#but when i sent her the picture she was like wow totally worth it. awesome
pinejay · 2 years
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after beach the other day i bought these ornaments from the holiday market outside central park. couldn't resist and they were buy 1 get 1 half off so totally worth it. just hanging off my lamp for now bc i have nowhere else to put them.
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mlovesstories · 5 years
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Warnings: death of parent, foster care, cussing
Words: 2400
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“We found your father,” The caseworker told the girl sitting in front of her.
“Just effing leave me here, lady!”
“His name is-“
“Jensen Ackles, I know.”
“Oh? Well, we have contacted him. He will be here next week,” the older female pursed her lips.
“He doesn’t care, just-“ she stopped. The girl slumped her shoulders and stormed off to her temporary room.
“Hi,” she walked up to the tall man with green eyes.
“Hi, Charlotte. Are you okay?”
“Oh yeah. Totally fine. My mom didn’t just die or anything.” Charlotte raised her voice quickly.
“That was a dumb question,” Jensen conceded. He sat down across from her at her foster home.
“Just leave me here, Hollywood. And my name is Charlie.”  She tried to stand. He touched her hand.
“Sorry. I just want this to be as smooth for you as possible.”
“You have three little kids and a perfect wife. Why would you want me?”  
“Because I’m your dad-“ he saw her shutter at the title. “I’m your father. You don’t really want to bounce around from house to house with that-“ he motioned to her foster parent eating pizza and drinking beer, ignoring the children around him, “do you?” 
“I deserve it. It’s fine. My life is over anyway,” she shrugged.
“Bullshit, kid. You are twelve. Fine, I get that you don’t know me. No one deserves this though. Especially after-“
“Don’t, Hollywood.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “Let’s go then.” She stood up and stormed out. CPS agents walked out with him to a transport vehicle.
“I didn’t know. She didn’t tell me about you,” Jensen admitted. “If I knew, I would have been there.”
“Whatever, Actor Boy. Just get me outta here,” Charlie sighed and looked out the window.
“Ahh!” Charlie sat up in her bed. “Just a dream,” she said to herself.
“Charlie?” Jensen knocked and pushed open her door.
“I’m okay, Dad.”
“Yeah,” she sat up in her bed.”At least it was all true this time, I guess.”
“Sorry, sweetie.” He touched her cheek.
“My fault,” she moved away.
“It’s not. That guy hurt you guys. Not you. I’m not having this conversation when your heart rate is this high,” Jensen said quietly. “Lie down. I’ll wait till you fall back asleep.” He sat on the edge of her bed. “Good night, sweetheart.”
“I’m too hyped, I can’t,” Charlie rolled over.
Jensen saw the creases in her forehead. He started to sing.
“You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. You’re as sweet as strawberry wine.”
Charlie was asleep within seconds.
“Oh!” Charlie screamed. She took a calming breath. “Sorry,” she shied away.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Danneel rubbed her shoulders. “My bad. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Danneel walked to the stove from where Charlie was sitting and plopped some eggs on the stove top.
“It won’t go away,” Charlie put her head in her hands.
“It’s only been a year, sweetheart. It takes time,” Danneel looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with Charlie. “Jay said you had a bad dream again. Do you want to talk about it?”  
“It’s my fault.”
“That man took your mom. Not you. Yes, you guys went into the store because you wanted a soda, but HE was the one that decided to make a bad choice and-“
“Stop!” Charlie shrieked. She took deep breaths.
“That wasn’t smart of me, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Danneel pursed her lips.
“Can I just have some eggs please?”
“Yes. Of course.”
“She got in trouble at school again,” Danneel told Jensen via phone.
“Yeah, threw a fit in class, I guess,” Danneel sighed.
“Has she been hanging out with her mentor lady?”
“Monica has been sick. Big Brothers/Big Sisters hasn’t supplied a sub while she has been gone.”
“Yeah.  She has regressed a lot, but it’s okay.  We’ll get through it. Hey, why don’t you invite her to set.  Charlie would love it.”
“She calls me Hollywood, Dee.  She wouldn’t.”  Jensen rolled his eyes.  Danneel could hear it through the phone.
“Ask her.  Spring Break is coming up anyway.”
“Fine, Dearest.”
“Hey, Char!”  Jensen smiled into his iPhone.  She laughed at his huge scar across his face.  
“Dean looks hurt a little.”
“Speaking of, I have a question for you,” Jensen changed tones.
“Oh?” She walked into her room and sat down on her bed.  
“You know how we made you get a passport?”
“Umm- yeah?”  Charlie gave a grin. Her eyes filled with anticipation.
“Well…” he stopped short.
“Tell me!” She nervously giggled.
“Would you like to come up to Vancouver next week with me?” He held his breath.
“REALLY?” Charlie beamed.
“If you want to.”
“Awesome. Well, I can’t wait. I’m excited that you are excited.” Jensen inwardly became thrilled. “I can’t wait to show you everything. Just don’t hang out with anyone and pull shenanigans, you hear me?” He raised a brow. “And no more reports from school, got it?”
“You heard about that?”
“I didn’t-“
“Whatever happened is done, sweetie. Let’s start over. Good day tomorrow, okay?” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“Why do you forgive me so much?” Charlie confusedly watched his face on the screen.
“Because no one is perfect. Charlie, you’re thirteen. You’re still trying to figure things out, but that’s why I thought it might be a change of pace for you.”
“I can’t wait!” Charlie pumped her fist in the air which moved the phone away from her face.
“Sweetheart!” Jensen yelled to get her attention.
“Oh, sorry! When can I get on the plane?”
Charlie felt like a rockstar sitting in first class. When she got off the plane, a driver was waiting for her with a sign that had her name on it.
“I’m Charlie.” She walked up to the woman who looked very business-like.
“Great. Do you have checked bags, Miss?”
“What does that mean?” Charlie had never heard that term before.
“Did you give the airline any of your bags before you boarded?”
“Oh, no I didn’t.”  
“Perfect. Then we are good to go. Follow me.” The driver escorted Charlie to the shiny black car.
“Fancy,” she whispered.
“Only the best for Mr. Ackles,” the driver responded.
“You know Jensen? I thought one of his Hollywood people organized this.”
“I pick him and Mr. Padalecki up from the airport often. They are good men. I’m sure you know that. He is your dad after all,” she assumed.
“He’s not my- nevermind.” Charlie bit her lip.
“Miss, we will be arriving in about ten minutes or so.”
“Hey, Charlie!” Jensen met her at the cub-side drop off.
“Hi, Dad,” she quietly wrapped her arms around him.
“How was your flight?”
“Thanks, Tamera, for bringing her here.” He nodded to the driver. “I can take her backpack.” He offered his hand to accept Charlie’s luggage.
“Have a good evening,” she waved and climbed back into her vehicle.
“Let’s get upstairs.”
She followed him as he entered his keycard and passcodes along the way. She spun around in the lobby mesmerized by the grand architecture. Charlie walked quickly to keep up with her father as they reached his apartment.
“6A, home sweet home,” he smiled.
“Wow. How do you get groceries up here? Must be daunting.”
