#but the other option of him pushing through to have a few moments with shin and THEN dying in front of him isn’t any better either
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thakgayihunyaar · 1 month ago
mr. suzuki, i need to have a word.
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ssukidesu · 9 months ago
what friends do
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Nalu
Rating: T
Nalu Week 2024 ( @allaboutnalu @thenaluarchive )
Summary: Lucy gets a little too happy and does something (maybe not) regrettable.
Chapter 6: what counts as a cheap shot (injury)
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 7
Read on AO3
Read under the cut
1… 2… 3… 4…
Shit, shit, shit!
Lucy’s mind raced through her options and found them limited, to say the very least.
The man pinning her front to the floor was laughing cruelly. His knee was on the center of her back, and her hands were pinned together beneath it, right on the meat of his calf. She felt a bead of sweat drip onto her neck from above.
5… 6… 7…
Options… options… what were her options? She could try to dig her nails into his hands, but that almost never worked. She could try to buck him off, but she could tell he was pushing almost all his body weight onto her back—she had no shot. She could…
He was leaning on her from her right side, and the leg that wasn’t digging into her back had to be bracing somewhere for balance. From what she could tell, it was probably somewhere by the bottom half of her legs. If she could just…
8… 9…
In one movement, Lucy bent her right knee and swung back her foot—and prayed. Thankfully, her toes clipped his shin, and she managed to sweep his leg off the ground, throwing off his balance. Immediately, the weight on her back lessened, and she rolled onto her back. He still had her hands gripped together, but the momentum of her movement ruined his balance even more, and she landed her knee right into his stomach.
With the wind knocked out of him, she could yank her hands free and scramble back to her feet.
Fists poised near her face, Lucy bounced on her toes.
And smiled.
“Damn, Lucy… really thought I had ya there,” said her sparring partner, Natsu, who was flicking the sweat off his bangs and shaking loose his stiff fingers. “And at the last second, too!”
“What can I say?” she bragged. “I’m getting better.”
Natsu and Lucy began to circle each other again, both trying to spy an opportunity to lunge.
This scene was becoming a more frequent one lately. No magic, no tricks—just pure, hand-to-hand sparring. It was Lucy’s idea; Natsu was always asking her to fight him, but she knew she had no shot in hell if it was a real spar with magic. So, after coming up with some stipulations, she proposed this compromise.
While the rules were appropriately adjusted for a male-versus-female fight, she knew he’d never go easy on her. Yes, the requirements were that he had to pin her for ten seconds while she only had to pin him for three—but no one would be fooled to think that he was being nice.
The evidence?
…She had never won.
Don’t misunderstand—she’d gotten close, a few times. But it was just like him to pull through in the last moment and, if anything, manipulate his previous vulnerability into being an advantage in the very next moment. She’d complain about it, but, well… would she love him if he were any different than how he was?
Lucy pursed her lips and blew a puff of air upward to get her bangs out of her eyes. She knew he’d come at her any second, and that would be her moment to attack. There’d be no openings until then.
His expression was concentrated—it was confident and competitive. He knew he had the upper hand, as he always did, but Lucy recognized that Natsu truly did find joy in making her stronger—in testing to see if this time was when she’d finally beat him.
He lunged. He went for her middle, his shoulder lowering so that he could get her around the waist. He was fast, but she was hoping he’d make this move; it was one with which he’d defeated her many times before.
Yes—this time, she was ready for it.
She went lower. She was almost on the ground; if he was a taller man, she wouldn’t have to sweep so close to the floor to avoid his arms. She passed by him on the left, clipped his foot with hers, and reveled in the sound of his body thunking heavily on the mat. His momentum had already been moving forward—he’d normally be too sturdy to trip outright, but his own shifting body weight worked against him.
Now behind him, she moved like lightning to grab his right leg. She gripped his ankle with her right hand, then threw her entire body over his shirtless back so that his ankle would be lodged over her shoulder. She had no hope of holding it with just her hand, but if she could manage to keep her own body down, she might be able to hold him in place.
Her left hand perhaps pulled a cheap shot—but those were allowed for her (with obvious exceptions, such as his eyes and his family jewels). She tangled her fingers into his hair at the base and clenched her fist. She wasn’t mean enough to pull his hair, but this, she hoped, would provide a big enough distraction from the rest of his body that the three seconds could pass.
Since his hands were free, his first instinct was to grope at the hand in his hair. He was muttering all the while, “Shit… Lucy—” in a gritty voice that might have made her stomach flip.
But he was a quick thinker. Noticing the mobility he still had with both hands, he pushed his torso off the ground—much like a regular push up—and to get his leg and back free of her, he tucked to crash down on his left side. Lucy went with him, of course—and unfortunately, it jostled her off his back.
Ugh! So close—!
But she couldn’t dwell on that now: she was still on the ground, and he’d be a fool not to take advantage. She was propped up on her side, but as he flung himself to grab her, she learned that he was set on forcing her on her back. In a flash, he had her wrists in his left hand, her hips pressed down under his right forearm, and her two legs raised so that her hamstrings were pinned under his thighs. She could move them slightly and straighten her knees, but that sort of thing didn’t matter. With her hips pinned down, she wouldn’t be able to buck him off.
Well, she thought—his hot, panting breaths washing over her face—this is a new one.
There’s no way I can get out of this one, she thought, trying desperately to wrench her wrists from his grip. He smiled pridefully at her fruitless efforts.
2… 3…
He’s so close. Their eyes were locked—hers wide in panic, his half-mast in arrogance. If I wanted to, I could…
…That might work.
Let it be known that, for the record, there was a lot of blood pumping into Lucy’s brain at that moment, and whether this idea was a reasonable one would be an object of her own future scrutiny.
“I really do appreciate this, Natsu,” she muttered, her lungs tight from her raised arms.
4… 5…
He blinked, pupils dilating. Their faces might have been three inches apart. “‘Course,” he said amiably, though his brow quirked in suspicion.
“I’m happy that I’m getting stronger because of you,” she mused.
His breathing halted. His eyes widened, and he froze.
Her blond hair was splayed out beneath her. It had shaken so loose from its ponytail that it might as well have not been tied at all. With the little mobility she had, she raised her chin and lifted her head off the ground. His eyes widened further, but he didn’t pull himself away.
Her lips pressed against his cheek, close to his jaw. It was covered in sweat, but not the kind that made his skin slick. It was sticky, and the tender skin of her lips clung to the touch in a way that made the action seem even more intimate than it was.
Or maybe that was due to the fact that he was pressed quite thoroughly against her in a manner that was more than a little suggestive.
She pulled away, and his half-lidded eyes were fixated on her mouth.
She felt his grip on her wrists weaken.
In one mighty test of strength, Lucy jerked her hands from his hold, placed them on his head for leverage, and pushed herself upward just enough that her legs were freed from the hold of his own. She gripped the wrist of the arm that had been below her stomach, hooked the underside of her knee around his torso, and heaved until she’d flipped them both. At the end of it, he was on his back, and she had his right arm bent behind his back—just shy of the point of dislocation. Her legs were on either side of him; she’d sat herself just below his groin.
Lucy was relieved to be free, but she knew her success would be short-lived; there was no way she could keep him in this hold. Other than her body weight on top of him and his one (much stronger) hand in the grip of her own, she had no way to secure him.
So why wasn’t he moving?
Natsu was just staring up at her, lips parted and brows furrowed. His left hand, which was completely free, was splayed out to the side, motionless.
Lucy wondered if she’d hurt him in the movement somehow—but she scratched away the thought just as quickly. This guy could take a boulder to the skull and break the boulder; surely there was nothing she did in that tussle that hurt him.
Well, except maybe one thing…
“Three,” she breathed.
Neither moved. She watched a couple different emotions flash over his face; first, confusion—as if he wasn’t sure what she was talking about; then, self-abhorring displeasure. He exhaled loudly through his nose and let his head drop an inch to rest fully on the ground.
His lip curled, and his eyes narrowed. “Ouch.”
Lucy released a single laugh. She let go of his arm and brought both of hers to brace on his chest. “What, did I hurt you somewhere?” she asked doubtfully.
“Nope,” he huffed. “Just my pride.”
She smiled with her tongue between her teeth. “Finally,” she giggled against his skin. “I finally won!”
Natsu scoffed, but he brought his newly-freed hand to play with her hair, which had devolved into tangles around the elastic band. He fumbled to loosen it, but gave up after figuring it was a lost cause.
Lucy rolled off of him and stood before offering him a hand. He took it despondently, and they made their way to the bench.
“I think we should add that to the list of cheap shots you aren’t allowed to take,” he grumbled, chugging from his water bottle.
“Don’t be a sore loser,” she drawled. “I was just thanking you for all your help. What’s cheap about that?”
He gave her a flat look that seemed to say, You know exactly what was cheap about it.
Lucy shrugged. “I guess I might have been hoping it’d throw you off…”
“Hoping? Lucy, it wasn’t fair! You’d be saying the same thing if I’d done it to you!”
Lucy had to take care not to choke on her water as she took a sip. The image of him kissing her on the cheek in the middle of any of the positions he’d had her in before…
Well. She supposed she understood his point.
She watched him tug his shirt back on, and she threw the strap of her bag over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Natsu,” she began, as cute as she could manage. She walked backwards to look at him as she led the way out of the gym. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
Natsu always liked questions like that. His lips tilted into a smirk. “Cook me dinner.”
She should have known he’d say that. Rolling her eyes, she turned her back to him and pushed open the door. “Fine,” she said sulkily.
But the stubborn grin on her face wouldn’t go away.
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beanieman · 3 years ago
Alishin Fic: Everything Is Going According To Plan (No It’s Not)
(Full credit to this ask for the idea of this fic) 
Footsteps echo in the small room as Shin paces across the itchy carpet. He pulls his beanie from his head and feels the soft fabric in his hand. It's a leftover stim of worry from his high school years. The silence help's the phrase "Come up with a plan." echo in his head. He was left alone hours ago, Kanna having gone to help Sara with attractions.
It was for the best. Sara is strong. She'll be more than enough to keep Kanna safe.
Yet, it leaves Shin in a bad place and with even worst thoughts. To live, he needs clear chips; to get clear chips, he needs a partner. Nine times he needs to work with one of the group members. For each, he'll need to avoid their stares of hatred as he asks them to save him.
He saw their rage as his plan to stay alive went in his favor. For the moment, it saved him. But that changed with this trial of trust that reminded him of a simple number, 0.0 percent.
More Undercut
No one would bet their life on him, and they'd be right. Shin is too weak to save his own life. Much less a child, or even an adult. However, that doesn't change how much he wants to live. He'd lie, cheat, beg, and bribe, to be in a pair for these games. And he's not above any of those options.
That will to live pushes him toward the door to be greeted by the noisy lobby. It's filled with his supposed allies, chatting as if their lives weren't on the line. The token's in his jacket add to the noise. They make a distinct jingling sound as he pulls them from his pocket, ready to make a deal.
To get anyone on his side, he'll need to pay. It's a painful evil, but a needed one if he wants to make it through this floor.
With focused eyes, Shin survey's the room. Miss Sara, Keiji, and Q-Taro would need an arm and leg to pair with him. Gin isn't collecting tokens, making him a no go. Nao is only trading with a few, and he doubts he would make her list.
That only leaves Alice. He lean's against the wall, watching as Reko and Nao chat about the Mishima monitor. He's alone, not seeming to be paired with anyone else. It gives Shin hope that a plan could work here.
Alice is a fair man, who seems willing to bargain. If Shin could get him on his side, he'd need to use fewer tokens than if he were asking Keiji. That's enough as it is, but with the tall man's strength, they'd be a good team. Still, it'll take some coins to win him over. The cost for nine attractions will be steep.
He surrenders on keeping his pride as he steps near the man with 6.6 percentage stained in code and ink.
His eyes, a shocking shade of pink, catch the beanie man's approach. The taller man nod's him over with a slight smirk on his face. It lets Shin know that he's welcome to speak at the very least. A thought confirmed when Alice is the first to address him. "Sou Hiyori! I see you finally found the nerve to leave your room! Are you searching for someone to pair with a man as detested as yourself? Because you've come to the right place!"
Alice gives you a special feeling. It's the mix of genuine kindness paired with the unfiltered truth. But his words are enough for Shin to hold onto. "You're looking for a partner, then?"
His voice hold's more excitement needed, yet Alice pays no mind. "You're correct. Charge card battle seems to be a game of wits. A devious man like yourself seems to be the obvious choice to get me through! So, what do you say? I'll even split the clear chips evenly."
The tokens in his pocket burn. He didn't have a plan to get Alice onboard without a bribe. It throws him off. He can't suppress an expression similar to a doe in headlights, and it draws notice. "Is that a no? I suppose I could ask Keiji Shinogi for his assistance."
He never thought of this outcome. It seemed as if the others would throw him to the wolves. But here Alice is, offering to help with no strings attached. "Wait!"
The word escapes from his lips so fast that it takes him a moment to realize who said it. His outburst casts a startled glance from the man with blue hair, who waits for him to finish his thoughts. "I...have a better idea. You're strong. I'm quick on my feet. Why don't we make a more permanent deal?"
Shin swallows the spit wallowing up in his throat as he waits for Alice to respond. His face is unreadable, but he turns to Shin to face him fully. "Sou Hiyori...could it be that no one else will pair with you?" There's a familiar sinking feeling that washes over him. He felt it in the main game when his laptop proof was picked apart piece by piece.
If Alice knew his desperation, he could form his own plan. One that could take advantage of the situation that's been presented. It would be simple to ask for fifty tokens, or take gratification in being all he has. It's the worst case scenario, and it shows on his face.
"...So I'm correct."
The prisoner looks at him like he were a puppy left in the rain, and Shin can't stand the sight. Pity is an emotion people often feel for him. The sad cashier who can hardly stack a shelf without getting winded is often a topic of discussion. But he doesn't want it here. Not now. "I...that isn't important. We would make a good team. So what do you say?"
Shin reaches out his hand, offering it for Alice to shake. It's the closest thing he has to a contract, a symbol that he'll honor their agreement.
There's a beat where Alice is still. He eyes Shin's hand wearily, seeming to weigh his options. "...I'll work with you, Sou Hiyori. So be at ease." When Alice does take his hand, it's a firm, almost professional shake. Yet, his grip is gentle in nature.
As Shin lets go, he notices air entering his lungs. For the first time since the game began, Shin can breathe just a little. For once, his plan worked out better than he could have ever hoped.
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cornfarm · 4 years ago
summertime cicadas
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 1.6k
synopsis: you go to saiki’s place to play some video games. saiki learns a bit about your dirty laundry.
cw: suggestions of past sexual abuse. it’s not explicitly stated but it’s heavily implied.
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
reader is gender neutral!
i’ve had this sitting in my drafts for a few weeks now, but i was never happy with it.
it’s implied that you and saiki are in week 2-4 of dating;;;
i have some other stuff in the works but im tired so notes r boring today
enjoy waaaaaa
When Saiki and you were left alone together, the tension that hung in the air was fun and playful. Coy glances, the heart jittering brushes of skin, and the almost knowing smiles you two would shoot each other. This time around, it was heavy, and it weighed hefty on both your shoulders.
It was your first time over at his place since you had begun dating.
You had texted him: can i come over? i bought a new game i wanna play it with u
He was very happy you decided to make the first move, he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. 
Immediately, the “devlivered” at the corner of your text changed to “read”. He hastily typed back: Sure, let me know when you’re here. My parents aren’t home.
You saw letters on your screen, but you squinted your eyes shut upon them entering your field of vision. You had thrown your phone across the room, too nervous to look at his response. Tentatively picking it up, your heart nearly exploded at his words. You quickly respond: okay! be there soon :)
Saiki suddenly felt a bit on edge, realization finally striking him that you were about to be in his presence. In his bedroom. Alone. 
Saiki Kusuo never really felt things too intensely, so to feel it strike at his heart and stomach was almost a bit too much for his liking. 
Saiki wound up sitting patiently at the dining room table, using his telekensis to pick things up, rearrange ornaments and fine china, and clean up trash. The last thing he wants is you coming over when the place is a mess.
The doorbell rang, not that he needed it to know you were here. Beckoning you in, you pull out a small disc box from your bag. 
“I heard really good reviews from it. I was interested in it since I liked the art style but I wanted to wait until people played it and reviews came out before I committed.”
He takes it from your hands to inspect it, “I’m not super interested in recent games, I like older ones a bit more. Indie ones too. I’ve heard that the gameplay is really compelling.”
“That’s okay, we can still play together, right?” You almost look a bit nervous. Saiki gnawed at the inside of his lip.
“Sure,” you don’t look satisfied, “I don’t mind, doing things with you is nice.”
The content expression on your face satisfies him. You follow him upstairs.
Then the tension settles. You’re so close, the pleasant floral scent from your detergent lingering where you walk. He peers behind you as you take in his room: simple, clean, minimalistic. It’s painfully in character. You smile, flopping face down on his bed.
“I’ve only ever been here with everyone else, it was so lively then, but it’s so different when it’s quiet!” You situate yourself so you’re sitting at the edge of his bed, legs dangling off the side.
“It’s the same room.”
“Yeah but, now it’s just me and you.”
“I suppose so.”
You watch as he peers to the wall, a bit away from you.
“What, you’re not nervous are you? Do I make you, THE Saiki Kusuo nervous?”
He clicks his tongue, and begins stalking towards you. He stops right in front of you, shins nearly touching the mattress of his bed. He looks down, expression deadpanned like usual. Perhaps thats precisely why you got so flustered. Your hands coming to clasp politely in your lap, you look up at him, determined to hold eye contact.
“Mhm,” he smirks, “you do. What will you do about it?”
He watches as your lips part into a small ‘o’, before you turn your head down and begin to pout. He’ll spare you this time. The small proximity between you settles in; he should get out of here, nervousness is finally catching up, it’s a bit too much for him to handle. For such a cocky one-liner, he really can’t keep it together. He exits his room for a moment with a brief “wait here”.
He hears you let out a sigh down the hall. Taking the chance to inspect his belongings, you peer under his bed, nothing suspicious there, before making your way to his desk. There’s his computer, a nice leather desk chair, a lamp, and a small empty mug that holds pens, pencils, and highlighters. You thumb through them.
He re-enters his room, quietly opening the door, but just enough so where you hear. Outstreching his arm, he hands you a bottle of iced tea.
“This is,” inspecting the label, “you don’t usually drink these, right?”
Saiki stays quiet.
“So you got it for me? You remembered I liked it?” 
He nods.
You beam at him, mutter your gratitude, and pull out the games box.
Placing the disc onto the disc reader, and pushing it in, you start up the game, and watch the intro animation. 
“Yeah, the graphics are really nice,” he comments.
You adjust yourself, sitting on top a cushion on the floor, he moves a bit closer. 
Skipping though dialog, tutorials, and the first few levels of the game, Saiki controller finally begins responding. 
“I’m sorry, I thought the multiplayer feature would be available from the start.”
“It’s okay, you can pick first”
“Hmm...” you pause, brows furrowing in focus as you look through the different player avatar options. Finally, you turn to him and smile, “this one! Your turn.”
Saiki bites at the inside of his lip, again, moving his thumb over the joystick, he picks his avatar.
It’s nice, it’s quiet, the sound of cicada’s chirping outside his bedroom window, and the soft hum of his fan are gentle. Neither of you are talking about grand things like aspirations and inhibitions, but you didn’t have to. The soft, casual tone of conversation is something Saiki’s making sure to cherish. The game’s fun, Saiki is enjoying himself, he enjoys you. 
But tension still looms heavy overhead. You aren’t the only one who was thinking about it, how close you two were, how your elbows kept bumping, the small,and the way you both tried to get just a millimeter closer.
Saiki knew what you wanted, but he couldn’t pull himself to take initiative. Why? Was nervousness just another curse set out to plague him?
He’s reading your mind, he knows without a doubt you want to, so why is he so nervous to reach out and touch you? He wants to run away.
Your voice broke his thoughts, he turns to you. “Are you okay?”
He does it without thinking, slowly placing the controller down and putting his palms on your shoulders. 
“I’m just not used to this,” he finally says, “like, dating and all that.”
