#but there's a discord so hopefully if I give in n ask I'll get some pity help
paeinovis · 1 year
I just spent Far Too Much Time downloading programs and assets until I figured out how to do like. Objection.lol but locally. And coded the start of the fic I was writing. It's like . Max two minutes if that after six ish hours jdbsjbdhd but I've Created A Thing !
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fantasylandbitch · 10 months
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Hi, my name is Elizabeth and I'm 26. I have many different interests the current one being the Scream Series. My personality is a mix of a lot of different things so I'll link the post here so you can get an insight into whom you'll be following. I am also multi-talented which isn't something I like to brag about, however,...it's true and I am also Autistic so be patient with me if I don't understand something right away.
My friends call me: Elizabeth, Lizzy, Liz, and Beth (<-The nickname is growing on me)
Follow My Spotify: Wolfie
My Discord: Arkhivelovey
My AO3: FantasyLandBitch (<-This is new to me so be gentle)
Note: I'm working on trying to add the fics that I have been working on, on to my AO3 account so please be patient.
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Like I said above, I will below. When I say I am multi-talented I mean I can literally do anything I put my mind and hands to like drawing by hand, digitally drawing, creating art for playlists, curating playlists, writing stories, making personal banners like the ones I made for myself, and geez so much more.
Note: I like to give advice sometimes and tell everyone what is on my mind but I try to keep certain information to myself. I also love telling dirty jokes, even saying some unhinged stuff and sometimes my humor is broken.
Below are the current fics I'm working on and will hopefully will be continuing to work on in the future in chronological order.
Scream 4-6: The Prequal: A Prequal series to "A Love So Understanding" where you get to learn about the upbringing of Y/n and how you navigated life before and after meeting the Core 4.
This will probably be like one-shots. (Coming Soon)
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Scream 6: A Love So Understanding: Read the first Chapter to learn how Y/n and Sam start to become comfortable around each other will they fall in love or will Ghost Face start to put a strain on their relationship?
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Scream 6: A New Season: After the events of Scream 6 / "A Love So Understanding Series," you get to follow a renewed series that shows how Y/n and Sam's relationship further blossoms. (Coming Soon)
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Scream 7: It Ends Here: Follow the new installment of A Love So Understanding series where Y/n and the core four are setting up for Christmas in time for Santa Claus to come to town only to find out it's Ghost Face who is out for blood. (Coming Soon)
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General Section:
About Me
My Asks
My News Updates (on stories, future projects)
Night Thoughts
A Letter To Her, To You, To Yourself
FantasyLandBitch's Spotify Recommendations
FantasyLandBitch's Art
What I Made for Friends
Commission Work (Coming Soon)
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catacomb231 · 2 years
Baby Birdie|Hawks x F! Reader PART EIGHT
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Summary:Your secret relationship gets leaked to the press and now being in the same spotlight and pressure Hawks has, you begin to rethink your feelings for this relationship..
TW!! A LITTLE bit of suggestive thing😉
Part Seven
Join Our Discord Server!
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"Ms. L/N! Is it true you're dating Hawks?!"
"Ms. L/N! Are the rumors of you being pregnant true?"
"What does it feel like to kiss him??"
All of these obnoxious and kind of creepy questions were bombarding you all at once! You plug your ears while you try and escape the crowd of reporters following you. Just because you and Hawks had a little slip up and kisses for just a second! And soon that picture was leaked and now all over the news. You didn't want this!
You finally shake them off your tail and get back to your apartment, closing the door and let out a big sigh. At least you're safe in your apartment. You let out a groan as you flop down on to your couch. Suddenly a tap comes on your glass balcony door and you look over to see Hawks standing there. You sigh and get up and let him in.
"I'm glad you got home safely! There were reporters everywhere!" He tells you and you just lightly nod. "Yeah.. I know." You reply and turn away, walking back over to the livingroom couch. "I'm sorry for all of this. I never wanted you to get into the public eye! I'm not hearing the end of it from the Commission either." Hawks explains as he followed, sitting beside you.
You just started down at your lap as you fiddled with your hands. "I know, it's just... " You begin, still avoiding eye contact. "I just.. I don't know about this whole thing.." you continue, causing Hawks to tense up and look at you concerned and confused. "What do you mean, Y/N?" He asks. "I mean.. your life is so fast and hard to deal with! And.. I think we should.. have some space."
A pang hit through Hawks heart. "Like.. break up..?" He asks quietly, causing you to look at him like he's crazy. "No no! Not break up! It's just.. I need some time to figure out if this is the life I want.." you explain, causing Hawks to sigh. He didn't want to leave you, but he understood where you were coming from. It's a hard thing to date a pro hero-especially the number 2 Hero.
"I understand... I will give you the space you need." He tells you, causing you to nod. "Thank you.."
