#but when i feel bad sabo must suffer
comradeghosty · 8 months
Should've Been Me
Sabo angst fic
Sabo maintains the idea that he could've saved Ace, blaming himself for his amnesia and absence during the events of Marineford.
Tags: angst, panic attacks, vomiting, suicidal thoughts, guilt, self-hatred, referenced character death, canon universe
!!! 16+ !!!
I also posted it on AO3
The sound of running water echoed in his ears. Sabo stood at the sink, cold, wet hair dripping onto the marble countertop. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edge, and his fingertips pressed harshly into the porcelain. Ragged breaths ripped from his lungs as he looked at himself in the mirror. Boy was he a sight, like something out of a horror film. Strands of sopping hair dripped down over his face, slightly covering his dark eyes. The red, tight scar stretched irritatingly over his left eye and cheek. It peered angrily from under his blonde curls, and Sabo grit his teeth.
There was a tightness in his chest as he glared at his reflection. The man in the mirror was empty. A husk, a shell. A broken fury reflected back at the man who barely knew who he was. It was a cruel joke, some sort of punishment for something in a past life. 
He feared that the guilt would eat him alive, that it would rot him from the inside out. Fear and self loathing nestled deep in his chest. It settled like a fungus between his lungs, where every breath in and every breath out spread the spores throughout his body. They spread until it consumed his heart, till it consumed his muscles and throat and brain. Sabo splashed cold water on his face again, sloshing the liquid around the countertop and floor.
“Why?” he gritted out. The word sounded broken and garbled, as if he had a mouthful of glass. Never before had a man wished so badly to be able to cry. He rested his elbows on the counter, cradling his head in his hands and pressing his palms into his eye sockets. The pressure was uncomfortable, albeit grounding. 
Amnesia. That’s what he was diagnosed with by the Revolutionary doctors after his accident. Fucking amnesia. Loss of all his dearest memories, his friends, his family- Dadan and Luffy and Ace. If only he hadn’t tried to leave Goa. If only he had waited, left when he was older. Such a stupid thing done out of anger, spite. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
Sabo looked up at his reflection again, cursing the man staring back at him. He wished he could die, that he could give himself in place of his brother. Knowing that Luffy was there, struggling and trying so desperately to save Ace while Sabo was hiding in Baltigo. He was so fucking useless, going into a coma and not being able to comfort or help Luffy after Ace was executed. 
What did Ace think about when he was dying? Did he think about how he was going to leave Luffy all alone? Was he expecting to see Sabo in the afterlife? The thoughts pierced Sabo’s heart with so much agony and grief, his knees felt weak. The man slowly shrank down to the floor. Wetness from the spilled water soaked through his pants, leaving a stinging coldness against his skin. Ace died without even knowing Sabo still lived, and Sabo would regret that for the rest of his life. 
Strength left his body and he laid down fully on the floor, curling into the fetal position and hugging himself. His blonde hair fanned against the dirty floor as his body was overwhelmed by shakes and shallow breaths. 
“You’re such a fucking coward,” he whispered to himself. “You don’t deserve to be their brother.”
He would’ve been there. Sabo maintained that thought. He would’ve showed up for his brothers. But he didn’t. He wasn’t there when they needed him. Their big brother was absent. And now Luffy suffers alone and Ace is dead. Sabo wished again that he had died instead, that he could’ve taken that blow for Ace. 
It wouldn’t have changed much anyways. Luffy and Ace believed him to be dead, so it wouldn’t have even really mattered if he died. His brothers had such a strong bond, growing stronger in Sabo’s absence and further as pirates, but he didn’t share in that growth. Sabo’s growth with the two stopped the moment that he stole that ship and tried to set sail. He did that to himself, abandoning that bond with his brothers. Grief rippled through his bones again. Greedy, he was a greedy man. A wet sob escaped his lips and echoed in the small bathroom. Sabo felt insignificant. Who was he to grieve so heavily when he abandoned his brothers in the first place? Coward.
Strands of golden hair littered the cold, wet floor of the bathroom as Sabo’s hands found purchase there. He didn’t even realize he was doing it, so lost in his own hysteria that his mind and body no longer synced in thought and action. He deserved it, whatever misery came his way. Guilt festered in his body, his bones and blood and hair and flesh. Every cell in his body radiated white hot loathing. It hurt badly, worse than his accident, worse than anything his biological family ever did. Sabo did this to himself.
Bile rose in his throat and he barely had enough time to drag himself over to the toilet before spilling the nonexistent contents of his stomach. He hadn’t been able to eat much since finding out that he let his brother be killed. The cold porcelain of the seat pressed into his cheek. His body was spent, wracked with so much anguish. He didn't even realize when Koala had come into the bathroom, pulling Sabo against her. He barely recognized the movements of her lips and remained unable to recognize the words coming out of it. 
He felt as if he was outside of his body, the guilt and grief finally expelling him from the flesh. Banished, he looked on as Koala called Hack to help her lift Sabo and carry him to the hospital bed. He could hear them speak, whispering concerns about him and hushed sentiments of pity. Sabo wished for nothingness, his body wracked with exhaustion. As they laid him down, one of the revolutionary doctors gave him a quick working sedative, and Sabo found himself finally starting to drift to nothingness and relief. 
After Sabo was under, Koala and Hack stood by his bed. They felt awful for their friend, knowing that the shock shook his psyche so badly. Both of the revolutionaries sat there for a while, watching over him as he finally rested, hoping that Sabo could find it in himself to forgive himself one day.
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scribere-flores · 1 month
Sabo x Reader
~Just a hypothetical question~
Part 1 Other Parts
Word count: 5,2k words
Short summary: reader is a noble, fakes amnesia when she's found by the revolutionaries in the woods. Sabo aint buying it.
Some flirty stuff and spiraling thoughts in this first chapter, but nothing graphic.
MDNI 18+
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Okay, so hypothetically. Let’s say your parents did a very bad job at ruling a country and then said country got overthrown by a revolution.
Then, let’s play with the idea that you, as the heir to the throne, fled so you wouldn’t meet a bloody death at the guillotine. Reasonable right?
But what if you got mistaken for a civilian by the revolutionaries? And that you now were sitting in the middle of their base as the thundering sounds of civil war could be heard in the distance. What exactly would be the best thing to do in this situation?
Just as a hypothetical question, of course.
Y/N was sitting on a cold, tiled floor with her back leaning against a crate. She tugged the blanket that had been draped over her shoulders tighter, studying the muddy spots that covered her otherwise pristine, white nightgown. She was trying her best to keep her mind occupied with something else than thinking about her current situation.
The volunteer army had found her passed out on the forest floor and her disheveled appearance had led them to believe she was a civilian who was trying to escape the chaotic battle.
In one way, Y/N was thankful that her awful parents had sheltered her and only let her interact with other nobles. It was the reason she wasn’t chained up in a prison at this moment, being subjected to torture. But on the other hand, the fact that the citizens of her country didn’t know her face had put her in an anxiety filled situation. Because, for how long could she possibly keep her real identity hidden before the revolutionaries found out who she really was?
Y/N looked around at the hungry and pale looking people present in the room with her. A ball of guilt formed in her stomach, had it really been this bad? How could she not have known about this happening in her own country. Famine, poverty, sickness, death. The thought that it was her own greedy parents that had caused this kind of suffering made her feel nauseous.
Y/N spiraling thoughts of guilt were soon replaced by panic as she saw a woman walk towards her. Shoulder length, orange hair sticking out from under a pink hat with goggles and a black band around her arm labeled *R.A* made Y/N realize something, this girl was part of the Revolutionary Army. The same organization that tortured nobles for fun and had helped the people to start this civil war.
“Hi, can you please state your first and last name?” The orange haired girl asked as she flipped through some papers attached to a clipboard.
Y/N panic grew, shallow breaths not bringing enough air to her lungs. Why did the Revolutionary Army want to know her name? Had they figured out who she was? Oh no, were they going to force her to read their manifest for days on end as a form of torture? Her mother had told her that they did that to the nobles they would capture.
“Are you okay?” The girl asked as she furrowed her brows and leaned down closer to Y/N face.
“I-I’m…” Y/N stuttered. A cold sweat appeared, making her nightgown cling to her back.
“Koala, what’s wrong?” A man with wavy blond hair came over to them.
He was wearing something Y/N would almost describe as a noble’s attire. But when she saw the goggles on the hat and the black band around his arm she knew, this man was also part of the Revolutionary Army. The two revolutionaries' conversation was muffled by the high pitched ringing in her ear.
Y/N could feel the blond man’s narrowed eyes roam over her body, assessing and studying her. She could see how something must have clicked in his mind as his eyes widened. Oh no, she just knew he had figured it out, he knew who she was.
“Hey, what’s your name?” He asked as he squatted down in front of her.
He was giving her a smile she couldn’t quite put her finger on. What did it mean? Did he look forward to dragging her to the guillotine? Was that the reason he was smiling?
Y/N wasn’t ready to die yet, she had so much she wanted to do. Things she wanted to see but never had the chance to due to her overbearing parents. The lack of air in her lungs was making her feel dizzy.
She didn’t want to read their manifesto. She didn’t want to be tortured. She didn’t want to die, not unless it was because of old age. Her vision started to become blurry and the last thing she saw was how the blond man furrowed his brows, before she passed out.
Y/N could hear voices around her. She was lying in a bed, she knew that because she could feel the soft fabric brush against her skin when she moved her hand. She pushed herself up and opened her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light in the room.
“Oh, you're awake!” A female voice exclaimed, making Y/N jump by surprise.
She looked around the bed and saw three people, the orange haired girl from before and two new faces. The one wearing a white lab coat was obviously a doctor and the other one must be another revolutionary. Damnit, Y/N had wished it was just some horrible nightmare. What was she supposed to do? Just play oblivious and hope they didn’t put her in a prison cell?
Wait, now that she thought about it, why wasn’t she locked up already? She was sure that blond man from before had figured her out. So why was she in a hospital bed?
“Do you remember anything?” The orange haired girl asked. Koala? Wasn’t that what the blond man had called her?
Y/N didn’t answer, she just blinked and tried to comprehend her current predicament. How was she supposed to keep her identity hidden? Think, think, think!
“Hmm, maybe she’s like Sabo?” Koala asked the doctor.
“That’s one possibility. We did find a wound on her scalp, so she most likely hit her head at some point. I wouldn't rule out memory loss as a diagnosis.” The doctor answered.
That’s it! Memory loss was the answer to her worries!
