#but tomorrow I’ll just be excited if I can strip my bed tbh
raraeavesmoriendi · 1 year
disability(ish)-related kvetching under the cut just to get it out of my system 🖤
the thing about migraines is that whenever I don’t have them I’m like “yeah I’m basically fine” and just go about my day
but then when I do have them, sunlight is a curse and even laying perfectly still on my favorite pillow feels hellaciously uncomfortable, like, “oh yeah, I guess this does count as a physical disability, huh”
and I never know which ones are going to be easy to treat and which ones are gonna be 48 hours of dealing with an ice pick in my temple, yknow?
I had a point today where I was literally like “hmmm maybe if I throw up what little food I’ve had all day this will be over faster 🤔” bc my mom and I both have the kind of migraines where sometimes you hurl and then immediately are like “you know what would hit the spot actually?” after a full day of being gross and miserable, but then I couldn’t even manage that
just. ugh. I have one of the easiest day jobs in the whole world, physically speaking, and occasionally something literally hurts so bad in the side of my head that I don’t even have the spoons to ride some buses and go sit at a desk for a few hours. what the fuck
and the way even normal things are suddenly stupidly hard!! like I’ve been meaning to change my sheets for days now (they’re not icky, I just stick to a schedule) but even dealing with putting a cover on my weighted blanket feels ridiculously impossible rn bc time = ouch and minimal effort = hurts and why bother when I’m just going to collapse in the dark and pray for swift unconsciousness either way
like, people in my family are in a panic over tylenol and liver damage, but goddamn, the way I’m throwing down excedrin over here has me thinking that’ll kill me faster than tylenol ever will. I don’t drink except socially, I don’t do more than a CBD gummy every few months, but god if I don’t spend days sometimes counting the hours between two excedrin pills and being like “well, I haven’t had too many yet I guess, might as well hit this thing again” like I’m in pacific rim and trying to fight a kaiju while my jaeger is making big red flashy lights and blaring worrying alarm sounds
and like, I’ve hit this thing with everything I have and it will not fucking budge. naps, hot showers, tiger balm, vibrators, total darkness. the only thing I haven’t tried is my ice pack and that’s bc my favorite one is at my parents’ house in texas, but god if I’m not about to go stick my head in the freezer and see if that helps any.
just. ugh. migraines are so stupid and unfair. why is the human body so fucking inept that something can just abruptly hurt so bad for days on end that multiple rounds of pain killers and two naps in one afternoon can’t even fix it. what do you mean this just naturally happens and I just get randomly debilitating pain thrown at me whenever my hormones decide I’m getting too comfortable. who’s in charge around here
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survey--s · 1 year
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What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Making the bed and airing out the bedroom lol. Not very exciting I know but it’s stuff that needs doing.
What was the last thing you said aloud? Right cats, dinner time!
Have you bought anything new this week? Yeah, a new vacuum cleaner and a new waterproof jacket. Riveting stuff, I know lol.
Name one person who made you smile today. Susie.
What’s the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
Ever go camping? Nah, it’s never been something that appeals to me. Maybe if we lived somewhere with guaranteed decent weather I would give it a go, but around here it just rains all the time haha.
What’s your favorite candy? Depends on my mood really.
Do you send messages on Facebook a lot? Yeah, most days but they’re not very interesting, it’s just often the easiest way to communicate as mobile signal can be really patchy around here. 
Have you ever gone to a strip club? No.
Last sporting event you watched? Uhh, I have no idea - maybe tennis? I’m not really into sports.
What were you doing at 8am this morning? Messing around on my phone in bed.
Anything you wish you could change? No, not really.
Do you go in at a fast food place or drive thru? We normally go in as it’s quicker, but it depends.
What do you think when you hear Australia? My family.
Who’s the last person you talked to on the phone? My mum, I think? I don’t really talk on the phone all that much.
Do you like Chinese food over pizza? It depends on my mood. I love a decent Chinese takeaway but the supermarket versions can be awful.
Do you have a tan? Ha, no.
Biggest annoyance in life right now? Period pains. I swear I ALWAYS get my period when I’m off work or due to do something fun lol.
Do any of your friends have children? Well, I wouldn’t really consider them my friends, but yeah.
Are you jealous of anyone? Anyone who has the time and money to own a horse on their own property.
Where is your dad? I assume he’s at home. I don’t live with my parents.
Any plans today? As little as possible as it’s my first proper day off work in weeks. So far I’ve just been messing about online, watching TV and catching up on some housework lol.
Do you drink your soda with a straw? Yeah, in restaurants and stuff, but we don’t really use straws at home.
Last song listened to? Behind the Wall by Tracy Chapman.
Do you take vitamins daily? No - we do have some in the cupboard but I never remember to take them lol.
Is anyone jealous of you? Not as far as I’m aware.
What are you doing tomorrow? I have a beach ride in the morning and then I’ll probably take a bath and just hang out at home as I suspect my legs will be like jelly haha.
What’s your favorite number? Thirteen.
Do you have a maid come in and clean your house? No, and tbh I wouldn’t want one - I don’t like the idea of someone touching my stuff and being in my home when I’m not there. I don’t mind cleaning though.
Can you say the alphabet backwards? I can’t say that I’ve ever tried.
Cedar Point or Six Flags? We don’t have either of those places here.
Have you ever slept in until 1 PM? Only a few times when I’ve been jetlagged. I like a lie-in but if I sleep too late I feel like I’ve wasted my day for some reason, even if I have no real plans.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
Do you like the show Viva La Bam? Haven’t heard of it.
How many kids do you want to have? Zero.
Have you ever gone behind your parents backs? Sure, I can’t imagine there are many adults alive who never lied to their parents lol.
Have you ever lost someone? Yeah.
Where did you get your worst scar from? Falling off the monkey bars when I was about eleven.
What time did you wake up today? 6am when Mike’s alarm went off but I didn’t get out of bed until about half eight.
Have you ever tried to erase someone from your memory? No, not really? I’ve tried to spend less time thinking about certain people though.
Last meal? Vegemite on toast.
Do you like coco pebbles the cereal? Are they like coco pops? If so, yeah, but my parents never bought cereal like that so I only ever got to have it on holiday or at sleepovers lol.
Last time you saw your father? Just before Christmas.
Last time you cried? When the vet said she thought Archie might have cancer. Thankfully it turned out to be a hystiocytoma and the medication cleared it up but I was SO worried as he’s only five.
When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? I am married and are you talking about the wedding? Because ours was tiny and we spent more money on the honeymoon.
Would you freak out if you were to get pregnant by the last person you hooked up with? I’d be freaked out if I was pregnant in general.
When’s the last time something turned out better than expected? So, one of my customers has taken on their daughters’ spaniel puppy and they asked me to walk him with their two adult dogs - I was DREADING it as the collies can be a bit of a nightmare but actually the spaniel fits right in and they collies actually behave even better now.
Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? Nobody.
Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No, my parents weren’t educated in England.
What’s something you complain about frequently? Period pain, dog owners who can’t control their dogs, Mike not tidying up his mess after he’s been in the kitchen.
Do you have anything planned for the summer? Nah, it’s only April. I’ll probably be working most of the summer.
Do you walk fast or slow? It depends.
What form of public transport do you use most often? I don’t use public transport.
Is there any alcohol in the fridge? Yeah, Mike has some cider in there.
Is any part of you sad at all? No.
Who was the last person to disappoint you? I don’t remember.
Have you ever let someone go? Sure.
Are you a patient person? Not particularly.
Do you think you’ve changed over the past year? Sure, I don’t really think it’s possible to go a year without changing at all.
Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? No.
Your ex is sitting next to you, what do you do? I would probably just awkwardly ignore him lol.
Are you someone who worries too often? Not so much anymore.
Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room? I’m 34 and married - what do you think?
Do you ever think “what if” about anything? Sure, who doesn’t?
Is the last person you kissed older than you? He is indeed.
Does everyone deserve a second chance? No.
Are you emotionally strong? I mean, it depends. In some respects I am, in others...not so much.
Is there anyone you don’t wanna lose? Sure.
Are you the type of person who seeks out revenge? No.
Do you think two people can last forever? Until one of them dies, sure.
Do you like falling asleep listening to the rain? I like the idea of it, but the reality is that it just makes me want to pee, lol.
Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yeah. Do you believe that the last person that you kissed cares for you? I know he does.
Are you happy with the choices you’ve made? Yes, for the most part. There’s nothing I would change, anyway.
Do you honestly have feelings for someone at the moment? I honestly do.
Have you ever slept in the same bed as the opposite sex? Of course.
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over? I mean, there are things in my life that will impact me forever.
Have you dated someone older than you? Yeah.
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confetti-bones · 4 years
Jungkook X Demon Reader
Genre: smut, comedy, angst kinda not really, this stories kinda on crack as well tbh
Warnings: language, smut
A/n: Hey so this fic was made out of me wanting to write a demon fic in some way and practice writing smut cus I’m pretty bad, so here you go, hope you all enjoy!
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      You sigh as you lay in bed in complete comfort. Nothing beats the luxuries of laying in bed, I mean except for sex of course but that’s just because your an incubus. You were basically made by the devil himself to fuck the living daylight out of people who summon you.
     As you lay in bed, you felt a familiar feeling crawl through your body. Your being summoned. I wonder who it is this time? Some creep, someone innocent? You get all kinds of people summoning you.
     You quickly get up from bed and get ready. Noticing what looked to be a diary on your table. This must be what they sacraficed I’ll have to look at that later. You then walk out your door, which is now like a freaky portal thing that you can use when you get summoned by the way. You always enjoy the faces of horror you get when you step out of your portal.
     As soon as you walked through, you were met by a shocked man on the ground looking at your in horror.
A shocked handsome man on the ground looking at you in horror to be specific. You glance around the room you’re in and take notice that it looks to be a cheap apartment. Usually one that college kids live in, and looking at the man currently on the ground screaming, you’re pretty sure it’s safe to assume that he’s college age. Thank Satan, your not really into fucking underage kids, it’s not like your a pedophile.
    As you glanced around you heard what you assumed was the handsome man speaking now,
   “Who are you? What are you? Why are you in my apartment? What’s with the freaky portal?” Okay, lots of questions from this guy, he must not be a believer. You sigh before walking past the poor quivering boy and take a seat on his couch.
    “I’m Y/n, you summoned me,” you simply state, now looking down at your recently done nails In boredom. Petra did a really good job on these. I should ask for her again.
   “I summoned you? But demons arnt real?!” The poor man says, sitting up on the floor and crossing his legs. He didn’t look too terrified anymore which was a good sign.
