#but thinks about missy and simm!master in that verse being twins
quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
dont give me a character. ill find a way to make them a twin. dont try me.
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sclfmastery · 4 years
© mum facts specific to our verses. Permission to fully go off. :D
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Hell yeah, I need soft things.... get ready bitches, this is all my mainverses, so it’s gonna be LONG lmfao.
SIMM X THIRTEEN (kids: Zinnia, Martha, Jack) :  --Became licensed doula just so he could be the one to deliver all his kids. Has done so, with aplomb.  In fact never lets anyone forget that he is in fact a licensed doula. Will mention it 3-5 times per conversation with anyone ever.
--Spoiled Thirteen a lot during pregnancy.  To the point that she starts to like being pregnant, lol.  --Goes interchangeably by “Daddy” and “Mum.”  Whichever the kid is feeling at the time. Secretly likes “Mum” best but doesn’t wanna pressure anybody.  --He is terrified his children will find out one day about the horrible things he’s done to their mother’s companions in the past.  
--He misses being a mother specifically. His clearest memories of parenthood are as a mother of one daughter, in his second face, which is little-known-of, but is the face Missy referred to when she mentioned a brooch the Doctor gave her “when my daughter....”  He is convinced he will fail his three current babies as he did his first child, by failing to protect her during the Time War, when ostensibly she died (but who knows, maybe she didn’t....?)  --Literal best friends with eldest daughter, Zinnia, thusly named after the first earth flower to bloom in space.  She is him, miniature, down to the fat cheeks, tiny nose, and exact shade of blond hair.  Her faceclaim is Elle Fanning.  She’s artistic (she assigns colors to people’s telepathic “feeling,” with the Master as Red, the Doctor as Blue, herself as Purple) and almost bizarrely prescient about the moods and thoughts of others, especially for a child of three. Her vocab is up to that of a seven or eight year old human child’s.   --Learned to sew to make a lot of her stuffed animals. Learned to cook to make her organic baby food and branched out to adult meals. Previously was a disastrously bad cook. 
--Has built the most complex maze of Erector Set toys (think the little builder people from Fraggle Rock lol) for babies.  This, he believes, will be their little playground paradise.  It’s set so that anytime Zinnia opens the nursery door and walks in, a little purple ball rolls along the whole landscape.  During Christmas time (this Koschei loves Christmas even though he hates humans, lol) he also builds in a trainset with a little waving Santa Claus in the engine car.  He delights in spoiling his children with elaborate toys and games.  --Right before Zinnia was born, revamped the entire merged DoctorxMaster superTARDIS to be child proofed, and made the nursery armored so that even in the unlikely event of an enemy penetrating the TARDIS, the nursery would lock and be impenetrable to anyone but either parent.  Woke up at night terrified by nightmares of convoluted ways she could be killed on the TARDIS.  Like, truly implausible ways.  --Took extensive scientifically sound documentation of every stage of both of Thirteen’s pregnancies.  Measured her belly, took videos, asked her roughly every other day if they could go take a new sonogram.  
--Gained about 25 lbs of sympathy weight over the first pregnancy. All custard cream stress-eating. 
--Upon Thirteen’s urging, named their next kids, fraternal twins, Martha and Jack, after companions they both felt they’d especially wronged, as a vow to do better.
--Zinnia adores Bill Potts, or “Auntie Bill.” After the Master offers careful conversation (and profuse sincere apology) to Bill, who is living with Heather on a distant planet, they very slowly reconcile their friendship from their time on the Mondasian ship.  He convinces her to talk to the Doctor, who also apologizes and reconciles with Bill. Zinnia has decided she will be Bill’s best friend forever. 
--Koschei will impenitently kill anyone who threatens his children’s lives, and has. And not in a quick merciful way. 
--Ironically he regularly has nightmares about converting all three of them, but especially Zinnia, into Cybermen: something he would die before ever doing. 
--This Koschei is his babie’s best A) playmate (no game is too silly or undignified), B) storyteller, and C) cheerleader/advocate.  He can pull any child out of the deepest meltdown or tantrum or sad spot or post-nightmare fear with a snuggle and just a few words.  His sanguine disposition and bombastic charm are a comfort to them. 
--This Koschei and Thirteen are planning on terraforming Gallifrey in their timeline, which is POST-Timeless-Children canon.  They want to plant a silver tree and build an entire “home base” farm around it, where their babies can play and grow up knowing the land of their heritage. 
--He absolutely wants a kid, wants to be “mum,” with all the same memories from his Second face, but is afraid to ask Nine about loom tech now that Nine destroyed Gallifrey. Will it upset, guilt, or trigger his husband to bring up anything lost to the carnage? 
--He absolutely wants a kid, wants to be “mum,” and is wholly intending to ask the Doctor at the right moment in their relationship, when the Doctor is more secure that he’s forgiven and that Koschei harbors no lingering resentments or mistrust (he really doesn’t, but this Doctor is very tired and emotionally fragile, and is having a hard time believing him).  As all Time Lords are intersex (EU canon, though I can’t remember the source now, gah), he’s considering carrying the first child the “non-loomy way,”  though managing this will be difficult given the only thing all Time Lords share reproductively is a uterus.  If that can’t be managed, he wants them to build a loom. And he will demand that they do, lmao.
DHAWAN x THIRTEEN (children: Nova): --Thirteen is “mum” and Koschei is “mama.”
--During Thirteen’s pregnancy, Koschei took progress photos of her belly and painted her at every stage, in the nude.   He’s an accomplished visual artist in this face.  
--She asked that he also paint a planet on her pregnant belly.  He obliged of course. 
--He hid all her disgusting sweets and candies during her pregnancy, with riddles and notes explaining “bad for baby xoxo,” and she almost killed him.  
--But he also spoiled her a lot. 
--Koschei is an accomplished seamstress ;) and sews all of Nova’s clothes.  She is very haute couture because of mama. 
--Nova is born deaf.  She and her mama have been telepathically “conversing” since she was in the womb, however, so they already have their own developed language.  Koschei learns comprehensive BSL in one day by putting his brain on three separate simultaneous tracks (as he’s shown able to do in The Timeless Children) and devoting each to mastery of the vocabulary. He then teaches it to his daughter when she’s old enough to learn.
--Thirteen often calls Koschei “mama kangaroo.” This is because he carries Nova everywhere inside whatever shirt he’s wearing, like it’s a kangaroo pouch.  He does this until she’s like seven or eight and just too big for it.  He cries when he has to stop.  She’s pretty bummed out too, but she starts to ride around on his back instead. 
--During the aftermath of the Timeless Children events, Koschei sought therapy, even voluntarily staying at a facility for mental wellness when he could have easily sabotaged the efforts and broken out.  He learned all kinds of self-soothing mindfulness and meditation techniques there. He teaches these telepathically to Nova and they sit together yogi style meditating. Sometimes this is a hybrid event with tea parties. They both wear their best dress.   
--They also enjoy taking a dip in the TARDIS’s pool together.  He plays Jaws to make her laugh.
--I have more but I’ll stop. FOR NOW. 
--Same exact deal as Simm and Nine.  Same. Exact. Deal, but mixed up with Simm and Twelve :3c So he wants to very literally become a mum with his big tough husband-to-be.  
Both of my muses live and die for their children.  They adore being dadmums.  They are the best version of themselves with and for their babies. 
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