#but u are so right...megumi deserves to be happy even if just for a little 😭
seoafin · 2 years
Cause megumi has been on my mind a lot lately for…obvious reasons. I cant stop thinking about how, if he were in a relationship, it would be with someone who is like normal, for jujutsu kaisen standards, and completely separated from the sorcery world. Like it would be really hard at times cause I think he wouldn’t tell them anything about sorcery if he could but the mundane and peaceful moments he’d get to have with them would be soo..!! His life would get to feel a little normal for that bit of time.
I think he’d cling on to his partner’s normality and try to protect it (especially since Tsumiki…yeah). even if he might do something that hurts them, like he wouldn’t WANT to hurt them but if it comes to it yeah. As long as they don’t get caught up in any of that mess. Those mundane moments with loved ones amidst a chaotic backdrop are sooo much to me.
omg yes.....i feel like for megumi who didn't even want to be a jujustu sorcerer in the first place he craves normalcy and even though he knows it's a bad idea, he's a little selfish and can't help but want it despite it all. i feel like there's a conversation with gojo somewhere there about how he should be more selfish and that if he wants it that much he's going to have to be the one to protect his s/o. and he can only do that if he gives up his self sacrificing tendencies and gets stronger. gojo is probably all goading about it too like 'you can't call yourself a man if you can't even protect your lover!' 😭
but at the same time i think megumi is like...the type to retreat. zero communication for days on end. the 'it's none of your business' kind of guy who you would worry would be cheating on you if it were literally any other guy. like i know i rag on gojo a lot for being a terrible lover but megumi's got daddy issues AND abandonment issues and it's going to manifest in some horrible difficult way. if gojo is the ex that doesn't acknowledge that you've already broken up with him megumi is the ex that should probably be an ex but he's somehow still your on and off boyfriend who tries to break it off every time he thinks he's strong enough but ends up reneging. you only stay because you keep on holding out for that possibility, that hope for something better. YEAH.
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mononijikayu · 4 months
“slipping through my fingers” — gojo satoru.
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Your little Satoshi pouted for a moment, clearly missing their presence.You were sure he was going to bawl about it as well, swaying him and reassuring him that he’s going to see them later on. But his loving father Gojo Satoru, was always quick to adapt and took over playing with him after breakfast. Crisis was averted in the department of tears as Gojo Satoshi giggled, his chubby hands clumsily trying to catch the ball Satoru rolled towards him.
GENRE: post hidden - inventory arc (2010s)
WARNING/S: domesticity, fluff, family, comfort, angst, trauma, implied death, violence, romance, hurt/comfort, character death depiction of death, depictions of loss and depression, mention of pregnancy, mention of breastfeeding, mention of postpartum effects, depiction of the aftermath of birth, depiction of parenthood, depiction of blood, depiction of killing, depiction of suffering, depiction of anxiety, mention of death, mention of grief, profanity, family drama;
LISTEN: slipping through my fingers by abba
NOTE: i had to skip nanami and toji because today is a very important day. today according to the united nations, is global day of parents. today we should honor parents, biological or not, or those we chose - they are people we should embrace. from gaza, to here in asia, to anywhere, all parents, all those who stand as our parents - they deserve all our love. happy global day of parents from me to you!!! i love you!!!
u s and t h e m
kayu's playlist — side 700;
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TIME PASSED BY SO FAST. The morning sun filtered through the light gray curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over the living room. It was rare for the Gojo household to be this serene. But you were happy that it was the case. It was as if a gentle rain of gentle peace had showered over your home the moment your son was born. It was as if he had completed this family. You knew you weren’t the only one that thought that way. 
You hummed softly, feeling the warmth on your skin as you prepared breakfast. It was a good morning.It was one of those rare days when your husband Gojo Satoru was at home. And that puts you in a good mood. Your husband doesn’t sleep much and more so. That has always worried you, even when he was your kouhai. Nothing had changed with the fact that he’s always out and about working and doing missions. 
But you worry still, that you aren’t there to soothe him and tell him it was alright to rest. When he’s home, you could do that. You didn’t have to worry as much as you usually do. Having him home means he could be here with the family. That also means he could stay in bed longer, savoring the simple pleasure of waking up next to you. These moments were precious, and you clung to them more than you could explain.
The start of the morning was happily slow, the house enveloped in a serene calm. You cherished the tranquility, knowing how fleeting it often was. As you moved about the kitchen, you could feel the warm sun against your silk robe. There it was again, the familiar sounds of the coffee maker and the sizzling of bacon omelets created a comforting symphony. The sound of the oven racks filled with fresh buttered bread. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the scent of breakfast.
You smiled as you thought about Satoru still in bed, his tousled white hair spread across the pillow, a rare sight of peacefulness. You poured a cup of coffee for yourself, adding two spoonfuls of honey. You knew Satoru would probably not be drinking coffee. 
But just in case, you made hot choco he could heat up in the microwave later, adding just the right amount of cream and sugar to him. You take out the eggs from the fry pan and humming as you take out the buttered bread from the oven. Balancing the breakfast plate, you made your way to the living room, placing the plates on the coffee table.
As you expected, the morning birds were already there waiting for you to wake. Megumi and Tsumiki were already awake when you got out of the kitchen. They sat on the couch, engrossed in a morning cartoon, Tsumiki’s laughter and chatter filling the room with warmth and Megumi’s quiet hums as he listened to his sister’s commentary while drinking his carton of choco milk. 
Tsumiki glanced up and greeted you with a bright smile. "Good morning!"
"Good morning, sweetie!" you replied, returning to the kitchen for your coffee mug on the table. “Did you sleep well?”
“I did.” Tsumiki grinned, hugging you by your sides.“Thank you for helping me put my new butterfly comforters last night, Gen-san!”
You smiled at her, urging her to breakfast. “Then go eat, hm?”
You then moved towards the sleepy porcupine haired boy, ruffling his hair with a small grin. He looked away from the television, offering a small, sleepy smile. “You must have been up reading those novels again, hm?”
Megumi's eyes widened slightly before he looked away. “...no, I didn’t.”
“Hmm… so if I check your room, I wouldn’t see a pile of books—”
“No!” He got defensive, standing up from his chair, now almost fully awake.
You blinked and looked at Tsumiki, and the two of you giggled together.
Megumi blushed as he sighed. You patted his head softly, causing him to blush even more. “You know, you’re lucky that it’s a Sunday, kid,” you smiled at him. “You would have been sleepy all day.”
“.....It was good.”
You kissed the top of his head. “I know it was.”
"Where's Satoru-san?" Tsumiki asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"He's still resting," you said, settling onto the couch beside them. "He had a long week, so we're letting him sleep in today."
Megumi nodded, his attention already drifting back to the show. You called Megumi down to sit by you and Tsumiki as you both ate your meals. Megumi was not the type to indulge in breakfast, he liked just drinking his choco milk and going on with the morning. But some days, he liked to indulge himself. He sat beside you, and put his choco milk on the side. Tsumiki and you started to chatter about the cartoon while Megumi ate in silence, nodding along with what you both were saying. 
Tsumiki was happy to help you carry the dishes back into the kitchen while Megumi took a cleaning rag and started to clean the coffee table spotless. Tsumiki started talking about what she was planning to do today, all the while you listened and handed the plates for her to dry with the kitchen towel. Megumi came by soon after, asking for help to wash the cleaning rag.
 When that was done, Megumi took out the lint roller and started to check for any speck of dirt like crumbs. When he was done, you three went back to the living room and started watching a movie together. Tsumiki snuggled closer on your right while Megumi slept soundly on your left. You smiled and hugged her back, and massaged Megumi’s hair tenderly.
The baby monitor on the table crackled to life, and you heard soft cooing sounds coming from the nursery. "Looks like our little one is awake for the day." you said, standing up. "I'll go get him."
Tsumiki’s eyes brightened as she nodded. You stood there carefully, trying to be careful not to wake Megumi. You walked down the hallway, the morning light from the wide windows guiding your way. Entering the nursery, you found your six-month-old son awake in his crib, his bright eyes lighting up as he saw you like an ocean in the dawn. You grinned at him.
"Good morning, sweetheart," you cooed, lifting him into your arms. He babbled happily, his tiny hands reaching for your face. “You had a good sleep, didn’t you?”
As you returned to the living room, you saw your husband Satoru emerging from the bedroom, rubbing sleep from his cerulean eyes. He smiled when he saw you holding your son. "Morning, my treasures." he greeted, his voice warm and filled with love. “You both look so lively today, aren’t you?”
“You should say ‘good morning’ to papa, shouldn’t you, Satoshi?” You cooed as you handed your son gently giggled as Satoru took him in his arms. 
“You’re just so happy to see ‘e, hm?” Your husband grinned as he gently wrapped his arms around your baby boy. “You should still sleep with us. I miss having you on our bed, ‘toshi.”
“Our Satoshi needs to learn how to be an independent little boy.” You kissed your husband tenderly on his lips, pouting as you part from him. “He’s not gonna last in our bed with all the rolling he’s been doing.”
“But ‘toshi wants to be with his mama and papa, don’t you, little one?” He cooes against your husband, both big blue eyes looking at you. “See, he agrees!”
“Not enough to be an argument.”
“Soon enough, ‘toshi. We’ll get there, don’t worry!”
"We shall see, naughty boys." you replied, grinning at him. "So, did you sleep well?"
"Like a baby," he chuckled, kissing your son’s cheek.. "Well, almost as well as our baby here."
You both laughed, and Satoru leaned in to kiss you, his lips soft and warm against yours. "I missed waking up with you, y’know?" he murmured. “Knowing you guys are here waiting for me to come home and I can’t be here. It sucks.”
"I’ve missed it too,’toru." you said, feeling a surge of affection for the man standing before you. "Let's enjoy this slow morning together, hm? Make it worthwhile until tomorrow, hm?”
Satoru nodded, taking your son's tiny hand in his. "I keep noticing it. But he's growing up so fast," he huffed at you, a hint of sadness in his voice. "He can sit up now, and he’s rolling. Soon enough he’s gonna start crawling.”
You sighed, kissing your son’s little head. “I still can’t believe he’s already six months old, my love. He’s already so big.”
“Sometimes I wish I could slow down time," Satoru said wistfully, staring at your little boy as he grabbed the sheets in his fingers. “He’s already so big, and I can’t always be home.”
"I know," you said softly, taking a moment to take his free hand in yours. “And don’t feel bad. You’re doing your best. You know that.”
“I do know that.” He sighed, squeezing your hand gently. “But I just… ever since he was born, I just wanted to be his dad. Just wanna stay here at home and raise him. Not out there, fighting curses and stuff. I wanna see him and ‘miki and ‘gumi growing up together, y’know? I don’t wanna do the job anymore.”
