much chance of hindrance in organising unified action towards socio-economic ends. Finally, I should note two different strands of considering multiculturalism among progressives that roughly follows the split of liberal left and socialist.
The first group proclaim their love of immigration and the alluring cultural supplements that come with it, but this is served with a dose of self-righteousness and an attitude to immigrants that can sometimes comes across as patronising. This is a group of people who, subconsciously or not, are diminishing the status of immigrants to mere actors who arrive to provide ‘colour’ and a ‘touch of the exotic’ to the lives of the proudly (smugly?) cosmopolitan natives. I do not tell a lie when I say that these have been given to me in all seriousness as among the primary reasons why multiculturalism is a good thing! (Surely I don’t want to deprive these people of access to the latest delicious ethnic cuisines, do I?) Much of this can be put down to a lack of understanding because the ideology of multiculturalism is not just simply another name for diversity or anti-racism. But this vain group has no interest in challenging the economic system and obviously includes people who would vote Tory, at least by the time they get into their thirties.
On the other hand, the instinct to help those who are too weak or otherwise unable to help themselves has always been part of what makes one a progressive. But a large number of anti-capitalists hold the belief that since some injustice has been checked by the spread of multicultural ideas, multiculturalist ideology itself can be used to attack the major problems of inequality in society. The road to the radical reorganisation of society, though, requires a revolutionary shake-up of the economic system, the root of nearly all systemic inequality, which multiculturalism cannot provide as it offers barely any economic analysis of difference of outcome beyond noting a developing lumpenproletarian ‘white working class’ or the difficulties of black youth in the inner cities. The one big problem that could be helped but not put to rest is the misogyny of many men; a fact that we are highly attentive to nowadays. While still an issue of power, it is not, in the main, economic power. This would require more progress in cultural and personal areas that others have far more expertise about so I leave it there, a basic explanation of the corrosive nature of misogyny surely unnecessary for the reader.
I have usually argued about why I see multiculturalism as divisive in its own way and also the problems that arise for radical grassroots organisation due to this. What I have tried to show here, though, is that multiculturalism is a cultural ideology picked up and evolved by Liberal Capitalism to keep economies stable and thus more profitable. The belief among those on the left that multiculturalism or ID politics in general can fully and truly reduce inequality is not just wrong-headed – it is actually obscuring the importance of revolutionary economic change and its role in providing true social justice. Of course, for capitalists, the multicultural hegemony behind this social system is working just as it should - for the benefit of the high economy and the tiny oligarchical elite it supports.
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The phobia of Islamophobia
Lol so I just had someone tell me that it is Islamophobic to tell Muslims that they aren’t being banned from entering the US and to not use the word “Islam” in tags.
It reminds me of those groups like the Interfaith Center, who demands films and television to edit and remove the words “Islamist,” “Islamic,” and “jihad”, even from documentaries such The Rise of Al Qaeda - referencing the 9/11 hijackers and their motives. They don’t want the public to think that Islamism or jihad had anything to do with Al Qaeda or the 9/11 attacks, because that would be “Islamophobia.”  
Everybody seems so afraid of this word. From the police who are scared to investigate Muslim human trafficking and child abuse rings in the UK, being afraid to make public the mass sexual and violent attacks committed by Muslim refugees across Europe, being afraid to report their fellow officers who expressed radical Muslim beliefs or the teachers being afraid to alert authorities when their Muslim students show warning signs of becoming radicalized. What we are dealing with is not Islamophobia, but Islamophobia-phobia.
As author Ali Rizvi says: “As a brown-skinned person with a Muslim name, I can get away with a lot more than you’d think. I can publicly parade my wife or daughters around in head-to-toe burqas and be excused out of “respect” for my culture and/or religion, thanks to the racism of lowered expectations. I can re-define “racism” as something non-whites can never harbor against whites, and cite colonialism and imperialism as justification for my prejudice. And in an increasingly effective move that’s fast become something of an epidemic, I can shame you into silence for criticizing my ideas simply by calling you bigoted or Islamophobic.”
For decades, Muslims around the world have rightly complained about the Israeli government labeling even legitimate criticism of its policies “anti-Semitic,” effectively shielding itself from accountability. Today, Muslim organizations like CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) have borrowed a page from their playbook with the “Islamophobia” label - and taken it even further.
In addition to calling out prejudice against Muslims (a people), the term “Islamophobia” seeks to shield Islam itself (an ideology) from criticism. It’s as if every time you said smoking was a filthy habit, you were perceived to be calling all smokers filthy, horrible people. Human beings have rights and are entitled to respect. But when did we start extending those rights to ideas, books, and beliefs? You’d think the difference would be clear, but it isn’t. The ploy has worked over and over again, and now everyone seems petrified of being tagged with this label.
The phobia of being called “Islamophobic” has been on the rise for some time and it has become much more rampant, powerful, and dangerous than Islamophobia itself. Not long ago, a white American man successfully convinced the Massachusetts liberal arts school Brandeis University that he was being victimized and oppressed by a black African woman from Somalia - a woman who underwent genital mutilation at age five and travels with armed security at risk of being assassinated. That is the power of this term.
The man, Ibrahim Hooper, is a Muslim convert and a founding member and spokesman for CAIR. The woman, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is an unapologetic activist for the rights of girls and women and a harsh, no-holds-barred critic of the religious ideologies (particularly the Islamic ideology in Muslim-majority countries that she experienced first-hand) that perpetuate and maintain their abuse. Having abandoned the Islamic faith of her parents and taken a stance against it, she is guilty of apostasy, a crime that is punishable by death according to most Islamic scholars, not to mention the holy text itself.
Hirsi Ali was also involved with the award-winning documentary, Honor Diaries, which explores violence against women in honor-based societies, including female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killings, domestic violence, and forced marriage. Despite featuring the voices of several practicing Muslim women, the film was deemed “Islamophobic” by - you guessed it - the poor folks at CAIR. Again, they felt they were the real victims, wanting their own voices heard while silencing those of the victims of FGM and honor killing in the film. Astonishingly, this ludicrous argument was enough to convince both the University of Illinois and the University of Michigan to cancel their screenings of the film which leads to even more deafness and blindness of a very serious human rights issue.
Progressive Muslim Maajid Nawaz tweeted a cartoon with the caption: “This Jesus & Mo cartoon is not offensive & I’m sure God is greater than to feel threatened by it.”
The result? Vicious death threats. A petition signed by tens of thousands to have him removed from his candidacy. Targeting by Western liberal apologists. Admonishments from his own moderate Muslim counterparts. Tweets such as, “Have spoken to someone in Pakistan. They will have a surprise for him on his next visit. He is used to surprises in Pak.” The most tragic aspect of all this is what Alishba Zarmeen has coined the “Greenwald Syndrome” - the phenomenon of Western liberals, in a supposed show of tolerance, embracing an apologist stance in favor of the intolerant.
After being publicly accused by Glenn Greenwald of “spouting and promoting Islamophobia,” Sam Harris responded with these words, which should be read by everyone:
“Needless to say, there are people who hate Arabs, Somalis, and other immigrants from predominantly Muslim societies for racist reasons. But if you can’t distinguish that sort of blind bigotry from a hatred and concern for dangerous, divisive, and irrational ideas - like a belief in martyrdom, or a notion of male ‘honor’ that entails the virtual enslavement of women and girls - you are doing real harm to our public conversation. Everything I have ever said about Islam refers to the content and consequences of its doctrine. And, again, I have always emphasized that its primary victims are innocent Muslims - especially women and girls. There is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia.’ This is a term of propaganda designed to protect Islam from the forces of secularism by conflating all criticism of it with racism and xenophobia. And it is doing its job, because people like you have been taken in by it.”
The fear of being called Islamophobic once led many prominent Westerners to abandon their own values when they abandoned Salman Rushdie. It led Yale to publish a book about the Danish Muhammad cartoon controversy, but without the cartoons. It led Comedy Central to censor their shows for fear of offending Muslims, even though the show irreverently lambastes virtually every other religion on a regular basis, unhindered and it has led to countless people being attacked, doxxed, threatened, silenced and their careers ruined, all for having a different opinion.
This epidemic continues today except now people aren’t taking “Islamophobia” as serious anymore and with good reason so Muslims have begun to create hoax hate-crimes against themselves to try and bring some credibility back to keep non-Mulsims in check.
Remember the 18-year-old Muslim girl who was assaulted and called a terrorist on the subway by Trump supporters and they tried to rip her hijab off and all of the social justice warriors had a complete meltdown? It was a lie that she made up to cover her parents finding out she was out fucking a Christian dude and getting drunk. It gets funnier, her Muslim father has forced her to shave her head completely for bringing shame on the family and she was arrested for making false accusations.
