#but the demons. the demons tell me to draw him w my specific brand of ‘wavy but I don’t take good care of it so it’s just frizzy 24/7’ hair
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museofthepyre · 1 month ago
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Sydney doodle paaaage!!!! He a bit silly boy why you so :<
(No kin-related/ ID-related tags please :3)
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aterimber · 6 years ago
On The Pyre
Request from ianneart: Hi! I got a samifer fic idea in mind (lel). Im currently watching season 6 in supernatural and i  saw this interesting thing sam said about hallucinating lucifer to bobby : “seeing Lucifer is…okay. I sorta think it’s the best scenario situation of them all.”
And my samiferness got jump started like nobody’s business. I imagine it like a one-shot, sam-centric pondering of sorts, where sam takes us through his mind and manages to convince us Lucifer’s company is…okay.
I’m so sorry this is late! I hope you enjoy the fic regardless.
Started: 16.04.29
Finished: 19.03.15
Words: 2,146
Samifer, Hallucifer
“You’re sure you’ll be okay here by yourself?” Dean threw his duffle over his shoulder and paused in the doorway, not wanting to leave his mentally ill brother.
“Dean, I’m fine.”
“Yeah Dean, we’re gonna have a great time,” Lucifer jumped up from his spot on the couch to stand beside the hunter and winked.
What the hell are you doing?
The blonde frowned, “What Sammy? Oh right... you don’t like when I talk in front of Big Bro.”
The younger man tried to hide his confusion and focused on his brother.
Dean scrubbed a hand down his face, “I left my number on the fridge. Call if anything... happens.”
“Will do,” Sam nodded, “Now go give those sons-of-bitches what’s coming to them.”
While he was grateful for his brother’s protectiveness, he didn’t understand his lack of confidence in him, he’d been alone plenty of times before without issue.
“But you aren’t truly alone now,” Lucifer wrapped a possessive hand around the giant’s arm, “Besides, it’s not like having me here is the real problem,” he stroked it tenderly, “right Sammy?”
Focus... Sam ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to block out the words.
With a regretful look back to his brother, Dean nodded and headed out.
“Finally... I thought he’d never leave,” Lucifer clapped the hunter on the shoulder as he closed the door.
He does like to worry. Wait, what are you doing? Don’t let him in, Sam heard the Impala take off as he made his way to the couch.
“Well, now that we’re alone...” Lucifer waggled his eyebrows and straddled the hunter.
“What the fuck,” the giant jumped up and took a couple steps backward.
“Sam,” the blonde gave him a curious look as he picked himself up off the floor, “we’ve done this before you know.”
“No we haven’t,” the hunter had the nerve to look appalled, much to the devil’s amusement.
As if he doesn’t remember it was his idea... He brushed himself off and analysed the hunter, “Sam, do you... ,” he struggled to find the words, not wanting to give something away that he wasn’t ready to hear, “You remember what happened in the cage, don’t you?”
“Of course I remember,” he crossed his arms and cocked his head, “why do you ask?” And why do you sound so... hurt?
Lucifer shifted his gaze down to the floor as he worked out how to continue, “So then you... remember? W-what we did?”
“Damn right I remember what you did to me you son-of-a-bitch,” he couldn’t help but notice the flinch the blonde gave at his tone, Pfftt, please Sam... as if the devil is scared of you, get real.
“No,” Lucifer closed his eyes and sighed before he locked gazes with the hunter, “Do you remember what we did?”
“What do you-”
“In the cage, yes you were tortured, but never by my own hand,” the explanation rushed out of him, almost as if he couldn’t stop it, “it was all Michael. I told you I’d never hurt you Sam, and I meant it. I did everything I could to get between you and Michael, I couldn’t just stand there and watch him break you over and over again. So I... I made you a hide out.”
“A hideout?”
“A place where Michael wouldn’t be able to get to you. I set up a decoy version of you for him to take his frustrations out on, so he wouldn’t notice you were gone-”
“A decoy? Where do you get a decoy Sam Winchester from, Hunters R Us?” Sam chuckled and crossed his arms, remaining skeptical of the explanation.
