#but there’s always a chance I might be wrong!
poetryvampire · 2 days
Safe Haven
My heart yearns for the Hellthunder angst. Maybe this is a wee bit self indulgent but I've been thinking about it a lot and just had to get it out there
Summary: Zevlor finds out how Lorroakan treats Rolan.
Words: just over 2k
Cw: abuse, panic attacks, implied sexual abuse, angst, hurt/comfort
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Once in Baldur's Gate things were getting better. They had to. There’d be no more ‘sneaking’ around. No more trying to steal pockets of time here and there in the midst of  the chaos of simply trying to stay alive. Rolan had lived for those quiet moments, for the sound of his favourite Hellrider slipping into his tent in the middle of the night. But now they could have something real. Something with stability and- as Rolan hopped with all his might- a future. 
Their bond did flourish despite them being farther apart. Of course Rolan has to stay in Ramazith's tower with his master, whereas Zevlor has a humble apartment in the city. The older man didn't dare ask if Rolan would move in with him if he could, however he made it very clear he was welcome anytime. Even with the apprentice's busy schedule they still spent every second they could at each other's side. It's not long before they’re both completely devoted to each other, even if it’s hard to put into words. Rolan's at Zevlor's every chance he gets, like there's no place in the world he'd rather be. Because there truly isn't.  He adores Zevlor, for his strong and loving nature. Anything Rolan could do to make his life better was the clear choice. He’d been through so much, shouldered so much without asking for anything and Rolan wouldn’t add to his stress. No matter what. 
The paladin doesn't say anything when the visits become less frequent. Ever the gentleman, he won’t be nosey. They’re allowed to have a life outside of each other. He understands Lorroakan's strict and doesn't allow his appearance visitors and hates being interrupted, thus he’s taken to waiting for Rolan instead of checking in on him. But when Rolan leaves him without a word for days on end he starts to worry. Even during all their hardships on the road the younger man had never let a day go by without speaking.
Rolan brushes off any questions. It's always nothing, just his studies or so much work to do. But Zevlor knows him, knows something's wrong, hears the nerves in his voice. He decided not to press matters, just wait and hope for Rolan to confide in him in his own time. But it doesn’t come and the days inbetween only get longer, he barely sees his love once a week. Zevlor tries to prepare himself; he was sure this would happen sooner than later. Rolan is a very handsome young lad, more than the hellrider thought he deserves. He had surely grown tired of the older man and would seek out a more suitable partner. Yet when the wizard does come around he treats him with the same affection as always. It’s puzzling and doesn’t sit right with the paladin.
It's raining buckets the night it happens. Rolan keeps a normal tone but there's a sadness in his eyes that cuts at Zevlor’s heart. He’s trying to sound in good spirits but he’s clearly worn out.  Zevlor pulls him into bed, just for a cuddle and by the way Rolan clings to him it seems to be just what he needed. He’s practically trying to press himself through the older man, who rubs the wizard’s back until the tension starts to ease. Slowly their hands start to travel, Rolan absentmindedly tracing the pattern of ridges on Zevlor’s chest.
“Gods you’re handsome.” Rolan murmurs, finally starting to relax. 
Zevlor chuckled as he rakes his fingers through his beloved’s hair.
“I would say you’re being too kind, but I suppose you are the expert.” Zevlor kissed the top of Rolan’s head as he buried his face in his chest. “Come now, let me see my beautiful boy.” His favourite pet name did not coax the wizard to lift his head, but the rain of kissing on his head and cheek did the trick. In a swift motion Rolan captures Zevlor’s lips, suddenly desperate for his touch he clings to lover as if he may disappear at any moment. The Hellrider’s more than happy to meet his hunger, his hands traveling over Rolan’s slender form. He grips his waist tightly pulling a shudder from him, but a sharp one, rather than pleasurable.   
Zevlor breaks the kiss for a moment before Rolan’s mouth is on him again. 
“I missed you,” he sighs in between kisses. “I missed you so much. I’m so-” 
“It’s okay.” Zevlor coos before one more firm, needly kiss. The words of love die on his lips and are replaced with a frightful gasp as he practically jumps out of his skin. "God's above! Rolan what is this? What's happening?" Zevlors voice is sharp with fear. He head spins, half wondering if he had fallen asleep without realizing it. Rolan's face is littered with cuts and bruises: a deep gash in his left temple, a nasty looking bruise on his left cheek was multicolored as if he had been hit many times in the same place, and his nose looked to be recently broken. 
The last bit of colour drains from Rolan's already pale face, his eyes wide with fear. 
“ No, no no no,” Rolan’s backing away, his hands fly to his face as he mutters a spell. For a moment his face flickers back to normal but returns to his disheveled state a moment later “ Hells, no no!”  
“Rolan!” Zevlor’s barks louder than he had intended. He had a notion of what may be going on but he didn’t want to believe it. “What’s happened to you? Rolan, please!”   
He's never seen the younger man look so distressed in all the years they're known each other. Rolan practically jumps off the bed, skittering away like a frightened cat. His mind was reeling, this was a nightmare and even speaking seemed a struggle.  
 Zevlor’s on his feet, repeating the question as Rolan flees from the room. He never wanted this to happen, especially not like this. Before he knew what he was doing he’s pulling on his robes needing to get as far away from Zevlor as possible. But he doesn’t make it to the door, the former commander yells his name, his voice thundering more threatening than Rolan’s ever heard before. In a second he’s rooted to the spot. 
Rolan doesn’t move. He can’t. He can feel Zevlor behind him, feel his eyes on him but can’t bring himself to look.
“Rolan,” he repeats, voice lower but deadly stern. “Tell me what’s going on.” 
 “I can’t.” the wizard forced out, his head in his hands. Even breathing was painful. His lungs burning trying to hold in the tears. Zevlor was in front of him now, his large hand tight on Rolan’s shoulders holding him in place. “Let me go.” 
“What happened? Who hurt you?” The hellrider demanded feeling that he might combust at any second. “Tell me!” he roars, immediately regretting it. The way Rolan flinches and shirks for him breaks Zevlor’s heart. He must try to steady himself, to be reasonable. 
“Rolan, Please tell me what’s going on. I want to help you.” 
“I’m okay! Really it’s just- it’ll heal and i’ll be-” The wizard stumbles, still hiding his face. 
“You’re not! Has someone attacked you?” Zevlor tries wrenching Rolan’s hands from his face but the way he recoils stops him dead. That and the sight of the matching set of deep bruises on his wrists. “Please let me help you, my heart.” 
“Don’t look at me.” Rolan sobs as tears start to spill. 
“I won’t” Zevlor takes a few steps back, trying to slow his breathing “Just please speak to me.” 
It feels like a lifetime for both of them before the younger man speaks. 
“I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He pauses, searching for words. “L-Lorroakan is a very strict master…” 
Bile rose in the paladin’s stomach and heat ripped through his whole being like a deadly fever. He never liked the man, not for a second, but Zevlor hoped the bastard was just a narcissist, unbearable but not cruel. 