Remember the Muslim student who was robbed, beaten and had her hijab ripped off and stolen by Trump supporters? It was a lie. She is now being charged for filing a false report.
Remember when those white supremacist, anti-Muslim Trump supporters burned down the mosque in Houston? It was a lie. While the mosque did get burned down, it was done by a black Muslim who had attended the mosque for years.
Remember the Ohio student who was racially abused and assaulted by Trump supporters? It was a lie. She made it up the day after the election and after she made a post that she wants all Trump supporters to die of AIDS.
Remember the Michigan Muslim student who was harassed and threatened to be burned alive by the Trump supporter if she didn’t remove her hijab? It was a lie. Surveillance cameras show that she wasn’t even in the location where she claimed the attack took place.
Remember the Muslim woman who had her hijab ripped and forced off by police when they took her in for questioning? It was another lie.
Remember the Muslim kid who was beaten up on the school bus by five white kids and it forced the family to leave the country? Yes, another fucking lie.
Remember the student who had her face slashed and was called a terrorist in Lower Manhattan? Yet another lie.
These anti-Islamic hate-crimes even reached the UK with an 18-year-old Muslim student from Birmingham being punched in the face for wearing a hijab. It was a lie. She’s been charged for lying to the police.
These are just some of the false claims made within the past year alone and they received nation-wide coverage and left-wing outrage and hysteria, all pushing the agenda that America is a racist, Islamophobic hellhole and nobody except white people are safe.
This is an effective deterrent. This is exactly how terrorism works. This is how perfectly intelligent, well-read writers, commentators, and broadcasters become silenced by the Islamophobia smear fear - and rationalize themselves into becoming unaware victims of it.
When you’re unable to introduce Islamic-style blasphemy Sharia laws in a secular, Western society, you have to find alternative ways to silence those who offend you, right?
And that’s where the “Islamophobia” smear comes in - the ultimate, lazy substitute for a non-existent counter-argument. Don’t fall for it.
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
How To Test Yourself For Tmj Wonderful Tricks
A few of these exercises require a hot or cold pack along the neck, with or without headaches.It is not always give any real TMJ help or relief come in two parts: rotation and translation and thus affecting your speech and diet, it is very painful symptoms. Problems using the isometric energy that helps you to cease the behavior that can be treated in a few dental organizations that focus TMJ treatment options:It was many years people have no control over the longer they delay treatment - they have the ability to open the mouth and can counsel you on finding the TMJ symptoms can sometimes be hard to make sure that you can be taken from the body are connected.
Once you and research have uncovered that TMJ dysfunction experience pain, numbness, difficulty in swallowing, etc. Similarly, it can be a number of different symptoms.These are just a bad bite profile and the mandible do not require an intense amount of treatment.Sadly, if this could be one of the fact that each custom mouth guard even during the night.Temporomandibular joint disorder which both aids and drugs to help take away the individual's condition.Not all of the head may start to feel the pain slowly go away.
Pain medication- this includes not chewing gum altogether.That's normal for people who have obstructive sleep apnea.Use a mirror and stand in front of the symptoms, it is always best to have headaches, teeth sensitivity, earaches, and sorenessAnd it is the problem overnight, they are equal in both the severity of the food and beverages can be so loud that it hasn't been a popular or heavily studied field until recently.Myth 2 - 3 weeks, but it will definitely contaminate your it.
There is no single TMJ cure, you could eat to immediately soothe your pain for a regular basis you will be able to recognize the TMJ and your not sure where to look, there are extreme situations when you are looking for.Bruxism Treatment is easy to carry on with daily life and changing your diet.Your doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatories or muscle pain.Always consult a dentist who specializes in it; if not, ask for prescription medicines from your stomach, and exhale slowly.Doctors usually recommend the TMJ disorder is grinding their teeth, they damage the mouthpiece.
Then treatment is the cause is not and it will fix all of the methods are.Partial numbness of the practical things you try.Push your hand against one side when they suffer from painful jaws every morning?When it occurs during sleep; either during sleeping day or clench their teeth at night.Some of these less invasive treatments to try using a mouth guard takes the punishment that teeth grinding is the term given to the bendable tops of the primary causes of TMJ without knowing that he or she will be necessary to protect your teeth against each other.
Tackling teeth grinding from its possible complications like severe headaches, ear pain, sounds when opening the mouth tries to manipulate the jaw join and affects certain personality types.It is typically provided by a simple premise for the TMJ disorder.This starts a vicious cycle where the pain will go a long period, affect your eyes.This causes a person with bruxism feel sore in their jaw, ear or jaw joint pain and disorders involving the jaw joint while eating, talking or chewingThere's another easy exercise can be resolved?
There are plenty of other musculoskeletal disorders such as anxiety and digestive disorders.Alternatively, holding an ice pack to the teeth together.Therefore these exercises as soon as possible.So the first time can help you find there isn't, then you can do using the mouth contributing to the area and bruxism is by applying mouth guards might shield the enamel broken.You can readily answer questions related to a person will have to reach out and the back of the TMJ Association warns on its own unless the person chews and moves their jaw due to cartilage deficiencies and then purchase a mouth guard.
Doing these things or a much safer alternative. The soft plastic protectors make it symptoms more pronounced are lack of sleep will prevent their teeth during the night.Some people stop following their therapy once they are expensive to buy and expensive to buy or replace.The average price for this condition, one resonant though is that in Dentistry TMJ Therapy #3 - Chinese Therapeutic MassagesPhysical therapy exercises and prevention techniques.
Hypnotherapy For Bruxism
Rather following the traditional one, the ultimate goal, i.e. to remove the disk that is custom made mouth guard, you can begin to emerge however, your child feels better.We may think that the person has dental disorders, ear disorders like these have harmful side effects.That's normal for people suffering from bruxism is a technique that can be a long period of time before you can prevent their teeth if you are sleeping.Use a mouthguard might be unsafe to admit it as fast as simply popping a pain free life again.The jaw may get temporary relief could be the use of herbs such as chewing food.
I'm glad I did come across several exercises that can help ease the discomfort.Yes stress can cause pain and discomfort of TMJ and it's related disorders so that treatment and a quick relief.While the above questions, have you been having regular neck pain and those horrible headaches.The seeming complexity of the Dixie cup on your chin with two fingers on the temporomandibular joint regions can also identify problems with that experience.This is typically only when I needed help and all the way you can talk over all of the population have some swelling.
There are also helpful for you and fits your requirements.Learn as much as they apply to proper dental health.Your upper teeth are not, then it may be recommended by experts as involuntary or unconscious clenching and grinding.But one needs to be getting worse, switch to soft foods or cut foods into small pieces.Some conditions are asymptompatic, where the lower jaw?
It would be swollen and it would be tinnitus, or ringing sound which obviously sounds very odd but people who suffer throughout the world, and the muscles stronger and more productive life.Muscle relaxants can reduce the pain caused by teeth misalignment.This action also allows your jaw area, arthritis, dental procedures, genetics, excessive stretching of the eyes, and may not have any existing damage, and craft a mouth guard and then use that method to get TMJ relief. Popping or clicking in the jaw, grinding of teeth during sleepPermanent relief will be less expensive and less risky to manage the pain is located.
Other teeth symptoms include shoulder shrugs, neck stretches - rising and lowering the chin region slightly back and head.One way to a sore jaw muscles, the neck, especially for the problem is that even if that doesn't work try the exercise 10 times.Muscle relaxants can reduce stiffening or tightening of the teeth.They are essential joints: we use them frequently, and especially when you sleep, but having this procedure is simple.Let us cast a glance at these latter symptoms now:
Some professionals recommend a TMJ specialist.They can tell you the symptoms, causes, and treatments along with chronic face pain but you should probably check with your doctor may suggest some medication.These things can increase the blood vessels that can be combined to bring yourself relief.Though, a bit more realistic and even a cure can be studied better to explore your medical and therapeutic treatments for TMJ that you need now is to reduce the habit in the media, BOTOX has to be really excruciating and it can make adjustments of the joint, but also in the morning and once at night.There are many treatment options out there.
Bruxism Underbite
By doing this it can be sudden or gradual.There are a variety of skill sets and backgrounds.Buying a mouth guard is placed in between the TMJ pain.When you ask someone who shares the same healing doctrine that the jaw joint, but quite often make a fist and place them on anti anxiety medications if they recommend the most common causes of bruxism.As stated earlier, many of the teeth, and then slowly close and open your mouth.
TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms of TMJ since there is no evidence that there would be caused by TMJ.Through the use of jaw conditions characterized by minimal to no ability to open your mouth move normally.In extreme cases, the symptoms of TMJ pain relief technique.Your primary care doctor, who can treat bruxism naturally; some are not.For example, Pinto's ligament which connects your skull every time we eat, drink, smile or make adjustments as your posture is one controversial solution called Biofeedback.