You two sat in silence for a while until Hawks stands up. "I guess I'll head off then." He says and was about to walk towards the balcony but you grab his hand, stopping him. He looks over at your face that was trying it's best not to stay crying. "Wait! Uhm.. we can.. spend the rest of the night together first. We can start tomorrow.." You suggest, gripping his hand tightly.
Hawks was happy to hear that because he nods and kisses your hand, bringing you into a hug, which you happily returned. "Alright. You'll have my undivided attention."
You sigh. "Thank you."
The morning sun rays ran across the comforter that you and Hawks laid under. Hawks was on his back with his arm wrapped around to your left arm as you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head on his chest, hearing his calming heartbeat. You guys just woke up and now you two just laid in silence, staring at the ceiling. Neither of you wanted to get up knowing what was awaiting you guys.
Luckily, your guy's last night "activities" will hopefully keep you both sane for some time while you figure this out. "I promise I'll figure this out as fast as I can." You tell him, earning a small nod from Hawks. "I know." He replies, before you both return to silence. You felt bad because you felt like Hawks didn't want this, and it didn't seem fair. But you had to know if he's worth this or not.
It was going to be hard without him, but you knew you had to do this. It took a while, but finally, Hawks gets up from bed so he can get ready for work. You sit up in bed and watch him get dressed into his uniform before he kisses you on the head. "I hope you figure it out soon." He tells you with a smile, but it wasn't a happy smile.
He heads to the balcony and slides the door open, glancing back at you before flying away. Only once he was gone you began to cry and bury your face in the comforter.
A couple of days have passed since you told Hawks you needed time to think and it was killing both of you! Your apartment seemed so empty and big without him. No bright red wings to stroke or cuddle into. No singing in the morning. Just completely silence. But you knew you needed this. Whatever the outcome would be, you knew you needed this.
Hawks had left you with a feather so if you ever need him and you can't reach him through his phone, he knows you're in trouble with the feather. You thought you would be fine but you were wrong! Cuz like, of course you are!!
You were just sleeping, it was about 2 in the morning when you hear a window break from the living room, causing you to sit up, staring at the doorway with wide, frightful eyes. Your quirk reflected your emotions by sprouting a dead flower, but you quickly pluck it off. You hear the floor creak and heavy footsteps start creeping closer and closer, getting closer to your bedroom.
You reach your hand underneath the pillow behind you, ready to grab Hawks' wing if you need it. However your body skyrocketed with dread as you see the villain Dabi walk into your bedroom. He stopped in the doorway, meeting your eyes with his piercing blue ones. He seemed just as shocked to see you as you saw him, almost as if he was expecting no one to be here.
You were about to open your mouth to scream or say something, but he beat you to it. "You open up that pretty little mouth of yours and I'll burn your lips off." He threatens, causing you to quickly close your mouth again. You stared at him in fear, shaking and gripping the feather. You didn't even know what he wanted from you! Please hurry, Hawks! You thought.
"Now listen up," He begins. "I am going to take what I need to take and you won't call the police or for help if you wanna live. Got it?" He tells you, earning a frantic nod from you. He started going around your apartment, looking for anything that would be interesting. As he was distracted, you slowly started inching towards the fire escape window that was in your bedroom.
You reach the window without him spotting you and open it up, climbing out and on to the metal platform that was on the side of the apartment complex. That's when he had turned around and spotted you. "I told you to stay put." He says, his low threatening voice spooking you and causes you to whip around and watch as he starts walking towards you.
You look around but find yourself cornered, so you hop over the railing and jump down. "Is this woman crazy??" Dabi says to himself before looking over the railing, down at the far ground below.
But he didn't find you splat on the ground like he expected. That's when he hears flapping and he smirks, turning around to see Hawks flying in place while holding you in his arms. He glares right over at Dabi through narrowed eyes. "Well if it isn't the number 2 hero." Dabi says with a chuckle, but Hawks doesn't respond and instead shot feathers at him. Dabi easily dodges though and gets away after hearing the police sirens in the distance. Once he was gone, Hawks goes into his worried and protective mode and sets you back down on the fire escape. "Are you okay?? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asks frantically while looking over you. You grab his hands and lower them. "I'm Okay Hawks.." You reassure him while staring into his golden eyes.
"I am so glad I got here in time to catch you! That was crazy!" He says as he pulls you into a hug. You wrap your arms around his back and hug back, burying your face into his chest. You took in his fresh, airy smell and small scent of fried chicken. "It was... But I knew you'd catch me." You reassure him, causing him to relax a little bit.
After telling the police and everything, going down to the station with them for some paperwork, Hawks flew you back to your apartment. He silently sets you down and turn to look at him. You two stared at each other before you felt like you were gonna start crying again. "I'll be okay now, Keigo.. I promise." You reassure him, trying to reassure yourself too. He nods. "I know.. Get some sleep dove, and be careful." He replies, kissing you on the forehead before flying away. You take in a deep breath and wipe your tears away before walking in, locking your door once again.
You were exhausted, and practically fell right back to sleep after falling into bed.
