#but the point is the author tries to portray it (just like everyone else in her series) as flawed
mx-paint · 1 year
#this is just me bitching ab it#but im hoping that this live action for one of my fav books doesnt include a location in xinjiang#like. already one of the shows i was going to watch has one locations set there#the thing about this one is there Is a scene in the book from the gobi#and some people have talked about how even though the author includes anti racist beliefs#the arc involves the admittance that everybody in the town was slaughtered#bc the military were planning on having some civilians suicide bomb a waring town#that they had been at war with for a while#and the person who lead the slaughter wound up ascending#and it lead to the reveal of the mc adopted kids were from each kingdom as heads#and were trading info for the war so that they could end it#but the military were meant to be portrayed as the real villains#who are implied to have eaten the last pf the remaining citizens and their ghosts bc most weee trapped in a mountain pit#but the point is the author tries to portray it (just like everyone else in her series) as flawed#and even when their actions are justified theyre still noted to be not good ones#the thing about it too is while the author can sign off to have the live be put into production#she cant really do anything other than that here#esp since she was Indisposed when the show was being made#and has only recently been able to come back#the other thing to note is they used the xinjiang dialect in one of the scenes in the animation#i think thats all i have to say rn but its just really me complaining
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pruneunfair · 2 months
The Remarried empress fandom is practically a cult.
If it isn't the very pro-monarchy storyline that gets me, its the fans and how they idolize its protagonist and everyone else who supports her, this normally wouldn't be an issue if it didn't reach the point of condoning literal slavery.
The way the fans of this comic act is straight up disturbing, part of me thinks remarried empress might even be propaganda to push imperialism and monarchies. The characters you're supposed to root for are all horrible people such as a slave owner who is regarded as a cute fangirl, the ML who is a king with an annoying uwu persona that also steals from mages and kills innocent people, a grand duke is so obsessed with Navier he becomes a creep who goes around passing date-rape love potions like candy, and a brother who violates another woman's autonomy by slipping her abortion drugs but they never face consequences and if they do, its portrayed as something unfair caused by the evil women who get in Navier's way.
speaking of which lets talk about how any other woman in this story who is powerful and above Navier in some way is immediately villainized. the mistress Rashta is a former slave who was sold by her father, abused by her masters, one of them sexually assaults her as well (the narrative tries to say Rashta consented even though a slave can't say no to someone who owns them) and ends up severely traumatized after her baby is taken away and replaced with a dead one. Already off to a rough start for someone we are supposed to see as a one dimensional villain.
in the beginning chapters, Navier's ladies in waiting are already ridiculing Rashta before she even did anything all for being a slave who dared to become the Emperors mistress and hurt the feelings of their perfect empress, how could that slave not worship our empress!? What a wench!. later the narrative justifies making a slave the ultimate evil by making her into someone who "seduced" the Emperor and is ultimately written as a evil moron who is the true villain using her body to charm the poor little noblemen. (Ugh..) In the end her character is basically to be a punching bag for Navier to girl boss back into place and she dies alone in a prison cell as the most evil empress in history.
Then there's Krista, a queen dowager who didn't really like Navier but never went as far beyond snubbing her and letting rumors spread, bad but nothing too horrible, and when she sends a gift one of Navier's ladies in waiting gets all upset and asks if she can toss the gift out, its played off as a joke but it becomes clear it's supposed to tell readers that Krista is a mean mean woman for not adoring the MC.
Then when Krista is becoming too independent for the authors liking they begin to ruin her character by having pine after Heinrey, weird as hell but it could've worked if she was actually utilized as a villain and not a bug that needs to be squashed, she then gets blamed for letting Heinrey rest on her lap even though Kaufman was the one who drugged Heinrey while Krista didn't know, she's disgraced and later killed off while Heinrey proceeds to make the rest of her family suffer in the long run as well. And yet fans practically celebrated her death.
The comments are honestly the worst part, nothing but "Trashta has nothing on our queen! 😍" and "Navier is such a true girlboss! go away Trashta! 🤢" there are chapters where characters like Heinrey literally say that he'll torture people who don't like Navier and the comments are all just "Awww he's such an upgrade from Sovieshit, what a soft boy he is!" ffs it honestly feels like a cult where Navier is the god and all her supporters are her apostles.
The message is clear: you MUST like Navier! If you don't then it makes you a bad guy worthy of death row, and it doesn't take much either, all you need to do if talk a little shit about Navier and boom, her hubby has your mouth with rocks and sewn shut (yes this actually happened and it's never talked about again) if Rashta did something like that she'd be getting flamed, I'm even willing to bet if it was Heinrey who mutilated Delice the comments would either be full of cheap excuses for him or they just would give him a slap on the wrist.
I really wanted to like Remarried empress but I honestly can't anymore with the hypocrisy. Navier isn't even very likeable anymore since all she does now is react to everything and either condone what people do in her name or just not caring, so much for an empress who loves her subjects.
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teagballs · 8 months
I just read your Dennis fic, and if you were going to write a part 2 would you be able to make it that Dennis doesn’t immediately tell reader he likes her? He just starts acting really weird when she’s around?
Like maybe, Dennis Charlie and Mac are insulting Dee and reader says something like “that it’s not nice” then Dennis goes, “yeah that’s seriously not nice guys.” And everyone’s just confused cause like he was saying mean stuff too.
If it’s to much trouble or if you don’t wanna write this please just ignore this 🧍🧍
"like no one else" | dennis reynolds x reader
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read part one here
authors note: ur mind anon UR MIND BROOO. this prompt was amazing and i had to do it but also it took me a month cuz i was busy. OOPS. i hope i did it justice cuz i took it and ran LMAO
requests open as always!! looking to do some charlie kelly stuff, so if u have any ideas for him lmk!!
cw: fem reader, mentions of objectification of women and the D.E.N.N.I.S system ofc, lil smoochie smoo at the end but nothing nsfw, 1.4k words
Dennis stumbled out of the restaurant, abandoning his date and this old life of promiscuity behind, seemingly. He walked down the street, pulling out his phone. He entered your name into his contacts, ready to confess everything. Ready to tell you how much you mean to him. Ready to love you. But then he stopped. His finger hovered over the call button and he thought, "what am I doing?" It was the emotion of the situation that made him act with such heedlessness. He didn't even know if you felt that way about him, if you felt the same deep connection he did. For him, it was a feeling like no other. It felt like you got him in a way no one else did. With understanding and kindness too. But to you? Dennis could just be a good friend to you. And if that was the case, what was the point in risking it all? He took a deep breath, shoving his phone back in his pocket. No, he shouldn't act so incautiously.
In the following weeks, Dennis found himself falling deeper and deeper for you. Every action you took, every word you spoke. He found himself obsessing over it. He tried not to come off as creepy - although that was hard, this was Dennis. His still kept his distance as usual, but now with a growing infatuation. He believed he was portraying this neutrality to you well, but this facade was challenged today.
"Y'know what guys, I'm really excited for this date tonight," Dee began to explain as she sat at the bar with Dennis, Charlie, Mac, and you.
"Oh shut up, Dee, nobody cares about your stupid date," Mac barked. Degrading her as usual.
It was water off a duck's back for dee, "You're just jealous I have a date Mac." She rhymed off before taking another swig of her beer.
"How'd you get this one to go out with you, Dee?" Charlie began in defence of Mac, "What'd you do? Steal his dog?"
"What? God no, what the fuck are you talking about?" Dee said.
Dennis didn't involve himself in verbally bullying his sister as he usually would. Usually, he would come in with the worst, most grating jabs. Instead, he silently observed how you scrolled on your phone, occasionally taking a sip of your drink, noticing how your brows furrowed ever so slightly in frustration.
"Even if you do go on this date, Dee, the only way you'll get him to stay is if you steal his phone or something!" Mac snarled.
"Yeah, you stupid bird!" Charlie said, which resulted in loud laughter from the men.
"God, would you just leave her alone, you two? Do you have nothing better to do?" You snapped at them finally. Dennis noticed your frustration and wanting to support and comfort you, he responded;
"Yeah, guys, leave her alone. You're both so sad." Dennis said in his usual 'I'm not wrong about anything ever and you're stupid for being wrong' tone.
Silence. Everyone, including you, turns to face Dennis. Did he just defend Dee? The sister he swore he hated?
"Dennis, what did you just say?" Mac asked cautiously and filled with confusion.
"I said leave Dee alone."
Dennis didn't really care all that much about Dee. Really, all her cared about was proving to you he did. He wanted to be on your side, always. To have your approval.
"Thank you, Dennis," you agreed. Dennis's heart swelled. 'God, what's wrong with me?' he thought. He had never felt this many emotions ever. Never mind for one person.
"That was weird, right? Earlier? When Dennis, like, stood up for Dee?" Charlie asked Mac.
"Oh yeah! For sure! I have no clue why he did that. I mean, just yesterday me, you, Frank, and Dennis were ragging on her for being a failed actress." Mac replied, causing laughter between the pair at the thought of this previous discussion.
"So... what changed?" Charlie puzzled.
"Everyone was there, except.. except for her." Mac hypothesised that when you were there, Dennis avoided talking poorly of Dee.
"But why? What does she change?"
Mac shrugged, "Maybe he's trying to D.E.N.N.I.S her."
"Huh. Doesn't really seem like his usual type." Charlie said.
Dennis was definitely not trying to D.E.N.N.I.S you. He made that distinctly clear in his mind. He wasn't following the steps at all, going out of his way to avoid flirtation with you, actually, to avoid raising suspicions. And the final step, 'separate entirely,' was most certainly one he didn’t want to follow. He wanted to spend forever and ever with you. Why? He didn't understand it himself. He was Dennis Reynolds, the Golden God! How come he was acting so pathetic?
You were starting to notice his weird behaviour. You had known Dennis for years. He was never this.. clingy? Not that you minded, really. You had always thought he was attractive, sure - charismatic too - but his general objectification of woman and lack of interest in a stable and long-term relationship certainly deterred you. Still, though, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter every time he would talk about the girl he was planning to go out with next. You had grown tougher over the years of knowing him, accepting that he would never change, and he would never see you like that. This new attention from his was definitely appreciated, but strange.