“Eh. Usually it’s just me, so it’s not that hard,” Jensen walked her to a spare bedroom. “This one is yours. Hope you like it.” He twisted the knob and let the door swing open lightly.
“Wow! For me?” Charlie ran and jumped on the bed. There were pictures of her with the family and her with her mom throughout the room. Her drawing hung on the wall as decoration. “Thank you!” Charlie got off the bed and ran into his arms. “It’s perfect!”  
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I love you,” he squeezed her tightly.
“I love you too, Dad.  Thanks for the pictures of Mom. I-“ Charlie abruptly stopped.
“Of course. She’s your mom and a big part of your life. She has to be here too! Come on, let’s get some food.”
“Daddy!” YN tried to get his attention. “Jensen!” At the restaurant, she ran into the restroom when she realized Jensen wasn’t going to turn around. When he realized she wasn’t there, he scanned the business. He texted her, willing that she was safe.
“Bathroom,” was all she responded with. “Not coming out.”
Jensen walked to the door and knocked.
“Occupied!” YN yelled.
“YN. Talk to me.”
She slowly cracked it open, scanning the room.
“I- I saw her.” YN slowly opened her arms and wrapped herself around her father. She went on to explain that she thought her mom was sitting across the restaurant. “I thought I saw Mommy.”
“It’s okay. That’s normal, I promise,” he whispered into her hairline. “Let’s go.”
They got their food to go, and they went home.
“We gotta get up early tomorrow, okay?”
“Ugh,” she whined. “What time?”
“Yep. It will be worth it, I promise,” he smiled.
“Fine,” she groaned playfully. “I’m going to bed then.  Love you, Dad.”
“What…?” Jensen opened his daughter’s door to wake her up when he saw blankets and pillows everywhere. She rubbed her red eyes.
“Couldn’t sleep. Bad dreams.”
“You slept on the floor?”
“I couldn’t sleep. So I changed locations. Is it time to go?” She yawned.
“This is your wake up call. You’ve got an hour. You can sleep in my trailer if you want to,” he helped her off the ground.
“Okay,” YN started picking up all of her bedding.
“Don’t worry about that. Just get dressed. We can deal with that later.”
After the two got ready, they were picked up to go to the set. YN fell asleep against Jensen’s shoulder. He took a selfie and sent it to Danneel.
Vancouver really tires her out!
No sleep?
Nope. I’ll let her sleep in my trailer. She’ll be fine, D.
Okay. Love you.
“YN, wake up,” Jensen whispered. “Let’s go.”
Walking onto the set, she saw Jared and opened her arms to him.
“Hey, YN. Glad you’re here.”
“Me too,” she smiled appreciatively.
“Get some breakfast and then you can crash. We won’t be ready for a while,” Jensen nodded toward the food truck.
“I want to see everything though,” YN whined.
“We go through Makeup and all that a million times a day.  It’s okay.  You want eggs? Chicken?”
“Chicken for breakfast?”
“In the breakfast burrito.”
“Oh. Sure. Thanks,” she shrugged.
“That was awesome! So that’s how you get all those cuts on you! Can I get one?” YN asked Jensen but scanned over to the makeup artist.
“”Ugh. How did I know you would ask that?” Jensen chuckled. “Fine. But you can’t text Dee and tell her you got hurt, or you’ll never be able to come back here, you hear me?”
“Okay! Promise!”
YN sat in the makeup chair and waited for the makeup artist to get started.
“ONE only,” Jensen clearly stated. “One scar. You will not walk out of here looking like death warmed over, you hear me?” He looked to the stylist behind the chair.
“Got it,” the makeup artist nodded.
“Look how cool this is!” YN walked out of the trailer and stood next to her dad. She smiled, showing off a gash that crossed her face.
“DO NOT tell Danneel you got beat up. Why did you have to get it on your pretty face?” Jensen whined at her.
“I texted her a picture in the makeup chair. She thought it was awesome,” YN grinned.
“Oh my go-“ Jared walked up to YN. “What happen-“
Jensen and YN started snickering.
“Haha, so hilarious, you just gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry, unkie!” She opened her arms and wrapped them around Jared’s waist. “But doesn’t it look so cool?!”
“Totally. Come on, your dad and I need to do this shot.” He guided her to the set.
“Come here! Today is a big day!” Jensen opened the door to YN’s room.  
“Dad, I don’t feel like doing anything today,” she said.  
“It’s my day off! And it’s just you and me!  I want to take you to this restaurant, I think you’ll really like it.  It’s-”
“No, thank you.”
“Why?  You have been having so much fun so far.  What happened?” He slowly walked into her room as she sat up but pulled the blankets closer to her chin.
“Not today.  Please. Today is-” YN started sniffling.
“Oh, dang it.  I’m sorry.  I didn’t realize the date.  I should have- I’m sorry.  How can I help you today?  I knew your mom had been on your mind lately, but I just plain forgot, sweetheart.”
“I don’t really know, Daddy,” YN said quietly.  “We can go to your restaurant if you want though,” she tried to appease him.  
“No, we need to do what you want to do.”
“Umm.  Watch Disney movies?”
“Sure, pancakes for breakfast?” Jensen smiled, knowing that she would agree to it.
“Yes, please.”
“I’ll leave you to wake up some.  Don’t worry about getting ready.  Today is Pajama Day,” Jensen smirked.  
“How’s this?” Jensen pulled a bunch of blankets out of the closet and grabbed some extra pillows.  
“Perfect. Can we watch Snow White? It’s my favorite.  It was hers too.”
“Absolutely, sweetness.”
He pulled her into his side, turned on the TV, and bought the movie off of iTunes.  Jensen could feel her relax against him.  He kissed the top of her head as the dad pressed the play button.  
YN fell asleep on Jensen’s lap during the movie. He continued stroking her hair as he thought about what the girl had been through.
Her mom loved her. YN didn’t deserve that. She didn’t do anything wrong.
Jensen teared up. As tears welled in his eyes, one hit YN’s cheek.
She instinctively wiped her face. Jensen ran a finger under his eye.
Her eyes opened and YN turned to face her dad.
“Daddy? What’s wrong?” She sat up.
“Nothing, baby. I just love you so much. You’re beautiful.”
YN took his face in her hands and wiped away his tears.
“I love you too, Daddy.” YN brought her hands down and pulled her blanket over both of them.
“You’re mine.”
“I know, Daddy,” YN smiled. 
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Forever Friends (Everything):
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punapurreciator · 7 years
My Favorite Ladybug Writers
So I pretty recently joined the Miraculous Ladybug fandom (about 4 months?) and I went on an absolute reading spree but Noticed a lot of the fic rec lists out there are pretty sparse or there's a lot of repetition. And I figured, ya know I just read nearly 300 fics over the last few months I might as well make some recommendations XD 
So this is the first of possibly many rec lists Im going to put together for the Ladybug fandom. enjoy!
This writer has 89(!!!) Fanfics out there for Miraculous Ladybug and they are pretty much ALL wonderful. The writing is excellent, characterization on point and there's never a boring moment. And the great thing is that most of these stories (even the serious/heavy ones) have some degree of playfulness to them. This writer never seems to let you walk away without a smile, and that's amazing.
