#but the thought of them being like YES ILL STEAL HIS MONEY FOR MY PROJECT LET HIM PAY ME
thearchercore · 3 months
laughing at the vision of charles and max trying to torture each other by sponsoring each other's motorsport side projects after they retire, charles getitng that verstappen com/team redline sponsorship and max stunting with LEC all over his cars
it's all fun and games until charles has to do product placement of verstappen.com in his music videos
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
when do u think youll be done with the we shall never surrender project??
Hi, dear! That's a great question, thanks for sending it in!
To be quite honest with you all: I don't know.
There's a few reasons for that, so bear with me a little, please "^^
1 - I'm on a sudden art mentoring program with a friend who offered it to me freely.
I've been unemployed and ill for quite a while and a 'friend' of mine literally scammed me and stole all the money I had left, so I'm officially broke. That's been stealing my nights of sleep, because I'm trying to figure something out to make some money and at least pay my credit card every month.
When I mentioned with my mentor I might try to get in the art industry, she was over the moon and took me in for training free of charge and help me as she can so I can get a job. That being said, I'm focusing 1000% on that - hence why I disappear for so long: in less than a month, I've finished 600+ drawings.
Yes, I'm crazy. But this is the only shot I've got after a long period of distress and not knowing what to do. I'm giving it all to it.
2 - I decided to use this mentoring time to improve my art and apply it to the requests of the Shall Never Surrender Project!
I always thought I could do better with the requests - I don't want to deliver something bad and half assed. This last month, I feel like I improved so much, I wanted to wait a little bit to deliver something with a better quality!
3 - My health sometimes kicks me down and so I need to choose carefully what I have energy to do.
As you guys know, I'm trying to recover from an illness and I have a chronic illness as well. I don't eat much and that means sometimes I don't have enough energy to get up from my bed.
There are days I start being productive at 3 p.m - I spend all the morning lying down, gathering energy to tank the day and taking a few naps. There are other days, I can't even bring myself to eat 'cause I feel like I'm going to pass out midway to the kitchen.
Think Vergil dragging his ass out of Hell and crumbling apart at the beginning of DMC5. That's it, literally, I'm not being dramatic.
I have to prioritize what I can do during my days, then. Usually, I prioritize my mentoring, then helping my mom with chores and running errands and then, by night, I'm already very tired. If there's any energy left, I try to write - for the blog here or the book I'm trying to write - and then work on the Shall Never Surrender Project.
It's slow. Very slow. But it's going.
4 - Nevertheless, I want to finish the requests of the Project before starting comissions.
Like I said, I'm broke. And, as you might have seen, I opened commissions to help a friend of my mom who is in a worse situation than mine and really needs some help.
I want to finish the Project requests before any commissions start coming in, because I do feel guilty for making you guys wait so long. I thought I could deal with requests of full, coloured and polished artworks quickly, but I can't.
That was a foolish overestimation of my part and I am sorry.
Even then, people don't commish me a lot. I had a few commissions some years ago, but I gotta tell ya, it's VERY rare for me to get something. Even then, I need to try. For this friend of my mom and for me, eventually.
If I'm not wrong, there are 3 requests for me to finish. I'm working on them in the order people have requested, and honestly, I hope to finish them soon.
I'm really sorry for taking so long, but life sometimes runs over us and we are caught like a deer on headlights.
I know this might feel like a sassy response, but it isn't. I'm really happy you asked and I can explain a few things/give you guys some idea of what's going on and apologize for taking so long :)
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bubbble-t · 3 years
Ji Changmin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: In which Reader decides to help Rich School Boy Changmin outside of a convenience store, their encounter blossoming into an unexpected friendship
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: This was originally an angst... don‘t know how it turned into a fluff, but I’m not even mad :)
It happened during your junior year of high school. Both of you knowing of each other’s existence prior to this, whether it be through class or simply seeing the other walking the halls, but not quite knowing enough about the other to consider yourselves friends. So when the opportunity came for you to learn more about Ji Changmin, it came like second nature.
The boy stood at the entrance of a convenience store located near the school, holding a plastic bag and looking awfully confused, continuously looking between his phone and the oncoming crowds of people. At first, you just passed him and entered the store, finding it odd seeing him there when he usually leaves in the sleek black car that the male population at your school talks about every time they see it pulling up. You took your time browsing the different selections the store offered, periodically glancing up to see if he was still on the other side of the glass doors. In the end, you grabbed some drinks and snacks you usually buy, taking more interest in the boy in front of the store (who now looked rather frustrated) than whatever was inside of it.
Turns out, his friends had thought it’d be funny to ditch Mr. Richboy while he was inside buying things for their little hangout and made their way to the park first, leaving him behind by himself. You offered to show him the way, being a frequent visitor of that particular park and all, however, you never imagined how this small act of kindness would change your life from that point moving forward.
And so, you began walking with this person who might as well be a stranger, talking about anything and everything and even sharing some snacks on your way there. Surprisingly, you found out that the two of you had way more in common than expected, creating an instant spark as some would say. When you guys finally found his group of friends, you parted ways, feeling somewhat content in the moment, yet already feeling a sense of yearning for the next when you’ll be able to talk again.
It’d be a lie to say Changmin didn’t feel the same.
The two of you began interacting more after that. It started with the smallest things; waving to each other in the halls instead of just glancing, comparing answers in class instead of just acknowledging each others’ presence, which then led to sharing homework when one forgot and creating an extra set of notes when the other was sick. You and Changmin were definitely no strangers now, to say the least, always hanging out together with his friend group and goofing around at school, and by senior year, at his or your own home.
“Who would’ve thought I’d ever get the chance to lay in your bed, huh Changmin?” you teased as you popped another gummy in your mouth, recrossing your arms behind your head after. The both of you had decided to go back to his place with the intent of finishing up a project, but you knew that wouldn’t happen any time soon with all of the junk food you guys bought on the way. And yes, you did get to ride in his expensive black car.
“You know, only a handful of people have the privilege of gracing their eyes on my bedroom, not to mention physically touching my bed. Multiple times at that.” Changmin retorted before diving on the bed to join you, taking a gummy from your hands as you were about to eat it, earning him the side-eye before you grabbed another one.
“Hmm, what? No girls been here or somethin’?” You said while chewing on a gummy, knowing fully well that only the other boyz are able to come up to his room.
“Oh, you wanna play like that?” He warned before lunging over you to grab the bag of candy from your side, turning his body away from you and curling himself around it so you wouldn’t be able to get it back.
“Hey, I was enjoying those!” you made a move to take it back but Changmin just hugs the bag closer to his body, laughing at your feeble attempt. You huff, already giving up and opting to open the strawberry milk in the bag beside his bed. Taking a sip, you put it on his bedside drawer and leaned against his bedframe.
“But really, why is that?” you question him, “It’s not like you’re that ugly that all the girls are repulsed by your face, plus your grades are good and you’re even good at dancing.”
“Hoho, are you just saying this to get the gummies back?” He turned his head in your direction to squint his eyes at you but still kept his body facing the other way.
“Maybe…” you replied mischievously, jokingly reaching over for the bag before Changmin turns his head away from you again and curls even tighter.
“Still, why haven’t you ever brought a girlfriend over? You’re literally every mom’s dream come true. I bet the dads wouldn’t even mind having you around either…” you say more to yourself in thought than to him, taking another sip of your strawberry milk.
Changmin sighed, “Because all of them are fake. They measure my worth in my money, only seeing how many materialistic things they can squeeze out of me before they leave in the end.” He rolled onto his back and looked up towards the ceiling, closing his eyes and fishing out a gummy before offering it to you. You took it from him with a hum.
“Are you not scared I’ll do the same?” you asked as you finished swallowing your gummy. He opened an eye to briefly look at you before closing it again and slightly shook his head.
“Your question already tells me enough, there’s no malice or ill intent behind it.” Changmin easily replied.
That piqued your curiosity. “How do you know I’m not acting? I could very well be trying to deceive you so I can steal that car of yours.” The boy groaned before sitting up and looking you straight in the eyes.
“Are you really that curious?” you nodded your head slowly, making Changmin run a hand down his face before facing you lazily again.
“I know because of your body language. You’re so relaxed right now you’ll be out like a light in the next half hour. There’s no way you’d ask that question so casually unless it was to feed your honest curiosity.” You could only blink back at him, not knowing what to say.
“Plus,” he added, “you’ve never even batted an eye at all the expensive decor in my house after the first couple times of seeing it. Even now, there’s a whole row of watches and expensive jewelry lined up on the other side of this room, but the only thing you were staring at before I sat up was the bag of candy in my hands.” He even shook it for extra emphasis. You just looked at him sheepishly before he let out a light chuckle.
“You’ve never asked me to buy you anything,” he said before taking a pause, thinking, “Except the couple of times you didn’t have enough money to buy strawberry milk, but even then, you paid me back after.”
Still looking dumbfounded by how observant he is, Changmin sighed and decided to demonstrate it to you. He took out his wallet from the drawer beside you. Pulling out a wad of cash that he couldn’t be bothered to count, he held it out in one hand while having the bag of gummies in the other.
“If I had to guess right now, out of the two options, you would snatch the bag of candy out of my hand without giving a second thought to the few hundred dollars just inches away from it.” Your eyes bulged at the mention of that much money being offered to you so easily.
“So, what’s your choice?” Changmin raised an eyebrow, “Unless you wanna prove me wrong?”
If it was any other situation, you would be more than eager to accept his challenge. However this time, you knew your choice without hesitation. You reached for the bag from his hand, but before you could fully take it, he pulled you into him, surprising you.
“That’s how I know,” he said softly, prolonging the hug for just a few more seconds before pulling away. He’ll never admit it, but your choice meant everything to him, more than words can describe.
Still stunned, you decide to ask, “Do you do that to all of your friends?”
“Do what?” He said, reaching around you to grab your strawberry milk, taking a sip of it.
“Hey! Stop!” You finally snapped out of it, trying to defend your precious milk. “Do... all of that to your friends when they ask” you gestured with your hands.
“Hmm,” he pretended to pause,
“Just the ones I like”
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern eren jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!eren jaeger x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of p*rnhub
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- firstly, this man is CONVINCED it was love at first sight (he ALWAYS tells you this too)
- "babe when i met you i just KNEW you were gonna be mine" "no you didnt" "yes i did- hey dont stop holding me 😣"
- you guys met because you were tutoring him. (he was failing history 😔💔)
- after weeks of shy touches and shared giggles he FINALLY brought his grade up and didnt need you anymore
- that didnt mean he didnt want you tho ;)
- asked you out on a date (and by that i mean to a party smh 🙄)
- and the rest is history 😌✨
- hes the kind of guy that flirts with you even though youre together
- "so uh,, you come here often 😏"
- "eren youre in my apartment 😐"
- he tries to invite you everywhere that he goes with his friends
- like,,, EVERYWHERE
- jean and reiner wanna organize a boys night ? hes pulling out his phone getting ready to text you and saying "oh is it okay if y/n comes ? i didnt get to see them much this week i miss them 🥺" like mf this is for The Boyz 😡😤🥶🥵🔥‼️
- youre weirdly close with sasha, shes just really cool
- eren will call you at the most inconvenient times for the stupidest reasons
- one time he called you while you were doing an INTERVIEW for work and you wanna know what he called you for ? to tell you he bought a bunch of silly string to use on jean.
- bitch im trying to get PAID. rn . trying to make a LIVING. so i dont end up below the POVERTY LINE. tell me about ur silly string after i secure the bag 🙄‼️
- is very touchy. like very touchy.
- but also respects bounderies
- hes NEVER mad when you have something to say about him or your relationship together
- you dont feel comfortable with the pda ?? He Wont do it Again
- you think you two could work on communicating better with each other ?? hes already googling ways to do that
- he cares and cherishes you and the bond you two have created together, hes not gonna try and ruin that
- is a fucking lightweight. dont go with him to parties.
- but if you asked him to hold his drink he will NOT forget about it.
- a couple times he broke the plastic cup he was gripping it so hard 🤩
- is also the type of guy to just protect others ?? like for no reason
- he sees a guy trying to get close to a girl who had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want that ?? hes going over there and playing bf to protect that stranger
- he can thank first year drama class for his superb acting skills 😌✨
- will literally help anyone he sees in a bind
- also his brother is weirdly cool ??
- his parents live far away but his brother only lives like,, 40 minutes away from the university
- hes like an older brother to everyone 🤩
- if you like reading classic literature zeke is your guy to talk to. has so many ideas and opinions on those stories and stuff, and will NOT hesitate to lend you a book of his
- eren has led lights in his room. he ALWAYS has them on the colour red
- he doesnt understand why ppl think hes horny bc of the red lights ?? his eyes just adjust better to the red lights compared to the blue 😔
- he has stretch marks all over his body 🤩 like on his biceps, tummy, back, thighs, etc. etc. doesnt really think about them anymore but he used to be SO self conscious of them in highschool. he saw berty (bertholdt) with his shirt off once during his freshman year and saw how he had stretch marks too, and immediately thought they were cool
- he likes to play with your hair and scratch your scalp, but he likes it when you braid his hair because he thinks it makes him look pretty
- will get you weird things because they remind him of you
- one time he came to pick you up for your date and before you could even KISS HIM hes pushing you away and pulling out a tiny ceramic frog 😐
- "no you dont understand zeke took me to a thrift store today and i found this and it reminded me of you-" "i look like a frog to you ? is that what youre saying ?" "NO ! its just so cute, and youre so cute so i had to get it. do you like it 😊"
- doesnt like most meats, his only exceptions are chicken,
- thats it 😐
- you guys were having a picnic and you made sandwichs (with the sliced turkey meat) and he took one bite out of it, looked you in your face, and spit it back into the baggy without breaking eye contact
- likes just laying in bed with you. has a playlist of songs like arctic monkeys and shit like that, just sitting in the dark with a song on low volume, whispering whatever he wants into your ear is like,, the DEFINITION of love in his book
- also can and will recite lines from shakespeare plays to you ?? will be at the most randomest times. you could be sweeping and he'd just wrap his arms around you before whispering "two households, both alike in dignity. in fair verona where we lay our scene. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
- okay mf this isnt english class 😐‼️ but thank you 😁👍
- will always try and do new tiktok trends and make funny videos so he can "blow up"
- he gets on average like 20 views 🤩
- he likes seeing you and his friends get along, it just makes him so happy that you love mikasa and armin just as much as he does, and hes so thankful that youre all friends
- likes to help you reach whatever you cant, and if youre taller (even by an inch) hes making you grab things for him
- he doesnt have a major yet, and he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life, but being a hairstylist sounds cool
- whenever youre having a bad day mentally, he'll just give you your space unless you say otherwise
- he doesnt know if its the best idea, but he knows when he gets into a bad headspace he wants to be alone
- if you do say you want him with you, he'll lie right beside you in bed and spoon you, and if you want he'll put on the arctic monkeys playlist and whisper about the project he worked on for his business class
- he doesnt like sharing, BUT will steal your shit all the time 🙄
- "oh hey heres that thing i borrowed from you" "oh my fucking god eren i thought i lost that months ago"
- may not understand everything he learns in class, but he always tries bc this is his education !! his parents saved up a lot of money for him to be able to go to university !! hes gonna try his best to make the most of this
- i feel like he would play baseball at university. he asks that u wear his jersey to every game so "everyone knows that the most beautiful person attending this educational establishment is MINE" like,, k ill wear the jersey 🙄🤚
- has a list of the best websites to use to illegally stream movies, anime etc.
NSFW ! -------
- also hates pornhub. knows about all the controversies and shit about the website and doesnt use it. supports smaller porn companies that respect their workers 😁👍
- his parents love you. Im Serious
- carla asks about you all the time (hey mommy 😏) and his dad wonders about you too even though hes more lowkey about it
- always has to open the door for you or pull out your chair for you. no matter what setting youre in he Has to do it bc hes a gentleman
- bohemian rhapsody is his comfort film
- i think eren thinks that Youre the One for him, and this idea is solidified when you two graduate together 😍
- he takes you back to the library where he first met you, gives you a promise ring and just asks you to move in with him, hes not ready for an engagement and he knows you arent either, but he knows that youre it for him, and he just wants to be with you for as long as youll allow it
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GAH this felt all over the place and very mediocre but i hope you enjoyed !!! remember asks are open so feel free to request something 🤩
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lucisfavoritedemon · 3 years
Almost There
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Pairing: Tony Stark x C.I.A platonic!reader (Gender neutral)
Request: The reader is a real life federal agent, and is task to go into the mcu to bring tech out. The reader is given a teleporter, fake ID, money, and a pistol. The plan is to steal a truck full of Stark tech and be transported back. When the reader enters the MCU they wake up in an abandoned warehouse. They spent several months gathering information, practicing and discovering what'sx different inside the MCU. One day they put the plan into action everything goes to plan until the transporter is broken at the rendezvous point. (From the real world point) The reader is then captured by stark and interrogated about them not existing. The reader in the end stays quiet but before they're arrested the battle of N.Y happens and they escape wondering what to do.