    “Well sorry to tell you this kiddo but we are. Now where are we fucking?” You ask, excitely clapping your hands together and smiling.
The man looks as you with a face full of shock and confusion.
“What?” He asks, scooting backwards from you.
   “Oh? Are you not aware?” You tilt your head and smirk at the boy before getting up from his couch and moving to squat in front of him.
    “You summoned an incubus sweetheart,” you say, licking your lips sensually. The man’s eyes widen and he scoots even further back.
“What! Well I don’t want to have sex with you so can you just please go away?” The boy asks you. You shake your head at this and sigh,
“Sadly I can’t, as soon as you sacrificed your diary we became bound together, the only way I can leave is if we have sex,” you say, eyeing the boy curiously. Something about his aura is so pure. It makes you want to taint him.
“Can I have my diary back at least?” Jungkook asks. You shake your head, “sorry, it’s mine now” you shrug,
“Can we fuck now or what? Also what’s your name?” You ask, standing up from your spot on the floor.
“No we can’t, and my name is Jungkook” Jungkook states.
“Why not? You a virgin or something?” You pout. Jungkook awkwardly looks away and you cant help but laugh at the man,
“Ah, that explains why your auras so pure,” you say, walking back over to his couch and laying down on it.
“Anyway, just let me know whenever your ready, were tied together now so it’s not like I’m going to leave you alone kook” you say, giving the boy a small smile. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head before getting up from his spot on the floor and grabbing what looked like it was supposed to be holy water off his coffee table.
“Is that supposed to be holy water?” You ask, curiously gazing at the bottle. Jungkook enthusiastically nods his head,
“Yeah, I made it myself. So go away before I have to use it on you,” you raise an eyebrow at this and glance down at the bottle before looking back at the man’s face,
“No offense kid, but if you made it yourself, I highly doubt it works; also I haven’t even touched you so there’s no reason for you to use that stuff on me” you say.
“Yeah, but I don’t want you to take my soul” Jungkook states, crossing his arms. You laugh and shake your head.
“I’m not gonna take your soul, I’m just gonna taint your aura a bit. The only way I’ll take your soul is if we fuck like three or four times.” You state.
“Well I’m not having sex with you so just please leave, don’t taint my aura whatever that means.” You switch your position from laying down to sitting up on the boys couch and stretch your arms out.
“Alright, I’ll leave for today, this has gotten boring. Expect me back tomorrow though. Bye kookie” you say, waving your hand at the boy and smiling.
You’re then gone with a poof. You would of used your creepy portal, but you don’t think walking through his door to leave would look very cool so you decided this was the better way to go.
You then grab Jungkooks diary and hop on your bed. I wonder what this thing says.
The next day you walk through your portal bright and early to give Jungkook a good scare. Maybe today you can convince him to fuck you, after all you did give him the rest of the night to think it over.
As soon as you entered your portal, you step out right in front of a screaming Jungkook while he lays in bed.
“Ah why do you have to scream do you know what time it is?” You ask, covering your ears from the window shattering screech of the man.
As soon as Jungkook relizes it’s you he stops screaming and cutely pouts at you.
“Why’d you have to come through with that creepy demon portal? And why are you here so early?” Jungkook asks. You just laugh and shake your head at the male before getting on the bed and straddling poor innocent Jungkook.
“I came early because I thought you’d be interested in morning sex. It’s not my preferred time, but it’ll do” you say, wiggling your eyebrows suggestively. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head.
“Y/n, I told you I don’t want to have sex with you. Now get off of me”
“Why not?” You pout, trying to act cute; remembering something about Jungkook writing about how he likes cute girls in his diary.
“I’m busy, and I said no please get off,” Jungkook says. You sigh and stare at Jungkooks face for a few seconds before slowly getting off of him.
“What are you busy with?” You ask, watching Jungkook get up from his bed and head to his dresser to grab clothes to wear.
“I have class and I’m going to get food with some of my friends,” Jungkook states before turning back to you.
“Now will you get out? I need to change” you shake your head, and bite your lip eyeing the boys body.
“Why don’t you put on a show for me? I do like a good strip tease every once and awhile,” you say smirking. Jungkook shakes his head and looks completely done with you.
“Just get out please,” you then stand from the bed and walk to the door opening it. Before you leave you turn back to Jungkook and smile,
“Only because you asked nicely” you wink, before stepping fully out of the room and closing the door entirely, to give the male some privacy.
After Jungkook got dressed he made breakfast for the two of you surprisingly, and left to go to class. But being the persistent incubus that you are, you decided to follow him to class.
“Why did you follow me? I don’t think you can be here,” Jungkook says sighing as he digs his computer out of his bag getting ready for his lecture.
“It’s fine,” you say sticking your legs out so they rest on top of the desk that your sat at.
“Nobody can see me except for you,” you state,
“Oh. Can they hear me talking to you and stuff though?” Jungkook asks, glancing at you curiously. You violently nod your head at this and smile,
“Yep, so you probably look like an insane person talking to their self right now,” you say. Jungkooks eyes widen at this and he glances around checking to see how many classmates of his heard him ’ talking to himself ’ and you giggle.
Eventually the lecture started so you sat boredly sighing as Jungkooks professor went on about Satan knows what.
Once Jungkooks lecture was over, Jungkook left the classroom with you following closely behind.
As Jungkook walked down the hallway he accidentally bumped into a cute looking girl and his face instantly heated up.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you!” Jungkook says a little too loudly. You raise an eyebrow at this feeling curious as to why Jungkook is suddenly very shy. Is this the type of girl he likes?
“Oh it’s okay Jungkook, it was an accident. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” the cute girl says, sweetly smiling and the boy. Jungkook furiously nods his head and cutely smiles at the girl. How come he doesn’t smile at me like that? I’ve been pretty nice to him so far; you think puffing out your cheeks and death glaring at the girl. Sadly you’re invisible so she can’t see it, but hopefully she can feel it in spirit.
The cute girl then apologises one more time before walking away leaving you and Jungkook alone together.
“So you want to fuck her but not me?” You ask, gazing at the male curiously. Jungkook gulps and turns to look at you,
“What makes you think that?” Jungkook asks, glancing around nervously.
“Hmm, I don’t know maybe, how you blushed, got overly loud, or maybe because you wrote about it in your diary,” you shrug. Jungkooks eyebrows instantly raise up in shock and embarrassment,
“You read my diary!” Jungkook yells, causing some people in the hallway to glance at Jungkook curiously; and others like he’s crazy.
“Uh yeah, you sacrificed it to me, it’s mine now. I’m allowed to read it, Jungkookie” you say, acting like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head,
“Maybe I really should try using my holy water on you,” you dramatically gasp at this and look at the man offended,
“You wouldn’t dare!” You yell, pointing a figure at Jungkook accusingly.
“Oh but I would,” Jungkook smirks, looking at you as if he’s just won a battle.
“Oh hey Jungkook!” You hear a deep voice yell. You then turn over to see a handsome man running twords the two of you with a boxy grin on his face. Once he gets closer to the two of you he slows down before stopping right in front of Jungkook.
“Hey, you ready to get food?” Taehyung asks. Jungkook enthusiastically nods his head smiles.
“Yeah I’m ready,” Jungkook says, already starting to walk down the hallway again. You and Taehyung follow the male as makes his way to an exit.
“Oh yeah, also Jungkook,” Taehyung says; Jungkook looks over at Taehyung curiously.
“What’s up?” Jungkook asks.
“Why were you talking to yourself earlier?” Taehyung asks. Jungkook tenses and gulps before glancing over at you. You wave and wink at the boy staying silent.
“Um, you must of imagined it,” Jungkook says nervously, glancing anywhere but his friend.
“But you yelled something about your diary,” Taehyung says, looking at the man curiously. Jungkook shakes his head and walks out the exit, heading to the restaurant they were going to eat at.
“Nope I wasn’t, must of been your imagination, as I said” Jungkook firmly states.
“If you say so,” Taehyung shrugs, deciding to just take his friends word for it.
Eventually the three of you make it to the restaurant. Taehyung and Jungkook easily find their friends sat at a booth and slide in next to them. You sit down next to Jungkook and decide now would be good time to mess with him while he’s with his friends.
As Jungkook talked to his friends you put your hand on his thigh, causing the man to tense up. You slowly slide your hand further up his thigh and gave it a squeeze. Jungkook sharply took in a breath of air, and took a bite of his food trying his best to listen to the story Hoseok was telling about his dance partner. As soon as your hand was dangerously close to his crotch he shot up from his seat and announced that he needed to use the bathroom; all of his friends curiously watched him walk away before turning back to their conversation; and you follow Jungkook into the bathroom.
“Yah, Y/n what do you think you were doing?!” Jungkook practically yells.
“Hmm, I was trying to get you in the mood,” you say, stepping close to the male.
Jungkook sighs and takes a step away from you before glaring.
“Do you have to do things like this when were out in public, with my friends of all people?” Jungkook pouts.
“You never know, you could really like it. Don’t knock it till you try it as they say,” you say glancing around the room to find it’s empty. You then walk to the bathroom door and lock it so no one else can come in and inturupt you two.
“Hey I mean, if you don’t want to fuck here we could try one of the classrooms at your school, or we could just fuck in front of all your friends; maybe they’d be down to join. I wouldn’t mind they are pretty attractive,” you say, biting your lip and feeling a wave of excitement rush through your core.
“No, no and definitely not,” Jungkook says, crossing his arms and shaking his head. You pout and step closer to Jungkook.
“You wont even let me suck you off? I swear, I can make you cum quick and then you can be off to see your friends and act as if nothing happened,” you offer. Jungkook sighs and shakes his head.
“Will you please just go away for a bit Y/n,” Jungkook asks you pleadingly.
You sigh and nod, glancing at the boy for a few seconds to make sure he really wants you to leave. I have followed him around all day, I guess I could give him some time.
“Fine. Just so you know I’ll be gone for a few days, I have demon things to attend to,” you say, Jungkook raises his eyebrow at this curiously,
“What does that mean?” He asks. You smirk at the boy, feeling happy about his curiosity,
“Aw, are you interested in me Jungkook?” you gush, Jungkook scoffs and looks away from you,
“No, I’m just surprised to hear that you have other things to do except for bother me,” Jungkook says, causing you to smile at the male. Cute.
“Well, if you must know, you’re not the only person thats ever summoned me. I have other people’s needs I have to fulfill as well,” you say.
“Anyway, goodbye pretty boy, I’ll see you in a few days,” and with that you vanished from the males sight.
After a few days you’re finally back to bother Jungkook and hopefully fuck him. Your work with your other clients left you pretty satisfied, and your happy to say that you also got to see one of Jungkooks close friends on one of those days.