“He hurt you? He put his hands on you?” He tried to keep his voice even but his jaw was tight in an effort not to scream. 
“I- he- It’s usually not this bad-” 
“Usually!” Zevlor barked, he began pacing the room. He couldn’t be still, his very blood was turning to venom. “This has happened before? How long has this been going on?” He doesn’t answer but he does need to. 
“Why would you hide this from me?” Grief and hatred are screaming in the Hellrider’s head. How could he have let this happen?  
Rolan only cries, his whole body trembling. Zevlor tries to steady himself yet again, he must keep himself calm. Of course his anger isn’t for Rolan, he doesn’t want to push him farther but something must be done. Seeing his beloved like this is pulling him apart at the seams.  
 Now it’s Zevlor's turn to run for the room leaving Rolan to choke and pant through his cries. He can’t bear the thought of being pathetic in Zevlor’s eyes. Finally the continuous clinking from the bedroom reaches Rolan’s ears, once again fear bubbles in his gut. 
“Zevlor, what-” but as he walks farther in the room he has his answer. The Hellrider’s already dawned his chainmail and his working on his armor. 
“Rolan,” His voice is low and graveled. So unlike the gentle cadence he’s used to hearing from his lover. “I need you to stay here, okay? Promise me that..And don’t open the door for anyone but me. Use any spell you need-” 
“What are you doing?” Rolan shook his head in disbelief. 
“I’m going to kill him.” He spoke flatly.  
“No! No you can’t!” Rolan at Zevlor’s side trying to pull the shining plates off him as a fresh set of tears litter his cheeks. “Zevlor please, you can’t do this!” 
“I can and will.” He continues despite Rolan’s effort. 
“I won’t let you. “ 
“Look at you!” the paladin cried. “What enchantment has he placed on you for you to defend him? Is that why you’ve hidden this?” 
 “No.” Rolan shook, his face red with shame. 
 “There are many horrors of this world I can withstand. This is not one of them.” Zevlor met his eye, his determination clear. “ He won’t hurt you again.” 
“He’ll kill you, he’ll-” 
“A small sacrifice to rid-” 
“No!” Rolan’s voice was raw, on the edge of breaking. His eyes wide and frantic he clawed at Zevlor’s armor as an animal might fight for its life. “You can’t. Zevlor please I love you! I love you more than myself, more than anything, I need you! I can’t lose you Zevlor I’ll die without you- I love you.” 
 The wizard lost his voice in his long shuddering sobs. Zevlor’s armor hit the floor with a heavy thud, his arms around his love in a moment. 
“I’ve got you.” He’s never felt so conflicted but even as his rage seethed his foremost duty was to ease his beloved’s pain. “We can figure this out, we’ll find a way.” 
“He’s mad. He’s only getting worse, but i don’t have to be back until tomorrow evening and-” 
“You can’t go back there.” Zevlor couldn’t keep the horror from his voice. 
“I must!” Rolan pleaded. “ You don’t understand When things don’t go as planned it’s a nightmare. If he thinks something wrong he- the things he’s threatened, Zevlor. I don’t know how far he could go.” 
“We can stop him.” Zevlor’s voice sounds written in stone, a fact not to be questioned. “And end this. Rolan, I know it’s hard but you must tell me everything. We can find a weakness-” 
“Gods, no.” Again the wizard recoils making the paladin’s heart ache.
“Let me help you, my love.” He doesn’t let Rolan shy away; he keeps him in his arms. 
“If you knew what-If you knew everything you wouldn’t love me anymore.” Rolan forces the words, barely a whisper. 
It feels an eternity before he feels Zevlor’s large, warm hands cupping his face and  raising it to his. It’s a soft kiss, gentle and painfully loving. Even in such a state Rolan feels that familiar weakness in his knees. 
“Rolan,” Zevlor’s glassy eyes studied his face, his voice raw with devotion as if he was swear before the gods themselves. “There isn’t a thing that could befall you that could make me stop loving you. Nothing. Nothing you could say or do, no matter how you look, I’m yours as long as you’ll have me.”  
 The younger man whimpers trying to push words through the tightness in his throat but the paladin just kisses him over and over. On Every inch of his face, bruises and all. 
“You’ll always be my beautiful boy.”  Zevlor affirms between kisses causing Rolan to gasp through a flurry of sobs and laughter. “How can I help you, my heart?” 
“ I need you. I just need you here.” Rolan answers immediately, wrapping his arms tight around his love. “Don’t let me go.” 
 Zevlor couldn’t if he wanted to. Though his heart was heavy, burning with rage, all thoughts of vengeance were silenced. His only desire was to keep Rolan as comfortable as he could. Before long he found himself leading the weary tiefling into a steaming bath. Rolan had always adored bathing together and this time was no different. He could see the tension melt from the wizard’s tight shoulders as he washed him, taking care to kiss and praise every part of him as he went. Afterward Rolan was curled in Zevlor’s lap, both of them lost in the simple pleasure of each other’s warmth. Neither fell asleep that night with any doubt that they could not overcome this together.
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kurara-black-blog · 2 days
That entire video (you know the one) could've been a phone call:
Thomas: *calls Lee and Mary Lee* Hey, friends! Sorry for the sudden call, but I got something important to talk about with you two— nothing, uh, drastic or anything, just. Yeah.
Lee and Mary Lee: Hi, Thomas! Sure, buddy, what's up?
Thomas: Well, you see... Do you guys remember that big production I talked about some time ago? Well, I just got a callback!
Friends: That's incredible, Thomas! Congratulations! We're so happy for you!
Thomas: Thank you, thank you! But, uhh... There is a problem. The day of the callback is– *deep breath* it's the same day as your wedding, and I don't think I'd be able to make it to both even if they weren't around the same time. So I'm calling because I've... I've been wondering if you guys would be too upset if I were to go to the callback? It's just—! It's a really big chance that I might not get again and I— I want to be there for you guys, I know weddings are also a one time in a lifetime thing and there will always be another production to try— and I promise, I promise I'll make it up to you guys after—!
Deceit, at the corner of the room for support: Thomas, you're rambling, please take a breath.
Friends: Thomas, buddy, calm down.
Thomas: Sorry.
Friends: It's ok. And, sure, we would be bummed if you weren't there, but are you kidding me?! You get a callback for that big production that'd be such a large step into your dreams and you think we'd want you to miss it?!
Thomas: Well...
Friends: Nope! You're going to that callback, mister, even if we have to drive you there from our wedding parlor! We can hangout after or something, maybe do an special event in one of our anniversaries, wink wink. It's ok, man, we'd hate for you to lose that chance, I think we'd be even more upset to see you at our wedding knowing you could've gone to the callback and gotten the role.
Thomas: I dunno about getting the role, but...
Friends: Oh, shut up, we know you will get it! You better tell us all about it after, ok?