Warnings: some cursing, cocky reader, being rude to Tony Stark (sorry to Tony lovers)
Word Count: 1663
A/N: This was requested by @iawaythrown. Thank you so much for the request. I hope you like it. I also tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. I’m sorry if I did not. This is not Beta read, so all mistakes are mine.
I had a mission. It was all planned out, all I had to do was follow instructions. Of course things here never seem to pan out the way you want, and of course I was seemingly suspicious. No wonder he caught me. No wonder I’m now trapped here. 
Okay, I’m getting way ahead of myself. I’m not from this universe, reality, or whatever you want to call it. I’m from a world where this character was just that, a character! Now I’m here with no plan, no mission, no escape, and no Stark Tech.
Yes, you heard me right, I was after some Stark Tech, but here I am being interrogated by Tony Stark himself. Now, for how I got to this point, that’s easy. I’m a CIA Agent, and given the almost impossible task of gathering as much Stark Tech as I possibly could in a truck, and bringing it back to my world. Most likely to be used, or improved, to be given to the people in my time. You know, to speed up the process of technological advancement.
I never asked questions though, that wasn’t my place. All I know is that I had to come here with the transporter, gather as much Stark Tech, as discreetly as possible, and meet at the rendezvous point before anyone found out what I was doing.
Alright, enough of me summarizing what happened, and didn’t happen. Allow me to enlighten you a bit. I’ll spare you the details of the full mission brief, not very brief if you ask me, and get down to my adventures here in the MCU.
“You ready for this?” One of my coworkers asked, helping me prepare for my journey.
“I’m so excited. I have studied every single person I will be getting to know in this world. I spent hundreds of dollars, and did lots of bargaining to get every last copy of the comics for the 6 members of the Avengers. As well as all the Avengers comics.”
“You’ve worked hard for this mission. You seem more dedicated than usual.” They spoke, handing me my bag and wallet with fake ID and money.
We walked over to the transporter where everyone else was waiting. I was given one last bit of information on how to get out before I was told where to stand.
“Just a warning, you may feel a bit nauseous, or you might pass out on entry. Just find Stark and the others as soon as you can. We cannot waste any time.”
“Yes sir.” My commanding officer then starts up the transporter, and I’m sent away in a flash of white light.
When I awoke I was in a warehouse. I got up quickly, and walked outside. I had studied every map of New York City I could find. I knew how to get to Stark Tower from every possible place I could land. I started to make my way to the tower. 
My disguise was his new secretary, and I honestly thought that was a genius idea. When I got to Stark Tower, I was greeted by the doorman asking me for my identification. I gladly obliged and he allowed me inside, showing me to Tony Stark’s office.
“You are my new secretary?” He asked, laying eyes on me. He didn’t seem too impressed with me, but that didn’t matter.
“I am. If you have a problem with that, then I will see myself out. Just so you know though, you won’t find anyone better than me.”
“I see your people skills are lacking, but your persuasiveness is impressive.” He smirked, and showed me around.
I was in! This was my chance to get as close to him as possible without him realising why I was actually there. Tony started with his part of the tower. He said that it would be mostly off limits unless I truly needed him. 
The next part was my favorite. He was showing me where he came up with all his inventions, and that’s where I made my first grab. Of course he had to be something small that he would barely notice was gone, and a discarded prototype, which he showed me plenty.
This went on for about a month. I would always end up finding him in the lab, purposely of course. As he would leave, I would sneak a piece of tech. As time went on I gathered bigger and better tech and loaded them into a U-Haul truck that I rented to take back to my world. 
I only hoped that no one had caught on to what I was doing, but I didn’t think so. The day finally came, and I had to tell Tony I had to part ways with him. He seemed to really enjoy the work I was doing for him, but I guess I would just have to live with that I guess.
“Hey there is my favorite secretary.” He grinned, chuckling some
“I’m currently your only secretary.” I said, not very amused.
His grin faded, and he cleared his throat, “anyway, I want to show you something. My latest invention.”
My curiosity peaked, and I had almost forgotten what I came down to the lab for, “latest invention?”
“Yep, granted the project had been set back. For some reason I kept misplacing some of the tech needed to complete it.”
“You misplace things? That’s shocking to me.”
“I don’t usually, but for some reason more recently my mind has been clouded.”
“I wonder why?” I asked, being genuine. I may be stealing him, and making him think he’s losing it, but I’m not heartless.
Tony just chuckles, and brushes off the question. He always liked to share as long as there was a little pity to him, then he would move on. It annoyed me a little, but at the same time, I was used to it.
Tony led me to where his new invention was. He did warn it may not intrigue me, for it was more of an upgrade for his Iron Man suit. When he showed me, I was absolutely amazed. There would be no way that I could sneak this new piece of tech, but you bet I was going to try.
“Tony, I have something I have to tell you, and you probably won’t like it.”
“I knew it! All of my tech started disappearing after you showed up!” He jumped to conclusions.
“Uh, I was going to say I have to leave. My mother has fallen ill, and I am the last close family member to care for her. So, today will be my last day.” I spoke, looking confused at his accusation.
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. What is she sick with, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“She is in severe kidney and liver failure due to her heavy alcoholism after my father left her.” I said too casually, but he did not question me.
“So, where ya headed?”
“Maine. Specifically Augusta, Maine.”
“I see. It will be hard to see you go, but I understand how important family is. Before you go, come up to the penthouse, so I can give you a proper goodbye.” With that, Tony walked upstairs leaving me alone.
I knew him leaving me in the lab alone was a test. He was obviously on to me, and as much as I wanted to steal that new piece of tech, I had to leave it be, but I now had a lot of the tech to recreate it myself.
I of course did not want to say goodbye to Tony properly. He was just a pawn in a bigger game. I knew that I wasn’t playing a better, or bigger role, but more important than him. I made my way outside, and back to the abandoned warehouse where I kept the U-Haul truck. 
I climbed in and headed to the rendezvous point. I was of course nervous about everything going wrong now that I was so close to getting back home. I made it to my point, and it was almost time to head back. Though, when it was time to head back, something went wrong. I couldn’t get the transporter to work.
That’s when I heard a car heading my way. I couldn’t help but begin to panic, and I kept hitting the transporter button. That’s when I heard the car stop a few feet behind me. The car door opened then closed, but I dare not turn around.
“This is the opposite direction of Maine, sweetheart.” Of course, this was just my luck.
“Yeah. I realise that.” I was extremely frustrated at this point.
“Open the truck.”
“Absolutely not! You do not have the authority to search my things.”
“I could get the proper authorities involved.”
I glare at him. I was not going to be threatened like this, but I could not use my authority here in this world. I technically didn��t exist. Not to mention I would blow my entire cover and mission.
“Or you could come with me, and explain what you’re doing with a truckload of my tech.”
I had no choice but to follow him. I had to remain as innocent as I could until he had enough evidence to prove I’m not.
Now you are all caught up to now. Nothing else has happened since then. Tony has since left me alone, and hasn’t returned. I think I hear something happening outside. This may be the only chance I would have to run. You bet I will be making a break for it. If I no longer update on my story, assume I made it back home, or I haven’t been captured by Stark and his posse of weirdos. 
That’s it for now. Thanks for listening to my weird story. Just make sure to burn this once you have finished. Unless you’re Tony Stark, then you can suck it. Y/n out.
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thehangeddemon · 3 years
Playing with Fire || Master Maxi || March, 1958
Maximus: Maximus hesitated just outside of the office. The day's mail stacked neatly on a silver tray, newly polished. He hovered only because of Xavier's stance, awaiting to be noticed.
Xavier: Xavier was rubbing his forehead and temples in rhythmic little circles, a distinct furrow to his brow that said the universe was sorely testing him this day.
It was when he leaned back in his chair to heave a great sigh that he noticed Maximus and some of that annoyance melted away. "How long have you been standing there?" he asked with an apologetic smile.
Maximus: "Long enough to know better." Only then would he enter, lowering enough for his master to inspect the tray. An invitation, news, bills. Maximus waited quietly for inspection of each letter being speaking.
"May I ask what is troubling you, m'lord?"
Xavier: He took the mail from the tray with a nod of thanks. Bills went in the To Do pile, the news in the To Read pile, and the invitation in front of him.
"I received a call from an associate of mine in Riyadh. He handles my exports from that part of the world and a few years ago I invested in his business. Ever since, he comes to me with any and all business ideas he comes up with hoping I'll invest."
Maximus: "Not very keen, m'lord?" Given the strain around his eyes, and the massage of his temples. As much as he wanted to ask about the invitation, he refrained, placing the tray under his arm.
"Will that be all?"
Xavier: "I was, once upon a time, when the ideas actually bore fruit and effort was put into ensuring so. Now the ideas become more harebrained with every passing year, but he never presents them that way." Xavier grabbed his letter opener. "He makes each one sound more grand than the last, never wants to take no for an answer. If I were alive he'd have taken years off my life by now."
He opened the invitation, scanned it briefly. "Speaking of grand."
Maximus: Maximus wondered what sort of ideas this man had, and silently tickled at the idea of Xavier's irritation with anything so far from serious. Something rather human to stir things.
"A party, this time of year?"
Xavier: "It would appear so. An exhibition of classical art to be followed by an auction. It's being hosted by Haskell, that insufferable bon vivant we met in Los Angeles. You know the one. Old, old money banker who sold me the chandelier in the drawing room some time ago."
Maximus: He remembered. The man had leather for skin, and glasses far too thick. The way he stared, as though right through and beyond. He didn't much care for him.
"Do you wish to accept?"
Xavier: Xavier sighed and considered for a moment. Did he want to endure an entire evening listening to that dandy boast and hold court?
"Not particularly." He smiled. "But I do wish to avail myself of the contents of Haskell's wine cellar."
Maximus: "You do enjoy playing with fire at every opportunity." Bold words for eyes submissive to the ground.
Xavier: He chuckled. "It's Haskell who's playing with fire by sending this invitation. He knows damn well he squeezed me for every cent he could for that chandelier. No doubt he's hoping I'll part with several hundred more of my dollars on this little auction of his."
Maximus: "May I ask what the auction is for? Does the invitation say?"
Xavier: The invitation was consulted. "He claimed the proceeds will benefit the hospital but that is a damnable lie. The hospital will see a fraction of the proceeds, if that, and the rest will go into Haskell's pocket. How do you think he's managed to afford that ridiculous mansion?"
Maximus: This made his butler frown. "I see. Then I will not waste energy encouraging your presence."
Xavier: He grinned. "Would you like to go to Los Angeles? We can steal Haskell's wine, give a bigger donation to the hospital to spite him, and go to the pictures. There's nothing quite like going to the pictures in Hollywood."
Maximus: "In all my years, I can't recall having ever been." And his first experience would be with Xavier. He very much liked the idea, but these were duty hours, so his smile was that of poise.
"You had me at donation, m'lord."
2:54 AM] Xavier: "Excellent!" Xavier took the RSVP card out of the envelope and reached for his pen to fill it out. "Please see that this gets returned and find me the name of the lowest quality vineyard in the state."
Maximus: "Yes, m'lord." The tray was lowered for the invitation's return. He didn't expect to see the fruits of this labor. Only to hear about the fruition of his schemes, and he looked forward to such tales.
"I would like to ask your opinion on something as well, if you have a moment to spare."
Xavier: "Please, by all means." Xavier was in considerably better spirits than he'd been a few minutes ago and it showed clearly in his expression in demeanor. All the annoyance had turned to warmth and welcome, and both were directed at the beautiful man before him.
Maximus: "I apologize for not inquiring sooner, but, do you have a preference towards wild game?"
Xavier: “I don’t favor any particular type but I’ve always enjoyed venison.”
Maximus: "Very good, m'lord. Will that be all?"
Xavier: "Yes, darling, thank you. Bring me the name of that vineyard as soon as possible, preferably before the party."
Maximus: The darling caught him off guard so early in the morning. He blinked, but offered nothing of his thoughts physically. A bow of obedience, and he turned from the room. Wild game, he decided, would be served for lunch. Something elegant, of course, but unusual. It was time for a split of body. Cooking, research, and to tend the garden.
Xavier: Xavier smiled at Maximus' retreating back until he was out of sight before turning his attention to the mail. What needed reading was read, what needed paying was paid, and a letter was written to a certain associate telling him in no uncertain terms that Xavier's patience for harebrained schemes had been completely exhausted.
He gathered everything up and went to put it with the rest of the mail. And maybe look for Maximus.
Maximus: One of those he sought was in the kitchen chopping carrots and celery. The usual mise en place accompanying a French inspired dish. Another duplicate with rolled sleeves visible from the kitchen window, tending the garden pulling weeds.
The real Maximus Fairchild was in his modest office. Research, as commanded, with the phone to his ear.
Xavier: Xavier smiled as he spotted each of his butler’s shadows, not surprised to see them. When Maximus had a pressing task he always preferred to attend to it personally, like the little project Xavier had given him.
The question now was, did he watch the shadow cooking or the one gardening?
A few moments to decide and he was stepping into the kitchen.
“Hello, my dear,” he greeted, taking a seat at the kitchen table. “Would you mind some company?”
Maximus: The duplicate looked up from his scrutinized knife. Almost the same man. Absent voice, but not expression. Free by a margin to smile as though off duty.
Maximus #2 pointed to a large bowl by the long sink. A skinned hare, fresh from market before Xavier opened his eyes that morning.
Xavier: “Such a beautiful smile,” he said, barely resisting the urge to kiss it before walking over to the sink.
“Ah, this explains the question about wild game. It appears we’re to have a very excellent lunch indeed.”
Maximus: Still as modest as the original. This Maximus paused, basked a moment in praise before pushing it aside with scolding eyes.
Xavier: Xavier laughed softly. “I’ll behave, you have my word. I’m simply here to observe. You’re miles more alluring than anything I have on my desk.”
Maximus: Even a mimicry with base faculties was enough of a truth to bristle at such flattery. He pointed in the direction of the office.
Xavier: “Very well, I’ll leave you to your work.” Beautiful shadow of my beautiful Maximus.
He tamped down another urge, this time to brush his lips against the shadow’s cheek, and went to knock on Maximus’ door.
1:10 PM] Maximus: The office was modest, despite encouragement of his master. Decorated with a framed original photograph of the estate on the east wall, and a portrait of a mother and child found in the attic on the east. Nothing personal. Despite budding intimacy, doubt lingered whether or not a Fairchild or Berti might be neatly displayed in the upcoming months, years.
Maximus looked up from a simple brown book, telephone handset returned as he stood.
"Yes, m'lord?"
Xavier: Xavier leaned against the doorframe and smiled softly. At Maximus, at the simple decor, at the phone and the book.
What he wanted to say was, we’ve been apart for an hour and I missed you. I feel...needy for your company today and I’m not quite sure why. I want you to set work aside for the day and come sit in my lap where I can kiss and hold you. I want you to smile at me, talk to me in your soft, gentle way. I want to see the blush on your cheeks when I compliment you. I want you to ask me for the moon and I want to get it for you. I want you to feel needy for me, too.
What he said was, “How is your search coming?”
Maximus: His butler could only decipher so much, but that long stare did something to his insides. The room was suddenly too warm.
"The list is nearly complete. Two more calls to make. A budding vineyard to the south gave interest to inquiry. I thought it might be worth your investment, or ill-considered to neglect informing you."
Xavier: He nodded, and tramped down his third urge in as many minutes. “That was good thought. A budding vineyard might be exactly what I’m looking for, or a worthy investment as you said.” Another nod. “Excellent work, thank you. I’ll leave you to it.”
Maximus: Where Maximus should have bowed his head and returned to his seat, he lingered.
"Is there something else I might do for you? Or... one of them?"
Xavier: Xavier shook his head. “No, thank you, I’m...I’m fine. I might take a short drive before lunch.”