You wrap your fingers around his wrists, “that’s okay, I’ve never dated anyone either, we can just take it slow. We have time.” You reassure, “I’m nervous too,” voice smaller than before. He lifts his hands off, hovering them in front of you, debating on where he should put them. Should he put them back on your shoulders, or would that be weird? Maybe it’s okay if he takes your hands into his, but right now your hands are...
His vision finally focuses, and he looks at your hands, defensively positioned in front of your chest with your palms facing him. You’re looking at him with a half smile, but your brows are pursed down. You’re watching him very carefully.
Your thoughts still, pausing until he moves again, taking your hands in his own. He’s confused, why do you look so skittish?
You look visibily confused that he takes your hands. He’s granted one thought:
He’s��not gonna do anything, see? He’s just holding my hands, that’s it. He’s not gonna do anything.
Do what? What do you mean? Do what?
“What do you mean?” He blurts out, voice ringing through your head.
Astonishment paints your face. Shit, you didn’t think you said anything out loud. Could he read your mind? He chooses not to say anything.
You shake your arms, he retracts his hands.
“I’ve just had bad experiences with people in the past, I got nervous, that’s all. I’m sorry.”
Oh. Your internal dialog isn’t as pleasant as the words you choose to say. 
“Maybe I’ll tell you about it more in the future,” you still have the strength to smile at him?
He reaches out to touch you again, but never connecting. He hesitates this time, fingers hovering over your forearm. 
“I’m not really interested in that sort of stuff. I wouldn’t do that to you. I won’t do that to you,” he corrects.
With a smile pained with melancholy, you shift yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his torso, burying your face into his shoulder, legs finding their way between his. He wastes no time wrapping his own arms around your back, pressing your chest closer to his own. Your hearts pound against each other, breathing syncing as you both exhale a sigh. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I know,” your voice is muffled. 
You stay like that for a few moments. Cicada’s chirping, fan blowing, there’s nothing to say- the silence is comforting in it’s own way.
You finally pull away from him, voice much brighter, “but I’m not ready to kiss you yet, I think my heart would explode!” He flushes red. Adjusting to sit back onto the cushion, you lean your weight onto his side. He tension has finally settled, and Saiki sighs contently. 
Saiki only uses his powers in ways to convinience himself. Fortunately, keeping you safe was more than convinient to him: it was the bare minimum- an absolute necessity. 
As soon as you leave, he’ll find the bastards that did it. 
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subwaysurf45 · 4 years ago
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.5)
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Summary:  you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title.
Words: 4344
Episode: five
Warning: violence, nudity, needles, descriptions of injury
Masterlist! Winter Makes Ice Episode: Four
Time: unknown
Date: unknown
You knew they had full control over you. There was nothing you could do even though you were conscious all the time, your body did what they wanted but your brain screamed against it. There were times where they’d ask you to do the impossible, they’d make you climb the tallest tree in the forest that surrounded the building and then make you jump down without anything to catch you, you’d land and your ankle would break; the worst was when they told you to break it back in place. 
It was like you were sat in a large chair as you watched your life unfold in the cell, your wrists were strapped to this imaginary chair so you couldn’t reach out to block the punch, ankles were clasped so you couldn’t run away. You never became lucid, it was always you watching through the shell of your body. Crying yourself to sleep wasn’t an option, you weren’t allowed to cry, or laugh, or scream, or smile; you were dead on the outside. The feeling of control was so close but yet so far away. 
There was a moment, just a moment. More I.C.E. had just been injected as you hung from the cuff restraints, you swung lightly as you dangled there. The cell door closed and the silence you were left with was getting louder by the second, your brain starting to pound like it always did and right at the back of your head near the bottom began to pulse, like you were being stabbed. The pain, hunger, exhaustion built up until that one moment, your eyes were slowly closing but as they closed you could see something right in front of you, something was moving. You couldn’t reach out to touch it because you were chained but as you crossed your eyes all you saw was a little black thing slightly swinging with you. 
It was the tip of your nose. 
Your fingers had also begun to blacken, it was about to hit your first knuckle. 
That was when you let the control fully go to the I.C.E. flowing in your veins, the power to keep yourself above water was only getting more and more tiring. No one had tried to save you so they probably were never going to come. Part of you thought Bucky would be there in less than a day, he’d break walls and towers for you, but it might have just been words to make you think he loved you, just sounds put together as a fake. 
Time: 6:10am
Date: October 3rd 2024
“Darling, It’s me, It’s Bucky, you’re safe now.” Bucky spoke softly, he flickered between your eyes and nose. You didn’t say anything, just looked right through him. “I will not fight you, but we need to get out of here, we have to go.” He urged, right when he finished talking you stepped forward, he was shocked to see you move, it was rigid and robotic. “Baby, explain what’s going on, please baby?” Bucky stepped forward and reached out, his hand lightly touched your shoulder but he studied your face as he did so. Your nose would have scrunched up but with the lack of that it was just your eyebrows that pulled together. Bucky looked around the room to try and find any sign of how to get you out of your trance; the papers he flicked through were now getting thoroughly read through. All you did was stare at him, waiting for a command. 
“Bucky, it’s all clear down here, some got away though,” Steve breathed heavily as he spoke through the coms. “There's this guy who looked to be the head and he got away, didn’t get a good look at him.” 
Bucky turned to you, “who’s the leader here?”
“No one gave their name.” You answer quickly. 
“What did he look like?” Bucky left the papers and walked to you, he grabbed a lab coat on the way to cover your scared and naked body. 
“Slick black hair. Black eyes. Heart shaped face. No facial hair. Slit through his left eyebrow. Hydra ring on his finger.” Your eyes closed as you computed the man who poured the ice water on you multiple times. “Height: six foot. Weight: around one eighty. Scars, markings, tattoos: none.” Bucky watched you in shock, “any other specifics, James?” 
“N-no, well done.” He nodded and threw the coat around you, “we’re going to leave now, okay?” Bucky took your hand and led you toward the door. 
Your feet tread silently while Bucky’s combat boots echoed three times down the grey hallway, it scared you every time he’d step. With every loud sound came a hard punch, it was a way for you to brace yourself when they’d catch you talking about your past life. As you walked closer to the doors your fingers found their way to the walls, still grey like the floor but clean, the floor was covered in dead bodies and blood from the invasion. 
The doctors and agents you knew were slumped over against the wall or splayed out in the middle of the hallways, some people’s blood had congealed while others still created a larger pool around the Hydra operatives. The smell of death didn’t read on your face but it did on Bucky’s, the smell of the inside of your cell just carried out here it seemed like. You were unaware of your smell, part of you thought it was the lack of nose but the other knew it was the lack of fresh air and being surrounded by copious amounts of blood. 
“Where to, Sergeant Barnes?” the feeling of someone holding your hand was foreign, his thumb kept swiping back and forth.
“Call me Bucky,” he looked back with sorrow in his eyes. You stopped walking and lowered your head, “what are you doing?” he asked. 
“Waiting for punishment,” you spoke softly, knowing they went easier on you if you knew you messed up. There’d be times where you’d push your luck and stare them down but once you grew tired of being tough you head would bow and you waited for the strike, it was now a reaction to any type of dissatisfactory.
“No, no punishment anymore,” his eyes filled with tears and he brought you under his arms, his lips kissed the crown of your head as he opened the doors. He kept you under his arm as he opened them, metal arm gripping right on your forearm. 
The sun was barely meeting the surface and yet you had to squint to adjust, everything had a hue of red. The grass felt foreign under your bare feet as you stepped off the tiles and into nature, your toes gripped the leaves and grass as they walked. Your lungs felt like they were about to explode with the intake of fresh air, your nose could still work but it was slightly harder to breathe, the cool wind blew into your mouth and gripped the back of your throat which made you double over to the cough. Your knee popped out of the front slit on the closed lab coat, you were used to feeling naked and vulnerable; Bucky was the one to close it again. 
Steve, Wanda, and Nat all stood by the jet.
Wanda screamed your name and ran up to you, her arms pulled you into a tight hug but you curled in and waited for the strike. She pulled away and the feeling of rigidness, “y/n?” She questioned, her hand coming to cup your cheek but you stepped back and held your hand up for protection. Wanda brought her hands into her chest, she looked between Bucky and you but Bucky just shook his head with a few tear tracks present on his face; Wanda was beginning to develop her own after she looked back at you before turning away. 
You didn’t really know why everyone was crying, “Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximof.” your head slightly bowed, you looked over her to see the others behind her shoulder, “Captain Steve Rogers and Natasha Rominoff, a pleasure.” Their faces seemed worried and Nat looked disgusted, she brought her hand to cover her mouth as she walked up the steps to the jet. 
Wanda got your attention again, “hello, we’re going to take you home, alright?” Wanda took your hand, “do you remember me?” 
“From?” was all you said as you made it into the jet. Wanda covered sob with her hand as she turned away from you to sit beside Nat, she was also crying.
Steve didn’t even look at you, he walked straight to Bucky. Steve caught him right as Bucky’s knees were buckling, Bucky caught onto Steve and they both slowly made it to the ground. It seemed like they guided each other, both holding onto one another for dear life. It was a common understanding, grief was written on both of them. 
“She’s fucking gone, Steve!” Bucky cried into Steve’s uniform, the blue turning navy with the tears. “She called me James! She doesn’t know who I am, I can't- I don know- what did they-”
“Bucky, it’s alright,” Steve calmed him as Bucky began to hyperventilate, “we’re going to get her back, I promise.” Steve gripped onto Bucky’s shoulders and they both stood, a little wobbly but both were extremely tired and light headed. “I’ll handle everything,” they walked to the jet, “just be there for her and I figure everything else out, alright?” Steve made Bucky look at him. 
“Sure…” was all Bucky could muster. 
They all made it to the jet, you were placed in a room off to the right. Bucky went right in there to see you curled on the ground when there was an examination table in the middle of the room, he kneeled beside you and ghosted a hand down your shin to try and get your attention. 
“It’s Bucky, let’s sit up on the table, okay?” Bucky eased but you didn’t move, his eyes closed as he fought with himself. He didn’t want to abuse your injected substance, but he really needed you on the exam table to check your wounds. “On the exam table.” he didn’t speak harshly or yell, it was just Bucky’s normal tone. 
You shot up instantly and sat on the edge of the table, your legs hung off it and the lab coat was forgotten, it was still around you but it seemed you were told to be naked so often it became second nature. Bucky turned toward you and stood between your legs so he could get a good look at you, he could tell you were staring deep into his eyes, he didn’t want to look in yours yet, he wanted to look you deep in the eyes and have you pull him in for a kiss, maybe it was selfish but he needed it. 
“I’m going to do something called a head-to-toe check,” he informed but he knew you knew what this was. He slipped on the disposable gloves, “I know you have cuts and scars but I need to find active bleeding first, alright?” Bucky held up his hands to show nothing was on the gloves. “Tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“Nothing is-”
“That’s an order.” Bucky added, “I’m commanding you to tell me if you don’t want me touching somewhere,” he knew he had checked you, there might be a way you could find a loophole in his command and get him further from a checkmate but he was making progress. 
His hands gently tapped all around you, he was asking questions as he did so but you didn’t answer any of them. You were now looking straight forward, when Bucky looked to your face for any sign of his girl you’d give no hints or answer. His hands worked down to your chest, he hesitated over your breasts but you gave no indication that you were uncomfortable, when he looked for bumps, bruises, or blood he didn’t find much, just scratch marks that looked old. He did the same when he hit your waist, not a lot of touching but looking, it wasn’t thorough but he knew you wouldn’t say anything and he might trigger you again. 
His gloves weren’t picking up much, most cuts were partly healed and the bruises were very noticeable. Part of a head-to-toe check is seeing how the victim reacts to the pressure, if you tap their stomach and they flinch it could be internal bleeding or a broken rib, but you weren’t giving any sign of hurt. He knew you could feel the broken bones and the bruises but you would never tell him in the mindset you’re in. he watched for little twitches in the eye or some type of pull away from him wherever he touched, Bucky wanted to reach in and find your brain so that you could tell him what hurts; he wanted to help you so bad. 
“Do you know how long you’ve been gone?” Bucky asked as he picked up your left leg, turning and examining it. He found a deep red mark on the edge of a purple bruise on your ankle, there was the exact same one on the other and on your wrists. He pushed away your hair and moved the lab coat back to find a massive bruise with cuts all around your neck, it was impeccable your vocal chords weren’t fried after being put in that cuff contraption. 
“Gone from where?” you asked robotically, you didn’t even look at him. 
Bucky was taken back by your answer, he stumbled with his hands as he switched legs. “F-from home, y/n. Shield, home?” 
“Hydra is my home, it was where I was created.” your head turned to allow your eyes to lock with Bucky’s. 
Part of him wanted to scream and shake your head so hard it might knock a memory back in place, he wanted to tell you of your story and how you both grew. Bucky wanted to tell you about the drawings you do with Steve or the boxing in the early mornings, he wanted to overflow you with emotions but he knew they’d hit a brick wall. 
Bucky finished his exam but he needed to keep you for himself for a little longer, he pretended to check your pupils and pulse three more times but all he wanted was to feel the warmth of your skin. His eyes would catch the tip of your nose swinging as he moved you slightly, he had an entire set of questions just for that. But he just kept looking at you for no reason. He’d ask if you’re cold and you’d say no, he’d ask if you were hungry and you’d say no. he’d ask if you were thirsty, you’d say no. 
So he stopped asking, “drink this water.” He pulled the little water bottle from the back of his belt loop, the little tear drop shaped bottle fit perfectly in her hands. 
You grasped the frosted bottle, it seemed familiar to you. You never got water in your cell, you’d have to suck on the floor after the doctor left; they’d always wake you up by dumping ice water on your head. Calloused fingers gripped and felt the bottle, something was happening in your brain that you couldn't quite understand, you were feeling something deep within you. 
“Drink.” Bucky said again. 
“Wait,” you whispered, all you saw was black form shutting your eyes so tight. You didn’t see Bucky’s face as he waited to see if this water bottle would trigger something from right before you were taken, this was the water bottle you had introduced to the group. 
A picture was unfolding in your head, it was a big room with people all around. There was a couch that some were sitting on while one stood in front of them, the one standing was smiling. The people on the couch were leaned in to listen, some held their chin in their hand as they too, were also smiling. The little bottle of water you were holding was also in this picture, the one standing seemed to be presenting it like a game show host, showing it off as if it was new. The picture began to move and the people standing took a seat next to another person, they cuddled close and began whispering to each other with iggles in between. A pen made its way across the couch and ended up at the two who looked like a couple, one wrote a heart next to their name while the other did it normally. 
Your eyes shot open at the sound of the pop, you were squeezing the bottle so hard it exploded. Your eyes frantically searched around and when they landed on the other set of eyes in the room you lunged for a hug. 
“Bucky!” you screamed, “thank you!” You wrapped your arms around him so tight. Bucky hesitated before clinging to you like a life source, “I thought it would’ve taken you longer,” you sighed into his touch. 
“We left you there for too long,” Bucky whispered, his face his deep in your neck.
You pulled away with tears in your eyes, you looked to him but he kept looking down, “is there something on my nose?” you asked, Bucky was looking between your eyes and nose. Your finger went to touch but pulled away at the feeling of something dangling, “what is that?” you screamed and felt it again. 
“It’s the injection side effect, I think.” Bucky added he felt around your face to try and see if you were actually real or if this was some sick joke Wanda was playing on him. 
“What injection? They just took my blood once so far,” you shrugged and felt the back on your head, “there was a scab there before, it hurts like crazy, like a pulsing thing.'' You brought your other hand back to try and find that scab you felt what seemed like hours ago. Your hair felt dirtier than the last time you remembered, it was one big clump when you moved it.
“Sit down.” Bucky said, you moved back on the seat without a second thought.
With wide eyes you looked up to Bucky, “I didn’t want to sit...Bucky what did you do?” you asked, it looked like you were glued there as you tried to get off. 
“What day is it?” Bucky asked cautiously, his hands coming back to cup your face. 
“September twenty third, I didn’t hit my head it’s not a con-”
“It's October third.” Bucky breathed out, “oh my god…” he whispered and pulled you into another hug, he gently rubbed your back as you stayed rigid in his hold. 
The plane began to drop and Bucky knew it was just landing but with everything rushing against you like a title wave it felt like the plane was crashing. Bucky held you tight as you slashed around in his grip, pleads to any higher power you could think of to keep you alive didn’t seem to work. The plane froze and you stayed gripped to Bucky, he brought you out of the medical room. The three others just looked at you, not wanting to get their hopes up. But when you ran over to them and asked what day it was they seemed to be more disappointed, they just pulled you in for a hug and tried to calm you down like Bucky did. 
All at once medical staff open the jet doors, people rushing to you and you. Bucky was trying to cut through the crowd to get to you but medical staff were getting in the way and holding him back, he could see your frantic search for him. 
“You’re gonna trigger her, s-stop, this isn’t-”
A medical staff member flew back and knocked a few others over, everyone began to calm down and slow their moments. You were right over the person you pushed trying to help them up, apologizing profusely, they kept moving back and away from you. 
“Y-you were holding a needle, I’m sorry.” you eased. 
“Sedate her!” another yelled. 
You ran down and out of the jet to try and get away from the many needles that, what seemed like, every medical member was holding. There was just noise surrounding you, vision began to tunnel right when the pounding in your ears began, at the back of your head there seemed to be a knife stabbing you. 
“Get a gurney!” the voice cut through the shouts and chasing. 
Everything stopped and you froze from your worried state to complete your mission, someone ordered you to find a gurney, you must complete it. There was one waiting outside, you walked over with your back straight and your chin up. There was no need to look behind you shoulder but you did so anyway to make sure no threats were also in need of the gurney, everyone behind you was just still and watched you. This must be a test, after that realization you did everything quickly and efficiently to avoid punishment. 
When you brought the gurney to the voice who shouted it they told you to get on as well, Bucky was by your side and offering an arm to help get on but you didn’t take it. People were shouting orders to one another and you kept trying to get up to fulfill the command but Bucky kept holding you down. Some medical staff were trying to shove him away but he stood his ground and kept a hand holding you.
“Why do I keep wanting to do all these things?” you frantically aske as you tried to stand again.
“I’ll explain later, don’t worry,” he squeezed your hand as you made it into your exam room. Hands felt all around you, the lab coat was long forgotten so you sat on the table naked. Bucky was right against the wall and kept an eye on you, though your brain was next to scrambled eggs he could still read you like a book.
“We need to take some blood, might also need to give something to sedate her.” it was, what looked like, the head of this team that spoke.
Another picture flashed before your eyes. The needles and this blue liquid that went into you. Bucky had told you something called ‘ice’ but you didn’t know what that meant. Blood would be taken from you then without you looking, they would stick whatever serum Bucky was talking about in your arm. Voices and sounds rushed into your head as these pictures moved and changed to show that you weren’t there for as long as you thought you were, in your mind a different doctor repeated the same motions over and over and over again. You were covered in water and somebody was talking over you from inside of the cell, their voice seemed as though they too were underwater so you couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but one part stood out. They were saying how they did this all without you noticing, how you were too confident, how you were strong and yet you’d look away from the needles when they were stuck into your arm. 
All of these people who you failed to remember that were surrounding you now, all had needles and some had already taken your blood, but you were going to be cautious now, you were going to be aware because you didn’t want to forget everything again. Before anyone could stick anything else in you, your arms flew out to the side and gripped as many syringes as you could, they were smashed to the ground and the clear liquid spilled and dripped on the floor. People were beginning to hold you down but you broke free from their dead grass pushing away the velcro straps that were about to go around your ankles and wrists.
Someone managed to get a strap on your left ankle without you noticing, that sensation of being cuffed made another picture float in your mind. It was a large metal contraption with silver Cuban links and five cuffs, two around your wrists, two around your ankles, and the final one went around your neck. Once they were all attached to you, you were suspended in the air as your entire body weight was being held up by your limbs and neck, even though only one bound was attached to you now, you could still feel the weight of all of it crashing back onto you. 
With one large tug the Velcro cuff snapped, you tried to get up and off the table to run to Bucky, he was the only one left in the room that you knew and trusted. He was also trying to make his way to you simultaneously, reading the fear etched deep into your eyes. No medical staff was trying to hold him back so he ripped through all of them and got to you quickly, you couldn’t really hear what he was saying because the pounding in your head that was pinpointed right at the back of your neck was starting to pound into your ears. But you could make out his lips that were moving, you can remember faintly kissing them, the feeling was on the tip of your tongue but you couldn’t quite make out what it really felt like. He was telling you it was going to be okay, at one point he said that you could sleep now and that he’d be there when you wake up, you really didn’t want to trust him but you were so tired and your head hurt so bad.
