#but the rest of my fav’s characterization is half-decent/pretty funny I can enjoy it for what it is & not whine about how he’s too violent
Characterization: BFTC
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1. Yes, he called Gotham evil. That’s just a fact. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her like they’ve been married 64 years.
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2. ACAB Jason. He also dislikes how Batman became a brand symbol. “Cause & effect > vague ideas”.
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3. Child sidekicks recruited for the wrong reasons + Bruce’s fucked up mentality.
4. I’m not going to complain about them attempting to vilify Jason in the attempting to vilify Jason book. But even worded in this misleading way, the point is that he ultimately believed in solid consequences (which Batman could never deliver on).
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2 (2009)
5. Yeah, that was shitty. All that talk about how he’s “not a child” because he’s dangerous/“from the streets”.
6. Okay the first part obviously yeah but the second part’s not true lol. We all know it, he knows it. He always wanted to do more to protect Gotham than limit himself to a symbol and a set of hypocritical rules like Batman (refer to #2 & 4 lol).
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3 (2009)
7. He holds his ground. He doesn’t validate their shitty victim blaming by accepting their “help”. Since they found out Jason was SA’d, they keep using that against him to claim he’s just throwing a tantrum rather than actually trying to do his job. He shuts this down like ‘No, you’re wrong. My point has not changed since I came back to Gotham and I won't change my mind now either. Stop changing the topic.’ Lol
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