This all came to head a couple of weeks into this behaviour. You and Dennis sat in the bar together on a slow Tuesday. You had been testing him slightly. You were saying things to provoke him - small things. Things that would usually lead to a disagreement or argument or him going on a long Dennis rant. But he didn't budge. He didn’t roar obscenities or call you an idiot or react negatively at all. He would just nod and smile. And then he would agree. You couldn't take it. Was it some cruel joke? To get your hopes up or make you look stupid? You didn't get the punchline.
"Alright, Dennis, what's with you lately."
Dennis freezes. He feared you had picked up on his feelings towards you. He feared this would be the end of it all, and he had ruined it, and you would leave and he would never see you again.
"What do you mean?" Dennis replied. He was lucky he was such a good liar. He played coy well. But you didn't back down.
"You've been acting weird. You just agree with everything I say, and you're hanging around me a lot and like you keep not making fun of Dee when I'm here. You're always looking at me too. Is it some sort of joke I don't get? Are you making fun of me? That's mean."
Dennis felt emotions, oh god. He located that he felt regret and frustration and guilt and guilt and guilt. 'Mean'. He wasn't trying to be mean. She thought it was some sort of joke, but no. This was how he really felt. He really wanted to spend all his time admiring you, he wanted to agree with you on everything, that's all he could think about for the past month. And for once in his life, Dennis was at sea for words.
"I... I didn't..." Dennis attempted. But he couldn't convey his words in a safe manner. In a manner that meant if you didn't feel the same way it would be okay and you could keep being friends.
"I think I'm in love with you." Dennis sighed.
"It was after that date. With that chick. What was her name? Candy? Karen? Doesn't matter." Dennis rambled. "It was then when I realised I never want to be with anyone else, if not you. I don't think anyone had ever understood me the way you have. And I just spiralled after then? I haven't stopped thinking about you." That would be a creepy comment if it wasn't something you had always wanted to hear from him.
It was your turn to be speechless. Instead of saying anything your eyes scanned his face for any indication of falsehood. Nothing. You saw and expression on Dennis's face that you had never seen before. One that could be equated to not knowing the answer. Clueless. Maybe afraid? You open your mouth to speak again but Dennis cuts you off and speaks first. Like he's trying to drown out a negative response. Like covering your ears to block out the sound of a gunshot; the damage would still be done.
Dennis looked at you, waiting for the gunshot.
"Dennis.. I feel the same way. Of course I do, oh my God." You finally say. Your voice is small and hoarse, like you have never used it before. Quickly, before anyone can say anything else, Dennis envelops you in a kiss. A kiss that isn't filled with lust, something Dennis isn't used to. His lips lean into yours in a desperate attempt to convey his gratefulness and love and devotion to you. You grip at his sides. You understand.
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king-bumis-armpit · 5 months
Best Friends
Written for Maiko Week 2024 - Jealousy
Summary: For as long as he could remember, Mai has loved Zuko. This was ingrained in him, just as he learned that fire is very hot and not safe to touch. It has always been a plain truth and one that upsets him. Zuko also loves Mai, he assumes. But Tom-Tom knows that he loves Mai the most. 
Alternatively: how Mai’s little brother perceives her relationship throughout the years.
Author’s Note: Big stretch of the prompt this time, lol. I love Tom-Tom so much and I have THOUGHTS about Mai’s relationship with him. It’s actually one of the things that I think the comics portrayed well. Also, this is a third person perspective, but I tried to write with Tom-Tom’s tone kind of. I hope it’s not too distracting.
Cross-posted to Tumblr and AO3 <3
WC: 2,234
For as long as he could remember, Mai has loved Zuko. This was ingrained in him, just as he learned that fire is very hot and not safe to touch. It has always been a plain truth and one that upsets him. Zuko also loves Mai, he assumes. But Tom-Tom knows that he loves Mai the most.
When Tom-Tom was really little, he vaguely remembers that he wasn't as close with his older sister. Both of his parents still lived together, and they would shower him with affection whenever they were around. When they weren't, he was usually left under the supervision of the household servants. However, they didn't watch him as closely and that suited him just fine. He was free to crawl around his house and see things most people didn't. He crawled under the dining room table and found some knicks from Mai fiddling with her knives at meals. He went into his mother’s closet and tried on her big pointy shoes. He snuck into his father's office and ate his secret stash of sizzle crisps. He knew he could have gotten in trouble, but what else was he supposed to do? It was boring in that big house with no one to play with.
Despite his exploring, he often wished for a friend. Everyone in the stories his mom read him at bedtime had a best friend. Mom definitely didn’t qualify. She seemed to think that playing was letting him hold his stuffed platypus bear while she talked with her friends. And dad was always busy working. Mai normally had school or was at the palace with the princess, but ultimately he decided she was the best option. 
When she was at home, she would stack all of his blocks into tall towers and they would take turns knocking them over by throwing things at them. One time, he wanted to stack ALL of the blocks into the biggest tower possible. He wasn’t tall enough, but Mai helped and she even held him up so that he could reach the tip top and place the last block. Mai let him have the first throw, and when he failed to hit the tower she missed on purpose to give him another go. Tom-Tom knew that Mai let him win sometimes, but he wasn’t too proud to accept her help. On his next toss, he hit the base of the tower and came down in a deafening crash. He laughed and Mai smiled, which in and of itself was pretty rare. Then she helped him clean everything up before mom came home. Normally he left his messes for the servants, but he liked doing things with Mai. She was the most interesting person he knew.
At the end of that day, he asked her the all important question. He pointed to her and then himself: “Best fwends?”
Mai nodded. “Best friends.”
— —
When he came home from New Ozai– no, Mai told him to call it Omashu– it seemed like his sister was always busy! She went to the palace almost every day. Apparently she was “dating” the new Fire Lord, whatever that meant. 
Before, when he would ask her to spend time with him, she always said that she didn’t have anything better to do. But apparently, Zuko was better than best friends. 
Sometimes mom would make Mai take him on these dates. He had to admit they were kind of fun. Zuko would take them on picnics and Tom-Tom could chase glow moths while Mai and Zuko talked about boring adult stuff. And Zuko alway packed Mai’s favorite foods, which were also Tom-Tom’s favorite foods.
But Tom-Tom still preferred the days when Mai would take him out alone. Instead of talking with her stupid boyfriend, she would catch moths with him. Or– if it was still daylight– she would show him her blades. She wouldn’t let him use them, but she would set up targets for him to practice hitting with sticks. It was just like their block game!
Maybe Zuko was her new best friend– he was too afraid to ask– but she was still his.
— —
Mai was crying. Mai never, ever cried. Tom-Tom didn’t know what to do. Mom told him to leave his sister alone, but when he cried he didn’t want to be alone. She had broken up with Zuko yesterday. At first Tom-Tom had been thrilled, but now he felt like his happiness had burnt out. He needed to make sure that she was okay.
He opened the door to her bedroom as carefully as he could. It was tricky because he could only just reach the door handle, but he managed to make his way inside. Mai sat on her bed holding a picture of herself and Zuko. 
When she noticed Tom-Tom, she set the picture aside and reached out for him. He ran into her arms. They sat like that for a few minutes while Mai slowly stopped crying. He used his pudgy palms to wipe the tears off her cheeks. 
Mai attempted a smile. “How do you feel about ice cream?” 
They spent the day in the market. It started with ice cream. And then they had to balance out the sweetness by getting fireflakes. But the fireflake stand was next to the toy store. And the toy store was next to the bookstore. 
Tom-Tom babbled happily the whole time. He knew it was important to keep his sister distracted so she didn’t get sad. Mai didn’t say much, but she listened intently as always and she let him cajole her into one stop after another until it started to get late. 
“We should probably head back home, kiddo,” Mai said. He could tell her eyes were getting glassy again.
And then something caught his attention, at the end of the street, a portrait painter was beginning to pack up for the day.
“One more!” Pleeeeeease!!” Mai followed his gaze.
“You want to get a picture?” she asked.
“A new picture! With us! No Zuko.” 
He looked up at her hopefully, and Mai let out her first real smile of the day. “Okay, kiddo. Let’s go.”
She asked the painter if he could do one last portrait for the day. She gave him a handsome tip, and he happily obliged. That night, Mai and Tom-Tom hung the picture in her room together. 
When Mai tucked him into bed, she gave him an extra forehead kiss and whispered, “Thank you for being my best friend.”
— — 
When Mai and Zuko got back together, Tom-Tom tried to learn to appreciate Zuko more. He liked how Mai always smiled when he was around. And he liked hanging out with Kiyi while Mai and Zuko had their dates. And Zuko always sent fruit tarts to their house. As the years passed, they got closer. Nonetheless, Tom-Tom was still surprised when he received an invitation to go to the palace after school one day. 
He was 10 years old now, and he was very pleased with how things were going. He finally had his own group of friends. He didn’t need Mai to sit with him to fall asleep (unless he had a nightmare which was very rare, thank you very much). And his studies were going well. 
So, he didn’t like the prospect of a royal summons shaking things up. To make matters worse, the invitation arrived during his lunch period and all of his friends saw him receive a letter with the royal seal. How embarrassing! 
Now he was sitting in his final class pondering what to do. Ignoring a royal summons had to be illegal, right? Would he end up in prison like his dad? No, Zuko probably wouldn’t lock him up or anything, since Mai would be angry. On the other hand, mom would be super upset if he had an opportunity to “network” and he passed it up. Tom-Tom sighed. It didn’t help that Zuko’s portrait was staring him down from the front of the room. At long last, the teacher dismissed them, and Tom-Tom decided that he had to see what Zuko needed. After all, it would make Mai happy.
He had been to the palace loads of times, but never without his mom or his sister. It was strangely daunting. He handed his invitation to the guards at the gate and he was made to stand in line with a lot of older people in very official looking robes. He tugged awkwardly at the sleeve of his uniform.
“Hiya Tom!” Thank Agni, Kiyi appeared to rescue him.
“Hey Kiyi, do you know why your brother needed to see me?” 
Kiyi smiled brightly. “I’ll leave that for him to tell you. C’mon, he definitely didn’t want you to stand in this line.”
An old man with a very long beard glared down at them. Tom-Tom shifted nervously under the scrutiny. “Umm… It’s okay. I don’t mind waiting.”
Kiyi laughed, “Trust me. It would be good for Zuko to talk to you as soon as possible.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him away. Kiyi was very headstrong, and she always pushed him past his comfort zone. Sometimes Tom-Tom found this liberating, a nice counter balance to all his mom’s rules, and sometimes he found it extremely unnerving. This was the second case. They marched straight past nobles and ministers and Fire Sages until they reached the front of the line. The attendant at the door to the throne room bowed to Kiyi and let them in as soon as the current petitioner left. 