You didn’t even see or feel the syringe plunge deep into the crook of your neck as he held your face and made your eyes look right into his.
Winter Makes Ice tag list: @small-death-and-codeine​ @commonintrest​ @buckyys-doll​  @lil-baby-nor 
let me know if you want a tag!!!
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alto-march-of-death · 4 years ago
A Flower for You
character: Reiner Braun x f!reader
word count: 3.4k
genre: smut and fluff
synopsis: your first meeting with Reiner leads to more as the two of you get older; it all starts with a flower
warnings: they’re both virgins, fingering (f!receiving), Reiner cums early, just sweet first time things
a/n: the original plan didn’t include them both being virgins but it’s just how the story went; it had a mind of its own... also thank you to @kmorgzz​ and @ackerpotato​ for hyping me up and betaing this bad boy <3
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Reiner kicked at a rock. It went sailing through the air, landing who knows where. There was a small yelp, followed by a sniffle. Had he hit someone?
He went to investigate, following the sound of the exclamations, and saw you sitting there. There was a scrape on your knee, a bit of blood running down the skin. Your hands looked raw too, the skin a very angry color. He knelt beside you, making sure you could see him before he did, trying not to scare you.
You hastily wiped at your tears, mustering up a look that you hoped screamed “don’t talk to me” or “leave me alone”. If it did, the boy doesn’t listen, instead pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the blood from your knee.
“What are you doing?” you ask quietly. “You’re going to ruin that.” He looks up at you, doesn’t respond, and continues to wipe your knee clean. Once he’s done, you take the cloth from him. “Let me wash it for you, and give it back. What’s your name?”
He stands, dusting his clean trousers off, then holds his hand out to you. “Reiner. Reiner Braun.”
You take his offered hand, letting him tug you to your feet. “Well, Reiner, thank you for your help. You’re a warrior candidate?” He nods. “I’m sure you’ll make a great warrior.”
Reiner watches you go, wondering how you’ll find him to even give him the handkerchief back. That was his favorite one, too. He’d better get it back.
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A few days later, Reiner is walking home, the sky above him dark. There’s a commotion up ahead, a few kids his age fighting in the street. It’s not my business, he tells himself. Keep your head down and keep walking. Don’t ruin your chances of being a warrior.
As he passes by, he catches sight of you. The scrape on your knee is healed, but now you’ve got a blossoming bruise on your cheek, your knuckles are cut open, and the boy on the other end of your fist has a bloody nose. 
The group catches sight of him, scattering when they see his armband. A couple of them spit at your feet before turning tail to run. Reiner turns to you, preparing to offer his handkerchief. You hold your hand up to stop him, pulling the one he’d given you at your last meeting out of your pocket.
“Fancy seeing you again,” you mumble, handing his now clean handkerchief to him. He pockets the now clean one, using his other to dab at your knuckles. You let him, defeated that he’s cleaned you up twice now. “Would you like to know why I’m bleeding every time you see me?” He glances up at you, then back down as he gently cleans your hands. “They make fun of my brother. He can’t help that he’s different, and he can’t stand up for himself. I know it hurts hearing people say awful things about you, so I… fight them on his behalf.”
Reiner hums, giving you your hand back once it’s clean; raw, maybe, but clean nonetheless. “You’d make a good warrior candidate too.” It stuns you, his admission. His cheeks turn pink, and he motions for you to stay where you are, and picks a flower from a patch of nearby grass. Technically, it’s a weed, but it looks like a flower, and that’s good enough for him. He gives it to you, placing it in the hand with the bloodied knuckles. “For you. Keep standing up for your brother.”
You watch him go, standing in the middle of the street until he’s only a dot at the end of the road. Your eyes trail down to the flower, a small smile on your lips.
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The next time you see Reiner, he’s inherited the Armored Titan, and he’s preparing to go to Paradis. He finds you again, though this time, it’s different than the last two times he’s found you.
You’d heard that there was a boy, a warrior boy, the one who had inherited the Armored, knocking on doors, looking for a girl who matched your description and had a little brother. The majority of people were kind, telling him that she didn’t live here, and he’d go on to the next door, repeating the process. There were so many people here, and word tended to spread fast, so he was hoping to find you before he had to leave.
A knock on the door could be heard. Your brother, the one you always stood up for, answered the door. You stood behind him, one hand on his shoulder. On the other side of the door stood Reiner. He was holding a few flowers, ones like the one he had given you in the middle of the street those couple of years ago.
Reiner hands them to you wordlessly, a small hint of blush coloring his cheeks. “These are for you,” he mumbles. “I wanted to give them to you before I left. I know I’ll come back, but just in case I didn’t, I…” He trails off, noticing your brother in front of you, holding onto your skirt. Reiner squats down, much like he did the first time you met him, and smiles. “You’ve got a great sister.”
Your brother doesn’t speak, staring at Reiner as if he’d grown another head. “He’s mute,” you say quietly. “Hasn’t spoken a word since he was born.”
Reiner hums, then stands. “I still stand by what I said. He has a great sister. Can I visit you when I get back?”
You nod, smiling at him, your cheeks flushed at his question. Your brother tugs at your skirt, signaling you in his own way that he’d like to go inside. Nervously, and unsure, you wave goodbye to Reiner. He turns, hands in his pockets, and you close the door. 
The flowers are in your hands, a bit wilted from how long they had been in his slightly sweaty palm. You grab a glass from the kitchen and put them in water anyway. The last one finally wilts completely on the day Reiner leaves for Paradis.
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Reiner comes back from Paradis today. You wait in the streets to see him, just like everyone else. He looks different, though you suppose anyone would. Sure, he’s changed physically, but there’s also a hardness in his eyes, one that wasn’t there when he’d left.
His eyes scan over people, landing on his family. You wait patiently, waiting your turn for him to find you. Of course he’d find his family first, they’re his family. A few moments pass, and you see him excuse himself and begin searching again.
You look up, and his eyes meet yours. Your shoulders visibly relax when he stands in front of you. He’s taller, taller now that he’s in front of you, and you look up at him. In your hand are some flowers, which you offer to him. He takes them, a small twitch in his lips as he does.
He offers you his elbow, and the two of you walk. There’s no particular destination in mind, just the plan to walk. You tell him what you’ve done while he’s been gone, and he tells you what he can about his time away.
You give his arm a gentle squeeze when he talks of Bertholdt, and again when he talks about the time he returned here, but didn’t have the time or option to really visit anyone. “It’s okay,” you tell him, “I understand.”
“There was a girl I met while I was there,” he had said. Your heart gave a painful squeeze. “She reminded me of you,” he added. Your heart gave another squeeze, this one fluttery and light at the thought that he had been thinking of you while he was gone.
The two of you walk until the sun sets. You don’t even have to lead him to your home; he remembers the way from all those years ago when he’d gone door-to-door trying to find the girl with your description who had a little brother.
When the two of you arrive, he waits on the stoop in front of your home, hands behind his back. While you had been unlocking the door, he had picked a flower from nearby. You turn to him, and he tucks the flower behind your ear, adjusting it so that it can be seen when he looks at you.
He presses a gentle kiss to your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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The days, weeks, and months following, the look that Reiner returned with never goes away. A birthday comes and goes for the both of you, turning another year older, but this time together for the first time since he’s left.
Each day he sees you, he brings a flower. You jokingly told him the ones he used to bring were weeds, and now he brings you real and true flowers. They sit on the desk in your room, the fragrance they give off leaving your room smelling like a flower shop.
“I’ll love you until the last one dies,” he says nonchalantly. “It’s why I bring you one every day, that way you always have one that’s alive.” It makes your heart do that funny thing again, and his as well, though his is more so because he’s afraid you’ll laugh or something. He’d prefer not to lose you, one of the good and pure things in his dark life.
And now, the two of you sit on the couch, your feet in his lap while the two of you read your own books. He holds his book and turns his pages in one hand, the other resting on your leg, fingers trailing up and down your shin.
You’ve read the same paragraph once, twice, another time… His rough and calloused fingers on your skin are making it hard to concentrate on what you’re reading. 
A quiet huff pushes past your lips, and he turns to you, raising an eyebrow. “Everything okay?” he asks.
“You’re distracting me. I’ve read about Clarisse speaking to Guy six times and I still couldn’t tell you what she said.” He chuckles, and you press your toes into his side. “What’s so funny?” “Nothing, nothing.” He trails his hand higher, ticklish touches hitting your knee now. “What about now? Am I still being distracting?”
You swallow, feeling heat rush to your cheeks. Is he… teasing you? He is. He’s teasing you. Reiner Braun, stoic warrior that he is, is teasing you. He cracks a small smile, just the corner of his mouth curving upward. Truly, he was nervous. He wanted to do… things… with you, but he was worried you wouldn’t want that. He wasn’t entirely sure what he was doing, but you seemed to be getting flustered by it, and not freaked out. So, he continues, giving your leg a yank to pull you down towards him.
You gasp, situating your legs on either side of his lap, hands wrapping around his neck. “This is new,” you murmur. “Very demanding. Not that I mind,” you add quickly. “I’m just surprised is all.”
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. Sometimes kissing you just isn’t enough, and I want a bit more. Is that okay? You can always tell me to stop.” You nod, fingers running through the hair at this nape. “Okay,” he whispers.
Reiner leans forward, pressing soft kisses along your jaw and neck. It tickles slightly, and even more so when the hair on his jaw scratches at your skin. Your head tilts the opposite way, allowing him some room to work with. His lips find your collarbone, and you shiver, the feeling foreign, but good.
He looks up at you, large fingers finding the buttons of your blouse, his eyes asking for permission. You lay your hands over the top of his, undoing the first button for him, and he takes over from there. The blouse leaves your body, slid off of your shoulders and down your arms. Reiner reaches behind you, finding the clasp of your bra before that is removed from your body too.
His fingers trail over your exposed breasts curiously, the rough pads of his fingers raising goosebumps on your flesh. His thumb catches your nipple, watching it harden once his finger is gone.
You let out a soft sigh, and he looks up at you. “You’re beautiful,” he states plainly. “I want to see all of you.” And see all of you he does. He stands, setting you down on your feet. Your arms go to cover yourself, but he places his hands on your shoulders, running his hands down your arms until he can take hold of your hands to kiss the palms.
You rest your hands lightly on his shoulders as he undoes the zipper on the side of your skirt. He lets it hit the floor, large hands tracing your sides before resting on your hips. His fingers skim the waistband of your panties, the ugly cotton ones you wear when you desperately need to do laundry but try to put it off another day.
It would make you embarrassed if Reiner wasn’t looking at you the way he was. It was a look that you couldn’t really describe, but one that made you think he wanted you, and not in the way he already had you, but in the ways he hadn’t. It makes you press your thighs together, toes curling into the rug beneath your feet.
Reiner breathes out a soft sigh, ghosting his fingers over your skin. It’s then that he realizes he’s still fully clothed, and takes your hands in his, placing them on his shirt. He kisses you gently, and you take over from there, pulling his shirt up and over, tossing it aside.
You fumble with his belt, hands shaking slightly. He kisses your hair, mumbling quietly, “S’okay. You don’t have to be nervous. It’s only me.” A shaky inhale, then the relaxing of your fingers. They’re no longer shaking, which is good, and his belt jingles as you go to undo the button of his pants. They drop to the floor, and his boxers along with it.
Reiner stands in front of you now, and you knew he’d be big; it was something you’d thought about frequently, but he’s big. It makes your mouth water, and you reach out, gently touching his cock where it sits half-hard against his thigh.
He sucks in a breath, head tipping back at the soft touch. He realizes that the both of you are still standing, and pushes you towards the couch. Ideally, he’d wanted his first time with you to be on a bed, but it’s too far away, and he wants you now, so the couch will have to do.
Your calves hit the couch, and you fall onto it. Reiner turns you so that you can lay down, takes your legs, and situates them on the couch so that he can sit between them. His gaze travels down your body, locking on to the way your pussy is already slick and wet. He rubs one thick finger through your folds, biting his lip at the way it just slides through.
“You’re so wet already… Is that just from me?” His eyes sparkle, cheeks slightly pink at the fact that you’re wet, and this wet, just for him. “You’ll let me get you ready, won’t you? I don’t want to hurt you.”
You nod, caressing his cheek. “I’ve waited this long, I think I can wait a little longer.” He swallows, and you smile up at him. “You don’t have to be nervous. It’s just me,” you tell him, echoing his sentiment from earlier. “Is this… your first time too?”
Reiner’s head snaps up to meet your gaze, and he gives you one swift nod. “It is. I was hoping you’d wait for me, and I’m glad you did. I…” He trails off for a moment. “I asked someone about the proper way to do things. I know it may not be perfect the first time, but I want you to feel as good as possible.”
He leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips as he gently inserts one finger into your fluttering hole. It’s much warmer than he had expected, and he finds himself panting into your open mouth, rutting against your thigh. “Is this okay?” he grunts into your mouth.
You grab onto his wrist, pushing his finger a bit further inside of you, a quiet whimper falling from your lips. “Yes, more please. And you can--can add another finger.” He nods, adding another finger in once he pulls the first out to the tip. The stretch makes you gurgle out a squeak, and you murmur reassuring words to him, letting him know you’re okay.
“Let me know if you need something else, or need me to do something. You know your body better than I do.” He blushes, the arm he’s holding himself up on flexed tight, his hips seeking friction against your thigh. “What would make you feel good?”
So, you teach him what you like; curl his fingers just a little, use his thumb to circle your clit, but not too harshly, and not too rough. Soon, your hips are bucking up into his hand, and you claw at his back, head tossed back. With a cry of his name, you cum, walls of your pussy fluttering around his fingers. 
His eyes widen, and he’s so enthralled that he doesn’t stop what he’s doing, thumb still circling your clit, and fingers lightly pushing in and out of your sopping wet pussy. He’s only stopped by your breathy plea, and a grab at his wrist. “Reiner, s’too much,” you mumble. “Give me a second and then… we can keep going.”
He pulls his fingers from you, watching the strings of your slick web between his fingers, then split and break. Without a second thought, he puts his fingers into his mouth, moaning quietly at the taste of you. You watch him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, a shiver going up your spine as you do.
Once his fingers are clean, he rests his hands on your hips, rubbing soothing circles into the skin there. He glances down, seeing how red and angry his cock looks, and he gasps when your fingers wrap around just below his head.
His body moves forward, the head of him pressing against your entrance. He pushes in slowly, choking on a moan as he does so. You grip his forearms tightly. The stretch burns, bordering on painful despite the bit of prep he had given you.
Reiner stops once he makes it in to the hilt, chest heaving. His eyes are squeezed shut, and he inhales deeply before opening them to look at you. The way you’re squeezing him has every muscle in his body burning, and he’s glad he let you have one orgasm, because he surely wouldn’t be able to hold back long enough to give you another. 
A strangled “Move” flies from your lips, and Reiner’s hips begin moving. He lets out a grunt, and a moan. Embarrassingly, his hips begin to stutter after a handful of thrusts, and he lays his head on your shoulder as he cums.
He stills then, trying to catch his breath. “I’m sorry I didn’t last long. We can… work on that.” Reiner blushes, tracing your jaw. “Was it okay?”
You nod, pulling him down on top of your body, fingers trailing up and down his back. “The first time isn’t ever great I’ve heard, but as far as first times go, I think this one was pretty good. You took really good care of me. Thank you, Reiner.”
He hums, kissing your forehead. Then, he reaches down to where his jeans lay on the floor, and pulls a small flower from his pocket. He places it behind your ear. It’s a little wilted, but it lays against your head limply, and he smiles. “Just as lovely as the first time I gave you one.”
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tags: @bloobell @sweetberi @ivsahi @lovesakusa @needs-serotonin
302 notes · View notes
lofty-logic · 2 years ago
Villains & Heroes: Chapter 2
MDNI please! This content has crude language, mature themes, and violence!
This is a Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader (Pro-hero x Villain)
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You can’t believe it. By some crazy chance, you had managed to escape the immediate danger of pro heroes. However, rejoicing in that fact wasn’t important for the time being. You’re catching your breath in a car chase, while Miko is hugging you and crying.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry I was so careless. I completely understand if you want nothing more to do with me because of this!” She's hugging you tightly while Shin weaves his way through tight traffic, jerking your bodies left and right.
“I forgive you, Miko, we were both kind of careless” you sigh and place a hand on the top of her head, as a small gesture of forgiveness and love. And truth be told, it’s both of your faults. You should have asked questions, done a background check, or done anything to help you through this night. But you trusted that it would be enough to just wing it.
Now the real questions begin: If the dating site was created to be anonymous, how did they know it was you? They hadn’t managed to find out your real name during the hunt for your crimes, or at least, they never released a name to the press. You’re thorough when doing your work, so finding any kind of fingerprints or other DNA wasn't going to be easy. Maybe you should change up your act? No, that could be too risky. For now, you'll focus on doing a better clean-up job.
“Don’t mean to cut your touching moment short, but I’m running out of options for a clean escape here.” Shin is panicked, which doesn't happen often. But he is calm when dealing with immediate danger, and good at making quick decisions. 
You lean into the middle of the back seat, looking out of the windshield for any sign of an escape. 
“Oh god, they’re gaining on us guys” Miko is tapping frantically on your shoulder. Miko freaks out under pressure, kind of the opposite of Shin. Escaping with her is going to be one hell of a task, but you’ll die before you leave your friends behind. 
“Miko and I will have to make a run for it, are you going to be ok leading the car chase out of the city?” It's risky leaving him on his own, especially to travel so far away, but it’s the only thing you can come up with and he is good at figuring things out on his own. 
“I can manage, I'll call every few hours to give a small update on my whereabouts. For now, though, we should try to get you two out of the car” he is sweating. Not a good sign. If he is this nervous, do you have a shot at escaping? No, you need to be as optimistic as you can right now.
“This is going to sound crazy, but do you think you could try to sling the car? Try to make it look like you’re panicking, recklessly driving, but we could try to jump into an alleyway?”
“You’re right, that does sound crazy. Do you really think you’ll be able to walk after jumping from a swerving vehicle at ninety MPH? Let alone, if I have the skill it takes to do that without flipping the car over?” 
Good point. Could you stand after that? Miko is quirkless and the best you could do is try to propel Miko and yourself forward, and away from the car. That being said, by pushing yourself with your quirk, you risk flipping the car or making Shin lose control.
“You know what? It's worth a shot. They’re gaining on my ass, and we don't exactly have another option.” He starts to swerve the car, causing you and Miko to lose balance and fall over one another until you grab hold of the seat in front of you. 
Miko takes the car handle, waiting to get close enough, and once you are, she opens the door and jumps. You follow, and for a moment, time stands still. She is rolling on the ground, the lights are bright, the air is frigid, the sounds of the streets are loud and people are panicked, and your body feels like it's on fire. When you hit the ground, you begin falling over yourself, doing your best to roll. Miko begins picking you up and running, but you’re stumbling all over yourself. Finally standing and looking at your surroundings-
Shit, it's a dead end. What now? We could try to climb something maybe? Looking around, you spot a fire escape. 
“Miko!” you yell pointing at the ladder, and she runs to stand underneath it, clasping her hands together and placing them against her knee. You take a few steps back, trying to gather the momentum to jump off of her hands to grab the ladder, and it works. Pull-ups were never your strong suit. As much as you hated to run, arm workouts sucked more. You lift your legs as close to your chest as you can, and drop them forward, trying to find anything to help you push yourself up. 
“Let me help,” she says, reaching up to grab your feet, steadying you just enough to jump off of her hand slightly. It works, you’ve managed to lift your right arm and grab hold of the next few steps. You pull your body up just enough to move your left arm up. Lifting your legs, you set your knees on the bottom step and begin climbing. Once you're at the top of the small ladder, you kick as hard as you can to loosen the lock and drop the ladder to Miko. 
“Shit! Come on Miko” you reach a hand to her when you see the cops turn into the alley. She grabs your hand and you pull her as much as you can. Your climb to the top feels like an eternity, but you’ve made it to the roof after zig-zagging up five more flights of stairs on the outer side of the tall building.
