#but what does is that jack is bloody and dirty and crying. all a mess.
quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
sam and jack bonding time 🥰 devouring lucifer’s corpse together because the grief and horror of him suddenly not existing is too much to bear 😍😍
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mosswillow · 4 years
Useless Dark!Steve Roger x Reader (part three)
Warnings: 18+ Adult content!, Werewolves, A/B/O, Possessive behavior, Dark, Non con/dub con, Forced marriage, power imbalance, general misogyny, Punishments, smut, spanking, branding.
Summary: “Trying to fight this is useless doll, we’ll always end up right back here.” You’re the bottom of the pack, an Omega, and Steve has chosen you for his mate. 
A/N:  The last chapter had a happier ending. Stop there is that’s what you want. 
“You feel so good”
“Shut up and just fuck me already.” you claw at the strangers shirt and he pulls it over his head.
The alcohol you consumed earlier in the evening is still pulsing through your veins and giving you a pleasant buzz. The wolf you’re with now is nothing more than a hookup. You don’t even know his name and frankly don’t care to. It’s easier when you don’t.
“I don’t think I’ve ever met a mouthy Omega before.” He quips.
The stranger climbs on top of you and holds you down.
“I kinda like it,” he says.
He slaps you in the face before devouring your lips and you wrap your legs around him. You make long scratches down his back that draw blood and the pain prompts him to work harder and faster. It’s a quick, meaningless fuck, one that only serves to distract you from the ever present anxiety that consumes your life. You lose yourself and for a few mindless minutes you forget about everything. It all comes crashing back though, just like it always does. You get up and gather your clothes.
“Fuck.” He breathes, still lying on the bed.
You roll your eyes and start lacing up your shoes but before you’re able to stand He grabs your arm, pulling you roughly towards him. You look down and realize your mistake. The bandage that usually covers your brand is missing and the mark that tethers you to your pack is visible.
“That’s the Avengers brand.” You watch the recognozation wash across his face.
You try to pull your arm back but he grips you tighter.
“You said your Alpha was dead.”
“Just let me go.” You say shaking your head.
“You know I can’t.”
He pulls you roughly to the bed and pins you're down by the throat, getting close to your face.
“Don’t move Omega.”
You sputter when he lets you go and scoot to the headboard, bringing you knees up to your chest.
He finds his phone and hits speed dial, pacing back and forth in the room as he waits for who you assume is his pack Alpha to answer.
“Uh, hey I have a bit of a problem...”
“...yeah, you know that Omega that went missing from the Avenger pack? Yeah like three
years ago... I found her....”
He sits on the bed briefly before standing and pacing again.
“Well I kinda fucked her.” He grasps his hair in his hand, shaking his head. You can hear the yelling from your place on the bed and almost feel bad for the trouble you’ve gotten him in.
“I swear I didn’t know until after!”
He listens for a few minutes while eyeing you. You look at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes, making yourself look as small as possible. He finally hangs up and shoves his phone in his pocket.
“You need to get in the shower before your Alpha shows up. I don’t want you smelling like me.”
You nod and hang your head.
“I’m hungry.”
He sighs. “Ok, I’ll get you something from the vending machine.”
“Thank you so much Alpha,” You say.
You smile and walk to the bathroom, turn on the shower, and count to twenty. You peak out finding the room empty ad sprint out to your car, not stopping for even a second.
“What an idiot.” you say as you drive away.
Three years. It’s been almost three wonderfully horrible years. You look at yourself in the mirror of your dirty motel room. Your mind returns to Steve again like it does every all day, every day. You pull your shirt off and turn around looking at your mark. You miss the guy. You miss your parents. You miss Tony and Carol, Sam and Thor. You miss playing with the pups and going to pack nights, roasting smores and running in the woods with your pack mates. You want that again, to feel part of something. They were all right, it’s not in your nature to be rogue. You’re tired of running. You’re constantly on edge, worried about the next time you have to pick up without a word and move to the next town. It’s a struggle every single day not to pick the phone up and call them. Still, you fear going back. You’ll lose all of the freedom you’ve carefully crafted for yourself.  
You get dressed, walk to the closest coffee shop, and pull your laptop out. You’re a freelance writer, getting just enough work to support your lifestyle.
The door opens and you know it’s them, the local pack. This always goes the same way. Three Alphas make their way over to you and sit at your table. It’s always the same arrogant group, you refer to them as Jack, Ass, and Don.  
“I thought she was joking, an Omega, really?” Jack says.
You look up feigning surprise.
“What are you doing here sweetheart?” Ass asks.
“Just passing through,” You smile.
“You smell taken. Where’s your Alpha?” Don says
“He’s dead, it’s just me now.”
“We can help you out little one, why don’t you join our pack?” Jack says.
“Thank you but no.”
Jack taps his fingers on the table. This part is important. You’ll either be running immediately or will have a few weeks until they try to kidnap you.
“I really think you should join us.” Jack says again.
This in your cue. It’s not safe here. You look down and pout.
“You’re really ok with taking care of an Omega like me?” You look up at the Alpha.
“We would be proud to take in a sweet little thing like you.” Ass says, running his hand over your cheek.
“Thank you Alpha.” You say, nuzzling into his hand.
“I’ll be right back.” you stand smiling and grab your laptop.
You keep the smile until you’re out of the shop and at your car. You get in and drive away, not looking back.
After driving for an hour you pull over and look at the map, picking a new spot. You run your hand over the area on the map where your old territory was. It’s not far from where you’re going.
As you get closer to the town you start recognizing things. You pull over your car into a scenic overlook as sudden panic grips you. You cry and tell yourself over and over that it’s ok, you’re ok. You look out at the trees which were once vibrant oranges and reds at the beginning of the season but have slowly lost their leaves.
You were full of hope when you first left. You traveled and saw so many things. You’ve swam in lakes and hiked countless trails. You’ve met wolves from everywhere. It’s starting to feel empty now. You’ve never found anything that’s satisfied you for more than a few minutes. Your mind craves adventure and freedom but your soul craves something more. It craves your family. It craves Steve.
You pull yourself together and keep driving until you reach your destination. The host asks your name for the room and you make a mistake, a purposeful mistake. You tell them your real name.
You arrive at your room and don’t bother unpacking. You’ll wait the night and leave tomorrow if he doesn’t come. You can’t quite bring yourself to go back to him but you can do this. A little breadcrumb. You don’t know if you actually want him to come or not. You know he’ll hurt you just like he used to. You know you’ll be forced to submit, that this life you’ve created will become a distant memory. There won’t ever be another chance to escape. But at least you won’t have the anxiety anymore. At least you won’t live looking over your shoulder. You can’t do that anymore and giving your real name was part of that. You won’t hide. You’ve always known you would have to face your past eventually and you feel as ready now as you’ll ever be. He’ll come, you’re sure he will, and he’ll be mad. You prepare yourself mentally for a fight.
You don’t sleep.
You lie in bed and look at the ceiling for hours before it happens.
A loud knock.
You stand and take weak steps to the door, stalling for a few moments with your hand on the knob before opening it.
Steve doesn’t say anything. He pushes his way into the room and slams you down to the floor. You kick and struggle as he fits a tracker to your ankle. He exhales after placing it and grabs your head, planting a violent kiss on your lips. You pull away.
“You don’t speak.”
He tears your shirt in half and deposits it on the floor.
“I can smell other wolves on you,” He growls
You bite your lip.
His mouth finds your mark and he bites down, marking you again.
He backs away and you glare at him. Every bit of resentment comes back. You’re not going to roll over for him so quickly. You pull your arm back and punch him in the face. He stumbles and brings his hand up to his bloody nose.
He grabs hold of you and throws you across the room. You hit the wall and drop to the ground, the breath knocked out of you. You cough and hold your stomach before standing slowly.
“We’ve done this before, you know I’ll go until I can’t anymore.”
“And you know I won’t stop until you’re a bloody mess.”
You run at him again and he tackles you, flipping you over and holding you down with one arm. With the other he tears off your underwear before pulling out his cock out and driving into you.
“You. Left. Me.” he says, thrusting deep into you.
“You pushed me away!” you cry out.
Steve slaps you hard on the ass as he continues to pound you. You feel like your body is in a bubble, only you and Steve exist right now. The feeling of him in you, aggressively claiming you is everything. You cry in relief and frustration. It’s not long before you feel the warmth of his cum fill you. He pulls out and sits back on his knees, panting from the exertion. You crawl away and sit with your back against the wall.
“I’m so tired,” you whisper.
Steve pulls his shirt off and walks over to you. He hands the shirt to you and you put it on, letting the warmth and woodsy smell calm your shaking body. He pulls you into his lap.
“I am too.”
You cry in his arms until your tears eventually disappear and Steve’s heart rate goes down.
“Why keep fighting?” Steve asks
You look up at Steve.
“Why force me?”
Steve thinks for a beat before answering.
“I want you.”
“I want me too.”
You cuddle into Steve and close your eyes. This is the first time your anxiety has calmed in almost three years. He picks you up and carries you to his car, strapping you in before getting your things. You look out the window at the woods and reach down to your ankle, feeling the tracker.
You drive in uncomfortable silence for the entire ride. Steve reaches his home and turns the car off.
“What are you going to do to me?”
Steve ignores you. He gets out and goes around the car, opening your door. You tentatively get out and start walking with Steve to his house. The pack Alphas are waiting on the porch.
One by one each Alpha runs to you and pulls you into a big hug.
You all go inside and Steve makes a pot of coffee, handing you a mug. Thor sits beside you on the couch and puts his arm around you. Everyone is quiet and your anxiety starts building.
Tony sits in front of you and holds your hand.
“We’re happy you’re back.”
“You’re not angry?”
“Oh no, don’t think we’re not also pissed.”
You sink into the couch.
“This.” he points to the tracker on your ankle. “Will never come off.”
your mind starts whirling with ideas to remove it.
“Hey.” He snaps in front of your face.
“It can’t come off, trust me.”
You nod.
“Is the… is the tracker it or is there another punishment?” you ask.
The Alphas give you a sad look and Tony shakes his head.
“What else are you going to do?” you say barely above a whisper.
Carol comes and hugs you, shushing you.
“It’s going to be ok, we just want what’s best for you.”
They stay for the day, talking and asking questions about the years you were gone. Your anxiety starts growing the longer they’re there and they can all tell. The sun starts to go down and they each give you a hug and say their goodbyes.
Steve pours himself a glass of whiskey and takes a sip.
“Go to bed doll.”
You walk to your room and pull out the top drawer where you kept pajamas. You pick up the dark green chemise and hold it in your hands, feeling the soft fabric. Steve comes in and takes it out of your hands, slipping it over your head.
“Did any of it actually make you happy?”
“In some ways.”
He sweeps you up and carries you to the bed, climbing in after you and placing his arm over your body protectively.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the absence of Steve's warm body. Then you notice the handcuff. You look around and see Steve standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. You start shaking your head and pull your arm against the cuff.
“Steve.” you whimper.
He turns away and closes the door.
It takes a full twenty four hours for you to start breaking down. The panic comes and goes and your wrist becomes covered in blood and bruises. After two days you give up any hope. This is where you die. You close your eyes and wait.
Steve unlocks your hand and gently pulls you up to a sitting position. He holds a sports drink to your lips and helps you take small sips. You can’t stop shaking, your body weak from lack of nutrients. Steve takes the handcuffs to the closet and you hear beeping and the sound of a safe opening and closing. You take small sips of the drink while Steve fills a bath. He undresses you and carries you to the tub, getting in behind you and carefully cleaning you.
“It’s ok i’m here now doll, you’re ok.” He says, kissing your shoulder. You stare ahead, not able to respond.
After the bath he covers you with a towel and brings you out to the living room.
He leaves you on the couch and walks to the kitchen. You eye a small statue next to you and pick it up. You hold it in your hands, feeling the weight and eyeing a sharp point on one end.  Steve comes back with a glass of water and a piece of toast. He crouches in front of you making eye contact and waiting. You grip the statue and close your eyes then slowly put it back where it goes. You drop your head to one side baring your neck. Steve pulls the towel down and runs his hand over your mark. He takes a seat next to you and guides you down so your head is in his lap.
“You were always going to end up here.”
He terrifies you. He forced you to mate with him, almost beat you to death. controlled everything about your life. He left you for who knows how long chained to a bed until you broke into a thousand pieces, forcing you to rely on him to glue you back together.
He smells like home though. He’s like a lighthouse, guiding you through a storm. Always there no matter what you do or where you run. You can’t escape him.
“I know.”
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eyeless-cunt · 5 years
Prompt idea: Eyeless Jack stumbled upon a victims house to find them chained up, covered in wounds and bruises, and obviously poorly treated. EJ is about to nope tf out but she reaches out to him with t h e l o o k. So he has to help her escape. AND THEN LO AND BEHOLD THE RAT BOY (or whoever) APPEARS AND TURNS OUT SHE'S HIS HOSTAGE. -Cat eyes
alright listen— ill bite. but we’re gonna change this a lil.
word count: 3.5 k
summary: Ej is hundreds of years into his immortal life, the human population has run into their cities and left the woods to the dogs. Ej finds someone in his woods with something to hide, and then finds the hidden
nsfw: no just angst and trying to heal
warnings: gore, blood, violence, mentions of sexual abuse/sexual violence/hintings of rape, kidnapped reader, sensory deprivation, spitting on corpses that deserve it
It wasn’t supposed to end like this. But then again, it didn’t exactly start out the way it was supposed to either.
I was just hungry. That’s it. I hadn’t eaten in a while, i’m still not sure how long I went without food. That’s not important. I was just hungry. They were just standing there. I didn’t question why they were in the woods, why they were bloody. I didn’t question why I had never seen this cabin before, why someone was in my woods, why he had blood all over him, blood that wasn’t his own.
I was just hungry.
If I didn’t eat soon then another part of me would surface. I needed food. He was my food, and I didnt give him time to blink. I pounced as soon as I saw him, teeth sunk into his throat faster than lightning, to ensure a quick death and the inability to fight me back. I didn’t want a half assed human’s struggle, I wanted food.
