#but tumblr's default tag blocking system will STILL WORK on mobile or desktop
domjaehyun · 2 years
i never said i looked through the tags. i simply placed hc’s name on the search bar and looked through it (i was looking more for fics but i was looking for pics and updates too). i know i can just filter the tag (which i don’t and won’t bc tumblr’s filter tends to be faulty & filters whole unrelated posts e.g. “funeral” = post with “fun” gets filtered), but tumblr did put the community label now for a purpose too, right? it’s easy to put it too, so may i politely ask why not just turn it on?
sorry this got long and i don’t wanna make ppl scroll past it so it’s under the cut !!
i didn’t say you looked through the tags :) i asked if you did, what did you search? and searching haechan’s name is essentially looking for him in the tags of #haechan posts (and apparently similar tags), no? either way, me asking what you searched was the point of the question because i deliberately tag my fics a certain way. i also find that searching by tag as opposed to regular searches makes the search a lot more specific; as we know, apparently #haechan smut will appear in the “haechan” search but #haechan posts wouldn’t bear the same results! not pressuring you to do anything btw, i’m just making a light suggestion that might make your time here better :)
and you could block the tag, though? as opposed to the keyword? a post with #haechan smut or #nct smut wouldn’t get through the filter and you wouldn’t be seeing anything you didn’t want to, with no extra effort on your part or the parts of the writers you don’t want to see.
tumblr, quite frankly, did not think that feature (community labels) through very well. a large number of blogs haven’t changed their settings to view posts with mature/drugs & alcohol/violence labels, because they most likely still don’t know, and tumblr defaulted to setting everyone’s filters to “hide” as opposed to “blur” or “show.”
not everyone checks up on tumblr’s new updates (i happen to but that’s just me) and reblogs of posts about the community labels only get so far. additionally, i’m p sure turning on/off your community rating filters is only available on desktop as of right now, so mobile users might not have gotten around to it/might not have access to desktop.
so essentially? a lot of people won’t see the post that would normally see it if there’s a community label slapped onto it. it limits the visibility of the fic and it’s a little frustrating to work for ages on a story and post it, knowing that probably dozens, maybe hundreds, possibly even thousands, of blogs haven’t turned on the feature to be able to see the post.
it just seems like a lot of extra work for you to go through searches where you haven’t filtered smut and appeal every single smut fic you find. i’m sure there are a lot. i have a bunch of things blacklisted as tags specifically and tumblr never messes up with filtering them. (i will agree with you that filtering keywords as opposed to tags is still wonky.)
you could also just block this blog, btw. i wouldn’t take it personally (i’ve blocked literally hundreds of blogs just for posting things i don’t like) especially because this isn’t my main blog so blocking it wouldn’t affect me much. i don’t post anything but smut in my writings and that’s the only stuff i put in the tags, so you wouldn’t have to scroll past anything of mine :)
anyway sorry for going on for so long !! but yeah that’s my (albeit lengthy) response as to why i don’t use the community labels (and won’t until tumblr makes the system more functional). :)
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byebyler · 2 years
things in the byler vs melvin disk horse that rub me the wrong way (from a byler stan. melvins dni or whatever lol)
~ only discussing mike and will’s relationship via el. "mike wouldn’t date his ex’s brother” “will wouldn’t steal his sister’s boyfriend”. two best friends with ten years of history? becoming will’s friend was the best thing mike ever did? i don’t know them. i only know them as el’s boys!
~ the people who constantly whine about ship wars and how “the show is about friendship not romance!” but only complain about byler or tag it anti byler. sure...