Here are a few of my favorites:
 The Cooking Contest - An out-of-class assignment leads to the entirety of the class participating in a cooking competition. …some people do better than others.
the Anniversary - The anniversary of Adrien's mother's disappearance was always difficult. He's sure nothing can make his day any less miserable… ...until a certain spotted superhero shows up.
the Crocodile Glasses - When knock-off copies of Jagged Stone's super-awesome Eiffel Tower start popping up, Jagged is not pleased. Still, it doesn't take long to come up with a solution- he just needs to release his own official line of sunglasses! And naturally, he needs one Marinette Dupain-Cheng to design them for him. Now, if only Marinette could figure out how to execute some of Jagged's more out-there ideas... 
Hacking the Ladyblog - Chat Noir likes taking goofy pictures on patrol. That was normal. What was not normal was those photos showing up without any explanation on the Ladyblog.
Princess to the Rescue - Chat Noir gets into a bit of trouble when the akumatized magician Exodus the Spectacular overpowers him in a fight and Ladybug is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, a baker’s daughter joins the fight. aka Marinette totally has Bo staff fight training and kicks some villain butt.
Cuddles in a Coat - In a lot of ways, Adrien Agreste isn't a normal teenage boy. He's a model, he has a bodyguard, he's secretly a superhero.... But just like any other teenager, he'll stubbornly refuse to admit when an adult was right. Even if he ends up freezing because of it.
Otoshigo Another talented writer is Otoshigo who seems to straddle the border of utterly adorable (see: For the Love of Shoujo ) and Slightly twisted (See: Benefactor ) or even dark. This writer can play the characters as the awkward blushing teens they are, and they can just as easily (and convincingly!!!) twist their perceptions ever so slightly toward something deeper (and slightly terrifying) 
Some of the stories CAN be really weird and out there, but hey, read the tags so you know what you’re getting into and you won't have any trouble. (shrugs) 
Some more of my favorites include:
27 Secrets - “Secrets,” Chat purred, waving the photo out like a little flag. “I want secrets. Twenty-seven pictures worth of secrets. And you’ll give them to me. One picture at a time.” [Shameless Marichat]
Caught and Captured - Adrien gets caught in a little lie, that somehow only spirals more and more out of control. Is there any way to pull himself out of it? Does he even want to? [Adrienette] 
(Adrien acts like cat noir around Marinette and she thinks they've body-swapped. X3 This story Is simultaneously hilarious and heart-wrenching)  
Marinette Saves the World - Through a series of unfortunate events, average and clumsy Marinette meets a boy from the future! Who says that he needs to have sex with her to save the world? Except no. Just... no. 
(OMG this one!!! Drop what you’re doing and read it NOW!!! It's so freaking sweet and seriously romantic!!!)
Guilty Pleasures - An anonymous writer is a little too good at writing fanfiction and Marinette somehow gets roped into reading it. Problem is, now she can’t put it down. [LadyNoir] 
Chat Noir: Calendar Edition - Marinette’s class has to come up with an idea to make some cash for their upcoming class trip. However, things go awry with their plan and somehow Chat Noir gets involved. All Marinette wants is to go to Nice with Adrien. Can she make it through this without losing her mind?
Clairelutra Next up is Clairelutra who seems to make it a goal to melt her readers to piles of goo with sexual tension so thick you COULDN'T cut it with a knife. (Almost all her stories are rated as at least T) but, (as much as I love sexual tension and smut in a fic) That’s far from all this writer brings to the table. Clairelutra is a master at grabbing a readers heart and "puppeteering" (puppeteer, haha) it any way she so chooses.   
Whether she deigns to make you tear up and/or cry : ( see: river flows in you) Or gets your heart racing in her action scenes ( see: welcome to the show) or makes your toes curl during a kiss ( ALSO see: welcome to the show, and Bang Bang, and... ahem. well there are a lot.) And there's that (WONDERFUL AMAZING PRECIOUS) element of tenderness and longing in just about EVERY romantic scene that just KILLS me every time. 
Anyway, some of my favorites of hers include:
gonna miss this someday - “I mean, am I just too clingy?” Chat asked her ceiling, reclining on her lounge and tossing a spare ball of yarn up and down as Marinette beaded with a vengeance. “I know it’s just one day, but I miss her.”(When Ladybug misses their nightly friend-date, Chat asks Marinette for girl advice.)
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) - “...Something up, minou?” He didn’t answer her at first, staying silent as he opened his palm and stared at it. Or rather, stared at the ring in it.
Ladybug stared, almost unseeing, at the blood-red stone nestled in its bed of diamonds, and wondered why it suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe.
(It wasn’t necessarily an engagement ring, right? She... she would’ve known if he had a lover, wouldn’t she? Chat was too much of a hopeless romantic to not gush about a significant other to anyone who would listen if he had one... right? 
It could be a memento or a gift or... something. Something that didn’t imply Chat was about to get married.)
“...Have you ever thought about getting married?” ...Or not.
you're really my dearest friend - Sometimes, the process of getting out is much more difficult than it really should be — but sometimes friends can help, if you let them.
we're the kids your mama warned you about - (A collection of PWP oneshots, mostly focusing on Ladynoir/the love square, as I try to teach myself how to sin.)
hot mess - (the sequel to Bang Bang ) ...What did one say to one's vigilante partner when said partner was in costume and he was in a bathrobe? What did one say to the lady who had pinned him to a wall and kissed him senseless, not knowing he was her partner? What did one say to the girl he had been in love with for years when he was alone with her in his room at night? "Come here often, beautiful?" Not that. Imthepunchlord Oh wow, here's a writer who knows how to balance playful with exciting really well. A lot of their fics are action/adventure driven plots and they know how to build up to that big fight at the end without making you spend half the fic dreading it. There's always too much happening for you to feel much besides excitement. Which, honestly, I LOVED about these stories.  They keep the ball rolling at a great pace and never seems to rely on exposition when they can just show you something. And that lends itself to the feeling of being right there in the story with the character. (A MUST for any good action/adventure) This writer also knows how to stretch the rules with magic and the kwami juuust right to make everything fit and still be believable (a gift if ever I saw one)
Some of my favorites from Iamthepunchlord are:
Marinette and the Seven Little Gods - Marinette been down on her luck, waiting for the day karma would give her something good, something that would make her life better! She wasn't expecting karma to give her a box, a box with seven little gods in it. 
Over the Wall - The accident, while unintentional, was costly. For her wrong doings against Chloe, Marinette is sent over the wall to die. But instead of death, she winds up in a strange, unnerving world. Good thing she'll have a cat to watch her back in this bizarre place. (inspired by a mix of movies and shows: Stardust, Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland, Secret of Moonacre, and Over the Garden Wall.)
Trouble in White - Finding your soulmate is supposed to be uplifting, and amazing, and just... miraculous. But for Marinette, it wasn't any of that. Her soulmate, he... he was... What does one do when your soulmate is an akuma?