Thomas: Ok, yeah, ok... Yeah! Yeah, thank you guys so much! And I'm sorry again, I just–
Friends: Started overthinking about what we'd think of you if you were to not go to our wedding to chase your dreams?
Thomas:... Yeah...
Friends: It's like we know you or something!
Thomas: Haha, yeah, it's like we've been good friends for many years!
Friends: Exactly! So don't you dare think we'd stop being your friends just like that, ok?
Thomas: Ok. Thanks again. I'll let you two go back to wedding planning now
Friends: Ugh, don't remind me. Bye, Thomas! Take care, love you!
Thomas: Bye, love you too!
Deceit: Would you look at that? It's almost as if drawing conclusions on how others will feel based entirely on your own rigid perception of right and wrong is counterproductive! But, no, that couldn't be, yes?
Patton: I'm so happy right now that I'm going to ignore the taunt and HUG THE STUFFING OUT OF YOU!!!
Roman: Can't believe I'm saying this but SAME!! COME HERE, SCALY SPAGHETTI!!
Janus: DO NOT—!
Thomas: Aaaaand there they go. Back to the mindspace, I guess. I'm sure they'll be back soon.
Virgil:... Twenty says they'll catch Janus in ten minutes.
Logan: Twenty says nothing, it's a number. But I bet it'll be five minutes. And it'll be Roman with a tackle.
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rpgchoices · 3 days
Veilguard choices spoilers
List of main companions and main characters that could still appear in Veilguard and would not be affected by previous choices:
Characters that absolutely cannot come back: Alistair and Loghain (can be killed/left in the fade), Anora (can be killed), Zevran (can be not recruited or killed), Wynne (dead).
Leliana and Oghren I think are the only ones alive, indipendently from the choices made. Given Leliana could be the Divine and we do not have the chance to select who is the Divine, I doubt she will come back. That leaves Oghren.
Anders can be killed, and Bethany/Carver depends on who Hawke is and they can still die, but a part from him I think all the rest could make an appearance.
Merrill, Fenris, Sebastian and Isabela are all alive. Isabela is given to the Qunari, and it has been 10 years so she could have freed herself immediately and we do not need to really reference anything from DA2, especially if Varris is not there. Same for Fenris, who could have run away from Danarius. And Merrill is still alive and could have worked on the mirror or finding a new clan indipendently from DA2 choices. Sebastian as well is always alive at the end of DA2 if I am not wrong.
This means they won't reference their past story with Hawke as we cannot choose Hawke's romance and choices, if they appear.
Meredith is also technically back in the animated series.
Most of the companions would work, but a few.
Vivenne, Leliana and Cassandra could all be Divine, and given we cannot choose who the Divine is they cannot appear. Iron Bull can betray the inquisitor and die, so he cannot appear either but this also means that if Dorian appears there is no mention of a possible romance with the Iron Bull. Krem could also die alongside the Chargers. And Blackwall can be left in prison to die, I am pretty sure, or exiled with the Grey Wardens, so I doubt he will appear. Cole can be made spirit and in that case he disappears.
That leaves Sera (if romanced, because she can be dismissed from the Inquisition pretty early on, but she could still make a cameo without mentioning the Inquisition?) or the idea of Red Jenny in general, Josephine, Cullen and Dorian, whom I am pretty sure he will appear.
This could still mean that some old companions might lead or be present in the different factions. Dorian or Fenris the Shadow Dragons or in general appear in Tevinter, Merrill the Veil Jumpers, Isabela the Lords of Fortune and Josephine might appear around Antiva.
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cherryredstars · 2 hours
Cherry my dear how are you? Hope you are having a nice day!
Could u please write a scenario where reader is genuinely obsessed with Miguel's cock? She loveees to get on her knees and unbutton his pants to suck his dick any chance she gets. She mouths at his boxers and reaches into his pants any chance she gets, loves jerking him off and hearing him moan. Also loves his balls too. Mig is embarrassed but also thinks it's hot (she of course loves doing it in public, she can't help herself 😓) She loves to just stare at his cock lovingly and compare it to her hand lmao. Thank you in advance cherry. I love your writing 🥳
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Blowjobs, Mentions of Penetrative Sex
A/N: I’m going good, thank you, love💕
It’s a completely understandable obsession.
There is a silent satisfaction in slowly sinking to your knees, feeling the floor dig into your skin as you slowly unbutton his pants. A pleasant buzz firing in your head as he slowly drifts his eyes down to look at you before it shuts off completely. It’s such a mindless activity, parting your eager lips and wrapping them around the tip of his cock. Moaning at the way he hardens in your mouth and the familiar weight presses down your tongue.
You map every inch of him, following his veins down to his base, nose pressing into the musky, thick hair that is completely masculine. You can’t help but slowly tease him with the slight drag of your teeth, listening to his low hiss before pulling on your hair and warning you to be careful. It leaves a lustful warmth in your stomach, seeing him study that way his cock disappears into the warmth of your mouth. Seeing the way his eyes burn as he imagines sinking into your dripping heat next.
The pressure at the back of your throat is soothing, the initial press drawing out a huffed whine before he coos you into relaxing your throat. The feeling of pride you have when he slides all the way to the base is unmatched, the ocean of saliva running down your chin a showing of your victory. The stretch is something else, the justified worry that your mouth might be too small to take him fluttering in your chest every time. But he always proves you wrong, easing his girth into your mouth and smearing his satisfyingly salty precum along your taste buds.
You swear you can feel it as it drips down your throat, the delicious droplets landing in the well of your stomach and filling you up. He always makes sure you’re thoroughly fed, growling as he looses restraint and fucks into your mouth until he floods your throat with his warm seed. Your eyes always shut in bliss, taking the time to lick at his softening dick that’s shiny with your spit. Your tongue is close to cramping as it swirls and digs into the small slit of his cock to make sure you’ve consumed every drop.
You can never get enough, whining when he pulls you off once you drive him into over-sensitivity, sedating you by resting his length against your face. He curses himself every time, realizing he’s giving you better access to worship his balls. His body shudders with every kiss and lick as you thank them for always providing you with the best meals. He’ll punish you with some sharp slaps to your slippery cunt later, but it’s worth it only because of the apology blowjob you’ll be sure to give him after.
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hlficlibrary · 1 day
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✤ Girl Direction ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ Who Run the World? (Girls!) by dolce_piccante {M, 11k}
A femslash take on the beginning of Relief Next To Me, complete with girl!Direction, lots of tongue action, and lots of hints to the original work.
2️⃣ Tell Me This Is Paradise by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {E, 19k}
Harry Styles has been lucky in love but unlucky in the bedroom with all of her previous boyfriends. When her best friend Niall finds out that she's never had an orgasm, she knows just what Harry needs: Louis Tomlinson. Niall sets Harry up to get sorted out.