~ the ones who seem to think every byler shipper wants el to die and like insult her and literally call her slurs or something?? maybe there’s some awful people like that out there but absolutely no one ive come across on tumblr has that attitude so... idk where they’re seeing it
~ people saying there’s literally zero evidence supporting byler. like i said before, the show seems to think the audience needs a third party to sit a ship down, look them in the eyes, and tell them they’re in love, and that’s the only way to start a romance. so if that’s what they need, i’m not surprised they can’t pick up on subtext, looks, nonverbal hints, or literally anything else with any degree of subtlety 
~ saying that even just making will gay would be cheap fanservice. i shouldnt have to explain that one :|
~ will and el both have some variation of a traumatic upbringing. somehow her trauma gives her infinite free passes to do anything she wants but will shows one Symptom and suddenly people are getting paid to write articles about how he has peter pan syndrome and needs to stfu about d&d and grow up already (they’re 14-15 btw thats literally a child) (also not saying el doesnt deserve some free passes. she can have a little murder, as a treat <3) (it’s all about the double standards babeyyy)
~ will’s friendships with lucas and dustin are exactly the same as his with mike. like. please tell me what stranger things you’re watching cause it’s not the one on netflix!
~ will doesn’t have time to think about love bc Trauma. again, double standard, bc that could apply to almost any character. but nope, its only about him!! also implying that people dealing with trauma can’t want/be in a relationship at the same time... one big gigantic Yikes
~ “the show gave us mike and el from the start so that’s what it’s always going to be! if they break up then it’s bad writing/fanservice”. bc couples that get together at age 11 have a 100% success rate lol. even from a story perspective, as though it’s unheard of and taboo for a show pull a controversial break up plotline, ever
~ continued from above, anything about how mike and el’s relationship is the central focus/driving force of the show :| im guessing the people saying this are also like 13 so i wont be too mean about it lol
~ “calling mike gay is erasing bisexuality”. for everyone, i guess! all bisexuals just got thanos snapped out of existence bc some people on the tumblr hc this fictional boy as gay. “mike can be bi!” yes but he can also be gay. he can literally be anything at this point. when the show explicitly, plainly states he’s bi, i’ll rescind my statement. til then, i love my gay son <3 
~ “stop calling me homophobic bc i dont ship byler!” again maybe im just not seeing the worst takes but i dont see anyone getting called homophobic for not shipping byler. i see people getting called homophobic bc of all the homophobic shit they say as an excuse for why they dont ship byler 🤪 as in...
~ aNYTHING about “it’s the 80s and homophobia!” bc. that they can sit there and say that it doesn’t make sense for will and/or mike to be “out and proudly gay” and that’s just like a ship argument rather than an incredibly sad thought. never mind that there have always been gay people in every corner of the world, including - surprise! - rural indiana in the 80s. but no, since they cant go waving rainbow flags at the head of the pride parade, they might as well not be gay in the first place :|
ALSO you know what else was probably pretty taboo in rural indiana in the 80s?? a black guy dating a white girl. and if i were sitting up here ready to defend dustin x max to my last breath and one of my main arguments was “its the 80s so max would have an easier time dating dustin”, there would be a word for the kind of person i was. just like there’s a word for the kind of people that use this argument to shut down byler
and seriously, disregarding mike’s potential feelings and saying “he should stay with el bc its easier” is not the serve some people think it is
also y’know never mind we dont live in a utopia rn and plenty of people still fucking hate interracial and same sex couples like it really hasnt changed that much and people can still be at risk just by walking out in public with their partner. it’s a tragedy and it’s also a shitty thing to reach for, for shipping points! That should be obvious no matter how open minded or non-homophobic you claim to be! Stop it!
Anyway wow I didn’t expect this to be so long! Guess there are more annoying ass cold takes out there than I thought
And as usual I’m not even typing this all out to say “You’re wrong and Byler is real!” no my expectations are firmly set at rock bottom! Don’t get it twisted lol. I’ve just read a ton of takes that don’t sit right with me and I wanted to get my thoughts out <3
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isa-ghost · 4 years
A Formal Report To Staff
I’ve emailed the support team three times, each with strong feedback. Each containing MORE PROBLEMS than the last email. I begged them to take me off the beta. In fits of frustration, I’ve demanded to be taken off it too. I was told I’d have to deal with it. I was given responses that were little or no help at all. And I’m not the only one having these issues. These issues have been so severe and frustrating, I have been the least active on the site I have ever been. I have heavily contemplated leaving Tumblr altogether, and have been extremely displeased (to say the least) that these issues have prevented me from enjoying my blog, interacting with my friends/mutuals, and more. 