I was done with him in less than thirty minutes, I had practically picked him from the bone. My hunger was sated, but my new curiosity in the wake of getting my sense back was not. Why was he in my woods, so far from human civilization. Who’s blood was covering him? I was so hungry I hadn’t stopped to taste him, I hadn’t noticed the difference between that blood and his. I doubt I would find any of it now in the wake of what I had done to him.
I smelt for a trail. What direction had he come from? West. I left him, there was no one else around to see him anyways. He had no use anymore. For some reason, I didn’t think anyone would miss him. I followed his scent trail, it didn’t stay to the path. I went through my woods, I hadn’t been to this area in a long ass time. Years maybe ? Not sure. I had lived too long. It could have been easily twenty years since I’d last visited this area and I would have no idea.
I’m not sure how long it was, I don’t keep time well, I came across a medium cabin. It looked like it’d been added to a few times. It was ugly. I wanted to burn it. Why the fuck was this in my woods? How did the little shit stain even get here? Slender needed work on his cloaking skills, it seemed. I walked around it, Listening keenly. I heard movement. Faint. I could hear things clearly from extreme distances, so why was this sound faint? A basement? That still wouldn’t do much. A sound proof room? Why would he have one of those?
My curiosity peeked, and I found myself trying to open the front door, only to find it locked. I smirked and rolled my eyes. What a weak door. Humans could be cute sometimes too. I delivered one kick to it, and the hinges completely gave out. I scoffed at how brittle it was, and continued inside the cabin. No lights were on, but that was fine. I could see perfectly fine, eyes or not.
I searched all the rooms—nothing to be found in any of them. So it was a basement then. I pulled up all the rugs in the cabin—nothing. What was he trying to hide so badly? I tried listening once again, but could hear nothing of what I had heard before. I smelt around and caught the scent of fresh blood. I followed it to what seemed to be his bedroom, and into his closet. I rummaged around his clothes and lo and behold— a wide wooden board too out of place to be natural. I tugged it and it stayed in place. If i couldn’t move it then how would he? I tugged a bit harder and it came undone in a splintering mess. If I hadn’t been wearing gloves then I would have gotten my hands dirty. This place was a mess.
It was a dark hole. Straight down with a rusty ladder. I definitely had not been in this area for a longer time than I had previously thought. I ignored the ladder and jumped down, hitting the ground about eight feet down. I looked around the space I had jumped into. One room. One door. I tried opening the door only to find a digital lock. I broke it with my fist and tried again. Still wouldn’t budge. I sighed and kicked the door. Why did he need such a thick metal door? How much porn was he hiding down here, hm?
I kicked it harder, once again, harder and again, and eventually it caved in on the side. I grabbed the part that I kicked in and tried pulling it my way, no dice. I moved backwards and stood two feet away from the door, then ramming my shoulder into it hard enough to send the door crashing into the opposite wall, making a loud crashing noise that reverberated through the room. My bad. I looked inside to find it bright, artificially lit, obviously. I almost walked right back out again after seeing what I saw.
In the corner was a slumped figure. She had bandages covering her eyes, arms chained above her and her feet in heavy shackles. Plugs in her ears, rag in her mouth, and gook stuffed in her nose. She couldn’t hear, see, or smell me. He was torturing a girl down here. I couldn’t tell her age or anything, but she definitely felt the tremors I had caused with the door— seeing as she had her head turning every which way and was pressing herself against the wall.
No wonder he had so much to hide. I walked over to her, and took the rag out of her mouth. What do I do with her? Do I set her free? What if she sends the cops to my woods? Slenderman’s cloaking only does so much. She immediately took a deep breath, and started choking on the air. Her chest moved up and down sporadically and she hung limp in her chains. She said nothing.
I took out the ear plugs and waited again. She said nothing. I couldn’t see her facial expression behind her bandages. i took the corner of her shirt and wiped the gook out of her nose as best as I could. She was patient and didn’t put up a fight. How long had she been down here? How long had she been kicked into submission? I was hesitant to remove the bandages, was she injured?
“What’s wrong with your face.”
She immediately halted any movement, then started to struggle. She didn’t recognize my voice and immediately figured I was a threat, it seemed. She just pulled against her chains, her mouth slightly open and her lungs laboring harshly. She obviously was a harsh breather. I didn’t know how long she had been here. How much of her stamina had been sapped away?
“Calm down. What’s wrong with your face?”
She didn’t say anything, just kept breathing harshly. She stilled immediately though. Obviously she knew english.
“If you don’t answer i’ll take the bandages off myself.”
She pressed further into the wall, and started shaking like a leaf when I cut a bandage with my nail, after removing a glove and sticking it in my pocket. I tugged at it and unwrapped her face, now in full view after a few moments. I didn’t see anything wrong with her. Normal. She however, started to cry as soon as the bandage hit the floor, reaching for it as hard as she could. She shook her head at me, willing me to go away.
“Do you want to be free?”
She only cried harder, grasping at her chains and pushing away from me, gasping for air.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Her sobs racked her entire body, as if she was expecting something that she couldn’t stop. I took her left arm chain into my hands and crushed it. It took more force then I was expecting, yet I did a leg one next, trying not to crush her leg in the process. She was probably scared out of her mind watching me crush her restraints with one hand like it was nothing, so I didn’t look up to see her reaction. I went to the next leg chain and then her arm. When I was done I expected her to run, hit me, scream, freeze up.
Nothing. The clasps of the chains that were now detached from the actual chains were still dangling from her limbs. I wouldn’t be able to crush those without hurting her fatally. She only stood there, swaying, and she looked immensely confused. I didn’t blame her. Where do we go from here? I settled on getting her out of this room.
“Can you make your way out by yourself?”
Nothing. I was starting to get annoyed. I was all for peace and quiet but this kinda pissed me off.
I felt bad about growling like that, it was deep and could probably make a child cry. She flinched back and hit the wall, her lip trembled. Still nothing.
I wasn’t all too patient at this moment, I was still recovering from who knows how long of hunger. I wasn’t in my normal mental state. I was harsher, meaner, louder, easier to anger.
So I grabbed her arm. Maybe a little too hard. I hadn’t been gentle with something in a long time. I had forgotten how much my strength had increased over the years. This immortal body had forgotten how to be soft. She whimpered and winced, but never pulled away.
I dragged her to the ladder and made her to grab the rungs. Forced her up the ladder and out of the closet. She hit the ground at her knees when I released her. I noticed the blueish purple marks on her, where I had been. Shit. It looked almost mangled. Why didn’t she pull away? How long had she been down here?
I tried again. I tried to be softer. This human wasn’t for eating right now. I tried to remember that when I hoisted her up onto my back, her arms hanging limply over my shoulders, her head pressing softly against my back. Small, fragile. Just like all humans. Even smaller than that man in the woods. It didn’t matter their size, gender, strength— they were all small and fragile prey to me. Something caught my eye. Something I hadn’t noticed before. I set her on the couch, practically dropping her there. She stayed put, didn’t move an inch.
Something that no human would notice, a thin crack in the wall. I pulled at it and it came undone quite easily. A simple hidden door behind water rotted wallpaper. Simple, easy, no one would look here. I entered cautiously, was there another human here?
No. Just a video camera and a computer. Set up at a desk in the corner of the room. I turned it on, it blarring to life loudly. Human technology had grown in the years, and apparently gotten louder with the years as well. I looked around the screen, everything was labeled with dates. The earliest one was two days ago. I clicked on it only to freeze for a moment. Pictures of her. Pictures of his hand at her throat, fingers in her mouth, a picture of him digging his nails into her left breast.
I clicked through them, there was easily fifty of them. Disgusted, I clicked out of them to try to find the earliest ones. sixteen years ago. I hesitated, then clicked. A video.
The screen was dark for a few seconds, then someone picked up the camera and suddenly the soundproof room wall was visible. The man holding the camera sniffed a bit and turned the camera to face empty restaints on the wall. They were different from the rough chains she had previously been trapped in.
“Alright, well, here they are! I think they should hold my little pet fairly well. They’re pretty sturdy and adjustable. God she’s such a thrasher, so I hope these hold as well as the guy who made them said they would. Not like she’d be able to leave the room anyways but... well I’d still rather her be restrained,” he sniffed again, and his hand made it’s way onto camera, reaching out to hold the brown straps and mess with them.
“I’m sure she’ll love this room much better than the previous one. That one was so dark, I know she’s afraid of the dark so I felt kinda bad. Hearing her cry in the middle of the night was so annoying. Made me wanna hit her upside the head and knock her out. Aha, yeah, but,” another sniff, “I really should go grab her and get her into this. bye now.”
The video ended. The next one was two hours later. I clicked it and once again there was a dark screen for just a few seconds.
When the camera got pulled up however it showed not a wall but her instead. She was so much smaller, so worn and bruised. She was glaring at the camera, tugging at her restraints. She seemed so tired, like fighting back and pulling constantly was starting to hurt her arms. She seemed to be in a lot of pain.
“Tell the camera your name. Come on now.”
Her lip trembled, then she started to thrash harder, letting out a scream. He growled and grabbed her by the throat, shoving her head back against the wall.
“Tell. The. Camera. Your fucking name. Now.”
She whimpered and stopped struggling. Tears had pooled in her eyes and her lips trembled harder. He pushed against her throat again when he got no response.
She said it quietly, but he seemed satisfied. He released her throat and delivered a soft hand on her head, patting there gently. She tried to cower away from his hand but he still followed.
“And how old are you, y/n ?”
She started to cry, a hiccup hitting the air. He moved his hand to her throat again but she didn’t need the warning this time.
“Si-si-six,” followed by another hiccup and sob.
He cooed at her, asking her things like what her favorite color was and her favorite song. She cried through the whole thing, her cries gradually getting louder. The video ended panned on her face, her eyes cast downward and tears streaks down her face.
I was grossed out, disgusted. I had the thought that maybe I should have dealt with him in a slower, crueler way. I searched through the pictures, looking for another video. Maybe it was morbid curiosity, maybe it was the need to understand what she’d been through. It didn’t matter, I just needed to see more.
It panned directly on her face now. She was full out sobbing and thrashing, her cries bordering on screaming. He had a hand at her throat and a hand on the camera. He got up and set the camera down on a nearby surface. He walked into view, and changed tha angle so you could see her full body in the restaints. I got a sick feeling in my stomach, but continued to watch, wondering where this was going. The bandages were now on her face. I looked at the date of the video, july 27th, seven years after the first video. She would be thirteen at this point. Still so young. He walked into the view of the camera, a wild smile on his face. Sure enough, it was the man in my woods.
“Y/n... do you want to be free?”
She sobbed louder, gasping and screaming, “No! Stop! I don’t want to do this again! I hate it! It hurts! Its disgu—
He delivered a swift slap to her face, causing her to whince and cry more. She stopped speaking but continued sobbing. He glared at her, even though she couldn’t see it with the bandages on.
“You know not to talk like that. Especially on camera. And it’s not disgusting! So don’t ever say that. It’s an act of love, you useless and spineless whore. It means I love you.”
He continued insulting her, spitting out insults and praising himself, telling her how much he loved her, how lucky she was to be here with him, ect. It was disgusting to watch. He started to grope her all over, her body shaking. She was scared. She was terrified. He took her face in his hands and upwrapped the bandages, dropping them on the floor. Her facial expression was heartbreaking. She looked so beaten and broken down.
“I’ll ask again, do you want to be free?”
“Wrong answer,” she sobbed harder, her head limp and slouched over as her cries took over her body, “Of course you want to be free, and i’ll show you how to be. Just relax. It’s fine.”
I was sick to my stoumach at this point. The events that transpired next I won’t explain, they were too vile and disgusting to explain in full detail. I didn’t end up finishing that video. I turned off the computer, and walked out the door and back into the living room where I had set her. She was still there. Looking at her after seeing those videos, those pictures, those memories— I still felt sick. She had gone through that in my woods. I had neglected patrolling my woods for so long, and this had happened as a result. I had become lazy, I had relied on slender and his cloaking. That decision had allowed this to occur. It was my fault that she had endured this pain for sixteen years. It was up to me to make it up to her, even though I knew it was impossible to make up for that amount of crushing hurt. I knew it, but I still tried.
I approached her slowly, then kneeling down to her face level where she laid on the couch. She starred at me, but said nothing. She was confused. I didn’t blame her.
“Can you walk? Or do you want me to carry you? If you don’t answer i’ll assume you want to be carried, and I won’t blame you. You probably have no leg strength left.”
She said nothing once again, and so I picked her up, more gently than I had before, more fitting of thin and expensive decorative glass. Her arms swayed limply as I carried her princess style out of the cabin and into my woods. I walked through the trees and stopped a few meters away from the man’s body. I felt that she needed justice, she needed to know she was safe. He was gone. I just didn’t know how to go about it. So I did so cautiously.
“The man who kidnapped you,” she froze in my arms, “he’s gone. Forever. He’s dead. Do you want to see? It’s gross, bloody, a disgusting display. You won’t even recognize him. He’s practically bones and slop now. If you don’t say anything i’ll assume you don’t want to see and we won’t continue in this direction. He’s just past those trees. So, do you want to see what’s left of your captor?”
I waited for a minute, but she didn’t say anything. I took that as my answer and turned around, ready to go in another direction. Her harsh grip on my sweatshirt stopped me. I looked down to see her lip quivering.
“I want to see it.”
She said it so soft, but I heard it. I nodded and turned back towards the trees, steadily making my way there. When I got there I stopped three feet from his body. She looked towards him, face turned away from me. I couldn’t see her expression. She started to cry, harshly and loudly. She went limp in my arms, so I kneeled down on the ground gently, setting her down and moving her so that she leaned against me. She cried for a good amount of time, I didn’t mind. When she stopped, she waited for a minute, then got up, me helping her. She took steps towards him, and when she was a foot away, she spit right on his skull. I almost smiled under my mask.
“Are you ready to go?”
