#but then i saw an old lady who did the same thing and went 'EVERY FUCKING TIME' and pulled it and ran
linawritesocs · 2 years
my ocs as random things i do (or did)
this is just a silly little post that i thought would be funny dhjsdsksk.
avery: seeing a fanart or a fanfic that uses flower language, googling those flowers' meaning and losing my mind EVERY SINGLE TIME. and yes, i often use flower language for my art and writing myself.
vance: making sounds like "boop!" or "beep!" or "yay!" whenever i do something, like opening a door or pressing a button
merrill: making a list of aesthetics i love and crying because i can't afford or find any things like that or wear outfits like that because of my body type and other reasons 😔
allen: just.. my very long yansim phase in middle school. yeah.
roland: running to buy a hawaiian shirt every time i go shopping for clothes
fake!jay: collecting things that are *insert all of my favorite animals*-themed, especially owls and cats
real!jay: mostly playing visual novels and "casual" games and not being that serious about it idia would make fun of me. i just know he would
austin: always wanting to be bloom or stella when me and some random girls pretended to be winx club characters, but getting forced to play as tecna (or aisha/layla. I LOVE BOTH OF THEM BUT WHEN I WAS LITTLE I WAS LIKE ".. please. please can i play as my faves at least once." this was my first gacha and i was already losing)
minnie: my 13-14 y/o's "GIRLS RULE AND I DON'T NEED A MAN but i am also a dazai and komaeda simp" phase.
hayden: accidentally (or intentionally) copying other person's typing style when i text them because i don't want them to be uncomfortable with my typing style. thankfully i don't do it that often anymore jdfkdks.
riley: taking a piece of bread when i was little and putting it in a bowl of water and being very proud of it because wow!! this is a soup!! and i made it myself!! now i have to make a family member eat it!!
angel: giving some of my toys and plushies either very long and specific names or very short names that don't make any sense out of context.
bunny: going insane if i see dust or any other kind of dirt anywhere, having a schedule for everything, overworking myself and not taking breaks AND-
seth: trying to open a door for a very hot person who had a guitar with them, but.. i was pushing a door that i was supposed to pull. yeah.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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Today felt like the last day of summer... I spent a long time following a little stream, looking for the spot where I'd found wild currants last year. They had clearly moved to a different spot, or maybe I'm just bad at finding things again because the only landmarks my brain finds worth remembering are stuff like "there were two baby cows to the left" or "there was a majestic hawk perched on a fencepost." I did know the currants grew near a waterfall that's near a little hamlet, and (unlike the baby cows) both were still here one year later.
Half an hour into our quest Pandolf had decided we must be looking for water, so he stopped like "Here!!" every time he found a noteworthy watery spot, it was very sweet.
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Eventually I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to find my favourite berries this year, and I went back to the road—and found raspberries instead! The last ones of the summer...
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I was like "I accept this consolation prize, world, thank you" and had started picking raspberries when I heard soft dainty footsteps on the road behind me. On reflex I said "Bonjour !" as I was turning around and then realised I'd just said bonjour to this lady:
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She walked up to me like she was about to ask me for directions, but then went right past me and walked on with the same purposeful air.
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She stopped to admire the view above the waterfall like an old lady on her routine evening walk, then she was on her way.
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Pandolf and I went in the opposite direction, to go home, and we soon found another pony who was clearly the first one's pasture mate. This one was in her pasture and she looked sad and abandoned (and/or outraged). She kept pacing and then stopping behind the fence and whinnying.
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After we crossed the hamlet we saw a guy on his tractor on the road—he was on his way to a pasture where you could see a little herd of cows who had formed an orderly queue in front of their milking parlour. It was evening milking time and the ladies knew it.
Cows queue like British citizens, I mean very politely and patiently, but still I didn't want to keep them waiting so I hesitated to stop the guy to tell him about the fugitive. I chose the compromise of trotting besides his tractor to give him the news, and the tractor was very loud so he couldn't hear me well and I had to sort of convey the concept of escaped ponyhood with hand gestures. The guy looked in the direction I was indicating and then nodded and moved his arms in a philosophical gesture of total acceptance, like, "Such is life." Or maybe it was "Not my pony, not my problem."
I on the other hand feel a deep sense of community with people who have escape artist animals, so I ended up turning back to see if I could at least orient the pony in the vague direction of her pasture. I found her at a crossroads, wondering where tonight's walk would take her.
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When I tried to go around her and shoo her back in the right direction, she went off the road and down by the stream, which wasn't the plan, and Pandolf happily followed her then barked at me like "hey!! water!!" Our search for water had ended but I followed them to humour him—and! I found some wild currants! down by the little bridge that the pony was waiting for me to notice like some mystical guide.
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There were no actual berries to be found, I'm a bit too late for that, but I got some cuttings to transplant near my house and since I thought I was going to go home empty-handed it made me feel successful anyway.
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So maybe the pony saw me meandering near her pasture looking for currants and decided to escape so she could help me out. A criminal with a heart of gold. If I'd walked by the bridge I might have seen the currants without her help because, guess what, last year's hawk, Guardian of the Gooseberries, was still there on his fencepost nearby. What a good landmark! But I wouldn't have walked by the bridge without the pony's prompting as I had already given up on my search, so she did escape for a good cause.
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I tried to use the currants as bait to attract the pony (let's call her Mrs Berry) towards her pasture, but after I pulled the leaves out of her reach for the third time I lost her trust and she stopped paying attention to me. So I had to go back to the good old method to make shetland ponies move, i.e. walk behind her and occasionally pretend-kick in the direction of her bum, the way you'd shepherd a reticent pigeon.
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Her friend looked pretty indifferent upon seeing her again, so I think she wasn't whinnying out of worry but because she's a Pirlouit (a snitch).
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I opened the pasture gate but Mrs Berry had absolutely no intention of going home so early. She went in the opposite direction, for a little stroll around her hamlet. (Look at Pandolf merrily leading the way! He loves escape artist animals, he thinks they're so much more fun than everybody else.)
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Nobody was home in the house by the pasture and I decided to let Mrs Berry stroll, now that she was no longer on the road walking away towards the distant horizon. I figured she must be a Pampérigouste, a known local personage who goes out for an adventure every now and then. We let her have her harmless fun in the two and a half streets of her little village, and since we had lost some time following this pony round, the sun was now quite low and Pan was all prettily backlit as he frolicked on the way home <3
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imbored1201 · 9 months
Lost Child
Barcelona Femeni x Teen Reader
Summary: Being in Sweden was supposed to be a fun new experience for you, then it became scary very quickly
A/N: This is set during the 22/23 season and I have no idea if the google translation was right for the Swedish speaking part, so sorry if it isn’t
You were in Sweden playing Rosengard. The team was on a walk, as usual, to admire everything about a new country. You were with Lucy and Keira, Keira holding your hand to make sure you didn't wander off.
Once the walk was finished everyone split into groups. You wanted to go with Ingrid, Mapi, and Frido since they were getting food and you were really hungry. Everyone else was going to go see exhibits and probably cause mayhem you did not want any part in. You had promised Alexia you would behave, and you wanted to keep that promise.
Lucy, being an overbearing mother, strictly told the three girls to keep an eye on you, as you were a slippery little thing and always wandered off without anyone realizing. "It's not hard to keep track of a 16 year old Lucy," Mapi cockily grinned as she put an arm around your shoulder.
"I warned you, if she does wander off, she'll most likely be in a toy store or arcade." Mapi seemed to not care about this information, but Ingrid and Fridolina did. They knew how you were.
They were Alexia's go-tos when she had to rant about your behavior. You were always getting into trouble. Even if you got hurt, the next day you would be doing the same thing again.
You and Mapi skipped ahead as Ingrid and Fridolina took pictures of everything. They smiled and watched you look around, amazed by the new scenery.
Fridolina was paying close attention to you and would grab you and pull you back into her body, telling you to stay close to someone when she noticed you wandering off. She didn't want to deal with the yelling Alexia would give everyone if she got a phone call from them telling her they lost the baby.
You guys walked past a outlet as you were going to get food. Ingrid and Fridolina wanted to look around, and of course, you and Mapi would be their personal bag carriers. Ingrid could tell you were on the verge of complaining, so she bought you chocolate to keep you distracted. It did make you feel a little better, but you just wanted food, something like chicken tenders.
"I need to use the restroom; sit right there." Fridolina pointed to the bench, and you surprisingly listened without any snarky remarks. Mapi and Ingrid were nearby, looking at some fancy shoes through a window.
You huffed and looked around at everything and everyone. You loved observing. It was the little moments that made you happy. After a few seconds, you got bored and got up to bug Mapi.
You were confused when you saw they weren't nearby anymore. "Huh" you mumbled as you walked to find them.
After a couple of minutes, you were in front of a bakery, looking around, confused. Completely forgetting every way you just went.
'Should've studied the streets I took,' you said to yourself as you huffed angrily. Of course, this was the only time you decided not to observe anything.
You searched for your phone but realized Ingrid was carrying it in her bag. You sighed as you walked to a park that was near the bakery and sat down on a bench. It was getting dark; you were hungry and wanted to take a nap.
You were thinking of going back to the bakery but were too scared to go in. Wondering what the workers would do if they saw a confused kid who couldn't speak Swedish, shaking and trying to figure out how to communicate with them.
That's when a lady came up to you; she looked elderly and looked at you weirdly as she noticed your terrified expression. "Mår du bra?" (Are you okay?). You looked at her confused, and she realized you weren't from there. She put her finger up to signal for you to wait here and walked away. You knew you had to trust someone, so you waited.
The lady came back 10 minutes later with a bag of goodies. She sat down next to you and handed you a piece of bread. You had no idea if it was even safe or if she hadn't put anything inside. You could already hear Alexia's scolding about taking things from strangers, and you were pretty paranoid about that stuff since you watched so many crime shows.
It was silent between the two of you, but you felt comfortable with her; she had Leah's comforting demeanor. She was just scrolling through her phone and would look at you every 2 minutes to make sure you were fine. After 10 minutes, you heard your name from a distance. Your face lit up when you saw a familiar blonde. "Frido!" You yelled happily as you ran into her arms.
"Kid, you gave everyone a heart attack," she said as she hugged you tightly. "är hon din dotter?" (Is she your daughter?) The lady said to Frido, who shook her head and rubbed your back. "Vän, tack för att du tittade på henne," (Friend, thanks for looking after her), the woman nodded. "Thank you," you told her quietly, making her smile as she patted your back and walked away.
"I told you not to wander!" She scolded you now, and you marveled at the personality change. "I didn't mean to; when you went to the restroom, Mapi and Ingrid wandered off, so I tried finding them, but I couldn't find any of you," you defended yourself. "Hold on, I need to call them to tell them I found you." She got out her phone and dialed Ingrid's number.
"Ingrid, yes, I found her. Calm down; you're talking way too fast. Who told Alexia?" Shivers ran down your spine. Someone told Alexia about you getting lost; everyone was going to get yelled at the next time you guys saw her.
"I have her okay; just go back to the hotel." "I'm hungry," you whined at Frido, who sighed. "She's hungry; it'll probably take a while; I'm going to get her food." You smiled at that. The whole walk, Frido didn't let go of your hand. You didn't care, though, joyfully swinging your combined hands back and forth.
Once she got you fed and bought you some things to make you feel better, you made your way back to the hotel. As soon as you stepped into the lobby, Irene, Mapi, Ingrid, Marta, and Lucy crowded you. Lucy pulled you into her and glared at the girls. "I cannot believe you three; you lost our prodigy. Leah would have killed me and Keira if she found we lost baby England," Lucy said as she led you to the elevator.
You could hear distant arguing as you walked away from the group. You showed Lucy your new stuffed lioness, and the candy Frido got you. No one on the team could say no to you, expect Alexia, and you used that to your advantage.
"That's nice, kiddo. Come on, it's nap time." You gave her a weird look. "I'm 16, not 3," Lucy shrugged. "Do you want to grow big and strong like me?" "I thought you stop growing at 15?" "Okay, but come on, don't you want some nice abs like your favorite defender?"
"Leah's abs are nice," you muttered, and Lucy looked at you, offended. You smiled at her and threw yourself into her arms. "Fine, I'll take a nap, but you have to be my cuddle buddy since Ingrid is too busy being yelled at." Lucy smirked and held you. You loved to cuddle with your teammates, especially when you did something bad. It completely made them forget what you did as they held you.