Zuko was sitting at a low table beneath the dais. His hand was a fist and he was chewing his thumbnail nervously. He normally kept the wall of fire unlit, except in ceremonial situations, but today the flames were sputtering in and out. It was very distressing to see the ruler of his nation in such a vulnerable position, but Kiyi laughed out loud. 
“Stop worrying, Zuzu! Tom-Tom is here to help.”
“He’s here?” Zuko stood up and the flames behind him died. “Come in. Come in. Take a seat.” As Tom-Tom approached the table, Zuko shoved a stack of very official documents on the floor and called for a servant to bring tea. Thankfully, Kiyi stayed and sat with them.
She cleared her throat, prompting Zuko to speak. “Hi, uh, Zuko here.” Kiyi snorted, but he continued. “I’ve been thinking a lot about my relationship with your sister.”
At this point, Tom-Tom was internally having a panic attack. What was happening? Why was Zuko freaking out? Was Zuko going to use him to break up with Mai? He had heard that Zuko broke up with her over a letter the last time. Even at ten years old, he knew that was a huge mistake. Maybe Zuko thought breaking up by proxy was more honorable. But what should Tom-Tom do? He would probably have to fight him for Mai’s honor or something. Spirits, this was going to be a disaster. 
Tom-Tom tried to imitate Mai and filled his voice with as much steel as he could. “Go on.”
Zuko visibly tensed up at his tone. “I– I know that you’re the most important person in her life, and so I need your help. I… I want to propose.”
Tom-Tom first felt relief, and then a new panic. Mai already split her time half and half between the palace and the flower shop. Now she was going to leave him behind completely. His whirlwind of emotions must have been visible on his face because Zuko quickly continued: “I know this is going to be a big change for you. But Mai and I talked about this a little bit in the past.” His face flushed. “And we agreed that you and your mother are welcome to move in with us. Your aunt too, but Mai figured she would want to stay near the flower shop. You can have your pick of any of the bedrooms.”
Tom-Tom took a breath and composed himself. “Of course! Mai’s going to be so happy.”
Zuko brightened up, and the fires behind him blazed, seemingly without his notice. “You really think so?”
Tom-Tom smiled back. “I do.”
Zuko sighed in relief. “That’s good. Mai always says that you’re her best friend, so I trust your opinion more than anyone else.” Tom-Tom finally started to feel calm again. Mai obviously loved Zuko, but she loved him too. She had made a place for him in her future plans. And she considered him to be her best friend.
“So what do you need me for?” Tom-Tom asked.
“I had some ideas, but I was hoping you could help me come up with a plan to ask her.” 
The tea arrived and Zuko dismissed the rest of his visitors for the day. Kiyi had someone send a message to his home to let his mom know that they were having an impromptu playdate. The three of them began masterminding Mai’s perfect date.
— — 
It was almost dark out by the time Tom-Tom arrived home. Mai greeted him at the door. “I was getting worried about you, kiddo. It’s late.”
“Sorry, Kiyi and I got a bit carried away.”
Mai smiled. “That’s okay. I’m glad you two are friends.”
Tom-Tom felt a wave of happiness wash over him. “Yeah, but you’re my best friend.” 
She pulled him into a hug, “Always.”
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etaindelaserna · 25 days
Can I ask from this ask game : https://www.tumblr.com/toomanyfandomsthings/749729499738996736/send-me-a-ship-and-a-number-and-ill-tell-you?source=share
No. 2, 10, 11, 12, 15 for Dramione, KakaSaku and SukuIta....Thanks 🌻
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No 2. Draco's love letters are written on the best pergament one can buy with gold. In addition he has made an effort to charm them to smell like freshly mown grass, because he knows how much Hermione adores the smell. His impeccable handwriting and phrasing are meant to turn these letters into literary pieces of grandeur about the nature of love and how obessed he his with Hermione and when she is finally going to marry him BUT in reality they are discussions about charm and potion theories, books they think the other should read and A LOT OF arguing about the practical application of said theories. There is still a lot of flirting and teasing on Draco's part, which never fails to either make Hermione almost explode or smile with the hint of a blush on her face. Hermione takes her responses very seriously and thus they are always too long, which in return causes Draco to point out, that she had made her point already 3 pages earlier. Since Hermione doesn't really get the hint that Draco is indulging her with these discussions, he at one point had started to include book pressed flowers with his letters. He even extended that to her most read books in the library.
No. 10. They are united by their love for adventure and fantasy shows that have either a certain storytelling or entertainment quality to them. They watched Game of Thrones, Vampire Diaries (of course comparing these vampires and werewolves to the real deal), Westworld, The Walking Dead (but only till season 5), Once Upon a Time (they're both intrigued by how mystical magic is portrayed), Stranger Things, Charmed, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Xena, The Witcher and American Gods. They tried to watch Outlander but Draco was annoyed that Hermione seems to get awefully quiet every time Jamie smiled or smirked or was shirtless, so Hermione watched Outlander, Spartacus and Rome on her own. Draco on the other hand was hiding from her Band of Brothers, Homeland, House of Cards and The Pacific.
No. 11. Draco's first impression of Hermione was, that she seems to be just as snotty and aristocratic in the way she carries herself as he was but without the name or reputation to back it up. She thought too highly of herself, her opinions and seemed to think she was better than anyone else. She seemed to only help others if it benefited her. Hermione thought Draco to be just another rich brat, who thinks Daddy's money is going to solve all of his problems instead of working hard.
No. 12. They don't talk about it, athough Draco is dropping hints and he wants to negotiate what they are going to do for their anniversary, but Hermione says, she's too busy and whatnot. In the end Draco kidnaps her. They are visiting Versailles and the Louvre and he schedules an interview with one of Hermiones favourite authors. Hermione feels guilty for not realizing how much this day means to him and allwos him to take her to a fancy restaurant. Afterwards they take a walk along the Seine and they dance and laugh and drink a bottle of wine. She tells him, she loves him and kisses him and in response he asks her if they now can start working on "Project Baby".
No. 15. Sometimes Hermione whised Draco wasn't so high and mighty but then he wouldn't be Draco and she wouldn't be able to tease him about it. Draco sometimes whished Hermione wasn't so god damn selfless all the time, he whished she would take more care of herself instead of sacrificing everything for everyone.
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No. 2. Kakashi's love letters are basically just post-its or random torn-off pieces of paper which Sakura finds EVERYWHERE: on her desk, her drawer, the fridge, among her medical supplies, sailing out of her clothes or stuck to her backpack. They mostly contain one or two sentences, sometimes just a word or a doodle. But the most emportant thing: they always make her smile. Sakura's love letters are at least two pages long and contain detailed reports about a new medical jutsu she has mastered, a new food item she has tried or the complete mystery of why all of her plants keep on dying. In between she slips sentences about what he would have said or done in these situations. One of Kakashi's ninken has been put on mail duty and is to stay with her until Sakura has finished her reply.
No. 10. Sakura would never admit it but she actually enjoys watching rom coms, period drama or soap operas with Kakashi. Not because she wants to use them as ammo to tease him about it but because they are lighthearted entertainment with some analysis or commentary about the hardships of relationships sprinkled in every now and then. They ease her mind and she adores how invested Kakashi is. It's kinda cute. They watched Bridgerton, How I met your Mother, Ugly Betty, My Secret Romance, True Beauty, Downton Abbey, Poldark, Tudors and Outlander. The more teenage-targeted shows like Vampire Diaries, Never Have I Ever, Reign, Riverdale, Smallville and One Tree Hill she keeps to herself. Kakashi doesn't watch anything if it's not with Sakura.
No 11. Kakashi's first impression of Sakura was that she is just another kid who hasn't figured out life yet and who is still too focused on herself and on superficial things that won't matter in the long run. He tries not to judge her too harshly for her perspective because just like all genin, she'll have to grow up faster then she thinks. Sakura had a hard time believing that this man really was an elite shinobi with a widespread reputation that makes him known, respected and even feared by s-class criminals. He seemed too goofy, yet bored to be their teacher and not really interested in teaching, which enraged her.
No. 12. Sakura debated with herself for a long time whether she should bring up the "anniverseries" topic at all with Kakashi. Not because she thought he was indifferent to it. The contrary: she knew him to be a hopeless romantic. So she felt a lot of pressure to deliver something profound. Kakashi noticed within a week what it was that put Sakura under this much stress and decided to plan little things for them before the actual date: they tried the new ice cream flavor in Konoha's one and only gelato shop, he bought a new board game for Saturday nights, they went to take pictures of them with silly little hats and mustaches, they took a dance class together and tried to paint a portray of each other, which caused Sakura to laugh so hard, she almost peed herself. It made Sakura realise that they didn't have to do anything super extraordinary. So when their anniversary came around, they spent the better part of it assembling a new kitchen cupboard. Sakura cooked Kakashi's favourite dish and in the afternoon they went to the book shop and challenged each other to find the funniest romcom title books. They read them out aloud and whoever laughed first, lost. Sakura lost and Kakashi decided to drag her to a karaoke bar. Afterwards they sat down in the park and watched the stars together.
No. 15. There are times when Kakashi wished Sakura had abandoned Sasuke earlier. Not from her life but from her heart. A lot of her training and strength was a result of not wanting to put the burden of dealing with Sasuke on Naruto alone. Some of her heart was broken and it took a long time to fix the damage. Sakura wished Kakashi wouldn’t try to handle everything by himself all the time.
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No 2. Yuuji loves to write love letters. He spends hours deciding on the perfect paper and what kind of colours Sukuna likes or doesn't like. When it comes down to the actual writing, Yuuji isn't a man of huge or many words. He likes to ask Sukuna silly questions such as "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" or "Do you want to be my boyfriend? Yes, No, Please don't check both". Yuuji decorates the letters with little hearts or flowers, sometimes slipping in one of the fotos he's taken of Sukuna while eating or napping with a commentary on the back of it. Sukuna would rather die than admitting that he kind of adores Yuuji's innocent, silly displays of attachment. He still thinks they're a waste of time. If he didn't like the brat, the brat would know. But he doesn't want to be an asshole so he either writes Yuuji beautiful poems or paints something in return. But he never answers Yuuji's letters, which bothered Yuuji at first, but then he read the first poem and still tries to recover from that.