The Ladybug and The Mer - When Captain Ladybug is lost at sea, she finds herself saved by one of the most dangerous sea beings in the world: a mer. (Merman Adrien AU)
Always a Hero, No Matter the Miraculous - (a LARGE series) it covers a big variety of  Miraculous/kwami swaps. Including such favorites as: 
Rise of Mariposa - Where Marinette is chosen by the butterfly to help Cat Noir in his fight against Harlequin who has taken possession of the ladybug miraculous for her own selfish gain.
& the short: Delicate Wings - Where Adrien is the butterfly helping ladybug fight the evil black cat from afar. 
Kindness from a Stray - where Adrien and Marinette have kwami swapped (There are several shorts like this, all equally funny/cute)
A Declaration of Love - Adrien is the fox and Marinette is the peacock <3 
(oh GOD I love this one. it's an all-time favorite. It’s very sweet and playful and its done so well that it just WORKS. I love the conflict of his feather allergy keeping Adrien (AKA Malin) from his beloved Belle Bleue XD)
Freedom_Shamrock If fluff is your thing PLEASE check this writer out!!! Freedom_Shamrock is a master of cuddles, snuggles, and hugs. Their stories just exude a soft comforting vibe that sinks into your bones and stays there for the rest of the day. But they are also INTERESTING. The conversations are memorable, The plots are intriguing and the characterization is lovely. If you want something sweetly romantic to read look no further.
Some of my personal favorites include:
Something Familiar - Marinette is a teenage witch, and it's time for her to find a familiar. (Witch AU, no kwamis, Adrien never got to go to school) ( HIGHLY RECOMENDED!!! Cutest cat!Adrien fic EVER )
A Little Light - (series)  its basically an adorable series where Adrien notices Marinette on his own and asks her out. It follows up with their first date, some problems with dating while being a superhero,  and then an accidental reveal. (every bit of this one is SO SO CUTE.)
Hugdrien (AKA: Adrien Needs Hugs) - (series) With this one the name pretty much says it all. It’s a series of stories where Adrien is having a tough time at home and Marinette and their friends/her family are there for him. 
Miraculous Acts of Kindness - (series) this series is basically a slowburn MariChat fic XD It’s super cute and fluffy but also leads into Mature waters so be aware of that! BullySquadess   @bullysquadess
Here's another writer who's clearly out to melt her readers with sexual tension But BullySquadess is out to do it with a goddamn VENGEANCE. (and she WILL make you laugh yourself to death getting there) Her stories are drop dead sexy and SUPER funny. It's the kind of well-built humor that has you cackling so loud people can hear you across the house and forces you to take breaks from reading just to BREATHE. I think the best part of this writers style for me is the hopeful longing she just pulls out of Chat like its the most natural thing in the world. It’s so so so so so sweet and it plays to his character perfectly. and she gets it just right every time.   word of caution: the writer multi-ships so if you don't dig it then check the tags before getting invested. XD
My favorites of hers include:
The Ladybugs and The Bees - Ladybug and Chat Noir tackle teenhood! Watch our heroes face the realities of growing up- surviving puberty and akuma alike as together they navigate the unknown pitfalls of love and first-time intimacy. Also dick jokes. There's like... alot of dick jokes.
Oh man who hasn't read this one? It's been on like every fic rec list i could find when i first joined the fandom. But oh WOW does it deserve it.  This sucker is 38 (!!!) chapters long so far (!!??) and I've read it THREE TIMES. I joined the fandom like FOUR months ago! And yet I keep coming back to this one becouse it's just SO GOOD. 
Seven Minutes - Post-Reveal, Adrien and Marinette continue to play chicken with their feeling. Alya, however, has other games in mind... 
Live by the Ladybutt - Chat likes Ladybug's Ladybutt. Ladybug likes that Chat likes her Ladybutt. Crack ensues.
Casual - Ladybug has grown exceptionally comfortable with her partner... which means Chat Noir is #suffering. 
The Pitfalls Of Being a Wingman - We all know the classic Marichat tale, but what's happening behind the scenes of our favorite duo's love-making?   (AKA Plagg regrets everything and it’s HILARIOUS) XDD
Cohabitation (And Other Disastrous Ideas) - These two best friends decide to move in together, what happens next will shock you! (Or not, considering all roommate fics end up the same anyhow.) thelastpilot
Oh man, all of this writer's stories have this element of almost poetic beauty to them that it's really hard to describe the style. There's never a word or a scene wasted with this writer. It's all about slowly building up that relationship brick by brick, SEEING the characters getting closer and closer with every new meeting and then finishing it off in a MASSIVELY fulfilling way. The humor is top notch too but it seems to take a backseat to the plot and considering how well done the plot typically is I have no problem with that.
word of caution- This writer multi-ships so If you're like me and looking for a specific pairing remember to check the tags! XD 
My personal favorites of this writer include:
Won't Tell a Soul - Nino accidentally runs head long into the biggest most stressful secret he can imagine, but now that he knows the truth about Marinette he is determined to help her in any way he can. (Adrien Agreste/Marinette Dupain-Cheng)
& Its sequel: The Weight of Jade - which shockingly (for this list) centers around Nino/Alya. This writer really knows how to get their characters across in all the best ways. This is one of the few times in fanfiction I really found myself really enjoying a side character's story and that's something HUGE.
Rainy Days - A storm rolls through Paris and refuses to let up, so when a water fearing cat is rescued by the kind efforts of his designing classmate he starts to pay a little closer attention to someone he should have always known better.  
Quiet Ice, Silent Nights - Cat Noir is on a late night patrol when he catches sight of an elegant lone figure skater, and is surprised to discover it is his classmate Marinette. 
Okay, this one is simply put, a work of ART. It is beautiful. The way the writer lovingly describes the ice skating and (spoilers: the piano scenes) makes you really FEEL the beauty of the moment. It’s so lovely.~ Seriously, drop what you're doing and read this if you haven't already
Paw Problems - (An alternate version of the Animan Episode) The class has taken a field trip to the zoo, but when Kim starts being a jerk and creates a major situation, are Ladybug and Cat Noir going to be enough to get everyone out on two feet? Or are the classmates going to need to get used to paws, hooves, and talons? Sadly, this one's unfinished. But let me say I LOVED the little snippets of humor in this, especially Chloe's animal form and Nino's reaction to it. XD KryallaOrchid The style KryallaOrchid uses is pretty similar to Quicksilversquared in that the stories all have some degree of playfulness and humor to them ( I love that in fics) but they also aim for something a little deeper too. this writer likes to play on the idea of rightness between the characters and builds off it as they go. (I'm all for the 'soulmate' vibe Adrien and Marinette have going on) 
Some favorites are:
Tendencies - (series) Miraculous have side effects. From pats becoming a necessity to eating flowers, follow Adrien and Marinette as they come to terms with their new tendencies, and each other. Hawk Moth is coming.
This is a LOOOOOONG series and makes for a very entertaining read. 
Sting - When Chat Noir inexplicably disappears, leaving Ladybug bee-hind to face Papillon on her own, a new wielder is chosen to keep the akuma from swarming. Ladybug is adamant she doesn’t want another partner buzzing around and why is this new-bee flirting with her? Meanwhile, Adrien just wishes Ladybug would stop bugging out and listen to him because his bee puns are fuzz-tastic.