Maximus: "As you so often remind me, I am more than your servant. I am your assistant. Allow me to be concerned for a moment, and serve you as my choosing."
Xavier: Maximus was offered another smile. “I’ll allow you, and I appreciate your concern. I suppose I’m simply in a restless mood this morning.”
Maximus: "Perhaps, instead of a drive... a walk?"
Xavier: “Perhaps that’s a better idea. Would you—?”
Maximus: "I would love to accompany you."
Xavier: He offered his arm. “Around the garden?”
Maximus: "I am off duty in the meantime?"
Xavier: Xavier nodded. “Yes. For the walk, and perhaps to join me for lunch?”
Maximus: Such proposal prevented the removal of his watch. Lunch was nowhere near finished; neither were monotonous chores worthy of his duplicates. His hand came away from his wrist.
"Delighted." His first undressed smile of the day.
Xavier: That smile made him feel like a drowning man being given breath again.
He returned it in kind. “Marvelous. Come, let’s get some fresh air.”
Maximus: Papers were quickly straightened. Pen used as a bookmark for the phone book and set aside. Off duty, he told himself. His own idea, he repeated. He didn't know what to do with his hands. A coat? Loosen his tie? Nothing seemed more appropriate than consistency.
"Just the garden?"
Xavier: “The garden, the grounds. Perhaps the woods. We’ll see where our feet carry us. It’s a lovely day; we ought to enjoy as much of it as we can.”
Maximus: Seemed fanciful, but as he'd come to learn, not so unlike this young demon.
No coat, only a change of shoes before holding the door. Some standards would not shake. The garden had expanded since winter. Herbs dominated much of the landscape leading to the house. Roses and shrubs lining the walk towards the various statues. Tomatoes and other less visually stimulating like were out of sight by design.
"If I were to ask you to spill your thoughts, would you?"
Xavier: It was as proper as an English garden could be. Tea roses, winding paths, statues, vegetables, a fountain. It was what the manor deserved after so many years of neglect.
“Just now I’m thinking what a beautiful job you’ve done out here.”
Maximus: Not what he'd expected, but he would take it. "These were your choices." For the most part. The flowers, with the exception of tenderly minded magnolias.
Xavier: "And you took those selections and created a garden worthy of the estate it surrounds. You should be very proud, Maximus."
Maximus: "That's the word I'm looking for," he smiled. "I'd like to hear more of your thoughts, if you'd allow me."
Xavier: "I'm also wondering how long it will take Haskell to realize his wine collection is worthless after I replace all the wine with whatever vineyard is chosen for the deception."
Maximus: "Rather than leaving his stock barren, your sense of humor is to replace with inferior. As you do artistic masterpieces."
Xavier: Xavier grinned. "Indeed. And like with artistic masterpieces, they will receive a better home and proper appreciation. Haskell, on the other hand, will be humiliated in front of those whose coattails he seeks to ride and will have an absolute conniption thinking he essentially tossed thousands of dollars down a hole."
Maximus: Is he really deserving of such punishment, he thought. He felt it best not to ask. Despite the careful distance their relationship had crossed, Xavier was still master. Trust was a fickle creature. It was of little concern; he didn't actually care.
"You spoke to my copies again today."
Xavier: This particular punishment was merely intended to knock Howard Haskell down a few pegs and back to where he rightfully belonged. There was nothing Xavier hated so much as hubris that hadn't been earned.
He nodded, smile still in place. "I did, yes. I always speak to them when I see them."
Maximus: "I'm not sure I understand your reasoning. They offer little." They were tools, nothing more in his belief, which made Xavier's insistence fascinating and confounding.
Xavier: "They offer more than meets the eye." More than once, talking to Maximus' shadows offered the chance to see that beautiful smile without a hint of reservation.
Maximus: He saw each and every one-sided conversation. With every broken spell, each memory of his duplicates became his own. What was once used as a torment, now became a source of entertainment.
"You could always speak to me, if you need an ear."
Xavier: His smile gentled. "Thank you," he said softly. "I sincerely appreciate it. I don't often find myself having that need, but when I do...thank you, Maximus. For the offer and...for walking with me."
Maximus: "It's less out of obligation than you might think."
Xavier: "At the risk of flattering myself, I don't think it's out of obligation at all."
Maximus: "You've taken a great risk. Haskell would be impressed."
Xavier: Xavier chuckled. "Haskell's risks aren't really risks. They're calculated to appear that way."
Maximus: "Yours are true?"
Xavier: He nodded. "There was a very good chance coming with me and lending me an ear was due to a sense of obligation."
Maximus: "We still walk that fine line of mystery."
Xavier: “We do indeed. And I take great risks and hope for the best.”
Maximus: "You risk believing there is no risk," he smiled.
Xavier: “Oh believe me, I could never. It’s always very present in my mind.”
Maximus: He wanted an elaboration, but would not ask.
"Are you feeling better now?"
Xavier: “Much better, yes. You’re a very great help.”
Maximus: "You're very generous as usual, Xavier."
Xavier: Hearing his name from Maximus’ lips brought a rush of such affection it was a wonder he didn’t pull the man into his arms without a second thought.
“It’s sincere. Talking to you makes my mind feel quieter, more calm.”
Maximus: "I'm...honored." But what he wanted to ask was why, and how, as he felt he offered nothing significant.
Xavier: Xavier turned to study his companion for a moment. “May I be so bold as to say you’re also...curious?”
Maximus: "I'm curious?"
1:57 AM] Xavier: “About why you calm my mind. It feels as though you want to ask me something.”
Maximus: You cannot read my mind, he reminded himself. "I have a readable face." This much was honest.
Xavier: “You do, but it’s more than that. We have a bond. We’re...in tune with each other.”
Maximus: "You think so?"
Xavier: “I do. I can feel it when I’m near you and when we’re apart, when we’re speaking or sitting in silence.”
Maximus: "That's perhaps the bond of servitude." A jest, but his smile was meek. One might regard as shy.
Xavier: Xavier simply returned the smile and offered Maximus his hand. It was fine if he didn’t take it; but Xavier felt the need to offer it.
Maximus: The hand was given a second of regard before taking. Not because this was his master, but because he wanted to. He wondered if Xavier truly understood.
Xavier: Perhaps Xavier could never fully understand, but he understood that this was a man who was rightfully cautious, who'd been hurt in unimaginable ways, and still accepted his hand.
He brought it to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on Maximus' knuckles.
Maximus: Maximus watched against his will. This was his hand being lovingly cared for, and those were Xavier's lips. There was no greater affection, and after months of such treatment, he was sure more than anything else that Xavier knew.
"It...smells like wood polish. Forgive me."
Xavier: “The wood polish you use smells like lemons. I’ve nothing to forgive.” He offered another kiss, this time to Maximus’ palm.
Maximus: Air demanded to leave his lungs in one warm escape. The emptiness felt at the bottom of his ribs made him feel more alive. Pain often did in the most unpleasant times, but in the moment, only made him more aware of Xavier's presence.
"How far shall we walk?"
Xavier: He was starting to get a decent gauge of the reverence and meaning this sort of affection had for Maximus. All the more reason for Xavier to offer as much as possible, when possible. "Perhaps to the edge of the estate and back? I was thinking that perhaps you'd like to have lunch in the garden. It really is a lovely day, it'd be a shame not to enjoy it as much as we can."
Maximus: Xavier was a painting. Spoke like a gentleman, poised, tailored like a gentleman, but months together he began to see the forgery. What was beneath was less impressionist and more abstract. At the moment it was lovely.
"Would stewed hare be inappropriate for a garden lunch? I'll see to an alteration. Something lighter."
Xavier: "We rule all that we survey, my dear." He smiled. "We get to decide what is appropriate. And from what preparations I could see in the kitchen, I'm very much looking forward to that stewed hare."
Maximus: "It is an hour until lunch. To the edge of the property and back?"
Xavier: Xavier nodded. "To the edge and back. Tell me, do you think there's a good spot for some sort of garden folly or a gazebo?"
Maximus: "Certainly. This small clearing here," he pointed where the sun intended to set, just shy of the woods. "It's away from the house, but not far from the garden. Leaves the expanse of the lawn to admire, without having to see the driveway."
Xavier: Xavier considered for a moment and nodded. "You're right," he said with a smile. "That's the perfect place for it. Although looking at it, a folly seems like a much better use of the space than a gazebo. Something that wisteria or perhaps star jasmine can climb."
Maximus: "I think jasmine is an excellent idea. I'll begin the necessary arrangements. There, you think?" He pointed to where the garden ended shy of the woods, a corner of sorts. Even still, despite the calm, he sometimes had to correct his speech. No 'm'lord' here. He wondered if he would ever accept Xavier's supposed intention.
Xavier: “Let’s get a closer look.”
Xavier led Maximus over to the spot, walking around and picturing the potential structure and how it would look from the windows.
“Yes, this is the perfect place. Stone and wrought iron, I think, something very intricate. I trust you to find the perfect craftspeople.”
Maximus: "You're certain of iron?"
Xavier: “I rather like the idea of the sun casting filigreed shadows on the stone beneath. Do you have another material in mind?”
Maximus: "I don't want you to burn yourself. If perhaps it were painted?"
Xavier: "Ah, yes, you're right. For both our sakes, we shall have the iron painted black."
Maximus: "Are you efficient with drawing? Something I could show a contractor."
Xavier: “Efficient enough to give a contractor a decent idea of what I’m looking for. I might have to peruse my library for some inspiration.”
Maximus: "Very good." M'lord. "Something that will feel as timeless as the estate itself. Perhaps a winding stone walkway?"
Xavier: “I do like the idea of a walkway leading up to the structure. Perhaps with ornamental plants surrounding it.”
Maximus: "I'll see to it as well."
Xavier: “What would you like to plant along the path?”
Maximus: Maximus looked up, considering the shade. "I'm no expert on the subject, but, I believe leaving color to the garden here," he pointed back, "leaves less competition for the eye. Ferns, or something equally lush. The very least, creeping thyme."
Xavier: "Some ferns would look rather nice. The thyme as well. We shall see which one suits better when we choose the stone for the walkway." He thought for a moment. "If memory serves, there's an excellent stone mason in Los Angeles."
Maximus: Maximus frowned but nodded. Eyes thoughtful. "If I may be so bold, I find myself confused every instance it seems my opinions are valued."
Xavier: Xavier offered a smile. “Is it still so foreign after we’ve set this house to rights together?”
Maximus: "I've been made to do many things by various masters, but never trusted with an estate."
Xavier: “I trust you implicitly with this estate, Maximus. Not to mention my meals and my wardrobe.”
Maximus: "I couldn't poison your food if I wanted to," he smiled.
Xavier: “With your cooking? It’d be worth it.”
Maximus: "Your praise borders on cloying, Master Xavier."
Xavier: He chuckled. “I’d apologize if I didn’t think very highly of your cooking. And you know I’m a man who appreciates good food.”
Maximus: "I don't expect apologies when your words hold meaning to you."
Xavier: "They do." He found himself kissing Maximus' hand again. "I sincerely appreciate and value your opinions. Your input is something I treasure."
Maximus: Their pace slowed as Xavier indulged himself. Moments like this, words were too elusive to pluck from the air. Just emotion. Enticed by self-imposed mystery, but stayed by caution. Rarely was something hidden behind his eyes, but Maximus expected something. He would be foolish not to.
Flowery words, he told himself. Flattery from a charming demon. He should have been made at the crossroads.
"I'm honored."
Xavier: Perhaps he would be foolish not to, but the only thing behind Xavier's eyes was affection. Sincere, abiding affection.
"And I'm honored that you feel comfortable enough to give your input, even if it confuses you when it's taken to heart."
Maximus: He didn't want to spoil things by saying refusal was smaller than a crawlspace. Instead, he smiled, content to his silence and what his expression could offer.
Xavier: As staying on this subject would only serve to make Maximus uncomfortable, Xavier chose to move on for now.
"This is going to look lovely when it's finished. As will the road to the house when the wildflowers bloom."
Maximus: "You're in favor of a manicured lawn, or would you be interested in ground cover flowers?"
Xavier: "I'm in favor of both, though both have their place. I quite like the lawn surrounding the estate but lawn looks out of place on the roadside."
Maximus: "Very French," he smiled. "I agree, both have their place. I'm in favor of the backyard being as lush as we intend."
Xavier: “It will be when we’re done with it, we’ll put Versailles to shame. I rather like the idea of having a couple more statutes as well.”
Maximus: "There is enough space for a hedge maze as well, if your desire is a statement."
Xavier: “It’s tempting,” he chuckled. “But the sight of the woods beyond the garden is impossible to give up. Although some hedges would look nice bordering the drive.”
Maximus: "We could begin the drive with an iron gate, line the drive with hedges or perhaps roses. Something to withstand the drastic seasons."
Xavier: Xavier pictured the final result and smiled. “Perfect. This estate will be grand in every sense of the phrase.”
Maximus: "And when... we have finished, do you intend to throw a grand party celebrating your success?"
Xavier: "This wouldn't be much of a sanctuary if I did that. Perhaps we could have Massimo and his family for dinner. I only trust him with the location of this house."
Maximus: This surprised his servant, studying his profile as they slowly walked, curious what in particular made this home a sanctuary. What was intended for this house.
"I see. Something in New York, perhaps. You should celebrate your achievement."
Xavier: Xavier smiled. “A more private celebration seems more appealing, although perhaps that’s the hermit in me. I always manage to wander off on my own at parties.”
Maximus: "More business deals, wine and beautiful people."
Xavier: You’re the only beautiful people I need, Xavier thought to himself.
“Deals aren’t quite enticing enough for a celebration. Are you opposed to a small dinner party with Massimo’s family?”
Maximus: "I will serve whomever you choose to bring," Maximus said, watching the woods towards the abandoned house.
Xavier: "Perhaps we can also invite my staff at the warehouse. Everyone has been thoroughly vetted and I trust them all. They're good people."
Maximus: "If they can make the travel," he felt the need to point out.
Xavier: “Easily taken care of. I can make travel arrangements for them.”
Maximus: "Very elaborate. I believe my spell will be in order."
Xavier: "Or, there is an alternative."
9:22 PM] Maximus: Maximus slowed and studied the man by his side, curious but unwilling to guess.
Xavier: “We could hire waitstaff for the evening, which would allow you to enjoy the celebration freely.”
Maximus: "Would that not be seen as inappropriate of your assistant to dine as equal?"
Xavier: “Massimo is incredibly fond of you and my employees wouldn’t dare cause such offense.”
Maximus: "I don't believe they would dare such disrespect to you in person, but perhaps it is not in good taste." He watched Xavier a moment. "If I may be so bold to speak my mind this way."
Xavier: Xavier smiled. "Of course you may. And if you truly do not wish to attend a celebration as a guest, you don't have to. I only ask that if you decide against it, it be because you truly wish to attend in your capacity as butler."
Maximus: "I think it's the most appropriate road in which to walk... in public." Their relationship was still so young. Still too soon to openly reveal anything more than professionalism. It was safe.
Xavier: "As you wish, my dear." It didn't feel right to take sole credit for the complete transformation of the estate, but it would feel worse to push Maximus in a way he wasn't ready for.
"It will be a small celebration but grand nonetheless."
Maximus: Finally, he could breathe. For a moment he was concerned, but Xavier's response was as consistent as day one.
"I look forward to assisting in its assembly."
Xavier: "You'll be instrumental in its success. That being said, would you like me to hire waitstaff to assist you for the evening?"
Maximus: "Hire, or borrow from another?"
Xavier: "Hire and thoroughly vet."
Maximus: "By your will. Eight hands are better than six."
Xavier: "Anything at all you need when the time comes, please ask. No expense will be spared."
Maximus: "I wouldn't insult your celebration by offering cheap wine," he smiled.
Xavier: "You couldn't insult my celebration, full stop. Outwardly it might be mine, but privately, it's ours."
Maximus: "That's very kind," said Maximus. He would have worried for repeating himself if not for being so relaxed. Too eased, his equals might argue.
Silence would be sensible for several meters.
Xavier: Xavier didn't mind the silence. During his time with Maximus, he'd come to recognize the different types he affected at different moments. Some silences were companionable, some filled with work and distractions, and others, like this one, affected when there was a fear that too much had been shared. Not always in words, but in manner.
It almost came as a surprise when they reached the edge of the property. Xavier hadn't realized he'd been lost in thought. "Ready to head back, darling?"
Maximus: Seemed the moment had passed. For now. He wouldn't linger on what he had felt and why. Not here in his master's presence.
