#but until his arc comes around i will be Playing The Role of a Mizrak hater
ifishouldvanish · 11 months
what you say about mizrak and olrox... you're so real for that, istg they sleep a few times and olrox is a little concerned about the man he's sleeping with possibly dying and suddenly everyone and their mothers think they're in love???? it's only been a few years since olrox's lover - a non-white man like himself - died, and he's very probably projecting his grief for that by feeling concern for this guy he picked as a momentary lover, and this guy - a french crusader knight, like it can't get any worse - calls him an animal. my latina ass was fuming at that like OLROX STAND UP. STAND UP STOP MOPPING FOR THAT COLONIZER— but that's just me, i'm much more interested about olrox's late lover and his story with olrox, but i'm sure they'll try to deepen in olrox's and mizrak's relationship or whatever they have next season, i did read a presumed storyboard artist saying they suspect more happened off screen for mizrak to catch olrox's attention, but 🤷🏽‍♀️
I mean I think there is a ton of potential for them to have an amazing and beautiful story by the end of S2/the series, but as things stand right now I would be super 🙅🙅🙅 for them to just like, kiss and make up within a few episodes or for Olrox to be pining all season as though he's lost this great love. I know we're meant to see that Mizrak ultimately has his heart in the right place, but oof.
Like Olrox clearly sees some elements of his late lover in this guy who genuinely seems to want to do the right thing and is trying so hard to rationalize what he's doing in the face of like 37385939 gigatons of cognitive dissonance. And Mizrak all but admitting the abbot's collusion with Erzsebet is a necessary evil is obviously meant to echo the unease with which Olrox/his lover allied with the American revolutionaries.
I just think more than anything Olrox just needs so badly to believe that the fight against colonialism isn't an impossible one. He had hope that his late lover wasn't wrong to work with the Americans, and he starts to have hope that Mizrak isn't wrong/won't betray him. Hope that Mizrak's faith is genuine and not just a means to justify colonialist nonsense.
But then... he gets told he's an animal who lost its soul long ago?? As if whatever 'soul' Mizrak is referring to wasn't stripped away from him after living under forced colonization for 300 years. Nah, he just 'lost' it. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Sjskskjkl GOD I'm ready to throw hands at Mizrak myself is2g
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