I seriously went into this one thinking I wasn't going to like it and I ended up falling head over heels for it. Sting is SO worth the read. Watching poor Ladybug freak out over her missing partner (sending him voicemails wondering where he is and trying to reassure him she's not 'replacing' him with this new bee hero and that she's going to get him back ) Is so SO SOO heart wrenching and sweet. 
(and thankfully Adrien DOES manage to get through to her that  Chat IS 'Bumblebee’ fairly early on so we aren't left stewing in angst FOREVER) 
Reflections - The mirror shows you how you truly are, but for a Miraculous holder, it shows what was. All Marinette can see is ghosts and she doesn’t want to become one. (A heart-wrencher for SURE but the ending was SO worth it.) ---
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milaw89 · 7 years
Adventures of Liliana, Alexandra and Y/N. (1/?)
Sebastian Stan x Jensen Ackles x Reader
Adventure title: Surprise!!
Words: 1014
Story Summary: Following adventures of three best friends on different adventures.
Author’s note: I came up with this crazy idea and I tagged @giftofdreams along with it. Totally crazy but totally worth it! I hope you like it. This story is in different parts. comments and feedback are welcome!
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It was a beautiful Sunday morning in San Diego, the sun was shining bright and the sky was clear blue. Liliana and Alexandra were up early making their way since today was the day they were going to surprise each of their brothers. They were getting ready as they were heading to the huge convention centre in California, to meet up with their other friend Y/N.
“Oh, hey Lil! I totally forgot to mention.” Alex gave Lily a friendly slap on her sunburned shoulder causing Lily to groan as she reached to rub her shoulder. “Sorry but last night I was thinking about how we could catch their surprised faces. And I thought that we could take turns with our phones and then we can send it to each other. Let’s say we snap a couple of pictures and we can see which one looks the funniest. Isn’t that a wonderful idea?” Alex asked, clapping her hands excitedly.
Lily nodded. “That is an awesome idea, I can’t wait to see their faces.” She put her sunglasses back on after she cleaned them.
“I never asked you, but how did you know their schedules?” Alex questioned her best friend and Lily wiggled her eyebrows, sticking out her tongue.
“You want to know how I did that, huh?”
“Yeah tell me,” Alex giggled.
Lily kept herself silent for a couple of minutes as a payback for the slap on her sunburned shoulder. Alex gave her a sideways glance through her sunglasses. “I told you I was sorry!” Alex stopped Lily, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Is this better? I wanted to kiss your shoulder, but your shoulder looks painful.” Alex scrunched her nose at the redness.
Lily shakes her head, chuckling at the silly behaviour of her friend. “Alright, alright, stop your plea. I checked the website and I saw what he was doing that day. I made it look like I wanted to come home to see the family. My brother told me about his job here in San Diego. Without being suspicious I asked him what he was going to do and you’ll never guess what he asked.” Lily smirked.
Alex cocked her head to the side, raising her eyebrows. “What? He asked you to come to visit?” Alex guessed. Lily’s mouth fell open.
“Yes, that’s exactly what he asked. Did I tell you that already?” Alex shakes her head, her long brown hair fell from her shoulders.
“No, I'm just really good at guessing.” She smirked. Lily started to laugh.
“You should make it your profession.” Alex’s wiggled her eyebrows. “Maybe I will.”
They rounded the corner, arms linked together, but then they both stopped. They had arrived at the square in front of the Convention centre. It was buzzing with people. Policemen directing them towards the centre safely. Lily and Alex were gaping at the huge amount of people making their way to the entrance. They thought it was a better idea to not go early in the morning but it was still crowded while the doors opened three hours ago.
Alex turned to Lily. “Wow! It still amazes me how crowded it can be while I lived in New York most of my childhood.”
Lily nodded, squealing. “Let’s go. Y/N is waiting for us by the entrance. I can’t wait to see the look on my brothers face.”
They walked with the crowd to the entrance of their first Comic-Con. Alex kept close to Lily when she noticed people dressed in creepy costumes, passing her. Lily turned her head to Alex. “What’s going on?” She asked.  
Alex tried casually to shrug it off but then the Joker from Batman, approached them,  Alex’s eyes widened and she stepped quickly out of the way, making Lily laugh.
“Alex! You never told me you were afraid of people dressed up as their favourite fictional character!” Lily exclaimed, trying to stop laughing but it was really funny seeing Alex’s pale face when the Joker stopped in front of them.
“Go on, find Batman.” Lily waved the Joker away. It shrugged its shoulders and walked on. Alex shuddered, turning to Lily. She’s always been scared of the creepy villains with their scary appearances and costumes. Halloween has never been her favourite celebration. Also having an older brother who teased her, showing up with the scream masks on, scaring her didn’t help to overcome that fear. Lily gave her a look.
“You know that there will be more of that kind of figures walking around, some crazier and more real looking than the one who scared you.” Alex nodded.
“I know, I know. It’s never been easy, I cried so hard because my mum sent me out with my brother to go trick and treating, nightmares is all that I got around Halloween. I’m okay now.” Alex cleared her throat. Lily chuckled.
“LILY! ALEX!” A familiar voice was shouting their names, both the girls grinned at the sight of their other best friend, Y/N. She ran up to them arms wide and she immediately embraced them both in a huge hug. The girls laughed at the crazy behaviour. Y/N couldn’t tag along on the road trip from the start so they decided to meet her here in San Diego and then she would come with them as the trip continued. Y/N pulled out of their embrace, grinning brightly.
“Wow! Look at you, both such a lovely colour on you already. Here I am with my pale arms and legs.” Y/N chuckled.
“Oh! Come on! Remember last summer, you were like this as well and only two days in the sun and you had a tan, making me jealous!” Lily exclaimed, with a roll of her eyes. Alex smiled, she put her sunglasses away nodding in agreement.
“Okay, fine! This summer, I'll tan only once.” Y/N joked, making the girls laugh at her sarcasm. “Come on! Let’s find those hot brothers of yours!” Lily and Alex gave Y/N a look. “What about your hot brother?” Lily asked. Y/N cringed. They all started laughing.
They walked in, arms linked together keeping an eye out for both their brothers; Sebastian Stan, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki.
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anip-art · 8 years
Hello! After so so long I’m finally posting another story! This story was co-written with my friend @tomatofox-ship, and beta’ed by @wishfulina and @flautist4ever! Hope you guys enjoy!
AO3          FF.net
USERNAMES (In order of appearance) Lila Rossi: ItsPastaBedtime/WhosThatFoxyLady Chloe Bourgeois: Queen Bourgeois (Admin)/Whatever Chloe's Username Is (Admin) Adrien Agreste: Under Agreste (Co-Admin)/Meow or Never (Co-Admin) Alix Kubdel: LesBeansOnWheels Rose Lavillant: Smells Just as Sweet Nino Lahiffee: DropTheBass Marinette Dupain-Cheng : Bringing DuPAIN/TheOneWhoRisesforMemes Nathanael Kurtzberg: Redheaded Retrospect Max Kante: Max-ium Velocity Sabrina Raincomprix: RainySkies Alya Cesaire: Ladyblogger/All'a'y'all Le Chien Kim: French Dog/Kim-chi Juleka Couffaine: Purple Haired Pansexual Ivan Bruel: RockHard Johnson Mylene Haprele: #whyiseveryonesnameapun
As soon as Nathanael got home from school, he slid into his computer desk and pulled up Skype. The chat was just starting to pick up since this morning, which was fair since they had all been in school. He pulled out his sketchbook, which he had been doodling in during Chemistry, and started talking to his Internet Friends™ while he kept working on one of the designs inside.