No. 10. Yuuji always thought it would be such a headache to persuade Sukuna to watch ANYTHING with him, let alone comedy horror, body horror or horror with some romance or strong friendships sprinkled in it, but no. Sukuna does complain a lot about the nonsensical plotlines or the lack of gore at times but for the most part he was down to watch What We Do In The Shadwos, Ash Vs. Evil Dead, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Last of Us and The Walking Dead. Since Sukuna wanted a little bit more suspense and psychological horror he blackmailed Yuuji into watching American Horror Stories, The Hounting of Hill House and Hannibal. Ulterior motive here being to make Yuuji snuggle up to him. Sukuna doesn't bother watching anything without Yuuji but Yuuji tries to hide the fact that he likes to watch Jane The Virgin, Sex Education and Young Royals when he feels down.
No 11. Sukuna's first impression of Yuuji was that he thought him to be weak and overly concerned with the safety of others to the point of it being not entertaining anymore. Just an annoying brat who lets himself be easily manipulated and who would break under the slightest pressure. And yet said brat was able to control him, which angered Sukuna beyond measure. At least his vessel had a great physique if nothing else. Yuuji on the other hand felt indifferent about Sukuna at first. He didn't know who or what he was only that he wasn't about to surrender his body to him.
No 12. Yuuji thinks anniversaries are important because it’s important to make new memories and also to remember the old ones. Sukuna couldn’t care less but let’s the brat do whatever he likes to do for an anniversary. So they end up in the ice cream shop from where they kissed for the first time and eat ice cream until they feel ill. Afterwards Yuuji drags Sukuna into a nearby park to watch the clouds together. Sukuna thinks it’s silly but he is indulging Yuuji and at least he gets to cuddle with him.
No 15. Yuuji wished Sukuna would stop thinking that Yuuji only likes him for his power. This and that he has zero empathy for everybody else. Sukuna wished Yuuji would finally use his power for selfish reasons and unleash his full potential. That’s something he wouldn’t be able to forgive him.
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tessatales · 10 months
The Sins of the Winter Soldier Chapter 1
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Notes: slow burn romance
Warnings: none really, hinted past issues with reader?
Authors note: Hey guys! If anyone has a better idea for the fic name please drop them below! Honestly pulled this title out my butt and I don’t really like it. But it’s better than ‘Bucky fic’ so at this point I can’t complain 🤷🏻‍♀️
Chapter 1:
You wake up to the unnerving sound of silence.
The compound was silent.
In the year since being rescued, and the six months since you'd been moved into the avengers tower, you were pretty sure it had never been silent.
Feeling the familiar sensation of dread creeping in, you sit up, thankful for falling asleep fully clothed.
Slipping on a pair of trainers, you padded out into the empty corridors, your steps silent as you listened out for signs of life.
Biting down on the inside of your cheek as you walked, you tried your best to remember what your therapist said about dealing with panic.
"Remember Y/N, your emotions are currently directly linked to your power. Panic equals power surge"
"Good morning Y/N" Agent Peters said as she appeared from around the corner, her eyes trained on the communicator in her hands.
Relief floods your body as she approached, making you feel a little light headed.
"Morning, where is everyone?" You ask, hoping the shakiness you feel doesn't portray in your voice. Agent Peters doesn't stop, continuing on her way through the building as she speaks.
"They're all in the Pit"
The Pit?
There was only two reasons they'd all be there, and as you haven't been shipped off somewhere in the middle of the night because Hydra had found you, it will be the second option.
They've caught someone.
"Who do we have?" You ask breathlessly as you make your way to the front of the observation deck, only to be held back by several pairs of hands.
"Are you out of your mind Y/N? Who told you we were here?" Tony demanded through gritted teeth. The panic in his gaze obvious. Sensing you were about to get Agent Peters in trouble, you decided to be vague.
"Just some Shield Agent I passed in the corridor, I got scared when I couldn't find anyone so they told me you guys were down here" You reply sheepishly, hating having to admit as a grown adult that you were afraid. The remaining hands drop from where they held you, one or two squeezing you affectionately before doing so.
"Sorry kid, we didn't think about what it would be like for you to wake up and find no one, but this stuff is sensitive." Steve said, making his way to stand in front of you.
"Is it bad?" You ask, anxious to know whos down in containment.
"He wasn't when I knew him. But that was a long time ago now"
"You've caught the Winter Soldier?" You gasp. Steve nodded.
"Though I knew him as Bucky"
Gesturing for you to follow, Steve made his way towards the edge of the deck.
"It took the Big Guy removing his robotic arm to detain him. But we did it.” Tony said over his shoulder as he worked on the holograms in front of him.
“Found him in Siberia." Steve continued as he lent against the railings above the Pit. You hovered just a step away from it, scared of what you'd see when you peered over.
"Don't worry, he cant see you from here" Natasha said, coming to place her hand reassuringly on your shoulder. With a nod, you stepped forward, holding your breath as the Pit came into view.
The man you could see below didn't look like a deadly assassin. He didn't really look real. You'd seen the affects the serum had on people, you'd read every file you could on Steve and everyone else on the team since arriving at the compound. But this man looked different.
He stood motionless in the middle of the shielded cell, his body perfectly placed for any oncoming threat. He seemed to lean heavily to one side as if unsure how to balance himself without his metal arm, and even from this height you could see the angry red scars that wound around what remained of the metal appendage.
"He looks sad" You mutter, staring down a the Winters Soldiers profile.
"That's one way to look at it, I think he looks damn angry" Sam said, crossing his arms as he leaned over to take a look.
"You’re bitter because of the car thing" Tony commented, his eye never leaving the hologram before him.
"And you wouldn't be?" Sam countered, eyebrow raised in question. Tony didn’t reply.
"What are you going to do with him?" You ask no one in particular, barely managing to tear your eyes away to look at Steve when you get no response.
"Tony and Bruce are looking into the arm, making sure there's no trackers imbedded in it. While the Shield team are convinced that the longer he is away from Hydra, the more likely it will be for us to be able to deprogram him." Steve replied as he moved away from the edge.
You felt the surprise flood your body at the decision.
"They're not going to try to use him?" You half whisper. Steve shook his head but said nothing.
"Not like this.” Natasha answered for him, looking between you and Steve.
“Once upon a time, Bucky was one of us. Shield hope that if they can get him back to pre-programmed Bucky, he might offer his skills willingly." Steve said, his gaze unfocused as he looked down at his friend.
"But what if he doesn't?" You say with a frown, looking again at the man in the cell.
"If he doesn't, he'll be free to go wherever he likes. Hydra and Shield free" Steve said, a hint of a smile on his face. Although he was trying to hide it, you could hear the bittersweetness in his voice as he thought about it. Because if Bucky said no and left, he’d be leaving Steve behind.
"You'd get your best friend back" You say with a small smile, trying your best to pull him out of his melancholy thoughts as you hugged him around the middle.
"I would" Steve said with a laugh, hugging you back.
"Until that day however, we’re going to have to ask you to stay away from here." Nat said as you pulled away from Steve, turning you by the shoulders. You felt yourself pout.
"Why? Surely him being locked down there can’t affect me?" You ask with only a little annoyance evident in your voice.
"We don't know. All Hydra know about you so far is that we have you. The last thing we wanna do is broadcast your whereabouts via their deadliest asset." Natasha continued turning you to face the rest of the team. Scanning the teams faces, you could see they all felt the same.
"Here, stayed up to finish it when I found out they were bringing him here" Bruce chimed in, handing you your very on comm bracelet.
"This way you can talk to any of us whenever you need to without having to come down here." Nat said with a smile.
"Don't worry, I’ll stay away. This is the longest I’ve stayed in one place. I'm not jeopardizing that." You reply, slapping the bracelet on and looking at everyone. This was your new family. You weren't going to mess that up.
A/N: Chapter 2 can be found here
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Can you explain to me the "Hermoine tries to fight for house elves to be free or whatever" plotline, please? I never read Harry Potter but I'm thinking about giving the series a shot and I want to prepare for whatever discourse I'll come across on this hellsite.
so before getting to that we gotta go over how a fish-out-of-water character works in a series like this. it's usually the protagonist, and it's usually a way for the author to explain details about the setting in a way that doesn't completely halt the narrative. it can be simple and straightforward, or the author can use the juxtaposition to drive conflict or character development
harry potter has two fish out of water characters: harry and hermione. they're both viewing wizard society as outsiders, but harry's perspective is influenced by the fact that he knows his parents were famous wizards (and the fact that he's a famous wizard) where hermione is coming in with no preexisting connections
this means that harry interprets everything about wizard society as though it's normal, or at least he thinks he's supposed to think it's normal. through harry's eyes everything is novel and exciting, but because of his preconceived notions he doesn't really stop to think about why things are the way they are. also probably helps that anything is a major step up from living in a closet (and he's usually too preoccupied with not getting murdered to think too hard about stuff)
hermione however has nothing stopping her from pointing out the hypocrisy or otherwise weird traditions present in wizard culture. this leads to her highlighting the mistreatment of house elves in goblet of fire. the first major discourse point is that this writes her as shrill or abrasive or otherwise in the wrong, since that's how the people around her respond to it, but it's pretty clear that this is actually done to portray everyone else as too blinded by tradition to see what they might need to change
this all kinda ends up with a misread of the series (more a miswatch really, more on that in a sec) where everyone loves oppressing house elves and the house elves are grateful for their mistreatment. there are plenty of other moments in the series that also get this treatment, but it's because people read ron telling hermione to stop making a big deal about something as the text endorsing the thing in question, where instead it's usually to use ron as the stand-in for entrenched wizard society traditions. when ron says "don't worry about it, they like helping out," it's very obvious that you're supposed to find him callous and insensitive for thinking that
the biggest thing driving the dumbest parts of the discourse is that the movie adaptations largely drop the house elf plotlines after the second movie. if you watch the movies and that's it, you'd be totally right to come away thinking that the series uses abuse of domestic servants as a source of comic relief. and then you hear about hermione's house elf plotline and figure that it's also more about comic relief, leading to an uncharitable read of the series. if all you need is ammunition to say wizard lady bad, then why would you dig any deeper
but ultimately hermione being a house elf activist is used to show her as being able to stick up for her values even when she's going against a thousand years of ossified tradition (gryffindor 10000%, ravenclaw hermione truthers can see themselves out), and to show that tradition isn't inherently valuable
so yeah anyone who comes at you with "lul the series says house elves love being slaves" is just straight up not paying attention because the entire point is to break that down
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melloneah · 3 months
6 for geto & 22 for megumi and/or yuuji for the character ask?
