#but to those who've never tried it *cracks knuckles*
bishimightwing · 2 years
"I have my reasons for being here. Matter of personal vendetta. I'm just cleaning the streets as I go." To Frank it didn't matter how far a target went. He would track them to the ends of the earth to finish the job. Just so happened his target ran into Gotham like a coward. But this kid didn't know the horrors this man committed. He made joker cower in fear the last time he was in Gotham. Bound and determined to shoot him. Till batman got in his way.
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"My prey so happened to run in your jurisdiction on his own. I merely want him back. He isn't hiding from me. Even if I have to get past a hero. He threw his gun aside and cracked his knuckles." I ain't no hero killer. But if I have to break an arm I will. Don't do this. Walk away kid."
"They enter my home, they become my problem. And as I pretty much said before: you're not striking me as any different than other soldier-merc types who've tried their luck with me." No one dresses like that for nothing. Dude's got either a war he's yet to win, or ever rotating missions on his mind. And not much consideration for anyone else that isn't a heinous criminal. Lone gunmen never are alone, though. They have, or rather, cycle through, varying resources. Some of those are people, and some of them aren't always willing to assist the mercenaries.
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"I don't suppose a bounty on you from our city and county would matter much. They must pile on pretty regularly for a guy like you."
This is where he applied the detection skills taught onto him from the Bat. Another glance at the body, sufficiently bled out at this point, clothes drenched, the body itself going cold as assessed by the hand Dick touched. He was searching for identification, until the jacket let on what the perp was. A part of a biker gang Penguin once employed and ensured protection for after the Falcone family was no more. Had to be enough time since for the crook to turn a new leaf, raise a family, and yet, he must not have gotten better yet. He didn’t deserve this.
"My guy, you are about to have like, three armies, and a fuming ex-wife or widow follow you to the ends of the earth. May karma show you mercy you didn't show him."
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provokedgoalie · 4 years
If you've never tried doritos (or any other chips) and/or pizza with hot sauce, I pray for your soul
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