When he started doing fashion and design, he hadn’t been thinking of it as fashion design. Fashion design, as most boys his age tended to think, was frilly dresses and girl things. No, he’d stuck his toe in the water by drawing a few costumes for superheroes. Even now, his designs tended to have that flair and extravagance, like something a hero might wear as a civilian. He’d never dare show it to anyone at school--they all thought fashion design was ‘a girl’s job,’ and ‘only gay men would do fashion design.’ Which was preposterous, considering one of the global fashion icons was a very-much-straight (or at least bi or pan, but who knew but him?) man. But he’d stumbled upon this group chat--Central European Time Zone Fashion Club--filled with teens his age talking about fashion. He’d been quiet at first, as usual, but one day daringly sent a few pictures of his superhero costumes. The chat went wild after that, and quickly pulled him into their circle. They were basically the only friends he really had.
He had loved that chat. He loved it even more after Lila Rossi joined. She was a super bold outgoing girl who doesn't take any crap from anyone. She had awesome designs that looked like the stuff that millionaires would wear. Everyone loved her work except Chloe--but she  hates everyone's work. Chloe made it difficult to feel welcome sometimes, but it's impossible to kick the maker of the chat out so they just dealt with it. It was hard for Nathanael at first, but eventually he found her rants about his work hilarious. Most of the time.
ItsPastaBedtime: what’s up French Nerds
ItsPastaBedtime: hon hon hon la baguette
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): oh go back to eating pasta in your gondola
ItsPastaBedtime: yeah sure lemme shove some down your throat first
(Chloe Bourgeois ( Queen Bourgeois ) kicked Lila Rossi ( ItsPastaBedtime ) out of the chat)
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): finally
(Adrien Agreste ( Under Agreste ) added Lila Rossi ( ItsPastaBedtime ) back into the chat)
ItsPastaBedtime: i’m back bitches
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): dammit
LesBeansOnWheels: now now Madame Bourgeois, the daughter of the mayor shouldn’t use that kind of language.
Queen Bourgeois: shut it, Alix
Smells Just As Sweet: can we get along for more than three minutes ever?
DropTheBass: no
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): wow thanks Nino
DropTheBass: just telling it how it is, broham
Bringing DuPAIN: back from school
RedHeadedRetrospect: oh hey same
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): see the name of this group chat?
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): that means we all live in the same time zone
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): therefore, we all get off school at the same time
Max-imum Velocity: well technically
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): quit announcing your back from school or else I’ll kick you
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): shut up Max
Bringing DuPAIN: yeah and Adrien will just add us back
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): ugh you’re right
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): you bet
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): i need someone to be co-admin who’ll lay down the law
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): someone i can trust
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): Sabrina you’re co-admin now
RainySkies: YAY
Ladyblogger: you do realize literally anyone can add people back right
ItsPastaBedtime: I was about to say that
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): shit
LesbeansOnWheels: screenshotted
LesbeansOnWheels: lets see you try to trip me again, Bourgeois
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): doubleshit
French Dog: I leave you guys alone for five minutes
French Dog: and there’s already Discourse
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): go eat your fucking kinchi kim
French Dog changed their name to Kim-chi
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): so did anyone do any actual designing today??
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): because I may or may not have snuck some pics from Father’s photoshoot to show you
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): but only if someone actually practiced at all today
PurpleHairedPansexual sent five photos
Max-imum Velocity sent two photos
Nathanael sighed and took a deep breath. Everyone else was sharing their work. He took a glance at his sketchbook. None of them were all that great, but he was quite fond of one of his sketches--a suit set that came with a nice cloak. He snapped a photo and sent it before he could convince himself otherwise.
Redheaded Retrospect sent a photo
Bringing DuPAIN sent 10 photos
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): woah mari chill alright I'm sending it
Under Agreste sent 21 photos
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): its just what one would expect from THE Gabriel Agreste
ItsPastaBedtime: stfu Chloe he can't hear you stop kissing his ass
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): maybe I just have respect for high quality fashion and their designer unlike some Italians in this chat
DropTheBass: Could you guys chill for once in your life's honesty
Nathanael agreed, they could get out of hand, but he wasn't about to say anything. When those two got to arguing, it was usually best to just stay out of the way.
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): oh my god
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): I just saw all of those designs you sent in and they’re absolutely pitiful
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): I mean just look at Nathanael’s
Bringing DuPAIN: hey shut up, you haven’t sent anything in a month
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): just absolutely trash
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): who would actually wear that anywhere outside of some dumb comic convention
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): um
Under Agreste (Co-Admin): me
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): it looks fake guys i mean come on
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): no one in their right mind would wear something like that in public
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): and that’s the first thing you’ve sent in a week, and that’s what you send?
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): keep at those dumb comics because you clearly won’t get anywhere in fashion
Nathanael sighed, running a hand through his hair as he looked at the computer screen. Another glance at his sketchbook, and all of his fears were found to be true. He‘d drawn five little doodles that day, and had sent the best one out of the bunch, and it wasn’t even that great. It wasn’t practical, and it looked horrible. Too many damn stripes, why did he always go for stripes. And the weird green color was just horrible, all of his designs were horrible. He was about to take a pen and scratch out every single dumb doodle in that book when his computer pinged with yet another notification.
ItsPastaBedtime: stfu Chloe. His design is great and I love it and it looks totally great and maybe the color just needs a small tiny bit of adjusting but it’s freaking beautiful you ignorant musk ox how dare you go on insulting everyone's hard work like that. This chat was supposed to be to support each other while we design, yet here you are trying to bring everyone down. At least we’re working. What have you sent in the past month? Nothing.
RockHard Johnson: that was mean Chloe
ItsPastaBedTime: everyone’s designs have been great. Meanwhile the, what, five you send all look like little triangle dresses that a three year old would draw. You think you’re better than everyone else just because you’re the daughter of the mayor of Paris. Well i’m out of your jurisdiction so your dumb pettiness has no effect on me. You bring others down to make yourself feel better, but all it does is show what a bully you are
RainySkies: whoa whoa whoa Chloe isn’t a bully
ItsPastaBedtime: plus I’ve seen pictures of you online. You wouldn’t know fashion if it jumped from the ceiling and hit you in your pretty little face with a folding chair. Your face is all you’ve got, your face and your father’s dumb political corruption. I haven’t even met you face to face but i can already tell you’re despicable. You suck.
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): yeah well so’s your face
(Chloe Bourgeois ( Queen Bourgeois ) kicked Lila Rossi ( ItsPastaBedtime ) out of the group chat)
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): nobody add her back
To say he was touched by what Lila had done was definitely an understatement. Sure, she and Chloe had fought before, countless times even. But usually, when Chloe started railing on him about his designs and his worth as a fashion designer, people stayed quiet. Maybe a few ‘hey that was mean’ messages, or a weak attempt to change the topic. But no one had gone as far as Lila had just then. Sure, it could be said, she had gone a bit too far. Too far, however, was the most he had ever gotten, and sure felt a lot better than silence, or not far enoughs.