"I'm still telling Leah about this," you groaned as you shut your eyes and took a nap, knowing when you woke up you’ll have tons of text from Leah and Alexia.
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zhng96 · 1 year
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↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ warning: fluff for those w a sweet tooth <3
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↳ moving you by your waist
- sidewalk rule is something HE LIVES BY
- when you’re blocking his way he’ll gently just grab your waist and beckon you to move UGH
- he is so boyfriend i will die
- he lives for the flustered look on your face EVERY TIME HE DOES IT
- you swear you will never get used to it
- you are walking on the side closer to the street? NOT GNNA HAPPEN UNDER HIS WATCH!
- you’re a little too close to a high ledge? NOT UNDER HIS WATCH
- you’re a little lost?? he’ll guide you by gently pushing you by the waist EHEHEHHE
- got me giggling n all..
(rest of the members under the cut!)
↳ is constantly taking candid pictures of you :(( (he has a whole album he organized once a week on his phone)
- he wishes he could inject your reaction tho finding out every time he takes a picture
- he finds you so endearing istg
- he will purposely turn his ringer on so you can hear the camera snap
- sometimes he already awaits your reaction to the first snap so he takes a picture while your eyes are wide in realization
- he treasures it forever (it’s his lockscreen)
- i can imagine you guys being on face time while you are getting ready for the day and he just does the face time screen shot thing
- hes so boyfriend im afraid 😣😣 (pt2)
↳ always takes one flower from the bouquets he buys you to know when to buy you a new one
- we need more hanbins in the world 💔💔
- this man buys you a bouquet without you even asking he is literal perfection
- he sets the one flower on his window sill and always makes sure to check it everyday before leaving for work to know if he has to buy you a new one or not </3
- the first time he did it he texted you “hey since the last bouquet died do u prefer lilies or peonies?”
- you went feral LIKE HOW DID HE KNOW??!!
- and then when you went over to his house one day you saw a flower similar to the ones in your bouquet and you connected the dots
- he goes to the same flower shop every time too
- he goes to a locally managed one!! he thinks the flowers are prettier there than at any supermarket
- the old lady who runs the store is basically his second mother and told him to bring you so you two could meet
- he is so boyfriend it is actually crazy (pt3)
↳ buys everything that reminds him of you
- he is so adorable
- he’s out with his friends and he finds a plushie that resembles you?? yeah he’ll buy it
- some times he gifts them to you but sometimes he’ll keep it
- when you ask him about it he’ll be like “oh it made me think of you!”
- one time you noticed a cute plushie in the backseat of his car and you asked him where and why he bought it
- he said “it reminds me of you! that way every time im driving it feels like you’re with me :)”
- you melt EVERYTIME
- you guys build a ikea shelf for your room solely used for displaying matthew’s trinkets he bought thinking of you :(
- he says its the yn museum LOLL
↳ constantly bumps into you as you walk
- it sounds annoying but it’s actually really endearing :(
- times he can’t hug you he’ll touch you by teasing and bumping into you
- he’s also distracted and just so comfortable and immersed in your conversation that he can’t walk straight
- (but he doesn’t tell you that)
- sometimes he almost pushes the both of you off the side walk LOL
- he finds moments where being playful but also being close to you are his favourite memories
- sometime when you get tired of it you just hold his hand which suddenly makes him stop hehe
- he just wants to be close to you is all
- and tease you <33
- boyfriend coded (pt5)
↳ sets food on your plate whenever you eat out
- i feel like hes not the most openly affectionate person,,, like he shies away from pda n all that
- so instead he shows his love through his actions!!!
- you guys are out eating at a kbbq place and hes just placing some meat or rice on your plate </3
- he’s so attentive w/ it too like when he notices the pile is slowly getting smaller, he takes more off of the grill and sets it on your plate :(((
- when you take notice he smiles, places more and goes “here you go” AHHHH
- once u got to the last piece on your pile its tradition to feed it to him :))
- he happily accepts
- he’s so lovely :((
- and so boyfriend </3 (pt6)
↳ touching you with his cold hands
- LIVES for harmless teasing
- he’ll take his hands and cup your cheeks with them :((
- he loves the squeal and the cute little face you make :((
- sometimes you guys are cuddling in bed and he’ll put his hands under your shirt and rest them on your stomach
- you squeal again which = happy happy gyuvin
- he always apologizes w kisses afterward tho :)
- now you are both happy
↳ whenever you ask for one of his hoodies, he sprays a fresh spritz of his cologne on it
- he likes any opportunity to give you his hoodies :))
- he acts like he doesn’t see you basking in the cologne the hoodie absorbed the first few times he gives you his hoodie
- so now he makes sure to give it an extra spray before giving it to you :))
- he’s considered buying you the cologne as a gift once actually
- but he likes the feeling of keeping the secret that he knows how much you like the scent so he decides against it :)
- he likes seeing your smile every time you put one of his hoodies on not knowing he was admiring hehe
- bf coded (pt8)
↳ compares you to cute and funny animal pictures
- im tempted to make a seperate imagine for this its just so cute
- you’ll just be going about your day and he’ll text you
- he’ll just send the picture of an animal and say “you :)”
- you ask him to elaborate (he has picsart downloaded just for this moment) so he sends a collage of a picture of you resembling the actions or face the animal makes
- he is so cuteness i will die
- when you guys are hanging out he’ll take it phone screen and open up a picture of an animal and hold the screen right next to you face
- he inspects it like he’s an artist and just giggles
- you live for it tho
- oh can’t forget about the times he would ask you to do a pose and you comply reluctantly and he takes a picture and adds it to his collection of pictures that resemble an animal :)
- yea he has an entire album on his camera roll
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navi. mlist.
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jyoongim · 7 months
Hi there,
If requests are still open I was thinking of an idea. I was kinda inspired by the scene in Hazbin Hotel where Val is squinting at the tv and saying “who the f$&@ is that?”
But my idea is instead it’s Vox seeing Alastor escorting the reader around town, having coffee etc. so Vox sees an opportunity to get to Alastor by abducting the reader and broadcasting it to the hotel that they have her/him. Of course Al gets pissed seeing then hurt the reader and saves them.
Doesn’t have to be romantic, maybe more that Alastor considers then a rare friend and is very protective.
Anyway, let me know what you think.
Thank you!!
warnings: fem!reader kidnapping, attempted SA, Vox being a piece of shit, platonic friendship
“WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?” Vox growled as he stared at his many monitors.
 What had caught his eye was that fucker Alastor.
But oh the red demon wasn’t alone, no, hanging on the arm of the Radio Demon was a pretty doe.
You smiled as you chatted to the demon, eyes sparkling before pouting at whatever he had told you.
You leaned your head on his shoulder happily as the two of you walked down the street. 
Valentino took a puff from his cigar, smirking ”Ooh ooo seems like Alastor got himself a pretty lady while he was gone”
Vox had caught sight of you multiple times. Ever since Alastor came back, you were always by Alastor’s side, not once had he seen you alone.
He watched as Alastor took you to multiple places; cafes, shopping, showing you around Pentagram City.
You must have been something real special if the Radio Demon kept you around.
It would be ashamed if Alastor’s little pet went missing now wouldn’t it……
You groaned as you came to. You blinked,  clearing the haze from your sight as you gathered your senses.
You went to move, but found yourself bound and gagged. 
Your eyes widened how the fuck did this happen?
The last thing you remembered was leaving the hotel to buy a few things and being grabbed from behind.
You shivered. Looking down, you saw that you were dressed in rather provocative clothing. You looked around, there were cameras, monitors, and horny demons in the room all set on you.
You started to hyperventilate as tears welled in your eyes, where were you? 
“Aaahh there she is” a voice purred, a cold hand grabbed your chin,making you come face to face with Vox.
Your tears dried up immediately as your brow quirked at him
”now you might be confused dear but don’t fret, I’m not gonna hurt you too bad. Just need to get my point across. How will Alastor feel seeing his little pet ruined” he chuckled darkly.
You growled at him through the gag. 
He sat on a chair and grinned into the monitor
”This is a message to that old timer prick!” The monitor flashed your bound body, wriggling around as multiple demons started the touch you.
”I’ve got your pretty pet, oh don’t worry Ill send her back to you…but i fear she wont be quite the same” Vox laughed.
Charlie and the gang watched in shocked. Why the hell would Vox take you?
A dark aura filled the room as static buzzed loudly. 
“Well it seems I am needed elsewhere” the red demon grinned, smile tense and menacing.
Alastor disappeared in the depths of his shadows.
You panted as you were surrounded by demons. Your face was bruised and blood dripped from your mouth from being striked.
Your gag had been removed by a demon attempting to use your mouth and you had chomped his dick off, resulting in a harsh slap.
”I say we fuck her til she bleeds or even better dead” a demon growled.
You hissed and before one could make a grab at you, the lights blinked.
Dark misty shadows filled the room and you smiled as a voice growled from them.
”Now thats no way to treat a lady”
The demons tried to rush him, but his tentacles shot out and ripped every single one of them apart.
He stalked towards Vox and you had never seen Alastor so enraged.
He had the monitor glitching as he beat him to a pulp.
He powered him down and made his way over to you.
Taking you into his arms, he cooed to you “Oooh my dear I do apologize for the horrid display, i hope you were too uncomfortable”
He materialized your clothing to be more conservative and walked you out of the Vs’ building. 
“Thank you Al” you whispered burying your face in his chest
He chuckled “Ooh anything for you my dear”
Let’s just say, Alastor accompanied you anywhere you went after that.
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I saw the Welsh restaurant post, listened to two of the songs so far (Sebona Fi and Ben Rhys), and now I'm curious. What makes Sebona Fi faerie music? Is it bc Ywain Gwynedd sounds like a fae prince, or is it smth else, or a combination? I tried searching it and like half the results just linked to your post XD
Sebona Fi is an absolute cultural phenomenon. It's absolutely absurdly popular among Welsh speakers, to a rabid extent. People who don't like modern Welsh music like it; people who only like heavy metal like it; people who don't speak a lick of Welsh hear it and like it. It's faerie music because it makes you smile and want to dance, regardless of how you feel that day or whether you even understand it.
Yws Gwynedd played the main stage on the last Saturday of the Eisteddfod last year. I went up for it. Great concert throughout, but the last song they did was, of course, Sebona Fi, and you cannot imagine the crowd response. People went feral. There were little old ladies dancing like nutters. A hundred years could have passed in three minutes, we wouldn't have known. No one asked for an encore, because they couldn't have beaten it. We all understood that was the end of the night. Every band that's lucky has one song that goes down in history, and for Yws Gwynedd it's Sebona Fi
The translated lyrics, btw:
Go walking right across the sea
Catch your breath, you will faster feel the warm air
Like a kiss on your bare white skin.
Listen to nothing to open your world.
Sit down now, lay down your head,
every little thing will be all right if you sleep through the afternoon.
Because we're all running like so many rats;
If you have half an hour,
Flatter me.
But remember the same old things are worrying everyone,
But in the end, we're all dirt
Oh, life is so fine.
The taste of the grape is strong in the wine,
And the company is good.
Sing the song that kept us up,
Hold tightly - cats and dogs* are falling around your head,
But remember there is value to your smile.
Because we're all running like so many rats;
If you have half an hour,
Flatter me.
But remember the same old things are worrying everyone,
But we're all dirt in the end.
Oh, life is so fine.
The taste of the grape is strong in the wine,
And the company is good
*as in, it's raining cats and dogs. The actual Welsh is 'old ladies and sticks', and that's what he sings.
And here it is for anyone wondering what all the fuss is about:
(You may still wonder. But it's a banger.)
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This is probably a weird note to end my time with MHA's run on; but I find it so strange how I still see people calling Tomura out on just being a destruction-hungry villain with supposedly no plan or follow up...as though he is unique for that simplicity. Especially after the ending we got. Like, Deku and All Might never really had a plan when they were reshaping society by beating up the enemy and everything worked out fine for them, but does anyone call them out for just using violence to mindlessly solve everything with no further plan? (Well, yes. Me. Right now.)
