#but this is LITERALLY why i spend all my time defending women filmmakers
lesbiancolumbo · 7 months
tell me why on the sole film podcast i listen to three grown ass men in their 30s and 40s, one of whom is a literal producer and writer for game of thrones, one a former critic for entertainment weekly, and the other an indie actor and filmmaker, had the audacity to tell me that they either 1. didn’t start watching agnes varda films until this podcast brought her up (her episode was a year ago), 2. have never even heard of her most famous film, an iconic inclusion of the french new wave genre, or 3. just straight up don’t like her
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idasessions · 6 years
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Famous Muses & Groupies in Rock Music Pt. 39
GROUPIE: Pamela des Barres (born Pamela Ann Miller)
So you might be wondering why, nearly 40 posts into this series on muses and groupies, I haven’t focused on the queen bee herself yet. Well to be completely honest, it’s because I don’t like her I figured everyone already knows her story, lol. But I might as well give it a go just for the sake of continuity. Pamela was born on September 9th, 1948 in Reseda, CA to a housewife and a gold miner. She grew up in the San Fernando Valley right in the middle of where the first wave of rock music history was taking place. She passionately fangirled Elvis Presley, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Paul McCartney was her blueprint for the perfect boyfriend as a teen, and in her first memoir I’m with the Band (1987), Pamela claims she got an ‘A’ on an art project by drawing Mick Jagger’s crotch (….). She quickly met her first musician through high school classmate Victor Hayden—who just happened to be Cpt. Beefheart’s cousin. Through Victor, Pam got to go backstage and to local parties where she met Frank Zappa, the Byrds, the Stones, the Doors and Steppenwolf when she was 16-19 in 1965-68.
Even though she had been meeting and befriending rockstars since 10th grade, Pamela says she was mostly a virginal groupie in the late 1960s, and didn’t sleep with any of them as a minor. With a couple of intimate exceptions—like making out with Jim Morrison when Pamela Courson wasn’t around—Pamela didn’t lose her virginity until she was 19. The guy ended up being bassist Nick St. Nicholas of hard rock band Steppenwolf, and she claims the experience was ~just okay (i.e. she barely remembers it). Since then, Pamela went on to casually date and randomly hookup with stars in the 1970s like previous art class subject Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, Keith Moon of the Who, Noel Redding of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Chris Hillman of the Byrds, Gram Parsons, and Waylon Jennings. Her first and only husband would be Michael des Barres of the B-list rock bands Silverhead and Detective from 1977-1991. Her only child, son Nicholas, was born on September 30th, 1978. She also went through a movie star phase and went on dates with former child actor Brandon de Wilde, TV star Don Johnson, comedian Michael Richards (??) and comic-turned-filmmaker Woody Allen (?!?!).
For work, Pamela had random jobs around the Sunset Strip from waitressing and retail to TV hosting and B-movie acting. After she finished school, she briefly babysat Frank & Gail Zappa’s kids and became part of Frank’s side project Girls Together Outrageously (AKA, the GTOs). The group was comprised of local LA County groupies as an experiment to see if they could make their own music too (spoiler: they can’t). During this period, Pamela went by the moniker ‘Miss Pamela’ or just ‘Ms P.’ The girls broke up after only two years together (1968-70) and one album released, ‘Permanent Damage’ (1969). Pam and fellow GTO Lucy Offerall both later had cameos in Zappa’s cult film 200 Motels (1971) alongside Ringo Starr, Keith Moon and Mark Volman. In her late 30s, Pam was inspired to take up writing after gossip journalist Stephen Davis told her she was a good storyteller while interviewing her for the (awful) Led Zeppelin biography Hammer of the Gods (1985). Soon she went on to coin the first ever groupie memoir in 1987 called I’m with the Band, which quickly gained notoriety in the music community. Since then, she’s written three more memoirs: Take Another Little Piece of My Heart (1993), Rock Bottom (1996), and Let’s Spend the Night Together (2007). In modern times, she occasionally writes featured columns for publications, her own blog posts and has her own ‘groupie’ fashion line. She’s also still friends with GTO pal Miss Mercy and fellow Led Zep groupie Michele Overman.