You looked into his bright cerulean eyes, seeing the conflict and the deep longing. You knew your Satoru hated being a sorcerer. Everything about it was painful for him. But he liked being a teacher, he liked that job. He wanted to do it for the longest time because he always thought it was the best way he could make change work. He saw that nurturing the youth was the best way to bring the Jujutsu world into the modern world. 
But with all that, he also felt that to do what he does, to make it work — he has to sacrifice all the time he could be with you and the kids. And that, he hated more than he hated the sorcerer’s life. He hated being apart from what matters most in his life. Gojo Satoru was just a man too. He’s a man that longs for home, for family. 
"You’re an amazing dad, Satoru," you reassured him. "And I know it’s hard, but you’re doing what you can to keep us safe and happy. The kids know that too. They love you for it.”
He nodded, a soft smile forming on his lips as he glanced back at your son. “It’s just… every moment I’m away, I feel like I’m missing out. I want to be there for every milestone, every laugh, every tear. I don’t want to miss anything anymore.”
"I understand," you whispered, your heart aching for him. "And we’ll make the most of the time we have together. Maybe one day, things will change, and you’ll be able to be home more. But for now, let’s cherish every moment.”
Satoru leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "Thank you," he murmured. "For understanding. For always being here. For making this place a home."
"We’re a team, my love." you said, squeezing his hand. "And no matter what, we’ll face everything together, hm? We’ll always be together.”
Your little boy cooed and giggled, making you both look at him. You laugh as you both kiss his cheeks. Looks like he agrees with the two of you. The two of you sat there, soaking in the precious morning. Despite the challenges and the fleeting nature of time, you found solace in each other and the beautiful family you were building. It makes you look forward to more days like these ones. You wanted nothing more than to be embraced by this peace.
The two of you stepped out of your bedroom a little while later, with Satoshi safely nestled in Satoru’s capable hands. Megumi’s porcupine hair sprang up as he sat up from his sleeping position, Tsumiki greeting him awake with a small smile. The soft sounds of your son gurgling and babbling filled the air, drawing Megumi and Tsumiki's attention toward the three of you.
Tsumiki squealed in delight and walked toward you, saying good morning to Satoshi. The baby seemed just as delighted with her, his tiny hand reaching out to Tsumiki. Megumi approached as well, and when Satoshi noticed him, his other hand reached out toward Megumi.
“Good morning, little guy!” Tsumiki cooed, gently taking Satoshi’s hand. "Did you sleep well?”
Satoshi responded with a happy babble, his eyes twinkling with curiosity and joy. Megumi, trying to hide his own excitement, gently took Satoshi’s other hand, earning a giggle from the baby.
“Looks like someone’s happy to see his big brother and sister,” Satoru said with a smile, his eyes soft as he watched the three of them interact. “He’s definitely wanting to have some play time with you both.”
“Then we will, Satoru-san!” Tsumiki grinned as her eyes filled with the stars. “I’m excited to see him play with the blocks again.”
“Hm, ‘toshi managed to lift them up well last night, didn’t he?” Satoru grinned back at her, his cerulean eyes darting at his baby boy. “What do you think, ‘toshi? Can you top yourself today, little dawn?”
Megumi, still holding Satoshi’s hand, looked up at Satoru. “He’s growing up so fast. It feels like just yesterday he was born.”
“I know,” Satoru replied, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and wistfulness. “But we’re lucky to see him grow and to be a part of his little dawnings, hm?”
You watched the scene unfold, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “Every moment is precious, everyone.” you said softly, leaning against Satoru. “And we’re making the most of them.”
As the morning sun continued to filter through the windows, casting a warm glow over your family, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. In the gentle embrace of dawn's light, amidst the everyday hustle and bustle, there existed a profound beauty. It was in these simple, yet profound moments that the true essence of life revealed itself. Despite the challenges and the rapid passage of time, these moments of connection and love were what made everything worthwhile.
The morning rays illuminated the room, dancing playfully across the walls, and you couldn't help but marvel at the way they seemed to highlight the love that filled the space. Each tender glance, every shared smile, spoke volumes of the bonds that held your family together.
In these fleeting moments, as the world outside rushed by, time seemed to slow down, allowing you to savor the sweetness of the present. It was as if the universe had pressed pause, granting you a brief respite from the chaos of everyday life.
As you looked around at the faces of your loved ones, bathed in the golden light of morning, you realized that this, right here, was what it was all about. It was about cherishing the small moments, the quiet conversations, and the shared laughter. It was about finding beauty in the ordinary and love in the everyday.
And so, as the sun continued its journey across the sky, you held onto this feeling of gratitude, letting it wash over you like a gentle wave. For in these moments, surrounded by the warmth of your family, you knew that life was truly a gift worth treasuring.
Life could not get any better than this.
You couldn’t wait to see how it unfolds.
This morning will be a happy one again.
That you were never going to doubt.
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YOU FEARED THAT BOTH OF YOU WEREN’T READY FOR THIS. A package arrived that morning from aunt Arisu and your mother. Satoru was confused, looking at his phone. He never ordered anything and even when he did, he would get a notification. He learned the hard way of not having a notification when he bought something and you were the one who saw it. He looked at you, shaking his head. You didn’t order either. You were a bit more suspicious with ordering online. Ever since your Mewtwo figurine arrived with discoloration, you were trying to be more careful. You shook your head at him just as much.
When you saw the letter from your mother, you instantly thought you knew what it was. She had been talking about how near Satoshi was with being able to eat solids. Last time you visited Mikoto manor in Kyoto, Satoshi was stealing her natto bowl. She had laughed it off, but now you realized that her laugh was pride for her grandson growing up. And now, both you and Satoru were sitting on the floor, surrounded by an array of baby food jars, each promising a different culinary adventure for your little one.
Sweet potatoes, peas, applesauce, and bananas were neatly lined up, each jar meticulously packaged one after another. You checked the bottom for the expiration dates. You don’t think Satoshi will be able to finish all of it. You don’t even think that Satoshi would like every flavor. He’s still drinking from your breast milk too. It was exciting, that’s for sure. But you were concerned about the fact that these will go to waste.
You held your son with one hand, his weight comfortably nestled against your hip, while the other hand deftly navigated through the array of baby food jars. It was a delicate balancing act, one that you had perfected through countless days of caring for Satoshi. As you carefully sifted through the jars, your fingers grazed over the smooth glass surfaces, each one holding the promise of a new taste sensation for your little one. 
Despite the occasional wobble as Satoshi squirmed in your arms, you remained focused, determined to find the perfect combination of flavors to tantalize his taste buds. With each jar you picked up, you couldn't help but marvel at the thoughtfulness that went into creating these tiny culinary delights, each one meticulously crafted to nourish and delight your growing son.
As you finally settled on a few jars to try, you felt a sense of satisfaction wash over you. It wasn't just about feeding your son; it was about nourishing his curiosity, his sense of adventure, and his growing appetite for life. And as you looked down at Satoshi's eager face, you knew that this simple act of selecting baby food was just the beginning of a lifetime of shared experiences and cherished memories.
Satoru let out a small sigh, running a hand through his white hair as he looked at the jars.”I don’t even know where Arisu got all this.”
“Apparently, my mom and her managed to find all this from one of the windows we hired at the temple.” You say, sighing as you arrange the jars in a safe distance from your son. “And it worked well for her daughter’s baby. So mom and aunt Arisu thought this was going to be good for Satoshi too.”
"I can't believe he's already six months old." he said, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and melancholy. "It feels like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital. And now, look at this. He’ll be eating this soon enough!”
You reached out, placing a comforting hand on his knee. "I know, Satoru. It feels like time is slipping through our fingers."
He gave you a small, wistful smile, his bright eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Remember when we finished the fifth-month photo album? I thought I'd be fine, but seeing how much he's grown...I couldn't help but cry."
You chuckled softly, squeezing his knee gently. "And now we're here, trying to figure out what our little boy's first solid food will be. It's a big milestone."
Satoru looked down at your son, who was busy gnawing on a soft toy, oblivious to the significance of the moment. "What do you think he'll like?" he asked, his voice soft and tender.
You glanced at the array of jars, considering each one. "Well, he seems to like sweet things. Maybe we should start with the applesauce?"
Satoru nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Applesauce it is." He reached for the jar, his fingers trembling slightly. "Do you want to do the honors, or should I?"
You smiled, seeing the emotion in his eyes. "Let's do it together."
Gently, you both lifted your son into his high chair, his curious eyes darting between the two of you and the jar of applesauce. You opened the jar, the sweet aroma filling the air, and dipped a tiny spoon into the puree.
Satoru held your son's hands, steadying him as you brought the spoon to his lips. Tentatively, your son opened his mouth, tasting the applesauce for the first time. His eyes widened in surprise, then crinkled in delight as he smacked his lips.
Both you and Satoru laughed, tears of joy streaming down your faces. "He likes it!" Satoru exclaimed, his voice breaking with emotion. "He really likes it!"
You nodded, feeling a swell of happiness in your chest. "He does. Our little boy is growing up so fast."
Satoru wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close as you both watched your son eagerly reach for the spoon, ready for another taste of his new favorite food. "I love you," Satoru whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"I love you too," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder. "And I love our little family."
As the three of you sat there, basking in the glow of this precious moment, you couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude wash over you. The soft light filtering through the windows cast a warm embrace over your little family, illuminating the joy and contentment that filled the room.
In that fleeting moment, surrounded by jars of baby food and the sound of Satoshi's delighted babbling, time seemed to stand still. It was as if the universe had conspired to create a perfect tableau, a snapshot of love and togetherness frozen in time.
As you looked at Satoru and then down at Satoshi, a wave of emotion threatened to overwhelm you. Here, in this simple moment, you found everything you had ever wanted—a loving partner, a beautiful child, and a sense of belonging that filled your heart to the brim.
You could have not seen this years ago.
But you were glad you didn’t then.
Because now, you were truly happy.
Beyond all words can truly be express.
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ALL THAT PLAYING MADE SATOSHI TIRED. Megumi and Tsumiki excused themselves back to their rooms after spending some time in the living room. They said they had other things they needed to do. You didn’t question it that much, they always took time to play with Satoshi before they did their own things — so you let them go. 
Your little Satoshi pouted for a moment, clearly missing their presence.You were sure he was going to bawl about it as well, swaying him and reassuring him that he’s going to see them later on. But his loving father Gojo Satoru, was always quick to adapt and took over playing with him after breakfast. Crisis was averted in the department of tears as Gojo Satoshi giggled, his chubby hands clumsily trying to catch the ball Satoru rolled towards him. 
He was energetic for hours on end, very much on par with his father’s own energy. But after using all that energy playing with his father, your son started to get groggy. He started crying, getting hungry for milk. His contorted face looks exactly like your husband’s own face when he starts to get mopey when he wants his sweet snacks. 