“Not exactly...” Lucifer winced, clearly not wanting to divulge the information.
“Lucifer,” Sam’s voice was hard and he took a step toward the shorter man, “what did you use as a decoy?”
“Your body.”
“My body?!”
“Yes. I pulled your body apart from your soul,” Lucifer began again, following as the hunter collapsed back onto the couch, “completely detached so your soul wouldn’t sustain any more damage. A soul can only take so much before it becomes so corrupted that it can no longer be restored,” he was sitting on the coffee table now, cross legged in front of Sam.
“Wait, what do you mean restored?”
Lucifer sighed, “As you know, if a soul gets twisted and corrupted long enough it becomes a demon which means that person is then forever damned to Hell.”
“So...” he could see the hunter was having trouble piecing it together, “you prevented my soul from becoming irreversibly corrupted so I could what? Get into Heaven?” Sam threw his head back and laughed as he saw the blonde’s cheeks flare up, “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you Satan, but I’m pretty sure I’m the poster boy for what to do to get yourself into the fiery gates.”
Lucifer shook his head, “You don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand?” he stood up and started pacing, mind racing, I can’t believe I’m discussing the fate of my soul with the devil, “well please, by all means, explain it to me.”
The blonde ran a hand through his hair, this isn’t going to sound good, “If your soul was irreversibly corrupted and you became a demon, you could never be used as a vessel again,” at the look Sam gave him he continued, “I know you think that is a good thing, but your soul shines so bright...,” he dropped his gaze down to the floor, “seeing it corrupted would have devastating effects.”
Sam remained silent, unsure of what to make of this news. Is he telling the truth? If he is lying, what is he hoping to achieve? What’s the point of him telling me this?
“I will wage a war against the angels on the day when Sam Winchester isn’t allowed into the garden.”
It was spoken barely above a whisper, but Sam definitely heard the words. He wasn’t sure whether or not to believe them, but the soft spoken tone made him start to question his earlier judgement. There was no denying the undertone of care that sentence carried, as though he was speaking about someone he didn’t just need to keep safe, but wanted to.
“Lucifer,” Sam kept his tone soft, and found himself placing a hand on the man’s knee, “what don’t I remember?”
The blonde drew in a shaky breath in a failed attempt to keep his voice calm, “After I detached your soul, I gave your body specific instructions. It was to taunt Michael and lead him over to one side of the cage, so I could get your soul to the hideout on the other side. It did a remarkable job,” he noted with a small smile.
“Michael couldn’t understand how you’d got so cocky but was more than happy to rip the confidence back out of you. Once I made sure he was...” he swallowed thickly and closed his eyes, “occupied, I brought you over to the hideout, and did what I could to heal the damage,” it sounded as though he was fighting back tears and he hid his face in his hands, “but there wasn’t much I could do. I thought I could heal you, as I was once an angel but I-”
He cut himself off and hung his head lower, drawing in a shaky breath. Sam blinked and was surprised to see he had encompassed the ex-angel in his arms while he’d listened. What the... ?
“It’s okay, Sam,” Lucifer broke in, scooting out of the hunter’s embrace and hastily wiping at his eyes, “it’s my voice,” he gave a weak smile, “there’s a reason they called me ‘silver-tongued’.”
Sam got up and sat back down on the couch, unsuccessfully avoiding thinking about how... familiar it was to hold him, and about how unbelievably captivating it was to hear him speak. There was no way that was normal.
“What, ugh,” the hunter cleared his throat, “what happened when you touched my soul?”
“I ended up branding it, similar to when a soul gets bought by a demon, anyone else who touched your soul would know that I claimed it. That meant that it couldn’t be traded in any deal, or sold without my permission.”
The way Lucifer explained what he’d done made it sound like he felt guilty, and the way he kept avoiding Sam’s eyes didn’t help. Well what do you expect? He condemned your soul to Hell when that was the last thing he’d wanted, Sam found himself reaching forward again, but didn’t stop himself this time. Didn’t feel the need to stop himself. What would be the harm, anyway? No one’s around.