Hawks lands just outside the abandoned warehouse and walks in, making eye contact with Dabi. His body was hidden away in the dark shadows, barely illuminated by the moonlight that came through the large windows up above. However, it seemed like his icy blue eyes pierced and glowed in the darkness. Hawks glares at him as he approaches, stopping a few feet away. Dabi had a crap eating grin on his face.
"Since when did you get a girlfriend?" Dabi sneers, causing Hawks' red wings to puff up. "She isn't my girlfriend." He muttered back a reply. "Oh, so I can have her to myself?" He says in a mischievous tone. "Don't you dare." Hawks threatens in a deep tone, causing Dabi to chuckle. "So when did the mighty Hawks get a girlfriend?" He asks once again. "It's none of your business." Hawks replies with a scoff.
"That's for me to decide..." Dabi said before he disappears so Hawks couldn't do anything.
You were in trouble.
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kai-rax · 3 years
Lonely With the Lilypads
__________________________ A Frog Prince-inspired Oneshot (Viktor X GN-Reader) __________________________
Summary: A pond that is set on the boundaries of both Piltover and Zaun becomes your new favorite place to sit and get away from all the chaos of the world. Being from the undercity, you have not had many friendly encounters. Though, one day you are accompanied by a small frog by the pond, which seems to be a little different from the rest. A/N: This was originally a drabble I wrote for some friends in a discord server, so its not edited, nor is it super structured! Just a cute idea I wanted to flesh out a little more bc I liked the concept <3 Warnings: None, just Fluff!
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Enjoy! ___________________________________________
It's a warm and sunny day. Work in the Undercity was long and tiresome, and once you were free from your shift you make your way to a new favorite sitting spot. A small pond set at the base of one of Piltover's large walls found on the fringes where The Undercity and Topside meet. You had discovered it about a week or so ago. It's perfectly tucked away from all of the chaos and turmoil of adult life.
You tend to visit it daily, sitting down right on the bank with a good book, a sketch pad, or sometimes just your own thoughts. Just when you sit to relax, you hear a little splash that perks your ears as you search for the cause of the sound, then you see something move across the pond, swimming awkwardly towards you. It was a frog!
A smile came across your face as it swam closer and crawled up onto a nearby rock. You LOVED frogs, but they were rare to see in The Undercity due to the pollution, so this was indeed a very exciting encounter. Now you had only seen a few frogs in your day but this one was most peculiar. It had two black spots, one under its right eye, another above-left of its mouth, and a slightly busted back leg. It looked quite small and weak.
'Poor thing...' you think to yourself.
The frog blinked slowly and then rested its head down, got comfortable in its new warm sunny spot, and just stared at you, as you stared back and gave it a smile.
"Hello, Little Frog." you said quietly trying not to scare it away.
The frog's head poked up and tilted it slightly as if it were listening. You had never seen a frog do that before, but then again, you haven't met many frogs in general, so who's to say.
You don't pay it much mind after that and continue your routine of relaxation until it is time to head home. You grab your bag and look down at the rock to see the frog is still sitting there, resting and peacefully relaxed with its eyes closed. As you turn away to leave you feel the sudden urge to mind your manners. "Goodbye Little Frog." Its eyes open and looks up at you with another tilt of its head along with a small chirp.
"Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow!" You give it a little wave and giggle to yourself. You just said goodbye to a random frog. It's not like that frog could understand you anyway...right?
"Another day done, and over with..." You mutter to yourself as you leave work and up through the cascading lifts and alleys amongst the Undercity, making your way up once again to the pond at the fringes. Once there you set your bag down and lay out a blanket to make things more comfortable. You had no other responsibilities for the day, so your plan today was to stay longer than normal. No more than 10 minutes go by and you hear a familiar splash, you look up to thee the same frog from yesterday struggling to swim over to you. It repeats its actions from yesterday and sets up on the same rock, gazing at you as you gaze back. You crack a smile before asking.
"Well hello again, Little Frog. Were you waiting for me?"
A chuckle came out, and you must admit to yourself that this was a bit silly. But nonetheless, something about it just felt right. Getting up from your spot you move closer to the rock, kneeling down and extending the palm of your hand out in front of the little guy, slowly and carefully. It looks at you curiously at first then slowly crawls into your hand. 'Wow, I can't believe that worked!' You just kinda hold it there for a minute, then you gently walk back over to your spot and place it atop your bag. Getting comfortable let again and after a few minutes of silence, you start talking to the frog as if it were a person. You were pretty lonesome nowadays so you take comfort in its presence, even if it was just a frog.
You go on sharing stories about your day, maybe telling a joke or two as the frog watches on, tilting its head every so often, and once you’re ready to leave you set frog back down on its rock and wish it goodbye once more and thanking it for it's company.
You are doing this daily now, adding it to your routine when you visit the pond. Each day you start spending more and more time with this frog, sometimes bringing snacks, other times you've tried bringing books on zoology or vet practices to see if you can help heal its bested back leg. It gets to the point where you almost feel as though it is a friend you come to visit, just like any other. and it seems as though the feeling is mutual.