Your husband rolled his eyes playfully, when you pointed it out while breastfeeding him. Satoru then took him from you, to burp him and put him to bed. Your breasts were still full after that, so you had to pump all the rest into a bottle to be frozen later on. By that time, you were too drained of energy. You put the bottles away and your husband Satoru kissed you and thanked you, telling you to go get some rest. He was the one who was going to deal with lunch. He wants to take care of you, he said. And he meant it. With those words, you fell in love with him again. And so you laid down on the couch, trying to take some rest.
Once Satoshi was down for his nap, he put him in his crib. He kisses his cheek, telling him to have good dreams. When Satoru saw you next, you were asleep in the living room couch. He couldn’t help but want to place a kiss on your cheeks. His bright blue eyes were full of awe as you rested on the couch. His precious wife. You made everything in life easier, that was sure. You worked hard taking care of the kids, of your baby, of him. You deserved to rest, he loves to think. And now, he wants to take care of you.
Satoru checked the fridge, humming as he took a look at the food inside. He wanted to prepare something nutritious for everyone but especially something good for you. You were still breastfeeding Satoshi, so your health was paramount in his mind. When he saw the salmon, he knew he was going to make some delicious grilled salmon. He'd read that it helps with the pain in your breasts. He saw the miso, and he thought it would be perfect for marinating the salmon. You’d like it a lot. There was some seaweed in the fridge too, and he thought it would be great in a soup. With some tofu, shiitake mushrooms, and a bit of meat, it would be both hearty and enjoyable.
He moved efficiently around the kitchen, his movements practiced and precise. He marinated the salmon in miso, set it aside to soak in the flavors, and started on the soup. The kitchen filled with the rich aroma of shiitake mushrooms simmering, mingling with the subtle scent of seaweed. As he carefully grilled the salmon, he could hear you stirring awake in the bedroom.
You always had a keen sense of smell, and the scent of the grilled miso salmon must have reached you. He grinned as he heard you padding down the hallway, still a little groggy from sleep. You walked up to the kitchen, wrapping your arms around him from behind. "It smells so good, 'toru," you murmured, your voice thick with sleep.
He turned his head slightly to kiss your forehead, his heart swelling with affection. “I made something special for you. Thought it might help with the breastfeeding pain.”
You smiled against his back, pressing a light kiss there. “You’re too good to me.”
Satoru chuckled, a warm, deep sound that resonated through his chest. “Only the best for my favorite person in the world.” he teased gently, turning back to the stove to check on the soup. “The salmon’s almost done. Just a few more minutes.”
You stayed there for a moment, savoring the comfort of being close to him, before reluctantly pulling away to set the table. You were carefully putting each bowl and each utensil, the glasses. You could still feel the grogginess in your limbs, but the delicious smells and the thoughtfulness behind Satoru’s cooking filled you with a warm, contented feeling. Your husband was the best person you could ever ask for, you think. And now, you could only love him even more.
As you finished setting the table, Satoru plated the food, arranging the grilled salmon and bowls of steaming soup with care. “Lunch is served, my darling.” he announced with a flourish, making you laugh. “Come on, you awake now?”
You both sat down, and he watched with satisfaction as you took your first bite of the salmon. “It’s amazing,” you said, your eyes lighting up. “You outdid yourself, Satoru.”
He smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “I’m glad you like it.”
“We should call the kids so they can eat with us.” He stands up.
“I’ll come with you, so that we can eat together.” You follow him.
He hands you his own hand. “Well, take my hands.”
You look at him, blinking. “Why?”
“Because holding hands makes everything good.” He grins at you.
You giggled, intertwining his hand with your own. “Yeah, yeah, you’re so corny.”
“Hey! I’m just a man in love!”
The house was relatively a normal house, but it was quite spacious. It was obvious that Satoru spent some money finding a house which would fit all of your comforts. Megumi and Tsumiki’s room was on the other side of the second floor, just a few doors away from your own bedroom and just a little bit further from the nursery. You and Satoru quietly made your way through the house, you both humming a song stuck in his head. And now that he had hummed it long enough, you learned it and hummed with you too. 
The house was interestingly silent, but it wasn’t unusual. At times, Megumi was just reading a book he had taken home from the library. And Tsumiki would be too busy finishing her drawings with her windowpane. The silence was always comforting in the Gojo household. It was like being wrapped around you like a warm blanket. However,  as you got nearer the kids’ rooms, the tranquility was soon interrupted by faint, muffled voices. You were pretty sure that it came from Megumi’s room.
You exchanged a curious glance with Satoru before heading toward the source of the commotion. Your face furrows. Megumi and Tsumiki rarely fight. If they were fighting, it must be serious. You pulled Satoru towards Megumi’s door. Standing outside Megumi's door, you could hear the sounds of a hushed argument even more clearer now.
"Shhh, Megumi, calm down! you’ll wake Satoshi!” Tsumiki whispered urgently.
“We have to do it right!” Megumi retorted in a low voice, clearly frustrated. “No, no, don’t add that!”
“But it makes it even more lively–”
“It makes it messy!”
Satoru looked at you and you nodded at your husband. You and Satoru knocked gently on the door. But there was no response. Almost instantly, the room fell silent. You looked at your husband again, now confused. After a moment,  Fushiguro Tsumiki opened the door ever so slightly, a nervous smile on her face.
“What’s going on here?” Satoru’s eyes trying to check inside the room. You were pretty sure that he was trying to check with his six-eyes, if there was something wrong.. “You kids are getting lively, huh?”
Tsumiki opened the door even more and Megumi and herexchanged quick glances. You and Satoru entered a bit by the doorway before Tsumiki spoke up. “We… um, we were working on something.” She stepped aside, moving to the side as though she was hiding something. “Just for school, you know… like usual.”
Satoru raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by their attempt at secrecy. "School projects on a Sunday? Sounds serious."
“If you had projects, you could have told us, ‘miki.” You told her, patting her head. “You don’t have to do them alone.”
“N-no, it's fine. It’s nothing really.”
“Hm, you sure, ‘miki?” Your husband reinforced, then looked at Megumi. “‘bout you, ‘gumi? You okay there?”
Tsumiki's nervous smile widened as she tried to maintain her composure. “Yeah, it’s just a little project. Nothing big.”
But your curiosity was piqued. “Can we see what you’re working on?” you asked gently, trying not to pressure them too much. “If that’s okay with you.”
Megumi and Tsumiki looked at each other.
Tsumiki’s fingers were entangled like spider webs.
Megumi looked down at the edge of his cold feet.
You and Satoru knew those little tells very well.
But you wanted them to tell you about it honestly.
Megumi purses his lips before he lets out a sigh. realizing they couldn’t keep the secret any longer. He stepped forward, his own hands now fidgeting slightly. “Okay, but… it’s not just for school,” he admitted. “It’s….something else.”
Your husband’s dark glasses lowered, lips smiling. “Oh? And what is it, hm? Don’t worry, we won’t judge. If it’s fixable, it's nothing. If it isn’t, it's okay too. As long as you both are alright, okay? Besides, you guys must be hungry. We’ll eat after, okay?”
Megumi and Tsumiki looked at both of you.
They both slowly nodded at your husband.
He smiles at them, patting their heads.
“Okay so, what is it all about, kiddos?”
Tsumiki took a deep breath, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nerves. Her hands are still fidgeting together. “We were making something special. It’s nothing much….but….my friend at school, she’s Korean, and she told me about this holiday they have called Parents’ Day. It’s a day to appreciate your parents, and I thought it was really nice. To…..So…..I convinced Megumi to help me make something for you guys.”
Megumi nodded, still looking a bit uncomfortable. He rubs the back of his neck, feeling his face slightly turning red. “We never really knew our parents long enough to call them that, parents.” he said quietly. “But you and Gojo–san… you’re all we have. The closest thing to parents we’ve got.”
Tsumiki picked up a small, handmade scrapbook from Megumi’s desk and handed it to you. “We wanted to do something special for you both. To show you how much you mean to us.”
Your heart swelled with emotion as you took a look at the scrapbook in Tsumiki’s hands. Satoru, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, put a hand on Megumi’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. As you accepted the scrapbook from Tsumiki's outstretched hands, you felt a rush of nostalgia wash over you. 
Opening the scrapbook, the weight of the memories contained within the pages was palpable, each photo and memento a testament to the bonds of friendship and the shared experiences they had all treasured. Satoru's silent gesture spoke volumes, his cerulean eyes shimmering with unshed tears that mirrored the emotions swirling within Hiromi's own heart. The gentle pressure of his hand on Megumi's shoulder, squeezing it as though to thank him for this little gift. 
In that fleeting moment, as you held the scrapbook in your hands, you felt a profound sense of gratitude.. Their unwavering support and understanding had been a source of strength during the darkest moments of your journey, and now, as you reminisced about the past, it served as a beacon of hope for the future. Nothing else mattered, but the wonder of the future. Because they were here with you. Megumi and Tsumiki, and now Satoshi — all three were truly yours and Satoru’s world.
With tears glistening in your eyes, you turned to Tsumiki, your voice choked with emotion. "Thank you," you whispered,  "For this, and for everything. ‘miki, you and Megumi are our world, hm? Never forget that.”
Tsumiki's smile was gentle and reassuring, her eyes reflecting the same depth of emotion that permeated the room. "Thank you for loving us, me and Megumi." she replied softly, her voice a soothing melody in the stillness. 
“Oh ‘miki, you don’t have to thank us for that.” Satoru whispered, pulling Megumi closer to him. Megumi looked like he was going to lose it. But he didn’t push Satoru away. He just let him pull him closer. “This is…this is just….”
Opening the first page, you saw Megumi and Tsumiki's handwriting: “Happy Parents' Day. Thank you for choosing us. We may not be your kids by blood, but we’re happy that you still chose to love us. We love you. Tsumiki and Megumi.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you read the heartfelt message. You looked at Satoru, who was equally moved, then back at Megumi and Tsumiki. “This is… this is the most beautiful gift we’ve ever received, you both.” you said, your voice choked with emotion. “Thank you so much.”
Satoru knelt down, pulling both kids into a tight hug. “You two are our family,” he said, his voice thick with tears. “We love you more than anything.”
You joined the embrace, wrapping your arms around all two of them. “Thank you,” you whispered. “For being the best children we could ever ask for. You both and Satoshi, you’re our world okay?”
Megumi and Tsumiki nodded, their eyes shining with tears of their own. "We love you too," Megumi murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tsumiki nodded in agreement, her voice soft yet filled with conviction. "You're the best parents we could ever have."