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Because like, really thinking about it; how different was All Might's plan from the start of his career to take down AFO and become a symbol, and Deku's plan to end the villains and bring everything back, from Shigaraki's plan to end hero society and bring about a world accommodating to the League? It all seemed to boil down to the same basic premise of Step 1) Beat everyone & everything making things worse, Step 2) ...it all just kind of works out from there. (I guess All Might planned on being inspiring and uplifting, but then we could also count Tomura's plan to be imposing and...uplifting but for different people. Deku was winging it every step of the way though.) Everyone's getting on Tomura's case for doing nothing but destroying; but all evidence from when the heroes do it suggests violence & destruction works. And it just never fails to bug me when people call Tomura out for stuff that's fine when heroes do it.
Which, yeah, let's touch on how it did just work out for Deku that way for no logical reason, least of all anything he planned. He punched out the big bad just like All Might and now things are like a hundred times better than they were under All Might with no more Tenkos abandoned in the street. If stuff like that just happens if you punch out your enemies hard enough, then why couldn't that happen for Tomura? Maybe if he had destroyed the government & hero society it would've, idk, been so fear/awe-inspiring that all the villains would've been nice and cooperative under the PLF and everything would've been fine. Or something. No more contrived than what we saw with the old lady plot line, MHA is just a series where that stuff works out. Heck, one time it actually did just work out that way for Tomura:
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Again, violence and destruction works in MHA. I mean; duh, it's a shonen manga.
Plus all this is ignoring the fact that, unlike those two, Tomura did have a follow up to the violence. He did have a step two, or at least one & a half, after "beat down all the bad guys in the country." Rather than just going "and everything will work out from there," he had his guys plan for the future so he could say "and Spinner, Toga, and RD et. all will make sure everything works out from there." (Admittedly, not much; but also, not hopes and dreams.) He did have a plan, it was just the plan from the Overahul arc, where he was last asked to have a plan: leave it to his allies.
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And hey, that means it's actually better than what we saw from genius All Might and brainiac Deku. So why are we still, even after everything was over, acting like there's some expectation as a villain he didn't meet? I guess it's just in the nature of a 'tantrum-having man-child who wants nothing but destruction' to put more forethought into the future he wants to build than the society-uplifting greatest heroes.
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That or maybe everyone had really detailed follow-ups for when they won that Hori never went much into, but that'd render this post a bit pointless so shhh.
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mokulule · 8 months
Almanac - Chapter 4
DP x DC Dead on Main First | Masterpost Note: I made a new masterpost to subscribe to over on my new blog where I organize my writing @mokus-invenstory. Links on the other chapters have been updated, I will still notify on the old post with updates.
Chapter 4 - October 21-22nd, Orinoids Meteor Shower
Training with Fright Knight was an experience.
Jason was no stranger to harsh training regimes, but it seemed like Fright Knight truly had no other duties to attend to. And maybe that was what ghosts did? Find the one thing they were good at and then do it for all eternity? It was exhausting, unrelenting.
Every day he went to the kitchen to find a plate of breakfast ready, thankfully it wasn’t the same thing every day. He wondered if it was courtesy of the Lunch Lady, but he never saw anyone else and the cupboards and pantry were empty.
The mystery of who and how human food came to be here itched at him but as long as the magical castle felt reluctant to even let him get to the kitchen in the first place (he’d yet to walk a path quite the same there) it was something he would have to leave unexplored.
He ate and then as he was done as if summoned Fright Knight would collect him and drill him until he dropped.
The knight treated Jason as if he’d never held a sword before starting basic at stance and simple attacks repeated ad nauseum, with the occasional cardio and strength building exercises. While Jason preferred guns, hand to hand combat and occasionally knives, it wasn’t the first time he’d fought with a longer bladed weapon. His general training meant he could pick up most weapons and use them successfully so he thought it was rather unfair - not that he was fool enough to raise that opinion, this wasn’t the first stern training master he’d served under.
And arguably he didn’t have much experience with medieval style broadswords. So he sucked it up and did as ordered.
There were no breaks throughout the day, no more food. You’d think it was a form of torture that he didn’t get to eat more than breakfast, but Jason, while he got tired, never got hungry throughout the day. Apparently he got the rest of his needs covered through energy diffusion or some shit - assuming he’d understood the king correctly.
His waking moments were repetitive, but he was not bored as such. Not that he was enjoying himself either, but he was busy, occupied. Training and learning new skills were never a waste - he had to tell himself that. But when he laid in the barren room, which he still considered his prison, in those short moments before exhausted sleep claimed him, horror creeped in; horror that this would be the rest of his life.
Another day another drill.
The weight of the practice sword in his hand felt as familiar as breathing after 9 days of non stop practice.
“You are becoming complacent,” Fright Knights voice boomed as always from everywhere at once despite him clearly looming right in from of him.
Jason tilted his head regarding the knight for a moment. He wondered how much sass he could get away with.
“Well you could give me a challenge instead of this,” he returned evenly.
Somehow Jason had the distinct feeling the knight was smiling unseen in the darkness under the helmet.
“Very well,” his voice rumbled like a storm in the distance, setting all of Jason senses alert at the coming threat. His grip tightened on the practice sword.
The knight turned and flew over to set aside the neon green sword he carried at his side in favor of a practice sword in the weapons rack by the wall. For the first time since Jason had seen the knight kneel before his king, his feet touched ground.
He stalked towards Jason, a weight and realness to him now as the armored shoes clanged against the cobblestone. The hair at the back of Jason’s neck stood on end as the air charged with his approach. Every instinct in his body told him to be afraid. Someone with less combat experience might have frozen, Jason picked his guard up and turned so he made a smaller target.
The cobblestone knocked his breath out and his sword clattered across the stones. His ears rang and he could already feel his left eye swelling from where it had met an armored fist. Above him a couple of shooting stars shot across the clear sky in rapid succession before the Knight stepped close. He loomed above Jason and for one horrifying moment Jason thought he would ram the practice sword through him, blunt tip and all.
Instead the knight held out a hand.
Jason wet his dry lips and took the hand. He was pulled unceremoniously to his feet.
“Did you notice what I did?”
Not only did Jason notice that twist Fright Knight had done that had sent his sword flying, he very much felt the way he socked him in the face.
“Yes.” Jason had not expected he’d be dueling something like a fucking Kryptonian, nobody that size had the right to be so fast. The trick to fighting Kryptonians and people of that speed class was more in anticipating their moves rather than reacting to them, and more importantly coming prepared with something to incapacitate them with. Jason had no clue what might be Fright Knight’s weakness, probably wouldn’t be so easy as to laugh at him.
The knight nodded at his response.
“Good, now to counter.”
He then walked Jason through no less than five possible counters, to what was apparently a rather risky move he’d done - had he been alive at least. The counters were well and good, but as long as Jason had no way to counter the speed, the knight could repeat the move at his leisure.
Not that Jason pointed that out. No, Jason practiced dutifully and found himself seeing the stars multiple times that day. He got very well acquainted with the cobblestone. On the seventh meeting with the ground, he thought he saw a glimpse of light from a window high above the courtyard. He could have sworn it was the king watching, but as he got back to his feet and looked back up the light was gone. Maybe it had just been a reflection, a trick of the light from one of the many shooting stars.
Still, reminded of why he was here, his mood soured. Yes, Jason had put himself in this situation, but he’d expected to die for his sacrifice - and maybe that would have been too easy an out, but he’d certainly not expected to be discarded, like the unwanted possession he apparently was.
Resentment curled in his gut. Poor little king never wanting to have been summoned having to take Jason as payment. It was clearly such an ordeal.
Jason snarled getting back to his feet and for the first time he went on the attack. Fright Knight seemed amused, which only egged him on. Jason reached for the All-Blades but of course they didn’t manifest, because in this stupid place not even someone named fucking Fright Knight counted as true evil.
He let Jason wear himself out, disarmed him again, and punched him hilt first in the stomach. Jason crumpled over the practice sword and slid down to his knees, gasping for breath.
The knight considered him for a moment, waiting to see if he would get up again. When he didn’t, he made a minute shake of his head.
“You have spirit, but your mortal trappings do you no favors.”
Jason couldn’t help laughing at that. What was he supposed to do? Apologize for being alive?
“Blame your king.”
Oo o oO
That night Jason dreamt of Gotham, or more specifically of Crime Alley. Dick was patrolling in Jason’s absence, but he didn’t know the Alley like Jason did. He didn’t know of the small shadowed nook in that building that made for a perfect hidey hole. He didn’t see the gun pointed at him, didn’t move until the shot rent the air.
Jason sat up in bed gasping and shaking.
It was a dream, it was a stupid dream. He fumbled automatically for his phone, before he remembered, there was no way to make sure. He was stuck in the realm of the dead. It was a dream, he firmly reminded himself.
Still he shook and couldn’t bring himself to go back to sleep. Dick’s shocked face haunted him whenever he closed his eyes.
Gingerly he stepped out of bed. Clearly the order to keep Jason alive hadn’t kept the knight from beating him to hell and back. A particularly spectacular bruise mottled the side of his torso in purples and blues. From the twinging pain with every breath there was probably a few bent or broken ribs underneath that.
He walked to the bathroom, where he’d hung his clothes to dry after washing them in the sink. He reached out to touch them to find them cold and damp, a testament to how little sleep he’d managed. He shivered at just the thought of pulling them on, but he didn’t exactly have anything else to wear.
He couldn’t go back to sleep. He needed to move. That gun had been aimed for Dick’s head. It was just a dream, he reminded himself sternly. He needed to pull himself together.
Taking a deep breath he reached for his underwear first, pulling it on with a grimace. Disgusting was not a strong enough word, he thought grimly. He was cold and miserable by the time he’d finished dressing and trapped his damp socks in his boots and tied them.
Dressed, he left the room for the hallways, expecting the castle to give him a good walk around as usual - expect he’d barely walked down two hallways until a door revealed the kitchen. There was a cup sitting on the table in front of his usual place. Curious he walked over to pick up the steaming mug, he put it up to his nose and sniffed it. His eyebrows rose in surprise - hot cocoa.
He glanced around and like always saw no sign of the presence of anyone but himself. He took a sip and amended his earlier assessment with a hum of pleasure, this rich taste could only be hot chocolate. It sat warm in his belly and he found some of the restless energy leaving him. He sat down and allowed himself to relax. He held the cup with both hands and let the warmth seep into his fingers with a sigh.
Maybe the castle didn’t entirely hate him after all.
He sipped slowly, savoring the treat. The hot chocolate was good, it wasn’t quite Alfred’s but-
A wave of homesickness overtook him and he slumped forward in grief. Maybe Jason would manage to escape some day, but Alfred was not exactly young anymore. People died suddenly sometimes, even when they seemed healthy.
Jason wasn’t there anymore. He couldn’t check on his family. Not Alfred, not Dick (it was just a nightmare!) or anyone. A mocking laughter haunted him as if from a distance, a memory wanting to drown him. He clenched his fits tight, he wasn’t back there. He was here, property of the ghost king, safe.
Unlike everyone else.
The Joker was still in Gotham. Still alive despite everything, a threat to everyone and Jason was useless.
He was a fucking idiot. He’d sacrificed himself willingly, but he hadn’t expected to have to live with the choice.
Did that make him a coward too? On top of everything?
He stood. He couldn’t sit here. He had to move. Before he knew it he was walking through hallways, uncaring where they took him. Left, right, nothing mattered. He just had to move. He didn’t know how long it he walked until he found himself, breathing heavily, in front of a stairwell. There was something familiar about it. His eyes were drawn to the path down. He’d never chosen to go down before. There was something down there. He took a step forward.
He froze and spun around at the echoey voice. It felt like all the breath left his body, sucked into the gravity of the king.
Toxic green eyes flicked from Jason to the stairwell. Dark brows drew together in a frown, and the shadows suddenly seemed darker, deeper, like places you could fall into and disappear never to be seen again.
He floated closer. The pressure increased. Jason locked his knees to keep standing. There was a siren blaring in his mind, a scream lasting an eternity. Cold fingers touched his swollen eye soothingly and Jason gasped, a quiet little intake of breath into his burning lungs.
He wanted to move away. He wanted to lean into it. He wanted- He did nothing.
The gloved tips of fingers became the flat of a palm cradling the side of his face oh so gentle. Jason felt wetness in his eyes and blinked. He couldn’t handle gentle right now. His skin tingled and the swelling fell. The king looked at him, green eyes sad.
“Are you okay?”
Was he okay!? Jason ripped away, fury finally breaking the spell.