She would just have to pretend to not remember who she was and there would be no way of telling. Nobody outside the nobles knew her face, there wasn’t even a single portrait of her in the palace. Her parents wanted to wait with that until they found her a good husband. Because it wasn’t Y/N who would rule the country after all, it was her future husband. She was just meant to look pretty and stand beside him according to her parents.
Faking amnesia couldn’t be that hard, right? She would just have to answer any question they had with *I don’t remember* and her life would be spared. No guillotine for her, thank you very much!
As a not so subtle smile spread across Y/N she could hear someone chuckle.
“What’s so funny, Sabo?” Koala asked with an annoyed tone.
“Oh, nothing.” Y/N could see the blond man sitting on a chair across the room. He smirked as his eyes landed on her. “Nothing at all.”
Dear God, please have mercy.
Her false sense of security had caused Y/N to forget about that man for a moment. By the look in his eyes she could see that he definitely suspected her, but she wasn’t going to let that send her into a panic attack one more time.
She couldn’t understand why he hadn’t told anyone yet, but it didn’t matter. As long as she acted like she had memory loss, he didn’t have any proof. And Y/N was going to make sure she didn’t crack under pressure.
Game on, you revolutionary prick.
Sabo liked his job. He liked helping people, liked getting praise from his colleagues and superior. And he knew he was good at his job too.
Well, at least most of the time. It wasn’t his fault if he sometimes got a little sidetracked by unforeseen events happening. Like the times when he would come across cruel, greedy nobles or one of those disgusting slave traders. He shouldn’t really be blamed if he gave those kinds of people some small bruises before taking them to be trialed, by a law-abiding court, of course.
But this wasn’t like those times, this was actually part of his job. The girl some of the volunteer army had found and brought back wasn’t a normal civilian. Sabo knew that the moment he laid his eyes on the pricey nightgown she was wearing. And when he saw the way she held herself even in a panicked state, he was certain that his suspicion was true.
It had been almost a year since he’d gotten his memories back. And while the memories he had of Luffy and Ace were good, most of the other things he remembered weren't. He remembered that house, his so-called parents and the endless lessons on how to be a true noble. How to speak, how to eat, how to stand.
And that girl did every single thing just right. He was certain she must be some noble trying to hide her identity as a civilian, and she was obviously terrified of being found out. But why? It wasn’t likely that she had any part in the cruelty that the people of this country had suffered through. From what Sabo had learned, the noble class of this country was kind of misogynistic, women not having any worth besides looking pretty and all that kind of disgusting thinking.
And he knew that she wasn’t a bad person. And definitely not your standard greedy noble who always puts themself first.
She had quickly volunteered to help out around the base camp. Serving food, running errands. Making sure there were enough blankets for anyone needing them, even giving up her own to give to a stranger.
She made mistakes of course, but how much could you ask of someone who probably never needed to lift a finger their entire life. The important part was that she wanted to help.
She definitely wasn’t a bad person. So Sabo had decided to investigate some more before he brought the fact up with his colleagues. In the meantime, it couldn’t hurt if he amused himself a little with trying to get the girl to drop the obvious *Oh, I don’t remember*- act.
It was almost adorable how bad she was at acting like she had amnesia. She would get so flustered and her face would turn red anytime he asked her something. He found this little game they were playing absolutely endearing, taking any chance he got to push her further. Which wasn’t all that often unfortunately, given the on-going civil war and stuff.
However, it had been decided that both sides of the war would have a ceasefire for a few days, due to some important holiday Sabo didn’t quite understand. But it gave him an opportunity, he was going to make that girl crack before the ceasefire was over.
“Hey, Jane Doe! Help me out for a bit?” Sabo said as he pulled Y/N into a small storage closet.
“Please don’t call me that.” Y/N sighed as she tried getting out of the tight space, unable to due to Sabo blocking the door.
“What should I call you then?” he said with a closed-eyed smile, moving his face a little closer to hers.
Y/N just mumbled out some nonsense words as she moved away from Sabo, her back hitting the shelves behind her. He was way too close for her to stay calm and that devious smile was sending shivers down her neck. He let out a chuckle before taking a step back and closing the door.
Wait, that couldn’t be good.
“W-why did you close that?” Y/N stuttered.
“Oh, no reason. Can you help me find the mallet?” Sabo asked as something flickered in his eyes.
The what now?
Y/N had never heard that word a single time in her life. What was a mallet, some kind of material maybe? It started with the same letter at least, but how was she supposed to know?
Y/N knew the look on Sabo’s face. He was doing it again, testing her. Trying to make her slip up, catch her. She wasn’t going to let him do that anytime soon.
“Of course, no problem.” Y/N said with a not-so-convincing smile as she turned and started to look around the shelf behind her.
She could hear Sabo humming as he searched the other shelves in the room, occasionally apologizing after he’d mistakenly brushed an arm or hand against her body.
This whole *You will never make me crack*-thing would’ve been much easier if Y/N didn’t find the blond man so exceptionally attractive. Wavy hair strands framing a face with features that looked sculpted by a God. The faded scar, that would be frowned on as an imperfection in noble circles, didn’t bother her one bit. In fact, it only made him look more enticing in Y/N's mind.
Tall, nice taste in clothes and frustratingly handsome.
Like, come on! How was she supposed to not feel flustered when he acted the way he did? Always standing close enough for Y/N to smell the mix of milky soap and salt from the ocean. Not-so-innocent eyes roaming over her body when he thought she wasn’t looking. Or more likely, he knew that she was looking and just didn’t care.
It had only been a week since she woke up in that hospital bed and this little game between them started. And Y/N wasn’t stupid, she knew that Sabo enjoyed making her this way. She could see the amused look in his eyes anytime he’d made her blush like some incompetent girl who couldn’t hide her own feelings.
“Found it?” Sabo asked as he took a step, now standing right behind her back.
“No, not yet.” Y/N answered, flinching a little from the sudden lack of personal space.
“Are you sure you even know what it looks like? It’s okay if you don’t, but at least tell me why.” Sabo said as he moved closer, making the space between their body’s now close to nothing.
“Of course I know what a mullet looks like.” she scoffed, trying her best to ignore the small knot in her stomach.
“Mallet.” he said, making Y/N’s face red in embarrassment.
“T-that’s what I said!” she said with a shaky voice.
A warm puff of air tickled her neck as Sabo let out a deep sigh. Y/N was doing her best to hold back the whimper that so desperately wanted to escape her lips as she felt every little movement his body made against hers.
“How long are you going to keep doing this little act of yours?” Sabo asked as he placed one hand at the side of her waist.
“I don’t know what you are referring to.” Y/N said in a stubborn tone.
“You know, I’m starting to think you like this game as much as I do.” he chuckled as his other hand slowly started to travel up one of her arms, leather gloves brushing against the bare skin.
The grip around her waist tightened. Sabo’s body was towering over her, pressed against her, caging her in. As the knot of excitement grew, her body was starting to feel weak, like she was melting under his touch.
“What, does it excite you? Give you something different than your otherwise boring and mundane life?” The gloved hand moved to her neck, gently pressing it against her throat. “Tell me, I want to know.”
Sabo’s voice sounded like honey in her ear, making a soft moan escape Y/N’s lips. The air in the small closet felt heavy with tension as his body pressed against hers. The hand on her neck moved towards the shelf, grabbing something.
“Found it.” Sabo whispered into her ear before the hand on her waist turned her around.
Y/N knew that she must have been making a dumb face, since she was confused about what just happened. Sabo had taken a step back, holding what looked like a wooden hammer in his hand. A huge grin spread over his lips as his eyes drifted from her body up to her face.
“Cute.” He stated before opening the door and waved. “Well, see you later Jane Doe! Thanks for the help!”
Y/N sank down on the floor. Her heart was beating faster than she thought was humanly possible and her head felt like it was spinning.
What just happened? Dear God, please have mercy on me and send help.
Sabo had decided that it was probably for the best if he gave that poor girl (and himself) a break after their small encounter in that closet. Or encounter maybe wasn’t the right word to describe it since he had practically dragged her inside and trapped her. But God, that girl triggered something sinful within him.
He would’ve normally been feeling pretty bad about going overboard like that. But the fact that she had let that sweet, lewd sound escape her lips when he had pressed his hand against her throat convinced him, she had liked it.
The look on her face only made the fact clearer. Lust filled pupils dilated, a light pink flush over her cheeks and heavy breaths from her parted lips.
Even though he regretted it, just a tiny bit, Sabo was glad he left before he’d lost all control over himself. The best part could wait until he actually knew who she was.
But that didn’t mean he would stop having fun, it was actually even better now when he’d seen how she had reacted.
It wasn’t like he wanted to torture the poor girl. But fuck, the dirtiest thoughts in his head was almost telling him otherwise.
It was already late in the evening when Sabo started to look for her again. After searching for a while he bumped into Koala who told him that she had assigned the girl to cleaning duty in the makeshift cafeteria. And Sabo just knew he couldn’t miss out on seeing that, it was sure to be hilarious.
When he entered the cafeteria he saw the girl scrunched down like a ball, contemplating her life. On the floor beside her was a mop and a bucket with soapy water, both untouched by the look of it.
Sabo sat down by a table close to her and just watched her continuing to mumble *Dear God* and *What should I do?* over and over again, seemingly unaware of his presence. The scene gave him a twisted sense of satisfaction for a while, but soon turned boring.
“Need any help?” Sabo asked and then laughed as he heard a eep come from the ball.
She lifted her head to meet his eyes and… Fuck, she had been crying.
Sabo knew he really shouldn't find that attractive, but the look on her face made something inside him burn with want. Maybe he should be the one begging to God considering how much he wanted to make her cry.
But the good kind of crying of course. Her twitching in pleasure under him as her eyes watered from over sensitivity. Crying out his name as he made a mess out of her and…
Sabo stopped himself before his thoughts spiraled further and turned his focus back on the girl.
“So, do you want me to help you?” he asked.
“No thank you.” The girl stood up and quickly wiped her eyes dry.
“Do you even know how to use those?” Sabo said as he pointed towards the mop.
“Of course I do, I've seen the maids-”
She covered her mouth, stopping herself from finishing the sentence. But Sabo had heard what she was about to say. And when her face turned red, it was hard to keep the smug smile that spread over his lips.
“Maids?” Sabo asked, giving her a questioning look.
“I mean, I work as a maid.” The girl said as she waved her hands in front of her in a flustered manner.
“Oh, so Jane Doe remembers something?” He chuckled in response. Sabo knew that he would soon catch her in her lie, but he didn’t mind if their game went on a little bit longer.
“N-no, Yes, I… stop calling me that!” She looked like she was getting dizzy from his interrogation.
“Then what should I call you?” He repeated his new favorite question.
