#but this is wild. Who knew that “ass nazis is latvian for sharp knife” would stir the pot. Amazing.
nice. a nazi joke. another hetalia fan that's an antisemite. nothing to see here.
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Anon. Buddy. Pal.
I am a Jewish woman, working at a Jewish institution, with a job specializing in preserving Jewish literature, and I am the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors (dad's side) and pogrom survivors (mom's side). Please do not call me, a literal Jewish person, an Antisemite???
For anyone who didn't see, THIS is what it's in reference to.
It was a joke about the Latvian language more than anything. I guess I could have deleted the ask, but I gotta admit, I find it funny, too! It is not making light of any serious issues! It's literally just "golly gee, these words translate into something that sounds questionable in English" and seeing as it's such a common observation/joke, I figured it would be best to respond! And, again, it's funny! It's funny in the same way that "End speed in Danish can be translated to fart slut" is funny.
Please don't go around accusing people of things. Seriously, it's great to keep an eye out for hate speech, but jumping to attack people helps no one and, in fact, makes it a lot harder to have our voices heard when there's actual trouble going on. Like, even if I wasn't Jewish, I feel like people should be allowed to make jokes and trust that others will politely start a discussion if there are worries about insensitivities. ]]
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