“The Hell I am!” In his mind Dick’s shocked face, a second from being shot flashed, “my family could be hurt right now, dying-“ a crowbar dragged across a concrete floor, a terrible laughter skittered across his senses, and every hair stood on end- “tortured.”
Jason took a step forward into the king’s space, snarled, “and I can do nothing!” into his shocked face. Playing at innocence, as if Jason’s words were a surprise. As if he didn’t know exactly what he’d done. He had changed the wording, acting like he’d done Jason a great favor. He chose to keep him here, useless, powerless.
He stepped back. Looked at the king with anger gone cold. “Killing me would have been a mercy.”
Jason braced himself for the worst. He’d said his piece. He expected an explosion, a onesided fight, for his brain to melt out his ears, something other than the hollow eyed gaze only vaguely looking in his direction.
The lights flickered and finally the king seemed somewhat present in his body. He looked at Jason with the most neutral face in existence.
“I shall relieve you of my presence, goodnight.”
He flew casually over to the staircase and went up. It was only then Jason snapped out of it.
No! How dare he!
He ran after him, but of course he was gone. The cursed castle made sure of it. Jason wanted a fight and he would not even give him that! He punched the wall with a frustrated scream that cut off into a sob.
“Shit.” He rubbed angrily at his eyes. He was fucking pathetic. Couldn’t even pick a fight right.
Oo o oO
Fright Knight found him in the practice yard, doing drills, sweaty and shaking from exhaustion.
“You are pathetic human, sit down before you fall down.”
Jason glared. “No.”
The knight promptly pushed him down on his ass. “Do not test me. I was tasked to keep you alive. Drink.”
A bottle of water was shoved into his hands.
Mulishly Jason did as he was told. It was only when he’d taken the first sip he realized just how thirsty he was and he had to force himself not to just chug the entire bottle in one go.
Fright Knight watched him with that detached disgust he had for mortal weaknesses, like the need for sleep or in this case sustenance. He was a fucking annoying, stuck up bastard, but-
“Why are you not evil?” Jason asked in frustration, too emotionally worn to consider whether that was a smart question to ask. If he had been evil, Jason could give him a proper fight. Let the knight try to phase through the All-blades.
When no response of any kind came, he looked up. It seemed he had rendered the knight speechless.
Slowly hesitantly the knight finally spoke, “You speak as if you’d prefer that I was evil, yet I was led to believe you are aligned with so called heroes.”
Jason scoffed and looked away. “Not a hero.”
Fright Knight floated down to sit crosslegged in front of Jason, his glowing green sword drawn and resting across his knees.
“I am the spirit of fear itself, I am neither good nor evil, I just am.”
Jason barked a short chuckle, of fucking course. Then, he explained the concept of the All-Blades to the knight; flaming magical blades fueled by the soul and blood of the wielder, only able to be summoned in the presence of true evil. The knight in turn looked very intrigued.
“I would have liked to match my Soul-Shredder to your All-Blades. A glorious bout that would have been…” the knight said wistfully.
“Soul-Shredder is the name of your sword?”
“Indeed,” Fright Knight chuckled maliciously in a way that ran cold down Jason’s back, an effect that was done on purpose judging by the greedy glow in his gaze. Jason felt fairly certain he feed on fear.
The knight raised the green blade between them and turned it to let Jason see every facet with obvious passion. “One cut from Soul-Shredder will land you in a dimension of your worst nightmare.”
Jason’s breath caught in his throat. No. He refused to think about it. He forced a half choked laugh, “and you claim not to be evil.”
The knight looked thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe if we had met in the previous king’s rule, we could have had a proper match.”
Jason frowned in confusion. “Why would who the King is matter to your nature?”
“Because human,” Fright Knight began, green eyes boring into Jason, “the King is the most important soul in the Realms. His nature affects the very air from which we get our energy.”
“Pariah’s reign was a dark time,” there was an almost nostalgic tone to his voice as he continued, “he sought to conquer, control and enslave and I was his loyal servant, as is my duty as a knight. But Pariah was so bad that having no king at all was a better option than him, and he was sealed away by the Ancients, even if it left the Realms stagnant and disconnected.”
He paused for a moment to let that knowledge sink in.
“Our Phantom is a king who never wanted to rule, and has actively avoided it. It has been amusing to see him grow into the role.”
“And as long a he doesn’t grow into a power hungry despot he will always be better than the last?” Jason asked bitterly.
The knight barked out delighted laughter at that.
“Make no mistake, mortal, Phantom is a good king now, but he is young, still changeable by nature. These years are crucial. But should the worst happen and my king become a despot, as you put it?”
Fright Knight shrugged carelessly. “I will merely do as I have always done and that is to serve my king. I am the spirit of fear after all. It is only my concern now because my king wishes to avoid that fate.”
Leather creaked as the knight tightened the hold on his blade. He looked straight at Jason. Despite no mouth being visible, Jason had the distinct feeling the knight was grinning.
“We may yet have our bout someday.”
And that was chapter 4... nobody is really in a good place here? Except Fright Knight, he's having fun.
Comments are much appreciated <3
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aphroditelovesu · 4 months
Persian Queen
❝commission: non-con/dun-con smut with Alexander the Great where the Reader is the Queen of Persia and Alexander decides to... know the Reader in front of the King and Reader enjoys it.
❝ 📜 — lady l: I really need to try to improve my smuts... But I don't write them that often :V anyway, I hope you like it! Forgive me for any mistakes!! ❤️
❝tw: non-con/dub-con elements, smut, NSFW, threat of murder, adultery.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 1,833.
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Your heart was racing and it felt like it was beating harder and harder inside your chest with every step you took towards the new chambers of the new King of Persia.
Alexander of Macedonia.
You felt your mouth go dry with disgust. He was not the King, just a barbarian who invaded your Empire and took it at the cost of the lives of thousands of people. Darius, your husband, tried to fight against the Macedonians but even the strength and power that the Persians possessed were not enough to stop Alexander's ambition for Persia.
And now, you were his hostages.
You looked at one of the windows in the hallway and observed what little you could see of the city. Babylon was a beautiful and lively city and even with the occupation of the Macedonians this had not changed. And for that you were grateful.
When you reached the door to Darius's and now Alexander's old chambers, you took a deep breath and mentally counted to three and when you did, you finally knocked on the door hesitantly.
"Come in." A loud, hoarse voice resounded from within the chambers. You slowly opened the door and peeked inside. You felt your anxiety increase, your breathing become heavy when you noticed that Alexander was with Darius, your husband.
And Darius was securely strapped to a gold-trimmed chair.
You entered the room slowly and closed the door behind you, feeling terrified of what could happen.
Alexander looked at you with a smile gracing his lips. You felt a shiver run down your spine due to what that smile could mean.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, Your Majesty." Alexander said, looking at you with interest shining in his different colored eyes. One brown and one blue. You cursed yourself for finding them beautiful, for finding Alexander an attractive man.
One thing you found good about Alexander, perhaps the only thing, was that he still treated you with respect and dignity. Although he had the right to kill you or send you into slavery, he allowed you to maintain your status as Queen, your privileges and all your due honors.
"I say the same, my King." You tried to hide the disgust you felt when calling him King. Alexander wasn't your king, at least you didn't consider him one.
You turned your gaze to Darius, who looked slightly terrified, although he hid it well. But you knew him and you knew that what he felt was pure fear. Fear for him and for you.
Alexander followed your gaze and smiled, "Your husband is here to have full knowledge of my plans as King of Persia."
You swallowed hard, "... What does that mean?"
You had a bad feeling when Alexander approached you and stood behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders covered in the rich fabric that adorned your body.
Alexander tilted his head to the side and you suppressed a groan of revulsion — that's what you believed it was — when his warm breath caressed the sensitive skin of your neck.
Alexander's hands went to your arms, caressing them with his calloused fingers. You closed your eyes, not being able to bear to look at Darius, who was watching everything angrily.
You felt your face heat up when you felt Alexander's calm breath in your ear, "It means I'm going to take you as mine."
You felt your body tense even more as Alexander's words registered in your mind. What they meant.
In the blink of an eye, Alexander spun you around so you were facing him. When you looked into his eyes, you saw desire, pure lust shining in them. Alexander smiled and brought his index finger to your chin, lifting it. You held your breath as he brought your face closer to his, capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
Your body trembled slightly at the brush of his lips against yours. You closed your eyes when Alexander brought his hands to your head, holding it as he kissed you harder, with more passion. You opened your mouth a little wider when you felt Alexander's tongue on your lips, indicating that he wanted to deepen the kiss and, for some inexplicable reason, you allowed it.
You hesitantly wrapped your arms around the conqueror's strong body, kissing him back with the same desire. It was wrong for many reasons, but it had been a while since you had been touched and Alexander's kisses were hot, they warmed your body in a way that even the thickest fur blankets couldn't.
It was the kind of kiss, of touch, that you knew you would never forget.
When you separated, your breathing was ragged, your face hot and your lips slightly swollen. You refused to look him in the eye, feeling guilty for having betrayed your husband, who was watching everything. Alexander noticed this and smiled mischievously.
''Don't worry about him.'' He purred and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the huge bed in the middle of the room. Bed you knew well enough, remembering the passionate and steamy nights you used to have with Darius. You shook your head, trying not to think about it as you were laid down on the bed by Alexander.
You knew what was going to happen, you knew what Alexander planned to do the moment you felt him analyzing your clothes. Your body trembled slightly at the thought, but you couldn't help the heat that was also inflicted on your body as you were kissed. It had been so long since you and your husband had slept that it wasn't your fault that your body betrayed your mind.
Alexander removed his own robes, a white chiton with some gold trim, and let them fall to the carpet. He approached the bed, where you remained lying like a beautiful statue. He climbed onto the huge bed, sitting next to you. His calloused hands ran over your face gently, caressing it with tenderness that you knew could melt your defenses easily.
''Beautiful...'' He whispered, kissing your forehead gently. You smiled weakly at the compliment. Alexander kissed your lips softly, his hands going to your legs, caressing your soft thighs. He squeezed them tightly, drawing a sigh from you. You bit back a moan when you felt his fingers dangerously close to your center covered only by your clothing. Alexander smiled and without you being able to do anything, he slid two fingers into your intimacy, arching his eyebrow when he felt the moisture there.
You blushed heavily and turned your head, looking to the side. Alexander began to lift the hem of your dress, exposing your legs and leaving them free to be touched and appreciated. You let out a soft moan when Alexander's fingers rubbed your pleasure spot between your legs, making you relax your body, opening your legs a little wider. Alexander took the opening and slipped between your legs, caressing your thighs with one hand and the other exploring your wet cunt.
''A-Ah...'' You sighed when Alexander finally entered a finger into your tight, wet hole. Your body felt hot, the robes you wore didn't help with how hot the room became.
Alexander smiled even wider and kissed the inside of your warm thighs, inserting a second finger into your pussy. You cursed as he moved back and forth and your sensitive walls squeezed his fingers. You were already wet and ready, your cunt sensitive to the touch it hadn't had in a long time.
''You're so beautiful, so soft.'' Alexander purred, removing his wet fingers from your pussy and taking them to his mouth, tasting you. You felt like you were going to pass out at the sight, at the sight of him delighting in your taste.
He stood over you, bringing his face closer to yours and taking your lips in another passionate kiss, and this time, without any hesitation, you kissed him back, your tongues meeting. Alexander pulled the top part of your dress down, ripping off the jewelry that adorned you and throwing them anywhere in the room. He stopped kissing you and went down to your breasts and licked the tip of your right breast, sucking it a little hard.
You moaned at the contact and threw your head back, enjoying the licks. Your breasts have always been a sensitive part of you and it only proved more and more that Alexander paid attention to them and the desire inside you grew more and more. You didn't even notice when you started rubbing one thigh against the other, in an attempt to alleviate the desire.
But Alexander noticed and he decided not to make you wait any longer to be filled. He positioned himself correctly between your thighs and you caught a glimpse of his erection. Your face turned a shade of scarlet with his visible desire, the tip leaking precum. Alexander grabbed your thighs, lifting them a little for a better angle. He placed the tip of his cock against the entrance to your pussy and, after squeezing your thigh once more, Alexander thrusted into you hard.
You moaned loudly at the sudden intrusion and gripped the sheets tightly, your knuckles turning white. Alexander didn't really give you time to adjust, he just started fucking you hard, pushing you harder against the silk sheets.