But how does she feel about carrying the title of ‘the most famous groupie in the world?’ Well, it’s complicated. Pamela claims the first time she ever heard of the word ‘groupie’ was by a Zeppelin roadie at a Hollywood party in 1969. For a decade she battled with people labeling her the ‘G’ word, as she tried to be taken seriously and not viewed as a slut. But by the time she was writing her books, she changed her tune since it’s the only reason anyone knows who she is. She even goes as far as to argue that groupies are the ‘real’ muses of rock music and feminist. 😒 Another little issue that occurred after living it up in the late ‘60s/early ‘70s. There was a new, wilder, less legal breed of groupies in town: baby groupies (or the Star Girls). Teen girls between ages 13-17 who were ~stealing all the rockstars from the 20-something, seasoned groupies like Pamela and Bebe Buell. In 1971, while Pamela was dating Don Johnson, she noticed that 14-year-old Melanie Griffith was hanging around his film sets and neighborhood a lot. Soon ‘a lot’ became all the time, and Don infamously dropped Pam for Mel. Then only two years later the same shit happens again, when Zep guitarist Jimmy Page ditched Pam at the English Disco for 14-year-old Lori Maddox in 1973. (BTW, Jimmy wasn’t even legitimately with either of them. He was living with French model Charlotte Martin. Oh, and Jimmy and Pam’s husband Michael were friends at one point and Jimmy would hang out at their house sometimes…awk.) Now seen as ‘old,’ or ‘over the hill’ as queen baby groupie Sable Starr apparently called her, Pamela went through an existential crisis at age 25 about her exes leaving her for literal school girls.
But rather than, I don’t know, raising her standards on men, she spends the next 30 years shaming these teen girls for being man-stealers or something. In I’m with the Band, she’s a lot more forgiving of Melanie and even claimed they’re friends now, but she still held a grudge at Lori. Then sometime in the mid-2000s, Pamela and Lori are suddenly ~good friends and Lori is subject of a chapter of Let’s Spend the Night Together. When David Bowie died in 2016, Pam finally started publicly stating that teen groupies are unethical. But then #metoo blew up in 2017, and it quickly occurred to people that in an environment where sexism and sexual misconduct are being re-evaluated; music stars getting one-night stands and random blow jobs while partying with young women anywhere from 13 to 30 years old started sounding really, hella sketchy. Instead of owning up to the culture being outdated, Pamela doubled down hard on groupie-ism, defended the statutory rape with the baby groupies, and thinks ‘sex, drugs and rock & roll’ isn’t an issue. In most of her interviews from 2018, like on “Ken Boxer Live,” and in Women Wear Daily, NME and The Big Issue Magazine; she says she’s ‘bored’ with being asked about #metoo and that it’s a whole different vibe in the music industry. (I’m sure the women accusing R. Kelly, Ryan Adams and Russell Simmons of abuse agree.)
I’m sorry, but you can’t claim being a groupie is feminist, and at the same time say all that shit and brag about giving hickeys to Jim Morrison or blowing Mick Jagger. Just admit it was all about partying and being with famous people.
P.S. Penny Lane in Almost Famous (2000) is not based on Pamela, no matter how much she (or any other famous groupie) claim the character is. Penny’s based on Pennie Ann Trumbull. Check out my earlier post on her.
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Monster in Me (Tom Hiddleston x Reader) (One-Shot) (Song-Fic)
Words: 2,900+
AN: This was requested by @namelesslosers on Tumblr. Here is the request I got.
Hey, how are you? I saw that your requests are open and I thought that maybe you would be interested in write this one: The reader is a famous singer and was dating Tom, after a while they broke up and in one of those awards shows where they both were invited, she ends up singing the song "Monster in Me" by Little Mix and it's about him. Feel free to choose the ending. Thank you :)
I loved this request, and I am so sorry it took so long to get out. I don’t know what happened, and super sorry about the overly long wait. I hope it was worth the wait and you enjoy it.
I was putting on my deep blue floor length dress for the Golden Globes award show and reception. I was asked to come and sing at the reception because of my growing popularity as a snigger and songwriter. I was a little on edge because I knew he would be there.
