#but then he'd offer me a pocket croissant n i'd be like.. ok maybe not
rebouks · 9 months
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Robin sighed wearily as Levi came sauntering toward his locker, tugging something off his back and gesticulating wildly. Against his better judgement, he removed his headphones to listen to whatever his classmate was blathering on about.
Levi finally retrieved what he was after and triumphantly brandished a post-it note in Robin’s face.
“You think this is funny, huh?!”
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The note thrust in front of him had the word “ashole” written on it, spelt with one S. Robin knew that Levi had written it himself and stuck it on his own back, but there wasn’t much point in entertaining the other boy’s idiocy; instead, he shrugged indifferently.
“C’mon Mutey, deny it at least.” Levi scowled accusingly, waving his post-it like a sad little flag.
Robin shook his head and rolled his eyes as he kicked his locker shut; he wasn’t in the mood for Levi’s increasingly desperate, stupid games.
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“Oi!” Levi spat, dropping his note as he took off after his target.
Robin winced as he slammed through the double doors, their old hinges rattling with indignation, but he was much faster than his shorter classmate and he was already ahead. He almost grinned as he expertly launched himself down the staircase, feeling the familiar prickle of frustration beating within Levi’s chest as he sped after him.
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Gravel spat haphazardly around Robin as he ground to a halt behind a confused Oscar, but Levi wasn’t as quick; he collided into his father face first, landing at his feet with an unceremonious thud.
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“Watch-…” Levi’s exclamation died in his throat as he gazed up at the figure looming over him and Robin realised he’d never seen Oscar before. He’d only attended Bay Cove Elementary since the start of term and for the last few months, Robin had either been picked up by his grandparents, or taken the bus home.
“You okay down there, pal?” Oscar’s brow quirked slightly, glancing between Robin and Levi questioningly.
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Levi stuttered something unintelligibly, hastily scrambling away from Oscar and giving it legs toward the closest bus. He was terrified.
“Is that kid bothering you?” Oscar asked.
Robin shook his head, already making his way toward the car.
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Oscar hummed, slamming the door shut behind him in his usual, heavy-handed way. “You sure?” Robin scoffed as he fastened his seatbelt. “I’m sure. He just wants me to say something.”
“Oh, yeah?” Robin nodded. “He takes it personally that I don’t.” Oscar’s brow shot up. “He tell you that?” “No.”
“How’d you figure?” Oscar cast as sideways glance at Robin as the station wagon roared to life, its windows juddering in their frames as if in protest. “It’s obvious.” Robin shrugged loosely.
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“If he’s being a pain, you just let me kn-…”
Robin turned toward Oscar with a grin. “Why, what’re you gonna do? Meet him in the playground during lunch, show him what for?” Oscar cackled, throwing the gear stick into reverse with a clunk that reverberated around them as harshly as his laughter.
“Something like that.” Laughing in turn at Oscar’s response, Robin replied, “I’m good, dad.” Oscar tore his gaze from Robin and focused on the rear-view mirror. “Alright, well-.. ready for the dreaded dentist?”
Robin slumped in his seat unenthusiastically. “Can’t wait.” Oscar nodded in agreement. “Shit, ain’t it?” “Something like that.” Robin smirked playfully.
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