This beta was forced onto users without warning, without user’s consent, with no insight as to what would change, how it would change, why it would change, what was new, or any other changes/additions the beta would give. This lack of communication is unprofessional, inexcusable, and irresponsible. And the fact that they don’t give you an option to turn it off or opt out is, quite frankly, bullshit. Implementing a "beta” that feels half-assed and has this many issues in the first place without any kind of communication is irresponsible.
Their only semi-decent answer to this problem has been XKit. Which is not compatible/available with all browsers!! And really, it should be a big sign they SHOULDN’T CHANGE/ADD SOMETHING if their answer to it is “oh, just use XKit to undo it/turn it off.” JUST DON’T DO IT! You shouldn’t be relying on an extension/add-on to make your users happy! And if the users who don’t want these changes/additions are somehow the minority in all this, I certainly don’t see a single peep of any kind anywhere from the users that want/are supportive of these things! I’ve seen nothing but problems with this beta being reported, and frustration/hatred of it being expressed. And 0 action taken by the staff to fix any of it. If it’s still being worked on, it never should have been released to users in the first place. They should not be forced to put up with the bugs that this beta still has. The staff should not be randomly selecting users (not every user has had the beta forced upon them) to be beta testers. This is also irresponsible of them.
The staff’s communication to users about updates is AWFUL. The way they implement new things or change existing things without any mention of it or warning of when these things officially implement is AWFUL. 99% of the time they add or change something, nobody wants it or asked for it, and/or it’s a tiny change that didn’t need any attention whatsoever to begin with! They seriously need to start remembering the saying, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!“ The staff should be holding polls or ASKING users their opinions on something before they do it, not just throwing it in and forcing them to deal with it! And if they don’t want to wait for feedback on an idea before they do it, then they should ALWAYS make an option to turn off/opt out of whatever it is!
Tumblr’s most BASIC FUNCTIONS: posting, reblogging, editing posts, a user’s personal settings, HAVE BROKEN. They will not open or load, and if they do, the user has to wait several seconds before it FINALLY opens. When it doesn’t open, this happens:
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This can/will appear 2-5+ TIMES (aka, the user will have to try and click “Aa Text/etc,” the reblog button, or the edit button 2-5+ TIMES, and on top of that, the window takes several seconds to load each time before you even know if it’s going to actually open or not!!) before Tumblr lets you open the posting window, the reblog window, or the editing window. It might even be happening with other functions on Tumblr that I just haven’t personally experienced yet.
Tumblr’s most BASIC FUNCTIONS should NEVER be malfunctioning, no matter what. A half-implemented beta/update, some random issue, NOTHING. NOTHING should make these functions unable to be used or any sort of hassle to use! This shouldn’t be happening, and shouldn’t be allowed to happen! It honestly makes the staff look incompetent when these simple things aren’t developed to a point where they don’t break. At the very least, they should not break as often as they do. And speaking of basic functions breaking, don’t even get me started on how often tags break and malfunction. That’s been an issue forever, and a highly reported and complained about one at that. And yet here the staff are, once again changing the whole appearance of Tumblr instead of working on more pressing issues; thus once again making its userbase feel unheard or ignored.
And as if those basic functions breaking aren’t enough, there’s YET ANOTHER ONE that (at least for me) keeps breaking! THE DASHBOARD ITSELF.
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Anywhere between 2 seconds and a few minutes, if I scroll any longer than that, this happens to my dash, and nothing will load. And if I try to scroll back up for it to load, the things that HAD loaded are no longer loaded OR the dash just straight up disappears and all I see is the dash’s blue background. At that point I can’t even refresh my dashboard to fix it or click anything whatsoever. I have to close Tumblr and reopen it in a new tab. And most of the time, I can’t even do that, because this BREAKS MY ENTIRE BROWSER. 
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MY ENTIRE BROWSER WILL STOP RESPONDING 1-3+ TIMES BEFORE I CAN DO ANYTHING AT ALL. Sometimes it will crash COMPLETELY. Not only that, but when Tumblr lags my entire browser and makes it stop responding, then EVERY OTHER APPLICATION ON MY LAPTOP will lag out or stop responding as well! My laptop is admittedly old, but even in its old age, it DIDN’T DO THIS BEFORE THE BETA WAS FORCED UPON ME. The beta is literally screwing with my WHOLE laptop because its issues start with the site, extend to my browser, then spread to anything else I have running at the time! While some of that is most likely my laptop’s age showing, again, it never did this before the beta started to mess with everything.