"I will see to lunch, prep for dining outside, if the idea still appeals."
Xavier: "It does," he said with a nod, sighing contentedly. "I shall go down to the cellar and select a good wine to accompany our meal. All game requires a fine wine."
Maximus: He would dare offer a suggestion. "A bold red, perhaps?"
Xavier: Xavier beamed in approval. "Precisely what I was thinking. We shall lunch like royalty today, my dear."
Maximus: "If there is anything one of my shadows can assist you with, please. You will be quite bored observing my assemblage of lunch."
Xavier: "Actually, now that we're going to be coming into a great deal of wine, some reorganization of the cellar is in order. I'd like to see how much spare room we have."
Maximus: "It is one of the last areas of the house left virtually untouched." He wanted to be there to assist, but preparing the table outside yielded a more intimate future.
Xavier: "And a significant project because of it. I will take one of your shadows down to get a proper lay of the land and we shall discuss over lunch."
Maximus: I shall see you then, he thought, offering nothing more in response than a gentle smile.
Xavier: Xavier was going to take that smile as approval of the plan, and give one in return.
“Very well, my dear. I’ll be down in the cellar. May I kiss your hand again, before you return to duty?”
Maximus: "Am I to return to duty before lunch?" Asked carefully. A timid offering of what could be.
Xavier: He had put forth a great deal of effort to keep his face from smiling too excitedly. Such a careful question could only be met with gentleness.
“I think not,” Xavier murmured. “After lunch will be quite soon enough.”
Maximus: His smile was not quite what Xavier felt. Bedded down as forcefully as Xavier's efforts. "As you wish."
Xavier: “In that case...” He turned to fully face Maximus. “May I kiss you, darling?”
Maximus: He dared look his master in the eyes. There was no harm here. Those eyes, as they had always been, were a safe place.
"You may," said softly.
Xavier: Those eyes were brimming with affection as Xavier gently cradled Maxmius’ face and leaned in to kiss him like he’d wanted to do all day. Feeling and tasting this beautiful man was like satisfying a craving.
Maximus: Every kiss felt the same. Something less than fear and more than elation. Trust deserved but fragile. His lips felt impossibly warm, and he welcomed them with an inaudible sigh. His hands didn't know what to do, other than remain useless at his sides.
Xavier: Xavier could only hope that the day would come when Maximus felt comfortable enough to reach for him, to touch him as much and as long as he wanted without a second thought. He could only hope that someday Maximus would feel comfortable enough to do a lot of things.
Until then Xavier was more than happy to take the lead. They were dancing the world's gentlest, most deliberate waltz, each move fraught with meaning. Each kiss he was allowed was treasured. He took only a little bit at a time, savoring before coming back for more. Never pushing, never demanding.
"Beautiful," he whispered, caressing Maximus' face.
Maximus: Like a dream he was sure wakefulness would steal with cold hateful hands. He was certain this was false. Not any moment, but someday. For now he could lean into the strength of Xavier's stance and welcome his warm merciful hands. Offer a deepening of his affections as his master-in-name caressed his pale face. Reach timidly to place his hand over Xavier's in solidarity.
Xavier: There had been moments when they first began this delicate relationship where Xavier had wondered if he had the strength of will to be gentle, to tamp down his desires and keep from take, take, taking. But he'd soon discovered that when it came to Maximus Fairchild, being gentle was the easiest thing in the world. It came as easy as breathing, and Xavier had slowly begun to realize that the only thing he had to tamp down was the urge to bombard Maximus with his affection a thousand times a day.
He had his moments, of course, he was only human--or had been at one point. But this here? That little touch, the subtle deepening of a kiss? Fuck, it was what he lived for.
Beautiful, he thought again, letting himself stretch the kiss a few more long, lingering moments before regrettably pulling away.
Maximus: Parting had become a bittersweet endeavor. He realized in this moment, taking a step back from Xavier's handsome figure, that their relationship was akin to an arranged marriage, more than that of master and slave. He would rather believe that than the truth. Wondered if in some measure Xavier felt the same. A fantasy which would live in his head as comfort, until the day it would no longer provide sustenance.
"A shadow will be with you shortly."
Xavier: He had to allow himself one final stroke of Maximus' cheek. Just a single one to sustain him until they sat down to eat.
"Very well," he said softly, smiling as he let his hands fall away. "I'll await them down in the cellar." And select one of his best bottles for their meal.
With that fond smile still lighting his face, Xavier started back toward the house.
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clxvdd · 4 years
Summary: Pro Hero Glitch has been hit with an unknown quirk which makes her worst nightmares become a reality.
Characters/Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki (Ground Zero) x Reader, Izuku Midoriya (Deku), Kirishima Eijirou (Red Riot)
Warnings: language, mental illness, some violence, adult situations
Word Count: 2.3k
this is an INCOMPLETE DRAFT!! i’ve had this sitting in my drafts for a long time and i just wanted to post it for people to see. it might be updated further in the future but this is intended to be ONE PART.
Quirk: the reader, Pro Hero Glitch, has a quirk dubbed “static” which allows her to project images of herself or other objects into an area, as well as “glitch” (similar to teleportation between small distances), and distort the look of objects or persons to others.
Stark white walls and lights turned a dingy yellow. Flickering chaotically, with no real rhyme or purpose. A single exit– a tall door off to one side of the room with only a thin slit for exchange. There was no furniture, no evidence that someone had existed here except for the faded bloody scratches on the walls. She sat, unmoving, an emotionless expression on her features that were once full of life. Criss-cross applesauce with her arms locked behind her back. Such an innocent and joyful position, but practiced nonetheless. This was how authorities had forced her to sit in her early years, and now, in a sick twist of fate, it is how she will spend the rest. Silent. Unwavering. Stuck inside her own body. Only one thought has run through her head during her entire stay.
“How did this happen?”
The task at hand should’ve been simple. Two villains, busying themselves with an unoriginal crime, were meant to be taken in. Of course, stealing in any form is considered a punishable offense, but in no way did she think it was a scary or tough mission to be assigned to. In fact, most villains who were caught stealing came from harsh backgrounds and rarely hurt anyone. They just wanted the money. They were desperate.
(Y/N) was never one to judge. Hell, even her own life could kick her ass sometimes, so she would understand someone getting desperate enough if they had it in them.
But something about this particular case was off.
Often she could feel the desperation, the insecurity, the shame, in the air as thick as molasses. She could go into a mission and be able to relate to her enemy. Often her enemies were spiritually closer to her than even her own friends. After all, this line of work taught her that the line between heroism and villainism is a lot thinner and more transparent than people would think.
Yes, often she could be empathetic with her opposition.
Though, as she stepped into the enclosed, heavily guarded, extremely exclusive holding area of millions of currency, she felt nothing but malice. It was cold, yet searing, and it made her heart ache with an emotion that closest resembled fear.
Alongside her, the top two heroes fed into the front of the building. There was no other outside entrances or exits, aside from the minimalistic, blackened windows around the sides of the room. Three large metal doors awaited them with a suspenseful glint. They would need to split up.
Ground Zero took the initiative first, seemingly oblivious to the murderous intent in the air, and rushed towards the middle door with a raised fist. The pin on his wrist was pulled and a loud explosion sounded without a hesitation. When the smoke cleared there was sizeable hole in the door and the pro hero was no longer visible.
“Everything alright in there, Ground Zero?” Was sounded through the speaker in her ear, following the voice directly beside her. (Y/N) and her peer recieved only a grunt in response, and decided to follow in his wake.
Pro Hero Deku starts to the door closest to him to work it open, (Y/N) falling into motion not long after, using her quirk to project herself through the barrier. It was relatively dark and dreary, although there was a faint, pale blue lightsource a good distance from her. This room’s appearance was quite jarring to the extravagant exterior of the bank.
Something was wrong.
The walls were cracked the further she trudged. The darkness was consuming. The hallway was getting thinner. No matter how far she walked, the light at the end of the tunnel seemed unreachable, like she was going nowhere. Unmoving.
Panicking, (Y/N) puts a finger to her ear in an effort to contact her friends. But instead of the metal earpiece that she had buried in her ear minutes prior, her finger met with her damp cartilage. Was she sweating? She could’ve sworn she had it still in her ear.
With her focus directed towards her now missing earpiece, she hadn’t realized that there was a presence at the end of the hallway until it was far too late. Her feet stumbled over another pair as she crashed into a cold, hard blockage. Quickly shoving herself away, she gazed up at her target.
Her heart dropped to her toes. Eyes wide and breathing ragged, (Y/N) felt her legs give way, her knees coming in contact with the cracked and crumbling ground beneath her.
Pro hero Ground Zero stood before her.
No. Not Ground Zero. This was definitely not Bakugou. He was off. Upset. He had a steady stream of tears escaping his eyes and large rings around them, almost as if he hadn’t slept in days. He looked like he hadn’t eaten any time recently, either, with the sillhouette of his ribs showing through his shirtless figure and dull, sunken in cheeks.
But that wasn’t even the worst part. No, not by a long shot.
“Glitch! Is everything alright?!” She heard a staticky voice through the reciever in her ear. And suddenly she could breathe again. The atmosphere was lighter, the hallway had expanded, and that nagging blue light at the end of it was nowhere to be seen. It was almost as if she had dreamed the whole thing up. But she knew it was real, she felt it herself.
She didn’t give Deku a response, instead opting to turn back down the hallway and meet him as he ran towards her, Ground Zero in tow. Bakugou would never admit it, but in truth, he had been just as worried for his fellow hero as that idiot Deku. Seeing her uninjured finally returned some peace to his heart.
Faking a smile, Glitch raised her heavy head and laughed halfheartedly, “There was, uh, no one there..”
“Don’t you know how to fucking answer a simple question, dumbass?”
“Oh please, like you ever answer anything we ask you,” she jested. He would never say it but (Y/N) knew that was his weird and unconventional way to show his concern.
“I need a long bath when I get home,” the girl sighed and mumbled under her breath. It was supposed to come off as an innocent internal monologue being voiced aloud for only herself, but as Ground Zero nodded in agreement from the opposite side of Deku, she knew he understood it was meant for him as well.
After the two top heroes handed over their captured villains and discussed with proper authorites (and some cameramen) the three of them set off to their respective residencies. They parted ways and that was the last they had spoken to each other that night. Another successful mission.
Except when (Y/N) had arrived home to the bath already filled, bubbles and all, it would not be the last time she would speak with another hero that night. A tense body was submerged in the tub before her, a groan escaping it’s lips as it scrubbed itself.
“Hurry up and get in.”
“Alright, alright, I’m going,”
She was already stripping as she strutted towards the tub, sinking herself in after she removed the last article of clothing. The heat of the water and the man surrounding her was exactly what she needed after the night she had. And despite his hard-headed nature, Bakugou could be considerate as well. She silently thanked him with a gentle massage of her fingers through his hair and over his scalp– his favorite gesture of appreciation to recieve.
(Y/N) hadn’t meant to overstep. She just wanted simple glass of water from the refrigerator in her kitchen downstairs. For some reason, the night wasn’t treating her as well as usual and she found herself tossing and turning, before giving up on sleep entirely. If she wasn’t going to sleep then she might as well try to wake herself up a bit to do something productive. That was the plan anyway– just a simple glass of water.
What she hadn’t planned was finding herself in Kirishima’s kitchen, grasping a burning hot mug of what she thought was floor cleaner (the sanitary, lemony smell gave her a pretty good clue), listening to an earful from the man himself.
She blinked harshly, hissing and dropping the mug when the pain finally reached the nerves in her hand. It clattered to the ground, shattering on impact, and spanning the distance between the two heroes.
“What exactly is going on– why are you in my kitchen?”
(Y/N) couldn’t even respond, for even if she did know the answer, she was too shaken up to acknowledge it. She knew neither how she got here or why she did what she did, but it scared her, far worse than any fight she had ever thrown herself into.
“C-can you call Bakugou for me,” the girl whispered in a small voice, following gently with “please?”
In the next few weeks, the girl, and her friends, had chalked the incident up to sleep deprivation and stress from her overworking herself. In truth, it wasn’t that far off from what had actually happened, but it was still enough to put her out of commission for some time. There were enough heroes in the city to hold it down without her, especially in the condition she was in. Though, the downside of this was that her overall ratings as a pro hero would drop dramatically and other heroes would capitalize on the opportunity.
But as more time went on, the more that night seemed just like a small fluke in the grand scheme of things. She felt fine, and there hadn’t been anything else notable enough to fret over. They were worried about nothing.
Glitch had taken to sparring twice a week with Ground Zero, in place of her usual week of patrol, to blow off some steam. She figured that to get her out of her rut, she needed to prove herself purposeful and busy herself with something productive that she also enjoyed. And what better for that than sparring with her secret lover?
Bakugou saw how well she was performing in their sparring sessions. He saw how well she had refined her quirk and how much she improved. Hell, she even learned a few new aspects of her quirk that she had never even revealed to herself before.
She was thriving.
So he decided that it was time for her to get back to work.
(Y/N) was excited about going back to work, although just as weary. After all, she had decided to become a pro hero to help people, and to do that she had to make sure she was able to help herself first. But apparently excitement wasn’t enough to get back into the swing of things.
It felt like she was a newbie again. There were amazing pros everywhere, and villains to match. There were so many people constantly taking up their roles effortlessly, and she felt as if she didn’t really fit in anywhere. She would be sent on a mission, only to find most of it be done by another. She did her best to rescue hostages or recover missing items, or even scout for information, but somehow someone was always one step ahead.
Was being a hero always this frantic?
It was getting to her immensely. Even with her improved quirk control and physical strength, she couldn’t keep up. It was all too much.
And she started to resent those who stole her job out from under her. Her rankings were dropping and her visibility was plummeting. She went from being the number three hero to somewhere far in the double digits, and the gap was only widening.
Katsuki would tell her “it’s okay,” and “you have to work yourself back up to it,” but after some time, things were only getting worse.
Maybe she shouldn’t have taken time off. Maybe what happened to her was a fluke. Maybe if she wasn’t so weak, she wouldn’t have been spooked so easily. Maybe her life wouldn’t be spiraling out of control if she had just let it go.
And with her thoughts consuming her she found herself sprawled across the concrete floor of the warehouse building, struggling to regulate her breathing. Her heart felt heavy and the ache in her lungs was too strong to ignore. Tears fell in streams down her face to her chin, where they plummeted to the ground.
She panicked. She tried to scream, but nothing would come out, and her blurry gaze flitted around to orient herself. To focus on anything that could help her. But all she could see was darkness.
A hand rested itself on her shoulder as she flinched. They spoke a few words, ones that she couldn’t bring herself to comprehend, and another hand came under her knees to drag her up and into their embrace.
She almost thought it was her boyfriend. After all, he was the only one she allowed to hold her like this, but the chest she had been pressed into was bare and jagged. For a moment, it hadn’t registered in her mind exactly who this was, but that moment was enough for her to explode into another fit of panic.
She threw herself down and swiped a leg under the perpetrator, knocking him down onto his back before getting a solid glimpse at who she was actually fighting. Her boyfriend’s best friend stared her with wide eyes as she froze, breathing heavily.
“Kiri?” she paused and immediately jumped away from him, “I’m so sorry! I thought you were someone else!”
And as much as he reassured her and he promised it would be a secret he kept for as long as he was capable, she knew that she was in too deep. He didn’t trust her like he used to. She knew that.
And so he ended up telling Bakugou anyway.
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cottontail20 · 4 years
In Happy Times, Our Love Does Grow, Chapter 50: Muse
Summary: Wanda babysits Viv when she has a cold.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20601530/chapters/58730557
After their big step, Wanda and Vision entered a sort of post-lovemaking honeymoon period. They got quite giggly around each other, often prompting Viv to give them one of her 'grown-ups are weird' looks. They were less shy about being physically affectionate with each other, stealing extra kisses and gentle touches.
Once or twice, their visits to Wanda's apartment after her art class may have ended up involving a little less clothes than they had before, and sometimes, seeing as Vision was a little less experienced than Wanda was, she would, well, teach him things. But unlike any of the other men Wanda had been with, Vision actually listened, as eager to satisfy her as he was to find his own pleasure.. Perhaps even more so.
Otherwise, nothing really changed much. Wanda caught up with Vision for lunch a few times a week, stayed with he and Viv on weekends. The couple had found and settled into their normal, and they were happy.