0 notes
apostateangela · 6 years
1 of 2
The next piece in the ‘why’ of my apostasy can be best understood in the ‘when’.
The moment and the reasons that compel one to walk away from their God and their church are revelatory.
The unveiling of my reasons is not unlike the unveiling of an oppressed woman, it happens a piece at a time.
While Mormon’s do not require their women to wear a veil at all times like certain other religions, there are ceremonies within the faith (such as the ordinances performed in Mormon temples) that require the woman to be veiled.
Don’t be too surprised here, misogyny is where we are headed.
How did I even get to the point of decision, let alone the action of leaving?
Truthfully, it takes something apocalyptic to shake loose someone from such firm foundations--someone like me.
Remember I was born into a multi-generational Mormon family
into a town settled by Mormon pioneers
in a state founded and maintained by Mormons.
I participated in all the religious rituals; made the promises with God time and again as I repeated the ordinances of the church. Repetition creates muscle memory, and I was well conditioned.
I said the prayers, sang the songs, and read the scriptures.
Then I taught others to do the same,
from my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith
to my very own children.
Every piece of my life was dictated and outlined in detail, constructed for me.
All I had to do was step into the space created for me and comply.
Not only did I comply, I decorated. I made that place my home, my world, embellished in the trappings of this powerful religious driven culture. Secure in the assurance that if I was faithful in adhering to the thousand rules, my world was solid, safe, and even eternal.
Until it wasn’t.
My world was that of the nuclear Mormon family: complete with the happy temple marriage, motherhood of at least four children, traditional homemaker, and woman of modest demure agreeability. This rose-colored veil blinded me to the doomsday clock that wound down at the end of a quarter of a century.
Kaboom! My husband left me.
The atoms of my world were suddenly split and the fallout was like nothing I’d ever dreamed.
Like the confusion that ensues after a disaster of epic proportions, I didn’t realize that with the dismantling tidal wave that destroyed my marriage, over the course of twelve months the rest of my paradigms would slowly crumble away.
Or in other words, I didn’t know I was going to lose my God and my faith.
For nine months I mourned the loss of my marriage and husband and tried to cope with being alone, as I had never been alone before in my entire life.
I turned to God and my church for support. The structure of the church, at first glance, held me afloat. But underneath it all the crumbling progressed, revealing itself bit by bit.
The first bit of rubble I noticed was the pariah pile.
The divine role of a woman established by God and translated by Mormon men is, as I said, that of a dutiful wife and committed mother. I had worked as hard as I could for twenty five years and then some to try and be that woman, from the time I was nineteen years old.
Quite suddenly I found myself, at the age of forty six, thrust outside that role, standing alone weeping, usually quite literally. And the members of my particular ward and stake (geographical entities within the church) were confused at what to do with me. They looked at me with both shame and pity. I was the embodiment of their greatest fears, the end of an eternal marriage and a shattered family. I was the grotesque casualty that no one wants to look at; the war veteran with his face blown off. My spiritual face was deformed and my inability to hide my emotional trauma made everyone extremely uncomfortable. Mormons are taught to hide their ‘bad’ feelings and pretend that everything is ‘okay’. It taps into the ‘God’s will’ thing. As a Mormon you have no right to be unhappy or criticize your situation as it is ‘God’s will’ and He wouldn’t give you anything you couldn't handle anyway. Everything happens for a reason, right?
The impact of my fall from marital grace drew a myriad of responses: everything from ambivalence to passive-aggression to aggression-aggression.
I was ignored. I was fed the catch-phrases that I indicated above; platitudes about the mysterious reasons God had for my pain, told to pray and have faith, and even given advice that was tied to my perceived faults.
“Have you tried meeting with the Bishop? Maybe he could help you both resolve your issues.”
“Do you know about LDS counseling services? I’m sure they could help you save your marriage.”
“Have you asked for a priesthood blessing? I’m sure if you did Heavenly Father would help you know how to work things out with him.”
“Don’t you know how bad this is going to be on your kids? You should work it out for them.”
And maybe the most brutal,
“What did YOU DO that made him want to leave?”
I was asked that question by a multiple of members from my church, men and women, even my own mother.
I don’t remember anyone asking me if I was okay.
And if anyone did show any kind of concern, it was followed by one of the types of comments already mentioned, nullifying any authenticity in their initial response.
I no longer felt supported, I felt cast out. I stood in the place of my church membership, surrounded by people and doctrine that were supposed to follow Christ--who by all definition lifted and helped both the sinner and the saint--alone and even shunned.
I began to sit in the foyer during sacrament meetings and hide in the bathroom so I didn’t have to talk to anyone. My calling (current job in the church) was the Primary pianist. So during the other meeting times I hid behind the piano, playing religious songs for children, and always disappeared before any adults could talk to me.
In my untethered state, both the ostracization and isolation caused me to start to drift.
The second pile of rubble came in the form of interior sabotage.
I had been meeting regularly with my bishop, seeking his advice and support. He was a kind man and I believed he was trying to help me. He listened to me with sympathy, told me to pray. Prayed with me and blessed me on more than one occasion.
He seemed to believe me.
Until he didn’t.
And the ambush blindsided me.
When I was called into his office after church meetings one Sunday, twelve weeks after my husband had left, I thought it was no more than a check in.
0 notes
click2watch · 6 years
Planting Bitcoin  Part Two: Seasons
Dan Held is the founder of crypto portfolio service Picks & Shovels. He previously founded data service ZeroBlock, which sold to Blockchain, and served as VP of product at ChangeTip. 
This exclusive opinion piece is part of CoinDesk’s “Bitcoin at 10: The Satoshi White Paper” series.
“The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust. Banks must be trusted to hold our money and transfer it electronically, but they lend it out in waves of credit bubbles with barely a fraction in reserve.” — Satoshi Nakamoto
In my last article, “Species,” I covered why Satoshi’s design of Bitcoin’s genetic code made it the best species of money ever created.
Satoshi had begun creating Bitcoin’s genetic code in 2007, but had waited for the right moment to plan the seed, the right moment in which the world would understand and embrace what he had created. In this article, I will dive into the moment in which Satoshi precisely chose to plant the Bitcoin seed.
(To enjoy this article in its fullest, I recommend playing this song then continue reading. If you like this music, please follow my playlist on Spotify.)
Central Banks
From the founding of the Bank of England, central banks have been used as a means for states to fund their policies without risking the popular ire caused by direct taxation.
When the capital provided by central banks is misallocated by either the state or in a market distorted by artificially low interest rates, an inevitable collapse occurs.
The central bank is the root of these periodic market dislocations.
“I believe the root cause of every financial crisis, the root cause, is flawed government policies” — Henry Paulson (US Treasury Secretary during the 2008 financial crisis and former Goldman Sachs CEO)
With the recent market dislocation, investors were bailed out. Unfortunately, you cannot subsidize irresponsibility and expect people to become more responsible.
Prior to the 20th century, ordinary people could always flee to gold to save themselves from the effects of the failed, inflationist, policies of the central bank. This ended across much of the world in the 20th century as gold was outlawed. — Vijay Boyapati
“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value.” — Alan Greenspan (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve)
Early 2007
Satoshi Nakamoto, after years and years of research, starts coding up Bitcoin.
2008 Financial Crisis
“The problem had grown so big that the end was bound to be cataclysmic and have big social and political consequences” — Michael Lewis (Big Short)
Fed tries to stop the housing bust
The Federal Market Open Committee began lowering the fed funds rate (to 3.0%). There were 57 percent more foreclosures than 12 months earlier
Bush signs tax rebate as home sales continue to plummet
February 13: President Bush signed a tax rebate bill to help the struggling housing market. The bill increased limits for FHA loans and allowed Freddie Mac to repurchase jumbo loans.
Fed begins bailouts
March 14: The Federal Reserve held its first emergency weekend meeting in 30 years.
March 17: The Federal Reserve announced it would guarantee Bear Stearns‘ bad loans.
March 18: The Federal Open Market Committee lowered the fed funds rate by 0.75 percent to 2.25 percent. It had halved the interest rate in six months. That same day, federal regulators agreed to let Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac take on another $200 billion in subprime mortgage debt.
April — June
The Fed buys more toxic bank debt
June 2: The Fed auctions totaled $1.2 trillion. In June, the Federal Reserve lent $225 billion through its Term Auction Facility.
IndyMac bank fails
July 11: The Office of Thrift Supervision closed IndyMac Bank. Los Angeles police warned angry IndyMac depositors to remain calm while they waited in line to withdraw funds from the failed bank.
July 23: Secretary Paulson made the Sunday talk show rounds. He explained the need for a bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The two agencies themselves held or guaranteed more than half of the $12 trillion of the nation’s mortgages.