Being on Tumblr just... isn’t worth this much frustration. This needs to change. It needs to be taken off user’s accounts until it’s completed or (preferably to me) not implemented at all.
On top of all of these issues, I personally have been suffering another huge problem with this beta. My add-on Tumblr Savior will not work. I use Tumblr Savior to blacklist URLs of blogs I don’t want to interact with (and have blocked, but Tumblr’s blocking system is awful and doesn’t keep blocked blog’s posts off your dash or anything. Blocking a blog should COMPLETELY wipe the existence of a blog you block out of your sight EVERYWHERE. But that’s a whole other issue I won’t even get into... Again, a highly reported and complained about issue that the staff haven’t done anything about). I also use it to blacklist tags I don’t want to see, or a tag that people I follow use for their followers to blacklist a specific type of content. I use it to blacklist words and phrases so posts containing them don’t appear. I use them to blacklist triggers and things that make me uncomfortable. I know many users who also use this add-on to properly blacklist URLs, tags, words, phrases, and more to keep it off their dashboards. Many use this to blacklist triggers and sensitive material that Tumblr’s filtering systems do not properly take care of. This add-on not functioning with this beta could be harmfully affecting users. I personally cannot enjoy being on Tumblr without Tumblr Savior functioning to properly filter all that I need filtered.
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This is every URL, tag, word, phrase, or otherwise that I have to blacklist to comfortably be active on Tumblr. NONE of those things are being properly blacklisted by Tumblr’s filtering system (especially blacklisting URLs to properly block a blog since Tumblr doesn’t) and are appearing on my dash and bothering me. Not only that, but Tumblr Savior ALSO does the following for me:
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Since Tumblr Savior isn’t functioning, my radar, sponsored, suggested blogs, etc are all crowding my dash and also bothering me. Those checks mean they should be hidden. They are not hidden. I’ve had to unfollow some tags that I was following because they’d keep suggesting random annoying posts to me. 
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I even restored defaults and reloaded all of my saved blacklists and settings. It didn’t work. I’m assuming its obviously not up to the staff to make Tumblr Savior work because it’s not theirs. But on the other hand, it was working fine until they forced the beta on me. The beta is what’s making it not work. The beta, between all the issues I’ve mentioned before, and making me unable to use Tumblr Savior to enjoy being on the site comfortably, is making it basically impossible for me to be on the site at all. I’ve mentioned all of this information in the three emails I sent and none of it was effectively acknowledged, let alone fixed.
And lastly:
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I just... I really REALLY hate this. I hate it on mobile (but I tolerate it), and I REEEALLY hate it on desktop (I REALLY want it gone!!). Desktop and mobile don’t need to be similar!! Desktop is desktop and mobile is mobile, stop changing them to be the same constantly!! AT LEAST give users an option to turn this stupid number’s visibility off! I get tons of notifications from all my blogs, I get a TON (99+) on my main blog alone! I don’t want this here!! I don’t need to be notified I have notifications, I know! I don’t need to be pressured and pestered to look at them every frickin time I get one!! This is one of those changes that didn’t need to be added!
Instead of breaking everything on the site, and focusing on the appearance of Tumblr, here are just SOME of the suggestions/requests that TONS of users have mentioned in the past, all of which (to my knowledge) have been ignored or unseen by staff:
The ability to change what blog is your main blog.
FIXING THE TAGS, so posts ACTUALLY appear in them and none of the other issues happen.
When all posts containing a certain tag are deleted, the tag stops appearing in your tag history.
Fix the problem where posts with links in them don't show up in tags.
PROPER BLOCKING. If I block a blog, I don’t want to see it ANYWHERE. I don’t want to see it in tags I look at, I don’t want to see it reblogged onto my dash by people I follow. I want it completely GONE so I don’t have to blacklist URLs.
