#but u know im a Dark 2017 enjoyer so take this with a grain of salt
asterdust · 1 year
idk if anyone else has thought of this but i think the Chan in 1820s is Dome in 2023 whose power is fully realised. he probably ended up there after saving someone (khatha?) or escaping the apocalypse in the first universe. so maybe the marvel reference isn't just for giggles. moreover, we had a whole episode—that is gay—revolving around travelling between time and/or universes.
except, this chan does not remember anything. does not remember why he has powers, only that, he has them and he wants to help. all we know is, it's in his nature to help.
maybe this also explains the references to rebirth. but rebirth is not possible, you can't bring the dead back. but chan can travel between universes and manipulate the time. and he saw the end, and it's not good.
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