*Flash Back*
I was walking through the streets of London trying to get to the park and read. It was a warm summer day and I thought some fresh air would be good. I guess I got lost in my thoughts because I ran into something hard.
"I am sorry Miss," I heard a silky voice say. "I should have been looking where I was going."
"No. It's alright," I said looking up at the man I had walked into. "It was my fault, I should have been-"
I stopped midsentence because once I say who I had run into. I had literally run right into Tom Hiddleston. I just stared at him. To say I wasn't a fan would have been a lie. I had first seen him in "A Midnight in Paris" and really took a liking to him when I saw him in "The Hollow Crown".
"Are you alright?" Tom asked concerned.
"Yeah," I said collecting my thoughts. "I was just...I...I am just a fan of your work."
"Oh," Tom said with a smile. "I guess that makes two of us then, Miss Y/L/N."
"Wait," I said with a confused face. "You are a fan of mine?"
"Yep," Tom said still smiling. "I love your music. I can't help but sing along when I hear it come on the radio."
"Wow," I said quietly. "I am flattered Mr. Hiddleston."
"Tom," He said holding out his hand for me to shake. "Please, call me Tom."
"Okay, Tom," I said shaking his hand, with a smile. "Places, call me Y/N as well."
"Well then, Y/N," He began to say. "If you will allow me to make up running into you. I would like to take you for tea, I know a nice little cafe not far from here."
"It would be my pleasure," I said happily. "That sounds absolutely wonderful."
I had an amazing time with Tom that afternoon, and after we had finished, we even exchanged phone numbers. I couldn't wait to see him again.
*Time Skip*
It had been about two months since I met Tom and we have started hanging out a lot more. Tom had said he wanted to meet me at the cafe he took me to on the day we met. I put on a light green knee-length dress and some flats. I walked to where the cafe was located and saw Tom setting at one of the outside tables. When he saw me he stood up and waved at me, and when I got to the table he pulled my chair for me.
"Thank you," I said sitting down. "Always a gentleman."
"I try my best Y/N," Tom said with a soft chuckle as he sat down in his own chair. "Especially if it is for a woman like you."
"And a charmer too," I said jokingly with a smile. "I bet you say that to all the girls."
We both laugh and talk about whatever comes to mind while sipping on our warm drinks.
"Y/N," Tom began nervously. "I wanted to ask you something. That's actually the reason I asked you to meet me here today."
"Okay then," I said giving him my full attention. "What is it?"
"I know we haven't known each other that long," He said fidgeting with his hands as he talked. "I also understand if I am crossing a line with what I am about to ask. It's just, I really like talking with you and the more I get to know you, the more I want to be around you." He took both of my hands in his. "Would you do me the great honor of being my girlfriend?"
I was in shock and didn't know what to say. The most amazing man I have ever met is asking me to be his girlfriend? This must be a dream. Tom must have taken my silence as a no, and his face dropped.
"It's fine if you don't," Tom said with a sigh. "I am sorry if I crossed a line, and I hope you will still want to be friends."
"No, no, no!" I said quickly making him look deep into my eyes. "I would love to be your girlfriend, Tom! I was just thinking about how I managed to have the most amazing man ever ask me to be his girlfriend."
"Oh, my love," Tom said still looking me in the eyes. "I am the lucky one here. You as incredible and I will do everything I can to make you happy."
We both leaned in for a sweet and loving kiss, still hand in hand.
*Time Skip*
The first five months with Tom were some of the best in my life. He was so caring and gentle with me and was of the most supportive boyfriend a girl could hope for. When I released my new album, Tom was so happy for me and was the first one to buy a copy. Both you and Tom's fans loved you two as a couple, there had only been one or two bad comments made by a fan about you two being together. The rest of them thought you two where the cutest thing ever, they even started calling you two Y/S/N. (AN: Y/S/N = Your Ship Name) Things were never better.
But now, seven months in, things were taking a turn.