Sending asks from a side blog
Add the different text fonts and colors available on mobile also available on desktop
When a blog is reported, DONT JUST GIVE THE OPTION TO BLOCK. They're being reported FOR A REASON.
When a blog is hidden from Google search results, you can no longer search for tags/posts on that blog's search bar. FIX THAT.
There's been a glitch lately where if you click a notification about a post to see said post, it says the post no longer exists/has been deleted when it hasn't.
Make it so when you block a blog on your main blog, it blocks that blog on all your sideblogs too.
When the OP is deleted, delete all reblogs of the post.
After I finished this post, TAG CRAWLER STOPPED WORKING. FIX THAT! Unbelievable.
There's plenty more ACTUALLY helpful things that could be changed or added, but these are the ones I see talked about the most. Anyone who reblogs this, please don't add more because it's not the point of this post, thanks.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m emailing it to the support and hoping the staff actually read and do something about it. To any users reading this, reblogging to signal boost is much appreciated. Any additions backing up what I’ve said here are appreciated as well; especially if the staff take the time to look through the notes to see I really am not the only one who strongly dislikes this beta and is having far more issues with it than it’s worth.
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snowflakechallenge · 4 years
Fandom Snowflake Challenge #12
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Introduction Post* Meet the Mods Post * Master Post * Challenge #1 * Challenge #2 * Challenge #3 * Challenge #4 * Challenge #5 * Challenge #6 * Challenge #7 * Challenge #8 * Challenge #9 * Challenge #10 * Challenge #11
Remember that there is no official deadline, so feel free to join in at any time, or go back and do challenges you've missed.
Remember the early oughts? Remember Web 1.0? And Geocities and blinkies? What about Flash games? It was only last month that Adobe Flash finally died its ignoble death.
In the spirit of those times, let resurrect some old LJ memes! (Think Buzzfeed quizzes but with less data mining (not to say that didn't happen)).
When I looked at my tags page, there were 159 entries tagged ‘meme’ which I guess is because memes were what I used to say when I didn’t know what to say. In the early oughts, I wasn’t new to the internet, but I was new to the interactive version of it presented by LJ and its clones. In order to seem interesting, I did a *lot* of memes.
As I explored back in my journal, I found a lot of memes that are now defunct, but I wish were still functioning. Like the Friends Icons collage, which seemed to be a bit of code that gathered all your friends’ default icons into one picture. And Quizilla seems to be a Teen Nick site now. Other links looked extremely sketchy.
Challenge #12
In your own space, resurrect an old meme. Leave a comment in today’s post at The Fandom Snowflake Challenge on DW saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
The challenge: look at the list of old memes below (I’ve checked all the links to be sure the ones below are still functioning). Pick out one that appeals to you, follow the instructions, post in your journal, and then come back here and share! Make sure to tell us which one you did.
Here Are Some Choices:
Desktop/Wallpaper screen shot - take a screen shot of the background (desktop for computers or wallpaper for mobile devices) on whatever device you are using. This one was originally just desktops, since it predates tablets and phones becoming so ubiquitous. Post the pic in your journal.
I Write Like . . . - Paste a few paragraphs of your writing into the box and see which famous author has a style most similar to you. It doesn’t have to be actual fic writing; you can post your latest blog post, but the longer, the better the tool works. Although don’t go too long; it will just cut it off. It will generate a little bit of code with a banner, which you can post in your journal.
Music shuffle - go to your favorite source of music that can be shuffled. Your main Spotify playlist, iTunes, your YouTube music playlist. Hit shuffle. Write down the first line of the first twenty songs that come up. When people visit your journal, they have to guess what the songs are. Strike through the ones that have been guessed with the guessers name at the end of the line.
What Number Are You? - click on the phrases that describe you, and then post the text that you get along with your number in your journal.
What Kind of Shoe Personality Do You Have? Anyone who knows me knows there’s no way I would pass this one up. I should get my shoe mood theme back on my journal.
Fail Cat - If you have a PC: Open paint, close your eyes, draw a cat. Post the results. If you have a phone or tablet: Open the notes app, close your eyes, draw a cat. Post the results. (I do not know what program you would use if you have a Mac without something else installed like Gimp or Photoshop, Macs do not seem to come with a default drawing program).