“We will have to run that way and hope to make the jump” Miko points back toward your apartment and starts a light jog, 
“No, we can't lead them back there, we need to find a new spot until things die down enough to go home.” The look in her eyes hurts you a little. Of course, she wanted to go home, it was her sanctuary, even if it was in the shitty part of town. 
“Okay, then let's run that way” she takes off in the opposite direction. You begin to follow, and you manage to make it across two rooftops when you hear a loud boom sound from behind you.
 “Miko, run!” you yell, pushing her to your right, 
“I’ll find you!” she yells and picks up her pace, running for her escape.
“I’m tired of this game of chase,” he says loudly, blasting himself forward “you’ve been the biggest pain in my ass for months now.” 
You’re too busy running for the edge to respond to him. You begin to jump, but it's too early, and you hit the edge of the next roof, knocking the air from your lungs. Struggling to breathe and falling to your death isn’t how you pictured this night's end. There was nothing to do but reflect now. You can't breathe, and you're sure you’ve broken a few ribs, or at the very least fractured them. And if you did make it out alive, there would be several nasty bruises for a while.
Dynamite follows shortly, blasting his way down over you. You didn’t expect him to save you from the fall. You are, in fact, a villain by society's standards. His hold on you was rough and warm. He held you to his chest with one arm, using the other to balance himself for the landing. 
“You’re not getting away this time, so don't bother trying,” he says, laying you face first to the ground, holding your hands behind your back, and sitting over your body. He cuffs your hands and sits for a minute, catching his breath.
Your hair is a mess, you’re heaving in short breaths of air, your dress is torn, and your feet are bloody. Turning your head as far as you can, you side-eye his face. He looks disgustingly happy. His unruly hair falls forward, red eyes are staring at your body, and his lips are upturned, forming a small sinister smile.
His muscled arms are straining from overuse, and still holding your arms in place, his knees on either side of you. He is breathing in deep, satisfied breaths. Fuck this bastard. 
“Why don't you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you say through short and painful breaths. Gritting your teeth through the pain and aggravation from this whole night. He chuckles, leaning forward to speak into your ear, 
“I told you- you wouldn’t get away from me.” He says it in the same low growl he had previously used when talking to you tonight. It sent a rushed heat to your core and brought a blush to your face. What the fuck? No, I can't be turned on by this. Why am I being like this right now? Just focus, damnit! Move, I’ve got to find any way I can out of this. 
You begin to squirm underneath him as he pulls himself back up. You feel himself readjusting behind you. Oh? You aren't the confident type, but using your sexuality to fool your victims has worked a time or two, so maybe it can be what saves you now. You smile and continue to move your hips against any part of him, causing him to continue moving backward.
“Quit that, dammit. What the fuck is wrong with you?” He says, trying to keep a hold of your arms and pulling you to stand before him.
 “Couldn’t help but notice.” You say this with a laugh on your lips, rolling your head back to look at him. 
“Notice what.” He questions defensively. 
“If I had to guess, I’d say you're a virgin. Or maybe it's been too long for Mr. number two?” You smile like a fox, teasing until he loses his focus. His eyes go blank, and a very, very soft blush is pulled to the surface of his cheeks. 
“Oh? Maybe I’m right?” you say pushing against his chest with your back. He coughs slightly, looking away from your face for a second before looking back at you.
Opening his mouth to probably tell you to ‘fuck off’, you decide now is better than any chance you’ll get. Taking as deep a breath as you could muster, you force the energy into your arms, pushing him back into the wall, and moving you forward. Tripping over your feet, you start to run with your hands still stuck behind your back. 
God, this won't do at all. You take another deep breath, sending energy to your forearms again. It breaks one of the cuffs off of your wrist, and you fall forward slightly. Taking another breath, you send the energy into your legs, hoping that if you fall forward enough, and release at just the right time, you can give yourself enough of a boost to get away.
You run out into the busy sidewalk and weave your way through people. Once you've made it to the road, you find a taxi. A couple seemed to be climbing in, but you don't care. You grab the pair, pushing them out of the way, and slam the door shut. 
“Hey, what the hell- '' you slam your hand on the seat next to you, making a loud slapping sound 
“Shut up and drive. Take me to district C, now” yelling at him seemed to work, as he started to drive away from the sidewalk. Looking back out of the window, you look back to find your pesky hero looking through the crowd of people for you.
He looks hot. The intrusive thought hits you out of nowhere. Causing you to question and cuss yourself out internally. After slapping at your face a few times, you take a deep breath, quickly reminded of the pain in your torso. 
Shit, I forgot about that. What now? I dropped my phone forever ago, Miko is god knows where, and Shin is probably still being chased down. I confirmed that he never saw me leaving, so it's safe to go home. I can patch myself up with what I can find there, maybe ask around if anyone knows where to find help outside of the hospital. Maybe I can use Miko’s spare key to get her laptop and email her too. If she's good, then we can meet somewhere.
You sigh, carefully leaning against the back of the seat. Letting your mind fall silent after a long, and strenuous few hours of running from the world's most annoying hero. The cab driver makes it to the front of your apartment building, telling you the total for the ride. You sigh, asking if he could wait for you to get a form of payment. You could see his mind working away at whether or not he could trust you before he gives in
 “I’ll be watching you though. If you don't return, I'm calling the police.” You nod, peeling yourself away from the seat and dragging your sore body up the stairs and to your front door. Gathering what cash you can find, you manage to find just enough and drag your way back to the cab.
After the short exchange of funds, you make your way into your apartment. Starting the shower and gathering any bandages and band-aids you could find, you set them on the bathroom counter. Removing the muddied and torn dress, you wince finding your reflection in the mirror. 
You look like hell, and you worry for Miko and Shin, knowing they are probably looking about the same as you do. You sit on the floor of the shower and let the warm water flow down your body. Rinsing the dirt and blood from your limbs and carefully washing the grime out of your hair. Everything stings, and it brings tears to your eyes, but you have to take care of it.
Turning the water off and wrapping a towel around your body, you sit on the counter and begin disinfecting and covering your wounds. Taking the longest bandage, you carefully wrap your chest, where bruising had begun and you are almost positive you had broken ribs. Grabbing a pair of underwear and an old t-shirt, you slowly pull the articles over your rough skin. A frantic knock comes from your door and you freeze. You slowly make your way to the kitchen, grabbing the biggest knife you own, and making your way to the door.
 “Y/N? Are you in there? It’s Miko. I know you said it was risky coming here, but I didn't know where else I should go.” a breath of relief and you're dropping the knife to the side and opening the door. She runs in and holds you for a second, before pulling away after you let a small wince escape your lips.
“I thought maybe you were really gone.” she cries softly for a moment and you smile.
 “Nah, they can't get me that easy, you know that.” pulling away from her arms, you lead her to the bedroom and lay there with her in silence. 
“How are we going to get him home?” she asks quietly.
“Well, he said he would call in a couple of hours, so let's wait for that. We can try to reach out first if you want to though.” She nods and pulls out her phone, making quick work of her fingers and hitting the speaker button.
RING…..RING….RI- Hello? Miko?
Miko: Oh my god Shin, are you ok? Can you talk?
Shin: Yeah, I’m fine. I managed to lose them, I’m in a cab and headed home, but I think we should pack up and leave as soon as possible. Even if they haven't found us yet, it's only a matter of time.
Y/N: I think you're right, Shin. I’ll help Miko pack everything we need and we can leave as soon as you're home.
Shin: Alright, see you guys soon. Love you both, don’t forget that.
And the phone call ends. You both breathe easier now, knowing he is safe. But what now? An empty warehouse might be a good place. It would provide cover and give you time to rest. Taking good care of your wounds might be a problem, but it's worth it if it means safety for you and your friends. 
“Well, I guess we should get started. I’ll make a list of essentials and grab some bags. Rest for a while, okay Y/N?” you nod and rest your eyes- listening to her soft footsteps lead into different rooms, the scratches of a pencil on paper, and closet doors opening and closing.
“Y/N” you hear a whisper pulling you from sweet sleep. There’s a gentle shake on your arm and another whisper, 
“Y/N, wake up. It’s time to go.” You wipe the sleep from your eyes and try to stretch before being harshly reminded of the pain you’ve put yourself through. Shin takes a hold of your arms and carefully pulls you forward, helping you sit up. Miko is carrying three bags, with your weapons bag by her feet. 
“Come on, I’ll carry you on my back until we get there.” Shin is squatting in front of you, waiting for you to move, and after what could have easily been three minutes of slowly readjusting until you could lean on him, you’re finally being carried out of your room and to the front door.
The morning air is cold and harsh on your bare skin. Sucking in a short breath of air, you snuggle into his back and shiver. It’s still dark out, so it’s hard to see, but you can make out the walls of buildings, windows, and flea market setups in the streets.
 Falling asleep like this is too easy. Shins’ arms are strong and soft, and his back is warm and smooth. Shin is tall and thin, he has muscles, but they are by no means huge like your pesky heroes are. You can hear his slow and gentle heartbeat, and feel his steady breathing. You can even smell the lilac and vanilla scented shampoo he used for his wavy brown hair. Shin is the embodiment of quiet happiness. He is a steady and dependable rock for Miko and you. He’s been there since the beginning of your new life, just as Miko has been. 
You remember that day as if it was yesterday. You were small, frail, and malnourished.You’d been running around on the streets for a while at that point, and had finally gathered the courage to go into a store. Being this close to this many people in an inclosed space made your skin crawl and kept your mind on edge.
Anyone could do anything to you at all times, but somehow, being outside gives you a sense of comfort. As if you could never truly be cornered like you could in a building. You had walked into a small cafe and had sat in the corner farthest from the door. Chewing your lip, you took in the smell of warm pastries and sweet coffee. You began bouncing your leg wondering if you should try to steal something to eat when two kids, around your age, sat down at your small table. 
“Hi, I’m Miko and this is Shin. mind if we sit with you?” Her smile was bright and her eyes seemed kind.
She was cute and soft looking. She wore a tight black turtleneck with a knitted, light brown knitted vest. The vest had a logo of a bird surrounded by vines and flowers on the upper right side. You couldn’t see her lower half, but it didn’t seem like that information would be important to you.
“I can go buy us something to eat if you’re hungry” the tall, thin boy ducks his head toward you while speaking softly. You stared wide-eyed at him until he stood and walked to the counter, waiting in line. 
He was also pretty and clean looking. He wore black slacks and a tight gray turtleneck with a light brown cardigan with the same logo on the upper right side. It suited him well, the neutral colors complimented his fair complexion and everything fit him well.
“You looked like you needed a friend, and we would love to make our duo a trio.” She leaned into the table and spoke so softly. 
She was nothing like the people you had been around for months now. Something about her was different. 
“If it’s alright with the two of you, I’d love to try this ‘friend’ thing out,” you spoke just as quietly as they had with you. Her face lit up and she smiled at you. 
The boy had made his way back to the table with three cups and a sandwich. They watched you eat, as you shove food into your mouth, taking in large gulps of air every few bites. The food was good, but even if it wasn’t- you wouldn’t have cared. Food was food for right now. It by no means was a luxury or something you could decide to be picky with if you wanted to live.
“When was the last time you ate?” the boy had asked. You only stared, not daring to recall the memories.
 “Do you have anywhere to go? A home?” he questions you again. 
Home. If there was any way to describe that place, it would be Hell. A place of torment and suffrage, a life in there was nothing short of eternal damnation for any poor soul trapped in the clutches of that thing known as your mother. Calling that place or those people ‘home’ was nothing more than a pathetic joke. Tears welled in your eyes and you stared down at your lap. 
“Would you want to stay the night at my place? My mom is a really good cook and I have a shower you could use.” The soft-spoken girl held your hand while she spoke and waited on a reply. 
You looked up, letting a tear fall before nodding at her and following them to her house. She didn’t lie either. Her mother was a great cook and told you to stay for the week. Later on in life, that sweet lady would be the one to enroll you in Miko’s school and take care of all your basic needs. She never asked about your old life, or where you came from. She just accepted you with open arms and helped when she could.
She was everything you wished you could have had from the start. But the fact that she was not your real mother was unbearably present in your mind. You could see and feel the difference in love Miko received from her, and the love you received from her. You would never have the relationship Miko had with her mother, no matter how much you wished you could. 
You spent countless hours crying to yourself. You would watch how Miko could sit in her mothers lap and have her pet her head, and rock her side to side. Miko would tell her mother every detail of her school drama and boy troubles and her mother would always listen. When Miko went to her mother for comfort, she was never turned away or told to suck it up. Instead, she would receive a hug and her mother would ask ‘do you want advice or a listening ear?’
Her mother never failed when giving Miko what she needed, and as often as Miko told you that you could talk to her mom, it always felt wrong. Like you were burdening someone who had no responsibility to take care of you with things that would no doubt turn her expressions sour. You could never ask this woman to take on responsibility like that for you. When she did things for you, you were always so thankful to her for it and looked for any way you could pay her back for it.
She would always tell you that you didn’t need to do anything though, but you could never allow yourself to just not do anything in return. It was easier to give than it was to receive, even when it was from a stranger.
Shin pulled you back to reality when he sat you down on an old dusty table. Looking around, this place was old and dingy. Abandoned. There were old desks and office chairs. Broken windows that had been patched shut with inadequate pieces of wood by the government. 
This would be home with your two comrades for the unforeseeable future. For the next six months, you put your revenge aside for the sake of healing nasty wounds, repairing your damaged ego, and rehabilitation to your limbs and quirk. Life was a mess, but you were more than forgotten by the media and no longer considered a top priority to the heroes or your enemies. This is when you strike.
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dameronology · 4 years ago
everything i need {mando x reader}
summary: din has to rethink his life plans how that you’re by side - not that he’s complaining {i do have a taglist but it’s 1am and i simply cannot be arsed to find it, please accept my not very sincere and very tired apologies}
warnings: much language 
enjoy!! sorry for the lack of imagines lately, i’m back at work and working as a director on two of my group projects so i am neck deep in covid-related paperwork. 
- jazz
p.s this has not been proofread, because i am just that shit 
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Din Djarin had never needed a reason to find a home. Settling down permanently wasn’t an option in his line of work. Permanence had never been part of his plan. 
Then again, a lot of things hadn’t been part of his plan. The Child certainly hadn’t; if you’d told him five years ago that his firstborn son was going to look like...well, like that, he probably would have drop kicked you into the next rim. It didn’t matter that he couldn’t imagine his life without the kid now, or that he would rain hell on anyone who would dare lay a finger on the toad-like toddler. His life had gone in a direction he never could have anticipated and his son wasn’t even the biggest detour. That was you. Din wasn’t even entirely sure where you’d come from or when you’d come into his life, but he would have first surrendered his ship and everything on it before even considering the notion of living without you. Whether it was simply luck, or whether there was some higher power who finally decided to give him a fucking break, The Mandalorian had a family. He was no longer a lone gunslinger with nothing to lose; now, he had everything to lose.
The fear that came with his newfound vulnerability was a small price to pay, however. In the quieter moments - when it was just you and him and the kid - he had no question in his mind that everything was worth it. Every fright, every concern, every agonising moment that Din spent overthinking and calculating a million and one ways to keep you both safe was completely and irretrievably worthwhile. It was a little unconventional but a family was a family. A clan of three. 
You didn’t often get to take breaks. They came every few months, usually whenever Din needed had had a particularly had job. You’d found your place halfway between helping him kick-ass and babysitting the Child (who at this point, was essentially your son too). It meant that days you were running across rooftops in Nevarro with a blaster in hand, and others you were running around after your kid, holding a diaper rather than a gun. The duality was astounding.
The last few weeks had been a little hard. There had been one bounty who had been relentless, and another who had tried to take a hit at you. It hadn’t taken long for you to put the bastard in his place but the Mandalorian had taken it a little more personally than you. Before throwing him into the carbonite, Din had broken a little more than six of the target’s ribs and given him a nice shiner on his left eye. He never minded when he was the one who had a punch or two thrown at him but when it was you? Din never took to it lightly. 
Once both bounties had been sent to their respective clients and you’d collected your rewards, Din had set the Crest’s path towards a jungle planet. It was one he had frequented a few years ago - before you, before the kid - and whilst it was a little desolate, it was safe. It was away from any Imps, any potential danger. It meant that you could both let your guards down for a bit and put your feet up. Plus, the Child had been dealing with cabin fever for the better part of two weeks and you were convinced you were going to lose it if you didn’t get the little fucker to some open space soon. Preferably one with lots of frogs, because he was not taking well to the freeze-dried food that you’d been fobbing him with him for the last few months. 
You were laying in an open field, weight propped up on your elbows as you glanced out into the grass over your sunglasses. Din was making his way back towards you, trudging through the long blades; the low evening sun was bouncing off the beskar of his helmet, causing you to scrunch your face up. You could tell from the way he was talking that he was exhausted. He’d been on kid duty all day (it was your turn tomorrow) and somehow, that was more tiring that any bounty. 
‘Where is he-’
Your question was answered before you could even finish it; the little creature suddenly appeared through the grass, hitting your shin with a thump. Digging his claws into your jeans, he scrambled up onto your legs, plopping into your lap and leaning against your stomach. He peered up at you with big brown eyes for a second, before twisting back around to rest his head against your chest for a nap. There went your evening plans.
‘Did he eat anything?’ You raised your arm out to Din, signalling for him to sit next to you.
Aside from his helmet, he had shed the rest of his armour. The material of the undershirt he was wearing was soft against your skin as you leant into his side, letting it a small hmph as you did. He instinctively wrapped his arm your waist - because even on a safe planet, Din was naturally protective - and pulled you closer, using his free hand to run a finger over the kid’s wrinkly head. 
‘I saw him swallow a frog whole.’ His modulated voice replied. ‘It’s still disturbing.’
‘Not as disturbing as when he ate the fish whole.’ You grimaced, glancing up at him. ‘The thing was bigger than him and he gulped it down. Biologically, it doesn’t work.’
‘Nothing about him makes sense.’ He said. 
‘The only thing that makes sense is that nothing makes sense.’ You joked. ‘But I guess we’ll find out a little bit more when we work out where the hell he actually came from.’
It was a subject you didn’t approach too much. You knew that one day, you’d have to hand him back over to his own species; it was all well and good to look after him when he was still small, but you had no idea what he was going to grow to be. Finding his home planet had sort of been a secondary quest for you and Din, between bounties. Given how slow the little bastard aged, time wasn’t too much of a concern. Knowing where to start was the problem.
‘I wish we could keep him forever.’ You quietly murmured. 
‘Me too, cya’rika.’ Din gave your shoulders a light squeeze. ‘But we have to do what’s right for him.’
‘I know.’ You nodded. ‘What do you think we’ll do after we’ve found his home? His species?’
It wasn’t something that Din had given much thought. He was so used to planning everything in the moment - hours ahead, at most. He hadn’t thought in terms of days, let alone weeks or years. It made sense to, because you weren’t going anywhere. He had an opportunity to have a life outside of being a bounty hunter; you’d shown him that much. He’d found a home with you - a sense of contentment and belonging - but in a physical sense, he’d never thought about settling on a planet. When he was younger, the idea of having his own children and his own clan had played on his mind, but it had faded as the years went by. Maybe it was time to revisit the idea.
‘We could get married.’ Din quietly suggested. ‘Start a clan of our own. Something permanent.’
‘I didn’t realise that the word permanent was in your vocabulary.’ You replied. 
‘It wasn’t. Not before you.’ He said. ‘There was a lot of things I never thought about before you.’
‘A clan?’ You intertwined your fingers with his, giving his hand a light squeeze. ���In a few years, absolutely - but I am not doing it on that pile of junk.’
‘That pile of junk got us here.’
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head - but there was a smile on your face. ‘We don’t have to think about it now. One step at a time.’
There was silence for a minute, as you both pondered to yourselves. In the same way you hadn’t been part of Din’s plan, he hadn’t really been part of yours. When you’d met him, you’d never expected to fall in love with him. You couldn’t see his face, or his emotions or his feelings - but after a while, you saw him. It was though you had seen straight through the armour and right into his very soul without either of you trying. You were first person to see him as Din, and not as the Mandalorian. You understood his humanity, and the fact he wasn’t always a warrior; it meant he could let his walls down around you, and seek support and solace in a way he’d always thought to be terrifying. And it was, at first, but now it felt natural and healthy. He had you and you had him. Nothing else mattered.