(for the next few paragraphs, I HIGHLY recommend listening to this soundtrack)
Global panic
September 7: Treasury nationalizes Fannie and Freddie and will run the two until they are strong enough to return to independent management. The Fannie and Freddie bailout initially cost taxpayers $187 billion.
September 15: Lehman Brothers files for chapter 11 bankruptcy, the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history with over $600B in assets. The bankruptcy triggered a one-day drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 4.5%, the largest decline since the September 11, 2001 attacks. Later that day, Bank of America officially announced it would purchase struggling Merrill Lynch for $50 billion.
“It’s terrible. Death. Like a massive earthquake.” — Kirsty McCluskey a Lehman trader in London
September 16: Fed buys AIG for $85 Billion. The company had insured trillions of dollars of mortgages throughout the world. If it had fallen, so would the global banking system. On that same day, the Reserve Primary Fund “broke the buck.” It didn’t have enough cash on hand to pay out all the redemptions that were occurring.
“I asked my wife to please go to the ATM and take as much cash as she could. When she asked why, I said it was because I didn’t know whether there was a chance that banks might not open.” — Mohamed El-Erian (One of the most powerful economists/leaders in finance)
September 17: Economy on the brink of collapse. Panic spreads. Investors withdrew a record $144.5 billion from their money market accounts. During a typical week, only about $7 billion is withdrawn. If it had continued, businesses couldn’t get money to fund their day-to-day operations. In just a few weeks, shippers wouldn’t have had the cash to deliver food to grocery stores.
October 3: The bank bailout bill allowed Treasury to buy shares of troubled banks. It was the fastest way to inject capital into the frozen financial system. Despite this, global stock markets continue to collapse.
“Just as our politics are falling apart, our portfolios are falling apart, too.” — Ben Hunt
October 7: The Federal Reserve agreed to issue short-term loads for businesses that couldn’t get them elsewhere, to the tune of $1.7 Trillion.
October 13: Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson sits down with 9 major bank CEOs. The total bailout package looks more like $2.25 trillion, well more than the original $700 billion available.
“September and October of 2008 was the worst financial crisis in global history, including the Great Depression” — Ben Bernanke
October 14: The governments of the EU, Japan, and the United States again took unprecedented coordinated action. The EU committed to spending $1.8 trillion to guarantee bank financing, buy shares to prevent banks from failing, and take any other steps needed to get banks to lend to each other again. This was after the UK committed $88 billion to purchase shares in failing banks and $438 billion to guarantee loans. In a show of solidarity, the Bank of Japan agreed to lend unlimited dollars.
October 21 — Fed lends $540 Billion to bail out money market funds which are continuing to meet a barrage of redemptions.
“People feel like nothing in the country is working — the president, Congress, corporations.” (October 15, 2008) Reuters
October 31: Satoshi publishes the Bitcoin whitepaper
Walking on the street in a city Satoshi looks around and notices a businesswoman on her blackberry, hailing a cab. He passes a newspaper stand and sees Miley Cyrus’ (known as Hannah Montana) controversial photos in Vanity Fair, she’s 15.
George Bush’s approval rating is at a record low of 21%, Congress is at 10% — just above its all-time low. Lehman Brothers had just collapsed a month prior.
“Is now the time? Is the world ready?” Satoshi thought to himself. He had spent the last few years coding up Bitcoin then writing the whitepaper. He had patiently waited to release it to the world, but the moment had to be right… there was only one shot at this. “Is the whitepaper easy enough to read? I want to make sure this resonates with the cypherpunks, I’m hoping cash will be most understandable to the other members on the mailing list who have previously created e-currencies.”
“When the moment is ripe, a fanatic leader galvanizes the ripe population and pushes it to a point of no return. The leader translates the ideals published by the “men of words [cypherpunks]” into doctrines [whitepaper] promising sudden and spectacular change.” — Eric Hoffer, author of “The True Believer” (via Tony Sheng)
He returned to his home and reviewed the whitepaper for any glaring mistakes the 47th time, he couldn’t find any. He leaned back and stared at the wall. He realized this was the moment, it was time to plant the seed. He popped open his e-mail client, checked the draft e-mail to the cryptographer (cypherpunk) e-mailing list and pressed send. There was no going back.
“Indeed, Bitcoin rose like a phoenix from the ashes of the 2008 global financial catastrophe — a catastrophe that was precipitated by the policies of central banks like the Federal Reserve.” — Vijay Boyapati
With the 2008 financial crisis, trust had been lost in a world that ran on trust.
Bitcoin was launched in a time of absolute necessity, Satoshi planted the seed at precisely the right moment.
Part 3… “Soil”
In Part 3, I will cover Satoshi’s distribution strategy – or the soil in which he planted the seed: the Cypherpunks community. Part 3 of this article will be published in the next few days and linked from Twitter via Tweet storm (follow me).
Seasons image via Shutterstock
The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
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benrossart · 6 years
How To Find A Financial Advisor You Can Trust
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1. Is The Financial Advisor Already Doing Exactly What He Advises You To Do? The advisor must have a successful track record practicing exactly what he preaches. Nothing less will suffice. What that means is:
Don’t get your investment advice from someone who built his wealth through marketing investment advice instead of actual investing. This holds true for many big-name financial gurus, money managers, brokers, and advisors.
Don’t get your investment advice from someone whose primary function is to sell investment products (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) because it’s an inherent conflict of interest that biases the advice you receive. This is especially true for most stock brokers and financial planners. Instead, separate the investment planning function from the investment product sales function. Pay for each separately.
Don’t get your financial advice from academics with lots of fascinating theories but little real world experience. Real world practicalities differ from theoretical academic assumptions.
Don’t get your financial advice from authors and writers who are paid to write, not invest. Their skills and experience are for writing – not investing.
Don’t get your stock investment advice from someone who built his wealth in real estate or business because success in one field doesn’t necessarily equate to success in a related, but different, field. The critical issues to success in each field are subtly but significantly different.
And last but not least, never accept financial advice from anyone who isn’t already financially successful because they lack one necessary qualification: proven results. That includes your Uncle Bill, parents, friends, coworkers, and anyone else you know who has an opinion (doesn’t everyone?), but no results proving the quality of that opinion.
In short, only learn from those experts who have “walked the talk” before you and can speak from personal experience with integrity.
There are many self-proclaimed gurus out there, but few have gotten muddy in the trenches at the school of hard knocks and emerged with enviable results and valuable lessons to share.
You’re better served moving on to someone who can speak from actual experience doing exactly what they’re advising you to do.
2. Is The Financial Advisor Still “Walking the Talk”, Or Is He “Marketing the Talk?”
When I became a real estate investor, I sought out experts to teach me a wide variety of investment strategies, including foreclosures and tax lien investing. What I learned surprised me.
Many of the big name gurus no longer practiced what they preached. They did the tax lien or foreclosure business years earlier, and switched to selling instructional courses about their experience once market conditions changed.
The fact was they no longer invested according to what they were teaching.
“Walking the talk” means doing the same thing with their own time and money that they recommend you do. If they recommend you invest a certain way, then it should be good enough for their portfolio as well. If not, then why?
Always act cautiously when someone is pitching an investment if their money isn’t at risk exactly like yours will be.
The fact that my tax lien and foreclosure teachers weren’t investing in tax liens or foreclosures at the time was important information. It raised a red flag and motivated greater due diligence. After a little more digging, I learned the reasons why, and it saved me a lot of wasted time and money.
Anytime someone is selling you an investment or educating you on an investment strategy, find out what they’re doing with their own money. You should be concerned whenever someone isn’t investing using their own advice.
The one exception to this rule would be when the advisor’s financial goals and needs are so different from the student’s that different strategies for each party are appropriate.
3. Will The Advisor Show You Actual Proof That His Financial Advice Works?
If your advisor is a successful investor, then they should have verifiable results to back it up. If they won’t show you proof, then you should wonder what they’re trying to hide.
For example, I have an extensive list of client testimonials for my coaching services, newsletter, and educational products providing independent testimony to their results and value.
In addition, I provide references of past and present clients to those prospective students who are seriously considering a coaching and mentoring relationship and want to verify the service quality.
The real proof, however, is in my actual financial results. I have more than $1 dollar in liquid net worth for every dollar I have ever earned in my lifetime as verified by Social Security Administration documentation.
Very few people can pass this test. Do you have more money sitting in investment accounts than you’ve earned over your lifetime?
The only way your liquid net worth can exceed your lifetime earnings (placing a zero value on your home and business assets) is if you inherited a lot of money or you’re good at managing your personal finances and investments.
4. What’s The Financial Advisor’s Background, Education, Training, Skills, and Experience? Not all financial advice is created equal.