“Aren't you going to leave?” She snapped back.
“Nope, I want to see a professional maid at work. I might even learn a thing or two.” Sabo said as he leaned back on the chair, making himself comfortable.
The girl sent him a glare, even going so far as to stick her tongue out. Which wasn’t a well mannered thing to do. For a second Sabo almost thought that he may have been mistaken about Jane Doe’s identity.
His worries soon washed away when the girls picked up the broom in one hand and the bucket in the other. She looked around the room with a blank face, seeming completely at loss. There was no way she wasn’t a noble if she got stuck on the first step of something as simple as cleaning.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” He asked, deciding to give her a little push.
“Of course I do. I was just about to start.” The girl said, giving the bucket a worried look.
What happened next made Sabo question what kind of life this poor girl had been living. But the fact became clear when she lifted the bucket with both hands and turned it upside down, spilling soap water directly on the floor. Some of it even splashed onto her dress. There she stood, in a puddle of water, looking completely lost.
And Sabo felt bad for her. Just how sheltered had she been before coming here? How little freedom would she have had if she never even saw someone clean before? He considered that there was a possibility that she never even left the house she grew up in, before running away when the revolution started.
This wasn’t as fun as he thought it would be. To be honest, the thought of how little control she must’ve had over her own life made him angry.
Thoughts of what could’ve happened if he didn’t run away when he was a kid haunted him from time to time since he got his memories back. It didn’t really bother him though, he had escaped the suffocating life his so-called parents wanted for him. He had been lucky when Dragon saved him from that shipwreck.
But she was still living that life, or at least until a week ago. She had probably spent years only saying yes and doing what others wanted her to do. Chains of oppression, only in a different and more privileged package than what the people of this country had been wearing.
He drew a deep sigh before standing and walking over to her.
“I’ll help you.” Sabo said, picking up the broom from the floor.
“You don’t have to.” Y/N said, as she tried to take the broom away from him.
“I’m only trying to do you a favor. Let me help.” He said again, pulling the broom towards him.
“Thank you, but I don’t need any help.” She answered, giving him a strained smile.
Soon a tug of war with the broom began as Sabo continued to insist on helping and Y/N continued to politely decline. After a few minutes of back and forths, she accepted that Sabo wasn’t going to give in. So she decided to let him win this time and let go of the broom.
Problem was that just when Y/N was about to take her hands away, Sabo pulled the broom towards him with a little too much force.
Before she knew it, she had completely lost her balance and slipped on the puddle underneath her feet. She closed her eyes and prepared for impact, hoping that she wouldn’t break her nose when she landed face first on the hard floor.
The painful impact never came to her surprise, but she definitely felt something hard under her hands. She moved them around a little before she realized what, or rather who, she had landed on.
Y/N mustered up the courage to slowly open her eyes. Sure enough, there was Sabo’s shocked face only a few inches from her own. Heat spread over her cheeks, quickly sitting up and frantically made apologizing gestures. This was by far the most embarrassing thing she had ever done. She had crash landed straight onto his chest without realizing.
It felt like her head was spiraling into chaos, but snapped out of it when she felt two hands on her waist.
“Please, stop moving…” Sabo said with a heavy breath.
It felt like a fuse was blown in her brain when she looked down and saw that she sat straddled over his hips. Then she looked up and saw a pinkish tint on Sabo’s face.
Y/N took back what she had thought just moments ago. This was the most embarrassing thing she had done.
“I’m so sorry!” She stuttered out as she leapt off him, now sitting on the floor. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
She moved her hands towards his head and started to look for any injuries. Only after Sabo sat up and chuckled did she notice the burning pain in her own ankle.
She must have twisted it when she slipped. Y/N gave her foot a worried look and let out a small hiss when she touched it.
Sabo stood up and before she knew it, she was lifted off the floor.
“W-wait, where are you going?” Y/N exclaimed, as she was being carried away from the cafeteria in Sabo’s arms.
“My room.” He stated.
“Why? I’m not done cleaning and-”
“You twisted your ankle, right? I’ll tell Koala later.” He said, almost looking a bit worried.
Y/N was about to argue back, but felt it was better to stay silent when Sabo gave her a closed-eyed smile that seemed to say “You’re not getting out of this”.
So she gave up, surrendered herself to her fate as she was being carried through the halls of the base. Luckily it was late and no one was awake to witness the sight. After a few excruciating minutes of walking they finally reached Sabo’s room and he put her down on the bed.
As Sabo went into the adjoining bathroom, Y/N took the opportunity to look around the room from her spot on the bed. It wasn’t large and barely fitted the few pieces of furniture that were in it. There was a nightstand next to the bed. Against the opposite wall there was a small drawer and a desk filled with books and stacks of paper.
Y/N felt oddly relaxed in the room. Maybe it was because she had gotten used to Sabo’s presence by now. Or more likely, the lack of visible torture devices.
Soon Sabo came back with a roll of bandage in his hand.
“Bear with me for a second, okay? I’ll try to not make it too tight.” He said as he squatted down in front of her and took her shoe off.
Y/N hissed a little from the pain when Sabo started to wrap the bandage around her ankle. She noticed he was trying to be careful, being as gentle as he could be. She almost let a giggle slip past her lips when he stuck out his tongue to the side, his eyes completely focused on doing a good job.
Y/N had a hard time believing that the handsome and kind man in front of her was one of the cold-blooded revolutionaries her mom had told her about. Sure, he absolutely took pleasure in seeing her embarrassed, there was no denying that. But maybe there were different kinds of revolutionaries, and that he just wasn’t the murderous kind.
“There, all done.” Sabo said with a proud smile as he made a small knot.
“Thank you. And I’m sorry… you know, about the thing before.” Y/N said, getting a bit flustered from what had happened in the cafeteria.
Sabo tilted his head up and looked straight at her. He really was too handsome for his own good. Then Y/N realized something… She was alone. In his room, a man’s room. A man that had made her head spin when he had touched her in that closet earlier today.
A bright red blush spread over her face as she jumped back on the bed, trying to put some distance between her and the handsome devil that sat on the floor.
“Fuck… you really makes it hard to hold back, you know.” Sabo sighed in a quiet voice.
“W-what?” She stuttered out.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” He gave her a smile and stood up. “It’s late. You can sleep here tonight, I’ll find some place else.”
Y/N gave him a confused look. She had for sure thought he would take advantage of this situation to torment her.
“Or… I can stay and we can sleep together?” He asked, something dark flickering in his eyes.
“NO!” Y/N exclaimed as she threw a close by pillow at him.
“Once again. Cute.” Sabo said with a smirk as he caught the pillow in his hand. “Well, see you tomorrow Jane Doe. Sleep tight!”
Not even a moment later, he had disappeared through the door with the pillow in his hand. Y/N was left sitting on the bed, head spinning and heart beating like crazy once again.
It felt like she was getting whiplash. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out what that man wanted from her.
Did he want her to like him? Or did he just enjoy making her confused? Was he only trying to torment her with obvious flirting to make her crack and drop her fake-amnesia act? Or… did he actually want her? Y/N felt her heart flutter at the thought.
Well, whatever his motive was, she was at least sure he wouldn’t drag her to the guillotine. If he had wanted to do that, he would have exposed her and done it by now. However, that didn’t mean she was safe yet. She would still have to keep this act up, at least until the revolutionaries had left this Island.
After that she could start over. A new life without stupid noble rules or overbearing parents. A life where she could do the things she wanted. A life where nobody choosed how to dress, what to eat or who to love for her.
For some reason, Sabo popped into her mind at that moment. Y/N collapsed on the bed, the blanket muffling the sound as she let out a frustrated scream.
That handsome, revolutionary prick was going to be the death of her.
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bindi-the-skunk · 3 years
Night is day and day is night In a world that's lost its mind! chapter eight END
This was...concerning, to say the least.
Nothing had been done the past couple of months, everyone was saying it was because of the cameras that had been put up were causing whoever did those horrible things to think twice, but Henry and Robert were not so sure getting rid of someone like this was that easy.
Someone was biding their time no doubt, being eight months pregnant did not lend itself to much coordination, and being so close to birth did not lend itself to much calm thought either, but both hoped whoever it was would just get bored and leave them all alone.
"Are you alright?" Robert asked, concerned at the other's frown and exhale, depression was not uncommon in pregnancy and his mate was already prone to it...
"Fine, it's just dark and rainy and it makes all this nonsense all the more gloomy for us all" Henry admitted, well he was no stranger to the rain, nor did he paticuarly hate it, but that did not mean he liked having it on top of the other things going on in their lives.
"Rachel is making everyone chili, that should help" Robert smiled, already eager for a bowl of the comfort dish and sure the omega would want something hot to fill his belly.
"Is it spicy?" Henry asked
"She did say it would be sort of hot" Robert admitted "You should not worry, it won't induce you"
"Perhaps, but I would much rather not get any heartburn from it," the omega said, knowing spiced foods were not a sure-fire way to go into labor, but they were a sure fire way to indigestion and that was something he would rather avoid, rolling about in his nest feeling like he wanted to vomit did not sound like a fun evening.
"Well, I can get something else..." Robert started only to be cut off by a kiss to the cheek.
"That's alright, I'm not even hungry right now, enjoy a meal with the others and I'm going to sleep a bit more, perhaps the storm will be over when I wake up" Henry smiled, knowing Robert had to be a little cooped up in the nest, he was in it all the time now ever since he was checked out of the hospital and the nest proved to be a good place for his still-healing body.
Robert nodded, sure his mate wanted some alone time to stretch out and relax, leaving the room, locking the door behind him so Henry could sleep with no disturbances, and headed downstairs. --- Mmm...something smells good...
Henry's eyes cracked open to find to his disappointment, the storm had not stopped, if anything it had gotten worse, but he did smell something nice, climbing out of the nest and opening the door the omega found a blueberry muffin, aw, Robert or Rachel must have left it there for him, wonder where his alpha was anyway? Perhaps he had some work to do or one of the lodgers dragged him off to show him something.
Picking up the treat, Henry headed back inside to sit at his desk so he could eat it properly, no need to get crumbs in his nest, that would not be fun to clean up later on, and the chemist was not in the mood to drag around the vacuum.
Taking a bite he could not help but note it was a bit weird tasting but guessed a little too much salt or something was added, the muffin was still good and it would be horrible to waste it after so much trouble.
He just hoped Robert got back soon...
"How on earth did you not know it would explode!?" Robert scolded as he bandaged Sinnett's hand after one of his machines backfired on him suddenly when he was showing off to the alpha what he wanted to display at the next science show.