You sigh as you lay on Jungkooks couch, watching him type away on his computer working on an essay for one of his classes.
“C'mon Kookie, you must be stressed. Let me help you, a good orgasm never hurt anyone,” you say, watching the male waiting for a response only to receive nothing. He must be ignoring you. You then get up from the couch and walk over to stand behind Jungkook where he’s sat; and put your hands on his shoulders. You start rubbing his shoulders and his arms giving him goosebumps. You then put your mouth close to his neck and give him a small peck. Jungkook shivers and raises his shoulders trying to get you to stop.
“Y/n, stop I need to work on this,” Jungkook says, relaxing his shoulders again. You sigh and put your lips back on the column of Jungkooks neck, giving him open mouthed kisses and occasionally sucking on his neck leaving small hickey’s.
As you kissed his neck Jungkook let out a small moan when you found his sweet spot, smirking you concentrate on sucking his neck and giving him some pleasure. Jungkook stops typing on his laptop and quietly moans again before turning to you and stopping your ministrations.
“Y/n seriously, I need to focus on this,” Jungkook says causing you to frown.
“Oh c'mon, this is the farthest we’ve ever gotten, can’t this continue?” You beg, Jungkook shakes his head.
“You know what, you left me no choice,” Jungkook says digging his phone out. You watch him curiously as he type something on his phone before setting it down and smirking at you.
“What did you do?” You ask curiously.
“I called in some excorcists,” Jungkook proudly states.
After about twenty minutes, the excorcists knock on Jungkooks door. Jungkook sends another smirk your way before opening the door with a smile,
“Seokjin, Namjoon come in!” Jungkook says, gesturing for the two men to enter his apartment. You tilt your head in confusion and glance between the three men. These guys are the excorcists? Their just Jungkooks friends that he went to eat with the other day. Their attempts on an exorcism is probably about at good as Jungkooks attempt to make holy water.
“So where’s the incubus you’ve mentioned?” Namjoon asks, glancing around Jungkooks apartment curiously. Now that you look at Seokjin and Namjoon even more closely the two of them looked ridiculous. Their both clad in cheap holloween knockoffs of priest costumes. They really went all out for this huh?
Jungkook points to the couch where you’re currently sat.
“She’s sitting on the couch right now,” Jungkook says, looking proud of himself. He must really believe in these guys.
“Seokjin do you have the x200-1000gd reader?” Namjoon asks. Seokjin nods his head and grabs the device from a bag he was carrying that you apperantly didn’t notice till now.
“Yep I have the whatcha call it demon talking thingy,” Seokjin says happily. Namjoon sighs and shakes his head, looking disappointed in the older male,
“It’s calls the x200-1000gd,” Namjoon stays matter of factly.
“A watcha call it demon talking thingy is what it’s called,” Seokjin states just as seriously. You glance between the two males as they ridiculously argued about the name before looking over at Jungkook.
“These are your excorcists?” You ask, pointing at the two males with an unimpressed look on your face. Jungkook sighs and nods before turning to the two older boys,
“Guys can you help me now or what?” Jungkook asks, growing slightly impatient. Seokjin and Namjoon furiously nod their heads before stepping twords the couch and turning on the x200 huh? Seokjin’s right, whatcha call it demon talking thingy is so much better; They should honestly brand it.
As soon as they turned on the device it made the loudest most annoying noise ever.
“Ah is this noise even needed?” Jungkook asks.
“Uh yeah, haven’t you ever watched BuzzFeed unsolved? It goes through radio frequencies looking for paranormal activity. Of course this annoying sound is necessary,” Namjoon states. Maybe I should try talking to them? Or better yet I should just freak them out.
“So what exactly are you going to do to her once you get in contact?” Jungkook asks.
“We’re going to chant some stuff we found when we searched how to exorcise a demon on wikiHow.” Seokjin says, before digging through his bag and pulling out a folded up paper,
“Here I printed it out, you can look at if you want to help. I know you made holy water,” Seokjin says, handing the paper over to Jungkook. Jungkook grabs the paper from Seokjin’s hand and unfolds it looking over the paper in hand and nodding his head.
“This looks ligit,” Jungkook says smiling, Seokjin nods his head enthusiastically at this,
“I know right!” Namjoon coughs, stopping the two men from talking anymore,
“Alright let’s get down to business,”
“I seriously can’t believe you did that,” Jungkook says, obviously upset.
“Well I’m sorry what did you expect! They used wikiHow and the x200- uh the whatcha call it demon talking thingyTM, how was I supposed to take it seriously,” you say, following Jungkook around his room as gets dressed nicely.
It’s been a few days since the whole exorcism event, and you can’t say it ended well. As the two ’ exorcists ’ were trying to get rid of you, decided to show yourself and do this freaky thing where you turn your eyes black and have black blood bleed from them. It really freaked them out, they ran out of Jungkooks apartment faster then you can say Satan.
“So anyway, what are you getting all dressed up nicely for?” You ask curiously, watching Jungkook trying to get his hair to look nice in the mirror. After a few seconds you walk up to him and fix it the way he wants kindly smiling.
“There, you were really struggling huh?” You say teasingly.
“I’m going out on a date,” Jungkook says, looking at himself in the mirror.
“Oh? I didn’t take you as the type to want to go out on a date before you fuck type of guy but I’ll oblige,” you say cheekily. Jungkook glances over at you and then back at himself in the mirror,
“I’m not taking you on a date. Remember the girl that I bumped into in the hallway? It’s with her” Jungkook says, smoothing out any wrinkles in his clothes before deciding he looked good enough.
“What! Then come here and let me ruin your hair, if I knew I was helping you look nice for a date with her I wouldn’t have helped,” you pouted. Jungkook smiles at you and grabs his wallet and keys before walking to his front door,
“Too late, bye Y/n,” Jungkook says, walking out the door and locking it; leaving you inside his apartment by yourself. That bastard.
After a few weeks Jungkook still goes on dates with that girl. Every advance that you make on the boy is completely ignored, much to your dismay.
Jungkook also bought himself a new diary to write in. He won’t let you see what’s in it but from the few times you curiously glanced over his shoulder while he was writing in it you could tell he was talking about the cute girl he’s been going on dates with. It’s honestly been completely annoying you how much time hes been spending with her. There’s also the fact that anything she does with him leaves him a mess; like c'mon, the two of you have been together longer yet you haven’t even gotten to fuck him yet and here she is smiling at him and his knees give out! How is that fair!
Not to mention your sure that he doesn’t want to deal with you being around him for the rest of his life, so he really should just fuck you now so you can get going. You have other clients to please after all; there’s auras to taint and souls to take and you’ve barely gotten any of it except for when you fucked one of Jungkooks friends like a week ago.
As you sat on Jungkooks couch, as you usually do waiting for him. He finally comes back from one of his dates with that girl. But this time he doesn’t look super happy. What happened?
“Hey Jungkook you alright?” You ask concerned. Jungkook sighs and plops down next to you on the couch.
“She broke up with me,” Jungkook says quietly. Your eyes widen at this and you look at Jungkook feeling concerned,
“Are you okay? Do you know why?” You ask, searching the males face curiously.
“I don’t know, she just up and dumped me for no reason,” Jungkook shrugs. You bite your lip and look and the sad man before you.
“You’re obviously sad, do you want me to do something to cheer you up?” You ask, genuinely wanting to help make the sad man feel better. Jungkook looks over at you and glares,
“No Y/n, I’m not in the mood for one of your uplifting blowjobs that you always mention. Just go away will you?” Jungkook says.
“Jungkook that’s not what I was suggesting, I actually want to help make you feel better,” you say, feeling a little upset for some reason unknown to you.
For once you don’t feel like you need to do anything sexual to make someone feel better, you want to just to do something to show you care. You care? About Jungkook? Huh, do you? Your a demon, born to Satan, how could you care about a lowly mortal like Jungkook? You probably don’t care, you don’t think you care at least.
“Y/n just go, please,” Jungkook says, coldly. You sigh and stand from your seat on the couch.
“Alright well if you need anything, just call for me. I’ll come” you say, softly smiling at the sad man.
The next day you decide to check up on Jungkook to see how he’s doing with the whole break up thing. You saw on tv once that humans like to go get ice cream to cheer up after breakups so if he’s still upset your planning to suggest going to an ice cream shop.
As soon as you step through your portal all ready to talk to Jungkook and see how he is, your met with an unusual sight.
Today Jungkook has a guest, and normally that wouldn’t be that big of deal, you’ve been around when he’s had guests before but this time it’s different. This time his guest is one of your clients. Someone you’ve slept with two times now. Jungkooks dear friend Park Jimin.
Now normally this wouldn’t be a big deal, you’d think oh he probably won’t see her she’s invisible to everyone except Jungkook unless if she decides otherwise! Wrong! All your clients can see you.
So as soon as you stepped through your portal into Jungkooks house your eyes met Jimins and you felt like you were done for. You’re sure Jungkook won’t be too happy when he finds out you’ve tainted his dear friends aura on multiple occasions.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” Jimin says, standing from his spot on the couch next to Jungkook. Jungkook glances between the two of you with wide eyes not understanding what’s happening.
“I’m here to visit Jungkook of course. How are you feeling now?” You ask tensily.
“Y/n how do you know Jimin?” Jungkook asks, curiously. You sigh and look between the two.
“Um, both of you are clients,” you say. Jungkook looks over at Jimin then back to you,
“Jimins one of your clients! Have you slept with him?” Jungkook asks. You slowly nod your head.
“Uh yeah, like twice now,” you say, Jimin nods his head and looks over at Jungkook,
“I summoned her a couple weeks ago. It looks like you summoned her to though huh. My little Jungkookies no longer innocent!” Jimin says, throwing arms around Jungkook like a proud parent. Jungkook shrugs Jimin off of him and shakes his head.
“I haven’t done anything with her, I refuse to,” Jungkook states seriously. Jimin looks between the two of you curiously,
“Why not? She’s great,” Jimin says, smiling. you smile back at the handsome man glad to hear you satisfied him.
“Because she’s an incubus!” Jungkook says, as if its the most obvious thing in the world.
“And you said this happened only a couple weeks ago! Y/n you knew Jimin is my friend why’d you have sex with him?” Jungkook asks, you shrug your shoulders and look at the curious male,
“Jungkook, it’s my job. Jimin summoned me. I was literally created by Satan himself, to fuck people. I don’t know what to tell you,” you say, Jungkook just looks at you silently for a few seconds with an angry expression on his face.