“The good news,” the blonde’s voice broke threw the hunter’s thoughts, “was that since I had branded it, it had become protected against further damage. No one, not even Michael could continue to harm it,” he ran a hand through his hair and rested his head against Sam’s shoulder, “the bad news, is that it couldn’t be healed past what I’d started. My branding had... preserved it, formed a protective barrier around its current state. Nothing could get in, good or bad... just in time too.”
Lucifer had stopped talking then, letting his voice taper off at the end of the sentence like the last few notes of a song, and allowed a silence to fall while he was held close to the hunter’s chest.
Sam breathed him in and kissed the top of his head, no longer caring about knowing all the answers. He just wanted to savour this moment, the peacefulness of holding him close. Wanted to savour the dream-like state that had taken over before Dean got back. He prayed for his brother not to come back so soon. After all, how often did he get to enjoy moments like this?
He wasn’t sure whether it was because his voice carried some sort of magic, or because of the branding on his soul, but having Lucifer in his arms, feeling his heartbeat had softened the moment—he didn’t want his brother stomping in and shattering that.
“Not too long after that,” the blonde began again with a long sigh, “Michael had began to look for me. I was stupid to think he wouldn’t have noticed I disappeared,” he shook his head at his own misjudgment, “I sensed he was getting close to the hideout so I had to leave you to meet him.”
“He caught up to me in the middle and was dragging your body behind him. Seeing what he did to you...” Lucifer snuggled his head against Sam’s chest and tightened his grip, “he was obviously curious as to where I’d been and why I wasn’t helping torture you since I am the devil,” he sneered the word like it was too vial to pass through his lips.
Like he doesn’t want the title.
“I couldn’t let on to what I was doing,” he dropped his voice low, as if saying it quieter would make it hurt less, “so I-” his voice broke and he buried his head into the hunter’s chest, “Sammy, I’m sorry.”
Sam turned him around so he was no longer sideways across his lap and pulled him close, rubbing a soothing hand over his back when he felt tears start to drip down his shirt.
“Ssshhh... It’s okay... Luce you’re okay,” Sam kept his voice soft as he continued rubbing circles into his back.
Sam’s words only succeeded in making him cry harder and the hunter would be lying if he said seeing him cry wasn’t hurting his heart. Whatever you did, it doesn’t matter.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“I was so worried, I never wanted to tell you.”
“Luce,” Sam pushed him backward slightly, gently swiping at his eyes, “I don’t care what happened. You-”
The door slamming open made the giant jump, and he stood, confused as his brother burst through the door, eyes frantic.
“Uh, Dean?”
“They’re coming,” he all but ran to the back of the cabin, “We need to leave, now.”
Sam rushed to the back as well, gathering his stuff, “What happened?”
“No time,” Dean brush passed him, glancing quickly at the giants’ face before pausing, keeping his eyes on him, “… Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he shifted his weight nervously and glanced back at the now-empty couch, “why?”
“Looks like – never mind. We don’t have time. Meet me outside in five if you don’t want to be monster chow.”
Sam continued packing his stuff, doing his best to sift-through all the information he’d been given.
“Better hurry, Sam. I can feel them,” Lucifer was spread out on the bed, eyes on the floor.
“Dean’s waiting.”
Sam sighed as he shouldered his duffle, making his way back out to the living room, pausing in the front entrance, “Come with me.”
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vhyral · 7 years ago
Notes: Fahlron and Dorian talk about vallaslin, Dorian discovers something unexpected
Word count: 1938
Quality: Bleh | Readable | Nice 
“Vallas - lin.”
“Vallas - len?”
“Damn it, Dorian!”
Fahlron threw a frustrated hand up in the air and gave the tevinter mage a disgusted glare from his chair in front of the window.
“Oh, don’t give me that.” Dorian retorted. “Your language makes one’s tongue take so many turns, it should be considered a hazardous activity to even attempt to speak it. I swear I sprained mine the last time you tried to teach me your keeper’s name, look!”
