#but then the people overseeing the wiki decided to not allow ocs like ones from fnaf
thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
Ngl actually debating on redoing some FNAF X MH OCs now lol
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
OC Spotlight: Lord Hode
I got a lot of positive feedback about my OC Hode from my fic series for She-Ra, “A Song of Steel and Light”. So, guess who’s featuring in my next OC Spotlight! 
This post contains spoilers for the fic. If you do not want spoilers, stop reading and scroll past now. 
Hode is one of the clones of Horde Prime, the same as Hordak. He is from an older generation than Hordak and, at the time that the main plot of the series takes place, he is dead. His character arc is told through flashbacks. 
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Click the “Keep Reading” for a complete bio. 
When Hode was a fresh new clone, his name was not ‘Hode’. In my AU, only Prime’s generals are allowed to have names and at the time, he was just a soldier with just a serial number. 
And he was assigned to the garrison occupying the planet Eternia. 
He was a competent soldier and became promoted to sub-Commander fairly quickly. Around that time, Eternia had an active rebel faction that was trying to combat and push out the Horde. Their leader of King Hiss and was at the top of the Eternian Horde’s ‘Most Wanted’ list. 
Zero-Eight-Six managed to deduce the location of King Hiss’ base -it was Snake Mountain- and he snuck in to assassinate the rebel leader. Zero-Eight-Six and a small contingent of soldiers managed to fight through Hiss’ Snake Men, allowing Zero-Eight-Six to get to the throne room where Hiss was. 
But someone else got there first. 
Zero-Eight-Six arrived just in the to watch an different Eternian -a Gar, a member of the blue skinned race- kill King Hiss instead. 
It was this Gar: 
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Only younger than he appears in that picture. There are no young pictures of this character from the MotU franchise. 
Zero-Eight-Six is so confused. Weren't they all Eternian natives? Why would the Gar kill one of his own. (Spoiler: He had personal reasons, but this isn’t his bio, it’s Hyde’s.) When Zero-Eight-Six asks this, the Gar gives him this really maniacal grin, takes one of Zero-Eight-Six’s weapons and impales the already dead body with it. 
“I didn’t kill him. You did.” Says the unnamed Gar. “Congratulations, clone, you just killed Eternia’s Most Wanted.” 
He leaves. 
Zero-Eight-Six is left just standing there, blinking. Equal parts confused and impressed. His soldiers come in and see their sub-Commander standing over the rebel leader’s dead body with his weapon in it and they assume he was the one who killed him. There’s a round of congratulations and they go back to the capital victorious. 
The cabinet Lord who was overseeing the solar system at the time was so impressed that he promotes Zero-Eight-Six to Territory Captain. Zero-Eight-Six is not the highest ranking Horde officer on Eternia. He basically rules the planet now. 
Some time passes. Not much. Like, a year. Maybe two. 
A new rebel picks up where Hiss left off. King Miro this time. Calling himself the “rightful ruler of Eternia”. He has a stronger following than King Hiss did. Hiss was only supported by members of his own race, the Snake Men, while Miro has support among all the peoples and tribes of Eternia. He is a much, much bigger problem. Zero-Eight-Six is always stressed. He tired and over-worked. He tries deducing where King Miro could be hiding like he did with Hiss, but every place his soldiers raid, there are signs that rebels had been there, but no solid arrests. 
Until, one night, that same Gar from Snake Mountain appears inside the palace in Eternos -where the Horde set up their seat of control. Zero-Eight-Six has no idea how he got it (spoiler, it was secret passes, he used to live there). He is flustered, and angry, and bordering on hysterical. This isn’t like when they crossed paths at Snake Mountain, then the Gar had been calm, and cool-headed, almost icy and cruel. Here he was hot-headed and flustered. Cheeks flushed (a different shade of blue) and eyes puffy as if he’d been crying. 
The Gar glares up at him and growls darkly. “I can give you Miro.”
So, Zero-Eight-Six captured Miro. Alive at first. Then executes him. 
The Gar watches the execution with mixed and conflicting feelings. Afterwards, Zero-Eight-Six confronts his Gar informant for an explanation. 
The Gar explains that he is actually Prince Keldor, the eldest son of King Miro, the dude Zero-Eight-Six just executed. Keldor always assumed he was going to succeed his father as heir, but Miro decided to pass Keldor up for his younger brother, Randor. Keldor goes on to explain that Miro’s organization was much more organized than King Hiss and he might have killed Miro, but his lieutenants -and his heir- are still free and able to fight the Horde. Zero-Eight-Six  would need his help if he really wanted to put an end to any unrest on Eternia, once and for all. 
So, they became allies. 