“Y/n, just get out,” Jungkook says causing you to sigh and roll your eyes,
“Oh come on, you’re always telling me to leave you alone, am I really that bad to be around? Jimin sure seems like he doesn’t mind my amazing precense,” you say, gesturing your hand twords the male sat next to Jungkook. Jimin awkwardly smiles and puts both his hands up in surrender,
“Please don’t include me in your argument,” Jimin says. Jungkook looks at you coldly and nods his head,
“Yeah you are that bad to be around so just go,” you shake your head,
“If I’m so bad to be around why haven’t you fucked me yet?! I’ve made it pretty clear the only way to get rid of me is to have sex, but you refuse,” you state, feeling anger starting to bubble in your chest. Why isn’t he getting it! If he hates me sooo much just fuck me already so I can be on my marry way.
Jungkook just shakes his head and sighs looking away from you.
“I think I’m gonna get going now, see you Jungkook; and Y/n I’ll see you next time I summon you yeah?” Jimin says, you nod your head and smile at the male, before crossing your arms and staring back at Jungkook.
Once Jimin left Jungkooks house, Jungkook and you stayed in your spots silently glaring at each other.
“Fine,” Jungkook says, getting up from his spot on the couch.
“Fine what?” You ask, still glaring at the male.
“Let’s have sex, I don’t want to be around you anymore,” Jungkook states. You nod your head,
“I think it’s safe to say the same for me,” you say.
“Now where are we doing this thing, I’m fine with anywhere,” you say, glancing around the man’s house.
“My room,” Jungkook says before walking to his bedroom. You silently follow the male and close the door behind you once you’re in his room before making your way over to him.
The two of you stare at each other awkwardly unsure of what to do,
“Your a virgin right? How do you want it, sweet? Rough?” You ask, pushing the male down so he’s sat on his bed. Jungkook nervously gulps at you and looks around the room.
“I just want it over with,” he says. You nod your head and move your face close to his, looking for any sign of him wanting you to stop.
After showing no sign what so ever you put your lips on his, pulling him into a sweet kiss. Giving the male some time to get used to your kisses after a couple of minutes you swipe your tounge across his lips causing the male to quietly moan. You smile at this before wrestling your toungue with his after he gives you access in his mouth. As the two of you make out your hands found their way on to his chest, feeling the firmness before moving their way down to his crotch and giving his cock a good squeeze, already feeling him slightly harden in your hand.
You detach your lips from his and smile before kissing his neck. Going for his sweet spot, causing the male to sigh out in pleasure. Jungkooks hands find their way to your ass giving you a good squeeze as you gave him butterfly kisses all over his neck.
Pecking the handsome man one more time you drop to your knees in front of him.
“I want to suck you off,” you say, undoing his belt and trying your best to get his pants off. Jungkook bites his lip before lifting his hips up and helping you remove his pants and underwear. Once the males lower half was exposed to you, you felt your mouth water at the sight.
His cock was long and thick and beautiful. You look up at the male and seductively lick your lips before taking his cock into hand and pumping him a few times.
You then put the head in your mouth and suck at it. The male above you moaned and started to pant as he looked at you from above.
“Please don’t tease me,” Jungkook says, biting his lip. You feel yourself well up in pride from how much your already effecting the male, before relaxing your throat and trying to take as much of him in as you can.
Jungkook moans out as you bob your head up and down his cock. You feel a wave of excitement go straight to your core from the sounds Jungkooks making.
You pull your mouth off him and start pumping him with your hand while you suck on his balls.
“Fuck Y/n, feels so good,” Jungkook pants. You move from his balls back to his cock sucking on him like there’s no tomorrow.
You move your head as far you can go before swallowing around him.
“I’m close,” Jungkook says, hands gripping the sheets of his bed.
As you sucked him off Jungkooks hips involuntary thrusted deeper into your throat causing you to gag around him. You grab his hips and hold him down as you swallow around him multiple times trying to get him closer to his climax.
After a few more minutes, Jungkook loudly moans and cums in your mouth. You happily swallow the bitter taste of his cum and pull your mouth off his cock smiling innocently at him.
“Think you can cum for me once more?” You ask curiously. Jungkook pants, looking completely fucked out already,
“I- I don’t know,” Jungkook says,
“Oh come on, I haven’t even got to ride you yet,” you pout. Jungkook looks down at you and bites his lip before slowly nodding his head,
“Yeah okay I can try,” Jungkook says. You smile at the male and take off all your clothes except for your bra,
“You want to help me with my bra or am I just leaving this on?” You ask teasingly, looking at the way Jungkooks eyes widen as he stares at you in lust. Jungkook nods his head and you turn around moving your hair to the side so it wasn’t in the way.
You feel Jungkook shakily breath as he fumbles with your bra clasps before finally getting it off. You turn around and smile at the male again before grabbing the Hem of his shirt and start pulling it off,
“Let’s get this off you then,” once his shirt was off you throw it some where else in the room and looked at Jungkook appreciatively.
“Your such a handsome man you know? I’m surprised you’re still a virgin,” you say biting your lip.
“Can you lay down on the bed for me Jungkook?” You ask. Jungkook nervously nods his head and lays down, cock already hard again.
You get on top of the male and straddle him aligning his cock with your entrance.
“You ready?” You ask, looking the male in the eyes. Jungkook nods his head, so you slowly descend down on his cock, letting him adjust to the new feeling before starting to bounce up and down on him.
The both of you moan, enjoying the feeling of each other.
“Feels good kookie?” You ask breathlessly. Jungkook furiously nods his head and moans shutting his eyes because of the pleasure your bringing him.
After a few more minutes of grinding and bouncing on Jungkooks cock, Jungkook grabs your hips and thrusts up into you, instantly hitting your spot causing you to moan out.
“Ah, right the Jungkook, fuck, please!” You say, gasping out at the feeling of him going deeper in you. Jungkook moans and nods his head continuously thrusting in you from below. You throw your head back in pleasure and squeeze your eyes shut.
“Fuck, I’m close,” you say. Jungkook then takes one of his hands off your hips and squeezes one of your breasts, playing with your nipples.
“Ah, cuming!” You yell out, squeezing around Jungkook.
Once you came down from your high you watch Jungkook as he thrusts into you from below before coming for a second time. Shooting his warm cum into you.
When he finished you got off of him and laid down beside him smiling,
“See that wasn’t to bad was it?” You ask. Jungkook sighs and nods,
“I guess not, and I don’t feel any different. You really didn’t take my soul now did you?” Jungkook asks curiously. You shake your head,
“I just tainted your aura a bit,” you respond. Jungkook slowly nods his head, and gets up grabbing a clean cloth to help clean you up a bit.
“And now that we’ve had sex you’ll leave me alone?” Jungkook asks. You nod your head,
“Yep, unless you summon me again of course,” You say.
“Well don’t expect that to happen ever again. Sorry to say this but I cant say being around you was a great experience,” Jungkook says.
“Oh, I don’t take offense to that at all, can’t say I enjoyed you either,” you say, smiling. For some reason your heart slightly hurts from this but you decide to ignore it. Your an incubus, a demon. No feelings are allowed for a human what so ever.
“Well I guess I best be on my way. I’ll see you maybe,” you say, getting up and putting your clothes on. You then flash Jungkook one last smile, bidding the male farewell before disappearing before his eyes.
“Goodbye Y/n,”
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sickjoonie · 5 years
could u pls write something where an omega is going through heat and an alpha on their rut (maybe the omegas heat triggered it?) and both feel miserable but try to take care of each other anyway? maybe the alpha tried helping the omega but ended up feeling sick too? idc which members you choose tbh, whichever ones you see fit for this, thank you if you decide to write this!
this is the ask that inspired the whole au :>> enjoy
heats were, and always had been, a pain in jimin’s ass. there was nothing exciting about spending half the week rotating between crying over spilling water to holing up in the bathroom with stomach pains to having his appetite go haywire.
the symptoms were different with every omega. some experienced no stomach pain, others got uncomfortably horny (which isn’t as sexy as it sounds and more incredibly annoying to deal with), and some barely experienced any symptoms at all. while social media liked to claim that sex was the solution to all their heat woes, that solution only lasted a couple of hours. usually by the time the symptoms returned, the omega was too worn out physically and emotionally to try another round.
jimin considered himself lucky; he only had to deal with heats every two months. at the same time, it meant he didn’t qualify for suppressants, seeing how his cycle was spread out enough that it didn’t greatly disrupt his work.
his coworker, namjoon, wasn’t as lucky. he was on the strongest suppressants possible yet still dealt with surprise heats. though according to him, it wasn’t as bad as it had been before.
“there was one month where i went into heat three times,” namjoon had told him once. “it really fucked up my body. i ended up in the hospital after collapsing.”
jimin had only been hospitalized for a heat once during college when he wasn’t eating as much as he should have been. it was an experience that he learned to avoid.
at the end of the day, however, heats were still unpleasant, even if jimin didn’t have them as frequently. he knew the symptoms of preheat and knew to dread them.
so when jimin woke up with no appetite and a headache that he knew couldn’t be chased away with some painkillers, he groaned loudly and buried his head under his pillow.
he felt his boyfriend stir, rolling over to make a lazy attempt at cuddling jimin. jimin groaned again, silently mourning the loss of being able to be productive for the next few days.
“mm, minnie is grumpy today,” his boyfriend teased, drawing small circles with his finger on jimin’s back.
“hobi hyung,” jimin whined. “my heat is tomorrow.”
jimin felt hoseok’s hand slowly settle on his back. “ah, i suppose it’s about time you had one, huh?” 
jimin sighed, pulling himself out from underneath the pillow and sitting up. he could feel his hair sticking up in all sorts of directions in little tuffs. he pouted down at hoseok, silently conveying his need for attention.
hoseok had been with him long enough that he knew right before a heat hit, jimin needed cuddles. he wanted to be held and have his hair pet; little reassurances helped him face his heat a bit better. he sat up and draped himself over jimin’s side, one hand coming up to pet the younger’s hair.
“i’ll have to tell my boss today. we’re in the middle of revising a book as well, ugh. my body hates me.”
hoseok hummed softly, scratching lightly at jimin’s scalp. “i’ll take the days off too, baby. we can start preparing your nest tonight, does that sound good?”
jimin nodded, leaning back into hoseok. he sighed. “i still have to go to work today.”
“mhm.” hoseok nuzzled into jimin’s neck, pressing light kisses to the exposed skin. he rubbed his cheek over the junction between his shoulder and neck, leaving his scent there. he knew well that jimin loved his citrus scent, often asking hoseok to scent him when he wanted comfort.
jimin smiled softly, then gently swatted at hoseok’s arms. “i need to get up now or else i never will.”
hoseok reluctantly pulling away, laying back against the bed. “i’ll leave the dance studio a bit earlier so i can help you prepare.”
