#but this is how I've doodled myself since college haha
kathaynesart · 11 months
Haha! Didn’t you know? I’m the community’s meemaw/peepaw! I am not ready to live the single mom life, but I will gladly be a stand in grandma/weird aunt for those in need of a safe space. It’s the time of year where I always have a fresh pumpkin pie cooling on the stove, warm tea to clam the soul, and my cat Heidi (aka lil’ Bean) to curl up on the laps of wayward visitors. I will gladly give pointers where I can though I think it’s way more fun seeing people’s interpretation of the turtles! Visitors are always welcome!
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tempural · 2 years
Hello, sad, introverted young adult with ADHD+ASD like you, trying to be more comfortable with what they're into, just wanted to say that your art has been a sight to behold in an internet age filled with hate and greed. I wish to build up the confidence to talk to you someday and about my love of obscure cartoons, Maybe perhaps I could get u into them myself! But I still struggle with getting comfortable with my 'weird' kinks sadly, and I'm not even into the stuff you like.
Hi sad introverted adult with ADHD and ASD! I'm glad that you've enjoyed the art I've made. If you wish to build up the confidence to talk to me -- you've already done that right with this message? that's pretty cool.......
re: "get comfortable with your weird kinks"
I come from the perspective of always being considered weird. Everything I doodled in elementary, middle, and high school was considered "weird", either because it was strange creatures, full of violence, or indicative of my mental disorders LOL. I only really focused on explicit NSFW art (as opposed to the "haha joke yaoi" I did in high school) around college age? And it seemed natural for my sexual art to be considered just as "weird" and "inappropriate" as the rest of my art, so I was used to people being rude and demanding of me at that point.
It's a slightly different stage if you grew up with the internet as your foremost exposure to art (and how people react to art). I find that a lot of terminally online people haven't seen art outside of what they see online - so they don't realize that very mainstream shit that even they or their parents like has weird kinks in it.
I always use Phantom Of The Opera as an example - I remember my high school summer program doing a field trip to see that musical (I didn't go cuz I couldn't afford it lol). This is a musical that kids go see with their parents and teachers. What is it about? A 16 year old girl who's been groomed since childhood by a weirdo 40+ yr old dude who pretends to be her teacher and father to get closer to her, drug her, kidnap her, and threatens to rape her into submission. And it's specifically "romanticized" and fetishized by the creator, who says he relates to the Phantom and gave him a sequel where he ends up impregnating the 16 yr old :P That's pretty much EVERYTHING that people online rage about, but they're still singing along to it because they judge mass media less harshly than individual artists.
Just some food for thought from my ADHD brain. I know my art is solid, and what I express is real genuine emotion. And I know that people who are going to write callouts and doxx me for my art have something deeply wrong with their own life that they're projecting on me. Doesn't mean I'm not annoyed, angry, or fearful of them. Just means I know I'm smarter than them, and I deal with my issues more maturely (by making ART) thus having a happier relationship with my friends, family, and work.
Hopefully you will find some confidence in your interests as well! It took a bit to build up my confidence, and now I'm hilariously over confident to the point I'm a Norman Osborn-esque figure who nude monologues to myself about how great I am and how sadly pathetic internet folks can be.
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