In fact, Wanda was just about happier than she had ever been in her life. --
One weekday morning, probably a week or two before Father's Day, Wanda received a call from Vision, which she quickly answered. He sounded a little flustered.
"H-Hello, Wanda.."
"Hey, Vizh" Wanda frowned, swallowing a mouthful of cereal. "Is something wrong?"
"No.. well, maybe. You're off work today, aren't you?"
"Yeah.. Why?"
"Vivian has come down with a slight cold. Nothing serious, but bad enough that I can't send her to school. Could you come by and mind her? It would just be for a few hours.. I have a party this morning and it's much too late to cancel, and then a meeting about another that I probably shouldn't miss.."
"Sure" Wanda finished her cereal, taking the bowl to the sink to rinse it. She had planned to work on a project for her art class today, but there was no reason why she couldn't take her art supplies with her and work at Vision's house. "I can be there in about fifteen minutes, is that okay?"
"That is perfect. You are perfect. Thank you, I love you so much!"
"I love you too, Vizh. See you soon." Wanda smiled softly as she hung up. Even though she had heard it quite a few times now, she still got a little thrill whenever Vision told her he loved her. --
Vision, already dressed in his hero gear, raced out the door almost as soon as Wanda arrived, stopping just long enough to steal a quick kiss.
"Thank you so much for this" He told her quickly. "Viv's tucked up on the sofa, she can watch as much TV as she likes while she's ill, and there's chicken soup in the kitchen for her lunch. Help yourself to anything, anything at all. I'll only be gone a few hours, I promise.."
Wanda chuckled, silencing him with another quick kiss.
"Take all the time you need Vizh, Viv and I will be fine. Now go, or you'll be late."
"Right. Thank you again.. I love you!" He rushed to the car, his cape streaming behind him.
"I love you too!" Wanda laughed, waiting until the car was out of sight before she headed inside.
Her heart immediately melted at the sight of poor sick little Viv on the sofa, still in her pyjamas, a blanket around her shoulders and Rocket Raccoon in her arms. A box of tissues sat beside her. Despite her illness, the little girl's eyes lit up when she saw Wanda.
"Hi, Wanda" Viv smiled, sniffling a little.
"Hello, Fata Dulce." Wanda gently ruffled her hair after setting down her bag. "Your Daddy asked me to come look after you for a bit. I hear you have a little rece.. That means 'cold'."
"Uh-huh" Viv nodded. "Daddy said I can watch as much TV as I want while I'm sick!"
"I know" Wanda sat beside her, gathering some of her supplies from her bag. "I'm going to do a bit of work for my art class, but if you need anything, you let me know, okay?"
"Okay." --
Wanda had fully intended to work on her art class project.. something to do with light and shade and negative space. But her muse, apparently, had other ideas. She had given into said muse so completely that it was nearly an hour later before Wanda realised that, rather than colour and shade and negative space, she'd ended up with a sketch of Viv snuggled on the couch, drawn with some of her favourite watercolour pencils. And although it was not at all what she was supposed to be doing, Wanda couldn't help smiling at the end result.
She left the sketch when she went to fetch Viv's chicken soup a short while later, and returned to find the little girl staring at it, somewhat awed.
"Wanda, why'd you draw me for your art class?"
"I didn't" Wanda chuckled, handing Viv her soup on a small tray. "Not really.."
"But you said.." Viv was confused.
"I know, and I was supposed to be drawing something for art class, but my muse made me draw you instead."
"Oh.." Viv sipped her soup, sniffling again. "Wanda?"
"Yes, Fata dulce?"
"What's a muse?"
"A muse is where someone's inspiration comes from" Wanda explained. "Your Daddy probably has one for writing."
"Daddy writes lots more now."
"Does he?" Wanda smirked.
"Mmhm.." Viv looked at the sketch again. "That's a real pretty drawing, Wanda. Can I keep it to give to Daddy on Father's Day?"
"Of course" Wanda smiled, quite touched. "How about I hang on to it for you until then? I might even be able to find a nice frame to put it in."
"Yeah!" Viv nodded eagerly. "Now I just got to get a card, and maybe something little from the Father's Day Stall at school next week.."
"I remember those" Wanda thought for a moment, chuckling, then reached for her bag to dig in her purse, pulling out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to Viv. "Take this and get him something nice from both of us." It didn't occur to her that giving Viv Father's day money was a very motherly task.
"Really?" Viv's eyes lit up.
"Really. But first, you have to eat your soup so you can feel better."
"Okay, Wanda."
As Viv happily ate her chicken soup, Wanda slipped the sketch into a plastic sleeve to safely transport it home. She had another couple of hours before Vision was due to return.. Plenty of time to get stuck back into her art project, if she wanted.
Instead, she found herself shuffling closer to Viv on the sofa, draping an arm around the little girl's shoulders. Negative space could wait.
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I Can’t Eat Love pt 4
Here is part 4 guys! 
Also, I worried about this, since I’ve posted it in such a piecemeal fashion that it might be a little confusing. Let me  clarify the timeline just a little: 
After the first scene in part 1, where the engagement is broken, the story goes back 3 years to when Lenora first wakes up in her second life. So all the parts I’ve written since have been in the second lifetime, leading up to that scene. (In case you’ve wondered, getting to the broken engagement won’t be the end! Seeing how she prepared for that moment will set the stage for the fallout after the engagement is broken). 
Anyways, hopefully it has made sense so far, and thank you for all the positive feedback on this story so far! 
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3  linked here
“Your Highness.”
I plastered a polite smile on my face, performing a perfect curtsy, but all the while my mind was racing, desperately trying to figure out how long he had been there, how much he had heard.
Even if I was planning to let the engagement be broken up like last time, I needed the three years to get my family back on track financially before that happened. If we broke up too soon… the debtors would come calling and my life would end very much like the first.
Fortunately, Ronan didn’t seem upset or angry, he looked more bored than anything.
I let out a silent sigh of relief. He must not have heard the “temperamental child” comment I had made to my father. I wasn’t too concerned If he had heard my blatant lies about the Queen managing accounts. He didn’t know enough about how things worked in the palace to know if that was true or false.
“… We’ve come down to check out the horses.” Ronan had been talking while I wasn’t listening. 
I blinked, realizing for the first time he wasn’t alone. I was slightly shocked that I hadn’t noticed the young man next to him, he stood a head taller than both myself and Ronan, with dark hair and eyes that contrasted with the prince’s lighter coloring. Odder still, I came to the conclusion that I had never met him before, in this or the past lifetime.
Chastising myself, I was unsure if Ronan had introduced us properly while I wasn’t listening, and if so, how I had responded. I could have performed a formal court greeting by sheer muscle memory, it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that I had done something odd.
Ronan’s companion studied me with a curious expression, he stood neither too close or too far from the prince. Hopefully judging by his lack of confusion or disapproval, I had yet to humiliate myself.
Only 3 more years of keeping up this charade, and I’m already slipping. I must stay focused!
I forced myself to listen to Prince Ronan.
“The stupid stable master insists he is too wild to ride, but I think he is just too unskilled. If I were to ride him, he would be tamed in moments.”
That at least provided me with the mental image of Ronan falling off his horse and injuring himself. My smile came much more naturally. “I’m sure your highness could manage even the wildest of horses. “
 Ronan nodded distractedly, already losing interest now that he had finished his horse story. “Is Lady Edith here?”
 Three. More. Years.
“No, Your Highness, I believe she is home today.”
His gaze sharpened. “Is she ill?”
“Not that I know of.” Years of royal court training kept my smile perfectly in place.
Ronan coughed, seeming to realize even with his denseness how out of place his question was. “I was just thinking, since you two are such close friends, if she was ill, you would be visiting her.”
“Would I?” I could barely hear my voice.
“Go to sleep.” Angela tried to tuck me into bed, but I stubbornly refused, sweating profusely from the fever.
“No, with me being sick, surely someone will be by to visit?”
Her face was blank. “No one has come, miss.”
“Prince Ronan? Edith? … Mother?”
“No one.”
“… give her my best when you do see her.” Ronan was still talking. Lucky me. How had I ever not realized where his heart truly leaned? Had I really been so blind?
Even as I felt disdain for my former self, a part of me wanted to forgive her. Not blind. Young. Naïve. A little girl who thought the world would go her way just because she asked nicely. A girl who thought love was the most important thing in life, the only purpose of life.
… I was not that girl anymore.
I curtsied once again as the gentlemen took their leave. My smile perfect, polite, concealing the darkness I felt within.
Hallers set up the office within an hour, surely using some sort of supernatural ability, given the absolute chaos he had to work with.
I sat down at the desk, looking through the stacks and stacks of papers and slowly did the numbers. It was not a simple task. After hours of poring over tax documents, expense sheets and overdue lendings, I had only a few pieces of the overall picture. 
But even from that I could tell it didn’t look good.
It was clearly evident that my father should never be allowed near money. The personal spending habits of our family were appalling. Thousands of crowns wasted on the most frivolous of items.
 This had to stop.
I estimated our projected income, wincing when I realized just how much money was being diverted from the proper channels. If we could cut down on the stealing from the collection services, we should have just enough to cover the duchy’s expenses. But that would leave us almost nothing for personal spending.
Could I convince my family to stop spending? As I looked around at the luxury that surrounded me, I felt a sense of futility take over. No. even though I was sure of the cuts I would make in my own expenses, I would have to find a way to support our family through other means.
 I spent the next few days working my way through all the paperwork, working from morning until night, stopping only to sleep and eat.
I was so focused on my task that I was startled by the soft knock on the door. It was Hallers.
“Excuse me miss. I have taken the liberty of contacting of few of the smaller vendors and consolidating some of the debt with a smaller interest rate.” He handed me a stack of smoothed out bills. I glanced over them, whistling with appreciation when I saw the improved numbers.
“This is perfect Hallers, thank you!” I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my eyes with a sigh. “We will need to set up a meeting with all the men involved with taxation collection. If we don’t put a stop to this corruption, nothing I do will save this duchy.” 
“Very good, Miss.” A delighted grin crossed his face, passing so quickly I almost missed it.
“Let’s aim for next week, I need to come up with a plan for terrifying a group of men into  doing exactly what I want.”
“I’m sure you will be quite successful,” Hallers answered with a perfectly straight face. I couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle.
“If that’s all, I’ll return to my work… “ I paused as he didn’t move an inch. “Was there anything else?”
Hallers hesitated. “Your etiquette lesson with the Queen is scheduled for tomorrow, yes?”
“Y-yes.” I blinked, confused by the direction of the conversation. “I will head out to the palace in the morning, why?”
It was actually something I was dreading. How many hours had I spent in those rooms, sweating, crying, trying over and over to perfect the lessons the queen had to give me? All to impress a man who had no interest in me. It seemed so ridiculous, now.
“Well, there is a man who works in the Royal treasury…” He paused, looking slightly embarrassed. “My brother, in fact… I have expressed to him your recent efforts over the last few days to organize the Duchy’s finances and enact change and he was eager to lend his assistance.” He bowed. “I apologize if I overstepped my bounds.”
“No need,” I waved a hand, dismissing his apology. “How exactly does your brother wish to help us?”
“He would like to share some of his experience and knowledge regarding taxes, land ownership and financial reform.” Hallers again looked slightly embarrassed. “He’s somewhat of a progressive man, Miss, not exactly a monarchist, but he is very skilled…”
“HE’S PERFECT!” I stood up, smiling.  An experienced person who could give me advice on reforming the Duchy AND didn’t like the monarchy? I couldn’t have asked for better! “Can you arrange for us to meet after my etiquette lesson with the Queen?
Obviously shocked by my enthusiasm, Hallers nodded. “Very good, Miss. I’ll arrange it. He’ll be very pleased.”
“As am I.” I sat back down, settling in to continue organizing the accounts. “We’ll save this Duchy, Hallers.”
I chuckled, the sound a little more sinister than I intended. “Whether they like it or not.”
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voidsentprinces · 5 years
📜 (For each)
Each of the Voidsent Princes are translated from my creation of them in my mind back in 2010, 2011. All of them have kept a few of these details necessary to their characters when translated to Final Fantasy XIV.
📜 - Envy’s overwritten existence was a happenstance in that the Catholic belief each sin is represented by a corresponding demon. Meant that the Leviathan is associated with Envy. Since, there always exists a Leviathan in Eorzea, this meant that Envy would be overwritten even if he was the Leviathan of his world. Envy’s spite initially came from being forced into a humanoid form and keeping only his tail to forever remain nostalgic and bitter over, what he once was rather than what he could grow to be.
By this same vein, I added the aspect of him keeping his eye color, hair color, and tail to remind him of this. To drive him forever to begrudge the Sahagin and the Eorzeans. Which motivates him to commit atrocities out of spite.
As it stands, I am still trying to work in how Envy got his start in creation lore. As in his original back story, he was literally placed in a Goddess without her knowing. Feeding on her divinity and driving her mad with the newfound feeling of jealousy, spite, envy, and pettiness. Which slowly turned him from a simple snake, into a great draconic serpentine.
This event he clings onto as his peak and why he is arrogant in that he is greater than any being. Wishing to reobtain such a place and corrupt all hearts. Feeding on many more essences. But alas, he remains anchored to trying to reobtain that lost former glory. Rather than using, his powers for any good. Reminded daily of his current state, forever chasing a dream he will never reobtain.
📜 - In their origin and repeated in their back story. Only Wrath and Sloth began as demons. Which had been changed for their translations into FFXIV. Initially; Envy was a Primordeal force, Lust was human once, Gluttony was an angel, Greed was a human made deity, Sloth was a demon, Wrath was a demon, and Pride was an angel. To reflect this, Envy was a Primal in his world, Lust was a mortal, Gluttony was a Warrior of Light, Greed was an Elder Primal, Sloth is a homunculus, Wrath was an Xaela Au Ra, and Pride was also a Warrior of Light.
I, explain this, due to keeping with the translations of things that stayed over other than the obvious (i.e. eyes, hair, manner of speaking, dress). Lust maintains his backstory of prostatuting himself to make enough money. To hire, his sick sister a life-time doctor for her non-specific illness. Then the tragedy following, where his memories and beings are stripped away. Forever doomed to only vaguely remember his sister. Ever searching for her, but centuries have past and she was mortal. Whereas, he isn’t anymore.
This was my attempts to make Lust more than a simple overtly sexual force. Giving him meaning, a passion and something to lust forever outside the obvious. He wants to remember his sister, he wants to be there to protect her, watch over her, as a big brother does. See her grow, see what choices she made, etc. Alas, he might never have that chance as his shard of origin was consumed by one of the Ascian’s ploys.
📜 - Gluttony has always been together with Pride. As it is written that Beelzebub was lieutenant to Lucifer in his uprising. This follows suit, in both interations of my translations of the sins, the two are separated. Gluttony takes up hunting in a hellscape. Eventually consumes corrupted meat which drives him mad with hunger.
Unfortunately, there is far too much green, I associate with the Seven Deadly Sins. Got Envy, Gluttony, and Greed all which could be associated with various shades of the color. So, I couldn’t decide whether or not Gluttony’s eyes should be an acidic yellow or a bile green. In the end, I felt it better to learn on this angelic figure twisted into monster. When full hog on the eldritch monstrosity. His eye deforming into a compact insectoid ocular. Carapace, translucent wings, etc.
Beelzebub was shown to favor the bow in some scriptures and drawings. So, he kept a hunting aspect about him. Though I might change him, to be more approachable in the near future.
📜  - Greed was always to be a welcoming being. As he was worshipped in both previous lives in both iterations of him. He is more than happy to welcome mortals. Share a drink, buy them food, etc.
One of the few sins to actually grow, after his downfall from the throne of divinity and being outwritten as a faux deity. Mammon found to value less material things and more people in general. Though he still wishes to collect various objects, now that he has found himself in a new world. He also wishes to collect people. Relationships, memories, experiences, stories, and the like.
This turns Greed away like Lust from the simple path of corporate greed to one of more character. Always broad shouldered, hair and eyes the color of fresh minted dollar bills. Dressing in suits like a romanticized prohibition mob boss. But, with genuine hospitality. Greed was probably the easiest to translate story wise.
📜 - Sloth is probably the least touched on Sin, I’ve worked on. They follow the troupe of being lazy and unmotivated. But, in a logical way. Yes, Sloth does tend to sleep and prefer to be undisturbed. But, in my research, I came upon an interesting bit of lore from the Belphagor myth, Belphagor is sent out into the world by Hades to measure humanity. Though his findings are uninteresting, the folklore of Belphagor offering up unimaginable inventions for people to patent and claim as their own to incite Sloth. Had some sort of impact on me.