3️⃣ that good girl faith (and a tight little skirt) by ariadne_odair {E, 43k}
“What the fuck did you do to my shampoo?” Harry shouts, brandishing the offending bottle like it’s a vial of poison. “Is this fucking mud? Did you honestly replace my shampoo with mud?” “Not just your shampoo,” Louis says calmly, then cracks up when Harry visibly pales.  
Harry and Louis are camp counsellors. They hate each other. The amount of sex they have in the camp showers probably contradicts that.
4️⃣ I love your demons (like devils can) by ariadne_odair {E, 60k}
"I am right here," she says loudly, and she can almost hear the crack when Louis' head whips around to stare at her.
"Why?" Louis asks, and Harry feels her insides shrivel up and die.
Harry didn’t plan to join the football team. She didn’t plan to sleep with the captain of the football team. She definitely didn’t plan to sleep with the closeted captain of the football team, who promptly acted as if nothing happened and left Harry a pathetic, pining mess.
5️⃣ the wheel breaks the butterfly by embodied / @crossnecklace {E, 4k}
“Out with it, Styles,” Louis groans. Harry’s suddenly regretting this whole thing, and she’s sure she’s beet red now, so she just blurts it out so fast she’s not sure if Louis even understands her right away.   “I’ve never gotten head before.”
AU. harry and louis are roommates. girls' night ends a little differently than usual.
💎 You Make Lovin' Fun by @homosociallyyours {E, 109k}
Harry is a 28 year old travel writer at a gay magazine who gets the assignment to go a lesbian cruise. She figures it's a nice chance to have some fun in the sun, but she's not expecting much else-- even if her partner and best friend are both encouraging her to hook up with someone while she's there.
When she locks eyes with a gorgeous silver fox from across the room, she starts to think she could've been wrong. There are lots of things standing in the way of anything real happening with her and Louis, but that doesn't stop them from falling for one another. True love isn't always easy, but they do make lovin' fun.
💎 That Smile and That Midnight Laugh by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright {T, 50k}
Harry’s never noticed how lovely Louis really is. Maybe it’s just that she’s usually so guarded – a little tense, a little irritated, a little put out. At least when she’s at school, and also usually when she’s around Nick, which are the only times Harry has really seen her. Until tonight. Tonight Harry’s seen her with her guard completely down. Too busy laughing and enjoying herself to remember to be prickly, maybe. She seems different.
It feels different.
A Ferris Bueller's Day Off AU that picks up right where the movie leaves off, and imagines what might happen if Ferris' girlfriend and sister become friends. And maybe something more, too.
💎 'tis the damn season by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf {E, 17k}
Harry returns to her small hometown over the holiday season and starts to think about the road not taken.
💎 bambi legs by @disgruntledkittenface {NR, 11k}
“Oh my god,” Zayn says, rolling her eyes and standing up. “You do know what this means, right?” 
“Yes?” Harry tries, looking up pathetically and hoping Zayn will take pity on her. 
“This means she doesn’t even need the fabric she buys from you every other week,” Zayn says slowly, as if speaking to a small child. “She doesn’t come here for the fabric. She comes here for you.” 
Harry works at her family’s fabric store sometimes and always sells the most interesting fabrics to Louis. Louis is the wannabe fashion designer who keeps buying fabric she doesn’t necessarily need just to find a way to talk to Harry.
💎 in my head we can love forever by @beardyboyzx {E, 1k}
It's official: this is creepy. She's creepy. It's not like anything is going to happen just because Louis is a lesbian too. Harry's got to stop touching herself while thinking about her roommate.
Except that she can't.
Or: Harry might be a bit in love with her roommate.
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Make them be friends with Wheatley
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Doing this one because of butch Chonny Jash. WHY IS HE THERE 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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batsplat · 3 months
jorge martin is just an off-brand motogp version of george russell. both incredible qualifiers, hard racers, have issues sometimes keeping their tyres together, have stayed in a satellite/backmarker team for three years begging the big manufacturer to accept them into the main fold and will randomly decide that they are actually done with race by beefing it into the gravel/walls on the last laps.
this is why ducati did not hire martin, he hasn’t done the power point presentation
strong last line but hm... do I agree with this...
I don't entirely disagree with the profile of racer, though jorge's a bit more in the flame bright and early mould (partly also just because of the different rhythms of those two racing series). he cut his teeth not just on being an exceptional qualifier but also a starter. even though this year, you do kinda have to say pecco's just?? uh?? he's never been a BAD starter but I swear he didn't used to be this good? some of his starts from the second or third row this year have been genuine works of art. this isn't relevant, just needed to mention it. that's part of why jorge does so well at sprints... he's really good at that abbreviated format, where it's just all out from the very start. mr russell was considered quite a poor starter in his williams days (though lbr that may have partly been car characteristics) - the qualifying's very strong and very consistent, but for a while the question was of capitalising off the line. he's got a few more drives that are about working his way through the field... like qatar last year. I just don't really associate jorge with that?
the bottling thing is debatable and we could get into that debate, but like, never mind that. we're leaving sports analysis now and getting back into vibes territory. the thing about jorge is that he has had a competitive bike from the word go. mr russell, whatever you think about how clutch he is or isn't, did not set a foot wrong in terms of making the mercedes case for himself. what happened with him was basically just... a series of unfortunate events that got him stuck in a spectacularly uncompetitive car for three years. got one shot in a good car in said three years (sakhir 2020) and delivered the perfect performance. but jorge!! jorge had 2022!! he blew it!! he did get unlucky with the gp22 vs the gp21 comparison early that season and how bastianini was able to take advantage of the early stage factory spec malaise, and he's far from the only gp22 who was struggling early on (cf one 'pecco bagnaia'). but still, some of his rides that year were. truly horrendous. and the way the whole thing played out left him with a massive chip on the shoulder.... that's the thing, right, I think what's so key about jorge is that sense of grievance, the fact that he was rejected for that factory seat and we're now several years on from that. and it's a really thin line between that being a good thing and a bad thing. like, anything that's a potential source of motivation fundamentally can be helpful, right? in 2007, casey showed up at ducati as not their first choice, kinda a stopgap, and also after yamaha had pulled the plug on a potential contract not once but twice. he has spoken again and again how yamaha and honda's behaviour towards him made him want to show them exactly what they were missing out on. he used that! it was good for him as a competitor that he had something to get worked up over! he's done it throughout his career! but on the flip side, if you're so busy feeling victimised that you're kind of already... primed for failure, then you've got a problem. like, if the takeaway is you're probably screwed anyway because you're being sabotaged by the factory, then even if that were true you're fucked before you start competing. you've already lost in your own head, you've made excuses before you've even started. it's a thin line! thinking the world is out to get you can either be a good way to get yourself to going, or it can be a loser mindset