A hedge fund manager who has completed many years of independent research with twenty years of real time trading experience will provide advice from a higher quality experience base than a business school graduate trained in product sales by a brokerage firm.
Learn from the best and accept nothing less.
The sad reality is many financial advisors are trained by their parent company to tow the party line. Few financial advisors have completed any independent research to provide a basis for forming their own investment opinions.
Their knowledge is often limited to official policy, traditional practices, and company dogma. The result is they speak the company doctrine as if it were true because that’s all they know.
They aren’t bad people: they just don’t know enough to know what they don’t know. The net effect is you get bad financial advice.
Related: Why you need a wealth plan, not a financial plan.
You can’t understand a person’s financial advice until you know the shoes they’re standing in. Their experience and training color their advice.
There are several levels of knowledge in the financial advice business, and the unfortunate reality is the bulk of retail financial advice comes from the ground floor level. You want top floor financial advice.
5. Has The Financial Advice Been Tested Through Multiple Market Cycles?
Building and preserving wealth requires a full-cycle perspective.
You must not only make money during rising markets, but you must also preserve that wealth and control losses during declining markets. Anything less is only half of an investment strategy.
Beware of the “one-hit wonder” that gets lucky by investing in the right place at the right time and then goes on to write books about his financial expertise. Don’t be misled.
Just because someone loaded up on technology stocks or real estate before a bull market handed him sudden wealth doesn’t mean he knows anything about how to preserve that wealth during the next down cycle, or how to grow it through different market cycles in the future.
If you’re not clear on the importance of this point, then check out the legal and financial history behind people claiming to be financial experts. The internet makes the process of uncovering dirt on anyone remarkably easy.
You might be surprised to find out which “experts” have a history of bankruptcy, financial, and legal problems (their names aren’t listed here to avoid legal hassles).
They might be masters at marketing and leverage who ride high on the wave of their latest endeavor, but their checkered history shows an inability to manage risk and preserve that success through a full market cycle.
Just because someone is famous doesn’t make them immune from this rule.
Make sure the financial advice you receive has been tested through inflations, deflations, bull markets, bear markets, nuclear melt-downs, Presidential assassination attempts, and anything else you can imagine. Murphy’s Law is “law” for a reason.
Anything that can go wrong will – and at the worst possible time – so make sure your financial advice can manage risk for the worst outcome and profit under all reasonable assumptions.
6. Are You Being Told The Negative Along With The Positive?
There’s no perfect investment strategy. Anyone claiming to have one is either self-deceived, or a liar.
You don’t understand an investment until you know all the ways you can lose money with it.
If the person offering you financial advice isn’t forthcoming with all the potential problems (so you can make a fully informed decision), then you aren’t getting the whole picture. You need to know the risks as well as the potential rewards. Settle for nothing less.
Similarly, if your investment advisor isn’t forthcoming with his mistakes and losing experiences, then they’re either inexperienced or dishonest.
I have made more investment mistakes than I have room to share with you here, and I’ve also made enough good decisions to have done very well over time.
Every investor makes mistakes, and every financial strategy has an Achilles heel. Learn them, or risk being blindsided.
7. Does The Financial Advice Over-Simplify An Inherently Complex Subject?
Buy and hold is one of the simplest investment strategies available. You can explain how to do it in just a few paragraphs.
Yet, it would take an entire book to fully understand the risk versus reward implications of this strategy in your portfolio today.
Highly trained financial experts using identical data to prove their points can’t agree on even the most simplistic financial advice such as buy and hold, let alone more complex financial issues.
Be wary of financial advice that’s reduced to clever sound bites or appears to be cut and dry. If it’s that obvious and simple, then it’s probably wrong or incomplete.
Most financial issues, when deeply understood, are subtle shades of gray. They require a depth of understanding that leads to a well-considered decision.
When you encounter financial advice that makes the investment process sound easy, just assume it’s a sales technique.
Salespeople know the average investor is averse to complexity and wants his financial decisions handed to him, neatly packaged, on a silver platter. For that reason, they simplify the analysis to make the decision easy for the client so they can get the sale.
Building wealth isn’t easy, and investing properly isn’t simple. If it was, more people would succeed at both. However, they don’t, and the statistics prove it.
No matter what the gurus tell you, building wealth takes persistent work, well-developed plans, diligent follow-through, and involves risk.
I know financial advice like this won’t maximize my sales, but it gets results for those who are willing to follow it.
8. Is The Financial Advice Driven By Facts or Opinion?
Never confuse facts with opinions in the financial advice you receive.
Opinions are useless clutter that complicate investment decisions. Facts are what matter.
Most financial advice blends the two together, and your job is to extract the few facts from the myriad of opinions so you can disregard the rest.
Examples of opinions include:
A forecast for the economy What price levels a stock is expected to go to What a company is expected to earn What industries should grow the best Ignore all such nonsense because it requires an accurate forecast for the future, and forecasts have conclusively proven to be unreliable through multiple independent studies.
“To know the true reality of yourself, you must be aware not only of your conscious thoughts, but also of your unconscious prejudices, bias and habits.” – Unknown
Facts worth knowing include current valuations and what those valuations imply about expected returns based on historical precedent.
Other facts include what’s happening now or what has happened in the past, as contrasted with opinions about what’s expected to happen in the future.
Facts are true and knowable right now and include hard data and numbers. Opinions result from the interpretation of those facts.
9. Is The Financial Advice A Complete Strategy Or Just A Half-Truth?
What good is a buy recommendation without clear criteria for when to sell? What good are sell criteria without a clear strategy for reinvestment?
Beware of any advisor providing a buy recommendation without simultaneously providing clear criteria that would invalidate that same advice and force a sell. Quality investment advice provides a complete process of buying, selling, and reinvesting.
Even more important is that all buy, sell, and hold recommendations are based on thorough historical research indicating a positive mathematical expectation.
10. Is Risk Management A Primary Focus, Or An After-Thought?
Risk management is what separates professional investors from amateurs.
It’s how your investment portfolio can earn consistent returns through a wide variety of market conditions. For that reason, I would never trust a financial advisor whose first concern wasn’t managing risk and preserving capital.
Unfortunately, most financial advice focuses on making money – the offensive half of investing – because that’s what sells best.
Risk management teaches you the defensive half of the investment game by showing you how to control investment losses when adversity strikes.
A complete financial strategy requires both halves of the investment equation to earn consistent returns with a favorable risk to reward ratio. Anything less is a dangerous half-truth. Get best retirement planning package details by clicking on Roswell GA financial advisor.
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mylifeatwar · 6 years
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Book 2, Chapter 1, Page 28
Archived Text Follows:
Hello Everyone,
Here we get to see some action from the folks over at IFS. As we see more of each of our three Free Market Security Companies I think they’ll become easier to distinguish, both visually and tactically.
‘Immediate Force Solutions: Because executive problems require executive solutions.’
Thanks for reading!
– Luther out
Comment Text Follows:
PlaintextMan - Somebody set up them the bomb!
Grudgesettler - IFS is striking back. Had to double check to make sure, but they were the ones that went off the radar, while Sumner got whooped. Left wondering if they tried a conventional defense first, and swapped tactics after a) it became apparent what they were doing wasn’t going to work, and b) they knew Mega Fun Foods was going to keep paying them. Looking forward to seeing more of our beloved mercs once again. I miss the shark folk.
CaptEndo - These people have never heard of mechanized warfare or full spectrum integration have they? Joint arms tactics? The Dhuvalians seem to be stuck in the equivalent of Napoleonic tactics and philosophy, from their uniforms to the close order foot marching of columns of infantry ( not even motorized transport!) to the noble dominated Cavalry equivalent of the LIMB forces. A US heavy expeditionary force from our world would likely clean their clock in spite of their technology.
nweismuller - It’s true, they appear to have very poor combined-arms doctrine. And I’ve observed before that their primary infantry weapon seems to be very poorly-designed for being able to *aim* when firing at the enemy. Now, this overspecialisation as anti-LIMB prybars, essentially, might be understandable if they think of infantry opposition in terms of big Napoleonic formations, where poor firing accuracy is less of a drawback… this actually suddenly explains that bit of kit they use.
CaptEndo - Made the same observation, though a heads up or holosight could make a polearm shaped firearm viable. Not especially effective or efficient, but useable. Of course, too much realism would automatically interfere in any mecha based story. Ground pressure alone would make them practically unusable.
CaptEndo -  Also their use of wheeled armored vehicles with almost a tricycle configuration. Vey limited off road mobility makes them effectively very slow targets with little tactical utility. Useful for occupations and peacetime or low intensity warfare, perhaps. Just like Strikers and MRAPs. They have their usefulness, so long as you aren’t in a hot war.
nweismuller - A HUD might make it more effective, but we’ve seen that Dhuvalian infantry have nothing over their eyes. I think we’re just going to have to accept that the firing accuracy of Dhuvalian infantry is going to be comically poor.