"I thought I checked everyth-wait a minute...one of the dials has been taken off no wonder it shot off!" Sinnett pointed with his good hand to see that, yes indeed, one of the dials had been taken off and was laying on the floor.
"Who would have done-HENRY!" Robert jumped to his feet and darted from the room, bolting up the stairs two at a time, mister Sinnett somehow keeping up at his heels.
"Doctor Jekyll is upstairs, and he wouldn't have done this anywa-" Sinnett scoffed, thinking the alpha had suddenly gone daft to think his pregnant mate would ever intentionally sabo-
"I mean someone messed with your machine as a DISTRACTION!" Robert nearly screeched, heart pounding as he raced for his lover's office.
"WHAT!?" ---
Of all things to give him a stomach ache it had to be a muffin!
Pacing the room the omega was trying to ignore his hurting gut, now getting a little worried, it seemed like it was getting worse...perhaps it was just stress? Or bad bluebe-oh, that was problematic...his water broke.
He needed to go to the hospital NOW...where was his coat? He would need to calmly inform the lodgers...no need for them to panic...
'you're not due yet! Kid needs to bake another month!' Hyde seemed to complain, but Henry could hear that hint of fear in his voice, he was just as concerned as his split half, and catching a glimpse of him in the mirror, he could see his eyes did look a little softer.
"It will be alright, just calm down...I'll go find Robert or one of the lodgers and they can find him and we can go," Henry said to the mirror, fearing if he tried to mentally talk it would come out messed up and they were alone so it's not like he needed to.
Stepping towards the door a jolt of pain went down the omega's spine sending him to his knees.
This was not right...it hurt...it was too ...it was going too fast...but he didn't feel...this was not normal...the room was spinning
The door opened and he just saw a pair of blue socks coming towards him...
And everything went black --- Robert ran to Henry's side, quickly taking note of how scarily still he was and the fact his eyelids were fluttering oddly, seizure...waters broken...no visible head injury...
"Sinnett! Call an ambulance! Tell them we have an omega in labor who has entered a seizure by an unknown substance!" Robert ordered, the mate in him wanted to cry and attempt to get his love back in his right head as fast as possible, but the doctor knew seizures did not work that way, he did not know what caused it and labor and birth were out of his line of knowledge.
Forcing his instincts down he gently started to rub at the other man's back and held the omega's hand in the other "Henry? Can you hear me? I know you and Edward have to be really scared right now, but Sinnett went to get you help, you are going to be just fine and so will Edward and the baby"
A groan was his response, not comforting.
"Hang on..." Robert whispered as all he could really do at this point was wait...and pray... --- "Thirty-five-year-old omega, thirty-seven weeks pregnant, membranes ruptured and suffered a seizure from an unknown reason" the paramedic relayed as she helped wheel in said omega who was only partially conscious having woken up in the ambulance, only to scream in pain, too out of it and whatever drugs he was given most likely making the pain a lot worse to bother with any form of control.
Robert ran alongside the gurney, being more concerned with the fact Henry was back to being quiet, the screaming at least let the alpha know he was coherent enough to feel pain and react accordingly to the unpleasant feeling.
"Prepping for an emergency C-section!" came another call.
Those clinical words made a cold chill go down Roberts's spine.
C-section? As in, cut open? Like a dead fish!? It made sense though...the doctor in him monotonely said there would be no way his mate would be able to push, whatever he had been given had weakened him badly and caused a SEIZURE, Robert would be lucky if Henry made it out alive! If their baby was alive after being drugged...
The alpha fell to his knees in the hallway, feeling both cold and hot at the same time, why would someone...who could do this...why...
"Mr.Lanyon?" A soft voice went and the alpha looked up to see a blond nurse looking down at him "Why don't you go and get some air? I'm sure your mate and baby will be okay" she smiled softly, green eyes showing empathy and kindness, she looked sort of like how he thought a female Hyde would look in all honesty, though the sweet look was something he was sure would never grace the gremlin's face, it might never grace Henry's face again...
The nurse helped Robert to his feet and helped him walk to the doors and even found him a bench to sit on, offering a cup of coffee before she turned on a heel and dashed back inside the building, leaving the alpha with his thoughts.
The night was still warm, not yet turning cold with the coming winter, the bench was still wet from the earlier rain, but Robert found he could not care less about his trousers, who would benif-wait a minute...
His father...
Was that old windbag really capable of something like this? his family went after people who did things like this! But his father was stuck in his ways...thought he knew best all the time...if he thought Henry was in the way of a goal...he would do it, in a heartbeat.
Robert was going to KILL him, quite literally...
The monster that Robert wanted to break away from stirred inside him as he thought back on how pale his mate had been...how trying to encourage their baby to kick well they waited for the ambulance had proven fruitless...if both of them ...no...don't think like that yet...
He would bid his time if ...when...Henry was out of the woods and they would celebrate or mourn together, then the alpha would sharpen a few knives, perhaps this could be Henry's first kill...wouldn't that be poetic justice? Oh, he knew just the thing to use... --- "You can go in now" the nurse smiled as she watched the alpha attempt to look dignified well carrying a smiley face balloon.
Robert walked as straight and tall as he could into the hospital room, biting back the urge to jump for joy when he saw Henry's eyes were open and the omega managed to smile weakly at him.
"Hey," Robert said softly, stepping forward so he could gently run his fingers through the other's soft brown locks, loving how the strands curled between his fingers as if they did not want to let go.
"W..where is the baby?" Henry croaked, still feeling horrible, and stomach throbbing slightly no doubt from the new cut in it, but...perhaps some good came out of this...just a little hope...was their child alive? Or had it been killed from the-
"Don't you mean 'babies'?" Robert smiled, having hardly believed the news himself, but excited to blurt it out to anyone who would listen and was sure he annoyed a few people in doing so, especially after learning his mate would recover on top of it.
Henry almost felt like fainting again hearing that but found himself grinning loopily, no doubt a side effect of the medication meant to keep him from ripping his stitches going to search himself for the new little ones "Two for the price of one"
'Price of one my ass! We went through hell and got our shit wrecked!' Edward whined, feeling the effects of the medicine himself and also just wanting to see his new little monster! Give them their babies already!!!
"I have a great big surprise for you when you and our children can go home...or at least back to the society, I do believe everyone pitched in to build cribs...and a stroller...and slings...we are going to be up to our elbows in baby-related inventions aren't we?" Robert nearly winced, no doubt several 'improvements" will have been made to normal baby things...
"No doubt, what is the surprise?" Henry asked curiously.
"Oh, it will be a SCREAM" Robert grinned, already having asked one of the lodgers to make a few...adjustments to Henry's cane.
Would anyone want a sequel to this? Or do you guys have ideas for something?
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trickstermelon · 5 years
how do you feel about the thought of one piece characters with stuff like social media and modern music?? (WHO is the Classic Rock Junkie i Need To Know)
Strawhats, Social Media:
Luffy: Has a twitter account thats mostly videos of him 1) being in places he should be 2) doing things he shouldn’t be doing and 3) having a great time doin crimes with his friends in places they shouldn’t be. He also posts whatever dumb nightblogging-esque thing pops in his head.
Nami: Has like 20 different blogs neatly organized by aesthetics, technical drafting, stealing tips, gardening…. Lots of people go to her for advice but she gives the worst answers and jokingly charges them for it. Probably has run some serious scams but no one has been able to connect it to her yet. Does a lot of Vines w Usopp and Luffy.  
THIS GOT LONG more under cut
Zoro: Mainly Workout Instagram thats just shots of his sick muscles with really bad puns as captions, plus videos of him doing tricks and training. Occasionally peppers in silly selfies with Nami and Usopp when they drag him shopping/clubbing, or taking Chopper places where a kid p shouldn’t be and getting yelled at for it by Franky and Sanji. Doesn’t use social media all that much/posts in mass quantities then goes silent for months. Has accounts only to bully Sanji n Nami (and support the rest).  
Usopp: Has and is a master of like, every platform. Particularly tumblr, youtube and tiktok/vine. His main content is art, doing gadget/crafting challenges, and sharpshooting tricks but his vines are amazing. On top of being genuine comedy genius he creates amazing practical effects that are p much magic. Has an ongoing series where he and Luffy try to break into Sanji’s house to figure out who his boyfriend is.
Sanji: Of course does a cooking youtube channel that consists of how to make the best of a low budget/little resources as well as showing off how fancy he can go (he likes to try out sculptural foods followers send him even tho its not his main focus). The cost effective videos are full of him being bluntly affirmative and reassuring about being in shitty situations on top of instructions. In the fancier/show off videos he gets way more silly and romantic- often having the others on to banter with him while he works. 
Chopper, Robin and Nami are most often on for the silly ones, taste testing and letting him show them flourishing tricks. Robin likes to find the history and cultural impact of dishes. 
Franky, Zoro and Usopp join in for the sculptural work and shit gets wild. (Luffy is only allowed to help out with taking video because he can reach some cool angles and it keeps his hands far away from the ingredients. Sanji only lets Zoro help cause he’s so good at precision cutting, Franky has to stand between them frequently. Usopp does all the actual design work and likes to explain the planning process while Sanji makes the parts) 
90% of any profits he makes goes to soup kitchens and abuse shelters
Chopper: Isn’t super big on social media outside of keeping up with friends but likes to post actually-researched mental and physical health tips as well as positivity! Has the cutest aesthetic blog, really likes Pinterest 
Robin: Similar to Chopper, but also likes to create Puzzles using multiple platforms and her appearances around her friends content a la Carmine Santiago. Does a history podcast with Franky thats very much in the vein of Sawbones where she explains some wild shit thats happened, or weird folklore and Franky pokes fun at it. 
Franky: If Mythbusters and How Its Made was combined into one very powerful very enthusiastic dad! Builds the craziest machines, has Robin Usopp and Chopper come help him with the real crazy science-y stuff. Would also have a very fun time with a Monster Factory style gaming blog, rotating out guests for who he thinks would hate it the most. 
Brook: Does not know how and never will but Robin takes some aesthetic vids of him playing violin. Has a huge following, tells Robin to tell them to drink their milk. 
Other, Music:
Ace: Classic rock junky spotted– but his main genres are old school Rockabilly and that good Folk Western. For a long time had a walkman that was only Johnny Cash albums on repeat until Sabo got tired of it. Does own a harmonica specifically for campfire tunes. Knows his aesthetic. 