She nodded and I picked her up once again, then making my way to my place. I wondered where to go from here. How much physical rehabilitation would she need to be able to move freely without my help? How much mental help? Did she have a home to go back to? Could I send her back? Would I keep her with me until she died? Humans had such short life spans, it wouldn’t be that long for me. Would she even want to stay with me? And what happens when I accidentally get too hungry and go feral, or on the verge of feral?
Would I kill her?
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kickasskody · 3 years
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                          DAKOTA ‘ kody ’ PIERCE, a character study.  “just because i cannot see it, doesn’t mean i cannot believe it.” -- jack skellington
Character’s full name: dakota pierce Reason for name and/or meaning of name: kody’s parents met and fell in love in north dakota, and decided to name their son after the great state 💖 Character’s nickname: kody Reason for nickname: in middle school, kody didn’t think the name dakota was cool. but the name kody, the most generic white boy name ever , was definitely cool Birth date: december 13th, 2002. baby sagittarius 
Physical appearance Faceclaim: austin abrams Gender: cis male Height: 5″8 #shortking Build: scrawny boy body. looks like he couldn’t lift more than 30 pounds... PSYCH!!! he’s a vampire so he can actually lift several hundred pounds 🤪🤪🤪 Eye color: blue with little dark green specks Glasses or contacts?: not with that snazzy 4k vampire sight !! Distinguishing marks/scars: funny little frecklescape on his back that looks like this emoji 😦 Hair color: dirty blonde Type of hair: type 1, aka straight hair Hairstyle: gets up out of bed, looks in mirror. maybe tussles it a little bit. thats it Physical disabilities: none Mental disabilities: adhd Clothing style: sweaters sweaters sweaters. striped sweaters ( because the best time to wear one is all the time ), disney sweaters, sweaters with dogs on them. white collared shirts to go underneath most of them. denim jackets, a couple of them tattering with holes in the elbows. black skinny jeans -- like he owns four pairs of the same black skinny jeans. someone tell him that skinny jeans aren’t in style anymore. uses the same jansport backpack he’s had since the eighth grade with a sewn in epcot center patch on the front pocket. dirty checkered vans. falling apart high-top converse. it’s not that he’s poor and can’t afford new things, he just prefers all his old stuff.  Make up: has never worn any but wouldn’t be opposed to trying some !!
Personality Good personality traits: good at secret keeping, friendly and uplifting, loyal, thoughtful, great memory, cautious, playful. chaotic good energy  🥰 Bad personality traits: gullible, slightly obnoxious, constantly confused, easily distracted Mood character is most often in: cheery, happy as f, practically bouncing off the walls Sense of humor: goddamn hilarious!!! at least he thinks so lol Articulation: loud and occasionally stuttery. repeating himself pretty often. the type to get lost in the middle of conversation and have to take a second to mentally loop back and remember what exactly they were talking about. uses the word ‘ like ‘ way too much. talks with his hands a whole lot. constantly talking like he’s a kooky disney character on a mission. Character’s greatest joy in life: riding a mf’in roller coaster Character’s greatest fear: disneyworld getting blown up / physically hurting someone  Character is most at ease when: he’s curled up with his friends watching a disney movie Most ill at ease when: he’s laying in bed at night, pretending he’s sleeping since he can’t Enraged when: thinking about how there are vampires in bridgemead -- that they could turn other people, kill other people, or worse... harm his friends.  Depressed or sad when: drinking from a blood bag. watching disney pixar’s coco. thinkin’ about a disneyworld churro and how he’ll never be able to enjoy the taste of one again. Priorities: at the moment? trying not to hurt anybody.  Life philosophy: “Keep Moving Forward!” -- walt disney said that Greatest strength: his optimism / ability to take something sad or bad and turn it around! Greatest vulnerability or weakness: giving just about anyone the benefit of the doubt. 
Goals Drives and motivations: getting enough money to be able to travel the world and visit every disney park on the planet.  Immediate goals: graduating high school / helping the scooby gang solve mysteries Long term goals: roller coaster designer / engineer. create a haunted house / rollercoaster hybrid ride
Childhood Hometown: orlando, florida Type of childhood: the kind where he’s an only child, where his middle class parents live to please and spoil him, take him to whatever amusement park he wanted to go to and buy him all the best merch. the smile on his face was worth more than anything they ever could’ve purchased for themselves. kody probably would’ve had siblings, but his parents had complications getting pregnant again, and thus they lived to make sure he had the best life possible.  Pets: a cat named toulouse ( shoutout aristocats ), but he passed when kody was fifteen Most important childhood memory: waiting in line for five hours to ride harry potter and the forbidden journey at universal studios orlando. blew his little kid mind. Dream job: imagineer!! Religion: non-practicing christians. church on easter and christmas ONLY!
Present Current location: bridgemead, massachusetts Currently living with: his parents 💖 Pets: none Religion: agnostic Sexuality: currently questioning his sexuality. growing up he always felt attracted to both boys and girls, but has never been able to articulate it. he’s only ever expressed interest in women, but he has a fat crush on chris evans as captin america Politics: would be socialist if he cared enough to think about politics Occupation/education: bridgemead high school super senior Mode of transportation: his parents dark blue prius!! but only thursday - sunday
Family Parent one: marcus pierce -- drug store manager Relationship with them: kody and his dad are best buds! if it weren’t for his fathers love for rollercoasters, kody doesn’t know what his life would be like today. they used to play rollercoaster tycoon growing up and kody still cherishes those memories today. Parent two: tina pierce -- bridgemead city manager Relationship with them: kody and his mother have a very loving relationship. however, kody’s adoration for his mother dwindled when it was her job that forced them to move to bridgemead. he thinks of it as her fault that he doesn’t get to go to disneyworld anymore, and there’s a bitter part of him that thinks that if she hadn’t made them leave, he never would’ve become a vampire. he knows its wrong to attribute her to his curse, but sometimes when he’s really sad he cant help it.  Siblings: none Other important family members: his widowed aunt shirley who lives twenty minutes from disneyworld and occasionally would join them on their weekend visits to the parks. he misses her greatly 😩😩
Favorites Color: that bright electric blue color on the cinderella castle at disneyworld  Music: electronic Food: a disneyworld churro.  Film: the incredibles / scooby doo 2002 Drink: pink lemonadde mixed with sprite Form of entertainment: disney+ subscription. if that’s all he had, he’d be content. Most prized possession: a magic kingdom two day passport ticket from the 1980′s
Habits Hobbies: playing rollercoaster tycoon / designing rollercoasters on his computer. obsessively watching ghost club paranormal on youtube. bothering aj with the latest thing on his mind that she definitely doesn’t need to know about Plays a musical instrument?: nope. wishes he could though!  Plays a sport?: nope, but would be great at track now that he’s a vampire! How he would spend a rainy day: playing kingdom hearts II in his pajamas. Spending habits: great at hoarding all of his allowance! since he’s not spending it on food, he’s an excellent saver. pre-vampirism kody was not as cautious with his spending.  Smoking/drinking/drugs?: no way 🙅🏼 has yet to even try alcohol Extremely skilled at: cheering up his friends! finding the good in others and convincing them to see it too 🤗 Extremely unskilled at: stopping himself from crying when he’s sad / when he’s in the middle of crying. putting together pieces of their investigations. sure, he can find things -- but what the hell is he supposed to do with them once he’s got it?!?! Nervous tics: anxious picking at his cuticles. messing with his hair. aggressive foot tapping. scrolling through his phone without actually looking at anything.  Usual body posture: that boy has been working on rollercoaster code on his computer for YEARS. his body posture is absolutely RUINED! Mannerisms: constantly talking with his hands. bouncin’ around like tigger when something exciting happens. abbreviating things that don’t need to be abbreviated. the loudest in the room at all times.
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Leader or follower? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Animal lover? HELL YEAH.
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: before the year 2020, kody actually quite liked himself! he realized that he was goofy and sometimes not everyones cup of tea, but for the most part, he knew he was a good guy who was a little obnoxious! now, he has mixed feelings about himself. vampirism has elevated a lot of his emotions and more often than not now, he dislikes himself for what he’s become, or what he could become if things turn bloody.  One word the character would use to describe themselves: spunky What does the character consider their best trait?: his compassion What does the character consider their worst trait?: his gullibility  What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: his fluffy hair !! What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: that he’s a short king. stream short kings anthem by tiny meat gang How does the character think others perceive them?: he’s pretty sure most people think that he’s wildly annoying, but that doesn’t stop him from being fully himself most of the time!  What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: his vampirism!! get this shit out of him just make him a normal aging boy again!!
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: kody is a big ole’ ball of love, and thus so, he tries to share that with everyone. strangers are treated with compassion, acquaintances are treated as old friends, and friends are treated like family. unless kody already knows someone to be a bad person, or is wary of them, he’s genuinely one of the nicest people one could ever meet. Opinion of the Scooby Gang: talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it. Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others?: it depends on the topic, but for the most part, yes. when it comes to most scooby gang related endeavors, kody will share his thoughts -- if it’s something related to movies or tv, he’ll be talking your ear off for hours. if it’s something that could result in it hurting someone else, he’ll be quiet, and if his vampirism was ever to come into question, he’d be absolutely be suppressing it.  Most important person in character’s life: oh god, not to pick scooby gang favorites, but probably aj. she’s the closest thing he has to a sister, and he doesn’t know what he would do without their banter, and her support. Best friend/s: aj darke, dylan frye, & arabella byrne Dating experience: absolutely none. kissed 2 girls in the span of 2 years over 3 years ago. Romancing: kody wouldn’t know the first thing about trying to get someone to date him. all he knows is the stuff he’s seen on tv, watched in movies, or experienced around him ( such as his parents successful marriage, or his friends dating people ), but if it were to come down to him, he’d be extremely awkward. picture tom holland’s spiderman trying to talk to zendaya’s mj in far from home -- because that’s extremely accurate. kody isn’t trying to date anyone right now for a couple of reasons: one being that he’s too nervous, and not exactly looking for love, but if it were to happen... he wouldn’t run from it necessarily. but two being that his vampirism creates a bit of a problem for him, and he’s not sure if he should subject anyone to the curse he’s stuck with.
Extra Physicality: if necessary, could probably lift a car and throw it down the street. as of right now, doesn’t know how strong he really is / is more concerned about hurting his friends with this supposed strength than he is finding out how many hundreds of pounds he could lift. kody in a fight? probably losing within the first five seconds, unless bloods drawn and the instinct to pounce takes over. Species: vampire How do they feel about it?: hates it. would do anything to reverse it. wishes he had just stayed a little longer at karma cafe that night. or had never gone at all. How do they look in their supernatural form?: pretty much the same, however when he’s hungry and near blood, his eyes go all dark and bloodshot, and the veins around his eyes start to pulse ( basically just like vampire diaries ), but kody is unaware of this since he’s never seen it happen to himself or another vampire
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ilovefanfic86 · 4 years
Supernatural S15E18 “Despair” and S15E19 “Inherit the Earth”
This is going to be my longest posting, so I am going to add a keep reading link.
I am skipping episode 17 because way too much happened since then. Spoilers ahead. Plus a shit ton of side notes.
Come share my pain...
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I’m not going to dwell to much on the whole episode. I just want to focus on the main parts. 
I’m glad that we got to see Charlie, Donna, and Bobby. Then they get dusted. Fuck you Chuck.
Billie wants to take over as Death and put everyone back where they belong. Anyone that was resurected would die human and angel a like.
Billie sends Jack to the Empty to let off his bomb and kill it. 
Billie is chasing down Cas and Dean. She wants to see Dean die before she does. Dean and Cas get locked in the dungeon so he can block her power. Dean then tells Cas that he got them into this all because he wanted to kill Chuck. Then Cas went and made it canon.
Cas finally tells Dean about his deal with the Empty. Once Castiel finds happiness, the Empty would kill him. The one thing that he wants, its something he can never have.
Cas proceeds to tell Dean how pulling him out from Hell changed him. How the way Dean sees himself as a killer, is not the way the world sees him.
Castiel tells Dean that he is the most selfless, caring, and loving human being he has ever know. Everything that Dean did, good or bad, he did it for love. Dean made Cas care about people and the world. That
Dean asks him, “Why does this sound like a goodbye?” Cas replies, “Because it is.” 
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Cas then tells Dean, “I love you.” 
DESTIEL IS CANON!!! (All of us who knew) 
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The Empty is summond kills Billie and then Castiel.He is taken with a smile on his face. He’s happiness was telling Dean he loved him. Then its just Dean on the floor.Crying. Me too Dean. Me too.
Sam, Jack and Dean are the only ones left on Earth.
“Inherit the Earth”
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My heart can’t take this.
By the way.... DESTIEL IS CANON!!!!
Damn I guess I’m gone too.
Oh shit! Where is Cas?! NO NO NO!!
This hurts on so many levels.
Lol! “Sudden Death”
Jack praying to Cas is just too much right now.
What the hell is wrong with Jack?
Damn I hate to say it, but Sam is right. He wanted to find another way and the world finally paid the price.
Hearing Sam wanting to give up is hard.
Fuck Chuck!
You damn right bring back Cas.
“The world is this way because you wouldn’t take a knee.” Fucking hell Chuck.
Poor joke.
Dean is drunk and unconcious Dean on the floor. He misses Cas so much that he starts drinking heavenly again.
Jack looks adorable in his pj’s.
 *Side Note*
I am starting to think that all the things that Jack did to kill Chuck, that made him God-like? I mean he basically became a super nova with the amount of power he had and then survived. Plus the plants are dying around him too.
Jack can sense life?
Dean found a dog and named it. Talk about a character arc.
 *Side Note 2*
I feel like Dean finding the dog relates to Cas dying. Hear me out. Dean doesn’t like dogs. And we were made to believe that Dean was straight and loved Cas as a brother. Then Cas confessed his love for Dean. Dean may now be open to things he “THOUGHT he didn’t like. Because you don’t miss it until it’s gone. Like Cas.
OH SHIT!!! THAT WAS SO FUCKED UP!! Chuck took the damn dog then smiled at Dean. Man FUCK YOU CHUCK!!!!