You cried for a while, just embracing each other. The lunch got cold, that was certain. But you could always heat it up again. This moment, this is what mattered. Time may be slipping from your fingers all the time, but you could live in these moments forever, you know that.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you felt the weight of the world lift, replaced by the comfort of love and understanding. It didn't matter that the food grew cold or that the outside world continued to spin on its axis. In this moment, with Satoru's arms around you, with Megumi and Tsumiki’s warmth on you, Satoshi’s warm small hands on your own —  you knew that you will live on happily. You could survive anything, if you have them. You could live in their solace.
As tears slowly dried on your cheeks, you knew that life was a series of fleeting moments, but it was these moments of connection and intimacy that made it all worthwhile. You held onto Satoru and the kids a little tighter, grateful for the love that anchored you in a world that often felt uncertain. You will be alright, that was for sure. 
Everything will be alright, you knew that well enough.
You couldn’t wait to see what could be in the future.
You couldn’t wait to grow old with the love of your life.
You couldn’t wait to see your kids grow up happily.
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november, 2018;
Fushiguro Megumi stood at the gates of Jujutsu High, his heart heavy with the weight of recent events. Shibuya had left its mark on him, both physically and emotionally, and now he found himself back at the place where it all began. But now there are other worries, other concerns that need him. He didn’t come and see you, because he knew you would forbid him from being in danger. And he can’t stop himself. He had to do what he could. Now, more than ever.
His purpose for coming back here, even though it was dangerous, was clear—to retrieve some of his belongings before disappearing into hiding. Before he finds Itadori, he had to get some things here, ones that were needed for survival. 
With determined steps, he made his way to Gojo–sensei’s office, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The door creaked open, revealing a room frozen in time—a testament to the chaos that had engulfed their world.
His blue-green eyes fell upon the photo album, sitting on Gojo–sensei’s desk, untouched since that day, since October 31st. He purses his lips as he thinks about it. Should he go? He tried to stop himself, but he knew he couldn’t. He missed him. Megumi knew he did. But he didn’t want to say it out loud.
Because it wouldn’t be easy. He wouldn’t be able to move forward with what had to be done. Still, he needed some comfort. He needed some relief. To know what it was like to have known that man, that man who had raised him.
Megumi approached the room slowly, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. He gulped, his throat tight with emotion, before twisting the door open. Gojo-sensei's room stood before him, a sanctuary untouched by the chaos that had engulfed the rest of the world.
The air was heavy with the scent of incense, mingling with the faint aroma of coffee—a comforting presence that wrapped around Megumi like a warm embrace. He stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room, taking in every detail—the neatly arranged shelves, the piles of books stacked haphazardly on the desk, the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains.
Gojo-sensei never really locked his room. Because people knew not to go in. It was only for him, this sanctuary. Not even the higher-ups had the courage to intrude upon his private space. Not even when they had attacked Jujutsu High awhile ago. And so since then, since he had been taken by others from Megumi, from the world that adored him —Gojo Satoru’s office had no occupants. 
Megum took small careful strides as hei moved forward, careful not to alert anyone of his presence in the premises. He pauses for a moment. He sighed as he let his hand reach out to touch the smooth surface of the desk. And there, nestled among a stack of papers, paperwork that man refused to ever do without you, Megumi found it—the scrapbook he and Tsumiki had given you and Gojo–sensei all those years ago.
As he gingerly lifted the scrapbook from its place, a rush of memories flooded his mind. He remembered the countless hours spent carefully selecting photos, writing heartfelt messages, and crafting each page with love and care. It had been a labor of love from him and Tsumiki, to you and Gojo–sensei. 
As he flipped through the pages, the images leaped out at him like ghosts from another worldly plane—smiling faces frozen in time, laughter echoing through the halls of  that house, moments of triumph and joy captured forever in glossy photographs. Each page told a story, a snapshot of their journey together, and as Fushiguro Megumi traced his fingers over the familiar images, he couldn't help but feel a swell of emotion in his chest.
It was a reminder of the family they had built years ago, in a home that was filled with tenderness—a bond forged not by blood, but by shared experiences, shared hardships, and shared dreams. And as Megumi held the scrapbook in his hands, he knew that no matter where life took him, these memories would always be his anchor, grounding him.
With a sense of reverence, he tucked the scrapbook under his arm, knowing that it was all he could have of his family right now. And as he left Gojo-sensei's room behind him, he knew whatever was going to come was not going to be easy. But he had this. Until you all met again, this would be enough. Until he had his family again, he wouldn't stop at nothing. He won’t let those people, those evil people, rob him of his family ever again.
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melloneah · 2 months
this is all for the writer ask!!! :3 hope it's not too much >_<" answer the ones you're comfortable answering and don't force yourself to answer all of them if you don't want to! <3
🌵🥤🌻🍄📚 🍬🔪🥐🏜🦋🐝🧩
EHEHEHEHEHHE NEVER TOO MUCH THANK U SMMMMMM 🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
i dont really listen to premade playlists, so ill link mine >:333 this is a playlist i made for a roadtrip to berlin, including all the songs i was listening to at the time, and ive since been adding new ones actively, so it's literally just a huge list of everything i love :D 🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
first of all gonna plug my besties ofc @levi-dayne writes sick ass fics for death note @uriekukistan writes amazing itafushi angst (and not only :33) SENDING BOTH OF THEM SMOOCHES GO READ THEIR STUFF! and a fic that id read recently and LOVEDDD was all about love by fullvoid (@casgore on here :3) the yuuji characterisation broke my heart - it was a gutwrenchingly real way of depicting mental illness, and i loved seeing how different he acted around people vs alone. and it was super cool seeing a healed megumi helping yuuji rather than the other way around!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis FIRST OF ALL U!!!!!! i love the mutual interactions THANK U FOR BEING HERE!!!! @alonelystargazer is very sweet and i interact with her pretty regularly i feel :3 THANK U FOR INTERACTING WINNIE!!!!<3 cant think of anymore rn but if i do i WILL edit this post TRUST 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
megumi likes penne but yuuji hates it so they always disagree over pasta shape if theyre making it for dinner. yuuji always wins bc his favourite is spaghetti and obviously everyone likes spaghetti so megumi doesnt bother fighting him on it 📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
HEHEHEHEH nervous. lets see "what kinda gay shit goes on around here when im not around" LMAO the choso x todo wip in action. what a quote thank u past me. you'll find out the context once i post it sjdhfgsjhfks
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmm from random shit i think like. 1980s window designs in england lmaooo
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
answered here :333
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ARRGRHRG ANY COMMENT. i get so excited u cant even imagine. i sometimes type 'AO3' in my gmail just to delude myself that i got a comment and get that little pang of joy seeing the notif 😭 my favvvv must be ones that quote certain lines tho bc then im like HEY!!!! I WROTE THAT!!!! U LIKED THAT??? DUDE UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS I WROTE IT
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i feel like an everpresent topic ive had on my mind especially often for the last year is kindness. there's a multitude of things i could say, whether that's bashing people for lacking it, or get all teary over how beautiful it is (which!! it is!!!) but i think what ive recently discovered is that it's my only constant :3 when everything else goes wrong, that's all i have, and im really happy it's second nature to me (altho im still actively working on making myself better!!!!)
yeah, maybe everything sucks right now, but i know i can make someone else's day better :3 and often it makes things a little more okay to me too
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
RAHHGHG BESTIES. question for the bestiessss
@levi-dayne is so dear to my heart!!! such a sweet and kind person, who truly and deeply cares about others!!!! makes music, writes well AND ALSO DRAWS??!!! amazing and super talented person with super high ambitions too!!! SO SLAYFUL. what did i do to deserve such a slayful friend<333
@uriekukistan is one of the most naturally talented ppl i know!!!!! they write amazing fics, can DANCE super well, and took up drawing like 3 seconds ago and are already churning out really cool stuff on a fucking TOUCHPAD. ON THEIR LAPTOP. gofundme for rin graphic art kit when?? also ofc. a really good friend and very kind person :3333 <333
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
from a writing style perspective: first person and tense switches
from a content perspective: anything fucked up like noncon or incest....how tf are they often not tagged like??? or putting that at the bottom of the warnings list 😭 oh yea im far more concerned about swearing and underage drinking......
something im picky abt that sometimes annoys me enough to click off but i feel like it's just a weird personal preference is the overuse of alternatives to a characters name. so using "the brunette" like 5 times. just say his name!!!!! it's ok!!!!!
RAHHHHHH i usually reread my answers before i post but not this time. adios fuckers i dont remember what bullshit i wrote here but ur left with the consequences. if u wanna deal with even more of my terrible takes ASK ME STUFF
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ilaikyuu · 2 years
Hi hi 👋🏼 I’d like to humbly ask for jealousy HCs for Nanami Gojo and Megumi~ how do they react if someone is showing a little too much attention to their crush?
Hi,hi I will humbly accept your request, you ask i deliver ;)
🌼Hcs: “jealousy is found beneth even the purest looking face “🌼
Featuring Nanami, Megumi and Gojo
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Megumi is the overprotective type and won’t let anyone close to him getting hurt, especially you. He will always find a way to help and if needed to protect you
Though he will analyze the situation before rushing to act like the knight on white horse, he isn't impulsive and surely isn't the type to make rash decisions. 
But oh damn that motherfucker, why is he talking to you like that
Of course he won't immediately jump on the guy, if he sees him doing something suspicious, moreover something that makes you uncomfy, he will easily flip the switch
So really only three things can happen
1. The guy just sees that u aren't interested, continues with his life and doesn't bother you with his existence
2. You flirt back and start talking to the guy (Megumi gets grumpy, his day is ruined and you are annoying the shit out of him) he will probably try to flirt with you as well, to counter the guy and will fail miserably  cute
3. The guy bothers u so today is the wrong day to be on planet Earth
Bingo, you just chose number 3
The guy is trying to pull a move on you and you don't look as happy as you are usually
“Give me your number, it won't hurt you, will it? You try to explain that you're not really into this but the guy is too pushy
While the fucky wucky boy is still trying to find a way to get your number, a strange, rather meaningful aura is around the whole place.
“You heard her, she doesn't feel comfortable, now leave her and go do something useful”
If the guy refuses and tries to fight back, well rip. Megumi will tell him 2 more times to leave you alone and if he doesn't bad for him.
After there are no more threats anywhere near you, he’ll just make sure you are okay and disappear.
“Thank you for saving…me? Wait where did you go, don't you want to at least exchange numbers?”
Fuck. He heard you but if he goes back he will just look desperate, so he will continue walking away and act cool. Dummy
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If you are trying to contest with Gojo Satoru, oh damn I'm sorry for you
If a guy (even with light hearted intentions) tries to talk to you in a bit more lovey dovey way he will find a way to tell him to get lost. To be honest he seems like a guy who will try to embarrass anyone who flirts with you with something along the lines of
“You are the guy from yesterday, right? The guy with y/n?. Oh shit, I remember you from high school, didn't you like shit your pants in chemistry class, a?"