Social Media: Would also be a fun outdoor survivalist in the vein of Coyote Peterson, running around with Luffy and Sabo as they do dumb shit for the sake of education. They’ll bully Marco or Law into being their on site doctors but they both often refuse to treat them until they’ve suffered appropriately. Does a lot of hiking/rock climbing and gets beautiful pics between survivalist tips 
Marco: Island time, all the time. Reggae, Jimmy Buffet, Billy Idol, and so much dad rock. It’s the only thing keeping him sane. Sea shanties are of course a must but he leans more towards war songs and battle calls. 
Social Media: Has some actually really popular platforms but never shows his face or gives out information so no one including his friends knows who it is. Does insane birds eye view photography, but would be most known for his anonymous Etiquette/Advice blog that’s incredibly helpful under five layers of dry humor. 
Thatch: SO weak for romantic pop ballads, has a playlist of all Eurovision songs that he updates every year, Marco keeps finding him the weirdest Scandinavian scream, metal and German discotheque to test his limits but Thatch Has None. 
Social Media: Does Gordon Ramsey style food reviews between pictures of cool swords and those marbled cake vids. Gets in so many arguments with Sanji and it’s hard to tell if they’re joking or being serious. Is in on Usopp and Luffys game, keeps hinting that he knows who it is but wont tell. 
Sabo: ELECTRO SWING and knows how to dance to it– has a wide variety that he just puts on shuffle but his main collection includes Musicals/Show tunes, all flavors of Punk and Metal. Likes anything with a quartet/harmonies. 
Social Media: Of course has a very effective and active activism platform focused on rooting out cover ups and back dealings, but also got roped into doing a Buzzfeed Unsolved video series with Koala and Ace whenever they have time. Every one loves watching him get Spooked while Ace n Koala are perfectly reasonable/rile him up. 
Koala: Switches rapidly between sugar pop/sunshine songs to good ol emo like IMAX, BVB and MCR. MIKA stan, as we all should be. Loves narrative lyrics and celtic hymns/highland folk ballads like Twa Corbies. 
Social Media: Journalism + Fact Checking platform that explains more effective grassroots community changes. ALSO has a rocking cosplay blog as well as special effects makeup that she does with Ivan. Hack n Robin are their frequent models. 
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g-on-ef · 5 years
To The Moon and Back
A/N: 👻🦇🕷🕸☠💀🎃 HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!! 👻🦇🕷🕸☠💀🎃 Thank you everyone who was kind and patient with me and I hope you all enjoy this chapter ^^
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Portgas D. Edward
Edward was a child of the sea; his grandfather would always tell him that. He would comment on how Edward was just like the sea; calm and soothing a peaceful sight to behold but when anger would become a deadly storm, destroying everything in its path. The first three years of his life he lived on his grandfather’s ship enjoying everything that the sea has to offer. His uncles, aunts, and parents would always tell him the joys that the sea gave them, the warmth the sun offered, and most importantly the freedom they felt whenever they were out to sea. Edward enjoy listening to their tales, loved hearing their stories about adventures, the places the visited and the dangers they survived
Being out to sea meant living life to the fullest, exploring new worlds, facing dangers that no one would ever want to face, and more importantly being free. Edward wanted a life like that, full of adventure excitement and most of all freedom.
He wanted to be free like his parents, have a family like his grandfather, and become the next pirate king after his uncle of course yes Edward wanted the same freedom his family had…no one ever told him that freedom was a lie and that it came with a price…
Not only was he a chilld of the sea but he was also the child of two powerful pirates and his grandfather was the strongest man in the world.
His papa was the first commander of his grandfather’s crew and his daddy was the second commander both had cool super powers that could turn the world to ashes but would never let their flames hurt him. Instead they would use them to protect him from all the harm in the world.
The two would always tell him stories of their adventures and all the treasures they have found it made Edward want to go to sea and become a pirate like his parents.
His Daddy would always smile brightly whenever he said that while his Papa would just hug and squeeze him and call him his greatest treasure. It made both parents and his Grandfather smile with pride whenever Edward would tell him he wanted to be a great captain like his grandfather.
But in order to do that he needed to become stronger first and train as hard as his daddy did when he was his age.
Exploring the woods was Edward’s favorite thing to do. His grandmother would tell him how his daddy and his daddy’s brothers would come to these woods and explore it while also training in it.
He loved playing with the animals and also practicing his powers, it turned out that if both partners have devil fruits their offspring could inherit one or both of their parents, sometimes even a power similar to theirs.
Edward was able to inherit both of his parent’s powers…minus the ability to turn into a bird like his papa but he could heal himself from harm as well as turn himself into fire.
He was getting better with them, of course, his grandmother always told him to be careful and not draw attention to himself.
She never let him go to the village when asked why she would tell him that right now wasn’t the best time for everyone to know about him, she said that they will surprise everyone when Daddy and Papa came back.
He hoped they came back faster, he really wanted to see everyone at the village and play with the other kids.
At the moment Edward was trying to do the fire fist the move that made his daddy famous. He hoped that he could do it before he and papa came and get him and surprise his parents.
Edward pulled his tiny fist back and shouted,
“Fire fist!” aiming his little hand out and shooting flames out, they weren’t strong like daddy’s, but they were pretty like papa’s.
He smiled when he saw that his flames have gotten a little stronger when he saw the tree’s trunk become a darker color than it originally was.
Edward was going to try it again when he heard a sobbing sound.
Was someone here? No, grandma Dadan told him no one was stupid enough to come to these woods, so why was he hearing someone crying?
Walking to the sound Edward came across a man who was sitting down in front of his daddy’s treehouse that he built with his brothers crying.
Why was he crying? And more importantly, why was he here in the forest?
“I’m sorry Roger, I’m sorry Rouge, Ace…ACE! Damnit brat! Why couldn’t you just live! Why didn’t you accept to become a warlord when they asked you to! Why?! Why?! WHY?!”
Edward watch with sadness as the old man punch the ground each time he spoke. He seemed so sad, not to mention he said his daddy’s name. Did…did something happened to Daddy?
“Umm…excuse me mister?”
The man turned to look at him and as soon as his eyes landed on him he looked like he seen a ghost.
“That’s my daddy’s name,” Edward said with a small smile on his tiny face.
“Do you know my daddy?”
Garp stared at the little boy before him…he looked so much like Ace minus the hair and eyes, hell the hair and eyes were the same shade as…no…realization drawn to him as he put two and two together him and MARCO! When the hell did that happened?!
He knew Ace and Marco were in a relationship, but he did not knew that they had a kid together…no…no…no…NO!
If Sengeku or worse Akainu found out about him they would kill him! They thought they ended Roger’s bloodline by killing the son of the Pirate King, they did not know that Ace had a child…which means…Roger’s bloodline is still alive!
Without thinking Garp reached for the boy and pulled him in his arms and cried.
A part of him felt like he was given a second chance to protect his family.
 He already lost two of his grandsons, but he was not going to lose his great-grandson, he was not going to let anyone kill him! He failed Roger and Rouge, he failed to protect Ace, and he failed to spare Luffy from pain, but he was not going to fail this little boy.
He would do everything and anything to protect his great-grandson, and if that meant going against orders, he would do it without hesitation.
Both D. men turned to see Dadan glaring at them or more specifically at Garp. Before Garp could say anything Dadan raised her club and hit him as hard as she could!
Edward watch as the old man fell hard to the ground, before he could ask if he was okay Dadan snatched him up and ran as quickly as she could to her house.
“Dadan wait!”
Dadan didn’t listen she just ran as fast as she could with Edward in her arms.
Edward was confused, why was grandma taking him away from that man? Was he a bad man? Grandma, Grandpa, Papa, and Daddy told him that there were bad men who wouldn’t like him because of who his daddy is.
Maybe he was a bad man since he scared Grandma, but if he was why was he crying and asking for forgiveness and crying for Daddy?
They reached the house in record time, Dadan placed him down,
“Edward, go to your secret place and stay there until I come get you,”
“Okay Grandma,” he didn’t ask any questions, he could see his grandma was afraid of that man. He didn’t know why that man scared her but if he could put fear in one of the strongest women, he knew then he must be a bad guy.
Edward ran to his secret room, the one his parents built for him to hide if he was ever in danger.
Dadan watched as her little grandson ran to his secret room before she turned and locked the door to her house. It might be a useless attempt since she knew Garp could easily destroy the door with his bare hand but even so, she was going to do whatever she could to protect her little boy.
Grabbing her club, as she waited patiently for Garp to come barging through the door like he did in the past.
Garp arrived at the house and to say he was nervous was an understatement.
In the past he would just barge in and start giving everyone in that house a fist of love but that was before…before everything went south.
Taking a deep breath Garp approached the house, he could feel his heart beat accelerating wondering if he should just break the door down.
“No, I shouldn’t besides if I want her to let me near my great-grand brat then I should approach this with a delicate matter,”
Taking a deep breath Garp raised his hand and knocked on the door.
“Dadan, it’s-“
“Go away!”
“Dadan please, let me-“
“You didn’t save Ace! You didn’t bother to protect him or Luffy! If you think I’m going to let you anywhere near him then think again!”
“Dadan! Please I’m-“
“You care more about your duty then you do your family! What will happen if they capture him huh? What if they want to kill him like they did his father?! You would just stand by and let it happen again!”
“NO! Dadan I won’t let it happen not this time! I’ll-“
“YOU GOT MY SON KILLED! He may not have been my son by blood, but he was still MY SON! You let them kill him! You let LUFFY watched as they took away his brother! Two of my boys are gone! I…I couldn’t protect Sabo…I couldn’t save Ace but like hell would I let you harm Luffy or Edward!”
Garp stared at the door and could hear Dadan’s sobs it was then that he realized something, something that both he and Makino have foolishly ignored.
She was wrong…she said Luffy was suffering more than anyone but seeing her tears, hearing her cries Garp knew deep down that she was suffering just as much as Luffy, she raised Ace. She took care of him and was there for him throughout his entire childhood, she may have hated him at first but if he had to guess Dadan grew to love Ace and she saw him, Sabo, and Luffy as her boys. Losing one killed her, losing another is destroying her and she was doing everything she could to protect her last one along with her surrogate grandson.
She was their mother; she may have been forced to raise the boys but she still did her best took care of them and made sure they were safe.
She loved them and knowing that she lost Ace had her wanting to do whatever she could to protect Luffy and the little boy, Edward. If Garp had to guess Ace named him after Whitebeard.
Then he remembers one of their last conversations how Ace claimed only Whitebeard as his father and not Roger, so yeah it was most likely Ace that named the boy.
Taking a deep breath Garp sat down and waited until Dadan calmed down, he hated himself for what he had done, for not doing anything to save Ace, but she had to understand. She had to know he had no choice, he was caught between doing what he thought was right and what the world believed was right which is why he retired so that if something like Marineford happened again he could save Luffy without facing the consequences sure he still had ties to the Marines but the only ties he had was to train the new recruits other than that Garp was more than welcome to do whatever he pleased.