The only sounds in the room were your moans and Alexander's hoarse moans. He grabbed your left breast, squeezing it as he thrust his hips hard, slamming into you. You threw your head back, your eyes closing as all you felt was Alexander inside you.
''So fucking beautiful...'' Alexander groaned, watching your face. You were so beautiful. And so his. Alexander didn't care that Darius, your husband for now, was watching him take you. Alexander just wanted you.
Alexander squeezed your thighs tighter as he felt his climax approaching. Feeling this, he started to hit you harder, eliciting loud moans from you. When he finally came, he moaned your name loudly like a prayer, his cum filling your warm insides. Alexander took a deep breath and pulled away from you.
You continued to lie down, feeling as guilty as you were satisfied. You could feel Alexander's seed inside you, with the possibility of making you pregnant. But you were too breathless to do anything, too tired to care.
Alexander smiled and turned to Darius, who had an expression of fury. The conqueror had almost forgotten the former King.
''Now that I have taken your Empire and now your wife...'' Alexander smiled mischievously at Darius, ''The time has come to take your life so that I can marry your wife.''
The Macedonians loved to conquer what did not belong to them.
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starkskeep · 2 years
Cregan Stark x Alicent's Daughter HC
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A/N: this is kinda long for a hc but I am trying to make up for not posting anything for two weeks.
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so, you are the 2nd youngest of Alicent's children
younger than Aemond but older than Daeron
you are the only one who looks like Alicent so naturally, you became her favorite from the moment you were born
she did not have to be reminded of Rhaenyra every time she looked at you because you were hers plus you did not have the same tendencies as Helaena. Alicent could raise you to be the perfect noble lady
because you lacked any Targaryen features, Alicent and Otto had to stop the rumors of Rhaenyra's children being bastards. If the King could have a child without Valyrian coloring, so could his heir
your resemblance with Alicent caused Rhaenyra to resent you even more than your other siblings. looking at you reminded her of the friend that she lost to womanhood so Rhaenyra devised a plan to keep you out of her sight and not be reminded of her lost girlhood dreams nor of the betrayal Alicent subjected Rhaenyra to
on one of her rare visits to King's Landing, Rhaenyra went to her father and privately convinced him to wed you to Cregan Stark
Cregan's wife had died giving birth to his son Rickon and he now rarely left the North. Marrying you to him meant that you would be kept far away from the Red Keep, both now and after Rhaenyra took her position as Queen
If Rhaenyra let it be known to Cregan that she was the one who betrothed you to him, he may be even more loyal than the typical "there has never been a Stark who forgot an oath" because it was his father who knelt and not him
so the majority of the court traveled North to Winterfell in order to witness your marriage to the Wolf of Winterfell
Alicent was livid. How dare Rhaenyra take it upon herself to betroth you? It was Alicent's job as your mother to find the best possible match
she would have never given you to a man such as Cregan Stark. a savage who worships the old gods. Alicent had heard how he brutally took back control of Winterfell from his uncle.
you are a princess of the Seven Kingdoms. you are kind and delicate. you deserve more than to be the second wife of a man several years older than you. you deserve more than the same fate that Alicent suffered
though you would never admit it to your mother, you were happy for this match. the North is somewhere that you had never been and despite its reputation, the scenery and summer snows you saw on your journey there from the Red Keep intrigued you
upon your arrival in Winterfell, you were greeted by your future husband and several other Northern lords. your mother was not happy when she saw the blush upon your cheeks when Cregan kissed your hand in greeting. though she was supposed to be happy for you, she had wished that you would be upset with this match and not allow yourself to be corrupted by the Northerner
unfortunately for Alicent, that didn't happy. all it took was your wedding night with Cregan for you to be utterly in love
you are a young girl, and of course, you would be instantly taken with the man who had shown you love and pleasure for the first time. he had heard your hand and made sure you were comfortable with everything he did
needless to say, you and Cregan had a very active marriage from the moment you two awoke the morning after your wedding. it was not uncommon for the servants to skitter past your chambers giggling about the noises coming from behind the door
while the court was still there before their return to King's Landing, Alicent tried everything in her power to scare you away from your husband, thinking she was preventing you from being corrupted. it was not proper for you to constantly be showing up for meals arm-in-arm with your new husband. Cheeks flushed, hair out of place, and your clothes in disarray. plus she was hearing that Cregan had your things moved into his chambers. how were you going to be protected from him if you were being forced to spend every night with him (stop being delusional Alicent? your daughter would throw a fit if Cregan even suggested having separate rooms now that you have had a taste of him)
Cregan loved the glares he received from the Southern nobles. Unlike your siblings who had the looks of the man his ancestors bent the knee to, you had the look of someone he could corrupt
Cregan loved how soft you were. he would grip your hair with one hand and keep his other on your hips when you were together, no matter where you were. he wanted you to look into his eyes as he controlled your movements. he wanted you to know exactly who was making you feel this good and exactly whose children you would be carrying
you are the young and pretty bride that Cregan enjoys corrupting. maybe your mother wasn't that delusional for her worries
a few months after your father's court returned south, a raven made its way from the North. you were officially with child. nothing could separate you from Cregan now
over the years, there would be many more ravens bearing similar news. each time Alicent visited you or you came south, Cregan would give her a wicked grin as if taunting her: "Your daughter is mine now. You lost."
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bluefairyhere · 10 months
Same time tomorrow?|| Colby Brock scenario
¬Colby meets a girl at a coffee shop.
Pairing->f!reader x f!reader
w.c 1.7k
cw. very fluffy and corny
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Almost every morning was the same for you. Get up, take a shower, grab your books and laptop and head to the coffee shop down the street to get productive. For some reason it was easier for you to focus and avoid procrastinating at said coffee shop, which was beautiful.
Vines all over the wall outside, this white, cottage-core-like vibe that you got from all the arrangements inside. The plants, the yellow-ish lighting, the kind old lady bartending--who you always thought was the owner--the bookshelves on two of the walls inside. Everything about this coffee shop was perfect and it screamed inspiration. It was the place you felt the most calm at. Until you saw him for the first time.
His dark hair falling a little on his forehead, his piercing blue eyes, muscular complexion and tattoos. His nose piercing and the chains plus the rings on almost every finger. He was so mysterious and edgy.
You could still remember the first time you saw him walk in. You usually never noticed whoever walked throught the door, but for some reason as soon as the little doorbell rang indicating someone'd come in, you felt an electrifying need to see who it was. And it was him, of course, with his sufficient smirk and careless demeanor. Yet when he ordered his coffee he acted so nice and happy, not edgy and damp. From the very first moment you found him fascinating.
Then the next morning he came back, but unlike the day before he actually stayed to drink his coffee while scrolling on his phone and didn't even notice you were there. Not like you were expecting him to. He was probably taken, or a total player and either way he wouldn't look in your direction. Why would he? you were just a simple literature major trying to get through the weeks without losing your mind. But you had no idea how wrong you were, because Colby had noticed you from the very first day.
He remembered going into the coffee shop Sam had told him about--apparently they made the best coffee of all times at the lowest price ever witnessed for such quality, or so Sam said-- and not being disappointed with what he ordered. But while he was in line to order he'd noticed you from afar, at the back of the whole establishment, focused on your books and laptop. He instantly thought you were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, and your aura seemed so tender and pure. He knew right away he wanted to get to know you, but how? It's not like he could just casually sit down at the table, introduce himself and ask you out. So the next day, he went to the coffee shop again, and there you were. Same table, same books, same laptop. He went for a week and he started to bring his stuff as well, mostly his laptop to do some editing and research for his videos. Hell week was coming so all the recording was already done, now they just needed to do the editing, and he also found the coffee shop an extremely relaxing and nice place to get stuff done. Plus, when he got tired, he'd look at you for a few seconds and feel recharged again. It was the weirdest thing, he wasn’t one to feel so connected to someone he’d never talked to before.
When you noticed he started sitting in the shop and working as he ate and drank his now usual muffin and what seemed to be plain coffee, you couldn’t help but imagine little scenarios in your head in which you’d go up to him and say anything, or he’d come up to you and…
“Hey.” You looked up, killing your previous train of thought. It was him. A plain black shirt with a XPLORE inscription in white, ripped black jeans with chains, rings on his fingers and his nose piercing practically staring at you.
“Huh?” Is all you could mumble. You did not expect this.
“May I sit here?” He asked with a small smirk, and you nodded.
“I noticed you since the very first time I came into this coffee shop… please let me take you on a date.”
You were about to say something when your phone rang, waking you up. It was a dream, you dosed off on the chair, head on the table. You looked around and he was gone, luckily. You hoped he didn’t see you like that.
And so the days kept going by and you continued to see him at the coffee shop, still daydreaming about who this handsome stranger was and the things you could do together. You were already at peace with the idea of him being nothing but a proximity crush and never really knowing anything about him, not even his name. Until one day he just stopped going. One day passed, then three and before you knew it, it had been a week.
You had no idea why. It’s not like you were super sad, but you missed seeing him around. You thought your proximity crush would die with his absence, but much to your surprise it actually didn't affect the way you were starting to feel about this handsome stranger.
All of a sudden, one day he came back. What you didn't know is that he had come back from recording at another haunted location with Sam and the crew, where he had an epiphany. He needed to talk to you. So that day, when you walked into the coffee shop he was sitting at your usual table, at your exact usual spot of the table too. Why would he do that? Surely he must have noticed you sit there every morning. You looked around, unsure about what to do. You even looked at the bar tender, but all the old lady had to do about it was giggle and shake her head, clearly amused.
You sighed and decided you'd take the table next to that one, so you were walking right past it. You were about to put all your stuff on said table but Colby's raspy voice prevented you from it.
"You don't need to sit there." You stopped on your tracks, not believing what you were hearing. You turned back to him.
"Sorry?" You acknowledging him made Colby feel way less confident, but he didn't show it.
"I'm not new here, I know you usually sit here. I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind... sharing a table with me?"
You looked around, confused. At this time of the day the shop wasn't very concurred with people so there was no need to share a table with a stranger. Even so, you had no idea why you were pushing things since getting to know him was all you wanted to do since you saw him for the first time. "I'm sorry but... why?"
Colby seemed to hesitate, but he had gone through almost every possible outcome of this situation with Sam. He could do this. He had to, it was now or never.
"I just figured it'd be nice. I'm Colby, Colby Brock." He stands up and offers his hand for you to shake. However, youre too stunned to process that. Just what was going on? Was he asking you to sit with him? For real?
"Im y/n, nice to meet you too." You were a little hesitant too, but honestly this was all you dreamt of lately, and it was finally happening. You decided to not overthinking and just sit down, right in front of you.
At first it was a little awkward, neither of you knew what to say.
"So, I've always wondered," Colby broke the silence "what is it you do with so many books every morning? And like you stick post-it's on it and write notes on your laptop... are you like a writer doing research or?"
You giggles a bit.
"Not really, I'm actually a literature major. I come here in the mornings to do my homework and papers and stuff." You said still smiling. "I could show you if you'd like."
"Yea sure, I'd love to see." So you took out your stuff and showed him the goods. You were currently working with two books.
"So what we're doing is making an essay comparing the accuracy of The Song of Achilles with the actual Achilles legend thing, its really interesting because..." And he was actually listening! A couple of hours passed and you learnt a lot about each other. You learnt he's a youtuber, hasn't been in a relationship for a while, likes writing music, is religious, amongst other things. And he learnt even more stuff about you since he couldn't stop asking. He was so obviously very interested. But you both realized it was time to go and continue with the day.
"This has been lovely," you said "but unfortunately if I dont leave now I won't be able to make it to campus on time." You said almost pouting.
"Yea I know, I have a meeting with the crew as well... But before you go," he seemed unsure about whether to say this or not, but after what seemed like a quick internal debate, he decided he'd say it. "I had been wanting to talk to you for weeks, and I'm glad I did. Maybe we could exchange numbers, if that's something you'd like to do?"
You felt your cheeks instantly redden. You were so sure this was going to be a one time thing, but you were so glad he was asking because you wanted this to happen again. And again. And again. You nodded.
"Of course." You offered him your phone so he'd type your number. After he was done you dialed his phone. "All done, have a good day." And you left. When you reached the door you looked back, and there he was, starting at you with that cute, satisfied smile of his. You waved and smile and he did so back. Then you left, and before you got to the bus stop you got a text message.