“You asked for that!” moaned the hunter. “And you keep pestering me about it. Fahlron, how do I pronounce this? Fahlron, how do I write that? Falhron, how do I say ‘I wanna take a shit’ in elvhen?” He raised his arms, pointedly looked at himself and then up at Dorian again. “Do I look like a scribe to you?”
“You look exactly like an ill mannered fellow with excellent face bone structure.” came the cheeky answer. “One that also happens to possess knowledge I’m interested in. Wrap yourself in a ribbon and be my early birthday present, won’t you?”
Dorian let the corners of his lips curl into a smile to the elf’s groan and leaned back in his own chair, turning to the next page of the book he was cradling. It was part of the latest order, a gathering of texts exploring elven traditions and the few things known about the Dalish. He had issued orders for anything he could find on the elven right after they had set foot in Skyhold and he was sure his books would be at least protected by the blasted rain- there was not much on wandering elvhen to begin with which allowed traders to overprize the books quite a lot. Yet with a Dalish Inquisitor walking around, practically being a living, willing encyclopedia, what better time to indulge into a new obsession? Feynras had proven herself witty and humorous and was always ready to share and explain should her duties allow it.
Her brother, now. Such a different case Dorian had at first honest to the Maker doubts the two elves were related. Fahlron was snappy and had that glare glued to his face, like he distrusted you and eight generations of your family before you. He was, well, in general, much closer to the common image of the Dalish.
“Val- las- ni-in?” he tried his tongue at it again.
“Vallas - LIN!” came the angered growl from the neighboring chair, receiving a loud hush from the next library corridor for his trouble. Falhron’s ears trembled and lowered a couple of inches, giving him the look of a feral animal ready to pounce.
“Sometimes referred to as blood writing,” Dorian began reading in hopes that the elf would stay where he was and not leap after that poor, unfortunate shusher, “it is what the Dalish call the intricate facial tattoos worn by all adult clan members. The ink used to do so is considered sacred as we confirmed while attempting to trade with dalish merchants in some of the friendlier camps we came upon. The merchants refused to sell us a small portion of it or reveal the correct way to mix it.”
“Did they make it out of that camp alive? Friendly clan.”
“When a Dalish elf comes of age,” Dorian continued, “they prepare to gain the vallaslin by meditating on the gods and the ways of the Dalish, and by purifying the body and the skin. When the time comes, the Keeper of the clan applies the blood writing. This is done in complete silence.  Blood writing is at least in part a religious practice, and there are different designs representing deities in the Elven Pantheon.”
He eyed Fahlron. The elf had turned his attention to the book in his slender hands, a brownish, overused tome about astronomy Dorian knew like the back of his hand. He could make out some of the dark patterns on the hunter’s sharp cheekbones even as he watched him from the side. They curled and turned like vines, overlapping and creating a complex, beautiful net on the man’s forehead and higher cheeks, some lines extending as far as the lobes of his long ears. Hours, Dorian thought, it must have taken hours to complete.
“So. Which deity?”
Fahlron didn’t bat an eyelash away from his book. “Rude.”
“Rude?” repeated Dorian. “If asking was offending, the book would surely mention something. I did pay its weight in gold after all, I do expect it to be quite precise.”
To his surprise- and amusement- the Dalish swirled on his chair, now turning to stare at him face on. Their eyes met and they held each other’s gaze in a mutual fit of stubborness. Then Fahlron gave him a sly grin, lips stretching, and motioned to the leather bound tome with his chin.
“Doesn’t your precise book have diagrams of our blood writing, dear friend? Here.” He motioned to his forehead, brushing a few stray black hair back. “You can see it clearly.”
Dorian flipped a few pages, glancing at the elf’s face in between, pretending to ignore the arrogant curl of his mouth or the spark in those grassy eyes. Not stealing glances of his ears as they twitched slightly or the slope of his nose. Not noticing the curious way the hunter’s upper lip was plusher than the bottom one or how his aroma reminded Dorian of pines and soil and- the altus coughed.