Over the course of their alliance, Keldor helps Zero-Eight-Six become more familiar with Eternian culture and how Eternians think. All the different languages of the different peoples and tribes (most of which are not languages clones are programmed with). Keldor also teaches Zero-Eight-Six to READ the Eternian written language. Clone are programmed with the spoken language so there is no verbal language barrier between them, but clones cannot read the sigils of their writing. Reading Eternian writings, he learns about modern Eternian, middle-Eternian, and olde Eternian. (This becomes important later as his name, Hode, is derived from olde Eternian.)
Impressed with all his successes on Eternia, Horde Prime promotes Zero-Eight-Six to his cabinet. 
Zero-Eight-Six leaves Eternia. 
The night before he leaves, he tells Keldor that he’s being promoted and that its been fun but he’s got to go. 
Keldor tells him that he could still be useful. In such a short time, he went from sub-Commander, to Territory Cabinet, to the Emperor’s own ruling cabinet. Why stop there? Why not make a grab for the throne? Keldor could help. He’d been playing court intrigue and “game of thrones” (ha ha) his whole life. 
Zero-Eight-Six refuses at first. No one can replace Horde Prime. He’s not just their Big Brother. He’s their god!
Zero-Eight-Six leaves Eternia. 
Some time passes. 
Some sort of cathartic epiphany happens but this author hasn’t exactly decided what yet. 
In a moment of role reversal, Zero-Eight-Six comes to Keldor on Eternia. Flustered, breathing hard, the color high in his cheeks, second set of eyelids blinking frantically. He tells Keldor that he was right. Prime isn’t a god. They can supplant him. 
If they word together. 
That’s when he tells Keldor the name he chose for himself as a cabinet Lord. Its an olde Eternian word. 
Which means ‘to hide’ or ‘to conceal’. 
Hode puts Keldor in touch with other rebel faction across the known universe. Helps then get organized. Makes then stronger and a more significant threat. Chipping away at the Horde Empire from the outside. 
While Hode slowly takes out the other members of Horde Prime’s ruling cabinet and replacing them is people he knows he can manipulate, weakening Prime’s power base form the inside. 
Its a slow process. They went in for the long con. 
They meet occasionally in person. To give each other updates or information too sensitive to be sent over transmission. 
Over the years they grow closer. From allies to friends. 
As their plan becomes more and more complicated and they grow closer and closer to their goal, they have to meet more and more often. One time, during one of their rendezvous, one of them kisses the other. I haven’t decided which one yet. 
Then, BOOM, from friends to lovers! 
Suddenly they’re not meeting just to share the plan anymore. Now they’re meeting because they miss each other and wanna see each other. 
Keldor tells Hode about the original King Grayskull, the two swords, and teaches him the “Song of Steel and Light”. 
Since Hode had been consistently manipulating things to make the rest of the cabinet look incompetent, or framing some of them as traitors, Horde Prime comes to rely on Hode more and more and Prime eventually allows Hode into his Inner Sanctum. There, Hode sees a sword hanging on the wall and it looks exactly like the picture that Keldor showed him of the legendary swords. Hode plays it cool in front of Prime, but the moment he is able to get away, he goes straight to Keldor and tells him that Horde Prime has one of his legendary swords. 
Suddenly, their carefully laid plan goes out the window. 
Fuck the long con! Let’s get that sword! 
Keldor convinces Hode to sneak him onto the Velvet Glove and break into Prime’s Sanctum to steal the Sword. 
They do. 
They are inside Prime’s Sanctum. 
Keldor is holding the Sword in his hands. 
For one brief moment, it feels like they’re already won. Everything’s right with the universe and they’re victorious! 
Keldor raises the sword above his head and speaks the words:
“By the Power of Grayskull!”
But nothing happens. 
Keldor looks so betrayed and confused. 
But they don’t have time to ponder it, as Prime and a whole bunch of guards burst in. 
Hode grabs Keldor to get him off the Velvet Glove ASAP. Keldor drops the sword, but Hode won’t stop so Keldor can pick it up. Hode practically carries Keldor to the escape pods and shoves him in. But he can’t escape with him because Prime’s solders grab him and pull him away. Hode kicks the release button to launch Keldor’s escape pod as he’s being dragged away so that at least Keldor can live. 
Hode it thrown down in front of Prime. 
They exchange some words. 
Then Prime cuts his head off with the Sword of Power. 
Hode dies. 
((Meanwhile, Keldor’s pod enters the atmosphere of “Horde World” Capital Core, which has a highly acidic atmosphere. Trying to get back to Hode, Keldor damages his pod and a tiny bit of the highly corrosive atmosphere sprays through a breach in the air-seal. It melts Keldor’s face off and- well, if you look up Keldor on the Grayskull wiki, you’ll know what happens to him.))
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