“thank you, hyung.” jimin leaned over to steal a kiss before finally going through his morning routine.
jimin was about to head out the door when hoseok got up, making a point to see jimin off.
“you’re gonna be okay, minnie.” hoseok kissed jimin’s nose, arms circled around the younger’s waist. “if it gets too much, you can always come home.”
jimin smiled, warmed by the affection from his boyfriend. “i’ll handle it. see you tonight, hyung.”
jimin left, departing with one last kiss. already, he felt exhausted, as if he had just finished a work day. the bus ride to work felt too long and he wanted nothing more than to go back home and curl up in bed with hoseok.
he entered the office ten minutes later than he normally would, having stopped to get some caffeine. it would help settle the migraine that seemed to be settling in and at least get him through the work day.
he sat down at his desk, sighing quietly and sipping at his too sugary latte. it was a testament to how often he drank; he could only handle the coffee taste when paired with something sweet.
his desk was connected to namjoon’s. namjoon was an omega as well, with round cheeks a bit of a tummy that he always blamed his boyfriends for. the two had bonded quickly, jimin’s sweet personality mixing well with namjoon’s calm one.
namjoon raised an eyebrow upon seeing his coworker with coffee. “rough night?”
jimin gave a friendly smile. “heat’s tomorrow.” he knew the other omega would understand.
as predicted, namjoon winced in sympathy. “if you need me to help with any projects while you’re gone, let me know.” 
“i’ll forward some stuff to you. there’s no way i could finish everything today,” jimin sighed, running a nervous hand through his hair.
he set to work, sending off an email to his boss right away to warn her of his upcoming absence. jihyo was more than understanding of heat or rut related absences, having to deal with ruts herself.
the day passed slowly, everything seeming soaked in molasses. jimin blamed it on his exhaustion and the lingering headache. it made all the work that he desperately needed that to finish so much more difficult to complete. he couldn’t wait for the end of the day.
he groaned, stretching out his back. it was nearly five, the typical time he would normally get off. however, he was currently halfway through editing a section. it seemed namjoon spotted his reluctance as the omega quickly spoke up.
“forward it to me, jimin ah. you need to go home and rest, staying overtime would only make you more miserable.”
jimin sighed, though he knew namjoon was right. he saved the file and forwarded it to namjoon, giving the other a grateful smile. 
“i’ll be back in a couple of days,” jimin promised, gathering up his stuff and putting it away. he pulled on his coat, stretching his back out.
“say hi to hoseokie to me!” namjoon waved him goodbye, making no move himself to leave. most likely he was picking up the overtime for jimin; he was too sweet. jimin made note to help the older out in the future, specifically when his heat rolled around.
the journey home was uneventful, with jimin yawning more times than he wanted to admit. he made it back before hoseok, sighing softly into the empty apartment. 
without much energy to do much else, he headed to their bedroom. he was more than eager to strip out of his work uniform, the fabric scratchy and uncomfortable. his heat always made him more sensitive to fabric and different textures.
he replaced his uniform with his favorite pajama pants and a sweater that smelled distinctly of hoseok. the citrus smell always blended well with his own, a sweet ocean scent that hoseok always complimented.
jimin stretched his arms over his head, yawning loudly before collapsing on the bed. he curled up on top of the bedsheets, grabbing hoseok’s pillow to cuddle in his arms.
he closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. he could feel the tension falling off his body, sleep quickly overtaking him.
he dozed lightly, waking only by the feeling of hands in his hair. he groggily opened his eyes, blurry vision revealing the familiar shape of hoseok. he automatically reached out, wanting more contact. he was rewarded by hoseok gathering him in his arms, lifting the younger to sit up and rest on his chest.
“mph,” jimin groaned, a bit disturbed by the sudden movement.
“my sleepy jiminie,” hoseok cooed, hand stroking the back of his hair on his neck. it felt nice, jimin noted. “you must be so exhausted after a day of work, huh baby?”
jimin nodded against hoseok’s chests. his hands reached out a grabbed the loose fabric of his mate’s shirt.
“you’re so clingy when you’re sleepy. so adorable.” hoseok kissed jimin’s hair. 
jimin didn’t counter that. he was already nearly completely asleep, cozy and warm against hoseok’s chest.
hoseok tsked, scratching lightly at jimin’s back. “come on, you need to eat. hyung made you food. afterwards, we need to set up your nest.”
jimin whined, feeling hoseok pull away. he pouted, seeing how he was forced to wake up. he watched as hoseok left the room, forcing jimin to get up. jimin grumbled, forcing himself up and sleepily trudging after him.
he found hoseok in the kitchen with a plate set on their table, smiling fondly at seeing his sleep ruffled boyfriend. jimin sat himself in front of the plate, stomach grumbling with a reminder of how hungry he actually was. he smiled; hoseok knew how hungry jimin got after naps and had gone out of the way to prepare a meal.
“love you hyungie,” jimin sighed happily, grabbing his chopsticks and scooping food into his mouth.
hoseok sat next to him, his own plate of food out. the two ate in silence, jimin focused on eating and hoseok content with observing him.
jimin cleared his plate, leaving his tummy full and warm. he traced his tummy lightly with his fingers, the tingling sensations making him sleepy all over again, while hoseok cleared up the dishes.
hoseok was ridiculously endeared when he came back and found jimin sleepily patting his tummy. he walked over so he was standing next to jimin, his hand settling on his mate’s neck. it was an intimate move, one that was reserved for mates only. it wasn’t a symbol of claiming but rather a sense of taking care of the other.
jimin let himself sink in the comforting feeling, knowing that by tomorrow, it would be gone. “i need to start on my nesting soon.”
hoseok hummed in agreement, fingers moving to play with the hairs on the back of jimin’s neck. “just tell me what you need and i’ll get it for you, minnie.”
jimin finally stood up, moving to cup hoseok’s cheeks with his tiny hands. “i just need you next to me.” he kissed hoseok softly, earning a content sigh from the other. “i also need you to gather all the blankets from the closet and your favorite hoodie.”
hoseok giggled, used to the younger’s demands. “i don’t think it’s so much my favorite hoodie as it is yours,” he teased.
jimin pouted, hands falling back to his side. “whatever. get moving, this nest isn’t gonna build itself.”
hoseok mock saluted jimin, earning him a whack on his ass when he walked away, laughter trailing after him.
the whole process of nesting took forever, in hoseok’s opinion. jimin justified that he was simply picky. certain blankets had to be located in certain locations, pillows needed to provide structure, and some blankets were merely for the outside structure.
jimin let hoseok gather everything for him and set to work constructing his nest, sniffing each blanket and pillow carefully. once hoseok had everything gathered, he was instructed to stay back and watch jimin construct the nest independently. after all, by nature, jimin was very independent and a perfectionist. hoseok could respect that.
jimin was exhausted by the time the nest was finished, yet satisfied with how everything was. he poked his head out, gesturing hoseok to come in. carefully, the older made his way in, snuggling up to jimin’s side.
“it’s perfect, love,” hoseok praised. they were surrounded by their own scents, giving the area a comfortable and cozy feeling.
jimin nodded, relaxing into hoseok’s arms. “‘m exhausted. nesting is hard work.”
“you put a lot of effort into it, but it makes you comfortable, so that’s what matters.”
jimin sighed, closing his eyes. “can you scent me hyung?”
hoseok easily obliged, nuzzling his scent onto jimin’s neck. jimin let it relax his muscles, letting him drift off to sleep.
hoseok held him close, knowing well what was coming. he fell into a light sleep, unable to properly relax knowing that his mate would soon be in pain.
jimin woke up in the early hours of the morning to his stomach churning with nausea. he groaned and rolled onto his back, a hand finding its way to his stomach. he was sweating and shivering in discomfort.
he knew the signs far too well. it seemed his heat didn’t want to wait until the morning to hit, instead choosing the dead of night.
whenever jimin felt nauseous, he began to hiccup. they were tight and uncomfortable and often trailed off into a retch. they were loud too, not tiny and adorable like his normal ones.
he rubbed his stomach, feeling it jolt with each hiccup. next to him, hoseok stirred, body naturally reacting to his mate’s distress. jimin whimpered, body begging to be comforted, knowing his mate was nearby to take care of him.
it didn’t take look for hoseok to clue into what was happening. this wasn’t the first time he had woken up to a heat-sick jimin. “my poor jiminie,” he cooed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “come on, let’s sit up, okay?”
jimin let himself be guided into a sitting position, encouraged by hoseok’s soft touches. despite being cautious, his stomach still lurched with the change of position and his mouth watered.
“hold on one second,” hoseok said before quickly exiting the nest and grabbing the nearby trash can. nobody wanted to rest in a vomit covered nest. he climbed back in and placed the trash can under jimin’s chin.
jimin curled over the trash can, panting through nausea. he could feel hoseok’s hand rubbing his back, providing some comfort against his revolting body. “i feel horrible,” jimin moaned, “ugh- my stomach…” he clutched his stomach weakly with his hands, feeling it gurgle unhappily.
hoseok kissed the back of jimin’s neck, hushing the younger gently. “it’s okay, just get it out, puppy.”
jimin took one last nervous gulp before leaning forward, stomach heaving. a loud gag echoed from the back of his throat. he coughed, then gagged again and brought up a mouthful of sick. he whimpered, barely being able to catch his breath before being thrown into a round of heaving and vomiting.
jimin spit into the bin, panting from exertion. he gave one last retch before his stomach settled back down, disrupted and aching.
he let hoseok guide him back against the pillows, body melting back into exhaustion. he watched hoseok move the trash can out of the nest and away from jimin. it was always the hardest the first time it happened during heats. the dread of repeating this scenario over and over again for the next few days made jimin tear up, frustration and discomfort bubbling in his chest.
hoseok was quick to notice jimin’s tears, the scent of their saltiness thick in the air. he sighed in sympathy, automatically moving to nuzzle jimin’s scent gland. his arms gently wrapped themselves around jimin, cocooning the omega against his body. 