quickly circling back to georgie boy, my main feeling is that they kinda have a different type of malaise. one is an overthinker and the other is at times very much an under-thinker. grussy actually shares the overthinking trait with his fellow 63 more than anyone else... all three kinda have this fun meeting point of a lot of cockiness and a lot of insecurity - they just balance them in other ways. and russell reminds me more of pecco in that kind of... being constantly thrown up against a Big Legacy of someone you admire, being in the shadow of greats and having to make your own name... you're very much part of a succession plan that leaves you with massive shoes to fill... (though admittedly grussy has also gone through the unenviable experience of getting to work closely with his hero and eventually having most of said hero's fans absolutely despise him. can happen, I suppose.) jorge is a bit more baggage-free. he's very much the main character in his own story, not so much faffing about with the narrative implications of all this shit. more straightforward! if jorge wins, it's about him. if he loses, it's also about him. ducati has been his world for the past few years, to the point where he's gotten a bit parochial about the whole thing. early this season, he was talking like - sure, the championship lead is important, BUT this is also giving him power in contract negotiations!! which... yes, that's true, but also that should be way down the order of priorities my man. jorge martin might be the only person in this universe who... genuinely might be more obsessed with beating pecco than marc? like, beating the marc marquez would be great and all, 8x world champion bla bla, but pecco is his personal antagonist! he's known him for years! that's ducati's golden boy! he needs to beat pecco so badly! there's something really fun about a rivalry where it feels like at least one side's feelings towards the other... kinda go beyond a personal relationship, like at a certain point it becomes about what the other guy Represents. jorge isn't worried about legacy and the shoes he's got to fill and can he truly live up to all those expectations as much as he's worried about himself and also occasionally pecco bagnaia
anyway, I've been thinking about the bottling thing... what jorge said about it earlier's been rattling around in my head since I saw the quote
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man, it must be really tough, right? like, you don't know why it's happening... it's not just cockiness - though there is an element of someone who's kinda used to bulldozing his way through problems with sheer obstinacy and stubborn self belief (another distinction with the 63's, who are more introspective and prone to self-flagellation following mistakes). but it's also just... you can't figure out why it's such a fundamental shortcoming of your game! today, from the way pecco and also luca (apparently) were talking about it, it seems like there was something noticeable about how jorge was gradually losing a bit in his control and precision as a result of how the tyres were going off, as a sort of precursor of the fatal error. which... well, it's at least a somewhat understandable mistake, because it comes from pressure? it's not just the tyres going off each time - the mugello sprint crash was lap four, jerez was lap ten. but an interesting thing about his big errors this year is that they have all come as a result of serious pressure - as a result of pecco directly behind him in the case of jerez and sachsenring and like... in anticipation of the massive points damage he knew he was probably going to take in mugello. it sounds obvious to say pressure is more likely to generate mistakes, but of course that's not always true of our title contenders! pecco only really wakes up when he's already dug a hole halfway to the centre of the earth - but when he faces actual pressure, his track record is mostly very strong. his biggest howlers this season, portimao + catalunya sprints, both came when he was leading comfortably. martin has also made these pressure-light mistakes in the past, most memorably indonesia last year but... well
one of the most fascinating bits of sports are like... limits and ceilings and how your build-up as an athlete kinda determines what's possible for you. like, sports is sort of where you experiment with notions of fate and inevitability and all that, where you question whether it's possible for anyone to ever really change. is it once a choker, always a choker? if you know that you have this problem, this flaw that is always just there in the background, waiting to be actualised - what can you do? does it give you more or less hope that there's not a clear root cause? how debilitating that must be for confidence too, always knowing that you could cause everything you've worked for to crash down in a moment.... this is where. y'know, the thing with pecco, right, is that he's now gotten to a weird place where psychologically he has to be wary of the mistakes he himself makes - but he knows that he can also bounce back from them. he has that muscle memory, because he's done it before. he chucked it down the road in india and he won the title! jorge did it in thailand and he didn't! and the problem is that it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle of sorts, because even though the margin between the two of them at the end of last year ended up being relatively slim... one of them still won and one of them still lost. which actually means that even though pecco and jorge both have made serious mistakes this year (though pecco's track record is cleaner - in portimao the points punishment didn't quite fit the crime and in the jerez/le mans sprints he was kinda just unlucky), only one of them knows they can do this shit and win the title anyway
and now jorge has an entire summer break to go away and think about that. can be a good thing, get some distance, and it's easy to slip into a run of bad form that you can't escape if there's no interruption. can be an awful thing because you're sitting with your mistakes for weeks on end with no chance to rectify them. I'm naturally a pessimist on the 'can any athlete ever really change' question because life has very much worn me down on this topic over the last few years (aka some sports results made me really sad). but I always want to be optimistic! I want to believe athletes can fix their fatal flaws! I want to believe they can get better at managing their tyres and not folding under pressure. and pressure works weirdly... sometimes it's not really a test of 'mental strength' as much as it is of what kind of in-built margin an athlete has (btw this is my best guess for what goes wrong with martin). sometimes it's beneficial in sharpening the mind and erasing the possibility of you just... not being sufficiently concentrated (which is my best guess for what happens with pecco when he's not being pressured). can you truly get better at dealing with that? or at a certain point, have you already accumulated so much mental scar tissue that you're always going to get in your own way? who knows! maybe we're all doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past forever and ever. who knows
anyway. in response to this ask. I do think it's more a case of 63's aligned in being too stuck in their own head, too concerned with legacy, and walking a very thin line between arrogance and insecurity. all three of them, though, have a bad case of 'coming through the ranks in an era of greats they'll always be disparagingly compared to'. what's new can never be as good as what came before, right? and they're constantly struggling to manage or maybe even overcome basic flaws that seem to be embedded in their make up as competitors... maybe they'll make it, just a little. maybe they never will. but it sure is fun to watch them try!