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Chuck really just fucking with them now.
I feel like I’m watching the movie “The Prophecy”, when they were at the gate.
Okay...So Michael is the one who had the humans believe that God was an all loving, all caring God. After Chuck left, so heGod would feel the love. Talk about a plot twist.Michael and the Winchesters working together.
Dean looks so scared.
WHAT CAS!!???!!!
Dean ran so fast up the stairs to get the door!!??
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....I need a break.... 
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The Empty sent Lucifer to get God’s death book. 
He brought a reaper then killed her. Making her the new Death and can read the book.
It’s way too many plot twits!! Chuck let Lucifer out?!
Kill his ass Michael!!
Watching Lucifer dying again is so satisfying.
What’s wrong with Jack?!
Dean caring for Michael is another storyline arc.
Sam is going to use the Book of the Damned to read the book.
This shit is intense.
I feel you Sam. If I’m going to die, at least let me get a hit in.
This is painful to watch. My babies!! 
Sam helping Dean up is too much.
Hell naw they won’t stay down. FUCK YOU!!!
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WHY ARE THEY SMILING???!!!?!?!?!?!?!
Chuck laying in the dirt, scared is everything. 
“Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer.” “That’s not who I am.” WHO WROTE THIS!?!?!?!?!?
Jack brought the people back!!!
I’m so proud of Jack.
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Jack is the new God and Amara is inside of him. They are both in harmony with each other.
Sam, Dean... Jack isn’t coming back to the Bunker.
I’m confused.
Damn it Jack. 
He will be such a good God.
Dean in maroon.
So are you going to talk about Cas now???
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Wow. they are really free.
They carved they’re names in the table.
...Okay... This is too hard to watch. I’m a huge fucking mess. This was so bittersweet, but I’m scared for next week.
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“Carry On”
...Son of a Bitch...
*Side Notes*
 Michael’s death was beautiful, yet tragic. All he ever wanted was Chuck’s love. When Chuck was killing him, I noticed that Michael’s heart was exploding. Basically his heart broke. 
 I love how they made Jack into the new God. The concept of it was amazing to me. Because Kelly and Cas told them that Jack would bring paradise to the world. Jack telling Sam and Dean that he is always with them.In the rain, the wind, the sands on the beach. You could tell that Jared was really crying. Me too Jared.
 Its beautiful that Sam always believed in Jack. He knews he wasn’t evil . Sam Winchester raised GOD and a good man. God is a 3yr old.
If Castiel doesn’t come back the next episode I am seriously going to throw hands.Cause honestly, just because Jack brought back everyone, (Did he bring the monsters back?) why is Dean happy? It feels like they are just forgetting about Cas. 
Becky was right!!! 15x04 When she reads Chuck’s ending, she was us right now. That shit really hurt.
I have never been more proud of Sam and Dean than I was this episode. Even though they had planned the attack on Chuck. Jack is absorbing the energy that Chuck is releasing fighting the boys. Chuck is beating them breaking bones, making them bloody. They continue to fight him. Fighting him through broken bones, blood, sweat, and tears... THE WINCHESTERS NEVER STOP FIGHTING!!!
Instead of killing Chuck, they leave him. To become human. To die, old and alone. No one remember him or care about him. Leaving him in the dirt in “despair” that we have.
They did Dean dirty in this episode. The dog was so hurtful and wrong as hell. Then Lucifer pretending to be Cas that was the most hurtful scene to me. The hope and happiness Dean had when he thought Cas was there. The way he ran up the stairs, 2 at a time. The looks of horror and disappointment on his face was heartbreaking.
I know this was a lot to read if you made this far. Lol! This was the best epsiode in the series to me. It has surpassed; “Swan Song” and “Black”. I know as soon as I hear “Carry on my wayward son...” I will have a panic attack.
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zeebeebirdy · 5 years
Self Destruction
Summary: Zane doesn’t know how to deal with his thoughts. The only person who ever understood him is gone. He hates pretending he hates Jack, but mostly because he doesn’t hate him the same way everyone else does.
A/N: Self indulgent vent piece about how Zane and Jack have/had depression but it was less about crying and sorrow and more about anger and holes in walls. TW for suicidal thoughts and death characters.
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Zane's never wanted anything more than to understand his own head. Since he was a teenager, when the darkness first started creeping in, wrapping its slippery tentacles around his heart and soul and brain, he’s only ever asked “why?”. Sure, if he could bludgeon the darkness itself in a bloody mess, he’d do it without a second thought, but that craving doesn’t eat him up inside the same way his questions do.
He sits at the bar, holding the neck of his beer and twirling the bottle against the dirty wood. Every Pandora bar is the same. They’re all loud, dirty, and lonely. He’s not exactly looking for company, though, but the company of nothingness gets tiresome after so many years. The glass of his drink struggles to sing as it scratches the bar surface. He keeps spinning it, watching. It keeps his brain focused on something not dark.
Chasing bad guys, killing mutated bugs and animals, being washed in the blood of psychotic lunatics that can’t help their descent into madness - Zane finds it all boring, really. He laughs, he jokes, he makes sure everyone around him is smiling even at the worst of times, but he’s exhausted of dealing with it day in day out. Sometimes when he’s ringing the life out of someone, he imagines his own neck in his hands. He imagines how blissful it would feel to lose consciousness, recognise pain in slow motion and really feel all the seconds of his life wasted. He wonders if a bullet entered his skull, would it come out the other side dressed in lace and innocence? Would his blood turn into glitter, and would he be decorated as a glorified hero? Bad people get bad endings, and good guys haunt souls...but what about the middle? Are they painted and hung up for the highest bidder to tell tales for years to come? 
He’s tired. He wants to go home. He wants to have a home. He wants somewhere no one can find him or remember him.
He takes a swig of his beer and sighs loudly. The woman beside him eyes him up and down. She’s missing her front tooth. Zane smiles at her, then quickly turns away before she can start a conversation. If she starts, Zane will bombard her with the mess inside his head. 
Or he might punch her.
No, he won’t do that. He would never, but he’s thinking about it. It’s addicting like porn, imagining violence, but he doesn’t seek it out. Sometimes his brain just channels all the static chaos into a picture, and that picture is deprived of morals. It soothes him. No one understands that version of depression - the violent, angry, side looking for someone to validate them in their madness. 
Jack did though. Jack was the same.
Zane throws back the rest of his drink and throws his money down on the counter. As he saunters out the bar he hears the woman call his attention. He ignores her though, and actually feels guilty about it. Maybe now she’s angry. Maybe now she’s sad. Maybe she’ll go home and tear herself apart because she couldn’t find kindness in a stranger. 
Jack used to say Zane was too sensitive. Ironic, for a man broken beyond repair, always searching for something to make him feel alive again. Zane used to tell Jack he should stop pretending he was smart. Jack hated that.
Zane has a message from Lilith on his ECHO Device. He feels his whole chest tighten. He imagines fire wrapping around his bones. He sees her name, he hears her voice, and he’s reminded of all the ways he’s a bad person. He hates her morality pursuit, and he hates that he hates that...because it’s not an act, or a bad way of thinking. Lilith is an okay person, she wants basically good things, same way as Zane, but she’s not plagued by demons like him. She doesn’t secretly yearn to hurt innocent people--
And he doesn’t own that shit like Jack used to.
Zane is in a limbo or morality. Lilith’s message is about helping someone, and his reaction is distain. His reaction is unnecessary violence. He’s so sick of pretending to be the nice guy, but he doesn’t want to be a villain.
He remembers holding Jacks lifeless body. He remembers rushing to his aid after The Warriors release, knowing this was it - Handsome Jack had finally gone too far, and he would die. Zane remembers crying his eyes out, hands clutching at Jack’s corpse, begging him to wake up. He remembers screaming at him, cursing him out, blaming him for everything wrong with Zane. He remembers picking up Jack’s mask and keeping it. He remembers burying Jack before the crusaders returned...
He remembers the first time Jack broke his knuckles punching a hole in the wall. He remembers the first time Jack lost his voice yelling. He remembers when Jack has blood drenched down his arms, eyes red raw, looking feral with anger.
He remembers the first time he kissed Jack. He remembers the first time he hugged Jack in bed. He remembers the first time Jack laughed at one of his jokes...
He remembers when Jack was good.
He remembers when Jack turned bad.
Jack was the only person that ever told Zane he mattered, no matter good or bad.
Zane hates Jack. He hates everything Jack left behind, all the pain and horror. He hates how Angel broke Jack, and he hates that Jack hurt her back, and that neither of them knew what they did, whether because of the pain or the denial. Zane wants the young Jack back - the one shaking in his arms because his wife was in labour, the one who helped Zane see who he really was, the one who believed in people and had ambitions bigger than his ego. He hates that he ever knew a good Handsome Jack, because it made the monster all the more evil.
But who is Zane? He’s not good, no. He’s a bad person. He’s a killer. He’s...
Lost in the darkness.
He tells Lilith he’s on his way to her. He ignores the urge to rip his hair out. He ignores the anger festering like a cluster of insects. He walks onward toward pretending he’s a good guy and helping people.
He wishes he still had that voice to tell him it’s okay - “Your thoughts don’t define who you are. Sometimes your actions don’t either. It’s how you respond to your darkness”.  He wants someone to be angry with, the reassure him he’s not crazy.
He wants Jack...so fucking much.
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shooter-nobunagun · 6 years
We Are Destroyer (R-18)
In just a matter of minutes, just a matter of time We could lose it all, we could lose it all If all we are is just what we've earned We are the destroyer
//Warnings: NSFW content; non!con, incest (but no actual sex) Tread with caution.
Adam didn’t think much of the dark flat when he finally returned from his latest date with Sio—the excitement of the spending the entire afternoon with her at the local amusement park, and then a very special moment right behind the tree where they usually said good-bye and parted ways...grinning to himself, he couldn’t help but touch his lips slightly, feeling warm and tingly at the memory. So strong was the euphoria that it took putting away his belongings and about to climb upstairs before he noticed just how quiet it was. Not that he and Jack were the type to run down the stairs and greet the other upon his return, but it was oddly quiet, especially given that Jack hadn’t made any plans to be out that day.
‘Or maybe he went out anyway?’ Shrugging to himself, he was about to slip into the tub for a relaxing bath, clothes half-shed into the dirty bin before he heard the trudging of footsteps.
“Ah, Jack—sorry for waking you up, didn’t think we’d come back this late...” He gave a hapless shrug, a little confused at his brother’s rather disheveled appearance and the fact that Jack was somewhat of a night owl, so seeing him as if he’d just crawled out of bed was a little unusual...but the excitement was so strong he simply shrugged it off. “Got dinner by yourself then? Or did you head out with Nobunagun again?”
A non-committal grunt as Jack just shrugged, but otherwise didn’t say anything. Adam raised an eyebrow at his brother’s strange attitude, his brain finally wrenching itself free from the blind euphoria. “Hey...you all right, Jack? You’re not feeling ill again, are you?”
“...No, I’m just...I’m fine, Adam. Don’t worry about me.” Again with that oddly sulky tone, which Adam knew indicated Jack was upset about something, but if so why was his brother so reluctant to voice it...?
“...Hey, look, I...I know I’ve been spending a lot of time with Sio lately, and...maybe I haven’t been all the great about hanging out with you, Jack. So, I’m sorry about that...but seriously, if this whole thing is really bothering you, can we just...talk about it honestly, instead of you randomly moping about or else dropping these weird, passive-aggressive hints?” Adam rarely liked using his authority as the supposed ‘older’ sibling for compliance, but Jack’s behavior was starting to cross from annoyance to concern. “Just be honest: are you bothered by me going out with Sio?”
A slight twitch of the other’s jaw, and for a second Adam had the strangest sensation of fear, as if he should be ready for something...but then it passed by so quickly it could’ve just been his imagination.
“...I don’t know...I, I feel like shouldn’t be, but—” His brother ground his teeth, wanting but unable to finish his sentence. “...Just forget about it, it’s not—I can’t explain it.” 
“Oy, you—hey, don’t walk away! Jack, come back here!” Adam growled in frustration at his brother’s retreating back, determined to get to the bottom of this once and for all. Forget about the bath—that could wait until later, and without even putting the rest of his clothes back on he hurried after Jack, grabbing the other by the shoulder and spinning him around so they were finally face-to-face. “Goddammit Jack, what’s going on? I know this has something to do with my dating life, doesn’t it? Don’t think I haven’t noticed all your odd little tics lately: the sulking and mood swings, randomly getting wound up whenever I come back after dinner or going out after school...” Those green eyes same as his own, bore back unblinking into his as Jack’s breath grew increasingly harsh at each accusation and comment. “Admit it; you’re upset over me paying more attention Sio, aren’t you, Jack?” Silence. “Jack! Answer me, dammit!”
“God, what’s with you? Why can’t you just leave me alone?!” Jack responded harshly, now agitated as well. “Why does it matter what I want?” He angrily shoved Adam, who shoved back just as hard. “Aren’t you happy you finally get to tell me off after all these years? That I was wrong about you being a prude?”
Adam blinked, stunned by the outburst of words. “...What? What the hell are you talking about? Why would I...is that what this is all about? You think I’m trying to get back at you? That I would be wound up over something as stupid and petty as...that?” A twinge of pain wrenched itself into his chest, Adam not sure how to feel or even react to his brother’s distress. “Jack, I...why do you always say such things? Why can’t you just tell me how you really feel, for once in your bloody life?!”
“All right, you want me to tell it like it is? Fine, then I’ll tell you. Yeah, I guess I am wound up you’re always going off, doing this or that, sometimes without even telling me until the last minute—if at all. I don’t like that you act happier around her than me, that you act like your time with her, is more important...” His brother’s voice grew oddly husky and Adam felt his stomach drop at those words; the last time he could remember Jack being so frustrated and upset to the verge of tears was when they were children, and teased mercilessly for simply being different...