HAAAAA thank u for the ask >:3333
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
i Very Rarely relate to characters in shows but i feel like geto is one of the exceptions hehehe i feel like our moral views align in a way which we both tried to believe and do what's "right" without much questioning at first and then suddenly got slapped in the face by the reality of what a 'society' entails 😀 so uh. similar thought processes and experiences during the whole ordeal of discovering the world sucks and there's no way to really fix it (without murder? dshkfsjd) him and i are one and the same minus the genocidal tendencies<33 i also feel like his personality is quite toned down and calm unless he's surrounded by people closest to him, which is very me!!!!!
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
hhghhgf hard question. i basically love it all but ill try to limit myself to one each
i love seeing lonely yuuji that's surrounded by people </33 in general that's such a real, painful, gorgeous, often overlooked aspect of being human, and it's often dismissed in everyday life bc 'U HAVE FRIENDS WDYM UR LONELY!' but anytime i see it written in fic the descriptions and the raw defeat and the pain just hit so hard, and it just matches the character of yuuji SO SO SO well. he's so open but he just Cant Seem To Get Close to people in Any Meaningful Way. oh my GODDDD it hurts So Bad but i adore it. it's my favourite thing to read. and special mention to loner yuuji who isnt surrounded by people too. lonely yuuji has his own reserved yuuji shaped spot in my heart
i feel like i love everything about yuuji's character so it's hard to pick a dislike 😭 i think it's more of a mischaracterisation than an authors creative choice, but i dont love it when yuuji is portrayed as sort of morally grey or slightly mean bc to me that's just not even him anymore sdjfhsdjhf yuuji is a ray of sunshine who does everything to make everyone else feel at ease!!!!!!! who r u writing bc that isnt him!!!!!
i love it when fics make him suffer :3 as if we dont have enough of that in the manga........but i truly feel megumi's character is a great vessel to use in order to explore deeply rooted trauma, crises and complex emotions - his philosophy already illustrates that he doesnt blindly follow the objective 'good' and he doesnt see the world as black and white, which points to him generally being more self-aware and thoughtful. i feel like this translates into a sort of 'open space' in his character to freely and deeply explore for example shame, societal pressures, lived trauma, guilt or some internal struggles etc, whereas for example yuuji would probably be slightly more in denial, which would mean the thought processes described would be less direct and harder to explore deeply imo. so basically megumi is the epitome of overthinking and i like seeing him suffer over it :3
for dislikes in fic uhmmmnnmmn. id say making him too sweet/nice/open? in my mind the core of his character is that he's sorta standoffish and distant and mean lmaoo so it's strange seeing him fold immediately and be super sweet; i like seeing the gradual trust building and eventually opening up a bit but still keeping his personality!! but that's just a personal preference and actually now that i think abt it it's not that it bothers me when i see it lmaooo i just prefer the latter
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seggsynugget · 4 months
With tender light finally ending, I thought I would put my thought together in a little rant. It's a bit long and all over the place so bear with me. (Might contain spoilers, possibly. Proceed at your own risk)
As someone who loves murder mysteries (Surprise surprise my favorite author is Agatha Christie), Tender Light definitely kept me on my toes. I loved the whole did they, didn't they thing they had going on. I'm not gonna lie for at least the first half of the show I truly thought Zhou luo and Nan ya killed Xu yi together, but I think the point where I became convinced that he was telling the truth about not killing Xu yi was when the teacher he was involved in the scandal with said Zhou luo was a very truthful person who basically would not co sign his name to anything he actually didn't do. Besides the professor many other people also vouched for his character, which further convinced me.
There's a saying that my mom always told me as a kid. "Be more scared of people than ghosts, because people are out to get you". This show further proved her point. Those villagers would be the first to tell Zhou Luo to keep his nose out of other peoples business, especially a married couples business. However this did not stop these hypocritical people from taking part in the train station incident and humiliate Nan ya. Even Zhou luo was complicit in the humiliation of Nan ya in the beginning until she made him realize how shameful all this gossiping and dog piling was. This makes you think if you were in the shoes of the villagers would you do better or be like sheep and just conform with everyone else.
Nan ya. I don't think I've ever stood by a character like I did Nan ya. Even if she killed Xu yi in a premeditated fashion I would have stood by her regardless. She has got the short end of the stick her whole life and suffered at the hands of stranger and family alike, due to no fault of hers. She is one of the strongest characters I know. It definitely came across as Zhou luo being the one that loved the most in that relationship but I think Nan ya loved him equally, if not more. I personally don't think I could've held back my feeling for the only person that treated me with a shred of dignity in that village. while that ending was satisfactory, Im just gonna pretend Nan ya and Zhou luo end up walking into the sunset living their best lives with wan wan.
I felt like Qingli and Zhou luo were pretty similar in the way that they were very gungho about their crushes, but I think what set the two of them apart for me, was the fact that Zhou luo knew when to back down (and we are talking about Zhou luo, one of the most impulsive men there ever was). He tries not to do anything that may implicate Nan Ya or be detrimental to her. While he is crazy about Nan ya he doesn't let that love cloud all his judgment and his decision making. The same cannot be said for Qingli, who is a bit more selfish with her love. We see this with the whole sex scandal she almost caused when the detective was questioning the four friends. But I get it, she's a teenager,, of course she's not thinking 10 steps ahead, or worrying about repercussions. This is why I feel like Zhou luo is so much more mature for his age.
The ending really infuriated me ngl. Let's be real, in reality aint no way those fuckass cops are able to crack the case open the way they did, but you know it's a Drama, propaganda and what not. Overall, tender light gave me a lot to think about and reflect on as a human being. The writers really did a great job in portraying human nature. It's a 10/10 for me.
If you read this far, thank you lol. I'm gonna leave these treats here for you. I love how they used the opening titles to give us a gist of what the episode was going to be about. These are some of my favorites.
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Lastly, I will always be grateful for tender light, if not for anything, then for the beautiful and devastating poems that it gave to me 🤍
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
As much as I love the art style of the idw comics, I hate how they portray Shadow in it. Granted, Shadow can be proud at times, they still portray him to be a bit too arrogant.
The one thing I really dislike that doesn't get talked about enough is when Shadow and Sonic fight over redeeming Eggman. Sonic then says that Shadow tried to destroy earth and you could say that he was comparing Shadow's actions to that of Eggman's.
Eggman destroys and hurts people because he can and he wants to. He does it so that he can take over the world. He wants and craves power and authority.
Shadow's memories were altered. He lost probably the only friend who treated him like a normal being rather than a science experiment. He lost Maria and was grieving when Eggman found him. And the last thing he remembers is Maria telling him to get revenge (memory alteration by gerald). While, I am not saying that what Shadow did was right, he atleast didn't try to hurt anybody because he wanted power or authority. And the people who were responsible for Maria's death attacked the ark because they were Greedy and power hungry.
Atleast Shadow redeems himself properly. He helps those around him while still carrying the memories of the time he tried to hurt civilians. He is trying to be a better person. He isn't ignoring his past mistakes or hasn't forgotten them and is growing from that. As soon as he trained his memories, he tried to save earth. Granted that is what Maria wanted but he could have chose to not follow through with his promise to her. He could have let the world burn but he didn't.
Suppose the zombot arc didn't happen and Eggman stayed an amnesiac, that still doesn't feel like an earned redemption. As soon as he got his memories back, he tried to hurt everyone again. He could have chose to redeem himself but he didn't.
Sonic comparing the two annoyed me because they aren't alike. Shadow will always be a better person than eggman could ever think of being.
In honor of me finally catching up with all of IDW and no longer fearing spoilers, I can finally give this ask a long overdue answer! Better late than never, right?
As for the ask itself...oh, thank God someone else feels the same way I do about that interaction. It’s no secret that I don’t like how Shadow behaves in IDW, but I normally like IDW Sonic.
But the way he treated Shadow in issue #6 was inexcusable.
Under the cut: spoilers for IDW #6 and beyond, as well as harsh but fair (IMO) criticism of Sonic’s behavior in that issue. I am...passionate about this.
As is often the case, Sonic and Shadow are at each other’s throats once again due to their opposing philosophies. They both have valid reasons, and neither is 100% right. I’m mostly on Sonic’s side here, but he’s uncharacteristically naive about the situation.
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That’s one way to describe a murderous villain bent on taking over the world at the expense of countless innocent lives, I guess.
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Eggman played a part in compensating for his own terrible deeds in SA2, likely so he could have a home to come back to and conquer. Self-serving from start to finish. Meanwhile, Shadow nearly lost his life saving the human race, despite their role in his traumatic, tragic past, all because two pure-hearted young girls asked him to.
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Nice of you to bring up one of the most confusing, painful parts of Shadow’s life like that, just to point out the wonderful role Eggman played in protecting his claim on the Earth so he could conquer it later himself. Again. Couldn’t help but notice you skipped the way Shadow...
Was forced to relive the traumatizing memories of the humans murdering his best friend
Was nearly shot by a man who falsely accused him of massacring a space station full of humans, including said best friend
Was pulled in a million directions by people he barely knew when he didn’t even know who he was
Turned against his own species (the Black Arms) and personally enacted a genocide against them all to save the world and the humans AGAIN despite all that. I see no way this couldn’t have negatively impacted him on some level
Oh, and Eggman? He cloned an army of Shadows without his consent and took advantage of Shadow’s identity crisis to convince him he was an android Eggman had created
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Really, Sonic? Because I recall him leaving you alone until you made a point of picking a fight. Did you forget he was brainwashed that entire time - by a man who called Shadow his own son, no less?
You know full well Shadow’s more than earned his redemption. You could have argued your actual point, but instead, you chose to guilt Shadow with a cheap shot for things he either wasn’t responsible for or has already grown past. This is in a world where he’s judged as a villain by the very people he was created to protect. Shadow’s a hero in a way Sonic can’t even fathom. Sonic’s always been beloved by all but the worst villains. He will never, ever understand what it’s like to protect humans who’d lock him up forever at the first opportunity (proof: Sonic 06). I’d argue Shadow’s the biggest hero in this franchise for that reason, and someone who’d sincerely compare him to Doctor Eggman at the end of the day could never appreciate that.