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faaun · 1 month
ok let's catch up quickly
#so i went on a few dates w this guy. long hair beautiful face kinda looked like a girl (good) said yes ma'am when i told him to do smth#(also good) film student great at photography including candids. made a sheath of leather for a sword pin i have . et cetera.#he asked to cuddle and i was like iggg and then i felt Nothing and i was like ohhh yh ok ok yep lesbian#like he meets almost all my criteria but. yeahhh no . also at the end of that date he had some weird takes. anyway broke up w him and told#him actually im p sure im a lesbian (again) and he was like yk thats the second time this has happened to me this week but its ok bc ive#fallen for this girl from berlin. and then we cooked together. anyway . met a beautiful butch lowk in love w her. weve been on (1) date.#have two exams in a few days havent studied enough going to like end it all basically. my research partner kicked me off our research#(expected(it was always skinda sketchy)) which was devastating + it happened in a lidl 15 hours into a journey from bordeaux#to go back to the UK. my friends were kinda busy paying for baguettes but also they heard this whole exchange and are kinda mad at him#my friend of 10+ years is coming over in a few days. my evil ex situationship person that i decided to stay friends w because i kept#insisting they are a good friend and not evil and also extremely beautiful? turns out shockingly enough they were evil. tried to fix them#and then i realised due to their entire friendship group being ppl like me (Every Single One of their friends are ppl they met on dating#apps then led on then dumped and proposed staying friends w) and are collectively extremely attracted to them and not over them they#keep validating the most diabolical shit they say/do to hace a chance w them. they broke up w their ex and the way they keep leading#this poor girl on and making her heartbeeak worse and saying that they want more power over her and want her to beg for them back etc...MY#JAW HAD DROPPED esp bc i didnt even know the ex was in the picture BECAUSE ME AND ONE OF OUR FRIENDS (that they also dated) HAD JUSR SLEPT#NAKED TOGETHER IN THEIR BED W THEM. GIRL. anyway that is the least of the diabolical stuff they said but no we are moving onnn#this was b4 the beautiful butch btw. anyways . i have a mitski concert tmrw i think?? idek anymore#i used to have a crush on this guy very briefly and then it disappeared and then i realised if he fundementally changed everything abt#himself then maybe id like him but ofc i didnt tell him that but i still think abt it sometimes but anyway thats irrelevant now bc 99% sure#even if he did id still not find him attractive (lesbianism). please recommend good overnight moisturisers btw i have super dry skin#right. the friend of 10 yrs. we had a hard convo abt why she essentially bullied me in year 8 and it made me highly bitter but i also love#her and ik things are diff now its been like . Many Years . and shes going to stay a while I HAVE TWO EXAMS I DONT HAVE TIME but i love her#its fine. i think i might just switch into medicine and do the whole become a neurosurgeon thing (which was my plan B) bc plan A is looking#kinda impossible rn. I WANNA TALK MORE ABT WHAT THE EX SITUATIONSHIP PERSON SAID but i wont bc i dont wanna be too mean but also . MY GOD#i had a conversation w a philosopher friend about whether i have a moral responsibility to try to fix them bc unleashing this on society#feels wrong and he said 'probably but...run' so yeah im not talking to them atm. second date w beautiful butch on monday btw IDK WHAT TO#WEAR. she said she likes fems. im just gonna wear the shortest ralph lauren skirt i have w the cute leg warmers and hope 4 the best#its 1:15 AM im abt to drink coffee and start studying bc what the FUCK man. also almost finished watching the boys its very good#one of my best friends is struggling rn it is breaking my heart i want to take the burden from her i miss her very much
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viledevilcunt · 20 days
though that does actually remind me of something i wanted to talk about. i see people go on about how "mental illness/trauma/abuse doesn't make you an asshole or abusive and saying that it does only further stigmatizes those disorders!! that's your choice to make!!!" and usually follow it up with "look at me, i have xyz and I'M not an asshole!!!!"
except...it does. it absolutely can. when you're not taught any different, when you're never given any tools to learn how to regulate, when you're in my situation - and i sincerely hope that no one is, despite how extremely unlikely that may be - people do not react like they do on TV or in fanfiction. no amount of stomping your foot and screaming and reblogging posts with tangents about how edgy someone is for experiencing anger, hate, frustration or any other "negative" emotion is going to change that. you want to shame or embarrass them into silence, into behaving like a proper victim should, or for them to set their jaw and be a survivor who sets a good example for others; that doesn't always happen.
again, this isn't fanfiction. i know your ao3 history and lack of ability to relate to or understand anything you don't agree with might tell you differently, but in real life there is no book or website that you can sit down with for 10 minutes and get all the answers on how to suffer nicely and look pretty while doing so. sometimes years and years of therapy doesn't fix everything (ask my 10+ doctors.)
you don't have to have empathy for these people, but maybe ask yourself why people who have been through bad things may react poorly or lash out without brushing them off as "oh clearly they're a stupid faking bitch whose never had anything bad happen ever" and why someone reacting differently than you makes you so angry
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ssreeder · 8 months
how are we feeling about the new netflix adaptation of avatar??!!!!!!!!!!!! the zuko casting eats and swolzai is so cool to see actually translated well (although we will see how they treat the characters in this)
The only thing I’m really looking forward to from the live action is being able to gossip about it with my mutuals. I don’t really have any other opinion, I mean… it looks cool! (Sokkas hair & zukos scar bother me but ehhhh what can I do?) But I’m an animation junky, I love my anime and my cartoons (bobs burgers beloved) so I don't particularly care for the “real people actors” taking over my cartoons but I’m totally chill about it honestly.
I will ABSOLUTELY be watching it and probably will form a more solid opinion after I actually watch the show.
#Omg I had to message a friend and ask who sowlozai was hahaha#I was like ummmm I don’t know this person#& they had to hold my hand and walk my old ass through it#But yeah! I guess I’m just not the kind of person who jumps to criticism#I mean don’t get me wrong I love a good gossip sesh#Don’t tempt me with a good time haha#I see a lot of effort being put into it so I want to give everyone who worked really hard to bring this show to life a chance#I can’t just tear apart all their hard work from a few photos and a couple trailers#I know it won’t be close to the original but it might be good#I heard the one piece live action was good#Idk I’m watching one piece currently so I haven’t seen the live action but ahhh luffy is so awesome haha#Again this show could be a dumpster fire but can it be worse than the first live action movie….? I think not#*points at friend who actually likes the live action movie* HAHAHA I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE#poor dads still waiting for book two hahaha#Sorry sorry I love you don’t be mad <3#Ok well COME SCREAM AT ME WHEN YOU WATCH IT AND ILL YELL BACK!!!!!!!#& yeah they had no business making ozai look that offical… damn it live action CUT IT OUT#& im sorry but iroh is the most iroh looking iroh i could have imagined and i giggle every time i see him#But i will take jabs that Netflix threw all that money at the show and still always sunny did a burn scar on cricket 10000x better than zuk#Left eye paint job (i know it’s mean but i doubt anyone would have stopped watching if they would had added a little more realism to that…)#(They didn’t have to shave his brow but put some of that effect glue shit on it and plaster that sucker down#ONE EYE BROW ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!!! )#& sokkas jet black hair with his front poof is just …. Damn it I think it’s actually stupidly canon for them to fuck up sokkas character#THIS MUCH - but again… maybe he’ll pull it off idk I JUST DONT KNOW#The girls are perfect & fuck it when azula picked up a bow#The first thing I thought was that fucking Annie song#“Anything you can do I can do better I can do anything better than you”#Zuko works tirelessly to master his weapon#Azula picks up a bow and laughs ‘silly zuzu weapons as child’s play’ *proceeds to hit a bullseye with no effort*#BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT
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anmaries · 14 days
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I think about this issue sometimes because she’s soooo quick on her feet. She’s always ready to jump into action and figure out a situation. It makes sense why people like steve rogers keep wanting her to be a leader type; she’s empathetic, she’s smart, and she’s decisive. she knows how to make those split second decisions and she’s all about putting herself in the line of fire to keep everyone else safe (see also: rogue not caring about herself and so the choice of self sacrifice is an easy one if it means saving her loved ones / innocent people)
#I’ve talked about it before and how I’m hesistant just because rogue feels like she can’t do a ‘good’ job being a leader#just because she doesn’t always want to take the high horse route or the by the book route#and she struggles with comparison to the leaders she’s had before because she doesn’t think she can measure up#and yet people still trust her wholeheartedly to lead teams / lead them#because she takes initiative she’s not scared she’s going to go out and get shit down#rogue doesn’t wait around for other people to do things for her#going off subject but like there’s so many instances where rogue gets separated from the group / taken#and she’s like well I’m not going to wait around to be saved#*done not down sorry#BUT SHE IS GOING TO FIGURE OUT A WAY#she’s been in millions of scenarios since she was a girl one of the things she definitely knows how to do is get out of trouble#also get into it but >:)#also her being empathetic is another really big part of her being a good leader#because she cares so deeply she does her best to understand all sides#she’s been on both sides she knows the things that drive people to do bad things#SORRY IM YAPPING#I like when she has the chance to lead her own team#(her picking mystique sabretooth Emma shekjsjsjs)#and she gets to do things the way she sees fit#and if it means breaking a few rules so be it#she’s the daughter of a mutant terrorist she might be reformed but there’s still some ideals#mystique wasn’t always wrong you know#stop erasing her past when she’s said it herself that all her life she’s just been fighting for one group after another#just because the xmen helped her doesn’t mean she agrees with all the takes completely#anyways#I love rogue she’s so cool and she should boss everyone around
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This whole train derailment thing in East Palestine, Ohio is so horrific.