‘I’ll go wherever you go.’ Din broke the quiet, eyes falling down to where the child lay in your lap.
‘You’d do that for me?’ You rested a hand on the side of his helmet; it was cold against your skin, but the gesture was there. ‘You’d give us all this up for me?’
‘I’m not giving anything up.’ He replied. ‘When I have you, I have everything I need.’
Din had always been blunt and straight to the point: sometimes it was a blessing, sometimes it was a curse. Right now, it was completely and entirely a virtue. It meant that you didn’t have to second guess his feelings for you, or worry about him leaving you. Everything he said to you was a promise. Talks of your future were mutuals goals, things to look forward to together. 
‘I love you.’ You pressed a kiss to the edge of his helmet. 
‘I love you too.’ Din replied. 
‘So let’s retire right now and get a moisture farm on Tatooine-’
‘- don’t push it.’ 
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vault-heck · 3 years ago
WIP Wednesday
I was not tagged this week but I've been meaning to post one so here we are! I'll tag @twosides--samecoin , @ragedaisy , and @wishing4nuclearwinter - for art, writing, or whatever. No pressure <3
If you read chapter 14 of WGDGY, you might be looking forward to the Minutemen's upcoming celebration and wondering how Noah will fare on the dance floor. Me, too. Below the cut is a scene I'm working on where he gets ready for the big night.
Clothes are important to Noah.
“What are you going to wear?” Mac asked. “Sh– shoot, do you think I’ll be okay in this?”
“It’ll, uh...” he said. “Look about as good as it always does.”
“Shut up.”
“Hey, you asked.” Noah rose from his cushion and waved Mac towards the barracks. “You can borrow something of mine. A decent shirt, at least.” His trousers would hit MacCready mid-shin.
He rummaged through his locker and found a few options that would be large enough for Mac. Among them were a plain black t-shirt, a solid brown flannel, and his baby-blue standard Minuteman button-down. Mac seemed to gravitate towards the most familiar item, and reached for the flannel.
“At least try this on under it,” Noah said, handing him the black t-shirt. “I think it would look good on its own. What’s the next time you’ll get a chance to show off the little arm muscle you have?” Mac rolled his eyes.
“Doing wonders for my confidence.” 
“At least you don’t have to wear a suit,” Noah told him, eyes on the opaque garment bag in his locker. Truth be told, ever since he had been forced into his first Easter dress, he had wanted to try men's formal wear. Now that he had the freedom and the reason to wear one, he worried that he wouldn’t be able to pull off the suit very well. He had radioed Daisy his measurements, since there wasn’t time to try it on in person. 
“I would wear anything Daisy sent my way,” Mac said. “Don’t worry. You’ll look great.” He shed his duster, and Noah motioned for him to go ahead and store it in his locker. He changed his top there in the barracks and looked like a different man with no hat and less bulk around his torso.
“She would agree with me about the t-shirt, for the record. That does look good.” Noah reached for the garment bag and took it with him to the bath house. Moment of truth, he thought.
After he washed up and put on the suit, he rolled his neck around and pushed out a heavy exhale. There was a mirror on the other side of a post to his left, and he nervously rounded the corner to examine his outfit.
His jaw fell, and his chest tightened at the pleasant surprise. The man in the mirror was dignified and confident– maybe even attractive. More than anything, Noah recognized himself with less doubt than he thought was possible. He furrowed his brows and turned to get a view of his side profile. That guy looked really sharp, it couldn’t be him. And yet…
He stuffed his everyday clothes in a cloth bag and left before he had a chance to get more emotional. In the hall, he happened upon Preston, who carried his own new uniform.
“Woah,” he greeted Noah. His eyes were wide, and he cast them up and down his suit. “You look amazing.”
He smiled at his feet. Exactly one person had commented on his get-up, and he already felt heat rush to his cheeks. Then again, it was the only person whose opinion mattered. “Thanks. You’re going to wear that well, too.” He pointed at the extravagant overcoat slung over Preston’s arm.
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kaistarus · 4 years ago
The Nishinoya Family’s Chaos
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Pairing: Nishinoya X Reader
Words: 2.6K
Summary: You’re spending time at Noya’s house and all of his sisters are home for the holidays. Noya can’t seem to catch a break, but you’re easily amused by his family’s chaos.
Notes: Apparently Noya has 3 older sisters? As someone with 3 siblings I absolutely could not let this information exist and not write a fic with Noya sibling dynamic. The name and info on his siblings is all made up, as far as I know the only canon is that they exist! :)
Masterlist // Ko-Fi
The first weekend of winter break you and Noya had decided to spend Saturday relaxing and watching movies. Tanaka had given Noya several Netflix recommendations, so with plenty of options you were currently attempting to toss popcorn into Noya’s mouth. You had forgotten what Noya’d selected, but whatever it was had already lost your attention. Noya needed to inform Tanaka his taste in movies sucked.
You snorted as your popcorn kernel missed Noya’s mouth entirely and poked him in the eye.
“Nice catch,” you said sarcastically, closing one eye to aim your next shot.
“Nice throw,” he countered, tossing the dropped piece in his mouth.
“It was a perfect throw. Excellent arc and speed.”
“My reflexes are beyond human comprehension. I would’ve been able to catch a mediocre toss,” he lightly squeezed one of your shins that lay across his lap. “It’s okay. I’m sure you’ll improve with time.”
You grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw them at his face. “I think a few of them went in! You’re right, I am improving.”
Noya picked up some of the pieces on his chest and tossed them back at you with a glare, but you shielded yourself with your arms. You tried to pick up another handful, but he’d already tugged the bowl away from your hands to hold protectively against his chest. What a cheater, you thought, as he mischievously smirked at you.
“Hey, Yuu. Can you do me a fav-Oh, hey (Y/N)!” His eldest sister, Yuki, appeared over the back of the couch making you jump. You had nearly forgotten his sisters had all come home for the holidays.
“Depends.” Noya threw another piece of popcorn at your face while barely acknowledging his sister’s presence. After the piece hit you in the forehead you gave him a small kick to the stomach that he over exaggerated with a groan and an arm slinging over it, letting his tongue hang out the side of his mouth.
What a baby.
“I’m going out to eat with some friends,” she said, smirking at your guys’ display before pushing herself away from the couch. “I started a load of laundry though, so I need you to switch it to the dryer in like half an hour.”
“Why can’t Mina or Sayori do it?” He passed you back the popcorn bowl so he could look over the back of the couch and question Yuki properly. You had only met her a handful of times, but she was absolutely ethereal with her beauty, like, just not fair level attractive. Not that you didn’t find Noya attractive, but what the fuck. How had he lived with that for so long and still have self-esteem?
“Because they’re busy.”
“I’m busy,” he gestured toward the television with his thumb.
“You’re not actually watching it.” She said irritated as you heard a lot of drawers sliding open and closed. “It’ll take three seconds, Yuu. Stop whining.”
“What are you looking for?” Noya leaned onto his crossed arms.
“Dad wants me to take his car because of the snow, but I don’t know where he keeps his keys anymore.”
“Drawer by the fridge.” He said lazily as he flopped back down, picking up your feet to lay them across his lap again.
“Thanks,” You heard the rustling of a coat as she likely prepared herself for the weather outside. “Do you guys want me to pick you something up while I’m out?”
Noya drummed his hands against your legs as he thought before raising a brow toward you, but you lifted your hands while shrugging. You weren’t really hungry at the moment, so you wouldn’t be any help.
“Not sure,” he said without looking back. “Can you text me when you’re heading home?”
“Will do,” she said, and you felt a chill over your skin when she opened the door letting the cold air inside. “See you soon. Thanks again, Yuu. Love you.”
“Yeah yeah, you too.” He said while rolling his eyes. Noya shook the bowl around while he searched for the few edible ones left since throwing pieces around didn’t leave you with much actual food. When he glanced up he raised a brow at your fond smile. “What?”
“I just like seeing you be a younger brother,” you said, poking him in the nose. “It’s cute.”
“Don’t demean me. I’m the farthest thing from cute,” he pouted while grabbing your hand to make you cup his cheek. Yeah, leaning against your hand really helped prove his case. You leisurely rubbed your thumb along his cheek as he rested against the palm he held in place.
“My mistake.” You whispered. Noya’s eyes narrowed at your obviously teasing tone, but when they flickered down to your lips you figured he must’ve decided on giving you a pass. 
“Yuu did you steal my fucking laptop charger again!?”
His hold on the back of your hand tightened slightly as he squeezed his eyes closed. After a long shuddering breath he gave you a quick apologetic smile before leaning back to glare at the ceiling where you heard aggressive stomping.
“No, I don’t have your goddamn charger!” Noya shouted while cupping his mouth. His head fell against the couch when the stomping moved toward the staircase.
“I told you to stay out of my room!”
“Why would I even want to go into that ugly ass mess!?”
“I’m in the middle of a fucking quiz and my laptop is dying.” His other sister, Mina, came stomping into the living space with murder in her eyes. You shrunk into the couch, but Noya just sneered back at her.
“I don’t even have it.”
 “Well it’s not in my room and you always steal my shit.” Mina menacingly marched to stand in front of him with her hands on her hips. “My chargers, my leftovers, my clothes, my-”
“We’ve been over this,” he stood up so they were nose to nose. “If they were your favorite sweatpants you would have taken them to college. They were free game.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“Is too.”
“Is not you fucking shrimp!”
“You’re one inch taller than me!”
“One more inch I can use to kick your ass!” She actually cracked her knuckles before her eyes flickered to you. “Oh my god, (Y/N)? When did you get here?”
“Uh, I’ve been here.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Really?” She furrowed her brow before turning back to Noya and both pinching then twisting his bicep. 
He squeaked. “What the hell?”
“Give. It. Back.”
“I. Don’t. Have. It.” He sneered, ripping her hand off him. They glared at each other for a few seconds before Noya sighed dramatically; leaving down the hall to his room with obnoxiously loud steps and slamming the door closed when he got there. You just shook his head at the childish display.
“So, how’s life?” Mina asked while taking a seat on the coffee table across from you. “Yuu treating you good?”
“Yeah, we’re great. He’s amazing.” You said, glancing down the hall where he was probably cursing up a storm.
“He’s a brat, but he’s a great kid.” She pointed a finger at you sternly. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
Noya came back empty-handed and you glanced back to Mina nervously. “It isn’t in my room.”
“You lost my charger?”
“That’s not what I-” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are you listening to me? I don’t have it. Maybe you just lost it.”
Her jaw dropped. “So, you lose my charger and then try to blame it on me?”
“I didn’t fucking lose-”
“Hey Yuu. I need your help.” Came the voice from his final sister as Sayori wandered into the living room with her face in her phone.
“Oh my fucking god!” He dragged his hands down his face. “So, when I asked everyone to stay out of the living room did that just go over everyone’s head?”
“Jesus, who put a stick up your ass.” Sayori scoffed.
“The brat’s upset because I found out he lost my charger.”
“I didn’t lose-”
“For your laptop?” Sayori clarified and Mina nodded. “Oh, I borrowed that yesterday. It’s in my room.”
Mina blinked and turned to a fuming Noya. “It appears I may have been mistaken.”
“No shit.”
“I will be going now.”
“And stay away.”
She glared at him, but didn’t say anything as she went back to the stairs. Noya, however, like the bigger man he was, stuck his tongue out at her back as she was leaving. You shook your head again. Mina was double the hothead Noya was, so she was absolutely terrifying when angry. And Noya being as stubborn as he was just loved to walk the line.
Once Mina was gone Noya pushed past his other sister to plop sluggishly onto the couch and lay face first onto your lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your smile softened down at him and your hand automatically came up to run your fingers through his hair. It was one of your favorite things to do.
“Hey, (Y/N).”
“Hello,” You felt Noya’s annoyed grumbles against your stomach and you lightly tugged on his hair. He whined and tightened his grip around your stomach.
Sayori sat on Noya’s legs on the opposite side of the couch, making him yelp in pain. He tried kicking her off, but Sayori stubbornly didn’t move until Noya just ended up with his legs on her lap. You smirked at the scene while you just continued to play with Noya’s hair. Sayori was probably your favorite among Noya’s sisters because she had the same chaotic nature.
She also had the same blonde streak of hair and you thought that was really cool because it made them look like twins.
Sayori began poking Noya in the calves repeatedly until he whined dramatically and peeked down at her.
“So, I matched with this guy on Tinder and I told him that I really love volleyball, but apparently he used to play it and now I don’t know what to do.”
He gave her a look of disbelief before flipping over on your lap. “Why would you do that?”
“I don’t know. I mean I like watching you play it so it wasn’t a complete lie.” She said as she offered the phone to him.
“Yeah, but you don’t understand it,” he took the device from her hands. You pushed his hair back away from his forehead and fiddled absentmindedly with the blonde strip of hair. Noya began scrolling through something before typing against the screen.
“Okay, well you told (Y/N) that you liked to read,” Sayori rolled her eyes. “I had to research book synopsis while you were texting her and that’s infinitely more pathetic.”
He turned red and kicked Sayori in the stomach. “What the hell? Shut up.”
“Noya, I knew you were lying right away,” you said. “We’re in the same class. You complain about lit class every day.”
“Then why’d you go along with it?” He said, sounding betrayed.
“‘Cause it was funny,” you smirked. “I honestly didn’t know half the books I talked about. I just wanted to see how far you’d go.”
“That’s evil.”
“That’s hilarious,” Sayori added, patting you on the shoulder in approval. “I’m so glad you two worked out.”
“Me too,” you brushed your knuckles along his cheek and he paused to give you a dopey smile.
“Okay, but be mushy somewhere else.” Sayori said, while fake gagging.
“You’re the one invading our space,” he snorted. “This could’ve waited until later, Sayori.”
“What are you even doing?”
“Oh, he’s flirting for me.” Sayori shrugged like it was completely normal.
“And you… want the guy to like you?” You asked, ignoring the half-assed glare Noya sent you.
“He’s actually a great flirt as long as there’s no emotional attachment.”
“Stop acting so surprised,” Noya furrowed his brow at you. “I flirted well enough to get you to date me.”
“I guess.” Although if you were being honest you actually fell for how bad he was at flirting with you. You were way more attracted to his awkward attempts to impress you than if he’d been super suave or something.
“This guy’s a loser.” Noya grimaced. “I don’t like the way he’s treating you.”
“Really?” Sayori slid down so she laid beside him on your lap and you lifted your hands awkwardly. He just tilted the screen to her and she tsked. “Man, boys suck.”
Noya nodded in agreement as he handed the phone back to her before she hoisted herself off you.
“So, this is normal then?” You asked.
“Yep, he pulls most of my dates. It’s only when he has crushes that he’s a wreck.” She snorted. “Like, it took three days for him to confidently text you by himself.”
“Don’t tell her that!”
“You were nervous? That’s so cute,” you smashed his cheeks together and Noya furrowed his eyebrows annoyed.
“Isn’t it?” Sayori squeezed his feet and bounced them playfully. “I mean, I had to text you the first day while he paced around panicking and ranting about how cute you were and how he was gonna fuck it up. I’ve never seen him so-”
Noya kicked her in the stomach. “Sayori, leave.”
She rolled her eyes, “After all I do for you…” She got up from the couch and sent a peace sign over her shoulder. “See you guys later.”
“Whatever,” he mumbles under his breath.
“Thank you! I love you!” She screamed from her doorway while Noya reached his hand up to pinch your nose and wave your head around.
“Whatever, love you too!”
You captured the hand on your nose and brought the back of his hand to your lips. “I also love you.” You said softly against his hand.
“I love you, too.” He whispered.
You let yourselves enjoy the first moments of silence together as his eyes drifted closed and you leaned against his hand. The only noise came from Mina’s muffled study playlist drifting through the floorboards as even the television had long fallen quiet-the movie ending a long time ago without either of you noticing.
“I like having you here,” he said, peeking an eye open.
Your eyes softened. “I like being here.”
The washer buzzed and he squeezed his eyes shut while taking a deep breath. He rolled off your lap with a whine, giving you a quick peck on the forehead before he went jogging down the hallway with a promise that he would be right back. You watched after him as he sock slid on the hardwood floor to make a sharp turn and continue running toward their washroom. You couldn’t contain the dopey smile on your lips.
You relaxed back against the couch as your cheeks turned a rosey shade of pink. You stared up at the ceiling fan spinning around and chewed on your bottom lip, mulling over your thoughts.
You really did love being here, being a part of the family chaos. As you heard the dryer start running and a door sliding shut somewhere in the house a nice thrum ran through your heart because… you especially loved being a part of the family chaos with him.
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stardusttrashed · 4 years ago
Lovestruck (2)
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Part 1
Part 3
Pairing: Professor Erwin x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 4K
“Are you up?” You scrunched your face up at the question. “Sorry, stupid question.” You weren’t sure why you were so nervous right now. You had spoken to Erwin plenty of times before. Hell, you spent nearly every day on the phone with him. If it wasn’t a ‘good morning’ call, it was a ‘good night’ call, or even him just calling in between classes. Yet here you were, jumbling over your words nervously. “I, uh, what I meant to say was, did I wake you?”
You looked down at the annoyingly blank document on your screen. The blinking cursor on the white screen seemed to be mocking you. It was a steady reminder of what you should be doing. All you could hope was that Erwin would be able to rid you of your writer's block in some way, even if it was just his voice.
You could hear a quiet amused sound from the other side of the phone. “N-no, you’re fine, I promise,” he reassured you. His voice was huskier than usual, laced with unmistakable tiredness. “Someone already beat you to the punch,” Erwin joked. His chuckle quickly died out as a quiet ‘oh’ fell from your lips. 
Erwin cleared his throat worriedly, “I’m glad you called, actually. I was going to ask for your help.”
You glanced at the clock on your laptop. “You want my help? At two in the morning,” you thought aloud, processing what was going on. Sure, you were calling to ask the same, but. Well, you had no ‘but’s right now. “Kinda sounds like a booty call to me.”
“Were you not doing the same,” Erwin asked teasingly. You could hear the smile in his honeyed tone. “It’s not a booty call,” Erwin reassured you when he got nothing but a laugh. “Unless you want it to be,” he trailed off in uncertainty, unsure if he was stepping over a line.
“You wish, Erwin. What happened to taking things slow?”
“What better way to give you that demonstration you wanted?”
You laughed and shook your head. It was easier just to assume he was teasing than face your feelings right now. “What do you need help with, Erwin,” you chuckled.
“It’d probably be easier if you just came over. And yes, I know this is sounding more and more like a booty call, but I swear it isn’t.”
“Whatever you say, Smith.” You shook your head as you fought back an amused smirk. “I’ll be there in a bit.”
Erwin smiled like a kid in a candy store, “I’ll send you the address.” You hung up with a playful ‘yeah, yeah, yeah.’ His eyes scanned the room, making sure everything was spick and span. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. But more than anything else, he wanted to make sure you were comfortable. 
You stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your mind racing a mile a minute. You weren’t sure what to wear- because your t-shirt and panties weren’t an option. Well, they could be. You groaned and walked over to your dresser. You wanted to be comfortable, but all your shorts left little to the imagination. And you could wear sweatpants, but sweats weren’t always the sexiest thing. You let out a sound that was a mixture between a scoff and a laugh. It was ridiculous how much you were stressing over going to his house. He was your friend, for crying out loud. He probably didn’t even really care.
Erwin leaned against the bathroom counter, getting closer to the mirror. He ran the brush over his hair for probably the tenth time in the past couple of minutes. His thundering heart and shaking hands made it nearly impossible to get his part right. A frustrated sigh left his lips as he set the brush down. He couldn’t for the life of him figure out why he was making such a big deal about this. Sure, it was the first time you were coming over, and he wanted to impress you. But who has their shit together at two in the morning? 
“What do you think, princess? Should I brush my hair or go for a messy-casual look?”
You pulled on a pair of grey sweatpants before your nerves told you to change again. “It’s just Erwin,” you quietly reassured yourself. You walked through your room, gathering the numerous pieces of clothes strewn about the place, “just Erwin Mr. Perfect Smith. No need to fret,” you folded each item before putting them in their proper place. “Just two friends helping each other out, non sexually, at two in the morning,” you continued with an uncertain tone as you walked past your bathroom. You stopped in your tracks, backpedaling towards the room you just passed to grab a toothbrush and some deodorant. You tossed them into a bag along with your laptop.