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It takes a lot to make me side with IDW Shadow. I still don’t agree with his plan to kill Mr. Tinker, but it absolutely kills me to see him cave so quickly while Sonic has this smug smirk on his face, as if he’s right and Shadow’s wrong and that’s all there is to it. They agree to follow Sonic’s plan entirely, no compromise, not even doing the bare minimum of stationing a scout in Windmill Village to keep an eye on Mr. Tinker.
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At least Shadow got to slam the door in his face. Sassiest use of Chaos Control to date. A+.
Sonic’s usually solid in IDW, but he gets preachy here and there IMO, particularly when it comes to forgiveness. Virtually every problem has been caused or exacerbated by him giving villains a slap on the wrist and taking no further precautions. There were times in the past where Sonic was more on the level of “I won’t kill you, but I don’t have to save you, either.” I miss that sometimes.
This might be predictable coming from me, but I wish Amy could’ve been there. Partly because she’s a good judge of character and she might’ve been able to talk some sense into Sonic, but also because I would love to see someone stand up for Shadow, to back him up with the righteous indignation he deserves. I can picture her turning on Sonic for this.
Shadow deserves that validation, and Amy’s passion would make her perfect for the job.
It also would’ve been nice if Rouge had followed them up the hill instead of waiting down in the village. I doubt Sonic would’ve dared to say any of this with her around.
Side note: Eggman may not have earned the forgiveness he got from his memory loss, but the loving people of that village absolutely deserved everything Mr. Tinker did for them. I’m still legitimately upset that we lost that.
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yawntu · 2 years
𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖞 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌
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About the Author
My names Mazi, but you can call me whatever. I was raised in a multi language household so English sometimes blurs for me if you can’t tell- don’t feel bad pointing out grammar or spelling mistakes. I use grammarly but i’m so used to having a real person to edit my stuff lol. I was convinced I was a lesbian my whole life but have a bf now so i’m confident in my ability to write mxf and fxf. I am going to get more comfortable with mxm though so I can make male!reader versions of my fics more realistically so everyone can thirst here.
I am a writer by nature (which means y’all can clown me when I post unedited things). I actually hate writing in second person and it’s my weak point (hence the blog). I am in university for history so I like to think I can write with a passable rate of literacy but I smoke weed and then post these bitches soooo. As I have a specialized field of study which means I am regularly working on actual journals and articles but I promise I will still try to post semi often.
Okay now the important part, how can you guys send requests to me or just thirst!!! I’m really using this as a fun way to help my writing get better. Some ground rules:
Ask box is not open rn but will be!! Submit anything within my guidelines listed below!!! I can not promise everything will be a full fledged fic but you’re 100% getting at least a little drabble essay. NSFW and SFW welcome
If you wanna attach like aesthetic pics / music to your request so I can fit the vibe you want better feel free
I will write for most characters though it may take me a few tries to try and characterize the person right.
I will probably end up being mostly a smut blog bc that’s what everyone wants but i’m still really interested in writing slice of life, fluff, or even angst (I am a sucker for happy endings though).
I’m more interested in na’vi x na’vi (or avatar) but I probably wouldn’t be opposed to na’vi x human every once and while. Just worried about portraying something like that accurately / safely possible anatomically.
I’m very interested in maybe world building the canon world of Avatar based on historical / anthropological facts I’m familiar with on Earth so ppl who request questions about life on Pandora or what living as a Na’vi is like for me to write about are getting a big kiss on the head
Important Rules
Ageless blogs and minors don’t interact with me i’ll block you lmao
I am comfortable with darker topics and kinks but I’m not interested in writing anything illegal or dangerous. Knife play, sure. Things like vore and shit? Absolutely not I will kink shame here. This is not a safe place.
Though i’m interested in the 2009 Avatar i will write for WOW characters as well
I’m begging y’all to not send me the same shit you send everyone else I see the same people asking for the same three scenarios
I put research into my fics so pls be patient with my postings, on top of that like I said I have an actual job I have to write for so be patient with my fried little brain
If you’re in my shit complaining about aged!up characters you are chronically online and you should go out and help real people who need it instead. You’re arguing over fictional 8 foot tall people from another planet that could rip your head off your shoulders with no effort- get a hobby. Even a cringy one like this is better than being that tone deaf.
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wolfprincesszola · 1 year
Porch Tears (Sanders Sides)
I'm not good at titles I know I'm sorry. i try to be lighthearted, but I thought it'd be nice to hear how much this story means to me as an author because i've always struggled voicing how my depression feels and I managed to accurately portray a part of it in here. everyone's version of depression looks different. i hope that anyone reading this that resonates with what logan and patton feel know that you are special and that these feelings do not define how to live your life <3
Masterlist ——————– Summary: After Logan has too much to drink, he goes outside to cry. Patton notices him outside on the porch and decides to ask him why he was crying and comfort him in his time of need.
Trigger Warnings: Talks of Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness
Content Warnings: Swearing, Drinking ——————–
Logan was sad. He was always sad. It would've been abnormal if he wasn't sad. What was abnormal though was being so sad that he was crying. He never cried. It was always numb. He didn't even know what had gotten him to feel the way he was feeling. Maybe it was the fact that he was drunk. Maybe it was the fact that he was at a party with all of his friends, and yet he felt really lonely. Maybe it was because despite everything he had tried, he saw how happy Patton was with all their friends and felt like he could've never been good enough for him. He was always so happy and he looks so beautiful that way. He looked like he never even needed Logan and that made Logan feel even more lonely.
Logan stopped crying after a few minutes. There was no point in crying over a silly admiration of his friend. Patton was just his friend, nothing else. Of course Patton wouldn't think more of him. Of course Patton wouldn't feel happy around him the way Patton did with the other people. Patton was Patton and Logan was just Logan.
Logan forced himself to wipe his tears and stop sniffling. He forced himself to ignore how much his heart hurt. He forced himself to ignore the pain and instead tried to smile.
Then, there it was. The familiar, cruel, cold numbness. At least it was something he could deal with because he knew how to. He had been doing it all his life.
Logan sighed, leaning against the doorway. The good thing about being forgotten was that he could sit outside for as long as he wanted to and no one would notice. He breathed in the outside air and convinced himself to be happy. He could fake a smile, even if it was for a couple more hours. He could do this.
Then, he heard the door open behind his back and Logan shifted so the person could get out onto the porch.
"Sorry." Logan's voice croaked. Dammit, why did it have to show now? Don't let anyone know that he was crying. He couldn't let them know. Everyone would come out asking him what was wrong, why he was crying. Logan didn't know how he could explain how lonely he always felt, even in a crowd packed with people. He didn't know how to explain how heavy his heart always was, even when he was smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt. He didn't know how to explain how even when he was around his friends happy, there was always a part of him that was sad and always would be. There were no words to describe the reasons behind his crying and behind his sadness because there was no way to describe the solitude prison he forced himself into.
"Logan? Is that you?" Patton's voice was laced with worry as he fully stepped out to see the man. His face melted into relief as he knelt down beside him. "I've been looking for you everywhere."
Logan couldn't explain how happy that made him feel, but how sad his heart was to know that all of Patton's concern was just a social cue. That maybe, his worry was only because Logan was a part of the mind, a part of his friends. Maybe, Patton was only worried, but not concerned because Logan wasn't special to him the way others were. He saw the way Patton loved others and Logan felt that maybe he wasn't worthy of getting that. Patton didn't treat him the same way he treated the others and when he did, Logan always managed to ruin it by pushing him away. God, everything was his fault all of the time all at once.
"Sorry, I stepped outside for some fresh air. Did you need me?" Logan forced a chuckle out.
"Not really. I was just worried." Patton spoke up, "I lost track of where you were and wanted to make sure you were okay. You said you wanted fresh air. Did you want me to leave?"
He didn't want Patton to leave him alone because with Patton around, he always managed to make the numbness a little more bearable. With Patton around, he could forget that he felt the way he felt. But Logan wanted to be alone in his thoughts. He wanted to sit in the numbness because he was sure he deserved it. There had to be a reason he felt that way, that he was punished with feeling this way for eternity.
"I don't know." Logan admitted.
"Alright then." Patton stood up, "I'll be back in a few minutes to check on you then, okay?"
Logan nodded and watched as he left. Then, the tears fell again. Logan didn't know why he was crying. Was it because Patton left him there? How pathetic of Logan.
Wiping tear after tear falling, he stood up, coughing and trying to stop sniffling. Walking down the porch, he stumbled towards the tree before coughing and trying to stop his sniffles.
"Shit!" Logan swore, wiping away his tears. This sight of display was almost pitiful, if it wasn't horrible to explain. "Fuck!"
Why was his life this way? Why did he always have to feel this way?
Logan stumbled back towards the porch once he had stopped his crying, sitting back on the porch.
There was a knock on the inside of the door before Patton stepped back out, holding two small ice packs individually wrapped in towels. He motioned to the spot next to Logan, asking if he could sit there. When Logan nodded numbly, he was quick to sit down, holding the ice packs for the man.
Logan raised an eyebrow as he took both of them. "What are these for?"
"Your eyes." Patton stated, "I heard they're good to keep the swelling down."
Logan was more confused now. "What?"
"For your crying."
Oh. He knew? Fuck, Logan was humiliated and mortified. How could he have let Patton see him like that? Would Patton call the rest of the mind to come and comfort him? He couldn't deal with that.
"I didn't know you knew." Logan mumbled.
Patton stared outside towards the garden that Roman and Virgil had started to plant in. "I'm not good at that sort of thing."
"What sort of thing?"
"Noticing, especially with people crying. I can't tell if someone's eyes are red or if they had just stopped sniffling. I can't tell if people are sad by their expressions. I can't catch the vibes of people and often I make a mess of situations because I don't understand what other people are feeling. I make people feel awful without knowing and I'm just overall bad at picking up cues for anything." Patton started before turning to Logan to cup the right side of his face and wipe his damp cheek away of any leftover tears, "But I'm not blind and I'm not deaf. I saw you huddled outside crying through the window. I heard you gasping so hard for breaths because you were crying so hard. And I want to tell you that I wish you didn't have to feel like you couldn't cry in front of me. Anyone in the mind even."