But once again he seems like a guy who will find a way to get the poor dude alone and quietly tell him that if he tries something again, there will be tomorrow but not a happy one.
Perhaps if you flirt back with the guy I think it will push him off limits and make him tell you that you deserve more than any guy can give you - except for him ofc
Jealousy really is like gasoline for Gojo’s already burning flame and is only a chance for him to pull a move on you. He is possessive, selfish and thinks of himself as a god, so who are you to try to flirt with anyone else other than him?
If you are doing it on purpose he knows and he will fuck you up. Both mentally and physically 
So anyway he will handle things with manipulation and all of the endings will be the same - with you in his arms
You sold your soul to the devil honey
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Omg Nanami is interesting. He is something like Megumi but a bit more intense. If someone tries to flirt with you and you don't like it he will straightforward go and tell the guy to fuck off.
Like come on, if the guy tries to fight back Nanami, pfff pffffff he goin goin into hospital hospital
He doesn't give a damn about a lot of things but u aren't one of them. You deserve better than some funny looking douchebag 
If you try to flirt back with the guy he will get angry and directly go and grab you from whatever the fuck this was
“Nanami, what are you doing?!
“And you? What are you doing?
“Talking with a human being?
“The wrong human being. Wrong is the key word”
Possessive like Gojo, but if you get mad at him for embarrassing you he will apologize and feel guilty after words.
If you flirt with someone on purpose to tilt him, he will find a way to show you who you should be wasting your petty, flirty lines for.
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silversatoru · 3 years
megumi + gaslighting / iq reduction
pls mr fushiguro, undermine my intelligence every day, purposely keep me unstimulated until im ur dumb, dependent plaything ❤️
a present for you when you get off the plane <3 i took a slightly diff approach to this and i know ur degree is very much not related to science but science is all i know,, so idk,, pretend u were a bio major or something for the sake of this fic okay
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megumi + gaslighting/iq reduction
tw: nsfw 18+, f!reader, college-student!reader x professor!megumi, dark content, gaslighting, heavy manipulation, iq reduction, dumbification, slight misogyny?
wc: 1.3k
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you still remember the first day of mr. fushiguro’s class, and the way he seemed to pick on you of all people — the way he asked you to stay after class and immediately offered you a position on his team of research students. you remember questioning why he chose you instead of someone else, to which he affirmed that no one had quite the credentials that you did. and you were left wondering how he could possibly judge that on the very first day of classes.
you still remember the first time you showed up to the lab for said research group, the straps of your bag clutched nervously in your clammy palms. mr. fushiguro was a young but incredibly esteemed professor, and this was going to look great on your transcript, so you were nothing but a ball of excited jitters. and you were smart! you knew you’d be an excellent addiction to this team of students, and you were grateful for the opportunity.
or so you thought; but it quickly became apparent that you weren’t nearly as prepared as you thought you were. it seemed like everything you did was wrong — all of your experiment results were compromised, lacked accuracy, and were always rejected. it seemed like all the other students were excelling, and mr. fushiguro loved them — but he was always so frustrated with you.
if only you knew the frustration was a front. if only you realized that every experimental result you got was right, that every answer and every theory you came up with was painfully accurate. if only you knew that your struggles were entirely fabricated by mr. fushiguro and his ulterior motives.
eventually he made the recommendation that you do some remediation with him — a few one-on-one sessions to help sharpen your skills so you can contribute more to his research. so of course you said yes! because you wanted nothing more than to be helpful and you couldn’t understand what you were doing wrong.
so you attended the tutor sessions with your dark-haired professor; but they were less about learning and more about brutal criticism of your skills. mr. fushiguro berated and insulted your intelligence several times, making you falter at his words and wonder what you ever did to deserve to be involved in his research project in the first place.
“i just don’t think you’re cut out for this, ms. l/n”.
maybe you really weren’t cut out for this.
“your lack of skills has surprised me, i can’t say i’m not disappointed in your performance so far”.
you were disappointed in yourself too.
“you’ll have to put in a lot of extra work if you want to stay on the team”.
you’d do whatever it took.
you were always bright, always excelled in your science-related classes, so what was happening to you? why were you the weak link of his research group? why were you on the verge of failing his class? why was everything suddenly so hard?
you didn’t mean to break down in front of him, tears streaming down your cheeks as you choked back sobs and hid your face behind your hands. it’d been building up for a while now: your frustration, your sudden lack of self-confidence, your feelings of inadequacy; they were all overflowing. but mr. fushiguro showed you zero sympathy, staring down at you with icy eyes and not a shred of mercy. you were exactly where he wanted you, and he was about to seal the deal.
“i really expected more from you”
those were the words that broke you in half, your fear of failure becoming all to real in that moment. but his next words halted your tears and created a small shred of hope in your despair.
“but i do want to help you. my door is open to you anytime. i have practice questions and study methods that i’m happy to share with you”.
and so here you were, anxiously sitting at his kitchen table trying to solve a few problems that he’d given you to practice. but you couldn’t seem to figure them out no matter how hard you tried — brain frying as you tried and failed over and over.
but it was all exactly as it was supposed to be — the problems were never solvable in the first place — there were no right answers — they were simply meant to melt your little brain.
you came back to his house time and time again, and each study session was worse than the last. you were never able to figure anything out on your own, you always needed his help, you couldn’t do anything without him.
it was no shocker when you began to admire him, depend on him, feel like you couldn’t do any schoolwork on your own. his months of manipulation were finally paying off, you were finally a dumb little thing who had no self confidence and who was constantly begging for his help. and he was happy to provide that for you, but you were going to have to start making it worth his time — his expert help doesn’t come for free.
you’re not sure what possessed you to agree, to have his cock lodged in the back of your throat while he groaned and leaned back in his seat — but you needed his help, this was just a small price to pay. you’d bob your head and choke on his tip as it pressed into your esophagus as if your future depended on it, because at this point, it kind of did.
but the prices kept getting steeper; eventually a quick blow wasn’t enough to appease mr. fushiguro. he wanted more. if you wanted to keep his help you needed to be face down and bent over his kitchen table — and so that’s exactly what you did.
brain foggy and knees aching your sweaty fingers grasped at the smooth table top as he took you from behind. his strained cock dragged against your sopping walls, your ass nearly bruising from how hard he was fucking himself into you. whimpers and moans overflowed from your lips as your bare tits pressed into empty worksheets — the two of you had completely glossed over the “studying” portion of your night tonight, skipping right to your payment.
you could barely even think straight, your head spinning with endorphins as you cried out in response to the tip of his cock kissing against your cervix. his fingers dug into the sides of your hips, pressing little red circles into your skin from how hard he grasped at you. your were shaking, your entire body pulsing with bliss each time he thrusted up into your cunt.
he was so happy with himself, balls deep inside one of the smartest students who had ever graced his classroom. he’d taken a girl with so much potential it was sickening, and convinced her that she was worthless, reduced her to a less than average student who was desperate enough to take her professor’s cock in exchange for better grades. you were pathetic, embarrassing even, laying here on your stomach and babbling complete nonsense while he filled you up.
all it took was patience and a sprinkle of manipulation to get you like this. to make you a dumb little fuck toy who came to his house several times a week under the guise of getting help with class work.
and he’d keep this up until you could barely even think for yourself — reducing you to a brainless little pet who deserves to be stuffed with cum and nothing else.
you didn’t belong in STEM, you didn’t belong in a university in general — you belonged right here on his kitchen table, your face sitting in a puddle of your own drool.
you were stupid, or at least he convinced you that you were so much so that you actually became it.
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sukirichi · 3 years
sukirichi’s 2.4k milestone event
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weee another milestone and nooo i couldn’t wait for 2.5k because i’m so excited and happy, thank you so much! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ including HAIKYUU this time around yeeeee! also i don’t have a restaurant aesthetic anymore, just kind of goofing around now! REQUESTS ARE OPEN. 
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before you request...
please read about my writings first! it will include the stuff i write and don’t write about. i’m more flexible in nsfw works, so if you really want to try for a kink, just send me in and if the idea is up to my liking, we’ll see how it goes! 
please be patient and nice! if i don’t like the tone of your request or if you’re ‘demanding’ me, aka, “hey, write this for me, this concept...” your ask will immediately be deleted!
no requesting of the same idea to other writers please!
please keep in mind i don’t do too much canon-heavy plots, aka really specific canon events and how they lead up to one another. i don’t read the manga for both jjk and haikyuu ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ
I do not do headcanons anymore. I’m not good at them LMAO.
i feel a lot more laid back in my writings now, so i’ll only be taking requests that i want to write for! the accepted requests will be listed down below as i organize them
you may refer to my first milestone event if you want more ideas for AU requests! you no longer need to include the numbers/spices/ingredients format used in that. just send whatever idea you want ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU. whichever idea i love the MOST will be turned into a series just because I want to try new things hehe!
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— characters i can write anything for (nsfw & sfw)
: gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, choso, ryoumen sukuna, nanami kento
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei, miya twins, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, ushijima wakatoshi, bokuto koutarou, akaashi keiji, tetsuro kuroo
— characters i can only write sfw for
: itadori yuuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuuta
: kenma kozume
— characters i’m MOST eager to write simp for
: fushiguro megumi, choso, naoya zenin, ryoumen sukuna, gojo satoru
: suna rintarou, kageyama tobio, kita shinsuke, oikawa tooru, akaashi keiji
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accepted requests: (only accepting the ones that interest me for now!)