“h-hobi hyung,” jimin sniffled, shaking against him, “i feel so awful.”
hoseok stroked the younger’s back, rocking him back and forth. “i know, puppy, i know. heats are never fun.” he pressed a kiss against jimin’s hair. “i’ll be right by your side the entire time. hyung is going nowhere.”
jimin sniffled loudly, a new wave of tears inspired by the warmth in his heart. he let himself be rocked back to sleep, surrounded by the warmth of his mate and comfort of his scent.
for the most part, he remained asleep, only waking up twice more to finish emptying his stomach. hoseok took care of him, letting the younger focus on resting.
it was early afternoon that he properly woke up and encountered his second symptom.
despite having puked his guts out and having struggled with an upset stomach all morning, jimin wanted food. his stomach growled, appetite having suddenly returned.
his stomach had double standards; it wanted food one second but also threw a fit when it received it.
when he was younger, jimin wasn’t as careful as to what he ate. he was more focused on getting food than on how it would feel when he inevitably vomited it back up a couple hours later. the most memorable time was when he ordered a shit ton of panda express and ended up stuck in the bathroom for five hours afterwards. he had never vomited as much as he had that day, to the point where he considered going to the hospital just to get some relief from the nausea.
jimin stirred lazily, rolling over and clinging onto hoseok’s leg. hoseok was currently typing away on his laptop, though he smiled at seeing jimin clinging onto him.
“hi puppy,” hoseok greeted, a fond smile on his face. jimin’s hair was currently sticking up in all different directions, the blonde hair soft and fluffy. he couldn’t stop himself from ruffling it up even more, earning a pout from jimin.
“i’m starving, hyung,” jimin whined, pulling out the puppy eyes. “make me food? please?”
hoseok’s hearts ached from the puppy eyes- there was no need to bring them out, hoseok was already whipped enough as it was. he closed his laptop and set it aside. “do you want to come with me? or do you want to stay in the nest?”
jimin checked with his body; he felt weak, but he honestly would prefer to be around his mate at the moment. “i’ll come with you. wanna watch you cook.”
the two got up, hoseok helping jimin get steady on his feet and wrapping the younger in a blanket. they moved to the kitchen where jimin claimed one of the barstools. he looked like a lump of a blanket with only his face and tufts of his blonde hair poking out.
“an adorable little mochi,” hoseok cooed, squishing jimin’s cheeks.
jimin pouted, but his cheeks were pink and insides warm with love.
hoseok prepared him some rice porridge. it was easy on his stomach and didn’t cause as much nausea or vomiting as heavier foods did. over two years of dating jimin, hoseok had become a master at the rice porridge.
it was a good thing too because jimin refused to eat any other kind of rice porridge.
hoseok brought the bowl over and set it down in front of jimin. however, the younger merely pouted.
“feed me hyung,” he whined. “i’m in heat.”
hoseok laughed, but obeyed and picked up the chopsticks. “you’re the biggest baby.” he brought up food to jimin’s open mouth, watching the jimin eagerly take it.
jimin smiled, cheeks round with food. he chewed happily. “‘m your baby.”
hoseok fed him another mouthful, followed by a kiss on the nose. 
once the porridge was eaten, the two moved back to jimin’s nest. jimin laid on top of hoseok, curling up and pressing his nose against hoseok’s neck. he felt warm from both the fluffy blanket covering the both of them and the body heat of hoseok.
it was moments like these that made his heat bearable.
it was on the third day of jimin’s heat that everything went wrong.
hoseok woke up drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. the only thing he registered was his stomach aching for food, driving him out of the nest and into the kitchen. barely awake and barely aware of what he was doing, hoseok let instinct take over as he pulled out leftovers and stuck them in a microwave. while that was going, he prepped some ramen, feeling as though the leftovers wouldn’t be enough to fill his stomach.
he stuck a packet of ramen in and the microwave pinged, catching his stomach’s attention.
hoseok stumbled across the kitchen to it, grabbing some chopsticks. as soon as the food was out, he dug in, burning his tongue. he winced but forced the food down. he felt like he hadn’t eaten in days and the only way to make up for it was by eating everything in sight.
while he ate, he worked on the ramen, eagerly waiting for it to be done as well. he was halfway through the leftovers when he determined the ramen to be finished, dishing it out into a bowl. the leftovers ended up abandoned next to the stovetop; his stomach had moved to a different target.
his mouth was full of ramen noodles when the door to the bedroom creaked open. the sounds of footsteps echoed through the hall until jimin appeared, eyes blinking sleepily and a frown etched on his face.
it was the sight of jimin that shook hoseok out of his trance. he swallowed his noodles, placing the rest of the bowl down. he looked around the room, blinking as if just seeing it for the first time.
“hyung? what are you doing?”
hoseok a couple more times, trying to figure out the situation. a twinge of pain echoed from his belly, clearly upset with having so much food forced in it so fast. “uh, i guess i got hungry?”
jimin frowned. he could smell his mate’s scent; it was more sweet than normal. “this looks like too much food for a midnight snack.” he moved forward, pressing a hand to hoseok’s forehead. his eyes widened with recognition.
hoseok still was confused as to what was going on. out of nowhere, a wave of pain jolting through his body. he pitched forward, nearly collapsing on jimin, groaning as his muscles seized up.
“shit, this is bad, really bad.” jimin struggled to hold hoseok up, still suffering with weakness from his heat. “hoseokie hyung, baby, you’re in a rut.”
hoseok whimpered, finally connecting the dots. the sudden spike in appetite, the way his muscles were on fire. his rut wasn’t due for two more weeks, however.
“it hurts,” hoseok hissed, face buried against jimin’s chest.
jimin rubbed his back. he could feel hoseok’s muscles tensing and relaxing against him. they had never been in heat and rut at the same time before; he had no idea what to do. however, he knew someone who would.
“baby, i think we need someone helping us. i’m still in heat.”
hoseok nodded in agreement. he wanted his jimin to be taken care of, and he obviously couldn’t do it in the moment.
“let’s get you to bed first, okay?” jimin coaxed the older into walking, leaving behind the mess in the kitchen. hoseok had to rely on jimin to guide him, in too much pain and confused to carry himself.
once hoseok was settled in the nest, curled up in a ball, jimin grabbed his cell phone and pulled up his friend’s contact.
it took a couple of tries before they picked up. “jiminie, it’s 4am.”
jimin sighed. “taehyung, we need help.”
“one delivery of jinnie hyung’s special stew for one hungry hoseokie!”
hoseok groaned, struggling to open his eyes. he was drenched in sweat and his muscles still ached, but he was a bit more aware than when he previously woke up.
he was confused as to why taehyung was in his apartment, though.
“huh?” hoseok blinked hard, looking around his surroundings he was in the living room, propped up with pillows and covered in a fluffy blanket that hoseok recognized to be taehyung’s.
“open up!” the beta cheerfully said before stuffing a spoonful of something warm in hoseok’s mouth.
hoseok struggled for a second, then swallowed, feeling the warmth travel down to his belly. before he could ask any questions, however, taehyung had already stuffed his mouth full again.
“for fuck’s sake, tae, let the poor man wake up.”
seokjin walked up behind taehyung, setting a hand on his mate’s shoulder he smiled warmly in greeting to hoseok. 
hoseok finally spoke. “what are you guys doing here? where’s jiminie?”
taehyung cooed, patting hoseok’s head. “you two are adorable. don’t worry, he’s resting in his nest right now. he had a bad vomiting session while you were passed out.”
hoseok frowned, anxiety curling in his belly. “is he okay? he’s still in heat.”
taehyung smiled. “it’s okay, hobi hyung. it’s all normal for him.”
“what you should really be worried about is the fact that you’re in a rut,” seokjin piped up behind taehyung. seokjin was an alpha too and knew that ruts out of cycles weren’t common or healthy.
hoseok sighed, letting his head fall to the side. “i know. don’t wanna go to the doctor though.”
taehyung hummed sympathetically, frowning. “you and jiminie just moved in together, right?”
“well, it’s been five months, so i guess?” hoseok shrugged.
“so this would be his third heat with you living with him.”
hoseok nodded, confused as to what taehyung was getting to.
taehyung patted hoseok’s cheek, then stuffed a spoonful of stew in his mouth. “there’s no need to go to the doctor then.” he smiled. “your cycle is just matching up with minnie’s!”
hoseok blinked, but seokjin was nodding his head, so he went along with it. he really didn’t want to go to the doctor’s anyways.
he let taehyung feed him, sinking into a state of disconnection from both the fever and confusion fogging up his head. he let taehyung press a cold press against his forehead, barely letting out a whine in protest.
“poor hyungie,” taehyung sighed, his fingers moving through hoseok’s hair. “you must really not feel good, huh.”
hoseok hummed. ruts always took the energy out of him. between the muscle cramps and the fever and the confusion, there was little he could do but lay down and wait for it to pass. 
normally jimin would cuddle him and massage his muscles, knowing how tense they got, but he knew that jimin was in no state to take care of anyone else. he still wanted to cuddle his mate, however, the longing for affection settling in his chest. 
“wanna be with minnie…” hoseok whined, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.
taehyung gently hushed him. “i know, it’s hard without your mate by your side.” he sighed. “take it slow, okay? we want to make sure you’re both okay.”
hoseok closed his eyes, letting taehyung tuck the blanket around him. the food and cold press helped a little, but there was an itch under his skin. it had been such a long time since he had spent his rut without jimin by his side. even before they were dating, jimin would hold hoseok in his lap and soothe him softly.
he found himself unable to drift off, instead distracted by the pain and need for jimin’s presence. he gave up on trying to sleep.
hoseok could hear seokjin talking with taehyung in the kitchen
he decided to disregard what taehyung had said. he gathered up his blanket and snuck over to the bedroom. the room smelled strongly of the ocean mixed with vanilla; it was distinctly jimin.
hoseok crossed the room, only hesitating when he came to the edge of the nest. “jimin?”
jimin was curled up in a small in the center of the nest, however he easily stirred when he heard hoseok’s voice. he whimpered, reaching out for his mate and inviting him in.
hoseok practically threw himself into jimin’s arms, snuggling close to his mate and feeling the discomfort disappear. he nuzzled jimin’s neck, feeling the other relax against him. 
“i missed my sunshine,” jimin whined, grip tightening on hoseok. “and i’m sorry i made your rut come early.”
hoseok was quick to dismiss jimin’s apologies. “our bodies are in sync with each other now. it’s okay, minnie.”
they settled into silence, both of them feeling run down by their own bodies. hoseok could feel his leg muscles beginning to cramp up, yet at the same time, he felt completely relaxed. he pressed butterfly kisses against jimin’s neck, relishing in the way it made jimin giggle quietly.
jimin yawned, then buried his nose in hoseok’s hair, sighing in content. it wasn’t long before he drifted off, his own symptoms having calmed down at the presence of hoseok.
hoseok lifted his head to smile at jimin’s sleeping face, heart squeezing with affection. he fell asleep not too long after, finally at ease.
taehyung and seokjin found the two curled up around each other, clinging on as if it was a matter of life or death. it was disgustingly adorable, according to seokjin, who said so while taking a picture of the two.
the weekend brought the end of jimin’s heat and the start of the end of hoseok’s rut. it was still lingering, however, making him achy and hungry.
jimin took this opportunity to absolutely spoil hoseok.
currently, hoseok was cuddled up on the couch, covered in the softest blanket and propped up against the back of the couch. jimin had put a movie on the tv and he was lazily watching it. he could hear jimin in the kitchen cooking. normally, hoseok was the one to prepare meals, but jimin had insisted on prepping something.
hoseok didn’t mind being bound to the couch. jimin was always bringing him snacks and showering him with affection. if he mentioned his muscles aching, jimin was more than willing to massage him.
hoseok smiled when he saw jimin coming into the living room, a bowl of food resting in his hands.