He had to let Dadan know that, that he was free-not really but still had enough freedom to save and protect Luffy and now his great-grandson should they ever get capture by the Marines.
He sat down and waited for her tears to stop but something told Garp he would be waited for a long, long time before she ran out of tears.
Despite what everyone thinks Blackbeard did not want to turn Ace in, if anything he wanted to protect him and the little brat of his.
If he would have only joined his crew then maybe he would still be alive, he would be right here beside him along with little Edward.
He would admit it that it killed him to see his commander lying on the ground as he took his final breath and left this world behind.
He hated himself for he partially blamed himself that his commander died, but if only he had listen to him and joined his crew than none of this would have happened. It didn’t matter though; he may have gotten his commander killed but he be damn if he let anything happen to little Edward.
He may be part Marco but the little boy was still a part of Ace, he looked a lot like Ace the only difference were his eyes and hair color other than that he was the spitting image of his commander.
Which is why he and his crew were heading to Foosha Village where he knew the little boy was at. If he can get to him before Marco, he can take the boy far away from the rest of the Whitebeards and protect him a hell of a lot better than his former crew.
If his good for nothing old crew got both Ace and Whitebeard killed who’s to say they wouldn’t do the same for little Edward.
Not to mention that his commander’s grandfather was Garp, the Great Hero of The Marines. If he finds out about Edward…the thought alone scared the Blackbeard Captain that he shouted at his navigator to go faster.
He needed to get to Foosha Village as fast as possible, if any marine spotted the boy they would turn him in.
No, Teach would not let harm come to that boy, he would do whatever is necessary to protect him and he will be damn if Marco, Luffy, or anyone else got in the way, looking at his hand he saw that he had Whitebeard’s devil fruit, at the moment he did not want to eat it, he wanted to save it till he got to Foosha village so that he could kill Marco with the same power that once protected him and his siblings.
Taking a deep breath Teach put the fruit away in one of his treasure chests, making sure to keep it under lock and key.
After all, if his sources were correct then Marco should be heading towards Foosha Village as well and that’s where he’ll make his move.
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sanjuno · 6 years
Wildfire AU: Do they ever find out Sabo's still alive? Does he get his memories back? And how is Riot planning to preemptively deal with Blackbeard and/or the Yami Yami fruit?
Eeeeh, *tips hand back and forth* that bit of the plotline is still a bit wobbly, tbh. I mean, at some point Sabo will run into Ace and Luffy, and then there will be tears and hugs galore. When does it happen? I dunno, ask Dragon. When did Dragon first let Sabo leave the Baltigo training facility for a mission? It’ll happen after that but before younger!Ace turns 17. 
Of course, there will be a dramatic moment where Luffy is in danger and Ace almost gets killed and Sabo goes berserk trying to protect them both. Then the memories flood in and it’s coma time for Sabo. And that’s how Wildfire Riot ended up kidnapping a junior member of the Revolutionary Army. Whoops.
Sabo’s kidnapping may or may not coincide with the heist where Riot manages to get his hands on the Yami Yami no Mi. You what a really useful power for a Revolutionary is? The ability to hide things and people in a pocket dimension indefinitely. So. I’m not saying that Luffy accidentally feeds Sabo the Devil Fruit so that “all three of them can be weird” but Luffy definitely feeds Sabo the Devil Fruit. It’s totally an accident.
Anyway once everything calms down a bit after the reunion Riot (who is determinedly Not Thinking about how the Sabo from him timeline might have gotten his memories back after the War of the Best) warns Sabo about Blackbeard and his obsession with the Yami Yami no Mi. Also the fact that Shanks hates the man, and Luffy doesn’t like Teach either. Sabo promises to stay away from Blackbeard.
Of course, Sabo is a deceptive little shit and he has eyes. Sabo can see the pain and guilt and anguish Riot is trying to hide while warning him about Teach. Riot went out of his way to get his hands on the Devil Fruit before Teach could get it. Riot was very thorough in warning Sabo about how vicious Teach is in pursuit of his goals. Sabo may or may not let it “slip” that someone had eaten the Yami Yami no Mi and that person was planning to be on Baltigo in three weeks.
The good news is Sabo’s plan works! Teach tried to kill Sabo for his Devil Fruit Power and there are witnesses from the Whitebeard crew to corroborate Sabo’s story about self defence! Riot is entirely justified in killing Teach to protect his little brother and nobody gets in Riot’s way or gets on his case about it afterwards.
The bad news is Riot proceeds to have a panic attack in the aftermath and can’t handle having any of his little brothers out of his sight for something like a month afterwards. It’s heartbreaking and awkward and Sabo feels like absolute shit for causing the situation that led to this. Marco also feels like shit, because his boyfriend has obviously suffered a lot and is still suffering and Marco never knew about it until Riot was sobbing hysterically in his arms.
Ace and Luffy promptly team up to get even more overprotective of their big brother’s feelings. You think they were clingy before Balitgo? Nah, mates, that was them being low-key. So many bar fights get started after this. So many. Riot’s honour must be defended!
Also the best part is how Riot doesn’t notice anything being different, because Ace and Luffy tend to get up to the worst of their shenanigans behind his back. Everyone else knows that Ace and Luffy can and will and have bit people like some unholy cross between a bulldog and a barracuda, but Ace thinks they’re sweethearts. Total teddy bears, the both of them. Riot’s little brothers are the cutest. How dare you suggest otherwise.
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simp4ace · 3 years
agree agree.
so like, when i rant about op to my cousin (who only WANTS to watch it but only does so when I'm watching it so it's funny to me) i usually tell her how I feel bad for luffy. my man didn't have a tragic past, aside from the abuse and neglect from garp) but his future/present :( my bby suffered arc after arc before the time skip :((
but yeah zoro's past isn't really sad 0-0 at least, everything we know about him until now isn't enough to make me bawl my eyes out lmao
but my fav op characters??? hmmm luffy is number one in my heart lmao. but aside from the mc my faves are chopper and bon chan 🥺 bon chan bon chan. since i'm rewatching one piece, i'm in the alabasta arc so when bon chan appeared my cousin was with me and she said sumn about his look and how he must be weird and I went "but... *sob* when he *sob*" she got the drift and went "oh damn, k." lmao
but yeah those three are my all time faves of op, i can swoon for other characters but those three ;-;;
AAAAA HDJSJSKS i thought your fav is Sanji at first😭😭😭😭 cuz yk when you said you want Sanji for a massaging thing.....😭😭😭 so I ended up writing Sanji for you surprise Christmas present. I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND AAA I'M SORRY🥺🥺🥺 I hope you wil like it tho❤ Happy holiday my precious anon.
And omg, Bon chan is on my top 5 fav list yessss!!! I have a mad respect toward him😭😭😭 I cried a lots reading Impel Down tbh. The moment he came back for Luffu under the name of friendship? The moment he fought the wolfs? I JUST LOVE THOSE TWO FRIENDSHIP NGL😭😭😭 I love him and Luffy lots aaaa!!!! Luffy also on my top 1 along with Ace and Sabo. ASL is my fav trio. And then the monster trio. ❤ and then the coward trio aha😆
P/s: I do cry when Zoro promised Luffy to not lose to anyone else. Guess I'm just being too emotional.🤷‍♀️
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wordsdrippinginink · 8 years
Marco/Ace # 20, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 23, 13, 17
We’re gonna go in numerical order and under a read more. Be prepared!
2.“You love me as if I deserve you.”
“You’re staring at me again,” Marco states, eyes still closed. “Why are you doing that?”
“Why do you do it,” Ace asks sprawled across Marco’s chest, head resting on his arms.
“Do what?” Marco asks in confusion finally looking at Ace. “I’m not sure what you’re asking me.”
Ace tilts his head, “You really don’t know?”
“I don’t actually know how to read your mind, love, you do have to tell me what you are thinking.”
“Love me as if I deserve you.”
Marco frowns, “You think that you don’t deserve to be loved?”
“Because I love you? Because the way you smile and the way you laugh make my heart ache. Because I want to cause them both and stay by your side as long as you let me.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve me. You deserve someone that will always be by your side and who will love you and do anything that you need. Until then, stay with me, won’t you?”
“Just because I don’t deserve you doesn’t mean that I’m ever going to let anyone take you from me,” Ace says smiling. “You’re mine.”
Sometimes Marco wonders if he’ll ever understand the way the fae purrs the words and his eyes flash with something beyond human, like they mean something more than he could ever understand.
7.“I never say no to a picnic.”
“Where are we going?” Ace whines. “We missed lunch and you wouldn’t stop and now we’re in the middle of nowhere!”
Marco blinks, “I didn’t tell you?”
“Ah,” Marco shakes his head. “I, we were headed out to have a picnic.”
Ace sits up in his seat, eyes going wide and excited, “A picnic?”
“I never say no to a picnic! Why didn’t you say so? We’re going on a picnic!”
Marco grins, “So are you still upset?”
“No way, this is all for a picnic! Where are we going are we close?”
“We’ll be there soon. There’s a bit of a walk, but Haruta says it’s pretty.”
Ace bounces in his seat as Marco pulls the car off the road onto a dirt trail, already out the door and demanding the trunk be open before Marco could turn the car off.
“Whoa!” Ace whispers when they reach the clearing that Haruta had described to Marco. The stream and flowers everywhere. “This is awesome.”
“Worth the wait for lunch?” Marco teases.
“Well if you had said it was for a picnic,” Ace says grinning. “I love it. Thanks Marco.”
8. “There’s only one bed.”
Ace has been actively been avoiding the obvious since Marco opened the door to the hotel room that the company had booked them for the conference. It was glaringly obvious and he knew that Marco had noticed, but he couldn’t bring himself to say anything.
“Do you want the bed?” Marco asks finally. “Since there’s only one.”
“You can have it,” Ace offers.
Marco raises his eyebrow, “You’re the one that has to present.”
“Well, I mean.”
“This is a yes or no questions, Ace, don’t worry so much about it.”
Ace nods and knows that his face is flushed, “We could share?”
“Are you offering?”
“I,” Ace takes a breath. “It’s a big bed. If we put some of the extra pillows in the middle then we won’t even touch each other.”
“If you’re sure?”
Ace regrets nodding when he wakes up the next morning and finds his face pressed against Marco’s chest and Marco’s arms around his waist. He is going to die before this conference is over.
9.“You don’t remember last night at all, do you?”
