#but there's no way the staff or lucy didn’t tear him to shreds for trying to walk away from that after that shootout outside the hospital
dylanconrique · 2 years
S5 Ep5 Synopsis is "a past injury comes to haunt Tim and Lucy comes through during his time in need in more ways than one."
I wonder what happens in this ep?
a physical injury coming back to haunt tim?! please tell me it's one of his military wounds, and we get to see flashbacks to when he served in the army!!!! i would seriously love nothing more. anything to dissect him like a science experiment.
ngl i hope he's out of commission 5x05 cause i need to see how well tim can pull off wearing a hospital gown. i'm already salivating at the mere mental image, give it to meeeee!!
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chocobro-hijinks · 7 years
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oh boy oh boy what fresh hell this is gonna be
didn’t used to be helpful at all, depended more on the royal medics to deal with any and all of your complaints
losing his arm made him appreciate the strength of will that you go through dealing with your constant pain because wow who knew painkillers didn’t always do their job????
having some chronic pain of his own made him aware of the shitty reality you go through day in and day out without shredding everything and everyone around you
the smallest gestures hurt like a bitch, the simplest bump sends hot electricity up his shoulder and neck and jaw, his whole body overheats when the metal gets warm which makes him delirious and pissy
how the fuck did you deal with this with a smile on your face???? HE IS LIVID AND UNCOMFORTABLE IT IS NOT FAIR THAT THERE IS NO CURE OR FUNCTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT
now when you’re pale in the face and hunched over he doesn’t run away under the pretense of work and overtime, instead he takes you into his personal quarters and sits you in his fluffy bed, and takes off any garments with pointy bits to keep from adding to your pain
he’s not used to all the cuddling and physical affection but he lets it happen, because now you know not to mess with his own nope zone and the human proximity actually helps the magic buzzing through his veins to settle
after going through a few flares with you, he helps figure out what went wrong and how to make it better for next time, and chews people off when their carelessness could have/did hurt you in any way
the staff members of his household and kitchens know exactly what kinds of foods and chemicals set you off and know to avoid using them
there’s always a tub of your favorite ice cream in his fridge and you’re given free reign over the thermostat
the dogs learn to annoy you when it’s time to take your medicine and don’t listen to any calming commands until you do it
would constantly yoyo between mocking you and helping you depending on his mood 
he’s busy most of the week so you don’t get to see him for several days at a time, but on the weekend he always comes back to at least get a change of clothes
so on days where you’re already occupying his couch with your body and blankets and heating pads and pillows, he would join the pile without comment
he’s a difficult and complicated man, but when he wraps his arms around you and whispers his frustration about how much he missed you and actual human touch, you can’t help but hug him back and run your hands through his hair
you’re not sure if he’s actively healing you or if it’s just the cuddles, but you actually feel better after napping entangled in him
he’s a surprisingly good cook and makes the best Daggerquill and veggie soup you’ve ever had
sometimes he’d listen to you describe your pain with distant eyes and a guarded expression, then suggest a small insignificant thing for you to try which actually helps alleviate some of the discomfort, he would pretend it’s a coincidence but you both know that’s not true
other days you’d be begging him for help and he’d be checking his phone like “lmao that’s rough buddy” 
this man spent a thousand years being drained by a crystal that rejected him, he’s got a thing or two he can teach you about distractions and projecting
one day you’re allowed to come with on his excursion to The Keep, you’re impressed and grateful that they’re working on some bombastic painkillers but you don’t say anything because praising him is addressing his soft spot for you and that might make him want to compulsively sabotage the whole research just to prove that he doesn’t
he’s a difficult and complicated man, but he’s your difficult and complicated man
would drop whatever job she was working to be with you
this lady would literally throw money (and sharp objects) at vendors to get you what you need
if you need hugs and cuddles she would give you that, if you need space and privacy she would hang out in the living room watching tv until you were ready for something different
isn’t a very good cook but knows all the best spots that serve great food, avoiding the ones that makes dishes that irritate your sore spots
had her fair share of bad mental health days and knows that they come hand in hand with chronic pain, she will help you through them any way she knows how
she’s always cheerful and supportive and bubbly but when you’re having a particularly bad day you can see the barrier of tears in her eyes at how helpless she really felt
her chest is the best pillow in the world and she welcomes you with open arms
loves cuddling and rolling around in bed and if that’s what you need then that’s the plan for today
good at the tough-loving thing, will convince you to do the things you have to do even if you don’t want to
don’t wanna bathe? too bad you smell like a wet garulessa now get up it’s time for a shower
can’t be arsed to get dressed? look pants are optional but at least put a shirt on so you don’t make Wedge and Biggs uncomfortable when they come in for the daily reports
you can be tired and ugly all you want, but when you start to feel better you have to show it, you owe it to yourself to pick up the slack and cheer up the you that’s in the mirror, so yes she will style your hair and slap moisturizer on your crustyass face
on the jobs she can’t ditch, she will constantly keep communication open on the phone just to make sure you’re doing alright and that the neighbors know what to do in case of an emergency
brings back snacks and a parrot she confiscated off some Nifillian street rogue, it only knows the words “help” and “what a nerd!”
pretends to be an emotionless big manly man with no feelings most of the time but...
instantly softens up when you tell him you’re descending into a hell of constant searing pain and bad emotional roller coasters
he’s good at keeping a straight face when things go bad on the job but when he’s with you, you’ll be faced with is his big watery eyes and the shaky concern in his voice
he’s a fighter, he knows nothing about medicine and pain management or what the fuck people are asking for when they say they’re gonna throw up
this boy has to be told what to do, ask him to bring you a heating pad and he will, tell him to get your meds from the cupboard and he can tell exactly which ones you mean, but if you expect him to figure things out on his own you’re in for a long night
gets frustrated when you don’t start to get better right away and drowns himself in work and training and trips to Lucis for several days at a time
you’re the one suffering but you understand how difficult it must be for him to see you in so much pain when there’s very little he can do to help
the more he comes to terms that your situation is constant and is not gonna go away, the trips overseas decrease and the training sessions consume less of his day than they did before
he prints out a list of things to avoid and things to have often, and hangs it on the fridge with little scribbled hearts and robot knights in the corners
strangely, he manages to counter balance your actions without realizing it
when you’re so fed up that you lash out, he will hug you and tell you that it’s gonna get better, you just have to survive today
when you pretend to be okay and tell him you’re used to it, he gets angry and starts ranting about how awful the astrals must be for inflicting this injustice on the people they’re supposed to protect, and how he’s glad he’s put in charge of beating the crap out of them
he tries to be a good person and earn his spot in your life because you both know that’s the only place he’s allowed to be his sympathetic clingy  self 
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