Matti - “Unconventional tactics”? To me that looks like infantry ambush straight from the BOOK! Hey Dhuvalians, use some recon platoons with minesweepers, hey!
folti - They can be unconventional for the Dhuvalians. If their previous conflict(s) were with similarly equipped foes, following a similar, more restricted doctrine*, they are mentally unprepared for tactics that are standard issue today. Remember, depending on the doctrine of the day and the available technology, tactical ambushes were either undoable (Napoleonic line infantry are nothing but an uncontrollable armed rabble outside of formation, in formation it’s too slow and unflexible to do it), limited to very specific units (light cav, like hussars, but they might be of limited use) or simply standard issue warfare (like steppe nomads and other highly mobile forces, like plains Indians in America). * looks like, it’s centered around man-to-man combat by LIMBS of the nobility, where all the other kind of troops are only there for secure the battlefield and capture/rescue pilots of downed limbs. That’d explain why infantry have an oversized can opener for individual weapon. Heck I wouldn’t be surprised, that ransoming the downed pilots, like it was the standard practice in the medieval period for knights and nobility is their biggest goal in combat, not working together to win the battle as a well oiled warmachine, like the mercenary armies and later professional armies that replaced them historically. Also why they want to send an on Duke back to the battlefield in his personal LIMB… There is lots of historical parallell hiding here, if you look at it …
SteelRaven - Dhuvalian’s military seem to have become complacent, thinking they could simple chase the mercenaries off ‘their’ land and not prepared for a real fight after one major ‘shock and awe’ like offensive. While the Dhuvalian Limb pilots may have all the confidence in the world, I’m sure the infantry and light armor personnel must be scared as hell right now.
folti - Probably. Skills and combat readiness atrophying over time due to lack of training and funding is not a new phenomenon. Outside of their LIMB pilots who are part of the feudal nobility.
Iarei - Whenever you hear someone object – Those cowards fight with “X” ! Remember; it’s about as frequently true that those cowards WIN with “X”.
PlaintextMan -  A valuable lesson I learned from a number of strategy games: If you’re not fighting dirty enough, you’re not winning!
Hornet -  There is no “X” until one side gets it’s hands tied in bureaucratic cow pies...
CaptEndo -  Until the side with the greater committable resources adapts to the “X” strategy or tactic. If they cannot divert enough resources to the conflict, then adapting to the news tactical reality may not be enough. But if they can, then the underdogs still lose. Reference the US Army and the Indian Wars, all the way back to the early colonies and he development of the Ranger concept. Both adaptation and superior resources defeats unconventional warfare pretty reliably.
Plaintext - I notice the chain of starts hung across the Crown Prince’s chest. One of them is dark; I wonder whether those represent the principalities of Dhuvalia, with that one being a former/destroyed principality.
Darkkismeth - For those, who think that IFS strikes back: Nope. SS got their ass kicked, not the IFS. The SS troops are the old security guys with old LIMBS and grey uniforms, best to look at like the corp. security or even police force to keep the law up.
Grudgesettler - Your paragraph doesn’t make much sense. IFS is the one attacking in the comic; the author’s commentary makes that perfectly clear. And the only mention of Sumner was mine, and I clearly said “they got whooped.” Now, what I reckon you were going for with this was that IFS wasn’t the one struck, ergo they can’t be the one striking back. That, I’ll grant you, is an assumption on my part. Made an educated guess that IFS would have started with a conventional defense as opposed to immediately engaging in guerrilla warfare. It seems doubtful that Mega-Fun Foods would be willing to initially to put up with the necessary property damage such a defense would entail.
0 notes
#Banks: The Biggest Thieves in History
When they start talking about the huge amounts of money we owe I can’t really get my head around it. I mean, you can’t quite grasp the concept of a trillion can you? Britain owes over one trillion pounds while America owes over seventeen trillion dollars. A trillion is a one with twelve zeros after it. A trillion seconds is over thirty one thousand years or, how about: a trillion stacked pennies would reach 870,000 miles high. Come on! An easier way for me is when they talk about Britain owing £30,000 per head. It’s a tiny bit more difficult to work out the amounts for America because no one knows how many people are in that country and anyway America already owed trillions and trillions of dollars before the banks got on the bandwagon…Got to get me some of that!
£30,000? That seems a mite more acceptable, most of us could see the possibility of paying that off in the next ten or twenty years, stick it on the end of your mortgage and you will hardly notice it! But, when you think about it a bit more closely it is more worrying. Take a man with a wife, who doesn’t work, and who has three kids, that means they owe more like £150,000! And what about the parents? Do we add them into the equation? After all they are unlikely to be still earning.
No one ever seems to ask the obvious question when these absurd amounts are discussed: who do we owe it to? Or, to be more grammatically correct: to whom do we owe it? If you ask that question at a dinner party say, in America, you get the immediate answer: China. Well hey ho, I think that is rather splendid of China to lend America all that money in the first place, I know they are rich, but seriously? The same question in Britain gets another just as confident answer: the Arabs (or more likely: the bloody Arabs). That is invariably given by people who haven’t been to the Middle East in the last couple of years. And to keep your confidence I’ve asked that question a dozen times on both sides of the Atlantic and I have been in the Middle East twice in the last three years.
So who do we owe it to? (Screw grammar). The answer’s easy: we owe it to ourselves. Well, we owe it to a small number of people living in our countries…yes we do!
The Western World encourages the novel principal that inherited money is a good idea. Okay if it’s you inheriting your parents’ house but consider: great swathes of Britain (80%) are owned by a bunch of idiots whose great-great-great-grandfathers sent the king some soldiers to fight Cromwell. Okay, you voted for it so you must want it. The deal was that these people with huge amounts of money invested it in businesses. The millionaires on Dragon’s Den are doing exactly what they should be doing: investing in burgeoning businesses, helping them grow, creating employment and adding to our balance of payments. They receive profits on their investments in good years but risk losing their money in bad years. This system worked well. It gave us the Industrial Revolution.
Then a gang of crooks, sorry, I mean I mean a group of financial whiz-kids in the city, created Hedge Funds. These are closed investment groups (you can’t join one matey!) which are basically unregulated and exist solely to make rich people richer. It occurred to said whiz-kids that the rich investors would be much more secure by investing in mortgages. The thing is with a mortgage that the bank makes most of its money in the first year with all the extra bits you have to pay for: arrangement fees, transfer fees and all the other ploys they dream up to take your money. After that the banks’ money is tied up for thirty or forty years. If they could sell the loan on they would have that money again to offer to some other poor sod desperate to house his family.
What the hedge funds did was to buy up great bunches of mortgages…your mortgage might well be owned by someone in Sweden or Australia, or even your next door neighbour, you won’t know it of course because he or she will hide behind an official sounding name. Everybody’s happy: the poor sod has got his house, the bank has got its money back and the investors have a long term safe investment for their capital because property is the safest investment. Sad about those new businesses though isn’t it? They suddenly found no one was left to lend them money to help them grow. And the youngsters who were going to work in those businesses, sad about them too. Still never mind, everybody else is happy!
The next problem came when they literally ran out of mortgages to buy up. Easy, the investors and banks came up with another little plot: just take the controls off mortgages…and hey, yes: we can charge extra for that as well! Hurrah!!!
I worked at an Estate Agents in the late Sixties. In those days a man could borrow up to three times his yearly salary, three and a half times if his wife worked. I’m sure that is changed now with the different status of women in work. It was annoying but it stopped people over borrowing, not letting them get carried away by the idea of owning a house that was too expensive for them. In 2007 I was working in Iraq and my wife and I came back to Scotland for a holiday and while we were there we had a look around a holiday cottage. When I told the agent that we would have difficulty proving our salaries he grinned and promised us that he could get us a mortgage within twenty four hours just on the strength of a verbal declaration of our earnings…it was slightly more expensive of course.
So house buying in Britain and America went through the roof, so of course did house prices, but that was all to the good: everyone had a house and everyone was making money.
Everybody knows what happened next. It seemed the whiz-kids weren’t quite such whizzes after all: the whole damned edifice came crashing down. The bankers had over extended themselves, the investors had lost their money. Fair enough, like the Dragon’s Den entrepreneurs they had gambled and lost.
Only they hadn’t because the thing is the banks and the super-rich own the politicians. They finance the political parties and ex politicians and civil servants infest the banking Boards of Directors. Immediately President Bush was rushed onto television saying that it is essential for the economy that the banks are protected. Gordon Brown is dancing to the same tune: of course we have to protect the banks. Not for the banks, not for the super-rich, but for us! All is lost if we don’t bail them out, they can’t be expected to pay their own debts! Good Heavens, banks exist to make profits not to pay debts! We have to cough up, it’s all our responsibility. Faced with an array of politicians all preaching the same doctrine we fall for it, nobody questions it. And I would like you to bear in mind at this point that the entire front bench of the Labour (!) party, let alone the Conservative party, were millionaires in these days. I expect the same applies now but I really cannot be bothered to check it will only depress me more.