Marco’s head hurts. It throbs like the time in college he had been dragged to a Greek party by Thatch and his mouth tastes like something died inside it. He winces when he opens his eyes and jerks back at the sight at another face far too close to his own.
Ace mumbles in annoyance and is back in Marco’s space in moments, making soft tired noises as he settles back into sleep.
“Fuck,” Marco whispers. “Fuck, what?”
“You’re so loud,” Ace whines yawning. “Why are you so loud, Marco?”
Ace must hear something off with his answer before he shifts back enough to look at Marco, eyes still unfocused but concerned, “Marco?”
“Oh,” Ace says softly. “You don’t remember last night at all, do you?”
“I’m sorry.”
Ace shakes his head, “No, I probably should have noticed you were pretty drunk. This is really awkward.”
“What did we?”
“You stripped and demanded that I sleep with you because you were gonna tell Izo that I threw up in his lunchbox when we were six if I didn’t,” Ace says grinning. “You passed out as soon as we were both in the bed.”
“Ah, that’s not so bad.”
“Before that,” Marco can feel himself paling. “You proposed to me with your class ring. Which I mean it’s nice but it’s too big for me to wear.”
Marco makes a sound like he’s dying, “I’m so sorry.”
“Why? I said yes,” Ace smiles at him. “I just want a different ring, unless that’s a deal breaker.”
“I can get a different ring.”
“Good, because Sabo says he’s fighting Thatch to be my best man and I already bet that he would win.”
10. “You’re wrong and I’ll prove it.”
“Ace, love, there are no such thing as aliens,” Marco states refusing to look up from the medical report that he had received for their newest case. “I’m sure we would have seen some before now.”
“They’re real!” Ace shouts from his side of the small office that the FBI had shoved him into years ago. “Look at all the evidence we have to corroborate it!”
“That was a frisbee.”
“You have no imagination!”
“I have plenty of imagination, Ace. Aliens aren’t real.”
“You’re wrong and I’ll prove it!”
Ace frowns, arms crossing over his chest as he thought, “By finding Luffy.”
“Your younger cousin that’s been missing since you were children?”
“He was kidnapped by aliens!”
“Of course he was, love. Please eat your lunch.”
(Ace does prove himself right when he drags Luffy and his alien crew to Marco’s house for introductions. Marco has never suffered such a humiliating defeat before in his life.)
13. “I made the mistake of thinking ‘This can’t get weirder.’ Sorry.”
“What the hell is this?” Marco demands staring in confusion at what could only be Silvers Rayleigh and Gol D Roger walking towards them. “The fuck?”
“I made the mistake of thinking that this couldn’t get any weirder. Sorry,” Roger laughs as he moves closer. “What are you doing here, Phoenix? Last I heard you and Edward were closer to Fishman Island.”
“That was almost twenty years ago!” Marco says glancing back to where Ace was frozen and pale. “It’s been years.”
Roger blinks, “Ah, I really shouldn’t have thought that. Is he new?”
“Considering he only looks about twenty years old,” Rayleigh mutters pinching the bridge of his nose. “He looks upset?”
“You could say that,” Marco agrees. “Ace? Love? You alright?”
He ignores the whispered, ‘Phoenix is dating?’ from Roger as he tried to make Ace focus on him. Smiling when Ace blinks and finally says something.
“I don’t like this island.”
“I can tell.”
“Where did you get a boyfriend!” Roger demands. “Marco! Stop ignoring me!”
Ace snorts, “He really does remind me of Luffy.”
“I live in worry about your little brother.”
“Marco!” He glances back at Roger. “Where did you get a boyfriend? We’re friends and it’s not like it’s important to the future!”
“Gol D Roger meet Portgas D Ace. Ace this is Roger, you’ve heard of him.”
14. “We’re in love with the same person. Friendships have been built on less common ground.”
Sabo sighs watching Marco walk away from their study table, “Why does he wear such tight pants?”
“Becuase he’s trying to torture us.” Ace answers dropping his head to the table. “I’m dying.”
“If I pay Koala to turn up the heat do you think she would?”
“Only if Robin was in the building.”
“Shit, I’m texting Luffy. He’ll know where she is.”
Ace hums, turning his head to the side, “I wonder if that will make him unbutton his top.”
“I don’t know but Robin is here and I have to bribe Koala,” Sabo says already moving. “I’ll pick up some water while I’m gone.”
“That’s is a plan. I’ll let Marco know when he comes back.”
17.“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here.”
“Ace, I don’t know if this is a good idea,” Marco says slowly. “We could-”
“I know what I want, when I want it. So get over here,” Ace orders.
Marco sighs, “If you are really sure?”
“I want my fucking lockpicks, Marco, and you best be getting them into my hands!”
20. “You should see me in my old uniform. I’m pretty sure it still fits.”’
“This is your old uniform?” Marco asks leaning forward slightly. “Really?”
“The skirt is new,” Ace admits smoothing it like he had seen Nami and Robin do previously. “But I think I like it more.”
“And the thigh-highs?”
“Are you saying you don’t like them?”
“Those words never came out of my mouth.”
Ace laughs, “I think my brothers did something or I mixed my stuff up with Robin when we were moving out of the apartment we shared.”
“How mad do you think she would be if you kept it?” Marco asks tugging Ace closer. “Or if it got dirty?”
“You have something in particular in mind?”
“No, just a thought.”
Ace grins, “I’m sure that I don’t care what Robin has to say, she use to dress me up in this when we lived together.”
“Oh good,” Marco says sliding a hand along Ace’s thigh. “Because I think you should keep it.”
23. “We bet and you lost, so you have to do it.”
“You lost,” Ace says from the safety of the kitchen. “You made the bet and you lost, so you have to do it.”
“Your brothers are terrifying.”
“You lost.”
“Lost what?” Luffy asks curiously, Sabo on his heels. “What did you loose?”
“A bet,” Marco answers.
“With Ace?” Sabo says grinning. “He almost always wins, the cheater.”
“Sore loser!”
“What did you loose?” Luffy asks. “Did you loose meat?”
“I’m dating Ace.”
Sabo snorts, “Tell us something we don’t know. You aren’t subtle.”
“I lost and I had to tell you,” Marco says quietly. “Ace thought it was a secret.”
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
Ok, first of all, I wanted to say that your blog is absolutely amazing. Not gonna lie I wasn't a big fan of this OT3, but when you write I love it very very much ^^ I'm really happy to have discovered your tumblr My favorites are definitely your NSFW and you reversed roles AU (if you ever wanna write another scene in it, anything, I'll read it very gladly X) ). Thank you very much for sharing your writing with us, I really appreciate it, you're awesome ❤️
Ace had changed.
Sabo could tell by the way he carried himself that the Ace he knew really was gone…but in his place was someone so much more.
More confident. More comfortable with himself. More alive. 
This Ace was…softer. 
Somehow more willing to let others in even when he teased them restless. He was a leader but unlike when they were kids didn’t expect others to keep up with him like he used to do with Luffy. He was a younger brother, content with letting others fuss over him and even doing the same to his younger brothers.
Sabo didn’t know what to do with this new Ace. All the tricks that used to work when interacting with the angry ball of freckles no longer applied- because there was no longer an angry ball. 
Every time he looked into those black sparkling eyes he was met with a stranger. A kind well-meaning stranger who wanted to know answers to his question who am I.
Who looked at Sabo like he had all the answers in the world.
Damn, but did that not hurt. It was great that this Ace was here…but this Ace wasn’t his Ace. 
It was selfish of him, but Sabo wanted his Ace. The one he grew to love for being the first person to look at him and care that he existed.  This Ace…had so many people to care about that some days Sabo felt like he didn’t care about him anymore.
He wanted to get off this stupid ship.
Sabo sighed rolling over to bury his face into his pillow. He was a horrible person, wasn’t he? Jealous that the man without his memories treated him like a stranger while he treated the people he grew up with like family instead of him. 
 Next to him, Marco mumbled in his sleep, shifting around a bit before resettling.
Sabo lifted his head a little to look at him, worried he woke him. 
 How in the world did the older man convince him to rest in his bed, the revolutionary may never know but it was much nicer than laying in the dark by himself overthinking everything.
Far better than having sleepless nights where his brain just wouldn’t stop. Marco had noticed the bags under his eyes, quickly which surprised him. Not even Koala is that fast.
By the end of that same day, all of Sabo’s possessions had been moved to the First Commander’s room. Of course, they told no one of this. Not even Whitebeard knew.
Sabo didn’t want Ace to think it was his fault. The guy was already feeling guilty for forgetting him, there was no need to make that guilt worse.
He liked sneaking into Marco’s room. 
His thoughts didn’t have the chance to run wild like they normally did. Usually, Marco would be able to distract him. He would step in when Ace got overly excited and ask too many questions, call him over to play cards some nights and even just sit with him at night hearing him talk about his feelings.
It was nice.
Now if only he could figure out what to do with the arm wrapped around his waist. 
“Go to sleep Sabo. It’s going to be alright yoi.” 
With a sleepy demand like that, how could he refuse?
The voice stared him awake a few hours later, the younger blond didn’t have time to react before the door was thrown open. He shot up like a rigid board, locking gazes with an equally surprised Thatch.
The two men said nothing, observing each other for what felt like an eternity to the blond. He didn’t miss the way the grinder’s eyes glanced down at his bare chest.
A slow smirk began to form on his lips which barred bad news for the younger man.
“I-It’s not what you think!  I can explain!” Sabo blurted before his brain could think better of it.  He winces because that phrasing along with the delivery was the exact opposite of what he wanted to convey. 
“Oh no. Don’t mind me. I just wanted to let Birdie over there know that the report he wanted is finished. Please go back to what you were doing.” The man says, placing a light stack of papers on Marco’s desk. He gives the horrified young man a large smirk before taking a great bow.  “Do come to breakfast when you’re done.” 
Then he was gone with a cheerful laugh.
Sabo is left gaping at the doorway. He isn’t sure how long he sits there, with the bed sheets pooling around his pajama covered waist and a man’s arm half slung off him.
He no doubt had horrible bed hair- he always does first thing in the morning- with a bit of drool on one cheek. 
How that whole image must look like…
“Mh. Goodmorning yoi.”  Marco’s voice snaps him out of his daze. He glances down just in time to watch sleep fall from the other’s man eyes. They focus on his face before Marco straightens “Are you okay?”
“Thatch…was here. He left you…a report.” The words come out slower because he’s still trying to process what this all means. 
“Oh? He finally got off his ass. Thank the Sea yoi.” The older man says relaxing. Sabo thinks he’s way too calm but maybe he doesn’t understand what this means yet.