Same time tomorrow?
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whowantslovergirl · 8 months
You Stupid Bitch
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Maddy Perez x reader (gender not specified)
warnings: cursing its euphoria yk, nate jacobs the homophobic gay woman beater, talks about the abuse, reader being an awesome person, somewhat happy ending, and yea! don't forget to smile!! ^ this means start the song 💋
euphoria masterlist
Summary: Maddy can't see that the perfect one for her is Y/N
posted: January 27,2024
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Almost everyone knows how toxic Maddy and Nate is. If you don't know anything about their relationship you basically live under a rock.
The person who knew the most was Y/n a timid person but with a loud personality that's why Maddy and them got along so well.
It even got to the point where everyone thought they were a couple and only Y/n wishes for such a thing.
Because they and everyone else believes they are perfect for Maddy.
Except Maddy. ^
You let the wrong people love you
But you don't see that, do you?
When you cry and need my comfort
I drop everything to come over
Nate fucked up again and Maddy is paying for it again.
They were in her room making out and her phone kept ringing. It was this guy that was like obsessed with Maddy.
Nate saw it, got angry, threw stuff like the man he is, Maddy started crying, Nate didn't care, and blah blah blah. He left and Maddy is still crying and immediately texted you.
You were doing homework and a project at the same time when you got a text.
Maddy <3
can u please come over need ur comfort again??
You immediately went to her house.
The homework and project is due next week anyway.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You were over at Maddys again trying to her calm down. "He's such a cunt Y/n! I did nothing fucking wrong!" You were quick to agree and still trying to get her to calm down.
"Just count to ten and try to breathe babe." You call everyone babe so of course Maddy isn't gonna find anything weird with the nickname.
She slowly started to calm down. "Thanks Y/n I can always count on you. You're literally my soulmate." She smiled and pulled you into a hug.
If only she said that out of a romantic love instead of a platonic one.
Maddy is your soulmate.
But she's too fucking dumb to see that.
"Anything for you Mads."
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
the perfect one for you is me?
You and Maddy were taking a walk around the block. An old couple was walking the opposite way and they saw you guys.
"Oh well you guys are the most beautiful young couple l've ever seen!" The old lady says with a smile.
Before you correct her Maddy was a little too quick to jump to the opportunity.
"Oh we're not together I have a boyfriend." Yea for two more days, is what you wanted to say but the old lady just apologized and said
"Well I can tell the one you have now is not the one."
Literally everyone knows it but her.
You don't know what you deserve
And that's why you end up hurt
But you never listen
Take my advice as criticism
"Maddy he doesn't deserve you!" You and Maddy were arguing over the fact that Nate is a piece of shit. You think she doesn’t deserve to be treated like a piece of plastic but she believes that he’s just broken and needs someone to help him.
“You don’t known him Y/n! He needs someone to help him!”
“Yeah a fucking therapist! You shouldn’t have to pay for his actions Mads!” She just shook her head. “He treats you like shit! Every time something happens he storms off like a fucking bitch. He doesn’t care about you, Maddy. He just knows you will never leave him.”
“He does care Y/n! He’ll kill for me and I’ll kill for him. You just don’t know what true love looks like because you’ve been treated like shit in all of your relationships!” You knew she didn’t mean that so you just brushed it off.
“You don’t know what you deserve Maddy and when he puts his hands on you, which he will, don’t come crying to me!” You stormed out of her room and she heard the door slam and immediately started crying.
Her mom, who heard the whole thing. Just stared at her. Maddy looked up wondering why her own mother is not comforting her.
“Tienen razón Maddy. Puede parecer amor verdadero, pero es todo menos eso y muy pronto lo verás tal como es.”
(They are right Maddy. It may feel like true love but it’s anything but that and you will see him for who he truly is very soon.)
Then make the worst decisions
She went back to him but you weren’t surprised in any way. She can be stupid if she wants, you stopped caring.
You saw her the Monday after the fair and you guys made eye contact and she looked pale and very tired. She was also dressed in a turtleneck, since when did she wear a turtleneck in hot weather. Then it hit you.
‘I knew it, he fucking choked her.’
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
When you see Maddie having a breakdown in the cafeteria and only Cassie comforting her at school you can tell she needs you. Really bad.
So you go over and just sit down and hug her. No questions asked. And she gladly accepted the hug and just cried into your shoulder.
“It’s alright Mads.”
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
After Maddy had your comfort. She’s been on you like crazy. Trying to kiss you and all. You thought this is what you wanted but not like this. Not after Nate.
“Maddy please. Just chill out.” You said trying to pull her arms off you. and she’s still trying to kiss you and hug you.
“You know your the best ever right? Even better than Nate.”
This is fucking bullshit.
Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
Another shitshow with Nate and Maddy. You’re honestly sick of this shit.
You gotta tell her how you feel.
“Maddy I can’t do this anymore.”
“Do what?”
“You know what Maddy! This fucking hot and cold shit. I’m done being the therapist.”
“If it was that serious why did you keep doing it?!”
“Because I was in love with you Maddy! I was fucking in love. But now I’m not so?!”
“What do you mean you’re not?”
“I mean I’m not Maddy. Bye.” You walked out and just left her.
You never felt so fucking free.
The perfect one for you is me
The perfect one for you is me
You stupid bitch, can't you see
She just couldn’t see you were perfect for her and will continue to get hurt. But you’re okay with that.
The perfect one for you is me?
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An: GOT MY SHIT CHECKED but the spacing looks weird so I don’t know how to fix tht BUT HOPE YOU ENJOYED
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sleepingpillscosmos · 9 months
Howdy! Can I request yuuji + please don't ask if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie👀
SILLY QUESTIONS — yūji itadori
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pairing: yūji itadori x fem!reader.
warnings/content: yūji is too sweet. movie nights. established relationship. let's just ignore that I literally invented a plot just for this fic.
wc: 1.4k.
requested: yes, by anon.
a/n: I love yūji with all my heart i swear. he's such a sweetheart. hope you'll enjoy this!
prompt: "please don't ask if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie"
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You entered the convenience store with Yūji, an obligatory stop before going back to jujutsu high to start your usual movie night.
"What do you want to buy?" he asked as you navigated the little shop, which you both knew like the back of your hand since you went there once a week.
"It's your turn to choose," you reminded him, squeezing his hand slightly. "I already did twice in a row"
It was some kind of unspoken agreement, one chose the film and the other the snacks. Yūji didn't really care as long as he could cuddle with you and hold you close, so he often let you choose both. After all, he liked nearly every kind of food and drink, so he could easily go along with anything you chose.
"I'm already choosing the film," he stopped in front of the snack section and turned his gaze on you, smiling softly. "I don't mind if you pick the food once again"
You shook your head in disagreement. He sighed, knowing that even if he insisted he couldn't change your mind, and looked at all the snacks he could choose. There were a few interesting options he wanted to try, but then his eyes landed on your favourite and, knowing how much you loved it, he grabbed the package without hesitating.
"No, not that one" you said with a frown on your face. It seemed stupid on the outside, but for once you wanted him to be a little selfish, even for a silly thing like choosing what to eat.
"What? You said I could choose" he argued back immediately.
"You think I'm stupid? I won't let you choose my favourite" he didn't really think he could get away with it that easily, but trying never hurt anyone.
"I didn't even know it was your favourite. I truly want this one, I swear" he knew the lie wasn't that convincing, even more when you raised your eyebrows and looked at him skeptical. "...please?"
You sighed and reluctantly nodded. This was one of the things about him that you both loved and hated. He always put everyone else's needs and lives in front of his own, which was okay, but he was too often totally selfless.
Once you grabbed your drinks too, chocolate milk for Yūji and normal milk for you, you went to the checkout, where the old lady who ran this store was waiting for you two. She was smiling as always and greeted you both like you were her beloved grandchildren. 
Yūji insisted on paying, just like every other day, but for once you convinced him to let you do it.
You emerged through the door to Yūji's room, already in your pyjama, which consisted of an old pair of sweatpants and one of your boyfriend's hoodies, ready to finally start your movie night. 
Yūji was waiting for you, laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly on his phone, which he immediately put away once he saw you.
"So, what are we watching tonight?" you asked, laying beside him. You moved a bit, trying to find the comfiest position. You happened to find it when you hugged Yūji, your head using his shoulder as a pillow, with one of your legs on his hip and the other tangled with his.
"Apocalypse. I already watched it like five times, but it's really good" you hummed in response. You didn't really like the same genre of films, but he never whined about your choices. Actually, you didn't really care about the film as long as you got to spend some time alone with him.
He started the film, then he adjusted himself to be comfortable as well. One of his arms circled you and his hand started to draw imaginary lines up and down your back, while the other one grabbed your leg that was resting on him, putting it higher on his body so that he could rest his hand on your thigh.
The film was... interesting. 
Not your genre at all. But you loved seeing Yūji so excited about it. He definitely saw it more than five times, he knew most of the lines by heart, making you chuckle every time he talked with the characters on the screen.
Now you were still laying in bed all cuddled, you chose another film to put on, but neither of you were watching it. You both were too engrossed in softly caressing each other, sharing sweet pecks and laughing at your silly inside jokes.
"Okay, I need to ask you something. And so you know, I'm totally serious about it" you said, moving your head so that you could properly look at him, suddenly becoming really serious. He looked back at you, a bit confused by your sudden mood change. Then it all came to his mind.
"Please don't ask me if I'd still love you if you turned into a zombie." he sighed.
"But would you?" you responded immediately. At this point it was a matter of life and death to you.
"You already asked me if I would still love you if you turned into a worm," he initiated, "And I explained to you that it was possible, just like in human earthworm four, but really difficult. I mean you saw the film, so you know"
He was avoiding the question, he hoped you wouldn't notice, but you surely did as all you did was narrow your eyes, still waiting for his response. He sighed once again.
"Listen, I saw this film where the two protagonists were in love during an apocalypse. At first everything was alright, as much as it can be during a time like that, but then the girlfriend got bit. She wanted him to kill her before she turned into a zombie, but he didn't want to. He wanted to pass her last moments together. So they made a pact: immediately after she turned into a zombie, he had to kill her. But once she turned, he didn't have the courage to do it because he loved her too much. So he decided to take her with him all the time, even if she was a zombie. For obvious reasons, it didn't work out and she ate his brain," you remember him telling you about this film and how heartbreaking it was for him, but you didn't stop him as he talked, just to see where he wanted to get. "So it actually doesn't matter if I would still love you or not, all you would do is try to eat me and turn me into a zombie too"
"I get it, don't worry. You wouldn't love me, but it's okay Yūji." you said, pretending to be really hurt just to play with him a bit. You turned, facing the other side of the room, and wiggled your way to put space between your bodies.
Yūji looked like a kicked puppy, obviously he would still love you, he always did and will always do, but maintaining a relationship with a zombie just wasn't realistically possible.
He circled your body with his arms, pressing his chest into your back, and pressed a gentle kiss on your neck before he sighed again. You bit your cheeks, trying to fight a smile and maintain your hurt expression.
"I would still love you anyway, you know. Even if you turned into a cloud or into a blade of grass. You would always be my love" he confessed, making you almost cry at his sweet and caring words.
"We would make the cutest zombie couple." you stated, closing your eyes as you were finally ready to sleep in the arms of your sweet love. He let out an airy laugh.
"Yeah, you're right" he whispered, following your actions as you drifted off into a deep slumber, where Yūji was about to follow you.
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network: @enchantedforest-network.
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impala-dreamer · 10 months
Pondering Fate While Ignoring The Obvious
A Ten Inch Hero Story
~Priestly has got it so bad for Tish that he can barely see past the end of her... well, her back end, anyway. He's love sick and forever rejected, constantly stuck inside his own head. When a new girl in town starts messing with him, he quickly loses his cool...~
Boaz Priestly x F!Reader
2,511 Words
Warnings: Nuttin' but fluff and banter. ;)
A/N: This is another square for my @jacklesversebingo card. The prompt is "Backhanded Compliment/Convenience Store/Sugar Addict"
Now listen- I've never written for this movie before, but I had so much fun doing it. If you've seen the movie, I think you'll love this. If you haven't seen it, you may not totally get it, but you'll still love it because it's cute and fluffy and I said so. Give it a chance ;)
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Another day, another spicy Italian with no oil and no vinegar. How you could eat a hero dry was a question he could never quite grasp the answer to, but in the end, did another weird order really matter? He’d put a condom on the bun if they asked for it. Maybe not a used one, but then again, Tish was looking extra spicy herself today.