One day, as you are leaving it even tries to follow you home. You look back at it. "Oh- No, Little Frog, you need to stay here."
You pick it up and place it on the rock, only for it to hop off to follow you again, chirping in protest. You do this a few more times before it finally gets the message and stays put. The next day you return and you noticed the frog was already waiting. Once you're spotted it excitedly hops over to greet you. You kneel down and notice, it had a few little flowers in it's mouth.
"Aw, are these for me?" a big smile came across your face.
You hold out your hand to let it climb aboard. With your other hand, you take the flowers to look at them for a moment. Then at the little frog. With a bitter-sweet feeling, you admit out loud.
"Well, I never thought the first time I'd be given flowers would be from a frog." You let out a sigh but smile regardless.
Can't help but to still feel grateful, you bring your little friend up to your face to say and place a little kiss on his head, Followed by an earnest and sincere "Thank you."
You both go about the normal routine of keeping each other company until it is time to leave yet again. And just like before the frog tries to follow you. You place it back a few times and finally go on your way.
Another day goes by and you arrive at your favorite spot by the pond. Only this time your frog friend is not there. You sit anyway assuming it has finally hopped off to somewhere new, and hopefully, less polluted.
'What a shame..', You've come to really like that frog, and to your surprise, you felt it's absence left a bit of an ache in your chests.
Regardless, you go about your routine. Shortly after getting out the book, you planned to read but you hear someone approach. A shadow eclipses you from the sunlight and you turn to find a tall man, with a slender and lanky frame, looming over you. Jolting slightly at the sudden closeness, turning your whole body around to face him and get a better look; But then as you examine him, head to toe, you relax as the gears in your brain turn. You’re sure you’ve never met him before but something seems so familiar perhaps it was the two beauty marks dotting his face, one under the right eye, another above-left of his mouth, or maybe the cane used to assist his limp leg. You stay quiet.
He peered down at you, and you couldn't help but blush. How could you not, a sweet, yet handsome frog-like face framed with beautifully dark locks sweeping back into small curls and points at the back of his head and neck. He was so pretty, so elegant, and an almost prince-like air to him.
Unsure of what to say, you blink slowly. Just staring at him, as he stares back, giving you a smile. From behind his back, he pulls a small bouquet of flowers filled with the same types you had received from your little friend the day before. And then it clicked!
“Little frog! Is that you?!” You practically yell as you sprung up to meet him. You couldn't believe your eyes, you felt as though you were dreaming.
He hands you the flowers off to you, they were beautifully arranged and smelled divine. He finally speaks for the first time, a sweet Slavic accent adorning his voice. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to get something to show you how thankful I am for your help...and eh..company."
"...Help? Help with what?" You ask.
"Well, I ehh, am a scientist and I study magic ...and I may have gotten myself into a bit of a...mess." He sounded embarrassed. "I put a curse on myself during an experiment that turned me into a frog. I tried to fix it, but there is not much you can do with such small hands."
He tucks his cane under his arm, moving a step closer and taking your hand in his, lifting it up to hold it between both of his. You can feel your heartbeat speed up. 'This is unreal...' you think.
"You know...I never thought fairy tales had any truth to them..." He leans in and you hold your breath as he places the most gentle kiss onto your forehead. You feel butterflies fill up your whole body.
"...hm who knew true love's first kiss could actually break curses?" He looks down at you with a smile. " I had been stuck like that for a while, I never even thought I would ever be back to normal again. So again, thank you, moya lyubov..." Your whole face was red by now and you try your best to tuck it into the flowers to try and hide it.
"N-No problem, Little Frog..."
“Please..." A hand comes up and cups your cheek, you feel your head lifted out of the flowers, to gaze up at him. Sparkes in both of your eyes light up, before he leans in once more to place a small, soft kiss to your lips.
...call me Viktor."
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strxnged · 3 years
[important] [or well it might be important idk how many people actually care about me but anyways if u do-]
umm uhh tl;dr : im going on a lil hiatus for a bit (probably 4-7 days), might reblog fics recommendations but uhhh yeah i need a break. it's been weeks (months?) since i actually went off of tumblr for even a day 👍 moots can ask for my discord even though i can't promise i'll be more active there either 😬
okay explanation below, mentions of mental health issues n stuff lol
hello follower, moot, and/or friend. you are important and your thoughts and opinions matter and i appreciate you a lot. i'm going to try not to take up too much time because i value your time and mental health too, and i really don't want people to worry !! i'll be okay, i swear mkfdnal
tumblr takes up a lot of time. and that time i happily choose to give to tumblr every time because i love it here, but it doesn't change the fact that my mental health is depleting. i won't go into too much detail (since i haven't gone in detail about this with anyone) but things aren't really good right now and i have to figure out some me things. hopefully this, since nothing else so far has helped except for something very personal my friend did for me the other day, will allow some changes to take place. i know i can't schedule mental health issues but hopefully this will help me work on reforming healthy habits.