“ah, jiminie, i feel spoiled,” hoseok commented once he saw that jimin had made his favorites. 
jimin laughed, handing hoseok the bowl and patting his hyung’s head. “you deserve it.”
hoseok couldn’t help but blush a little, causing jimin to coo. in embarrassment, hoseok stuffed his mouth full of food. he groaned at the taste, pleased by how well jimin had made it.
jimin settled next to him, the two watching the movie quietly. hoseok quickly emptied his bowl and placed it on the coffee table before leaning back and sighing.
“i think i’ve gained some weight with how much i’ve been eating.” he rested a hand on his stomach, patting it lightly.
jimin rolled his eyes, smiling. “you say that every time, hyung.”
hoseok shrugged, resting his head against jimin’s. “our cycles are synced now, according to taehyung.”
jimin nodded. “tae told me.”
“it was only a matter of time,” hoseok mused. “we’ve always been close, after all. i’m surprised it took our bodies this long.”
jimin moved his hand to settle on top of hoseok’s, squeezing it lightly. “it’ll be a bit of an adjustment. at least our work schedules will be a bit easier now.”
hoseok was grateful for that too; his boss would appreciate him having less time off during the months. he didn’t mind having their ruts and heats lined up. if anything, it made him feel closer to jimin.
he wanted to spend all his ruts with jimin, deep down. they had only been dating a little over a year, but hoseok had loved jimin for so long before that that he couldn’t imagine a life without him.
he wasn’t ready to admit that yet, so instead he squeezed jimin’s hand back and closed his eyes. 
“we’ll learn to adjust. i’m just happy being by your side, even if you are throwing up.”
jimin elbowed him lightly at the teasing, though his heart was warm. “i know you’ll take care of me. i’ll be there to take care of you too, baby.”
hoseok let the words warm his heart and flush out the ending of his rut, leaving him content at jimin’s side. 
they would learn how to adjust to the new cycles. they were, after all, disgustingly in love.
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omegaqueencas · 7 years
Wincest Love Week Day Four: Going to a strip club together
Happy Thursday!! This got a bit on the longer side and a bit on the sadder side. I’m…sorry. I hope that you enjoy it anyway!! 
Sam tried to be as excited as Dean was for his birthday. Eighteen was a big deal. He was legally a man. He knew that Dean had been waiting to take him to a strip club for a while, and Sam was looking forward to spending that time with Dean. Of course he hadn’t told Dean he was planning on leaving either. When they were alone Dean would go on and on about all the things that they would be able to do legally now. They could take off on their own now and hunt together. He would watch Sammy’s back of course, because that is what he always did. It was his job, protect Sammy.
Sam just didn’t know how to protect Dean from this. He knew it was going to be difficult. He knew that he needed to tell Dean when it was just the two of them. But not today. Later. Always later. Never in front of Dad.
So they went to the strip club. Dean had some beers and bought Sam several lap dances. Even bought him a private one with a pretty dirty blonde, that had freckles and green eyes. He ignored Dean’s look at that one.
Sam smiled the whole time. Laughed. Took sips of Dean’s beers. Leaned into Dean and even put an arm around him when Dean leaned back against him. All in a brotherly fashion. Of course. They left when the club announced last call. Dean swaying against Sam.
“Dean, give me the keys. I’ll drive us back to the hotel.” Sam had him propped against the passenger door and pressed his body against him to hold him against it.
“They’re in ma pocket.” Dean grinned at him.
“So, get them out for me?” Dean just shook his head no, “You get ‘em.”
Dean winked at Sam then and Sam rolled his eyes, meanwhile feeling his heart beat hard in his chest. Sam reached into one pocket and grabbed a paper, pulling it out it was a number for a Trish, there was even a little heart dotting the i. Sam rolled his eyes and went to put it back in Dean’s pocket.
Dean grabbed his wrist and took the paper. He looked at Sam in a way that Sam couldn’t identify and ripped it up before tossing it in the air like confetti with a smirk. “I don’t need that.”
Sam hummed a non committal noise and reached into Dean’s other pocket. His fingers brushed against a firmness that Sam refused to acknowledge until Dean let out a groan.
“Damnit, Sammy.” Sam froze, hand still in Dean’s pocket and he looked up at his brothers green eyes, out of focus from all the liquor.
He waited. Dean’s breathing grew shallow and he moved his hips up in the tiniest thrust before dropping his head back and going almost limp. Sam quickly pulled his out from Dean’s pocket, wrapped his arms around Dean only to have Dean busy his face in the crook of Sam’s neck and inhale deeply.
Sam unlocked the passenger door and tried to wrestle Dean inside. Dean held on a little and mumbled something. “What was that?” Sam asked.
“I don’t like it. You smell like all those women. You don’t smell like my Sammy anymore.” Sam felt himself blush.
“Dean, let go and get in the car, you’re drunk.” Sam finally succeeded in getting Dean in the car and carefully shut the door.
By the time that he managed to get to the driver’s side Dean was laid across the bench seat and he had to prop him up to slide into the car. As soon as he was settled in Dean’s head was in his lap face first. Sam had to carefully control his breathing and think of other things as Dean nuzzled down into his inner thigh.
“Dean…” Sam trailed off and Dean just turned to his side, mouth breathing hot against his lower abdomen.
Sam sighed. He started the car and headed back in the direction of their hotel. Their dad had been gone on a solo hunting trip and they knew he wouldn’t be back for a few more days. He had called that morning to wish Sam a happy birthday and tell them he wouldn’t be back in time to have dinner with him. Not that Sam expected him to be.
Sam relaxed a little when he felt the heat of Dean’s breath even out a little against his skin. He was glad that their dad wasn’t going to see Dean in this condition. He would only yell at him and tell him the hangover the next morning served him right. Sam idly stroked his hand through Dean’s hair, he wasn’t sure if he was trying to comfort Dean for everything he goes through, even though he was fast asleep, or himself.
He felt his chest tighten at the idea of leaving Dean with John. He knew that Dean wouldn’t come with him. There was a good chance that Dean was going to be really mad at him. There was also a small chance that Dean would be supportive of him. He always was supportive of Sam’s education, even if he never out right said the words.
“I don’t know how to tell you, Dean.” Sam whispered to the dark road ahead of him.
Dean turned and looked up at Sam, “Tell me what, Sammy?” Green eyes, still glassy, managed to lock onto Sam’s for the short time that he looked down.
“Nothing, Dean. Don’t worry about it.” Sam spoke soft. Emotion pinching tight in his chest.
Dean was quiet for a while. So long that Sam thought for sure that his brother fell back to sleep. Sam started running his fingers through the short hair again. He jumped and quickly pulled his hand away when Dean spoke.
“Sam—” Dean quickly grabbed his hand back and placed it back on his head, “You can keep doing that.” When Sam resumed his movements Dean spoke again.
“Listen, Sam. I’ve got something to tell you, too. Maybe you go first, tell me whatever it is and then—” Dean cleared his throat and turned back on his side facing Sam’s torso, “then I can tell you what I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Sam was silent for a little bit when Dean nudged into his stomach with his nose. “Gonna tell me?”
“Yeah, just give me a minute.” Sam spoke quietly. He was circling the hotel, he didn’t know if he wanted to have this conversation there. There would be nowhere to go if Dean got mad. But then again, being in the car wasn’t the best idea either.
Sam pulled into the hotel parking lot and parked right in front of room 183 and parked the car. He turned the ignition off and sat there thinking about how he was going to say this. “Just spit it out, Sammy.”
Dean breath was hot and humid through the thin fabric of his shirt, his voice vibrated through Sam’s thigh. Sam took a deep breath and decided to just say it.
“Dean, I got offered a full ride at Stanford and I am going to go. I won’t be leaving until August but this is something that I need to do for myself.” Sam held his breath. The car was completely still. It seemed like Dean wasn’t even breathing but he had stiffened up.
Finally Dean let out a long breath against Sam’s stomach and sat up. He looked out the front window at the hotel room. “That is really great, Sam. So good. Knew that big brain of yours would take you places one day.” Dean took a shuddering breath, “I’m—proud of you, Sammy.”
Dean leaned over into Sam’s space and Sam held his breath, waiting for something he was sure was never gonna come. Then Dean leaned over and Sam felt like his world was tilting again. Then Dean placed the softest kiss on the corner of Sam’s mouth, barely touching his lips.
The moment lasted finite amount of time, but it felt endless. Sam wanted to melt into it. Wanted to take Dean with him. Needed Dean. They had so much more to talk about. But before he realized it, Dean was moving away from him and was out of the impala. Gone and inside.
Sam never did get to hear what it was that Dean wanted to tell him. Dean was passed out on the bed before he made his way back inside.
When Dean woke up the next morning with a throbbing head and t he didn’t remember much after getting a number from some girl, Tina? Tammy? Tessa? It didn’t matter. He may not remember everything from the night before but he did remember that he did not  tell Sam what he intended. He couldn’t remember why though. He knew that he was drinking enough to have the courage to tell him. He had it all planned out. He intended to tell Sam everything last night. The years of pining and struggling he’d been dealing with alone, how he wanted so bad. How he might have a chance to get it now that Sam was an adult and they could just go.
Something stopped him though. It was nagging at the back of his brain and he couldn’t quite grasp it. He needed more sleep. Maybe he would remember then. He went back to sleep making up a new plan to tell Sam everything.
P.S. Dean never remembered and Sam went off to Stanford without knowing what Dean wanted to tell him. I’m sorry! This was really not supposed to be so sad. I wanted to give you more fluffy smut, but… this happened somehow. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. Promise.
I love angst tbh, although I always want happy ending. In this case, leaving for Stanford is always sad, even if Dean had remembered or if he had told Sam. HOWEVER, we all know that in a few years they’ll be together again and I have h o p e that they’ll be together then SO IT’S OKAY.