Tom had been busy with a press tour for his new movie and wanted me to go with him, but I had to do things in London and couldn't go. Tom was sad but understood that I needed to say and with one last kiss, he went on his way. He called at least once a day to talk to me and we tried to video chat a twice a week.
I had never once worried about Tom leaving me for another girl, well maybe a few times when we first started dating, but it wasn't really a huge thought in my mind after I saw how much he loved me. He would work with all of these beautiful and talented actresses, but I trusted him, just like how he trusted me when I worked with other male singers when he wasn't around.
Tom phoned me one night saying he was coming back early, the next day in fact, and I was overjoyed. I hadn't seen him for over a month and was missing him terribly. I was curious as to when brought him but early but was still very happy to see him.
When he did get home, it wasn't the "I missed you so much, I wish I could be with you all the time. I love you" kind of homecoming I was expecting.
I heard the door click open and raced to see Tom.
"Tom!" I yelled running to him wrapping my arms around him. "You have no idea how much I missed you!"
I kissed him on the lips, but he didn't kiss back, and he also didn't return my embrace.
"Couldn't have been that much." Tom mumbled to himself.
"What?" I asked taking a step back. "What do you mean by that Tom?"
"I mean," I said with a hint of anger in his voice. "You seemed to be in good compose while I was away. After all, you did spend a lot of time with Greg, you two went for dinner, drinks, and he was even at the house. And you didn't even tell me Y/N!"
I shrunk back when he raised his voice and the gathered my thoughts. Greg was another singer that just moved here from Spain and we became friends not long after.
"First off," I said while keeping a level tone. "I am going to assume you know this because you either saw pics or someone told you. It's not that big of a deal, you are fine when I get food with friends. And I will have you know, he was at the house because there was a leak in the pipes, and I needed an extra set of hands."
"Why not just call a professional then?" Tom asked sharply.
"Because, Mr. Touchy," I said defending myself but also with a sarcastic tone. "That would have been a waste of money. I knew how to fix it but needed some extra hands. Calm down."
"Calm down?" Tom asked with a now angry tone. "You want me to calm down? You were hanging around a man in OUR home while I was away and didn't even tell me about it!"
"You know what Tom?" I started as my own anger level was rising. "Whenever you go on press tours with all those beautiful women, do I ever ask you about it? NO, I don't! Maybe I should start! How do I know what you get up to behind closed doors! What goes on in your hotel rooms when you get "lonely" Thomas?!"
"Oh, come one Y/N," Tom said tossing his hands up in exasperation. "Now you are just being unreasonable!"
"No," I said flatly. "I am doing exactly what you are doing. This is literally what you were just accusing me of, but I guess because you are this high and mighty man it doesn't matter if I toss your own questions right back at you!"
"For goodness sakes!" Tom said loudly.
"You know what," I said taking a shaky breath. "I don't think this is working."
"Well then," Tom said, anger still evident in his voice. "That makes two of us."
"Glad to know how you feel," I said walking past him to the door, opening it. "I guess this is goodbye then. Sorry to have been so much trouble."
And with that, I walked out the door and into the late evening air. I texted my friend Emma asking if I could stay over that night.
(Tom's POV)
Once I heard the door close, I realized how much I had messed up. I didn't want her gone, what was I thinking to say that to her? Thinking back on the argument that had just taken place, I realized how stupid it was to blame her for seeing another man.
"You messed up this time." I said to myself as I looked out the window at the darkening sky.
*Time Skip to Present Time*
It had been about two months since Tom and I broke up, but I still felt hurt. I remembered all that we had done together as I drove to the Golden Globes and wondered what the night would bring.
The show went great, some many amazing actors, actresses, filmmakers, and directors were there, and getting the awards they deserved for their amazing work that year. Then came the reception, where I was supposed to sing. I had chosen the song "Monster in Me" by Little Mix to sing for everyone tonight.
As I walked to the stage, I saw a Tom sitting at a crowded table with some other actors, and I looked away before he could look back.
I made it to the stage and then the music started playing.