Erwin: Here’s the address, call me if you get lost :)
Erwin: Can’t wait for you to meet Sina
You stared at your phone in disbelief, your hand falling slack against the doorknob. Your feet felt like bricks, holding you in place as you read the short sentence repeatedly. Who was Sina? More importantly, why did it bother you so much? He’s just a friend, nothing more. Who cared if he had a girl? You were only coming over to help. 
With a weary sigh, you pulled yourself out of your daze, walking out the door and into the cool early morning air. The faint smell of rain hung in the air as you drove further and further out of the city. Streetlights were replaced with dense trees, leaving nothing but the moonlight and your headlights to lead the way. Your mind drifted back to Erwin’s text in an attempt to busy itself. You tried picturing what she might look like, whether she had long or short hair, her height, how perfect she’d look on Erwin’s arm. What would you even say to her? 
You pushed down the thought, feeling yourself get more and more anxious with every new conspiracy theory-like idea of who Sina could be. “Just friends,” you breathed quietly as you parked your car. 
Quiet knocking sounded through the house, sending both Erwin and Sina on high alert. Erwin stood frozen in place while his mind raced with his heart as if they were trying to see which would drive him crazy faster. Heart thundering in his chest, he forces himself to walk towards the front door, Sina following behind on his heels. 
You raised your finger to ring the doorbell, stopping short as the door opened to reveal Erwin. You stared at him, jaw slack and mouth slightly agape as you admired the man in front of you. His hair was casually messy except for a few stubborn strands. It was as if his hair was gelled down, and someone tried to ruffle it to avail.  “I was beginning to think you fell asleep,” you teased as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“And miss seeing you,” Erwin chuckled and shook his head. “Of course-,” he was interrupted by the door opening wider, Sina squeezing her way towards you. 
A gasp escaped your lips as you felt repeated nudging against your shin. Your eyes fell to the ground, landing an overly excited Shiba Inu puppy. “Hi there, cutie,” you cooed, scooping it up into your arms. Giggles spilled from your lips as the puppy squirmed in your arms, desperately trying to cover every bit of you in kisses. 
Erwin watched you with adoring eyes for a moment, a dopey smile spreading across his face. He could watch you for hours, intoxicated by everything about you. Your smile made his heart stop and sent it into overdrive all at the same time as if he was on a rollercoaster. “I’m glad you two are getting along. Y/n, meet my new little princess, Sina.”
“S-Sina,” You repeated after him, hoping you didn’t look as shocked as you actually were. “She’s… she’s Sina? So when you said someone had beat me to the…. gotcha.” Erwin raised an eyebrow at you, sending you a knowing smirk. “I just mean, well, I just- it’s a cute name.” You let out a quiet sigh of relief, “it fits her.” You turned your attention to Sina, who had snuggled herself into the crook of your arm. 
Erwin made an amused sound and muttered quietly to himself, “you’re something else.”
“Hmm. What was that?”
“I, well,” Erwin scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly. “I was trying to figure out if you came all this way just to stand outside.”
You pushed your tongue against the inside of your cheek with a playful scoff. “It’s a little hard to come inside when there’s a brick wall in the way?”
“A brick wall, eh?” Erwin leaned against the doorframe not so casually, lifting his arm above his head and his shirt along with it. “First a Greek god, then a brick wall, huh?”
Your eyes drifted down his form, slowly taking all of him in before landing on the glimpse of skin above his waistband. You wanted to run your fingers along his prominent v-line, tracing it lower and-. Erwin cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You closed your eyes with a bashful smile tugging on your lips, “are you going to stop being a pain in the ass and invite me in sometime soon?” You opened your eyes to meet his unwavering gaze. “Or I can just leave with Sina.”
“Wouldn’t be the first thing you’ve taken from me,” Erwin muttered as he moved aside, allowing you to step inside. His pulse quickened as you walked past him, Sina still tucked away in your arms as if she belonged there. “D-do you want anything to drink or eat,” he questioned as he closed and locked the door behind you. 
“Water is fine, thank you.” You gently set Sina down on the mahogany floor, watching her return to a ball of energy as she was before- bounding happily over to Erwin. “It’s a nice murder house you have here,” you called after him as he walked towards what you presumed to be the kitchen. Erwin’s laughter echoed down the hall, filling you with a surge of giddy warmth. Your eyes wandered around, subconsciously scanning for pictures.
“It’s not a murder house,” Erwin laughed with a playful eye-roll. “It’s just peaceful, makes it easy to find inspiration.” 
“Yeah, sure, that’s what all the murderers say.” You strolled down the hall, taking in the cozy interior while continuing your search for pictures. 
“You’re not going to find anything,” Erwin spoke, his breath tickling your ear. 
“What? I wasn’t- what are you talking about?” You kept your eyes on the wall in front of you, refusing to turn around and face him. Heat rose to your cheeks as if you were standing in front of a fire. 
“I don’t have a girlfriend.”
You whipped around before you could stop yourself, nearly knocking over the cup in his hand. “I wasn’t going to-.” Was it really that obvious what you were doing? Your breaths grew shorter and shorter as you grew anxious. 
“You didn’t have to. Your reaction to Sina was enough.” Erwin stared at you gently as he mulled over his own thoughts. Was it mere curiosity, or did you… do you feel the same way about him as he does for you? He opened his mouth to say something, but no words could come out. No words felt right. He wasn’t sure if he should just outright say how he felt, too afraid of scaring you off. “Y/n-,” Sina’s frustrated yips stopped his words in their tracks. “... what did you need help with?” Erwin watched the hopeful look in your eyes diminish.
“Ah,” you gasped, pulled out of your dream-like daze that his blue eyes put you under. “I needed some writing inspiration… what did you need help with?” You plucked the cup from his hand, taking a sip. 
I wanted an excuse to see you. His brain froze like a deer in headlights, leaving him staring at you like a complete idiot. Erwin’s eyes flitted down to your lips. I needed to be beside you. “I,” he trailed off as his cheeks were painted a pale shade of pink. “I wanted you to meet Sina.”
You raised an eyebrow challengingly, “at two in the morning?” You immediately bit the inside of your cheek in regret. 
Erwin’s eyes fell to Sina at his feet, watching as she pawed at his legs in desperation for attention. The warmth radiating from your body was becoming unbearable. You were so close, yet it felt almost illegal to touch you. 
“Well, I’m glad you did.” You lowered down into a squat, grabbing Sina’s attention. A soft smile graced your face as the puppy climbed into your lap like a jungle gym. 
He took the cup from your hand before setting it down on a table. Why was it so hard for him to talk right now?  He was thankful you were too busy playing with Sina to notice him struggling to come up with something to say. A few moments passed before he finally opened his mouth to say, “I wanna show you something,”  An awkward silence covered both of you as he slowly led you throughout the house. No amount of deep breaths seemed to calm Erwin enough to get him to be confident enough to form coherent sentences. He was too aware of your presence beside him. Too aware of the look of awe on your face as you took in each new room until you stopped at a room composed mostly of windows that gave a perfect view of the lake a few meters away. 
“This is where I get most of my writing done,” he admitted as he turned on the fairy lights hanging above them. “Or out there,” he nodded towards the hammock swaying the breeze right over a shallow part of the lake.
“So Mr. Smith’s murder house turns out to be a lake house as well. How convenient.” You turned to him with a playful smirk, basking in the way the corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement. “In all seriousness though, it’s beautiful- all of it,” you gestured to the house around you.
“You’re free to come whenever you want,” Erwin blurted before he could catch himself. He opened his mouth to protest as your eyes widened, but you beat him to the punch. 
“I’d like that… a lot.” You could picture it already. You could see you and Erwin living a happy domestic life together, spending early mornings in the hammock with him and Sina, watching the sunrise. But you were getting ahead of yourself- he’s nothing but a friend after all. You quickly averted your gaze out of embarrassment. “Mind if I play music while I write,” you asked as you plopped down on a bench with your laptop in hand.
“Whatever makes you comfortable.” Erwin followed behind you, oblivious to your sudden embarrassment, sitting beside you. 
Sina wasted no time, slipping between the small space left between yours and Erwin’s thigh. It was a snug fit that left her in a cubby of warmth that quickly lulled her to sleep. 
You stifled your third yawn in the past minute, determined to get some of your thought on the god-forsaken document. The ideas were finally flowing, revived by the serene sight in front of you. Or maybe it was by the muscular blonde beside you that couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off of you for more than a second. “It’s kinda hard to focus when you keep staring.” You glanced at him through the corner of your eye with a smug smile to let him know you were teasing. 
“Not my fault you look gorgeous,” Erwin breathed absentmindedly. He couldn’t get enough of you, his eyes drinking you in like a man in the desert. He wanted to memorize how you looked. He tried to ingrain into his mind the feeling of having, if nothing else, this one domestic moment with you. The love songs streaming from your phone only helped make the picture that much more vivid in his mind. You were perfect.
“Wha-?” You whipped your head to look at him, “what did you say?” 
You sighed disappointedly and nodded, “sorry, I thought you said something.” You shifted uncomfortably as the awkward silence returned. Hesitantly you turned back to your laptop to finish working on the little bit of story you managed to snuff out of your inspiration. The words on the screen blurred together, jumbling together into nonsense. Too much of your brain was focused on missing the feeling of Erwin’s gaze to attempt to refocus. You looked down at the time with a sigh. 4 a.m. 
“I should get going,” you broke the silence as you rose to your feet. “It’s late-,” you stifled a yawn, “and I’m sure you’re probably tired by now.” 
“Stay?” Erwin followed your lead and rose to his feet as well, “like you said, it’s late. And your eyes are barely open.” He let out a heart-melting chuckle. “Stay and leave when you wake up.” He searched your eyes as he gave you time to think it over. “I’ll even sleep on the couch,” he continued when you opened your mouth with a frown pressed in over your expressions. “You and Sina can have my bed.”
“I’m not going to make you sleep on the couch in your own house.”
“You’re not making me do anything.” 
You chewed onto the inside of your cheek as you mulled it over. He was right. Your eyes felt like they weighed tons which meant driving probably wasn’t the safest option. The butterflies in your stomach, on the other hand, were wide awake and quickly spreading through your body. “Okay.” 
Erwin let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding, “okay?” His lips cracked into an uncertain smile. 
You rolled your eyes, a quiet giggle falling from your lips. “That’s what I said, isn’t it?” You gave his shoulder a gentle nudge, leaving your hand there longer than necessary, “you aren’t changing your mind are you?” 
Erwin caught your hand with ease, gently holding it in place against his shoulder. “About you?” Erwin looked at you like it might’ve been the last time he got the chance. “Never.” He kept his hand clasped around your, noting to himself how perfectly your hand seemed to fit in his. 
You laughed nervously, “even if I ask to borrow some shorts for the night?” 
“Especially then.” Erwin smiled shyly, feeling his hand grow slightly clammy. He loosened his grip on your hand, “come on.” 
In a moment of panic, you quickly grasped onto his hand, holding onto it despite the increasing clamminess from both of your hands. A surge of regret washed over you as you felt his hand stiffen. “S-sorry,” you gasped, preparing to release his hand. Erwin’s eyes never left your own-- despite the worry and hesitance they held-- as he laced his fingers with yours. Your eyes flitted down to your interlocked hand, a small smile finding its way on your lips. “Ah, lead the way, Smith.”
Erwin scooped Sina into his free hand with ease before leading you to his bedroom. Every step towards the room felt like a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart, filling him with giddy excitement. He would’ve felt embarrassed or childish in any other situation, but he could’ve sworn he could feel the same excitement radiating off of you. 
Erwin reluctantly released your hand once the both of you walked into his room. “Shorts are in the dresser over there,” Erwin nodded to the opposite corner of the room as he laid Sina in her bed. “I’ll- uh, go ahead and go lay down on the couch. Make yourself comfortable.” 
You nodded as you dug through his drawer, grabbing the first pair of shorts you saw. Something felt wrong. Like something was missing. You changed in the bathroom, and by the time you came back out, he was already out of the room. A heavy sigh left your lips as your mind jumped from one thought to another like a child playing the floor is lava. Sure, Erwin was just a friend, but is that really all you wanted him to be? Either way, friends can sleep in the same bed without it being weird. Right? 
“Erwin,” you spoke softly as you walked out to the hall. Erwin stood at the end of it, his hand resting on the light switch. You waited until he turned to look at you, your breath hitching in your throat at the sight of his bright blue eyes. “Come lay with us? I feel bad making you sleep on the couch and, well, erm, Sina wants you.”
Erwin’s chuckle rumbled in his chest as he raised an eyebrow. “Sina wants me?” You nodded shyly, your eyes wavering as if there was more you wanted to say. It was an answer enough for him to turn off the light and walk towards you, the bedroom light guiding him. He stopped in front of you, towering over you, “Just Sina?” He didn’t know what had gotten ahold of him.
Your voice caught in your throat, leaving you gaping like a fish. You let out a heavy sigh, your shoulders raising and dropping, as you gathered yourself. “I… I want you.” Erwin quirks a grin at your words, and you could’ve sworn you saw his shoulders relax.
Erwin pulled you closer by the waist, mischief twinkling in his eyes as he lowered his voice to a soft murmur, “say it again.” 
“Erwin, I want you,” you coo as you press yourself closer, leaving barely enough room for a breath. 
“I want you too.” His grip around your waist tightens momentarily. The look in his eyes was one you’ve never seen before, one filled with an insatiable hunger. “God, I’ve wanted you longer than you know.” He leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours, your noses brushing against each other. His breath fanned over your lips, but he couldn’t bring himself to take the next step. This all felt like too much of a dream to do so. He was so close, yet fear gripped him and held him impossibly still. It took everything in his power not to claim you, to press his lips against yours like he’s wanted to for so long. “I want…” 
“No offense Erwin, but shut up,” you chuckled, “taking it slow sucks.” You softly pressed your lips against his. Erwin responds instantly, consuming you completely with sudden passion, his lips bruising against yours. Desire for each other takes every thought until you both are nothing more than a body, yearning to touch and be touched. 
Erwin smiled against your lips. You were sending him to cloud nine, and as much as he loved it, he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. When he breaks the kiss, he looks almost dizzy, pausing a moment to catch a breath and look you over before speaking. “I’ll have to agree with you on that,” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. “But it made the moment all the more savorable.” Without warning, Erwin lifted you- one hand holding you steady while the other guided your legs to wrap around his waist. “And I’m not done savoring it yet.”
tags: @mandyvc @iaru​  @korianrdr 
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ilovebeingcalledawhore · 4 years ago
Content: fluff
Summary: When two teenagers meet at their highschool’s pool, they form a connection with the same love and longing for the sea and at some point they just find themselves falling in love, quite literally.
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Pools, indoor swimming pools.
The moment I found out my highschool had indoor swimming pools at the back part of the gym, I was immediately won over. Swimmers trained early in the morning but the pools were left open but no student ever bothered to actually hang in there except for me.
After school, I get tutoring from teachers ‘till seven pm. Right before I go home I walk to the pools and just sit there. I watch the moonlight hitting the water.
Most of the time I stare at myself, maybe dip my fingers into the water.
It was the perfect place to rest. In there, I felt like nothing else mattered. I’d even call it a sanctuary. It was a safe place to run when all else breaks down.
Pausing the music playing through my earphones. I shove my phone into my bag and push the big grey gym door open.
Empty, as usual.
I walk through the dark and quiet basketball court - my eyes lighting up at the sight of the pool shown through its clear glass entrance door. Pushing it open, I sigh in satisfaction as the smell entered my nose.
I loved this place.
I was quietly walking when all of a sudden, “who are you?”
“Ahhh!” I scream, completely startled by the voice of whoever was in there. I start looking around and see a boy sitting by the pools edge. He had dark messy hair and the school uniform on. His pants were rolled up ending just above his knees so it wouldn’t get wet meanwhile his feet up to his shin were underwater.
“I’m gonna leave,” I mutter and I hear him chuckle as a response. “You’re already here, might as well stay.” He speaks softly and something about his voice attracted me. Though it took me a few seconds to finally agree, I sat at the other side of the pool. My legs crossed but my fingers dipped in the water
It was quiet but something about the silence was comforting, it didn’t feel awkward, it felt like being around an old friend. Clearing my throat to cut the silence, I start the converstaion with words that were on the tip of my tongue. “I’ve never seen you here before,” I speak, looking up to observe the way he replies. A half-hearted grin appears on his lips and he says, “I just found out about this yesterday and I needed it.”
My eyebrows furrow, how do you need a pool? I thought to myself - ‘till I remembered why I was here all along. “You needed it?” I asked and he nodded, finally looking up making your eyes meet. I felt my heart gradually start racing but I try to ignore it. “Yes, the beaches have been locked away and I needed water.” His reply made my heart swell because I felt the exact same way.
Beaches have been locked out ‘cause there was too much trash in them. The government finally took action and started a cleaning movement but volunteers weren’t allowed. They wanted the world to ignore it while they hid away the problems. I sighed in empathy, “I’m Y/n,” I say - our eyes connecting once more. “I’m Mark, Mark Lee.”
The very next day, I found myself walking back to the pools but this time with the slight hope of the mysterious boy to be there. Pushing the glass door open, I immediately look around but see no one. My heart drops in disappointment but I push the feeling away. I walked back to my spot, this time dipping my feet in. I didn’t have any problems ‘cause I was wearing the school’s skirt.
Taking out the small black speaker from my bag, I connect it to my phone and start playing my favourite song. I sigh in satisfaction, I felt good. Today wasn’t a stressful day, it was calm and went by smoothly - I was definitely in a great mood.
As I start to hum with the music mindlessly, I kept staring at the moonlight hitting the edges of the pool and little sparkle it made with the water, it was pretty. Everything was quiet and calm when all of a sudden I hear the same familiar voice from yesterday but this time, he was singing along to the song.
I yelped, completely startled by his sudden presence.
I turned around and saw him rolling the hem of his pants so he can dip his feet into the water. “You scared me!” I whisper and he smiled as a response. That was the first time I saw him give a genuine smile - and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel some type of way.
He finally dips his feet into the water and starts singing along to the music once more. I just sat there and admired him and his voice. He looked good under that moonlight but I was too shy to say it out loud, even admit to it. So I look away distracting myself, waiting for the song to end.
Then it did.
“You sing good,” I compliment him and he scratches the nape of his neck shyly.
A month has passed and the safe haven was now a habit. Even on nights when I’m told to come home early, I always find a way to come to the pools. Even for a minute, even for a few seconds, most of the time not for the water but for him.
In all honesty if I had to label him as anything, it’d be a human diary. He knows much more than my friends who I’ve been with for a year. I don’t know what it is about it but, telling your secrets to a stranger feels much more comforting.
At this point we know each others favourite colour, movie, song, artist. What we want to be when we grow up - what we don’t want to be when we grow up. What type of person we want to fall in love with - if were even in love with ourselves. Does he think aliens are real? How ‘bout mermaids? I know his dreams, goals, secrets, trauma, his biggest fear and his greatest regret and in equality, he knows mine.
Though I hate to admit to it, he makes my days. His presence, his voice, his thoughts - it came to the point where I don’t want to sleep anymore ‘cause for the first time reality was better.
Smiling to myself as I quietly walked through the gym to get to the pools. I push the door open but freeze, my hands still on the metal handle of the door. I heard sniffling and sobbing. At that very moment my heart dropped. If I were to expect anything it wasn’t this.
“Mark...” I whisper, but the whisper was enough to echo through the room in it’s silence. Finally walking in, I shut the door and quickly walking towards the pool. The image broke my heart. He sat there, his legs crossed together - not dipped in the water like I’m used to. “What’s wrong?” My brows furrow as I walked towards him.
He continued to sob into his hands, biting his lip to silence himself. But when he finally put his hands down, the tears running down his face made me sit next to him and hug him without hesitation. We’ve never been this close, only ever sitting across each other on different sides of the pool. He melts into me, his head going into the crook of my neck but this time, he started crying some more; not loudly but silently.
The tears just continued to roll down onto my shirt making me sigh in empathy.