“Jack, I—that’s not, that’s—” But for some reason, even with tears running down his brother’s face the words seemed caught in his throat. Was it because acknowledging his brother’s feelings was too painful? Or because at its heart, those words were true... “I...Jack, please don’t—”
“Don’t what? Take it the wrong way? Be so selfish?” His brother wiped the tears briefly, a sarcastic look on his face. “Y’know, the most ironic part of this whole situation is how I thought, this would be a good opportunity for you...I thought, I should be happy for you...but, I’m not...and that’s the worst...”
Adam didn’t know what to say; the happiness in his chest replaced with a crushing guilt, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as well. He knew that feeling; that immense pressure to always be there unconditionally for your other half, no matter how much the toll could be on yourself... Hadn’t he felt the same back then, whenever Jack would go cavorting about with whichever girl was currently showing an interest in him that week, despite Adam’s stern lectures and disapproving glares? Or the stress from Jack’s constant, carefree attitude about things like responsibility, the future, and all those so-called ‘adult moments’ he tended to leave aside in Adam’s hands, simply because he couldn’t be bothered and knew Adam would eventually pick it up for him.
“...Jack, I—that’s not wrong! Just because we’re twins, doesn’t mean...you always have to be all right with everything I do. I didn’t know this would happen—how the hell could you possibly know this would affect you so much?” A tear fell but Adam fought back the urge to break down completely; the time for ‘that’ conversation was finally happening now it seemed, and it would never get resolved if both of them were a sobbing mess. “That’s why I told you, you need to fucking tell me shit! Otherwise I’m just going to keep on assuming things are fine the way they are...when they’re not...!”
“But I shouldn’t be! I can’t be! Don’t you get it?!” His brother cried in frustration, surprising Adam. “I...I know in the past, you’ve always put up with my bullshit, no matter how many times you told me off or whatever...and yet I did it anyway. And now, now...I can’t even stand it when you’re legitimately dating someone you like, not just fooling around like I was...” The self-loathing in Jack’s tone sent a shudder down even Adam’s spine. “In the end...you’ll always be better than me...more deserving of anything than I ever will be...because I really am, the worst...”
“No! Stop it Jack, stop talking like this!” Adam grabbed a hold of his brother by the shoulders, seemingly determined to shake this strange despair from him by force. “I don’t understand...! Why are you like this?! You’re not making any sense! I’m not ‘better’ than you or anything like that! What’s gotten into you? Why do you...always say such awful things about yourself?” 
Like all those times where Jack came home crying, or getting into trouble because he was different, whereas Adam would escape their torment by ignoring them...how many times did Jack question his own brother, about why he was different, whether or not he was worthy of love and kindness like everybody else?
“I don’t understand! Is it because I really am a monster?”
“You’re not a monster! Jack, I promise...you’re not less worthy or any of that bullshit!” Adam cried in despair, determined to push out this strange and unsettling attitude from his brother. “Jack, please! What’s going on?!”
His brother became oddly silent, despite the tears streaked on his face and the harsh breaths. In hindsight he should’ve guessed there was more to the issue than Jack simply being upset at his dating life, that there was a deeper underlying cause to this insecurity, but nothing could have prepared him for the next moment: his own brother’s lips pressed against his in some sort of painful desperation, fingers grasping his bared shoulders as Adam struggled to make sense of it, least of all fighting to breathe. The touch that was once comforting now nauseating, with fingertips stroking down his bare chest in a way that siblings never did to each other.
“Mmmph...! Mm...!” Even though Adam knew his twin well, he was still surprised at how strong his brother’s grip was. Attempts to pull away only resulted in being pulled closer, Adam feeling the nauseating fear increase as he realized what exactly was going on. ‘What the hell...?! Why is this happening? Jack...why would he...!’ Clammy hands pushed and punched the other body, until at last Jack let go, seemingly for air. Adam used the opportunity to shove him as far away as he could, wiping his mouth and stumbling backwards as Jack just stood at the top of the stairs.
“Wha, what the...the fuck, was that all about?!” He tried to shout in anger but all that came out was a fearful wail, his breathing too fast for his liking and body trembling with uncontrollable rage but most of all fear. “Why...what, Jack...!” A sob came out and before he knew it tears started flowing, unchecked as Adam pulled himself up on shaky legs. “J-Jack...how could you? Why? I don’t...understand!”
“...You asked me what’s wrong. And well...there’s something very wrong, with me.” A whispered answer at last, tears on Jack’s face as well but he was strangely calm compared to the elder. “I can’t rightly say I know why, or what either...but, I know...even though it’s wrong...! I can’t, I just, can’t—!”
“You don’t know? I—but what, how...” The intense fear now tinged with a burning rage, Adam slowly approaching his brother with all the caution and fury of a wounded lion. “Y-you just, suddenly grab me and then fucking...violate me like this, and you don’t fucking know why?” Anger overcame his fear and he grabbed Jack by the collar. “Jack! Why would you...how could you even think to do something like this?!”
A dead-eye stare back, Adam for the first time questioning whether he truly knew his brother, or if it had all been some elaborate ruse. “Heh; you know, you’ve told me so many times that I’m not a freak, not a...monster. I actually started to believe it, you know? But now, I know...no, no matter how...good you are to me, I’m still...just a freak...”
Not this again. “Will you...get that out of your fucking head!” Suddenly all the frustrations and anger overwhelmed what other feelings he held, Adam letting out a cry of anguish as he pushed hard against Jack. Only a split second later did he realize his mistake, as he watched his brother windmill helplessly, before crashing down the narrow flight of stairs into a heap at the bottom, entirely limp. ‘Oh shit—!’
“Jack! Jack! Oh god, shi—I didn’t, I didn’t mean—!” A different sort of fear rose as Adam hastily descended, his nerves a jumble of wildly conflicting emotions. “I didn’t meant to!” He was panicking so hard it took him awhile to realize Jack was still breathing, which took off a huge load but not entirely. 
‘Alright, he’s...he’s alive—but what if he’s injured...! Shit, fuck me...why did I do that...!’ 
But isn’t that what you asked Jack? A curious little voice piqued up in his head, Adam wondering for a second if it was real or a hallucination brought on by the extreme emotional duress. You asked why he did such a reprehensible thing, and he couldn’t answer you...so now, why are you doing the same thing with no reason?
But that’s not the sam—
Is it?
A groan interrupted his thoughts, Jack coming to and Adam unsure of whether to help his brother or even touch him. Still, even that abhorrent act couldn’t erase years of brotherly instincts, and before he knew it Adam pulled his brother into a sitting position, hastily checking over for anything broken. There was a swelling near his eyebrow that would no doubt turn into a nasty bruise, but thankfully there was no blood; although who was to say Jack hadn’t suffered a mild concussion or worse, internal injuries? 
“J-Jack, please be okay—I’m, I’m sorry—oh god!” There were no more words to say, and even if he knew them Adam had no composure left; only tears, the teen sobbing as he sat there, Jack looking on in a sullen silence. ” Wh, why...I don’t understand...! Y-You, scared the shit out of me...d-doing, something like that...b-but I didn’t mean to hurt you...!”
“...Did you?” Adam looked up in shock. “If you actually wanted to harm me, I would’ve understood.” A bitter smirk, Jack looking away. “Heh, sometimes I wonder if you wouldn’t be better off if I never existed...”
“Stop it!” The yell shocked even Adam himself, Jack’s expression frozen at his brother’s outburst. “Why do you hate yourself so much?!  What’s, wha...” Adam had to take a deep breath, to stop whatever sense left from fracturing completely. “You’re my twin...don’t you have any idea how much it breaks my heart to hear you say that? Fucking hell, how many times do I have to say it until you understand?!” Jack said nothing still, although Adam could see his brother’s jaw trembling with un-shed tears from the corner of his eye. Was it so unbearable to Jack that Adam was dating now that he had to resort to such abominable actions to prove a point? 
If I had to choose, between Jack or Sio...  Adam grit his teeth; the pain in his chest squeezed so tightly he wouldn’t be surprised if he had a heart attack right there and then. ‘No, I don’t believe it! There has to be a way to resolve this...! Why should I have to choose one or the other...’
“I...I don’t, know...” Jack finally let out a whisper, so quiet Adam wasn’t sure if he heard at first. “I, I don’t...A, Adam, I’m...sorry....!” And the dam finally burst, Jack’s shoulders hunched over and shaking as he cried, buried himself in his arms and sobbed like he hadn’t since they were children. “I don’t, I don’t know...I-I’m so confused myself! I, I’m scared...th-that I’m becoming s-some, some...terrible thing...and I don’t know how to stop that! P-Please, Adam, don’t...don’t leave me all alone!”
“Jack...!” Suddenly Adam felt like he found the answer, or at least part of it. Was Jack afraid of Adam abandoning him in favor of Sio? ‘That would explain his sudden possessiveness, and why he’s so upset lately...especially since it’s my first relationship. He can’t handle that...’  Slowly he reached out to the other, hesitantly putting a hand on one shoulder. 
“I swear, even though you’ve...made, poor decisions, and did...that, I won’t abandon you. I swear it; we made that promise, remember?” Despite everything, Adam couldn’t help but hold out his right pinkie. “We promised, remember? That, no matter what...we’d always be there for each other. And I still mean it.” Ignoring the fear, he looped the finger around his brother’s. “That doesn’t mean I’ll, forgive you...for what you did. At least, not just yet. But I’m not going to let you wallow about in your own insecurities, your own fucked-up feelings; you need help, and if I can’t give it to you, then by God I’ll find it for you.” Truthfully Adam didn’t even know where to begin, let alone what form said ‘help’ would take, but he had to; after all wasn’t that his role, as the older brother? 
“I’m, sorry...! Sometimes I wonder, if I made a mistake...coming here. Ever since we’ve arrived, I feel like...I barely know myself anymore. I’m...changing into someone else. Something else. I, I know...you probably can’t forgive me, and honestly, I deserve that...your contempt,” he bit out, “but please, Adam...you won’t...abandon me, will you?”
“...No, Jack. I swear, no matter what happens...I’ll always be here for you.” Adam knew his words were true, even if his heart was still a mess. There was no way in hell he’d abandon his brother for someone else, even if it wasn’t clear what brought about Jack’s sudden change in their relationship as brothers. “Please, Jack...don’t think like that. How could you ever think I’d cut you off just because I started dating?” It was frustrating to think even after all these years Jack harbored such a great insecurity, despite his brash exterior. When they were children sure, they both learned the hard way to ignore the words thrown their way, so why was it now Jack still seemed so dependent on whether or not Adam cared about him?
But what else can I say or do to make him stop thinking this way?
Jack didn’t say anything more, only whimpering and nodding slightly, seemingly more subdued now. Adam felt his pulse calm down, but only slightly. So many thoughts were running through his head—whether Jack was seriously injured, why did his insecurities manifest itself like this, and that wasn’t even counting the fact that, regardless of his intentions or reasoning, he’d kissed his own brother and even felt him up—and it was definitely not in any sort of platonic or familial manner.
The vague, impossible notion that Jack could actually be interested in Adam as a romantic or sexual partner, instead of just siblings...Adam felt his stomach churn, forcing himself to swallow the rising bile. No, it couldn’t be...incest was just another taboo fetish, Jack couldn’t possibly think of him as anything other than a brother, a twin...and their childhood didn’t contain any hints of abuse or other trauma that usually lead to those abhorrent situations, despite their single-parent upbringing. ‘It can’t...! He’s just, confused...and wound up about this whole thing, that’s why...’
“L, Look...you’re obviously upset about my relationship with Sio. And if that’s the case, then we need to have a serious chat...when we’re both calmer.” Still, he couldn’t stop the trembling, even as he checked over the superficial wounds, paying close attention to his brother’s awareness and lucidness. “How’s, your head? Can you focus? I...I’m sorry...!” Another wave of tears erupted, even though Adam was sure there couldn’t possibly be anymore. At the end of the day, no matter what happened between the two...Jack was still his other half; and the thought of him hurting so much, physically and emotionally...
The tears continued as he slowly helped Jack shuffle to his room, the latter having remained silent this entire time. His brother seemed to be all right, physically speaking: after patching up the abrasions, he did a basic test for any signs of concussion and internal wounds; Jack didn’t seem any worse for wear, though Adam still worried. About Jack’s mental state, possible hidden wounds, and his own state of mind...
“L, Listen, Jack,” Adam forced himself to look at his brother’s eyes, “I mean what I said back there; I’m not gonna abandon you, and we’re gonna get you the help you need, so you can start changing those thoughts, yeh?” Jack didn’t seem to care one way or the other, only eyes staring listlessly off to the side. Adam resisted the urge to lose his temper again, instead nodding as if Jack had responded. “Alright; okay, let’s just...it’s late, you should get some rest... We’ll continue this discussion tomorrow. I’m going to wash up...so please do not come into the bathroom while I’m in there.” After what seemed like an eternity, Jack shuffled underneath the covers, not even bothering to change his clothes as he turned his head on the pillow. Adam stared for a few more minutes, as if trying to discern whether Jack was truly sleeping, before finally easing out of the room, shutting off light and closing the door.
The second the knob clicked his legs gave out, Adam slumping to the floor with a tremble. Why was he shaking...was it fear or exhaustion, or some combination of both? Everything felt incredibly surreal, as if this were simply a nightmare—and how he wished it was. But no amount of self-delusion could erase the memories of the past hour, starting from when he came home late, to his brother’s actions, and the awful confessions of him not knowing what was going on and why he was even doing such an awful thing... The date with Sio seemed very far away now, Adam having a hard time remembering he’d even been out this afternoon, let alone the joy he’d experienced with her. 
“Alright Adam, now what?” He whispered to the darkness, as if trying to reassure himself that, as long as he had a plan of action, things would work out in the end. “First things first...finish taking that bath...” Slowly, he forced his legs to stand, wobbling to the tub whose water was now barely lukewarm. His skin seemed...dirtier all of a sudden, even though he’d washed himself off thoroughly before getting in. Unconsciously his hand traced the line his brother had run a finger down, and his whole body convulsed; Adam feared for a second he might actually vomit. 
