#but that's rule-following in traditional ol' Southeast Asia I guess
findmeinthefallair · 20 days
The topsy turvy thing I was just discussing with the new friend I made via DnD is that, if no one wants to date you in this country, it actually means you have some shred of personality.
Trying to have creative banter with the vast majority is like drawing blood from a stone
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pumpkinpaix · 5 years
tagged by @kingedmundsroyalmurder
Rules: Simply answer the following 21 questions and tag # people (or more!) you’d like to get to know more!
Name / Nickname: bc I grew up while the whole “never share your real info on the internet” advice was real, I always get nervous about this question hahaha. I guess we can go with Pai as a nickname I’ve had for a long time irl.

Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 4’11 (a hobbit)

Hogwarts House: i’m a puff for sure, though I suspect my secondary is probably slytherin

Last thing I Googled: oh god, probably something for this silly fic I’m writing OR something stardew valley related. Last stardew thing was whether or not Penny likes blackberries. For fic, uhhh it was probably about how bad shooting akimbo actually is. Other recent hits include the distribution of Taiwan-Minnan as a primary household language across the island, what kinds of tea Pinglin produces, Taiwanese tea ceremonies, queer culture in China/Taiwan, and capital offenses in southeast asia.

Favourite musician/s: I feel like I’m always obligated to answer Vienna Teng because her music remains important to me even if I’m not currently listening to it very often. Also big fan of Delta Rae, and most recently, Wu Qingfeng.

Last song I listened to: Spotify on my phone says “A Moment Apart” by ODESZA and spotify on my laptop says “下雨的夜晚” by Sodagreen. 

Song stuck in my head: the instrumental to “缤纷了每一天” by GBOYSWAG bc it plays in the bg of a scene i just rewatched lol. 

Followers: 637. wild.

Following: 733. also wild. i should probably clean up a bit that’s a LOT of blogs.
Do you get asks: honestly, almost never. I don’t post a lot of original content, nor do I engage super meaningfully with a lot of content regularly, so that’s not surprising. If I get asks, it’s usually from a friend.
Amount of Sleep: ha. I’m trying to do better because I KNOW that my mental health is highly dependent on it, but I routinely fuck up and fail. so like, usually between 7-9 hours, but then i’ll sometimes just do that good ol 5. I don’t think I’ve dipped below 5 in a long time though, which is good!

Lucky Number: 13 

What I’m Wearing: oh god, a sweater that my mom got for herself and shrunk in the wash, a polka-dot blouse i found in a donation pile at school, and a white skirt I bought when I was 10. so. that should give you a sense of exactly how fashionable I am. 

Dream Trip: given endless money and endless time to deal with any and all anxiety-related problems, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong until I’ve conquered all of my emotional baggage and return home triumphantly fluent in mandarin at least. I would also like to visit the baltics one day, and return to Japan and some countries in western/northern europe, but I feel like that would be thematically too challenging for one dream trip lol.

Favourite Food: scrambled eggs and tomatoes. idk if this is actually my favorite food, but it’s like. the food i always answer bc childhood.

Instruments: piano (above average in general, mediocre for how long i spent learning), used to play violin for 4 years (i am Bad at it), tried a year of flamenco guitar (also Bad at it), and did choir for a number of years (mediocre at it)

Languages: in descending order? English, Mandarin, French, Japanese with some scattered German and Spanish comprehension somewhere in there and then like 2 words in many other random languages 

Favourite Song/s: eek. that’s so hard please don’t do this to me. currently, it’s SOMETHING by Wu Qingfeng, though I’d be hard-pressed to pick one. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure the song I’ve had on repeat most often in the last few weeks is probably “恋语1910” by Modern Brothers (摩登兄弟) it’s just such a BOP i’m gonna listen to it right now.

Random Fact: you can say “同志” (tong2 zhi1 — comrade) to refer to queerness in chinese which i think is just the best thing

Aesthetic: unfortunately, it’s child who still doesn’t know how to dress themselves or trash grandma, though I admit that I absolutely LOVE the horrible current fashion of absurdist, pop, vaporwave revival?? it’s just like the art of wearing expensive garbage very badly, and as someone who DOES think capitalism is bad, it’s with great shame that i admit i covet that look so much lol. it’s just so anti-harmony. White t-shirt with what looks like 2 torn up sweaters stapled to it? fuckin iconique. 1830s-esque sleeves with some kind of modern fusion pantsuit/traditional chinese outfit paired with red stilettos?? amazing. plaid bathrobe with bright white sneaks and a mullet? a Look. Yes, I’m just linking to my favorite singers’ performances on Singer. they’re all good u should listen to them. pls i can only talk about this with like one other person pls someone else also fall in love with these bastards. i recommend the 2nd one first simply bc even if you can’t understand the language, tan weiwei’s vocal technique is just!! fuck. but also i put on the video of qingfeng singing and i’m literally on the verge of tears so you know.
Tagging, uh, crap, @pilferingapples, @bodhimcbodeface, @sauntering-down, @ribbonreverse?? if you feel like it no pressure idk
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