favorites marked as ⭐
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: hello love!! i know it LITERALLY just came out but would you consider a pt 2 or a drabble for sweet lies? where megumi either catches her and sukuna or she genuinely starts moving on uasdfghj i'm convinced that megumi heard her fucking sukuna in the bathroom <3 anyways pls feel free to ignore me too
RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ma’am , i beg of u ,,, spare husband! sukuna x wife! reader drabble. I just read your arranged marriage AU and lordddd i’m obsessed. How long did it take for him to take her virginity 😳? i’m so curious as to how that went down read here: black magic [02]
⭐⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA:  Yooooo how about Rockstar Sukuna seducing his manager ehehehehe~ 
⭐ RYOUMEN SUKUNA: Ok but... pirate captain Sukuna 👀👀👀 I’m havin some Thots ngl 🥵🤤 I can’t decide whether reader should be the first mate and they’re a kickass Power Couple 💪😎or if she should be a stowaway who gets found out and has to pay for her passage with her body 😩😉
OKKOTSU YUTA: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi saw that your request are open and congrats for the 2.4k !! 🎊 if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that's his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it's y/n and she doesn't die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3 | kiss me more
⭐ OKKOTSU YUTA: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: Toge's S/O being so sad that even when he says "smile" it doesn't work( also saw that in TikTok)
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi can i request a scenario in which inumaki and okkotsu gets hit with a curse(?) That makes them a clone but the clone is a kid and seeing their gf taking care of the baby please thank youuu
INUMAKI TOGE: We both be weak for yuuta and toge😩 congrats 2.4k btw. so i'll request that for the event! poly!yuuta and toge. i see that you only write sfw for them so fluff. u can think of anything you want for it..and yes we simp for both of them i love them sm🤧
⭐ INUMAKI TOGE: Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta's sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please🥺Maybe they meet one day when she went to visit the school? Or she's a new sorcerer. Aahhhh I can't think of anything so I'll leave it up to your wonderful mind😌 Thank you! And again congrats! | crush
INUMAKI TOGE: SUKI OMG SIREN AU WITH TOGE AND DEAF READERHis voice hypnotizes all who hear it but she’s unaffected and he’s shook lmao 😂 She teaches him human sign language so they can communicate 🥺 maybe when he realizes he likes her he brings her seashells and other shiny things from the sea floor and it’s so cute 🥰 just 🥺🥺 siren Toge 🥺🥺🥺 (DEBATING)
GOJO SATORU: Hello dear Suki! 🤗 congrats on your more than deserved milestone 👏🏼🥳 I know it’s not the restaurant aesthetic anymore but still, thank you for being a Michelin-star chef spoiling the fandom with your food 🤤👀 I’d love to request the following: ingredient 66 with sugar 8 & 9 and Gojou as cherry on top 🥰 some heavy angst with a happy / smutty ending. additional 🍪 for inspiration - „Best friends don’t look at each other the way you look at her. You never know what will happen, tomorrow might be too late“. Have a lovely day dear 💕
GOJO SATORU: Congrats on 2.4K!!!! May I please request a fic where the reader has like. Zero reaction to Gojo? And he’s kinda shook bc people either adore him or hate him, but here’s reader acting like he’s just a normal dude. And he starts falling for her bc he’s never experienced that before
⭐ GOJO SATORU: a reader that likes Gojo but immediately says N O P E bc they clock that he’s at risk of breaking their heart so they just try to avoid getting close to him despite being a teacher stuck with him a lot of the time. And Gojo is just like ??? But I like you??? Why are you always avoiding me? “I’m tired of you acting like I can’t commit to something. Committing to you is easy.”
⭐ GOJO SATORU: ♡Soft nsfw scenario with s/o and gojo while outside is snowing read here: cold
⭐ GOJO SATORU: Ohoho~ another milestone! Congrats~Can I get Vampire!Satoru x Monster Hunter!Reader where he “proves” to her that all of his victims came willingly(I think from the AU choice you’ll know exactly who I am lol 😉)
⭐ GOJO SATORU: hello! first and foremost, congratulations on reaching 2.4k! i love your writing and its just oh my goodness <3 your stories made my heart squeezed! second of all, i'd like to propose a request for a story. fluff/angst (up to you! your way of writing is just superb) mixed with nsfw gojo satoru. a modern business tycoon au where he just lost his wife and is overprotective of his 1 year old toddler. you're his new staff in the office and is treated badly bcs you know, new staff. one day, you stumbled upon your boss and his baby in a shop, who wont stop crying and he took an interest in you when you managed to calm his kid down. he hired you as his babysitter + made you move into his estate. from there, your life changed! also, thank you for accompanying my days with your stories, it's marvelous! 💕
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: okay i thought you might like this idea for the event (or maybe not lol) - naoya coming home to his beloved little housewife and feels like giving her a treat for being such a good girl.,,.,, read: man's gonna re-arrange your guts and have some soft moments with you after (not that he would ever admit that shsghshsj) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | good girl
NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Stage magician Naoya and his cute little assistant, where every other trick works to undress or strategically rip her outfit so he can show off his little bunny to the crowd before fucking her brainless backstage
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE:  listen ,,,,, ur naoya hate fic goes crazy stupid may i add something. naoya being overprotective like reader is so pretty and many of the clan men look at them a lottttt and naoya out of nowhere will kiss you in front of them or will grab them in front the maids and workers. then reader becomes mad and they get into an argument and then hate fuck :D lmaoo  (THIS REQUEST PLEASEEEE SEND ME TO HEAVEN) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ NAOYA ZENIN MY BAE: Omg Suki! Congrats on the 2.4k! So uhmm I decided to take a break from the Kita/Naoya twin au angst 👉👈 idk if you are still accepting requests but HAS ANYONE EVER MENTIONED OR HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED SUGAR DADDY NAOYA????? 🥺 -🌸
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: Megumi being insecure about his eyes because they are a very light green colour( like in manga) so he wears blue contacts( I saw that on TikTok and... big brain energy)
⭐ FUSHIGURO MEGUMI: SUKI, HI! First of all, congrats on 2.4K you absolutely deserve every single milestone coming your way 💞💞If it’s not too much to ask may I request a one-shot with megumi where he’s jealous that his fem!crush is spending more time with Itadori and sees how she enjoys his company a lot but it’s purely platonic? Reader likes megumi too and they both need that push in the right direction?Thanks so much if you decide to write this 🥺💖 I seriously love your writing and your big brain sm
CHOSO: Could you write something with Choso and the reader that has a toxic mother (if that actually exists.  She controls everything the reader does, and plays with her mind/ feelings making her feel like she's the bad one)?But after a fight with the mom, the reader has enough and just leaves deciding they will finally do what they want, ending up at a tattoo shop, where Choso is the tattoo artist.Ngl, i'd like this to be nsfw because i am thirsting for this man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Don't really have kink preferences but if you could include size and breeding kink then i'd be hella thankful ☺
GETOU SUGURU: Yo how about a Victorian AU with Gentleman Thief!Getou and Debutante!Reader nsfw 👀👀 maybe she hears something in the dark and goes to investigate and gets pressed to the wall with a knife at her throat 👀🥵
FUSHIGURO TOJI: can we get a part two of the "lessons learned" toji fic 👉🏽👈🏽 maybe him fucking and overstimulating her so hard she cries and begs for mercy but no mercy will be given. maybe he uses the same handcuffs she used for him on her 🥰 maybe some manhandling cause im a hoe for letting a man throw me around
⭐ KAGEYAMA TOBIO (fckin finally): kageyama tobio x reader fic for mutual virginity loss? maybe they just haven’t had time with him being a fancy schmancy volleyball player, maybe there’s just nerves, i don’t know! i’ll leave it up to u babe <3
⭐ SUNA RINTARO: hi!! congrats on the 2.4k HEHE just wanted to request a suna and tattoo/flower shop au? idk just the thought of tattooed suna is like. mm yes
⭐ SUNA RINTARO/AKAASHI KEIJI: hi suki!! i’m so excited for your event! so i rarely ever see someone else who loves both akaashi and suna so i was wondering if you could write something for them! maybe apocalypse au?? or roommate au?? i was thinking y/n could have a relationship/be fuck buddies with one of them and some smutty exhibitionism happens with the other watching, and then some pining that ends in a threesome if you write those! if not, then just a smutty n filthy little love triangle that you can choose an ending for lol (a happy one would be nice bc my heart can only handle so much angst, but really it’s up to you and what inspires you!!) tysm for doing this event and always working so hard <3
⭐ OIKAWA TOORU: hi i love your writing!! can i please request work au (boss oikawa x secretary fem reader?) with degradation and him fucking your in the window 😭💗💗
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saintobio · 3 years
I'm eating sandwich on our dining table while reading chp 5... My heart went-💔 when I know that Sera will be there and-(gosh I can't type his name now IT HURTS) he's looking for her this whole time and then when he's trying to put those shoes on her-😭💔 I run to my room just as mc running away from them not to witness how sweet they are (also to hide my sobbing face from my family here😐) (╥﹏╥) and thank goodness there's Toji my ghhaad-😭 I was screaming internally that he should take y/n far away from that man, take this pain away, forget that husband lmao... But then surprisingly, this husband does care for y/n because he didn't leave y/n side til morning and that's... Unexpected or just to show his goody sides😐 then Sera showed up and I-😐 can't wait for the husband's pov and some hidden explanations🙂 this chap is mixed of emotions... But I'm ok2 here🥺 truly what a wonderful writing and chap again ai-san~💛 thank you sooo much bby now take a rest and stay safe there~💛
Anonymous said
omg, reading the sn update was such a rollercoaster !! sobs
it would be so cute if toji & y/n got close and she becomes the cool, fun aunt or friend (?) for megumi—is it okay to ask how old he is in this series?
++ with their friendship, i’d imagine that y/n would always be like, “wow, it’s really not that obvious.”
then toji would fall for it every time and snort, saying, “what, that i’m almost forty?”
then y/n would reply, “no. that you’re just thirty-five.” LMAOOO
pls i just wish she gets a confidant along the way 🥺 she deserves the world honestly pls she’s so precious!!! hrhfhrhf. thank you for the update, btw! this silent reader right here enjoyed it a lot. 🤗.
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Anonymous said
you probably wont understand this but caralho sincerely not ta fazendo eu ficar biruta de vdd
your writing is sooooo good fr i just woke up at 3 in the morning and rn its 5 in the morning and im so auhahahwuuwuqhshsihsjsbbsjshdiwheh because of sincerely not
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Anonymous said
I was holding up fine with the shoes fuckery he pulled but omg him calling us "attention seeker" REALLY fucking hurt me so much lmao. Imagine the next time we actually have much sharper, stabbing chest pains which are more frequent and also last a bit longer and WHEN satoru starts actually caring a little and asks if we're okay, we just go, "oh this?? The doctor said it's a severe case of me attention seeking ^-^ Don't mind me baby, you go chase your happiness! :)))" (THAT TOO WHILE IN PAIN) - ⛈
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Anonymous said
i hateeee ongoing fics i swore id never read them because the waiting makes me go insane or i forget to read updates but since i discovered u, i literally just cant stop myself from tuning in every single fic—even if its a character i don't usually simp for 😭 i love ur work sm omg
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@chaveisa said
i just binged what you have of sincerely not so far and all i can say is i’m in so much pain. you are quite literally one of my favorite writers on this platform and you wreck me so bad with the angst but it’s all angst i love. truly love how you’ve written gojo in this one and can’t wait to see what you have in store!
ps— i found you through wastelands and when i tell you i was wrecked for a solid week >~< truly keep up the good work bb🖤
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Anonymous said
ohhhh the asks are open 😳 i just wanted to say that sn is a fuckin masterpiece. reading the latest chapter (about that the shoes that princess diana wore) i really think that y/n-gojo- sera situation is similar to diana-charles-camilla's story. oof i really hope that isn't some sort of foreshadowing cuz EYE-🚶‍♀️💨
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Anonymous said
hmmmm i love me some good heavy angst gojo fics.... BUT WTF WAS SINCERELY YOURS HOLY SHIT I'VE JUST READ IT IN ONE SITTING AND NOW MY NOSE IS CLOGGED 👁️👄👁️
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@juniorhooter said
FR im scared to start Sincerely Not,, i still have wounds from Wastelands and idk if my heart is ready. Like im seeing all these ppl mad at gojo. I haven't even read it yet, and im mad at gojo. I dont fully know whats happening yet but get with #WeHateHoejoSlutoru and #WeLoveTojiFushiguro. I'll read it eventually... soon... maybe, if im feeling self-destructive. But in the meanwhile, good luck to everyone else going through the turmoil :))
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@blossomingwaifu16 said
OMG THE ASKS ARE OPEN AGAIN!! My friend sent me Sincerely not (beacuse she knows I'm a masochist and love hurting myself- 💀) and damn! it did not disappoint- also reading it made me realise how petty I can be 😭 like everytime Gojo was being mean to the mc I'd be like "fuck you gojo your girlfriend is way nicer then you I'd rather fuck her bitchboy" and that's coming from someone straight 💀 but in chapter 5 I was like "fuck ya'll I wanna be single again-" IT WAS A ROLLERCOASTER of emotions and I'm here for it! And oh boy the scenarios I have in my head to make gojo suffer 😈. Anyways I love the writing and could I please be added to the taglist!? I've been meaning to ask but your asks were closed 😊
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3rd anon what does that mean jssndj but omg thank u guysss aaaaa i’m sorry i’m unable to respond individually as i also have lots of asks to answer still but i appreciate ur messages <33 i enjoyed reading all ur reactions so far!! :’)
also, all taglists are full! i’m sorry.