Absolutely brilliant, able to invent things on the spot, but the laziest being in the universe. Whenever awoken, Sloth would offer up someone a genuine good idea or invention which would see themselves prosper. If, they’d just let Sloth roll over and go back to sleep.
Another aspect of Sloth kept in both iterations, they are either unfathomably lucky or unlucky depending on where you look at it. As they get around purely by chance. By never moving and always sleeping, Sloth is often farried around without their knowing. Appearing in odd places all due to random chance.
For example, Sloth went from the Great Gubal Library steps to Ul’dah by; being swept by one of Matoya’s brooms off the beaten path, rolling down a hill into the river below, floating through Coerthas onto the oceans near La Noscea, where they were subsequently eaten by an over size fish, said fish washed up on the harbor of Horizon, where it was split up only for them to come tumbling out of its belly, into a cart, which was then farried to Ul’dah, whereby they rolled off it onto the streets.
📜 - Amon is one of 72 demons written about in the Goetia of Soloman. He is a marquis of Hell and bears an owl’s head with wolves teeth, a man’s body, with a serpent tail. He is sinfully summoned by scholars to foresee the future or help them obtain knowledge. This is an aspect translated into Wrath, once a great oracle of the Xaela. He predicted an outcome which bode ill for the current Khagan. Ill respecting of this prediction, that Khagan killed Amon’s tribe and tried to force fate to bring about a new revelation which served the ruling tribe before Nadaam.
To this end, they tortured, Amon for many moons. Until at last, fate intervened in a way that was unexpected. Infusing Amon with the rage of all those unlawfully killed in his tribe. He began a beast of Wrath. Still maintaining his ability to see the future, as indicated by his ring patterned eyes. Always prone to anger and irrational thinking, going as far as to destroy a marking place because of some pineapples. Sloth developed a system of stealing piercings.
Wrath’s body is covered in piercings that pentrate through Wrath’s abdomen, fore and upper arms, his ears, nose, and lips. When ever, he gets angry. The piercings attempt to seal in the rage and when they are close to expiring, they glow molten white. This way, Wrath can maintain proper thought and function without going berserk at a moment’s notice.
The piercings can double as explosives, as Wrath can remove them and throw the heated piercings to erupt releasing the fiery energy in the designated area.
📜  - Pride, Lucifer. One of the most iconic sins and in a handful of religion, the first sin and sometimes to root of it all. Vanity, narcassism, and glory seeking. Pride is another one I hadn’t touched on alot and currently sits in an amnesiac state.
Though, his form is that of a Warrior of Light, who did his best and was awarded nothing for it. He started out seeking adventure, gathering friends and allies along the way, battling everything the troubles of the world put forth and in the end, he and his Warriors of Light. Couldn’t stop of the Ascians from consuming, his world in Calamity.
His last act was to protect, what he thought, was the last remaining member of his group from the flood of darkness. That would go on to consume his form.
Once golden in hair and eye, his fair hair turning black and the shine of his gaze fading.
Now Pride is going to be acting as a Project of mine. Balmung is going to shape him into what he becomes. Will he return to being a Voidsent Prince? Become an adventurer? Or something else? We’ll see....when I get to courage to throw him at the Balmung community again.
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magioftheseas · 6 years
Day 1 - Reserve
Written for @the-hinata-project 
Prompt: Reserve Course Student Hinata
Rating: G
Warnings: Lowkey manipulation and insecurity, but other than that, not much.
Notes: Alright, so I’m still in the middle of these, but like... Here’s the first one! They’re all going to be pretty short, around 2K but I’m gonna do my best to finish all of them so wish me luck...! And this first fic is gen. No ships. Next ones won’t be so gen. It’s also pre-HPA. Kind of.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
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The last wish he made on New Year’s was a simple one.
I want to get into Hope’s Peak.
But of course that  would never happen.
“Can’t you dream more realistically, Hajime? Do you have any idea how expensive Hope’s Peak actually is? We can’t afford that.”
“I... I know that, but...”
“If you know then why are you burdening us with this? Please. Just think about other people besides yourself for once.”
His mother sighs, but ruffles his hair in a show of affection.
“You current high school isn’t so bad, right? You can make good friends here, and it’s a fine school.”
“I guess it’s...decent,” he mumbles.
“Just don’t even worry about Hope’s Peak anymore,” she tells him. “It’s impossible, and it can’t be helped. Keep your chin up. Okay?”
Because he knew, after all, that she had a point. They couldn’t afford it. And he wasn’t talented. It was a pipe dream to attend. Nothing more. Nothing less.
For his birthday, he was given a new laptop to replace the old. It was a fairly recent model. Pretty expensive. Likely compensation. He can’t say he didn’t like it.
He wasn’t ungrateful. He doesn’t think so.
It’s just that I admire Hope’s Peak more than anything.
So much so that he finds himself on the forums first thing.
>Does anyone have any idea who’s going to be in the upcoming batch?
>They haven’t finished scouting, right? Oh, but I just saw on the news that an actual princess was accepted! Hope’s Peak really can get in anyone!
>Wow, actual royalty?!
>There’s this photographer I follow. She’s getting in, too, I’m pretty sure.
>I just saw Saionji Hiyoko-san’s performance last week. I’m positive she’s getting in.
>I’m more interested in the princess. Can you imagine how lucky it would be to meet an actual princess?
>>They’ll be running the lottery in a month or so. What I would give to have more of a chance...
>Wow, they’re doing that again?
>With how much getting into the reserve course costs, you probably have a better chance with the lottery...
>But if you win the lottery, you’re actually considered talented. Reserves are just...y’know, reserves.
>But you’ll get to meet the princess, potentially. I think the money’s worth it, even if all I can do is steal a glance!
>Still... Seems so lame that you can just pay your way in...
>But brand name recognition is pretty powerful...
>>I heard you can actually get into the main course from the reserve course if you do well enough.
>No way! That’s a pipe dream! Maybe if you paid like, twice as much!
>Must be nice to be rich, huh...
Hinata stares, wondering what to type, but also letting the thoughts swirl around in his head.
>>I would do anything to get into Hope’s Peak. But my family just can’t afford that.
>Yeah, mine neither. Who actually can?
>You’d be surprised... They’re getting a lot of enrollments.
>You can’t like...get a scholarship or anything? It’s not like you need to go to college after attending Hope’s Peak.
>Well the golden gates can’t open that wide, I suppose...
>It’s for the best. If just about anyone could get in, it wouldn’t be that special.
Hinata bites his lip, picking at the peeling skin with his teeth.
>>Still. I want to get in more than anything.
>If you aren’t talented, it can’t be helped.
>>I would give anything.
>Pffft. No kidding. I’d give an arm and a leg, probably.
>>I would give anything.
>A lot of people would.
>You’re like a super fan, huh. Well, I am, too, but still...
>>Getting into Hope’s Peak has always been my dream.
>Everyone wants to be special, man.
>But if everyone was special then no one would be special.
>It can’t be helped. You’re either born talented or you aren’t.
>Right?! I must have spent hours drawing but there was always that one person I could just never compare to. It’s hopeless!
>You shouldn’t say hopeless on the Hope’s Peak forums!
>Haha, sorry!
>>I’ve never been talented. There’s not one thing I’m particularly good at.
>>But I want to get into Hope’s Peak Academy... More than anything.
>Give it up. For your own good. Wishing for the impossible isn’t healthy.
>Hey, don’t tell him that! What if he ends up winning the lottery?
>Yeah, right!
>>I’m not particularly lucky, either.
>Luck’s not a talent anyway.
>Are you sure? I’ve known people who get ridiculously lucky while gambling...
>If they gamble too much, that luck’s bound to run out. And I bet they’re not that lucky, they just brag a lot.
>That might be true... Still it would be nice just to get into Hope’s Peak by chance...
>Whoever wins that lottery probably is ridiculously lucky considering how many people are participating. We’re talking like, every high school student in their first year in the country.
>Sucks to be other countries, huh.
>Maybe someday but for now, I like not having that much competition.
>Still a ridiculous amount competing...
>I bet it’ll be someone who can afford the reserve course if they haven’t already enrolled.
>No fair! That kind of thing should disqualify you immediately!
>>I just...want to get in...
>Yeah we all do. But it’s impossible.
>Totally impossible.
>Pigs will fly first.
>I heard some Ultimates actually can make some crazy shit. We might see flying pigs pretty soon.
>That’s terrifying.
>>I just want to get in.
>You should get offline.
He should. He really, really should.
Is it really impossible?
“Of course it is,” he can practically hear them murmur. “Not only are you untalented, you can’t afford it! And you’re going to win the lottery, either!”
Hinata buries his face into his hands, shuddering.
I just... I just...
To his surprise, he later receives a DM. Shivering, he clicks it open.
>Would you really do anything for Hope’s Peak?
He doesn’t recognize the name of the sender but...it looks official.
>>Yes. Of course. Why?
>There actually is a program you can sign up for that will get you in without having to pay a coin.
Hinata blinked once. Twice.
It’s way too good to be true.
But he’s desperate. Beyond desperate.
>>What is this program? How can I sign up?
>Here’s the information.
What he’s about to do is how people get themselves abducted, he’s pretty sure. But right now, he’s desperate and... If it really was someone associated with Hope’s Peak, how bad can it be? What’s the worse than can happen?
I already have no chance getting in. I know that... But...
His heart was pounding as he took the train. He stared out the window, at HPA’s towering buildings in the distance, getting closer and closer, and he sucks in his breath.
It’s so shining that it hurts to look at.
Shining like a dream...
“Ah, Hinata-kun, you made it after all. So you have the necessary information?”
“Uh... Yes...” Truth be told, he didn’t understand most of it. There were a lot of words that were hard to read and pretty...advanced. “I just...well you said you couldn’t explain everything in just files, so...”
The other looked pretty professional. Sharply dressed and smiling in a way that at least seemed pretty welcoming. But...still pretty intimidating, considering the circumstances. Hinata ducked his head, feeling rather flustered.
“Yes, it’s meant to be kept very tightly under wraps, you see,” they laugh. “I need to assure confidentiality before explaining, Hinata-kun. Surely you understand.”
But it made his blood thrum with excitement to be a part of.
“I... Y-Yes, of course. Absolutely... Of course...”
“Sign this form, then, promising that.”
“O-Of course...!”
He scribbles down his signature without a second thought. The other smiled more, pleased. Hinata squirmed in his seat, and tried to keep his posture straight.
With that, the other sat across from him, polite and yet...expectant.
Ah... Hah...
“So you’re willing to do anything for this school,” they say, voice almost light but also dense with significance. “Might I ask why?”
“It’s...as I said on the forums,” Hinata mumbles, fiddling with his tie. Even dressed professionally for this would-be interview, he feels underdressed. “I’ve always admired this school. Always. It’s always been my dream to...to go there...”
The other nods, expression unchanged.
“And why do you wish so badly to go there, despite not having a talent that can be cultivated?”
Hinata flinched.
“T-That’s...! I...” He hesitates, but he soon finds the words just spilling out. “I just want to be someone I can be proud of. Someone who can stand tall. Be confident. Be significant. Isn’t that what I deserve?”
“Isn’t that what everyone deserves?”
Hinata’s nails dig into his palms.
“I admire Hope’s Peak...more than anyone. I will give whatever I can...and then more than that...if I have to.” His teeth grit. “Whatever it takes... W-Whatever it takes...!”
Even though I know it’s selfish and impossible, I just...!
He just wanted to be someone. Someone other than...this.
Unimportant. Unremarkable. A faceless, meaningless part of the mass. The idea of being consumed by mediocrity and insignificance for the rest of his life, never to matter, never to even be remembered, just to disappear, just like he never even existed—
“I’ll do...w-whatever...it takes...” He’s shaking, eyes wide and crazed. “Whatever it takes... Whatever I can...and then more than that...if I have to.”
“Ah. I see.” An easy smile. And yet, the atmosphere felt so heavy that it was near suffocating. “Very well then, Hinata-kun. That’s exactly the kind of attitude we’re looking for.”
Hinata lit up.
“R-Really?” He dares to let hope slip into his tone. “D-Do you really mean it?”
A nod.
“Hinata-kun... If you could be reborn from the faceless body of a miserable nobody into the world’s hope... Would you?”
“That...sounds too good to be true...” His heart really was racing, but he was flushed with excitement. “But... Y-Yeah... I... Of course...”
“Then, allow me to tell you about how that can be possible. If you agree, you’ll be accepted into the school, free of charge, no talent necessary. In fact, it’s even essential that you be talentless.”
I...don’t understand.
He doesn’t understand but it just sounds so incredible that he can’t help but be swayed.
“...tell me.”
“Very well.”
A folder of files is placed before him. They look too important to grasp. And the stamped out letters of CONFIDENTIAL stare back into his wide-eyed, shimmering gaze.
Fingers trembling, Hinata actually slices his finger open as he flips it open.
He doesn’t even feel the sting, as engrossed as he is in the text.
The words swirl around in his head, over and over until he drowns in them.
“Do you need time to think about it?” the other asks him kindly. So kindly that Hinata is struck cold. “Tell you what... You can still get into the reserve course. You don’t have to say yes right away, and the deadline will be in a few months from now. You can attend classes here until then...and then make your decision on whether or not you’re willing to stay. Okay?”
“I... O-Okay.” Hinata swallows. “That’s... I’m okay with that.”
I said I’d do anything. And I do...want to do anything. But...
His hands are shaking while still gripping the files.
I can’t...let this chance slip by...even if it’s something like this. This is everything I ever wanted. Why am I even hesitating?
“It’s alright,” the other says reassuringly, taking the files away with ease. “Hinata-kun, I know you’ll make the best decision for yourself.”
For...myself. Myself...
“I’ll have them send in your acceptance letter and uniform.” His hand is shook, the grip warm and calloused. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Hinata-kun.”
“A-A pleasure... Yeah.”
Just like that, Hinata was stumbling out of Hope’s Peak, trembling and falling to pieces with every shaky step.
I have to do it, he can’t help but think. I have to do it, for...for myself...
This was going to be the year his life changed irreparably. He was sure of it.
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ansatsu-database · 7 years
E-26 Yoshida Taisei - Character Profile
Howdie folks. Yes, it's been ages since my last Profile, or post for that matter, but when work gets more and more hectic, especially if your project is a bottomless pit of dysfunction and staff leave the team you're on, it really drains enthusiasm away from some of one's hobbies. Anyway, like with Muramatsu, I liked how Matsui fleshed out Yoshida as the resident mechanic, and the way he synchronises with some of his other classmates too. Also, please note the different disclaimer from usual for the remaining 3 Profiles
The Baidu forumer from before hadn't posted any profiles beyond Yada's, so this time, main credits for scans of Yoshida's profile go to young-il-long-kiyoshi Screenshots of Yoshida's profile are in the following link:
Yoshida's profile
Furthermore, this time it's a direct Japanese -> English translation by me, but nonetheless, while I have endeavoured to keep things as accurate as possible, not everything may be successfully conveyed across
E-26 Yoshida Taisei (吉田 大成) – risking his life for his comrades, Class E’s shocktrooper
“You can blow away anything you don’t like with speed!!"
A muscle head who likes to rush in, think later. As someone who is greatly considerate of his friends and comrades, he is willing to rely on students outside of the Terasaka Group as well.
A lover of bikes. While he’s certainly never rode on public roads, as a result of polishing his skills on premise (of his family shop), his riding technique can put professionals to shame.
He and Muramatsu are practically harmonised. No matter how difficult the situation gets, it is their creed to tackle it vigorously.
Code Name: Homebase (ホームベース), Sugino’s idea
This is probably a symptom of his occupation (as a baseball player), but every time he sees Yoshida he feels like he wants to step on him. Not out of anger or for any particular reason of course.
(TN: for those how hadn’t noticed it before, yours truly included, the contours of Yoshida’s face resemble a home plate from a baseball field)
Birthday: August 19th
Height: 173cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: O
Favourite Subject: Technology
Worst Subject: English
Interests and special skills: Tinkering vehicles in general
Past Club: Railroad Research Society
Treasured Item(s): a Suzuki GSX 1300R Hayabusa (not yet taken onto public roads yet)
Favourite Food: Monster Energy (the drink)
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
Election Headline (from the 1st Popularity Poll): Kamikaze Striker Taisei
(TN: The phrase here, 特攻の大成, is a reference to Saki Hiroto’s work Legend of the Gale: Kamikaze Striker Taku, a Bosozoku/Yankee-themed manga that was serialised from 1991 to 1997 in Weekly Shonen Magazine, filled with lots of motorcycles too)
From Korosensei, Announcement of Results from the Periodic Exams (Main 5 subjects) (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)
In a word, his art and technology grades are magnificent! The embodiment of "what one likes, one will do well". Maths is useful when tinkering with bikes as well, so let's do our best together!