another piece of this is that ever since i hit ??? 500 or so?? i haven't really been writing as much of things that i enjoy. not to say i don't enjoy or i'm not satisfied with writing the things i post, but i feel like there are so many better uses of my time because those things are mainly getting posted because i've figured out what kind of post does the best attention-wise. and i know that numbers and popularity won't ever satisfy me so i don't want to go down that road a moment longer.
i guess something i want to add is that although everyone's love and support is so, so appreciated, i haven't been very honest for awhile and although people are encouraging me to talk about what i'm feeling, i know that it would exhaust a lot of people quickly. and in the end, even the well-appreciated help i've gotten from other people has unfortunately not really made that much of a difference. i'm getting worse. fast. and everything is scary and dark and incredibly exhausting.
anyways. thank you so much for everything. i know i said that i was gonna be brief but HERE We ARE 🤩 I PLAN TO COME BACK AND mAYBE POST A LONGER FIC THEN BUT UMM DON'T BE SURPRISED IF I TOTALLY READ MYSELF WRONG AND SHOW UP AGAIN IN THREE DAYS OR THREE WEEKS. there's one thing i've realized and that's that i cannot plan my own mental health.
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tsukkismoonlight · 3 years
Alternatively... || Open Collab
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Hello hello! If you're new to my page I'll give you a quick rundown! (You can find my about me pinned) my name is Maddi (they/them) and im a writer, but I've been a little stuck lately thanks to our good friend writer's block . Then today it hit me! I want to hold a collab where anyone can join! There's no need to be following me, or anything all you'll need to do is either send a dm or an ask with some details and I can add ya to the list! But first, let me put the specifics!
Heres the Idea
The general theme for this collab will be Alternate Universes, or AUs! It can be simple like a college au or it can be grand like royalty au ! Its all up to you ! It can be your favorite character or one that maybe doesn't get enough spotlight! It can be an x reader, or whatever you want it to be, but there's a few rules!
First, because this is open to everyone, I need these to be SFW and SFW only. People of all ages enjoy the show and the content we create.
Secondly, if you'd like to join, please please please send me an ask or a dm so that i can tag you in this post and in the future I can link your post here! All I need is your AU and whichever characters you're using! Its okay if its not detailed rn!
Thirdly, when you do post it please use the tag #alternativelyhaikyuu ! Hopefully its an open tag for us to use! Theres no date which you have to finish by so dont stress too much!
And finally, please have fun ! I want this to be enjoyable! You can talk amongst your fellow writers and anime fans or even talk with me! Or if youd like, join this discord ! (Its empty rn oop)
The List !
@/settersandsmaus with a coffee shop AU !
Together, Y/n, Sugawara, Asahi, Tsukishima and Kiyoko all make up the main team members of a local coffee shop! Normally each day goes smoothly, but when they start to get a new regular customer, it seems that y/n may start to develop a crush !
@simpfortetsu with an immortality AU !
@haikyutiehoe with a rich au for Bokuto!
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adoringeun · 4 years
Lemon Drop Café
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Welcome to the Lemon Drop Café! My name is Eunha, I'm the owner of this place. It's a blessing to have you visit my café, what would you like to order?
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Inside the Lemon Drop Café
In this café we offer a variety of different food and drinks! Don't be fooled by the name of the shop, we sell all kinds of food and beverages here. We even have a special delivery service for everyone!
-> This is in no way affiliated with the Idol I potray to be. I am not claiming to be her nor do I say this is how she acts in real life. Everything here is purely fictional and is all for your entertainment only!
-> As of now, the café is only open for chatbots and chatbots only.
-> This is mostly a delivery service chatbot meaning there will be no plots introduced, yet!
-> A schedule is included in this post that says the days I accept reservations, delivery requests, and answer asks.
-> Daily positivity posts and health reminders will be posted!
-> I will sometimes pop in people's dms to drop of treats from me! I'll try my best to send everyone at least one treat so you all will hopefully get a smile out of it ^-^
-> A bulletin board will be posted every once in a while. What is this for? Well, it will act as a chatbot news for everyone. For example, person #1 and person #2 are now engaged! Let us congratulate the soon to be married couple. If you have any new information or news to share, feel free to message me and I will post about it!
-> This bulletin board will also act as a spread of awareness to everyone. Not only to Korean entertainment related news, but to the many things that are happening around the globe. (example is BLM petitions and such)
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-> Reservations are basically you reserving for a table at the café. This is a perfect way to have a nice date with your partner, hang out with your friends and bond with your family!
-> If you don't have anyone to go with, you can still reserve a table! Only difference is, I will be there to keep you company as I serve you your food or drinks. I can even maybe teach you the ways of the kitchen, if you're lucky enough.
-> Once your reservation has been accepted, a GC will be made and you along with the person/s you are bringing will be invited.
-> Be patient with Eunha as she can get very busy making orders and accepting reservations.