No, no...it’s not true! Jack’s not like that...he wouldn’t, he can’t...!
For a second anger overwhelmed the fear, Adam resentful he couldn’t even touch or look at his own body without wondering if Jack saw him in a different light, now. It felt disgusting; unclean, as if there were some invisible contaminant that caused his brother to lust after him. ‘Maybe it’s my fault...maybe I shouldn’t’ve kept pushing him aside, spending all my time with Sio...if I did, maybe then, he wouldn’t...’ A choked sob, Adam covering his mouth so he wouldn’t accidentally wake Jack as he cried; curling himself into a tight ball, shivering despite adding more hot water to the tub. How could things have come to this...he knew arguments and maybe even a fight were unavoidable, but this? To be violated by his own twin, who didn’t even know what was going on himself? Weren’t they supposed to be each other’s stalwart halves? To protect and help one another; love each other as siblings, not...whatever it was Jack’s twisted imaginations came up with. And that wasn’t even counting Jack’s own hurt feelings; of how he felt betrayed and abandoned by Adam, and this continued, irrational self-hatred for being a monster... The more he thought, the harder he sobbed; gasping for breath as tears streamed down his face, fingers digging into his own arms in a desperate attempt to prevent himself from completely falling apart.
“Jack...why, why...! H-How could you...”
The floor creaked slightly, Adam’s heart leaping to his throat as he immediately fell silent, straining his ears for any additional sound. In all likelihood it was probably just one of their neighbors, or even the wind; yet he couldn’t help but stare at the door with fearful eyes, pulse hammering as he wondered if it could be Jack standing right outside the door.
Please don’t be there...please, leave me alone!
After what felt like an eternity, Adam eased out of the tub. He should be getting to sleep, anyway—that is if he could actually fall asleep, after all this. His body felt like a robot as he dried himself off, brushed his teeth and crept back to his room, all on automatic. Jack’s room was completely silent, and Adam was torn between checking on him to make sure he was all right, versus just going to his room and pretending nothing had happened. In the end, he guiltily crawled under the blankets; convinced himself that Jack hadn’t suffered any lasting injuries, and they’d be better able to clear things up with a fresh eyes and a new day.
As he lay there, sleep eluding him despite the exhaustion, Adam grappled with whether or not to tell Sio. It was abhorrent, this potential case of incest between twins—and knowing how innocent she could be, the shock might be too much; not to mention Sio would no doubt relay this to Nobunagun, and who knew how the elder Ogura might take it. Jack may have committed a grave sin, but violence was not the answer. With shaking hands, he forced himself to put the phone away; he could decide tomorrow, about whether or not he was ready to talk about it.
Just as his eyes finally started closing in sheer exhaustion, the floors creaked again and he shot awake, lying frozen in fear as his heart pounded. Again there was nothing more, save for his strained and trembling breath, and the sound of his own pulse. ‘It’s just the upstairs neighbors...calm down, Adam; nothing’s gonna happen...’
Still, maybe he should lock the door, just in case...but no; what kind of brother would he be if he couldn’t trust his own twin? Even if it was logical to look after his own safety...that inexplicable bond he still held with his brother, he needed to hold onto it now, more than ever. To lock the door was as good as declaring Jack a traitor to that bond, no longer worthy to be his twin...
Adam couldn’t help but start crying all over again as he stared at the door.
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victorineb · 7 years
A Siren Cry
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It’s Trope Tuesday II in @hannigram-a-b-o-library​‘s SummertimeSlick event, so please enjoy this Omegaverse re-imagining of Sorbet (part of a series of standalone fics that can be found on AO3).
Thanks for the gorgeous banner go to the wonderful, amazing and all-round awesome @desperatelyseekingcannibals​.
Also on AO3.
Hannibal Lecter has his hands inside the body cavity of another human being. It is, without question, the loveliest thing Will Graham has ever seen.
It was Beverly, in the end, who had figured out that the ambulance driver – Devon Silvestri – Will has just seen cuffed and dragged off was responsible for the string of corpses. Which is how they had ended up here, in an isolated stretch of land, with a fortunately-present Hannibal taking Silvestri’s place in order to save the man who lay, cut open and almost minus a kidney, in the back of the ambulance. And how Will came to be witness to the striking sight of Hannibal rolling back his cuffs to plunge his long, elegant hands into a bloody disaster that he had, in his usual, understated, Hannibal style, deemed as having been executed quite poorly.
Under other circumstances, Will would have smirked at that.
The fact that Will cannot wrest his eyes from the bloody scene in front of him is not, in itself, a problem. It is his job to look at bloody scenes and, in any case, there are several others watching with him. The issue is that Will is not watching the body, or the blood, or the crime scene. He is watching Hannibal – his hands, his skill, his calmness – and Will is beginning to realise just how far he's come from considering the man as just his psychiatrist. How much greater than – God forbid – “friendly” he has allowed his feelings to grow. Will looks at Hannibal and what he sees is Alpha.
Or, more specifically and far more worryingly: my Alpha.
And it is this realisation that likely causes Will’s own Omegan body to call attention to the presence of his ideal mate in the near vicinity.
Everyone's attention.
Will feels his feet place themselves firmly on the ground, his body straighten, his shoulders pull back.
Oh no. Not here. Not now.
He feels his chin lift, throat exposed, and his mouth open.
He releases the cry perched beneath his chin.
His Omega cry.
The sign that tells the intended Alpha, I choose you, you are my mate, we are compatible. Take me, knot me, bond me, breed me.
Right now.
The upshot of this biological loudhailing is: a) a satisfyingly low divorce rate amongst Alpha/Omega pairings; b) the immediate onset of a powerful, days-long heat/rut, assuming the Alpha in question responds in the affirmative; and therefore c) the existence, in many hospitals and hotels, of discreet facilities into which soon-to-be-bonded mates can check without prior notice and enjoy their subsequent heat/rut in peace.
The upshot of Will's cry is deathly silence and an expression on the face of Hannibal Lecter, still engaged in the continuation of a man’s life, which lasts approximately two seconds but, to Will’s uniquely tuned mind, displays shock, confusion, joy, possessiveness, lust, irritation and calculation in approximately that order.
Will is reasonably sure he got them all but he admits he's not on top form at this precise moment.
Because once an Omega has given their cry, they are physically unable to do anything other than speak until they receive a response from their prospective Alpha. Fortunately, running at top speed in the opposite direction is generally taken as a no because otherwise the streets would be littered with frozen Omegas.
So, while everyone else in the area shakes off their shock/annoyance/amusement, Will is left a vibrating, anticipatory, paralysed mess.
And that's a problem because Hannibal is a little occupied right now and if he responds with a Yes, Will, you are the one for me, then his subsequent rut is going to get rather in the way of any lifesaving endeavours.
So, in a voice pulsating with Alpha command, he instructs the entire room to “Please, remain still. I request that nobody move or make noise for the few minutes I require to ensure this man’s survival. After that, you may complete your work and we will deal with this issue calmly.”
This issue. That doesn't sound like enthusiasm.
Will is about to explode from embarrassment and dashed hopes, when Hannibal adds, in a much quieter tone, “Are you quite alright, Will?”
Will pulls himself together enough to answer, “I'm not the most comfortable I've ever been but I'm coping.”
“Good then,” Hannibal replies, stealing a glance from his work, “wouldn't want my mate to suffer on my behalf.” And then he winks and Will thinks he might actually begin glowing from the inside out.
It is still, though, the longest ten minutes of his life.
Nobody dares come near him. Not even Jack, who surely is about to burst a blood vessel from all the shouting he is not currently doing. Instead Will waits and watches Hannibal work – which is exactly what got you into this mess in the first place – and wonders what those hands will feel like on his body.
Ten minutes pass with the impression of eternity.
Hannibal does not rush. He knows the man can be saved and so he ensures it. He knows he must clean himself afterwards and so he does that too. And then, with the strength of an Alpha with pressing business, he lifts the stretcher down from the ambulance single-handed, passes the patient off to the waiting EMT’s with some words about the requisite aftercare and finally kisses Will, a powerful, claiming thing with the promise of many more like it, over years and years to come.
And then he drags the younger man back into the ambulance and slams the doors.
At which point, Jack Crawford decides that he has permission to shout again and does so. At length. With, at one point, both feet braced against the ambulance, arms straining at its locked doors.
“That is a crime scene! An active, unexamined, uncatalogued crime scene! You are breaking the goddamn law and I will throw the pair of you in jail, heat or no heat!”
“Boss!” Beverly Katz, the only person present brave enough to confront the livid beast before her, rushes over, trying to get Crawford's attention. “Boss! Jack!”
“What?” he roars, still attached to the vehicle.
“Ok, I never thought I'd get a chance to say this but: if the ambulance is rocking, don't come a-knocking. Especially if it's being rocked by post-cry bonding sex.”
Jack glares at her, a look that would make lesser women back down. Beverly simply looks back and says, soothingly, “That scene is already ruined, boss. There will be no uncontaminated surface in there. If Lecter's half the Alpha he seems, by the time they're done we’ll be lucky if it still has walls.”
Jack sighs and drops back to the ground. Beverly is a little impressed by his strength. Then she realises that Jack’s furious tirade had been hiding the litany of filthy sounds issuing from the ambulance. Other women would have blushed. Beverly just cups her hands around her mouth and shouts “Ok everybody, show’s not nearly over, plenty to see here, but we're pros, we got a job to finish and none of you are going to be here when those doors open again. Got it? Good. And if anyone knows how to lead us in song, that might be a great idea.”
The gathered agents and techs follow her orders without pause (save the suggestion to sing, which means that, amongst other things, Beverly gets to learn what dirty talk sounds like in Lithuanian and that sex is the one area of life in which Will Graham is not shy and retiring). Given the general lack of evidence outside the vehicle, the area quickly becomes empty and quiet, save for the presence of Jack, Beverly and the presumably now-bonded couple in the ambulance.
It takes a much longer time for the sounds of mating to subside. Presently they do, however, and soon after the doors swing open and a positively wrecked-looking Hannibal and Will emerge, matching bite marks showing painfully on their throats. Jack and Beverly rise to meet them, the three men wearing slightly awkward expressions in contrast to Beverly’s knowing grin. She notes, with utter glee, that the new mates’ hands are clutched tight together, fingers entwined. As the four stand together, Jack looks past them into the ambulance and groans. It is every bit as wrecked as Will and Hannibal.
“My most sincere apologies, Jack,” Hannibal offers. “I believe it took every ounce of self-control I possess to continue the surgery while knowing that Will was waiting for me. Given how long I have been waiting for him to state an interest, I consider the fact that I was able to last ten minutes without claiming him as quite remarkable.” Will blushes at this and hides his face in Hannibal's shoulder.
Jack sighs and rubs a hand across his face. “No apology necessary, Doctor. You saved a man’s life, under difficult circumstances, that's the important thing. We caught Silvestri red-handed,”
“Literally!” interjects Beverly, waggling her brows.
“Katz!” Jack bellows.
“Sorry, boss,” she says, blatantly insincere.
“In any case,” Jack continues, “that should be more than enough to convict him.” He considered for a second and added, “Next time, though, Will, maybe ask him to dinner, first?”
“Won't be a next time, Jack,” comes the muffled response.
Beverly has never seen Hannibal Lecter beam before. It is an odd but surprisingly sweet experience.
“You know,” Jack adds, pointing to Beverly, “you really have her to thank for the lack of interruptions. If she hadn't talked me down, I was about to draw my gun and shoot the doors off the thing.”
Beverly greatly doubts this is the case but she thumps her chest anyway and declares, “I am but a servant for your love. And nookie.”
Hannibal looks mildly scandalised at this but inclines his head towards Beverly and says, low and dignified, “Thank you, Miss Katz. I owe you a great debt.”
Will can only peek up at her from behind his tousled curls, with a sheepish but pleased smile. Given that he accompanies it with fully four seconds of direct eye contact, though, Beverly takes it as the gushing thanks it is clearly meant to be.
They are speeding towards Hannibal's home in his Bentley when he poses the question to Will. “May I be so bold as to ask,”
“I think we passed ‘bold’ about seven orgasms ago.”
Hannibal smiles. “Yes, quite. In that case, I shall simply ask, what triggered your cry today?”
Will squirms a little, only partly from arousal, and hedges, “You can't guess?”
“You were affected by the sight of me saving a life, I believe. Your body responded to an Alpha with the ability to protect life. Survival-wise, a very sensible response.”
Will hears the Alpha pride in Hannibal’s voice. Not nearly as strong as he might expect under the circumstances – and Will feels just the tiniest spark of disappointment at that – but then, it is in Hannibal's nature to be emotionally controlled and understated. It seems, therefore, almost a shame to take this idea from him but it also seems counterproductive to lie about something so foundational to the man to whom he's just biologically bound himself. He just hopes Hannibal won't regret his choice.
“No, nothing that noble,” Will begins, trying not to sound bitter. “You might not like this but it was the blood.” He sees Hannibal's eyebrows rise and pushes on, heart in mouth. “It was you, covered in blood, elbow deep in someone’s body and with absolute power over whether he lived or died.” He doesn't verbalise the thought that should finish that statement: and I don't know if you choosing his death would have made any difference to my response. Will doesn't know what that says about him and he definitely doesn't want to know what Hannibal would think. He waits, in a moment that feels like a bruise, for Hannibal to respond.
Then Hannibal growls, a pure Alpha response that makes Will’s whole body shudder with relief and pleasure. Ok body, he thinks, good job on the whole compatibility thing. Somehow, it seems, he has found the only man who thinks that is not only an appropriate response but also a huge turn on. Because now Hannibal is suffused with pride, gunning his engine, driving the accelerator to the floor and placing a possessive hand as far up Will's thigh as he can without actually administering a hand job.
“Hannibal,” Will adds, writhing minutely but uncontrollably, “there has to be a hotel nearby. I don't think either of us can last long enough to get to your house.”