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forgive-the-sea · 4 years
For your holiday celebration event can I get two from the first prompt list with gojo because I have heavy duty brainrot 🥺 (also they/them pls) love u
zinkie!!! ty for requesting!! 🥺💞 I’m so sorry this is out after the holidays, but I hope you still enjoy! hope the holidays treated you well!
Gojo + “Did we really get each other the same gift?”
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“Be here at 6pm, okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” Gojo says nonchalantly on the other end of the call.
“Please be on time this time! The kids are coming over, too. You all deserve some quiet happy normal time together!”
Gojo was touched hearing how serious you were about this Christmas get together. A smile slowly creeps on his face as he responds, “I promise I’ll be there.”
You were right after all. They all needed some sense of normality after dealing with the nastiest parts of humanity. And he was touched that you cared enough to try to give them some kind of comfort among the chaos.
After a day of decorating, cooking, and other party preparations 6pm finally rolled around. Yuuji and Megumi arrived a bit earlier to help you out. Nobara sent her apologies with them for not being able to stop by early to help.
“It takes time to look this good,” Yuuji says in a mocking tone before sticking out his tongue in a disgusted gesture as he recalls what his classmate said. You laugh at Yuuji’s facial expression and Megumi simply shakes his head.
Slowly the rest of your guests arrive. The second years arrive first in a group. Then Gojo arrives--10 minutes after 6pm.
“I thought I told you to get here on time.”
“Hey! It’s only 10 minutes! That’s my best so far,” he defends.
You narrow your eyes at him and he gives you a sheepish smile.
“I’ll let it slide because it’s Christmas.”
Gojo breaks out into a wide toothy grin as he wraps his arms around you in a suffocating hug. You try to pry his hands off you, but he has you beat in strength. “The kids are watching,” you hiss. 
“Oh, I know,” he says with his signature cocky grin before placing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. 
When you and Gojo join the students, Yuuji flashes you a smile and a thumbs up before greeting his teacher. Megumi, on the other hand, gives you both a blank stare as Gojo makes his way over to give him a hug.
Nobara is the last to arrive, claiming to be fashionably late. You had to hand it to her, she did look good, even if she was half an hour late. 
After a night of munching on holiday treats, board games, and lots of laughter, it was finally time for presents. 
Gojo promptly shoves his present into your hands, “here, open mine first!”
You start to open the gift and see a familiar color. No way. You finish unwrapping the gift and hold the t-shirt to your body. It’s identical to the one you’d gotten Gojo. A red t-shirt with a little platypus on it. 
“Did we really get each other the same gift?”
Gojo’s eyes widen. Fluffy white lashes perfectly framing his crystalline blue eyes. “No way,” he says slowly in disbelief before quickly opening your gift for him.
He holds the shirt you got him out in front of him to inspect. He looks from the larger shirt you bought him to the smaller one you hold against you. There was no doubt it was the same shirt. You were so sure you’d gotten Gojo a unique gift.
He erupts with laughter at the coincidence. While trying to catch his breath between laughs, he speaks, “that just proves we know each other well, huh?”
You stare at Gojo for a moment, processing what just happened, and soon break out in laughter yourself at the realization.
He pulls you in for another of his smothering hugs, but this time you don’t fight back and let yourself laugh and enjoy his embrace.
The kids look on with a collection of different expressions. Some watch with amusement at the happy accident. Others in confusion. Megumi again gives you a blank stare. 
Later that night, you rest with Gojo on the couch after cleaning up. You lean your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you and runs his hand through your hair.
“You know, we can exchange your shirt if you really want. I have the receipt.”
A light chuckle leaves his lips, “no, it’s fine.”
”Perfect, really. Now we can match,” he says with a smile as you snuggle closer to him and hum in response. 
“Thank you for putting all this together.” Gojo’s voice is low, close to a whisper. 
You smile as you remember seeing everyone having fun together. You swear you even saw the corners of Megumi’s mouth tug into a small smile when he beat Yuuji at jenga.
“It was nothing. I’m glad you all had fun.”
Gojo’s hand that was running through your hair drops down to find your hand and bring it up to his lips for a gentle kiss. 
“Merry Christmas,” he says with a bright smile. 
"Merry Christmas, Gojo."
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towine · 6 years
Yo how awesome was that last chapter!! I cant believe after 39436 years they're giving us precious soumegu content again ahhhh and your works are sweet sweet cherries on top ilu
AHHH THE SOUMEGU IS KILLING ME [SHAKES YOU] and thank you so much that’s so nice of you to say!! ;-; and please, i am always open to talking headcanons. i like to think that souma realizes his feelings much later than megumi, and when he realizes, he wants to tell her quickly because he’s not one for keeping things bottled up. but they’re both such busy ppl that they don’t really get a chance to talk until circumstances push them together and their feelings come to a head and they both confess at the same time in a dramatic fashion AHHH. but it doesn’t really change much because they’ve always been close, they’re just. cute. and embarrassing really. THAT’S ALL.
so for a marriage proposal, this fic takes place oh i don’t know… 4-5 years after graduation probably? i don’t have a definitive timeline but that’s where i’m tentatively setting this. thanks for the ask! this one was fun x)
“So, I was thinking I’d take her to dinner and—”
Erina holds a hand out. “Stop right there. It’s already boring and unoriginal. Next.”
“Uh,” Souma says. “There… There is no next, that’s all I’ve got.”
She touches a hand to her chin, brows knitting in concern. “Then the situation is more dire than I thought.”
She types something quickly on her laptop, her eyes flitting over her screen as she reads something Souma can’t see through their video call.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“Looking at weather reports for the next month. We need to wait for a day where it’s going to rain.”
“Erina thinks rainy days are the most romantic,” Alice chimes in, pushing in from the left side of the screen, Erina squawking in surprise when she does. “Though she’s wrong of course, because everyone knows snow is the most romantic.”
“It doesn’t really snow much in Tokyo,” Souma points out.
“Boo,” Alice huffs, pouting, before Erina shoves her out of frame.
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with going traditional,” Hisako adds from somewhere off-screen, her voice distant and crackly through the video.
“But Megumi-san deserves better,” Erina argues. “Listen, Yukihira-kun, here is what you do. Wait until a rainy day. Then when night falls, you suddenly appear on her doorstep, drenched, ring in hand, and—”
“Sounds like a perfect way to get sick and ruin any proposal plans,” Alice says loudly, appearing back in the frame. “I have a better one. Wait until she’s about to board an airplane, then you dramatically run to her gate, begging her not to go because you’re in love with her, then you get down on one knee—”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Erina crosses her arms haughtily.
“It makes way more sense than waiting in the rain—”
The camera suddenly shifts to the side as Erina and Alice argue with one another and an apologetic Hisako appears.
“If you’d like, I can book reservations for you at one of the finest restaurants in Tokyo,” she says, already opening her tablet. “There are many popular ones for proposals and I can organize them into a chart sorted by cost, cuisine, location, and atmosphere. Within a few hours I can—”
The call suddenly drops, and a message saying Connection Lost blinks in the middle of Souma’s laptop screen.
“Proposal ideas?”
“Yeah.” Souma drags a hand over his face, the other holding his phone up to his ear. Behind Takumi’s voice are the sounds of a busy restaurant—he feels a little bad calling in the middle of the day, but the time difference between Florence and Tokyo makes it difficult for him to find a spare moment to talk. “I tried asking others for advice but… Haven’t gotten a whole lot of help yet.”
“And you thought you could ask me because I’m Italian and surely I know the ways of romance,” Takumi finishes for him, sarcasm thick.
Souma flushes a little, embarrassment hot on his cheeks. Takumi had his own fan club back at Tootsuki and always paid more attention to class and charm than Souma ever did. He figured he was a safer bet than any for advice on his current dilemma.
There is a rustling sound, like Takumi moving or shifting the phone away. Then the distant sound of talking in quick Italian that Souma’s rudimentary understanding of it doesn’t catch. Then Takumi’s voice comes back more clearly. “Take her somewhere nice. Surely you know that much.”
“I’m not that hopeless.” Souma frowns.
Takumi huffs an amused sound. “Take her somewhere you know she’d love. Cook her dinner—all her favorite foods, the best cooking you’ve ever done. Then go out for a walk when the moon is out. A park is nice, or maybe a beach.”
Souma nods as he takes all of this in. This sounds like something he can do. Takumi seems very certain of himself, like he is nothing less than an expert.
“Then at the right time, the right moment, you get down on one knee.”
“Wow,” Souma says. “Have you proposed a lot or something?”
“What? No!” Even through the phone, he knows Takumi is blushing fiercely. “I don’t just propose to everyone, you know, it’s supposed to be special.”
“You sound like you really know what you’re doing.”
There are scuffling sounds on the other end, making Souma raise an eyebrow. Then the familiar chime of Isami’s amused voice lilts through the line. “Nii-chan has been reading a lot of romance books lately because he just started dating someone new. He’s already head over heels for him.”
“Isami!” Takumi’s voice is outraged in the background.
“Is that so?” Souma says, grinning.
“Give me the phone, Isami—”
“Good luck proposing to Tadokoro-san,” Isami says cheerily.
“Thanks! I’ll let you guys know how it goes.”
“Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll work out.”