And those toxic chemicals got into the Ohio River!
And I heard people saying that there was danger that it could possibly get into another body of water?
Apparently, this is going to affect 10% of the country's water supply, as things are? (According to one comment I saw, anyway.)
The place really has become the next Chernobyl, and everything has been handled so badly! (I feel if this had happened in a bigger state, that wouldn't have happened. And I strongly feel they should have evacuated everyone on day one.)
And no one's talking about it! In fact, at first they were covering it up and tried to arrest at least one reporter on the job of reporting the truth (finally more people are starting to discuss all of this, but still not as many as you would think. Especially with the massive ramifications this could have for so many!)
And why hasn't the president or any of the big wigs talked about this or done anything about it? Why didn't people in hazmat suits knock on the people in East Palestine's doors to tell them to evacuate when they finally did give them that order, instead of acting so blasé? You know if it was a place that people actually cared about, people would do so much more. I'm disgusted with my country.
#and it sounds like the whole thing might have happened because the railroad workers had gone on strike because they wanted safer worker#conditions and sick days. something that the president denied them. which in turn led to this tragedy#and also because. like. the railroad lines/tech is really ancient stuff that hasn't been updated since the civil war?#basically. as always. greed won out over safety measures and now we have this to thank for it#i guess people are also worried that acid rain could come from this. from that massive black cloud that's still over east palestine ohio#you know what? i wasn't going to admit this for many reasons. and maybe i still shouldn't. i might come back and delete this tag#but i'm from ohio. not from this city. but guess who still has to worry about all of this now affecting her (like the water not being safe)#and is furious about it and how everything's been handled? this girl#at this point there's a good chance i may die from cancer somewhere down the line from the water i've already ingested (that was#contaminated) since the derailment happened. before they were upfront about just how bad all of this was#and now i'm even MORE mad. in some ways. upon rewatching this one video i had before and realizing i'd gotten some of the context of it#wrong before. like apparently they've let some people come BACK to live in the town if they have nowhere else to go. being like 'carry on.#there's nothing to see here!' when that is NOT okay. when the town is still SO VERY TOXIC and hazardous to their health. and. tbh. the#government should probably be flipping the bill for them to be staying elsewhere for their safety at the moment
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pumpkinrootbeer · 3 months
sometimes I think about how the game that completely changed how the general public viewed pixel rpgs, has a breathtaking soundtrack that has completely escaped it's original circle, has lines like "It's you!" "Despite everything it's still you", changed so many people's mind about empathy in video games, was damn near revolutionary in how it used game mechanics as part of the story and literally fucked with the code of your computer, uses the game code as a means of storytelling, has secrets people still are trying to unravel to this day, and has a boss fight so mind-blowing people still talk about it and for so many people it's ongoing legacy is Kanye West likes...., selfcest, and that time it killed the queen of England. And I love that. good job team
#undertale#I will forever gas up undertale are you kidding#also if you weren't there in 2015 you might not get how like. jaw dropping sans' boss fight was.#just because how it became a meme#all the endings were secret!! For every one except a very very specific one that you have to grind for Sans does not fight you#you can't get him to fight you#he's the true fucking pacifist for better or worse!!#and it's not just his own nihilism he genuinely believes violence#and taking a life especially is this just insanely cruel thing#so you listen to him preach on and on about not hurting others#about not killing#about how it's wrong to kill#and then just completely decimates you when you first encounter him in the worst ending#'his boss fight isn't that hard!!'#YEAH NOW!#after people have had the better part of a decade to dissect it down to the millisecond#the reason it caught people so odd guard it because randomly the game changes the rules!!!#the character you're fighting changed the rules#you can the first move every encounter? no not this time#boss fights work up to their stronger moves to let you adjust? not here he hits you hard right out of the gate#the game gives you hints how to beat enemies? no. good luck babe#he opens the fight with a bit of dialogue the same bit of dialogue every time like every other fight? Not this time now he just goes#every fight gives you the chance to back out and finish the game like normal? no you're out of options#You have to restart the game if you want to start fresh#Again this is a character who never fights you! his fight isn't an option except in the worst time line!#and now he's just put every card on the table and is wildly considered the hardest fight in the game#AND! he fucking counts out your death#sans undertale is that dude.#He's always a character that breaks the rules everyone else follows and now he's breaking the rules YOU follow get dunked on idiot#This doesn't even get into how the game treats you the player as the villain in that route
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hexastitchimera · 3 months
I think I understand now why I'm honest to Stars nervous every time I interact with online communities like the animation meme one, the furry one, etc.
It's for the exact reason why I'm terrified of talking to former classmates who entered nursing school.
A huge majority of the vocal minority never left behind their grade school bully mentality. I'm not kidding, throwing insults, or even calling anyone childish. This is as big of a problem as it is in nursing, and it takes lives in the exact same way. I'll explain.
Having had family who were in the medical field, I have heard utter horror stories about one side of nursing. Not even in a medical malpractice sense. But how some of them can have the sweetest, "empath" mask on when they are around you, but will smear your name behind your back at the very least, try to get you disciplined/fired (especially if you're a "rival" nurse/student) at unfortunately common worst.
Now, because I am a firm believer in nuance, I have to state that for as many malpracticing nurses there are, there are just as many nurses who put their patients before their ego always. I myself have had several nurse family members who didn't have even the slightest infraction to their records, and retired late despite how their patients AND fellow MPs yearned for them to stay.
But, it has to be said: It only takes one to kill. One word, one intentional slip-up, one accidental pill too many. The side of the accuser only need speak, while the side of the victim has to frantically fight for their right to the role- to the life- they worked so hard for.