Like I always do when my friends cry, I rub their heads in comfort. “It’ll get better,” I whisper and he nods into me. I look down to see if he’s calmed down but right when I do, our eyes meet. I give him a little smile, wiping the last tear that ran down his cheek.
We just sat there, our eyes connected somehow healing each other quietly. Taking in deep breaths, I continue to caress his face. When I cried, it was something my mom did to comfort me. “You feel better?” I ask and he looks away. “Yeah,” he whispers as he looks down and observes our other hand interlocked with each others. Something even I didn’t notice.
Mindlessly looking around, him still in your arms, you notice a small black bug atleast three meters away from you. “Oh my god,” you mutter, eyes getting wide and heartbeat racing as it crawled fast and closer towards you. “Ah!” You scream, frantically moving around but not making much progress ‘cause of the boy laying on you. “Mark there’s a bug!” You scream.
He turns around and sees the bug almost a meter away and he panics too. In all that movement you found yourselves with no other option but the pool. Panickly falling in you, you drag the boy with you.
It was a split second underwater until you rose up again to take in air. As you did, you didn’t realise that the boy was so close to you, it was only until you calmed down that you felt his breath hit your lips. Smiling in amusement as you looked at each others state, you laugh in disbelief, observing your now extremely wet uniform.
“Mom’s gonna kill me,” you mutter to yourself but he chuckles to it. Slowly, you feel one of his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer leaving no space in between your bodies. His other hands crawls up your arm, to your neck, to your chin making you face him.
Hearts racing.
Hearts synching.
Seconds later his lips were on yours. His teeth bites into your lower lip drawing you closer. Your eyes widen in realisation, making you pull away gently. “What?” You ask, bewildered but not complaining. “No questions, just kiss me.” He replies and your breath hitches as he makes your legs wrap around his waist. “Kiss me,” he says again and without anymore hesitation, you do.
Bodies tangled.
Wet and messy hair.
Eyes shut.
Lips locked.
You fell in love, quite literally.
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starcrossedkaiju · 4 years ago
Kingslayer AU: Chapter Four
I would say this is where the plot really kicks up. Especially next chapter.
\\ Warnings: blood, violence, guns //
Home was quiet under the overcast winter sky. A blanket of snow covered everything in sight. Scott shoved his hands in his pockets and shivered away the chill creeping down his back. It was beginning to snow more heavily as the evening set in on the server.
Winter never faired well with him, it made his hands and knees weak, and stuck him with a near constant headache. Most ailments rendered him bedridden if it was cold enough outside. He hoped he wouldn’t get sick.
Jimmy had hurried them into Scott’s home quickly after entering the walls. It wasn’t really Scott’s anymore as both of them had been sharing the space for quite a while. There was evidence of each of them strewn about.
It could do with some cleaning but the clutter made it feel more natural.
Safer, perhaps.
Scott took his shoes and jacket off. He left them near the door so no muck would get tracked into the house. It was cold inside from a week of being neglected, not a lamp had been left on after he went to see the Sand People.
One glance at his bed proved to be the nail in the coffin. He climbed into the loft and lay down, his head hit the pillow and he was out.
Water trickled across the ceiling. It dropped down and landed on Scott’s cheek. Plunk Plunk Plunk.
Scott blinked into awareness and looked for the source of his awakening, only to find that it was completely dark. Panic surged through him and he sat up quickly only to hit his head on a hard surface. His hands flew out in surprise and hit two stone walls.
“What,” he breathed.
The floor beneath him was damp from perpetual rain seeping into the cell.
“No,” he whispered repeatedly.
The darkness was suffocating this time, he couldn’t calm down, he knew he’d run out of air eventually. Maybe the lack of oxygen was finally making him go crazy, imagining the walls were getting closer and closer. Scott pushed himself up against the corner and hugged his knees to his chest.
The water that woke him up seemed to flow more like a waterfall now. It hit the jagged floor and slowly approached the corner Scott had decided to glue himself to, but it didn’t stop. The water only grew deeper and deeper. He was too tired to even care. Death seemed like a more peaceful option then trying to escape.
He would drown in his tomb alone, and they would get away with it.
Scott’s eyes flew open. This time not to a completely dark stone tomb, but a softly moonlit bedroom. His bedroom.
A weight from behind him made itself known.
Jimmy must have gotten into bed with him earlier that night. The covers were pulled over both of them.
Scott turned around and leaned into his sleeping husband’s arms, taking a few moments to assure himself of his surroundings; and that he was safe at home.
Sensing that his night of sleep had been cut short, Scott meticulously unwrapped himself from Jimmy’s arms and replaced himself with a pillow.
His socks masked most of the noise he made as he exited the room and partially closed the door behind him. It was deathly silent when he unhooked his coat (the one he didn’t ruin) from its place on the wall, equipped his boots, and slipped outside.
The contrast of warmth from inside to outside made Scott’s eyes water. His hands were safe inside his mittens when he brushed some snow off his front steps and sat down.
It was a bit windy outside, breeze funneled through the valley and into the Hobbit town. It bounced off the hills and dissipated into the air. Scott wished he’d brought his telescope so he could admire the sky, which was clear at the moment. A lonely band of the Milky Way sliced across the cosmos to the west.
Stargazing always filled him with a feeling of yearning. He couldn’t remember why, or even when it had started, but ever since he found himself on this server with borders and rules he felt out of place. Not just in the way he looked, but being grounded for so long. Scott had trouble understanding the ways of this world. It was obvious that he didn’t quite fit.
The snow had died down since they arrived hours earlier, nobody had cleared it for a while so it was near shin deep. Every inch of the landscape was buried, including the entrance to their enchanting room, and all the flowers that would typically adorn the forest floor.
Something was wrong.
Scott couldn’t put his finger on it. Coming to alertness, he scanned the scenery like a hawk until he saw it.
Fresh. Footprints.
Directly in front of his home, they came right up to the first step and no further. There was multiple sets fanning out across the lawn area. He could see all three sets from his perch.
Scott froze with fear. Someone had paid a visit in the middle of the night while they were asleep. He wondered why, but he knew.
He was about to get up and lock himself inside when he felt something step on the creaking stairs right behind him. Scott’s eyes flicked to the side for a split second before he instinctively stood up and attempted to flee down the remaining steps, but he didn’t make it.
A hand instantly wrapped around his forearm and wrenched him backwards, he fell into an armored torso. A gloved hand clapped over his mouth, and an arm snaked under his own to render them paralyzed.
“It would be in your best interest not to scream Major,” a terrible Scottish accent made itself known. Scott nearly rolled his eyes.
Of course, this dramatic fool had to come and ruin his night. One thing was for certain, he was not getting kidnapped again.
A sharp object poked at his ribs.
“Just a precaution,” someone said in a falsely apologetic tone. No doubt it was Skizzle.
That meant that he was being immobilized by Martyn. He should have known really, that man followed the Red King anywhere. Upon the ladder’s orders, he escorted Scott down the steps and across the snow stricken grounds, just next to Jimmy’s “house” that they’d mainly been using as storage for the odds and ends that didn’t fit in Scott’s place.
The hand was removed from his jaw and he jolted his head away with a mirthful expression. He fixed his eyes directly where he assumed Ren’s were beneath his sunglasses; which he was wearing in the dead of night. Asshole.
Skizzle stood next to Ren with an imposing posture, as Martyn had a free hand to hold his own weapon with. The weapon being an enchanted diamond axe which he held with a sort of pride.
“You know,” Ren began, “I must give it to you Major, that escape you pulled off was impressive,” he spoke in an unbothered manner and ground his foot upon a rock somewhere under the snow.
“Why are you doing this, Ren?” Scott cut to the chase. He was uninterested in games.
“You aren’t even a red lifer. You can’t kill me,” he added.
Ren scoffed. He adjusted his glasses, “and who exactly is policing that rule?” he said with a knowing quirk of an eyebrow.
“Grian?”a beat passed, “you?!” he began to laugh to himself. Skizzle and Martyn joined in momentarily.
“More green lifers have killed people than red at this stage, so don’t get on me about that,” he said.
“These are my walls,” Scott pointed out.
“That’s funny, you didn’t seem to have much respect for our walls earlier did you,” Martyn said close to Scott’s ear. He pulled away.
“Can I at least be let in on why you’re picking on me of all people?” Scott asked with no enthusiasm.
“Don’t tell me you went on and forgot that Timmy dearest is responsible for the deaths of myself and Skizzle,” Ren shot back, leaning into the other’s personal space.
Everyone looked between each other, “among other things,” Ren added.
Skiz nodded in agreement and sent a meaningful glare towards Scott’s house, where a dim light was on in the bedroom.
Scott’s mouth hung open in rueful shock, “that’s what all this is about? It was an accident,” he shouted. Which earned him a light punch in the side.
“Be quiet,” Martyn warned.
“You know he didn’t mean it! He was sorry and you know it. The only reason you’re even here right now is because it was an accident. Don’t do this to him,” Scott half pleaded but he was more angry.
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You’re buddy buddy with the people who want to kill us too. Hmm, maybe you are familiar with the term ‘covering our bases’?” Ren added.
“This isn’t all about your perfect little life Major,” Ren dropped the accent and took Scott by the front of his jacket.
“Things are going to change around here for all of us, and it starts with your Timmy paying his dues,” he said.
Scott’s face pulled into a scowl. He thrust his head forward vigorously, the plastic CRACK of Ren’s sunglasses on impact split through his ears as he saw the “Red” King stagger backwards.
Before his goons could decide their next moves Scott lifted his foot up behind him quickly, glad he’d decided to wear his heavier boots on a whim as they collided with an unfortunate set of unmentionables.
The owner of the unmentionables keeled over. He all but threw the axe out of his hands, which Scott graciously took for himself. He tore himself free and swung around, bringing the back of the axe down on Martyn’s bowed head. Purposefully omitting the sharpened blade from the equation.
Skull met stick with a loud THWACK; and Martyn’s body went limp. The Hand fell on his side into the snow with a muffled thump.
Scott admired his work for a moment and considered it even for the lingering purple bruise still on the side of his own face.
There was no time to waste though, he turned back to the remaining members of Dogwarts with a new feeling of control.
Ren’s face was still buried in his hands. No doubt sporting a wicked nosebleed from being head-butted. His glasses were nowhere to be found. Somewhere in the deep snow.
Scott’s attention turned to Skiz now. Who was in battle position.
It was not a fair fight by any means. The Red Army was decked out in their signature crimson dyed armor (not great for sneaking around but they weren’t much into that) and their iconic shields which Scott thought were a bit ugly.
Nobody was immune to quick thinking though. Even with all that armor, a man can’t be immune to a kick in the nuts.
Skizzle made the first move. He pushed off his heel and swung his sword vertically in Scott’s direction. The ladder, shieldless, jumped out of the way. Skizzle regained his composure and ran after him like a blood sniffing shark. Scott ran away from him in as dead a sprint that can be achieved in knee deep snow, letting his pursuer gain some momentum before he sharply turned around and plunged his axe blade into the thick wood of Skiz’s shield.
The aforementioned momentum caused Skiz to keep moving while his Sheild was ripped from his arm attached to the sharp blade of Scott’s (new) shiny axe. Both of them fell over in the snow.
Wanting to get the jump, Scott staggered to his feet and sat on top of Skizzle to keep him on the ground. They pushed back and forth with their respective blades until Scott was thrown off the other, who immediately slashed his sword at him but missed by a hair.
Scott rolled away clumsily with the shield on his arm and used the handle of his axe to stand up just in time for another barrage of slashes that audibly cut through the air. Scott blocked them with his shield and with the hilt of his axe, managing to repel his opponent for enough time to get his share of hits.
“You’re using the wrong side of the axe, man!” Skizzle pointed out after being beat a few times with the non-lethal side of Scott’s weapon, which he was using his armored forearms to fend off.
“Would you rather me use the other?” Scott replied.
They went back and forth in a struggle to gain control of their respective fights, of which had seen them travel to the corner of the Hobbits’ walls where two hills flattened out and created an amphitheater with a perfect stage in the center.
The metallic clashing of weapons filled the area, Skizzle managed to wrap Scott in a chokehold, the shield had been thrown to the sidelines amongst the struggle, with a blade growing ever nearer to his throat. Scott held off the oncoming sword by brute strength alone, his hand braced against his opponent’s forearm and shook with the effort.
“This is it for you,” Skizzle strained, “no more games,” he said.
Scott answered with a war cry. He knocked the other’s chest with his elbow and threw both of them forwards a bit, just enough to wriggle free and get away from the blade. While Skiz wasn’t guarding his midsection, Scott jabbed the handle of his weapon into the space between Skiz’s chest plate and armored leggings.
A breathless cough was all that came from the man behind him, followed by a drawn out whine, then a satisfying thud and the clunking of armor as it fell into the snow.
There was no place to celebrate his victory however, when a very angry, bloody nosed king strode up to the crime scene. Ren’s expression told Scott that he wasn’t a fun target to play with anymore. Tougher than he looked, perhaps.
The leader of Dogwarts trudged menacingly up to Scott, who made to raise his weapon but instead was greeted by a fist in his face. The force threw him to the ground, where Ren’s heavy red boot descended upon his chest. A blade sliced into the hard ground next to Scott’s ear. His axe was yanked from his hands and thrown somewhere behind them by Ren.
“Alright Major. Perhaps I underestimated your capabilities,” Ren practically spat, “It’s a shame really. You would have been such an attractive addition to the Red Army,” he said with a mocking sadness.
“That was supposed to be your sales pitch?” Scott strained.
Scott could feel rivulets of blood flowing down his face from his nostrils, it seeped into his mouth and tasted like he’d eaten iron shavings. His hands were clasped around Ren’s ankle and foot, trying to alleviate the stress that was on his rib cage. He liked being able to breathe after all.
“You’ve clearly proven too much for my army to handle,” Ren jerked Scott by the front of his shirt, as if he was the one to blame for his army’s failure.
“But I digress. I guess I’ll kill you now,” the Red King smiled down at him with a devious grin, and shoved him harshly to the ground.
Scott could see that his eyes were a striking yellow, set back in his head a bit so that they were perpetually shadowed by his eye sockets. Strands of white and brown hair fell around his face, and his right ear twitched upon his head.
His vision was swimming dangerously close to blacking out as Ren hoisted his weapon, a glimmering diamond axe with a gold accented handle, above his head. Scott shut his eyes and prepared for the cold hard inevitable when a loud POP ricocheted off the amphitheater walls. Followed by a dull plunk.
The axe fell from Ren’s hands like it was knocked away. He jumped like he’d been startled. His eyes were blown wide, and Scott thought he might look scared.
Ren raised a shaky hand to his right shoulder, turning it a bit so he could see, he gently touched the surface of his arm. His fingertips came back covered in a layer of blood.
He began to slowly turn around, Scott sat up on his elbow to follow his line of sight.
Standing in the entrance to the amphitheater, in the snow that had been disturbed by the previous altercation, was a furious looking Jimmy.
His hunting rifle was still raised and aimed at the Red King, smoke poured from the barrel and floated into the frigid air.
Ren stood up and faced Jimmy, an out of place smile gracing his countenance.
“Well! Looks like we have a full party now, I was wondering when the special guest was going to show up,” he teased.
“Your little friend here put up quite the fight,” Ren took Scott by the back of his hood and lifted him out of the obfuscating layer of snow.
“You just don’t stop talking do you,” Jimmy said sternly. He didn’t move an inch, and his finger was poised on the trigger of his father’s old gun.
Ren had stopped talking. He resorted to staring down his nose at the other man.
“Get out of my walls, Ren,” Jimmy demanded.
“Now hold on dude, we’re not finished here,” Ren prefaced.
“No, I think we are done here!” Jimmy raised his voice.
“You’re going put him down right now,” he ordered, “take your men, and leave my home,” Jimmy yelled.
“Or what?” Ren asked, although it was more of a last ditch effort than a promise of more to come.
“Or I aim for your head next time,” Jimmy deadpanned.
Ren chewed his bottom lip pensively, seeming to consider his options before rendering himself rightfully defeated. He nodded curtly, and tossed the battered Scott at Jimmy’s feet. He strode over to Skizzle and kicked him encouragingly in the side, gathering him up and then going to retrieve Martyn, whom he had Skizzle sling over his shoulder.
The Red Musketeers vacated the Hobbit’s walls, going through the door they broke down on the way in. Jimmy kept his rifle trained on them until he was sure they weren’t coming back. Then he turned back to Scott, shakily flipping the safety of the rifle back on.
“Scott,” Jimmy called out, “hey, can you hear me?” it was too familiar.
“I’m fine,” Scott assured; but his husband wasn’t having it. He took the other’s face in his hands gently and assessed the damage.
“I think you have a concussion,” Jimmy observed.
“I think I could have used your help a bit earlier,” Scott joked, but Jimmy didn’t smile, “I mean I knew you were a heavy sleeper but this is ridiculous”, he added.
Jimmy helped him up and he wobbled a bit before taking in the scene he’d made. A clear path of action stretched from the front door of Jimmy’s house to the Western Wall where the amphitheater was. Some of the snow was red with blood.
Jimmy took Scott’s arm and pulled him into a half embrace, “let’s go back inside. You’re freezing,” he whispered.
“Wait,” Scott said.
He started sifting through the snow, eventually pulling out the axe he’d stolen from Martyn. Ren had retrieved his and Skiz’s weapons before leaving. He held it up and flipped it over in his hands a few times gleefully. Then, he trudged over to Jimmy’s front door and found Ren’s discarded shades under some red stained snow. The right lens was cracked down the middle, hairline fractures branched off of it.
He held the sunglasses up for Jimmy to see with a proud grin, waving them around in the air.
“How’d you manage that?” Jimmy asked, dumbfounded.
“I went like BAP!” Scott articulated as he pretended to head butt Jimmy to demonstrate, “and they must have come right off! Look at that, a perfect trophy,” he bragged.
“You know, I didn’t question why he wasn’t wearing them because I didn’t think that even he was enough of a dick to wear sunglasses in the dead of night,” Jimmy said.
“Now, inside,” he pointed to the door.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years ago
Spaced Out (Jennifer Jareau x Reader)
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“How could you even think that?” JJ asked you angrily. “I can’t believe you’d even think I had the ability to think of you like that.” 
“JJ,” you said as she began to walk away from you. You tried following her, but she turned around and put her hand on your chest to stop you. 
“Don’t follow me. Just, go home Y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow,” JJ told you. You stood in her office for a moment before you left. You went home by yourself to sulk in the fact that you had probably just ruined your relationship with Jennifer. The two of you had been dancing around having the conversation about the future of your relationship. Finally, she had just called you into her office and started the conversation. Somewhere along the line, one of you said something that led to you questioning her feelings for you and the entire nature of your relationship. 
“You look rough,” Prentiss said as the two of you walked into the briefing room together. “JJ come over again?” 
“No actually. I’m not sure if she’ll be doing that anymore,” you said coldly. Prentiss sighed, knowing that this was going to make for a tense jet ride. Even the briefing had a worse energy than usual to it. JJ wouldn’t look at you or in your direction and everybody was noticing. When you got to the jet, you sat at the front, away from where everybody else hung out in the back. 
“Y/n, do you want to be dealt in?” Morgan asked and you politely declined his offer. You put in your earbuds and then finished reading your book for the rest of the flight. When it landed, you met with the local law enforcement and then went with Rossi and Morgan to check out the crime scene. “You and JJ doing okay?” 
“Let’s just not, okay?” That gave him all the answer he needed. Both guys kept things on the topic of the crime scene. It was kind of surprising because Rossi was always giving you relationship advice if he thought that you and JJ were hitting a rough patch. He’d been through failed marriages and learned a lot about the things that someone needed to do to keep the person they loved. 
You sighed as you knocked on Hotch’s hotel room door. Since everybody knew about your relationship with JJ, the two of you normally shared a room. For this case, that wasn’t an option for you because it seemed like JJ still needed more space from you. So, you decided that you’d just see if Hotch would let you sleep on his floor for the night while you let JJ work this out in her head. 
“I pegged you as a pajama suit kind of guy,” you greeted him. 
“What do you want?” Hotch asked you. 
“To sleep on your floor,” you told him. He stepped aside and let you in. You watched him move some pillows and blankets onto the floor before laying down there. “No, I can sleep on the floor old man.” 