1st Trimester Mid-Terms: 265 points (140th place)
1st Trimester End-of-Terms: 347 points (89th place)
2nd Trimester Mid-Terms: 325 points (111st place)
Score breakdown
1st Trimester Mid-Terms English: 43 points (147th place) Japanese: 55 points (161st place) Maths: 49 points (153rd place) Science: 60 points (80th place) Social Studies: 58 points (117th place) Composite Score: 265 points (140th place)
1st Trimester End-of-Terms English: 62 points (99th place) Japanese: 72 points (100th place) Maths: 64 points (100th place) Science: 76 points (32nd place) Social Studies: 73 points (58th place) Composite Score: 347 points (89th place)
2nd Trimester Mid-Terms English: 62 points (100th place) Japanese: 70 points (124th place) Maths: 63 points (105th place) Science: 65 points (63rd place) Social Studies: 65 points (90th place) Composite Score: 325 points (111st place)
Karasuma’s Assassination Aptitude (graded on a scale of 6)
Karasuma is captivated by Yoshida’s close combat style, the way he leverages his blessed physique like a human bullet. It appears his training has helped him excel at being alert of his surroundings, to the point that he can perceive the moments right before he touches his back from behind and the likes. He looks forward to his progress.
- His tackles that make full use of his body’s strengths are effective even against sturdy foreign opponents - During the Cops and Robbers game, Yoshida was able to sense Karasuma’s presence, when many students failed to do the same until he touched them. Is he an esper!?
Strategy/Planning: 2
Commanding/Leadership: 2
Execution (Ability to carry out plans): 5
Technique (Traps, weapons, preparations, etc): 5
Scouting/Intelligence Gathering: 3
Politics/Negotiations: 2
B*tch-sensei’s Fashion Check (credits to young-il-long-kiyoshi)
Seriously, he gives the vibe of a no-good middle school brat. Still, the way his fashion sense matches up with his age and stature isn't bad at all, right? From here onwards, as he becomes more and more experienced with the world, I expect that his tastes will continue to refine themselves.
School Uniform
Yoshida also does without a necktie. At 15 years old, he's probably at an age where he's not going to steal bikes nor want to tie somebody up.
(TN: Matsui is probably just jesting here)
Street Clothes
The only one within the Terasaka Group to dress himself smartly. Like with bike customs, clothes are a source of worry for what to spend his money on.
Character Relationships
- Nakamura Rio (addressed as Nakamura) -
The former delinquent Nakamura displays an interest in bikes to Yoshida simply because it looks refreshing, no ill intentions whatsoever. When Terasaka wrecked the bike that Korosensei had poured his heart into, both Yoshida and Nakamura criticised him. Nakamura often badgers him to "give me a ride!", but in truth Yoshida is feeling embarrassed, possibly due to the thought of going for a ride with a girl sitting behind his back.
- Kanzaki Yukiko (addressed as Kanzaki) -
The Terasaka Group usually carry an arrogant air around them, but in Yoshida’s case, it’s only when he turns to the seat on his left (ie Kanzaki’s desk) that his expression softens up.
- Hazama Kirara (addressed as Hazama) -
Hazama notices that Yoshida softens around Kanzaki, wearing a broad grin as she watches him from behind (she’s seated to his bottom-left). She’s sensitive when it comes to people’s feelings, and is secretly amused at the framework of relationships within the classroom.
- Mimura Kouki (addressed as Mimura) -
At first he made fun of his air guitar, but after watching a performance in secret and seeing his overflowing fearlessness, as well as his immeasurable passion and energy, his gaze towards him has turned into one of respect.
- Takebayashi Koutarou (addressed as Takebayashi) -
From the case of the maid café, Yoshida thought Takebayashi was inadvertently amazing for creating such a weakness out of Terasaka, and frankly he feels he’s stronger than anyone else in the class.
- Sugaya Sousuke (addressed as Sugaya) -
Every day Yoshida solicits Sugaya, asking him that when he inherits his bike shop someday, whether he can count on him to handle the painting for his customs.
- Horibe Itona (addressed as Itona) -
They’re the Class E technology squad. Yoshida handles the structure side of things, and with Itona being in charge of the circuitry, in most cases the results are compatible. Their teamwork are also superb.
Matsui-sensei’s Exclusive Behind the Scenes Data
Yoshida got to know his partners in crime Terasaka and Muramatsu in their first and second years of middle school respectively. Together with Muramatsu, their roles are often to rush in straight ahead but get hurt in the process. However, their courage to do such things comes from their understanding of each other's toughness and from sizing up their opponents' strength. The suicidal operations that they conducted under this courage never fails to earn the class' gratitude.
The three of them have an inseparable relationship that can't be broken even if they tried. The teamwork between the Terasaka Group is something that everyone acknowledges.
He's been making plans with Muramatsu on a ramen shop where you can see bikes, possibly even serving food on them. (TN: I'm really unsure about this last part)
Yoshida firmly focuses on his future with a sense of excitement. His fellowship with Muramatsu is probably going to be something that'll last a lifetime.
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gamedadmatt · 7 years
The Chappie Rant
So some time ago I had a big old rant on Twitter about Chappie. I saw it fairly recently for the first time. Reason being is that I’ve been on something of an Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in film/novels/TV series kick. There’s been some really good things I’ve seen (I quite enjoyed Westworld), but Chappie easily takes the cake as one of the worst things I’ve seen.
If you don’t know what Chappie is, it’s a movie directed by Neil Blomkamp, the guy who also did District 9. District 9 is a good movie. It had plot holes, but it was generally enjoyable. Anyway. Chappie is a movie about a robot that gains sentience. "Robots? Philosophical questions about what sentience is? That sounds right up my alley right now!" I think to myself.
But it's misleading. Chappie is actually a movie that asks the question: "what if we made an entire movie based upon those few minutes in Short Circuit 2 where Johnny 5 becomes a gangster and cluelessly steals car radios."
Spoilers ahead, in case you actually want to watch this garbage. Because I'm basically going to lay the plot out for you. The whole plot. Because it’s worth doing to review how and why the movie is so bad.
Chappie starts by following the programmer (henceforth called Programmer Guy) of these robots that were designed to supplement the South African police force. They seem pretty damn effective, really. The company he works for is doing well and the robots look and move fantastically. It's a really promising start to the film.
One of the robots gets damaged and is marked to be dismantled because it's battery has fused to its chassis, making the entire chassis need replacement. Programmer Guy goes back home and continues a little hobby side project.
You know, just... Programming robotic sentience. NBD.
"Wow, okay. That's... a hell of a hobby side project" I think to myself, while squinting at Programmer Guy's dirty apartment, CRT screens and DOS-like interface. I squint even more as he starts slamming red bull. "Hm. This feels a little like the director may not quite understand programming and just be writing based on programmer tropes here."
Yes, past Matt. That is exactly what it is.
So of course Programmer guy successfully codes robotic sentience. We know he's successful because the DOS interface says so, and he gets very excited that the thing he programmed tells him he's made stable sentience... Okay.
So Programmer Guy rushes back to the company, and tries to sell his boss on giving the robots this sentience. "They'll be able to write poetry and paint!" He explains, excitedly.
"Dude, they're police robots. She's never going to buy that." I say. "Dude, they're police robots. No you can't make them write poetry." Boss lady says.
But of course, Programmer Guy is determined to see this god complex of his through to the very finish. He steals the damaged robot, the USB security key required to access the robots (seems a little bit insecure, but okay), and rushes off to go and install sentience onto it.
And then he gets attacked and taken hostage by gangsters.
Said gangsters are... actually kind of the real opener of the movie, but you won't care about them. They're running drugs or something for some other big important gangster (you can tell he's important because his gun is gold plated), but the cop robots fucked up their plans and Gold Plated Gun Gangster is pissed and wants money. So they decide to take Programmer Guy hostage and force him to make the cop robots work for them so they can do a heist.
I think. It’s all a little convoluted.
Anyway, Programmer Guy can't reprogram all the robots because it's not possible to do (even though somebody else does it later, but that’s just one of many plotholes). But he can reprogram this one bot to be sentient and it'll do what the gangsters say.
"Okay." Say the gangsters. "It only has 5 days to live though." Says Programmer Guy. "Cool." Says the gangsters.
Worst gangsters ever.
So the sentience is installed and Chappie is born. It freaks out in its first moments, cowering away from the humans.
"Does it understand English?" Asks one of the Gangsters. "Well of course it understands En--" "No, it doesn't understand English. Not yet. We’ll need to teach it." Programmer Guy says, interrupting my perfectly reasonable chain of thought.
This was my first big problem with the film. The basic police units are clearly able to understand and speak English. Probably other languages, too. But apparently to create sentience, this gets left out. It's an excuse to spend some cute moments connecting with Chappie as it learns to say important words like "chicken" and "shoe" and "this fuck mother talks ghetto huh?" Yes, that’s a quote from the film.
It also skips over the fact that the English language is complex, but Chappie picks up on some words and concepts without being taught them, and others... well, we'll get to that.
Anyway, Programmer Guy gets bulled by The Gangsters and runs off screaming about "his creation" and how they are all terrible people and how he'll be back. For a guy that created sentience, you'd think he'd show Chappie a bit more respect, but he really does spend a lot of the movie still treating Chappie like a 'thing'. Specifically, HIS ‘thing’.
Chappie starts getting trained in Gangster, but (without much prior learning or influence) decides it doesn't want to use guns. Programmer Guy returns and teaches Chappie to paint, but we don't really get to see the robot flex its apparent built in creativity as it just paints what it sees like a big robotic printer. Chappie also promises Programmer Guy that it will “not do any crimes”.
But Programmer Guy gets chased off by The Gangsters again, tucking tail and screaming once more about how they are awful people and how Chappie should embrace its creativity while he runs off.
The Gangsters are pissed that Chappie learned something other than Gangster, and so they dump their sentient robot out in the world to teach it a lesson about how the world is shit and it should be scared of humans (I guess?). In the process, it gets captured by Religious Australian Douchebag who also works at the company where Chappie was made. He saws Chappie's arm off (because he’s the bad guy) and takes the USB drive security key that Programmer Guy left plugged in to Chappie.
Chappie gets back to the Gangster’s hideout, beaten up by humans and with its arm missing. The Gangster's are really sorry, plug in a replacement arm, and get back to training Chappie in Gangster. It doesn't want to use guns, so instead the Gangsters train it in using throwing stars and knives because "they put people to sleep" and "it feels nice", lying to convince the Robot that it's not killing anybody. We'll get back to this, too.
Remember how I said that the robots looked and moved real nice? Well, forget that. Because now Chappie has been trained to move like it’s straight out of a gangster trope. One metal hand always towards its nonexistent junk. Another metal hand constantly wiping a nonexistent nose. Chappie is anything but endearing at this stage.
Programmer Guy meanwhile is getting pushed around by Religious Australian Douchebag at work. Religious Australian Douchebag has a rival project that he's trying to get the police force to buy - a giant war machine that has rockets and anti tank rounds and a chainsaw and anti air and... it’s overkill. The movie has characters point it out, too. Anyway, he's trying to get the police to buy it instead of the robots. But he's also terrified of robotic sentience.
It’s not explained why (because religious?) but it isn't really important until the end, anyway.
Chappie is out stealing cars from people with The Gangsters because they have convinced it that this is not a crime, they stole those cars from The Gangsters first! With all their ill-gotten gains, The Gangsters get C4 for their heist (which Chappie adamantly refuses to do because "it's a crimes[sic]") as well as a stack of PS4's (buy Sony products). Chappie also learns about death (which it clearly already has a concept of, because it refuses to use guns) and its own short 5-day lifespan in a really ham-fisted scene that could have been so much better. I imagine a better version of Chappie where it learns about death early in the film, only to learn about its own short lifespan later. Instead of being all in the course of a conversation about a dead dog. Anyway.
They return, and Chappie runs into Programmer Guy again. But Chappie is pissed with Programmer Guy because Programmer Guy put Chappie in a body with a limited lifespan. "I didn't know you'd become you!" Programmer Guy argues. Who knew that the robot he made sentient would become sentient?
Meanwhile, Religious Australian Douchebag turns off all the police bots by injecting them all with code at the same time, thus making moot the earlier point about how Programmer Guy couldn’t reprogram all the robots. All the crime that they'd stopped in South Africa comes back in like, 5 minutes. But this shutdown also effects Chappie, so Programmer Guy rescues it from The Gangsters and takes it back to the facility Chappie was made, so that he can fix it.
Programmer Guy fixes Chappie and gets it back up and running. They go to leave the facility and Chappie notices a test robot rig, just like its body.
"We can use this to save me! Transfer me into this body!" "No." Says Programmer Guy. "Why not?" Says Chappie (and myself). "Because your sentience is more than just your battery or hard drive! We don't know what it is!"
So Programmer Guy - who literally programmed Chappie's sentience - now seems to be claiming that it (Chappie) isn't just driven by code. It sounds like an argument for something more. That by programming Chappies sentience and letting it grow, Chappie has developed a soul.
There's so many issues with this statement. But it's okay. Because it's about to get worse.
So on the way out, Chappie notices one of the helmets that people use to pilot Religious Australian Douchebag's giant war mech. Programmer Guy briefly explains that it reads peoples brainwaves to pilot the gigantic mech.
"I can use this to transfer myself into another body!" Chappie says, stealing the helmet.
"Now hold up, Chappie." I say, rubbing my face. "Firstly, that's a helmet that reads human brainwaves. It can't read robot brainwaves because, well, you have not got a brain. And secondly, human brainwaves aren't sentience. They're just--"
Chappie has gone and downloaded all the information from the Internet about what Sentience is. Now Chappie is plugging a whole bunch of PS4's (buy Sony products) together and is plugging them into a Sony branded VAIO (buy Sony products) laptop and running some DOS looking software while wearing the helmet. The software keeps failing - it cannot find any sentience.
"Chappie. Chappie, stop. This scene isn't going to end well. It cannot read your mind and it's going to make the audience feel sad and sorry for you because--"
Oh. Look at that. The helmet made to scan human brains has managed to scan Chappie and display a visual representation of Chappies sentience...
Remember earlier how I had said that Chappie picked up on some things but not others really quickly without much teaching involved? This is like, case and point right here. Chappie is taught nothing about what sentience is outside of a few throwaway lines by The Gangster’s trying to explain it in a pseudo-philosophical manner. And yet here, this 4-day old robot, goes and just downloads a bunch of information about sentience from the internet and immediately understands what it has to do to extract it. 
This very same robot that hasn’t figured out yet that sharp things hurt when you stab people with them.
Anyway... Moving on from this god-forsaken scene and--oh. Here comes one of The Gangsters (the nice one that Chappie calls 'mommy', because that's a thing). Chappie goes and slaps the helmet on her and it shows a visual representation of her sentience, too.
So apparently Chappie’s code-driven running-off-a-hard-drive sentience is just like human chemical-driven running-off-a-fleshy-meat-sack sentience. It’s another nudge the movie makes that, hey, this helmet is actually reading a soul and that’s the thing that humans have in common with Chappie. Or maybe it’s just dumb. The worst part is that this is actually important later.
So Chappie goes with The Gangsters on their heist, convinced that by doing it there’ll be enough money that it can buy itself a new body to transfer to. The whole act gets caught on video by a news helicopter, that reports that one of the police robots appears to have gone rogue and is helping criminals now. This catches the attention of Religious Australian Douchebag, who uses the information to convince his boss to let him go out in the war machine and destroy Chappie. She agrees.
Oh, and Chappie figures out here too that The Gangsters were lying to it about how it feels good to be stabbed after it stabs a police officer. Who knew?
Religious Australian Douchebag straps in to his war machine and goes after Chappie. So too does Golden Plated Gun Gangster, who wants his money and Chappie too, now. Programmer Guy also has grabbed a gun and grenades and rushed to Chappie to equip him for the coming three-way battle. 