Vallaslin. Yes, of course. There were drawings, masterfully sketched, but none quite fit.
“Now, they don’t seem to have come across your very specific clan.” he pursed his lips. “It is not in here.”
“Good luck getting a refund for that gold of yours.” Falhron tossed his ponytail over a shoulder before turning back to his astronomy journal.
Dorian flipped through the next few pages. He didn’t scowl - no, that would only lead to future wrinkles.
“You’re being an ass today, Fahlron.” he nagged instead. “Careful or our lady Vivienne will come at you wishing to claim back her rightful place in our merry little group.”
“Pfft!” A snort was all he got for an answer but he could see the elf’s cheeks puff out as he lost an inner battle against a smile.
The library was quiet with the gentle sound of scholars copying parchments and writing reports - the midday sun was shining brightly through the thin windows. Comfy on his chair, Dorian leisurely turned to the pages featuring the various entities of the elven pantheon - he had read about them before but hadn’t memorized their names or symbolisms. Dirthamen, Falon‘Din, Mythal. The names shined on the yellow page, written in expert cursive with rich black ink.
“Andruil?” he attempted. “You’re a hunter. The goddess of hunting sounds appropriate if not a tad typical.”
Fahlron gave him a thoughtful nasal sound, neither yes or no.
“Always glad to entertain.” groaned Dorian. “Ok… then. Elgar’nan.”
“The God of Vegeance?”
“Considering you look like you’re about to punch someone in the face twenty four hours a day, it sounds like quite the plausible choice to me.”
“Well, hunting and vegeance. I do not dislike the image you have of me, Dorian.”
“It’s Sylaise.” interrupted a voice near the mage’s chair. making them both jump a little where they sat.
“Feynras!” hissed Fahlron, glaring daggers at the blond elf now leaning over the altus, staring down at the book in his hands with interest. With her came a thin smell of something nauseously sweet, like decaying flesh.
“What?” she retaliated. “‘Tis only the truth. Can I borrow this book later, Dorian?”
“I can’t believe you-”
“Sylaise?” Dorian found himself staring down at the description of the deity with wide open eyes and a huge grin making his lips twitch. “You serve the goddess of the domestic arts?”
There was a flush on Fahlron’s cheeks now, painting his skin with a deep red. His eyes were shining dangerously as he glared at the pair of them- Dorian couldn’t tell if it was him that was at the end of that murderous stare or the Inquisitor or if the hunter was about to launch himself at both of them at once.
“It was the Keeper’s suggestion.” he hissed venomously through clenched teeth, averting his eyes and glaring at the brownish journal instead. “And mamae- ugh! Mother- I could not go against the traditions!”
“I think his vallaslin fits him perfectly.” The Inquisitor raised her shoulders and tapped a light finger over the passage referring to the goddess before taking a step back and stretching her back.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have quite a heavy bag of freshly picked, still-trying-to-claw-me demon remains for our mages.” She gave her backback a tag. “I’ll be back for the book around nightfall?”
“As long as you don’t let it anywhere near demonic intestines.” Dorian scrunched his nose. “Off you go now - these clothes are brand new and unless you can promise me a new outfit by tomorrow morning, demon stench is renowned for seeping into fabric as fast and persistently as the Fereldan King in a cheese storage. So, shoo.”
Feynras flicked him her tongue. “I’ll bring wine.” she promised before skipping towards the research table.
“Ah, finally.” Dorian laughed. “A lass after my own heart.”
Ferv… Fervev- Fervevial! Fahlron tried to concentrate on the unfamiliar letters on the paper. Commonly referred to... as "the Oak," the con… constellation Fervanis-
“So.” he heard the mage’s voice. It foretold of the expression he must have been wearing but Fahlron kept his head down. Creators, if he as much as caught a glimpse of that stupid grin, he would rip that precious moustache of his right off.
Many scholars believe this is a representation of nature... that hark… harkens back to the lore of the early Neromenians-
“Where was I? Ah, but of course. Sylaise.”