He usually wasn’t one to add people back to the chat. He’d wait for someone else to do it first. Adrien tended to take the task onto himself. If he failed to, and no one else did, he’d usually wait until night to re-invite them. This time, though, as soon as he realized Lila had been booted yet again, he typed the quick command to add her back.
(Nathanael Kurtzberg ( Redheaded Retrospect ) added Lila Rossi ( ItsPastaBedtime ) back to the chat)
Queen Bourgeois (Admin): DAMMIT NATHANAEL
Redheaded Retrospect: thank you
Redheaded Retrospect: for standing up for me
Bringing DuPAIN: yeah go Lila!
After that the conversation kinda simmered down and people left to do homework. Nathanael did most his in class today so he tried to design, but ended up drawing her. He's only seen two pictures of Lila but he still draws her and using it as reference. He wishes he could meet her. Her, Rose, and Juleka were his best and only friends. He's never even seen any of them face to face. On this thought he made a bold move.
He turned back to his computer and started a new conversation. A private conversation between himself and her.
Lila looked away from her homework to see she had three new notifications on her phone, which had caused it to buzz on her desk. Homework could wait a few moments.
Nathanael Kurtzberg ( Redheaded Retrospect ) started a new conversation with you
Nathanael Kurtzberg ( Redheaded Retrospect ) renamed the conversation New Conversation to What DOES the Fox Say?
Redheaded Retrospect: hey. I just wanted to thank you for sticking up for me back in the big chat.
Lila smiled softly and typed back a response.
ItsPastaBedtime : of course. I was sick and tired of her going after you all the time.
Redheaded Retrospect : me specifically?
ItsPastaBedtime ; well, I hate her going after everyone
ItsPastaBedtime : but she seems cruelest to you.Can’t stand it. Not like you ever did anything to her.
ItsPastaBedtime : i think she just doesn’t want to admit your designs are better than hers.
RedHeadedRetrospect: : well that’s debatable, really. Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder
ItsPastaBedtime ; some things are obvious
ItsPastaBedtime : imagine a bright neon green and fluorescent orange jump suit. That’s clearly not a good idea right? Nobody would wear that.
RedHeadedRetrospect: : well, there’s joggers.
Lila let out a laugh at the message. It reminded her of her weird neighbor, who went out every morning, right when people were getting up and getting ready for work, and jogged laps around the neighborhood in fluorescent sweatshirts, sweatpants, gym shorts--she’d never seen him wearing anything that wasn’t an eye-searing color. She was mildly surprised he hadn’t painted his house neon yellow or something. She was pretty sure the only thing holding him back was the neighborhood rules on Exterior Decorations.
ItsPastaBedtime: That’s true. Joggers are a plague to the eyes.
ItsPastaBedtime: Didn’t Gabe come with a sportswear line? If it weren’t so expensive I bet they’d wear that instead.
Redheaded Retrospect: wait oh my god did you just call Gabriel Agreste GABE?!
ItsPastaBedtime: you bet I did. We're besties me and him. Hang all the all time.
Redheaded Retrospect: haha of course.
This is when Nathanael started freaking out. The conversation was awkward and lulling. He wanted to become better friends with Lila or maybe more, but he can barely think of words to say.
ItsPastaBedtime: well, I’ve got homework to do.
ItsPastaBedtime: see you later
Nathanael sighed but typed back his response. He wasn’t sure if she actually had homework, or if she was getting tired of him, and there was really no way of telling.
Redheaded Retrospect: alright, see you
Even after she had finished her homework and eaten dinner with her family, she still couldn’t get that design out of her mind. Nathanael’s design really was amazing, at least she thought so. And she hadn’t announced it to the group yet, but her father was flying to Paris in a few weeks for business and had invited her along. Maybe, with  a few minor color modifications, and cashing in a favor or two with her friend who actually owned a sewing machine…
“Who are you texting?”
Nathanael looked up from his phone and turned to his desk mate. Today it was a nosy girl named Alice, who was currently leaning over to look at where he’d been holding his phone under the table. She had been awfully loud with her question as well--luckily the math teacher was half-deaf, otherwise his phone would have been taken.
“It’s none of your business. And be quiet.” he sighed. She didn’t seem to listen to his request.
“Ooooh do you have a girlfriend, Nathanael?” she asked. Nathanael felt his face heat up.
“None of your business!”
“Does Nathanael have a crushy-crush?!”
“Shut up!” he growled. But it was too late. Mr. Bunting turned around, eyes aflame with fury.
“Alice and Nathanael! Both of you, detention, after school!”
Nathanael groaned and let his head fall onto the desk. He wasn’t getting his phone taken, at least, but now he was stuck at school for an extra hour and a half.
It turned out to be quick and painless. The teacher was just talking, and he was chatting with Lila and the gang. Sharing designs and listening to Chloe's nonsense while Alice read over his shoulder. It was kinda nice. It felt like he belonged.
It was about a week or two later when Lila popped into the group chat with a big announcement
WhosThatFoxyLady: yo guys guess what?
Whatever Chloe’s username is: did you finally decide to quit fashion?
WhosThatFoxyLady: ha you wish
WhosThatFoxyLady: My dad’s coming to Paris for a business trip or some shit next weekend, we’re going to stay for like three or four days
Mr.TomatoHead: oh my god what
TheOneWhoRisesforMemes: oh my god no way you’re coming to Paris?!
All’a’y’all: Girl, we’ve gotta meet up to show you around!
Meow or Never: I’ll see if I can clear up my schedule enough to come see you!
Mr.TomatoHead: oh my god WHAT
#whyiseveryonesnameapun: look like someone’s excited. ; -)
To be fair, Nathanael was excited. He had been dreaming of seeing Lila in person for awhile now, but he’d never thought it would happen until they were much older. Now his wish was coming true, and in a week.
Shit. one week. He had to get his hair cut, pick a good outfit, plan what they would do, oh lord, it was going to be a mess.
Those thoughts were replaced with new ones as soon as they came though, because he realized the likelihood of him seeing her was low. Painfully low. Like might-as-well-not-be-in-the-same-city painful low. Which made it so much more painful. Not only was Lila in the country, she was in the city! Lila, his Lila Rossi was gonna potentially be a walk away. There was only one thing that could fix this. He's just gonna casually message her in a normal way.
Mr.TomatoHead: hey foxy
WhosThatFoxyLady: hello my tomato boy.
WhosThatFoxyLady: we are we today?
Mr.TomatoHead: im great. just wondering where youll be.
WhosThatFoxyLady: in your heart hopefully ;)
WhosThatFoxyLady: you meant in Paris
WhosThatFoxyLady: yeah sorry I have no clue
Mr.TomatoHead: you're always in my heart Lila
She didn't reply after that. They saw each other in group chat but other that they hadn't spoken. Nathanael was miserable , to say the least, panicked thoughts rushing through his head. Had he gone too fast? Had he made things awkward? Gosh, that was no way to confess a crush; over IM, really?! He could do better!