Of course, Chappie refuses to take the gun because it doesn’t want to hurt anyone. But then the three-way battle between The Gangsters, Religious Australian Douchebag and Golden Plated Gun Gangster’s Gang kicks off. So we are treated to a slow-motion shot of Chappie clearly considering the gun and grenades in the back of Programmer Guy’s van as bullets ricochet and explosions ring out. Chappie starts taping a grenade to a knife. 
A character dies. The war robot is apparently not overkill enough since carpet bombing gangsters isn’t enough to kill them all. Then Chappie leaps out from inside of the nearby building (having apparently gone inside after taking the gun and grenades, so that it could make an entrance?). It throws the grenade knife and it sticks to the war robot (apparently it’s made out of polystyrene) and then starts shooting it up with some kind of heavy shotgun, which blows parts of the war robot off (definitely polystyrene).
Of course it’s not enough. Chappie gets shot up, and so does Programmer Guy. Programmer Guy is dying. Chappie loses the detonator for the knife grenade. Chappie rushes off to grab the brainwave helmet so that it can save Programmer Guy, but the helmet gets destroyed. One of The Gangster’s realises the error of his ways and tries to sacrifice himself so that everyone else can escape the flying war robot. It looks like everyone but the one Gangster is getting out. But before he can sacrifice himself, “mommy” Gangster rushes back and steals his thunder by getting shot up instead. Which leads to Chappie finding the detonator and blowing up the War Robot. 
It’s a mess of a scene, filled with “this almost happens, BUT THEN” over and over again. It’s deeply unsatisfying. 
Chappie and Programmer Guy rush off to the facility where Chappie was built. Chappie fucks Religious Australian Douchebag’s shit up. Like, no joke here. It looks like both his arms and both of his legs are broken, twisted at weird angles after being thrown through walls and into the ceiling. But he’s alive, and Chappie spits an “I forgive you.” At him. So much for not wanting to hurt anybody.
Programmer Guy’s body is tossed into the War Machine pilot chair. He’s only suffered a single stomach wound, so I don’t know why he’s not being taken to the hospital instead. Chappie puts the brainwave scanner helmet on Programmer Guy, and gets ready to transfer his mind into the test robot.
“Okay. This could actually kinda be redeemed. Chappie sacrificing its life. The creator becoming the very thing he created. That’s a pretty neat idea.” I think to myself.
Programmer Guy goes limp and gets transferred into the robot test rig. Disregarding questions and suspending my disbelief for a moment about how police robots have enough storage space to fit a human mind (we’ll even get to that later), it’s interesting. But the scene misses an opportunity for Programmer Guy really struggling with being in a robot that he created, or looking at his own corpse.
“Now get out, and spend the last few hours of Chappie’s life doing something meaningful. Redeem this horrible film.” I say. “Let’s upload Chappie’s mind wirelessly into one of the disabled Police Robots outside.” The film says. “Please no--”
So they slap the helmet on Chappie, and upload its mind into a nearby robot outside. 
So Programmer Robot Guy escapes, finds Chappie as it’s just picking itself up from the trash. They escape back to The Gangster lair, where “daddy” Gangster (also a thing) is currently mourning “mommy” Gangster. He’s going through a box of her things, burning old photos and such, when he finds a little USB drive.
“Does that say… no… no, please, god, no.” I think to myself.
Sure enough, it says something to the extent of ‘Mommy Brain Scan Backup’ on the side of the USB drive. Apparently, in the brief moments that Chappie had put the brainwave reading helmet on her in the earlier scene, it was enough to create a full backup of her mind.
And so our closing moments of the film cover how police robots have been taken off the streets, replaced once more by human officers. Chappie hacks into the robot manufacturer and uploads schematics for a new kind of robot, that it then wirelessly uploads “mommy” Gangster’s mind into. The final shot of the movie is of a robot with a woman’s face opening its eyes, and then we immediately cut to credits with a god-awful rap song to see out this god-awful movie.
Seriously. I have never felt the need to type out a rant about a film before now, it’s terrible. The movie struggles to figure out what exactly it wants to be, and what it’s concepts are. It never really succeeds at explaining to you how things work in this universe.
At one moment, we are made to believe that sentience is something truly unique and cannot be replicated or copied. The film seems to struggle with what concept of sentience it is rolling with. Sentience can be programmed. But Sentience is also the soul. Or maybe it’s brain scans. It’s never really answered what sentience is, but we’re apparently able to move it around easily - despite what we’re told half-way through the film.
Similarly, for a movie about sentient machines, it understands very little about how they work. I would have maybe bought the explanation, if the film explained how machines are unique in this world. But it never really does.
Here we have a Programmer that creates sentience – which can apparently be tested for. But then later on, we’re told to believe that the Programmer doesn’t quite know or understand what he’s created, and that here’s a degree of ‘magic’ involved in his code and in sentience itself. But then how did we confirm right at the start that he created sentience? 
And then we have the characters. There’s nobody likeable in this film. Nobody that you can connect with. Chappie is made to speak and act “gangster”, missing out on an opportunity to have a really cool, likeable robot. Programmer Guy is a coward. The Gangster’s are assholes and the one ‘nice’ Gangster (“mommy” Gangster) is made to be entirely paternal for no good reason. There’s hints that “mommy” and “daddy” Gangster may have had a child (or maybe I am reading too much into the art in scenes), and this feels like a missed opportunity to talk about Chappie’s importance to them if they did.
I also get slightly racist undertones from Blomkamp’s continued representations of South Africa. It’s always represented as a place on the brink of tearing itself apart, governed by useless and lazy bureaucracy, made up of slums and repurposed abandoned buildings. It always feels like a hopeless place, that is never changed for the better despite the actions of the characters. 
The movie fails to tell a good plot with what is an interesting concept, and it boggles my mind how blatantly obvious (to me, at least) it feels some of the solutions in there are, that they didn’t make it to the film. There was an opportunity for a sad but hopeful ending, but it was sacrificed in favour of an empty but “happy” ending.
Chappie is just... really, really bad.
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yuissamidare · 8 years
aight aight lets do this
zombie au
i wanted??? to develop the side characters more because i love them and they make me super happy when they get on screen and i went to sleep and woke up in the dead of night like. Ah. I Know.
the gist was dekapan creates a virus that mimics those weird wasp things that inject venom in caterpillars and wasps and leave them zombie-fied until they end up sacrificing themselves for the wasps babies. it works like my theory for gakkou gurashi and idk the zombies should follow their everyday routine expect that they also kill people. i’ve scrapped that idea and like, recreated how the zombies work but shhhh this part is a Super Secret.
he’s having trouble with money and! he loves science! he loves messing up and starting over and finding that one xyz fit that makes everything click how he wants to! but that costs money, and it’s money he doesnt have, so? he calls a kid he used to babysit and get along with for some help. hatabou gets him a job with a sketchy government probably trying to cure the common cold or make it impossible to burn your skin in the sun or something so of course he does the work given to him, because money is money, but the moment it gets on tv and is announced to the world dekapan calls everyone like 'hey guys dont take the vaccine something fuckys going on' and then the zombie outbreak starts and everyone gets split up and they find each other eventually after Bad Things and everyone gets fucked up about it.
people who we dont get to see pair up find each other and begrudgingly work together.
jyushimatsu and todomatsu are w matsuyo!! she has them go on a trip to the mall with her, and it’s very densely packed and a trains ride from home  (jyushimatsus here to carry bags and todomatsus here bc oohhh a mall far away). the outbreak happens while theyre in the mall, and momma and todomatsu get separated from jyushimatsu for a little while -- they do find him again, and momma decks a zombie in the face. todomatsu cries. if i were to write this, i’d focus like??? 2 - 3 chapters focusing on them being in the mall, finding a group of other survivors, and then leaving the group. depending on length and my Stamina which is. not good.
next group is totoko and karamatsu!!! and. its not because of.... anything. but totoko!! if anything is really strong and i can see her carrying an iron will and inspiring other people to follow he lead and! i like the dynamic they had with that like One Interaction. idk the beginning all too well?? like how they meet up and stick together, but i have everything after that pretty clear in my head. this would be??? the second arc of the story maybe? it take a while for them to actually get along and things go Bad in the start because ahaha karamatsu is a Fuck Up, and after that karamatsu just stops trying to talk to her and just trails behind while totoko vehemently refuses to let him help her with anything. and i actually?? dont wanna say too much about this because. ITS SURPRISE. but after they start getting along karamatsu gives her a fishbone braid, and she talks about missing her brother and they do some Feelings Talk.
idk what the fuck to do with osomatsu, ichimatsu, and choromatsu??? someones learning medicine and surgery from dekapan, someones getting yelled at by chibita while hatabou mediates, and someone starts stealing things with iyami and then starts crying in the back of his van after a close call, but idk who because they all keep flip flopping positions in my head. like, at first ichimatsu was getting yelled at, but then i put him with iyami, but then im like ‘ohhh doctor ichimatsu’. then osomatsu was with chibita n hatabou, then i was like ‘but oh he and iyami have a great dyamic’. and choromatsu was with dekapan at first bt then i was :/ with that and put him with chibita. those three are hecking me up idk what to do.
paranormal investigators
 We Are All Dependant On Our Brothers
the matsuno bros start up a ghost bustin company thats set up in a run down project and they’re all crowed up in a shitty apartment funded by hatabou and todomatsus part time job with equipment provided by dekapan because after high school it was decided that ‘shit lets hunt some ghost’ and everyone was like ‘yea sure.’
it was spawned by a dream i had where choromatsu and karamatsu are on a case and choros like 'k we gotta distract the ghost' and karas like 'got it' and while choros doing. whatever. karamatsu comes out in a bathrobe and sashays like 'ooh noo ;)) i sure hope no ghosts are going to get me while im naked and vulnerable ;)))' and choros like. 'who gave you permission to be such garbage.' and. oh. he did. 
and then later in the day a stray thought where osomatsu and karamatsu got confronted by a ghost thats like ‘ICHIMATSU MATSUNO!!! YOU, MY ENEMY WHOVE IVE TRACED DOWN FROM BARBADOS TO THE ARAN ISLANDS TO-’ then osomatsu cuts him off like ‘bro we arent ichimatsu’ and the three of them stare at each other for ten minutes before karamatsu offers to call him for the ghost and the ghost is like ‘!!!! could you?? i mean, im still damning you both to hell but’ and then ichimatsu picks up the phone, and as soon as the ghost starts talking he expels it in 0.0000000000000000000000001 seconds.
the brothers are b-rate superheros who end up in the newspapers sometimes. iyami and chibitas That Dude who ends up in hostage situations all the time and begrudgingly drive them home and make sure they eat even though they claims to hate them. its actually.... based of the storyline for my ocs so i wont actually talk about that again. nnu9mubvufe8n.
again, they live in a shit ass project but they live right next door to each other instead of crowding in One Apartment, its two with three each. they are all actively looking for day jobs because while the government pays well they struggle being adults. but this time adults with superpowers.
rpg/video game
like. back in the naru.to fandom there was a point where video game aus were really popular, like the whole grinding/gaining stats/unlocking new areas thing n all that and it surprisingly worked really well when written right?. so i was thinking about that and spacing out and i was like Oh Fuck. so this au got birthed. osomatsus the king, karas the knight, jyushi is a prince who gets kidnapped, ichis prince #2, choromatsus a wandering mage, n todos the royal advisor. 
jyushimatsu gets kidnapped in the dead of night, and osomatsus like ‘what the flying fuck karamatsu get over here lets go get him back.’ so they leave, and have ichimatsu look after the kingdom for him. hes like 'wait what please im' and is thrust into power anyways. he and todomatsu are surprisingly competent leaders and the kingdom does really good under him, even better than with osomatsu?? though he locked himself in his room for the first week and todomatsu just kept banging on the door OPEN UP YOU FUCK YOU HAVE PAPERWORK. and its an insanely huge amount because osomatsu keeps putting it off unless someone watches him and he does all the stuff like funding the armies and expanding territories before stuff like regulating taxes and funding schools and hospitals.
jyushimatsu escapes on his own after a day n is like HMMMM HOW TO GET HOME..... but then he enters a little run down village and meets homura and falls In Love and they spend time together and he eventually just forgets to come home because hes so happy with her
meanwhile with the idiot eldest duo. karamatsu doesnt know how to fucking.... spend money so when they meet choromatsu whos like the stop n shop npc he gives him all the money he has for an enchanted pair of ankle warmers that he could put his face on and that can react to his emotions. osomatsus like ‘what the entire fuck bro’ and goes to get their money back, but then ends up spending all his money on a charm thatll increase his gambling luck.
‘we’ve been bamboozled, my dearest king. our money taken right before our eyes as a miser deceived us and robbed us of everything we’re worth,’ ‘wanna beat him up, karamatsu?’ ‘of course i do.’
choromatsus like ????? wtf its not my fault you two dont know how to spend money. but they fight, and osomatsus like ‘join our party!!’ and they take a few days to convince him but he does join and he and osomatsu hit it off really well, and osomatsu decided after everything, hes going to adopt choromatsu. 
(’but we’re the same age, my king’ karamatsu says in response to his proposal. 
‘FINE, then ill get mom to adopt him, geez.’ 
then they meet chibita and n chibita and karamatsus like ‘if youre taking choromatsu, im taking chibita in if he says yes’ and osomatsus like ‘ask mom first’)
the three of them go to the place jyushimatsu was taken to, beat everyone up, and then realize he isnt there. so they just. dejectedly walk into a nearby village for rest and chibita gives them free beer.
they meet jyshimatsu an hour later on a date with homura and yes. they decide to adopt her as a sister too. (is someone marrying into your family considered adoption?? idk but everyones family now, no excuses.)
royalty/split at birth
i hate angst i just wish everyone could be happy, i say as i look through my notebook with angsty plot points as i reference my life.
the gist is: the cold color trio living in slums rather than a palace but then oso finds out OH SHIT WE HAVE MORE BROTHERS WE GO GET THEM and everyones stressed the fuck out
as soon as osomatsu finds out he has troops scour the kingdom for the them, with the directions ‘there are three more people with my face, go get em’ and he sends troops out. to everyone outside the castle this is a very ?????!!!!!!!!!! thing???because the royal family has solidified themselves as Bad Selfish people who tax unfairly and dont care about the poor. like, the rich people are all like oh! i wonder what the royal family is planning theyre so good to our kingdom ha ha! while the poor people are freaking the fuck out.
the cold colors only get a brief warning about the troops coming and the first thing ichimatsu does when he hears this is go and break all the fancy plates and choromatsus like ‘wtf are you doing!!!’ and ichimatsu just looks at him like ‘i love and respect my family so im doing what i need to’ and karamatsu takes that as his cue to take his mothers valuables and hide them under the floorboards and in the walls where the stucco breaks away and choromatsu writes a note to their mom Just In Case.
they actually do get taken and theyre fucking shocked. like, instead of the royals taking everyones valuables like they expected, theyre taking them??? and the troops are no help theyre just like ‘kay go take two sets of coats and three sets of day wear’ and they have them leave straight away.
an abrupt abduction is gonna stir up shit in the village especially if they only take the boys and leave their parents and friends. imagine how paranoid they'll be. ‘oh no what if im going next' 'i hear that theyre taking our boys now and selling them off to foreign labor' 'theyre taking our children as punishment for not being able to afford tax' ‘i heard things breaking in their home what if they got taken away for resisting’
imagine all the drama and discomfort theyll feel when they see the other bros living in the lap of luxury why their friends and family suffer like :)))
its frustrating and tense for everyone because osomatsu expected them to integrate without issue. jyushimatsu doesnt understand why they get so mad at him and refuse to be his friend. todomatsu doesnt understand why all these poor people are a problem. as long as youre happy and healthy it's fine! theres no need to concern yourself with what doesnt directly affect you. if you dont see it its not happening so its best to ignore it.
osomatsu does ballet again and is happy and has found something he loves and enjoys and everyone supports him. basically, he starts feeling nostalgic and then starts watching youtube videos and goes ‘haha pah! i can do that’ and then he realizes ‘holy shit this is something i wanna spend the rest of my life doing’
sophie even wrote a fic about it and its great and every time i read it my heart pounds ten thousand times a second and i start smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.
jyushimatsu’s an overworked forensic scientist, choromatsu’s an exasperated detective, osomatsus is watson, todomatsu’s head of the branch, and ???? ichimatsu where are you??
karamatsu’s fucking dead but he aint important.
they solve mysteries n do detective stuff.
theres also another au thats like platonic soulmate thing but eh 
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