Dorian cleared his throat. “As told by Gisharel, Keeper of the Ralaferin clan of the Dalish elves.” he read, his voice over coloured and pompous. “It is Sylaise who gave us fire and taught us how to use it. It is Sylaise who showed us how to heal with herbs and with magic, and how to ease the passage of infants into this world. And again, it is Sylaise who showed us how to spin the fibers of plants into thread and rope. In her youth, it is said that Sylaise stayed at the home-tree to sing and create art while Andruil hunted and played. Her path -”
“Her path is called the Vir Atish'an.” Fahlron cut him. “Her name is invoked before a fire is kindled and after it is quenched. Sylaise is seen as a protector of all who dwell close to a hearth, especially children and is also invoked during marital vows.” The words were not only of Clan Ralaferin - they were of all the Keepers throughout Thedas, on the lips of every Dalish elfling in a camp. He had heard them thousands of time, he had recited them himself another thousand, kneeling before the Goddess with offerings in his hands and the fire burning in front of her, with green grass at his feet or red crumbly leaves or thick, quiet snow.
He should have left. Dread Wolf’s balls, he should have gotten out of there the minute the Tevinter had as much as uttered his mangled version of the word vallaslin. It always came to this, to someone laughing under their breath and giving him the look and he would have to prove himself all over again.
It all was so fucking tiring and he was so very done with it.
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thesuccubuskitten-blog · 7 years ago
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The origins of Super Mario Characters
Nintendo figures produce the VR of theirs (arcade) debut with fresh Vive-driven Mario Kart
Bandai Namco revealed a virtual reality edition of Mario Kart, Mario Kart Arcade GP VR, which will make its debut over a VR arcade the business enterprise is opening using Tokyo, Japan next month.
The game seems to draw the VR debut of one of Nintendo's flagship franchises, however, it's important to observe it's certified by Nintendo and also invented by Namco - the same as its non-VR predecessor, Mario Kart Arcade GP.Not many specifics are currently obtainable in English about the game, although it's mentioned around the arcade's site as walking on HTC Vive headsets and specially designed racing seats.
Nintendo has thus far been publicly reticent concerning the promise of VR - previous annum frontman Shigeru Miyamoto told investors that for VR wearing specific, we're continuing our homework, along with considering development and have a thoughts to how the current key products of ours are recommended to become played for a somewhat lengthy time of time.
We're looking into the options of delivering an experience that gives value when played for a short time, he continued. And how to eliminate the issues of long duration use.
When I found that out I did two things. First, I whipped out the copy of mine (yes, I ensure that it stays which real/nerdy that I still have an old NES hooked up in the room) of mine and made certain I can still beat the game at will. (I can. Childhood not wasted.)
Secondly, I initiated down a rabbit hole of looking at Mario sites and Wikis and Articles. In the procedure, I stumbled upon the etymologies of the names of several of the key players in the Mario universe. So, in honor of the video game which changed the world, in this article they're, presented in handy 11 item show form.
When Mario debuted in the arcade game "Donkey Kong", he was simply referred to as Jumpman. (Which also happens to be the generic brand regarding that Michael Jordan spread leg Nike logo. Two of the most renowned icons ever before equally have generic versions of themselves called Jumpman. But only at least one has now reached the effort of being so effective that he shaved himself a Hitler mustache before filming a business and no one had the balls to fix him.)
In 1980, as the Nintendo of America staff imported Jumpman to lift him straight into a franchise-leading star (Hayden Christensen style), an individual discovered that he looked just like their Seattle office building's landlord... a fellow called Mario Segale.
Mario Segale did not get a dime for turning out to be the namesake of the most prominent video game character ever, however, he probably isn't excessively concerned; in 1998 he sold the asphalt small business of his for around sixty dolars million. (Or 600,000 increased lives.)
Luigi actually has one of the weakest brand origins of all the images of mario characters in the Mario universe (once again showing precisely why, for life that is real, he'd have a bigger inferiority complicated compared to Frank Stallone, Abel or perhaps that third Manning brother).