“No.” Utter Alpha dominance. Will knows this is an effect of the rut hormones on Hannibal, who would never be so domineering when in his right mind, which is why he allows his own hormone-driven moan of arousal to escape at this point. “In our home. In our bed.”
Our home.
Will runs a hand along Hannibal's impossible cheekbone and into his hair, in lieu of just grabbing and kissing him. “I'm not selling my house.”
“I would not ask you to.”
“And after this heat, we're not instantly moving in together.”
“Not instantly, no.”
“And I might want to move to a new house entirely, one we both pick.”
“Very sensible, my darling.”
“And now I need to stop talking and you need to take your hands off me because otherwise I am going to come and you are likely to crash the car.”
“Of course, love.”
Please, God, let there be no traffic cops on the way home.
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cwnerd12 · 6 years
The Family Business
“The Family Business” Silas’s confirmation Royal Council: Young Silas sits at a round table, surrounded by the other kings of North America. The other kings are done up in their highest finery, wearing their crowns. Silas wears his army uniform. Silas: “We should all be in accordance, then: I, Silas Benjamin, supported by the people of Gilboa and by God himself, am the rightful king of Gilboa.” Young Shaw: “I object.” Silas shoots him a dirty look. Behind him, Rose sits in the audience, holding two toddlers in her lap. Samuels sits beside her, looking on anxiously. Shaw, nervously: “Silas Benjamin murdered Nicholas Achison and a number of his top officers.” Silas: “I did what was necessary to end a bloody and tiresome war. Now both Gath and Gilboa can start to rebuild.” King of Samaria: “Silas isn’t the first man to come to this table through deadly means.” Silas: “Gath, I will remind my fellow kings, agreed to total surrender to Gilboa, and I signed that surrender agreement as king. If I am not confirmed as King of Gilboa, that surrender will be voided, and must be re-negotiated with the confirmed king. If I will not be confirmed, who will you confirm in my place? The National Charter of Gilboa has been drawn and signed, and now I must be confirmed by Royal Council.” King of Aram: “Silas has my support.” King of Edom: “I concur.” King of Samaria: “I concur.” King of Moab: “Questions should still be asked.” Silas: “I ask anyone doubting my legitimacy to look at my military record. It is unimpeachable! I have fought for my country and my crown!” Shaw: “Can we at least have the head back?” Silas: “No. Next question.” King of Moab: “Head?” Shaw: “Premiere Achison was beheaded, and the head was never found! A trail of blood led back to the Gilboan army camp where General Benjamin was quartered!” King of Moab: “What happened to the head?” Silas: “I believe it was disposed of.” Shaw: “There’s a skull mounted in your office. I’ve seen the pictures.” Silas: “Can you prove it’s Achison? And even if it were to be real, Gath’s surrender was unconditional. I’m under no obligation to return it. The only question that needs to be asked at this table is if there is any real reason that I am not the legitimate king of Gilboa, and the answer is, simply, no!” King of Moab nods, “Then, I concur.” King of Ammon: “I concur.” All eyes fall on Shaw: “I cannot agree to this.” Silas: “How long are you going to keep us here, Gerald? I have two small children that I’d rather be tending to. One of them is the future king of Gilboa. You’ve already surrendered to me once.” Shaw, looking away from Silas, “I concur.” The king of Edom stands, “It is confirmed, then, Silas Benjamin is the king of Gilboa, and the Benjamin monarchy shall henceforth rule Gilboa.” The audience applauds, and Silas beams, gloating. Samuels applauds grimly and Rose cries with happiness.
David, Jack, and Abby sit watching video on a tablet in Michelle’s hospital room. David: “So wait, a king can just lie at Council? I thought the rules were you have to tell the truth.” Abby: “The only real rule is all the monarchs sit down, and either they come to an agreement or they keep arguing until someone is quote, ‘made unable to respond.’ Basically, they pass out or die. Royal Council is called to confirm a new monarchy and to settle international disputes. Kings lie at it all the time, but the other kings are able to fact-check them, so it does bring a little bit of honesty to the proceedings.” David: “Wait, if those are the only real rules, what’s with all the ceremonial bullshit?” Michelle: “Because you can’t have royalty without ceremonial bullshit.” Abby: “The official rules of Royal Council are kept simple so that it can be called under the most desperate circumstances. The protocols of Royal Council, however, are pretty ridiculous. Technically, you don’t have to follow them, but it’s a really quick way to disrespect everyone there and make sure that you never, ever get an agreement in your favor.” David: “Shit. I need a uniform. And… am I General Shepherd now? That seems to be what people are calling me.” Jack: “Well, considering you’re leading an army, I guess that does kind of make you a general.”
In Shiloh, Silas: “General Shepherd! That’s an insult! He was a captain, and then he left the army! I will never consent to a Royal Council if Shepherd is at the table!” Over speaker phone, King Warner: “Don’t be unreasonable, Silas!” Silas: “Unreasonable! Shepherd made himself a general! That’s unreasonable!” Warner: “All the other kings have agreed to meet in Damascus. Aram is neutral territory, generally more traditional in its values, and sympathetic towards Gilboa.” Silas: “You’re just angling to get Carmel back!” Warner: “You’re facing two wars, Silas, to refuse Royal Council out of vanity is absurd!” Silas: “I. Refuse.”
Abby goes into Michelle’s hospital room, “Silas has refused!” David slumps against the wall, “Well, we tried.” Abby: “There’s no limit on the number of times Council can be called. He can wear Silas down.” Jack: “Yeah, that’s not gonna work.” Michelle: “What if I go with you?” Jack: “Michelle, you just got shot. You can’t even leave the hospital for two weeks.” Michelle: “I can go when I’m out of the hospital.” Jack: “Well, I’m sure as hell not going. God, I can’t even image what the Prince Club would be like.” David: “What?” Jack: “The Prince Club, it’s this stupid get-together for all the heirs. Supposed to build alliances and prepare us for future Royal Council. All we ever did was go to strip clubs and talk about pussy. My own personal version of hell.” Michelle: “Just say that I’ve been injured, and that when I’ve recovered enough, I can go.” Jack: “Michelle, you don’t have to put yourself through that.” Michelle: “I never said I’d talk to Silas. I just said I’d go.” Abby: “I can try that.” Michelle: “I feel fine.” David: “You’re on a shitload of morphine.” Michelle: “I’m a certified badass. It’s just showing up, not running a marathon.” David, sighing, “Fine, we’ll try that.” Michelle: “Silas fucking owes me, anyway. Do you know how he got Ammon to agree to the annexation of Carmel?”
Royal Council again, older Silas. Newer kings have replaced the older kings. Everyone is yelling without making any sense. Samuels comes up to Silas and whispers into his ear. The yelling stops and everyone looks at Silas, whose face has gone grimly serious. He nods, and Samuels goes off. Silas: “Gentlemen, I have to ask that this Council end quickly. My daughter, Michelle, is very sick.” Warner, red-faced, “Carmel is a part of Ammon!” Tears come into Silas’s eyes, “Warner, please, Michelle- Michelle is dying. I have to go be with her.” The kings look form one another. King George of Aram: “I support the annexation of Carmel by Gilboa.” Silas, barely whispering, “Thank you, George.” King Lawrence of Edom grimaces, “Silas defeated Vesper fairly.  Carmel was its own country, and that country has been annexed by Gilboa. It is not a part of Ammon. Silas has my support.” Silas weeps gratefully. King John of Samaria: “I concur.” King Norris of Moab: “I concur.” Shaw casts a suspicious look at Silas, but mutters, “I concur.” King Warner glares at them all in fury, “I do not support this!” Silas, softly, “Please, Warner. Michelle doesn’t have long. As one father to another, let me go to her.” King Warner takes a deep breath and realizes he’s out-numbered, “Fine. I concur.” Silas bursts up from his seat, “Thank you!”
David, Jack, and Michelle watch on a tablet, David: “So wait, is this when you got your transplant?” Michelle: “Oh, no, that was years away. I was fucking fine. Didn’t even have the sniffles. Silas came home, made a big deal about my miracle recovery, and Carmel’s been a part of Gilboa ever since.” David, “Damn. I gotta learn how to cry on command like that.” Michelle, “Yeah, he’s also made history as the first king to drop the f-bomb at Council.” David: “Really?” (Silas, at another Council, points at Shaw and screams, “BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, GERALD!”) Michelle, “Yeah, he’s kind of developed a reputation. Those are some of my favorite childhood memories.”
In Moab, William video conferences with Warner, “Has Silas agreed to Council yet?” Warner, “Not yet.” William, “Good. I will make things very rewarding for you if Ammon and Gilboa end up at war.” Warner, “Pardon me for changing the subject, William, but isn’t your son getting married tomorrow?” William mutters, “It’s not like I’m going to be there.” Warner, “Right. Well, you have my warmest congratulations. There’s nothing more joyful than a wedding.” William, “Do you want to give me and my family a gift? Skip council and formally declare war on Gilboa.” Warner, “I’m afraid I have to at least make an appearance of being interested in peace. Why are you so eager for me to declare war on your country?” William, “Anything that will help get rid of Silas.”
Everyone sits in the mess hall of the base, grimly eating breakfast. Monique’s clothes are drab, and she wears her hair in a low ponytail, trying to suppress any signs of femininity. Asher stirs at his oatmeal and sniffs it, “Does this smell like bacon to you?” Jack leans over and sniffs it, “Kinda.” David, “Let me try.” Asher pushes the oatmeal over to David, who tries a bite. He makes a face, “Yeah, that’s got bacon grease in it.” He pushes his own oatmeal over to Asher, “Eat mine.” Asher, “I want to say I can’t fucking believe this, but I actually can.” David, “I’ll talk to somebody!” He gets up. Asher, “David, no!” David looks back at him, “You’re willing to put up with this?” Asher, “There’s a town about five miles from here, I’m sure there’s a grocery store, I can pick up some non-perishable kosher food that I can cook on my own, all right?” David sighs and sits back down, “That’s not fair.” Asher, “You complaining means they’ll just put in less bacon grease, next time. Are you planning on bringing more people here? I’m not the only Jew, and I’m sure our Muslim members are gonna be treated just as kindly.” David, “I’ll handle it!” Shay, “What are we planning? If Silas agrees to Council, that means there will be a cease-fire, which means we can get more people over here. Re-group, plan an attack.” David, “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I- I want to figure out who attacked the palace. I have a feeling this wasn’t just a random act of violence.” Joel, “Yeah, no shit.” Shay, “But how are we gonna figure this out? We don’t exactly have our own spy force.” David, “Sooner or later, someone is going to get tired of being anonymous.”
Outside, David and everyone else watches morning drills from a short distance. Countless Ammonian soldiers stand in perfect lines, following orders in flawless unison. Asher explains, “When the Christian Resistance took over, Jews, Muslims, and other religious minorities were given the choice, convert or die. Growing up, my parents and I did a lot of volunteer work with Jewish refugees,” he pauses, “Not enough, though. Too many of them died. Then came the split. Carmel seceded, and instead of just minority religions, they went after everyone: convert or die.” Monique speaks up, “If you were queer, you didn’t even have the choice, they just killed you.” Abby, “They don’t do that any more, after CrossGen threatened to stop supplying their military.” David, “CrossGen actually did the right thing?” Jack, darkly, “Their products being used to commit crimes against humanity was bad PR.” Abby, “Marriage is still compulsory.” Jack, “Shit!” David, “What?” Jack, “That reminds me, Andrew is getting married today. At least I think it’s today.” Abby rolls her eyes and goes on, “Once you turn 30, if you don’t have a spouse, the state sets you up with one. So many women get married to violent men, they don’t care. The only grounds for divorce are adultery and infertility. It’s almost impossible for a divorced woman to get jobs, and adultery could get you life in prison.” David, “That’s fucked up. Why would they force all of that? I know they’re like crazy fundies, but… why?” Joel, “They’re building God’s army. More babies means more soldiers.” Shay, “You sure you want to bring more people here, David?” David, “We still need to re-group.”
Christine stands in a church, elaborately decorated with pink roses. Workers buzz around putting the final touches on all the decorations. Christine smokes a cigarette. A church employee approaches her, “Ma’am, you can’t smoke in the sanctuary.” Christine sighs and opens her purse. She digs around in it, and then pulls out a wad of cash, “Here’s five hundred dollars. Leave me alone.” The employee takes the money, and walks away. Andrew enters, “Jesus, Mother, you can’t smoke in church!” Christine, “You can’t take the Lord’s name in vain, either.” Andrew, “Just try not to ruin everything, will you?” Christine, “Is your father going to be present in any way?” Andrew, “I have someone streaming it.” Christine, “I’m glad he’ll at least be paying attention.” Andrew, “This is a momentous moment for the Cross family.” Christine, “Oh, of course, just like your parents’ wedding.” Andrew casts her a dirty look, “If you’re going to smoke, can you at least go in the lady’s room? And whatever you do, don’t light up once the guests start arriving.” Christine, “Of course, darling.”