-> More details will be said once you have been invited to the GC.
-> You can send me a message (or an ask if that's what you prefer) saying you would like to book a table, please include how many people you will be coming with.
“Hello! I would like to reserve a table for 3 people thank you 😊❤”
-> Shortly after your request has been accepted, you will be made a GC.
-> A menu listing all the available food and beverages we have will be given to you (and the people you are with)
-> Do tell me when you are finished eating so I can hand you your bill and delete the GC.
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-> For deliveries, we have a lot of methods for you to choose from!
— Asks [💭]
> The ask delivery can only be used as a letter service. Meaning, I will send an ask to the person whom you want to send a letter to. You don't have to write a long paragraph for this. It can simply be a short “Good Morning!” or “How is your day today?”
— Submissions [💌]
> Submission deliveries are like asks but gifts included in them. Example is person #1 saying “Have a good day!” to person #2 with a lemon pie and a bouquet of sunflowers as a gift.
— DMs [📩]
> This is pretty much self explanatory as a lot of other bots have done this as well. I call this Private Deliveries. Private deliveries are like submission deliveries but are sent through dms. [TW//NSFW] This is the most recommended option if you were to send lingerie for your s/o, give them a new toy, etc.
— Post [📌]
> Deliveries through posts are the most common way to send someone something. It's more like the DM method but it's public. No further explanations needed.
-> We don't only offer food as gifts, you can pretty much send anyone anything! Just make sure it's not as complicated as; A caramel macchiato, three pumps of pumpkin spice, slight whip cream, a chocolate drizzle, and a cherry on top. Don't be those type of people.
-> Send me an ask or a message that includes the listed below.
1.) The @ of the person/s you are giving the gift to.
2.) Whether you would want to be tagged or want to stay anonymous.
3.) Send the letter/gifts you want to give to that said person/s. If you don't have any pictures or gifs of the gift, it's okay! I will look for the pictures/gifs for you.
-> Before I send something, I will send screenshots of the post for confirmation that everything is correct.
-> Please do be patient when I don't complete your delivery as soon as possible. Admin is very busy but will be sure to go on with your request one she is free.
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-> Do you need ever need advice but don't know who uou should ask? Lucky for you, I'm here to give that needed advice! It can differ from life tips, health tips, relationship talks, pretty much anything!
-> All you have to do is send an ask or a message and i'll give the best advice I can give!
-> !!! : I am not saying that the advice I will give will 100% work. I will try and understand your situation and give you the best I can give. Please note that there is no guarantee that it'll work.
A D V I C E —S L I D E T W O—
-> This is for all the love birds out there!!
-> If you have a certain person that you like and want to ask them out on a date but have no idea where to go, I can give you some possible locations that will fit both you and person #2
-> Following what was said above, if you're going on a date and plan on confessing there, you can also ask me for tips on how you can confess!
-> For the long term couples here, if any one of you plan on proposing, I can help you set up and plan things.
-> If you're planning a wedding but don't know where to start, you can also hire me as your wedding planner! Since most weddings are held in discord now, I can help with setting up the server, thinking of themes, and overall the aesthetic of your special day.
-> I will make sure all parties are satisfied with the final product and have smiles on their faces once they see it.
-> All in all, I pretty much help with anything. Heck, you can even hire me as your babysitter! I'll make sure the child/children will have the time of their lives with me ^-^
-> All you have to do is hit me up in my dms or send an ask! Simple as that.
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-> The bulletin board is one of the most important things I have included here.
-> It will include not only the latest chatbot news and K entertainment news but also news outside of the K-media!
-> I will post about the many things that have been happening recently. Those who have not been given justice yet, the brutality of the police, etc! There are a lot of topics that need to be covered, but not have been given enough light yet. My main goal for this is to bring peoples' attention to these so more people will be aware of the wrong doings others are doing to innocent lives.
-> As I respect everyone, I will be putting trigger warnings whenever I post so people will proceed with caution when they see the warnings.
-> If you don't want to be tagged, please do let me know! I don't want to post a sensitive topic and have some people frowning in front of their screens because of it triggering them. Send me an ask or a message and i'll take you off my taglist ^-^
-> Same goes for those who want to be tagged. Send me an ask or message anytime you like! Or even just reblog my post saying you want to be tagged in future posts :)
-> Send me a dm/an ask! From chatbot related news to petitions people can sign, anything you want! You can even send a submission if that is what you prefer doing.
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E U N ' S S C H E D U L E
M O N D A Y : [Answering Asks, taking reservations, replying to dms, sending gifts]
T U E S D A Y : [Taking reservations, replying to dms]
T H U R S D A Y : [Taking reservations, sending gifts]
ALL WORK DAY – are days that I accept anything and everything from everyone. Meaning, everything is open and available (Reservations, advice giving, etc.)
FREE DAY – is a day where I only respond to important dms and reblog posts.
-> My asks aren't only open for requests and stuff, they are always open for anything!