"Luigi" is merely the product of a group of Japanese men trying to imagine an Italian brand to accentuate "Mario." Why was that the Italian brand they went with? When they all moved from Japan to Seattle, the pizza place closest to the Nintendo headquarters called Mario & Luigi's. (It has since gone from business.)
Koopa is a transliterated version of the Japanese name for the enemy turtles, "Kuppa." Stick with me here -- kuppa is the Japanese word for a Korean plate referred to as gukbap. Essentially it is a cup of soup with cereal. From what I surely tell it is completely unrelated to turtles, especially malicious ones.
In an interview, Mario's creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, claimed he was deciding between 3 brands which are different because of the race of evil turtles, every one of that have been called after Korean foods. (The alternative 2 were yukhoe and bibimbap.) And that means among two things: (1) Miyamoto likes Korean food and was looking to offer a tribute or perhaps (two) Miyamoto believes Koreans are evil and need to be jumped on.
I kind of overlooked the debut of Wario -- he debuted in 1992, right around when I was hitting the generation where I was too cool for cartoon-y Nintendo games. (Me and my middle school buddies have been into Genesis only. I was again on Nintendo within four years.)
Turns out the title of his functions both in english and Japanese; I kinda assumed the English way but did not know about the Japanese aspect. In English, he's an evil, bizarro community mirror image of Mario. The "M" turns to turn into a "W" and Wario is produced. The name also works in Japanese, wherever it's a mix of Mario as well as "warui," that indicates "bad."
That's a pretty high quality scenario, since, as I covered extensively in the summary eleven Worst Japanese-To-English Translations In Nintendo History, only a few language distinction finesses back and forth very efficiently.
When I first read "Waluigi" I assumed it was hilarious. While Wario became a natural counterbalance to Mario, Waluigi believed so comically shoehorned (just tacking the "wa" prefix before Luigi) -- like a giant inside joke that somehow cleared every single bureaucratic step and after that cracked the mainstream.
Well... based on the Nintendo people, Waluigi isn't only a gloriously lazy decision or maybe an inside joke become massive. They *say* it's based on the Japanese term ijiwaru, meaning "bad guy."
I do not know. I feel like we'd have to meet them much more than halfway to invest in that.
Toad is designed to look like a mushroom (or perhaps toadstool) because of his massive mushroom hat. It is a great thing these games debuted before the whole generation realized how to earn penis jokes.
Anyway, in Japan, he's called Kinopio, which is certainly a mixture of the term for mushroom ("kinoko") and also the Japanese version of Pinocchio ("pinokio"). Those combine being something along the lines of "A Real Mushroom Boy."
In Japanese, these men are referred to as kuribo, which regularly means "chestnut people." That makes sense because, ya know, if someone requested you "what do chestnut people are like?" you'd almost certainly arrive at something nearly like the heroes.
Once they had been imported for the American model, the staff tangled with the Italian initiative of theirs and called them Goombas... based off the Italian "goombah," which colloquially signifies anything like "my fellow Italian friend." It also kind of evokes the picture of low level mafia criminals without too many competencies -- such as people's younger brothers and also cousins who they had to work with or perhaps mom would yell at them. Which also applies to the Mario Bros. goombas.
Birdo has practically nothing to do with this initial Japanese title. There, he's named Kyasarin, that translates to "Catherine."
In the teaching manual for Super Mario Bros. two, in which Birdo debuted, his persona description reads: "Birdo believes he's a woman and would like to become called Birdetta."
What I do believe this all means? Nintendo shockingly chosen to produce a character that battles with the gender identity of his and then named him Catherine. In the event it was time to show up to America, they got feet which are cold so they determined at the last minute to phone him Birdo, even though he's a dinosaur. (And do not offer me the "birds are descended from dinosaurs" pop paleontology collection. Not purchasing that connection.) That way, we'd just understand about his gender confusion if we read the mechanical, and the Japanese have been sure Americans had been sometimes way too idle or perhaps illiterate to do it en masse.