Great. Now he was crying again.
"What happened?" Patton asked, concern laced in his voice, "Why are you crying?"
"Just crying. Some people aren't built happy, you know?" Logan sniffled.
Patton gave a small laugh at that, "Yeah, I get that. And you know what? It's okay to feel like that. Come here."
He held his arms out and Logan took it, shifting to wrap his arms around Patton's waist, squeezing as tight as he possibly could. Patton held him in his arms tightly too, not letting go of the hug. God, Logan needed that. He didn't even know why.
"I feel lonely." Logan murmured, his face buried in the crook of Patton's neck. He choked back a sob as more tears streamed down his face. He was sure Patton's skin and clothes were stained with his tears, but Patton didn't comment about it, instead letting him cry it out.
"Oh, Logan. Everyone feels lonely. Hell, even I do. It's a normal thing. It's okay to feel lonely. I hope you know that in those times though, you'll always have me and the rest of the mind." Patton reassured him, petting the back of his hair. It was soothing.
Logan separated from the hug to look at Patton with his tear-streaked face, "You do? I didn't think anything fazed you. You're just so happy all the time."
"To be honest, I'm just as guilty of you of not really telling people when I'm sad, but it gets kinda easy not to talk to people about it when you're always sad. It's just easier to be happy because no one asks you why you're happy. They only ask you why you're sad." Patton admitted, "And maybe, as hard as it is to say it, it's easy to pretend that no one cares about you than try to explain this feeling within you about how you're always going to feel as if no one cares even if you know you're someone's entire world."
Logan didn't know if he was glad that Patton understood what he was feeling, or if he was upset that he understood. As he looked at Patton still smiling through what he presumed was a similar numbness to the one he experienced every day, he wihed that Patton didn't have to suffer with him.
"I wish you didn't understand. Then you wouldn't have to pretend to be happy. I wish I could take away all the pain from you, so only I would have to feel it." Logan spoke.
"That's very kind of you, Logan." Patton let out a laugh, "But it's okay. I think it'd be harder for me to be able to talk to you if I didn't understand."
"How do you deal with it?" Logan's voice was hoarse again. He had stopped sobbing by this point. He had stopped sniffling and hiccuping. He had stopped choking on his tears. Instead, now silent tears were the only thing streaming down his face. "It hurts so much."
"It does." Patton admitted, "But people like you make it better. You see, the problem with my mind is that it's whirling all the time at a thousand miles per hour, yelling at me with all sorts of thoughts. But then I'm around you and the thoughts quiet and suddenly, the numbness doesn't feel so noticable. My heart feels less heavy when I'm around you."
"You mean around the mind. Not me."
"No, I mean you." Patton admitted, "I care about you a lot more than you realize. The other members of the mind help calm my mind in different ways, but you're just as special as the rest of them. I hope you remember that."
Logan's heart warmed at what he said and suddenly, it was like the fog of darkness had cleared. His heart didn't feel so heavy and his numbness had cleared. His sadness had lifted and Logan felt okay for the first time in a long time.
Patton sighed, tsking as he saw the untouched warm ice packs, "Looks like I'm going to have to get more of those. I'll be back in a little bit."
"No, you don't have to." Logan stumbled on his words. "It's okay."
"I want to." Patton wiped the remaining tears from Logan's face before standing up. "Give me one minute."
He was back with new ice packs wrapped in new undamp towels before he sat down next to Logan and held them against his eyes.
Logan sighed in defeat as he let the coldness of the ice packs infect the warmness of his eyes and cheeks after having cried for a long time.
"You can go back in if you want to. I know it's not really fun sitting outside with a sad drunk."
"It's always fun when I'm with you, Logan. Don't you worry at all." Patton hummed.
Logan hoped that the ice pack was covering his flush and the tears that were starting to fall from his eyes. God, it was starting to get old. there was no reason for him to cry over him realizing that maybe all of his thoughts were just thoughts and that the truth was really in front of him all along.
"Are you crying again?" Patton giggled at Logan.
"Shut up!" Logan let out a laugh, playfully nudging his shoulder that was touching his. "I'm in a completely vulnerable spot right now!"
"Seriously though, Logan. I really hope that you never feel the need to hide the fact that you're crying from me ever again."
"...thanks, Patton."
That was all he could say. Those were all the words he could even think that would fathom to express how much Patton meant to him.
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riko0youth · 5 months
plz no hate also,don't justify,you could hardly change my opinion even if its wrong
Since i started shipping Kaishin i always restored to translated DJs and Fanart to feed it, whenever i thought of reading fanfic i simply felt repulsive, that it won't taste good, and boy was i right, i understood the reasons very clearly, but yesterday, due to accumulation of a few reasons , i caved and tried it , and now i need heaps of DJs and Fanart mouthwash to forget this taste.
no offense intended, the writing style of authors is actually super good, the plot is very entertaining, overall a good well written fic, but it just not my thing, simply because the western eyes(and i don't mean ppl living in the west, im talking abt the ideology itself, wherever they're from) and mine don't match, they don't see or understand the characters as i do, and same for me, i fail to see and understand most stuff they way they do, so simply, me and the anime fics, we can't mix, i can have some tolerance for stuff like bkdk , but a classic literally older than me DCMK is out of question, how they portray the characters and take them out of context, while its good and fun...its just not them so its pointless for me to read fics abt absolute strangers, i would rather go through my kaishin pins twice than read smth while i enjoy it, gives me a foul taste (i guess that's what alcohol drinking is like for people, yeah, its good that i don't and won't drink ever in my life)
also, if you don't know, i merely write for the sake of journaling, this post is not meant to criticize anyone, especially not the hard working authors, simply my pov that most won't agree on.
I am not trying to defend myself saying this, but i am merely stating how my mindset came to be, first, my childhood, pre-teen years, and the first quarter of my teens were spent watching Anime, and the rest of my teens was spent reading manga/hua/hwa and Danmeis , that's it, no friends, no social media, no way to understand how my peers from any part of the world thing, only how the Japanese, Chinese and sometimes Korean ''Characters" live, like and think, so ya, very very low tolerance, when i unfortunately started opening up to the "world" it was merely to look for more resources for a good read, my mindset was already set by then and i felt like an alien (still do, but meh that's me) among everyone else, and more often than not i feel super uncomfortable from a comment with a mindset that's just so foreign to me it feels sickening (im not exaggerating)
so ya, lgptq+ , most of the relationship 'cues', ideas of (in my weak pov seems extreme) individuality in romance ,etc etc, they are all things i am not very fond of, cuz my mind is attached to a more simple process, watching ppl be in love ,period.
oh ya and the concept of incent, which i find hilarious but that's just horrible of me, incent is wrong for two reasons, ethically, you can't marry your sibling because they're your sibling sharing the same blood of at least one of your parents and that is sooo wrong (im not too far gone to think on even such a thing) but speaking ethically , for me a sibling is diffrent from a COUSIN they don't share your blood, their blood is just closer to yours from a stranger, they are not the children of your own parents, so, i just find it pointless to be so hung up on it, i could marry a cousin and only discover they're my cousin after we've had kids and lives happy stable lives, should i just destroy all that and make my children live in agony cuz someone somewhere sometime decided that marrying the cousin is same as marrying an SIBLING and even giving it the same label? of course , another point ,which is actually, speaking abt cousins, more serious , is Genetically speaking you can't mix DNAs too similar because it increase the risk of genetic mutations and disabilities in offspring, but the risk is always there, so its *unadvised* at most to marry a cousin if you are planning to have kids, but that's it, and everyone is free to choose between marrying the one they want and increasing their chance of healthy children, so its absolutely *hilarious* for me to be so hung up on "incent" between 2 MALE COUSINS , like really, *where are you even coming from?* (and yes im talking abt what you have in mind , as i said, i started kaishin fanfics just yesterday which is apparently the worst possible timing since the whole M24 trailer fiasco or whatever it is that's bothering them and got swarmed with confusing tags that just made me lose my appetite and feel vaguely uncomfortable, and "what's the big deal?" confused)
ofc as a person opening up to the world the first thing i did was to try to fit in, it wasn't wholly unpleasant ofc, i got some of the dearest ships to my heart that sometimes support me post-breakdown, but i tried to think like others, only to discover its futile, i can guess how others would think , but im mostly unconvinced by it or don't feel like agreeing to it, and that just works to make it easy for me to gain enemies and unpleasant impressions, so i mostly lay off commenting my opinions since its as foreign to them as theirs are to me , and im not so free or sinister to make others feel unpleasant on purpose, ofc no one is perfect so i slip from time to time when my battery (i call it LXC battery of patience cuz that's what i think of portraying when im controlling myself from commenting and arguing, using LXC as a role model to extend the Battery's life) and as expected those slips catch fire , i also mostly use the method of burning letters, except i don't burn them , i have a very short memory span on most thing, so i write it, say i will post it later, and the when i see the draft i don't remember if i did post it or not , and it would be very stupid to post the same thing twice, also im not so attentive to open a site or an app specifically to check, i would rather spend that time reading
Most of the time i didn't understand why the "western" ppl make a big deal out of everything and are so hung up on realism , i still don't but i could get one thing, and ironically im the living proof of that one thing, that is, most people's mindset is affected by what they are exposed to, aka, what they read, see, or hear, so if something say like intentional harm like pushing people off the stairs and people always survive, if crazy troupe like that spiral into normality smh, and someone ALWAYS read it and always seeing it, them it won't be that hard to apply in real life, so the westerns are just looking out for others, or less selflessly, like every human, are trying to convince others of their opinion.
ofc in my case, which i don't know if its an exception or there are many others like me (again, i don't socialize) that help is absolutely unnecessary, since everything i read see or hear are for me strictly fictional, I won't fall in love with a minor as much as i won't fly off on a dragon, for me they're all fiction, love, itself , is something fictional i don't expect to see in the real world, that's why i love reading it the most, for me what i read is what can't be found in my reality like dragons, travelling to other worlds, falling in love at first sight, forbidden love etc, so its no surprise i feel unpleasant when some person out there try to stain my "world" with realism after i always painstakingly separated them anyways bye.
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yamcat · 5 months
ten faves in ten fandoms
I was tagged by the ever lovely @saltedpin , thank you for thinking of me, this was so much fun <333!!!!