“He saw me.”
“I see. Don’t worry he won’t say anything as long as you told him not to.” Marco pushes himself up, raising a brow as Sabo stays silent. “You did tell him not to say anything…right?”
“Um…about that-”
“Marco get you filthy hands off of Sabo!”  The scream is followed by the sound of flames enlightening and Sabo jumps.  Was that…Ace?
“Oh great.”  The older man sighs just as the cabin door is blasted off its hinges. A figure of a man made of fire is on the other side. “Ace calm down. We’re just sleeping yoi.”
“I will defend Sabo’s honor! Prepare yourself!” The raven hair man shouts completely ignoring what Marco said, before jumping towards the bed. He drops kicks the First commander, rolling with him on the floor as the Phoniex raises his hands with a look of long suffering going willingly. 
Sabo is stunned.  Ace..still cared about him?
He peeks over the bed side to watch Ace bite Marco’s hand- which heals instantly as the older man lays on his back impassively. The young man didn’t get dishearted as he tries slapping the other’s face while flames burst from his shoulders hissing like a wet cat.
Or a toddler throwing a tantrum. Marco was certainly reacting like that was the case.
A bubbling laugh stops the “fight”.
They both look up to see the first real smile on Sabo’s face since they picked him up all those weeks ago. The image isn’t ruined by the tears ruling down his face in the slightest. 
“Thanks for defending me Ace but it’s not needed.” He says between gasps. It feels like a huge weight was just lifted off his shoulders as he whips some of the tears away. He throws the stunned men a dazzling smile. “It’s nice to know that you care”
It was really nice to know.
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
I know what you did last summer AU part 2
@lorena12me  summited this to me and I am in love with it!
Why when it comes to cheating on your partner, there are never happy endings!
Ace had not realized that things had gone so far until it was too late.
Marco had been his first everything.
The first one who had loved him despite how much he hated himself, coming into his life when hatred threatened to make him give up everything. And he loved him, he loved Marco with all his heart …
He was the first with which he had shared his body and the pleasurable experiences of love.
So how had he come to this?
How had he come to wake up in another bed that was not that of the blond, wrapped in arms that were not Marco’s, and feeling the same warmth that the older man gave him?
Sabo was beautiful.
He was smart as Marco, attractive and had loved him too, in the same way that Marco did, despite his thousands of flaws. He thought it was not bad to want to be close to another person who also accepted it, but that had risen the first night he did not return home, wrapped in Sabo, clamoring his name and sleeping on his sheets.
And Sabo was aware that he belonged to another man.
Why had not he ended it?
Why had he kept up with that?
He knew why.
He longed for Sabo’s touches just as he craved Marco’s.
But he didn’t realize that running into the arms of one, he left the other in the empty, and once the crime was over, he returned home too dazzled with the sensation to realize that Marco was looking at him with suspicious eyes and pain.
 For a full year, he never noticed.
That Marco was wilting in his affection, that every time he looked at him, those blue eyes became more tired and disappointed.
Of course, he felt ashamed. When Marco touched him and kissed him, he could not help thinking that for a few hours or days before, Sabo did the same thing to him, making his body feel the same way, and then he could not hold the older man’s gaze because of the guilt.
 But he had become addicted to the touches of Sabo and at the same time he claimed with the same greed the affection of his first partner. Becoming selfish and wanting it to last forever.
 Time had passed by and he didn’t even realize how much he stopped going home to fly into Sabo’s arms. How much he stopped paying attention to Marco and his problems to revel in the taste of his own perfect world where he had both.
Never noticed that Pops had suffered a heart attack and that his best friend Thatch was torn between life and death in a hospital bed. That he’d stopped paying attention when he was with Sabo, even kissing in public places.
Until the hard reality had slapped him in the face.
Once he opened the door, after one of his visits to Sabo, he found Marco’s suitcases at the door, and the blond wrapped some table ornaments with bubble wrap.
“M-Marco?” He asked in a broken voice, but something in his chest told him perfectly what was happening.
What he had caused.
“Marco … What are you …?” Ace sought the strength to try to speak, while the voices in his head told him the answers to that question.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m leaving”
And Marco’s voice sounded so angry and disappointed … completely devoid of the love he usually had directed toward him.
“I refuse to be your toy any longer”
No, Marco wasn’t … he was his everything, he was-
“Toy? No, you’re not a toy to me. Marco, please love you …”
“Stop lying to me!” He screams tears fall from the force.
Ace is scared, he is very scared. The rage emanating from Marco’s watery eyes is something he never expected. Something in his heart breaks and he feels helpless, alone.
“I know what you did last summer, I know what you’ve been doing ever since, I know exactly where you came from, so do not you dare say I love you when you clearly do not!”
Marco knew !?
There are some pictures on the table that take Ace’s breath away once he sees them. It’s him and Sabo, kissing under a cafeteria umbrella.
Marco knew it all and yet-
He pales like paper.
Did you believe that you could live in your perfect world forever?
A voice in the depths of his head tells him, he recognizes it from his adolescence. His self-hate.
 You think you could have them both and be happy forever, eh?
“I didn’t mean it,” he whispers desperately. “I didn’t want it to that far.” He did not mean it.
The same voice resounds.
Are you going to say that you did not enjoy it? What, didn’t you love it when you gave yourself up like a bitch, then go to Marco afterward?
 "You  didn’t mean it?“ Fuck you, Portgas. ” Marco oozes with contempt, knowing how false his words are.
He doesn’t  know how to react, he is scared, everything he did is now accountable and he’s not prepared. When Marco names everything he did for him, he only shrinks on himself because everything is true. Marco gave him everything, made him live again …
The blond breaks the decorative figure on the floor and runs to his suitcases. Ace jumps, but doesn’t chase after him, he has no excuse. Because he is in love with Sabo, and he is also in love with Marco, and that is his sin.
“I hate you!”
Only those words are necessary so that after the blond gets out of his sight he kneels on the floor and cries loudly.
The person who loved him the most in life now hates him and everything is his fault.
Sabo came after being called, learning what happened. He feels guilty too because Marco was a good man, Sabo was not stealing an unhappy boy from some abusive partner. No, he helped in the theft of someone who considered Ace his most treasured treasure.
It is not many days later Izou arrives at his door, planting a hard slap on his face.
“You disappoint me,”  says the transvestite, eyes burning in cold rage   “ I never believed that you would be that kind of person. But it was our fault. We expect too much from you.”
The words are sharp and meant to hurt. Izo knows very well which points to attack. He just wants to hurt Ace in the same way that Marco is hurting.
“But I must congratulate you. If you came into the world to fuck up people’s lives, you did very well. You deserve a prize for that. Don’t bother looking for us, you mean nothing to us anymore.”
He leaves then. 
In his wake, he leaves behind the boy even more hurt and ashamed.
Luffy is his brother and will not judge, but there are looks that say more than a thousand words. He is ashamed of him, of what’s he done. His brother had never looked at him like that before. 
And little by little, he sees his world crumble, all because of something that he caused.
Try to have them both at the same time.
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
how about: marco catcht a cold and don't want to go to bed. it's in the morning and snow began to fall. ace fall asleep and sabo brings him into the other bed. marco want to sleep next to ace, because he is really cold and the fire in the fireplace doesn't help. sabo cuddle with marco. marco's fever doesn't go away. "not he is ill, his phoenix is ill!", says a nurse to pops. any idea to write something for us?
“He’s Phoenix is ill?” Sabo repeats eyes filled with confusion. The doctor nods flipping through her chart. She turns to the sleeping pair. Ace is comfortably laying on his back, taking his scheduled nap but it’s Marco that has him worried.
The blond is sweating, face pressed into Ace’s chest. His expression is one of pain even in slumber and Sabo resists the urge to hug him. It’s weird to see Marco sick.
Usually, his devil fruit would have taken care of it but this time- this time it seems like his powers were the cause.
“Can you do anything about it?” Pops’ voice is low, worry in every syllable as the large man stares down at the First Commander. His fever had gotten worse in the last hour, shivering terribly until Ace wrapped around him. 
“Not that I am aware of. We’ve tried everything....some of our scholars were talking about a possibility but it’s a little far fetch” Marina takes out some papers from a folder. They are brown with age and wrinkle in her grasp. Both males step a little closer as she grimaces down at the contents of the sheets. 
“What is it?” Sabo asks after a momentary pause, suspense and worries eating him up inside. His heart is pounding almost painfully. They don’t know what is hurting Marco, with the rate his fever is going...he may lose one of his loves. 
The young lady sighs rubbing the bridge of her nose like she’s trying to fight off a headache. “All the symptoms fit but...it’s just so...agh its heat.”
The room descended into awkward silence. It’s Pop who breaks it voice somewhat flat.  “Excuse me. I think I misheard. I thought for sure you just said Marco’s in heat.”
Sabo is too busy trying to come back to earth as his mind exploded. 
“Not that kind of heat Pops. “  The doctor says eyes narrowed. She shoots Sabo a glare, eyes staring into his soul and judging him for what she finds.  He shifts a bit clearing his throat, face red. “It’s heat as in temperature.  He needs to be...thrown into a volcano.” 
“So it’s not special urges, it’s human sacerfice. Okay. Got you.” Sabo nods folding his arms. His eyes land on the sweating man, face pale and a little crazed.
 Suddenly a hysterical laugh breaks from the healthy blond “Make sense. Mercy kill before it gets too bad right? Ha ha ha. Isn’t this funny? It’s so funny how we have to end him. I- I mean it’s not...like we want him to suffer right!?”
Pops’ hand on his shoulder is the thing that breaks the dam holding back his emotions. Before he can take control, the blond starts sobbing “C-can’t we do something else? Please? Don’t....Don’t take him from me....please...” 
His voice cracks and fades away as he speaks but he doesn’t care. Marco was dying. Dying to the point they needed to end him before-
A hard smack to his skull pulls him out of his horrible thoughts.  Marina’s hands are on her hips after giving him a stern eye. “There will be no mercy killing.”
She holds up the old paper to their silent father eyes. “ It says here every forty years a Phoniex must be reborn in lava or large amounts of heat. Marco turned forty, two days ago- exactly when he started feeling sick. And now, being hugged by a man made of fire he stops shivering and his fever went down. Not much but the change was there. There is a chance its heat that will save him.”
Sabo nods like his head is too heavy for his neck. There are still some tear tracks on his face but it’s brighter than before. “So we need to warm him up?”
“For now we’ll build a fire and place him close to it. We’ll monitor his reactions and if he gets better....we’ll make Ace wrap his fire around him or something. Or just throw him the fire. He’ll heal.” 
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