Princess Toadstool/Peach.
When everyone got released on the Princess, she was recognized as Princess Toadstool. I guess this made perfect sense -- Mario was set in the Mushroom Kingdom, so why wouldn't its monarch be known as Princess Toadstool. Them inbreeding blue bloods will always be naming the children of theirs after the country.
Nobody appears to be sure precisely why they went the guidance, nevertheless. In Japan, she was regarded as Princess Peach from day one. The term did not debut here until 1993, when Yoshi's Safari became available for Super Nintendo. (By the manner by which -- have you ever had Yoshi's Safari? In an unconventional twist it is a first-person shooter, the only girl in the whole Mario times past. It is like the equivalent of a country music superstar making a weird rock album.)
In Japan, there is no Bowser. He is simply called the King Koopa (or similar variations, like Great Demon King Koopa). And so where did Bowser come from?
During the import process, there was a problem that the American masses would not recognize how the little turtles and big bad fellow could certainly be named Koopa. So a marketing staff put together a large number of choices for a title, they liked Bowser the very best, as well as slapped it on him.
In Japan, he is still hardly ever referred to as Bowser. Over here, the title of his is now extremely ubiquitous that he is actually supplanted Sha Na Na's Bowzer as America's a good number of well known Bowser.
Donkey Kong.
This's a far more literal interpretation than you think. "Kong" is based off King Kong. "Donkey" is a family-friendly way of calling him an ass. That's right: The title of his is a valuable variation of "Ass Ape."
Mario Bros. offers 2 plumbers, Mario in addition to the Luigi, having to explore the sewers of New York subsequent to peculiar animals have already been appearing awful there. The goal on the game is defeating every one of the opponents in every phase. The aspects of Mario Bros. include lunging and only jogging. Unlike coming Mario video games, players cannot go on opponents and also squash them, except if they had been already left turned on the back of theirs. Every stage is a series of operating systems with water lines in every nook on the display, on top of an object termed as a "POW" block in the center. Wraparound is used by phases, meaning that opponents along with players that go off to a single side area will reappear about the opposite side.
The participant gains points by beating many adversaries consecutively which enables it to get involved within a bonus round to acquire more areas. Foes are defeated by kicking them over as soon as they have been flipped on their backside. This is carried out by hitting the wedge the opponent is on directly under them. If the participant enables a lot of time to successfully pass after achieving this, the adversary will flip itself too over, modifying as part of color and also increasing velocity. Every phase has a particular number of enemies, with the last adversary immediately changing color as well as boosting to optimum speed. Hitting a flipped opponent provided by underneath causes it to right itself and begin moving ever again, though it doesn't modify color. or swiftness
You will find four enemies: the Shellcreeper, which merely walks around; the Sidestepper, that calls for 2 hits to flip over; the Fighter Fly, that moves by getting which enables it to just be flipped when it is touching a platform; and the Slipice, which transforms platforms to slippery ice. When bumped of below, the Slipice expires straight away rather than flipping over; the foes do not count toward the whole number that have to be defeated to finalize a stage. Many iced platforms return to usual at the start of each and every new phase.
The "POW" obstruct turns each foes coming in contact with a platform or maybe the floor each time a professional hits it coming from below. It can be used three times just before it disappears. Through the Super Mario Bros. 3 in-game Player-Versus-Player model of the minigame, every one of the three uses may cause the enemy to drop a flash memory card and all the enemies to get flipped over. An additional element in this small remake is that the water lines are straight, often spitting out ample fireballs in the 2 plumbers. When any kind of opponent sort except a Slipice is defeated, a coin is found and also can easily be acquired for extra points; however, the stage concludes as soon as the very last adversary is defeated.
As the game advances, components are added to take the difficulty. Fireballs possibly bounce round the display screen or perhaps traveling directly from just one side on the other, and also icicles type below the operating systems and also spring completely loose. Extra rounds provide the players a chance to mark up spare factors as well as lives by collecting coins without needing to deal with enemies; the "POW" block regenerates itself on every one of the screens.
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