First Line - Post the first line of the first entry of each month for the past year in your journal.
The Dewey Decimal System - find out which category in the Dewey Decimal System you are.
Nearest Book - 1. Grab the nearest book; 2. Open the book to page 123; 3. Find the fifth sentence; 4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions; 5. Don’t you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
Spell Your Name - pick a category: movies, books, TV shows, musicians, songs, etc. Spell your name with the first letter of each. Your real name, your username, you choose!
Kleenex Moment - Pick the top five movies that make you cry, and tell us what the Kleenex Moment is (when do you reliably reach for the hankies).
Which Historical Lunatic Where You? A series of yes or no questions, which will give you a block of text to copy/paste into your journal!
Which SciFi/Fantasy Character Are You? Gives you a pic to post in your journal.
If you have a fav meme from back in the day, by all means, post it in the comments with instructions and links so we can all participate!
Check out the comments for all the awesome participants of the challenge and visit their journals/challenge responses to comment on their posts and cheer them on.
And just as a reminder: this is a low pressure, fun challenge. If you aren't comfortable doing a particular challenge, then don't. We aren't keeping track of who does what.
(If you want us to reblog your response here at our Tumblr, we’re tracking: snowflakechallenge2021.)
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jasntodds · 5 years
I just started a new blog and now that i have, i have no idea what to do. Any advice?
Just have fun with it and know it’s Tumblr. Follow people you like and post things you like, unfollow people who end up bothering you or posting things that upset you. Trust me, it’s worth it. Use Tumblr’s filtering system??? Idk why some people don’t use it but I mean, legit, use it. It actually works and it’s very helpful. Don’t follow to unfollow. That’ll just get you blocked. Uuuuuummmmm, talk to your mutuals or blogs you really like!! Reach out and get to know people!! (if you want of course!!) most blogs are always down to chat, even through asks! If you wanna gain followers, I recommend creating content, any content will do!! So long as you’re having fun with it!! Again, if you’re looking for followers, try to have a tag system and a decent theme rather than a default theme (goes for mobile and desktop) people are more likely to follow then. I also recommend a queue to keep your blog active but that’s still totally up to you!!
Know that it’s YOUR blog and you can post what you want. If other people don’t like it, they can unfollow or block. It’s that easy. Your blog, your content, your enjoyment, no one else’s. Have fun with it and don’t stress too much over it!!
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hollydolly85 · 6 years
Fixing NPF (Mobile posts)
So, I have been dealing with an issue lately where posts made from the mobile app appear jumbled on my desktop theme. This is because Tumblr recently updated the system for making posts from the mobile app. Its called Neue Post Format or npf. These posts look great on the default and mobile themes, but not so much on custom themes you may have built yourself. There is a toggle in the customize area that turns this off for custom themes, but then posts made by the mobile app display without any formatting at all, and this also looks bad. By picking around in the default theme with my browser’s web inspector I was able to find a solution for my theme. It may or may not work for yours, but I’ll outline what I did here. Make sure to back up your theme's code before trying to edit it, in case something gets messed up!
And just a disclaimer, I’m not a professional coder or web designer by any means, so use this tutorial at your own risk!
put the line class="post" inside whatever html tags you have arround your post types. if this tag already has a class, just put it next to the the other class like this: class="otherClassName post" this tag should be right under the tumblr block tag: {block:Posts} and end right before the end block tag: {/block:Posts} (they have curly brackets but tumblr may strip these when I post this). these tags may say something like div, article, or section. whats important is that they encircle all your main post types. If you can't find these tags, or if putting it here messes up your theme, just make your own div tags arround your post types and put it there. If it works, your jumbled posts should start showing some sign of order in the preview. Here’s what mine looks like:
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Next, if your posts still look funny, you can control the margins and padding and such with this css:
.npf_row {}
Just put it wherever the rest of your css is. It shouldn’t matter where as long as it’s between the style tags, but I’d put it right after the beginning style tag, or right before the end style tag. There might be a better css class to use, but this is what I found while nosing through the code. Here’s mine:
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Finally, since these npf posts seem to just be shoving everything into a text post, it will ignore any information about resolution you have set for the photo and photoset posts. This is annoying if your theme is high res, as the quality of mobile posts won’t match that of posts made from your computer. To fix this, change {block:Posts} to {block:Posts inlineMediaWidth=“1280”} this will force tumblr to grab the highest resolution version of your images possible. This is only nessisary if you want to display high resolution images. Mine:
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I hope this helps!