Beautiful creatures, you and me Every time that we touch it's dangerous This spark is more than chemistry Beautiful liars, drowning deep Every night we fight and it's hot like hell But it feels like heaven between the sheets
Every time we let go I scream, and I call for more
Touch me Why don't we kill each other slowly? What can I say, baby, what can I do? The monster in me loves the monster in you Hold me Squeeze a little tighter 'til we can't breathe What can I say, baby, what can I do? The monster in me loves the monster in you Monster in me, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, ayy, ayy Loves the monster in you, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, ayy, ayy
I looked out into the audience and saw Tom and this time we made eye contact.
Beautiful killer, cut me deep Just a single kiss and I'm under your spell
Will you go in like I've never seen
Beautiful fire, love the heat, mm Every night we fight and it's hot like hell But I love the way that you make me scream
And every time I let go I cry, and I beg for more -ore
Touch me Why don't we kill each other slowly? What can I say, baby, what can I do? The monster in me loves the monster in you Hold me Squeeze a little tighter 'til we can't breathe (can't breathe, baby) What can I say, baby, what can I do? The monster in me loves the monster in you Monster in me, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, ayy, ayy Loves the monster in you, mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm, ayy, ayy (ah, yeah)
I could see the pain and regret in his eyes, and I could tell he saw it in mine too.
Every moment we spend Turning from friends to enemies And fighting to hold on to each other Every second we fall to fire below It's so beautiful The hell that we both made for each other But it's all love and war Louder we roar, crying for more I know it's so wrong, but baby just
I could feel myself getting emotional, but I needed to hold it together till the end of the song.
Touch me Why don't we kill each other slowly? What can I say, baby, what can I do? (Oh) The monster in me loves the monster in you (babe) Hold me Squeeze a little tighter 'til we can't breathe (can't breathe, ooh) What can I say, baby, what can I do? (Baby) The monster in me loves the monster in you The monster in me, yeah
I closed my eyes to hold back the tears I could feel forming.
(Wanting me, haunting you)
(Haunting me, haunting you, ooh) Oh (Wanting me, haunting you) Oh (Wanting me, haunting you, ooh)
Wanting me, haunting you Haunting me, haunting you, ooh Wanting me, haunting you Haunting me
Once I was done and the music stopped everyone clapped and I took a bow before heading off the stage and walking to the door. I needed some air and to be out of the way of people so I would pull myself together. Once I was outside, I let the tears come out and looked up the star-filled night sky. Then out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind me.
"Y/N?" I heard the voice of the one man I was trying to avoid. "I...we.....we need to talk."
I turned around and faced him, trying to wipe the tears from my eyes.
"I am so, so sorry my love," Tom said pulling me tightly agents his firm chest in a hug. "Words cannot express how sorry I am. I should have never said what I said that day, I was just so daft." He said that last bit almost to himself. "I missed you so much and wish I could take back all the nasty things I said to you." Tom pulled away slightly but still held me in his arms. He used his right hand to wipe away one of my tears. "The day I asked you to be mine, I said I would do anything to make you happy." He looked deep into my Y/E/C eyes with his blue ones. "And what did I go and do? I hurt you so bad and made you leave. I am so sorry my love. Is there any way you would take me back? I swear I will always love you and won't drive you away ever again. I don't think I could live with myself if I drove you away again."
"I...I," I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I missed Tom so much and wanted to take him back. His apology warmed my heart and made me realized he still loved me as much as I loved him. "Yes. I have been waiting to hear those words for so long but was scared you didn't want me back. I will take you back Tom. I will always take you back."
He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and spun me around with a huge smile on his face. Then he set me down and gave me the most love-filled look I have ever seen. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in the most passionate kiss ever. It held so much love, pain, longing, hope, and joy, and I knew that everything was going to be alright again. Tom had me and I had Him.