Tish. Goddamnit. There she goes flirting with every male in existence except him. There she is leaning over the counter in that not-so-sneaky way that pushes her tits up and out, giving everyone and their mother a look into the valley of the Promised Land. 
For fuck’s sake, if she’d only do that for him. 
Then again, nothin’ he hadn’t seen before. 
Fingers snapped in front of his face and Priestly blinked himself back into reality. 
“Can I help you?” he asked, still half dazed and half hard after staring so intently at his coworker. 
Piper sighed. “Yeah. You gotta make a run down the street.” 
He sighed harder. “You know, you ladies are capable of patronizing the convenience store now and then. It’s not really hard. You just pick out what you need and exchange it for cash.” 
The tiny blonde pouted and batted her lashes. “Please? My feet hurt from standing all day.” 
He scoffed. “And mine don't?” 
“I’m not used to it. I’m delicate.” 
Priestly scratched at the bright green spikes that sat atop his head for the day, masquerading as a hairstyle. He frowned but relented. “Fine. Gimme the list.” 
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He saw her from the street. He wasn’t purposely peeping through the window like a stalker, but he felt like it all the same. It wasn’t his fault, not really. Things mostly stayed the same around town, so when something was different, when someone new showed up, it tended to stick out a bit. 
The new girl at the register was cute, not particularly daring in her style or makeup palette, but she was attractive. Probably the thing Priestly noticed first was the lollipop stick hanging from her painted lips. 
His entrance was announced by the jangling of bells and she looked up as he came in. She smiled around the pop and twirled the white paper stick between her fingers. 
He looked back at her over his shoulder and nodded. “Hey.” 
Slowly, she pulled the treat from her mouth and licked the very tip. Her tongue was as red as the pop and Priestley was sure that his cheeks were turning the same shade. He cleared his throat quickly and turned back, going about his business. 
The store was otherwise empty except for Mr. Jacobson, the old man who never seemed to go anywhere but was always wherever you went. He was currently lingering at the end of the aisle, amazed at the sheer amount of chip flavors the new millennium had to offer. 
“Back in my day we had regular and salt & vinegar, and we were grateful!”
Priestly laughed under his breath and looked over the rack at the register. She was laughing softly as well, and when their eyes met, she didn’t shy away. 
He did; quickly tearing his gaze from the cherry pop and focusing on the aluminum foil instead. There was no use flirting with her anyway- she’d never go for him. She looked too normal, too pretty to fall for his shenanigans. Best not to even think about it. 
Arms fully stocked, he headed her way, keeping his eyes on the black and gray tiled floor and praying she wouldn’t make his heart race any faster. 
She sucked hard on the Blow Pop and then took a bite, making him jump. Sugar crackled between her teeth and she winked.
“I hope you overcharge them,” she said dryly, staring him down. 
Confusion took the place of shyness and Priestly’s face scrunched up. “What?” he snapped, jerking away from the counter. 
The girl rolled her eyes and went about ringing up his order without another word. 
Cash exchanged, Priestly thanked her and walked out, still wondering what the hell she was talking about. 
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Priestly stared out the front window, wondering if the day was going to go his way or not. He knew he shouldn’t bother pondering the Fates, because they always seemed against him, but he liked to think he had some hope tucked away somewhere beneath the Manic Panic hair dye and all the metal sticking out of his head. If there was, he couldn’t find any today. 
Tish was late, as usual, probably rolling out of some strange guy’s arms and fishing for her bra underneath the bed. 
Someday… someday, that’d be his bed she was searching under. Someday, those would be his arms she rolled out of. He just had to keep hoping.
Or not. He really didn’t care. 
The sun was too bright, the grill was too hot. He hated everything. 
Except the sound of bubblegum popping behind him. He didn’t seem to hate that. 
With spatula in hand, he turned and startled just enough to make the bubblegum appear between coyly smiling pink lips. 
Priestley squinted. “You’re that chick from the store.” 
Annoyance crept onto her face. “And you’re that dude with too much eyeliner.” 
He laughed before realizing she was insulting him and ended up jolting up on his toes awkwardly, half a smile curled on his lip. 
He cleared his throat. “Priestly.”
She squinted. “Like Elvis?” 
He shrugged. “And you are?” 
Slapping a five on the counter, she picked up her hero and spun away, heading toward the door. She turned to push it open with her backside and popped her gum again. 
Her eyes were glued to him and Priestly felt his stomach flip. He met her gaze and she smiled. 
“I always do.” 
He wanted to say something, to ask her what the hell she was talking about, but she was gone before the words reached his tongue. 
“Always do what?” 
Jen turned her head his way, but her eyes were still locked on the computer screen. “What’s up?” 
He sighed. “Nothing. Just a weird girl from…nothing.”
It was nothing. She was just the weird girl from down the street. And anyway, he was supposed to be hating everything today, not shifting his ponderance to the mystery of the gum chewing, pop crunching girl from the convenience store. 
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Blue hair; don’t care. 
Priestly cracked an egg on the grill and watched the edges sizzle. He wasn’t great at a lot of things, but cooking eggs was something he did exceptionally well. The butter bubbled around the perimeter, curling the whites just slightly, and he pushed the tip of his spatula against it. 
Not ready yet. 
The girls were, yet again, chatting about men, and he kept one ear on the sizzle and the other in their conversation. 
“I just don’t understand how hard it is to find. It’s right there.” Tish laughed and pushed a delicate hand back through her hair. “It’s a clit, not the Holy Grail.” 
Priestly raised a brow. “Some would call it that though,” he interjected. 
She rolled her eyes. “You would.”
Offended, he sucked in a quick breath. “Ya know something-” 
She turned, one hand on her hip, waiting. “Yeah?”  
His lips pursed and dejected, he turned back to the grill. “Forget it.” 
“Thought so,” she laughed. 
God, she was such a bitch sometimes. OK, most times, but still.
Tish went back to leaning on the counter and he took the opportunity to peek at her ass. 
Behind him, a throat was cleared. 
Priestly sighed, knowing what was waiting for him when he turned. Or, rather, who. 
“You again.” He batted his lashes. 
She smacked her lips. “Me again.” From her pocket, she withdrew a pink Starburst and fiddled with the wrapper. 
He eyed the candy and followed it to her mouth. Her lips were darker today and it reminded him of the cherry pop. “You eat too much sugar, you know that?”
She smiled gently. “And you dye your hair too much. That isn’t good for you. All those chemicals are gonna fry your brain.” 
“Joke’s on you, it’s already fried- shit!” Fried egg. Burnt to a crisp. “Damnit.” 
Sugar Girl swallowed a laugh and the Starburst. 
He turned around, annoyed at himself and her laughter. “Are you- do you want something?” 
“Yup.” She nodded and took her order from Piper, who was holding a small, paper-wrapped hero. “Thanks.” 
Green eyes narrowed on her smile. She was weird. Way too weird. And kinda rude. 
“You ever gonna tell me your name?” he asked, calling out as she pushed open the door. 
“Sure,” she replied, “Soon as I get my free sample.” 
Confusion always seemed to linger when she left, that and the smell of strawberries. Or cherries, or whatever she’d been sucking on. 
Sucking on…
His eyes flickered over to Tish and he wondered if she was as good at sucking things as she claimed.
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It was raining and he was cranky. 
He’d missed his alarm, the car wouldn’t start, and a passing bus nearly drenched him head to toe. 
It wasn’t supposed to rain at the beach. It was practically against the law. Nature’s law, anyway. 
And to top it all off, Tish was bragging about the amazing night she’d had with a handsome stranger visiting from New York. 
“He’s just in town for a few days, so it’s nothing serious,” she explained to a wide-eyed Piper who was drinking down every word. “But man, I wouldn’t be mad if it was. He’s… tall and handsome and-” 
Priestly cleared his throat. “Ya know I’m pretty tall.” 
She clicked her tongue. “And?” 
His heart ached at her callousness. “And… just thought I’d remind you.”
Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing to him, but he thought his advances were fairly obvious. Maybe she was just a bitch.
Jen derailed his thought train with a shopping list she’d printed out. 
He shook his head. “No.” 
The shop on the corner was the last place he wanted to go. Nameless Sugar Girl was the last person he wanted to see. “Why do I always have to go?” He pouted and gestured to the window. “It’s pouring rain out there.” 
Jen looked up with puppy-dog eyes. “Which is why I’m asking you to please go.” 
A heavy sigh was his only reply. Priestly grabbed the paper from her hand, crumpling it beyond repair, and set out into the downpour. 
He was dripping by the time he made it down the street. He sneered at the water on his face, rolled his eyes at the welcome mat, swatted viciously at the bells as they rang above his head. 
“Rough morning?” she asked, watching his huffy entrance. 
He scowled. “You could say that.” 
A peppermint rolled on her tongue and the red and white stripes caught his eye. “Well, lemme know if you need any assistance.” 
Priestly ran a hand through his teal-tinted hair and shook out a puddle’s worth of rain. “Yeah. Thanks.” 
It took him a while to collect the goods, having trouble finding the right paper towels that would fit into the holder in the bathrooms. He’d never had any issues in the store before; seemed like someone had rearranged. 
He looked across the rows of sundries and wondered what her deal was. Hell, he still didn’t even know her name. Not that he wanted to, of course. 
Of course. 
Finally, and with much annoyance, he arrived at the register. 
She laughed softly as he unloaded his arms. 
He shook his head. “What?” 
“I… I shouldn’t even touch this one.” 
He had no clue what she was talking about, he never did, and he was at the end of his rope. 
His patience snapped. “What?”
She sat back, clearly hurt by his tone. “Your shirt.” 
She pointed at his chest and he looked down, reading the big black letters upside down. 
‘Save a tree, eat a beaver’
His shoulders fell. “Oh. Yeah. Whatever.” 
“Yeah,” she echoed, the sting heavy in her voice. “Whatever.” 
He couldn’t take it anymore. Dropping a can of coffee onto the counter, he slapped his palms down on either side of it and leaned in. 
“Ya know, everytime I see you, you’ve got something snarky to say.”
Her eyes went wide. “Snarky?” She frowned. “I thought I was flirting.” 
The fight drained out of him along with the blood in his cheeks. Confused once more. “Uh… what?” 
Pushing herself up off the stool, she mirrored his pose, hands falling dangerously close to his. “Flirting,” she said again. “It’s an ancient ritual in which a sexually interested party attempts to lure their prey into bed with witty and charming wordplay.”
He balked. “I know what flirting is!” 
She glared. “Then why haven’t you picked up on the fact that I’ve been trying to pick you up for weeks now?”
“I uh…” His elbows buckled and he stood up fully. “You have?” No way. She wasn’t…
Memories of the past month flooded his mind. Each time he’d seen her she was smiling at him, not being snarky. She was teasing him, answering the ridiculous sayings on his shirt. 
‘I sell crack for the CIA.’ … “I hope you overcharge them”
‘Surf naked.’ … “I always do.” 
‘Orgasm Donor - Ask for your free sample’ … “As soon as I get my free sample.”
It had been smacking him in the damned face and he hadn’t seen it. She had been playing with him the whole time, not trying to annoy him. She wanted him to notice her, but he was too busy dreaming of Tish, wondering when she’d notice him. 
He sucked in a stunned breath. “You have. Wow.”
A tiny smile returned to her cherry lips. “Come on, I know you’re not as dumb as your fashion sense implies.”
Priestly felt a dip in his gut, something fluttering around inside. He grinned. “Oh, I’m way dumber.” 
Reaching across the counter, she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled him close. “Good.”
Her lips were soft, the kiss as sweet as the candy she was always eating. He breathed her in as her tongue swept over his.  He was stunned, confused but in a good way. Maybe he needed to push Tish aside and pay more attention to the world around him. Maybe this was a good thing. A really good thing. His eyebrows raised in surprise, his blood pressure raised even higher.
She pulled away slowly, her lips lingering on his. 
“You get it now?” 
She waited, blinking at him with the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. He should have looked sooner, closer; should have given her a chance.  
“Yeah,” he whispered in a laugh. “I think I do.” 
Another kiss, a press of her hand at the nape of his neck. 
“You ever gonna tell me your name?” 
She smiled. “Y/N.”