Why? Well, because it's easier to destroy the perceived enemy than it is to build your own self up. Destroying the competition has been a tale as old as time, and it can ALWAYS be for the pettiest of reasons.
If you want more of your supervisor's attention for better odds at better pay, intimidate and belittle nurses of your standing or lower so they're demotivated, demoralized, and struggling in comparison.
Hell, if you just don't like another nurse, watch their every move, and rat on the few, harmless, honest mistakes they made!
Who cares how many patients die, either because of a growing lack of nurses, or because of straight up nurse-on-nurse sabotage!
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Do you see how people can put the grandstanding of their own ego above entire LIVES?
The near-homeless artist whose callout you are mindlessly reblogging, what of their life?
The kinky trans woman?
The genderqueer person with neopronouns and "conflicting" labels?
The literal teenager who doesn't- and CANNOT- know better because of their horrifically bigoted family? Not without external guidance, of which they can only have through the online, and are immediately shunned from?
You all want an easy answer.
There are none here.
There never will be.
The only answer is to practice media literacy, to wait until both sides have come out with their sides of the story, and to understand a very rarely spoken of Golden Rule:
If it isn't hurting anyone nor contributing to harm period, mind your own business.
Otherwise, if still hard pressed:
What do YOU get out of ending the life of someone as they know it?
If it's the same sense of satisfaction a cop would get, I don't know what to tell you.
All I know is that you cannot, AND SHOULD NOT, be doing their "job" for them.
And if you do, wipe that ACAB off of your bio.
We do not use the weapons of the oppressor on our own. ESPECIALLY on our youth.
#vee vibrates#youth liberation#youth rights#I might be kicking the hornet nest here but it really has to be said and I'm so sick of the excuses.#I genuinely thought my generation would be better than this but nah.#I put too much faith in the very same “Humanity” that can't even be fucking bothered to be humane.#I want to be proven wrong by these communities. PLEASE prove me wrong and do better.#Artists like myself who have much bigger life-threatening things to worry about genuinely couldn't care less for this pettiness.#I will care if somebody has VERIFIABLE IMMEDIATE evidence of serious s€x crimes or sc@mming or anything and takes that to the police.#Because if it was that criminal you'd report it. Blasting it on social media fucks ALL your chances of the hand of the law coming down.#( See: Hansen & Onision; all actual predators who weren't reported and milked as “lolcows” instead until the crimes climax )#I've been a victim of police negligence myself. I know that a lot of them just don't take the online seriously at all.#But it's no excuse to not try. If a ch!ld pr€dator is active enough w sufficient evidence it will at least attract SOME legal attention.#But nah I'm probably going to get told off by someone with hella skeletons in their closet over this.#It's always the one who scream the loudest & with most vitriol about the sins of their opponents 24/7 that have the most to hide. Lose even.#I just don't understand why we need to enforce such puritan standards on everybody ESPECIALLY trans women.#I thought us ex-Christians were proud to divorce ourselves from the same methods and beliefs that traumatized us.#People hate cops and priests until they see the advantage in being one I guess.#medical neglect tw#medical tw#medical malpractice tw#death tw
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saetoru · 2 years
ok i have what is apparently an unpopular opinion but i honestly think a lot of the revenge things ppl do to ppl that cheat on them that i see on tik tok are too far
#i seen one when someone quite literally ruined their ex boyfriends chances of getting to med school or working anywhere in the health field#i saw one where they literally threw a family ring of generations into a lake bc her husband cheated#like yes he cheated and that is SO wrong and u deserve so much that he does not#but that is still a person and to a degree you still have to treat them w basic levels of decency#such as not ruining their career that is just#idk that’s rly not the flex you think it is#the suicide rates of med school is wild#that shit is NOT easy and for u to perhaps throw away those qualifications for someone bc they have been unfaithful to you#is not rly the evening of the playfield u might think it is#idk maybe that’s just me but#heartbreak u do bounce back from#some things are too permanent to be ‘morally-just’ revenge in my eyes#maybe this is just me#idk i don’t like to think i have sympathy for cheaters#i don’t. i’ve been cheated on#but i do have sympathy for people as people#IDK I RLY DONT#the comments are always praising them#but that med school one made me sick to my stomach#literally i felt genuinely nauseous#u have to understand that#something like that#it’s bigger than just#oh haha i broke his car window now he has to get a new one#my cousin is in med school and his parents have worked TIRELESSLY as immigrants#to save up for med school or wtv he chose to pursue#ruining something like that is not something that just affects one person#u might just like#put multiple ppls lifes worths of sacrifice to no use#like idk. rough up his car a bit !! put a glitter bomb in his stuff !! don’t mess w ppls entire futures it’s just…so wrong beyond cheating
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hearties-circus · 8 months
↖️ *guy that is having such a normal one right now* *guy that totally isn't fucking losing it* *guy that surely isn't about to explode into a million pieces with no idea how to put itself back together this time*
#gamer txt.#i cant i can do this i xant its too hard its too hard#zo yous know that post i made a bit ago? how o said i was fuvking desperate and hanging on by a thread?#well unsurprisingly as it turns out the sevonf ppl extended help i closed mysf back off and started lying again. who couldve daw that coming#ive vroken down plenty of times over the years but ibe always got back up ive bever had a 'i cant do it this time' moment#well i mean. until now#i just cant i cant do it it all hurts so much i cant enjoy anything i dread everutbing theres nothing theres fucking nkthing#it hurts all the time and i xant do anything about oy because no one in this house gives a shit#and i ca t do anything becayse eberyone online is do easy to ignore so easy to lie to#ive never veen this bad before ibe never dreaded life like this#i really dony know if i can xome back fron this#ya know on the 24th i would've been 3 years clean. i relapsed about a 2 months ago i wanna say? im really close to doing ot again#but i dont know if i wkuld stop. nor when i isuallu do anyeay i think i would keep going past what i know i could take#it would be stupid#no one gere would nhtive anything wrong until ot was too late id hust be making the worst mistake of my life#but despiye that. despite everything its so tempting. just for the chance that someone might notice#that someone might actuallu acknowledge theres sometjing wrong with and gove a fuck about me#i know this fanily. i know how they work. i know how they treated my xousin the last 2 tjmes she tried to off herself#but one of them would care right sureky? even just kne#i need someone yo see me to actually fucking see me and not all the walls ibe set up#someone to recognise that im in no state to take care of myself and never has been#something that will fight me when i obviously lie#but theres no way for me to get that#im not stupid enough to risk myself and um too much of a coward to call out in any other way#what the duck an i meant to do?#im a wreck thats too scared to tell anyone#ive been theoen into the middle of the ocean and the water is the strongest ots ever been#and there is the vague imsge of a life boat off in the distance but its too far and ny arm hurt too much to swim#even if i did make my arms hurt too much to climb aboard and theres no one on it to help me up either#so i just have to float here because at least drowning is less shameful than yaving made it to safety and been too weak to grasp it
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