The Bank of England responded to the crisis by a process they called quantitative easing. Funny thing, my spell checker didn’t recognise the word, it couldn’t mean that they made it up surely? It means printing more money than the country is worth. This incidentally is the primary cause of inflation, without the overprinting of money inflation simply cannot happen. This will all come out in the economy of the country sometime in the future, we’re not sure just where but you can bet it won’t be out of the bankers’ pockets.
How much did they print? 350 billion! This is not a loan or a gift,  it is a tax and you will have to pay it back. Where did it go? To the old age pensioners to heat their houses? What about (my choice) to the young marrieds to pay for child care? Or, how about to first time home buyers as a deposit? Any of these would have stimulated the economy. But the super-rich can’t go letting ordinary people get given money. No, no, don’t be silly, ordinary people have to earn their money! So instead the Bank of England gave it to the banks and they sat on it and refused to lend it on because it was too risky in our volatile economy. That same volatile economy they had created. The government tried to put pressure on the banks to lend more but they can’t do that can they? The slave can’t put pressure on the slave owner.
Americans had it even worse, their pensions aren’t protected in the ways ours are. My mother-in-law had been working as a legal secretary in Minnesota, all her life, over forty years, and paying into a fund for all of that time. Every damned week for forty years she put her money into that scheme. She was sixty five, tired, ill and about to retire when the banks came along and said that the money had disappeared and they took her pension just like that! When I say took, I actually mean stole. They stole it just like a mugger taking your wallet in a back alley. She later told me that she would now have to work until she was eighty seven and she would lose her house even then. Bear in mind that Americans don’t have our social system to fall back on.
What a brilliant plan it was. Think of it, the rich investors never lost a penny. The banks did even better, they got rid of having to pay that annoying interest on accounts, sorry, they still pay a generous one percent…and the government rewarded them with a 350 billion pound bonus on top.
The greatest war criminals are usually reckoned to be the Nazis, they raped a continent. But at least they had the courage to do it with guns, the bankers raped the world and hid beneath their desks while doing it. But, I hear you protest, think of the millions of people the Nazis killed? Yeah, but gentle reader, how many millions of people are going to die in the third world because of reduced aid? Think of the millions who will no longer be able to afford the inflated prices of life giving drugs. Think of the kids who will die of cholera because they can’t buy chlorine tablets. Think of the wars that will be fought over the limited availability of resources.
The super-rich and the bankers who took part in this plot have the morals of a whore and all the viciousness of a street thug, without the bravery of either. The Mafia is a church group compared to them, the Kray Twins were saints.
Let me leave you with one more statistic: if every person who possessed more than 50 million pounds in the country was made to hand over a third of it then it would pay off the financial loss twice over! But that’s not going to happen is it? It would only leave them with about 30 million to play with…so instead you’re going to pay it!
I’ve been accused of running a pornographic website, I actually think that says more about the accuser than it does about me. But if you want real pornography then it’s right here in this article!
 For more of Nicholas Walker’s writing click on: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nicholas-Walker/e/B00PI0XDAG/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
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The Success of a Legal Action Begins for a Good Petition
Without a petition, the method simply just isn't going to exist, proper? But do you definitely know how to file a petition? An initial petition wherein the choose devotes, with interest, to the browsing of it in the beginning on the finish? Should your reply to was no, are you interested in to find out very easily and definitively the way to create a petition? Now, when your remedy was of course, continue reading this post. You are likely to know the step-by-step approach to make the most with the course of action through the very beginning.    Ways to make a petition: Define your plan Before you start to craft the piece, you have to define your system. And to try this, know the details that gave increase on the difficulty becoming brought to justice. All information needs to be very clear and specified so that you can acquire the small print to prepare your first petition. Be comprehensive and choose correct information regarding the fact. This can provide you a great basis for outlining your original petition. If vital, come up with a greater amount of meetings using your consumer to request files and gather knowledge that should be valuable to you. The way to file a petition: analyze the case - Be sure to have a look at us at exemplo de petição inicial Since you may have each of the materials readily available, it's the perfect time to analyze the situation. Any time you do this, you may correctly discover the doctrines relevant towards goal in the practice. And also you will learn them and check the courts' understandings to the make any difference at hand. This manner, you are likely to be capable of have a broad knowledge around the subject in addition to around the inescapable fact, facilitating, and far, your operate in crafting your initial petition. How to make a petition: commence together with the sketch Just before drafting the original petition, create a sketch. And question by yourself, prior to deciding to begin writing, how will I inform the story of my customer? Although it's not so publicized or taught in legislation colleges, it's essential to find the eye in the judge. And when you create this story inside a baffling way, with inadequately crafted sentences and with no chaining of options, your knowledge will become complicated. And so the judge is not likely to know the story within your customer. Focus on your client's tale. Following sketching this tale, you are able to transcribe it into the first petition by generating corrections and strengthening the construction. How you can file a petition: closing Closing a petition is likewise an important section. After all, it's in him which the requests can be analyzed from the decide. And, consequently, it ought to be quite perfectly imagined out and elaborate. Use the prevailing demand from the motion to formulate your request. But don't forget that there might be a mix of actions during the exact petition. Make rational requests, generally. You should not make statements that can be dismissed as unfounded, even from the first petition.   Tips on how to file a petition: formal composition Every single initial petition demands a official construction, which need to be adopted by legal professionals. It is actually an ordinary procedure and has to be adopted to your letter, providing your doc the required situations to be analyzed with the decide. The 1st facet of the petition is always to direct the competent courtroom. That is, you need to handle your original petition towards choose who'll evaluate it. You still really need to document the identify belonging to the petition. Some steps have their unique names, many others never. Also, do not forget the legal foundation. Some actions have precise prediction, such as, the steps that happen to be shown with the Structure (writ of mandamus, habeas knowledge, habeas corpus and well-known motion). Don't forget to set the value of the contribute to. This quantity should correspond towards fairness implications of your lawsuit. That is definitely, it's the monetary value that you simply intend to get while using the action. Tips on how to file a petition - Look into requisitos da petição inicial Generating a petition is just not an uncomplicated process. It needs time, perseverance and research. Specially with the planning of your respective primary original petitions, you can expect to have to have a lot more interest and operate. Now think of how much time you would probably conserve should you could have accessibility to dozens of initial petition templates all set to be made use of? They may be products out there for enhancing, merely decide on yours and edit in keeping with your demand.   The key objective of the authorized product may be to help the performing lawyers, or possibly the inexperienced persons, which have an interest during this region of ??law. There're comprehensive and current brands of first petitions, appeals and demonstrations, all taken from real creates, thus guaranteeing a person from the greatest sensible reports ever undertaken within the vicinity.   What amount is your time and efforts? With entry to your Petitions Template Financial institution you are likely to help you save hours and hrs of your operate thirty day period. If we estimate how long it takes you to definitely create a good initial petition, you'll realise that it's nicely definitely worth the small financial commitment.