In the lady’s room, Christine stares at her phone, hesitating a moment, and then makes a phone call. In Moab, William answers, “What do you want, Christine?” Christine, “Have you spoken to Andrew?” William, “I’ve been busy this morning. Warner is trying to call for Royal Council.” Christine, “You can’t even congratulate your son.” William, “I already did that once!” Christine sighs, “You need to talk him out of this.” William, “What? Why?” Christine, “You’d have to be blind to see that this is a bad decision. That poor girl has no idea what she’s getting into.” William, “Are you implying that Andrew will be a bad husband?” Christine, “Not at all, I’m just saying she has no idea what runs in the Cross family.” William, “Jesus, you never miss a chance, do you?” Christine, “You are missing your only son’s wedding because your hair-brained coup failed and you can’t step foot in your home country. Do you think it’s fair for a nice girl like Chloe to marry into that.” William, “She knows perfectly well what happened! I did nothing wrong, it was Jack that fucked everything up!” Christine, “Oh, yes, blame Jack, of course it’s his fault. It’s not like it was a stupid idea to begin with. What are you going to do when the baby arrives?” William, “I will stay here in Moab until my plan succeeds.” Christine, “What plan? You always have a plan, and none of them work!” The bathroom door opens. Christine looks over, and Rose enters. Christine smiles, “Rose, hello, dear, I was just on the phone with William.” William, “Good God, what the fuck is Rose doing there?!” Rose, “Someone has to represent the Cross family.” William, “I’m hanging up now! You two bitches can be miserable together!” He ends the conversation. Christine lowers her phone, “Such a charmer. I was so lucky to marry him.” She snaps open her purse, puts her phone back in, and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. She gets one out and lights it. She takes a puff, “I’m glad you came, Rose.” Rose goes over and leans against the counter, “I wouldn’t miss it.” Rose, “What did William say?” Christine, “He has some sort of plan up his sleeve.” Rose, “Of course he does.” She eyes Christine’s cigarette, “Give me one of those.” Christine pulls one out of her pack and gives it to Rose, and then lights it. Rose smokes it with old familiarity. She and Christine look like the bad girls they once were. Rose, “Of all the things I had to give up when I became queen, I think I miss cigarettes the most.” Christine, “I don’t envy you. I know this was supposed to be Jack’s wedding.” Rose, “I don’t think about it.” Christine sighs, “I wish I could talk my son out of doing something stupid, but why would he listen to me?” Rose, “Maybe it’s not Andrew you should be talking to.”
Silas enters Vesper’s cell and sits down. Vesper, “What’s troubling you, this time?” Silas, softly, “Warner has called for Royal Council.” Vesper, “Why Warner?” Silas, “Shepherd’s gone into Ammon. Warner is letting him stay there. If he doesn’t hand Shepherd over, it’s war, just like with Gath.” Vesper shakes his head, “You should settle.” Silas, “Agreeing to Council means that I legitimize Shepherd and his army. It’s not an army, I lead an army. Shepherd just has a bunch of angry kids.” Vesper, “Including two very important ones.” Silas sighs, “Shepherd’s made this offer… if I go… Michelle will be there. I can see her. Speak to her. Seth… Seth could meet her.” Vesper, “I have absolutely no room to speak in this matter, Silas. All I have left in this life are my regrets. But I would give away everything. My desk, my books, my radio, my window, everything, if I could just see my children again. Tell them how sorry I am. Beg their forgiveness. I would give my kingdom away, if I could.” Silas, “But you can’t.” Vesper, “You want to see her.” Silas, “I do.” Vesper, “Do what you want to do. You will regret it, if you don’t.”
David sits in his officer’s quarters, talking on his cell phone. His face reveals that this isn’t a call he wants to make. He speaks with a falsely cheerful voice, “Hi, Mom. I’m sorry I haven’t called you. I’ve uh, been kind of busy.” In her Moab condo, Jessie talks on a phone, tears of relief in her eyes, “David! I’ve been trying to contact you for weeks! You can’t just leave me in the dark like this, baby!” David, “Mom, if I don’t contact you, it's because doing so would put me and a whole lot of other people in danger. You heard what happened at Nob, right?” Jessie, “Oh, please don’t mention that to me!” David, “I’m sorry. James and Robert are here in Ammon with me, and we’re all in one piece, and safe, for now, at least.” Jessie, “Your brother, Sean, was hurt.” David, “What? How?” Jessie, “He got sent to the Ammon border.” David, “He’s administration, not combat!” Jessie, “There aren’t enough combat troops for both fronts, they’re putting everyone they can out there!” David, “How- how bad is it?” Jessie, “He lost an arm.” David, “What?!” Jessie, “He’s still in the hospital, you need to call him!” David, “I can’t! That would put the both of us in a lot of danger!” Jessie, “Everything you do involves danger!” David, “It kind of comes with leading a rebellion! I don’t know what else to tell you!” Jessie, “Arthur’s been trying to go see him, but he’s not being let out of Gath!” David, “Mom, I’m sorry, but I really don't know what to tell you. There’s nothing I can do right now, and…” he sighs, “You’re not gonna want to hear this, but if Sean is hurt, it means he can’t fight, and that means he can’t be sent to the front killed.” Jessie, “Don’t try to make this good!” David, “I kinda have to find good wherever I can find it. I’m sorry, but that's the reality of what I'm dealing with right now. But, it’s not all bad. I’m gonna be at Royal Council in a couple of weeks. I’m actually gonna sit at the table.” Jessie, “Really?” David’s door opens, and Jack appears behind it. David points to his phone. Jack grins and leans against the door frame. David, “Yeah. That's why I wanted to call you. Maybe I can negotiate something with Silas.” Jessie, “Oh, David, baby, you don’t have to. You already have too much that you’re responsible for.” David, “It doesn’t even have to be at Council, we can negotiate it privately.” Jessie, “I know, but… I doubt King Silas would do that.” David, “He would for a chance to see Michelle.” Jessie, “Whatever happens, happens. Just please stay in touch with me, okay?” David, “I will. I promise. Bye, Mom.” Jessie, “By, sweetie!” He hangs up. Jack, “You’re a fucking general and your mom still calls you sweetie.” David, “She loves me,” he leans his head back against the wall, defeatedly, “They sent Sean into combat. He lost an arm.” Jack, “Being wounded means they won’t send him back to be killed.” David, “That’s what I told Mom. Still fucking sucks.” Jack, “Well, I dunno if it’s good news, but Dad agreed to Council.” David sits up, “He did?” Jack, “Yeah. He wants to see Michelle.” David, “Did you tell Abby?” Jack, “I did. I think she’s still screaming.” David, laughing softly, “Holy shit.” Jack closes the door behind him, and sits on the bed next to David, “Think you can handle it?” David, “I dunno. I was on my high school debate team. We always did pretty well.” Jack, “Dad used to have me do these mock Councils when I was a kid. Have Michelle sit in Gath’s spot. Yell at me whenever I said the wrong thing.” David, “You could be my advisor.” Jack, “Nah. Abby knows way more about diplomacy than I do. That, and…” he sighs, “I’m not ready to face Dad. Michelle might be, but I can’t. He’d use me against you…” he thinks for a moment, “Would be nice if I could meet Seth, though.” David, “I’ll say hi to him for you.” Jack, “Dad won’t let you near him.”
Warner talks to William over a video screen, “Silas has agreed to Council.” William sighs with exasperation, “Rational decisions are so out of character for Silas. Shepherd must be offering him something. Whatever happens at Council, it needs to end with war.” Warner, “The purpose of Royal Council is to prevent war.” William, “And Viagra was supposed to be a heart medicine. No matter what, someone ends up getting fucked.” Warner, “I do not appreciate your vulgar tone.” William, “I apologize, but I will make things very good for you, I promise!” Warner, “Shepherd has agreed to give me a part of Carmel once he becomes king.” William, “I can promise you all of it.” Warner, “All of it? When?” William, “When I become king! I’m supposed to be king! “My father was a brilliant man. I was proud to be his son. He should have been king. Do you know who became king instead? The white trash literal kid next door whose alcoholic father beat him every night! He disgraced my family. His crown in mine. My father earned it, and I should have inherited it!” Warner, “You’ll be giving me half of your country.” William, “It’s worth the trade. Besides, Silas is the one who conquered Carmel. All the better if I can undo his legacy.” Warner, “So all you want is petty revenge.” William, “Yes. But it’s so much more than that. I’ve hated Silas since long before the crown was ever on his head. It’s all because of what he did to Rose.” (“The Real Slim Shady” Eminem) Montage: Kid Silas chasing kid Rose as she rides ahead on a bike and casts coy glances over her shoulder. William, V.O., “He’d been on her tail ever since we were kids! Childish infatuation! She always turned him away.” Teenage Rose stands in a white gown at her debutante ball. A line of young wealthy men stand to court her. “Rose was beautiful. She had eligible young men from respectable families falling all over her.” The front door of the Cross mansion opens, and teenage Silas, holding a pack over his shoulder, stands there, looking dejected. “Silas ran away from home when he was sixteen.” Alister stands in the front door. Rose appears on the staircase behind him, sees Silas, and smiles. “My father was kind to him! He gave him a place to stay!” Silas and Rose get it on in the guest house. “Rose always felt sorry for him, and at some point, she confused pity and sex for love.” Rose cries as Silas goes off to join the army. Alister and William look on approvingly. “I thought we’d gotten rid of him when he joined the army.” Rose accepts a diamond ring from a wealthy-looking young man, “Rose seemed to have grown out of her crush on Silas. She got engaged to Irwin Balthazar, who was from an excellent family!” Rose stands in a black dress in front of the Benjamin family house, which has guests in black on the front porch. “But then, she goes back to Temperance for one weekend! Just to see Silas and say goodbye to him one last time!” Rose in the doctor’s office, looking at two heartbeats on an ultrasound, “He gets her knocked up, and with twins, no less!” William talking over the screen again, “Father wanted her to get a quiet abortion and marry Irwin, but she said no. She chose that cocky asshole over good breeding and respectability, even after what he did to me!” Warner: “What did he do to you?” Cut to: young William walks out of his fancy apartment building. Two masked thugs grab him and put a sack over his head. The shove him into the back of a car and drive him out to the country. The car parks in front of an abandoned barn, and William is led inside and sat down. William, sobbing pathetically, “Please! My father has money! He’ll give you whatever you want! Just don’t hurt me!” One of the thugs pulls the hood off of William’s head. Sitting in front of him is young Silas, young Abner and some other army buddies standing behind him. Silas smiles brightly, “Hello, William. We’re going to talk about Rose.” Abner raises a giant-ass knife and smiles evilly. William screams in horror and terror, and keeps fucking screaming. William (voice over): “It’s not important.” Rose and Silas get married, “So they get married in a no-cost wedding on an army base. The kids get born.” Silas holds baby Jack while William looks on approvingly, “I’m glad you chose to honor Cross family tradition and name him Jonathan. I wished to name my own son Jonathan, but you beat me to it. I’m sure Jonathan Benjamin will be a fine heir.” Silas: “Jonathan is a stupid name. I’m just gonna call him Jack.” Silas fights a battle ferociously in the middle of a town, William: “Silas goes out and becomes a fucking hero.” Silas holds up the head of Achison, “He killed the Premiere of Gath. That’s why everyone wanted to make him king. Because he’s a fucking cold-blooded murderer.” Silas is crowned king of Gilboa. Rose watches and applauds proudly, while William scowls in the background. (end montage) Warner: “Pride is a sin, William. A man must want to be king for the right reasons.” William: “Do you want Carmel back or not?!” Warner, “I do. And I look forward to accepting it from you as king.” William: “Good.Do whatever you have to, just make sure Ammon and Gilboa end up at war. I’ll do the rest to make sure Silas goes down.”
In the dressing room, Chloe gets fluffed in were wedding dress. Her mother stands off to the side and cries and beams with pride. Christine enters. Chloe, “Hi, Christine!” Christine smiles warmly, “Oh, you look beautiful, darling.” Chloe laughs happily, “Thank you!” Christine, “Might a share a word with you in a slightly more private place? Chloe, “Okay.” They step into an isolates corner, and Christine lowers her voice, “You know, you’re an absolutely lovely girl. I’m delighted to have you as my daughter-in-law.” Chloe, “I’m glad to be joining the family!” Christine, “Yes, dear, that’s what I wanted to talk about. You still have time to leave.” Chloe, “Leave? Why would I leave?” Christine, “I was in much the same position when I married William. I barely knew him, but he was rich. He had enough outward charm for me to believe that it didn’t matter if we had nothing in common. I’d fall in love with him, and after all, everyone expected his father to be king. That never happened. Rose married the man she loved, and she’s the one who became queen. Twenty five years later, they’re still married. William and I had an ugly divorce, and Andrew was caught in the middle of it all. He denies it, but I know it hurt him badly. I know Andrew can’t possibly have fallen in love this quickly. I’m afraid all he wants form you is a baby.” Chloe, “Yeah, I know.” Christine, “Pardon?” Chloe, “Andrew told me, all he really wants is a baby incubator, and I’m cool with that. Maybe things would be better if William had been honest with you when you guys got married.” Christine smiles, painfully, “Well, you’re just full of surprises.” Chloe, “Queen Rose married for love, but hey, the man she loved cheated on her, and the kids are still messed up. Nothing is ever really guaranteed with love, but a pre-nup promises I get a shitload of money, no matter what happens. It’s not perfect, but I can live with it.” Christine, “You’ll be propagating a family that is full of liars, cheaters, and assholes who make their money off of war.” Chloe, “Yeah, but, honestly? What family isn’t fucked up?
(“Runs in the Family” Amanda Palmer) Andrew stands outside of the cathedral, looking at the crowds outside. He leans into the church worker from earlier, “Where are the cameras? Did you call this in like I paid you to?” Worker, “I did! I swear I did, you can look at my phone records, they just didn’t show up! They must be photographing something more interesting!” Andrew, “This is the closest thing Gilboa’s going to have to a royal wedding in a very long time, what could possibly be more interesting?!” Across town, Silas takes Seth out for ice cream. Dozens of frantic photographers shoot pictures snap pictures through the window. In a rec room on the army base in Ammon, Isaiah hooks up a TV up to a live stream of the wedding. Michelle, sitting in a wheelchair, turns to Jack, sitting next to her, “How happy are you that this isn’t your wedding?” Jack, “Fucking ecstatic.” In Moab, William yells at a technician trying to hook his TV up to a live stream, “Oh my god, this is my son’s wedding, I need to be able to see it!” Technician, “The stream’s not showing up! I don’t know what’s wrong!” William, “For fuck’s sake!” Andrew stands up at the alter. Christine comes up and gives him a warm kiss on the cheek before sitting back down next to Rose. Chloe enters, escorted by her father, resplendent in her fluffy, pink-tinged wedding gown and pink diamond tiara. She beams at Andrew, who gives her a cold, impatient gaze in return. Chloe reaches him, and takes his hand. The preacher, “Andrew, do you take Chloe to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Andrew, “I do.” Preacher, “Chloe, do you take Andrew to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Chloe, radiant, “I do.” Preacher, “I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.”
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