The next day, Marinette and Alya had worked together to create a list of the best places in Paris to visit. They discussed it over the group chat, when and where to meet up so they could all greet Lila and show her their beloved city.
Nathanael breathed a sigh of relief. The two girls, it seemed, had already solved the problem of not being able to see her. Now everyone was discussing gifts to give Lila, so she would remember them and Paris. He mulled over her favorite things in his head. Foxes, the color orange, olives, fashion… what was he going to get her…?
Lila grinned at the group chat as everyone excitedly chatted about where to go and what to bring. She had been hoping she’d be able to see her friends in the city; now it was near guaranteed. Thank God. All that work she’d put into her outfits would have gone to waste otherwise. Especially one she was certainly fond of...
The alarm blared beside him, waking him up with a groan. He ran a hand through his horrendous bed head as he stared at the dark window trying to figure out just why the hell he had set his alarm to wake him so goddamn early in the morning.
Then he remembered. Lila Rossi was probably boarding a flight any moment now, and then she’d be checking into a hotel room and meeting up with them--the entire Fashion Group Chat (or the Meme Green Fashion Team, as Adrien had renamed it)--by the Louvre for a day seeing everything Paris has to offer. He was going to get to meet her-- in person. He’d woken up early so he’d have time to freak out.
After pacing the room and panicking for a full thirty minutes, the sun was rising and he was feeling a bit better. Just a little bit. Enough to focus on doing his hair and grabbing a small breakfast.
Now, the outfit. What would he wear?! He looked good in black and white stripes, but also purple, but also orange?!?! Should he go for casual, formal, preppy, lazy--what was he going to do?! He decided that since none of them know how he normally dresses it wouldn't be weird if he dressed to impress. he looked through his closet for something believably casual, but also would make him look good. He ended up in a weather appropriate blazer jeans combo that wore way too often but whatever he gets compliments on it almost all the time.
Oh God, his nerves were weak as hell today. He’d felt full before, but now he was hungry again, he was burning so much energy through worrying. He was going to need some more toast.
She was listening to her music and sketching out some designs in her sketchbook when her father tapped her shoulder from beside her.
“We’re here, hun,” he said quietly, gesturing to everyone else on the plane gathering their things and getting off. She quickly tossed her things into her carry-on bag and waited until her father was ready, rocking on the balls of her feet. He grinned as he watched her waiting impatiently. “Excited?”
“Yeah, duh, dad! I get to see my friends--and Chloe,” she stuck out her tongue in disgust at the thought of seeing the blonde.
“And that redhead?”
Lila’s cheeks felt like they were on fire when her father waggled his eyebrows at her. “A-And Nathanael--stop looking at me like that!”
“I sure hope you two won’t be up to any trouble while I’m in my business meetings, hm?”
“We’ll be fine, Dad!! We need to check into the hotel now!”
“Well, you’re in quite the hurry,” he said jokingly, but took his briefcase and headed towards the exit.
As soon as they were in the terminal, she sent a text in the group chat.
WhosThatFoxyLady: Guess who just landed in Paris!
Bringing DuPAIN: Oh shit I gotta get ready or I’m gonna be late!
All’a’y’all: But you’re always late.
Bringing DuPAIN: but this is a special occasion!
Lila grinned. Hell yeah, it was a special occasion! Lila Rossi was here to see the sights and kiss redheads--and her hotel already had a view of Paris.
They got their bags and headed out front to catch the shuttle to their hotel. The ride wasn’t long, at least not unbearably so, because her pent-up excitement was making the time fly by.
Nathanael wasn't the first one there; Rose and Kim were already there. It was strange because Kim was was so big it was scary and Rose had the eyes of an anime character. As they got there he noticed those “things” about each of them. Those defining things. Like for Mylene it was her height and colorful hair. Max it was his stereotypical nerd outfit. Ivan was big, bigger than Kim. Sabrina had giant glasses and cute orange hair; the definition of a ginger. Alix had pink hair with one half in a pig tail. Adrien was a model boy, clearly, the damn kid practically glowed. For Chloe most people noticed the hair or the “rich girl” aura but Nathanael was focusing on her weirdly thin lips and her face--she looked like Barbie. Nino’s was his red cap and headphones; he was able to spot him from across the plaza. Juleka was a perfect stereotypical goth. Alya was the definition of “strong independent woman” in the best way. Marinette looked tired like she hadn't gotten a full night's rest in a year. And Lila...
Was wearing his design.
Nathanael’s heart thundered in his chest when he saw the taxi pull up to the plaza, and it damn-near stopped when Lila stepped out, whisking her cape out the car behind her. She’d modified the outfit a little--it was more of an olive-green than the strange lime his color pencil pack had provided him--and had added a pair of brown heels to match. But she looked gorgeous, stunning, amazing…
“Oh my God, Lila! Hi!” Rose squealed, running up.
“Is that Nathan’s design?! You look amazing!” Alya added, following Rose.
“Is that Nathanael's design? Ugh of course you would pick his to wear.” Chloe said, trying to hide a grin as Sabrina shadowed her, openly smiling.
“Good to see you too Chloe.” Lila said. “It's good to see all of you face to face!” She finished as Rose let her go from a hug that Lila pulled her back into as everyone else piled into a giant hug. Some people were crying.
Eventually they let go and started wandering the city all of them saying things about various buildings that they had connections with, sometimes taking breaks because a lot of the girls were in heels. It was perfect except for Nathanael hanging in the back. She wanted to talk to him alone. She needed to talk to him alone. It's all she could really think about that this might be her only chance to see him and he has hardly spoken.
She let herself fall back in the group until she was close, then leaned over. “Hey,” she greeted. Nathanael’s face erupted into a mad blush and he quickly looked away.
“H-Hey,” he stammered out.
“Oh, not as charming in person as you are over text, are you?” she teased. He blushed more before grinning.
“I-I mean, do you want me to be?”
“You’re just… you’re being quiet. For a second I thought you weren’t excited to see--”
“O-Of course I’m excited to see you! I just--I am--I was--well, I’m--shy.”
“I can see,” she said with a giggle. He pouted a moment before hesitating.
“...you really liked that design, didn’t you? To wear it here in the middle of Paris.” he asked quietly, brushing a bit of hair from his eyes. She smiled.
“Of course. I loved it. It may not be Chloe’s style, but her designer wear can be a bit plain. I like my clothes to have a bit of flair, if I weren’t too shy.”
Nathanael laughed a bit. “You? Shy?”
“Hey, I’m not as shy as you are, tomato, but this fox is still a bit shy. I can’t exactly wear a cape and heels to school.” she grinned, flourishing her cape.
“So… it’s what you would wear, if people didn’t judge so much, and you had the money and budget and confidence to do so?”
“...yeah. Like that.”
Nathanael smiles. “Well, this was really a nice surprise. I’m really glad you’re here, foxy.”
“Me too, tomato boy,” she looked up as they reached the Eiffel Tower, smiling as she took the red-head’s hand in her on before kissing him on the cheek. “Me too.”
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