But really, I loved this so muuuuch omg omg omg i wanna give you a huge hug because of these fics anpoandandad love you
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thehauntedinterweb · 7 years
I'm bored so I wanted to do it. Tbh I'll probably delete it tomorrow because no one cares. Ok bye.
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? I don't know maybe
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Nope
3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yes. Very big. 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? No
6. What are you excited for? Death But seriously school
7. What happened tonight? Last night I was out drunk with my friends came home at 2 woke up 5 mins ago. 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Bitch I just said I was off my face yesterday. 
9. Is confidence cute? Yes, but ironically so is shyness 
10. What is the last beverage you had? Water
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Opposite sex:4 Opposite gender:2
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? 7...7 black skinny jeans. 
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? That was last night. 
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Waxing strips 
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? No. I was tho. 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Yes 
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? No one. My arse. Well actually my online friend. In theory I could tell them anything without any fear. 
18. The last time you felt broken? Yesterday when my friend told me she got raped. 
19. Have you had sex today? Not yet. 
20. Are you starting to realize anything? No. 
21. Are you in a good mood? My moods range from : mildly annoyed, pissed off, disinterested and bored so mate what are you asking exactly. 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? Yes. 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes. 24. What do you want right this second? Meat or steak. 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I don't love anyone except maybe my friends so I would say "go get some". 
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? No. 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Yes. 
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I don't know. 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Depends 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? No
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I don't know. 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? Yes
34. Listening to? My dad talk on the phone. 
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes. 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? No. 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. Never. 
38. Who did you last call? My friend. 
39. Who was the last person you danced with? I don't know. I was drunk. 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
I was horny. 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? About 6 months ago at a birthday party. 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No. 
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? Yes. 
44. Do you tan in the nude? I don't tan at all. By the way, people who ran nude (public) are disgusting. 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? No. 
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No. 
47. Who was the last person to call you? My friend. 
48. Do you sing in the shower? Yes. 
49. Do you dance in the car? Yes. 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? Yes. 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? At my aunts wedding. When I was 4. 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? No. Les mes isn't. 
53. Is Christmas stressful? I don't celebrate it. 
54. Ever eat a pierogi? What's that?
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Lemon tart. Does that count? Because I don't eat fruit pie. 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Happy. Just kidding I wasn't that philosophical as a child. I wanted to be a rubbish collector because my favourite person was one. 
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Maybe. 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes. Practically every day. It's weird. 
59. Take a vitamin daily? No. Used to. 
60. Wear slippers? No
61. Wear a bath robe? Yes. 
62. What do you wear to bed? Leggings and a shirt. Clothing optional. 
63. First concert? Never been. 
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Tescos and Sainsbury's Bitch. Maybe tkmaxx. 
65. Nike or Adidas? Nike. 
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Cheetos because I don't know what the other ones are. 
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower. 
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? Love story. 
69. Ever take dance lessons? No. 
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? No. 
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes. 
72. Ever won a spelling bee? We don't have these in Britain but I was adequate at spelling tests. Until I grew up and learned words like adequate. It took me five mins for the spell checker to find it. 
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? No. 
74. What is your favorite book? I don't know. The jack reacher books? The half bad series? I honestly don't know. 
75. Do you study better with or without music? With. 
76. Regularly burn incense? No.
77. Ever been in love? No. 
78. Who would you like to see in concert? Twenty Øne pilots. I spent about an hour looking for that ø. And I heated they are good live. Linked park maybe. 
79. What was the last concert you saw? I didn't. 
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Hot. What kind of monster are you? 
81. Tea or coffee? Both please. 
82. Favorite type of cookie? None. 
83. Can you swim well? I'll survive in a ship wreck. 
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes. Is that not normal? 
85. Are you patient? Yes. 
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? Band. 
87. Ever won a contest? Yes. 
88. Ever have plastic surgery? Yes. 
89. Which are better black or green olives? Black. 
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Yes. 
91. Best room for a fireplace? Living room. 
92. Do you want to get married? No.
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ramle17-18 · 7 years
ok so sunday (the 8th) is when i finally got out of bed and felt comfortable going for a walk, so i walked to the shuk by myself, did a little bit of shopping (and bought a scale!), and then took the bus by myself for the first time. 
to be completely honest, i haven’t done anything for all of sukkot. barely left the house (although being sick for like a week was a good excuse for a lot of it lol). marleigh keeps judging me for it but like. whatever
we finally got martyrs to work the other night, and i didn’t really like it lol, and then last night i watched 2 eps of black mirror with matt because i wanted to stay up to wait for sultana to get home from the airport, which was around 11:30. she was happy to see me i guess but when marleigh came downstairs she freaked out, which, i mean it makes sense it just. yknow . whatever!
i feel bad because i feel like between here and my main blog i complain about marleigh a lot, like definitely more than anyone else, and that’s really not how i feel about her. i really do like her a lot, we’re friends, and i’m really glad i’m going to be working with her this school year over any of the other three options (all the kids would like sultana more than me, matt and i would butt heads a lot i’m sure, and rachel and i don’t have personalities that would be compatible for that kind of job). 
i think i just feel like marleigh is judging me all the time. she always makes comments about how i like don’t do very much in my free time or how i never leave the house, or i’m so critical that i’m never satisfied with anything, etc. tries to offer me advice for like..weight loss and mental illness without a) knowing what she’s talking about or b) knowing anything about me. very much one of those like ‘positive thinking and yoga will cure you! just stop being so negative!’ people and like at some point she was trying to tell me that i should be eating 2000 cal a day because that’s what’s recommended, and that 1100-1200 is way too little and i’m starving myself. but . hi i’m 4′10 and trying to LOSE weight, if i ate 2000 cal every day i would gain like a pound every week lmfao
speaking of weight loss, though, i was 140 lbs this morning :) so i’m only 12 lbs away from my lowest weight when i lost all that weight a couple years ago. although it’s been VERY difficult for me to see it in the mirror still. those green shorts might (hopefully) fit soon though, i think. which is good because i’m running out of options. not sure what i’m gonna do when it gets cold enough for long pants and i have 3 pairs of leggings and 1 pair of jeans lol. maybe go clothes shopping since i really have some cash left over from the stipend, at least this month. i’m aiming for 110 (or maybe 107.5 just so it’s an even 70 lb loss which sounds impressive lmfao) but tbh i might wanna go down to 105 or 100 depending on how i feel. definitely (probably) not below that, though. what’s annoying is that there are very few people i can talk to about my ultimate goal bc most people, like mom, would be like THAT’S TOO LOW YOU’RE GOING TO STARVE YOURSELF when in fact it’s directly in the middle of the recommended weight for my height, and since i’m not packing very much muscle i think it would actually make a lot of sense for me to hover around there. when i’m there i’ll try to start recomp because it would be nice to be a little toned, but for now i’ll settle with the goal of being able to feel comfortable being photographed lmfao. 
i did start c25k up again, though, i’ve only done 2 days so far and i probably should be doing day 3 right now instead of writing this, but i haven’t slept well the past 2 nights so i’m probably just going to do it tomorrow instead. and i also started doing a very small amount of bodyweight exercises. my fear is, of course, that it’ll slow down my weight loss, which it will, and as much as i know to trust the science of “just because you’re not losing weight doesn’t mean you’re not losing fat, muscle weighs more than fat” etc, it’ll be really discouraging not to have that marker that i can graph every day just to know where i’m at. that’s another thing, if (certain) people in the house knew i weighed myself every morning they’d probably flip their shit and think i’m neck-deep in an eating disorder, when in reality it’s so much healthier for me to see the daily fluctuations and be able to look at it as a trend line. if i only weighed myself once a week, let’s say i weigh myself after a day of exercise, or after a particularly sodium-filled day, or just a day i didn’t drink as much water as i thought i did, i would be really upset and discouraged to see a gain on the scale. but in doing it every day i’m much more okay with fluctuations and it’s helpful to see that the overall trend is still going waaay down. i mean i’ve lost almost 40 lbs. (which you’d think i would be able to see in the mirror by now lol)
hmm i feel like i’m not using this journal in a way that will make me happy i kept it. i mean, it’ll be cool to know how i was feeling about certain things, and it’s a personal journal instead of a blog, but i still feel like i’m going to look back and be like “why did you spend so much time complaining about your roommates and talking about your weight loss instead of describing your experience abroad, dumbass?” but also as i keep pointing out to literally everyone, we still haven’t started teaching yet. (two days!!) once we’re there i think i’ll have more to talk about.
the first few days of november we’re going on a 3-day trip to the negev and eilat. i’m excited for it, but also really anxious lol. we also didn’t get to pick our roommates this time like we did last time (although idk if sultana and marleigh would’ve even wanted me to room with them again, they probably would want sydney or rebecca) and i’m really hoping they don’t just stick us with some random people for 2 nights.
we were offered 4 tracks for the educational sector of the program: technology, bedouins, the gaza strip, and the black hebrew israelites. naturally i picked the bedouins lmfao i have no interest in hearing masa propaganda about how hard it is for the israelis to live in gaza (the email seriously was like “learn how these people live as they just try to keep their families safe in the settlements....ok then don’t fucking illegally settle on other peoples’ land?), etc etc. of course the gaza one was the most popular lol. but i was told aaron jaffe is anti-israel (and everyone was like “uhhh why are you even on this program” like shut up lol) and i think he’s doing the bedouin track as well, which was pretty small last time i looked, so even though we haven’t talked before maybe i can strike up a conversation about it because i haven’t been able to talk about it with anyone yet and it’s getting tough.
and then we basically have like a day of free time, during which i’m hoping to go snorkeling and/or swimming with dolphins, which will be amazing. maybe i’ll go shopping or something. but beyond that i don’t know what i’m going to do or who i’m going to hang out with, which makes me worry that i’m either gonna just be following people around like a lost puppy (as usual) or holed up in my room “relaxing” for shabbat because so many activities are optional. there’s an early morning hike on the second day but i decided not to sign up because i don’t particularly like hiking, it’ll be hot down there even though it’s november, and i probably wouldn’t enjoy myself. it just didn’t seem like the best time for a physical challenge, a 2-3 hour hike up and down mountains or whatever. but it’s fine.
oh, i totally forgot to mention that matt and i smoked together! it felt so high school, smoking out of an apple pipe and getting high off such a small amount (for him, i think for me it was pretty standard lol). it was fun though, we watched se7en and then i went to bed early. i think indica makes me too sleepy. 
he made weed butter too which i tried but didn’t find worth it, it took like 2 hours before i felt anything and then literally all i wanted to do was go to sleep. so i don’t think i’m gonna have any of that again. which is fine because i don’t want that to be a regular thing, anyway. i don’t wanna get sent home lol
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