“Isami, I said give—”
Isami hangs up.
“How did you propose to mom?”
Jouichirou rubs his chin, a smile curling onto his face at the memory.
“She proposed to me, actually. It wasn’t anything formal at all. I didn’t keep to one place very well when I was younger, but when I met her, it was the most at home I’d felt in a long time. I still left every now and again to work jobs that were offered to me, but I’d always come back here.”
Souma listens quietly, hands cradling a mug of tea as he sits across from his dad at the dining table.
Jouichirou goes on, “After a while, there wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to go. So she said, ‘Let’s get married and stay here.’ And we did.”
“That simple, huh?”
“Yep. Then you were born.” Jouichirou reaches out to ruffle Souma’s hair, laughing when Souma swats at him.
When the laughter subsides, he asks, “You gonna do it soon?”
“I think so.”
His smile crinkles the corners of his eyes. “Good.”
“But I haven’t decided how exactly I should do it.” Souma swirls the tea in his mug, watching the stray tea leaves spin circles.
“I don’t think you can go wrong with keeping it simple.”
“I just… want it to be special. Because she’s special.”
When he gets no response, he looks up from his mug and finds Jouichirou’s grin greeting him.
“Nevermind,” Souma says immediately, starting to get up from his seat. “I’m leaving.”
“No, no, wait!” Jouichirou waves him back down. “Come on, I’m just happy for you.”
“Thanks.” He takes a loud slurp of his tea.
“I mean it. She’s a good one.”
Souma swallows, the tea burning a warm path down his throat. “I know she is.”
Megumi is running late but Souma doesn’t mind. She texts him well ahead of time, explaining that her cooking class has gone a little long but she’ll be there soon.
The kids miss you, she writes, and would love to see Souma-sensei again.
He grins at that, typing out a reply. He should have time this week to help out with a lesson or two, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy seeing her students.
He waits on a rooftop garden where they agreed to meet, a bouquet of white carnations resting on the table he’s seated at. As the evening sky changes from pink and orange to cool purple and blue, the lights strung up through the garden blink into life like stars dangling from the tree branches.
In his pocket, his phone buzzes with a million texts from everyone he’s spoken to about his plans for tonight. It would be impossible to answer all of them so he’s long since stopped trying, but he hopes to have good news to share with them later.
He doesn’t feel scared. When every day together has felt like a journey into something new and wondrous, all he can really do is look forward to the next step. He wants to believe Megumi feels the same.
The entrance to the rooftop garden opens, and when Souma turns to look Megumi is there.
Loose strands of her hair sway in the evening breeze, and when she tucks them behind her ear Souma can see the glint of earrings, the birthday present he bought for her while he was in Paris working for Shinomiya. She’s wearing a yellow dress and white flats and her eyes light up when she sees him.
“Souma-kun,” she says, a smile spreading across her face like a warm sunrise.
She is beautiful.
He loves her. He really, really does.
“Megumi.” He grins back.
There is a little velvet box in his pocket dying to be taken out. But he waits. There is dinner first, waiting on the table set just for them in the center of the garden. And before that there are flowers and conversations because he wants to know how her day has been. Patience is difficult to hold onto when he wants to ask her right now, but there’s no need to rush.
When he holds out the flowers for her and Megumi gasps, taking them and laughing in delight, reaching out to squeeze Souma’s hand in hers, he knows they’ve got all the time in the world.
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seoafin · 3 years
jjk & tower of god chapter on the same day,,, i spent all of my brainjuice talking abt tog w some friends + working on my wip so this one might be incoherent LMAO but nsjdhfjd this my 2 cents for the chp (1) - 🐱
first of all, the zenins shld just eat shit 🥰 the bar is just nonexistant now 😭😭😭
also maki’s mother said sth that hits way too close to home for me too🥴
the maki & mai, megumi & tsumiki "make a place where they are happy” parallels...mai,, maki wanted a place where u'd be happy!!! 😭😭😭 good points abt any interesting nuances the original jpn might have had though
and lmao megumi's "ew no" face ,,, i didn't think he could make a face like that JDJJDJD ,, once again i think his outsider-insider status is interesting but the amount of ppl counting on him/leaning on him bc of strategic position is a lot. ig this is what kamo meant by supporting the 3 families,,,, gojou indeed is playing the long game. megumi in the meantime, very persistent in not getting more involved in clan politics, not using power that is offered to him, or leveraging it - in a way it is good, and it also makes sense with "stress is other ppl" but is interesting from a structural pov. megumi may not rly give a shit abt the rest of the jujutsu world. if the ppl close to him are affected, then he cares. otherwise, forget it.
also im interested in power implications here bcs it sound a little like there’s a slight split b/w leadership and everyday zenins and im curious what it's like if u have no connection to the top of the clan,, and again higher ups being unaffiliated with the 3 clans so they have to appeal to them. curious what other talents the gojou clan have and what they're known for bc clearly it's not just gojou, they still have power without him and still have a stake in the shifting power structure. kamo must be busy too...
MAKIIIIII ,,, honestly my heart hurts a little seeing her getting beat up in recent chapters. but i’m rly happy,, shes FINALLY getting the focus she deserves and i’m confident she will make a recovery and she IS in fact the one leading efforts on the zenin side. im rly hopeful she can take over the clan one day and no longer say she's not good enough
that stomach wound is bad news though so im wondering how she will come back from that,, that she didn't know her own father's abilities says a lot, too. i wonder if she could see the extension of his blade, or if she hasn't been able to see/understand many ppl abilities
im hopeful for next chp now. u can do it maki!!!!
flashing back on these bits, it makes more sense now why megumi wasn't melting down post-shibuya,, seems most information came to him in a sort of timely and calm way? also i rly have to wonder if gojou did not spend a decade plotting in front him bcs he's done it before,,,, like the whole clan head scene in megumi's middle school years....in a way i imagine he wouldve seen that gojou come out of the high school and watch him get more serious as he acquired even more skin in the game
all the time though i wonder abt megumi's tendency toward inertia and nonaction to things that would seemingly give him power and trying to understand it and that IS him being selfish and that IS,, imo the biggest indication of what he actually does or doesn't want. he wants it, he will act and work on it immediately himself. he doesn't like it? act like it doesn't exist. it make me want to shake him around like NO!! megumi pay attention!!! But his reaction to this clan stuff is a contrast to his behavior in recent chapters imo
and more mahjong references,,, between this and yuuji’s pachinko,, i wonder abt the undercurrent of gambling haha. a gamble for the shaman world and who will come out on top? a contrast to the flowy ocean imagery that connects shaman stuff out to the rest of the world
also this ,,,, there's that one jp tweet (i cant find it again😞) that talks about how toji, as the point of distortion, created megumi, who is currently playing a potential convergence/healing/uniting role (if he actually takes it on as a responsibility lol) and connects this back to the medicine buddha,,, whose mudra (hand sign) is used for chimera shadow garden. with the commentary abt ppl with heavenly restriction needing to know what to throw away in order to become strong or tap into their full strength and toji’s commentary at the end of fight with gojou,,  i actually always felt that toji died not having been entirely resolved with himself bc he talks abt going against the self that decided to forget abt self-respect, to live without thinking abt himself or others,,, in a way, living selfishly, for himself, by ignoring anything immediate and i think he succeeded for a while bc he didnt even remember megumi's name. he remembers it when he talks to getou abt him being thankful for toji not killing him bc of potential drawbacks
and at the very end he thinks of megumi again and that last act does think of someone else, like a "life before your eyes" moment where toji thinks about how the zenin's treatment of him led him there or how his return to shibuya ends with him remembering how he gave megumi back to the zenin,,, i think atm of his death he was starting to think he did want to care, in a different way, or that he needed a different paradigm. or,, maybe he was just starting to realize how far the zenin thinking had set into him
so we dont rly talk abt that being an enlightenment moment for toji but i kind of think it was. that megumi has the potential to become a pivotal piece as a legacy of distortion is interesting. i dont actually think toji set up everything intentionally bc he didnt know megumi's ability, and i dont think he wouldve thought that far. i think a lot of the heir and inheritance stuff is sth naobito set in after seeing megumi's development under gojou. it's clear now everyone has been keeping eyes on everyone else
at some point there's some interesting discussion to be had abt megumi and privilege - i'm surprised the canon characters dont hate him more for having stuff just fall into his lap, and so i liked that maki pointed this out that he could use this and he shld bc theres a frustration there - and yet at the same time megumi himself seemingly feels very little attachment to the zenin and the shaman world still. he just cares abt his little circle of people, and it's a very intentional choice, based on his good/bad ppl thing
u cant really affect the entire world, but u can assert urself on the environment around u and decide what u do and dont act on. this part of megumi is more teenage boy and kind of toji-like, i think,,, hence the emphasis on action
u express ur effect and existence through action, who u kill or who u save. toji having very little, while so much falls into megumi's lap while he doesn't want it, doesn't want to acknowledge it, likely doesn't want to take part in a system he doesn't like or, having been raised under gojou's wing, resents or finds corrupt or useless, or doesn't even think on bc he thinks its above his pay grade and gojou's there - this is also megumi's moment to solidify his own direction and commit to working in the system or out of it
the "not caring" is a defensive measure in a way too, i think. i dont think megumi is Big Good and wants to save everyone and everything and the world to be good and pure, i tend to think of him as a resigned chaotic neutral, who wishes he could be good orz
ANYWAY i think there's some interesting juxtapositions with the whole toji > megumi thing, that someone who is born without, restricted, births and creates someone full of blessings. its very shaman-like, action then reaction
AND i wish u luck on ur final paper (bless ur eyes to see incels bc i’ll just log off for the day when i saw one (1) of them on the net) AND DONT FORGET TO TAKE A REST,, the self care is much needed me thinks <333 (2) - 🐱
i love u 🥺🥺😭😭😭 you take care of yourself too!!!
also ur right...all this political intrigue im so curious i need to know how the jujutsu world is structured in terms of the higher ups and the clans. like i assumed that the three clan elders WERE to some extent also part of the higher ups???? but now it seems that the higher ups are a separate entity altogether, so like checks and balances i suppose. except both the higher ups and the clans are corrupt so no balance there 😭
the chapter implied the zenins are losing when it comes to the power struggle between the three clans. im interested. i want to see them all rot!!! like i also said though it’s going to be interesting to see the state of the kamo clan though, considering “noritoshi kamo.” like what do you even say to that???? im going to be surprised if it doesn’t affect their standing in the jujutsu world but then again the kamo clan IS one of the big three.
megumi really is a character that was blessed in all regards but like. doesn’t want anything to do with it LOL he really said ‘this is a pain no thanks.’ like gojo like megumi i suppose. i agree with u the whole toji and megumi set up....genius....i also love their juxtaposition. it’s so interesting and another source of irony.
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