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daemadness · 2 years
Felt like making a post since I've gained quite a lot of new followers on this blog (as well as on my main, most people being the same on both), as well as lots of reblogs which is GREAT too since the fandom here is already way too tiny!!! And I'm aware that I haven't been too active on this side of Tumblr in a long time.
I haven't had the queue running since the last spring, simply because I started to run out of blog to reblog from. I feel like I have already had everything in my blog, and I keep finding older blog and reblogging from those has its own problems. At least when I last time added stuff to my queue and drafts, I had to use the old XKit for adding stuff directly from blogs because using the regular system is nerve-racking. On top of all that, reblogging old posts means the HTML code of those posts looks different from recent posts, which is why adding tags, also, got extremely frustrating. I use quick tags and tag bundles exactly for the reason that I don't need to type every single tag there myself, and that I don't need to open every single post individually for adding tags. Well guess what - old posts did not support the quick tags anymore. It just kept saying there was an error, and I had to type everything down myself. Often several times. (And not tagging just is not an option for me!) Plus, Tumblr often likes/liked (not sure if it's already fixed) to refresh the queue/draft page so that it got just pain in the add to click and edit individual posts only to scroll down the drafts/queue every single time, and then do that like. 70 times in a row. Which is far from fun.
Adding stuff to queue just got too overwhelming. Tumblr freezing my browser when opening several tabs of a blog at once. Then quick tags and tag bundles stopped working and posts breaking because the old HTML code doesn't match the current HTML code. And the queue/drafts refreshing itself every single time cos you can't use quick tags.
But I feel like I need to start going through blogs again. I feel like I owe that to my old as well as new followers. Hopefully adding stuff to the queue won't be as enraging as it used to be. At some point even the beta editor changed somehow and I had to use the old one because in the new one you no longer could arrange images so making gifsets or photosets was impossible. And you can't arrange them in the old one either, unless you open it on the app, but where you sometimes still can't arrange them because the desktop code doesn't match the mobile code. And if you can open them on mobile, then you might not be able to open them on the desktop anymore cos Tumblr says it was created on the app. Besides, this web beta editor still doesn't work perfectly. I wonder if it ever will.
The last issue then is of course: the like-reblog ratios. This is not Instagram. If you only like and never reblog anything, you can be sure that I will block you in an instant. ESPECIALLY if you don't have a blog title and use the default icons. Then I will assume you're either a bot, or "spying us for (dä) content" which is not acceptable, at least not in my eyes. Go make your own content and don't steal what others have worked on hard, sometimes for hours. Which leads us back to like-reblog ratio: reblog art, please. And reblog creations. Reblogging IS NOT reposting, and reblogging is very very very much encouraged! (If you're new to Tumblr, it's that arrows symbol that looks like recycling symbol.) So please please please, reblog creations! Our tiny fandom is already tiny enough so when everyone's here just watching and not sharing and interacting (by reblogging! writing stuff in the tags!), I assure you that the Tumblr fandom WILL die out eventually. In fact it used to be way more active before, and it's been horribly inactive over the past 2-3 years. Also I used to post my art, edits, memes and videos here but recently gave up on that because there's just no interaction whatsoever anymore. So I don't see any point in sharing MY content to others if others don't care to look at it. So, I'm creating for myself and also keeping it all to myself, then. Maybe sharing it to some friends + my Instagram followers since IG seems to treat artists a bit better than Tumblr.
Alright, I guess that's enough. I'll try to get back to keeping this blog active, but finding "new" content is so hard nowadays, and I already explained the problems with the older posts. (I also started school a month ago so that will take some of my time, but I'm still spending time on Tumblr as if my life depended on it so it hasn't affected my Tumblr time that much yet.)
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