Tag List: @theoneanna @mybabydrivesa67impala @lokislittleslut @camu-winchester @jessiejunebug @fandomnerdsarecool @kinghiddlestonanddixon
Let me know if you want to be tagged. Requests are open.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/nick-viall-not-feeling-vanessa-grimaldi-donald-trump-low-blows-mika/
Nick Viall not feeling Vanessa Grimaldi and Donald Trump low blows Mika
Rumors have recently come to light, claiming that things are rocky between Bachelor couple Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi. As you may know, Nick and Vanessa got engaged at the end of the last season of The Bachelor, in which Nick presented the Montreal-native with the final rose. While the two have been together for several months now, sources close to the pair say that things may not end up working out for the reality show lovebirds. Just last weekend, both Nick and Vanessa were spotted in Puerto Vallarta, as they attended fellow Bachelor stars Carly Waddell and Evan Bass’s wedding. Despite being in such a romantic setting, according to insiders, Vanessa and Nick looked quite “miserable” while at the ceremony. One source that was on the same flight as the duo coming back from Mexico told media publication US Weekly, “[Nick and Vanessa] didn’t exchange five words the entire flight [from Mexico back to Los Angeles]. They were angled completely away from each other.” The same source went on to spill, “Nick grabbed his bag and ran ahead of Vanessa…they really don’t seem to like each other.” Ever since they wrapped up Nick’s season of The Bachelor, both Vanessa and Nick have been bombarded with wedding-related questions. However, the reality show couple has been adamant that they are looking to take things “slow” and let their relationship naturally evolve. Insiders have been telling the media that the two stars are constantly bickering with each other. One Bachelor insider claimed, “It’s not a solid relationship, and it won’t last.” Unfortunately, the success rate of Bachelor couples is extremely low. In fact, the Bachelor star before Nick, Ben Higgins, just recently split from the winner of his season, Lauren Bushnell. We will just have to wait and see if Nick and Vanessa are able to make it past this rocky patch in their relationship or if Nick will return to the franchise for the fourth time… President Donald Trump ridiculed the looks and temperament of a female cable television host whose show he says he has stopped watching. In a series of tweets Thursday morning, the president went after Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, who have criticized Trump on their MSNBC show "Morning Joe." https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/880408582310776832 "I heard poorly rated @Morning Joe speaks badly of me (don't watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came ... to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!" https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/880410114456465411 Brzezinski responded on Twitter by posting a photograph of a Cheerios box that has the phrase "made for little hands." Critics looking to get under the president's skin have long suggested that his hands appear smaller than usual for his frame. https://twitter.com/morningmika/status/880415526371176448 "It's a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job," NBC News spokeswoman Lorie Acio said in a statement. The White House did not immediately respond to questions about the tweets, including what it was that set the president off. About two hours before the president's tweets, Brzezinski said on the show that "it's not normal behavior" for any leader to be tweeting about people's appearances, bullying, lying, undermining managers and throwing people under the bus. Saying that if any business executive behaved the way Trump does, "There would be concern that perhaps the person who runs the company is out of his mind." On their Wednesday show, Brzezinski and Scarborough roundly mocked Trump for displaying in several of his golf resorts a fake Time Magazine cover featuring himself. "That's needy," Brzezinski said on the show. About 15 minutes before the president himself tweeted, White House social media director Dan Scavino similarly attacked the hosts. "#DumbAsARockMika and lover #JealousJoe are lost, confused & saddened since @POTUS @realDonaldTrump stopped returning their calls! Unhinged," Scavino wrote on his personal account. Trump was correct that the MSNBC hosts spent time at the president's Florida resort, a visit that Scarborough said was to arrange a Trump interview. The hosts confirmed they are engaged to be married earlier this month. Is it actually the Hello, Goodbye tour for Adele? Pop superstar Adele has hinted that her current tour for Grammy-winning album "25" will be her last. The 29-year-old included a signed, handwritten note in the program for her Wednesday night show at Wembley Stadium in London stating, "I don't know if I'll ever tour again and so I want my last time to be at home." Her announcement comes at the end of a 15-month tour throughout Europe, the US, Australia and New Zealand. "Touring is a peculiar thing, it doesn't suit me particularly well," she said. The "Hello" singer will perform three more shows in London, finishing her tour on Sunday after a total of 123 performances. Rob Lowe says he thought he was going to be killed during an encounter with a bigfoot creature while filming his new A&E docuseries. Lowe tells Entertainment Weekly the encounter took place in the Ozark Mountains, which stretch between Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. Lowe says he and his sons were camping there to investigate a Bigfoot-like creature known to locals as a "wood ape" during a shoot for "The Lowe Files" when something began to approach their camp. Lowe says he was lying on the ground thinking he was going to be killed. He adds that he's "fully aware" the story makes him sound like "a crazy, Hollywood kook." "The Lowe Files" follows the actor and sons Matthew and John Owen as they explore mysterious phenomena across the country. Michelle Rodriguez is threatening to leave "The Fast and the Furious" franchise unless its female characters are treated differently. Rodriguez wrote on Instagram on Tuesday that she hopes filmmakers decide "to show some love to the women of the franchise" in its next installment. If not, she says, she "just might have to say goodbye."