Golden Kamuy: this is a tough one for me, because one of the things I love the most about this story is just how well written and intriguingly fleshed out each character is, especially in relation to eachother and to the story itself, but I think I will go with the OG who captured my interest right away, Tsukishima Hajime. Yes we love an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with authority and sense of duty, throw in the belief of living on borrowed time and therefore a life that can't possibly belong to you anymore, and I'm all yours.
Haikyuu!!: the thing is that I've always been IN love with Daichi, but Oikawa is the one who I have always felt the strongest for. A proud dramatic overachiever who cares too much but pretends like he doesn't, genuinely passionate about what he loves to the point it risks consuming him; a tough bitch as much as a sensible nerd. I care for him a lot.
HunterxHunter: Gon, my precious little feral kid who gets traumatized over and over again, but still decides to be kind. What I love the most about him, though, is that he is never portrayed to be inherently good; he is stubborn and occasionally selfish because of his nature as much as because he is just 12 y/o and he doesn't know any better, which is what makes him as lovable and charming as he is.
Helluva Boss: I know I'm not too loud about it, but I have been utterly in love with this show for a good couple months now, as well as with the helluva boss himself, Blitzø. He is a raunchy little imp who severely struggles with self-love and therefore does his best to push away every opportunity he has at a good and healthy relationship because who could possibly love him, right? but he genuinely TRIES, and sometimes he succeeds too, plus, he's still always there for the one he cares about. and honestly, he is just so fucking funny, he has my entire heart.
Dungeon Meshi: Laios, the supposedly knight archetype who does eventually fulfill his destiny, but in the messiest way, unwilling, and at the cost of what he loves the most. There are so many characters I genuinely like in this story, but I am too fascinated and amused by Laios' obsession with monsters and how it makes him so smart and so dumb at the same time to not love him the most. I'm sorry, apparently I have a particular liking for people who are extremely passionate about what they love.
Star Trek: I was unsure about who to choose between Spock and Kirk until the very end, but I have to say Spock. His double heritage and the way he navigates it, all the suffering and treasures he finds in feeling less and more, misunderstood and capable of understanding more than anyone else the multiplicity that deeply characterizes the universe he explores and is so curious about. Rarely I have empathized so much with a character before. Plus, he can be a dramatic bitch, Spirk divorce ark Spock is my favorite Spock.
Tiger & Bunny: honestly both of them, but for the sake of the game I shall say Bunny a.k.a. Barnaby Brooks Jr., my favorite traumatized model face babe with deeply rooted trust issues who completely falls in love with a hot loser single dad who has the tendency to help everyone else but himself. A match made in heaven. And me with them
LOTR: Frodo Baggins. No one understands him like I do....
FMA: my heart is divided between Olivier Armstrong and Riza Hawkeye, because what's not to love about strong, gorgeous, mature, cunning, intelligent, trust-worthy, powerful women? Different flavors, but equally delicious.
Saiyuki: Genjo Sanzo. In a few words, a trigger-happy, easily annoyed, short-tempered Buddhist monk who overly smokes and drinks. In a lot of words, please read Saiyuki.
I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it, it is a lot of fun! And of course, please feel free to @ me if you so wish to!
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majorbaby · 2 years
i wanna be objective about this because i do think hp fanon is a wonderful case study considering how old it is and how rich it is and how many people who grew up there are still actively participating in fandom... but i’m caught between that and feeling pretty sore about the whole thing. 
i am on the side of us collectively speaking out against her transphobia but it’s important to note that it was heralded by her other unsavoury behaviour and similarly, i’m amongst the ranks of fans who tried to bring that stuff into the conversation many, many years before we got to this point. 
asian fans spoke out against the tokenism of cho chang and the patil sisters. gay people questioned the convenience of her announcement re: dumbledore’s sexuality. when jewish people said plainly that having the bankers of the hp world be actual goblins was a disturbing parallel to how jews are portrayed in antisemitic propaganda, they were told that actually jkr had based the persecution of ‘muggle borns’ by the ‘pureblood’ authority on nazi germany so shouldn’t they be grateful for that and furthermore wasn’t that reading a bit too much into the whole thing? 
there’s always been that fan who loves the thing just as much as everyone else, enough to point out the people that the thing and the fandom around the thing is attacking or leaving behind and that fan is almost always shouted down or here on tumblr or vagued about disparagingly etc. now, i’ve chosen to curate my internet feed/s enough so that i never have to see a potterhead publicly potterheading in my space, but what i do still encounter a lot from allies is “man i can’t believe the woman who wrote the progressive and beloved harry potter series turned out to be a TERF :(” 
i could go on about how TERF-ism and white supremacy are linked but this post isn’t about that. this post is about how the signs were definitely there. i don’t think i could’ve predicted what a massive fucking transphobe JKR turned out to be but in retrospect, considering her borderline-to-outright racism and antisemitism (and likely other -isms) and her reactions to even general criticisms of her work like... i definitely think the fandom being similarly unwilling to hear such criticisms has resulted in a lot of the incredulousness around her recent coming-out as being a powerful member of the far right celebrity elite. it’s a coming-out because she’s likely held these positions for a long time, she’s just comfortable stating them out in the open now because the far-right has identified and is marketing trans people, specifically transwomen, as a scapegoat for all of society’s current problems, same as it ever was. 
people and fans of hp were pointing out those early signs as they occurred but here we are anyway. it still happens. you’re entitled to have your gut-feeling about someone who is being critical about a thing you love (which is usually a thing that they also love) but later when you’ve calmed down think about where that gut feeling actually comes from. 
i don’t want to point out this ongoing problem without providing any solutions to it but this is partially just me venting about what it is like being a racialized fan. it still fucking sucks. even when the tide finally starts to turn it’s like, k, but i left and/or was pushed out of this fandom 10 years ago because even when i’m not being vagued about or treated like a thorn in someone’s side, whenever we are moralizing content and fandom, it’s done in the most shallow of ways, still. 
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plothooksinc · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 3 and 17.
19: In Underdark some of my favorite moments are Leo tripping and falling on his face. Feverish Leo cuddling up to Mike twice. In the shaft after they've fallen and Mikey hears Leo scream and goes "oh god, what happened??" Towards the end when the tunnel floods and Mikey's desperately trying to keep Leo upright when he just keels over. The comfort part in last chapter, love tired but relieved Donny and gruff Raph. And the heart to heart in Leo's bed.
In general I enjoy how Leo is written. He has a very calm and quiet presence. I'm not sure what makes the difference in this fic, but in my head I hear him as more soft-spoken than what he's usually portrayed as.( And I mean even before he starts getting sick.) I like it, feels fitting for him.
Ah, I'm glad the shaft scene seems to be well loved, that was definitely one of the high points of it for me. :D ...Leo being a little softer was actually mildly deliberate, because he was with Mikey and thus really being in Calm Big Brother mode because the situation was something he figured Mikey would find terrifying and he wanted to keep things on an even keel. (And then after that he got sick so...) It's also why he cuddled up to Mikey in that last part in sewers because he was feverish and like I can't leave him alone in the dark so I will just octopus so he knows I'm here, basically.
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
Hmm. There are the two teasers I put up for TMNT, both being somewhat in medias res-- one is for '03 TMNT, in which there is a huge ambush meant to collect all turtles in one sweep; Leo escapes it only because he falls off the roof and they presume him dead (instead of merely Very Unhappy) and he needs help to track down his brothers and Casey and Splinter is unavailable for Reasons, so he goes to the only person left who can help him, which is April. He needs answers about who the ambushers were and she's a hacker. And then he still needs her for Reasons so the two of them go and try to break into a deathtrap (while meanwhile everyone else tries to break out, they'll meet halfway).
The other is '07 verse, based on events in the Leo prequel in which he tries to hitch a ride on a ship in Portugal and realises it's full of trafficked children, and he uh. Goes and slaughters every trafficker on board he can find. Which is all well and good, and never mind his hypocrisy when he goes home and lectures Raph about vigilante shenanigans, but doing so canonically starts the legend about the wrath of Enugu the Turtle God against these traffickers and the leader of the ring suddenly finds it's really hard to get people on board to work for him. So he sets out to track this so-called Turtle God down and prove to his remaining men it's just a freak that can bleed. Great! The problem is, none of them expect there to be more than one giant mutant turtle and so they track down and take the wrong one. Whoops. Anyway, Mikey has a Very Bad Day. I also threatened at one point to write a Rurouni Kenshin/TMNT crossover due to the amount of flak I got back in the day of switching from one fandom to another (I could even do it canonically, Renet sure is a character that exists). I had a whole slew of Ruroken ideas that I will now never write because the Ruroken author is scum, so alas.
In other fandoms, just briefly: The Untamed, where Wei Wuxian goes missing presumed dead in a small village where people have slowly been disappearing, only there's flute music in Them Thar Hills that's been playing steadily for days, so Lan Wangji and Wen Ning investigate. Supernatural, in which Dean fetches up in a small town on an investigation and gets supernaturally drugged out of his mind and vanishes, and there's a whole plot to bring back not quite Lucifer but the echo of him, which is good enough for those involved (it's SPN v fae); Tiger & Bunny in which Tiger apparently goes on a rampage for as much human and collateral damage as possible and everyone races to work out why; and FFXIV where the Empire find a way to tap into the Echo and drive it haywire, thus doing their best to drive the WoL mad and the scions close ranks to deal with that issue. One Piece, in which Nami steals the ship for unknown reasons (totally known reasons, she's under a compulsion laid by a Navy Devil Fruit user) and tries to do it while everybody else is offshore. Only Zoro is still sleeping on board, so. That goes down well when he wakes up. ...these will probably never see the light of day, but they are fun to think about. (The two teasers, tho. Those will get written.)
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
Not in fandom, in any specific sense. I will absolutely get some kind of osmosis inspiration from reading a whole bunch of extremely well written fics because it will affect how I write if that's what I've been soaking in all day. The Untamed is full of extremely talented writers and I channeled some of that energy to finally finish my Snowblind chapter, which had had me stuck for 13 years because I couldn't quite reach the melancholy introspect I needed for it (but The Untamed writers have that in spades). Published authors? Definitely. I can spot my writing patterning after Janny Wurts and Guy Gavriel Kay, and I picked up Janny's ellipses and Kay's Dramatic Short Sentences, and I probably got my tendency to bracket small phrases from Stephen King, as you do. Thank you! These were fun :D
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