#but thats neither here nor there. anwyays people stop uwu-ifying scourge thats not scourge anymore
iratusmus · 2 years
honestly the thing that bugs me the most about the woobification of scourge is like. these people are somehow forgetting like 90% of his entire personality. namely that his greatest ambition is more or less to be the ultimate schoolyard bully who faces 0 repercussions for his actions. like he talks about becoming king of the multiverse or whatever the heck but he never really... theres no actual reason to it. he's got no real longterm goal. he's not interested in remaking the world in his own image, or enacting any sort of real agenda, or even being worshiped like a god. he just wants to be able to kick people while theyre down and face absolutely no consequences for anything he does. scourge is very much the kind of person who would go to a playground to kick children down the slides or push them off the swings or something because he's incredibly petty and immature and frankly a loser
like honestly speaking the "i want to be king of the multiverse!1!!!" crap really just reads like he took his brief knowledge of comic book villains and said "ok . sonic is a good person who wants everybody to be free. and i cant be anything like sonic. so i am going to be a bad person who controls other people" but on the most surface level humanly possible (aka in name only) because the truth is he has absolutely no real interest in becoming a ruler or a conqueror or anything of the sort. he's got nothing he actually wants to do with that outside of other people not being able to tell him he cant do whatever he wants. namely, beating the snot out of people he doesnt like. which is almost everybody to exist. something interesting to be said about him trying so hard to separate himself from being a derivative of prime!sonic that his identity still ends up looping back around to being a derivative of prime!sonic but in a different direction, but thats a discussion for another time. REGARDLESS back to my main point.
like. ok mb25yl!shadow becomes king of mobius to enact his incredibly skewed idea of the peace that maria wanted for earth, eggman wants to conquer mobius to remake it in his own image and also build a themepark, finitevus wants to burn everything to the ground because people were the real virus all along and nature is the only one that has it figured out and everybody on this rock is frankly too stupid to deserve to live, and scourge…. became "king" of moebius (read: beat up a bunch of gang leaders and called himself that) and for… what exactly. absolutely nothing. he has no grand ambitions or goals or anything he just wants to be a schoolyard bully and thats about it. hes just an incredible loser. this is also a key component in why hes so so funny. side note but if your redesign removes the inherent tackiness of his design that is no longer scourge.
tldr every day scourge the hedgehog wakes up and chooses to be an incredibly awful immature little brat/playground bully with an appallingly tacky sense of fashion and this is like 90% of his personality and if you dont like that, might i suggest... making an oc?
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