“Don’t call me old man and just go to sleep. You’re grumpy in the mornings if you don’t get enough sleep,” Hotch told you. You climbed into the bed and wrapped yourself in your pillows. You tossed and turned for a good hour before he said something. “What do I need to get you so you can sleep?” 
“JJ normally cuddles with me at night. I guess I’m not used to sleeping on my own,” you said and Hotch sighed. You heard him shifting around on the ground and grunting as he got up onto his feet. He sat on the bed and let you lay against him until you had fallen asleep. 
“You wanted your killer, well here he is!” Gunfire echoed off the walls of the police station. Before you could really react to anything, a bullets tore through your body and knocked you backwards. You heard one other gunshot and the unsub’s firing stopped. It was definitely too late for you though, you were a goner. 
“Y/n!” JJ screamed as she ran over towards you. You saw her frantically pressing to different spots on your body. “Hey, stay with me. Come on Y/n, you don’t want to go like this do you?” 
“JJ, stop,” you weakly gasped out before you started coughing. It was getting kind of cold and the colder that it got, the less pain you were in. You closed your eyes and tried to relax as you took what was assumed to be your last few breaths. Numbness took over your body, but you could hear sirens and people talking over you, even though it was sort of muffled. 
“You know, for a guy who flirts so much, you’re super bashful,” you teased Morgan as he finished buttoning up your shirt. JJ hadn’t been in to see you yet, but Derek hadn’t left your side once. It made sense, the two of you had been through training together and been best friends since. He was like the older brother that you’d never gotten growing up. 
“This is a little weird for me. I’m used to doing the undressing,” Morgan joked. You lightly kicked him shin, but you gave a small chuckle to his joke. “Give me your arm.” 
“Alright,” you said, moving your arm as close to him as you could. He put it in the sling and then wheeled the wheelchair over towards you. “I can walk. I walked to get my clothes.” 
“That was a few feet. This is a lot more than that,” Morgan said and you sighed. You let him wheel you out of your room and to the elevator. “Everybody’s in the waiting room.” 
“Is JJ there?” you asked and Morgan nodded. “How’s she doing?” 
“Hotch has kept her off cases and he’s taken more of her paperwork than normal. Garcia’s been staying with her and Prentiss goes and checks on her when she can,” he told you. You heart hurt at the thought of her not doing okay because of you. “She’ll be glad to see you alive. I think seeing you dying really broke her down.” 
“Sure, make me feel worse about getting shot asshole,” you grumbled. 
“We were all really worried about you.” You glanced up at Morgan and noticed that he was getting a little choked up. You reached your good arm up to him and held his hand. The elevator doors opened and he wheeled you outside where everybody was standing there, waiting for you. You stood up and walked over to your team. 
“Hey guys,” you said sheepishly. It was a little awkward for a moment, but then Prentiss stepped forward and carefully gave you a hug. 
“I’m glad that you’re okay,” she whispered in your ear. “And I think someone else is too.” 
You looked past everybody at JJ, who looked so much smaller to you than she ever had before. She looked up at you for a moment and then you started to walk towards her. You moved slowly and she just stared at you, like she couldn’t believe you were standing there in front of you. You could see that this had taken a toll on her, she looked like she hadn’t been sleeping and there was a lethargic look in her eyes. 
“I’m sorry that I pushed you away,” JJ told you. “I’m glad that you came back to me. I swear that you mean so much to me Y/n.” 
“JJ, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have insinuated that you didn’t care about me,” you said quietly. JJ leaned up to kiss your cheek before she slipped something into your hand and closed it. You opened your hand and looked at the ring sitting in your palm. “Pretty ring. What’s this ab-, us?” 
“Us,” JJ confirmed.
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babymilkawa · 4 years ago
Hellooo hope your day is going well!! 🥰
Could you do a scenario/headcannon for Todoroki, Bakugou, and Midoriya finding out a female y/n who is their best friend/crush is a traitor with the LOV (scenario idea is they’re on a mission against the LOV and corner y/n, causing her to remove her mask and reveal her identity)? 🤩
yesyesyessss 😋
crush is a traitor headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki, todoroki shoto, midoriya izuku
fem!reader :)
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bakugou katsuki
bakugou quickly put on his gear and got himself mentally prepared
he was jumpy, he could feel his blood flowing
that adrenaline pump he got from being out there and being able to use his quirk was rushing through him
the plan was between him and the Bakusquad, it was completely irrational, unsupervised, and decided at the heat of the moment
he had asked you to join of course, hoping that you’d say no but not wanting to leave you out, but you had declined, saying you were busy on that day
he was glad but didn’t show it
bakugou did not want the one person he truly cared for to get hurt on a mission like this
but his feelings to you were unknown
the two of you were close but you had only saw him as a friend
someone you could study with and rant to, that was it
there was no point in getting tooo close anyways, you were tired of having to keep track of all the lies you’ve told him
in fact, you were starting to distance yourself which didn’t go unnoticed by him
bakugou ignored it though, thinking that you just wanted some space
he did wish that you would confide in him though, he trusted you and he hoped you did too
but he couldn’t think about that now; what’s important is that you’re safe in the dorms
he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible
the 5 of them had been keeping an eye on the LOV for awhile
but there was this member that stood out to them
she was powerful and seemed to be the coordinator of all the LOV missions
the more they tailed after them, the more bakugou grew to hate this member
she was cold and heartless
not only that, but there was this air around her that made him shudder and feel weak, maybe it was her quirk
nevertheless, he wanted to take her down immediately
creeping up to the entrance of they hideout, Bakugou could hear someone talking
they seemed to be the leader but their voice sounded like it had a filter over it
as if they didn’t want to be identified by their voice
giving the signal to the others, bakugou kicked the door down and activated his quirk
his eyes immediately landed on the figure standing at the front
it was her, he was sure of it
even with the mask and distorted voice, bakugou knew that he was looking at his target
throwing the plan completely out the window, he marched towards her and grabbed her collar, pushing her full force to the wall behind her
she had no time to even fight back because the whole break in was completely unexpected
nostrils flaring and teeth grinding, bakugou slammed her head against the wall and tore her mask off
what he saw before him made his throat tighten
still in shock yourself, you weren’t able to respond for bakugou’s face had turned from shock to disbelief to pure anger
at first he thought, what is she doing here? was she forced into this? 
but after seeing your face morph into a glare that matched his, bakugou knew that couldn’t be it
this was who you really were, ur true form
betrayal rushed through him in the form of his fist but you blocked it just in time
activating your own quirk, you changed your stance, feeling your blood rush at the thought of this fight
and with someone as powerful as bakugou too
this would be different than your training sessions, this was a fight to the death
however, after a couple of attacks and injuries, the police showed up at your hideout
you were the first to get cuffed, eyes still pointing daggers at the blonde in front of you
he wanted so bad to throw one more punch but he knew that he was already in deep trouble for acting without a pro hero’s permission
after that, it was clear that bakugou could never trust anyone again
he reflected back on the times you spent together and he cursed himself for not noticing anything
your whole facade was flawless but there were times when you were alone with him did your true personality show
he was angry at himself for trusting you so easily, for letting his guard down for someone who he thought he was catching feelings for
and he was angry at you for deceiving him, for showing up in his life and using him
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todoroki shoto
it was during his internship
the LOV had been spotted and Endeavor immediately dragged his son to battle
he was curious
he knew how dangerous and powerful the LOV was, as he had seen them up close himself
but he had heard about them recruiting a new member and he wanted to know what they were like
even though Todoroki was not allowed to fully engage in the fight, he still had a good view of what was going on
he stayed with the police and the whole time he was thinking about how he’d tell you back in the dorms what had happened during his internship
your face would light up in interest and he’d talk about how he saw the LOV up close again and talk about their new member
“alright, gotcha” the policeman next to Todoroki said. he turned to the boy and explained that they needed backup but that it would take some time for it to come
he was their only option for now
Todoroki nodded and prepared himself
he just had to stall and the pro hero backup would come
he could do that
bursting in, Todoroki scanned the area and saw each hero to a villain
he didn’t know where to go until he saw a figure stealthily making its way towards the back
without hesitation, Todoroki followed them, not wanting them to escape
the figure turned and he saw that it was a woman
or someone younger.. a girl?
he had never before seen someone with this mask and gear so he assumed that it was the newly recruited member
throwing his hand out, Todoroki blocked the exit with a chunk of ice
he was about to speak when he felt a searing pain in his right arm
realizing that his opponent was attacking, Todoroki laid the floor around them with ice and distanced himself
then he sent a gush of hot wind towards her, making her topple and slip on the ice
once the smoke cleared, Todoroki noticed that her mask had been taken off
and what he saw in front of him made his heart freeze up
there, lying on the white ground, was you
“y/n” he whispered
not giving him a moment to comprehend what was going on, you launched your quirk at him and he fell back, startled
you didn’t even have time to land another attack when your arms were held behind you, feeling a cold metal surround your wrists
the whole time, you never broke eye contact with him
his face could only show hurt and betrayal
he wasn’t sure why it had to come to this but he could never imagine himself fighting against you 
the training sessions you had with him didn’t count
those heated glances you gave each other, did they mean nothing to you?
what about all those times he told you about his day? did you even listen?
Todoroki visited you in prison once, only because he wanted to hear your explanation
he wanted to see if what you said could spark something in his heart, if he had room for forgiveness
but what you gave him was exactly what he didn’t want to hear
that you never cared, that you never believed, that you never even saw him as a friend
and just like that, with those few words from you, Todoroki’s unbreakable ice wall built up around him again
he felt like there was no one he could ever trust again
because he truly felt that you had taught him to loosen up, to be free a little
you would never know the lasting effect you had on him
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midoriya izuku
the attack had been during the training camp and as soon as midoriya sensed that danger could be anywhere, he immediately looked for you
the two of you were in separate groups and he knew that whoever you were with would keep you safe and that you were capable yourself, but he couldn’t help but worry
with every group he encountered, midoriya asked if you were in their group
finally, Kirishima’s group said that you were originally with them, but you had gotten separated somehow
this got him really worried
you could be alone and completely unaware of what was going on
he had to find you immediately
after he had separated with Kirishima’s group, he was about to go back to the heart of the forest when he was met with a stranger
they were clearly giving off a bad aura but he had never seen them before
unsure of whether they were part of the LOV or not, he called out “hey! who are you?”
they said nothing
instead, they did a little wave of their hand and Midoriya was thrown to the side, his arm painfully hitting a tree
getting himself up without hesitation, midoriya activated his quirk and dashed around the trees, hoping to confuse them
they were unable to follow his movements, leaving him to land a solid punch on their face
they cried out and midoriya realized that it sounded like a girl
her voice had sounded oddly familiar and his suspicions were confirmed when he managed to land a kick to their shin
he didn’t want to jump to conclusions, however
“y/n? what’s going on?” he asked
wiping blood off your chin, you didn’t bother to answer your “friend”
you were fed up with this act that you had to put on
this position that you were forced to be in by the LOV
they had made you a spy in U.A. and demanded that you learn more about this midoriya Izuku, who used to be quirkless
you had originally wanted nothing to do with the LOV or U.A.
now, he stood in front of you, panting
there were only a few feet between the two of you and you feared what he was going to do next, although it was too late anyways
with one quick motion, midoriya removed your mask, revealing the last face he wanted to see behind it
and even though he knew, he couldn’t help but still be shocked, now that he had actually seen you as proof
“y/n...” his voice could barely be heard
he was trembling, fists clenched and unsure on what to do next
he didn’t want to hurt you, his friend
but then again you had already shredded that title to pieces in his heart
he also knew that you most likely deserved it
hearing voices nearby, you got to your feet and tried to escape when you felt gloved hands clutch your arms
your back faced him, and you felt him shake behind you
“don’t make this harder..please”
it took him some time to understand your situation and why you had come to U.A. in the first place
he visited you in prison often and even though some part of him still resented you for what you did, he couldn’t deny that you were an easy person to talk to
maybe that part of you was always true
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a/n: aaah I hope I didn’t procrastinate on this too much hehe
bnha masterlist
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barsformars · 4 years ago
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g - fluff, slighttttttt angst, suggestive
p - san x reader
w.c - 1.9k
t.w - san touching reader's naked body
c - san takes care of you when you get injured and are left all alone at home. the catch is? both of you obviously have feelings for each other but.....san
a.n - uusjsjjs this was requested through private message! im sorry it took so long lmao uh, this is just 1.9k of plotless words nothing will be solved by the end of the story so its almost like word vomit???
t.l - @closer-stars @jeongyunhoed @fairyofdusk
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"It's not funny," you snarled at the pink haired boy who seemed to be overly amused at this situation in which both your arms were put in slings. You had slipped over a puddle of water, and that had sent you flying down the small flight of stairs right outside the taekwondo dojang, resulting in two dislocated shoulders. San pressed his lips firmly into a tight line to stop the corners of them from quirking up. On one hand, he does feel really bad, but if he said you didn't look ridiculously hilarious right now, he'd be lying. "I wonder who was on the verge of tears earlier on."
"That's because you were in so much pain I felt so bad for having asked you over for a sparring session!" San defended himself, a small pout forming as he did so. "At least the body and shin guards saved you from breaking your bones."
Once the elevator reached your floor, San pressed on the button to hold them open while keeping a close eye on you as you slowly exited. You've never noticed how much arm or shoulder action happens when you walk, until now.
It was only when you stepped through your front door and noticed your roommate's house slippers still sitting on the bottom of the shoe rack do you remember that they were out on a business trip. Being alone at home right now wasn't an option for you when you couldn't do anything by yourself, but your roommate wouldn't be back till next week. You didn't want to burden any of your other friends so late in the night, you had no choice but to rely on San.
But things...are always a little trickier with him.
"I can only stay for tonight," San sighed as he placed his phone down on the coffee table. You don't know if it was a sigh of relief or one of frustration; he had pleaded over the phone for ten minutes. "But my manager said that they can send someone over to help you out for the next few days."
"It's alright, I'll ask Jimin for help tomorrow. If they aren't available, I'll let you know, yea?" San nods, though rather reluctantly. He trusts that you'll be able to take care of yourself, except physically for now at least.
San holds you by the waist to support you as you got up from the couch, keeping an arm wrapped around it as he brought you to the bathroom. "Please tell me you have a bathtub."
"I insisted on having one, glad it's finally of actual use."
"Oh yeah."
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As you soaked in the warm bath that San had ran for you, you couldn't help but think of everything that has been happening between the two of you. The lingering touches, the jokes with double meanings, the way he gazes at you so softly, and the sudden tension that fills up the atmosphere following all those. San hasn't put a title over what this relationship was, and you've been too afraid to take the lead even though you knew that friends don't act like that towards one another. You didn't want to pressure him, he already has a lot on his plate. But he ought to give you an answer soon if he's about to see you in your most vulnerable state, right?
There comes another knock on the door, the tenth one in the whole duration of your bath. "I was being serious when I said don't try to act tough and do everything alone." The knocking continued on non-stop until you replied.
"You're an impatient one, aren't you?" You joked. "I'm done, I need help getting out."
"Not impatient, just worried." You hear his back leave the door for a moment as he stood up from the floor. And as politely as he could be while intruding into your private space, San pushed open the toilet door gently and stepped in after informing you first. You couldn't stop the giggle from escaping your throat when you took sight of him, his eyes shut close in consideration that you might not want him seeing you naked.
"Oh, you're laughing? At me?" San asked in disbelief as he pulled his arms that were searching for the wall back and rested his hands on his hips, a playful smile growing on his face. "Why are you laughing?"
"Because you're cute," you cooed, much to his dismay.
"I'm not cute!" San argued, his eyes now open and glaring at you, still rather adorably. But before you could tease him any further, San practically stomped his way to the bathtub, leaning down to your eye level as his arms gripped onto the sides. "Don't mistake my manners for cuteness, I'm not." He said, almost with a growl, as he reached into the water and wrapped his strong arms around your torso, pulling you up so that you could stand. Taking pride in the way your eyes widened in surprise, San couldn't help but smirk before giving you a quick peck on your forehead. "You're cute."
Once he got you out of the bathtub, San tried his best to not look at your body as he dried you up with a towel while you stood there blankly, still at a complete loss for words. "You're so rude," you told San after finally able to process whatever just happened a minute ago. The boy merely raised his eyebrows, his lips pursed. "Taking advantage of my injuries to show off your strength when you know how I feel about it."
"Well, you're not stupid, you know how I feel about you. It's only normal I act cool a little," San replied nonchalantly but you could tell that he was too afraid to look you in the eye. "Come on, let's go get you dressed."
"Also, just thought that you should know...." San paused for a moment to make sure that you dried your feet properly on the mat before continuing. "I almost patted your bare ass earlier on." You can't even blame him. With how touchy he and his members are, you aren't even surprised that touching people's butt has become their second nature. But even then, he really didn't have to tell you.
"TMI dude."
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San had been watching YouTube tutorials on how to put on shirts with a dislocated shoulder while waiting for you to wash up earlier on. You wouldn't have known either if he wasn't showing off all the knowledge that he had learnt less than half an hour ago by trying to convince you quite passionately, and with demonstrations, about why a dress shirt would be much easier to put on than a t-shirt, especially in your case.
"I will. I will wear dress shirts until my shoulders recover," you sighed heavily in defeat. "But just for tonight, can you help me with a t-shirt? I want to sleep comfortably even if it's just for tonight."
This time it was San's turn to sigh as he reached out to pinch your cheek. "I already told you that it will hurt."
"Make it not hurt then." You shook your head so that he would let go.
"Just sleep naked then," San mumbled under his breath but loud enough for you to hear, causing you to scowl at the boy. He catches your expression and sticks his tongue out at you. "Am I wrong?"
"T-shirt," you stated firmly, refusing to comply even when you knew San only had the best intentions for you in mind. You already don't think you could sleep with two injured shoulders, much less with your crush staying the night with you, and definitely even much lesser with an uncomfortable sleeping outfit. "Or I'll bite you." Those words becoming a reality became much more probable when his dimples makes an appearance once again, resembling the dent on a mochi when you press into it with a finger.
"I don't think that's a wise idea right now, maybe next time-" he gave you a gentle boop on the top of your nose with his finger-"now, your majesty, may I help you put on your gold thread shirt made from silk of the finest quality on so that both me and you can be spared from getting ourselves into a tricky situation?" If you could throw a punch at San right now, you would, but all you could do right now was to sit on the bed quietly and accept the teasing. And also whatever San was about to do to help you put on the shirt.
You wonder if it's too late to change your choice of clothing after San kneels down behind you on the bed, his chest and toned abdomen almost plastered onto your back as he reached over your shoulders to grab your forearms. "I need you to put your arms a little closer together, we'll have to try to get both through the sleeves together," he explained clearly and waited for your nod before he moved your arms as cautiously as he could, his eyes studying every twitch of your facial expression to check for discomfort or pain. "Tell me if it hurts okay? Don't act tough, I keep telling you that but please, please don't act tough."
All you could manage was a soft "mhm", your throat feeling too tight for proper words to come out of your mouth. You wonder if San, like how you could feel the warmth of his hands and body, could feel the heat radiating off your cheeks too. "I'm going to pull both sleeves up now, it may hurt a little," San warned, one hand coming up to pat your head affectionately before he gripped onto the sleeves again. Even with how gentle he was being, a wince still manages to escape from you, putting a pause on San's actions as he tilt his head to look at you. "I'm sorry, it will be over soon." You nodded, fully trusting him.
Though there were still a couple more times your shoulders hurt before the sleeves were fully through, the little apology he makes every time that happens comforts you, and also, makes your heart beats embarrassingly fast. Getting your head through the hole was a much easier feat and it didn't take long before your shirt was on.
San got off your bed to fetch his backpack and for a moment you thought that he was going to pull out the painkillers that you were prescribed with but instead, he took out two boxes of shoulder brace. "When did you even get that?" You asked, amused and touched at the same time. The shoulder slings the hospital had put you in was terribly uncomfortable and while the brace may not be way better, it was still better than the sling.
"When you were getting your x-ray done," San replied with a proud smile.
"Aw, I would give you a pat on your head if I could."
Upon hearing that, San practically shoved his pink hair into your face as he bent down. "You can kiss me on my head."
"I will bite you."
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