-> I'm mostly active during the afternoon because I do work in the morning and at night.
-> Don't be afraid to message Eunha! She's always open and happy to make friends ^-^
-> My timezone is KST! (Korean Standard Time)
-> I will sometimes post “Inside Eun's Life” posts which are basically what and how I'm doing.
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Credits to the person who made the idea of making chatbots, lots of love for you @yandereminholee!!
Special thanks to @your-roseanne and @floristluda for the inspiration!
Another special tag is @specialdeliveryforyou! Credits to them for starting the whole delivery service trend ^-^
And to @cherry-nayeon the OG café concept chatbot! All love and credits goes to her!!
Amazing people who you should also check out!
@mafia-minho @leextaeyong @5sosxseulgi @xiyeonnie @babyhj1sung @mafiajjh @mafiawyk @shinhaneul-oc @yoonhana @queenbeejessi @yourchungha @skaterchae @hunter-chaeyoung @og-aisha @sweetandsleepyjamie @fabricatedxkun @switchseola @seventeen-chatbot @mafia-chaeyoung @split-jiu @doll-hyunjin @wolfxhwasa @sub-chungha @chatwithchuu @bunjihyo @babieyuqi @domyeonjun @yvespunk @icyracer-chae @midari-jieun @peachyminju @yanderechenle @purgejaemin @spamnotes-cb @lovely-jisoo @amazingspiderhan @artsydahyun @xdomkangseulgixx @detectivexsicheng @yandere-lia @yanderetzuyu @time-for-confession @kittenjennie @urkai and more lovely people! ^-^
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roboromantic · 2 years
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these past few days have been So Much. Not in a bad way or anything but im just Exhausted
I finally got more or less settled into the sweets position but then to give me more hours (which I absolutely do not mind) I started learning the kneading stuff today (harder than it looked!) It's also 7-10 (for now? might be longer shifts once I'm used to the position, idk) instead of 4-10 so I mean that's fine, I'll take a couple more hours of sleep, but it kinda threw me off the groove that I'd barely gotten into
I've also had to get stuff ready for the consignment sale; I finally got everything priced and tagged and dropped off yesterday after work since it's very conveniently located on the way home. Tomorrow the sellers get to shop first and I was thinking I might need to go home, shower and change, and then drive all the way back out there to shop, but turns out it's not nearly as messy as making the sweets so I should be fine to drop by on my way home. I'm not really gonna be there all that long anyway — probably just gonna check out the Transformers and leave. Maybe shelving? idk they have a LOT of shit
and THEN my dad proposed to his girlfriend and the tentative date for the wedding is the day before my birthday which I mean. I don't super care about that overlap but it's just. basically that's the deadline for my brother and I to Get Out. and I mean, my brother has a decent amount in savings and now that I'm working I can save up for a bit but neither of us want to deal with renting an apartment but I ain't making enough to be even be able to afford a 2 bedroom apartment, so he's gonna have to find a job and/or I'm gonna have to find a second job (and IWouldPreferNotTo.jpg) and I'm Very stressed about this
and I mean my dad's been very generous by allowing us to live here rent-free for this long! I can't exactly complain about him wanting us to leave but. more time to save up and look around woulda been Great. like I've never rented an apartment so I'm not 100% sure on the timeframe for that but doesn't it generally take at least a couple months to find a place and get through all the red tape n shit
also my dad like just helped his fiancée move so. I think the plan is to sell this place and he's gonna move in with her? I'd have to ask him about that. idk. I'm very happy for him but also having to find housing at such short notice with next to no money is WILDLY stressful and I mean. I kinda wanted to have SOME disposable income
anyway. The kneading job isn't that difficult and I've only got the one other 3-hour shift tomorrow before I'm done for the week. The hard part of the consignment sale is done, all I gotta do is actually shop tomorrow. So I've got a long weekend to finally hopefully finish cleaning out my room; once I'm done with that and listing stuff on ebay I should be good to relax for a while and hopefully be able to hang out on Discord again
and like. I enjoy gaming and I'll have fun doing it, but it is still kind of a little stressful to have my relaxing activity be disrupted by worrying about getting everything I want from a video game's season before it ends :/ . I should have plenty of time to finish the stuff I wanna do for Destiny and Fall Guys but the latter is kind of a pain to grind. I really want the Mecha Godzilla costume and in-game currency to buy the next battlepass for free though so. At least that one I can do while lying in bed listening to a podcast
and like there's SO MUCH I wanna do and I was kinda hoping that having a job would alleviate some stress so I could work on those — and I mean, it's definitely reduced it — but I think until my brother has a source of income or I suddenly get a bunch of money/a free house somehow I'm still gonna be stressed
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carcinized · 2 years
hello tobeloved it has been too long since i have sent you a long ramble-y ask so i have decided to simply pop in here and see what happens :) am tired and the brain is a little slow so maybe i will write uou an essay or maybe it will just be a little hi ily :)
how was uour day :0 today was. not great for me sadly but it is okay bc after this week i have april break thank god and my family may do a little easter/holi celebration this weekend which! yay! i love holi :) colors n fun n stuff
OH MY GOD WAIT could we make a version of that on the (web) osmp. where everyone just throws dye at each other. cuz canonically i was gonna have moss be a Blue Enthusiast as a tribute to ghostbur so like.,,, what if-
i rly like this idea time to go drop it in the discord eheh
yeah. holi good :) and also that means we will hopefully watch one of my favorite movies bc there is a rather iconic scene of them celebrating holi :) idek why i like the movie so much and i actually disagree with some of it (though maybe that's the aromantic part of me speaking? hsjfhgjbj) but. yea. yeh jawani hai diwani :D good movie :D makes me v happy
mmmmmmmmmmmsleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy...,,, should probably sleep now but. do not want to >:0
my friend talked to another friend abt stuff today im proud of them <3 now i just have to get them to fix their relationship with their parents and/or trust their therapist enough for me to give the job to the professionals :') its okay tho we're vibing
old best friend sent me a google form that was like "how well do you know my childhood" n i forgot some things or just didn't know some thing abt her and she was like "wow you did even worse than [her current best friend]" and that kinda hurt a bit? idk??