He reached for her cheek; fingers landing lightly on her soft skin. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” 
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helenaaa2 · 7 months
Your best friend is pregnant!!!
Im Helena your best friend, we’re always together and I share all my secrets with you, you’re like my big brother. I’m 1.49mts, bob haircut, dark-brown eyes, dark hair, weight 50kgs, B cup and wide hips .
41 weeks ago I told you I had an adventure with a man in a bar when I was on vacations with my family, a few weeks later I bought a pregnancy test and I called you to do it together. We both saw the positive result with fear, I asked you to please don’t tell anyone and then we’ll see what to do.
I didnt want to abort, so I started using very oversized clothes. It was in the week 26 when things started to get difficult because my bump was huge, I tried using even your shirts but anything worked, that huge belly button was visible through every single outfit. After a few hours planning something we decided that the best option we had was moving together as roommates with the excuse of “searching for new work opportunities”, have the baby and give it in adoption, then come back. My parents knew you for a long time so they didn’t have any problem with the idea.
We moved to a little house in the suburbs so anyone knew us and we didn’t have to hide it, I felt completely free using sport bras again and my favourite dresses. We were so peaceful until week 35, by this point I was huge, my milky boobs had doubled their original size, we couldn’t remember any other pregnant women we ever seen that was bigger than me. But there was not that much time left, I was so excited to give birth and finally get back to my life, but at the same time scared because now having a completely natural unassisted birth at home doesn’t seem to be a good idea.
We started thinking about everything we needed for the birth and that we didn’t visit any doctor, so on the week 37 we decided we had to see a doctor just to see if everything was ok and to set everything for the adoption. We drove 2 hours to the closest hospital to the gyno appointment, we told him the truth because he seemed to be very empathic and he actually was.
The appointment started with questions and answers
-“How old are you?”
-“In 20 years as a gyno Ive just seen two tummies that big, do you know how many weeks you have?”
H.-“Yeah, it never stops growing. I have 37 weeks but I’ve read that maybe it’s just a lot of amniotic fluid.”
-Maybe, but that big it’s not just because of fluids. Do you know who’s the father?
H.-“No, I can’t remember and I don’t want to know”
-Ok, let’s have a look. Please take out all your clothes, use this coat and get comfy in those stirrups right there.
It was time for a ultrasound, we I was very nervous. I asked you to stay with me all the time so you did, I loved how you were supporting me all the time and I hold your hand and put it over my exposed big belly.
Doctor arrived a few minutes later and started preparing everything, we were about to know everything about my baby. He used some gel that was really cold and got my nipples so hard, I was so nervous and gripped your hand firmly. He started scanning my belly with the ultrasound, I couldn’t distinguish anything but when he moved the devise a little bit to the center he laughed so bad “WHATT?!!” I shouted to the doctor trying to see the image in the monitor “Lady, you actually have a lot of fluid but what really makes you huge is that you’re expecting twins”
I couldn’t react, I was totally shocked really thinking in anything, I was just analyzing the new and finally looked at you. You weren’t scared or shocked, YOU WERE SO HAPPY and your happiness went through your hand to me. I felt better after that, but the bad news were coming. After that, the appointment continued with the doctor checking my whole body, my tits, my belly, my cervix and I don’t know what else. When he finished I went for my clothes and dressed up, I come back and heard you talking about the birth, I sit down and the doctor explains everything now to me.
-“What I just saw is something really rare, most women like you…you know…petite with twins don’t usually reach even the week 35, but you’re now on the 37 and the babies doesn’t seem to be very excited to come out. To make it simple…your situation is like this, you’re going to have those babies for at least 3 weeks more inside of you, and right now I can calculate each baby weights around 8lbs”
When doctor said 8lbs I just let another “WHAT?!!!” Come out from me
-“Yes, what you heard sweetie, 8lbs and they’re getting heavier. I calculate a final weight of around 10lbs each if you give birth in the week 40. So, what I recommend you is to let those babies grow those 3 weeks more and then come here to have a c-section or induce the labour if your babies are in the correct position.”
H.-“I was thinking about an all natural birth at home doc…that’s what we want right?” I turn to you waiting for your answer.
Y.-“Yeah, for sure…We were very excited about having the babies at home without any medical procedure. I even took a few curses and now I’m a certified midwife” you said proudly.
-“I wouldn’t recommend that, a birth of babies that big is not something easy, but I admire your courage. What we can do is this, you actually have really wide hips that are perfect to give birth so I won’t be worried about baby getting stuck, but I’m actually worried about your vagina. Most of the times the real problem is that the vagina is not that wide or they just don’t let it stretch correctly. So what we’re gonna do is this: I’ll send you some clases I give online so you can know exactly what to do in all the possible cases that could happen during the birth. But this is just for the week 40 as time limit, if you reach the week 41 there’ll be no other option than practice a c-section, understand?”
My mind was receiving a lot of information at the same time, just the words “10lbs, birth, vagina, stretch, 40, c-section” were mixed rounding my head. Little bit worried and confused I looked at you, you didn’t seem to be worried about anything, you looked so excited and sure about what we were about to do. Again your confidence and happiness infected me and gave me the strength to turn to the doctor and say “That’s great, thank you for everything. We’ll contact you if something happens” Get slowly and hardly up the chair to shake the doctors hand.
We were in the car coming back home and we couldn’t stop talking about what we needed to do, what we needed to prepare, what we needed to buy and bet when the babies were coming. Was a very long road trip so we had enough time to talk and plan every single detail.
It’s the first time I write a story, please tell me what do you think. It’s too large but I think it’s not boring
If you like it ask for the part 2 ❤️
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
enchanted to meet you — mat barzal
this was requested a long time ago and I finally got around the writing it <3 based on ‘enchanted’ by taylor swift
word count: 1.6k
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"there I was again tonight. forcing laughter, faking smiles; same old tired, lonely place vanished when I saw your face."
Another weekend, another fundraiser. Even since moving out of your parents place they still somehow managed to drag you to their functions that they insisted on attending. Like you didn't have better things to do. All night you were forced to make small talk, fake smiles, and laugh at incredibly insensitive jokes. Though the room was filled with people, you always felt lonely.
That was until you saw the handsome stranger across the room. He didn't notice you at first, but as you made the rounds talking to people and getting closer to him, you caught his attention. The brunette looked devilishly attractive in the black suit he was wearing and his crooked smile only brought more attention to him. His longish hair looked soft, enough to wonder what it would feel like to run your hand through it.
When your parents moved past the group the stranger belonged to, it only confirmed your theory that he was new. You had been to enough of these events that you could recognized people, if only by their looks, but if your parents didn't know them, that really meant these were new people. And you were immediately attacked. The group he belonged to looked on average much younger than the rest of the people here and you really could use more people your age at these things.
As you made smalltalk, your gaze kept finding his. You looked around to see if there was a girl with him, but you couldn't see one, so you smiled when he winked at you. You were nowhere near confident enough to go up to talk to him, especially in front of your family, no matter how desperate you were to get to know him and get away from these boring people.
So you made your way to the only good thing that came out of these charity events. The open bar.
"you're eyes whisper have we met. across the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me. the playful conversation starts. counter all your quick remarks."
"Uf. Not a fan this shindig, eh?" You swallowed the tequila and slammed the shot glass back on the countertop. You directed your attention to the guy asking you that question and were surprised to find it was the handsome stranger. The tequila (or more likely him because he was much prettier up close) made you cough, unladylike, a few times as the air got stuck in your throat. "You ok?"
"Yeah, sorry." You tried to laugh it off and thankfully he did too.
"Can I buy you an actual drink now?" One of his eyebrows lifted, the same time one corner of his lips did.
"Uhm. This is an open bar," you responded with a chuckle, but internally screamed at why on earth this had to be an open bar. Guys rarely came up to you to ask you to buy you a drink. And now one time they did, it was an open bar?
"Oh, right." It was his turn to blush, but his smile didn't fade. He leaned in and a wave of his cologne swept over you. "Can I order you a drink then?"
You nodded, intoxicated by his scent, and somehow you were able to tell him your order. "Long Island iced tea."
He chuckled for a second then went to grab the bartenders attention. "One Long Island for the lady and a rum and coke for me, please." He turned back to you when the bartender confirmed the order. “So, what are you doing here if don’t really want to be here?”
“My parents,” you answered with a sigh. “They’re in this whole scene and they happen a lot and for some reason they drag me to every single one, even though they’re always the same. ‘But socializing is so important’,” you imitated your mother. “It’s always the same people and same conversations though.”
“That’s rough, I’m sorry. I’m not really here by choice either.”
“Huh, who made you go? I’ve never seen you here before.”
“My organization. They always pick a charity event for us to attend before the season starts. Oh, I play hockey,” he answered your confused look, to which you then nodded.
“Ice hockey? Professional?” He nodded. Impressive.
“That’s fun. What team?”
“Islanders.” You really had no clue about hockey, not more than what you had picked up at games your brother took you to, but one thing you did know was the Islanders/Rangers rivalry.
“That’s not the blue and red team, right?” He brought his hand to his heart, as if he’d just been shot. You laughed and shrugged innocently. “Ah, the other New York team.”
He acted more hurt, but still had that beautiful smile on his face the entire time. “A rangers ran, eh? The prettiest girl here, who I thought could make this night more bearable had to be a rangers fan.” He shook his head in disappointment, while still obviously being sarcastic. The ‘pretty’ comment definitely made your heartbeat increase, but you ignored it.
“I’m just joking. I really don’t know that much about hockey. My brother is a rangers fan though, so I’ve been to a few games.” He nodded, understanding. The bartender finally placed your drinks in front of you and you happily picked it up.
“So I still have a shot?,” he asked, leading you away from the bar.
“I don’t know. I heard hockey players are kind of douchy.” He laughed out loud again and you already knew you would never be able to hear enough of it.
“May I convince you otherwise?”
“Go ahead, my night can only get better.” You both smiled.
“I’m Mat, by the way.”
“This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew. I was enchanted to meet you.”
And by the end of the night he had definitely proved you wrong. He was far from douchy and much sweeter than you had imagined. You had talked all night, with little interruptions, about anything and everything. He told you a bit more about his hockey story, which you found so fascinating since he knew from a young age what he wanted to be and never gave up until he made it. But mostly he showed a lot of interest in you. It was crazy how much you could get to know someone in such a short time.
Unfortunately, when he took a short bathroom break, your mother came to get you to go home. “I’m in the middle of something,” you tried to argue to stay just a few minutes longer so you could get Mat’s info.
“I don’t care, (y/n). I have a headache. Let’s go.” You saw your father standing a few feet behind her, signaling you to move it. So with one last glance toward to empty hallway where the bathrooms were, you did.
Disappointed, you followed your parents out the doors and into the car that would bring you back home. “Don’t think I didn’t see you talking to that guy,” your brother whispered, knowing that if he brought it up in front of your parents they’d make a big deal. “That’s Mat Barzal. How on earth did you get his attention? And also, please don’t date him, he’s an Islander.”
You blushed and smiled at the mention of his name, but it soon turned sour when you remembered you left without at least saying goodbye. You didn’t want him to think that you ditched him. And you had no way of contacting now.
At home, you spent a bit more time than probably appropriate googling him and stalking his instagram. You thought about dming him, but you figured that he must get hundreds of dms every day and that he wouldn’t see it. Maybe he didn’t even care or would even recognize your handle or profile picture. So with deep regret, you didn’t, and went to sleep with his smile on your mind and his laugh echoing in your ears.
“This is me praying that. This was the very first page. Not where the story line ends. My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again.”
Days then weeks went by without seeing or hearing from Mat. But that didn’t mean that you didn’t think about him. A lot reminded you of him and you were still amazed at that fact since you had only spent a few hours with him. But you had started watching some of his hockey games and seeing him in his uniform definitely made it harder to forget him.
You had almost already given up on ever seeing him again until one day, a little over two weeks after meeting him, when you went to your parents house for dinner. You sat through the entire dinner, almost done with desert when your mother spoke up. “Oh, honey, I almost forgot to tell you. Some guy from the other night has been asking around for you. I guess you didn’t give him your number or something.”
Your gaze snapped up to meet hers. There was only one guy you talked to who didn’t have a way to contact you. “Who?”
“Mat something. You know him?” Your smile grew twice its normal size and you could hear your brother laugh from across the table.
“Yes, I know him.”
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