Gary Gray directed the eighth film in the series, "The Fate of the Furious," and is defending the treatment of women in that movie.
He tells Business Insider he "thought the combination of female characters was pretty strong." Gray notes that Charlize Theron played the antagonist in the film and Helen Mirren made a cameo. The ninth film in the franchise is due out in 2019. MTV says it doesn't condone driving under the influence after a cast member was shown nodding off behind the wheel during the most recent episode of "Teen Mom OG." Monday's episode of the reality series shows Ryan Edwards nodding off while driving fiancee Mackenzie Standifer to their elopement. Standifer eventually turned the dashboard cameras off and questioned Edwards on whether he took Xanax. Edwards denied doing so. An MTV representative says Edwards' "erratic behavior was due to actions that he took without anyone's prior knowledge." No production members were in the vehicle during the shoot. The couple got married during the episode. Edwards says he entered rehab facility more than 30 days ago. He says he is at home now and "life could not be better." Forest fires affect hundreds, if not thousands, of Americans every year. This year is no different, as forest fires continue to pop up across the country. Unfortunately, Big Bang Theory star Johnny Galecki’s home got caught up in one of these fires earlier this week. According to numerous reports, Johnny’s Californian home was completely destroyed, as it found itself in the path of a massive forest fire. The actor’s home, which was situated in the Santa Margarita area, fell victim to a 1200-acre fire that devastated the surrounding area. As of Tuesday, Johnny had yet to see the damage. However, sources claim that the star was planning to return to his destroyed home once he got the all clear from local firefighters. In a statement made to TMZ, Johnny addressed the tragic situation, saying, “My heart goes out to all in the area who are also experiencing loss from this vicious fire, the threat of which we live with constantly, which may seem crazy to some but we do so because living in a beautiful, rural area makes it worthwhile.” The 42-year-old actor went on to say, “Endless thanks to CalFire and the Sheriff’s Office. I know you guys are fighting the good fight to keep us safe. So very relieved no one has been hurt.” Tennis superstar Serena Williams is the latest female celebrity to bare it all while pregnant. On the latest issue of Vanity Fair, Serena shows off her beautiful bump while posing fiercely for the cover. Serena’s longtime friend, famous photographer Annie Leibovitz, took the photo, which showcases Serena’s incredible-as-ever shape. In addition to starring on the cover of VF, Serena also gave an exclusive interview to the magazine; in which, she spoke candidly about her pregnancy. When asked about how she felt when she first learned she was pregnant, Serena revealed, “I did a double take, and my heart dropped. Like literally it dropped, ‘Oh my god, this can’t be - I’ve got to play a tournament. How am I going to play the Australian Open? I had planned on winning Wimbledon (her third straight) this year.’” Now, even though she is a number of months along in her pregnancy, Serena told Vanity Fair that she continues to be stunned by the fact that she’ll soon be a mother. The tennis athlete gushed, “It just doesn’t seem real. I don’t know why ‘Am I having a baby?’ I don’t know what to do with a baby. I have nothing...I’ve done absolutely nothing for the baby room.’” Fortunately, Serena has her fiancé Alexis Ohanian by her side, who surprised her a few months back with a proposal. When asked about her fiancée’s proposal, Serena admitted that she did [somewhat] see it coming. She told Vanity Fair, “I knew it was coming. I was like ‘Serena, you’re 35, you’re ready. This is what you want.’” You can see more of Serena in the August issue of Vanity Fair.
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