i have a blue beanie and i wore it to a movie night at my friend's house the other day and it made me happy cuz it was like nice n felt comfortable and then my friend stole it and i was even happier. love them sm fr <3
mmmmm look we have a lovely little essay :D i am sleepy but i hope u are doing well and i will talk to uou soon beloved :D
oh also here 🌷 is for u <3
gn beloved ily a lot and am v happy uou are my friend
once my friend asked me who my top 5 best friends were and i was like "you, [other irl friend], uhhh- my friend allyster, and my friend turquoise" and that was a bit of a moment. i need a better irl social life ahah but also uou are a good friend and ily :D <3
(slight nsfw warning asghdfj)
my other friend was talking to us abt stuff with her girlfriend and she was like "okay so here's the thing. how do you know if you're a virgin if you're a lesbian? cuz for straight people it's just that you put a dick inside a pussy but you cant put a pussy inside a pussy" and then my other friend was like "pussyception" and i was lowkey dying and also a bit flustered. so. that happened o///o
mmm fun little anecdote. yea. not sure if youre uncomfy w stuff like that if so sorry ! efbfgjfjgdj
mr cellophane from chicago,,,,, legit gonna cry its so. ewrhrwjefjgwjehf <////3
yea okay. that's all i think. gn beloved i hope tomorrow is good and so is the rest of the week and i am sending uou a warm hug <3
HIII THIS TOOK ME A SEC TO ANSWER SORRY!!! but yeah it has been :O welcome back to my inbox i spose :]]
its been a long day but not the worst, kind of exhausted rn but i'll survive. and YOU GET AN APRIL BREAK HELLO???? that sounds so nice wtf O-o. but yeah some holidays this weekend!! my family only does easter but from what i know of holi it is SOOOO COOL!!! colors :]
OOOOH IF YOU ORGANIZE THAT I'LL FIX MY MOD FOLDER AND ACTUALLY SIGN ON LMAO THAT SOUNDS SO FUN!!! i doubt i'll have much time this weekend (booked w family on saturday and sunday) but i have no school on friday so :eyes: though i think me and my mom are gonna watch jesus christ superstar sometime this week for easter so,, i dunno BUT I WILL TRY TO MAKE IT IF YOU DO o7
i watched a trailer of the movie and it seems super cool!!!! it looks like such a funky little 2000s movie, i think i can tell from the description of the movie why your aromanticism might disagree w some of it tho </3 in any case i hope you get to watch it and that you enjoy :D
THATS SO GOOD OMG!!!! im so happy about that good on your friend!! and yeah, baby steps though, hopefully they get there soon. thats rlly good news though im so glad to hear it <33
aw damn </3 thats such a shitty thing to comment on tho like.. idk man. its a low blow tho try not to take it too close to heart ig, its not a competition + why did she send it to you anyway + thats rude + youre literally an amazing friend and you pick up on tiny things i dont even realize im saying + fuck her + ratio
awww that sounds so nice :] beanies and friends and movie nights!!! :D
a little essay i much enjoyed it!!!! we should vc again sometime for sure, i miss hanging out w you :] thank you for the flower here is one for you 🌻 :D <33
I COME BEFORE SKYY??? HVJHBDJBJD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IM NEVER LETTING HER FORGET THIS (kidding kidding KIDDING. in all seriousness though AWWW :(( i love you sm king youre so cool <33)
HELLO???? thats so funny omg 😭😭 (and youre all good i think sex is funny im like a 12 year old)
MR CELLOPHANE :(( that song is so :(((
it is tomorrow now (or the day after?) this took me a hot second to respond to sorry, but hello i hope youre well, goodnight probably its later there IDK anyways love you bestie <33 always good to hear from you <33
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