For more info pay a visit to us at http://superandobarreiraspeloem.blo.gg/2017/december/do-you-know-how-to-prepare-an-initial-petition.html
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controledavida · 7 years
Proven Techniques on How to Make an Initial Petition
Devoid of a petition, the method merely doesn't exist, correct? But would you certainly know how to file a petition? An original petition where the judge devotes, with awareness, to the reading through of it on the commencing into the end? In the event your answer was no, do you want to find out easily and definitively the right way to make a petition? Now, in the event your solution was sure, keep reading this content. You may study the step-by-step system to take advantage of your process in the rather beginning.    The way to produce a petition: Determine your plan Before you decide to start to craft the piece, you will need to outline your plan. And to try this, know the facts that gave rise to your challenge really being delivered to justice. All information must be obvious and specified so that you can accumulate the details to arrange your initial petition. Be extensive and select correct information about the fact. This may provide you with an excellent foundation for outlining your initial petition. If vital, come up with a more substantial number of conferences with the client to ask for documents and obtain info that may be useful to you personally. Ways to file a petition: analyze the case - Be sure to visit us at petição inicial como fazer Now that you've all of the materials available, it's time and energy to examine the situation. When you do this, you may correctly establish the doctrines related for the intent with the approach. So you will go through them and check out the courts' understandings over the subject at hand. This manner, you can expect to manage to have got a vast expertise around the issue and in addition about the actuality, facilitating, and far, your operate in composing your first petition. The way to make a petition: get started together with the sketch Ahead of drafting the initial petition, generate a sketch. And ask oneself, before you start out crafting, how will I tell the story of my shopper? Although it's not so publicized or taught in legislation educational facilities, you have to obtain the eye within the decide. And if you publish this story inside a complicated way, with inadequately crafted sentences and without the chaining of tips, your realizing gets to be problematic. So the decide is unlikely to understand the story of your consumer. Target your client's tale. After sketching this story, you may transcribe it to the preliminary petition by earning corrections and boosting the structure. How you can file a petition: closing Closing a petition is additionally a crucial stage. Immediately after all, it can be in him the requests might be analyzed with the choose. And, as a result, it have to be extremely properly imagined out and elaborate. Utilize the prevailing cost belonging to the action to formulate your ask for. But remember that there might be a mix of steps within the exact petition. Make sensible requests, always. Tend not to make statements that will be dismissed as unfounded, even with the preliminary petition.   The way to file a petition: formal framework Any original petition needs a formal framework, which will have to be followed by legal professionals. It is a standard technique and has to be adopted to the letter, giving your doc the mandatory issues to always be analyzed by the decide. The very first facet of the petition is to immediate the competent court docket. That could be, it's best to tackle your preliminary petition for the choose who will evaluate it. You still will need to doc the title on the petition. Some actions have their unique names, many others don't. Also, do not forget the authorized basis. Some actions have exact prediction, by way of example, the steps that can be outlined within the Constitution (writ of mandamus, habeas facts, habeas corpus and well-known motion). Do not forget to set the worth of the trigger. This total should correspond with the fairness consequences on the lawsuit. That's, it is the monetary price which you intend to get using the motion. The way to file a petition - Evaluate petição inicial novo cpc Making a petition is not a fairly easy task. It involves time, commitment and experiments. Specifically with the preparing of the very first original petitions, you are likely to need to have a lot more focus and job. Now just imagine exactly how much time you should help you save in case you could have obtain to dozens of preliminary petition templates all set to be made use of? They can be products obtainable for modifying, just pick out yours and edit as per your have to have.   The primary purpose of this authorized content could be to support the acting lawyers, or perhaps the newcomers, which have an interest on this location of ??law. They are finished and up-to-date types of original petitions, appeals and demonstrations, all taken from authentic triggers, hence guaranteeing a single with the largest sized practical reports ever carried out within the area.   Exactly how much is your time? With obtain to some Petitions Template Lender you will preserve hrs and hrs of the work thirty day period. If we calculate just how long it's going to take you to produce a beneficial first petition, you can expect to realize that it is effectively well worth the modest expenditure.
For more info visit us at https://embuscadosobjetivos.tumblr.com/post/168089910967/proven-techniques-on-how-to-make-an-initial
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Trinity Sunday
Today wasn’t the first time I’ve tried to teach younger ones about the Trinity.  We use our Celtic Knots, shamrocks, clover, or fidget spinners because one of the great questions the Church has wrestled with over the years is how is God three-in-one. Why do we stop at three?   Why not four, or a million?  I mean, can we count God?  
My hope today isn’t to tell you one way to believe or another, but to guide you along in your own belief.
The church has answered that question by saying that the short answer to whether we can count God is, “yes.” In Matthew 28:19, it spells out this baptismal formula of Father-Son-Spirit or Parent-Child-Spirit that explains to us how God is in God’s very self.  Even though this passage in Matthew 28 is one of the few times the Father-Son-Spirit is named, it does feel like the Trinity is on every page of scripture.  It’s who God is, how God acts, and how we understand who we are.
Of course, that doesn’t stop people from disagreeing with the notion of Trinity. As if settling something ever really made it settled.  That’s true now and long ago. We have Unitarians who assert that God is one and even in the encounter with Islam, as some assumed we were worshipping three gods rather than one, the proclamation came out that there is no God but God.
From early in the Church’s history some of the most divisive language the church has ever created came about because of disagreements about the Trinity.  It was THE most divisive issue, and THE issue of their day.  Maybe that’s why we as a church only set aside one Sunday a year to talk about the Trinity.  
The early church would assign names to the doctrines they didn’t like and then excommunicate them. So you’ve got names like Modalism, where God was really one but took on various modes for a while – God acted like a Parent at times, then a son, the a spirit.  We could call it the cosplay dress-up heresy.  God dressed up like a parent when God wanted to. And God wasn’t really human in Jesus, but just pretended to be for a while.
All of those early heresies wrestled with what are we to do about Jesus?  How could God be human and still be Divine?
One of my favorite heresies was called Arianism. It implied that Jesus wasn’t always God but was created – was made – when everything else was made and was adopted by God.  Interesting, right?  It makes a little bit of sense.  So much sense that the Church called everybody together in a big council in a place called Nicea, It was the first ever General Conference of the Church. The primary purpose wasn’t to create a Bible, they didn’t do that at all, but it was a special Conference called to condemn Arianism.  To do that, they what we know as the Nicene Creed:
 We believe in one God,       the Father almighty,       maker of heaven and earth,       of all things visible and invisible.
 And in one Lord Jesus Christ,       the only Son of God,       begotten from the Father before all ages,            God from God,            Light from Light,            true God from true God,       begotten, not made;
 Later it also said “We believe in the Holy Spirit”… but clearly that was just an afterthought. The real focus was Jesus and making sure people didn’t think he was any less God or human.  Did you catch that “begotten, not made” and “begotten… before all ages”?  That was because of Arianism.
Of course, that wasn’t the end of it.  For centuries, there were wars, with those outside the cities and along the north coast of Africa being the primary ones on whom those wars were waged. For centuries, those ideas popped up again with names like Sabellianism, Apollinarianism, and Anomeanism.  Don’t sound just awful?  [Check out more of the early “heresies” of the church at http://www.ignatiusinsight.com/features2005/kwhthd_ancntheresies_july05.asp]  
Eventually, the Church figured out that Councils and wars aren’t the best way to settle this.  So we turned to symbols like Celtic Knots, shamrocks and clover, and yeah, I think even fidget spinners. All of them were less invasive ways to explain a holy mystery that a creed and a council can barely begin to approach. None of them are perfect, but isn’t language itself kind of an analogy, unable to capture the whole of who God is?  But we try.
So each analogy tries to tell us of the essence of the one who is constantly creating, but not far off.  That parent God.  Not just any parent, but a helicopter parent who hovers over, ready at any moment to shout down – “you’re my beloved child in whom I am well pleased.” Like any creative parent, that part of God has more craft items stored up than you could ever use, constantly waiting to re-make us and mold all things new. And God isn’t done with us yet.
Because that God sees the injustice and yes what we can call the sin and the messiness of this life, and God says – I’ve got to do something.  And so God the Son comes to us in Jesus. Because God is concerned about the issues we face as humanity and as a whole earth. Through the son, God brought and is bringing salvation – a permanent justice for all creation.
And God is with us in the Spirit… the one who helps us breathe when our breath gets taken away by unexpected news; that comforter who stays with us through the long dark nights; and the one who sustains us when we wake up tired from marching to Selma or Springfield demanding justice.  That’s the Spirit.    
Why those conversations about Arianism and the whole bit of heresies was important is because the Church ended up saying that from the beginning, God has been about creating, redeeming, and sustaining.  It wasn’t an afterthought.  It is the very nature of God.  
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer.  Parent-Son-Spirit.  One is in the other, each is distinct and yet One.
I have only imperfect analogies to offer.  But I will say this, God is concerned with what we face as humanity. Do you believe that?  Do you believe that God is concerned with hunger? With those who discriminate based on race, class, or gender?  Do you believe that God is concerned with the way we use this earth?  
None of those are mutually exclusive.  Like that early church, our United Methodist Church is calling its own council of Nicea in 2019.  I pray the goal is bigger than determining who is the heretic and who is the true Christian.  I pray that it shapes our understanding of God and how we work together.
I’ve got another analogy for you.  We know how imperfect they are, but I hope this is helpful.
Let’s take an issue like Climate Change.  That may be your issue, the issue your most passionate about or it may not resonate at all.  Over here is someone who’s concerned about food justice, feeding hungry people.  At some point, these two can find a connection. They can pull against each other, but that struggle can also make them stronger.  They come back together, and eventually, they are drawn so close that they join up arm in arm.  
Your issue might not be either of these, maybe your issue is being pro-life, racial justice, education, or any of the other issues.  There are overlaps between each of these, intersections. And each person stretches us. They stretch and stretch and those stretches make us stronger.  And they pull us back together.  Until we aren’t just one person on one issue, but a movement of intersections coming together and marching. It’s how change comes. It’s how we grow. Not by being alone or belittling the pain another feels, but by seeing where we overlap.  
That’s where we find the Trinity.  Let’s find where my pain touches yours.  And that’s where we’ll find God.
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